Reference number: 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024453
APPS IN SCHOOL Digital applications used in learning
INTRODUCTION Thanks to the technology of everyday life, the computer has become an indispensable tool for any person. Digital devices come into the lives of children from increasingly small ages: games, cartoons and animal images. As they grow up and get to school, the computer and the phone increasingly attract students' interest. This period is very important in how children will relate to these devices because there is a risk that they will pathologically dominate their lives. At this time, teachers have a special role to play. With skill and diplomacy, they should channel students' interest in modern technology to educational and formative goals. They have to guide young people through the maze of information available in the online environment. For this, teachers need to constantly specialize and learn to use digital applications and tools in learning-teaching. The guide wishes to meet teachers and provide them with a set of digital applications that they can apply to the classroom. Each application is accompanied by detailed explanations to make it easier to use. With the help of these, students will have access to impressive sources of information due to the large number of existing websites, but they will highlight the perspicacity and ability of teachers to tailor content and presentation to pupils' level and development. The guide was created by students from the following schools: ȘCOALA GIMNAZIALĂ HALMEU, ROMANIA VESTERMARKSKOLEN, DENMARK SFZ EICHSTÄTT, GERMANY ISTITUTO TECNICO ECONOMICO L. DA VINCI, ITALY IES LA MOJONERA, SPAIN within the project
TODAYSMEET Definition: TodaysMeet is an online work tool that allows direct dialogue between teacher and student, like a chat. With this application, it's easy to pass the useful links during the lesson or collect the results of the student groups.
Steps in using the app:
1. Group students to computers and launch the internet browser. 2. The teacher enters the page, writes a name for the lesson, chooses the time the camera will remain available (from one hour to a year) and click the Create your room button.
3. Students will write the URL generated in their web browser address bar. 4. Students write their name in the box "What's your name?" And press the Join button.
5. The teacher can send the test link or the addresses where they find some information and the indication, for example:
6. Students access the links and solve the tasks. Application usage issues: • The application can be effectively used as a Brainstorming method to evoke previous knowledge. • Saved messages can be printed at the end for better analysis.
Definition: The Prezi application is an on-line presentation tool that can include text, images, PPT presentations, video clips, YouTube clips, links to external resources. Steps in using the app:
1. Create your account at 2. Click on New Prezi to edit a new presentation:
3. Choose a template or start the presentation starting from a blank page:
4. Inserting a cover image:
Zoom in/ Zoom out button
5. Add the title and place it on the cover page. The same buttons are available as for images:
6. Add the slide to the presentation by pressing the Edit Path buttons and then Add current view:
7. Locate a point on the image and zoom in on that point as much as the application allows with the Zoom button or the mouse wheel:
Zoom in
Zoom out
8. Resume inserting an image or inserting PPT presentations, YouTube clips, music, then resuming step 6.
9. Return to the cover image using the Zoom out button.
Aspects related to the use of the application:
It is an application that allows you to draw attractive presentations, with the advantage that on one page you can insert all the elements of a lesson: text, images, PPT presentations, videos, YouTube clips, links to external resources.
Provide users with a host of Templates that can be used as a basis.
You can later edit and download to your computer:
KAHOOT Definition: KAHOOT is a free learning platform based on game and educational technology. Launched in August 2013 in Norway, it was designed to be accessible to the classroom and other educational environments around the world. Kahoot learning games! They can be created by anyone, on any subject, and for students of all ages.
Steps in using the app: 1. Create your account at
2. Click on New Kahoot to edit your test:
3. Choose the Quiz format:
4. Complete the general informations and add a cover image. Then click on ‘Ok, go’.
5. Click on ‚Add question’ to start writing your test:
6. Write the question and four variants of response. Check out the correct answer and st the time limit. You can choos an image or a YouTube link.
After compliting all the questions click ‚Save’ button.
8. Click on ‚I’m done’ to go your library:
9. To play the Quiz, click on ‚Play’.
10. This action will generat a GAME PIN.
11. The students are accessing this application as follows:
12. They complete the GAME PIN and name:
Application usage issues: ďƒ˜ The application can be accessed via web browser; ďƒ˜ Kahoot can be used to review students' knowledge, for formative assessment, or as a break from traditional classroom activities.
PINUP Definition: is a communication and collaboration platform providing a unique place of privacy for individuals or groups to participate in shared tasks, discussions, file sharing, whiteboard drawing and HD video conferencing.
Steps in using the app:
1. Login at 2. From the right buttons you can add text pins and images/ documents.
Add New Text Pin Upload Image/ Document
3. Set the title:
4. Invite people: Invite people
5. The students will copy the link on their computer and solve the tasks.
Application usage issues: ďƒ˜ It is a collaborative platform that can be accessed by several students at once; ďƒ˜ It is attractive and easy to use, replaces large teaching materials.
SCRUMBLR Definition: scrumblr is a web-based simulation of a physical agile kanban board that supports real-time collaboration.
Steps in using the app:
1. Acces the page and name your board. Then clock ‘go’ button.
2. From the
button you can add/ delete columns:
Add column
3. Double click on ‚New’ to rename the column:
4. Add the notes, double click to edit it:
Add column
5. The students can access the aplication by copying the url in their browser and solve the task or it can be used on the interactive whiteboard:
Aspects related to the use of the application:
ďƒ˜ Scrumblr supports real-time collaboration and has almost no button; ďƒ˜ scrumblr works on up to date chrome and firefox browsers.
SCRIBLE Definition: Scrible is an online application that allows the processing of any webpage through different personalization of paragraphs for better orientation and understanding of text for students
Steps in using the app:
1. Create an account on 2. From the TOOLS button, install the scrible Toolbar:
3. The scrible toolbar can be accessed by clicking on the ‚S’ button in the right up side of the screen:
4. Open the web page with the informations for the lesson and access the Scrible Toolbar:
5. Customizing paragraphs and adding notes on the page:
Customizing paragraphs
Adding notes
6. Saving the web page in its own library from the scrible account and sharing with others:
Share button
7. By clicking on the item, it will be opened at a specified url adress: 29/ The students will access the link. Each group will read a certain paragraph (coloured in a certain colour) and extract the ideas.
Aspects related to the use of the application:
ďƒ˜ The application helps students to easily document, read certain text fragments from a web page. Students will find the fragments easier due to their colors; ďƒ˜ The application stimulates individual work.
HOTPOTATOES Definition: The Hot Potatoes software suite includes five applications that can create exercises for the World Wide Web. The applications are JCloze, JCross, JMatch, JMix and JQuiz. There is also a sixth application called The Masher, that will compile all the Hot Potatoes exercises into one unit.
Steps in using the app:
Download the application from :
The application offers the possibility of writing six types of requirements: JQuiz - drafting of multiple-choice items JCross - writing crosswords JCloze - the writing of open items with the completion of incomplete sentences JMatch - drafting closed items with correlated responses JMix - writing sentences with mixed words The Masher - combination of the first five variants.
JQuiz 1. Write the title, questions, variants of answers and check the correct answer. Configurate the item using the personalize button: Personalize
2. Saving the test to a specific folder:
3. Export to create the web page:
4. View the exercise in the browser:
JCross 1. Write the title and introduce the words. Then click on ‚Make the grid’: Write the list of words
2. Add clues to the words:
3. Saving the test, exporting and creating the web page and personalization are similar to Jquiz:
4. View the exercise in the browser:
JCloze 1. Write the title and the text. Select a word and click on ‚Gap’ button. In the new window complete the clue for the word.
2. Saving the test, exporting and creating the web page and personalization are similar to Jquiz:
3. View the exercise in the browser:
JMatch 1. Write the title and complete the columns with the correct match:
2. Saving the test, exporting and creating the web page and personalization are similar to Jquiz:
3. View the exercise in the browser:
JMix 1. Write the title and complete the separate words of the sentence:
2. Saving the test, exporting and creating the web page and personalization are similar to Jquiz:
3. View the exercise in the browser:
JMasher 1. In the main window, the hotpot files made with the other application options are added in the desired order:
2. Set the Index:
3. Browse for the output folder and build the unit:
4. The exercise can be seen in the browser. It contains links to all the exercises created with HotPotatoes:
Dropbox Store data and share - file sharing program
Video tutorials
Funky editor
Log in with: ………………… password: …………………
Kizoa Video editor - online
Video tutorials ts?sort=dd&view=50&shelf_id=5 all language (Italy) (Spain)
Log in with: ………………………. Password: ………………………..
Prezi Tutorials Prezi is a presentation tool
Videos by Prezi by other users
Voki: Make an avatar Log in with: ……………………. password: ……………………..
Windows Movie maker Tutorial
Windows Photo Galery = Window Essentials
Video tutorials s
Tutorial videos in 5 steps 41
TODAYMEET ....................................................................... 3 PREZI ..................................................................................... 6 KAHOOT ...............................................................................11 PINUP . ...................................................................................16 SCRUMBLR ..........................................................................18 SCRIBLE ...............................................................................21 HOTPOTATOES ..................................................................24 DROPBOX ............................................................................35 FUNKY EDITOR .................................................................36 KIZOA ...................................................................................37 PREZI (VIDEO) ...................................................................38 VOKI .....................................................................................39 MOVIE MAKER .................................................................40 WINDOWS PHOTO GALERY .........................................41
Englisch algorithm analog app applicatio n array B backup bandwidt h binary bit bitmap bite blog blogger bookmark boot broadban d browser buffer bug bus byte C cache caps lock
Deutsch Algorithmus Analog App Anwendung
Dänisch algoritme analog app anvendelse
Italienisch algoritmo analogico App applicazione
Spanisch algoritmo cosa análoga App solicitud
Rumänisch algoritmul analog aplicaţia cerere
Türkisch Algoritma Analog Uygulama uygulama
Array B Sicherung Bandbreite
matrix B backup båndbredde binær bit bitmap bid blog blogger bogmærke støvle bredbånd
formación segundo apoyo Ancho de banda binario poco Mapa de bits mordedura Blog Blogger marcador bota Banda ancha
mulțime B copie de rezervă lățime de bandă
binär Bit Bitmap beißen Blog Blogger Lesezeichen Boot Breitband
schieramento B di riserva larghezza di banda binario po bitmap morso blog blogger segnalibro avvio banda larga
dizi B Yedekleme Bant genişliği ikili bit Bitmap ısırmak Blog Blogcu yer imi çizme Geniş bant
Browser Puffer Fehler Bus Byte C Cache Feststelltaste
browser buffer bug bus byte C cache Caps Lock
navegador buffer error autobús byte C cache Bloq Mayús
browsertampon gândac autobuz octet C ascunzătoare majuscule
captcha CD
Captcha CD
captcha CD
del browser buffer insetto autobus byte C nascondiglio blocco maiuscole captcha CD
captcha CD
CD-ROM client clip art
CD-ROM Klient Clip Art
CD ROM cliente clip art
CD ROM client clip art
CD-ROM Müşteri Küçük resim
clip board
CD ROM klient multimediekl ip klip bord
Captcha discos compactos CD ROM cliente clipart
Tarayıcı tampon Böcek otobüs bayt C Önbellek büyük harf kilidi Captcha CD
Cloud Computing
cloud computing
planșetă cu clamă cloud computing
Klips tahtası
cloud computin g command compile compress
Tablero de clip computación en la nube
Befehl kompilieren Kompresse
comando compilare comprimere
mando compilar comprimir
comanda compila comprima
Emir Derlemek kompres
kommando udarbejde sammenpres se computer
computer program
Computer Programm
computerpro gram
programma per computer
computador a programa de computador a
program de calculator
bilgisayar programı
scheda di clip
binar pic bitmap mușca blogul blogger semn de carte cizmă în bandă largă
Bulut bilişim
configure cookie copy CPU (central processin g unit) cybercrim e cyberspac e D dashboar d data database
konfigurieren Keks Kopieren CPU (Zentraleinhei t)
konfigurere småkage kopi CPU (central processing unit)
configurare biscotto copia CPU (Central Processing Unit)
Cyberkriminal ität Cyberspace
cyberkrimina litet cyberspace
crimine informatico cyberspazio
Configurar Galleta dupdo CPU (unidad de procesamien to central) Delito cibernético ciberespacio
D Instrumenten tafel Daten Datenbank
D instrumentbr æt data database
D scrivania
re tablero
dati Banca dati
datos base de datos
ordenador portátil desktop Desktopdesktop Computadora computer Computer computer de escritorio (often (oft (ofte (a menudo abbreviated abgekürzt forkortet til abreviado a to desktop) Desktop) skrivebordet) escritorio) tablet Tablettablet Computadora computer Computer computer de la tableta (often (oft (ofte (abreviada a abbreviated abgekürzt forkortet til menudo a la to tablet) Tablette) tablet) tableta) PC PC PC PC (abbreviation (Abkürzung (forkortelse (abreviatura of personal für af personlig de computer) Personal computer) computadora Computer) personal) screen Bildschirm skærm pantalla keyboard Tastatur tastatur teclado mouse Maus mus ratón monitor Monitor skærm monitor
printer wireless router cable hard drive speakers power cable
Drucker WLAN router Kabel Festplatte Lautsprech er Stromkabel
printer trådløs router kabel harddisk højttalere
impresora Router inalámbrico cable disco duro Altavoces
cable de energía
il computer portatile computer desktop (spesso abbreviato in desktop) tablet computer (spesso abbreviato in tablet) PC (abbreviazi one di personal computer) schermo tastiera topo tenere sotto controllo stampante router senza fili cavo disco rigido Altoparlant i cavo di alimentazio ne
configurați fursec copie CPU (unitate centrală de procesare) criminalitatea informatică spațiul cibernetic D bord date Bază de date
Yapılandır kurabiye Kopya CPU (merkezi işlem birimi) siber Suç Siber D Gösterge tablosu veri Veritabanı
computer desktop (adesea abreviat desktop) calculator comprimat (adesea prescurtat comprimat) PC (abreviere de calculator personal) ecran tastatură mouse monitor
Masaüstü bilgisayar (genellikle masaüstü olarak kısaltılır) Tablet bilgisayar (çoğunlukla tablet olarak kısaltılmaktadır)
imprimantă router wireless cablu hard disk difuzoare
yazıcı kablosuz yönlendirici kablo sabit sürücü Konuşanlar
Cablu de alimentare
güç kablosu
PC (kişisel bilgisayarın kısaltması)
ekran tuş takımı fare Izlemek
to email
til e-mail
per e-mail
email address
email adresse
a trimite un email pentru a trimite un e-mail adresa de email
to send an email
eine E-Mail schicken Eine E-Mail senden
Benutzern ame Passwort
nume de utilizator parola
kullanıcı adı
correo electrónico al correo electrónico enviar un correo electrónico dirección de correo electrónico Nombre de usuario contraseña
Antworten weiterleite n neue Nachricht Befestigun g Einen Computer benutzen
at svare at sende
responder Reenviar
cevap için ileri
ny besked
nuovo messaggio allegati
ek dosya
Ved hjælp af en computer
nuevo mensaje adjunto archivo Usando una computadora
a raspunde să transmită mesaj nou
Usando un computer
Folosind un calculator
Bilgisayar kullanmak
to plug in to unplug
einstecken ausstecken
at tilslutte at frakoble
Enchufar Desenchufar
attaccare scollegare
Takmak Fişini çekmek
to switch on or to turn on
Einschalten at tænde oder eller at einschalten tænde
Para encender o encender
per attivare o accendere
to switch off or to turn off
Zum Ausschalte n oder Ausschalte n Zu starten
at slukke eller for at slukke
Para apagar o apagar
spegnere o disattivare
să conectați pentru a deconecta pentru a porni sau pentru a activa pentru a opri sau pentru a opri
at starte
Herunterfa hren Neustarten
at lukke ned
at genstarte
para desconectar Para reiniciar
pentru a porni a închide
English vocabulary The Internet
Englisches Vokabular Das Internet
engelsk ordforråd Internettet
Vocabulario inglés La Internet
ricominciar e Vocabolari o inglese La rete
pentru a reporni vocabularul englez Internetul
yeniden başlatmak İngilizce kelime dağarcığı İnternet
website broadband
Webseite Breitband-
internet side bredbåndsint
sitio web Internet de
Sito web Internet a
website Internet în
Web sitesi Geniş bant
password to reply to forward new message attachment Using a computer
to start up to shut down to restart
til at sende en e-mail
vedhæftet fil
inviare una e-mail indirizzo email Nome utente parola d'ordine rispondere inoltrare
Bir e-posta göndermek için e
yeni Mesaj
Açmak veya açmak için
Kapatmak veya kapatmak için
Kapatmak için
internet or broadband
Internet oder Breitband ISP ISP (abbreviation (Abkürzung of internet für service Internet provider) Service Provider) firewall Firewall web hosting WebHosting wireless Wireless internet or Internet WiFi oder WiFi to download herunterla den to browse Um im the Internet Internet zu surfen Other useful Andere words nützliche Wörter
ernet eller bredbånd
banda ancha o banda ancha
banda larga oa banda larga ISP (abbreviazi one di Internet Service Provider) firewall web hosting internet wireless o Wi-Fi scaricare
bandă largă sau de bandă largă ISP (abreviere de la furnizorul de servicii de internet) firewall web hosting internet wireless sau WiFi a descărca
internet veya geniş bant
ISP (forkortelse af internet service provider)
ISP (abreviatura de proveedor de servicios de Internet)
firewall web hosting
Firewall Alojamiento web Internet inalámbrico o WiFi descargar
pentru a naviga pe Internet Cu alte cuvinte utile
Internete göz atmak için
Otras palabras útiles
per navigare in Internet Altre parole utili
Andre nyttige ord
file folder document hardware
Datei Mappe Dokument Hardware-
fil folder dokument hardware
archivo carpeta documento hardware
file cartella documento hardware
dosya Klasör Belge donanım
Software Netzwerk Nach oben scrollen
software netværk at rulle op
software red Desplazarse hacia arriba
to scroll down
Zu scrollen
at rulle ned
pentru a defila în jos
Aşağı ilerlemek için
to log on
at logge på
Para desplazarse hacia abajo Iniciar sesión
Um sich abzumelde n Leertaste
at logge af
Cerrar sesión
pentru a face Log on pentru a face Log off
Oturum açmak
to log off
mellemrumst asten virus antivirussoft ware processorhas tighed
Barra espaciadora virus software antivirus Velocidad del procesador
Software Rete per scorrere verso l'alto a scorrere verso il basso per accedere di disconnette rsi barra spaziatrice virus Programma antivirus velocità del processore
fişier pliant document hardwareul software-ul reţea pentru a defila în sus
software network to scroll up
Boşluk çubuğu
minde tekstbehandl
memoria procesador de
memoria word
bara de spațiu virus software-ul antivirus viteza procesorulu i memorie procesor de
space bar virus antivirus software processor speed memory word
Virus Antiviren Software Prozessorg eschwindig keit Erinnerung Textverarb
trådløst internet eller WiFi at downloade at surfe på internettet
Navegar por Internet
ISP (İnternet servis sağlayıcısının kısaltması)
Güvenlik duvarı ağ sağlayıcısı Kablosuz internet veya WiFi indirmek
Diğer yararlı kelimeler
yazılım ağ Yukarı kaydırmak için
Çıkış yapmak
virüs antivirüs yazılımı Işlemci hızı
bellek kelime işlemci
eitungssyst em Datenbank
base de datos
Banca dati
Kalkulation stabelle zu drucken
hoja de cálculo foglio elettronico imprimir a stampa
at skrive lille bogstav
litere majuscule sau litere de capital sunet Echipament de calculator laptop
Büyük harf veya büyük harf
sound Computer equipment
tippen Kleinbuchs tabe Großbuchs taben oder Großbuchs taben klingen Computera usrüstung
Bază de date foaie de calcul la imprimare a tasta litera mica
computer desktop (adesea abreviat desktop) calculator comprimat (adesea prescurtat comprimat) PC (abreviere de calculator personal) ecran tastatură mouse monitor
Masaüstü bilgisayar (genellikle masaüstü olarak kısaltılır) Tablet bilgisayar (çoğunlukla tablet olarak kısaltılmaktadır)
imprimantă router wireless cablu hard disk difuzoare
yazıcı kablosuz yönlendirici kablo sabit sürücü Konuşanlar
Cablu de alimentare
güç kablosu
database spreadsheet to print to type lower case letter upper case letter or capital letter
til print
stort bogstav eller stort bogstav sund edb-udstyr
digitar letra minúscula Mayúscula o mayúscula
sonar Equipo de computadora
ordenador portátil desktop Desktopdesktop Computadora computer Computer computer de escritorio (often (oft (ofte (a menudo abbreviated abgekürzt forkortet til abreviado a to desktop) Desktop) skrivebordet) escritorio) tablet Tablettablet Computadora computer Computer computer de la tableta (often (oft (ofte (abreviada a abbreviated abgekürzt forkortet til menudo a la to tablet) Tablette) tablet) tableta) PC PC PC PC (abbreviation (Abkürzung (forkortelse (abreviatura of personal für af personlig de computer) Personal computer) computadora Computer) personal) screen Bildschirm skærm pantalla keyboard Tastatur tastatur teclado mouse Maus mus ratón monitor Monitor skærm monitor
printer wireless router cable hard drive speakers power cable
Drucker WLAN router Kabel Festplatte Lautsprech er Stromkabel
printer trådløs router kabel harddisk højttalere
impresora Router inalámbrico cable disco duro Altavoces
cable de energía
digitare lettera minuscola lettera maiuscola o lettera maiuscola suono Materiale informatico il computer portatile computer desktop (spesso abbreviato in desktop) tablet computer (spesso abbreviato in tablet) PC (abbreviazi one di personal computer) schermo tastiera topo tenere sotto controllo stampante router senza fili cavo disco rigido Altoparlant i cavo di alimentazio ne
Elektronik tablo yazdırmak yazmak küçük harf
ses Bilgisayar donanımı Laptop
PC (kişisel bilgisayarın kısaltması)
ekran tuş takımı fare Izlemek
to email
til e-mail
per e-mail
email address
email adresse
a trimite un email pentru a trimite un e-mail adresa de email
to send an email
eine E-Mail schicken Eine E-Mail senden
Benutzern ame Passwort
nume de utilizator parola
kullanıcı adı
correo electrónico al correo electrónico enviar un correo electrónico dirección de correo electrónico Nombre de usuario contraseña
Antworten weiterleite n neue Nachricht Befestigun g Einen Computer benutzen
at svare at sende
responder Reenviar
cevap için ileri
ny besked
nuovo messaggio allegati
ek dosya
Ved hjælp af en computer
nuevo mensaje adjunto archivo Usando una computadora
a raspunde să transmită mesaj nou
Usando un computer
Folosind un calculator
Bilgisayar kullanmak
to plug in to unplug
einstecken ausstecken
at tilslutte at frakoble
Enchufar Desenchufar
attaccare scollegare
Takmak Fişini çekmek
to switch on or to turn on
Einschalten at tænde oder eller at einschalten tænde
Para encender o encender
per attivare o accendere
to switch off or to turn off
Zum Ausschalte n oder Ausschalte n Zu starten
at slukke eller for at slukke
Para apagar o apagar
spegnere o disattivare
să conectați pentru a deconecta pentru a porni sau pentru a activa pentru a opri sau pentru a opri
at starte
Herunterfa hren Neustarten
at lukke ned
at genstarte
para desconectar Para reiniciar
pentru a porni a închide
English vocabulary The Internet
Englisches Vokabular Das Internet
engelsk ordforråd Internettet
Vocabulario inglés La Internet
ricominciar e Vocabolari o inglese La rete
pentru a reporni vocabularul englez Internetul
yeniden başlatmak İngilizce kelime dağarcığı İnternet
website broadband
Webseite Breitband-
internet side bredbåndsint
sitio web Internet de
Sito web Internet a
website Internet în
Web sitesi Geniş bant
password to reply to forward new message attachment Using a computer
to start up to shut down to restart
til at sende en e-mail
vedhæftet fil
inviare una e-mail indirizzo email Nome utente parola d'ordine rispondere inoltrare
Bir e-posta göndermek için e
yeni Mesaj
Açmak veya açmak için
Kapatmak veya kapatmak için
Kapatmak için
internet or broadband
Internet oder Breitband ISP ISP (abbreviation (Abkürzung of internet für service Internet provider) Service Provider) firewall Firewall web hosting WebHosting wireless Wireless internet or Internet WiFi oder WiFi to download herunterla den to browse Um im the Internet Internet zu surfen Other useful Andere words nützliche Wörter
ernet eller bredbånd
banda ancha o banda ancha
banda larga oa banda larga ISP (abbreviazi one di Internet Service Provider) firewall web hosting internet wireless o Wi-Fi scaricare
bandă largă sau de bandă largă ISP (abreviere de la furnizorul de servicii de internet) firewall web hosting internet wireless sau WiFi a descărca
internet veya geniş bant
ISP (forkortelse af internet service provider)
ISP (abreviatura de proveedor de servicios de Internet)
firewall web hosting
Firewall Alojamiento web Internet inalámbrico o WiFi descargar
pentru a naviga pe Internet Cu alte cuvinte utile
Internete göz atmak için
Otras palabras útiles
per navigare in Internet Altre parole utili
Andre nyttige ord
file folder document hardware
Datei Mappe Dokument Hardware-
fil folder dokument hardware
archivo carpeta documento hardware
file cartella documento hardware
dosya Klasör Belge donanım
Software Netzwerk Nach oben scrollen
software netværk at rulle op
software red Desplazarse hacia arriba
to scroll down
Zu scrollen
at rulle ned
pentru a defila în jos
Aşağı ilerlemek için
to log on
at logge på
Para desplazarse hacia abajo Iniciar sesión
Um sich abzumelde n Leertaste
at logge af
Cerrar sesión
pentru a face Log on pentru a face Log off
Oturum açmak
to log off
mellemrumst asten virus antivirussoft ware processorhas tighed
Barra espaciadora virus software antivirus Velocidad del procesador
Software Rete per scorrere verso l'alto a scorrere verso il basso per accedere di disconnette rsi barra spaziatrice virus Programma antivirus velocità del processore
fişier pliant document hardwareul software-ul reţea pentru a defila în sus
software network to scroll up
Boşluk çubuğu
minde tekstbehandl
memoria procesador de
memoria word
bara de spațiu virus software-ul antivirus viteza procesorulu i memorie procesor de
space bar virus antivirus software processor speed memory word
Virus Antiviren Software Prozessorg eschwindig keit Erinnerung Textverarb
trådløst internet eller WiFi at downloade at surfe på internettet
Navegar por Internet
ISP (İnternet servis sağlayıcısının kısaltması)
Güvenlik duvarı ağ sağlayıcısı Kablosuz internet veya WiFi indirmek
Diğer yararlı kelimeler
yazılım ağ Yukarı kaydırmak için
Çıkış yapmak
virüs antivirüs yazılımı Işlemci hızı
bellek kelime işlemci
compatible compile (verb) computer connect (verb)
control panel corrupt file data dead/out of service
default delete (verb) diagnostic program directory disk disk (backup) drive empty error expansion card external file file conversion file deletion
file server
kompatib kompatibel el kompiliere kompilere (verbum) n computer Computer verbinden forbinde (verbum) mit Kontrollfel kontrolpanel d (nt), Panel defekte korrupt fil Datei data Daten døde / ude af drift tot/ausser Betrieb Voreinstel misligholdels lung, e Standarde instellung slette löschen (verbum) diagnostisk Diagnos program eprogram m Verzeic vejviser hnis Diskette disk disk (backSicherung up) sdiskette køre Laufwerk tom leer fejl Fehler udvidelsesko Erweiteru rt ngskarte ekstern extern fil Datei Datei filkonverteri umwandel ng n Löschung fil sletning einer Datei filserver Server
Compilar (verbo) computadora
compilazione (verbo) Computer
Conectar (verbo) panel de control
connect (verbo) pannello di controllo
archivo dañado datos Muerto / fuera de servicio
file corrotto
Borrar (verbo) Programa de diagnóstico
delete (verbo) programma diagnostico
disco Disco (copia de seguridad)
disco disco (backup)
manejar vacío error tarjeta de expansion
guidare vuoto errore scheda di espansione
externo archivo Conversión de archivos
esterno file la conversione di file la cancellazione di file file server
Eliminación de archivos servidor de archivos
dati morti / fuori servizio
compati bil compilar e (verb) compute r conectaț i (verb) panou de control fișier corupt date mort / în afara serviciul ui Mod implicit
șterge (verb) program de diagnosti care director
Sil (fiil)
disc disc (backup) conduce gol eroare card de expansiu ne extern fişier fișier de conversi e ștergere fișier
disk Disk (yedekle me) Sürmek boş hata Genişle me kartı
server de fișiere
dosya sunucus u
Derleme k (fiil) bilgisaya r Bağlama k (fiil) kontrol Paneli bozuk dosya veri Ölü / hizmet dışı varsayıla n
Teşhis programı
Harici dosya Dosya dönüştür me Dosya silme
graphics guarantee
Diskette Schriftart formati eren Graphik , Bild Garantie
hacker half
Hacker Hälfte
hard disk
Hardware Piktogram m, Bildchen Bild, Bilddatei
floppy disk font format
icon image
interface internal
Tinte installiere n Schnittstel le intern
jam (in paper feed)
ink install (verb)
keyboard margin memory menu
Tastatur Rand Speicher Übersichts karte
Bildschirm schwarz monochrome weiß Maus mouse Netzarbeit network
disco flexible
floppy disk
carattere formato
floppy disk font format
font format
fuente formato
garanti hacker
garantía Hacker
garanzia pirata
garanție hacker
halv harddisk
mitad disco duro
metà disco rigido
jumătate Hard disk hardwar e-ul icoană
garanti Bilgisaya r korsanı yarım hard disk
installere (verbum) grænseflade
Instalar (verbo) interfaz
installazione (verbo) interfaccia
install (verb) interfață
mürekke p Yükle (fiil) Arayüz
indre marmelade (i papir-feed)
interno Atasco (en la alimentación de papel)
interno marmellata (in alimentazion e della carta) tastiera
intern gem (în alimenta re cu hârtie) tastatură
margen minde menu
margen memoria menú
margine memoria Menu
margine memorie meniul
iç Sıkışma (kağıt besleme de) tuş takımı Marj bellek menü
tenere sotto controllo monocromo
mus netværk operativ system
ratón red sistema operativo
topo Rete sistema operativo
Tek renkli fare ağ işletim sistemi
papir adgangskode
papel contraseña
carta parola d'ordine energia
monocro m mouse reţea sistem de operare hârtie parola putere
operating system paper
Betriebssy stem Papier
Passwort Netzspann ung
yazı tipi biçim
donanım Simge
Kağıt parola
power failure
power on
Netzteil Spannung aus Spannung an
power off
print (verb)
reboot (verb) recover (verb)
drucken Arbeitsspe icher, RAM hochfahre n, neu booten wiederher stellen
repair (verb) replace (verb)
scan (verb) screen
ablichten Bildschirm
select (verb)
wählen gemeinsa m benutzte Datei ohne Kosten nutzen Computer programm e Tabellenk alkulation sblatt
storage tabulate (verb) text
Speicher Tabelle erstellen Text
shared file shareware
software spreadshe
upgrade (software, verb) upgrade (hardware,
aktualisier en, nachrüste n, aufrüsten
fallo de alimentación apagado
mancanza di corrente spegni
pana de curent oprire
güç kesintisi Kapat
print (verbum) vædder
Imprimir (verbo) RAM
stampa (verbo) RAM
imprima ntă print (verb) Berbec
reboot (verbum)
Reiniciar (verbo)
reboot (verbo)
repornir e (verb)
genvinde (verbum) reparation (verbum) erstatte (verbum) scanning (verbum) skærm vælge (verbum) delt fil
Recuperar (verbo) Reparar (verbo) Reemplazar
recuperare (verbo) riparazione (verbo) sostituire (verbo) scan (verbo)
pantalla Seleccionar (verbo) Archivo compartido
schermo selezionare (verbo) file condiviso
recupera (verb) reparare (verb) înlocui (verb) scanare (verb) ecran selectați (verb) fișier partajat
Yeniden başlat (fiil) Kurtarm ak (fiil) Tamir (fiil) Değiştir (fiil) Taramak (fiil) ekran Seç (fiil)
sharewa re
Sharewa re
software -ul
hoja de cálculo foglio elettronico
foaie de calcul
Elektroni k tablo
opbevaring tabulate (verbum) tekst opgradering (software, verbum)
almacenamien to Tabular (verbo) texto Actualización (software, verbo)
Conservazion e tabulare (verbo) testo aggiornamen to (software, verbo)
opgradering (hardware, verbum)
Actualización (hardware, verbo)
aggiornare (hardware, verbo)
depozita re cataloga (verb) text upgrade(softwar e-ul, verb) upgradeul (hardwar
depolam a Tablo (fiil) Metin Yükseltm e (yazılım, fiil) Yükseltm e (donanı
Baskı (fiil) Veri deposu
Paylaşıla n dosya