COPPULL PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTER October 2011 Dear Parents This has been a very busy and exciting half-term. We have been celebrating the 90th Anniversary of our school, which opened in 1921. The children have worked hard and learned so much about the history of our school and about life and times of each decade since the school opened. Next term we have our exciting Space Topic. Have an enjoyable break . Judy Stallard Heacteacher
SOUTHLANDS QUIZ We are proud to tell you that Coppull Primary School are the overall winners of the Southlands Primary School Quiz. The quiz team were presented with their trophy on Monday 17th October. Well done to everyone involved.
DATES FOR YOUR DIARY School closes for half term after school on Friday 21st October 2011 and re-opens on Wednesday 2nd November 2011.
CHORLEY BOROUGH COUNCIL YOUNG PEOPLES ACTIVITIES PROGRAMME Get up and Go Chorley Borough Council are running a number of activities during the 1/2 term holiday. Details have already been sent home. In the Chorley Smile brochure. Further information from 01257 515151
AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITY CLUBS The after school activity clubs will continue after half term. Letters will be sent home during the first week back with further information. FOOTBALL TOURNAMENTS Coppull Primary School Football team have so far played matches against All Saints & St John’s Primary Schools.
RECYCLING TEXTILE COLLECTION Just a reminder that there is a Recycling Textile Bin at the front of school for any old clothes and shoes you may have. Please put clothes in a bag before depositing in the bin and shoes should be tied together in pairs. Recycling in this way helps to raise funds for our school and others overseas.
SPACEPORT SCIENCE TRIP & STARDOME VISIT Our trip to the Spaceport Exhibitions will take place on Thursday 1st December and Friday 2nd December. The cost will be £10 and all monies should be sent into school by FRIDAY 18TH NOVEMEBER along with your signed consent form. Remember you can pay in weekly Instalments.
PARENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE—REMINDER Please remember to return your Parental Questionnaire to school no later than Thursday 3rd November 2011. Thank you
COPPULL PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTER October 2011 REMINDERS Absences If your child is off school unwell please let us know as soon as possible. You can do this by calling school on our pupil absence line. This is 01257 791237 option 1 or alternatively by sending in a note when your child returns to school. This helps us to keep our records up to date. PE/Games Lessons Your child will need to have the following items of kit in school (labelled with their name and in a labelled bag:T shirt & shorts Pumps Sweat shirt & sweat pants Trainers EARRINGS LCC Health & Safety Team advise that earrings should not be worn for any PE, Sports or swimming. It is preferable that your child does not wear earrings for school, and if they do, they must be able to remove them themselves before PE/sports lessons and have responsibility for their own earrings. If ears are newly pierced then you must cover your child’s ears with plasters on PE/sports days.
Do you think you may qualify for Free School Meals? It is now easier to check if you qualify for free school meals and many families do not realise that they could be eligible.
Dinner money is £9.25 per week and
To check if you qualify please call 01772 531809 with your name, date of birth and National Insurance Number. Even if your child does not want school lunch and you think you are eligible please apply. This helps school with funding.
should be paid in advance on Friday morning for the following week. If no money is received after two weeks your child will no longer be allowed to stay for a school meal and will need to bring a packed lunch. Outstanding debts will be referred to Lancashire County Council Treasurers Department. Please make cheques payable to L.C.C and place your cheque or monies in a sealed envelope clearly marked with your child’s name and class on the front.