Corban Magazine - Fall 2011

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A Publication of Corban University

Fulfillment in serving others

Winter 2011


“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” Psalm 111:10


hat offers a more profitable return than helping educate the next generation to stand for God’s truth and make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ?


rban’s students receive excellent o academic and professional preparation with biblical integration, knowledge and wisdom. By giving to the Corban Fund you play a critical role in making a Corban education more affordable for our Christian students. Every gift to the Corban Fund is an investment in the unlimited potential God has for each student. Imagine the impact for Christ that biblically-educated young hearts and minds will make for the Lord today and for eternity.

You give, they learn and grow. Together making a difference for Christ! To make a one-time gift or sign up for a regular monthly donation, please contact us by phone or email. Your gift makes a difference.


It is the mission of Corban University to educate Christians who will make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ. The Hebrew word for corban (qorban) represents the highest gift given to God. “…in view of God's mercy… offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship.” Romans 12:1 NIV Our students are trained to become leaders who are set apart for a life of spiritual sacrifice and service, able to advance as salt and light in a darkened world.

Corban Staff Publisher Reno Hoff ‘73 Editor J. Steven Hunt ‘69 Writer Sheldon Traver Designer Nick Saemenes Contributing Writers Deleen Wills, Darrel White, Lee Ann Zanon Photographer Sheldon Traver Contributing Photographers Deleen Wills, Jessica Marple

In This Issue

University Administration President Reno Hoff ‘73 Provost, Executive Vice President Matt Lucas ‘94 Vice President for Advancement Michael Bates Vice President for Business Kevin Brubaker Vice President for Student Life Nancy Hedberg ‘93 Vice President for Marketing J. Steven Hunt ‘69 Vice President for Enrollment Management Martin Ziesemer ‘91

10 Fulfillment in Service

Board of Trustees: Thomas Carlson ‘69 (Chair), Timothy H. Aagard ‘80, Timothy R. Baker ‘89, Darrell V. Beddoe, Daniel E. Brammer ‘76, James Carlson, Virginia K. Hendrickson ‘67, Ronald B. Hill, Curtis Horton ‘69, Ronald Lawler Sr, Stephen E. McBee, Donn Mogford, David R. Nicholas, Pat Nicholson ‘74, Paul B. Null ‘73, Bob Oldright, Michael L. Patterson ‘74, Douglas Pfeiler, Terrance Posey, Tom Ruhlman, Joyce A. Sherman '81, Erhardt Steinborn, David Unrau, Richard Whipps, Dan Wilder ‘75, Gary Williamson ‘86, Alumni Board: Tyson Pruett ‘92 (Chair), Corky Lambert ‘75 (ViceChair), Nathan Knottingham ‘03 (Secretary/Treasurer), Angie Alden ‘75, Eric Christen ‘91, Jerry Cudney ‘63, Dan Hill ‘93, Mike Howden ‘81, Daryl Knox ‘96, Mike Patterson ‘74, Shari Ridings ADP ‘05, John Storkel ‘79, Jack Werre ‘78, Nelson Zarfas ‘82 CORBAN Magazine is published by the Office of Marketing & Communications of Corban University and is sent to alumni, parents, supporters and friends of the University. Corban’s mission is to educate Christians who will make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ.

9 Student Feature: Haiti

4 Fall Portrait A pause of refreshment

How do we respond when God calls?

13 Summer of Service Following our students and staff abroad

16 Honor Roll of Donors Thanks to all who support Corban

21 On the Home Front Alumni ministry addresses needs

6 From the President A sense of place

7 Faculty News Faculty events and accomplishments

8 Corban in Print Books authored by our faculty and alumni

14 News Briefs 22 Alumni Action Summer and fall activities

26 Upcoming events Send address changes to: Office of Advancement 5000 Deer Park Drive SE Salem, OR 97317-9392

28 Class Notes Stay up to date on alumni news

Email or call (503) 375-7003. Corban Magazine is printed by Lynx Group in Salem, Oregon, U.S.A.

COVER: Amelia Aaron, a senior at Corban, poses with her ministry friends during her Summer of Service experience in Mexico.

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Fall colors on the Corban campus. Photo by Jessica Marple

From the President

A Sense of Place and Service


deally every college and university should have its own physical image, an amalgam of buildings and landscapes that define and celebrate a sense of place; communicate the institution’s purpose, presence, and domain; and generate an image charged with symbolism, graced by history.” (Campus Design, by Richard P. Dober) Recently, we completed the Corban University campus master plan that has as its goal to develop this sense of place and reflect our purpose. It is a 50-year plan that includes the renovation of existing buildings and building many new ones that will be required as we grow in the future. We want to develop a campus that will truly reflect our global mission and our vision to become a highly ranked educational institution in the United States. When we purchased our Salem property in 1969, it had been used as a TB hospital, and it had an odor of one. It took several years of renovation to eliminate this odor. Our goal was to give it the fragrance of a place where students are prepared for service to the Lord through our many programs. Today, in many respects, we’ve accomplished that goal. In the past several years we have constructed new buildings, an amphitheater, walkways, athletic fields, and have made several major renovations and improvements to the campus grounds. The new master plan shows us how to complete the process. We want our students and alumni to be noted as different than alumni of other institutions. They should have a distinct personality focused on serving the Lord. Just as the secular universities have alumni who are distinct, we want ours to have the same confidence. It will be a confidence they are prepared for a life of service—to emulate our mission to make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ.

It is our goal that our students and alumni will be as proud of their university as we want to be proud of them. Today, we have 1,245 current students and approximately 9,000 alumni making a difference for Jesus Christ. We have more than 50 undergraduate programs, several master's programs and a doctoral program. In the years ahead we plan to add many more at every level. Although our main campus is in Salem, we also have a very important site currently in Tacoma, Wash. It is our goal to expand our offerings in the greater Seattle area and reach beyond the School of Ministry to include our School of Business, School of Education and Counseling and the School of Professional Studies. We also have a presence in Indonesia, where our international school of education is operating. We have partnered with a large Christian university to train students who will graduate to teach throughout that country. It is a great opportunity to bring the good news of the gospel to tens of thousands of children year after year throughout that large, populous nation. Acts 2:17 states “...your young men will see visions and your old men will dream dreams.” At Corban, we are young at heart and have a great vision for the university. Then again, we are old enough to dream the impossible. The Lord has truly blessed our endeavor over the past 76 years and we expect the same in the future. As you read this issue’s stories about our faculty, students and alumni living out the gospel around the world, you’ll see, as I do, that we are truly making a difference. Thank you for partnering with us.

Reno Hoff, President


Faculty News

Faculty news Professor of English and Humanities Dr. Colette Tennant’s poem Poe and Hepburn was published in the most recent Cloudbank, a literary journal published in Corvallis, Ore. Her poem is based on Poe’s theory that the most poetical topic in the world is the death of a beautiful woman. In spring 2011, Tennant participated in a Cloudbank poetry reading, where she read previously published poetry and sang an original composition. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

In October, Associate Professor of English Dr. Ryan Stark’s Paradise Lost as Incomplete Argument was published in the academic journal 1650-1850: Ideas, Aesthetics, and Inquiries in the Early Modern Era. In April he delivered a paper at the College Composition and Communication Conference in Atlanta, titled, God, the Devil, and Renaissance Writing Instruction. “This is very exciting to me,” Stark said. “Typically, at this level, less than 30 percent of what is turned into a publication actually makes the final cut. I’m honored that my work is being considered and that I’m being asked to present at these amazing places.” ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Dr. Greg Trull taught in Cameroon the last week of October. The primary purpose is to consider the possibility of School of Ministry faculty helping to train national pastors in several central African countries. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Is worship music somehow mediating the presence of God? Between Nov. 15 and 17, Associate Professor of Ministries Dr. Kent Kersey presented his research on the topic at the national Evangelical Theological Society meeting in San Francisco. “I showed how many evangelicals erroneously try to use art as a sacramental tool which links the worshipper to God,” he said. “I will argue that using art sacramentally denies the mediating presence of Christ in worship.” ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Dr. Gary Derickson -- On Dec. 1, Professor of Ministry Dr. Gary Derickson will have his own studies included in 1, 2, 3 John of The Evangelical Exegetical Commentary series—one volume in a 44 volume set). His work covers the Johnannine Epistles, 1-3 John, and will first be released in electronic form and then hardback at a later date. For years the Evangelical Exegetical Commentary on the Bible has been a source of valuable information for pastors, scholars, theologians. The commentary is focused on the Bible’s text grammar and syntax, as well as the meaning of words within the Bible. “My approach to the epistles is not unique, but does not follow the prevailing view in recent scholarship,” he said. “I see the epistles as primarily pastoral, with some polemic interjected as it impacts John's pastoral concerns. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

On Oct. 2, Associate Professor of Intercultural Studies Paul Johnson presented his doctoral dissertation in the Emitte Center at Corban’s Salem campus. Throughout the two-hour presentation, he sought to demonstrate that the core of Jesus Christ’s mission was to create holistic disciples who are complete, mature and obedient. During his talk, he spoke about church history and individuals and groups who pursued the fulfillment of this mission and disciple-making movements. He also addressed the writing and perspectives of key contemporary writers on this topic. Throughout his presentation, Johnson took questions from professors, pastors and others. 7

Corban in Print

Corban in print In the Company of God In her new book, In the Company of God, Corban Director of Assessment and Faculty Pam Teschner reveals how the busyness of life can often cloud the fact that God is always walking with us. In her book, Teschner tells how she was able to free her mind of the world’s clutter and spend intimate time with the One who yearns to be with her. Her personal experience and examples are used to encourage the reader to devote moments of their lives to Him and to experience intimacy “beyond your wildest dreams.” In the Company of God is available through, and for $9.99. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

The Military Advantage – 2011 Edition Current military personnel and veterans often struggle to learn what benefits are available to them and how to sign up. Terry Howell, ADP ’03, wrote The Military Advantage to address this issue. The 2011 edition includes insider tips and shortcuts, as well as answers to frequently asked questions. The book has information about the TRICARE medical plan, disability pay, information on benefits available when transitioning to civilian life and much more. It brings all military and veterans up to date information and enables them to make the most of their military experience. The Military Advantage, 2011 Edition is available in print and electronic versions through the Naval Institute Press at, at and ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Psalmwriter – Journey’s End, The Chronicles of David Book VI In the sixth and final book in the Psalmwriter series, Michael Sandusky, ‘69, wraps up the story of David, including the final Psalms that were attributed to David, his last adventure and the end of his earthly life. “The boy who at age 12 brought a giant to his knees now comes full circle,” Sandusky wrote in his introduction. “Hopefully, all of the questions which you raised in the previous volumes will be answered in this one.” The final book of the Psalmwriter saga is available through and BarnesandNoble. com in print and electronic formats. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

The Wall “Jesus destroyed the wall of hostility; His church must never rebuild it.” Ephesians 2:14 In his book, The Wall, Bruce W. Fong, PhD, ‘73, Ministry, explores the racial divide that separates many churches throughout the nation. “When there is personal selectivity that marks the make-up of a church along racial lines, then there is an appearance that the guests have taken over the prerogative that belongs exclusively to the host,” Fong said in The Wall. “Since every Christian enjoys a new relationship that has been established with Jesus Christ; then every Christian can also enjoy new relations with one another regardless of race. That is the message of the Gospel. This should also be the testimony of the church and all its members.” TheWall is available through or 8

Student Feature

Overcoming challenges to make a difference in Haiti


or decades, Cit’e Soliel, a slum just kids out of gangs. As his responsibilities grew, outside of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, has Querette knew he would need to pursue been known as a place of murder. Few higher education. missionaries dared to tread there. “Someone from World Hope told me However, education has started about Corban University and how his mother to change the community and Thony had finished her degree online [through the (Tony) Querette, a Corban University student Adult Degree Programs],” Querette said. “He and former street-kid-turned-local-leader for World Hope International (WHI), is playing a pivotal role in its transformation. “The earthquake really messed Even at a young age, Querette knew the value of education, even if many of his things up, but God is bringing classmates didn’t. Although his pre-teen years physical and spiritual healing to were spent in relative comfort, the 1980s and early ‘90s brought a series of dictators and the Haitian people. I want to do economic devastation to the island nation. everything I can to help them.” “By the time I was 12, my parents couldn’t afford to send me to school, even though it was very cheap,” he said. “Whenever I could, I would sneak into the classroom and my friends would hide me. I wanted to learn as much as I could.” He knew learning English could be a path out of poverty and Querette would often trade his lunch, typically his only meal of the day, to learn the language from another boy. By the time he was 14, Querette was noticed by local missionaries with World Hope International, who offered the ragtag teen both food and kindness. In Thony (second from left) sits with translator friends in Haiti. time, he accepted their ongoing invitations to church, where he gave his life to Jesus Christ. It also led “When you accept responsibility, to an educational sponsorship through WHI. He was eventually able to go on to graduate you need more knowledge,” from a Florida high school and then earn an he said. “I’m getting that in my associate’s degree from nearby Hobe Sound Bible College . studies through Corban.” “Thony was quite a bit older than our typical sponsor child, but we really saw God working through him,” said Scott Drury, Director of Resource Development at WHI. encouraged me to apply.” After visiting the “He’s had an amazing journey and a strong, Salem campus for a week in 2008, Querette willing heart to serve his people. This is enrolled to complete his bachelor’s degree in evidenced in everything he has been able to Business Management and Organizational accomplish in Haiti.” Leadership online. After graduating from Hobe Sound, The quest to complete his degree hasn’t Querette started working for WHI and its been without challenges. He’s had to "stop efforts to alleviate suffering in that country. out" (a term for taking more than three Among many projects, he taught HIV/AIDS months off) several times. Correspondence awareness and abstinence, and worked to get between the ADP office and Querette was

typically lost in the “black hole” of the Haitian postal service, eventually forcing them to send all mail through WHI’s headquarters in the U.S. “To say he’s had challenges would be an understatement,” said Dr. Bruce Merritt, chairman of the ADP-Business and Organizational Leadership program. “But each time he comes back. He’s taking this degree very seriously.” As Querette neared his final term, a devastating earthquake on Jan. 12, 2010, ravaged Haiti and its people. To meet the needs of the people, he was forced to stop out again so he could help aid workers struggling to deal with the initial medical, housing and food emergencies, a cholera outbreak, and much more. By fall 2011, Querette neared the end of one of his biggest projects. Excited children had started to attend a newly rebuilt school in Cit’e Soliel, one of three schools for which he was able to secure funding and building resources. He also knew it was time to complete another big assignment— his degree. “A bachelor’s degree will reinforce my knowledge and what I can do,” Querette said. “The earthquake really messed things up, but God is bringing physical and spiritual healing to the Haitian people. I want to do everything I can to help them.” When he is home and ready to study, Querette battles Internet connection speeds that can vary moment to moment. He also works hard to meet the needs of his wife, Sara, and newborn son, Olivier. However, he said Corban University’s ADP professors and staff have given him the flexibility, patience and prayers that will allow him to finish what he started. “When you accept responsibility, you need more knowledge,” he said. “I’m getting that in my studies through Corban.” It is still uncertain whether Querette will be able walk with the class of 2012 at Corban’s commencement ceremony on May 5, but Merritt hopes he will. “The cost to get here might be too much for him,” he said. “But we’re hoping something might work out. We’d really like to be able to have him walk with his class during commencement.”


Fulfillment in Serving Others

How do we respond when God calls? Editor's note: The gospel is manifested in a number of ways. Our theme for this issue centers on the gospel as characterized by our service. Like many higher education institutions, Corban believes it has a responsibility to bring about change in the world. However, as a Christian university, it is important to clarify that the change is not the result of human effort, but of the divine work of Jesus Christ in the hearts and minds of people. Because of this, we believe the gospel plays a central role in Christian education and guides our educational philosophy. This is succinctly stated in our mission statement: to educate Christians who will make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ. The outcomes revealed in our interaction with alumni show they own the responsibility of having their career and ministry function as one. Discussions with our faculty and alumni revealed more than a dozen exciting stories about faith steps made down previously unexplored paths that quickly became inroads into fruitful ministry opportunities.

by Lee Ann Zanon

Adjunct Professor of Ministry


Article Title


-6. N-32. I-19. Bingo! Smiles brighten the faces of the nursing home residents seated in wheelchairs around me, and we all cheer. Scanning the circle, I see friendly competition and laughter, despite severe physical limitations. I think to myself, “Only God could have put me here.” Just a few months earlier, I couldn’t have imagined such a scene. Due to my mother-in-law’s recent health crisis, however, I have become a regular visitor at various health care facilities. Since my husband and I are the only immediate family members in the area, and he works out of state, I am best suited to oversee the situation. At the time, I have no idea it will span nearly 16 weeks. In my opinion, I am absolutely wrong for this assignment. The medical realm has never been my favorite, and I avoid it whenever possible. Just walking the halls of a hospital makes me feel queasy. I repeatedly question God about what He is asking of me. My prayers for help are fervent and frequent. Yet as I pore over Scripture, desperate for encouragement, I notice a pattern. The Lord consistently assigns tasks to people who feel ill-equipped, or who even want to refuse His requests. In other words … my weak stomach is no excuse. Questions andObjections Objections Questions and In Exodus chapters 3 and 4, when God speaks to Moses from a burning bush and tells him about his assignment to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, questions begin immediately. Moses asks, “Who am I, that I should go to Pharoah, and that I should bring the Israelites out of Egypt?” (3:11) “What if they do not believe me or listen to me?” (4:1) Like me, he is full of excuses. He dreads embarrassment and failure, based upon both reality and fear. When it comes to reality, God doesn’t try to change Moses’ mind, nor does He deny the facts of the situation. Instead, the Lord states His side of the equation. “I will be with you.” (3:12) “I AM who I AM.” (3:14) Related to Moses’ concern about his speech, God asks His own questions, “ ‘Who gave man his mouth? Who makes him deaf or mute?… Is it not I, the Lord? Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say.’ ” (4:11-12) Author Charles Swindoll says, “Now that’s divine speech therapy!”[1] In 4:10, Moses is quick to explain why he is not the right man for the job. He says, “O Lord, I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant. I am slow of speech and tongue.” Freeing the

Israelites will likely involve intense conversations with Pharaoh, and Moses views himself as inherently unqualified. To calm Moses’ fears about whether people will believe he is God’s representative (4:1), the Lord performs two miracles. First, He has Moses throw down a staff, and it turns into a serpent. When Moses grasps the serpent by the tail, it once again becomes a staff. Next, the Lord asks Moses to put his hand into his cloak. Scripture says, “When he took it out, it was leprous, like snow.” Then He (God) said, “‘Now put it back into your cloak.’ So Moses put his hand back into his cloak, and when he took it out, it was restored, like the rest of his flesh.” (4:6-7) Rather than reprimand Moses for his doubts, God demonstrates the mighty power that would enable and sustain him. A A Common CommonTheme Theme While the scope of Moses’ assignment is immeasurably more expansive than mine, I find comfort in our shared experiences. I believe feelings of inadequacy and fear span time and culture. They are part of what it means to be human. Author Paula Rinehart says, “We are afraid—not of evil, but of making fools of ourselves, of being less liked by others, of looking like a dolt. When we give in to this kind of fear and let it run our lives, we get stuck in a shrunken form of the life we are meant to have.”[2] Swindoll observes, “Moses shows how deeply he fears ridicule. More than anything else, perhaps, he is deathly afraid of appearing as a silly old man.”[3] In my case, I am scared of missing an important detail, or simply not knowing what to do. What if I prove to be incapable? What if I let someone down? I know the whole family trusts me to do the right thing. And, due to the complexity of the situation, there are many opportunities to make mistakes. My “assignment” includes staying current on my mother-in-law’s multi-faceted health care issues, coordinating financial planning, dismantling her household, and transitioning her to full-time care. Some days, the details seem endless. And, since she lives 45 minutes down the freeway from my home, I make the trip many times a week for visits and appointments. 11

Fulfillment in Serving Others

"In God’s calling, He has a plan; but He never expects you to carry out that plan. He’s going to pull it off. He simply wants you to be the instrument of action...… "


There are also issues of the heart—the sadness of watching her rapid decline, and coming to terms with dramatic changes in our family dynamics. I repeatedly console and reassure her as she grieves, at age 82, the loss of her home and independence. Many nights I find myself sitting on the couch at 3 a.m., searching the Scriptures to soothe my soul. Ultimately, I have to lay aside my personal desires in favor of a different agenda, to an extent far beyond my norm. While this process is exhausting and overwhelming, I experience God’s love and faithfulness more deeply than I have in years. Author F.B. Meyer says, “So long as we are quietly at rest amid favorable and undisturbed surroundings, faith sleeps as an undeveloped sinew within us; a thread, a germ, an idea. But when we are pushed out from all these surroundings, with nothing but God to look to, then faith grows suddenly into a cable, a monarch oak a master principle of life.”[4] It is daunting to consider some of the assignments God has given His people through the centuries. A quick glance at Hebrews 11 reveals the examples of Noah, Abraham and Sarah, Joseph, David and others. In the Gospels, Mary the mother of Jesus readily accepts the Lord’s profound yet perplexing plans. For the New Testament church, Peter and Paul are called to roles of great risk and responsibility. In recent history, Amy Carmichael, Corrie ten Boom, Joni Eareckson Tada and Billy Graham embraced callings of significant sacrifice. Today, the persecuted church shines as believers carry out divine assignments amid danger and difficulty. In each of these scenarios, the faith and action required by God is humanly impossible. He calls His people to tasks only He can accomplish, for His purpose and glory. Swindoll notes, “At very unique junctures of our lives, God says to us, ‘Now My child, I have this in mind for you…Now go. I’m sending you, and I will be with you.’ Why did Moses resist? … I believe Moses thought God intended him to be the deliverer of Israel, and that blew all his circuit breakers. But God didn’t tell him that! God told him that he would be an instrument in the deliverance, but God Himself would be the deliverer. Huge difference. In God’s calling, He has a plan; but He never expects you to carry out that plan. He’s going to pull it off. He simply wants you to be the instrument of action…All He asks is that you give yourself to Him as a tool He can pick up and use. That’s all.”[5]

My assignment allowed me to experience God’s goodness in specific answers to prayer and many surprise gifts. He graciously guided us through a web of health care and insurance details, and opened an excellent care facility placement at just the right time, after four solid months of looking. He enabled us to sell a 1978 vintage mobile home in just four days, and disperse its considerable contents to a variety of people and charities. Daily blessings included unexpected visits from friends, pertinent Scriptures brought to mind, and just the right songs on the radio. God often showed me His tangible love, and reminded me that my weakness was the perfect place to showcase His strength (2 Cor. 12:9). As Paula Rinehart notes, “The case can be made that you don’t really get to know God except by wading into your fear and discovering Him there.”[6] As believers, we never know when or what our next assignment will be. It could be as simple as visiting a neighbor, as intimidating as reconciling a relationship, or as extensive as starting a new career. It will likely require us to step into unfamiliar realms—mentally, physically, spiritually, or all three. But one aspect is sure, as the Lord spoke to Moses from the burning bush, “Certainly, I will be with you.” (Exodus 3:12) In that reality, we can find the courage to say yes, to whatever God asks of us.

[1] Charles Swindoll, Moses (Nashville: W Publishing Group, 1999), p. 123. [2] Paula Rinehart, Strong Women, Soft Hearts (Nashville: W Publishing Group, 2001), p. 165. [3] Swindoll, p. 118

[4] F .B. Meyer, Pulpit Legends: Patriarchs of the Faith p. 13, as quoted in Cynthia Heald, Becoming a Woman of Faith (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2000), p. 83. [5] Swindoll, p. 113 [6] Rinehart, p. 168.

He He Is There Is There

Summer of Service

Summer of Service takes students around the world


his summer, Corban students and staff hit the road and logged tens of thousands of air miles. However, they weren’t on tropical vacations. Instead, more than a dozen volunteers chose to spend a portion of their summer serving others and sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ through Corban’s “Summer of Service,” S.O.S., program. The three short-term mission trips were as far away as West Asia and as close as Mexico and Colombia. Director of Student Life Jimmy D’Agosta knows it sometimes takes a little humor to get a job done. In May, he led a team of five Corban students and a pastor to Colombia. They used drama to share the love of Jesus Christ with others. Throughout the mission, the team worked with the Association of Baptists for World Evangelism (ABWE) to present their message, give Wordless Book presentations and give their testimony at schools, orphanages and more. In the Muslim-dominated region of West Asia, five students worked with CrossWorld to spread the gospel. The students worked in a coffee house where they built relationships and taught English to patrons. Additionally, they helped a mother and father with several adopted children get some respite, by watching their children so they could take some time away. Because of the threat of backlash against Christians in the region, they were intentionally low-key in their witness, but were able to serve others and share the love of Jesus Christ. In Mexico City, three students and Paul Johnson, associate professor of intercultural studies and missions at Corban, worked with CAM International to help the pastor of a new church in his outreach efforts. The team assisted a group providing free medical care for people in the neighborhood, made home visits, played soccer with children, held puppet shows in local parks and helped with some minor construction projects. This was the second summer for S.O.S., and Johnson said it was a good precursor for what the future holds. “Each of these groups went and did what they said they were going to do,” Johnson said. “We didn’t have pre-packaged plans, but met the needs of the organizations we served. Our hope is to double the number of

“Each of these groups went and did what they said they were going to do,” Johnson said. “We didn’t have pre-packaged plans, but met the needs of the organizations we served."

Standards of Excellence in Short-Term Mission Seven Standards • • • • • • •

God-centeredness Empowering Partnerships Mutual Design Comprehensive Administration Qualified Leadership Appropriate Training Thorough Follow-Up

students serving with S.O.S. to anywhere from four to six missions next May.” Although Corban students go on many missions trips during the summer and spring break, Corban University is an active member of SOE, Standards of Excellence in Short-Term Mission. This gives the University and partner organizations a set of seven standards to follow in all S.O.S. related mission trips. Currently two trips are being planned for May 2012, including a mission in Ethiopia to teach English to Ethiopian missionaries and another by the University’s choir in Europe. You can learn more about these trips at 13

News Briefs

News briefs Noted author Randy Alcorn to present at Corban Randy Alcorn, author of Heaven: Biblical Answers to Common Questions and founder of Eternal Perspectives Ministries will come to Corban University May 8-10 for three days of teaching and enlightenment about God and his plans for us in Heaven. The event, titled Spend 3 Days in Heaven, will give attendees the opportunity to get up close and personal with the bestselling author and theologian and give a new perspective on the glory that awaits us. The event is sponsored by Eternal Perspective Ministries, and the Luis Palau Association, Advance tickets are on sale now at The 3-day special event is just $450 or $600 with two fully accredited master’s level credits. If your business or nonprofit would like to be part of the Spend 3 Days in Heaven event, consider becoming a sponsor. For more information, call David Sanford at 503-375-7173 or email New students, new year Corban’s Orientation Weekend, Aug. 26 to 30, was a flurry of activity for staff and faculty who welcomed new students to the school’s Salem campus. The University saw record enrollment (1,245) for the 2011-2012 school year. This increase was evident as new students, and their families, toured the Salem campus, moved students into dorms, received ID cards, registered cars and much more. The Office of Admissions received help from many returning students, who offered their hands and hearts in welcome and friendship, ported luggage and put parents at ease, although several parents still shed tears as they said goodbye to their now grown children. Throughout the weekend, new students experienced the infamous Corban games, ate plenty of food and desserts, learned about campus life and opportunities and attended 14

chapel in the C.E. Jeffers Sports Center. They also participated in a scavenger hunt throughout downtown Salem and the State Capitol grounds. “People were excited and had fun and said they felt very welcome,” said Director of Admissions Heidi Stowman. “We even had one mother who told us she cried happy tears because there were so many people there to help and care for her daughter as she moved into her dorm room. I can already tell we are going to have a great year at Corban.” Registration begins for May 2012 trip to Israel and Jordan In May 2012, Corban students, parents and alumni are invited to walk through the Old and New Testaments during a tour of the Holy Lands. Between May 20 and 29, 2012, Dean of Ministry Greg Trull and Theology Professor Tim Anderson will guide a trip through Israel, including stops at Masada, Herod’s lavish palace fortress, the Mount of Beatitudes, where Jesus Christ delivered the Sermon on the Mount, the Temple Mount and Dome of the Rock, the Garden of Gethsemane and more. There will be an optional trip extension to Jordan May 16 to 21, where the group will study the ruins of various ancient peoples, Mount Nebo, the traditional burial place of Moses, take a jeep ride through the spectacular desert Wadi Rum and visit Eilat, a city on the route of the Exodus. “Our goal for the trip is to experience the places where God has done some of His greatest works in Scripture” Trull said. “We will visit many incredible sites from the Word. Going from reading and studying Scripture to experiencing the places where Scripture happened is like going from black and white

television to high-def TV. It will add a new depth to one's understanding and appreciation of the Bible and open our hearts to the Lord's people who live in the land today.” The tour of Israel is $3,950 per person, and the optional trip to Jordan is an additional $890. The trip is limited to 35 people. For more information or to register for this amazing spiritual adventure, email Trull at Writer-in Residence makes a difference in Moldova Between the nations of Romania and Ukraine, the tiny nation of Moldova is rich with history, but hardships for the ethic people who live there. Few know this better than Gina Ochsner, Corban University’s Writer-in-Residence, who has traveled to the region extensively for book research and to help its people—particularly the Roma peoples. In June, she spent a week in the village of Vulcaneshti, working with three women from the Netherlands to help the community’s girls and women study the Word of God. Although she also intended to conduct research for an upcoming novel, Ochsner quickly realized other things may have been more important. “It was a lesson in flexibility,” she said. “My motto throughout the entire trip was to be as flexible as a jellyfish. It was a lesson I think God was trying to teach me.” The team of women lived in the home of a village Christian family and held Bible studies, had Bible lessons for children and more. Because of the extreme weather in Moldova, Christian women find it very difficult to meet together. “The only time the roads aren’t thick with mud is between May and September,” Ochsner said. “The mud is sometime knee high, and if they make it to the church, it is too cold inside to hold a Bible study. The women there are hungry for relationships and God, and they don’t want these parachute drops of people coming in for a week or two and then leaving. They want something sustained.” Ochsner said she intends to return in the future, but while in the U.S. would like to raise funds to pay a Christian teacher to help women in the community in their walk with God and possibly bring education and English lessons.

News Briefs

Illuminated Praise comes to Corban When God meets internationally renown painter Anneli Anderson at her canvas, a special time of worship ensues. The Portland, Ore., native has created breathtaking works over the course of a decade, and she has compiled those works into her book, Illuminated Praise. The limited edition book is forwarded by Corban University President Reno Hoff and includes From Here to Eternity, painted by Anderson during the Homecoming Chapel on Sept. 30., and gifted to Corban University by the artist. “The symbolism of Anneli’s From Here to Eternity painting is so rich,” said Hoff in his forward. “I love the two boats, with the farthest one empty, speaking of those who are going ahead of us to heaven’s shores. I also love the contrast between the dark lower right corner, speaking of life’s mysteries and trials, over against the (at first) unseen Spirit’s presence and power at work in and through us.” The limited edition book is available only through the Corban Office of Alumni. For more information about Anderson’s Illuminated Praise, call Deleen Wills at 503-589-8182 or e-mail

Corban earns 10th Champions of Character designation For the 10th year running, Corban athletes have been named Les Schwab Champions of Character. The women’s basketball team, under the leadership of coach Terry Williams, earned the title. The Champions of Character designation is awarded based on a point system. Player or coach misconduct, bad sportsmanship and other factors cause a team to lose points. It doesn’t take much to lose the designation each year, said Athletic Director Dave Johnson. “We’re a school of character before we are athletes,” he said. “We have teams of character, and some of those teams go above and beyond.” A Champions of Character banner will be hung in the C.E. Jeffers Sports Center as a symbol of our values and ethics to all who see it. “Corban is a place where character is expected,” Johnson said. “They are solid athletes who can perform on and off the court or field. Corban production brings awareness of human trafficking The tale of Cinderella is filled with magic and awe. Little girls often dream about meeting their own princes after seeing the beloved tale. In November, Corban University’s theatre department, under the leadership

of Associate Professor of Theatre Tamara McGinnis ’82, staged the classic fairy tale for an appreciative audience. While the show stayed true to the magic and fun of Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella, a portion of the money raised is going to a far more serious cause, the efforts to eradicate human trafficking by Shared Hope International’s organization. “There are women and children all over the world, including the United States, who are being held as slaves and don’t have a fairy godmother to rescue them,” McGinnis said. “I learned about the issue of slavery last summer… but didn’t know how I could help. The woman who spoke told us we can use our talents and gifts to reach these forgotten people.” While McGinnis didn’t have cash to spare, she knew with the help of Corban students and staff, she could make an impact and chose Cinderella as the instrument to help. “Cinderella is the story of a young woman who loses her family, is kept away as a servant and despised by everyone she has left,” McGinnis said. “She was rescued by her fairy godmother and had a fairy tale life in the end, which isn’t the case for so many women and children.” The money donated will be used to help women coming out of the sexual slavery to readjust to new lives. Without support such as job training, housing and other basic necessities, McGinnis said many return to lives with pimps and prostitution. For more information or to donate, contact

Grad earns Brigadier General On Aug. 2, 2011, Eric Bush, ADP ‘98, was awarded the rank of Brigadier General. Bush served as commander of the 41st Infantry Brigade and is currently one of three general officers in the Oregon National Guard. He served one 12-month tour in Iraq as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom, where he oversaw 3,100 soldiers. His military career spans 27 years with the National Guard. Additionally, Bush has been police chief for the Prineville, Ore., Police Department for eight years. He majored in Business Management and Communications at Corban and earned his Bachelor of Science degree through Corban’s Adult Degree Program.

Eric Bush receives promotion to Brigadier General. Photo: Oregon Military Dept. 15

Honor Roll

Donors Honor Roll of

President's Circle

Gifts of $5,000 or more Anonymous Victor and Carolyn Bartruff Christ Fellowship of Everson, WA Thomas and Linda Cook Melvin and Kay '67 Hendrickson Herrman Farms, Connell, WA Daniel '93 and Chris Hill Reno '73 and Linda Hoff Richard and Doris Howard Vern and Joan '76 Johnson Juan Young Trust, West Linn, OR Jamie Nord '91 Sheldon Nord '82 Barbara Pelascini '63 Robert Pelascini '61 State Farm Companies Foundation, Princeton, NJ Erhardt and Joy Steinborn Floyd and Jeanette Votaw Dan '75 and Sally Wilder Dick and Gayle Withnell

President's Associates

Gifts of $2,500-$4,999 Timothy Aagard '80 Judy Aagard '80 Gil and Angie '75 Alden Anonymous Pat Beach '94 Bryce Bernard '82 Julie Bernard '81 Bethany Baptist Church of Salem, OR Capital Coin Co., Salem, OR DJTC Corporation, Denver, CO Eastgate Fellowship Church of Bellevue, WA Edison International Employee Contributions Campaign, Princeton, NJ First Baptist Church, Polson, MT Foothills Church of Stayton, OR Howard and Ivy Games Robin Herrman Curtis '69 and Denise Horton Doug and Lisa '86 Kusler Agnes Lina Gordon Monus Don and Pat '97 Nicholson Kathy Patterson '74 Mike Patterson '74 Jack and Jo '81 Sherman Marie Smith Tabernacle Baptist Church of Shoreline, WA John '11 and Sharon Tanner TNT Management Resources Inc., Salem, OR Art Van Weerdhuizen'81 Bev Van Weerdhuizen '81 Wheeler Foundation, Portland, OR Davina Younger

University Builders Gifts of $1,000-$2,499 AA Sports, LTD, Beaverton, OR Adams, Day & Hill, Salem, OR AKT Group LLP, Salem, OR Keith and Merilyn Aldy Anonymous


David and Shelia '83 Bale Douglas Beals '87 Larissa Beals '85 Joe and Teri Beattie Alan and Sandi Bittel Joseph and Teresa Blubaugh Ordena Bond Eddie and Francie Bostwick Gary Bradley '73 Lori Bradley '77 Ken and Debbie Braun Ray and Evelyn Brumbaugh Steven and Kathleen Buhler ConAgra Foods, Omaha, NE Alan Costic Keith and Joanne Cronrath Jarmila D'Agosta Dalke Construction Co. Inc, Salem, OR Chris and Kathy Erickson Faith Baptist Church of Lincoln City, OR Cathy Farwell '80 Randal Farwell '80 Larry and Joyce '78 Ferreira Terry '76 and Susan Finkbeiner First Baptist Church of Bellevue, WA First Baptist Church of Richland, WA First Baptist Church of Tumwater, WA First Baptist Community Church of Monte Sereno, CA Ed and Blossom Fischer Daniel and Kathy Garland David and Jean '78 Gott Grace Baptist Church of Salem, OR James and Claudia '76 Green Geoffrey and Cheryl '93 Guilfoy William Hansen David and Leanne Hays LeRoy and Nancy '93 Hedberg Vivian Hubbard-Sills '57 Ralph and Joy Isensee Jonathan Foundation, Sacramento, CA Dick '01 and Pauline Keeney Dagmar Lamy Matthew Larson '05 Albert and Blanche Lattin LCG Pence, Salem, OR Mark '99 and Ruth Leamy Les Schwab Warehouse Center, Inc, Bend, OR Mary Louie David and Cindy Ludeman Rodney Malone Nancy Martyn '68 Curtis '01 and Natalie Mason David and Vickie Mayfield Dianne Meyers '67 Richard Meyers '67 Daren Milionis '81 Michelle Milionis '91 Todd and Jill Milionis Victor and Judy Monlux Conni Neustel Kunke '83 North Albany Community Church, Albany, OR Doug and Jan Pfeiler Jerry and Carolyn '92 Purtell R. L. Reimers Company, Albany, OR Efrain and Norma Ramirez

Luke Ringhand Rolling Hills Baptist Church, Salem, OR Gerald and Carolyn Roth Saint Martin's University, Lacey, WA Salem First Baptist Church, Salem, OR Thomas and Linda Samek Sports Wave, Inc., Beaverton, OR Carl Sprague '67 Sherrie Sprague '67 Rosalyn Sprague Betty Steen '71 Paul Steen '73 Stuart and Colette Tennant Annette Vaughan '92 Brian Vaughan '91 Vina Community Church, Vina, CA Gerald and Dolores Werre Jack '78 and Pamela Werre Dick and Jo Ann Whipps Darrel '11 and Charlene White Withnell Motor Company, Salem, OR

University Partners

Gifts of $500-$999 Alfred & Rosemary Giumarra Foundation, Porterville, CA Timothy and Barbara Anderson Samuel and Alyson Baker Betty Balyo Ken and Judy Bass Michael and Debbie Bates Kerrick and Joy '82 Bauman Benson & Associates Benefits Planning Inc., Salem, OR Wayne and Dawn Bernard Todd and Gena '96 Berning Bidwell Enterprises, Inc., Salem, OR Larry and Debbie Bos BPM Physical Therapy Center, Inc., Salem, OR Richard and Peggy Bruner California Hts Baptist Church, Long Beach, CA Campton Heights Baptist Church, Fortuna, CA Elijah Conlee '10 James and Virginia Cross Nick and Mary Dawson Emily Dempster '99 Ryan Dempster '99 Charles Dubbs '59 Hazel Dubbs '58 James and Sang-Eun Dyer Doug and Beverly Farris Richard Farris First Baptist Church, Othello, WA First Baptist Church of Silverton, OR First Baptist Church of Wenatchee, WA Doug Gorsuch '85 Sandee Gorsuch '72 Clark and Georgia '97 Greer Happy Home Church, Deer Park, WA Happy Valley Baptist Church, Happy Valley, OR Elaine Hardin '82 Harold Haws '74 Joany Haws '74 Hittner & Associates, Inc., Keizer, OR Luther and Wende Hook Patrick and Tonya '81 Ireland

THANK YOU to the many supporters whose generous gifts help implement Corban’s vision to be an outstanding Christian university. By supporting Corban, you enable a new generation of students to experience the many benefits of an education distinctively rooted in Jesus Christ. The following honor roll lists the faithful alumni, parents, friends and staff who supported us during the period of July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011. The University and its students are most grateful! If you have given and you are not listed, please accept our apology and contact us: 503-589-8186.

Jack Werre Insurance Service, Garden Grove, CA Cynthia Jahnke '79 Robin Jahnke '79 Clarence James '58 Dorothy James '58 James Reed & Associates, Salem, OR Jimmy and Marlene '76 Jarrett Adrian Jeffers '52 Anne Jeffers '53 Larry and Carol Justis Paul and Ruthie '67 La Freniere Corky Lambert '75 Debbie Lambert '75 Leslie Largent Craig Lucas '70 Jane Lucas '70 Matthew Lucas '94 Tammy Lucas '94 Dale McClain '82 Marlene McClain '82 Forrest and Laura Moore Benjamin Morris '05 Charles and Barbara Morris Jamie Morris '05 Alegre Nadal-McCoy Larry and Anita Nelson New Hope Baptist Church, Nampa, ID Margaret Noland '66 Richard Noland '71 Oak Hill Properties, Salem, OR Tom and Janet Pargeter Margaret Parkin Dennis and Susan '97 Rasmussen Donald Rawlins Ray and Jeanne Reid George and Joanne Rickard Brian and Lori Schilling John and SuEllen Scott Al and Carol Shablo Thomas and Lisa Shaw Jennifer Sherwood '96 Justin Sherwood '93 Daniel and Karla Shuholm Curtis and Mary '62 Smith Dennis and Sue Stegenga Kevin and Nancy Sullivan Summit Christian Fellowship, Steamboat Springs, WA Bryant Sutton Will and Cassandra '00 Terry The Queen's Medical Center, Honolulu, HI The Standard, Princeton, NJ Gregory and Tiffany '92 Trull Elaine and Gordon Vandermeulen Virtue First Foundation, Mount Angel, OR Kevin '81 and Carol Warkentine Gerald and Luanne Warren Westmont College, Santa Barbara, CA Dan and Mary Louise Wilkinson Roger Williams Terry '74 and Debra Williams Mark and Deleen Wills Margaret Wipf Robert and Rita Wright James '07 and Annette Young Michael and Lee Ann Zanon

University Sustainers

Gifts of $250-$499 Sharon Abbey '88 Shawn Abbey '86 Abbey Carpet Care, Salem, OR AMOR IX LLC, Fallon, NV Daniel Anderson '72 Charlene Anderson '71 Herbert and Betty Lu Anderson David Astin Aumsville Bethel Baptist Church, Aumsville, OR Susan Beidler John and Rhonda Bell Coby Bidwell '11 Marianne Boudreau Frank and Bonnie Brown Bill and Gladys Caddy Ray and Sheri Calderon Kevin and Judith Cameron Tracy and Beverly Camillo, William and Valerie Christoph Samuel M Coleman Bradley Crosby '91 Michelle Crosby '92 Jo Cudney '63 Gerald Cudney '63 Patrick and Ruth Daniels Jeff Davis '85 Terri Davis '86 De Wilde & Basinger, Inc, Salem, OR DJP Enterprises, Salem, OR Martin Dolan Kenneth Driver '95 Tracy Driver '99 F & W Fence, Salem, OR David Ferguson '72 First Baptist Church of Linden, CA First Fundamental Church of Walteria, Torrance, CA Kenji Fukunaga '12 Michael Glaser '78 Shannan Glaser '81 Virginia Gomer Noel Griggs '13 Chris and Darla Hague Larry and Ilene Hague Patrice Hall '97 Jeff and Debi Hanson Craig Hardinger '82 Debbie Hardinger '81 Larry and Nancy Harrington Hedberg Auctions Inc, Salem, OR Henderson Ave Baptist Church, Porterville, CA Wayne and Dorothy Henshaw Jim and Bonnie Hills Ron and Mikki Hittner Rodney Hoff '81 Ruth Hoff '82 Kathy Hunt '69 Steve Hunt '69 Dave Ingram Karin Jones '64 Ken Jones '66 Amelia Kaspari '13 Ronald and Carol Kenyon Aimee Kirschenmann '99 Philip Kirschenmann '00

Honor Roll Melanie Klassen '92 Robert Klassen'89 Daryl Knox '96 Tera Knox '96 Kevin and Karen Kropf Barbara Kuns '55 Lyndell Kuns '57 Donald and Donna Leavitt Michael Lindbeck Beth Longwell Royalynne Miller '14 Donn and Susan Mogford Bryce and Gena Nieman Raymond and Joan Novosad Mark Orfield Paseo del Rey Church, Chula Vista, CA Michael '99 and Jessica Patron Brian Perkins '03 Steven and Janet Pitman Matthew '00 and Dawn Price PT Northwest, LLC, Salem, OR Mark and Shari '05 Ridings Anna Marie Ross '58 Kimberly Satterthwaite '99 Tyler Satterthwaite '99 Nickolas Sedor '02 Tara Sedor '03 Andrea Seefried '67 Richard Seefried '66 Charles '61 and Barbara Ann Smith Richard and Connie Sokol Sound Investments Company, Gig Harbor, WA Brian and Kathy '72 Spurgeon Edmund and Marianne Steinbach John Storkel '79 Patricia Storkel '74 Phil and Janet '94 Strom Stutzman & Kropf Contractors Inc, Albany, OR Derek and Becky Sutton Sweet Creations NW, LLC, Salem, OR Gene Taylor '75 Patricia Taylor '72 Toledo First Baptist Church, Toledo, WA Tri City Baptist Church of Myrtle Creek, OR Vernon and Dawn Turner Robert Vereb Kimberly Villwock '02 Ron and Delight Walker Linda Watt Jeramy and Araya Williams Benjamin Wilson '99 Dee Wilson '99 Dawn Winokur '82 Ellen Zarfas '82 Nelson Zarfas '82 Cindy Ziesemer '91 Martin Ziesemer '91

Glen and Carolyn Cyphers Raymond and Sue Dawley Paul and Bettie '84 Delury A J and Ginger Demaris Gary and Rebeccah Derickson Jason and Jessie Doneth David Donnell '57 Dorothy Donnell '53 Michael '00 and Terrie Doss Brenda Dunford Lou Eddy Richard and Lori Edgerly Fred and Marie Ehlers Brian Elliott '84 Sandra Elliott '87 Eric Estep '90 Tyler Ferguson '13 Nancy Fiol '66 First Baptist Church, Caldwell, ID Tina Fleisher '07 Focus Financial Solutions, Salem, OR William and Manya Frazier Ken and Karen Friesen Johnny Galver Art and Karan '65 Gleason Jeffrey Gorrell James and Janelle Gugudan Douglas Harding Sherman and Audrey Harman Alan Hedberg John and Marylane Heine Robert and Jan Henry Keith and Anna Herrman Arthur and Jennean Hill Bob and Dawn Hill Timothy and Lori Hoffman Rob Holaday Paul and Sharon Holstege Claudia Howden '82 Michael Howden '78 Hughey Revocable Trust, Edgewood, WA Ellen Jacobs '88 Seth James '81 Timothy '81 and Debbie Jeffers Gaylord '53 and Mildred Johnson Bonnie Jones '75 Curtis Jones '77 David and Carla Keene Earl and Ellen Kersey Bonnie Kolbo '69 Brad Kolbo '69 Ross and Carol '11 Kruse A J Lagomarsino Richard Layman Stan and Sally Lewin Karen Lewis Trevor Lewis Steven and Cynthia Lindbeck David '93 and Sharrina Liu Lucas & Howard Furniture, Inc, Klamath Falls, OR University Founders Karen Magnuson Gifts of $120-$249 Esther Mangini '72 Lee and Carolyn Akker John Mangini '72 Monica Kayleen Alfson '12 Bardwell and June Marshall Mike and Suzanne '89 Allegre June Martin Brianna Amorati '13 Marvin J. Johnson, D.M.D. Heather Dawn Anderson '11 George Massey '61 Larry and Jacqui Armstrong John '76 and Jodie McCaslin AT&T United Way, Princeton, NJ Phil & Kathy McCorkle Athletic Transportation Services LLC, Bill McFarlane '64 Damascus, OR Carla McFarlane '60 Don and Joyce '76 Azevedo Jason McGrath '14 Michael '83 and Melody Balsbaugh Donna McKeever '96 Bassham Furniture, Fallon, NV Bruce and Linda Merritt Jim and Christine '76 Beames Mark Moreno Darrell and Ruthanne '66 Beddoe Peter and Tanya Morgan Mr and Mrs John Bos Teleah Moss Tom and Jana Box Mike Murphy Tim and Heather '95 Boyd James and Pam Newby Corey Bradley Brenda Noland '95 Michael Noland '95 Bridge Community Church, Myrtle George Nordling Point, OR Nels and Katie Norquist Larry Brown Glen Nugent '04 Elton and Margaret Brutscher Pamela Nugent '75 Mavis Buck '66 Nyssa Baptist Fellowship, Nyssa, OR Dick Buck '66 Sherman and Janet Ober Karl and Jennifer Buckmaster Marianne O'Connor Megan Buczkowski Jan and Linda Oda Kevin Carpenter Joan Olson Donald Chapin John and Joanne Orfield Church Extension Plan, Salem, OR Janet Ott '61 Jerry Clubb Clayton and Corrie Pace Roger and Carol Clubb Cochell Family Dentistry, PC, Salem, OR David Pardini '73 Community Baptist Church, Florence, OR Margaret Pardini '73 Darrell and Marilyn Patterson Dean Cox '81 Sarah Perkins '01 Teresa Cox '82 Gene and Bettie Peterson Jerry '77 and Kathryn Cripe Pinecroft Christian Camp, Inc, Ronald Crockett Fernwood, ID Kerry Cunningham

Progressive Interior, Salem, OR Pryor Giggey Co., Anniston, AL David and Melissa Ragan Lacy Ramirez '14 Karen Ramos '14 Galen and Donna Reimer Ron and Ingrid Reimers Jill Riddle '02 Shane Riddle '99 Roderic and Leslie Ringhand Andrew Robinson '72 Elda Robinson '72 Brenda Roth '90 Janelle Rowland '00 Eric and Julia '06 Royer Salem Evangelical Church, Salem, OR Carmen Saunders '00 Reid Saunders '98 Marilyn Schmidgall William and Paula Schwartz Shaun and Maria De Sheahan Paul and Dawn Sifford Kay Spingath '68 Chris and Patricia '97 Talley Dan and Debby Thorpe Alisa Tobin '12 Timothy and Laurie Todhunter Linda Trammell '81 Martin Trammell '83 Paul and Virginia Tuttle Gary and Shelley Van Antwerp Donald Veliquette '63 Janet Vohland '99 Wallace Vohland '81 Ted and Melissa Walker West Hills Baptist Church of Portland, OR Jean Whitford Judy Whittington Melvin and Jean Wiggers Cecil Williams '56 Lola Williams '54 Gordon Wilson '76 Hugh '51 and Jackie Wilson Martha Wilson '76 Worry Free, Inc., Boise, ID James Wuth '73 Rhona Wuth '73 Jeffrey and Kathy Young

University Associate Gifts up to $119 Kristine Aaron Terry Aaron Wayne Abbott Janice Adams John and Candace Adams Bruce and Karrie Ahrendt Mable Akina Wayne Akker Sue Albright Lee and Marguerite '00 Alexander Anita Alfson Terry and Sylvia Allbee John and Janine Allen Peter and Tammy Allen Richard and Shirley Allen Robert Alley '69 Glenda Alley '68 Russell and Laci Allstot Pilar Alvarez Michael and Eileen Amaranthus Amerivision Communications Inc, Norfolk, VA Helen Ames Tony and Ellen Amorati Joe and Cyndi Anderson Kenny and Gerry Anderson Chuck and Lita '92 Anderson William Anderson L and Jacqueline Armstrong Veronica Arnett-Langston Jay Arnold '78 Betsy Arnold '77 Sid Astin Alana Avila '14 Perryann Azevedo Kenneth Bailey '66 Roberta Bailey '67 William and Norma Baird James and Tamas Baker Joseph Baker '57 Roger and Mary Bakke Vernon and Marilyn Balsbaugh Thena Bamber Robert and Jan '52 Bangs Chris and Sharon Barber Everett and Mildred Barker Virginia Barker Gratton and Jean Barnhill Philip and Debra Barrett Ron and Kim Barry

Wesley and Marilyn Barry Ron Bartel Michael and Sally Bartlett Baskets By Susie Millard and Joyce Bates Harley and Margaret Bath John and Georgine Batty Ronald and Shirley Bauder Norma Baughman Stephen Baughman Jay Baumbardner Jack Beach Thomas and Terria Beach Charles and Sandra Beals Marjorie Beals '61 Melvin Beals '60 Sandra Beals Jeffrey and Sally Beazley Garrett and Jessica Bemis Charles and Kathleen '81 Benitez Gregory and Judy Bennett Gary and Nancy Benson Michael and Mary Benson Bodil Berg Jennifer Berg Mike and Michele Berney Julie Anne Bertoni Dorothy Bertz Paul '82 and Patti Beutler Douglas and Nancy Bickford Mark Bidwell '82 Penny Bidwell '81 Angie Binggeli '63 Bitterroot Red Sox Albb, Inc., Hamilton, MT Johanna Blackwell '09 James Blehm Tasha Bleistein '98 Gordon and Kay Bloomquist Troy Blum Bruce and Norma Boatman Chad and Jaime Bobbitt Earl and Madalin Bohlander Rodney and Rebekah Bollman Haskel '57 and Alta Bolton Sherman Bondehagen Scott and Rebecca Boone Ms Ranae Bost Gregory and Beverly Bower Dale and Pat Bowman Gary and April Bowman James Boyd '63 Kathryn Boyd '64 Chester and Connie Bradley Daniel Brammer '76 Marilyn Brammer '76 Myra Brand Mike and Cathy Brandt Beth Brault Gregg and Kris Brenes Victoria Brenot C and Teresa Britten G A. Broadbent Richard and Letetia Broderick Alice Bronson '72 Mary Brooks William and Bonita Brough Eleanor Brown Hilary Brown '11 Michael Brown Sharon Brown Scot and Jennifer Bruce Charlotte Brulotte '03 Jamie Brulotte'03 Lynn and Lori Bruno Larry and Bonnie '96 Buckner Florian and Kathleen Buczkowski Gary and Rosemary Buczkowski Thomas and Jo Lynn Buell Verne and Nina Buhler Curt and Jennifer Bumcrot Roy and Jo Bunch Rich and Sarah Burbank George and Yvonne Burgess Lloyd and Joellen Burgess Debby Burnham Deborah Burns '78 Raymond Burns '77 Ted and Anna '08 Burwell Brent Butler Holly Butler Paula Butterfield Tod and Brenda Butterfield Peter and Linda '99 Byeman Joseph and Sue Cacka Cafe Today LLC, Salem, OR Bev Camillo Donald and Judith Campbell Renee and Ronald Campbell Scot and Kathy Campbell George and Joan Cardoza

Debra Carlton Ursula Carman David and Judith Carr Donald Carson '62 Janice Carson '61 Nathan Carter Laurie Case Sara Casebeer Brenda Casimiro John and Barbara Casteel Clair and Della Casterline K and Carolyn Castile Linda Castro Coy and Helen Cates Danny Ceiplis '07 Kyoung Sook and Suk Chang Bill and Betty Charnholm Jessie Christensen Hatfield Orvin and Helen Christianson Frank Chuk Church of Living Hope Ministries, Midland, TX Ernest Clark '61 Jarred Clark Patricia Clark '61 William and Kathleen Clarke Vicki and Gary Classen Cheryl Close Roger and Janelle Coakley Robert and Lisa Cobb Damon and Catherine Cole Janice Colfer '78 John Colfer '81 Anna Collard David Collett '09 James and Marion Collett Kurt and Judith '07 Collins Francisco and Marie Colon Charles and Linda Colson Terry and Nancy Colwell Matthew and Brandi Colyar Larry and Bonnie Conard Rachel Conard Daniel and Pamela Connell Adeline Connelly Kathleen Coppinger '69 Donald and Kim Corbitt Ismael Correa Marilyn Coulombe Colleen Cowan '82 Mark Cowan '81 David and Bonnie Cox E. and Betty Craig Heather Craig Katherine Craig '76 Meril Craig '77 Gerald and Linda Cranford Judi Cranston '97 Randy Cranston '76 Creekside Bible Church, Wilsonville, OR Karl and Joni Croft Lauren Cross Russell and Sandra Cross Penny Crowell Bryce and Carrie Cruickshank Joel Cruz '08 Dale and Cheri Cunningham Joseph and Murielle Curcio Nancy Currie James D'Agosta '04 Kevin and Janet Dahl Helen Dailey Jim '74 and Becky Dailey Gene Daniels John and Mona Dark Dark Horse Literary Inc., Keizer, OR Anthony and LeAnna '12 Darling Allen Davis Eleanor Davis Paula Davis Earl and Adeline Dawson James and Arleta Day Vance and Matilda Day Liana De Maris James and Laura De Soer Byron and Marion DeHart Robert and Sandra Demaster Deborah Denaro Dennis Capps Trucking Inc, Jerome, ID Arlene DeTour Mark and Nancy Dickman Shelby Dickman '06 Larry and Linda Dill Nadine and Larry Dill Gary and Judy Dirrim Horace and Frances Dixon David and Jewell '75 Dixon Larry and Alice Dixon Sam and Carolyn Dobbs Courtney Dodds '04 Tim and Mary Ann Dodson

Arlene Dodson-Franssen Joycelyn Dolan Federico Dominguez Michael and Anita Donivan Loretta Donnelly Callie Doremus '11 Elnora Dougherty Barbara Dowley Amy Drake E D and Lori Dressel Bill and Luba '97 Dubenko Ann and David Duling Peggy Dumas Rod and Sue Dunham Heather Dunn '00 Jeffrey '05 and Mindi Dunn Joshua Dunn '01 Roger and Camille Dunn Ronald and Kim Dunn Charles Durham and Susan RitterDurham Davis Dyer '75 Gordon and Dora Dyer Mary Dyer '74 Frances Dyk Robert and Heidi Dyk Walter and Earnestine Ealum John and Arda Earle Howard East Ron and Marian Edelman William and Deborah Eells Arnold and Donna Eggers Milton and Ollive Ehoff Korby Eiland Margit Eisenhut Electronic Arts Matching Gifts Program, Princeton, NJ Gary and Christy '01 Ellis Matthew Ellis Holly Elmer Kurt and Deanna Elmer Julia Emblen Michael Emery '80 Shelly Emery '83 Lois Emitte '53 Chad Emmert '06 Kathleen Emmert '07 Claire and Jay Enloe Nathan and Kelsey Ensz Lyn Erovick Paul and Marilee Euhus John and Natalee Evans Grace Everson Robert Fallon Eldon and Naomi Farner Steve and Sharon Farrington Christina Farwell '01 Ryan Farwell '01 FASTek/Advanced Steel, Rancho Cucamonga, CA Helen Fawcett Keith and Clara Ferguson Briele Feria Douglas and Doris Field Brian and Diana Finkbeiner First Baptist Church of Roswell Gordon and Priscilla Fischbacher Beebee Fisher Randy and Sharon Flaming Elaine Focht Kathleen and Michael Folse Shirley Foster Mr and Mrs James Foures Danielle Fowler '08 James and Candace Fowler Ryan Fowler '09 Gerald and Joyce Franz Wolfgang and Joyce Franz Linda Frazier Loren and Gerry Frazier Jayme Fridley '04 Nolan Fridley '04 James Fryback Merle and Sheryl '70 Fullner Robert and Lindsley Gaddis Mary Gainey-Sutton Philip and June Galvin Arlin and Amy Garber Wendell '73 and Peggy Garner James and Penny '97 Garrard Kenneth and Betty Gasper Michael and Marcia Gates Joseph and Barbara Gaziano Arthur and Betty '59 Gee Kent and Teresa Gibson Erik Gillam '04 Dennis and Julianne Gilles Garold and Sue Ann Gillham Ann and Gerald Gilman Joyce Gleason Judith Goebel


Honor Roll James and Elaine Goertz Karen and Leroy Goertzen Tamra Goettsch John and Betty Goffrier Eugene and Carol Going Michael Going Max and Pamela Goldstein Dee Dee Goodman Nancy Goree '74 Clifford and Lucille Gorseth Marc and Cynda Graff Robert and Lynn Graham Dixie Grassl Kent and Jan Gravley Eileen Gray Weston and Jeanne Gray Carol Green Christopher Green Norman and Frieda Green Bill and Beatrice Griggs Pauline Grounds Pamela Guerra Kena Gugudan '12 Kimo and Aileen Gugudan Doug and Elisabeth '95 Guisinger Reece and Lorelei Gullett Terry and Dana Gunter Richard Hadeen '49 Verna Hadeen '52 Ken and Sally Haevernick Frederick and Fritse Hakkinen Michael and Janet Hale John and Julia Hall Gay Hallaway Beverly Hames Kelly and Regina Hamilton Richard '74 and Susie Hammond Hammond Homes & Construction, Fallon, NV Brian Hamp Mark and Kerri Hanke William and Margaret Hansell David and Marilyn Hansen Brandon and Lauara Harder Albert Hardmon Barbara Hargreaves Ray and Geraldine Harper James and Jeanie Harris Patrick and Janis Harris Harris Consulting Inc, Emmett, ID C J Hartley Arlene Hartung '69 Rocky Hartung '68 Donald and Barbara Harvey Ron Harvey Ken and Tammy Hatfield Armand and Dorothy Hawkins Bryan Haws '05 Ted and Cynthia Haws Steven and Lori Hayes Evelyn Haynes '59 Dwayne and Hazel Hays William and Shirley Hayton James and Shirley Heater Thomas '72 and Lee Ann Hedges Jo Anne Hellberg David and Laurie Hendersen Bryon and Becky Henry Norman and Beverly Henry Dennis and Ruth Henshaw Glen Hensley Alan and Debbie '03 Herman James and Peggy Hermes Jared Hernandez '07 Daniel and Cathryn Herz Brenda and Jonathan Hess Keith '00 and Terry Hiatt Delbert and Gerda Hiebert Leroy and Deborah Hietala Allen and Hilda Hill Audrey Hill Genevieve Hillman Carl '67 and Carol Hills Jo Anne Hills '71 Timothy Hills '68 Pat Hinckley Earl and Lois Hines Jody and Lori Hinkle Ben and Janet Hockman David Holcomb '12 Ms Susan Hollandsworth Ms Kathy Holsonback Tim Holstein Jack and Lori Holt Austin and Lisa Hoppe Jane Horsey Geoff Horton Jason Horton '96 Pamela Horton '97 Ruth Horton Glenn and Eleanor Hoskinson


William and Brenda Houser Michael and Arika Howell Gerald Hritz '81 Karen Hritz '63 Kimberly Hughes '85 Roger and Janet '61 Hughey Lindsay Hunt Monica Hunter Max and Elizabeth Hurliman Donna Hurst Aaron and Jennifer Imig Keith and Donna Ingle Preston Insley Ireland & Hamlin Concrete, Inc, Hamilton, MT Joyce Irish Henry and Anita Jackson DeeAnna Jackson Ralph and Janette Jackson Rebeccsa and Randall Jackson Jay Jacobsen Mohammad and Nicole Jahan Donald and Dianne Jamell Jeffrey '84 and Julie James Paul and Carol James James and Regina Jamieson Troy Jamieson Robert and Betty Janzen Lyndon and Sharon '65 Jarka Robert and Judith Jelden Daniel and Julianne Jensen Sheree Jensen Dain and Therese Jepson Jewelry Replacement & Appraisal Services, Portland, OR Beverley Johnson Edwin and Daryl Johnson Jerry and Beverly Johnson Mr and Mrs L Johnson Evelyn Jones Frances Jones L and Lynn Jones Melvin '56 and Wanda Jones Neal and Marcia Jones Richard and Mary Jones Ronald and Lois Jones Cheryl Jongeneel '68 Bettie Jordan Grace Jyo Melvina Kaliko Carrie Emeline Kann '11 Eugene and Patricia Keller Jerry '78 and Ruth Keller Thomas and Marilyn Keller David Kelly Delmar and Louise Kendrick Jean Kenton Steve and Carol Ker Kent and Terri Kersey Jack Kessler '76 Joanna Kindell Ronald and Shirley King Russ Kittrell Joyce Kline Timothy and Amy Kling Evelyn Knight James and Nancy Knoedler Billie Knottingham '02 Nathan Knottingham '03 Gary and Faith Koepke George and Philomena Kojis Sharon Krause Melissa Krohn '12 Percy and Yvonne Kropf Norman and Karen Kunkel L.N. Smith, Inc., Hanalei, HI Randy and Dani Lack Ladies Missionary Group, Cottonwood, CA Jack Laidlaw Harry Lake William and Jo Ann Lancaster Brian and Lori Land Benjamin Laro '01 George and Mary Larson Laverne Stieglbauer Construction, Geneva, MN Roger and Patricia Law Sharon Lawton Michael and Christine Layland Timothy and Mary Anne Le Compte Marilyn Le Doux Steven and Jill Leach Marvin '57 and Shirley Leadham Donald and Joanne Leavitt Shawn Lecker-Pomaville Jeff and Shannon Lecompte Richard and Delores Lee Ronald and Pearl Lee Vincent and Linda Leech Les Schwab Tire Center, Salem, OR

Andy and Leanne Lesko Chauncy and Harriet LeVee Aaron '99 and Anna Lewis Denise L'Heureux Russell '03 and Connie Libby Larry and Janice Lintner Carolyn Lister Scott '96 and Ame Lively Thomas Loehr Willard and Cheryl Loewen Gene and Gail Loffler Corey and Kimberly Long Roger and Sharon Lord Kirk and Frances Lowe Debra Lucas '76 Liseann Luce Lucille Luchs Sharon and Bruce Ludeman Janine and Randy Lum David Lunsford '77 Susan Lunsford '78 Robert and Christine Luther Kathryn Lynch '65 Birgitt Lyon Marlan and Roberta Lyon Daphne Lytle '73 Roy Lytle '93 Mac and Vi MacDonald George Macnab M and D Magnuson Maynard and Lois Mai Dwight and Adeline Malone Randall and Carol Manley Carol Marchbanks Douglas and Darlene Marks Lyle and Betty Markwood Charles and Nancy Marshall Gary Marston Randall and Cynthia Martin Joel Martini '11 Maren Masley Daniel and Tamara Mason Robert and Arlene Mathias Maurice and Helen Mathis Robert and Diane Mathisen Glenn and Cheri Matsuwaka Kenneth and Nancy May Michael and Pamela Mayo Natalie Mayo '12 Tim and Denise Mazanek William and Barbara McCallum Matthew and Anne-Marie McCoy Regina McDaniel George and Aurora McDonough Gail and Michael McDonough John and Audrey McEwen Amber McGill Del and Denise McGill Hollie McGill '05 Robert and Julie McGill D McGinley David McGinnis '83 Martha McGinnis '84 Tamara McGinnis '82 Tim and Cynthia McGinnis Trena McMahon '08 Albert Meeh Ronnie and Darin Meisenheimer David and Victoria Mendenhall Elizabeth Merrill Robert and Rene '01 Merritt Jonathan Meyers '00 David Miller '63 Koyce Miller '63 Ronald and Karen Mills Gloria Miranda '56 Randall and Joann Mitchell Daniel and Winona Mittelstedt Angela Moberg '04 Walter and Elaine Moede Louise Mogford Carol Monismith Victoria Montanez Tim and Angela Mooney Dorothy Moore '60 John and Nancy Moore David and Alice Morris Gerald and Lola Morrison Daniel Morrow '10 Gary and Ruthanne Moser Kevin Mueller '89 Lori Mueller '89 Kenneth and Margo Munk Jeannette Muntz '83 Marietta Muntz Palmer Muntz '82 Barbara Murray Lora Murray Mark and Sandra Myers Larry and Barbara Nafziger Dwight and Marilyn Nall

Billie Nash '65 Robert Nash '65 Clarence Nelson '60 Janice Nelson '60 Thaine and Betty Nelson John and Rita Neubauer Richard and Paula Newberg David and Cherry Newman Larry and Lorraine Newman Frank and Cynthia '97 Nichols Ruth Anne Nichols '61 Sheila Nielsen '93 Stephen Nielsen '93 Kathryn Nishie Wayne Nishie Windy Ann Nishie Joseph and Louise Noegel Jane Nooner '57 Northwest Baptist Foundation, Vancouver, WA Michael and Pamela Novosad James Nye '62 James and Jennifer Obrien Don Occhipinti Claudean and Edward Odell Lorilei and Glen Okazaki Julie and Peter Oliver Julie Olson Judy Oppenlander Joel and Sharon Osborn Judith Owen '67 Robert Owen '71 Colleen Paine Panda Restaurant Group, Inc, Rosemead, CA Douglas and Kathleen Parham Chad and Virginia Parsons Marlys Patapoff David and Rose Patten Allan and Lori '91 Patterson Richard and Anna Patterson Troy and Carla Pearce Brion and Joanne Pearson Larry and Sandra Peck Joseph and Madge Peinkofer Maryellen Pellessier-Westmark Zola Peper Carol Peterson Jack and Lori Peterson Russ and Wendy Peterson Mr Stewart L Peterson Pfizer, Inc., Princeton, NJ Richard and Susan Phillips Bard and Pamela Pillette Winifred Pitman Sara Pittock '11 Emily Platt John and Tami Platt Leah Platt Helen Poplin David and Judith Porter Andrea Potloff '09 Ben Potloff '10 Melinda Powell Frederick and Jennifer Preston Andrea Pruett '95 Tyson Pruett '92 Buddy and Shawn Puckett Randy and Mona Purcell Bryan and Anneliese Purdy Jean Purkerson John and Patricia Purpura Kenneth and Ruth Quiring Dianne Raber Connie and Dennis Rae Paul and Grace '59 Rafert Charles Ragan Kaitlyn Ragan '12 Maricris Ramos Tim and Boni Randall Samuel and Donna Ratliff Albert and Susan Ratzlaff Bunnie Reed '74 James and Sandra Reed Mark Reed '74 Harry and Sharon Rehms Sarah Reid David and Deborah Renner Ken and Linda Reynolds Theresa Reynolds Roger and Virginia Reynoldson Marilyn Rhoads Frank and Marlene Rhodes Scott and Cindy Rice Rick and Clare Richardson Dick and Laura Richmond Duke and Bev Ricketts LeRoy Riehle Kathy and Darrell Ringman Thomas Roach Mark and Carole Roberson

Herbert and Marguerite Rockey Ross and Annette Roe Ashlyn Roos '13 Derek Roos '88 Jon and Lora Roos Michelle Roos '88 Todd Roos '91 Carolyn Rose Norman and Carolyn Rose Marshall and Susan Ross Steven '88 and Sue Roth Janice Rothmeyer J M. Rovell Maxine Royse Nancy Royse John Ruhlman '63 Nancy Ruhlman '63 Jr and Heather Runyon Chuck and Thelma '56 Runyon James and Christy Rupp Tracy Salzwedel Gloria Samuelson Michael and Kim Sandberg Cheryl Sands Mike '69 and Rebecca Sandusky Curtis Sawyer E. Lance and Kari Scacco Jack and Judith Scarbrough Sarah Scarbrough Cynthia Schafer '85 Alan '97 and Kathryn Scharn Robert and Judith '63 Schaub Kenneth and Ida Schiewe Brian Schmidt '91 David Schmidt '01 Gladys Schmidt Hanna Schmidt '94 Christi Schmitz '14 Curt Schonbrod Stanley and Julia Schwabauer Kimberly Schwartz Stephanie Schwarze '10 John C. Scott Boyd and Jeanette Scroggins Matthew and Linda Seaman Benjamin Search '11 Leon '69 and Victoria Search Eldon and Holly Searles Don and Virginia Seiber Grant Seidler '10 Cliff and Orva Sell Anita Seregow Glenn Sergeant '81 Linda Sergeant '78 Alfred and Reta Shablo Lauretta and Rodney Shanks Carl and Marian Shaw Carol Shaw D H and Linda Shearer Alan and Teri Shields Curt and Chaille '00 Shipps Joseph and Deborah Shulke SierraGate Family Dental, Roseville, CA Ron Silva Silverdale Baptist Church, Bremerton, WA Frank and Laura Silverii Larry and Adriana Silvis Ron Simmons Tyrone and Shannon Simmons Steve and Betty Simon Ralph and Inez Simpson Cecil and Jeannine Sims NiCole Singleton Michael and Beverly Skaggs Derald and Suzanne Skinner Mary Skinner Carol Skondin '98 Dr Jill A. Slansky Alice Smith Billy and Betty Smith Carole Lee Smith Douglas and Michele Smith Daniel and Laurel '87 Smith Thomas and Sherie Smith Virginia Smith Wilfred and Linda Smith James and Katherine Snodgrass Robert and Nancy Soule Darla and Donald Speer Lennie and Betty Spooner Mark and Jeannie '75 Spradling Jill Sprague Kyle and Sherrie '07 Sprenger James and Teresa Sprow Teresa Staats Robert and Barbara Stacy Undyne and Terry Stafford Jason Staley '98 Stephanie Staley '98 Lorelei Standerford Ryan Stark

Robert and Janet Starke Dean and Jan Stead Bryan Steed '05 Laci Steed '05 Jill Stevens Ralph and Arlene Stevens Douglas and Diane Stewart Bill Stradley Eric Straw '01 Margery Straw '80 James and Annie Streckfuss Eugene Strong Darci and Brad Stubenrauch Diane Sturdivant '97 James Sturdivant '96 Lois Sturtevant Don and Christina Sullivan George and Phebe Sumida Eva Sutton Calvin and Anne Swan Robert and Marilyn Swanson Roger and Gayle Sweetser Frieda and Steven Swindler Christine and Robert Sykes Lori Taff '85 Timothy Taff '87 Eric and Amy Tanikawa Elvin and Waunita Taylor Pam Taylor Raymond and Betty Lee Taylor Robert and Delores Taylor James and Jody Terry Alyssa Teterud '11 Isaac Tharp The Limo-Scene, Inc, Brownsville, OR Cora Thiessen Robert and Geraldine Thiessen Evan and Dorothy Thomas Yvonne Thomas '55 Jesse and Granella Thompson Paul and Sue Thorpe Spencer Thorpe Gale Thucker Charles and Kim Tidball Alan and Kristy Tindle Barbara Tobin Daniel and Rebekah Tobin Dave and Connie Tobin Eloise Tow Charles and Joyce Trammell Robert '04 and Joy Truax TS Simmons Construction LLC, Salem, OR James and Amy Tsugawa Joseph and Elma Tucker Samuel and Sara Tucker J and Janice Turpin Gene and Laurie Tyssen Kimi Valdez William Valdez Robert and Jewelie Valentine William and Marie Valentine Richard and Cheryl Valette John and Sandra '09 Van Dyk Nicki and Ernest Van Hoogen Jeanne Van Meter Jake and Marilyn Van Pelt Harv and Marlene Vande Burgt Natalie Vandenberghe '80 Vanessa Vander Woude Bradley and Jenny VanDyke Dick and Sigrid Veenendaal Robert and Ginger Vennerstrom Stacy and Richard Vincent John Wack '78 Susan Wack '77 Kenneth and Carol Wagar Jerry Walker Jordan Walker '09 Lloyd and Kathleen Walker Walker & Associates Carl and Mary Wallace Patrick and Nancy '04 Walsh Anthony Walther Marc and Lori Wangerin David and Trasi Wanous Keith and Sheri Wardlaw Arthur Watson Michael and Ann Watt Robert and Darlyn Watt Dewayne and Jennifer Weaver Perry and Susan Webb Frank and Joann Webber Tim and Beth '91 Weld Corey '08 and Kirsten Wells Justin and Tammy Wells Richard Wells Joy Welsh Gary Wenell '65 Paula Wenell '67 Nancy Werst

Honor Roll Dwight West '58 Grace West '61 John West '90 Julie West '87 George and Margie Westfall Norma Wetzel William and Elizabeth Whinnie Ernie and Iola White J. White Robert and Joyce White Alice Wicks Ken and Karen '96 Wilcke Dolores Wilcox '65 Donald Wilcox '65 Gordon Wilcox '61 Maurice L Wilcox Phyllis Wilcox '63 Wilkinson Barneson Insurance Agency, Whittier, CA Aaron and DonNell Williams Loren '77 and Joyce Williams John and Barbara Wilson RobRoy and Carol Wilson Rex Winder Dana '77 and Kathleen Wing John and Jenifer Winslow Gerald and Mary Winsor Herman and Bobbi Winter Grace Wood '69 Woodie Wood Mrs Lou E. Woodbury-Catcott Judith and Robert Woodle Michael and Diane Woods Eldon and Ramona Woodward Les and Sue Wright Marcus Wulf Cathryn Wuth '62 William Wuth '62 Dawna and Mark Yarnold Harold and Bonnie Youngberg David and Janet Yumen Esther Zachry '69 Donny and Sara Zavala Terry and Patricia Zolotoff Alfred and Rocio Zwirner

Alumni by Class 1949

Richard Hadeen


Hugh Wilson


Jan Bangs Verna Hadeen Adrian Jeffers


Dorothy Donnell Lois Emitte Anne Jeffers Gaylord Johnson


Lola Williams


Barbara Kuns Yvonne Thomas


Melvin Jones Gloria Miranda Thelma Runyon Cecil Williams


Joseph Baker Haskel Bolton David Donnell Vivian Hubbard-Sills Lyndell Kuns Marvin Leadham Mary Louie Jane Nooner


Hazel Dubbs Clarence James Dorothy James Anna Marie Ross Dwight West



Marjorie Beals Janice Carson Ernest Clark Patricia Clark Janet Hughey George Massey Ruth Anne Nichols Janet Ott Robert Pelascini Charles Smith Grace West Gordon Wilcox


Donald Carson James Nye Mary Smith Cathryn Wuth William Wuth


Angie Binggeli James Boyd Jo Cudney Gerald Cudney Karen Hritz David Miller Koyce Miller Barbara Pelascini John Ruhlman Nancy Ruhlman Judith Schaub Donald Veliquette Phyllis Wilcox


Kathryn Boyd Karin Jones Bill McFarlane


Karan Gleason Sharon Jarka Kathryn Lynch Billie Nash Robert Nash Gary Wenell Dolores Wilcox Donald Wilcox


Kenneth Bailey Ruthanne Beddoe Mavis Buck Dick Buck Nancy Fiol Ken Jones Margaret Noland Richard Seefried


Roberta Bailey Kay Hendrickson Carl Hills Ruthie La Freniere Dianne Meyers Richard Meyers Judith Owen Andrea Seefried Carl Sprague Sherrie Sprague Paula Wenell

Daniel Anderson Alice Bronson David Ferguson Sandee Gorsuch Thomas Hedges Esther Mangini John Mangini Andrew Robinson Elda Robinson Kathy Spurgeon Patricia Taylor


Gary Bradley Wendell Garner Reno Hoff Daphne Lytle David Pardini Margaret Pardini Paul Steen James Wuth Rhona Wuth


Jim Dailey Mary Dyer Nancy Goree Richard Hammond Harold Haws Joany Haws Kathy Patterson Mike Patterson Bunnie Reed Mark Reed Patricia Storkel Terry Williams


Angie Alden Jewell Dixon Davis Dyer Bonnie Jones Corky Lambert Debbie Lambert Pamela Nugent Jeannie Spradling Gene Taylor Dan Wilder


Joyce Azevedo Christine Beames Daniel Brammer Marilyn Brammer Katherine Craig Randy Cranston David Dollar Ruth Dollar Terry Finkbeiner Claudia Green Marlene Jarrett Joan Johnson Jack Kessler Debra Lucas John McCaslin Gordon Wilson Martha Wilson


Glenda Alley Rocky Hartung Timothy Hills Cheryl Jongeneel Nancy Martyn Kay Spingath

Betsy Arnold Lori Bradley Raymond Burns Meril Craig Jerry Cripe Curtis Jones David Lunsford Susan Wack Loren Williams Dana Wing




Robert Alley Kathleen Coppinger Arlene Hartung Kathy Hunt Steve Hunt Bonnie Kolbo Brad Kolbo Mike Sandusky Leon Search Grace Wood Esther Zachry

Charles Dubbs Betty Gee Evelyn Haynes Grace Rafert




Melvin Beals Carla McFarlane Dorothy Moore Clarence Nelson Janice Nelson


Sheryl Fullner Craig Lucas Jane Lucas Charlene Anderson Jo Anne Hills Richard Noland Robert Owen Betty Steen

Jay Arnold Deborah Burns Janice Colfer Joyce Ferreira Michael Glaser Jean Gott Michael Howden Jerry Keller Susan Lunsford Belinda Sergeant John Wack Jack Werre


Cynthia Jahnke Robin Jahnke John Storkel


Judy Aagard Timothy Aagard Michael Emery Cathy Farwell

Randal Farwell Margery Straw Natalie Vandenberghe

Beth Weld Cindy Ziesemer Martin Ziesemer



Kathleen Benitez Julie Bernard Penny Bidwell John Colfer Mark Cowan Dean Cox Shannan Glaser Debbie Hardinger Rodney Hoff Gerald Hritz Tonya Ireland Timothy Jeffers Daren Milionis Glenn Sergeant Jo Sherman Linda Trammell Art Van Weerdhuizen Bev Van Weerdhuizen Wallace Vohland Kevin Warkentine


Joy Bauman Bryce Bernard Paul Beutler Mark Bidwell Colleen Cowan Teresa Cox Elaine Hardin Craig Hardinger Ruth Hoff Claudia Howden Dale McClain Marlene McClain Tamara McGinnis Palmer Muntz Sheldon Nord Dawn Winokur Ellen Zarfas Nelson Zarfas


Shelia Bale Michael Balsbaugh Shelly Emery David McGinnis Jeannette Muntz Conni Neustel Kunke Martin Trammell


Bettie Delury Brian Elliott Jeffrey James Martha McGinnis


Larissa Beals Jeffrey Davis Doug Gorsuch Kimberly Hughes Cynthia Schafer Lori Taff


Shawn Abbey Terri Davis Lisa Kusler


Douglas Beals Sandra Elliott Laurel Smith Timothy Taff Julie West


Sharon Abbey Ellen Jacobs Derek Roos Michelle Roos Steven Roth


Suzanne Allegre Robert Klassen Kevin Mueller Lori Mueller


Eric Estep Brenda Roth John West


Bradley Crosby Michelle Milionis Jamie Nord Lori Patterson Todd Roos Brian Schmidt Brian Vaughan

Lita Anderson Michelle Crosby Melanie Klassen Tyson Pruett Carolyn Purtell Tiffany Trull Annette Vaughan


Cheryl Guilfoy Nancy Hedberg Daniel Hill David Liu Roy Lytle Sheila Nielsen Stephen Nielsen Justin Sherwood


Pat Beach Matthew Lucas Tammy Lucas Hanna Schmidt Janet Strom


Heather Boyd Kenneth Driver Elisabeth Guisinger Brenda Noland Michael Noland Andrea Pruett


Gena Berning Bonnie Buckner Jason Horton Daryl Knox Tera Knox Scott Lively Donna McKeever Jennifer Sherwood James Sturdivant Karen Wilcke


Judi Cranston Luba Dubenko Penny Garrard Georgia Greer Patrice Hall Pamela Horton Cynthia Nichols Pat Nicholson Susan Rasmussen Alan Scharn Diane Sturdivant Patricia Talley


Tasha Bleistein Reid Saunders Carol Skondin Jason Staley Stephanie Staley


Linda Byeman Emily Dempster Ryan Dempster Tracy Driver Aimee Kirschenmann Mark Leamy Aaron Lewis Michael Patron Shane Riddle Kimberly Satterthwaite Tyler Satterthwaite Janet Vohland Benjamin Wilson Dee Wilson


Marguerite Alexander Michael Doss Heather Dunn Keith Hiatt Philip Kirschenmann Jonathan Meyers Matthew Price Janelle Rowland Carmen Saunders Chaille Shipps Cassandra Terry


Joshua Dunn Christy Ellis Christina Farwell Ryan Farwell Dick Keeney

Benjamin Laro Curtis Mason Rene Merritt Sarah Perkins David Schmidt Eric Straw


Billie Knottingham Jill Riddle Nickolas Sedor Kimberly Villwock


Charlotte Brulotte Jamie Brulotte Debbie Herman Nathan Knottingham Russell Libby Brian Perkins Tara Sedor


James D'Agosta Courtney Dodds Jayme Fridley Nolan Fridley Erik Gillam Angela Moberg Glen Nugent Robert Truax Nancy Walsh


Jeffrey Dunn Bryan Haws Matthew Larson Hollie McGill Benjamin Morris Jamie Morris Shari Ridings Bryan Steed Laci Steed


Shelby Dickman Chad Emmert Julia Royer


Danny Ceiplis Judith Collins Kathleen Emmert Tina Fleisher Jared Hernandez Sherrie Sprenger James Young


Anna Burwell Joel Cruz Danielle Fowler Trena McMahon Corey Wells


Johanna Blackwell David Collett Ryan Fowler Andrea Potloff Sandra Van Dyk Jordan Walker


Elijah Conlee Daniel Morrow Benjamin Potloff Stephanie Schwarze Grant Seidler


Jacob Bidwell Callie Doremus Carrie Kann Carol Kruse Joel Martini Sara Pittock Benjamin Search Alyssa Teterud Darrel White


Aumsville Bethel Baptist Church, Aumsville, OR Bethany Baptist Church of Salem, OR Bridge Community Church, Myrtle Point, OR California Hts Baptist Church, Long Beach, CA Campton Heights Baptist Church, Fortuna, CA Christ Fellowship of Everson, Everson, WA Church of Living Hope Ministries, Midland, TX Community Baptist Church, Florence, OR Creekside Bible Church, Wilsonville, OR


Honor Roll Eastgate Fellowship Church of Bellevue, WA Faith Baptist Church of Lincoln City, OR First Baptist Church, Caldwell, ID First Baptist Church, Othello, WA First Baptist Church, Polson, MT First Baptist Church of Bellevue, WA First Baptist Church of Richland, WA First Baptist Church of Roswell, Parma, ID First Baptist Church of Tumwater, WA First Baptist Church of Wenatchee, WA First Baptist Community Church of Monte Sereno, CA First Fundamental Church of Walteria, Torrance, CA Foothills Church of Stayton, OR Grace Baptist Church of Salem, OR Happy Home Church, Deer Park, WA Happy Valley Baptist Church, Happy Valley, OR Henderson Ave Baptist Church, Porterville, CA Ladies Missionary Group, Cottonwood, CA New Hope Baptist Church, Nampa, ID North Albany Community Church, Albany, OR Nyssa Baptist Fellowship, Nyssa, OR Paseo del Rey Church, Chula Vista, CA Rolling Hills Baptist Church, Salem, OR Salem Evangelical Church, Salem, OR Salem First Baptist Church, Salem, OR Silverdale Baptist Church, Bremerton, WA Summit Christian Fellowship, Steamboat Springs, WA Tabernacle Baptist Church of Shoreline, WA Toledo First Baptist Church, Toledo, WA Tri City Baptist Church of Myrtle Creek, OR Vina Community Church, Vina, CA West Hills Baptist Church of Portland, OR

Corban Legacy Society Individuals who designated Corban in their estate. Timothy '80 and Judy '80 Aagard George Bain David and Shelia '83 Bale Michael '83 and Melody Balsbaugh Pat Beach '94 Ordena Bond James '63 and Kathryn '64 Boyd Daniel '76 and Marilyn '76 Brammer Ray and Evelyn Brumbaugh Jim and Karen Carlson Thomas '69 and Donna '70 Carlson Dave '76 and Ruth '76 Dollar Brenda Dunford Chris and Kathy Erickson Ed and Blossom Fischer Raymond and Beebee Fisher Howard and Ivy Games Melvin and Kay '67 Hendrickson Keith and Anna Herrman Jim and Bonnie Hills Reno '73 and Linda Hoff Curtis '69 and Denise Horton Ralph and Joy Isensee Dick '01 and Pauline Keeney Donna McKeever '96 Michael and Julie '98 Millage Donn and Susan Mogford Ronald Moser Pearl Musgrove Don and Pat '97 Nicholson Ron and Kathryn Nielsen Ellen O'Kane Mike '74 and Kathy '74 Patterson Harold and Berniece Rollins Jim and Lynn Slaydon Linda Sparling Erhardt and Joy Steinborn Dick and Jo Ann Whipps Jean Whitford Dan '75 and Sally Wilder Gary '86 and Patti '87 Williamson Mark and Deleen Wills Margaret Wipf

Corporations & Foundations

AA Sports, LTD, Beaverton, OR Abbey Carpet Care, Salem, OR Adams, Day & Hill, Salem, OR Alfred & Rosemary Giumarra Foundation, Porterville, CA Amerivision Communications Inc, Norfolk, VA AT&T United Way, Princeton, NJ


Bassham Furniture, Fallon, NV Bidwell Enterprises, Inc., Salem, OR BPM Physical Therapy Center, Inc., Salem, OR Cafe Today LLC, Salem, OR Capital Coin Co., Salem, OR Church Extension Plan, Salem, OR Cochell Family Dentistry, PC, Salem, OR ConAgra Foods, Omaha, NE Dalke Construction Co. Inc, Salem, OR De Wilde & Basinger, Inc, Salem, OR Dennis Capps Trucking Inc, Jerome, ID DJP Enterprises, Salem, OR Edison International Employee Contributions Campaign, Princeton, NJ F & W Fence, Salem, OR FASTek/AdvancedSteel, Rancho Cucamonga, CA Hedberg Auctions Inc, Salem, OR Herrman Farms, Connell, WA Hittner & Associates, Inc., Keizer, OR Ireland & Hamlin Concrete, Inc, Hamilton, MT Jack Werre Insurance Service, Garden Grove, CA James Reed & Associates, Salem, OR Jewelry Replacement & Appraisal Services, Portland, OR Juan Young Trust, West Linn, OR L.N. Smith, Inc., Hanalei, HI Laverne Stieglbauer Construction, Geneva, MN LCG Pence, Salem, OR Les Schwab Warehouse Center, Inc, Bend, OR Lucas & Howard Furniture, Inc, Klamath Falls, OR Northwest Baptist Foundation, Vancouver, WA Pfizer, Inc., Princeton, NJ Progressive Interior, Salem, OR PT Northwest, LLC, Salem, OR R. L. Reimers Company, Albany, OR Saint Martin's University, Lacey, WA SierraGate Family Dental, Roseville, CA Sports Wave, Inc., Beaverton, OR State Farm Companies Foundation, Princeton, NJ Stutzman & Kropf Contractors Inc, Albany, OR Sweet Creations NW, Uc, Salem, OR The Limo-Scene, Inc, Brownsville, OR The Queen's Medical Center, Honolulu, HI The Standard, Princeton, NJ TNT Management Resources Inc., Salem, OR TS Simmons Construction LLC, Salem, OR Walker & Associates, Orange, CA Westmont College, Santa Barbara, CA Wheeler Foundation, Portland, OR Wilkinson Barneson Insurance Agency, Whittier, CA Willamette Fruit Co., Salem, OR Withnell Motor Company, Salem, OR Worry Free, Inc., Boise, ID

Faculty & Staff Janine Allen Daniel Anderson '72 Timothy Anderson Samuel Baker David Bale Carolyn Bartruff Michael Bates Pat Beach '94 John Bell Kathleen Benitez '81 Bryce Bernard '82 Penny Bidwell '81 Alan Bittel Myra Brand Alice Bronson '72 Hilary Brown '11 Scot Bruce Richard Bruner Roy Bunch Clair and Della Casterline David Collett '09 Virginia Cross James D'Agosta '04 Patrick Daniels Terri Davis '86 Gary Derickson Courtney Dodds '04 Callie Doremus '11 James Dyer Sang-Eun Dyer Brian Elliott '84

Chris Erickson Ken Friesen Daniel Garland Shannan Glaser '81 Karen Goertzen Claudia Green '76 Joany Haws '74 Nancy Hedberg '93 Jared Hernandez '07 Jim Hills Ron Hittner Reno Hoff '73 Pamela Horton '97 Claudia Howden '82 Steve Hunt '69 Aaron Imig Jennifer Imig Ellen Jacobs '88 Dorothy James '58 Adrian Jeffers '52 Anne Jeffers '53 Jerry Johnson

Kay Spingath '68 James Sprow Stephanie Staley '98 Ryan Stark Eric Straw '01 James Streckfuss Colette Tennant Martin Trammell '83 Gregory Trull Sandra Van Dyk '09 Janet Vohland '99 Wallace Vohland '81 Floyd Votaw Jordan Walker '09 Patrick Walsh Anthony Walther Perry Webb Corey Wells '08 Paula Wenell '67 Darrel White '11 Mary Louise Wilkinson Terry Williams '74

î žank You Ellen Kersey Kent Kersey Carol Kruse '11 Donald Leavitt Matthew Lucas '94 Nancy Martyn '68 Robert Mathisen Hollie McGill '05 Tamara McGinnis '82 Bruce Merritt Jonathan Meyers '00 Richard Meyers '67 Daren Milionis '81 Angela Mooney Tim Mooney Pat Nicholson '97 Nels Norquist Brenda Roth '90 Sue Roth Thomas Samek Reid Saunders '98 Alan Scharn '97 Lori Schilling Brian Schmidt '91 John Scott Anita Seregow Justin Sherwood '93 Daniel Shuholm Shannon Simmons NiCole Singleton Laurel Smith '87

Deleen Wills John Wilson Woodie Wood Rita Wright Robert Wright Lee Ann Zanon Ellen Zarfas '82 Donny Zavala Martin Ziesemer '91

Corban University School of Ministry

Stuert and Joelda Aldrich Barry and Patricia Anderson Brian and Lura Anderson Curtis and Loraine Anderson Donald and Carolyn Arbogast John and Beverly Austel Timothy and Joni Austel Pat Babcock Gary and Mariann Barker James and Lisa Barnhill Michael and Debbie Bates JoAnn Beddoe Bethany Baptist Church, Kenmore, WA Bethany Bible Church, Kenmore, WA John Bonwell J Richard and Cindy Brown Brown Street Baptist Church, Alton,IL John and Karen Burnworth Donna Burroughs

California Hts Baptist Church, Long Beach, CA Calvary Baptist Church of Reno, Reno, NV Campton Heights Baptist Church, Fortuna, CA Tom and Paula Carr James and Linda Caywood Johanna Cederholm Michael and Lorri Celletti Christ Fellowship of Everson, Everson, WA David and Linda Christensen James and Lucille Coker Community Baptist Church of Hillsboro, Hillsboro, OR Douglas and Kandi Crawford Gerald and Jo Cudney Arthur and Patricia Davis Keith and Marjorie DeSart Shane and Kristine Dillon Stanley and Sheila Ditterline Stephen and Brenda Dixon William and Bettye Sue Dube Eastgate Fellowship Church of Bellevue, Bellevue, WA Eatonville Baptist Church,Eatonville, WA Stephen and Helen Englund Michael and Gail Estabrook Kirk Everman Faith Baptist Church of Strathmore, Strathmore, CA Philip and Cathleen Fernandes Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund, Cincinnati, OH First Baptist Church, Polson, MT First Baptist Church of Bellevue, Bellevue, WA First Baptist Church of Clarkston, Clarkston, WA First Baptist Church of Colville, Colville, WA First Baptist Church of Ferndale,Ferndale, WA First Baptist Church of Richland,Richland, WA First Baptist Church of Tumwater,Tumwater, WA First Baptist Church of University Place, University Place, WA First Baptist Church of Wenatchee, Wenatchee, WA Donald and Marjorie Flage Frisko Freeze Inc,Tacoma, WA David and Julie Frost William Fusco Robert and Jamie Gentzel Elizabeth Godsey James and Marilyn Godwin Berney Gorsuch Grace Baptist Church, Bellingham, WA Grace Baptist Church of Redding, Redding, CA George Graham Janice Graham Clark and Georgia Greer Dean and Marilyn Grotzke Loren and Cynthia Gustafson Donald and Sharon Haas Helen Hanson Helen Harlow Ben and Monica Harshman Barbara Hartung George and Nordene Hemminger Jay and Caryl Hendrick Henry and Bonnie Hergert Philip and Regina Hoff Egbert and Lola Holtrop Kenneth and Marie Hotchkiss Roger and Janet Hughey Robert and Marlene Hull Daniel and Deborah Irving Doris Jacobson Mark and Penny Jensen Kenneth Jobson Luellen Johnson Curtis and Bonnie Jones Mike and Brenda Keith Ronald and Carol Kenyon Larry Keys Henry and Starr Klevberg Robert and MaryAnn Konis Dagmar Lamy Dean and Julia Langley Mark and Tresa Latham Cheryl and Ronald Lawler, Sr Jerry and Donna Layton Fred and Mary Lindsey Lila Loescher Lori Loescher Ralph and Lila Loescher Debi Lucas

Gerard Lucas Matt and Tammy Lucas Mike and Judi Lucas David and Susan Lunsford Jewel Lunsford Ralph and Donna Lutterloh Graham and Sharon Marshall Marvella Massie David and Debbie McBee Lyla McDowell Joe and Betty McLennan Erich and Hilda Mielke Wain and Karen Miller Roy and Dorothy Myers Edward Neumayer M Roy and Shirley Noland Robert and Donna Noller Richard and Kathleen North North Mason Bible Church, Belfair, WA Rose Olson Walter and Lorraine Olson Orting Community Baptist Church, Orting, WA Fred and Dorla Overlin Puyallup Community Baptist, Puyallup, WA Thomas Reardon Tom and Yammie Reardon Gary and Valorie Rice James and Joan Rickard Wayne and Holly Riehle Scott and Jayne Ritter Riverside Baptist Church, Albany, OR Earl and Evelyn Robinson Dustin and Hillary Rodriguez Christopher Rogers Les and Patricia Roodzant Clayton and Jean Ross Joel and Betsy Rowles Thomas and Becky Ruhlman Peggy Schaffer Ki Young Ham and Eunice Schnell C Stephen and Sheila Settle Wilma Shea-Arndt Don and Janet Sicklesteel Silverdale Baptist Church, Bremerton, WA Sleater Kinney Rd Bapt Church, Olympia, WA Donald and Margaret Smith Jerry and Silvana Smith Carol Spengler Walter Spille Edmund and Marianne Steinbach Brian and Chauntelle Steines Michael and Nancy Strohm David and Bonnie Sweet Tabernacle Baptist Church of Shoreline, Shoreline, WA John and Sharon Tanner Bill and Linda Tate William and Linda Tate Temple Baptist Church of Fircrest, Fircrest, WA Robert and Norma Triggs Charles and Mariah Trimm Tuell & Young, P.S., Tacoma, WA Dave Unrau Rose Vanderklomp Nolene Vena William and Phyllis Walkama Walter Spille Living Trust Dated, Edmonds, WA Rendy and Christine Walton Ernie and Patti Ward Daniel Weaver Timothy and Donna Wells West Hills Baptist Church of Portland, Portland, OR Byron and Vileen White Whitney Baptist Church, Boise, ID Berlyn and Eleanor Wible Glee Wiebe Jack and Jean Wilcox Loren and Joyce Williams

In Kind

Caring Touch Massage James '63 and Marilyn '66 Godwin Green Thumb Flower Box Alan Hedberg Linda Hoff Liberty Street Hair Maps Credit Union Susie McGill Phoenix Inn Suites, S. Salem Pure Grace Mark and Bunnie Reed Curt and Mary Smith Select Impressions Wholesale Baking, Inc.

Alumni Feature

Corban Grad Takes Mission

Home Front to the

n Dallas, Ore. poverty isn’t sitting on the surface for all to see. Beneath what can be viewed by driving through the rural community are people suffering from the effects of lost jobs, illnesses, homelessness and hopelessness. This community is also the place where Beth Jones, ADP ‘11, is living her mission to serve the needy. At the behest of her pastor, Corban’s Dean of Ministry Greg Trull, Jones formed the non-profit Bambinos in May 2008. With help from two board members and many volunteers, she is distributing clothing, diapers, toys, furnishings, food and God’s love to people in her community. The vision for Bambinos started in 2005 when she and her husband needed to use the Oregon Health Plan for the birth of a child. Jones was also required to accept food stamps to enroll in the health plan. “As I was sitting in the Department of Human Services, I felt God telling me to open my eyes and look around me,” she said. “He told me not to waste this low time in my life.” As she met others waiting for DHS services, and in the low-income area she lived in, she also received lessons in poverty. “I really discovered how broken and inefficient the system was,” Jones

said. “I wanted to know where other believers were. I was frustrated because I couldn’t find anyone who could help.” After a lot of brainstorming, prayer and assurances from Trull that she was ready to begin the ministry, despite her lingering doubts, Jones began. She approached people holding yard sales or on Craigslist and asked if she could have any clothes or children’s items the owners couldn’t sell. Once she received the items, she used Craigslist to contact those who needed the items. “The need was as great as I feared it was,” Jones said. “There are a lot of broken, hurting people in this city.” In 2008, Bambinos helped 20 families. She saw 30 families in both 2009 and 2010. During the first nine months of 2011, Bambinos volunteers served 112 families, with more waiting. “When I heard about Bambinos and met Beth, it was like Christmas for us,” said Michaela Peters, a single mother with three children. “The kids got new coats and new shoes at a time when they desperately needed them.” Peters was also drawn into a relationship with Jesus Christ through a newfound friendship with Jones. “Bambinos showed me that this community is rock solid,” Peters said. “Even when we feel like we have hit rock bottom, God’s people are helping His people.” Living in poverty and accepting social services was humbling for Jones, but in December 2010 she also learned what it was like to be a single mother. Her husband, Ray Jones, an officer in the Oregon Army National Guard, was deployed to Afghanistan, leaving her to care for their two children.

As she works to manage her home and her mission, Jones said she appreciates the spiritual, physical and mental support she receives from other members of the Valley Baptist Church of Perrydale, from Bambinos volunteers, and from the community of people she serves. She also discovered that Christians in Dallas are ready to lend a hand when called upon. “What I’ve learned is that it isn’t that people don’t want to help,” she said. “It’s that people don’t know how to help. Social services through government are not always the answer. We need Christian organizations like Bambinos to be in the middle and ready to help. Although she knows there is still a lot to learn as her mission with Bambinos grows to meet demand, she said she recognizes the impact her Corban University degree has had toward making her passion a reality. “I really felt getting my degree in Psychology and Family Studies from Corban would lend credibility to my mission,” Jones said. “I also knew it would give me some really valuable tools to use as I was building relationships. It’s done all of that and more.”

Beth Jones

Learn more about the Bambinos ministry or ways to help by visiting or calling 503-623-4618. 21

Alumniaction Summer and early Fall Events

We are honored to be able to serve you in whatever way we can. Please do not hesitate to contact our alumni office with any questions, concerns or suggestions. Serving the Lord and you, Deleen Wills Director of Alumni Services 503-589-8182,


Summer Sports On Saturday, August 12, alumni soccer players came to campus to give the student teams a great workout. The following Saturday night, Corban volleyball alumnae gathered to play the student team.


Women’s Soccer First row, seated: Kari Swenson Timmerman ’06, Barb Teobaldo Flores ’96, Haley Owens Waunch ’07. Second row: Kacie Emerick ’10, Keri Ann Lawson Rumrey ’04, Holly Baird ’09, Sarah Muri Officer ’06, Melissa Malone ’11, Miranda O’Connor ’11. Third row: Kathleen Finch ’07, Sheena Darling ’04, Julie Scholl ’04, Erin Stokes ’11, Hillary Steffen ’09, Charissa Hunter Bernard ’07, Kim Mendenhall Otto ’07. A


Soccer Sisters: Freshman Katelyn Mendenhall, Kim Mendenhall Otto ’07, Senior Amanda Mendenhall ’12. B Men’s Soccer Front: Dustin Karstetter ’05, Jared Rust ’12, Jon Taylor ’07, Jimmy Young ’07, Justin Lucia ’09, Ben Billups ’00, Aaron Lewis ’99. Second row: Eli Conlee ‘10, Sam Swenson '03, Nathan Louvier ‘06, Michael Sanders ‘07, Daniel Steffen ‘09, Fernando Karczeski ‘09, Caleb Louvier ’08, Kaleb Herring ’09, Aaron Franklin ‘09. C Volleyball Andrea Swanick Potloff ’09, Katie Ruda Plato ’03 , Paige Stewart Glass ’00, Mandy McFadden Wigington ’03, Chantal Guerrero ’03, Kristina Lewin ’10. Not pictured: Leia Stallings ’05 and Elisa Barfknecht Hunter ’98. D Nick Plato ’02 and daughters watching (mom) Kati Ruda Plato. E




Alumni Action



The Next Generation of Corbanites Connie Bottjen Ellis ’90 and Dean Ellis ’90 with son Lonny of Colfax, Wash. A Jim Henry ’83 and daughter Christa of Arlington, Wash. B C

Michelle Fischer Milionis ’91, freshman daughter Shelby, and Daren Milionis ’81 of Salem. C


Jeff Rhoads ’88 and Lois Pridmore Rhoads ’88 of Tonashet, Wash., with daughter Jessica. D




On the Road with the Advancement Department Director of Development Darrel White has been on the road recently and met up with alumni in Washington, Colorado and Wyoming. Jason Jarrett ’05 of Kennewick, Wash., with wife Codi and daughter Madeline born Dec. 22, 2010. A



Board of Trustees Chairman Tom Carlson ’69, Highland Ranch, Colo., visited with Cindy Fagundes Jahnke ’69 and Robin Jahnke ’79 of Cheyenne, Wyo., along with Director of Development Darrel White. B Mark and Tina Gertner Wilson ’94 with children Brooke and Andrew of Fort Collins, Colo. C Katie Hunsucker ’10, second year veterinary student at Colorado State in Fort Collins, updated Darrel White while on his trip to Colorado and Wyoming. D Evelyn Haynes ’59 of Fort Collins, Colo. E


Justin Schulman ’05, Hollie McGill ’10 and Craig Rinne ’08 catch up at lunch in Bend, Ore. F


Alumni Action




Homecoming & Reunions Bobbie Reimers Bailey ’66, Jerry Cudney ’63, Ken Bailey ’66 with Director of Development Darrel White at the welcome party at the Phoenix Inn. A Christian Ministry award recipients Jan Mills Nelson ’60 and Clarence Nelson ’60 with Honorary Alumni award recipient Rich Rollins and LouAnna Rollins. Friday’s chapel included a message by James Gleason ’88 of Hillsboro, Ore. B The President’s Luncheon, attended by almost 200 alumni and guests, featured student music and speakers. President Reno Hoff shared his vision for Corban's future. C It was followed by the presentation of alumni awards for recipients. Seated: Jan Mills Nelson ’60, Christian Ministry Award; Anne Swearingen Jeffers ’53, Outstanding Service Award; Standing: Howard Games, Outstanding Service Award; Ben Laro ADP ’01, Distinguished Young Alumni Award; Clarence Nelson ’60, Christian Ministry Award; Adrian Jeffers ’52, Outstanding Service Award; Dr. Rich Rollins, Honorary Alumni Award. D Tim Hills ’69 received the Distinguished Alumni Award. He was able to attend after being home only two days after major back surgery for ruptured discs. He is pictured with wife JoAnne, daughter Jodi Marks and son Brian. E Mensingers Group 1967-79 perform at the President’s Luncheon. F Senior Rachelle Schafer performs on the harp, with Brenda Jacobson Noland ’95 at the piano. G Class of 1971 First row: Jerry Hall Buss, Salem; Catherine Cox Jacobson, DuPont, Wash.; Phyllis Martinez Fox, Antioch, Calif. Second row: Karen Spoon Yates, Cottonwood, Calif.; Don Phipps, Concord, Calif., Christina Schuldt Phipps, Concord, Calif. 24

Third row: Steve Yates, Cottonwood; Calif.; Leonard Gluck, Sacramento, Calif. H Class of 1981 First row: Jeff Smith, Salem; Penny Richins Bidwell, Salem; Danette Simpson Peeke, Sherwood, Ore.; Sharon Vickers Werdebaugh, Independence, Ore. Second row: Kathy Krofft Benitez, Salem; Jo Brenner Sherman, Vancouver, Wash.; Mark Cowan, Salem; Dawn Fuller Shultz, Klamath Falls, Ore.; Linda Markwood Trammell, Salem. Third row: Carol Shuff Bradley, Gresham, Ore. I Class of 1991 First row: Debbie Spurbeck Sisson, Ephrata, Wash.; Sheila Worsham Brown, Salem; Lori VanWeerdhuizen Patterson, Salem; Susie Keppler Avery, Gilbert, Ariz.; Amy Bennett Burglehaus, Tualatin, Ore.; Cori Whipps Funderburk, Umatilla, Ore.; Melissa Cornett Mellison, Albany, Ore.; Anne Taylor Lang, Beaverton, Ore. Second row: Cindy Classen Ziesemer, Salem; Marty Ziesemer, Salem; Joel Gillespie, Kent, Wash.; Melissa Bennett Garner, Salem; Dwight Bales, Aumsville, Ore.; Lissa Croff Bales, Aumsville, Ore. J Class of ‘01 Daniel Brady, DeMoines, Wash.; Justin Peters, San Jacinto, Calif.; Kara Gott Peters, San Jacinto, Calif.; David Bronleewe ’02, Temple, Texas; Desireé Preskitt Bronleewe, Temple, Texas and Wendy Trent Wadnizak, Puyallup, Wash. K Mensingers Reunion First row: Bob Owen ’71, Salem; Tom Carlson ’69, Highland Ranch, Colorado; Paul Eisentrager ’67, Edmonton, Alberta. Second row: Brad Kolbo ’69, Issaquah, Wash.; Mike Sandusky ’69, Kaufman, Texas; John Wack ’78, Fort Atkinson, Wis.; Don Phipps ’72, Concord, Calif.

Third row: Marty Trammell ’82, Salem; Mark Cowan ’81, Salem; Leonard Gluck ’71, Sacramento, Calif. Fourth row: Garry Shultz ’80, Klamath Falls, Ore.; Curt Pollard ’73, Hillsboro, Ore.; Steve Yates ’71, Cottonwood, Calif.; Steve Hunt ’69, Salem. L 50s & 60s Dinner First row: John Ruhlman ’63, Mount Vernon, Wash.; Karen Forman Hritz ’63, Salem; Glenda Taylor Alley ’68, Tacoma, Wash.; Ruthie Edwards LaFreniere ’67, Salem. Second row: Nancy Mehner Ruhlman ’63, Mount Vernon, Wash.; Bob Alley ’69, Tacoma, Wash.; Bobbi Reimers Bailey ’66, Poulsbo, Wash.; Karan Nystedt Gleason ’65, Clackamas, Ore. Third row: Jerry Cudney ’63, Sammamish, Wash.; Jo Stowell Cudney ’63, Sammamish, Wash.; Ken Bailey ’66, Poulsbo, Wash., Nancy Libbee Fiol ’66, Sacramento, Calif. Fourth row: Ruth Anne Nichols ’61, Salem; Jim Warthan ’61, Roseville, Calif.; Karin Schonfeld Jones ’64, Moses Lake, Wash.; Ken Jones ’66, Moses Lake, Wash. Fifth row: Clarence Nelson ’60, Walnut Creek, Calif.; Jan Mills Nelson ‘60, Walnut Creek, Calif.; Barb Halfen Wilcox ’64, Redding, Calif.; Paula Hayes Wenell ’67, Newport, Ore. Sixth row: Dorothy Johanson James ’58, Salem; Dave Wilcox ’62, Redding, Calif.; Clarence James ’58, Salem; Gary Wenell ’65, Newport, Ore. M

Alumni Action











upcomingevents Alumni Christmas Soiree December 3

Join us for our sixth annual Alumni Christmas Soiree Saturday, December 3. Kick off your Christmas season with refreshments at 6 p.m. in the lobby of Schimmel Hall, followed by an evening of beautiful Christmas music presented by the entire music department. The concert begins at 7:30.

Even though there is no admission fee for this event, a reservation is required. The concert is open seating. Please contact the Alumni Office to register your attendance at the Soiree by calling 503316-3388 or emailing by December 1. Other performances are available on Friday at 7:30 and Saturday at 3 p.m., but there will be no Soiree preceding these events.

Young Alumni Event Classes of 2001–2011 February 4, Women’s Game 5:30 Men’s Game 7:30

Corban vs. College of Idaho, free admission. Reserved seating upstairs and refreshments served during halftime of the men’s game. For reservations call Hollie at 503.316.3388, email or check in on our Facebook page under Events.

Christmas at the Mansion December 10

Washington alumni are invited to an open house Saturday, December 10, from 1 to 3 p.m. at the historic Weyerhaeuser Mansion — Corban University Tacoma campus (formerly Northwest Baptist Seminary). Visit with faculty and staff from Tacoma and Salem; enjoy music, refreshments and tours. There is no fee but reservations are required. Please call 503-316-3388 or email by December 5.

Blazer Game

Join us again this winter for our annual trip to a Blazer game. Date and time to be announced after the strike is over. Check our website and Facebook page for up-to-date information.

Kristin Bushnell Frank (’05) and Travis Frank (’05) with children Lilly and Jeremiah.

Warrior Hall of Fame

Beauty and the Beast

January 14, 2 p.m. Psalm Performing Arts Center Tickets available at 503.375.7021 or email: 2012 Warrior Hall of Fame Award Recipients include: Individuals: Rose Pankey Ball ‘99 Christy Davis Nordstrom ‘97 Justin Sherwood ‘93 Team: 1994-95 Women’s Basketball Outstanding Service: Dr. Reno Hoff ‘73


February 18

Sorry, we are sold out. Watch for more exciting Broadway Across America performances at great group rates available only through the Alumni Office.

North to Alaska Corban Connection Annual Luncheon April 14, 11:30 a.m.

A BIG THANKS. The new study room is completed in Prewitt Van Gilder residence hall and the new lights are installed in the Psalm Performing Arts Center. Next are the sound system for the dining room and student scholarships. We are well on our way, with only $7,000 to go! If you’d like to help, please contact Deleen at 503-589-8182 or email

7-Night Sawyer Glacier Cruise, May 25–June 1, 2012 Enjoy the trip of a lifetime cruising to Alaska on Celebrity’s beautiful ship, INFINITY, round trip from Seattle. During the cruise, you will be treated to some of the world’s most spectacular scenery. Thousands of windows showcase the world’s most memorable coast lines and ports. Whether you are cruising the Inside Passage, Tracy Arm Fjord or docked in Juneau, Skagway or Ketchikan, you never lose sight of extraordinary scenery. The ship has beautiful onboard amenities, too. There are the very soothing AquaSpa and Persian Garden, the Celebrity Theatre, which features nightly entertainment, indoor and outdoor pools, whirlpools in the Solarium, sports court and jogging track, the two-story Trellis dining room, the Grand Foyer, cinema, specialty boutiques and much more. The price of your cruise vacation includes virtually everything--shipboard accommodations, around-the-clock dining, entertainment, most shipboard and port service fees. And because you are traveling with our group, your special cruise package rate includes: Group escort (Alumni Director Deleen Wills), informational mailings, and special group pricing. Availability is limited and prices vary depending on category of stateroom. All rooms are for two people but some rooms can accommodate a third and fourth person depending on stateroom. A $250 deposit is required when making reservations. This is refundable until final payment on March 1. Call Deleen in the Alumni Office for availability and pricing. 503-589-8182.

Class of ’62 Golden Grads

May 4, 2012 All Alumni from Class of ’62 Evening Dinner Commencement & Golden Alumni May 5, All Golden Alumni reunion

Visit for deck plans, excursions and more. Corban University does not profit from this travel program. Scan with a smartphone to view complete brochure online, or visit:


Class of ’61 Golden Grads George Massey of Alabama and Charlie Smith of South Carolina.

Date Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Ports Seattle At Sea Ketchikan Juneau Tracy Arm Fjord & Sawyer Glacier Skagway Inside Passage At sea Victoria, B.C. Seattle

Classnotes 60s David Miller (’63) and Koyce Morgan Miller

(’63) of Concord, Calif., celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on August 5, 2011. Their children Scott Miller (’91), Angela Patten Miller (’92), Michael Miller (’94), and Katie Parker Miller (’94) and grandchildren traveled from Oregon to spend time with them. Their children gave them an album full of pictures and notes from people who have been a part of their lives at some point. David and Koyce visited El Cerrito, where they stopped by the church where they were married, homes where they have lived throughout the years and the former location of Western Baptist Bible College. Pictured with sons Scott and Mike at Scott’s induction at Willamette Community Church in Albany, Ore., July 2008. 1

Keith, is a missionary with Evangelical Baptist Mission living near Milan, Italy. Roy and Nancy plan to retire in Spain in a few years. Leonard Gluck (’71) and Janet Eichelberger Gluck (’71) of Sacramento, Calif., both work in Christian education. Leonard has been teaching in Christian schools since 1971. He is teaching junior high and senior high classes at Victory Christian School in Carmichael. He teaches Bible at grades 9-10, junior high Earth and Life Sciences and senior high art classes. At church, he writes a monthly science booklet and runs the science center for grades 1-5 in the children’s church program. Leonard also authored a book called Uncovering Mysteries in God’s Creation. He enjoys origami and photography as well. Janet is taking classes at Western Seminary, where she works in the student services office.

Oscar Huskey (’67) and wife, Elaine, of Goodlettsville, Tenn., have worked for Accelerated Christian Education since 1982. Elaine is manager of quality control, and Oscar works in product advancement as an education specialist. He has been part of the Christian Educators’ Convention for 28 years and coordinates all the details with meeting locations and speaks in workshops. They attend Bible Baptist Church in Hendersonville. Oscar served as pastor of churches in Southern California and Wyoming from 1970-1982 after graduating from Los Angeles Baptist Theological Seminary in Newhall (now Masters College and Seminary).

Mike Patterson (’74) of Richland, Wash., was awarded the 2011 Servant Leadership Award for Excellence in Christian Caregiving by the Board of Christian Professional & Pastoral Counselors for his work with Emmaus Counseling Centers in southeastern Washington.

70s Phyllis Martinez Fox (’71) of Antioch, Calif.,

Mike earned a Master of Arts in Counseling from Liberty University and is currently completing his doctoral studies at Trinity Theological Seminary. He serves on Corban’s Board of Trustees and the Alumni Board. Other volunteer positions include: Charter member of Board of Directors, Columbia Basin Veterans Coalition; Charter member of Board of Directors, Mid-Columbia Parenting; Founding ministry leader, Celebrate Recovery of Richland, Wash.

has retired from teaching. Through the years, she was named county and state teacher of the year and received many musical group awards. Phyllis has traveled throughout the U.S.A. and to Mexico, Europe, Ireland and Israel. Highlights include travel to the Holy Land with Dr. David Miller (’63) and driving a dog sled in Alaska after her husband went home to be with the Lord in 2008. She attends First Baptist Walnut Creek under the ministry of Dr. Miller. Roy Jones (’71) and his wife, Nancy, are missionaries with the Association of Baptists for World Evangelism (ABWE). They have lived in Spain since 1978. They are part of a team starting a church in the province of Madrid. Their oldest son, Kevin, lives in Madrid, so they see their grandsons often. Their son Brian lives in New Jersey and their youngest son, 28

Mike is the founding executive director of the Emmaus Coun­seling Center, which serves a three-county area in southeast Washington. The Emmaus Center was founded in 2004 and now includes 11 licensed therapists at four locations. Each is known for providing compassionate, high quality clinical care in a manner that re­flects the gospel of Jesus Christ.

He has been married to his wife, Kathy Martyn Patterson ’74 for 37 years and they have three children, all married, and three grandchildren.


Penny Richins Bidwell (’81) and Mark Bidwell (’82) reside in Salem. Penny is a CPA and juggles three part-time jobs: director of finance at Salem Alliance Church, adjunct instructor (Taxation) at Corban and co-owner

of their family business (Xpress Lube). She continues to play the French horn in the Salem Chamber Orchestra and with the Capital Brass Quintet. Tonya Harshman Ireland (’81) and her husband, Patrick, reside in Germany. Tonya was part of ABWE for ten years until marrying Patrick in 1999. Patrick is active duty Army and they have adopted two girls, Natalie and Lizzie. Tonya is a stay-at-home mom and enjoys preparing taxes. She looks forward to working for H&R Block when she returns to the States. Jarrel Moore (’81) and his wife, Lois, reside in Jerome, Idaho. Jarrel formed his own business, “One Moore Application,” and for the past 26 years has been self-employed doing the custom applications of farm chemicals and fertilizer. They attend Grace Baptist Church in Twin Falls, where he is the organist. Lois teaches 4th grade at Twin Falls Christian Academy, a ministry arm of their church. Laurie Ettinger Schlaepfer (’81) and her husband, Rene, reside in Santa Cruz, Calif. Rene pastors a church and Laurie has been an adjunct professor (World Religions) at Western Seminary, San Jose and Sacramento campuses, for 9 years. She regularly teaches seminars for churches, camps, other ministries and University of California, Santa Cruz. Equipping the church is her passion. Her other joy is her association with Little Flock Children’s Home in southeast India. She’s on the advisory board and has led a yearly mission trip to do dental and medical clinics there. Glenn Sergeant (’81) has made the military a career. He served as a pastor for three years in Phoenix and now works in civil service at Goodfellow Air Force Base in San Angelo, Texas. He and his wife, Belinda Schaap Sergeant (’78), celebrated 34 years of marriage this year. They are active in their local church, Glen Meadows Baptist. Palmer Muntz (’82) and Jeannette Vinje Muntz (’83) reside in Vancouver, Wash. Palmer is the director of admissions at Multnomah University in Portland.

90s Sheila Worsham

Brown (’91) of Salem, works as an instructional specialist at a community college. She’s had the opportunity to teach and work with underprivileged children in a variety of settings, including a children’s

Class Notes



home, an inner-city homeless shelter and as an education manager and trainer for Head Start. Sheila leads a weekly Bible study group for single moms. She has an 8-year-old son who is the joy of her life. He plays the violin, is an avid snow skier and is highly interested in both engineering and martial arts. 2 Joel Gillespie (’91) of Kent, Wash., has worked for Alaska Airlines for 20 years. He is the manager of supply chain management programs and the company store. He and his wife, Laura, celebrated 10 years of marriage this year with a trip to Maui. 3 Roger Sweeney (’91) and Kellie Wilson Sweeney (’91) of Harvest, Ala., celebrated 20 years of marriage with a trip to Ireland, where they stayed in a castle and were treated like royalty. Their lives revolve around their five children with homeschooling, music lessons, Christian dance lessons, and frequent trips to the church as each are involved in ministry. Cori Whipps Funderburk (’91) of Umatilla, Ore., has taught at the Umatilla Elementary School for 20 years. Her husband, Rick, is a hazard analyst for the Umatilla County Chemical Depot. They have three boys, Zaq, Quinn and Cooper. Ron Miller (ADP ’94, MSE ’08) was sworn into the Lebanon City Council on August 10, 2011, for the Ward III position. Out of six candidates, he was unanimously voted in. Previously, he worked in purchasing and contracts with the Willamette Education Service District in Salem. Rosey Pankey Ball (’99) works at Corban as a part-time administrative assistant in the Office of Student Life. She is also Corban’s assistant women’s basketball coach.

00s Trea Harrington Connick (’01) of Eagle Point,

Ore., taught at a local Christian school for seven and a half years. She is a stay-at-home mom with two girls, Taitum and Tessa. Her husband, Travis, is a pastor at Trail Christian Fellowship Church. Shawn Hussey (ADP ’03) works at Corban as a business professor. He resides in Salem with his wife, Angela. Courtney Dodds (’04) has committed to serving two years in the mission field in Autlan, Mexico. After talking with Jo’ell Baker Bruggeman (’89) and Rick Bruggeman (’90)






about their ministry in Mexico, Courtney’s interest was sparked. She previously worked in Corban’s Admissions Office as the assistant director of admissions.

services support advising specialist. In that position, she works with low-income, first generation college students through TRIO, a federal grant program.

Monica Frender (’04) of Brighton, Mass., is the site director for Healthworks at St. Mary’s Fitness Center in Boston. St. Mary’s provides free memberships to thousands of homeless and very low-income women who qualify. Pictured with her intern, Angel Omoregie. 4

Michelle Stadeli (’09) of Silverton, Ore., is a third and fourth grade teacher at Scotts Mills Elementary.

Sarah Ernst (’05) works in Corban’s Admissions Office as a senior admissions counselor. Rebecca Rice (’06) of Portland, Ore., has opened her own online store, Lifestyle Savings. Her website is Her goal is to help others save money on products used every day. Evan Brammer (’07) and Jessica Johnston Brammer (’07), with their children Jeremiah, Silas and Johanna, served as missionaries in Indonesia for the past three years and now have moved to Prague, Czech Republic, to teach for three years. 5 Tim Doney (ADP ’07) of Medford, Ore., is a deputy chief of the Medford police department. Tim has worked for the Medford Police Department for 23 years. He and his wife Dana have three adult children. One of their children is also a member of the police force. 6 Scott Marshall (’07) of Salem, was featured as a Young Professional in the Statesman Journal. Scott is an agent/registered representative with New York Life. He works with young families and business owners to save money and plan for the future. He attends Dayspring Fellowship in Keizer, where he helps with both the youth and men’s ministries. 7 Casey Hultberg (’08) is the Corban townhouse manager. She is also working at Chemeketa Community College as a student

Ashley Moser (’10) of Eagle River, Alaska, works as a treatment counselor at Alaska Baptist Family Services. The ministry provides a home for adolescent boys ages 9-18 with severe emotional/behavioral problems. Christine Olson (ADP ’10) of Sheridan, Ore., is on the Polk Community Development Cooperation board of directors. Seven members have been on the board for 20 years or more, and when a member retires, another member is hand-picked. Christine is also working for CASA, attending school and counseling in Salem as an intern. Katy Drake (’10), Callie Doremus (’11) and Beau St. Peter (’11) work in Corban’s Admissions Office as admission counselors. Tiffany Petersen (’11) of Grants Pass, Ore., works at New Hope Christian Schools as a U.S. History teacher for 8th and 11th grades, and has started a new tutoring program.

Class Notes Key ADP........ Adult Degree Program CUSM..... Corban University School of Ministry (includes former Northwest Baptist Seminary) MABS..... Master of Arts in Biblical Studies MDiv....... Master of Divinity MSE........ Master of Science in Education This issue of Class Notes consists of items submitted between June 1 and October 1. Deadline for Class Notes for Spring 2012 is February 1.


Check the alumni facebook page for more photos and upcoming events. Corban/Western Baptist Alumni


Class Notes















Down the Aisle

Adrienne “Beth” Bartosik (’99) married Shamos Beigh on September 19, 2009, at First Baptist Church of Montana in Helena, Mont. Bridesmaids included Kristina Haws Brown (’99), Rachael Munson (’00), Jennifer Pyles Perkins (’00) and Emily Slater (’10). The couple lives in Helena, Mont., where Beth teaches high school English and German at Helena Christian School, and Shamos is a self-employed general contractor. Beth and Shamos are active members at Faith Baptist Church, where Shamos leads the nursing home ministry. 8 Josh Bronson (’06) married Charlotte Gepford in Reno, Nev., on June 18, 2011, at Galena Creek Regional Park. Justin Caraang (’07) was a groomsman in the wedding. Also attending were Leona Torba Perry (’08), Dustin Gietl (’08), Christie Boorman Gietl (’07), Greg Marler (’08) and Jeremy Poppin (’08). Josh works at a bookstore in Reno, and Charlotte is finishing her degree in Speech Pathology at the University of Nevada, Reno. 9 Liz Bates (’10) married Brent Poole on July 22, 2011, at Green Villa Gardens in Independence, Ore. The wedding party included Kristin Zanon (’10), Allison Farwell Trammell (’10) and Kristen Allen (’10). The couple resides in Bend, Ore., where Liz is an event coordinator for Class Act Events. Brent is finishing up one class at OSU Cascades and enjoys racing his bikes (mountain, road and cross racing). They attend Antioch Church. 10

Alumni included in the wedding were Dixie Lee (’07), Levi Jackson (’10), Amy Marolf (’10), Emily Slater (’10), Hollie McGill (’10), Michael Butler (’11), Cody Stupfel (’11), Michael Leavitt (’12) and Christina Leavitt (’13). Melissa works at The Regence Group in Portland as an accountant assistant. Don is completing his Master of Teaching from Western Oregon University. The couple resides in Salem. They attend Salem Heights Church, where Melissa teaches 4-year-olds in Sunday School and Don is on the choir/worship team. They co-lead a group of 3- and 4-year-olds for Club Rock Salt (similar to AWANA). 12 Caleb Stapp (’10) married Elisa Baggenstos (’10) on June 4, 2011, in Kent, Wash. In their wedding were Joanna Lidbeck Funkhouser (’10), Bethanie Farley (’10), Michael Butler (’11), Monica Alfson (’12), Zach Baggenstos (’12), Josh Brumfield (’12), Heidi Hunsucker (’12) and Miriam Stapp (’12). Caleb works full-time as a minister of youth and music at First Baptist Church in Deer Park, Wash., where the couple resides. 13 Alison Clark (’11) married Tyrone Wing on June 18, 2011, at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Ore. Chaney Rosti (’10) was in their wedding. Alison is a server at Olive Garden, and Tyrone works at Applebee’s and is attending Eastern Oregon University to earn a degree in Elementary Education. The church they attend is Endeavor, where for two years they have been actively involved in planting. The couple resides in Gresham. 14

Hannah Carlson (’10) married Caleb Showalter on May 14, 2011, in Pasco, Wash. Rachel Staton (’10) was a bridesmaid. The couple resides in Albany where they work seasonal farm jobs. They plan to attend a church planting training school in Cape Town, South Africa, for five months and see where God leads them from there. 11

Adrienne Goodrich (’11) and Evan Hedlund (’12) were married on August 13, 2011, in Randle, Wash. Dr. Tim Anderson officiated at the wedding and Jarred Hanley (’12) was a groomsman. The couple resides in Salem, where they attend Christian Center of Salem. At Corban, Adrienne works for ARAMARK as a retail manager and Evan is finishing his math degree. 15

Don Leavitt (’10) and Melissa L’Heureux (’10) were married July 16, 2011, in Keizer, Ore., at the Keizer Heritage Community Center.

John Shaw (’11) and Whitney Harris (’11) were married on July 9, 2011, at Grace Baptist Church in Newberg, Ore. Professor Ryan


Welsh (’05) officiated the wedding. Alumni in the wedding party included Allie Gatewood (’09), Amber Lee Lawson (’11) and Joshua Davis (’11). Music for the ceremony was provided by Rachel Jeffers (’11). The couple resides in Klamath Falls, Ore., where John is a business systems manager at JeldWen and Whitney is the unit secretary at Cascades East Family Practice. 16 Michaela Tong (’11) and Spencer Granger (’13) were married on June 5, 2011, in Walnut Creek, Calif. David Lewin (’13) was a groomsman and Jesse Belleque (’13) attended. Michaela is employed at Once Upon A Child in Salem. Spencer is a full-time student at Corban and works part-time at the Men’s Wearhouse in Keizer. In their spare time, they play music in the Church on the Hill’s worship team. 17 Coy Bratton (’11) and Marcie Smith (’11) were married on May 7, 2011, in Yolo, Calif. Marcie’s uncle, Alan Taylor (’84), officiated the wedding and Aaron Naden (’10) was their wedding planner. The couple resides in Woodland, Calif., where Marcie is the assistant manager at Dutch Bros. and Coy works at Target and is part of a bowling league. 18 Eric Scott (’11) and Elissa Christenson (’11) were married on July 16, 2011, in Gresham, Ore. The couple resides in Bend, Ore., where Eric works at Wells Fargo. They attend First Baptist Church of Bend. 19 Cody Stupfel (’11) and Kelly Yount (’11) were married on August 12, 2011, at Black Butte Ranch, Ore. Their wedding party included Erin Stokes (’11) and Cory Spink (’10). Cody is in the Army National Guard and works on the family farm. Kelly works at the Oregon State Hospital with the replacement program. They reside in Keizer, Ore. 20 Vince Rediger (’11) and Jesse Jones (’11) were married on July 30, 2011, in Everson, Wash. Vince’s uncle, Rob Baddeley (’91) officiated at the wedding. Vince is attending Dallas Theological Seminary in Dallas, Texas, where the couple resides. 21

Class Notes















All in the Family

Suzy Deeds Covert (’96) and her husband, Jim, of Salem announced the birth of their second son Murphy Merrit Kent, born March 8, 2011. He joins big brother Mickey. Suzy works in social services at Northwest Senior and Disability Services. Jim works at MacLaren Youth Correctional Facility in Woodburn. 22 Laura Hollingsworth Lacho (’97) and her husband, Paul, of Greenwood, Ind., welcomed a new addition to their family, Ellie Reese. She was born August 2, 2011, weighed 7 lbs. 5 oz. and was 19½ inches long. She joins siblings Ryan and Sadie. Laura stays at home with their three children. Paul works in the product engineering department at Cummins, Inc. They attend Southside Bible Church in Greenwood. 23 Don Rich (’98) and his wife, Christina, of Tracy, Calif., announced the birth of Elizabeth Faith born June 28, 2011. She joins big sister Emily. Don works for Safeway at their corporate offices where he has been for seven years. They attend Orangeburg Avenue Baptist Church in Modesto, Calif., where Don is serving as a deacon and as an adult Sunday school teacher. He also occasionally fills in for the pastor by preaching on occasion. 24 Karen Schipper Parker (’02) and her husband, Steve, of Littleton, Colo., welcomed their first child, Micah Stephen, May 16, 2011. He weighed 7 lbs. 7.4 oz. and was 19 ½ inches long. Karen is taking a year off from working at Hutchinson Elementary as a P.E. teacher to stay home with Micah. She still coaches JV soccer at Columbine High School. Steve is an engineer at Hydraulic Energy Products. They attend Waterstone Community Church in Littleton. 25 Becky Bernard Charlick (’03) and Thad Charlick (’04) of Salem, announce the birth of Annabelle Katelyn, July 26, 2011. She joins siblings Raquelle, Titus and Keziah. Thad works at locating underground utilities and Becky does babysitting. They attend First Baptist Church where Thad works with Sparks and in the chil-

dren’s Sunday School classes. Becky has been involved with women’s ministry, but is taking a break to care for their new baby. 26 Kelee Wall Kjack (’04) and her husband, Patrick, of Bakersfield, Cali., welcomed their second son, Landon Patrick, July 28, 2011. He joins big brother Parker. Kelee and Patrick both received their Master’s degrees in Education from Point Loma Nazarene. Patrick is a high school math teacher and Kelee teaches part-time English at the same high school. Kelee coached the girls’ varsity soccer team and her husband coached the boys’ varsity basketball team at the high school. They are involved in a church plant in Bakersfield called Living Grace. 27 Mark Paulsen (’04) and Stephanie Pierce Paulsen (’06) of Klamath Falls, Ore., welcomed their second child, Rylee Anne, August 12, 2011. She weighed 7 lbs. 8 oz. and was 20 inches long. She joins big brother Aaron, age 2. Mark works as the credit and collections manager for Ed Staub & Sons Petroleum and Stephanie is a stay-at-home mom. 28

Katie Lewin Willard (’06) and Raleigh Willard (’07) of Beaverton, Ore., welcomed Wesley Adam, January 8, 2011. Raleigh works for Nike as the administrative assistant to the director of the Northwest district for outlet stores. Katie conducts technical support for Ministry Centered Technologies. They attend Solid Rock Church in Tigard. 31 Kevin Furman (’09) and Ashley Furman (’09) of Scottsdale, Ariz., announced the birth of their daughter, Makaila Isabel, December 30, 2010. Kevin graduated with his Masters of Arts in Biomedical Science in 2010 and is attending medical school at Midwestern University. 32

With the Lord Haskle Jones (’68) of Rancho Cordova, Calif.,

left this world for his heavenly home June 8, 2011. He had a passion to lead souls to Jesus Christ, never met a stranger and sacrificed his resources for others in need. As pastor and founder of Downtown Ministries, he led his wife, Deanna, into the joyous realm of helping the homeless. 33

Jessica Moore Arndt (’05) and her husband, Robert, of Portland, Ore., welcomed their first child, Rogan James, August 27, 2011. He weighed 6 lbs. and 15 oz. and was 20 inches long. Jessica graduated from University of Portland in 2007 with a Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing and works part-time at St. Vincent’s Hospital in the Medical-Surgical Float Pool. Robert works full-time at Costco and they bought their first house this year. 29

Ronald Langhofer (’74) of San Ramon, Calif., passed away unexpectedly August 13, 2011, surrounded by his loving family. He is survived by his wife, Esther, and children Carol Langhofer (’87), Cathy Langhofer Dow (’89), and David Langhofer; and grandchildren Gavin and Olivia Dow. A gentle giant, Ronald enriched others’ lives with his presence simply by entering the room. Ron was passionate about his family and lived to spend time with his grandchildren. His strong faith in God sustained him throughout his life. 34

Jonathan Hall (’06) and Yvonne Cisneros Hall (’07) of Rancho Cucamonga, Calif., announced the birth of their first child, Arianna Moriah, April 29, 2011. Jonathan is employed by State Farm. He serves at Christ Community Church in children’s ministries and has volunteered as a basketball coach for the local city boys’ league. Yvonne graduated with an Associate degree in Nursing in May 2010 and is a licensed RN. 30

Jason Taylor (’07) of Salem was promoted to glory August 3, 2011. Jason is survived by his mother, Bev Landgren, sister Chelsey Taylor (’07) and father Rick Taylor. Jason worked many years as a camp counselor and touched many lives. Camp life was a big part of who Jason was and he was a strong supporter of camps as a way to reach kids. His constant smile and easy manner will be missed by all who knew him. 35 31


A of Christian Education E

very once in a while you may stop to consider the impact your life has on the people around you. Many people may look at their family and friends and know they have had a positive influence. Still they yearn to do something more—something deeper for Christ—something positive that has eternal value. Sometimes our cash resources are limited. We would like to give more money to our favorite charitable causes, but there simply aren’t enough resources available. What if you could make a lasting and permanent gift? One that was larger than you ever dreamed possible? And what if you could do it in a way that honored and protected your inheritance for loved ones at the same time? If you would like to create this kind of legacy, the Corban Legacy Society has been established just for you! This allows Corban to thank a very special group of people—those who have remembered to include the University in their future giving and estate plans.

For more information about Corban’s planned giving options, please call Darrel White at 1-800-845-3005 or email dwhite@corban. edu. You may also request a booklet on planned giving or visit our website at Darrel White Director of Development

Corban University is a non profit, 501(c)(3), tax exempt educational corporation. We offer several other planned giving vehicles such as a: 1) Charitable Gift Annuity, 2) Charitable Lead Trust, 3) Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust, and 4) Charitable Remainder Trust. Gifts of real property or life insurance are another way to support the mission of the University.

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