1 minute read
Back on the menu
from cahbrt w34t
by coolkdei2
Health The advice you need
Back on the menu I’m no longer turning down dinner Eli Brecher, 24, north London True-life PATIENT CASEBOOK
20 P ushing away my plate, I refused to take another bite. ‘My belly hurts again,’ I moaned to my parents. This had become a regular thing. I complained of tummy ache every single mealtime. At first, Mum thought I was just being fussy. She tried everything –swappi foods around, cuttin portion sizes –but st I grumbled about pa In October 2003, w was 8, Mum took me GP. I was given blood the doctor felt my be ‘There’s some inflammation,’ he sa He referred me for colonoscopy –a tiny c to look inside me. In the doctors had the r ‘She has Crohn’s disease,’ he explaine my mum and he gen told me my pain was because I had a bug in my tum. I thought I’d just have medication, and be better in no time –but Crohn’s is a lifelong condition. I’d have to manage my diet and deal with flare-ups for the rest of my life. As a kid, it seemed terrifying. For the first h h Student drinking and 3am pizzas left me in agony
Diagnosed when I was little
soya or eggs,’ my doctor instructed –old favourites such as peanut butter on toast were off the menu. Meanwhile, I got used to having regular checkups, injections and tablets. It kept my symptoms at bay for a while. And, gradually, I reintroduced some other foods. By the time I started university in September 2014, I knew my worst i f fl
I’m making healthy, delicious food
I took inspiration from their recipes online. Experimenting in the kitchen, I documented it on social media. Making wholesome, nourishing meals, I realised how much I loved cooking. It even inspired me to take on a second degree in Nutrition. And, right now, that’s my focus. I want to help others i h C ohn’s, to show them sible to eat well, to oy delicious food. s why I’m g with Bowel & Research, hoping awareness. t to spread the you can still enjoy y and healthy life ohn’s. hat’s full of flavour!