A Pu Publication Corban University P blic bl iccat atio ion n off C orba or ban Un ban ba U niv iver ersi er sity si ty Spring 2011
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Kingdom Thinking
Andrew, Simon Peter's brother said to
Him "There is a lad here who has five barley rley loaves and d two small fish,
JOHN 6:8
What offers
A MORE PROFITABLE RETURN than helping educate the next generation to stand for God’s truth and make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ? “Train to be godly; godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.” (I Timothy 4:7b, 8b — NIV) By giving to the Corban Fund, you play a critical role in making a Corban education more affordable for our aspiring Christian students. Every gift to the Corban Fund is an investment in the unlimited potential that God has for each student. And the return on investment doesn’t stop there. Imaginee the impact for Christ that biblically educated young hearts and minds will make in our culture and for eternity.
YOU GIVE. THEY LEARN. TOGETHER MAKING A DIFFERENCE. To make a one-time investment or sign up for a monthly commitment, please contact us by phone or email. Your gift makes a difference. advancement@corban.edu | 503-589-8186 | giving.corban.edu
About Our Name
It is the mission of Corban University to educate Christians who will make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ. The Hebrew word for corban (qorban) represents the highest gift given to God. “…in view of God's mercy… offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship.” Romans 12:1 NIV Our students are trained to become leaders who are set apart for a life of spiritual sacrifice and service, and able to advance as salt and light in a darkened world.
CORBAN STAFF Publisher Reno Hoff ‘73 Editor J. Steven Hunt ‘69 Writer Sheldon Traver Designer Nick Saemenes Contributing Writers Josh Mann, J. Steven Hunt, Deleen Wills Contributing Photographers Sheldon Traver, Deleen Wills
COLLEGE ADMINISTRATION President Reno Hoff ‘73 Provost, Executive Vice President Matt Lucas ‘94 Vice President for Advancement Michael Bates Vice President for Business Chris Erickson Vice President for Student Life Nancy Hedberg ‘93 Vice President for Marketing J. Steven Hunt ‘69 Vice President for Enrollment Management Martin Ziesemer ‘91 Board of Trustees: Thomas Carlson ‘69 (Chair), Timothy H. Aagard ‘80, Timothy R. Baker ‘89, Darrell V. Beddoe, Daniel E. Brammer ‘76, James Carlson, Virginia K. Hendrickson ‘67, Ronald B. Hill, Curtis Horton ‘69, Ronald Lawler Sr, Stephen E. McBee, Donn Mogford, David R. Nicholas, Pat Nicholson ‘74, Paul B. Null ‘73, Bob Oldright, Michael L. Patterson ‘74, Douglas Pfeiler, Terrance Posey, Tom Ruhlman, Joyce A. Sherman, Erhardt Steinborn, David Unrau, Richard Whipps, Dan Wilder ‘75, Gary Williamson ‘86, Alumni Board: Tyson Pruett ‘92 (Chair), Corky Lambert ‘75 (ViceChair), Nathan Knottingham ‘03 (Secretary/Treasurer), Angie Alden ‘75, Eric Christen ‘91, Jerry Cudney ‘63, Dan Hill ‘93, Mike Howden ‘81, Daryl Knox ‘96, Mike Patterson ‘74, Shari Ridings ADP ‘05, John Storkel ‘79, Jack Werre ‘78, Nelson Zarfas ‘82 CORBAN Magazine is published by the Marketing & Communications Office of Corban University and is sent to alumni, parents, supporters and friends of the University. Corban’s mission is to educate Christians who will make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ. www.corban.edu/corbanmag Send correspondence and address changes to: Corban Magazine 5000 Deer Park Drive SE Salem, OR 97317-9392 Email alumni@corban.edu or call (503) 581-8600. Corban Magazine is printed by Lynx Group in Salem, Oregon, U.S.A.
Kingdom Thinking
Warrior Hall of Fame
School of Ministry
Sharing what we've been given
Honoring Warrior alumni
Making strides toward success
Is is worth it?
Mark your calendar
Notes and news on campus
Stay up to date on alumni news
Fall and winter activities
Invest into the future of Corban
From the President Corban in Print/News Briefs Alumni Action
Upcoming Events Class Notes
Planned Giving
COVER: Illustration by J.Steven hunt depicting five loaves and two fish used by Jesus to teach a lesson to the disciples.
Want to continue receiving Corban Magazine? We are happy to send you this publication. However, we want to respect your right to choose, so if you do not wish to continue receiving CORBAN magazine please email: advancement@corban.edu, write: Office of Advancement, Corban University, 5000 Deer Park Drive SE, Salem, OR 97317, or call 503-375-7003.
From the President
Dr. Shannon Simmons teaches Human Performance at Corban.
It is often questioned whether it is worth the cost of going to a Christian college rather than to less expensive community and state colleges. The thinking is that a person can save money, attend a good church or become involved in some campus Christian group and gain the same results. Some also question the need for a college to ask for gifts since they charge tuition and fees. My answer to the first question is that students are receiving a totally different education at Corban University. They not only receive fine academic instruction and training for a profession, but they are given eternal values based upon the Word of God. At Corban, all of our traditional students minor in Bible and theology, in order to ground them in the Word of God, so they can develop a biblical view on all issues in life. They are also in a Christian environment, among peers who are born again, and thus have a common bond in Jesus Christ. In a public or secular college, the worldview is usually contrary to the Christian worldview. Four years of constant presentation from a worldly view on issues can have a major effect on the minds of students. Recent research indicates that among students who say they are born again when entering a public or secular college, 28% claim not to be born again four years later. The second question concerns whether colleges should seek gifts to cover expenses when they already charge tuition and fees. The facts are that tuition and fees do not cover operational expenses. Nor are the costs of new buildings and renovation of older ones covered by tuition and student fees. We try to keep our costs down as much as possible, but we must provide a level of service and environment that is expected by students and meets what other colleges do. This can only be accomplished by the generosity of gift income from alumni, parents and friends.
I believe that Christian colleges are essential to the well-being of the church. Our future leaders of the church, our communities and our nation are formed by their educational experience. We need people who are well grounded in the Word and prepared to make an impact on the world in their chosen fields. In recent years we have advanced our academic programs so we now have eight master’s-level programs and one doctoral. Recently, with the merger of Northwest Baptist Seminary, we now offer full ministry programs to train pastors and other ministry leaders in our newly established School of Ministry. We are very excited about this new endeavor and already see growth in interest by prospective students. Our international School of Education in Indonesia has 800 students enrolled. We are partnering with UPH Christian University located in Jakarta. Last year we graduated 145 students who are now teaching in Christian schools in the hinterlands of that country. This June, we will graduate another 250 students who will also be teaching in Christian schools. The goal is to bring the light of Jesus to this country. We are very pleased to be a part of this great endeavor. We welcome you as partners in this great ministry to make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ. Your support will make the difference. We appreciate your prayers and consideration of support. Dedicating Heart and Mind to God,
Reno Hoff, President
Kingdom Thinking
he disciples were the first to encounter this lesson. Jesus observed the apostle John in his quest for greatness in the Kingdom of God. Jesus essentially said to him, “that’s not how we do it here.” He went on to urge John to not pursue greatness for greatness sake, but to simply “love one another.” John was an accomplished, hard-charging businessman whose desire was to do great things for the kingdom of God. But by the end of his life of following Jesus, he understood it. The encouragement to his peers was to “love one another.”
Kingdom Thinking
The path of discipleship involves learning “how we do it here.” involve Marriage, relationships, morality, forgiveness, money—all invol aspects of the wisdom of the world in them, but they also have kingdom wisdom. feeding There are two stories that demonstrate this clearly: one is the fe of the 5,000 (the only miracle recorded in all four gospels) and an the other, the widow’s mite. In John 6 Jesus had asked the disciples to them. gather food for the multitude. This request made no sense to th enough They reasoned it would take many days of wages to pay for eno food to feed 5,000. The gospel of Mark tells us that the people were mainly hungry to They learn about God—they could not find satisfaction elsewhere. T regard to were so eager to learn that they ran to follow Jesus without reg near, where their evening meal would come from. As evening drew n Jesus saw the crowd and told his followers, “You give them something som preparation for to eat.” He knew full well that there was no budget or preparat this, but he wanted to teach them a lesson. In John, we learn the lesson: a picture of two economies. As the d disciples two look around they see a boy’s lunch with five barley loaves and tw fish. They consider it but then, working from their own sense of logic, recognize, “How far will they go among so many?” They were thinking from the world’s wisdom, and Jesus waited to see how they would solve the problem. Even today we have a certain tension about which category we operate in—our own (world) wisdom or God’s wisdom. From the boy’s perspective, he responded without any reasoning at all. He responded, “I have five loaves and two fish!” The lesson to learn here isn’t that there were 5,000 people and only one boy with food. It is, “there were 5,000 people and only one willing to share. Intellectually the boy knows it is small, but he is willing to risk not having it all to himself—he gives it away so that many others will have some.
This is a powerful example of kingdom wisdom for all of us. Jesus’ concern was not for how much food there was, but for teaching. It’s a familiar story, not one that took place in a church service (where we usually think of giving). In the kingdom there is a place where little is much. In this instance, that place was a picnic and the boy’s generous spirit made something possible where non-generous thinking would not have. The purpose of discipleship is to replace the world’s conventional wisdom with kingdom thinking or mindset. In Mark 12:41 Jesus watched a crowd putting money into the temple treasury. The rich people threw in large amounts, but a widow put in two small coins worth only a fraction of a penny. Jesus called to his disciples to watch. “This widow put in more than all the others. They gave from their wealth; but she from everything that she had.” The distinction is that she gave from money she needed, but they from their abundance, their “extra.” When we give like the world we usually trust in what we think we can do, but we instead need to trust in what God can do. Which is greater, our fear or our trust? Our thinking says if we give we will have less. But God says “seek first the kingdom and all else will be added. Make kingdom things a priority. In my own case, my wife and I were setting aside money for an adoption. It was tough going and every cent counted. We were trusting God for supplying a seemingly impossible amount. My piggy bank was being stuffed with everything I could give it. One day I felt God’s prompting to give regularly to support another ministry. The message was clear: “give from what you have…even from that piggy bank to help someone else.” When I hesitated and tried to make sense of it I felt God prompting me, “You want me to give to meet your needs in unknown ways, but you can’t enter into the unknown in order to give also?” The lesson hit home. Someone might ask, “What stands between you and this adoption? “Money” I would reply. But if we understand God’s heart, his answer would be “trust.” The enemy doesn’t want us to give—not because of what will get funded, but because of who we will become. He wants us to think less is less! But if we think like the small boy and the widow, we will find that God’s economy provides for those who trust. In the kingdom, all things are different. It is not a message about a budget. It is rather a message about our heart. Less is much and little is enough. Fear is what immediately comes to us on this issue. But trust pushes out fear. Be a people that are generous because we trust.
Josh Mann is pastor of Middle School Ministries at Salem Alliance Church
The Sacrifice of Service
At Corban we depend upon those who trust God for what can be accomplished in thhee nex ext generation of students. We uunnder st and that many of our friends are not on cam pus t o sense the pulse of allll that is being done. Take a look at the follloowing stories about people who model the “spirit of giving.." "
Spirit of Giving From one to many a teacher’s giving lives on When a drop of rain hits the smooth surface of a pond, concentric rings will form, moving outward, getting larger, touching more of the pond than the initial drop p p could on its own. Late Corban University professor ofessor Beth Bartruff’s battle with Lupus ended 2010, on Christmas d day, y, 201 2010 10,, but her amazing life fe touched hundreds dss of young women, n, many man of whom will bri bring her limitless compassion to Although others. Altho though she had no children of her own, Bartruff dedicated her life to children and young women as an educator and mentor. She is someone that Charissa Bernard, a self-described preacher’s kid and middle school troublemaker, said gave her a renewed sense of purpose in herself and with God. She met Bartruff on a Rogue River trip in 1996 and since then, she developed a close bond with Bartruff that never ended.
“She was an amazing young woman”
“Everyone had expectations for how I should be,” Bernard said. “I wanted to prove that I could be my own person.” This led to a general disrespect and disdain toward the youth group leaders at the church where her family worked and attended. “I was definitely a project in that way,” she said. “When I met Beth, she didn’t make me feel like I was being attacked. She made sure I
Beth and her yo
ung Navaho frien
knew I h had a place with her. She created opportunities for me to llearn things without making me feel like I was being disciplined.” discipl disciplined She wasn’ wasn’t just a fixture for local youth, Bartruff had a passion for that took her around the world and to a Navajo Indian missions tth reservation in Arizona. Accounting Professor Bryce Bernard reservat reservatio (Charissa’s father-in-law) partnered with her on several trips and said her enthusiasm was contagious. “She was an amazing young woman,” he said. “Because of her disease, she wasn’t supposed to be out in the sun, yet she was going to Mexico in long sleeves and a big floppy hat. She loved to share her faith and minister to the people in those areas, but she also wanted to have an impact on the kids that came on the trips. “She was always ‘Mother Beth’ on the trips,” Bryce Bernard added. “She could minister to the girls in a way that the mothers on the trip couldn’t. If any girl had a need, Beth wouldn’t miss an opportunity to minister to her.” Eventually, Charissa did move on to high school and later Corban University where Bartruff became an assistant professor of education. Like the rings in the pond, Charissa carried the love of Christ, that Bartruff had modeled, through her education and into her marriage, where they serve in the pastorate in Corvallis, Ore. Like Bartruff, Charissa is helping mold the lives of young women at her church and modeling the compassion, action and sacrifice that her youth leader, mentor and friend taught her. “There are always things that I can continue to work on,” she said. “I saw how much she invested in me and believed in me. It made me want to change and this is what I want for the girls I serve now.
Charissa Bernard shows her nt. appreciation to Beth at commenceme
“Beth’s time was so precious,” Charissa said, wiping away a tear. “She was only here for 37 years and 11 months. She spent that time investing in me and other people so that the work of Christ will carry on through us.”
Kingdom Thinking
Life by example sharing years of experience with younger men A pastor, a financial officer and a prison chaplain—three men who’ve had very different life experiences, but have one shared passion—to encourage Corban’s young men to lead exceptional lives for Christ. Now comfortably in retirement, Mel Wiggers, Peter Byeman and Doug Farris could be hitting the links, spending time with grandkids or traveling to warmer climates. However, each has also devoted himself to mentoring and equipping young men—helping them to tackle the struggles they face today, and later in life, including purity, finances, and discipleship. The trio is utilizing a plan developed by Wiggers and adapted for Corban’s semester schedule called “Equip 4 Life.” The program is based around “Disciples of a Godly Man” by R. Kent Hughes and is being used in its full length format by more than 50 churches. “If we can encourage men to adopt these disciplines and then, in turn, help another man to do the same thing, then we will be accomplishing God’s will for us,” Wiggers said. “What this does is peel an onion to the core. You don’t start at the core; you remove the layers to get to the man inside.” As they gather on Schimmel Hall’s first floor, Byeman and Farris laugh with two of the three students the pair meets with each Tuesday. The age difference may seem grandfatherly to the casual observer, but both men are quick to point out it isn’t. “We’re being honest with them,” Byeman said. “We are all vulnerable enough to speak up about our fears and struggles. We respect each other and enjoy each other as friends.” The bonds aren’t just being built on campus. Byeman and Farris have each had the students in their homes for meals and fun. Their personal friendship wasn’t just built around Bible or small book studies; it was developed through time spent simply being men. “This is a relaxed time,” Byeman said with a laugh. “There is no memorizing Scripture. We’ve played Frisbee golf at one of the parks and let the kids beat us.” Farris added, “It is a very important step in forging strong ties. “To open your house declares ‘you’re family.’” he said. “It shows we’re not just putting on airs, but showing who we are and being real. It demonstrates we want to be their friends.” Although they lead each meeting, Byeman and Farris are also participants with a life story. They openly share their victories and defeats, both past and present, listen to the students and model what being in an honest relationship with God and each other is supposed to look like.
Pete Byeman, Mel Wiggers and Doug
Farris mentor Corban's young men
When Wiggers introduced the program to Director of Residence Life Jimmy D’Agosta, his hope was to see men building bonds such as those described in Ecclesiastes 4:12: “Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three stands is not quickly broken.” “Most men do not have a godly man for a close friend,” he said. “Pete and Doug are such good examples of what this looks like. The other thing they have to know is that we’re not recruiting them to sit on the bench. We want to encourage them to step up and eventually form their own groups with men like Doug and Pete in a mentoring role.” Just as the younger men are gaining the insight and wisdom of the older ones, Byeman and Farris said they too are learning about their younger peers and the influences and pressures they face. “I’ve learned as much as these young men have,” Byeman said. “It’s fun getting to know them and praying for them and listening to them.” Farris smiled as he reflected on what has happened since the fall semester when Equip 4 Life began. “I want to equip them to be disciples,” he said. “I want to understand and encourage them. There are a lot of decisions that have to be made by a college student. My hope is that sharing my experience with them will make them excited about the future. “They are learning about how to deal with families and how to deal with issues such as anger and finances,” Farris added. “They will have a realistic view of the future, and be better able to handle it alongside men they trust.”
Thanks Thankss ttoo three three ““senior” senior” ffriends riends ooff Corban what Corrban who who have have ““given given ffrom rom w hat tthey hey have” for most of their lives. We salute them for their spirit of giving!
Museum Volunteers Adrian Jeffers and Howard Games Adrian Jeffers has used much of the past two decades to volunteer as curator in the Prewitt Allen Archaeological Museum at Corban. After the founder Frank Prewitt died, there wasn’t anyone who was able to take care of the museum. Corban has the largest collection of biblical objects on the West Coast north of San Francisco and the artifacts needed to be preserved and the collection expanded. Jeffers knew it was important and decided that he would fill that role.
rd Games
Adrian Jeffers and Howa
“I like seeing that this is a part of the work that people inside and outside the University can enjoy. I organize tours, especially for teachers that graduated from Corban. The children are always a pleasure to work with. One of the biggest satisfactions of the job is seeing that people are interested in the collection and learning from it.”
Volunteer Howard Games has assisted Jeffers each week for many years. He has been interested in Corban for many years and said, “I used to come down and work on the grounds some, but I’m older now and had to find a way to do what needed to be done. An opportunity came up to put some of my time in at the museum so I took it. I don’t have any special expertise, but I was able to do what Adrian needed to have done. I wanted to use my time for the Lord’s work and this was a good way to do it. It’s a good way to serve the Lord in places where they need help. Corban gave me that opportunity.”
Will you join these and other dedicated friends in an initiative to further the education of exceptional Christian youth? In God’s economy, a finite gift of $100 is
transformed into an immeasurable value. Combined with many other gifts, yours can provide a scholarship that enables a student to attend Corban. The spirit of the student and their family is uplifted, and in the next several years you can see the life-changing impact for that student. What we often aren’t there to see firsthand is the positive impact on their family, friends and church. But this is just the beginning. They will touch the lives of children, or the elderly, or will help to heal the sick, or bring the gospel to hundreds of people, or be an example of a successful Christian business person who has influence on important decisions and many lives. The $100 finite worth has suddenly made an impact on eternity, not just theirs but generations following. This is the power of giving for use in God’s Kingdom: what He accomplishes from what we share.
Celebrate giving! Look to God for what only He can accomplish through the students being trained to make a difference wherever they choose to work and live.
Volunteer for Decade of 50s and 60s Jerry Cudney In the past several months, Jerry has invested hundreds of hours to act as a rallying point for our older alumni to gather around each other and Corban. “Jo and I are so pleased to be a part of our college, now university, with over 75 years of God’s faithfulness. Not only did we meet and marry while students at the El Cerrito campus but we gained insight and commitment as to what it meant to serve the Lord... we have chosen to give to our school on a monthly basis during many of the last 47 years. We praise God for all He has chosen to do through Corban University.
Jerry and Jo Cudney
Kingdom Thinking
$10 $ 10 $50 $ 50 $85-200 $ 85-200
$120 $120 $600 $600 $1,020-2,400 $1,020-2,400
$600 $600 $3,000 $3,000 $5,100-12,000 $5,100-12,000
Transform a young life — to give give, call Darrel White at 503-589-8186 or email dwhite@corban.edu dwhite@corban edu
Funds books for one student for one semester
$21/mon. or $250/yr.
Funds one scholarship for children of alumni
$42/mon. or $500/yr.
Treadmill—commercial grade (2)
$5,000 ea.
Elliptical Trainers—commercial grade (2)
$4,500 ea.
Funds more than one credit hour for a student $84/mon. or $1,000/yr.
Stationary upright bicycles—commercial grade (4)
$3,000 ea.
This is accomplished by giving to the Corban Fund that helps provide scholarship funds.
Laptop for media and marketing purposes (1)
FACILITIES Gym exterior
ACADEMICS $150,000
Farrar Hall Upgrades
Psalm Center Staircase
infrared temperature
Flooring - fitness center
DRAMA Automated Lights (2)
General Stage Lights (10)
$375 ea.
Lighting Dimmers (14 pairs)
$350 pair
SCIENCE DEPARTMENT: Vernier LabQuest (3-8)
Wenger Music Chairs (100) $329 ea. $159
Musical instruments and materials
Force plate
Radiation monitor
ARCHAEOLOGY MUSEUM Humidifier New museum artifact
ADULT DEGREE OFFICE: Desk for one of our program chairs
Printer for our assessment office
$100 ea.
(designed specifically for musicians)
$30 $1,000
ADMISSIONS Laptops for traveling (5)
$2,000 CORBAN
Corban in Print
CORBAN in Embedded - Mark Knutson
Tree Farm Country - Violet Whittaker
When it comes to getting the best journalistic coverage, investigative reporter Steve Stanton knows the ideal way is to be embedded with those making the news. When he is asked to cover a national movement sweeping Judea he knows he’ll have to get close to Yeshua bar Joseph of Nazareth and his disciples to get the facts. This leads him down a path of danger… and the truth about Yeshua’s fate and whether this is the end of Stanton’s story.
As a professor of Christian Education at Western Baptist Bible College during the 1960s and 1970s, Violet Whittaker ('66) taught her students how to weave their faith into every lesson.
“Embedded” was written by Marc Knutson (ADP ’05), who took his experience as a senior pastor, short-term mission leader and freelance journalist to create a story which comingles historical data with events that could have happened. Knutson said the book opens doors for non-believers to hear the gospel message by making Jesus relatable in a new way. “Embedded” is available through Knutson’s website at www.embeddednovel.com, the Corban University Bookstore on the Salem campus or through online booksellers such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Borders.
So when it was time to write and illustrate “Tree Farm Country,” she too wove important life lessons and trust in God into the tapestry of her story. “When I write, whatever I write, it has to have the fact that God is here and he loves us,” she said. “It’s uplifting but not preachy and kids really enjoy it. Even adults will see some pleasant surprises.” “Tree Farm Country” is the story of Troy, a 9-year-old boy who loses his mother and must leave his home in the city so his father can find work in the country. Despite his sadness and disappointment, Troy learns important lessons about safety, adapting to life’s changes and the power of prayer. Copies of “Tree Farm Country” are available for $12.99 at the Corban University Bookstore or at Borders or Rainbow West Christian Books in Salem, Ore., or by e-mailing Whittaker at violetsresort@gmail.com.
Ministry of Presence: Biblical Insight on Christian Chaplaincy - Whit Woodard From war on the battlefield to war on the spirit, military chaplains are called to serve troops wherever they are needed. Few know this as well as Whit Woodard (’65) Chief of Chaplains for the Air Force Auxiliary and Civil Air Patrol. His book, “Ministry of Presence: Biblical Insights on Christian Chaplaincy” was released in January and was written for chaplains and those considering chaplaincy. He tells about the history of the chaplaincy as well as the roles and challenges of being a Christian chaplain in today’s military. In his book, Woodard encourages the local church to be engaged in the oversight of chaplains, addresses concerns future chaplains may have about proselytizing and many more issues facing those who want to serve God and their country in the ministry. “Ministry of Presence” is available online through Faithful Life Publishers at http:// store.flpublishers.net/ministry-of-presence for $14.99.
News Briefs
G Generous D Donation ti iis M Music i tto Corban’s Ears Kitty MacKinnon recently made a donation of a 7-foot, 4-inch Kawai grand piano for Corban University’s music department and its students. “The piano will benefit a large number of students each year as it is used to accompany choir rehearsals, jazz band rehearsals, chapel band rehearsals and for classes that occur in our large rehearsal room,” said Music Department Chair Dan Shuholm. “This donation improves the quality of pianos we have available for instruction and performance. A little more than a year ago, the instruments we were using for performances were functional, but were worn out from years of service.” Shuholm said this is the second piano donated to the music department in the last 12 months and is a tremendous addition to the 9-foot 1905 Horugel Grand Piano, which was completely restored and is now used in the Psalm Performing Arts Center.
The program began in January and will end in mid-April with students delivering a completed project to their clients including Abbey Carpet Care, Rootx, Garten Services Inc. and Courthouse Athletics, all in Salem, Ore., Ripsaw Paintball in Chehalis, Wash. and Bible Translation Literacy Kenya. Throughout the semester, the teams worked with a faculty coach and the client to learn what their client needed, create a practical approach to meet that need and develop strategic goals and deadlines. The partnership gives small business owners the opportunity to explore an idea that they may not have had time for otherwise. Corban Business Professor Bryce Bernard said each business will receive up to 400 man hours of work for free in exchange for some of their time, ideas and knowhow. Warrior men’s basketball 3-point streak passes 800
Students expend time and energy for the poor When many students are looking for jobs to fill their summer and pay their loans, team members for the Bike America Mission (BAM) Jason Hardrath, Alissa Hilley and Travis Hilley have a different goal on their minds. “We want to stick our back tires into the Pacific Ocean bright-‘n-early on June 4th, 2011 and then pedal until our front tires hit the Atlantic Ocean to raise support and awareness for poverty around the world,” says Jason Hardrath, senior physical education major and founder of the BAM Student Organization at Corban University, “when statisticians estimate one human-being dies every five seconds due to poverty, we want to do our part to aid those who struggle for life each day. We see it as both a way we can help those whom we cannot see and as a means to fulfill the Christian calling to ‘speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves’ (Prov. 31:8).”
It took only three minutes for Corban men’s basketball player Ian Logan to ensure Warrior’s dominance in 3-point territory. On Jan. 7 at Warner Pacific College, Logan’s jumper behind the three gave his team its 800th straight game with points from behind the three-point line. It is a streak started in 1987 and remains unmatched by any fouryear college or university in the United States. If the streak remains alive, the men should surpass the 850 mark during the 2012/2013 season.
Kitty MacKinnon
Corban Consulting Partners In 2009, Corban Consulting g Partners was developed from a desire to give students the ability to use their education in relevant ways and fulfill their senior project requirement. The program places teams of students with small businesses and non-profits to discover ways to improve productivity or expand their businesses or services. There are currently 21 students working in six teams to help five small businesses and one non-profit in Kenya.
Travis Hilley, Alissa Hilley and Jason Hadrath
Ian Logan shoots the record-setting 3-pointer.
Warrior Hall of Fame
Athletes Honored at Hall of Fame Ceremony A wall of the C.E. Jeffers Sports Center is being painted, not by the stroke of a brush, but by the spirit and testimony of those who embraced Corban’s Christ-centered athletic and academic mission and purpose. n Jan. 15, 2011, five individuals and one team were inducted into the Warrior Hall of Fame. The honor was given to those who displayed not only athletic prowess, but character and performance while playing the game, in the classroom and in life.
“The Hall of Fame ceremonies are a chance for alumni to return and share their experiences at the University,” said Director of Athletics Dave Johnson. “It allows them to talk about how things were and how Corban made a difference in their lives. Their experiences here still mean something to them today.” Hall of Fame inductees are selected by a committee of current students and staff from nominations and recommendations made by coaches and alumni. The committee looks at the most celebrated individuals and teams and looks at the lives they led at Corban and beyond. “These are the ones who have really done the best ever,” Johnson said. “Their footprints are still felt in athletics. They put their hearts and souls into the University and served the Lord here.” Roy Danielian played soccer between 1977 and 1981 and was a four-time National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics 1st team all-conference selection. He was male athlete of the year twice and traveled to Hong Kong and India in 1979 as an ambassador for
Tracy Smith with Athletic Director Dave Johnson.
men’s soccer. His No. 10 jersey was retired by WBC in 1992. Cassee Steed was a two-sport athlete between 1996 and 2000. She played basketball and volleyball and is the only player to date to record more than 1,000 kills and earn more than 1,000 points in a career. Additionally, she was the only player in women’s basketball history to achieve more than 1,000 points, 1,000 rebounds and 50 blocks in a career. She was also a National Christian College Athletic Association National player of the year her senior year. Today she ranks in the top 10 for all-time program history in nine different categories. KeriAnn Rumrey played women’s soccer between 2000 and 2003. She is the school’s all-time leader in points, goals and assists and was an NAIA All-American. She was named NAIA Region 1 player of the year and earned awards from the Cascade Collegiate Conference. Former Women’s Volleyball Coach Tracy Smith was inducted after guiding the Warriors to 238 wins in 17 years. She led the school to an NCCAA national title and the CCC tournament crown in 1997. This gave the school its highest ever ranking in the NAIA national ranking, No. 13, in 1997.
after winning the 1997 NCCAA crown with a four-set victory. The team still claims a schoolrecord 31 wins and captured the program’s only CCC tournament title. The women’s record on and off the court earned the team its Hall of Fame honor. Inducted for Outstanding Service, Doug Pfeiler is a recognized face by nearly every Corban athlete. Doug purchased a full-sized travel bus and works nearly full time to drive the athletes to and from events throughout the Pacific Northwest. Additionally, he takes many of the department photos and inputs statistics on road trips. He is also a Corban Board of Trustees member. To Johnson, the photos and plaques that will eventually be mounted on an interior wall of the C.E. Jeffers Sports Center will be more than decoration. Each will be a reminder to Corban’s current athletes that Christ-centered character isn’t built just on the court or field; it’s in every part of their lives. “Every new person honored has touched the lives of others around him or her,” Johnson said. Whether inductees graduated in the 1970s, 2000s or any other period of time, their leadership legacy has been felt and remembered by multitudes of athletes both during and after their time at Corban. “Each Hall of Fame is a painting, created by the inductees, representing their experiences at Corban (Western),” he said. “By the end of their time with us, they have developed into masterpieces that magnify Christ and the school that prepared them for their future.”
Smith’s 1997 Warriors became the first and only national championship volleyball team
Cassee Steed Terry
1997 Volleyball Team
School of Ministry
School of Ministry developing more options for less money
Roy Danielian
Anyone who believes earning a master’s degree in five years happens only in fiction novels may want to reconsider. Corban University School of Ministry (CUSM) has a new Fast Track Program that is giving Master of Arts and Master of Divinity students a way to shave one full year off their education schedule without sacrificing the high quality classes for which the school is known.
Doug Pfeiler
Fast Track allows ministry students to complete an MA in Christian Leadership in five years or a Master of Divinity degree in six years. It normally takes six or seven years respectively to earn the same degrees. “What we’ve done is eliminate the overlap of classes that students would have to take when entering the School of Ministry,” said Greg Trull, Corban’s dean of ministries. “It gives students with a call to ministry one less year of debt they may have to accrue as a result of their education.” The program is ideal for incoming freshmen or sophomores who want to go into ministry. Students will complete their core undergraduate work by the end of their third year. After that, they have the option of finishing their master’s degree online or at Corban’s School of Ministry campus in the Puget Sound area. Overlapping classes, such as the Spiritual Formation class, would be taken their fourth year in conjunction with other master’s level coursework.
KeriAnn Rumrey
“We are excited to be able to offer a significant number of students a new option,” Trull said. “With all of the concern in American education about getting your money’s worth, this is a practical way to put God’s future ministry leaders into their roles faster without sacrificing the Christ-centered curriculum that sets Corban apart.” The School of Ministry is continuing to prepare 21st century leaders for effective ministry in church and para-church roles. Campuses in Salem and the Puget Sound, as well as online and module formats, are changing the way education is delivered. This feature enables leadership personnel to advance their education while maintaining their current ministry.
FFor or more information about CUSM programs and schedules, ccontact ontact admissions counselor Karen Pease: kpease@corban.edu
Alumni Action
ALUMNIaction We are honored to be able to serve you in whatever way we can. Please do not hesitate to contact our alumni office with any questions, concerns or suggestions. Serving the Lord and You, Deleen Wills, Director of Alumni Services 503-589-8182, dwills@corban.edu
Fall and Winter Events Turkey Trot 2010 The tradition lives on
Women’s Basketball 2010 Front row: Jennifer Hansen (’10), Andrea Hansen (’06), Rachel Steigleman Kazmierski (’10) Back row: Kailey Bostwick (‘11), Tosha Wilson (’07), Jessica Steigleman Buhler (’08), Mandy Peterson (’08), Jessi Schaumburg Norton (’07), Tara Schmidgall Sedor (’03). On the floor: Emily Kindle Goette (‘11). Alumni Office Assistant Hollie McGill (’10) with Emily Kindle Goette (‘11). Men’s Basketball Paul Martin (’09), Ben Potloff (’10) and Bryan Steed (’05) Back row: Joey Jackson (’08), Bryan Steed (’05), Dan Buhler (’07), Steve Ball (’98) Joel Worcester (’06), Matt Larson (’05), Ben Potloff (’10), Paul Martin (’09)
Christmas Soiree Joe Greenwood (’06) & Jessica Dunlap Greenwood (ADP ‘06) Judy Edwards Schaub (’63) and husband Bob with Heather Dorr Boyd (’95) and husband Tim Anne Swearingen Jeffers (’53) & Ellen Jacobs (’88) Additional photos available on Facebook: Corban/Western Baptist Alumni
Tacoma Fundraising Banquet Keynote speaker actress Jennifer O’Neill with Kathy Murdock Hunt (’69) and Steve Hunt (’69)
Alumni Action
Christmas at the Mansion Left: Junior Rachelle Schafer on harp with Junior Anna Unruh on violin Kimberly David Rossner (’07) with father Richard David (’73, CUSM MABS ’87) School of Ministry student Darrell Haynes with wife Electra Wang and daughter Faith Right: Jane Glass Lucas (’70), Debi Lucas (’76) and Craig Lucas (’70) Ken Bailey (’66) and Bobbi Reimers Bailey (’67) Dr. Jim Hills
Blazer Game 2011 Newlyweds Tim Saffeels (’09) and wife Michelle Howden Saffeels (’08) MBA student Hilary Brown catches a Corban tote bag during the game Nancy Martyn (’68), Kim Hughes (’85) and Terri Chapman (’82, MBA ’10) Our view at the Rose Quarter
Young Alumni Event 2011 Michael Sanders (’07) and Kari Camillo Sanders (’07) Betsey Fox Jaskilka (’08) and John Jaskilka (’07) Kristin Bushnell Frank (’05) and Travis Frank (’05) with children Lilly and Jeremiah Chad Emmert (’06) and Katy Kazmierski Emmert (’07) with son Jacob Additional photos available on Facebook: Corban/Western Baptist Alumni
Alumni Action
CUBE Corban alumni are having an impact in a broad range of careers. Business alumni have completed their education through our traditional four-year program, the Adult Degree Program or are in our MBA program. Some have started their own companies and often seek out Corban grads. People appreciate the quality and character of Corban alumni and students. Today, Corban business alumni, business owners and leaders have a place of their own to connect with each other. It’s the CUBE (Corban University Business Breakfast Event) held monthly at the Broadway Commons.
Amy Dale Palacios ’00 “It’s been great to reconnect with classmates and meet other alums for the first time. The monthly meetings are encouraging and a great way to start the day.” Ryan Dempster ’99 “Corban CUBE has provided a great opportunity for me to connect with old friends, meet Salem area business colleagues and be encouraged by guest speakers.” PHOTOS: Darrel White, Director of Development, and Delores Vance (ADP ’08) Ryan Dempster (’99), Daryl Knox (’96)
At each meeting local business leaders challenge us professionally and spiritually. This group is also committed to provide mentoring and networking for young alumni as they begin their careers.
Ben Laro (ADP ’01) and Chad Emmert (’06)
Join us the third Wednesday of the month at 6:45-8 a.m. downtown Salem at Common Grounds, 1300 Broadway Street NE., room 205 on the second floor. Next meetings: April 20, May 18 and June 15.
Corban business students Jeanne Oehrtman Heine (’11) and Tyler Heine (’11)
Michael Noland (’95), Dr. Bryce Bernard (’82) and Tyson Pruett (’92)
Check out Facebook, Corban/Western Baptist Alumni events for future meetings.
Ministry Alumni—this is for you! DEDICATED is a free, new on-line publication featuring articles by Corban faculty, to offer encouragement and resources for ministry. To view the first issue, go to http://blogs.corban.edu/ministry/
Attention Authors Do you have a book you’ve written that you’d like to donate to the newly created Author’s Corner in the Alumni House? Here’s what we have so far: Oral Interpretation of the Bible by Daniel Berger (‘78), Master of the Strings by Bob Cossel (ADP ’99), Firestorms of Revival by Dr. Bob Griffin (’63), Women, Men, and the Trinity by Dr. Nancy Hedberg (ADP ’93), The Military Advantage by Terry Howell (ADP ’03), Stories of the Journey by Steve Hunt (’69), Redesigned by the Master by Ellen Jacobs (’88), Embedded by Marc Knutson (ADP ’05), Care Enough to Know—Keep Your Parents Safe by Emily-ButlerMorton (ADP ’98), PSALMWRITER: Bathsheba’s Eyes, Book IV in the Chronicles of David by Mike Sandusky (’69), Speaking Matters by Dr. Marty Trammell (’83) and Tamara Bragg McGinnis (’82), Spiritual Fitness by Dr. Marty Trammell (’83), Redeemers Relationship by Dr. Marty Trammell (’83), Tree Farm Country by Violet Whittaker (’66) and Ministry of Presence by Dr. Whit Woodard (’85). You are welcome to send your book to the Alumni Office, 5000 Deer Park Drive SE, Salem, OR 97317. We will proudly add it to our collection.
Where did you live on the Salem campus? Aagard, Farrar, Prewitt/Van Gilder, Davidson or Balyo? Or townhouses or houses? Email Hollie at hmcgill@corban.edu with your name, dorm and years you lived there!
Did you attend both WB/CU and NBS? Please email hmcgill@corban.edu the years you attended and your degree.
Upcoming Events
UPCOMINGevents Class of 1961 & Golden Alumni Class of 1961 reunion dinner is Friday night, May 6. The Class of 1961 Golden Graduates will be honored at commencement ceremonies on Saturday morning. Following Commencement, all Golden Alumni and
their guests from the Decade of the 50s and Classes of ‘60 + ’61 are invited for a reunion luncheon in the mezzanine of the Psalm Performing Arts Center.
Class of '60
Mary Poppins Join us Sunday, June 26, 6:30 p.m. Keller Auditorium The Alumni Office has obtained a limited amount of tickets at an incredible price of $26 per person (normally over $60). Seats are in the First Balcony, Sections C & D. This opportunity is available through April 25 or when tickets sell out. Call the Alumni Office at 503.316.3388 for tickets and have your credit card handy. Tickets will be mailed two weeks prior to the performance. Disney's MARY POPPINS is presented as part of the Fred Meyer Broadway Across America Portland series. Disney's MARY POPPINS June 22-July 10, 2011.
Summer Sports Alumni vs. students
Beginning in June 2011 the world's most famous nanny will arrive at Keller Auditorium. Combining the best of the original stories by P. L. Travers and the beloved Walt Disney film, the Tony® Award-winning MARY POPPINS is everything you’d hope for in a Broadway musical — and more. Produced by Disney and Cameron Mackintosh, the show includes such wonderful songs as “Chim Chim Cher–ee,” “A Spoonful of Sugar,” “Let’s Go Fly a Kite,” and of course, “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.” The NY Daily News hails MARY POPPINS as “a roof–raising, toe–tapping, high–flying extravaganza!” Let your imagination take flight at this perfectly magical musical! www.MaryPoppins.com
Homecoming 2011
Soccer, Men: August 13
Save the Date: September 30 and October 1
Soccer, Women: August 13
Reunions :
Volleyball: August 20
Mensingers Singing Group, All Soccer players: Men’s and Women’s, Classes of: ‘71, ‘81, ‘91 & ‘01
Advance your career. Build your faith. Affordable • Accredited • Convenient Corban University offers degree programs for Christian professionals. No matter which of these programs you choose, Corban will make it affordable, convenient and consistent with your beliefs.
Graduate Degrees Doctor of Ministry
The Corban MBA
Master of Arts in Christian Leadership
Master of Arts in Counseling
Master of Divinity
Master of Science in Education
Professional Licensure in Oregon Graduate Teacher Licensure Licensed Professional Counselor
Undergraduate Degrees Bachelor’s in Business Administration Bachelor’s in Psychology
Classes are offered online or on campus in Salem one night per week. *School of Ministry classes are also offered at our Puget Sound location, 253-759-6104.
Find out how easy it is to advance your career while building your faith. Check out more online at www.corban.edu/workingadults or call 1-800-764-1383.
Class Notes
CLASSnotes 50s Wayne Peirson (’53) and wife Donna of Pismo Beach, Calif., with Dewayne Flohr (’57) and wife Eva of Challenge, Calif., continue to be active in the Lord’s work. Both Wayne and Dewayne have been pastors for more than 50 years. In 2009, the couples visited Carl Flohr (’67) and wife Barbara in Australia. 1
60s Mel Beals (’60) and Marjorie Davis Beals (’61) served as missionaries from 1962 to 1981 in East Pakistan through ABWE. Mel served as a church planter, agriculture self-help developer, station council and field council chairman, a member of the Bible translation committee, a physical plant supervisor and theological trainer of national leadership. Marjorie served in ministries such as literature publications, English and Bengali Sunday school teacher, adult literacy teacher, hospital records worker, French language teacher to high school missionary kids and full-time wife and mother. In 1981 and 1982, Mel was interim pastor at Manila Baptist Church in Manila, Philippines, and ABWE West Coast representative in 1983. They resigned from ABWE in 1983 and served as pastor at First Baptist Church in Woodland, Calif., until retirement in 2003. Mel has continued to minister in the role of pulpit supply. They have three daughters and reside in Woodland, Calif. Tim Hills (’68) announced his retirement after coaching 38 years of collegiate sports. He coached at Corban University, Chemeketa Community College, Western Oregon University and Northwest Nazarene University. While at Corban, Tim served as athletic director for 18 years and coached both baseball and volleyball. He was inducted into the Oregon Softball Hall of Fame in 1990, NAIA District II Coaches Hall of Fame in 1994 and Corban University’s Warrior Hall of Fame in 2010. Tim and wife Jo Anne Booth Hills (’71) have been married for 42 years and have two adult children, Jodi Hills Marks (’93) and Brian Hills (’97), as well as four grandchildren.
70s Del Foote (’71) is an associate pastor at Valley Bible Church in Clovis, Calif. Del and wife Barbara Foss Foote (’71) formerly served 28
28 years at Cedar Avenue Baptist Church in Fresno, Calif. Tom Hedges (’72) and wife Lee Ann of Venice, Fla., celebrated 50 years of marriage at a party hosted by their four children and spouses and Tom’s brother and his wife. Also in attendance were 13 of their 15 grandchildren. Tom retired after more than 40 years of ministry. He served 20 years at Calvary Baptist Church in Covington, Ky., as the minister of youth and education and the executive pastor. The Hedges are members of First Baptist of Venice, where Tom continues to serve as a substitute teacher for the Sunday school class. 2 Istvan “Steve” Szasz, Jr. (CUSM MDiv ’75) is a Brigade Chaplain (Colonel) in the Army Reserve with the 11th Military Police Brigade of Los Alamitos, Calif. He and wife Darla Bowser Szasz (’69) reside in Moscow, Idaho. Dan Berger (’78) and Glenda Sonsteng Berger (’78) reside in Redding, Calif. Dan received his MDiv from Sioux Falls Seminary and his Ph.D. from University of Oregon. Dan is a professor of rhetoric and philosophy at Simpson University. He is chair of the department of communication. Dan has written and published three books: “Oral Interpretation of the Bible” (2003), “Speaking the Truth in Love: Christian Public Rhetoric” (2006), and “Mysterious Romantic Wonder: Engaging Philosophy” (2008). Glenda works for Health and Human Services Agency/Children's Services as a social work supervisor. Glenda completed her MSW in May 2009 at California State University-Chico. They have four adult children who all live in the Northwest: Misty Joy Berger Ness (’01) works for an accounting firm on the Oregon coast. Charity Ann Berger (’04) teaches middle school in the Salem-Keizer school district. Faith Berger Morse (’07) works for a law firm in Medford. Their son is in his senior year at Whitworth University in Spokane. 3
80s Eric Straw (ADP ’01) spent three months in Africa and Europe. He and son Matthew traveled to Mozambique with Mark 5 Ministries to help out where his daughter Jennifer Straw (’09) has been teaching. While there, Eric fixed laptop computers and solar power systems, helped Jennifer and her teammates with various projects and traveled with Jennifer and
Matthew through Tanzania to Nairobi, Kenya, and enjoyed a safari to the Ngorongoro Crater. He was in Europe for two weeks to continue Mark 5 Ministries work. Most of his time was split between the Greater Europe Mission (GEM) headquarters in Germany and the GEM annual conference in Poland where he co-led a team from Salem, Ore., fixing laptops for missionaries. Eric is an associate professor of information systems at Corban. Also, their son Kevin Straw (’13) is an information systems student at Corban. He and wife Margie Glaser Straw (’80) live in Scio, Ore., and are busy with their four children and enjoy traveling. 4 Debbie Emitte Hardinger (’81) and husband Craig Hardinger (’82) reside in Sacramento, Calif., where Craig is the lead pastor at Arcade Church. Previously, he served at Christ Fellowship in Everson, Wash. Laurie Derickson Kelley (’86) and husband Bruce Kelley (’88) reside in Lagrange, Wyo., where Bruce is on staff in the maintenance department at the Frontier School of the Bible. 5
90s Melissa Cornett Mellison (’91) and Michael Mellison (’92) and their five children reside in Albany, Ore., where Michael is an associate pastor at Willamette Community Church of Albany. Previously, they resided in Indianapolis, Ind., where they served at Redeemer Presbyterian Church.
and half years. They have been involved in various ministries, such as hospital and prison, children/orphans, teaching, preaching (Carl) and evangelism. Nikki spent a semester in Israel with IBEX (The Master’s College) before residing in Venezuela. Nikki and Carl have two girls, Ashliynn and Catelynn. In spring 2010, they visited the U.S., where Nikki caught up with alums Mat Rapoza (’97), Don Rich (’98) and Kara Hall (’00). Nikki enjoys swimming, cooking, visitation and reading. 6
Janelle Rowland (’00) of Citrus Heights, Calif., obtained her Masters of Science in Accountancy degree from California State University and works as an accounting clerk at Miltenyi Biotec Inc. in Auburn, Calif. She attends Bayside Church, has been involved in several Bible studies and helped with a college group.
Nathan Knottingham (’03) of Salem is the store manager for the Sprint Corporate store on Lancaster Drive. He serves on Corban’s Alumni Board and is in the Corban MBA program. He and wife Billie Bodenstab Knottingham (’02) have a son, Titus.
Elizabeth Young (CUSM MABS ’93) of Seattle, Wash., has served over 30 years in the greater Puget Sound area on six Indian Reservations and the inner city of Seattle with “Battered Women,” “At Risk Kids,” “Street People,” homeless, alcoholics, drug abusers and the mentally ill. She continues to serve as a missionary under Somerset Christian Church of Beaverton, Ore. She also is a 4-H leader and enjoys writing short stories. Amy Chirgwin Loewen (’94) and husband Jack of Sammamish, Wash., lived in Paris, France, for two years. Amy is a homemaker, misses teaching and plans to be a substitute teacher. Her husband works for Microsoft, and they hope to adopt their first child.
00s Nikki Baker Hodsdon (’00) and husband Carl are missionaries/ESL teachers and have resided in Venezuela, South America, for four
Shiela Isaak (’04) of Keizer, Ore., is the business manager at Benedictine Sisters, Queen of Angels Monastery. Her job includes all of the accounting, taxes and insurance for 38 sisters and the employees of Benedictine Sisters, Shalom Prayer Center, St. Joseph’s Shelter and Monastery Mustard LLC. Shiela is active in the band at Salem First Baptist and volunteers to perform once a month at the Union Gospel Mission. Sarah Ernst (’05) of Turner, Ore., returned to Corban as an admissions counselor after spending a year and a half attending Hillsong College in Australia. Brett Bentley (’06) is the head coach for both the men’s and women’s soccer programs at Northwest Christian University in Eugene, Ore., and a training director and head coach with the Keizer Soccer Club. He was an assistant coach to both the men’s and women’s soccer teams at Corban for two seasons. Brett has utilized soccer as a ministry by traveling to various countries as a player and coach. He also was involved with the Athletes for Christ professional soccer ministry in Germany.
Scott Meredith (’06) and wife Tanya with son Matthew reside in Midlothian, Va. Scott is the enrollment manager at University of Phoenix. Kim Ferguson (ADP ’07) won a seat on the Aumsville City Council as city councilor-elect. Kim is a seventh through 12th grade career/ home ec/art/business teacher at Willamette Valley Christian School. Leland Ford (MSE ’07) of Salem enjoys bow hunting, fishing and playing concert piano with the use of one arm. He considers leading hundreds of children to Christ as his greatest accomplishment and founded One Hand For Christ Ministries, Inc., in 2000. He also wrote the book “Bible Memorization: A Seminar in Gospel Preparedness and Sharing.” He works as a substitute teacher in Albany. 7 Sherrie Sprenger (ADP ’07) of Scio, Ore., won her re-election bid as State Representative of House District 17 for a third term. Jason Taylor (’07) and Shawn Fleming (’08) are inventory analysts for Bookbyte.com. As a side job, Shawn is a sports official and enjoys being an umpire for baseball and officiating football games. Johanna Blackwell (ADP ’09) of Salem was featured in the Statesman Journal as a Young Professional. She is a registered paraplanner for The Legacy Group, Ltd. She is on the planning committee for the Salem Area Young Professionals, a part of the Financial Planning Association’s local chapter of NexGen (Next Generation of Financial Planners), and actively involved with the Keizer Church of Christ. Johanna is an avid skier and enjoys spending time with her family. 8 Jennifer Straw (’09) is serving with Africa Inland Mission (AIM) as a teacher for missionary children in a one-room schoolhouse in Mozambique, Africa. She saw a great need for teachers in remote places where parents are involved in ministries and not wanting to send their children away for nine months to boarding school. 9 Tyson Surls (’09) of Chandler, Ariz., works as an enrollment counselor at Phoenix-based Grand Canyon University. He is a member of Central Christian Church of the Easy Valley.
Class Notes
Jordan Walker (’09) of Stayton, Ore., accepted a position with Lilly USA as a pharmaceutical sales representative. She will cover the territory from Salem to the Oregon coast and meet with doctors in their offices and clinics to sell products. Jonathan McGuire (’10) of Canby, Ore., received a full tuition scholarship to attend the graduate tax program at the University of Denver. Caleb Stapp (’10) of Chattaroy, Wash., is working full-time as a minister of youth and music at First Baptist Church in Deer Park, Wash. Sarah Winslow (’10) of Sweet Home, Ore., is an event coordinator for the Oregon Jamboree, a big country music festival in Sweet Home, Ore. She travels to Nashville, Tenn., up to five times per year to work for a production manager at the CMA Awards, CMA Music Fest and other country music events. Her job includes working backstage, the red carpet and directing music artists once they arrive at the events. While in Nashville, Sarah volunteers at a non-profit Christian organization called “Mercy Ministries,” which helps young women and victims of human trafficking. Sarah attends Morning Star Community Church in Salem and Cross Point Community Church in Nashville. Sarah is pictured with Montgomery Gentry. 10
Down the Aisle Regan Stoehr (’00) married Angela Adams on July 24, 2010. They reside in Saint Petersburg, Fla., and Regan works as an assistant manager with Wal-Mart. They are members of Northwest Church of Christ in Saint Petersburg and are active with the small groups and reaching out to people in need. Regan and Angela enjoy traveling to new and different places, seeing historical landmarks and taking in God’s wonderful creation. 11 Lindsay Davis (’08) married David Duffett on August 13, 2010, in Seward, Alaska, at Resurrection Bay Baptist Church. Stephanie Lindsay (’06) was a bridesmaid. Lindsay is a homemaker and helps with her husband’s ministry of being the youth pastor at Bible Baptist Church in Fairbanks. 12 Michelle Howden (’08) and Tim Saffeels (’09) 30
married on December 17, 2010, at Morning Star Community Church in Salem. Alums and students that were apart of their special day were Brenda Jacobson Noland (’95), Jared Hernandez (’07), Connie Pollard (’08), Megan Brannen (’09), Danielle Howden (’09), Katrina Kennedy (’09), Justin Trammell (’09), Michael Butler, Jr. (’11), David Howden (’11), Rick Saffeels (’11), Rob Saffeels (’11), Chris Trammell (’11), Cameron Elliott (’12), Nicholle Howden (’13), David Lewin (’13) and Josh Trammell (’13). Officiating pastors were Justin Greene (’93) and Dr. Greg Trull. 13 Nathan Tennis (’09) and Sarah Stroud (’10) married on May 2, 2010. Groomsmen and bridesmaids included alums and students Zach Elander (’09), Marcus Brown (’10), Brandi Cokenour (’10), Emily Slater (’10) and Abe Newman (’11). Other alums and students involved in their wedding were Paul Stroud (’81), Jared Hernandez (’07), Nathaniel Stroud (’08), Stacey Frentress (’10), Brian Swearingen (’10) and Nicholle Howden (’13). 14
All in the Family Kevin Brubaker (’95, CUSM MDiv ‘01) and wife Yulia welcomed Daniel Wayne on December 11, 2010. He weighed 7 lbs. 13 oz. and was 20 inches long. Kevin is the newly-appointed Vice President for Business at Corban. 15 Vickie Neilsen Garvin (’97) and Matthew Garvin (’01) of Keizer, Ore., welcomed a new baby girl, Charlotte Rose, on November 3, 2010. Charlotte joins older siblings Katie, Heidi, Evie and James. 16 Deborah Calame Evans (’00) and husband Daniel of Salem welcomed Emma Amelia on December 29, 2010. She weighed 8 lbs. 5 oz. and was 20 inches long. She joins big sister Abigail Grace born June 1, 2008. Daniel is working on his Master of Science in Education at Corban. 17 Desireé Preskitt Bronleewe (’01) and David Bronleewe (’02) of Temple, Texas, welcomed their second son, Raydon Allen, into their family on December 31, 2009. Desireé is busy with homeschooling their 4-year-old son, Kale. David is working on his Masters in Software Engineering at the University of Texas. 18 Jon Moore (’02) and Sarah Smith Moore (’04) welcomed their first baby, Milah Brooklyn, on
April 13, 2010. She weighed 7 lbs. 2 oz. and was 21 inches long. After graduating, they lived in Fresno, Calif., for three years while Jon attended physical therapy school at Fresno State. They returned to Salem, and Jon works as a physical therapist at PT Northwest in Stayton, Ore., and Sarah works at home as a manager accountant at Wiebe & Associates CPA, LLP out of Fresno, Calif. 19 Jamie Brulotte (’03) and Charlotte Rohlfs Brulotte (’03, MSE ’10) of Keizer, Ore., added a new baby, Nicholas Michael, to their family on April 16, 2010. He weighed 9 lbs. 1 oz. and was 21 inches long. Big brother Ryan is 3 years old. Jamie works for Salem Hospital in the information systems department and Charlotte teaches kindergarten part-time in Salem-Keizer schools. Charlotte completed her Masters in Education at Corban in May 2010. They attend Salem First Baptist and are serving their third year as AWANA commanders. 20 Amanda Kirkelie Merideth (’03) and husband Jason of Cantonment, Fla., announce the birth of their son, Levi Troy, born December 24, 2010. Amanda works at Early Head Start and they
attend Gulf Coast Baptist Church. She and Jason serve as the 4-5 year-old Sunday school teachers, sing in the choir and work with the Master Club children’s ministry. 21 Cyrus Rettman (’04) and Kim Greenwood Rettman (’04) of Keizer, Ore., have three girls with the addition of Charis Evangeline born November 5, 2009. Their two older daughters are Ruth and Lydia. 22
Kimberly Barnett Allan (’05) and husband Byron welcomed their first baby, Kayley Dawn, on May 15, 2010. After Kimberly and Byron met in Germany, while working at Black Forest Academy, they married and returned to Byron’s native Canada. They live in Strathmore, Alberta, where Byron is a youth pastor at Strathmore Alliance Church. 23 Kristin Andrews Franklin (’07) and Kevin Franklin (’08) of Clackamas, Ore., had their first child, Raelyn Quinn on July 30, 2010. She weighed 7 lbs. and was 20 inches long. Kevin and Kristin both work in the financial world. 24 Alissa Taylor Lemke (’08) and Michael Lemke (’10) of Stayton, Ore., welcomed their first child, Jude Haruto, born December 4, 2010. He weighed 7 lbs. 6 oz. Alissa works at Jeld-Wen Windows & Doors in Stayton and Michael works as a crew leader for Shangri-La, a nonprofit organization, in Salem. 25
Greg Bratland, Jr. (’10) and Angela Potter Bratland (’10) of Jefferson, Ore., celebrated the birth of their son, Gabriel Maximus, on October 19, 2010. He weighed 6 lbs. 15 oz. and was 19 inches long. Greg is the manager of the coffee shop “Common Grounds” on Corban’s campus, the youth pastor at Jefferson Evangelical Church and working on his Master of Divinity through Liberty University online. Angela works at Safeway and plans to start her Masters in Counseling. 26
With the Lord Larry Pollock (’60) of Bellingham, Wash., passed away on December 14, 2010. He is survived by his wife of 54 years, Donna Terwilliger Pollock (’60) and their three children including Ken Pollock (CUSM MDiv ’85) and wife Julia Hall Pollock (’82). Pastor Pollock demonstrated the grace of God in many ways. He established churches in Tukwila, Freeland, Sequim, Seattle, Bellingham and Kendall, Wash.; Sonoma, Calif., and Saskatoon, SK, Canada, organized congregations to build their own church buildings, reached hundreds of children by leading Bible camps and choose to have a positive attitude as his health declined. His message was “death ain’t no big deal” for the one who has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Eldon Martens (’68) of Clovis, Calif., was a minister for nearly half a century. Eldon’s ministry touched lives across the world, impacting others to serve the Lord with their lives just as he did. He was a devoted husband, father and grandfather. His legacy will continue for years to come. He could relate to any age, thus allowing him to make friends with anyone he met. He is survived by Martha, his wife of 47 years; five children and 14 grandchildren. 27 Shannon Young Zemanek (’11) of Spray, Ore., went to be with her Lord on October 21, 2010, following a seven-year battle with cancer. Shannon is survived by her husband Tom Zemanek and one-year-old daughter Riess. 28
- KEY ADP = Adult Degree Program CUSM = Corban University School of Ministry (previously Northwest Baptist Seminary) MABS = Master of Arts in Biblical Studies MDiv = Master of Divinity MSE = Master of Science in Education DMin=Doctor of Ministry
This issue of Class Notes consists of items submitted between Oct. 1 and Feb. 1. Deadline for Class Notes for Summer 2011 is June 1. 25
Office of Advancement 5000 Deer Park Drive SE, Salem, OR 97317-9392
A Future to Benefit
an and Sally Wilder remember their time in Salem at Corban from 1970 through 1974 as the, “four greatest years of our lives.” While attending Corban, Dan served as a youth pastor at Bethany Baptist Church. It was also during this time that they made the decision to invest in Corban so future students could be educated to make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ. The Wilder’s have designated a portion of their Estate to provide scholarships for students at Corban. Dan has served on the Finance Committee of the Corban Board of Trustees since 2006. The Wilder’s live in Port Angeles, Washington where Dan is the President of the Wilder Auto Group. They have 2 children, a daughter Tami and a son Dan Jr. and 6 grandchildren. We appreciate active partners like the Wilders who understand the mission of Corban and the importance of a liberal arts education with a Biblical worldview. Our mission is urgent and we invite you to invest in the lives of our students. Please make plans now to designate Corban University as the beneficiary of a portion of your Estate.
For more information about Corban’s planned giving options, please call Chris Erickson at 1-800-845-3005 or e-mail cerickson@corban.edu. You may also request a booklet on planned giving or visit our website at giving.corban.edu. Corban University is a non profit, 501(c)(3), tax exempt educational corporation. We offer several other planned giving vehicles such as a: 1) Charitable Gift Annuity, 2) Charitable Lead Trust, 3) Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust, and 4) Charitable Remainder Trust. Gifts of real property or life insurance are another way to support the mission of the University.