Exploits June 14

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‘In him are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.’ Colossians 2:3



ʻBehold, he who watches over Israel neither slumbers nor sleepsʼ (Psalm 121:4) By Christine Darg Again and again western politicians attempt to impose their own ideas upon Israel, only to see their plans going up in smoke and falling apart at the last minute. Diplomatic defeats have frustrated the UN and many so-called peace negotiators. But Israel’s struggle for survival hasn’t diminished her ability to thrive economically. Israel earns its nickname “the start-up nation” by offering the world breakthrough technology, medicine and innovation. Meanwhile, the peace negotiations would have you believe that if only the Israel-Palestine issue could be solved, there would be peace and harmony in the region, terrorism would vanish, and Arabs and Jews could live together as friendly neighbors. Well, let’s bust a myth or two. First, a brief history lesson: In the Bible the Holy Land is known as the Land of Israel. In New Testament times, the Land of Israel was referred to as Judea, a Roman province.

Later Rome gave the region the name Palestine, derived from Israel’s Philistine enemies, to goad the Jews. For four centuries until 1917 this region was known as the Turkish Ottoman Empire. The people who lived here were Jews emigrating back to their ancient homeland and Arabs attracted to the area’s growing prosperity. After a British victory over the Turks in 1917, the League of Nations appointed London to set up a mandate including both people groups. There were Palestinian Jews as well as Palestinian Arabs. The Philistines who were a Mediterranean people, originating from Asia Minor, sailed to the southern coast of Israel in several waves dating back to the time of Abraham. The Philistine settlers were most closely related to the ancient Greeks. They didn’t speak Arabic. They had no connection, ethnically or linguistically, with Arabia or Arabs. So using the term “Palestinian”

THANK YOU, EXPLOITS MINISTRY PARTNERS! Very poor Pakistanis near Lahore who work slavishly in a brick factory for less than minimum wages were treated to a Resurrection Sunday Gospel event. We were able to feed hundreds and share the hope of the Risen Lord in a land where Christians are often a persecuted minority.

In Yeshua Are Hidden All the Treasures of Wisdom And Knowledge !Colossians 2:3" for the Last Days for any Arab ethnic group is a modern political creation, and has never had any international or academic credibility before Arab nations attacked Israel in 1967. So, if you want to solve the ArabIsrael conflict, you first have to accept that Israel can’t negotiate with a fictitious country called Palestine. Of course there are Arabs living within Israel’s borders. Many have Israeli passports and are full citizens. A growing number of Arab Christians are serving in the Israeli army. A great many Israeli Arabs are watching the chaos in the Arab world and coming to the right conclusion that their safety and prosperity rest within a strong, free, democratic Israel. Many in the West dangerously overlook Israel’s strategic value. What would happen soon after the world insisted on the creation of a new nation of Palestine in the West Bank? It’s not possible for such a state with its current anti-Israel leadership to honor peace agreements because of the nature of an Islamic “hudna,” a concept that allows for the abrogation of treaties for the betterment of Islamic expansion. In fact, some military strategists expect that should yet another Arab state be created in the region, Iran would first topple Israel’s eastern neighbor, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, and then the terrorist group Hamas would overthrow the Palestinian government in the West Bank, as they have already done in Gaza. A West Bank Hamas state sitting next to tiny Israel would collect tens of thousands of smuggled rockets and nerve agents according to sources at Janes Defence Weekly (a British publishing company specializing in military topics). These deadly weapons on Iranian orders would have a range over Tel Aviv and 70 percent of Israel’s main Jewish population and 80 per cent of its industrial base. The Palestinian Authority’s official maps still show all of Israel as part of Palestine. The logo of Palestine TV claims all of Israel as Palestine, with the Palestinian capital in Jerusalem. Fatah’s official insignia is the land of Israel smothered by a grenade, a bayoneted rifle and a sub-machine gun. Textbooks in Palestinian schools use a map of the Middle East pretending Israel does not exist. Fatah’s Charter states: “Our struggle will not cease unless the Zionist state is demolished.” Does the world care that any Palestinian

Arab state would mean an existential threat to Israel’s survival? Should the nation of “Palestine” be created, Israel’s strategic depth would be indefensible. If you have never been to the Holy Land, you can’t really picture how small are the disputed territories. Israel as it stands presently does not have all the territory it was promised by God but is reduced by political partitionings to a very narrow sliver. Currently its borders leave Israel just 85 miles across its widest point and 9 miles at its narrowest! A number of Israeli leaders such as the late statesman Abba Eban have referred to Israel’s internationally recognized borders (the borders Israel had from 1948 to 1967) as confining “Auschwitz borders.” Israeli leaders consider the issue of strategic depth to be of paramount importance. Issues of contention include the West Bank settlements and potential Israeli control of the Jordan Rift Valley as well as the Golan Heights in the north. The Mediterranean Sea will play an increasingly important role in Israel’s defense because the U.S. Mediterranean fleet is shrinking while the presence of Russia’s navy is increasing. Turkey is also modernizing its navy. Israel’s recent naval purchases demonstrate that its political and military leadership understand the urgency of strong naval defenses. Instability in the Eastern Mediterranean is growing alongside vulnerability of large natural gas discoveries off of Israel’s coast. In spite of multiple threats, Israel will survive because Israel has a secret weapon--the continued on page 6

By Christine Darg At our 2014 Prophetic Passover seder in Biblical Samaria, we prayed from Elijah’s Chair: Hear what the Spirit is saying to the Churches and to Israel: as we are assembled on Mt. Gerizim, the mount of blessing, we hold this holy territory of Judea and Samaria in the Spirit. Politicians may give away this Biblical portion allotted to Ephraim and where the patriarch Jacob purchased land, and where Joseph’s tomb stands to this day, but we will not relinquish this ground in the Spirit! Even if men forfeit the Promised Land to Israel’s enemies, we declare this territory will yet return to its rightful owners. Jeremiah 31:6 says that in the Last Days watchmen (notzrim, modern word for “Christians”) upon these hills of Ephraim shall cry, “Arise, let us go up to Zion!” The ancient Samaritans who were our seder hosts also call themselves watchmen (Shomronim) because they have kept the Land through the centuries and have not abandoned it. In a sense we

declared our event to be Joseph’s Seder, for we were rehearsing in his tribal territory. We recalled his tears as a prophecy of when Yeshua wept over Jerusalem and will yet weep with Israel when they are reunited at his Second Coming. God’s prophetic billboard, the first of four Blood Moons, occurred at this Passover 2014. It was no coincidence that the Hebrew, Samaritan, Julian and Gregorian calendars all converged for Holy Week. We were led to hold our prophetic seder amongst the Samaritan community who sacrifice animals and put the blood upon their doorposts just as in the Bible (and some also daub their foreheads, as in the photo below). After our Passover celebration, we were invited to observe the Samaritan priests slaughtering lambs and roasting sacrifices in pits of fire just as in Bible days; they have preserved God’s own “show and tell,” a perfect picture of the meekness and Passion of the Lamb of God. The seder’s bread of affliction and the wine, the cup of redemption, perfectly signify the meal that heals (Holy Communion), representing the sacrificial body and blood of our Lord. Prayer, repentance and healing marked our evening convocations. Speaking on the Four Blood Moons on Israel’s Feast days, Bob O’Dell led

Full moon Samaritan Passover, Mt. Gerizim, 2014 This moon turned to blood as viewed in North America

Peter Darg Opening our 17th Passover Convocation in Jerusalem

repentance because the prophetic movement has dehumanized Israel: “We treat the covenant relationship between them and God as a check-box on a prophetic calendar scorecard.” I spoke on “Healing in the Seder.” Several pilgrims were healed by discerning the Lord’s broken body according to principles in 1 Corinthians 11:29. The Day of the Lord cannot come unless the Man of Sin is revealed “...only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way.” (2 Thessalonians 2: 7) In his address, Lance Lambert offered a rabbinic view that the removal of the restrainer may refer to God’s withdrawal of angelic protection over our nations, rather than the traditional views of removal of the Holy Spirit or the Church. Join us for our Second Blood Moon Convocation 10-16 October.

Lance Lambert

Daniela Harbich and Brenda Biggs praying powerfully for the rejoining of Jews and Christians

Behold The Lamb

Behold, when you have entered the city, a man carrying a jar of water will meet you and show you a large upper room. (Luke 22: 10)

Exploits Trustee Barbara Dingle with Samaritan Priest and Torah Scrolls

DIVINE HEALTH AND AGE Rabbi Eliezer Ben Yehuda is the grandson of the famous man by that name who revived the Hebrew language. The grandfather Ben Yehuda’s amazing story reads like a modern Bible epic as told in the book, The Tongue of the Prophets. continued from page 3

God of Israel, who has determined to restore his people at this time, a restoration that will also be spiritual. Meanwhile, we don’t need to sanction everything Israel does, but we must insist on Israel’s right to exist with defensible borders. To have spiritual depth, we must know God and be strong. Knowing God includes knowing his Word, his character and his ways. Many in the churches today are boycotting and divesting themselves from Israel because they are not recognizing the signs and the seasons. A long time ago, on the Mt. of Olives, the disciples asked Jesus, are you going to restore the kingdom to Israel at this time? Yeshua told them in effect, not now, but that they must first make disciples of all nations. But Yeshua said a time would come when eventually Israel would be restored after being scattered into all the nations and prior to his Second Coming. To deny this prophetic reality, spoken of so often in the Scriptures, is to fail to keep faith with God. God promised he would restore the Jewish people and so to fight the existence of the Jewish state in these last days is to fight God himself. God expects the Lord’s disciples to be watchmen upon Israel’s walls, to pray for justice for all parties in the region and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. That prayer in Psalm 122 is actually a commandment of God. He could well protect Israel and bring revival to Israel’s brothers in the surrounding Arab nations without you and me, but the Lord has determined that his people will be part of the action to bring about his holy purposes through intercessory prayer. When

Rabbi Ben Yehuda, who helped to develop the Rosetta Stone’s Hebrew program, discussed with me Psalm 90, which mentions that the days of our lives are 70 years, or if by reason of strength, 80 years. However, that Psalm refers to the generation who died in the wilderness. The Torah mentions in Genesis that after the flood, man’s normal lifespan was reduced to 120 years. I asked the rabbi if the Hebrew expression “until 120” said at birthdays should be taken quite literally. He answered that since aging is very much a mentality, we should correct our thinking to believe that we can live to be 120 in full strength like Moses. Only after 120 should we begin to wind down. Most “unbelieving believers” don’t think this way. I realize that Yeshua will probably return before we’re all 120 years old, but still, it’s an important teaching to reboot our minds to “think young” instead of thinking old, because our bodies obey our thinking and our words!

Israel’s surrounding Islamic neighbors cry, “Let’s wipe them out as a nation so the name of Israel will be remembered no more,” they’re actually quoting Psalm 83: 4. That same Psalm quotes Israel’s enemies as saying, “Let’s take God’s pasturelands for ourselves.” But the Psalmist replies, “O my God, blow them away like whirling dust in the wind. Let them be put to shame and terrified forever so that they must acknowledge you. Your name is the Lord. You alone are the Most High God of the whole earth.” Just as a country must have proper geographic depth and protection, so we as individuals are in danger if we’re living on the thin edge spiritually. We may have periodic checkups to gauge our physical well-being but it’s vitally important that we should also frequently examine our spiritual wellness in regards to serving God and understanding what he’s saying to our generation. Much of the church has totally missed God’s timing in these last days and maligned God’s character as a covenant-keeper. Replacement theology which claims God has finished with the Jews is one of the most ironic plagues in the church when we have right before our eyes Bible prophecy being continually fulfilled in the modern state of Israel! We’re without excuse because we are eyewitnesses of God’s restorative miracles! Our spiritual checkup should begin with checking our hearing. We find Jesus saying in the Gospels quite frequently, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear!”... And in the Book of Revelation, Jesus constantly says, “he who has an ear

let him hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches.” Actually, there are several types of hearers. First of all, those who are hard of hearing. The prophet Isaiah wrote about such people and Jesus applied the saying to many in his generation. These persons are dull of hearing because they’re dull of heart and have closed their hearts to truth. Sadly, this prevents them from understanding God’s grace and being saved by Him. It’s very difficult to explain spiritual realities to those who are hard of hearing! The fault is not with the subject material, nor the presenter, but the hearer! Then the Bible says there’s a sad category of people who have itching ears. The Apostle Visit us regularly at www.jerusalemchannel.tv and please Paul said these kind of people only listen to what ‘like’ us on Facebook to receive our regular updates pleases them. They can’t abide sound doctrine. Sadly, too many today are afflicted with this malady! On the other hand, thank God there are a reading a sentence or two. So it is with listenfew like the noble Bereans in Acts 17: 11 who reing. To understand we must hear the full conceived the Word with readiness and searched the text. So purpose to listen with a willingness to Scriptures daily for truth. Why is it so important to accept and believe what is being taught in God’s be this kind of hearer? God has ordained that we Word! Today there is still room at the Cross for should be saved through faith in Jesus the Messiah you. As God has testified of Jesus, “This is My Christ, and faith comes through hearing the Gospel! beloved Son. Hear Him!” “In him are hidden By hearing well we understand God’s grace, preventall the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” ing deception and apostasy. There is a real danger of (Colossians 3:2) so desperately needed by our drifting, by neglecting “so great a salvation.” It is a generation! frightening fact that being unwilling to hear the Son Are we listening to what the Spirit is of God and what the Spirit is saying to the churches saying to get ready for the Second Coming, to will bring condemnation by ancients who have long bring in the last remaining Gentiles into God’s since died! I’m quoting Jesus Himself! Those who End-Time Harvest of souls? Do we pray for the reject his teachings will be condemned at God’s judg- peace of Jerusalem with real Bible understandment by the men of Nineveh who repented after only ing, with the heart of the soon-coming King one lesson from the prophet Jonah. Unbelievers will who will sit here in Jerusalem, not in Washingbe condemned by the Queen of Sheba who traveled a ton, not in Rome, not in Mecca, to rule this great distance to hear the world for a thousand years! pearls of wisdom from King The Lord Jesus, Yeshua Solomon. These truths are Hamasiach, will rule from this found in Matthew 12: 41-42. most strategic city from the Let’s learn to make revived throne of his ancestor proper hearing an act of King David. worship and devotion to God. Glorious days are coming, Do you surf the net or text but only those who bow to the while someone is expounding Lord’s rule now will reign with the Word? Is the TV blaring in him! Many will be rejected the background while you read and separated like goats from It was our joy to meet again Israel’s the Word? Doesn’t the proclamathe sheep because they have been Ambassdor to the UN, Ron Prosor, tion of God’s Word deserve our fighting the God of Israel, hating recently at the Jerusalem Post full attention? We cannot regathered Israel and disobeying Conference in New York City understand a novel by simply his clear Word.

Keeping Faith With All God Says! By Christine Darg Develop a quick mentality to keep faith with God. Zechariah and Elizabeth were advanced in age and childless. One day, while Zechariah was serving God in the Temple, the angel Gabriel appeared to Zechariah. He announced the spectacular good news that Zechariah shouldn't fear, that God had heard his supplication, and he would have a special son who would turn many Israelites to the Lord their God "in the spirit and power of Elijah!” What a fabulous promise given within the sanctified environs of the holy Temple!

Zechariah Struck Speechless by Gabriel (art by James Tissot)

Could anybody doubt this promise in such a setting? Yet Zechariah staggered in unbelief, and consequently he was struck speechless until John the Baptist was born. (Notice that the promise was fulfilled despite Zechariah’s unbelief. God as a covenant keeper and sender of Elijah is greater than

any Israelite’s unbelief.) On the other hand, when Gabriel told Mary that she would bear the Messiah, she responded, “Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word.” Mary said “Amen” to the promise. Whenever God speaks, let us rise to the occasion with an “Amen,” doubting nothing!

In this season of the Blood Red Moons, keep your eyes upon Israel and what the Lord is achieving as He regathers the Jewish people to their ancient homeland. Places are filling up fast for our 2014 Moveable Feast of Tabernacles. To register, email yairmazur@gmail.com

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