Organizational Health and Effectiveness Solutions Service Descriptions
One-on-one with senior leaders to clarify the desired future state of the organization
options 1
Kick-off presentation to management team (<10 people*) Kick-off presentation to employees
Organizational Health and Effectiveness Survey (confidential, online)
One-on-one interviews -- questions tailored from survey data (Option 2: less than 10 people; Option 3: up to 30 people*)
MERIT Profile™ assessments (Option 2: less than 10 people; Option 3: up to 30 people*)
Findings and Recommendations Summary Report
Findings and recommendations executive briefing
Comprehensive Findings and Recommendations Report
(including all survey data and a presentation slide deck)
The Road Map – a tailored plan to get the organization from HERE (present state) to THERE,
(preferred future) including milestones, re-assessment points, and strategic steps toward greater operational effectiveness
BUILD TEAMS interactive group training with management team (4 sessions; <10 people*)
On-site coaching for key members of the management team as they launch The Road Map (<5 people*)
LEADER LAUNCH One-on-One Coaching (Leader’s first 90 days) or TEAM LAUNCH
(<10 people*)
Exit Assessment Survey (<30 people*)
Let’s have a conversation to determine the option that is best for your team or organization or to customize a solution to meet your needs.