Planets Kyle Rourke
mercury Mercury has no atmosphere. Mercury is the closest Planet to the sun it not that close since its 36 million miles or 58 million kiloliters. mercury's sunny side has a temperature rising to 4000 Celsius Or 750 faheirt.
Venus Venus
is earths sister Venus has no moons Venus orbit makes it second closest planet to the sun
Interestingly, scientists have recently been able to peek through the thick clouds and get a few glimpses of the surface.
Earth ď Ź Earth
is the biggest terrestrial planet. ď Ź The earth has one moon. ď Ź Earth has more atmosphere and water than land. Scientists use the Earth to study all the other planets.
mars Mars
is 229 million kilometres away from the sun Mars maximum temperature is 36 c Mars movement is 24 hours and 37 min If you weighed 70 pounds (32 kg) on the Earth, you would weigh about 27 pounds (12 kg) on Mars.
Jupiter Jupiter's
average temperature is -153 c. Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. Jupiter rotates faster than any other planet in the solar system.
If you weigh 70 pounds (32 kg) on Earth, on Jupiter you would weigh 185 pounds (84 kg).
Saturn Because Saturn is such a lightweight planet and it spins so fast, Saturn is not perfectly round like most of the other planets. Because Saturn is bigger than the Earth, you would weigh more on Saturn than you do here. Saturn has official moons and 9 provisional (unofficial) moons. 53 Probably not as much as you thought, right? Keep reading to find out why.
Uranus ď Ź It
would take you many years to fly a rocket to Uranus.
If you weigh 70 pounds (32 kg) on Earth, you would weigh 62 pounds (28 kg) on Uranus. Like Jupiter and Saturn, Uranus is a gas giant. It is thought that the gravitational pull of this moon moving away from Uranus may have caused it to tilt on its side.
Neptune ď Ź In
Neptune's atmosphere, there is a large white cloud that moves around rather quickly.
Not much was known about Neptune until it was visited by the spacecraft Voyager 2 on August 25, 1989 When Voyager 2 visited Neptune, its pictures showed a giant storm much like the storm on Jupiter.
Pluto ď Ź Pluto
was the only planet to be named by
a kid. Because Pluto is so small you would be very light if you visited. Pluto has 3 moons. After the planet was discovered in 1930, an 11-year-old girl who lived in Oxford, England, by the name of Venetia Burney, suggested that this new planet needed to be named after the Roman god of the underworld.