CONVERGEHUB INTRODUCES LAYOUT EDITOR ConvergeHub Feature Release August 6, 2016 m
How much you benefit from your CRM depends on how well it is aligned to your business process. With that in mind, we offer great field-level customizations in ConvergeHub CRM that enables you to add and organize custom fields under default and custom created tabs. This does not restrict you to the standard ConvergeHub fields and allows you to add industry-specific fields under different modules, depending on the requirement of your organization. And now we finally introduce page-level customization in ConvergeHub to bring endless flexibility in the CRM. m
Layout Editor It is the most powerful way of achieving an 'organization-specific' ConvergeHub.Use the Layout Editor under 'Administrative Settings' to define, control and modify the design and feel of the pages under the following CRM modules: - Accounts - Cases - Contacts - Deals - Events - Invoices - Leads - Notes - Partner - Payments - Products - Quotations - Targets - Tasks - Assignment Rules - Users. m
Layout Editor Layout Editor includes the following three elements: - Label - Filler - Separator. Use them to tailor the look of each ConvergeHub screen according to your company needs. Insert multiple Headers with the desired Font Size, Style and Color. Organize Custom Fields to group and merge sections of information together such as marketing programs, sales opportunities, and support cases. Draw Lines to divide and segment the fields based on company objectives. Edit the properties such as the Line thickness and color. Add Spaces to make the custom fields fit well on the page. Manage your business your way with ConvergeHub No two businesses are identical. Customize ConvergeHub CRM to match your way of getting yourwork done. The possibilities of customizing ConvergeHub are endlesswith the Layout Editor. Wear your creativity cap, review your business process and add all the components you wish to have in the CRM pages. It is quick and easy! No scripting or code involved! m
How It Works?
1. Click on Admin Settings
2. Click on Custom Fields under App Setup m
How It Works? Cont...
3. Click on Organize..
4. Select the module from the dropdown. m
How It Works? Cont...
5. Select the tab from the list. 6. Custom Fields under the selected tab will appear under the Database Fields. . m
How It Works? Cont...
7. Click on Layout Editor which includes the following options: - Label that means Header - Separator that means Line - Filler that means Space. 8. Drag and drop the Label. 9. Click to delete the Label. 10. Click on Label Settings. : m
How It Works?
11. Name the Label. Choose the font size, style and color. 12. Copy the color code to apply to other Labels. 13. Click to restore to default color. 14. Click to save the Label properties. m
How It Works? Cont...
15. Drag and drop the Filler for proper spacing in the page. 16. Click to delete the Filler. m
How It Works?
17. Drag and drop the Custom Fields in the left and right panel. 18. Drag and drop the Separator in both panels to categorize the Custom Fields. 19. Click to delete the Separator. 20. Click on Separator Settings. m
How It Works? Cont...
21. Choose the Separator thickness and color. 22. Copy the color code to apply to other Separators. 23. Click to restore to default color. 24. Click to save the Separator properties. m
How It Works?
As per the requirement: 25. Insert second Label to the page. 26. Drag and drop the Filler for proper spacing in the right panel. 27. Drag and drop the Custom Fields in the left and right panel. 28. Click on Save. . m
How It Works? Cont...
29. Click on the tab under the selected module to view the customized layout. If required, add, change or remove the Labels, Custom Fields, Separators and Spaces. There is no minimum and maximum limit to these customizations. So change the ConvergeHub UI wherever and whenever you want by simply dragging and dropping the Labels, Custom Fields, Spaces and Separators. . m
Final Thoughts Layout Editor takes up ConvergeHub's customization several notches higher. It empowers you to build your 'own ConvergeHub' that stands as unique as your business. Take a few minutes to review this feature and how it makes ConvergeHub as flexible and dynamic as your business demands. Do not forget to share with us how you are using Layout Editor to adapt ConvergeHub to the way your team works. We'll be waiting to hear your comments... Not an existing ConvergeHub User? No sweat! Learn about ConvergeHub CRM and use 30-day FREE TRIAL to get a feel of what our software can do for your business. Thank you! ConvergeHub P.S. Twitter is a great place to reach us. Looking forward to see you there. m
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