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The LORD said... I have put my Name there forever. My eyes and my heart will always be there. 1 Kings 9: 3


The First Con Artist in the Church By Christine Darg

A.W. Tozer was a preacher and prolific author with an ability to make believers face ourselves in the light of God’s Word. He said the teaching of salvation without repentance has lowered the moral standards of the Church, producing a multitude of deceived churchgoers who somehow erroneously believe they’re saved, when in fact they’re still bound in chains of sin. Indeed, it is shocking to see unrepentant sinners seeking the deeper life in conferences. Tozer said our altars are sometimes filled with people crying with Simon Magus the sorcerer, “Give me this power!” In Acts 8, concerning Simon’s sorcery everybody exclaimed, “This man is the Great Power of God!” But later the people believed Philip the Evangelist, and in the name of Jesus Christ, many were baptized. The text says Simon Magus himself believed and was baptized, and he followed Philip, astonished by the miracles and great signs. The apostles in Jerusalem sent Peter and John to conduct followup in Samaria, and they placed their hands on the believers to receive the Holy Spirit. When Simon saw that the Spirit was given by the laying on of the apostles’ hands, he offered money for this power, but Peter was indignant! “May your money perish with you, because you thought you could buy the gift of God with money! You have no part or share in this ministry, because your heart is not right before God. Repent of this wickedness and pray to the Lord in the hope that he may forgive you .... I perceive that you are full of bitterness and captive to sin.” Peter observed that Simon Magus was poisoned by envy and bitterness. Peter discerned that Simon could not be a true follower of the Cross because in his heart he still wanted to be a miracle worker, by hook or by crook. Simon Magus had attached himself to the apostolic band to gain more power. And his besetting sin is memorialized in the word “simony,” meaning to pay for position and influence in the church. It’s amazing and part of the mercy of God that Simon didn’t drop dead on the spot because only a few chapters

back in Acts 5, Peter had also spoken very sternly to Ananias and Sapphira concerning a money issue, and they both had dropped dead in Peter’s presence, with no space offered for repentance. But Simon Magus was given the grace of space to repent! Peter’s rebuke, “You have no part nor share in this ministry," reminds me of the withering rebuke of Nehemiah. When he was rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, mockers came to taunt him, but in Nehemiah 2:20, he rebuked them, saying, “You have no portion, right or memorial in Jerusalem!” From this account we learn many principles: Philip preached Christ, not himself. Simon, surnamed Magus for the magical arts, boasted he was someone great. And that’s a red flag. False teachers seek their own glory. Simon had conjured tricks, but Philip cast out demons who were expelled with loud shrieks. The lame and paralyzed were healed, and Acts 8:8 says there was great rejoicing in that city! Many Jews traded on the prestige of their race and attachment to God. Others who claimed supernatural power include a sorcerer named Etymas mentioned in Acts 13:6 who opposed the Apostle Paul. Exorcists at Ephesus are also mentioned in Acts 19: 13. These itinerants, seven sons of Sceva, a Jewish chief priest, attempted to work wonders by the name of Jesus without knowing the Lord. A demon-possessed man overpowered all seven of these vagabonds, saying, “Jesus we know, and Paul we know, but who are you?” The sons of Sceva suffered a humiliating beating -- a great lesson for people who try to make somebody else’s experience their own, or charlatans and politicians who use the Lord’s name for their own personal gain! Simon the sorcerer is in the Bible to warn us not to be naive. Sadly, not all who claim to be converted are genuine. The great preacher Charles Spurgeon gave a colorful example: “Fish sometimes leap out of the water with great energy, but it would be foolish to conclude that they’ve left the water for good; and when habitual sinners make a sudden leap at religion, they could soon

be back again in their own ways.” And so, what about the fact, clearly recorded in Acts 8, that Simon believed Philip’s preaching and was baptized? As an evangelist, I WANT to believe that all who respond and are baptized will be saved and that I’ll meet them again one day in heaven! But Bible scholars say the degree of Simon’s sincerity even in submitting to baptism needs careful consideration. Jesus taught that when heart ground is shallow or rocky there’s not much hope that the seed of God’s Word will be able to take deep root and survive. At first Simon may have sincerely decided to follow the Way, but soon he yielded to the pull of his old lifestyle, hoping that a new fortune could be made from this mysterious Holy Spirit power. At the end of the day, true discipleship is a permanent change of heart. We are to be radically born again. James 2:19 declares that even the demons believe in Jesus and tremble. Billy Graham once said that if he had his life to live over, he would emphasize the cost of discipleship in his preaching. Does the ministry hold the same temptations for fame and fortune today? God’s holy Word must not be reduced to an incantation for blessings. The Gospel demands high moral standards. Outwardly Simon Magus was a baptized, card-carrying member of the church. We should examine ourselves from time to time to see if any inordinate ambition is in our hearts. Interestingly, Simon the sorcerer is considered the first heretic in the church! Traditions about him appear in anti-heretical writings of church fathers. Irenaeus and Justin Martyr regarded him as a formidable sorcerer and the father of all heresies. And so we should pay careful attention to this story to find elements of other future heresies: including the fact that wonder workers and miracles don’t necessarily prove that a man comes from God. In the future the Anti-Christ and the false prophet will do signs and wonders so that even the elect if it were possible would be deceived. Simon in that sense is a type of the Anti-Christ and false prophet, who will astonish people. But Philip in this account is our role model because he simply preached Christ, and that was the big difference. Preaching Christ separates the men from the boys, so to speak, and the genuine from the counterfeit. Heretics can be only too willing to fleece God’s sheep. There are men naming the name of Jesus who seem to have an inordinate confidence in finances, and many are undoubtedly wolves in sheep’s clothing, but Peter and John had the courage to unmask a peddler. There’s no telling what harm Simon Magus might have done in the early, budding church if he had been left unchallenged to his own devices. The account seems to say “good riddance” to him as the Book of Acts moves on without Simon Magus moving on with the apostles. Now consider how great was this revival! Philip fulfilled prophecy in Samaria, because Jesus had said in Acts 1: 8 that the Gospel would be preached first in Jerusalem, then to Judea and Samaria and on to the very ends of the earth. Following Stephen’s martyrdom, the

church in Jerusalem was severely persecuted. Saul, later to become the Apostle Paul, was ringleader. The persecution led to the scattering of believers, who went everywhere preaching the Word, including Philip (who was not an apostle but one of the seven men selected to help widows in Acts 6:5). Philip was the first evangelist to preach to those who were not fully Jews. Jews and Samaritans were prejudiced against one another, yet the preaching of the Gospel brought them into fellowship in a way that perhaps no other religion ever could. Samaritans were considered half-breeds by most Jews. In fact, at one point John the Apostle had wanted to call down fire on the Samaritans and was rebuked by Jesus; now John was ministering to them! As we grow and mature in the Lord, we mellow and ideally become more open and loving. St. John clearly had dealt with the racial prejudice that had been in his heart. Although the majority of scholars and artisans have presented Simon Magus as one who fell from grace, I do have to say carefully that not all Bible scholars condemn him. To give a balanced view, we will ask the Scripture to speak! St. Luke, the author of the Book of Acts, wrote simply without casting any aspersions, that Simon “also believed” and was baptised. It’s been said we’ll be surprised to see who made it to heaven by God’s grace and who won’t be there! Must we complicate the Gospel? Doesn’t the Bible say in Romans 10:9 that “if you believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, you shall be saved?” While there may be many fanciful traditions concerning Simon outside of the Bible, the indication of Scripture on its face value is that Simon Magus believed but his heart was not yet right. Simon Magus therefore is an example of how fallen and weak believers can be restored. Are we not all works in progress by God’s grace? He was told by Peter in Acts 8:22 to repent and to pray, seeking forgiveness. I have no doubt that God would have forgiven Simon. However, he only asked Peter in a superstitious way to pray for him. What can we profit from this Bible episode? First of all we can profit by learning that financial profits should never be a motive for serving God! Simon’s blasphemous, low level of thinking that he could make money off of the Holy Spirit reveals how quickly we can fall into the ways of the world, if we’re not spiritually attuned. Secondly, we can learn that when a believer sins, he or she doesn’t need to be baptized again, but should repent, pray, and confess sins. This is taught in 1 John 1:9, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” And thirdly, people with an occult background need careful discipleship and genuine renewal of their minds. Simon Magus was ambitious for a jumpstart towards the honour of an apostle. Many who practice the occult have controlled others for years, and so it’s hard for them to humble themselves and to live the crucified life. If you’re dabbling in the occult, come out of spiritual darkness and cling to the living Saviour. Call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, for the Bible promises that all who call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved!

Dealing with Demons in the 21st Century By Christine Darg

Concerning a lunatic boy mentioned in the Gospels, the disciples had failed to heal the boy and were embarrassed. So they came privately to Jesus, asking, “Why couldn’t we cast out the demon?” His answer still applies today: “because of your little faith.” Jesus also said more prayer and fasting were required. Difficult cases should inspire us to increase our faith. The disciples were perplexed because Jesus had already given them power and authority to heal and to cast out devils, and they had enjoyed a certain measure of success. Jesus had sent them out two-bytwo, and they had returned rejoicing that even devils were subject to them….until this humiliating encounter. Today’s “unbelieving believers” no longer enquire of the Lord, “Why couldn’t we drive out a demon?” Most professing believers won’t even acknowledge that demons are real! The debate continues over the subject, including: Can a Christian have a demon? A true born-again believer can’t be demon-possessed, but he or she can be oppressed. We can be attacked by dark spirits if we don’t know how to resist and engage in spiritual warfare. Some manuscripts render Matthew 17:19, “Why could we not heal him?” That would be a classic case of what comes first, the chicken or the egg? In some situations, healing cannot manifest until a demon is discerned and cast out. “I asked your disciples to drive out the spirit, but they couldn’t,” the boy’s father said. In Jesus’ response, we hear sorrow and exasperation: “You unbelieving generation! How long must I stay and put up with you?” Jesus had continually worked miracles in their midst, yet they remained unbelieving. (The Lord was thinking, “Am I the only one who can deal with this? My disciples still aren’t up to speed!”) Jesus said a perverse and perverted generation doesn’t know how to deal with demons! Think about that! Although the people were perverse, and Messiah was clearly provoked, He was faithful to take care of the child: “Bring the boy to me,” Jesus said, and that’s what all parents should do! When the spirit saw Jesus, it immediately threw the boy into a violent convulsion, foaming at the mouth, rolling on the ground. This misery had been going on from the boy’s childhood. The father begged Jesus, “If you can do anything, take pity and help us.” But begging prayers don’t get the job done. Faith does. In Mark 9:23, Jesus turned the question on the father: “If I can? You mean, if you can. All things are

possible to him who believes!” The father cried, “I do believe! Help my unbelief!” His reply was transparent but revealed double-mindedness. Meanwhile, a crowd gathered, and the demon put on a display. Demons crave attention, which is a form of worship for them. But Jesus soundly rebuked and nailed the spirit. He specifically commanded a deaf and mute spirit to come out. This was a demonstration of the gift of discerning of spirits. The demon shrieked, convulsed the boy, causing him to collapse in a heap, resembling a corpse. What a scene! We’ve seen similar scenes: A woman collapsed in one of our meetings in Cairo after being tormented by a demon, and she also appeared to be dead, but we commanded her in the name of Jesus to get up, and she did, to God’s glory. In the Bible scene, people assumed the boy was dead. But Jesus lifted the boy by his hand, and he stood up on his feet. When the disciples approached Jesus privately, he encouraged them that they had NOT lost the power to do miracles. He said, “If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed,” (the least of all seeds), “you can remove mountains. And nothing will be impossible for you.” The borders of our faith should be when “nothing is impossible” because of trust in God’s greatness! The tiny mustard seed should encourage us: we don’t have to be faith giants, but we do need to start exercising our faith in God! Our worse enemy is unbelief. God expects us to believe his promises and to ACT. I like the title of the Book of Acts. Thank God it’s not the “Book of Apathy” but the “Book of Action.” The title comes from a Greek word used in early Christian literature to describe the exploits of the key apostles and disciples in the decades following the Lord’s Ascension. Faith and trust in God separated the men from the boys. Biblical faith gives you the determination and power to resist the advice of unbelieving family members and well-meaning friends; otherwise they would drive you over the cliff of unbelief. Unless you pay

them no heed, they’ll push you to go to the doctor or hospital because of THEIR fears and unbelief. They will insist that you have medical tests. I praise God for medical advances that have helped many people. For example, a bionic eye has been invented in Israel! But we’re speaking of developing Biblical faith, and medical tests often stir up and strengthen devils, and can open the door for sickness to gain a foothold in your body with a diagnosis (rather than taking your case to the Lord our Healer). Also in countries such as America where sicknesses are regularly advertised on TV, it is difficult to maintain a Biblical faith in God. In countries such as Britain and Israel, where there is socialized medicine, the Lord our Healer is often not first priority in the minds of even “believers.” When was the last time you heard somebody rebuke a demon? In Matthew 17: 18, Jesus rebuked the devil. Sadly, people in the church today don’t think to rebuke an evil spirit because they’re not trained to act biblically. The Church has apostatized to the point that most unbelieving believers laugh cynically when demons are mentioned! Priests who exorcise devils are depicted by central casting as stereotypes of fanaticism. I heard a Baptist deacon say, “Do you know how long it took me to learn to rebuke the devil?” The thought had never crossed his mind to cast out a demon, because his Baptist church never discussed such matters. But as the deacon studied the Bible, it became clear that Jesus gave his followers power to rebuke and to cast out evil spirits, and so he began to take authority over demons with great success. Jesus cited two reasons for his disciples’ failure. Number one was their unbelief, or literally, “little faith.” And secondly, Jesus taught a harsh reality that stubborn spirits are cast out because of a believer’s consecration to God by devoting extra time and energy to fasting and prayer. A casual believer who has never added fasting to his prayers is not a likely candidate to get the job done. Some evil spirits are more wicked and obstinate, and they are not easily evicted after a long tenure. In Matthew 12:45, Jesus said, “When an unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he .... attempts to return and …. takes with himself seven other spirits more wicked ... and when they gain entry, the man is worse off than previously....” So although all things are possible, some works are more

difficult to accomplish than others. The disciples learned that the exorcist needs special preparation. Fasting subdues the flesh, and increases the spirit of revelation. By means of prayer and fasting, a believer can receive greater power to withstand assaults of the Evil One. In the Gospel of Matthew, the boy is called a lunatic from a word meaning “to be moonstruck,” supposedly influenced by the moon’s movements, but some translations render this word as epileptic. Let’s look at this whole topic from another angle. Today lunatic means mentally ill. No doubt, the boy in the Gospel looked deranged. Mental illness is a problem in our world of stress, uncertainties and side effects from high-powered drugs that cause people to go crazy and commit suicide or murder. A man wrote to a rabbi that he felt depressed and worthless because of a serious mental illness. I thought to myself how many people feel just like that! The man bemoaned his failures while all his school friends appeared to be successful. He ended his letter asking woefully, “What am I worth?” The rabbi gave a compassionate response: “First of all, we must understand man’s purpose on earth. Is it to be a Torah scholar? Is it to be admired by everybody? Is our purpose to have a high status in life? No! Man’s purpose is to serve God.” The rabbi said we were created “for the sole purpose of rejoicing in God and deriving pleasure from the splendor of His Presence.” This brought to mind the Westminster Catechism that I learned from my father, a Presbyterian minister, of blessed memory. The first question of the Westminster Shorter Catechism asks, “What is the chief end, or purpose, of man? The chief end of man is to glorify God and to enjoy him forever.” Amen! The Master of the Universe is not an achievement-oriented elitist. “In the world to come,” the rabbi said, “There will be many surprises. People considered important and celebrated here on earth will be considered worthless in the world to come, and many who are derided here will be highly important there. Do your best, and always be aware that you are precious in God’s sight.” The rabbi’s beautiful words were certainly wise advice on a certain level of understanding. However, in this Gospel Age, we are expected to believe God’s promises of health and guidance. We are expected to know how to rebuke evil spirits and to cast them out. Jesus expected us to fast and pray to be able to give the word of command to relieve the oppressed and possessed. Dealing with demons is surely part of the Great Commission! “And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons...” (Mark 16:17)

What Is Zionism and Is it Biblical?

By Christine Darg “Sing praises to the LORD, who dwells in Zion.” (Psalm 9:11) Because Israel’s hymnal, the Book of Psalms, contains nearly 40 references to Zion, there is no way a Bible believer can enjoy worship and reading God’s Word without encountering the concept of Zionism. The Word of God equates Zion with: --the Lord’s holy mountain --Jerusalem, the City of the Great King --God’s personal dwelling place --the people of God in a broader sense --the heavenly Jerusalem that will one day descend and be suspended over Mt. Zion Furthermore, in the Psalms God says he loves the gates of Zion more than all the dwelling places of Jacob. Isn’t it amazing that although the God of the Universe dwells outside of time in Eternity, nevertheless he is territorial and has chosen Zion in the past and will yet choose Zion again. He vowed in 1 Kings 9:3 that his eyes and heart would always be there, even when he sent his people into exile for disobedience. The holy Scriptures inform us that God is jealous on behalf of Jerusalem and Zion: “This is what the LORD Almighty says: ‘I am very jealous for Zion; I am burning with jealousy for her.’” (Zechariah 8:2, NIV) Politicians should fear this jealousy! So what is Zionism as defined today? It is the belief based upon the Word of God that the Jewish people have a right to their national homeland in the Land of Israel, Eretz Yisrael. God made a covenant with his friend Abraham that his descendants through Isaac and Jacob would inherit the Land of Canaan as an everlasting possession, and that the borders would stretch from the River of

Egypt to the Euphrates River. (Genesis 15: 7-21) In Deuteronomy 28, God warned Israel of dispersion from the Land if they disobeyed him, but in many Scriptures he promised for the sake of his holy name that he would regather them. The Lord has been faithful to his Word; for the last century the Jews have been returning in waves. According to Ezekiel 37-39, the Jews will return to their land in unbelief, but when restored to their land in the last days, they will receive an outpouring of the Holy Spirit and behold/receive their Messiah. Yeshua Himself foretold the whole last 2,000 years of Jewish history in Luke 21: 20-24, that they would be dispersed and that Jerusalem would be Gentile-controlled until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled. Then the deliverer will come to Zion and remove all ungodliness from Jacob (Isaiah 59:20) and all Israel shall be saved! (Romans 11:26) God made an everlasting covenant with Zion in Jeremiah 50: 4-5: “The sons of Israel and the sons of Judah alike will return to Israel, weeping as they go. They will ask for directions to Zion.” That verse was literally fulfilled in our lives in the 1970s when Peter and I visited the former Soviet Union. One night as we were entering a restaurant in Moscow, some Georgian Jews who were also visiting the capital asked us if they could join us for a meal. During the conversation, they revealed that they wanted to immigrate to Israel but because of the oppression of the Soviet regime against Jews, they had no information and didn’t even know where Israel was located. My husband, who was a student in seminary at the time, drew a map of the Middle East on a napkin. It was the first time that these Georgian Jews knew the direction of their homeland. “They will ask directions to Zion!” HalleluYah!

By Pastor Kumar, Salvation for India

We are greatly anticipating the next visit to India in November 2013 by our Sister Christine Darg, whom we receive as a Deborah evangelist from Israel, and our brother Rev. Peter. We are busy preparing open air Gospel meetings as well as the Second Bible Women Congress, on behalf of Exploits Ministry, this time to be held in Vijayawada, in the state of Andhra Pradesh. Please join us in our prayers for thousands to be saved in the Gospel campaign, and for more than a thousand Bible Women to be empowered in the Congress. We request your urgent and fervent prayers that the Hindu Party will not come into ruling power in our great nation, because India must belong to Yeshua the Messiah. Our

Israel Convocation In Northern Ireland We enjoyed connecting with our ministry partners recently in the USA, and in Chester, England, as well as several localities in Northern Ireland. Each night the altars were full of people receiving a touch from the Lord, and we were delighted to minister to so many with the help of faithful friends, including at right, Karen Ingram, at our Israel meetings in Northern Ireland. We look forward perhaps to coming to your area, as the Lord directs our steps.

planned meetings could be one of the last chances to hold open air Gospel meetings if the Hindu Party prevails in upcoming elections. Believe with us that India shall be saved! The Lord has shown us how to multiply the Exploits Gospel campaigns by videotaping the meetings for broadcast on various Christian and secular television channels in India. Peter Darg’s video “Yeshua, Discovering the Hebrew Jesus,” has also been translated recently into Hindi. We here in India believe that Christine Darg is following in the footsteps of the Apostle Thomas, who brought the Gospel of Yeshua to India. Please therefore do what is needful as a ministry partner for God’s power to be released. As the organizer for Exploits Ministry in India, I can attest that many are calling for this ministry, and we must respond to the cries of the lost!

Joshua, a Profile in Courage, Part 2 By Christine Darg The very name Joshua-- Jesus, “God is salvation,” is enough to note special interest in this man of God. He is the deliverer whom God provided, well named “God’s salvation,” for as Joshua led the children of Israel into the Promised Land, he was indeed a type of Messiah. Moses, whose leadership was synonymous with the Law, could never bring Israel into Canaan, anymore than the Law can transport us to heaven. Salvation is the work of Joshua (Yeshua), our Saviour. “For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.” (John 1:17) For many years Joshua was only known as “the Servant of Moses,” and he conducted himself with contentment in that role. Moses was on the mountaintop for 40 days, receiving revelations from God, having a high time, while Joshua was faithfully watching guard halfway down the mountain. Joshua wasn’t exactly enjoying a spiritual high. He wasn’t receiving revelations from the finger of God, yet he didn’t desert his post. Meanwhile, down in the camp, the Israelites fell quickly into sin. Even the brother of Moses went off the rails. I’m sure Joshua heard the noise, but he wasn’t tempted to desert his post. God can promote somebody like that. If you will serve faithfully where God has placed you, if you will not strive, if you will carefully follow instructions of a mentor and wait on God, your promotion will come. God will be faithful to you. God rewards faithfulness. Joshua was a lover of God’s presence. This is where many miss it. Men-and-ladies-in-waiting might be hard workers, faithful servants. They might know how to shout and send forth the anointed Word of God to bring down walls. But God seeks mighty men like Joshua and David who crave His presence. David had a circle of mighty men, and of the 30, there were three who were mightier than the others, and of the three there was one mightier than the three. And David was the mightiest of them all because he loved the presence of God. He consistently sought the Lord. It was in the presence of the Lord that David re-fuelled and received revelation. It was in the presence of God that David received power to live an overcomer’s life. And so we discover in Exodus 33:11 one of the chief characteristics of Joshua was that he hung around the tabernacle when Moses was finished communing with God. Joshua learned from Moses

the importance of the Presence of God. Moses famously said to the Lord, “Except Your presence goes with us, I don’t want to go.” Loving God’s Presence is one of the greatest principles we can learn from a man or woman of God. Each time we’ve gone to one of the Arab towns to evangelize, I have prayed, “Lord, unless Your Presence goes with us, I’m not interested in going!” And everytime His Presence has always been with us, opening doors, enabling us to accomplish exploits for Him. Another important principle in Joshua’s life is that he knew how to handle rejection. We must experience rejection and contradictions. Our pride must be broken. Through many sorrows, we learn to lean on the Lord for his love and consolations. Both Joshua and Caleb were rejected by their nation for bringing a faith report. Joseph spent many years of rejection and setbacks, but consider what a great man of God he turned out to be! Paul spent many years of rejection by the brethren. When I first began to evangelize, I lost every friend. To my great surprise, my ministry evoked resentment and jealousy from the Body of Christ! “How dare she do this?” “Who does she think she is?” God allows rejection to train us to trust Him and to make Him our chief confidante. Joshua passed the test of obeying God’s instructions. He learned to follow divine instructions very carefully. He didn’t build a military bridge to cross the Jordan because God had said the priests should put their feet in the water carrying the Ark, and then the river would open miraculously. Joshua also didn’t construct rafts. And he didn’t construct catapults and ramps against Jericho’s walls, but he followed God’s non-military orders! How many of us can so clearly obey God’s unusual, specific commands? Yet God calls us to a life of accuracy. Like Joshua, mighty men and women of valour must learn to obey the voice of God, and not lean upon our own understanding. Amen!

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