Exploits january 2015

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We are rejoicing that our Watchmen on the Walls Congress in Manila was a breakthrough to strengthen intercessors. Many who came were filled by the Holy Spirit and received a healing anointing when shofar blasts went off throughout the large auditorium. “The Holy Spirit’s presence, His joy and Kavod were really palpable,” said our organizer, Nena Benigno. “The hall could hold 3,000, and there was a joy that we’ve not seen in this place previously. The Congress was God’s perfect timing just when a pro-Sharia bill was up for deliberation in our Congress. There was hardly any opposition, even though ISIS

By Christine Darg

is already actively recruiting Filipinos in Mindanao. The scenario is divisive and strikingly similar to the demand for a Palestinian state. Because Christine had previously received a ‘Macedonian’ call to the Philippines, God sent her again to strengthen the intercessors to understand the complexities of the situation in the Mideast and why

Joyful worship at our Watchmen on the Walls Congress in Manila, Philippines.

the Philippines must stand with Israel.� Indeed, the Philippines is one of the most vital Gospel-sending nations, with overseas workers in many countries, including Islamic nations. Filipinos also comprise the largest group of foreign workers in Israel. Many Christian Filipinos serve Israelis.

The Beheading of John the Baptist By Christine Darg The latest phenomenon in global jihad is a grotesque ritual of pledging allegiance to Islam through a blood initiation ritual of beheadings. Many Bible teachers are calling our attention to the fact that beheading will be the preferred mode of murder during the short reign of Antichrist. The apostle John prophesied in Revelation 20: 4, “And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony about Jesus and because of the word of God.” The savagery of jihadists wielding meat cleavers and axes took me to accounts in the New Testament of the beheading of John the Baptist. Although the work of John the Baptist was short-lived, it was vitally important because each of the four Gospels prefaces Jesus’ ministry with the work of preparation by John the Baptist. In fact, to properly understand the ministry of the Messiah, we must start with the message of John who was sent by God to “prepare the way of the Lord.” John the Baptizer was destined to fulfill certain prophecies of Isaiah and Malachi as the Lord’s messenger to prepare His way, and to prepare the people in the spirit and power of the fiery prophet Elijah. John came baptizing in the wilderness of Judea and crying, “Repent!” But we in the West don’t pay even half the attention to John

the Baptist as the Middle Eastern churches. Why does the Church in the East give so such veneration to John the Baptist? I’d like to offer at least 10 reasons why John is honored, and these 10 criteria are edifying for those of us who serve the Lord in these dangerous End Times. First of all, John the Baptist is greatly honored in the Eastern churches because our Lord Himself declared in Luke 7:28 that John was the greatest man “among those born of women.” Many are surprised by this accolade. Surely, Jesus Himself is the greatest man born of women? However, Jesus was not born from a married female; he was born of a Virgin. Secondly, John was conceived when his parents were in their old age. Other great luminaries of the Bible who gave birth in old age were Sarah and Abraham. Thirdly, great men and women often have great parents who impart much wisdom and knowledge to the next generation. John’s parents were holy people in their own right, and their child was a gift from God in


answer to their prayers. John’s father was Zachariah, prophet, priest and martyr. Elizabeth, John’s mother, was the sister of the mother of Mary. The family relationship between Mary and John the Baptist is expressed in an icon that hangs over the doors of every Orthodox church. This icon shows Jesus the Messiah in the center, Mary is on His right hand and John the Baptist is on His left. Fourthly, because he was Messiah’s herald, John has been given the special title of “Forerunner.” John’s example is a powerful model for all believers. Our task in this generation is similar to John’s role as Forerunner: we’re called especially to prepare people for the Second Coming of Jesus. We must prepare our generation to receive the Lamb of God, the Son of God, and not be caught short without any oil, as it were, like the foolish virgins in Jesus’ parable of the wise and foolish virgins who were not ready. A fifth point to consider about John’s greatness is that he is called by scholars and theologians the last Prophet of the Old Testament. The final 17 books of the Old Testament are the Prophetic Books, ranging from Isaiah to Malachi. Thus, the Baptist can be considered a bridge, or some would say the hinge, that joins the Old and New Testaments. A sixth reason for John’s greatness: not only was John the Baptist the first Prophet of the New Testament, he was also the first martyr during the Lord’s public preaching. John was beheaded three years before the stoning to death of Stephen. A seventh reason for John’s greatness was his obedient life in the desert. He ate honey and locusts, dressed in camel hair. His obedience was demonstrated in being willing to baptize the Son of God, whose shoelaces, he said, he was unworthy to untie. Interestingly, the preaching of John the Baptist was well received by people in Judea and Jerusalem. Because of his charisma, they were well prepared for the coming of the Lord. In fact, many wondered if John was the Messiah. But we have to ask if John’s preaching style and message would be well received today? Could this generation receive from a man who required people to go into the wilderness to hear him? Would we give serious attention to a harsh hermit? Truth is, we’re easily offended when a preacher steps on our toes and demands that we repent!

The eighth reason for the greatness of John is that he carried the spirit of repentance. In fact, repentance, with the result of baptisms, was the chief characteristic of John’s ministry. Repentance is unfortunately a foreign word today but it’s required for salvation. Repentance is the mark of truth, the sign of sobriety, the absence of exaltation, a sense of reality. A ninth reason for the greatness of John is that he fearlessly denounced sin and the abuse of power in the spirit and power of the great Old Testament prophet Elijah. John fearlessly denounced Herod Antipas, who was ruler in Galilee at the time of John’s preaching. Antipas was the son of the wicked King Herod who had slaughtered the Holy Innocents in Bethlehem nearly 30 years before. John denounced Herod’s sexual sins. Herod Antipas had first married the daughter of an Arab prince; then he had illegally married Herodias, his sister-in-law. Tradition teaches that Herod fathered a daughter named Salome through this incestuous, adulterous relationship. John was beheaded as a result of his denunciation of Herod. At his birthday party, Herod was excited by Salome’s sensual dancing, and he gave way to Herodias’ demand to behead the Baptist. John’s head was brought before the vengeful Herodias on a platter. (That’s why Orthodox Christians solicit the prayers of John the Baptist in cases of headaches, migraines and even brain-tumors!) The Orthodox Church doesn’t make a big fuss over birthdays because the tragic murder happened on Herod’s birthday. This is the only time in the New Testament that a birthday party is mentioned, and it tragically resulted in a great crime. The 10th reason for John’s greatness was his extraordinary humility. At the height of his ministry, he turned the attention away from himself and pointed to Jesus the Lamb of God. John said Jesus was mightier: “I baptize you with water, but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire!” In the Gospel of John 3: 30, John the Baptist said, “He (that is, Jesus) must increase, but I must decrease.” John was humbly saying that Jesus must become more important, but John must become less important.

Peter Darg Ministering at The First International Media Forum in Seoul, South Korea With the constant tensions and terrorism in the Mideast, one of the greatest tonics is for us to be included in the exploits of the Holy Spirit in the Far East. Recently, we spent time ministering at the First International Media Forum in Seoul, where Peter Darg was invited to address more than 300 broadcasters. In that conference, we saw the potentiality of reaching all of Asia with the Gospel via the media! We also visited freedom protestors in Hong Kong who are campaigning for democracy. I’m stunned by the prosperity and economic growth in Asian nations. But I’m most amazed at the expansion of the church in Asia! Knowing that much of the church is being decimated in the Middle East by ISIS terrorists, it’s such a joy to arrive in Seoul, Korea, and in Manila, the capital of the Philippines, and to see many crosses boldly dominating the skylines, From Seoul, Christine reporting at www.exploits.tv

especially at night—lots of big neon white and red crosses everywhere in countries that used to be predominated by religions like Buddhism. Despite opposition, the Church in Asia is on the march, and there are now more Christians in China than members of the Communist Party! There are 100 million Christians versus about 87 million Communist Party members! The photo below is a recent cover of a Financial Times Magazine featuring a Chineselooking Jesus as “China’s Other Leader.” The article reported recent demolitions of crosses and churches by Community Party bosses, but the Financial Times bureau chief noted that persecution only serves the inevitability of China becoming the largest Christian nation! We must spend time every year in India and the Far East to participate in the great Harvest at the End of the Age! Thanks to our partners for your vital financial and prayer support!

A Modern Bible Hero: Lt. Gen. Sir William Dobbie

By Christine Darg This popular historic poster shows children asking, “Daddy, what did YOU do in the Great War?” At least one man could answer, “I stopped the beastly thing!” On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, World War I ended. The British officer who sent the telegraph (photo at right inset) was Lt. Gen. Sir William Dobbie. Faith and Fortitude –traits greatly needed in leaders today– are an apt description of Dobbie, a British military hero who died 50 years ago. Those hallmarks, Faith and Fortitude, are the title of an exhibit at Jerusalem’s Christ Church Heritage Centre inside Jaffa Gate. Sir William commanded the restoration of order in British Palestine after the 1929 Arab riots, gaining respect of the Jewish leadership. Sir William was also later governor of Malta and steered that strategic Mediterranean island through a brutal siege by the Germans and Italians during World War II. The Daily Express described Dobbie “like the fighting Prophet, Joshua.” Religious sensibilities of past generations would not be considered politically correct today. In 1929, when Dobbie and his troops were stationed near the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem, the Bible Society distributed New Testaments to all the British soldiers. Dobbie wrote a personal and very evangelical note that was inserted into each Bible: You are stationed at the place where the central event in human history occurred—namely the crucifixion of the Son of God. You may see the place where this

happened and you may read the details in this book. . . . It was for your sake that the Son of God died on the cross here. The realisation of this fact cannot but produce a radical change in one’s life— and the study of this book will, under God’s guidance, help you to such a realisation. The title of Sir William’s biography, A Very Present Help, is taken from Psalm 46:1, “God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble.” The book is a tribute to the faithfulness of God and it chronicles miracles of prayer from the Western front in 1918, from the Holy Land in 1929 and later in Malta in 1941. It’s interesting that verse 9 of Psalm 46 declares, “He maketh wars to cease. . . .” so Sir William partially fulfilled his favourite psalm! His signature was on the telegram issued from General Headquarters informing all British troops that the war was over. A dear friend of ours who lived in Jerusalem in the 1980s, Col. Orde Dobbie was the youngest son of Sir William. In his retirement years, Col. Orde Dobbie worked at the Garden Tomb and was an important figure in the life of our congregation at Christ Church. He was quite the personality, a quintessential Englishman, monocle and all. When he led a prayer meeting, Col. Dobbie always had three military-style rules: Stand up, Speak up and Shut up! The Dobbies were closely related to Maj.-General Orde Wingate, the most famous !

Faith and Fortitude in Jerusalem (continued from previous page) Gentile in the history of modern Israel. Wingate was the nephew of Sir William Dobbie and the first cousin of my friend Col. Dobbie. Orde Wingate was especially noted for his support of Zionism, and he is regarded as one of the founders of modern guerrilla warfare. His long-range penetration techniques influenced military strategy and tactics. Wingate was brought up as an evangelical Christian. He saw it as his religious and moral duty to assist the struggling Jewish communities in the Holy Land to form a Jewish state. Assigned to the British Mandate of Palestine in 1936, Wingate set about training members of the Haganah, the Jewish paramilitary organization that became the Israel Defense Forces when the nation was re-established in 1948. Wingate was known affectionately to the Jewish men he commanded during the Arab revolt as “The Friend.” I also want to be Israel’s friend in a time when the Jewish nation desperately needs friends. Because Wingate is a family name on my maternal side, I also claim to be a distant relative. And so in the 1980s, I appeared as a news anchor on World News Tonight of Middle East TV with a required pseudonym-- “Christine Wingate.” Israel will not always be so controversial! Some day soon, when Messiah returns to Jerusalem, faith and fortitude will be requirements of all who reign with the Lord. Returning with Yeshua to rule with a rod of iron will be the great saints of the ages, and faithful men like Wingate, Sir William Dobbie and his son, my prayer mentor, Col. Orde Dobbie, of blessed memory.

When my husband was led by God in 1986 to start a work for CBN’s 700 Club in Britain, I was heartsick to leave Israel. In those days I was leading a revival at Christ Church among Arabs and ministering every week to soldiers. Col. Dobbie told me that he and his wife had prayed a whole day about our move, and the Lord had assured him, “Christine will not leave Jerusalem!” That word was a great comfort to my soul, and it has surely come to pass. In time, the Lord brought me back. Although the Lord has graciously expanded our ministry world-wide, our ministry base for many years has indeed been Jerusalem, according to the pattern of the Great Commission in Acts 1:8. When Jesus returns, Israel will be the chief of nations, the third in a messianic league with Egypt and Assyria. The Palestinian question will be solved and perfect justice will be served in the region. Men and women who have grasped the bigger picture of God’s eternal purposes, those schooled in the Bible like the Dobbies, will be entrusted with the rulership of this world. Meanwhile, politicians and leaders who know nothing of the Bible, who remove the Word of God from our schools and military, will be cast into outer darkness. The timely Dobbie exhibit, “Faith and Fortitude,” will be on view for a year and is well worth a visit to appreciate the spiritual ties of how God once used Britain to fulfil the restoration of His people to their ancient homeland.

Christine Darg with an exhibit of Sir William Dobbie

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Acts 1:8 and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.

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