Knocking on Doors
of Nations!
Jews, Gentiles & the Church Macedonia Call & Holocaust Museum Our Family at the Oscars Spiritual Warfare Rules of Engagement Safety in No Uncommanded Works W W W . J E R U S A L E M C H A N N E L . tv
Jews, Gentiles & the Church
By Christine Darg “And Jerusalem shall be trodden down by the Gentiles until the time of the Gentiles will be finished.” Luke 21: 24 (Aramaic Bible in Plain English) “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” (Matthew 7:7) e cover of this edition of Exploits illustrates our ministry’s call to nations, beginning from Jerusalem. For the past couple of years in the night watches I have repeatedly heard the Holy Spirit knocking urgently on the door of India. Many souls must be sought and rescued! e Lord of the Harvest has communicated the shortness of time as far as the fullness of the gentiles is concerned. (Romans 11:25) In 1 Corinthians 10: 32, the Bible speaks of only three categories of people: Jews, gentiles and the church of God. To understand where we are on God’s timeline, we must comprehend his dealings with the Jewish people, Israel and the nations. In fact, we can also categorize the nations into several groups: nations that have been hospitable to the Jewish people and have provided them space to flourish, and nations that were hostile to the Jews, such as Egypt, Babylon, Persia, the former Soviet Union as well as the European nations during World War 2, and tragically in this hour. ere are nations who have helped to save the Jews from destruction. And then there are Arabic and Islamic nations that push an agenda of perpetual enmity against Israel going all the way back to the conflict in the Book of Genesis between Abraham’s sons Ishmael and Isaac, and the ongoing family dispute between Sarah and Hagar. It’s important to celebrate what Israel has bequeathed to the world. Israel has given us the Bible, the Saviour, Jesus
Christine Darg attending the 2016 Knesset Christian Allies Caucus (KCAC) ‘Night to Honour Christian Allies’ at Jerusalem’s Waldorf Astoria Hotel. Please pray for the KCAC. This work of the Holy Spirit between Jews and Christians must be protected in prayer. Many of the leaders of the Caucus continue to suffer much spiritual warfare. It is our watch, so let’s intercede!
who was a Jew not only at his first coming, but He will retain his Jewish nationality at his second coming. He will rule the world from Jerusalem and sit upon the throne of his father David. e first time Jesus came, he was the Lamb of God, but on his second coming he’ll roar from Jerusalem as the lion of Judah! I find it quite extraordinary that in today’s world, and especially within the churches who should know better, many are unwilling to recognize the uniqueness of the Jewish nation. God chose Israel for a special calling. Yet the Jewish people everywhere face a daily fight for survival in the Middle East and wherever they live, whether it’s Paris or even New York. e world has no qualms in benefiting from the amazing religious heritage and scientific ➞
contributions of the Jewish people. We are blessed by their technology and medical advances. And yet, anti-Semitism is a modern menace. Satanically inspired regimes throughout history have tried to destroy the people of God, because the Jewish people are the Lord’s scribes and his physical representatives on earth. ey are his treasured covenant people never rejected by Him. e institutional church has gone to great and even satanic lengths through inquisitions and pogroms to divest the Jewish people from their roots. Yet the Jewish nation is a heritage that the Almighty must preserve, for it is from Israel that the returning Messiah will reign for a thousand years! Not only did Israel bequeath to us the Bible, the prophets and the Saviour, but the Jewish people themselves have continued throughout history to give us great individuals in the fields of science, medicine, industry, literature and culture. It’s a well known fact that Jewish people comprise more Nobel Prize winners than any other nationality. So it’s important as believers to reciprocate blessings to Israel. We owe a great debt to our elder brothers in the faith. Genesis 12: 3 declares that God will bless those who bless Israel and punish those who curse Israel. God has ordained that there would always be a remnant of Jewish people who believe in Jesus as Messiah; nevertheless the nation of Israel in its entirety will not experience messianic redemption until the full number is evangelized and saved from all the nations. Jesus taught in his Olivet Discourse, and Paul the apostle taught in
Patio Corner David’s Harp Restaurant Mt. Zion
Romans 11—in fact the whole tenor of Scripture teaches that Israel will be saved as a nation in the Last Days. erefore, whoever waits for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon Israel, whoever longs to see the redemption of the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem as prophesied in Zechariah Chapter 12, must accelerate that day by laboring in the Harvest and responding to the call of God to reach the nations. We must bring in the full number of gentiles into the kingdom of God in order to hasten God’s salvation of the pivotal nation of Israel, as he has surely promised to do in many Biblical prophecies awaiting fulfillment. One way we can give back to bless Israel is by visiting the Holy Land and supporting Israel’s tourism industry. Although we bless Israel with tourism, Israel is the gi that keeps on giving, because tourists receive much more. Indeed, the Bible comes alive for us when we visit the Holy Land. Exploits Ministry organizes groups to the Holy Land several times a year; our prayer convocations are historic as we bring Christians and Jews together to enjoy each other’s fellowship aer nearly 2,000 years of tragic separation. It’s a new day for Christians and Jews and our ministry is right in the middle of this Holy Spirit phenomena! Discover details for our unique prayer convocations and insider tours at our website
One of the World ’s Largest Holocaust Museums In the Small Nation of Macedonia By Christine Darg
Holocaust museums are springing up all over the world, even in a time of great Holocaust denial, teaching nations to learn not to touch the apple of God’s eye. It’s inconceivable that anti-Semites would deny the cruel Holocaust chapter of history, yet the world is still full of Holocaust deniers, despite ample documentation. One small nation in eastern Europe has taken a bold step to make amends for its shameful past during World War 2. e Biblical land of Macedonia has been calling us for a strategic visit. We discovered one of the world’s largest Holocaust Museums in central Skopje, the capital. ere’s a tragic reason why Macedonia was chosen for this project. Macedonian Jews who perished in the Holocaust were the highest percentage lost of a Jewish community from any nation—shockingly, 98 per cent of Macedonian Jews. Due to the disinheritance of Macedonia’s Jewish population, the government granted the area of Skopje’s former Jewish Quarter to be dedicated for a central square Holocaust memorial. It was a shock to learn that the Macedonian Jews were rounded up and sent to the Treblinka death
camp by the Bulgarians who were occupying Macedonia at the time. It was a shock because I had discovered that within Bulgaria itself, the largest national population of Jews during the war—50,000 were saved from the Holocaust due to intervention of brave officials in Bulgaria’s Orthodox church. Also part of the rescue was due to their brave King Boris III, who stood up to Hitler, and the Bulgarian chief rabbi himself, who was a Messianic Jew! Bulgarian Jews subsequently made mass aliyah to Israel, where there is a memorial to Bulgaria’s national heroism. However, tragically, under Bulgarian occupation, the Macedonia Jews did not escape. e central artwork in the museum is a two-storey monument of hanging stringed beads, each different, representing individuals who perished. Altogether, the strings create an image of a burning bush (photo at le), symbol of the Jewish race that cannot be extinguished. “For I the LORD do not change; therefore you, O children of Jacob, are not consumed.” (Malachi 3: 6) A memorial room displays three brass cylinders of ashes from Treblinka containing remains from Jewish people who were deported from three main cities in Macedonia.
Spiritual Warfare: Rules of Engagement
By Christine Darg Daniel Chapter 10 draws back the curtain on the unseen world and teaches there are principalities over nations, such as the prince of Persia. ese principalities control and influence nations, yet a fasting, praying believer like Daniel brought the archangel Michael on the scene to fight for his people and to release them from Babylonian captivity. We learn from studying the Bible that the weapons of our warfare aren’t physical but they’re mighty through God to tear down strongholds— weapons such as fasting and prayer. Psalm 149 also teaches us the power of high praises with singing and musical instruments that move God to bind spiritual kings and principalities in invisible chains. ereaer God’s program can advance. “e reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work” (1 John 3:8) but in the meanwhile God still allows Satan to exist. It’s a mistake for believers in prayer meetings to presume that they can destroy Satan. As Christian author Judson Cornwall wrote, “It’s not our assignment to destroy Satan because God is not finished with him yet.” God permits Satan and his demonic hosts to continue doing evil—not forever—but for a season until the Millennium rule of Messiah begins, and then Satan will be bound for a thousand years. In the meantime, God allows Satan to test us as Job was tested, and to oppose us in order to help us to learn to maintain
humility, to develop faith, to learn to overcome trials, to teach us how to fight, and we’re sometimes afflicted to make us straighten up and fly right. God also continues to demonstrate his power over satanic forces through various faith challenges that we face. So it’s important to give clear admonitions about dealing with demonic forces. e mature, seasoned believer understands proper spiritual authority. Lance Lambert, of blessed memory, was a friend and a prayer leader in Jerusalem who understood spiritual hierarchy. I sought Lance’s counsel concerning prayer journeys in the Mideast. His advice was always to be sure that I was hearing from God. Lance oen told the story of two intercessors who went too far in rebuking and addressing principalities-- something they had no business doing. God had not directed them-- it was a presumption--and Lance said these women, (one of whom was a well-known Christian writer), went off the rails and spent the rest of their lives with a dark cloud over their heads. So I’m warning you of the dangers of addressing Satan in warfare prayer. As I explained in our ministry’s handbook, “e Spirit of Excellence,” railing and ranting against Satan is not allowed in our prayer convocations. Jude 1: 9 gives scriptural authority for this prohibition: “But Michael the archangel, when he disputed with the devil and argued about the body of (continued overleaf)
David Darg Nominated for Academy Award
Naomi Darg on Red Carpet
David Darg, vice-president of our ministry in the USA, was recently nominated for an Academy Award for a documentary he produced about brave Ebola aid workers in Liberia. Please continue to pray for our family to impact the media in TV, films and internet at
David (right) interviewed at ceremony
(continued from previous page)
Moses, did not dare pronounce against him a railing judgment, but said, [quoting an old Testament scripture], e Lord rebuke you!’” In Jude 1:9, “railing judgment” actually means “blasphemous.” You may ask, how could it be blasphemy to rail against Satan? But God set up a hierarchy in the beginning, and Satan was the highest created being-- before the sin of pride entered his heart and caused him to fall. Michael the archangel respected Satan’s authority, even if Satan’s authority had become corrupted. Interestingly, King David exhibited the same caution and mentality. In a cave, David severed a tassel from King Saul’s cloak (to prove he’d had a chance to kill Saul). Nevertheless, David’s conscience hurt him because David realized Saul was the Lord’s anointed authority, even though Saul had become corrupt. e Apostle Paul exhibited the same cautious attitude before the Sanhedrin. e apostle’s statement angered the high priest Ananias who instructed one of the security men to smack Paul in the mouth. Paul was righteously indignant, saying, “You sit there to judge me according to the law, yet you yourself violate the laws by commanding that I be struck!” en the apostle prophesied God’s judgment -- “God will strike you!” But when Paul was informed that he had spoken against the Jewish high priest, he apologized, saying he didn’t know he was the high priest. Whether or not Paul’s comment was holy sarcasm, he nevertheless honored authority. So let’s go back to Jude 1:9. e archangel Michael said to Satan, “e Lord rebuke you.” He quoted Zechariah 3:2, a useful verse against Satan. We’re on safe Scriptural ground when we quote the Word of God. Notice the verse mentions the Lord three times: e LORD said to Satan, ‘e LORD rebuke you, Satan! e LORD, who has chosen Jerusalem, rebuke you! So let’s not rush in where angels fear to tread and behave with presumption. Rather, we must be wise to take on board Michael’s example and not revile Satan with odious names. If you’ve been casually taking swipes at the devil, stop it. Correct a mocker and he will hate you, but a wise person will love your rebuke. (Proverbs 9:8) When it comes to spiritual warfare, you don’t want to go through the school of hard knocks because it can be dangerous to your health and even to your life if you overstep. We have a saying in our ministry that I believe is a great protection: “We do
Christine Darg in Jerusalem leading spiritual warfare prayer
NO uncommanded work.” [See back page article.] We don’t say “yes” to every battle. If the Lord is not commanding us to get involved or to spearhead a work, we don’t! Not every battle is your battle. Like Moses, our attitude should always be, “Lord, if your presence doesn’t go with us, we’re not going!” Mark 3: 27 is a tremendously important verse concerning spiritual warfare: “No one can enter a strong man’s house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man. en he may plunder his house.” In this verse Satan is compared to a strong man. But the Lord likens Himself to One who is stronger. e goods in this parable are precious souls. Obviously, more goods can be plundered when a strongman is bound; if he is not bound, we become fugitives on the run! We’re commanded by Jesus in the Great Commission to cast out devils. Breaking the power of the devil is best accomplished by doing the works of Jesus. We’re to resist Satan; the Book of Revelation talks about the binding of Satan by Jesus at the very end of this age before the Millennial reign starts. Satan will be chained until he’s released for one last rebellion at the end of the Millennium. We know from studying Ephesians that Satan’s army is a well-ordered hierarchy: there are principalities, powers, world rulers of this present darkness, spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly places and demons on the lower level of Satan’s hierarchy. Demons can take up residence in people and also in places and must be cast out. You don’t have to be a priest to cast out devils. Exorcisms is one of the signs that’s supposed to follow every believer, according to the Great Commission of Jesus in Mark 16. I know it’s not politically correct to talk about demons, but as one who’s called to believe God for
the release of multitudes in the End-time harvest, I must seriously consider the work of demons to try to prevent people from receiving eternal life. Concerning prayer and faith, we must learn not to focus on problems and obstacles, but instead to focus on the unfailing power of God. In Numbers 14, only two of the spies, Joshua and Caleb, focused on the power of God when they did reconnaissance in the Promised Land. e other ten spies concentrated on the giants in the land. We must learn to walk closely with God long enough to trust his Word and his reliability. e world is always trying to convince you that God is not reliable (when it comes, for example, to healing) but he’s the most reliable power in the Universe, and the only One who never changes. I look for reliability in a co-worker. I’ll take loyalty and reliability over talent because a person can be the most talented in the world, yet not reliable! But God’s reliability can always be counted on. His mercies never fail, and they’re new every morning. e power of repentance: besides fasting and prayer, one of the most powerful weapons we have in spiritual warfare is repentance. Repentance pulls the rug out from under the devil; it removes legal ground Satan has claimed. God may reveal to you the big principalities that rule over nations and cities but there’s a right way to deal with them—you’re not to challenge them; instead we must petition God to remove them while we repent of sins that gave place to a demonic stronghold in the first place. Recently I read in a well-known Christian magazine a warning by a pastor who lives in Florida. He had a disturbing prophetic dream about a wellknown minister who was hospitalized in critical condition. e Florida minister shared his prophetic dream as a warning for believers who carelessly and sometimes even wreaklessly address principalities. In the dream, he walked into a dark cave where several evil principalities were strategizing. ey wore different types of armor, and the word “death” was printed on the breastplate of a principality. Another was identified as “Iran and the Middle East.” e Mideast principality said he wanted to kill the prophet in the hospital because he had been railing against the principality in prayer meetings. ere was a hit list on the cave wall in the dream. e Florida minister recognized some names on the hit list, and asked the Lord if some of these men of God had died before their time. e Lord
said “Yes.” So the dream was a warning not to engage in spiritual warfare that God has not commanded. e article resonated with me because, for more than ten years, the Holy Spirit directed me to hold prayer meetings in Jerusalem with a specific mandate to believe God for the binding of the hegemonic principality of Islam in the Mideast. e Holy Spirit initiated the prayer meetings and also concluded the meetings, because the prayer bowls in heaven were full. And while the meetings were progressing, the Holy Spirit was very firm that no participants should rail against Satan. It was our job to pray and to believe God as Captain of Heaven’s armies to send Michael or to deal Himself with the regional principality. We must follow New Testament patterns of prayer and behavior and also ensure that we’re not giving place to Satan with open sin or rebellion in our lives. It is my prayer that God will continue to release understanding concerning the rules of engagement in spiritual warfare, and may genuine intercessors fulfill God’s purposes under his lordship and direction. ere are two aspects of ministry: demolition on the one hand and building on the other. You can’t have one without the other! e church builds up the kingdom of God, but at the same time, we’re engaged in a war against the gates of Hell. is truth is illustrated in Jeremiah 1 concerning the call of God. Jeremiah was set by God over nations to pluck up and destroy through his prayers and prophesying, but also to build and plant as a God-ordained leader. Some believers are too demon-conscious, and that’s annoying. However, I’ve learned from mentors and from being involved in many ministries and Gospel campaigns that it’s not enough to build the kingdom of God. We must also be involved in the demolition of the kingdom of darkness. A person of spiritual stature truly learns to brings joy to Heaven by winning souls. But we must also cause setbacks and sorrow to the kingdom of darkness because of our prayers and God-led exploits. We’re living at the end of the Gentile Age. is is our last-ditch opportunity to win as many gentiles as possible before God pours out his Spirit once again upon Israel. We can hasten the revival in Israel by filling up the fullness of the Gentiles.
There’s Safety in Doing No Uncommanded Works By Christine Darg To be successful or prosperous is an intense longing deep in the souls of most persons, but we know prosperity is a relative term and quite an emotive one in the world of spirituality. God is truly interested in the prosperity of our souls and bodies, according to 3 John 1: 2. A king is prosperous when he rules wisely and holds the esteem of his people. A businessman is prosperous when his efforts result in financial gains. A minister of the Gospel, on the other hand, is rightly said to be prosperous not when he accrues worldly goods but when he wins souls and blesses the spiritual well-being of many needy persons. In order to prosper, it’s important always to follow our marching orders and not to meddle or become involved or sidetracked by uncommanded works. We mustn’t get involved where the Lord has not led us. Not every battle is our battle! ere’s an illustration to this truth in the 2016 race for the U.S. Republican presidental nomination. In great humiliation, Jeb Bush, son of President George H. Bush, and brother of President George W. Bush, suspended his campaign to run for the office of President. Despite having great financial backing, Jeb never got his campaign off the ground because he himself admitted that his heart was reluctant from the beginning. His wife’s heart wasn’t in the race, and even his elderly Mom, Barbara Bush, had said from the beginning, “We’ve had enough Bushes” in American politics. Jeb had already served two successful terms as governor of the American state of Florida, and subsequently he used his formidable family name to build a prosperous business. But none of that will be
remembered like the ordeal Jeb put himself through in the presidential debates and primaries. All because he defied the guidance of his own heart. Jeb made the mistake of listening to others rather than to his intuition. He allowed himself to be persuaded against his better judgment. And Donald Trump was there all the time like a sports commentator to taunt him for his “low energy.” In the life of a believer, we can proceed from strength to strength and from victory to victory as along as we are fully following the Lord. Note to Self: Always Seek the Lord! Great wisdom and a lesson for all of us is found in 2 Chronicles 26: 5. Concerning King Uzziah, the record states, “He continued to seek God in the days of Zechariah, who had understanding through the vision of God; and as long as he sought the LORD, God prospered him.” It was while Uzziah “looked unto God” that he was marvellously helped and made strong. is teaches us that success is in proportion to our trust in Yehovah. Seeking the Lord includes — (1) Worshipping. (is is crucial!) (2) Wrestling. (is is inevitable!) (3) Waiting. (is is wisdom!) Let’s receive our marching orders from the Lord; then we can boldly go even where nobody else has gone and accomplish great exploits because the Lord will work with us, confirming his leadership through signs and many wonders! Amen and amen!
Acts 1:8 ‘And ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.’
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