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Israeli Christian Allies Caucus Honors Father Gabriel Courageous Acceptance Speech by Fr. Gabriel Naddaf from Nazareth

Christine Darg and Fr. Gabriel at the KCAC Banquet in Jerusalem

By Christine Darg Israeli Arabs are beginning to emerge out of their proverbial prayer closets to stand courageously with Israel and to distance themselves from Islamic politics. We rejoice that decades of our prayers are being answered as Christian Arabs begin to identify with Israel and to integrate into the society of the Jewish state. Satan’s attempts to destroy Christian communities in the Mideast will backfire. Christian Arabs residing in Israel are realizing that they must link their fortunes to the Jewish state! Many of these Israeli Arabs are now willing to serve in the Israeli military to support the state that protects their Christian presence in sharp contrast to surrounding Islamic countries. e 8th Night to Honour Christian Allies at Jerusalem’s historic King David Hotel was co-sponsored by the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus (KCAC) and the World Jewish Congress. e event’s annual award was presented to Fr. Gabriel Naddaf, an Orthodox priest from Nazareth who is leading a prophetic movement of Israeli Arabs to serve in the Israel

David Rotem, Knesset Caucus Co-Chair, Addresses Annual ‘Night to Honor Christian Allies’ at Jerusalem’s King David Hotel

Defense Forces as a way of giving back to the democracy that protects its minorities. e event is held annually to strengthen alliances between Jews and Christians. ese gatherings are an important sign of the times and qualify as “tikkun olam,” the Hebrew concept of “repairing the world.” Relationships between Christians and Jews have been badly in need of repair. Finally it’s happening, before the Second Coming of our Messiah, and Exploits Ministry is privileged to be a part of the vital action! Referring to the priest’s name, Gabriel, one of the KCAC founders, Rabbi Benny Elon, described Naddaf as an angel. In his acceptance speech, Fr. Gabriel said that “Christianity is bound to the Tenach, [the Hebrew Scriptures], and we cannot be separated from Judaism.” Despite incitements and threats against his life, Fr. Gabriel encourages integration of Arab Christians into Israeli society. “If the Jewish state protects its Christian minority, our youth must sacrifice by defending our country,” he said. Also attending the banquet was U.S. Lt. Col. Oliver North, who said that “our destiny is tied deeply to your destiny! When you are in jeopardy, we are also in jeopardy!” Amen!

Revival in Pink City of Jaipur, India

“Expect great things from God; attempt great things for God.” is memorable exhortation came from William Carey, the famed British missionary to India. And we HAD sensed a call to attempt great things in Jaipur, Rajasthan, one of the most difficult states in India to penetrate with the Gospel. From the very start of our outreach, signs and wonders confirmed that calling. During our first meeting in a makeshi church, the room was packed with an expectant crowd. As we entered, a sari-clad woman suddenly began screaming angrily at us, “Why have you come to disturb us?” Pastor Kumar, our organizer, said this openly demonic challenge reminded him of occasions described in the Book of Acts. e woman had to be restrained. I told her to say “Jesus is Lord;” she fell down under the power of the Holy Spirit. When she stood up, she was in her right mind. Just over 150 years ago, missionaries first arrived in Rajasthan. e number of Christians in this Hindu-dominated state remains critically low today--only half of one percent! We anticipated a majority of women to attend a daytime Bible seminar in Jaipur’s largest convention center, but it was fascinating to see the great number of men who came from near and far to attend. “e pastors in this desert area wanted to be refreshed and rebuilt. ey had set boundaries that needed to be enlarged and broken,” said Pastor Kumar. “e pastors rejoiced that Christine moved in a dimension that was Continued → Christine Darg leading an altar call for salvation and healing in the Birla Auditorium in central Jaipur.

Holy Tears

Jesus Weeps Over Jerusalem, oil on canvas by E. Simonet, Museum of Malaga, Spain

O Jerusalem, Jerusalem! . . .How oen I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing. Behold, your house is le to you desolate. I tell you, you will not see me again until you say, ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!’

By Christine Darg In the Hebrew Scriptures, the patriarch Joseph is a type of the Messiah (there are more than 100 parallels). Just as Joseph was hated, envied, rejected by his brethren and sold for 20 pieces of silver, so Jesus was envied, hated, rejected and betrayed for 30 pieces of silver. In due time, both Joseph and Jesus were vindicated and exalted by God, but no parallel is as poignant as the tears of Joseph and the tears of Jesus. “Deeply moved at the sight of his brother [Benjamin], Joseph hurried out and looked for a place to weep. He went into his private room and wept there.” (Genesis 43:30) And when Joseph finally revealed himself to his brethren aer 20 years of separation, Genesis 45: 1-2 also records, “en Joseph could not refrain himself before all his attendants; and he cried out, ‘Have everyone leave

my presence!’ So there was no one with him while Joseph made himself known unto his brethren. And he wept so loudly that the Egyptians and the house of Pharaoh heard.” (Genesis 45: 1-2) Jesus’ tears over Jerusalem are reminiscent of Joseph’s passionate tears over the Israelite family: “And when he came near, he beheld the city, and wept over it, Saying, If thou hadst known, even thou, at least in this thy day, the things which belong unto thy peace! but now they are hid from thine eyes.” (Luke 19: 41) e Lord’s lament was the sorrowful summation of God’s love. Never has an earthly city been loved like Jerusalem. Here the Eternal chose as his dwelling place. Of its people, the Lord had vowed, “I have loved you with an everlasting love.” Knowing the Father’s love and plan for Israel, Jesus agonized in Matthew 23: 37-39 and in Luke 13: 34-35, crying aloud, “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how oen I have longed to gather your children together!” Writing of the emotional reunion of Joseph with his brothers, especially his full sibling Benjamin, the Talmud (Megillah 17) speculated that Joseph

prophetically knew that the First and Second Temples would be built in the portion of Benjamin, and he foresaw their eventual destruction. And as he embraced his brother Benjamin, he wept for the terrible tragedy that would one day befall the Jewish people. On this point the Talmud is apocryphal, but for sure-- Jesus genuinely wept over the horrific tragedy that He foresaw for his people! Just as Joseph’s brothers deserved to be tested, the Lord tests us and subjects us to tribulations in order to bring us prostrate

before Him to acknowledge our sin. Joseph ascertained that his brothers were repentant for having sold him as a slave and that they were now truly sympathetic to their venerable father’s feelings. erefore, “en Joseph said to his brothers, ‘Come close to me.’ When they had done so, he said, ‘I am your brother Joseph, the one you sold into Egypt! And now, do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here,

because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you.” (Genesis 45: 4-5) Jesus also calls us to come close to him and to receive him as our Brother and Saviour. He tells us not to continue to be angry with ourselves for our transgressions, but like Joseph’s repentant brothers, we should rejoice that we have been pardoned! Just as God sent the favored son Joseph to Egypt to save his family, so God sent his only begotten Son into this world on a mission to save us all. Joseph’s brothers sought food but they

also needed reconciliation. Joseph invited them, “Come near to me.” Jesus also invites us to come close to Him, each and every one of us. When we acknowledge our sin, the Lord embraces us as Joseph embraced his brethren and extends forgiveness to us. Joseph was his brothers’ judge, but he revealed himself privately, covering their sin. His brothers were thunderstruck. Have you had a thunderbolt revelation of the Lord? He invites you to come to Him now, and He covers our sin by His Blood. (continued overleaf)

In Egypt, Joseph Wept and Invited His Brethren, ‘Come Near to Me!’

Watercolour by James Tissot

e Bible’s shortest verse is John 11: 35, “Jesus wept.” e Lord’s tears at the tomb of Lazarus teach us that He feels very keenly the sorrows and distresses of our lives. Hebrews 5:7 gives a commentary on his tears in Gethsemane, “... he offered up prayers and petitions with fervent, loud cries and tears ...” mingled with drops of blood offered for the sins of the world. In a most mysterious agony, He bore the crushing weight of our sins past, present and future. However, it is not recorded that Jesus wept at His crucifixion. As He was carrying his cross, the Gospels tell us that Jesus turned to talk to the women along the way. So we should turn aside, as oen as we can, to help others, to turn our extremities into Kingdom opportunities. He prophesied, “Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me: weep rather for yourselves and for your children.” As a graed-in daughter of Zion, with the women of Jerusalem, I mourn over the evil proliferating in the world, and over the pressurecooker that is Jerusalem because men do not honor God’s Word. Yet we rejoice that Jerusalem shall yet become a praise in the earth and the worship capital of the world when Yeshua is seated upon the ancestral throne of his father David! In Ezekiel it’s recorded that the Lord notes and marks those who “sigh and cry for all the abominations.” Tears have been called the distillation of the soul. Billy Graham once said, “Tears shed for self are tears of weakness, but tears shed for others are a sign of strength.” e Apostle Paul, the most successful minister of the early church, testified that he prayed with “many tears” and with “much affliction and anguish of heart.”

Psalm 126:5-6 declares, “ose who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy. He who goes out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with him.” It’s unlikely that we will trouble ourselves to bring others to a saving knowledge of the Lord if we haven’t wept over souls in intercession. God knows and records our tears. He responded to the cry of Hezekiah in 2 Kings 20, “I have heard thy prayer,” adding, “I have seen thy tears: behold, I will heal thee ... I will add unto thy days 15 years.” In fact, in Psalm 56:8, King David mentioned that the Lord had bottled all of his tears and recorded them in a book of tears. God certainly doesn’t bottle tantrum tears but he treasures repentant tears. Our tears are valuable and will never be lost because God mysteriously keeps a tear bottle. ere’s a famous story about two rabbis who were friends. Aer one of the rabbis died, his friend had a vision of the dead rabbi standing by a large body of water. Every wave seemed to break into a sob. “Do you know what sea this is?” asked the rabbi who had died. “It’s the sea of all the tears of God’s holy people, and when I saw it, I vowed I would never leave this place until God dries up all these tears!” e Book of Revelation says the Lord will wipe away all of our tears. Our tears are what make us human. To cry is to live, and not merely to sleep through life. Tears are not something we experience only when we come into contact with death, but they are the very essence of our lives. It is through brokenness that we can become whole. It is through honesty that we repent and draw near to the Savior who still makes strong intercessions for us at the right hand of the Father. Jerusalem’s Teardrop Chapel on Mt. of Olives

From Jerusalem to Jaipur (continued)

unique for a mass Holy Spirit meeting in Rajasthan.” We made the decision to hire Rajasthan’s most prominent auditorium, and authorities wanted to know why, since the prestigious venue near the Parliament had never been hired for a Gospel outreach. During the convocation, we commissioned about 40 young men and elders to enable them legally to preach and to baptize. Without the legality of ordination, Gospel workers are forbidden to function as pastors, teachers and evangelists. In India, baptisms are required to be registered. e constitution guarantees freedom of religion, yet Christians comprise only two percent of the national population. We encountered so such spiritual hunger that the entire auditorium full of people rushed forward for salvation and healing prayer at the altar call. Every one clamored onto the stage for anointing with oil and a consecration to go out and share their faith. Pastor Kumar commented, “What we achieved was a major breakthrough in the mentality of the leaders. Up to this point, the leaders were satisfied with their churches behind walls and gates with ‘us 24 and no more.’ But Sister Christine’s teachings challenged them to the core, and they are compelled now to go out to produce more disciples, more pastors, teachers and evangelists, which is critical for church growth.” e spirit of salvation and healing permeated the auditorium as weeping broke out and some were slain in the Holy Spirit. We were particularly grateful that the Lord drew our Hindu driver into the prayer line. He was a very special and energetic man with a natural gi of helps. He said with tears, “I have never seen the power of God moving like this. Until your team came to Rajasthan, nobody had ever mentioned the name of Jesus into my ears. As a result of these events, I must give my heart to the Lord.” Another young man who had converted from Hinduism to Islam was in a state of confusion. Aer the laying on of hands during ministry, the confusion lied, the power of Satan was broken, and he said, “Jesus Christ is my God. I will surrender my life to Him!” We were privileged not only to win many souls out of the stronghold of Hinduism, but also to strengthen believers who have suffered persecution. One of the pastors greatly encouraged by the teaching was Walter Masih, a man full of the Holy Spirit. He made international headlines in 2007 when a mob of Continued →

Empowering Bible Students With Ordinations

The LORD opened for us ‘the two-leaved gates; and the gates shall not be shut." (Isaiah 45:1)

Jaipur for Jesus

(Outreach in Rajasthan continued)

masked Hindu fanatics burst into his home and beat him with sticks for one hour in front of his young daughter. Pastor Kumar remarked, “I believed and trusted that the Lord would prayerfully use Christine to win Jaipur for Jesus, and she also brought Biblical understanding and End-time insights from Jerusalem to Jaipur. e people have been strengthened by her wonderful messages. And I want all the prayer partners of Exploits Ministry to understand that it is not easy to do open air crusades by foreigners because of the threatening and unexpected attacks of Hindu fundamentalists. It is very difficult to do even indoor Gospel meetings in dangerous areas such as Rajasthan, and states such as Orissa, Gujarat and in many places in North India. So please know that the Lord granted us a most outstanding and victorious breakthrough, and that your generous donations were not for ‘just another

convention’ but were used to facilitate true Revival. Indeed, one pastor remarked that there had never been a mass meeting with such a prophetic dimension in the relatively short history of Christianity in Rajasthan. Christine prophesied for at least 15 minutes at the start of her messages the great things that the Lord wants to accomplish in Rajasthan before the Second Coming of Jesus.” We are prayerfully considering another Macedonian call to this largely unreached region.

ARMORED BONES By Christine Darg Are your bones armor-plated? As I was praying during our Every Friday Fast to set captives free in the Islamic world, the Lord reminded me of Isaiah 58: 6, “Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke?” Verses 9-12 promise amazing rewards: “en you will call, and the Lord will answer; you will cry for help, and he will say: Here am I.... e Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a

sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame....” (NIV) Another version says He will “give strength to your bones.” Young’s Literal Translation renders it, “... And thy bones He armeth…” Fascinatingly, this means the original Hebrew literally says that God will make your bones “armed,” or “armored.” e word meaning “make fat,” “strengthen” or “arm” your bones is ‫ץילחי‬, meaning “to equip for war.” It is used in the Hebrew Scriptures to describe armed soldiers. erefore, if you fast to set captives free, expect and believe God to armor your bones! Hallelu-Yah!

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