Inside: New Year Prayer Convocation In Jerusalem-New Level in Jewish-Christian Relationships
Breakthrough in Bulgaria!
Jewish-Christian Relations at New Level By Christine Darg After much prayer for an open heaven during our annual Christmas outreach in Bethlehem, we rejoiced at the beautiful glory covering captured in my photo above in Manger Square. Despite growing hostility amongst the Muslim population in the region towards both Christians and Jews, we were able to distribute several hundred Gospel DVDs and hold a worship service in Manger Square. But the most promising aspect of our annual New Year Watchmen and Women on the Walls Prayer Convocation was the increased fellowship between Orthodox Jews and Christians. Epic is the only way to describe the prayer convocations that we were privileged to host in Jerusalem's Old City! I spoke on the mystery
Avi Lipkin: 驶Bring the Muslims to the Lord or they will bring our nations to the sword!始
of the Church, and Orthodox Jew Gidon Ariel shared about the mystery of the Diaspora. Former Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Army spokesman Avi Lipkin brought us his Mideast update and news of the first Jewish-Christian political party that he is forming in Israel. Steven Jaffe (photo below) from the UK's Shalom Declaration brought greetings as he was in Israel to visit his brave soldier son Aryeh and to build bridges with leaders in Jerusalem. Bob O'Dell of Root Source also shared revelations concerning the Jubilee Year and
Paula Gilbert Singing O, Holy Night!
Delegates to our 13th annual New Year Watchmen Convocation
flowed with my prophetic message about worship on God's holy hill, and to our delight each message beautifully segued as divinely orchestrated by the God of Israel with an emphasis upon prayer and end-time exploits. Elliott Smith and Peter Darg powerfully led responses and intercessions. A highlight was Orthodox Jew David Nekrutman (photo below), executive director of the Jewish center responsible for the recent reconciliation statement signed by 60 rabbis acknowledging the legitimacy of
Christianity’s mission to the nations and commending Jesus for upholding the Torah. Our ministry's chairman in the UK, Dr. Tony Stone, who also chairs “Love Never Fails” (charities that support Israel), observed that only the Lord could have coordinated such a prophetic convocation! I've often pondered why our Israel conferences are not larger, but one reason is because it takes rare individuals in the kingdom to be able to perceive and to handle highly sensitive assignments. Each night, Orthodox Jews participated from start to finish. The Body of Messiah has never walked this way since Jews and Christians were first separated, but it's a fascinating spiritual exercise to conduct these pioneering services resulting in a dynamic that differs from regular believers’ meetings. We must stay true to our Gospel convictions in these public prayer meetings yet speak and behave in such a way that our Jewish guests are able to breathe --allowing the Holy Spirit to flow freely amongst us in a way that truly astounds yet refreshes both Jews and Christians in the same space together! Selah!
Breakthrough in Bulgaria! Nationwide Congress in Capital of Sofia Brings Bible Women ʻTo New Level,ʼ
Says ʻMission Possibleʼ Director Following on our Jerusalem New Year Prayer Convocation in January 2016, in the spirit of Acts 1:8, Peter and Christine Darg led a team to Bulgaria. We held an outreach in a Roma (gypsy) village, strengthened the capital’s Assembly of God Church and staged a nation-wide Bible Women’s Congress entitled “Loved by the King,” inspired by Bible teaching from the Book of Esther. We partnered with Sofia’s evangelical organization “Mission Possible” headed by Pastor Roumen and Leah Magazine Editor Daniela Encheva to hold the congress at
With translator, Christine Darg leads an altar call in Sofia, Bulgaria
Sofia’s leading Balkan Hotel located near the central “Sophia” statue. The controversial statue (photo above left) replaced the statue of Lenin after the fall of Communism. The model for believers is not the ambitions epitomized by the modern Sophia statue which depicts worldly wisdom (embodied by an owl), worldly power (as represented by the golden crown), and fame (laurel wreath). Rather, our model is godly power and wisdom embodied by Jesus Himself and other examples such as martyr Saint Sophia, (icon above right) after whom the city is named and whose daughters
Faith, Hope and Charity, were also martyrs. Before giving an altar call, Christine taught two sessions emphasizing that women in the last days must belong absolutely to God and understand the times prophetically. Pastor Ivanov said the women’s congress lifted the 400 delegates to a higher level of faith in God to reach our generation. Organizer Daniela Encheva, who received a healing during the ministry time, said the conference was a new beginning for women in Bulgaria.
Iva Tsvetkova’s selfie of Congress; front row from left: Svetlana Karoleva, Daniela Encheva, Paula Gilbert, Daniela Harbich, Melissa Jackson, Nancy Crowell, Christine Darg
Delegates to our ‘Loved by the King’ Women’s Congress
First Bible Women’s Congress in Bulgaria Peter Darg receives a gift from Iranian refugee for Peter’s humanitarian work with Operation Blessing
Peter Darg ministering in Sofiaʼs Church of God
!This is the victory that has overcome By Christine Darg
When we receive the Lord and are born again, we look forward to going to heaven with the Lord where everything will be safe, and we’ll have no fears or troubles in the world to come. But the Bible actually promises that we can begin to reign now in this life! I’m not saying we won’t have trials, because trials are part of our spiritual boot camp. But in the midst of the trials, we can have many victories. Victories are part of being an overcomer and doing exploits for the Lord! I received the Lord as my personal savior when I was about six years old. I went forward publicly at the altar call of my father, who was an evangelical Presbyterian leader in the South. Bless his memory, Daddy always gave an invitation for sinners to receive Jesus, and a child is never too young to grasp the Gospel. In fact, Jesus said we must be humble like little children to receive the Lord. I had no idea--and even now I haven’t fully comprehended the benefits and privileges I received as a born-again child of God. All the promises of God became mine potentially when I was saved, but God, being a faith God, expects us to believe all his promises in order to walk in victory! I try to encourage believers to believe God in light of impending doctor’s reports. Whose report are we going to believe? The fallible report of a mere human being, or the report of the infallible Great Physician? Many wait for the doctor’s verdict before they will praise God for their healing according to his Word. But real faith believes God before the doctor’s report! If the medical report says you’re healed, praise the Lord, but if the report says you’re not healed, you can still praise the Lord and not go into a panic; the Lord’s promises are greater and they’re not contingent upon time. The symptoms can still be present but the healing is assured and so we can go merrily on our way, even in pain, knowing that the Great Physician has promised to deal with it sooner or later. He watches our faith. When our faith has fully pleased God, the attack will disappear. So will your determination of being healed be according to a medical report. . . . or will your determination be based upon the
guaranteed Healing Report of the Lord guaranteed in the Bible? If you decide now that you are healed and proclaim your healing based solely on the Word of God, you will achieve a great victory. To illustrate, I will share a great testimony from the life of the wellknown healer and intercessor from Wales, Rees Howells, founder of the Bible College of Wales. In the last century, tuberculous was incurable. Mr. Howells took a man with TB named Joe to a warmer climate, to Madeira, in the hopes of a miraculous recovery. After two months in a hotel, the patient showed no signs of improvement. Joe was dying, so Howells took a stand. He said, “This sickness is not unto death but for the glory of God.” Howells heard the Voice of the Lord say, “A month today Joe will be restored.” The wife of the island's missionary routinely asked about the patient. “Oh, he’s very ill,” Howells answered, “but the Lord says Joe will be healed in a month.” This news seemed incredible, so she gasped, “How can you say such a thing? You know it can never happen! His lungs are nearly gone. It’s never happened before!” Howells replied, [and I’ll never forget reading this statement], “It’s never happened because of unbelief!” Meanwhile, Howells posted a letter to Wales, stating Joe was to be healed in a month’s time. Joe’s doctor laughed and said it was impossible, but he’d become a believer if it really happened. Howells said the case no longer needed prayer because they had the Lord’s word on the matter. They were as “carefree as birds.” A week before the healing, Howells booked their passages back to Wales. But on the morning of the healing Joe said, “There’s no change; I’m exactly the same as yesterday!” Howells asked the Lord what was the cause of the delay. At once the Holy Spirit challenged him, “Will you send a cable by faith declaring Joe’s healing?” The Lord said,“If you take the healing from Me against what you can see, you will have gained a higher position.” The Lord brought to mind the case of the centurion’s servant in the new Testament. Would Howells dare to believe God’s word against what he could see? After wrestling for an hour, his faith arose to send the cable home simply based on the Word of God. Howells cabled one word: "Victory." The next day both men were sitting outdoors waiting for lunch when the Lord showered healing on Joe like rain; he was healed instantly on the spot! Joe challenged Howells to a race, and he outran Howells. It
the world-- even our faith." #1 John 5: 4$ was joy unspeakable, not only for the healing, but for the victory of faith. When they returned home to Wales, Joe’s doctor couldn’t find a trace of the disease. Joe testified in chapel, “Look, a doctor can’t do anything for you—go and try the Lord!” I must also share the highly edifying footnote to this testimony that has greatly impacted my faith: Soon after they returned from Madeira, Howells began coughing up blood. Because of his close association with Joe, it was likely that he’d caught the disease. However, and this is a vital point, his inward peace was not disturbed. And because his peace was not disturbed, he was able to ignore the symptoms, and the symptoms disappeared! Many times we stir up trouble because of symptoms, but if we have peace and God's Word on the matter, why should we do anything but trust God, going about our daily routine? Symptoms will disappear as we confess our sins and walk in faith as God’s obedient children. Jesus has given us power and authority over evil spirits. But do we believe it? Take, for example, when a believer moves into a new house. You may experience an uneasy feeling if the house hasn’t been spiritually cleansed and consecrated. A friend was telling me about buying a house which was about a 100 years old. One night the new owner felt an evil presence sit on her bed. She went through the house, consecrated and dedicated it to the Lord, room by room, starting with the basement, and commanding any evil spirit to depart in the name of Jesus. Only then did the owner have peace, and she’s been sleeping like a baby ever since. My husband and I learned long time ago to consecrate every property we live in, even a hotel room for one night. This is part of ruling and reigning in our circumstances. Hebrews Chapter 11, popularly called the Hall of Faith in the New Testament, says the parents of Moses overcame fear by faith. Think about it: Moses’ parents were slaves to a tyrant, yet they boldly defied the edict of King Pharaoh to throw their baby into the Nile to be eaten by crocodiles. Pharaoh had ordered that every Hebrew male child should be cast into the river; but instead of obeying this order, Moses’ parents concealed him even by ingeniously putting him in a little waterproof-ark. It’s a great blessing when both parents have faith. In the eyes of God, parents may lawfully hide themselves and their beloved children from cruel tyrants. Faith has great power in overcoming fear. We’re living in perilous times when Jesus prophesied that men’s hearts will be failing
them for fear. There was a severe punishment for anybody who would defy Pharoah’s law. But faith makes a person wise in dangerous circumstances. Faith has a lion's heart to confront difficulties and dangers. 1 John 5: 4 is one of my favorite Scriptures: “Everyone born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world: even our faith!” Every day you and I have a lot to overcome and to endure by faith: persecutions, reproaches, betrayal, treachery, slander and misrepresentation. None of us is immune to adversity. Many cancers are the result of unforgiveness. I can’t afford to hold a grudge even for a moment. By faith we are commanded to be of good cheer because Messiah has overcome the world as the Suffering Servant. As sure as the rising sun, he will return to Jerusalem as the roaring, conquering Lion of Judah. He will rule with a rod of iron and those who belong to him now are promised to rule and reign with him. But we can begin to rule now in this lifetime in many ways by controlling our self life and conquering sin. God originally designed us not to die. He designed our bodies to be self-perpetuating and to have dominion over creation, to rule this world for His glory, but sin brought death; through Adam we inherited the curse of sin. However, sin no longer has to dominate those who follow Jesus; we’ve been adopted as God’s children. By the Spirit, we have the daily choice of conquering sin and growing in holiness. Psalm 110 is powerful: The Lord will extend your mighty scepter from Zion, saying,“Rule in the midst of your enemies!” Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power” to rule and reign and to be volunteers in the Lord’s army in the day of his power! And so here are some important Scriptures to memorize and to proclaim to demonstrate the authority the Lord has already given us: Psalm 118: 17, I shall not die but live and declare the works of the Lord. Now we know that all of us are appointed to die, barring the Rapture, but this verse means I shall not die prematurely but I shall fulfil the number of my days in order to declare the works of the Lord. We don’t need to cower because of lawless men. Psalm 27: 1, The LORD is my light and my salvation-- whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life-- of whom shall I be afraid? (continued on back)
!Our Faith is the Victory that Overcomes!" (continued from page 7) 1 Corinthians 15: 57, But thank God who gives us the victory by our Lord Yeshua The Messiah. Romans 8: 11 is also very important: And if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead lives in you, He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit, who dwells within you. This is a verse that must be appropriated. If the Holy Spirit is indwelling me, he’s greater than any sickness, disease or problem I may be facing. Psalm 91: 16, With long life I will satisfy you and show you my salvation. For sure, we go through an aging process, but we can trust God to keep us from sickness and to constantly renew our stamina, like Moses, Joshua and Caleb in the Bible, so we can live full, meaningful and productive lives! As we believe and speak God’s Word, resurrection life within us is released to recreate youthful vigor. In the Old Testament God defined a cursed life versus a blessed life. If the people broke God’s laws, they would be cursed, and sin could only be put away by blood. When Jesus came in the fullness of time, the final sacrifice he offered was the atoning blood of the very Son of God, which cancels all the curses of sin. New Testament theology teaches that Jesus bore all of the curses of the Law on the tree of Calvary. On his head he bore a crown of thorns, emblematic of the ground that was cursed through sin in the Garden of Eden. An aspect of the curse that Jesus willingly bore for us was premature death. When he was 33 in the prime of life, he died for us. He suffered the curse of an early life so all who trust him as saviour could live the fullness of a long life. Many are confused on the issue of the gift of long life offered in the Bible because of the Psalm of Moses that says “the days of our lives are 70 years and if by reason of strength they are 80 years, it is soon cut off and we fly away.” This verse is followed by the words, “Who knows the power of your anger?” But
this well-known passage describes the specific lifespan of a specific generation of Israelites who died in the wilderness due to their unbelief. On the other hand, those who had believed God’s good report concerning the Promised Land-- Joshua and Caleb-- didn’t die at age 70 or 80. Their youth was renewed! Moses also wrote the following Psalm 91, describing God’s will for any of his people who chose to live under his blessings. Psalm 91 describes a long, satisfying life. Verse 16 declares, “with long life will I satisfy him.” This verse teaches that after living a long and satisfying life, your spirit can exit your body and go to God without disease. Many godly men and women have announced their departure in advance to their loved ones. When Jesus returns to rule this world for a thousand years, as promised in the Book of Revelation, he will restrain sin, and people once again will not die early deaths; they will live long lives as did the patriarchs before Noah’s flood. Revelation 20 speaks of the Millennium. Satan will be bound and put away; therefore his constant influence to tempt people to sin will be checked. God’s law will proceed from Jerusalem. The world will enjoy the peace of God and be completely safe. Atrocities will be non-existent. It’s hard to imagine a world with no crime, but it is scheduled on God’s calendar. There will be a revival in the faith of God never experienced in all of history with Jerusalem as the worship capital of the world. All war materials and weapons will be destroyed. Isaiah 2:2-4 shows us what it will be like: “And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills. And all nations shall flow unto it and many people shall go and say, come ye and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and He will teach us of His ways, and we will walk in His paths; for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.”
Acts 1:8 and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.
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