Why You Need A Coach

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Why You Need A Coach Chris J. Baltzley

According to Daniel Goleman, there is a problem with the “10,000-hour rule” – that holds that 10,000 hours of practice leads to great success in any field. The problem: it’s only half true.

Doing the Same Thing Over and Over is Not Enough Goleman explains, “If you are a duffer at golf, say, and make the same mistake every time you try a certain swing or putt, 10,000 hours of practicing that error will not improve your game. You’ll still be a duffer, albeit an older one.” Practice is important, but as my high school coach used to say, “Practice doesn’t make perfect; practice makes permanent.”

Coaches Keep You Focused Coaches also help us focus and stay conscious of needed improvements. Left on its own, our brain quickly settles for “good enough” so it can move on to other tasks. Coaching provides the “dancers’ mirror” that will keep our full concentration on behaviors and performance that can be improved upon and leveraged for leadership. (Inspired by Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence by Daniel Goleman)

Anders Ericsson, whose research on expertise is the basis for the 10,000-hour rule, has himself said, “You don’t get benefits from mechanical repetition, but by adjusting your execution over and over to get closer to your goal.” “Apart from sports like basketball or football that favor physical traits such as height and body size, says Erickson, almost anyone can achieve the highest levels of performance with smart practice.”

Coaches Provide Feedback “Smart practice” is deliberate practice, in which an expert coach takes you through well-designed training over months or years, and you give it your full concentration. In Ericsson’s study, the top tier violists did indeed practice 10,000 hours, but they “did so with full concentration on improving a particular aspect of their performance that a master teacher identified.” “Smart practice always includes a feedback loop that lets you recognize errors and correct them.” Ideally you want feedback from someone who knows their stuff, which is why every world-class athlete has a coach. If you frantically practice, yet do not receive such feedback, you won’t become a top performer.

Continuity Consulting’s coaching programs utilize proven assessments, emphasize the importance of intentional personal leadership development and are designed to build highly-effective leaders. We offer a structured 12-session program for those engaged in coaching for the first time, as well as ongoing, one-on-one coaching options.

Questions? Comments? Email Chris at cbaltzley@continuityconsulting.com

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