Finding Them Again

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“Until the lion writes his own story, the tale of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.” The Soy Autor writing process was developed in collaboration with young people at-risk of, victims of or perpetrators of violence in El Salvador. In 2017, this innovative program expanded into Chicago to create positive opportunities that nourish the minds, ideas and words of the underserved and underestimated.Through the process of drafting, revising, illustrating and publishing memoirs, the Authors’ Circle develops reflection, critical thinking, camaraderie, conflict resolution and positive self-projection.

In collaboration with:

Chicago CRED

Finding Them Again Kalil Warner

t ner a r a W alil

K mate n i m . ro call f ress 1 p t c e e s l a col es ple ed a g r v a e i h c c e You r ccept a o T il. ty Ja n u o C


You start to get your routine in after a while. Feeling like a trained dog, jail isn’t a place for no man.



I am Kalil Warner I am from block parties on Laflin. From fried tomatoes to baked peanuts. I am from The Early Bird house. From the sunflower in grandma’s and papa’s garden. I am from family cookouts and basketball at the park. I am Sawyer. I am Warner.

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