Artificial intelligence is critical enabler of the energy transition, study finds • Artificial intelligence (AI) has tremendous potential to accelerate and support the global energy transition • It can act as an intelligent layer across many applications to identify patterns, improve system performance, and predict outcomes of complex situations • However, some leading energy and technology experts say there are several key barriers preventing AI from being adopted rapidly or at global scale • New report highlights the technology’s potential to support the energy transition and establishes a set of principles for the energy industry to deploy AI in a safe, fair, and trustworthy way From
he World Economic Forum has published a new study on how artificial intelligence (AI) can be used to accelerate a more equitable energy transition and build trust for the technology throughout the industry. As the impacts of climate change become more visible worldwide, governments and industry face the urgent challenge of transitioning to a low-carbon global energy system. Digital technologies – particularly AI – are key enablers for this transition and have the potential to deliver the energy sector’s climate goals more rapidly and at lower cost. Written in collaboration with
BloombergNEF and Deutsche EnergieAgentur (dena) – the German Energy Agency, Harnessing Artificial Intelligence to Accelerate the Energy Transition reviews the state of play of AI adoption in the energy sector, identifies high-priority applications of AI in the energy transition, and offers a road map and practical recommendations for the energy and AI industries to maximize AI’s benefits. The report finds that AI has the potential to create substantial value for the global energy transition. Based on BNEF’s net-zero scenario modelling, every 1 percent of additional efficiency in demand creates $1.3 trillion in value between 2020 and
2050 due to reduced investment needs. AI could achieve this by enabling greater energy efficiency and flexing demand. “AI is already making its mark on many parts of society and the economy. In energy, we are only seeing the beginning of what AI can do to speed up the transition to the low-emissions, ultraefficient and interconnected energy systems we need tomorrow. This report shows the potential and what it will take to unlock it – guided by principles that span how to govern, design and enable responsible use of AI in energy. Governments and companies can collectively create a real tipping point in using AI for a faster energy transition,”