Devi Paulsen-Abbot — ‘be confident, yet humble’ Devi Paulsen-Abbott, 47, vice president, DMG Events and recently appointed chair of AAXO is driven to succeed but remains humble in her approach. “Regardless of where I end up, fulfilment and purpose are my missions in life.”
y 25-year career in media and events includes a tenure at Spintelligent, where I was lucky enough to be part of the executive team who concluded the acquisition of Spintelligent by Clarion Events. Five years after cofounding Hypenica, I drove the sale of its transport and built environment portfolios to dmg events where I now serve as vice president.” Devi is currently serving as the 2022/23 chair of AAXO. Devi is married to Jeremy and has a daughter, Oliva,12, and three fur-kids. “As a result of the pandemic, our industry has been turned on its head and although there were many tragic
22 Business Events Africa July 2022
casualties, the disruption has also created space for entrepreneurs in the exhibitions business globally and in Africa.” “I am excited to see the emergence of a number of new and interesting ways in which exhibitions are going to be hosted, skillsets that will arise to fulfil these and the new businesses and offerings that will materialise as a result. As Plato said, “…necessity is the mother of invention…,” Devi said. Where were you born and raised? I grew up and completed high school in Durban and began my tertiary studies in Johannesburg, completing them via UNISA in Cape Town.
What has been the biggest change you’ve seen in this sector? As cliché as it sounds, Covid has been our biggest disrupter. Not only have 2020 and 2021 been physically and financially tough, but managing the emotional toll of witnessing so many industry peers lose jobs, or their businesses has been extremely emotionally taxing. Were you always involved in this sector? I began in publishing and seg-wayed into events quite soon into my career What role does your family play in your life? To say that family is the basis of who I am