Dream Escape Magazine | Spring 2024

Page 48


WITH PAUL WEDGWOOD Dream Escape joins the Edinburgh chef, whose restaurant on the Royal Mile has been a stalwart on the fine-dining scene for over 17 years, for a foraging experience along the rugged coastline of East Lothian Words | Suzy Pope


mell that?” Chef Paul Wedgwood stops along a farm track in the middle of the East Lothian countryside. “I love the smell of nettles. It says the time for foraging has begun.” Breathing in deep, there’s a crisp sweet smell in the air and nothing but birdsong in the trees. An hour outside of Edinburgh, on a Dream Escape foraging experience with chef Paul Wedgwood, we first learn how to harvest the smallest, sweetest leaves at the tip of a nettle without getting stung. “There are so many herbs, roots, mushrooms and edible plants in this area,” he says, gesturing to the



open fields and thick woodlands. “But nettles are my favourite. Nettles pair perfectly with lamb.” Twelve years ago, Paul added a foraged salad to the menu at his namesake restaurant on the Royal Mile, piquing the interest of many customers. “They wanted to know where everything came from. So I thought, hey, people are interested in foraging, it’s not just me.” Now, at the weekend, he leads foraging walks through the countryside just outside Edinburgh. A foraging experience through Dream Escape includes a ramble across some of Scotland’s striking coastal scenery with chef Paul identifying the wild ingredients he

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