Copernicus Marine Service
Following the first edition of the Copernicus Marine User Uptake report, which was much appreciated by our user community, the second edition, for 2023, is now available online. This report highlights the main 2023 user uptake achievements and help us to monitor and measure user satisfaction. New activities to increase awareness and engagement with Copernicus Marine products have been launched and will continue into 2024 in the framework of the user uptake strategy.
The Copernicus Marine community continues to grow, reaching nearly 66 000 users by the end of 2023. The increase in the number of visits is significant and indicates growing interest in the new content disseminated on the website.
Copernicus Marine Users
B Copernicus Marine Community on
1 593 457 unique pageviews + 42% growth rate vs 2022
Website traffic
987 835 visits
7.4 Actions per visit
Average visit duration
5:58min 3:06min returning visitor new visitor
The number of downloads (+80%) of Copernicus Marine products has increased faster than the volume of downloads (+28%). The implementation of the new Data Store that provides a better user experience will help us build loyalty among our users.
Our tools and team efficiency enable us to handle more requests quickly, ensuring a high level of customer satisfaction. Our article database is growing daily, and the self-managed request rate has increased by almost 1% compared to last year, and is now nearly 97%.
Thanks to regular updates and demonstrations of ocean phenomena using the MyOcean tools, the number of MyOcean users continues to grow. The ocean explainers section has been expanded and a new ocean climate portal website was launched at the end of 2023. CHAPTER
![]( explainers/why-oceanimportant
![]( ocean-climate-portal
Uptake & Events
A User Engagement projects
During its second phase (2022-2028), the Copernicus Marine Service aims to enhance cooperation with EU core users. The EU Coastal Monitoring Pilot Demonstrations tender focuses on developing exemplary marine coastal downscaling use cases to support the implementation of EU Environmental Directives at the national level.
12 countries
B 2023 Events
The Copernicus Marine Service is dedicated to ocean monitoring and forecasting. It is implemented by Mercator Ocean International, a global ocean analysis and forecasting centre, and funded by the European Commission (EC). It is one of the six services that comprise Copernicus, the European Union’s Earth Observation Programme. The agreement was established in 2014 for Copernicus 1 and renewed in 2021 for Copernicus 2.
Copernicus Marine Service provides regular and systematic reference information on the state of the physical and biogeochemical ocean at the global and European regional scales. It provides key inputs that support major EU and international policies and initiatives and can contribute to combating pollution, marine protection, maritime safety and routing, sustainable use of ocean resources, developing marine energy resources, blue growth, climate monitoring, weather forecasting, and more. It also aims to increase awareness amongst the general public by providing European and global citizens with information about ocean-related issues.
Mercator Ocean International was selected by the European Commission to implement the Copernicus Marine Service in 2014.
Based in France, Mercator Ocean International (MOi) is a non-profit organisation in the process of becoming an intergovernmental organisation with the mission to develop Europe’s Digital Twin of the Ocean. MOi provides ocean intelligence, data, and expertise that covers the global ocean. Its scientific experts design, develop, operate, and maintain state-of-the-art numerical modelling systems that describe and analyse the past, present, and near-future state of the ocean in 4D (reanalyses, hindcasts, near-real-time analyses, and forecasts).