December Newsletter

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Dear Parents I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued support over the past term. On behalf of all of the staff I would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year . FREE—CYCLE SECURITY MARKING Working in partnership with Lancashire Police. Bring your byclcle along to Coppull Library for FREE Bike Security Marking Event with Coppull Neighbourhood Police. This will take place on THURSDAY 29th DECEMBER 2011 10.00am—12.30pm

BAD WEATHER ARRANGEMENTS In the event of bad weather which could lead to school being closed, Please remember to look for information on the school website or for information on the local radio station Rock FM on 97.4

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Christmas Parties The children can come into school in their party clothes on their party day. They will need a warm coat & sensible shoes as they will be playing out at break & Lunch times.

Nursery & Reception Classes— Thursday 15th December A very big ‘Thank you’ to everyone who supported our recent Scholastic book fair. We sold books to the value of £501.05 and received £500 worth of books free for our school. It was a great success and hopefully we will hold a book fair again next year.

WATER AID Please send any pennies you may be saving for WATERAID into school by Wednesday 14th December. Thank you for helping us to support this worthwhile charity. XMAS FAYRE & BINGO

Father Christmas will be visiting the nursery, Reception and Y1 & their party Y1 & Y1/2 Wednesday 14th December Y3 & Y4 Thursday 15th December Y5 & Y6 16th December

School will close after school on Friday 16th December and will re-open on Wednesday 4th January 2012. After School activities will start again on Monday 9th January 2012. The activities on offer will be multisports, basketball, gymnastics, art, dance & football. A letter will be sent home with more information during the first week of the new term.

At our Xmas Fayre & Bingo night on Thursday 8th December we raised £328.62. DERIAN HOUSE RAFFLES From raffles at the two school performances we raised £147.15 for Derian House.

St CATHERINES HOSPICE—FURRY FRIENDS Once again we are selling furry friends on behalf of St Catherine’s Hospice for £1.00 each. Available from the school office. Only a few left now.

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