At Inspire — furniture is art Inspire’s ethos of creating quality and functional art is rooted throughout its Lifestyle (Retail) and Event Rental divisions. Creating living spaces that evoke emotion, whether permanent or just for a moment. With warehouses and showrooms in Johannesburg and Cape Town, and soon in the Garden Route. Inspire operates nationally, from both the retail furniture and event rental furniture perspectives.
nspire Lifestyle is the group’s retail furniture division, and here the focus is on designs made for living. Whether it’s creating pieces for a luxury hotel, that transports their guests into a world of grandeur away from the mundane, or creating a warm feel of opulence to make a client’s home feel like it envelopes their soul. Inspire’s attention to detail and passion for quality is what sets Inspire’s art form apart from the rest. Chad Botha, managing director and co-founder of Inspire Rentals, said: “The goal of art is to share who we are and how we see the world. Artists allow us to see what we are unable to see but somehow already know, it may be a view of the world singularly different from our own, or one so close it seems
miraculous.” Rudi van der Vyver, regional sales of Inspire Rentals, said: “At Inspire Rentals, we have an absolute passion for events, a hundred million moments — this is the canvas upon which we create. It’s chaotic and competitive, it’s laired and loud and it carries on at a pace so fast that some days it seems unmanageable. “A hundred million ideas, these are the tools of our art, making the unseen reality, we create. With ‘to-do’ lists that go on forever, endless revisions from clients who seem impossible to please, running from one event to another with hardly a moment to take a breath or sleep in our own bed, often fleeting, sometimes forgotten. Through late nights in rooms lit only by the glow of
14 Business Events Africa November 2023
Chad Botha.
Rudi van der Vyver.