Exploits April 2013

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Passover Moon Over Jerusalem

Our Pre-Passover Erev Shabbat Prophetic Meal in Jerusalem

Yeshua Changed the Passover Script!

Following are excerpts from Christine Darg’s message during Exploits Ministry’s 16th Passover Conference in Jerusalem: What did John the Baptist mean when he said, “Behold, the Lamb of God!” To understand, we have to know about Temple sacrifices for sin, going back to the Law of Moses, and prefigured in Abraham’s offering up Isaac. During the Egyptian Exodus, to be saved from the Death Angel, the Israelites were instructed to eat the Passover lamb and daub its blood on their doorposts and lintels. Now fast forward to the Last Supper of Yeshua, the Passover meal, known as the “Seder.” Seder means “order,” a liturgy commemorating Israel’s deliverance from slavery. On our table in the photo above is an antique Haggadah, the text recited at the Seder, including a narrative of the Exodus. Although He was falsely accused of being a glutton and drunkard, Yeshua was not a man given to appetite. Yet the record says, He especially desired to eat this historic Passover meal: “And he said unto them, With desire I have desired to eat this passover with you before I suffer: for I say unto you, I shall not eat this meal again, until it is fulfilled in the kingdom of God.” (Luke 22:15-16) “With desire I have desired” is a Hebraism spoken by

our Hebrew Lord, meaning, “I have desired most earnestly,” or “I have greatly desired.” Let’s try to imagine some of the reasons why Yeshua intensely anticipated and desired this meal: 1. SOLACE AND STRENGTH. One of the great joys of life is looking forward to a gathering around a table with the people we love. Passover is a defining childhood memory for all Jews. Yeshua had enjoyed going up to Jerusalem for this festive meal, as was his family’s custom, for three decades. Jesus was human as well as God, and as Israel’s greatest native son, He never undervalued the Lord’s festivals. He also appreciated the blessings of social events because, aer all, his first miracle was performed at a wedding. And He knew that He would draw physical strength from this meal before his horrific ordeal and unspeakable sufferings. Now many memories and thoughts crowded his mind as He contemplated the deep significance of all this meal symbolizes. Progressively, He had fully realized that He was THE Lamb, the fulfillment, even the embodiment, of all Passover elements. And for this reason the Lord’s Supper was held 24 hours ahead of the nation, for He was THE Lamb and would be slain on the day of preparation, the 14th of Nisan.

2. PREPARATION. Yeshua also had on his mind this opportunity to prepare the apostles for his departure, and to impress upon them more fully the certainty that He would soon to be betrayed and killed, that they might somehow be mentally, emotionally and physically prepared for the shock and trauma. 3. INSTITUTION. e greatest reason Yeshua greatly desired to host this Passover seder is that He was preparing to change its Haggadah script! He fully intended to institute the Lord’s Supper, a most solemn, awesome event, that in the future would commemorate and proclaim his sacrificial death until He returns. For centuries the Jews had described the unleavened bread as “the bread of affliction;” now Yeshua would amplify the bread of affliction with its full meaning, “is is my body broken for you.” Even today the unleavened bread called matza is pierced and striped, like the Body of Yeshua during his Passion. Matza is a memorial of his wounds and is a true symbol of the Bread of Life broken for you and me! Concerning the wine, Yeshua also changed the liturgy, saying, “is is my blood of the New Covenant,” [the Brit Hadashah, Jeremiah 31:31], which is poured out

for many for the forgiveness of sins. I will not drink again from the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God comes.” us, the meal remembering Israel’s exodus from Egypt was altered as the Lord’s Supper commemorating our exit from sin’s slavery. Ultimately, the Lord’s Supper will become the Marriage Supper of the Lamb! At Yeshua’s table in the Upper Room, all of this new revelation, spiritually speaking, would not be easily digested. His words were radical, yet it was the plan of God from the foundation of the world. e burden of the Lord upon Yeshua would have been extraordinary. is was no ordinary Passover seder! And in the mix, He would also, with great patience, continue to teach the squabbling disciples by lowering Himself to wash their feet. Sadly, in these poignant, weighty moments, Yeshua would also have to deal with his betrayer: “And as they did eat, he said, Verily I say unto you, that one of you shall betray me.” (Matthew 26: 21) Scholars say He offered the best morsel from the table to the guest of honor, Judas. (An article follows in this issue of Exploits, “Have You Been Betrayed?”)

Highlights of our 2013 Passover Conference clockwise are Christine with clay waterpots, souvenirs for women commissioned at Jacob’s Well as carriers of the Lord’s living water; Karen Springs and Susanna Kokkonen praying at Jacob’s Well; Abigail & Esther Biggs discover the hidden afikomen (symbolic of Yeshua’s shrouded and broken body) during our beautiful Erev Shabbat and pre-Passover Seder in Jerusalem with special guests Merv & Merla Watson.

Samaritan Muslim Ladies Listening Intently to Gospel Testimonies By Christine Darg “Go out to the roads and country lanes and compel them to come in, so that my house will be full.” (Luke 14: 23) Our Bible banquet in Samaria recently attracted 100 Muslims from the village where John the Baptist was beheaded aer a Bible banquet! Our very brave host was restaurant owner Mahmood, who originally had invited 85 guests, but other villagers demanded to know why they had not been invited. So, according to Yeshua’s instructions in the Parable of the Great Banquet in Luke 14, I encouraged Mahmood to invite everybody who expressed interest! With Pastor Samir translating, I gave my testimony and also invited several believers to testify, including worship leader Roy Kendall, who was miraculously healed of cancer, and Holocaust Museum Christian Director Susanna Kokkonen, who is learning Arabic. At first our guests were a little guarded, but they melted as the evening progressed. Many expressed interest to receive a Bible. Our team of 40 were excellent table hosts, demonstrating how God uses evangelical tourists on outreach whenever they travel with us. e Arab men and women sat separately, as is their custom, and were amazed to observe women in leadership. Bridges were built; friendships forged; healings occurred. It was another successful foray, by God’s grace, as we follow Matthew 10:23, “Truly I tell you, you will not finish going through the towns of Israel before the Son of Man comes.”

A Palestinian Headmistress at Table with Christine & Susanna

“Many shall come from the east and west, and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 8:11)


Samir Sayeed Translating as Christine Shares a Gospel Message

At right, a policeman at one of the men’s tables expressed delight at our banquet; in the photo below, Christine and Mahmood approach the podium before the meal.

After the banquet, this Muslim man, a carpenter, said to Christine, “Thank you! This is your village.”

Have You Been Betrayed? But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of stress. For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, inhuman, implacable, slanderers, profligates, fierce, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, holding the form of religion but denying the power of it. Avoid such people. (2 Timothy 3: 1-5)

never permit the righteous to be moved...But for my part, [Adonai,] I put my trust in you.” (Psalm 55: 22-23, Complete Jewish Bible). Trust the Lord of Justice. He handles treacherous persons supremely well and exonerates his own plans and purposes in the fullness of time. We are oen lacking in faith and patience that God will correct an injustice. But we must learn that nothing goes unnoticed by our just God. In fact, in Esther 6, subtitled, “Mordecai Text and Photos by Christine Darg Honored,” a big plot for the destruction of the Jewish people was hatched in a major power play by e Apostle Paul described the state of mind a treacherous man named Haman. But on the night and actions of people in the last days. One of the between Queen Esther’s first and second banquets chief characteristics of men will be treachery. To to expose Haman’s treachery, the king’s sleep evaded survive the stress of these times in a spirit of victory, him. He commanded for the book of records to be we must learn how to deal with heartless treachery read. Such oriental chronicles were poetic and even among many professing believers. should have made good bedtime reading. Instead, e pain is worse because the treachery does the king hears that a plot to assassinate himself was not come from an enemy but from a friend and thwarted by a true man of God, Mordecai. And so brother. As time progresses, sadly we will find loyalty the king asked in verse 3, “What honor or dignity at a premium. So we must prepare ourselves. has been bestowed on Mordecai for this?” e When you have been dealt a treacherous blow king’s servants said, “Nothing has been done for and demand moral justice, learn like King David to him.” We don’t know why Mordecai had never bring your shock and anguish to God: “Unload your received proper honor. Perhaps it was the king’s burden on Adonai, and he will sustain you. He will forgetfulness; or perhaps his good deed had been covered “On the night He was betrayed....” 1 Corinthians 11:23 up by jealous courtiers. But After his last seder, Jesus and his disciples God’s timing for vindication passed through the Kidron Valley, past this Tomb of Absalom ➞ to the Mt. of Olives and the Garden of Gethsemane (photo above). is perfect, and in an exquisite Two thousand years later, our moonlit walk in the footsteps of Jesus turn of events, the king orders from the Upper Room on Mount Zion, through the Kidron Valley, to Gethsemane, where He was betrayed, is always a profoundly moving that the arrogant Haman must spiritual experience for pilgrims on our tours to the Holy Land. lead Mordecai on a parade of honor. And thus the evil Haman began to fall. Both David and our Lord Yeshua experienced

treachery more than most human beings. David What Was Finished? was betrayed by his own son, and Yeshua was “When he took the vinegar, betrayed by one of his 12 chosen disciples. If you Yeshua said, ‘Behold, it is finished!’ have been betrayed, meditating on Psalm 55: And he bowed his head and gave up his 12-22, which was prophetic of Yeshua’s betrayal, is Spirit.” (John 19: 30) “It is finished!” is an important exercise in the process of your τετελεσται “tetelestai,” “e sin debt is healing: e Father’s ways and timings are not Cover photo: Jerusalem’s paid in full.” ours, but he vindicates his innocent, trusting Kidron Valley children in one way or the other. John Wesley’s Notes: “It is finished From Psalm 55 and other Biblical – My suffering: the purchase of man’s principles, I prayerfully offer some points to cope with redemption.” treachery: Scofield Notes: “It is the Victor’s cry.” --Bring your shock, pain and deep hurt to the Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Commentary: Father in prayer, and leave everything with him. “What is finished? e Law is fulfilled as never --Do not take matters into your own hands, before, nor since, in His ‘obedience unto death, such as resorting to lawsuits and retaliation. Rather, even the death of the cross;’ Messianic prophecy is believe in the reality of Romans 8:28, “And we know accomplished; Redemption is completed; ‘He hath that all things work together for good to those who love finished the transgression, and made reconciliation God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” for iniquity, and brought in everlasting --Entrust the future and consequences to the righteousness, and sealed up the vision and Lord with great confidence. prophecy, and anointed a holy of holies;’ He has --Refuse to be bitter in your heart. Strongly inaugurated the kingdom of God and given birth purpose to release forgiveness. With great insight, Paul to a new world.” J. Bucknell stated in an article entitled, “Trusting Matthew Henry: “It is finished; all the rough Treacherous Times,” “…. forgiveness doesn't types and prophecies of the Old Testament, which mean you minimize what they have done. What they have done is tragic. . . ‘Revenge is mine,’ the Lord says.” pointed at the sufferings of the Messiah, were accomplished. It is finished; the ceremonial law is --Appreciate, cultivate and cherish those abolished; the substance is now come, and all the relationships that have proven loyal and faithful. shadows are done away. It is finished; an end is --Finally, be happy and patient, realizing that as made of transgression by bringing in an everlasting you pass the test of being betrayed without becoming righteousness.... It is finished; the work of man’s bitter, a promotion for you is very likely on God’s redemption and salvation is now completed.” calendar. Hallelu-Yah to the Lamb!

Please pray for our Gospel Campaign 1-7 May 2013 in Hyderabad, India, including the First Bible Women’s Congress to empower 1,000 women evangelists, as well as three nights of Gospel meetings in a nearby village. Joining Christine for the Bible Women’s Congress will be Sister George (center photo) from Abu Dhabi with special music by Paula Gilbert (at right). All events will be telecast.

The Parable of the Lost Coin By Christine Darg e Lord’s guidance in our ministry is continually wonderful. Our outreach to Samaria, as depicted in the centerfold of this issue of Exploits, was potentially dangerous for our Israeli tour guide, who ventured with us into Palestinian areas, and also for our Palestinian translator, who knew he would be facing many potentially hostile Muslims. Because our preliminary guidance to this particular village had been so complete, I was not unduly concerned. Yet God in his mercy even showed me in a dream the message that I should share. I dreamt of speaking to the people at our Gospel Banquet about one week prior to the event, and in the dream I shared about the Parable of the Lost Coin. Have you ever noticed how something becomes more valuable and treasured if you lost it and later found it? As long as an object is in your possession, you may not cherish it very much, but once you’ve lost it, the loss can be acute, and when you find the item, you surely rejoice! One of the best descriptions of the mission of Yeshua is found in Luke 19: 10: “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost." erefore, He told parables of a lost sheep, a lost coin and a lost son: A shepherd le 99 sheep in the fold to seek and to find one wayward sheep. e parable of the lost or prodigal son is perhaps the Lord’s best known story of redemption. But Yeshua also told a parable of a woman who lit a candle and swept her house to find one of ten silver coins, each worth a day’s wages. In the Middle East and oriental lands, women wear strings of coins either on their dresses, or as necklaces, bracelets, anklets, as well as decorations on their veils. e photo on this page of a modern Bedouin woman with a coined veil is a remnant to this day of Biblical-style adornment. One way for a woman to

keep track of her wealth is to wear it all at once! In Luke 15: 8-10, Yeshua taught, “What woman, having ten [silver] drachmas, if she loses one coin, does not light a lamp and sweep the house and look carefully and diligently until she finds it? And when she has found it, she summons her friends and neighbors, saying, ‘Rejoice with me, for I have found the silver coin which I had lost.’ Even so, I tell you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one wicked person who repents [changes his mind for the better, heartily amending his ways, with abhorrence of his past sins].” e value of one coin was small compared to all the other coins on the woman’s string. Yet she searched diligently until she found the missing piece. is parable speaks of Yeshua’s searching eye for each lost soul. He knows the ones who are his Father's gi to him. And He knows exactly where to find us. He tirelessly sweeps us clean, while the angels are watching this great drama, rejoicing every time a lost soul is found and returns to God. According to Vincent’s Word Studies, drachmas were coins that commonly bore the image of unclean animals—an owl, a tortoise--or a head of Pallas, the pagan daughter of Jupiter. Of what does this speak? No matter how unclean or pagan our past, Yeshua searches for us with the light of his Gospel, sweeps us out of the darkness and dust, and changes our unclean image into his image, making us pure, and imparting to us his own righteousness. is transformation is his workmanship, and we give Him all the glory! Messiah is earnest in finding sinners to bring us home safely and for keeps. e Lord values us more than we realize; otherwise He would not have taken pains to seek and save us at such a cost to Himself! Yes, indeed, we are of great value to Yeshua. Praise Him forever!

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