Learning with digital apps

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Digital applications used in teaching Introductory note ………………………………………………………………………………………..…..4

Romania Romanian language The literary narrative text, 7th, miro.com …………………………………………..……..5 My favorite book, 7th, padlet.com …………………………………………………….….…..6 English language Information about foods, 5th, wordwall.com ……………………………………..….…..7 Celebrations, 6th, wordwall.com ………………………………………………………..….…8 Self-esteem and oppression, 7th, wordwall.com…………………………………..….….9 My Community , 7th, sharepoint.com……………………………………………………...10 Mathematics Addition and substruction , preparatory/ first class, feed-my-pet-dog.html..11 Solar System, preparatory/first class, canva.com……………………………………..12 Biology Vertebrates, 5th, quizlet.com ………………………………………………………………….13 Hygiene rules, 5th, thinglink.com ……………………………………………………………14 Sense organs, 7th, mentimeter.com …………………………………………………………15 Chemistry Chemical element and symbol, 7th, learningapps.com ………………………………16 Technological education 5th Elements of animal husbandry technology, 5th, genial.ly…………………………..17 Professions, 8th, wordart.com ………………………………………………………….…….19 Financial education Deposits and credits, 8th, wordwall.com …………………………………………………21 History Arab culture, 5th, wordwall.com …………………………………………………………….22 French Revolution, 6th, learningapps.org ……………………………………………….23 Geography Asia: physical geography-test, 7th, Microsoft office forms ………………………..24 Cities in Europe, 6th, padlet.com …………………………………………………………..25 Religion My Family, 1st, im-a-puzzle.com ……………………………………………………………26 2

Lithuania Lithuanian language Parts of wordâ, 5th, wordwall.com …………………………………………………………27 Russian language How do we learn? (Как мы учимся?), 8th, quizziz.com……………………………29 English language Easter Greetings!, 5th, chatterpix.com …………………………………………………..31 Living in a space ship, 5th, edpuzzle.com ……………………………………………….33 The recipes of the most delicious dishes, 6th, madmagz.com……………………36 Irregular verbs, 6/7th, quizlet.com ………………………………………………………..38 Presenting/ practising vocabulary, 7th, eclipsecrossword.com …………………40 Question tags, 7th, liveworksheets.com ………………………………………………….43 Physics Physical sizes (dimensions), 7th, sketch.io/sketchpad……………………………..46 Handcrafts and technologies Names of tools, 6-7th, wordwall.com …………………………………………………….48

Spain English language Air Travel, 1st secondary, es.liveworksheets.com …………………………………….50 At the airport, 2nd secondary, edpuzzle.com …………………………………………51 Geography Learning about Europe, 1st/2nd secondary, goosechase.com ……………………54 Geography/ History The Way of Saint James in Medieval Europe, 2nd secondary, es.educaplay.com………………………………………………………………………57 Biology and Geology Live matters, 1st secondary, es.educaplay.com ………………………………………59


Introductory note

With the Covid-19 pandemic, the importance of digital skills of teachers and students came to light. This competence is one of the eight key European competences that describe the profile of the high school graduate and means: - Use of digital devices and applications to search for and select digital information and educational resources relevant to learning - Development of digital multi-media content, in the context of learning activities - Compliance with rules and regulations regarding the development and use of virtual content (intellectual property rights, privacy, internet security) In order for the student to acquire this competence, it is necessary for all teachers to master it and to consider it in teaching. Moreover, during the online learning period, this competence proved its necessity. This guide was made possible by the contribution of teachers from Romania, Lithuania, Spain and the Czech Republic within the activity "Learning with digital applications" within the Erasmus + project LEARNING FOR MY FUTURE / 2019-1-RO01-KA229-063091. Thus, one can cross-examine the different concerns and ways of approaching the contents taught in the partner schools. The collection of digital applications presented here includes methodological guidelines for learning activities, specifying: the name of the school, the discipline of study, the title of the lesson and the content unit, the competencies targeted and guidelines for use.


ROMANIA Școala Gimnazială Halmeu Romanian Language: My favorite book Country: Romania Grade: 7th; Subject: Romanian Language and Literature; Title of the lesson: My favorite book- Reading time; Allocated time: 30 minutes; Chapter: The book - a cultural object. Link of the presentation: https://padlet.com/ralucamorar/v1xpq5nl9zyh4stb , https://padlet.com/morarbogdan/kryi3zom7yq6joo1 , https://padlet.com/baloganita082/pnjp56e3d4avf6vq , https://padlet.com/pxtgwgfzz9/qar8n1v8nc4ry3xm , https://padlet.com/violaszemak/sg8657nqjmzmmji6 Digital app: https://ro.padlet.com/dashboard/ Type of exercise: language skills and creativity development Methodical guidelines: This type of exercise is useful in presenting your favorite book. Students, after reading the book, will look for information about the book, author and characters and enter them in this application. The results will be discussed in class.

Webography: https://www.instagram.com/p/CAOJoVuJqcY/


Romanian Language: Reading time Country: Romania Grade: 5th; Subject: Romanian Language and Literature; Title of the lesson: The literary narrative text "La Medeleni"; Allocated time: 25 minutes; Chapter: I travel through fairy tales. Link of the presentation: Digital app: https://miro.com/app, https://ro.padlet.com/dashboard Type of exercise: language skills and creativity development Methodical guidelines: Capturing attention: https://padlet.com/ralucamorar/mu0t08ap6oy9lk1g Directing the learning: The teacher together with the students will complete in Miro the subject of the literary work “La Medeleni” (20 minutes).


English language: Information about foods Country: Romania Grade: 5th; Subject: English Language; Title of the lesson: Food - Identification and Information Research; Allocated time: 15 minutes; Chapter/ Module: Food. Link of the presentation: https://wordwall.net/resource/15582115/information-questions Digital app: https://www. wordwall.com Type of exercise: consolidation Methodical guidelines: The main objective of this activity is to recycle the Wh- type questions necessary in any area of life for guidance and coordination in an unknown situation.


English language: Celebrations Country: Romania Grade: 6th; Subject: English Language; Title of the lesson: Celebrations; Allocated time: 20 minutes; Chapter/ Module: Let’s Have Fun/ UK and USA Festivals and Celebrations Link of the presentation: https://wordwall.net/ro/resource/13102104/festivals-celebrations https://wordwall.net/resource/13103444/people-this-celebration

Digital app: https://www. wordwall.com Type of exercise: consolidation Methodical guidelines: These two matching activities are aimed at reinforcing the knowledge of the different celebrations as well as the traditions related to them.


English language: Self-esteem and oppression Country: Romania Grade: 7th; Subject: English Language/ Counseling; Title of the lesson: Distinguishing the different types of Oppressions; Allocated time: 15 minutes; Module: Self- Esteem. Link of the presentation: https://wordwall.net/resource/13582347/match-characteristic-correct-category Digital app: https://www. wordwall.com Type of exercise: consolidation Methodical guidelines: The main objective of this activity is to make the students aware about the ways that our attitude and/or language could influence their classmates.


English language: My Community Country: Romania Grade: 7th; Subject: English Language; Title of the lesson: Presentation of My Community; Allocated time: 30 minutes; Module: Me and My Community. Links of the presentations: https://scoalahalmeu.sharepoint.com/sites/ClasaVIaA/Documente%20partajate/Limba%20Englez%C4%83/video-20210315-18434917bf0ca4.mp4 https://scoalahalmeu.sharepoint.com/sites/ClasaVIaA/Documente%20partajate/Limba%20Englez%C4%83/InShot_20210324_184559 930.mp4 https://scoalahalmeu.sharepoint.com/sites/ClasaVIaA/Documente%20partajate/Limba%20Englez%C4%83/Project_0324(1)_Full%20HD%201080p.mp4 https://scoalahalmeu.sharepoint.com/sites/ClasaVIaA/Documente%20partajate/Limba%20Englez%C4%83/Untitled_720p_1.mp4 Digital app: https://scoalahalmeu.sharepoint.com/sites/ Type of exercise: research and create Methodical guidelines: This activity was designed to let the students research and present their community to those interested in knowing it more. There are several forms such as video format or power point. It is a team-work and quite complex.


Preparatory class: Addition and substruction Country: Romania Grade: preparatory class / first class; Subject: Mathematics and environmental exploration; Title of the lesson: Addition and subtraction by one unit in the range 0-10; Allocated time: 30 minutes; Chapter: Greetings spring Link of the presentation: https://www.pomu.ro/joc/feed-my-pet-dog.html Digital app: feed-my-pet-dog.html/ Type of exercise: knowledge consolidation Methodical guidelines: Exercise is a math game with addition and subtraction. The student chooses the correct result for the given exercise from multiple variants. Only if he solves the given exercises correctly he will complete the game. Useful for consolidating knowledge. Webography: https://www.pomu.ro/joc/feed-my-pet-dog.html


Preparatory class: Environmental exploration Country: Romania Grade: preparatory class / first class; Subject: Mathematics and environmental exploration; Title of the lesson: Solar Sistem; Allocated time: 4 hr; Chapter: Greetings spring Link of the presentation: https://www.canva.com/design/DAEYLzzpAzU/cLNVoSUfCy7iBMPtxGVqnw/edit Digital app: canva.com ( wordwall, youtube, puzzle, liveworksheets) Type of exercise: teaching and consolidating Methodical guidelines: A complex activity for 6-7 year old students during a school day. The canva platform integrates wordwall, youtube and other applications. Students will solve multiple tasks: they will watch pictures and movies on youtube, they will make sentences, they will make models out of plasticine. They will consolidate their knowledge with the help of interactive games: -questionnaire -labeled diagram -square of letters -word matching game -random wheel -puzzle -interactive sheets. Webography: Google- wordwal / liveworksheets / online puzzle


Biology: Vertebrates Country: Romania Grade: 5th; Subject: Biology; Title of the lesson: Vertebrates; Allocated time: 10 minutes; Chapter: The diversity of life. Link of the presentation: https://quizlet.com/576886579/animale-vertebrateflash-cards/ Digital app: quizlet.com/latest Type of exercise: teaching Methodical guidelines: The exercise is card type. The student will choose the correct answer with the help of descriptions and images specific to each group of vertebrate animal studied in class, before performing the exercise he can practice with the notions and groups of vertebrates. Webography: quizlet.com/latest


Biology: Hygiene rules Country: Romania Grade: 5th; Subject: Biology; Title of the lesson: Hygiene rules for maintaining the health of the body; Allocated time: 50 minutes; Chapter: Elements of hygiene and disease prevention. Link of the presentation: https://www.thinglink.com/scene/1418294554511015937 Digital app: thinglink.com Type of exercise: individual activity Methodical guidelines: Based on the explanations received from the teacher, the student accesses the educational platform and will be put in the situation to update knowledge from previous lessons and to acquire new knowledge. Learning starts from an image with areas marked by icons, the path to educational games or educational videos. Webography: https://www.thinglink.com/user/1415390579411386371


Biology: Sense organs Country: Romania Grade: 7th; Subject: Biology; Title of the lesson: Sense organs; Allocated time: 10 minutes; Chapter: Relationship functions. Link of the presentation: https://www.mentimeter.com/s/206b6d6ce2a74d7f1bb63f66606a4c1b/852eea55ae 89/edit Digital app: https://www.mentimeter.com/app Type of exercise: individual activity Methodical guidelines: Students answer few questions asked by the teacher, and the terms that more students will specify will be represented more visibly (word cloud). Thus, a word base specific to the topic or lesson of the day can be created. Webography:


Chemistry: Chemical symbols Country: Romania Grade: 7th; Subject: Chemistry; Title of the lesson: Chemical element and symbol; Allocated time: 20 minutes; Chapter: Atom. Elements. Chemical compounds. Link of the presentation: https://learningapps.org/view18212562 Digital app: https://learningapps.org Type of exercise: individual activity Methodical guidelines: It is a fun way for the student to self-assess their knowledge of chemical symbols at the end of the lesson.

Webography: https://learningapps.org/index.php?category=12&s=


Technology: Elements of animal husbandry technology Country: Romania Grade: 5th; Subject: Technological education; Title of the lesson: Elements of animal husbandry technology; Allocated time: 50 minutes; Chapter: Domestic Animals. Link of the presentation: En: https://view.genial.ly/6033f5994735de0d2cd1f9df/presentation-animaledomestice-copy Ro: https://view.genial.ly/602570b5b3401c0dad99a877/presentation-animaledomestice Digital app: https://www.genial.ly/ Type of exercise: teaching Methodical guidelines: It is an interactive presentation that students can watch independently. Interactive verification elements are included during the presentation.



Technological education: Professions Country: Romania Grade: 8th Discipline: Technological education; Lesson title: Professions, trades; Allocated time: 10 min; Type of exercise: consolidation Chapters: Pathways to education and training Link for the exercise: https://wordart.com/edit/o9os638xqjhh Application: WordArt.com Methodical guidelines: The exercise is graphic design. The student will write down the names of the trades, and then save them on a contour image. At the end, an image made up of words is made. Webography: Public domain image, https://wordart.com/edit/o9os638xqjhh



Financial education: Deposits and credits Country: Romania Grade: 8th; Subject: Financial education; Title of the lesson: Bank deposits. Bank credits; Allocated time: 20 minutes; Chapter: The consumer's relationship with banking institutions Link of the presentation: https://wordwall.net/ro/resource/14787368

Digital app: wordwall.net Type of exercise: knowledge consolidation Methodical guidelines: The exercise involves the selection of financial-banking notions (banking operations, their advantages and disadvantages, risks). With a little humor.


History: Arab culture Country: Romania Grade: 5th; Subject: History; Title of the lesson: Arab culture; Allocated time: 15 minutes; Chapter: Muslim civilization Link of the presentation: https://wordwall.net/ro/resource/14731465 Digital app: wordwall.com Type of exercise: knowledge consolidation Methodical guidelines: The exercise is of the questionnaire type. The student can choose one to three correct answers to each question; there are 14 questions. Solved jointly in the classroom at the end of the lesson; it can also be used as an individual workload. Webography: public domain https://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP._kVUeHmY4LoHcDTW12EZ-gHaNj&pid=Api


History: French Revolution Country: Romania Grade: 6th; Subject: History; Title of the lesson: French Revolution and Napoleon; Allocated time: 15 minutes; Chapter: Modern Age Link of the presentation: https://learningapps.org/display?v=pg23qung521 Digital app: learningapps.org Type of exercise: knowledge consolidation Methodical guidelines: The exercise is of the chronological axis arrangement type. The student will position events, helped by small clues. Consolidation of knowledge at the end of the class.

Webography: public domain


Geography: Microsoft Forms Test Country: Romania Grade: 7th; Subject: Asia; Title of the lesson: Assessment test - geography of Asia; Allocated time: 25 minutes; Chapter: The continent of Asia Link of the presentation: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=lJSxn-t1jU23LI-SMCYwc9e5uj7Cp9Hki_jHPRxfGRUMzQzVzQyNE9LWklCSVVZSkk3OTRWVUtKRy4u Digital app: Microsoft Forms (office.com) Type of exercise: evaluation Methodical guidelines: It is a test at the end of a chapter; useful for consolidating knowledge or may be the basis for grading.


Geography- Cities in Europe Country: Romania Grade: 6th Discipline: Geography; Lesson title: The cities of Europe; Allocated time: 10 min; Type of exercise: consolidation / evaluation Chapters: Europe Link for the exercise: https://hu.padlet.com/tarorsi87/6bfoldrajz Application: padlet.com Methodical guidelines: Students must upload a representative picture of the major cities of Europe on the paddle. Webography: Public domain image


Religion: My Family Country: Romania Grade: 1st Discipline: Religion; Lesson title: My family; Allocated time: 10 min; Type of exercise: consolidation / teaching / evaluation Objectives: - to define the family and its members - to name the duties of children in the family Link for the exercise: https://im-a-puzzle.com/familia_mea_9cyUOzjy.puzzle Application: im-a-puzzle.com Methodical guidelines: The exercise is puzzle type. The student will choose the correct answer to some riddles about mother, father, brother, grandmother and grandfather in order to complete the puzzle. They will name their duties and behavior in the family. Webography: Public domain image, https://webstockreview.net/images/clipartfamily-3.jpg


Lithuania. Ginkūnai Sofija and Vladimiras Zubovai School

Lithuanian language: Parts of word Country: Lithuania Grade: 5th Subject: Lithuanian language. (Lietuvių kalba) Title of the lesson: Parts of word. The ending. (Žodžio dalys. Galūnė) Allocated time: 5-8 min. Chapter: Morphology. Parts of word. (Morfologija. Žodžio dalys.) Link of the presentation: https://wordwall.net/ Digital app: wordwall.com Type of exercise: teaching; reflecting, self-evaluation Methodical guidelines: Digital app is used at the beginning/ the end of the lesson to reflect or self- evaluate the work at lesson.



Russian language: How do we learn? (Как мы учимся?) Country: Lithuania Grade: 8th Subject: Russian/rusų k. Title of the lesson: How do we learn? (Как мы учимся?) Allocated time: 20 min Chapter: How do we learn? Как мы учимся? Link of the presentation: Ru https://quizizz.com/admin/quiz/5fc3b15a1eeb2a001c1b18ae/как-мы-учимсяkontrolinis-darbas-klasei Digital app: quizizz https://quizizz.com Type of exercise: teaching/ learning Methodical guidelines: Quizizz is an online tool for testing students remotely. Surveys - the type of answer you choose. Creating a survey is easy. Questions can be open-ended, with multiple-choice answers, single-answer, and more. When you select a question type, the question is saved, the answers are saved, the correct answer is marked, and saved. It is possible to set the time for answering the question, add a math formula, a picture. Using this tool, students see both the question and the answers on their phone or tablet screen. The teacher is given a pin code that students enter on their devices to join the quiz. The Quizizz quiz can be run in real time or for homework. After the survey, the teacher can view the students ’answers or download them. The results can be forwarded to the parents of the students.



English language: The recipes of the most delicious dishes Country: Lithuania Grade: 6th Subject: English Title of the lesson: The recipes of the most delicious dishes Allocated time: 45 min Chapter: Food and drinks Link of the presentation: https://madmagz.com/magazine/1886713 Digital app: madmagz.com Type of exercise: collaborative working Methodical guidelines: The program madgmaz.com allows you and your students to create your own magazine online. At first, you should register in madmagz.com and choose the template „Modern-free“. Then, you have to choose the template „article“ if you want to create a page of magazine. Also, you can create a Cover page or Contents as well. Secondly, when you choose your page, you can upload an image and write something. Finally, when everything is already done, you can publish or share your magazine.



Why I recommend you it? Firstly, this tool is a great thing if you want to have a collaborative work between your students. Each student can create their own page and send it to the main creator. Also, it a very interesting activity which helps to improve your students’ IT skills and their creativity. They are encouraged to find some information and great images. They can draw and upload their own images as well. To add, this program allows you to create a magazine, a book, a vocabulary or any other work. There is a big variety of templates to choose so it’s super fun to decorate each page and all magazine as well.


English language: Easter Greetings! Country: Lithuania Grade: 5th Subject: English Title of the lesson: Easter Greetings! Allocated time: 45 min Chapter: Celebrations Link of the presentation: https://padlet.com/juratepoc/1wkurmt1a3u7hazc Digital app: chatterpix.com Type of exercise: collaborative working Methodical guidelines: The program Chatterpix.com is very popular among students. The first thing you should do is to create a padlet in Padlet.com where all works can be uploaded. Then, you have to find Chatterpix program in Google and install it in your device (phone). After all, you have to take a photo of yourself, then - record yourself. Moreover, you can use many filters to make your record funny, cute or even scary. At the end, you will find your video in the gallery and you have to upload it in padlet.com. It‘s the best way to see all the records made using Chatterpix.com.

Why I recommend you it?


Firstly, this program really brings much fun for students. They can use many filters to look interesting, funny and scary. It means you can record the greetings or short stories. It is very easy to use it and you can evolve it in each lesson according to the theme. Also, this program is a good tool for collaboration. Students work together, they can see and hear each other in videos and records.


English language: Living in a space ship Country: Lithuania Grade: 5th Subject: English/anglų k. Title of the lesson: Living in the space ship Allocated time: 10-20 min Chapter: In my house Link of the presentation: En https://edpuzzle.com/media/602fe9797a15ec4293ee53d9 Digital app: edpuzzle https://edpuzzle.com/ Type of exercise: teaching/ learning Methodical guidelines: How Edpuzzle works? With Edpuzzle, you can make any video your lesson in three easy steps: Find a video on YouTube, upload your own or re-use a video lesson created by another teacher. Then, edit the video to create your lesson. Record your voice to personalize it, and hold your students accountable by embedding questions in the video. Assign the video to your students and check their progress in real time while they learn at their own rythm.



English language: Presenting/ practising vocabulary Country: Lithuania Grade: 7th Subject: English/anglų k. Title of the lesson: Presenting/practising vocabulary Allocated time: 20-30 min Chapter: New words Digital app: https://www.eclipsecrossword.com/ Type of exercise: teaching/ testing/learning Methodical guidelines: Make learning more fun: review vocabulary and spelling, teach new terms, and quiz students on new concepts. Crossword puzzles are exciting and easy to play, and since you write the clues, you can tailor them to your students and subject. You can share your crosswords online for at-home learning. You can print your crosswords out, and if it is necessary – you can add more words to word list or change it to your wishes and form the crossword again. https://www.eclipsecrossword.com/tour The EclipseCrossword tour



English language: Question tags

Country: Lithuania Grade: 7th Subject: English/anglų k. Title of the lesson: Question tags Allocated time: 20-30 min Chapter: Grammar Link of the presentation: En: https://www.liveworksheets.com/zu78389nd Digital app: Liveworksheets https://www.liveworksheets.com/ Type of exercises: teaching/ testing/learning Methodical guidelines: Liveworksheets allows to transform traditional printable worksheets (doc, pdf, jpg...) into interactive online exercises with self-correction, which we call "interactive worksheets". Students can do the worksheets online and send their answers to the teacher. New technologies applied to education: they may include sounds, videos, drag and drop exercises, join with arrows, multiple choice... and even speaking exercises, that the students must do using the microphone.




English language: Irregular verbs Country: Lithuania Grade: 6th-7th Subject: English/anglų k. Title of the lesson: Irregular verbs Allocated time: 30-40 min Chapter: Grammar Link of the presentation: En https://quizlet.com/_1n8s75?x=1jqt&i=iu766 Digital app: Quizlet https://quizlet.com/en-gb Type of exercise: teaching/testing/learning Methodical guidelines: Quizlet makes simple learning tools with flashcards, games and learning tools Learning is more fun with interactive study modes and games. Turn your materials into an exciting game that gets the whole class participating




Physics: Physical sizes (dimensions) Country: Lithuania Grade: 7th Subject: Physics Title of the lesson: Physical sizes (dimensions) Allocated time: 10-15 min Chapter: Units of measure (Matavimo vienetai) Link of the presentation: Lt : https://www.slideserve.com/kadeem-mccormick/fizikini-dyd-i-vienet-sistemos Digital app: SketchPad https://sketch.io/sketchpad/ Type of exercise: teaching; learning Methodical guidelines: On Sketchpad students will create a poster about one unit of measurement in the SI system. The poster must show the physical element, its definition, symbol, how is it measured, the units of measurement, and a photograph describing this size. The task is assigned at the end of the lesson to consolidate the knowledge, after which the students briefly introduce it to the classmates.



Technologies: Names of tools Country: Lithuania Grade: 6th-7th Subject: Handcrafts and technologies Title of the lesson: Names of tools Allocated time: 20 min Digital app: https://wordwall.net/ Type of exercise: teaching/testing/learning Methodical guidelines: The program itself works online. The app is paid, but if you create up to 5 activities, then you don’t have to pay. By combining the concepts of your subject, you can configure different activities: delete/ withdraw a word, roulette, cards, and so on. With this program, activities can be tailored to children's abilities: limiting performance time, devoting more "lives." The link is sent to students, and students can perform using a phone, a computer. Teacher can decide on time limit as well.



SPAIN CENTRO PÚBLICO INTEGRADO DO TOURAL English language: At the airport Country: Spain Grade: 2nd secondary education; Subject: English as a Second Language; Title of the lesson: At the airport - Learn Fun English with Modern Family; Allocated time: 15-20 minutes; Chapter: Situations: At the airport. Link of the presentation: English: https://edpuzzle.com/media/606725ac24f2fc429a97f84f Digital app: https://edpuzzle.com/ Type of exercise: teaching Methodical guidelines: Interactive video lesson. Students can watch the video lesson assigned by the teacher. They can re-watch the video as many times as they need, at their own pace, and answer the questions prepared by the techer.


English language: Air Travel Country: Spain Grade: 1st secondary education; Subject: English as a Second Language; Title of the lesson: Air Travel; Allocated time: 10 minutes; Chapter: Situations: Air Travel. Link of the presentation: English: https://es.liveworksheets.com/me36424ok Digital app: https://es.liveworksheets.com/ Type of exercise: teaching Methodical guidelines: It is an activity to practice the interpretation of texts. In this case it is a flight ticket and students have to answer some questions according to the information from the boarding pass: name of passenger, destination, number of gate, ...




Geography: Learning about Europe Country: Spain Grade: 1st / 2nd secondary education; Subject: Geography; Title of the lesson: “Learning about Europe 1”; Allocated time: 20/30 minutes; Chapter: Europe. Link of the presentation: English: https://www.goosechase.com/game/334827/edit/ Digital app: https://www.goosechase.com/ Type of exercise: teaching Methodical guidelines: A game to improve the understanding of 5 countries of the European Unión, Turkey, Romania, Lithuania, Czech Republic and Spain in order to raise the European dimensión of our schools.




Geography and History: The Way of Saint James in Medieval Europe

Country: Spain Grade: 2nd secondary education Subject: Geography and History Title of the lesson: The Way of Saint James in Medieval Europe Allocated time: 20 minutes Link of the presentation: https://es.educaplay.com/recursoseducativos/8849190-the_way_of_saint_james_map.html Digital app: https://es.educaplay.com/ Type of exercise: teaching Methodical guidelines: Emerging in medieval times, the Way of St. James (El Camino de Santiago) is an excursion of nearly 800 kilometres across Northern Spain in order to arrive at the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. There are many locations to begin the journey apart from that of Spain, throughout Europe. It is an interactive map that students can play independently or in groups. After that, it should be interesting to investigate about history, curiosities and places of each route.



Biology and Geology: Live matters Country: Spain Grade: 1st Secondary Education; Subject: Biology and Geology; Title of the lesson: “Live matters” Alphabetics Game; Allocated time: 15-20 minutes; Chapter: Review: Biology Main concepts. Link of the presentation: English: https://es.educaplay.com/recursos-educativos/8820560-live_matters.html Digital app: https://es.educaplay.com/ Type of exercise: teaching Methodical guidelines: Roulette of words that includes basic concepts of the subject Biology and Geology of 1º ESO.




Materials provided by: Romania: Școala Gimnazială Halmeu -teachers: Oros Copelia (Technologies, Religion), Ileana Ciupac (Technologies), Daniel Ferne (English language), Ștefan Toth (Biology, Chemistry), Felicia Morar (Romanian language), Anamaria Mureșan (Preparatory class), Orsolya Tár (Geography), Petru Istrate (History, Geography, Financial education). Lithuania: School: Ginkūnai Sofija and Vladimiras Zubovai school -teachers: A. Laurutis (Handcrafts and technologies) A. Višniauskienė (Lithuanian language) J. Levanaitienė (Russian language) J. Pocienė (English language) K. Juodeikienė (Phisycs) R. Sidabrienė (English language) Spain:

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


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