Annual General Munching
Dale and Edward, Co-founders
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Thank you for attending our first Annual General Munching, the tastiest business meeting in town. This is our first attempt to make ourselves accountable to every stakeholder in COOK. That means our shareholders, our people, our suppliers and, of course, you, our customers. Today is your chance to find out a bit more about what we’ve been up to, ask questions, offer suggestions and taste some award-winning food.
the environment. Having blazed a trail, it’s hugely exciting to see dozens more companies joining us this month as part of the official launch of the B Corporation movement in the UK.
I guess the headline as I look back at last year would be: COOK keeps rocking. This was true in the straightforward business sense (record sales and profit). But, more importantly, it was true with regards to the bigger purpose of COOK: to use our business as a force for good in society.
As a COOK customer, I hope you feel that spending money at COOK means not only getting the best-tasting, prepared food you can buy but also supporting a business that is about much more than just making money. We know we’re far from perfect but we’re trying hard. All the shareholders of COOK (mostly family and friends) are committed to pursuing our purpose and not selling out to a venture capital firm or a bigger rival. Make no mistake, we’re on a mission.
This is a phrase we adopted from the B Corporation movement. Two years ago we became one of the first certified B Corps in the country, passing a tough test covering our corporate governance, how we treat workers, engage with our community and interact with
Pursuing our purpose is about three things working in harmony: Good Food, Good Business and Good Relationships. It is a genuine virtuous circle and any big decisions we make have to tick all three boxes.
A fancy accounting acronym. Essentially, cash generated.
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If your local COOK shop is a franchise it trades as an independent business. So while everything in this report applies to the kitchens where COOK food is made, it might not apply to this specific shop. There are often good reasons for this (running a small business, even as a franchise, is very different from operating a bigger company). Over the next few years we will be working with our franchisees to bring everyone up to the same standards.