Exploits Magazine November 2016

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Moveable Feast of Tabernacles In Jerusalem’s Four Quarters

Rabbi Daniel Lapin

By Christine Darg One of the great highlights of our 2016 Jerusalem “Moveable Feast of Tabernacles” was the address by “America’s Rabbi” Daniel Lapin at historic Christ Church, Jaffa Gate. His full address can be viewed at our website www.exploits.tv. The rabbi spoke on the importance of Christian tourists to the Holy Land. He said that our on-site prayers create an open heaven-- a truth I’ve been emphasizing to our prayer partners for years. Now it is my great hope that many of you will join us soon for our next convocation which will be even more urgent and strategic--the Musicians Merv and Merla Watson

New Year Jerusalem Watchmen and Women on the Walls 1-5 January 2017! I was also privileged to speak once again to the International Christian Embassy’s Feast of Tabernacles celebration at Jerusalem’s Arena (photo at right). The Jerusalem March (photo below) continued to bring Jews and Christians closer together. [This edition’s cover photo is Naomi Darg in Jordan, where she and David recently helped refugees for Operation Blessing. Exploits Ministry is invited to take a team in 2017 to Jordan. Any of our prayer partners interested in that journey should contact me or yairmazur@gmail.com]

Peter Darg Opening Our Third ‘Moveable Feast’ Convocation At Christ Church

International Christian Embassy Jerusalem’s 2016 Theme: All the Families of the Earth Christine Darg ministering at Jerusalem’s Pais Arena during the ICEJ Feast of Tabernacles

Praying with four species during Feast of Tabernacles

The tribes are coming up to Jerusalem!

Praying for healing and new strength for Canon Andrew White at our ‘Tabernacles’ Birthday Party for Yeshua in Bethlehem!

Gidon Ariel Presents Christine with Root Source Plaque

Our Ministry Partners Are Helping to Save Lives By Donating a Fully Equipped Ambulance To Israel’s Emergency Service Magen David Adom By Christine Darg Laurie Chalifoux has been travelling with our ministry for many years and is a strategic member of our Board of Advisors in the USA. It was our desire to honor the memory of Laurie’s husband Michael Chalifoux, who supported our ministry so very faithfully for many years, with an Exploits Ministry ambulance in Israel. It was important to Laurie and to other ministry partners who donated generously towards the project to print on the doors of the ambulance that the vehicle was donated by Christian Friends on behalf of www.JerusalemChannel.tv. e dedication of a fully equipped vehicle to save lives in Israel was a dream come true for our ministry. We are grateful for the assistance of Jonathan Feldstein, who entertained us last year during the Feast of Tabernacles in his succa, where we were inspired to donate an ambulance in Mike’s memory. One year later, we could not have hoped for a more beautiful ceremony as we dedicated the

Christine Darg receives the “Beacon Award” on behalf of Exploits Ministry

new ambulance not far from our ministry center at the Citadel, Tower of David, Jaffa Gate, under beautiful olive trees against the background of Jerusalem’s sacred Old City walls. e Tower of David Museum feted our group by erecting a succa and entertained all of us lavishly with a lovely succa party and a morning’s tour of the biblical museum. To God be all the glory!

This beautiful plaque is now in our Jerusalem ministry center at Jaffa Gate

Peter and Christine Darg handing over the ambulance keys! Succa party at the Citadel

The unveiling with ministry partners Nancy Crowell & Laurie Chalifoux

Delegates to our Moveable Feast of Tabernacles in the Four Quarters of Jerusalem’s Old City gathered for the dedication of an Exploits Ministry ambulance at David’s Tower, Jaffa Gate

Exorci sm Eme rge ncy! By Christine Darg (Full message available at www.exploits.tv) One of the most controversial and sensational aspects of the Christian faith is the realization that demonic forces are REAL. If you bring up the subject of exorcism-- the casting out of demons from someone-- most people associate that with Hollywood and horror. On the other hand, the Catholic Church has expressed concern that Satan is “on the loose” in our world and that exorcists are in greater demand than ever. So what does the Bible tell us about demonic possession and how to overcome it? is is one topic on which secular psychiatrists need not apply! At an elementary school in Sacramento, California, a Satan Club has actually been approved by the school board for impressionable youngsters. e Club has been promoted and sponsored by a Satanic Temple in the school’s neighborhood. e stated purpose of the Satan Club is to counter the Good News Club, which is an aer-school activity sponsored by evangelical Christians. We’re surely living in a time when anything goes. As a result, exorcists are in ever greater demand due to the sharp rise of Satanism and the occult! A lack of priests capable of confronting the forces of evil has been described as an “emergency” by a psychologist and consultant to the Vaticanendorsed group called the International Association of Exorcists. e psychologist said there’s a pastoral emergency because of a significant increase in the number of what he describes as diabolical possessions. When there is a spiritual vacuum for the truth, evil fills that void with an epidemic of pornography and witchcra freely available on the Internet. Two of America’s leading Catholic exorcists-- Father Vincent Lampert and Father Gary omas-- have discussed the exponential growth in exorcisms. Father Lampert said that half the calls he receives are from non-Catholics. He warned there ARE serious consequences when

people open a door to invite evil into their lives. A typical example Father omas cited is when naïve people play with a Ouija board, and all of a sudden they start speaking in an archaic language and objects start to move around the house. Father omas said he has performed up to 60 exorcisms in the US, and he also receives requests for help from India, Africa and recently from Turkey. e Bible warns that there will be an increase in evil in the last days; however, there should be enough manpower in the churches to cope with the powers of darkness. is is because Jesus clearly said that every believer should have enough faith to cast out demons….. but sadly I’ve discovered very few churches where believers practice that level of faith. In the Roman Catholic Church, the Rite of Exorcism is a healing ministry that has been shrouded in secrecy. Aer the Second Vatican Council in the 1960s, it was considered taboo for priests to speak of Satan as if he really exists. But in 1973, the film “e Exorcist” became a Hollywood blockbuster. e story was based on an actual case of demon possession. By the year 2004, Pope John Paul II sounded the alarm that occult and New Age activity were raging out of control and provided demonic gateways that could result in possession. But before I go any further, it’s important to point out that theologians in all church denominations differentiate between full possession, when a person’s life is taken over by demons, and what is called demonic attachment—that’s when people are under the influence of demons but aren’t fully possessed. With demonic oppression— or you can call it demonic vexation—a person can be depressed or feel ill, but they are still able to function more or less in ordinary society. But when they come into contact with an anointed atmosphere or an anointed minister of God, they begin to manifest signs of hostility, or sickness, or

other symptoms that something is wrong. In Father omas’s experience, he said a possessed person always has a “tribe of demons,” not just one. His observation agrees with many Bible accounts. For example, out of Mary Magdalene, Jesus cast not one, but seven, devils. Jesus delivered a madman who was living amongst the tombs on the far side of the Galilee who was possessed by a legion of demons. Father omas observed that most of the time a demon’s goal is to take the person they are attached to… to Hell. e demon also pushes the person to commit suicide. e Rite of Exorcism in the Catholic Church is conducted in Latin. e Vatican has yet to approve an English translation. In actuality, the Bible teaches that every believer has authority over demons in their own language and in the Name of Jesus. Because we human beings have been given a free will by God, an exorcism can only be conducted if an afflicted person wants to be set free. e same goes for healing. We can’t offer much hope to an afflicted person’s family or friends if the victim wants to keep their sickness. A well-grounded Baptist pastor prayed for a person who was sick due to demonic influence. e demons spoke through the person and resisted the pastor saying, “We’ll never allow him to ask for forgiveness! We’ve bound him so tight, he can’t exercise his will to be set free.” “Well then,” the pastor said, “I’ll remit his sins according to John 20:23.” In that verse Jesus says “whose sins you forgive are forgiven and whose sins you retain are retained.” e demons responded with rage, “How do you know that verse?! Hardly anybody knows that verse!” “Well,” the pastor said, “I know it, and so right now I remit the sins of this person in Jesus’ Name, and I unbind him in the name of Jesus and therefore he’s set free in Jesus’ name, and YOU must vacate now!” And, Hallelu-Yah, the person was set free and healed! So although we cannot force an exorcism or a healing on someone against their will, we can remit the sins of people as Jesus instructed us to do. at’s part of the Great Commission in John’s Gospel! Every believer needs to be more aware of spiritual warfare in the daily decisions we make. For example, I recently met with an important

prayer partner, and whenever we meet, we enjoy significant times of prayer. I wasn’t feeling well the morning that she and I were supposed to meet, and she also didn’t feel well, but we both recognized the opposition. . . so rather than cancelling our appointment, we powered through and met. And, of course, we had a significant time of prayer and both felt perfectly fine aerwards. We’re not to be ignorant of the devil’s tactics! When an afflicted person is invited to an anointed service where the presence of the Holy Spirit will be strong, it’s not surprising that demons start manifesting to prevent a divine appointment. e person can become ill or suffer a terrible headache, and so forth. But Mark 16: 17 says one of the signs that will follow every believer is that we’ll cast out-- we’ll drive out--demons. e next verse says we’ll also lay hands on the sick, and the sick will recover. Although these giings are available by faith to every believer, it’s true that some believers excel in healing and exorcisms more than others. at’s why in my book “50 Gis of the Holy Spirit,” I list the gi of exorcism as one of many gis of the Holy Spirit, along with prophecy, faith and the working of miracles. Believers who excel in exorcisms are graced with fearlessness, the discerning of spirits. . . . and a lot of stamina. Jesus rebuked demons and illness. When was the last time you heard somebody rebuke a demon? Sadly, the average church-goer is not trained to act biblically. Jesus cited two reasons for His disciples’ failure. Number one was their unbelief, or literally, their “little faith.” Secondly, Jesus taught a harsh reality that stubborn spirits are cast out because a believer is willing to devote extra time and energy to prayer and fasting.

Prophetic Vision to Return Yeshua to Jewish People “Join them together into one stick so that they will become in your hand.” ~Ezekiel 37: 17 (NIV) By Christine Darg e photo at right was taken when I recently met in Jerusalem with Canon Andrew White, the “Vicar of Baghdad,” and Rabbi Ariel Cohen Alloro to discuss the rabbi’s amazing and timely vision to bring Jews and Christians together and ultimately to recover Jesus (Yeshua) to the Jewish people! Rabbi Ariel will share his End-time vision at our Jerusalem January Watchmen and Women on the Walls convocation, so if you can possibly come up to Israel with us at the New Year, this promises to be an event not to be missed! Intercession is needed! e name of Rabbi Ariel’s vision is “Facing Each Other--


Judaism and Christianity in Peace,” with the goal of reintroducing Yeshua to his Jewish family. e rabbi will share with our group the three stages that he and his own rabbi envision for restoring Jesus to the Jewish people. e first stage of his plan involves the Biblical concept of the redemption of the firstborn, and the second stage will be a retrial of Jesus with members of the nascent Sanhedrin in order to exonerate Jesus in the eyes of the Jewish people. We plan a visit to Beersheva to prepare in prayer the Balfour Centenary; and a Bethlehem Gospel outreach at the time of the Orthodox Christmas. For details visit our website at exploits.tv or email yairmazur@gmail.com

Acts 1:8 ‘And ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.’

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To make a one-time or monthly donation by credit or debit card, visit our website at www.jerusalemchannel.tv/donate or phone our UK number 0300 561 0005 To contact us by email: jerusalemchannel@icloud.com © All rights reserved November 2016

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