planets David Higgins
Mercury’s sunny side has a temperature rising to 400° Celsius or 750° fahrenheit. Mercury is the clossed to the sun. Mercury has no moons.
Mercury’s diameter, the distance right round its middle, is only 3100 miles or 4990 kilometres. When mercury orbits the sun, it travels 36 million miles, or 58 kilometres in the 88 days of the orbit.
venus ď Ź
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Venus is the brightest in the solar system and can be seen even in daylight if you know where to look. Venus is just a little bit smaller than Earth.
Venus is Earth’s sister. Venus is 67 million miles, or 108 kilometres, from the sun.
Earth ď Ź ď Ź
The Earth is the third planet from the sun. Earth is unlike every other planets in the solar system in a number of different ways.
The Earth is fragile. The Earth is not exactly a sphere.
The red planet, as mars is often called. Just because mars is smaller doesn’t mean its without landmarks. Mars has two moons phobos and deimos. Mars has both north and south polar ice caps.
Jupiter ď Ź
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Jupiter has a diameter of 88,700 miles or 142, 750 kilometres. There are 64 moons in total for of which are larger enough to be easily observed with a small telescope.
If you travelled to Jupiter on vacation, you would be very heavy. Jupiter has 50 official moons and 12 provisional (unofficial) moons.
Saturn ď Ź
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Because Saturn is bigger than the Earth, you would weigh more on Saturn than you do here. Because Saturn is bigger than the Earth, you would weigh more on Saturn than you do here.
Because Saturn is bigger than the Earth, you would weigh more on Saturn than you do here. The most well-known of Saturn's moons is probably Titan.
Uranus ď Ź
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Like Jupiter and Saturn, Uranus is a gas giant. would take you many years to fly a rocket to Uranus. When you arrived you would weigh less because Uranus' gravity is not as strong as the Earth's.
Uranus also has rings, though they don't stretch out as far as the rings of Saturn.
Uranus also has rings, though they don't stretch out as far as the rings of Saturn.