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Friends Under the Same Sky is about:

Earth Song

Listen to “Earth Song” by Michael Jackson” watch?v=XAi3VTSdTxU

A Better World How can we make a better Europe? - To keep a clean nature - to recycle - to watch over animals - to talk different languages - to be aware of water consumption

‘Trees are Earth's endless effort to talk to heaven.’ Rabindranath Tagore

‘Flowers are beautiful symbols of nature, showing us how much she loves us.’ Goethe

A Europe United How can we make a Europe United? - to make friendship - to make relationships - by showing love and respect - to cooperate - to understand each other's culture - to avoid political disputes

You got somewhere? Say ‚Hello!’ Ai ajuns undeva? Salută!

Leaving? Say ‚Goodbye!’ Pleci? Spune “ la revedere!”

Are you offered something? Thanks! Ți se oferă ceva? Mulțumește!

Promise something? Fulfill! Promiți ceva? Îndeplinește!

You're wrong? Apologize! Greșești? Cere-ți scuze!

Dirty? Cleanse! Murdărești? Curăță!

Broke? Repair! Strici? Repară!

You have? Give! Ai? Oferă!

Not have? No envy! Nu ai? Nu invidia!

Not knowing the situation? No gossip! Nu cunoști situația? Nu bârfi!

Want respect? Respect! Vrei respect? Respectă!

Love? Show! Iubești? Arată!

Hate? Stop! Urăști? Oprește-te!

You’ve Got a Friend Listen to the song “You’ve got a Friend” by James Taylor watch?v=AIS-RuoZxCI

Maybe you would like to sing it in your class?

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