Dear Parents The School and Children’s Centre Ofsted Inspections have both gone very well and we will have the final reports to send out to you next week. Thank you for your support during our inspections.
Chocolate Bingo Night
We are having a ‘Chocolate’ Bingo Night on Wednesday 28th March In between 6.00 pm - 8.30 pm. It is being held at the British Legion on Springfield Road. Any donations for the raffle and Tombola stalls are welcome. We hope you can join us for a night of fun and frivolity. Admission is 50p.
Tempest photographers will be in school on Thursday 22nd March 2012 at 9am to take class photographs. School closes for the Easter holidays after school on Friday 30th March and re-opens on Monday 16th April.
SATS DATES Y2—Throughout M AY 2012 YRS 3,4, 5 & 6—14TH—18th May 2012 PIPS DATES Week beginning June 2012
Non Uniform Day
We will be having a non-uniform day on Friday 23rd March . Children can come into school in their own clothes for a donation of chocolate instead of paying £1.00. Toy Sale We are having a toy sale in school on Friday 30th March. Any toy donations are most welcome. This is to raise money for School funds. Thank you for your help and support.
WATER AID Thank you to everyone who sent in pennies and loose change for our WATERAID
.In line with County Policy children should not be taken out of school for holidays in term time and especially in the exam period (the month of May and June) as practice SATS as well as the main SATS & PIPS take place. Because the next two weeks are very busy we have attached a planner for you to keep close at hand.
Tudor Banquet We are having a special Tudor banquet lunch in school on Friday 16th March. Your child can come into school dressed in Tudor costume if they wish to. The cost of the lunch will be £1.85.
Appeal. You will be pleased to know that we raised £178.13 for this most deserving cause. British Legion Poppy Appeal Coppull Primary School & Children ’ s Centre raised £57.90 for the 2011 Poppy Appeal.
TUDOR TRIP & WORKSHOP All the children enjoyed the Tudor workshop and their trip to Hoghton Tower. Please send in any outstanding monies for the Tudor Trip and workshop as soon as possible please.