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I Vantaggi Di Far Parte Di Un Gruppo Integrato
Quando l’ondulatore è stato avviato il mercato della carta era già sotto pressione per quanto riguardava la fornitura di materie prime, Cartonstrong è riuscita a far fronte alle difficoltà anche grazie alla carta proveniente dalle cartiere del gruppo.
“Inutile negare che l’anno appena trascorso è stato complesso per tutto il settore, con gli aumenti vertiginosi dei costi di materia prima ed energia. Noi abbiamo affrontato il momento cercando di tutelare quanto più possibile i nostri clienti, non solo su piano del prezzo ma anche del servizio e della qualità”, conclude Mirco. larmente impegnativa perché rappresento la proprietà. it came to purchasing the new corrugator the choice was almost obvious: the latest generation S Line 420 model by Fosber, an over 130 m long machine, whose declared maximum speed is 400 m/min. World record almost reached by the Cartonstrong staff last winter for which the company also received an award directly from Fosber. “A result of which the company is proud, and I want to thank all the operators who have obtained it, with their constant commitment to give their best in their work, because we are convinced that all the 80 people who work here are a precious resource and therefore a pillar of our success”, underlines Mirco.
È mia intenzione portare a regime tutti gli aspetti sui cui si è investito così tanto, cioè impianti, prestazioni, qualità di servizio e di prodotto e naturalmente supportare le persone che lavorano qui, portandole a dare sempre il meglio, proprio per questo motivo in questo periodo stiamo investendo molto in formazione interna ed esterna facendo crescere professionalmente gli operatori per realizzare appieno il progetto concretizzato qui a Grezzago”.
This plant is equipped with the best technologies that allow total control of the processes. But the real distinctive feature of Cartonstrong is the warehouse for the finished product characterized by underfloor heating which guarantees that the quality of the corrugated cardboard produced does not undergo any alterations. When the cardboard sheets leave the corrugator, their temperature is in fact around 60-70°
C. An environment that is too cold is often the cause of non-compliant cardboard that is difficult to work with. The decision to invest in a finished product warehouse with heated floor was made precisely in consideration of being able to avoid thermal shock and to manage a controlled lowering of the temperature to keep the performance of the cardboard sheets stable. This greater attention will allow the converting plants to use a better quality product to build their boxes which will be more robust and long-lasting in the logic of serving the final customers in the best possible way.

The Cartonstrong headquarters are located in a strategic point, a few meters from the entrance to the Trezzo sull’Adda motorway exit, a project designed to create a functional plant with a production flow divided linearly between the raw material warehouse, corrugator, finished product and logistics.
The future of Cartonstrong is very clear for Fabio Colleoni, recently named plant manager, with previous experience in the plastics sector, “I immediately felt involved in the activity of this company, for me this sector was a discovery and realizing how much technology hides behind a cardboard box immediately fascinated me, besides my function is particularly demanding because I represent the property. It is my intention to fully implement all the aspects in which so much has been invested, that is machinery, performances, service and product quality and naturally support the people who work here, leading them to always give their best, precisely for this reason in this period we are investing heavily in internal and external training by making the operators grow professionally to concretize completely the project implemented here in Grezzago”.
The Advantages Of Being Part Of An Integrated Group
When the corrugator was started, the paper market was already under pressure as regards the supply of raw materials, anyway Cartonstrong was able to cope with the difficulties also thanks to the paper coming from the group’s paper mills.
“It is useless to deny that the past year has been complex for the whole sector, with the staggering increases in the costs of raw materials and energy. We have faced the moment trying to protect our customers as much as possible, not only in terms of price but also in terms of service and quality”, concludes Mirco.