EXPLOITS Magazine August 2014

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Behold, I have set Watchmen upon thy Walls, O Jerusalem, who will never keep silent! Inside: ~Israel’s Miracle Dove Stories ~Clouds of Glory ~Confronting Evil

W.W.W. J E R U S A L E M C H A N N E L . T V

‘We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord…And we pray that all unity may one day be restored.

And they’ll know we are Christians by our love, by our love; they will know we are Christians by our love.’

–”By Our Love” song by Carolyn Arends Any believer who lives here or who visits Israel will tell you that it’s impossible to walk in the holy city without divine appointments. We met recently with an Israeli citizen who is a follower of Yeshua the Messiah. His daughter was killed in an horrific suicide bombing in Tel Aviv in 2005, yet this man is full of love and forgiveness. He is the antithesis of bitterness. His brand of love would bring peace in a moment. Like any parent, there is a deep sorrow within this Jewish man’s soul that his daughter’s life was ended in such a tragic way. Yet he is filled with an anointing of love for Arabs that could only be described as supernatural. Because of his loss, this Israeli has an undeniable leverage and right to minister healing and reconciliation to Arabs. How can they argue with his love, when his own flesh and blood was murdered by Arab terrorists? People are very angry because of tensions in the Mideast. Yet as this brother walks through Jerusalem, on errands to pay bills, etc., he takes time to sit with Arabs and to explain from a Biblical viewpoint why wars and tragedies are happening all around us.

I’ve also had similar experiences with my Arab friends. After sharing my thoughts about prophetic events from a Biblical perspective, because Jesus will soon return, they say, “Now I feel better. I feel less angry.” We are eyewitnesses to the birth pains of Messiah. “Pray for me,” my Israeli brother said. On the street in front of the Arabs inside Jaffa Gate, he asked me to pray like this: “Pray that the same Jesus that lives inside me will be Jesus to all the Arabs. Pray that I’ll have the same love of Jesus for them. Pray that I and my wife will love them more than any believer has ever loved them. Pray that the love of the Lord inside of me will be so great that they will melt with joy in his Presence. Pray for the entire Arab village near where I live to come to know Jesus.” And he continued in that vein, asking for prayer, to be filled with more of the love of God, like John the Apostle, and so forth. I noticed that this brother already walks in a great measure of this anointing, but he sought more. He was asking the Lord of the Harvest for genuine revival with signs and wonders. As we were talking, an Arab man who works inside Jaffa Gate approached us to ask us to shop. Times are tough because there are no tourists to shop right now. Immediately the Israeli brother began to build the confidence of this Arab man. He said, “You are a good man. You keep the gate here. You welcome the people like Abraham welcomed the people in the Bible.” Love has its own power. When we see the good points in others and speak of their merits, they are strengthened and enabled to believe in themselves. Words of encouragement always have a constructive purpose. People are thirsty for affirmation and encouragements. So with the Arabs surrounding us, I prayed the prayer that the Israeli brother was asking me to pray. And I didn’t fail, of course, to ask the Lord for the same anointing for myself. As the worship song cited at the beginning continues, We will walk with each other, we will walk hand in hand… And together we’ll spread the news that God is in our land. . . .

Israel!s Miracle Dove Stories

By Christine Darg The following story of a miracle dove in Gaza was on the official Facebook page of the wife of a prominent rabbi: At my friendʼs synagogue in Israel this week, a soldier that had just returned from Gaza said his army unit identified the home of a Hamas terrorist, and arrived undercover at the house early in the morning. They saw a dove hovering overhead and momentarily stopped to watch the dove land on a tiny string. A second later, the entire house blew up. The house was booby-trapped, and the string was connected to the door. If the soldiers had entered the house as planned, they would have been killed. God sends His messengers in all shapes and sizes! Praise God for that sweet little dove in Gaza! The above beautiful account took my mind back to the 1973 Yom Kippur War, when the Jewish nation did not expect an Arab attack on the holiest day of the year, the Day of Atonement. Ephraim “Effi” Eitam today is a politician (having served twice in the Israeli Parliament), a general, a military hero and a public figure. But in 1973, he was a young commander leading a routine reconnaissance patrol on the Golan Heights. Suddenly, from seemingly out of nowhere, Eitam was facing an invasion of the Syrian army, as he recalled in the following vivid account: “I saw hundreds of Syrian tanks moving forward, and they were painted in a camouflage of green and yellow. And I remember, I thought to myself that they looked like prehistoric lizards, you know, who just came out of a cave, because they came out of nowhere.”

For days, the surprise attack dealt a nearly fatal blow to the Jewish nation. The men on the front lines bore the brunt of the battle. But through many miracles, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) contained one of the most brutal attacks ever made against the reconstituted nation. Eitam received orders to go behind enemy lines to take the Syrian division headquarters. Like many raids, this assault would mean close hand-tohand combat in Syrian bunkers. “I was throwing hand grenades, shooting …and then when I turned, in the corridors full of smoke and dust, I saw a silhouette coming towards me. I was very sure it was a Syrian soldier. I was ready to pull the trigger, and then I saw a bird coming out of the smoke. She flew behind me and stood on my right shoulder.” Quickly, Eitam tried to shoo away the bird. “But she turned and stood on my left shoulder. I didnʼt have time to argue with a bird! So I completed the assault, and when I emerged from the bunker, I saw a dove, a pigeon, standing on my left shoulder. . . very determined not to leave me.” Extraordinarily, the dove stayed with him and his unit for the next 10 days during some of the most intense battles of the Yom Kippur War. “Since we had that ʻangelʼ protecting us, none of my companyʼs soldiers was killed or wounded, and we were involved in intensive battles. . . but she was there. Unnatural and very interesting was that, even in the night operations . . . she patrolled with us, flying a little bit forward, looking whatʼs going on around, and then sitting here [on my shoulder].” After nearly two weeks of frontline conflict, Eitam and his unit were sent to the rear for a rest. Only when they reached safety, “she flew away and disappeared.” As a result, Eitam learned “to see miracles around me, around the operations which I conducted. Itʼs as we know, ʻEven when I walk in the valley of death, Iʼm not afraid, and I will fear no evil, because God is with me.ʼ” Let us ask the Lord to open our eyes to see the miracles all around us.

We Cannot Be Just Fair W By Christine Darg Christians in so many ways are proving no longer to be “fair weather” friends to Israel. Now is the time to be a friend that sticks closer than a brother. (Proverbs 18:24) For most of my generation the horrific anti-Semitism of the Nazi era can only be understood second-hand from books, films and documentaries. It seemed incomprehensible that such an evil-spirit is being loosed once again upon the world, but the “never-again” has become an ugly reality. Hatred of the Jewish people has erupted into our nations with an alarming ferocity and vulgarity. In one of his recent columns, Mark Steyn expressed what I’m also sensing that “today’s Jew-hate is worse than the 1930s Jewhate precisely because, unlike 80 years ago, we can’t plead ignorance. Hitler felt obliged to be somewhat coy about just how final the final solution was. As Eichmann testified at his trial, when typing up the minutes of the Wannsee conference, ‘How shall I put it? Certain overplain talk and jargon expressions had to be rendered into office language by me.’ Even the Nazis were reluctant to spell it out.” But Hamas in its Charter and Hezbollah in their TV broadcasts, and all their infamous ilk, have no problems articulating as plainly as possible, as Steyn said, “in giant-size neon lettering.”

playing into the hands of these jihadists with distorted thinking that lacks true judgment. Complaints over the disproportionate nature of the Israel-Hamas conflict have reached a preposterous pitch in recent weeks. In their distorted thinking, concerning a conflict between a democratic state and a terrorist-run territory, simply not enough Israelis are dying! CNN commentator Marc Lamont Hill made that point. Hill critiqued Israel’s Iron Dome defense system, almost lamenting the fact that the Israeli technology limits Israeli deaths. An aspect of anti-Semitism that is adding to Israel’s hurt presently is a lack of tourists. Recently in Jerusalem we enjoyed coffee with a lovely family of tourists who have decided to visit Israel annually if at all possible. They are Christians from the Republic of Ireland who go to a considerable expense to bring their tourist Euros to the Jewish state as well as their supportive physical presence. While so many tourists have cancelled their hotel reservations recently, this family was received with open arms by their distraught Jewish hotelier, who is naturally concerned about the welfare and payroll of his staff. The husband expressed regret that so few Christians are travelling here at this time of Israel’s need. He said he contacted a prominent Israel-supporting (supposedly) ministry, but was shocked that the minister said he personally would not bring his family to visit Israel at this time.

Such is the depths of their depravity, and also of their Iranian sponsors, that they have been announcing in no uncertain terms to the world for years their plans of another Jewish Holocaust.

“I felt this was a lack of faith on his part,” the Irishman said. “Surely when it comes to visiting Israel, faith will be required. This is the land of faith.”

Meanwhile, the mainstream media are

Tourism blesses not only Jewish residents but

Weather Friends with Israel faith in the Almighty’s miracles.

As Rabbi Shalom Arush wrote in his book, “Womanly Wisdom:” When we visit the sick, we must fortify their trust that nothing is beyond Hashem’s [God’s] power and remind them that even at the most dire moment, they must not lose hope in Hashem’s mercy. We should tell them that we are also praying for their recovery, healing and salvation. If a [person] visits a sick relative or friend and does not offer words of encouragement and does not pray for their healing, then [their] visit is in vain and the sick person may even be hurt by [their] silence. Amen and Amen! When I read that, it reminded me that Israel and the Jews are our spiritual friends and relatives. That teaching also reminds me of one of my favorite Bible verses found in Isaiah 62: 1, For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent, for Jerusalem’s sake I will not remain quiet, till her vindication shines out like the dawn, her salvation like a blazing torch.

also the Arabs who live here and who must also make a living. Both Jews and Arabs are hurting at this time and are suffering in many ways, including economically. A visit to Israel at this critical time of growing anti-Semitism qualifies as a mitzvah (commandment) to visit the sick, according to rabbis. Rabbinic sages teach that the purpose of visiting the sick is to encourage them to reinforce their

The more that anti-Semitism and persecution of Christians increases in the world, the closer Israel and evangelical believers are becoming! The Peoples of the Book are uniting together and it is awesome to be a part of this End-Time movement. What Satan intends for evil, God always turns for good. With Israel and the ancient Christian communities of the Mideast under fire, truly I believe our upcoming Moveable Feast of Tabernacles in Jerusalem 10-16 October 2014 will be strategic and prophetically significant. Please consider standing in Israel with us! Details for our upcoming Moveable Feast of Tabernacles prayer conference are available by emailing yairmazur@gmail.com or visiting our ministry website at www.exploits.tv

Clouds of Glory “Suddenly, a cloud protected us,” said Givati Brigade officer Ofer Winter, making reference to the “clouds of glory” that protected Israelites as they wandered in the desert. Only when the soldiers invading Gaza were in a secure position did the fog dissipate. “It really was a fulfillment of the verse For the Lord your God is the one who goes with you to give you victory,” Winter said, quoting Deuteronomy 31:8. As Israeli troops prepared for the initial battles, Col. Winter is the Orthodox Jewish commander who had composed a Biblical-style letter to his subordinate officers. His letter was reminiscent of the spirit of King David approximately 3,000 years ago. In his letter, Col. Winter wrote: “History has chosen us to spearhead the fighting against the terrorist ‘Gazan’ enemy which abuses, blasphemes and curses the God of Israel’s (defense) forces…We have planned and prepared for this moment. We take the mission upon ourselves out of commitment, complete humility, and because we are prepared to endanger ourselves and lay down our lives in order to protect our families, our people and our homeland.” Winter also invoked the Shema. (“Hear O Israel, YHVH is our God, YHVH One, Blessed be the glorious name of His Kingdom forever.”) He also called upon the God of Israel to “make our path successful as we go and stand to fight for the sake of your people of Israel against a foe which curses your Name.”

Has the Ability to Discern Evil Been Lost? By Christine Darg The Bible did warn us that in the Last Days men would be brutal truce breakers with a false zeal, thinking they are doing God a favour by killing the people of God. Even now as jihadists rage against the People of the Book, the God of Israel will soon hold them in derision. His vindication is guaranteed, but woe to those who in this hour “call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.” (Isaiah 5:20) We’re living in an upside-down world when the boldest and most blatant terrorists have become darlings of the West while Israel’s Arab neighbors remain strangely silent as cheerleaders for the cause of Hamas. Shamefully, former President Jimmy Carter, who still teaches a Sunday School class, doesn’t comprehend his Bible. Once again the misguided former President is meddled in Mideast policy

with a scathing op-ed column calling for Washington to recognize the designated terror group Hamas as a legitimate “political actor.” Who would have thought that the United States government would become more supportive of insane terrorists than most Arab governments in the region! The Obama Administration is staggering from crisis to crisis without an honorable game plan, but Bible prophecy (Ezekiel 38:13) indicates that the young lions of “Tarshish” (the former British Empire) will be reduced to engaging in diplomatic talk, lacking any real substance. Evil is flooding Iraq. Islamic State terrorists who took over large areas of Iraq have continued to force thousands of Christians to flee, and they have occupied churches, removed crosses, raped and enslaved women, beheaded children, destroyed priceless monuments. (continued on back page)

Testimonies from Our Jerusalem Channel Supporters Peter S., one of our regular supporters from the UK, sent a message to our Jerusalem Channel Facebook page, “I would like to increase my giving to your ministry by £10 a month because the Jerusalem Channel has become an important resource for me. . . .I wish that more people were taking advantage of this resource, but perhaps that is an item for prayer.” Kenneth N. from the USA, wrote: “I will soon be 60 years old, and I have never in all my church life heard the depth of ministry and teaching that I have heard from you these few weeks since I have discovered the Jerusalem Channel on my Roku streaming device. . . Thank you so much for your life, and your ministry, and thank God you have not let a denomination stop you because of your gender. Thank you also for your clear teaching on Israel.” Nihal U. in Sri Lanka: “I was privileged to

view your video on YouTube on 40 End-time Signs. You have summarized and presented the material in such a gifted manner that I decided to type down the whole narration to share with others.” Angela S. in the USA: “I have been watching the Jerusalem Channel for several days now, between 2 and 4 hours a day. I feel like I have been to Bible College. I have gained so much knowledge. . .Very trustworthy sound teaching. Thank you!!” Prayer partners, please do make Exploits Ministry and the Jerusalem Channel items for your prayers, that indeed God will expand the influence of our ministry so that as many souls as possible can be saved, healed and educated with a Biblical perspective on End-Time events. Shirley Hughes is available for prayer in the UK at 0843 55 74 077 and the USA toll free number is 1 888 245 2692.

Visit the website at www.exploits.tv

"I know the plans I have for you, to give you a future and a hope! Jeremiah 29:11 is a popular Bible verse for individuals believing God for good things in their future, and that's certainly a legitimate desire and inspiration from the verse. However, the context concerns the nation of Israel: 11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares YHWH; plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you a future and a hope. 12 Then you will call on Me, and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. 14 And I will be found by you, declares YHWH. I will bring you back from captivity, and I will gather you from all the nations and places where I have banished you, declares YHWH. And I will bring you again into the place from where I carried you into exiled. To this let us say, “Amen!” Let us rejoice that these verses are coming to pass in our day!

Has the Ability to Discern Evil Been Lost? [continued from inside] Shockingly, neo-pagans in Germany are threatening Jews with gas ovens. In Belgium a cafeteria sign warns that the premises are open to all “except dogs and Jews,” and a doctor refused to treat an elderly Jewish woman when she telephoned for help, saying cynically, “Send her to Gaza for a few hours, and she won’t feel pain anymore.” “Heil Hitler” is shouted by lunatics on the streets of Calvary, Canada, even though Canada’s Prime Minister still remains Israel’s best friend in the halls of politics. The question begging to be asked: why can people no longer discern evil? Not so long ago President Ronald Reagan called evil. . . evil. He spoke of the “evil empire” of the former Soviet Union. His rhetoric resonated with sane people. Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu’s rhetoric is plain truth with phrases such as, “We shield our people, Hamas uses people as shields.” Former Israeli President Shimon Peres said transparently, “This was the war of an army against terrorists . . . a war of brave men against men with no restraints.” But who is able to discern such plain words of truth? Why are people who are considered to be otherwise rational, intelligent human beings incapable of rejecting Hamas flat-out. . . .as utterly vile? I continually shudder to think, and shield in my prayers, Israeli soldiers on the ground who are forced into hand-to-hand combat with enemies brainwashed from birth with bloodthirst. Surgical strikes from a distance are preferable than facing such fiends.

Israel has lost the war of public opinion to the most transparent evil. Hamas’ charter, which is open for anybody to read on the Internet, would have made Hitler envious. It blames the Jews for everything. You might be shocked to learn that Hamas believes the Rotary and Lions Clubs are “secret societies” in an international Zionist conspiracy. I wonder if our politicians have read Article III of the Hamas Charter that says peace initiatives are meaningless because all such activities “are all contrary to the beliefs of the Islamic Resistance Movement. . . to raise the banner of Allah.” As watchmen on the walls, we must pray earnestly for Israel not to become tarnished by the disease of hatred and violence. If a nation is not diligent, violence and revenge can easily infect a society. Fear and despair for one’s very survival while living in such a rough neigborhood can become morally crippling for a society based upon ethical monotheism. Isaiah 63:9 declares, “In all their afflictions, He was afflicted.” Israel’s suffering is God’s suffering. The suffering of Christians under the boot of Islam is also Yehovah’s sufferings. We share His burden as watchmen on the walls. Let us purpose to live lives more dedicated to the service of God with a loyal allegiance to his people as Moses was described in Hebrews 11:25. He chose “rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season.”

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