EU4OceanObs Results Booklet 2021 - 2023

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EU4OCEANOBS: International Ocean Governance EU Component to Global Observations A 3-year project entrusted by the European Commission to Mercator Ocean International

KEY ACHIEVEMENTS Oct 2020 – Sept 2023

This project has received funding from the European Union through the Partnership Instrument of the European Commission’s Service for Foreign Policy Instruments. This output reflects only the authors’ view. The European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. While this publication has been prepared with care, the authors provide no warranty with re-gards to the content and shall not be liable for any direct, incidental, or consequential dam-ages that may result from the use of the information, or the data contained therein. Reproduc-tion is authorised providing the material is unabridged and the source is acknowledged. Achievements booklet 2020 – 2023 |


The EU4OceanObs project “International Ocean Governance: EU component to global ocean observation” served to make the European Union (EU) more visible as a global actor, defend its strategic interests and strengthen its influence in international decision-making bodies related to the collection, sharing and use of ocean observations for societal benefit.

Through these two components, EU4OceanObs aimed to foster essential partnerships between European and international infrastructures and programmes across the ocean observing value chain and increase international commitment and coordination toward coordinated and fitfor-purpose global ocean observations.

Within this context the project worked towards strengthening EU contributions and achievements in two overarching international programmes:

EU4OceanObs also aimed to showcase Europe’s leadingedge capacities and best practices across the ocean observing value chain, to enhance the impact and uptake of European programmes and products beyond Europe and increase global awareness of the crucial role of and need for more ocean observations to address societal and environmental challenges.

• the G7 Future of the Seas and Oceans Initiative, to increase deployments of ocean observing infrastructure and improve access to global data to support EU requirements for the Copernicus Marine and Climate Services and Horizon 2020 / Horizon Europe Ocean research. • The Group on Earth Observations (GEO) Blue Planet Initiative, to develop and promote European marine and maritime applications from ocean observing data in line with the Sustainable Development Goals and International Ocean Governance.

Managed by the European Commission’s Service for Foreign Policy Instruments, the implementation of EU4oceanObs was entrusted to Mercator Ocean International through a 3-year project, spanning from October 2020 to Sept 2023.


Project management team: European Commission’s FPI Service and representatives from Directorate-Generals RTD, DEFIS, MARE

Steering Committee: Representatives from the European Commission’s Directorate-Generals RTD, DEFIS, MARE and EEAS


Strengthening and sustaining global ocean observation and data sharing through the coordinated actions and investments of the 7 leading nations in the ocean observing and the EU.

Achievements booklet 2020 – 2023 |

Fostering the sustainable development and use of ocean and coastal observations to provide actionable information, services and tools for informed decision making in the pursuit of sustainable development.

HIGHLIGHTED IMPACTS 64 processes influenced Work plans, activities and events designed to shape partner country approaches, positions and practices towards strengthened commitment to global ocean observations, sharing of data, and use for societal benefit the framework of international programmes and partnerships.

17 supported events • 2573 participants (good gender balance, inclusion of Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOPs), stakeholders from over 80 countries and diverse sectors) • 6 outcome statements emanating from

5 partnership strategies enhanced EU bilateral, regional, inter-regional and multi-lateral

events to improve and consolidate partnerships related to ocean observations, and enlarge participation of countries beyond the Galway and Belem stakeholders.

cooperation partnership strategies strengthened with increased participation of African, Latin American and

5 use cases

Caribbean countries.

Thematic case studies highlighting the

19 communication campaigns and 145 communication products

crucial role of Earth observations and derived services, tools and information to address Sargassum, marine litter, Arctic sea ice decline, eutrophication and support sustainable fisheries.

Strong online and social media engagement with strong visibility for EU commitment, capacity and contribution to the global ocean observing landscape

Over 3 years, EU4OceanObs successfully strengthened essential partnerships between European and international infrastructures and programmes across the ocean observing value chain towards a coordinated fit-for-purpose system. By playing a leading role in the development and activities of the G7 Future of the Seas and Ocean Initiative and GEO Blue Planet, the project succeeded in fostering global agreements based on EU priorities for observations, data sharing, and development of marine applications based on EU data and information products.

Achievements booklet 2020 – 2023 |

PIVOTAL ROLE IN MATURING AND GUIDING THE G7 FUTURE OF THE SEAS AND OCEANS INITIATIVE What is the G7 FSOI? In 2016, the G7 Ministers agreed to take an ambitious approach to tackling ocean issues, and developed the Future of the Seas and Oceans Initiative to enhance global ocean observation and data sharing through the coordinated actions and investments of the 7 leading nations in ocean observing and the EU.

Five FSOI Action Areas adopted:







Support the development of a global initiative for an enhanced, global, sustained sea and ocean observing system.

Support the development of a global initiative for an enhanced, global, sustained sea and ocean observing system.

Support the development of a global initiative for an enhanced, global, sustained sea and ocean observing system.





Support the development of a global initiative for an enhanced, global, sustained sea and ocean observing system.

Support the development of a global initiative for an enhanced, global, sustained sea and ocean observing system.

Key role of EU4OceanObs The project directly facilitated the EU coordination of the G7 FSOI Coordination Centre to • promote EU priorities, interests and actions in the G7 FSOI workplan and support its implementation • increase G7 in situ observing commitments • increase G7 marine data sharing commitments To this end, Mercator Ocean International established and hosted the EU action for the Coordination Centre, which implements the initiative’s activities under the guidance of the G7 FSOI National Focal Points and the Working Group.

Achievements booklet 2020 – 2023 |

Impacts and achievements of G7 FSOI EU coordination through EU4OceanObs Played a pivotal role for the G7 FSOI working group to

Lead coordinating role in G7 FSOI activities:

develop the workplan and structure the governance system

• Enhancing G7 commitments to implement the OneArgo

that led to its recognition as a standing working group of the

array consisting of the core array, the biogeochemical

G7 Science Ministerial Track

array (BGC Argo), and the deep array

• Launch of G7 FSOI coordination centre with support from

Supported the Global Biogeochemical-Argo Fleet: Knowledge to Action workshop, online, May – June 2021

the EU through EU4OceanObs and the UK • Creation of branding and website • Development of first workplan and subsequent annual work plans with strong EU influence Influenced the G7 FSOI agenda with EU priorities and supporting its implementation (e.g., Copernicus, International Ocean Governance agenda, Mission Restore our Ocean, Horizon Europe programmes, Ocean Decade, etc.) Increased agreements and commitments for new ocean observations. Increased international collaborations to tackle issues of data sharing and interoperability Supported the EU delegation for G7 FSOI activities and meetings

• Increasing global capacity to monitor, understand, and predict the ocean’s role in the global carbon cycle Hosted and supported the UNESCO Integrated Ocean Carbon Research, (IOC-R) workshop, Brussels, May 2023

• E nhancing international collaborations on the development of digital twins of the ocean including observing requirements and data sharing / interoperability issues. Co-organised the International Digital Twins of the Ocean Summit, London, May 2021

• Augmenting marine life observations and forecasting Organised the workshop: Towards a global marine plankton observing network, online, Sept 2023

G7 FSOI Working Group Meeting, Berlin, November 2022

Achievements booklet 2020 – 2023 |

CENTRAL ROLE IN DRIVING THE GEO BLUE PLANET INITIATIVE What is GEO Blue Planet? The GEO Blue Planet Initiative is the coastal and ocean arm of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) promoting the development and use of observations to inform policy and decision-making. GEO Blue Planet functions as a network of ocean and coastal observation and prediction experts, social scientists and end-user representatives from a variety of stakeholder groups. The initiative is led by a secretariat composed of European, US and Asian Offices, which provide scientific and coordination support to all GEO Blue Planet activities and partnerships.

White papers on Earth observation applications

Workshops, symposiums and consultations

Outreach materials

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Training Courses

GEO Blue Planet aims to bridge the gap between ocean and coastal data and societal needs to deliver actionable information.


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Transfer of applications to operational agencies


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Information exchange




Building expert networks

Indicators and decision support tools

Information Hubs

Key role of EU4OceanObs in GEO Blue Planet EU4OceanObs facilitated the EU coordination of GEO Blue Planet to strengthen the EU’s participation and influence, driving EU priorities, consolidating partnerships and promoting EU actions and assets. To this end, Mercator Ocean International established and hosts the GEO Blue Planet EU Office, which works alongside the US (NOAA/University of Maryland) and Asian Offices (Korea Maritime Institute).

Impacts and achievements of GEO Blue Planet EU coordination through EU4OceanObs L ead role and contribution to the restructuration of GEO Blue Planet • Creation of EU Office in Nov 2020 • New 2021 Operations and Governance Plan (Access PDF) • Redesign of GEO Blue Planet website and visual universe

Development and consolidation of partnerships •Engagement with the UN Ocean Decade - Supported process to become an implementing partner of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development - Launched the OceanBridges task force, an endorsed project of the Early Career Ocean Professionals Decade programme

• S trengthened collaboration with GEO community (including the GEO Secretariat, EuroGEO, AfriGEO, Aquawatch, GEOGloWS) • Strengthened regional linkages: - Organisation of the GEO Blue Planet 5th Symposium, Accra, Ghana - Series of workshops on ocean observation and prediction to support coastal sustainability in Africa - Support to GEO Blue Planet 6th Symposium, Seoul, Korea, to strengthen ties with Asian and Pacific communities

Achievements booklet 2020 – 2023 |

Strengthened EU visibility and influence • Creation and/or coordination of GEO Blue Planet working groups to promote EU priorities and assets in Earth observation Marine litter working group Key project: Integrated Marine Debris Observing System (IMDOS), co-founded and endorsed by the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS)

Sargassum working group Key project: Sargassum Information Hub ( with unprecedented visibility

Fisheries working group Key activity: Scientific cooperation and technology transfer on using Earth observation for sustainable fisheries management Coastal geomorphology working group Key activity: stakeholder engagement workshops to identify data and information gaps to address user needs) •U se cases Publication of 5 thematic use cases demonstrating the crucial role of Earth observation and derived products and tools to improve monitoring and understanding of marine litter, Arctic Sea ice changes, Sargassum inundations and spread, eutrophication and support sustainable fisheries, highlighting the EU contribution.

Achievements booklet 2020 – 2023 |

CROSS-CUTTING ACTIVITIES Mapping of EU contribution to global ocean observing value chain Over the past decades, the EU has made significant investments to stimulate the development and use of ocean observations. A mapping exercise was carried out to illustrate the EU-funded programmes, projects, networks and intiatives supporting the global ocean observing value chain:

Data Collection (in situ & satellite)

Transforming data into data products & information

Data management & sharing

Increasing uptake of data and information

Mapping of EU regional initiatives to increase regional cooperation and ocean observing capacity Regional pages developed to illustrate EU initiatives aiming to expand global monitoring and forecasting capacities, and increase the use of ocean and coastal observations for society in African coastal waters, the Atlantic Ocean and the Arctic Ocean.

Mapping of EU research and innovation projects enhance the global ocean observing value chain EU H2020 and Horizon Europe research and development projects working to enhance the global ocean observing value chain and can be filtered by EU4OceanObs target region, priority topics and ocean observing component (observation, data access, modelling and prediction, user uptake, etc.)

Achievements booklet 2020 – 2023 |

EU-funded Research & Innovation projects strengthening the ocean observing value chain

EU Ocean Observing Awareness Campaign The project carried out a communication campaign to showcase how the EU is responding to global ocean and coastal data needs, with a specific focus on in situ ocean observing. Through compelling articles, photography, and videos capturing the human faces behind ocean observing, the campaign highlights: • Physical, biogeochemical and deep-sea observations with focus on the Euro-Argo – European contribution to the International Argo programme • Marine biology and ecology observations with focus on European Marine Biological Resource Centre (EMBRC) • Arctic Ocean observing (marine ecosystem, oxygen and marine plastic) with focus on a number of EU projects


initiatives, including partnerships • Ocean carbon with focus on the Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS) Ocean Thematic Centre (OTC) Left: Photos from the GOOD-IMDOS Science Expedition to the Arctic in June 2023. Credit: Xavier Boymond Below: Photos taken at the Kristineberg Center for Marine Research and Innovation, a marine station part of EMBRC Sweden. Credit: Thomas d’Aram.

EU4OCEANOBS 2.0: NEXT PHASE 2023 -2027 Sustainability of the EU4OceanObs coordination action has been ensured through a contribution agreement between the European Commission and Mercator Ocean International under the Horizon Europe programme. The new 4-year (October 2023-October 2027) EU4OceanObs 2.0 project will build on the EU4OceanObs original mission to catalyse essential partnerships between European and international infrastructures and programmes across the Ocean observing value chain with the goal of increasing Ocean observing, data sharing, and use of Ocean data to meet EU needs and interests. The project will continue its work through its coordination actions in G7 FSOI and GEO Blue Planet, and will be expanded to provide EU-to-international engagement support for the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development.

Achievements booklet booklet 2020 2020 –– 2023 2023 || Achievements

Booklet acknowledgements Booklet produced by Mercator Ocean International with funding from the European Union. Authors: Pierre-Yves Le Traon, Maria Hood, Maria Grigoratou, Audrey Hasson, Lillian Diarra Conception of the graphic design: Marianne Nail - Agence Girls Make Sense Photo credits: Ivan Bandura Unsplash, Mourad Saadi Achievements booklet 2020 – 2023 |

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