Corban Magazine - Fall 2014

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A Publication of Corban University

TOUCHPOINTS OF INFLUENCE ON A GLOBAL CAMPUS The expanding work of Corban University

Fall 2014

Global touchpoints

domestic alumni serving throughout the united states

international alumni uph teachers college alumni Young Alumni (10 years or less) other alumni


815 UPH teachers college/Corban alumni serving in 27 locations

Corban Staff A Publication of Corban University

Fall 2014

Publisher Sheldon C. Nord ’82

TOUCHPOINTS OF INFLUENCE ON A GLOBAL CAMPUS The expanding work of Corban University

Editor J. Steven Hunt ’69 Writer Sheldon Traver Designer Ronald Cox Contributing Writers Deleen Wills Photographers Jessica Marple Sheldon Traver

CORBAN magazine is published by the Office of Marketing & Communications at Corban University and is sent to alumni, parents, supporters and friends of the University. Our missional themes are transformative learning, holistic development and Christian stewardship.

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ON THE COVER: Pastor Chongwain Genesis Ful receives a Certificate of Course Completion for Biblical Ministry Leadership presented by Corban School of Ministry professor Dr. Leroy Goertzen. The ceremony concluded a two-week seminar hosted by Corban in Bamenda, Cameroon, Africa May 19-30. Genesis is one of 40 Cameroonian pastors enrolled in a three-year, six-course program designed to equip pastors to lead their churches more effectively through biblical, theological and ministerial training.





African pastors using what they learn through Cameroon Initiative


Global Initiatives tracked on website


Israel Study Tour

Corban alumni teaching in Indonesia


AMBEX partnership continues to benefit students and faculty


Indonesia Teachers College graduates 54 in June


Cross-cultural study tours give valuable experience


Summer of Service missionaries serve worldwide

Corban & Salem Free Clinics: changing lives for good

CUEST program helps Papuan students’ transition

DEPARTMENTS 6 From the President

24 Faculty News

33 Upcoming Events

7 Corban in Print

26 Alumni Action

34 Donor Spotlight

20 News Briefs

32 new alumni

36 Class Notes 5

from the president Hunger is a peculiar thing. It’s an indicator that one of our most basic human needs is not being met. Every person, regardless of race or class, knows the feeling of a gnawing hunger pang. It’s an experience that we all understand. But there are also hundreds of millions of people whose pangs are so deep and prolonged that they are actually undernourished. Chronic hunger, or undernourishment, is defined as a condition lasting at least one year, during which a person is unable to acquire enough food to meet dietary energy requirements. Starvation takes our common experience of hunger to the extreme. We who are blessed with more than enough food see images of these suffering people in magazines, online or on TV, and it seems unjust. No one should have to go without that which we have in abundance. But still our world is in need. Our world is starving. In the same way that physical hunger ails the innocent, so too does spiritual hunger plague the greatest and least among us. As with physical hunger, spiritual hunger is a common experience; however, it is not commonly understood or acknowledged. People go days, years and even lifetimes without ever recognizing it. These are the chronically hungry—those whose souls growl for the truth but come up empty because they miss, ignore or reject the gospel of Jesus Christ. Others may be well nourished (believers who walk with Him), but occasional hunger pangs serve as gentle reminders to draw even closer to Him. The problem is that no one should have to go without that which is limitless in supply—the gospel of Jesus Christ, the hope of our world. This is what motivates us at Corban to extend our reach to a world in need. We are more committed now than ever to our mission to “educate Christians who will make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ.”


In the pages of this magazine you will read about Corban students and faculty sacrificing their time, energy and resources to go and be the nourishment of Jesus Christ to a starving world. You will read about our partnerships in countries near and far. You will see photographs of the lives being reached, not for the renown of Corban University—but for the Lord’s. We base our actions on the premise that “He (Jesus) must increase, but I must decrease” (John 3:30). While this magazine celebrates Corban’s reach to “all nations,” I am often struck with our tendency to overlook the needs in our own neighborhood. We see church groups making their annual pilgrimages to “needy,” remote locations, driving past the poverty and hunger (physically and spiritually) in their own backyard. It is encouraging to know that Corban students are dialed into Salem, as well as the world, through hundreds of volunteer hours with our Reach program, the internships at the Salem Free Clinics (see page 11) and other local organizations with whom we partner. Corban’s presence around the world is not haphazard. God has made it clear that He has a job for us to do, lives to impact for His glory in specific places. From Indonesia and Australia to Germany and Cameroon, the globe truly is our campus. We humbly go forth with open hearts and eager hands, ready to meet the needs of a hungry world. Soli Deo Gloria. Sheldon C. Nord


corban in print

Alums publish first book of Bible study series In July, Corban alumnae Julie Bernard ‘81 and Emily Dempster ‘99, published the first book of a Bible study series titled “Experiencing Growth Bible Studies.” The first book is called “James: Maturing in Faith.” In it, participants explore the book of James as it evaluates the reality of faith. Women will interact in a unique weekly study featuring 22 weeks of daily assignments. Topics such as joy, trials, wisdom, prayer, the tongue and many more are covered as women are encouraged to evaluate their actions and consider where their faith can mature. “James: Maturing in Faith” is available through

The Routledge Sourcebook of Religion and the American Civil War: A History in Documents Hardcover, 560 Pages – October 30, 2014 by Robert R. Mathisen, Professor of History and Political Science at Corban University, Editor of The Role of Religion in American Life: An Interpretive Historical Anthology and Editor of Critical Issues in American Religious History. In recent years, the intersection of religion and the American Civil War has been the focus of a growing area of scholarship. However, primary sources on this subject are housed in many different archives and libraries scattered across the U.S., and are often difficult to find. The Routledge Sourcebook of Religion and the American Civil War collects these sources into a single convenient volume, the most comprehensive collection of primary source material on religion and the Civil War ever brought together. This volume is available for pre-order on and other online book retailers. 7


African pastors using what they learn through Cameroon Initiative In Cameroon, Christian pastors aren’t just hungry for the Word of God, they are seeking ways to better share that word with others. — Corban’s Cameroon Initiative is helping them by giving 40 pastors the training they need to study and interpret scripture, lead their churches, preach the gospel and more. In May, Sam Baker, Ed.D., and Leroy Goertzen, D.Min., continued the ongoing Bible certificate training started in May 2013 by Greg Trull, Ph.D., dean of the Corban School of Ministry.

would make a tremendous difference in Cameroon’s churches, especially given that the nation’s secular leaders have a reputation for corruption and are widely distrusted.

“Pastors are telling us the modules are having an effect on what they are doing in their churches,” Goertzen said. “It is having a major effect on their teaching and preaching. They can now take and actually preach the text of the Bible and preach systematically through the books of the Bible. This is something hardly any were able to do previously.”

“The students are upper division ministry majors who are observing, interpreting and applying what they learned in the classroom,” Baker said. “It was key for them to get a new mindset about crosscultural ministry, because in Cameroon, as in most countries around the world, you can’t be routine driven.”

Goertzen’s and Baker’s course focused on servant leadership, something both said

Dr. Sam Baker prays with African pastors who are completing a pastor training module.


While the two faculty members spent most of their days in the classroom, a team of students focused on a different goal.

The students went into communities and shared the gospel along with members of local churches. Additionally, they led

Bible studies, shared their testimonies and even had opportunities to preach. “They were a great component to what we were doing,” Goertzen said. “The student presence just does something to the heart of the people.” The training and ministry that is happening through the Cameroon Initiative is fulfilling Corban’s mission to “educate Christians who will make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ.” The pastors, many of whom have started new church plants, are seeing the fruits of their education play out in their churches. “We’re creating a leadership presence in Cameroon,” Baker said. “We’re not doing it, we’re just facilitating it. We want the Cameroon church to own the ministry in that country.”


Alumna Katie Baker ‘14 shared the love of Christ with a young man.

Student Carly Davis taught a session and shared her testimony.

Carly Davis prayed over an African child at a prayer time in a nearby orphanage.

The Corban group and their African hosts at their graduation celebration.

The current class will complete the program in December 2015. For more information about the Cameroon Initiative, email Greg Trull at

During their stay, team members handed out gospel tracts on the streets during the national holiday celebration.

At an orphanage, Dr. Leroy Goertzen welcomed a child dressed in traditional garb.



Corban alumni teaching in Indonesia Twenty Corban alumni currently serve as schoolteachers in Indonesia, the fourth most populous nation in the world. All reflect our motto, “Dedicating Heart and Mind to God,” and are teaching hundreds of children to do the same. Over the past four years, 29 alumni have taught in the network of the Pelita Harapan Foundation schools. Janelle Peyton ‘09, in her sixth year of teaching there, shares the following story about what draws her to invest her work in Indonesia, and the impact it has—even if it is sometimes one student at a time. — Why do I live halfway around the world? His name is Lutfi. A few months ago Lutfi came in to my Grade 5 class with attitude and a witty sense of humor. My first impression? “This boy is going to be a handful!” As I got to know Lutfi, I sensed his deep need to be known and loved. He was a strong class leader, sometimes in the wrong ways. So I knew I had to win him over, or the rest of the year would be a disaster. After learning about Lutfi’s heartbreaking family situation, I made it my priority to find a way to reach out and love him. Academic studies were not his passion or strength, but drama was. What a gift! Each year, I use a lot of drama as a way to harness my students’ creative energy, make literature come alive and help them develop confidence and a good sense of humor.

Not surprisingly, Lutfi excelled in the dramatic—so much that he and I ended up co-directing a school musical. He even helped me write the script for that production. When he got up on the stage for rehearsal, Lutfi’s whole face lit up. He led and directed the other students, and made the play so much better than I ever could have envisioned. Playing to Lutfi’s strengths, I gave him the freedom to present his understanding of science and social studies concepts through drama. The changes I saw in him were incredible! He began to serve and love others, helping them whenever he could. As he received love, he willingly poured it out to others. Lutfi changed from being a boy with an attitude to a boy excited about school, loving others and compassionately reaching out to those who are struggling.

Corban alumni currently teaching in Indonesia


Janelle Peyton and a colleague with Lutfi (center), an enthusiastic Grade 5 Indonesian student.

Jake Johnson ’13

Kimberly Liu ’13

Peter Randall ’09

Sarah Seibert ’12

D. J. Brown ’13

Ben & Jenae Daniels ’12

Kimberly Ecker ’13

Adam Knust ’11

Mikayla Mueller ’14

Aaron Schilperoort ’11

Hilary Steiner ’14

Mike ’11 & Megan Cowan

Caitlin Doring ’12

Danielle Friesen ’07

Madison Lewis ’11

Janelle Peyton ’09

Andrew Schmitt ’14

Taylor Tuepker ’14


Corban & Salem Free Clinics: changing lives for good Local hands-on counseling internships are a part of the graduate program in counseling at Corban. Through a unique partnership with a nonprofit organization called Salem Free Clinics, Corban’s graduate students are able to experience boots-on-the-ground internships seldom found, if ever, elsewhere in the U.S. Here is that story. — The Graduate Counseling program at Corban University offers a unique collaboration between Corban and Salem Free Clinics. The resulting hybrid, Corban Mental Health Clinic, serves approximately 200 community members each month who are uninsured or underinsured and who may not otherwise be able to receive counseling services. The clinic also allows some Corban graduate counseling students to gain the 240 supervised hours necessary to graduate with a Master of Arts in Counseling. Along with the program’s academic requirements, students participate in various internship opportunities that fully prepare them to work in both Christian and secular environments. Graduate students are taught to meet each person where he or she is. Jesus Christ is represented in very tangible ways without overtly preaching or evangelizing, and the Holy Spirit is always present in the counselor-client relationship. Corban’s M.A. in clinical mental health counseling is personal, and faculty

are very hands-on, providing plenty of opportunities to interact with students in and out of the classroom. They are passionate about helping students to become excellent counselors. “God created us to be in relationship with Him and with each other,” said Lori Schelske, Clinic director and assistant professor of clinical mental health.. “Many issues that people come to counseling for are rooted in relational pain, loss or trauma. Healing also occurs through our relationship with Jesus and with others who are used by Him, such as individuals called to the profession of counseling.”

Todd Gould, executive director for Salem Free Clinics, said the Graduate Counseling Program is making a very real difference in the community. “From our Board of Directors to the receptionists at each of our clinics, we’re so thankful for Corban University’s ongoing partnership,” he said. “We especially appreciate the Corban counseling faculty and interns serving at the Corban Mental Health Clinic in North Salem.” Salem Free Clinics serves individuals who have fallen through the cracks—people with few, if any, options for their mental and medical healthcare needs. Many had health insurance for most of their adult lives, but layoffs, moves or cost increases have made buying insurance prohibitive.

Schelske divides her time between teaching on campus and supervising at the Corban Mental Health Clinic in North Salem. She said the impact of interning at the clinic isn’t felt only by those receiving counseling, but also allows the counselors to become more aware of how their own relational strategies “While working at the can impact the counseling Salem Free Clinics as a process. Students also get regular feedback during mental health counselor classes at internship intern, I gained experience locations.

working with individuals, groups, couples and families who deal with a wide range of mental health issues. These experiences taught me much about grace, acceptance, love and compassion.” —Sherri Frediani, M.A. in counseling

Lori Schelske, Clinic director and assistant professor of clinical mental health.



CUEST program helps Papuan students’ transition As a result of calculated entrepreneurial objectives to reach further into the international market, three dozen students from Papua, Indonesia, have been identified and enrolled in classes at Corban’s U.S. campus. Five years ago, contact was made with Papuan government officials to cooperate in a program to educate some of that country’s brightest students. Since then, additional work is being done to enhance the experience of cross-cultural study for these unique partners. Here is their story. — Corban University and the Papuan government in Indonesia have enjoyed a symbiotic educational relationship for several years, and a new program is aimed to strengthen those ties and improve student outcomes. The Corban University Essential Skills Transition (CUEST) program was developed by Janine Allen, Ed.D., Corban’s dean of global initiatives, to help Papuan students prepare for university life in the U.S. while they are still in high school. Expected to begin in July, the new program aims not only to give students the skills they need to start college right, but also to help them earn

up to 12 Corban credits through dual enrollment. Papua is among the most resource-rich provinces in this nation of 17,000 islands. The provincial government wants to develop leaders of integrity to lead successfully during times of change. To do so, it provides educational scholarships for selected students to study in the U.S., with a vision to return to Papua when they graduate. Thirty-seven Papuan students have attended Corban since 2009. “Our vision is to teach the Papuan students before they come

Salem, OR

Papua, Indonesia



abroad,” Allen said. “The CUEST program is designed to help them develop their critical thinking skills, writing and language skills, banking and life skills and more. Our goal is for these students to be ready to go when they arrive and not scrambling to catch up.” One objective is to bring the students to Corban in July instead of August. These students will be matched with American students in the Partnering and Caring Together (PACT) program begun in fall 2013. The goal is to give them a longer window of opportunity to assimilate into university life without the pressure of classes.

back and be leaders in their professions and who will be able to address local and global challenges.” Although many will stay at Corban for only one or two years before going to schools more closely aligned with their careers and calling, Allen said each will get a solid biblical foundation motivated by the Great Commission. “We believe students must become Christian thought leaders and engage in the community around them to inspire change in the world,” she said. “Corban University is a wellspring for Papuan students to develop into godly leaders focused on leading transformational change in the province of Papua.”

Though education is valuable, Allen said the Papuan government also places high importance on personal development. “The Papuan government has appreciated its relationship with Corban because it highly values character development along with education,” Allen said. “They want students who will come

For more information about CUEST, email Allen at


2013-14 Papuan students on the Salem campus.


Global Initiatives tracked on website Corban University’s mission is “to educate Christians who will make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ,” which is based on Matthew 28:19–20.


Notable for our popular AMBEX semester-long study abroad programs


Building on our multi-year partnership with Sheridan College

That’s true not only in the Pacific Northwest, but all across the globe. A recently created website will allow you to see what Corban is doing around the world. The Office of Global Initiatives actively extends the impact of Corban’s mission abroad. Its dean, Dr. Janine Allen, is quick to add: “It’s no exaggeration to say Corban has become a global university, so please pray that the Lord will bless our faculty, staff, students and graduates with much fruit—fruit that brings wholeness and unity (Galatians 5:22–26) and ‘fruit that remains’ (John 15:16).”



Offering Bible, theology and ministry courses to Cameroon’s pastors

Sending scholars to teach Corban courses from New Zealand to Peru

Southeast Asia:

Papua, Indonesia:

Building on our long-term partnership with Universitas Pelita Harapan

Notable for our Partnering and Caring Together student exchange program

Visit the site at



Israel Study Tour Study trips led by School of Ministry faculty are an important part of Corban’s educational process for students interested in ministry. Moving beyond the Salem campus expands their reach and brings a knowledge of history and religion on a global scale. In recent years our faculty have either taught short-term semesters or led study tours in Asia and the Middle East. Here is a look at just one of those experiences. — The life and footsteps of Jesus Christ took on new significance for 41 people who traveled to Israel for a unique Corban study tour. The May 6–15 trip was led by Greg Trull, Ph.D., dean of the Corban School of Ministry, and Professor of Bible and Theology Tim Anderson, Ph.D. They worked with Jerusalem University College to create an itinerary that took them to locations of biblical significance, ending in Jerusalem to follow and reflect on Jesus’ final steps. The tour group comprised 20 students as well as 19 parents and alumni. Unlike previous trips, the group spent much of their time walking. Trull said they walked between nine and 12 miles on several of the days, which gave them a unique perspective throughout the journey. It included stops in Jericho, Bethlehem, Nazareth and Galilee, as well as museums, reconstructed towns and much more. “We had been to many of these places 15 years ago but had never taken students there,” Trull said. “We couldn’t go because we had an Israeli accompanying us. The JUC professor who led the tour wasn’t Jewish, so he was able to take us

into the Palestinian lands, and that was really nice.” A special highlight for both professors was when student Alexis Beatty presented her research on the role that King Herod the Great and his familial line played in the New Testament as she stood on top of Mount Masada. “It was so exciting to have this college connection that was so meaningful to all of us,” Anderson said. “Alexis’ thesis was so well prepared, and it was definitely one of my highlights.” The group also spent one afternoon with a Samaritan priest and had the opportunity to ask questions about a group that considers itself to be one of the only two remaining tribes of Israel. “It’s one thing to read about modern-day Samaritans, but quite another to sit in the same room with one and ask him questions,” Trull said. “We got to hear his perspective about the continuing practice of animal sacrifice, Samaritans today and more.” While traveling near the Dead Sea, the group experienced the biggest rainfall

in the area in recorded weather history. Trull said flash flooding created large, cascading waterfalls over the limestone cliffs and deposited boulders on roadways. They also made some Corban connections while in Jerusalem. Mark Brownell, parent of a Corban alumna and a daughter who currently attends Corban, saw Trull’s shirt and introduced himself. Another Adult Degree Studies alumna in Jerusalem also saw the shirt and introduced herself. While the physical journey may be over for now, both Trull and Anderson said the photos and video clips they shot will be used in their classrooms. They also noted people are already inquiring about the May 2016 trip that is tentatively planned. “My hope is that we can make this trip financially feasible for many more people,” Trull said. “You gain a new perspective on the life and times of Jesus Christ when you are there.” For more information about this or upcoming Israel study tours, email

A teaching moment for students along the old wall in Jerusalem.



AMBEX partnership continues to benefit students and faculty

The picturesque city of Regensburg, Germany, has become an immersion learning experience for students that goes well beyond tourism. Regensburg is the European home of American Bavarian Exchange (AMBEX), a program developed by director Jerry Orr in partnership with Corban University. AMBEX provides opportunities not only for students to study in Germany, but also for faculty to travel and teach. Students from Corban and other Christian colleges have gone through the 90-day program and grown educationally and spiritually. “It’s a beautifully balanced program,”

Orr said. “It’s a mixture of time in the classroom with opportunities for travel and hands-on learning. Students interact with Christians from churches in Regensburg and non-Christians from all walks of life.”

travel,” Orr said. “They are making up their own itineraries, creating budgets for themselves and learning time management. They are studying in the heart of Christian reformation and world history.”

During their stay, participants take five core courses in two-week blocks: Christian Worldview, Theology of Reformation, Modern European Literature, Renaissance Art History and European/German History and Geology. Every third week is designated for independent study and travel.

Additionally, the AMBEX program is expanding with new internship opportunities. Orr said German businesses are eager to hire American interns, and he is making new connections regularly. To be considered, a prospective intern must first complete the AMBEX study abroad program.

“These students become more confident in themselves and their ability to

For more information, email Orr at

Find us online at



Indonesia Teachers College graduates 54 in June Producing teachers for Christian schools is a process that involves more than our faculty on the Salem campus. In a unique partnership with Indonesia’s Universitas Pelita Harapan, hundreds of young teachers are finding their way into the cities and towns of Indonesia, carrying out the goal of expanding the education and evangelism capabilities in that island nation (see inset map, pp. 2–3). Here is the story of our most recent international Teachers College alumni. — On June 12, 54 new Corban University graduates accepted their diplomas in a celebration at in Karawaci, Indonesia. The students were part of the fifth cohort in an educational partnership with the Teachers College at UPH, where students receive a free education, and in return, teach at newly established Harapan Foundation schools for three years upon graduation. “It was a group that was resilient and courageous,” said Janine Allen, Ed.D., dean of global initiatives at Corban. “It was a smaller group, but they held on when others decided to return home and not stay the course. They stood firm and fulfilled their call to become teachers.”

There are currently 317 Teachers College graduates teaching at lower-economic (Lentera) schools across Indonesia. A total of 712 have graduated during the past five years. Allen said the number of graduates will increase substantially during the next two years. The sixth cohort currently has 181 students and the seventh has 241.

Dr. Nord congratulates a Teachers College graduate.

“We are co-laboring for the kingdom and restoring hope through gospel partnership,” Allen said about the partnership between Corban and Teachers College. “In working together we demonstrate the power of the gospel to change lives, producing open, trusting relationships.” Students perform the native dances of their island homes after the commencement ceremony.

Part of the 54 student teachers who are ready to go to their teaching assignments throughout Indonesia.



Cross-cultural study tours give valuable experience

Business students Chris Loogman, Laura Engel, Dr. Bryce Bernard, Melissa Olsen, Dr. Eric Straw, Amanda Stubblefield, Sebastion Shoun and Michel Kim in Seoul, South Korea.

Some may assume that all international study tours are taken by ministry students who seek to understand missionary work in other cultures. But for business and education students, the trips provide valuable experience in understanding how international economics and educational practices differ from their own. In recent years faculty have either led study tours or taught short-term semesters in Asia, the Middle East, Europe, Central America and Australia. Here is a look at just two of those experiences. — During the past several years, Corban University has made it a priority to offer study tours that give students the opportunity for hands-on experience. In May, faculty from the Hoff School of Business and the School of Education took 10 students to Indonesia and South Korea for a closer look at business and education in emerging economies. While there, they saw Corban’s partnerships in action which allowed them to consider how their own careers can have positive economic and spiritual effects across the globe. “We wanted the students to understand the world is bigger than what they’ve experienced,” said Professor of Business Bryce Bernard. “It shows them that whatever they do in business will have a global component.” One goal of the business study tour was for the six students to contrast and compare economies. Bernard and Associate Professor of Business Eric Straw, Ph.D., chose to start with a five-day tour


of Seoul, South Korea, as an example of a developed business economy. This was followed by an in-depth tour of various businesses in the rising economy of Jakarta, Indonesia, which included a look at differences in logistics, transportation, retail store operations and more. The education study tour was led by Kristin Dixon, Ed.D., dean of the School of Education and Counseling, and Jesse Payne, Ed.D., director of undergraduate education. They took four students on a tour that gave them an opportunity to teach, this time as second language learners, at a school on the outskirts of Jakarta. “What they learned from that experience was huge,” Dixon said. “They gained a new perspective on what it can be like to teach someone who doesn’t speak your native language. It’s invaluable because they can now say they have experienced in a small way what many of their future English language learner students feel in the classroom.”

The trip also helped the Corban education majors understand how valuable education is to people in other countries, something American students often don’t fully appreciate. “It is very clear that education is a high priority, not just to the affluent, but those with extremely limited incomes,” Payne said. “I don’t think the importance of this lesson can be understated.” This was emphasized by Corban School of Education alumni teaching in Indonesia. During a meal with the education study tour group, they shared their personal experiences, including the struggles and rewards of teaching overseas. Ultimately, Bernard said the trips were about transformation. “The students can’t walk away and not be transformed,” he said. “We are all different people because of this opportunity.” To learn more about study tours at Corban, email Dixon at or Griff Lindell, dean of the Hoff School of Business, at


Summer of Service missionaries serve worldwide Throughout Corban’s history, short-term mission trips have provided valuable firsthand experience for students who want to make a difference in different cultures. In recent years the frequency and number of participants have increased, and many students have taken the initiative to lead them. The result is that a high percentage of the Corban student population experiences international service before they graduate.


— Corban Assistant Professor of Missions Paul Johnson, D.Min., never told students that short-term missions would be easy, only that they would find it rewarding. Between May and June of 2014, 13 students, faculty and family members embarked upon Summer of Service (S.O.S.) mission trips to Honduras, the Czech Republic and France. They shared sweat, tears, laughter and the gospel with people they’d never met. Sometimes they encountered extreme poverty, but they also served people who enjoy comfortable lifestyles. While each trip is unique, the impact and the outcomes from these trips will have a lasting effect on those whose lives were touched by acts of service done with love. Johnson said the short-term mission trips are designed for “students to put discipleship into practice and grow in their understanding of His heart for the world.” He added that each trip exceeds the expectations of the teams and his personal expectations.

Summer of Service trips and Internships during the past two years:

canceled the original trip to an orphanage in Ukraine due to political unrest, the mission team prayed that God would lead them to where they were needed. Instead of ministering to the sick and the poor, the team taught conversational English in schools and played sports with children in a working-class town. In the Czech Republic, Danielle Horne learned that mission trips don’t always include watching many people giving their lives to Jesus Christ, but can be about forging relationships and building bridges. “One big thing I learned as a believer was that we are meant to plant seeds,” she said. “During the whole duration of the trip, we did not witness anyone come to Christ. Does this mean our trip was a failure? Not at all. We can't measure our obedience or success by how many people ‘pray the prayer.’ God gave us the opportunity to open the doors for ministry by the missionaries that are invested in the Czech Republic.”

Orphanage ministry.

Philippines Serving church planters and community development on a needy island.

Japan Serving local churches, children’s outreach, English training.

Siguatepeque, Honduras Serving children and others in impoverished areas through the Honduran church.

Prague, Czech Republic Assisting church planters by ministering through sports and English in eight schools and in local churches.

Paris, France Assisting in a national prayer conference and ministering with new church plants throughout the city.


Brazil Ministry with street kids for two months.


During the two-week mission, led by Johnson, the team helped build furniture; spent time with children in some of the most challenging and impoverished areas of Honduras, using music and sports as ministry tools; visited patients in a local hospital; and more.

Although each trip was unique, Johnson said the goals of the S.O.S. missions were met.

Ministry with young people on U.S. military base.

“In every situation, we met our goals of serving and encouraging,” he said. “We don’t want to be a burden on the local ministries, but a blessing to those we serve.”

Three-week-long training (morning hours), outreach in the community and relationship building with Muslims.

The mission just outside of Prague, Czech Republic, was completely different than the team initially expected. When Johnson

For more information about Corban’s Summer of Service missions, email Johnson at

Dearborn, Michigan

Japan Putting on a camp for young people on a U.S. military base (Okinawa).


news briefs Corban Consulting Partners projects leave lasting impact on students and businesses On April 17, nine teams of Corban Consulting Partners (CCP) students presented their projects to a panel of judges made up of business owners, nonprofit executives, educators and more. The CCP is the capstone project for seniors in Corban’s Hoff School of Business. Teams of three to four provided consultation for real-world businesses or potential business startups to research the viability of prospective ideas. One client, Mastercraft Furniture, could see more than $500,000 in profits based on recommendations from the CCP team it worked with. The team found buyers for nearly all of the company’s waste material. “What we do is completely unique in the Pacific Northwest,” said Griff Lindell, dean of the Hoff School of Business. “These are real businesses saving real money.” For more information about the Corban Consulting Partners Program, email Griff Lindell at

New sports information director begins in the Office of Athletic Activities Corban University Athletics has a fresh face in the athletics office with the addition of Danny Day as sports information director. Day previously worked as the sports information graduate assistant at the University of Redlands (Calif.), where he earned his Master of Arts in Management degree. While there, he managed the athletics department website, provided sports statistics for the media and online, produced athletics feature videos, wrote sports stories, helped in fundraising endeavors and more. Additionally, Day interned in media relations for the minor-league baseball Inland Empire 66ers and an ESPN Sports Radio affiliate in Portland, Ore. During this time, he helped develop the weekly “Downey and Day Show” podcast and interviewed athletes and coaches during postgame press conferences. Day can be reached at or 503-589-8121. 20

CCP students Brian Abbey, Keith Clark, Maisa Bicudo and Justin White.

Alumnus Curtis Horton assumes chair of Corban Board of Trustees Thirty-year Corban Board of Trustees member Curtis Horton ’69 has been named chairman of the board, effective July 1. He replaces Mike Patterson, who had served as board chair since February 2013. Patterson stepped down to join the Corban faculty as chair of the Family Studies Program. Horton’s connection to Corban started in 1965, when he enrolled as a student. He served under five university presidents during his tenure with the board. “My 30-plus years on the board have not only been exciting, but also challenging,” Horton said. “I count it as a real privilege to be connected to Corban for so many years as both a student and a trustee. God has been good to Corban, and my experience has been fantastic.” Horton and his wife, Denise, are restaurant owners in Lebanon, Ore.

news briefs India seminary to recieve books from corban As Corban’s School of Ministry prepared to consolidate its programs, faculty and staff prayed about how to use more than 8,000 duplicate books from the Tacoma campus library. Around the world at Baptist Seminary of South India (BSSI) in Bangalore, staff and faculty were praying about where they would get the books and funding they needed to enhance their own library. When a BSSI professor learned about Corban’s extra books, he made an inquiry that led to a donation to further both Corban’s and BSSI’s missions. The collection includes commentaries, Biblical studies references, commentary sets, books on systematic and Biblical theology and others. It will help the seminary’s Master of Divinity Program become accredited. The books will not only provide much-needed resources for students and faculty, but, as in the United States, an accredited degree gives the students a better chance of finding employment once they graduate.

Kopra signs pro contract The Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim announced that they have signed Corban University baseball standout Jacob Kopra to a professional contract.Kopra signed as an undrafted free agent when he wasn’t selected during the 2014 Major League Baseball (MLB) draft. Kopra is the fourth Warrior baseball player to sign a contract with an MLB team, following Rich Dorman ’00, an RHP who signed with the Seattle Mariners; Jamie McGraw ’08, an outfielder who signed with the Texas Rangers; and Jason Braun ’09, an RHP who signed with the Cincinnati Reds. “I feel blessed to have the opportunity to continue to play baseball, and this is where God wants to use me right now,” said Kopra. “I’ve always wanted to play professional baseball, so I’ve had to pinch myself a couple of times to make sure it’s all really happening. I’ve had amazing support from my family, my fiancée and all of my coaches and teammates.”

Kopra, who recently completed the best pitching season in Corban’s history, may very well go down as the best player to ever don a Warrior baseball jersey. After being named the NAIA West Pitcher of the Year, he became the first player in Corban history to garner NAIA Second-Team All-America recognition. Additionally, his accolades in the classroom saw him named a 2014 Daktronics-NAIA Baseball ScholarAthlete thanks to his 3.6 GPA. Kopra’s phenomenal season led the Corban baseball team to a 29–26 overall record, with a number of team and individual records falling in the process. Kopra now holds the record for most wins in a season individually (10–0) to go along with the lowest ERA ever (1.33). In addition, he is now tied for the program record with three shutouts.


news briefs Corban joins The Alliance Corban University is the newest campus member of the Oregon Alliance of Independent Colleges & Universities. The Alliance is the product of a merger that occurred nearly three years ago of two long-standing private college organizations: the Oregon Independent College Foundation and the Oregon Independent College Association. The Alliance represents Oregon’s regionally accredited, nonprofit, private higher education institutions. Together, the private nonprofit sector enrolls more than 35,000 students and delivers approximately 30 percent of all baccalaureate degrees and higher awarded in Oregon.

The Alliance institutions collaborate to strengthen Oregon’s intellectual, creative and economic resources through public advocacy, institutional cooperation and strategic collaboration with the public sector, including business, philanthropy, public postsecondary education and government. “We are honored to become a foundation member of The Alliance,” said University president Sheldon C. Nord. “This will enable us to collaborate more closely with other private colleges and universities in our state. True, Corban University now

has a global campus, but that’s all the more reason we want to be deeply rooted here in Oregon. Our new membership status in The Alliance is an important step toward that institutional goal.” U.S. News & World Report honors Corban for the 13th year running. #7 in the West (in the Top 10 for Best Regional Colleges). #1 for percent of freshmen who were in the top 25 percent of their high school class #2 for percent of students with highest 25th percentile SAT scores #2 for most exclusive acceptance rate #3 for Best Value and Best for Veterans. #3 for highest rate of average alumni giving

Corban University earns President’s Cup Academic Award For the second year in a row, Corban University earned the Cascade Collegiate Conference’s prestigious President’s Cup Academic Award. The cup will be shared with the College of Idaho, which matched Corban at 38 points for the 2013–2014 school year. The award recognizes outstanding overall academic performance. Each member institution is scored using two criteria: overall student athlete GPA for men and women, and total number of student athletes receiving Academic AllConference honors. Corban students led the way with the highest combined GPA at 3.28, followed closely by COI at 3.21. But the Yotes had 72 student athletes named Academic All-Conference, while the Warriors named 70 student athletes to the list. To be considered for Academic AllConference, a student athlete must be a sophomore, junior or senior who has been at the school for two consecutive semesters or three quarters and has a 3.2 or higher GPA.


Corban University is the first college in Oregon to participate in the program. For many, the costs of higher education have kept prospective college students from pursuing their career aspirations. Corban University is now putting a dent in these costs by participating in a savings program designed for high school students. SAGE Scholars Tuition Rewards is a free program that brings together prospective students, colleges and financial partners to earn rewards points. These points are similar to airline miles, and can be used as a pointper-dollar discount toward higher education at member colleges.

Families can enroll in the program at no cost. When they do business with selected financial partners, including 529 plans, banks, credit unions, investment managers and others, they earn points that students in the immediate or extended family can apply directly to their tuition costs. Enrollment ends before the start of the high school senior year. In 2013, high school seniors submitted an average of 10,600 rewards points that can be applied for a savings of $2,650 per year for four years.

news briefs

Alumna earns Fulbright Grant When Julie Summers ’10, was looking for ways to explore the world, she looked to her heritage for inspiration. Her lineage on her mother’s side is from Iceland—a small European nation in the North Atlantic with a strong Nordic history. She applied for and won the prestigious Fulbright Grant to study Icelandic as a second language at the University of Iceland. The grants are awarded through a highly selective evaluation of applicants’ personal statements and how they will use the grant to further international understanding. Julie’s goal is to use the grant to learn Icelandic and eventually combine it with her love of literature to translate novels and other works and teach the language to others. “There are very few people in the United States who speak or understand the language, let alone teach it,” she said. “Learning a language can give you so much insight into its culture.”

Nearly 300 graduate from Corban On May 3, 298 students accepted their degrees at the Salem Armory. It was Corban University’s 78th class and included 179 traditional undergraduates, 45 Adult Degree Program graduates and 74 postgraduate students. During the program, students were moved by the words of Dr. Adrianus Mooy, who received an honorary doctorate of letters. He spoke about being raised on the island of Rote in Indonesia and the challenges of growing up Christian in a primarily Muslim nation. He encouraged students to use any career path they choose, and to overcome any obstacles in order to spread the gospel around the nation and the world. The keynote speaker was Steve Tompkins, who serves as the director of Mars Hills Schools, a Corban University partner in the ministries program. 23

faculty news Caito presents at Christians in Political Science conference On May 30, Assistant Professor of Political Science Tony Caito gave a presentation during the Christians in Political Science Annual Conference at Azusa Pacific University in Azusa, Calif. His topic, “Faith and Friction: The Uncivil Development of Civil Society in Failing States,” was a compendium of three articles on the subject. In his talk, Caito evaluated how civil society develops under diverse failing state conditions. He suggested that growth in a civil society is most often fostered, albeit unintentionally, by a variety of state failures. The study weaves together four related themes: civil society effectiveness, state failure, religious expansionism and conflict transformation, to provide a representation of the structural constraints and realistic agency to fill gaps in failing states. To learn more about the study, email Caito at

Corey Gilbert promoted to psychology program chair On July 1, Corey Gilbert, Ph.D., was

and to align courses with American

named the new chair of the Psychology

Psychological Association requirements.

program at Corban.


“Students are excited about the

Gilbert facilitated several changes to

counseling aspects,” Gilbert said. “They

the program during the 2013–2014

want the practical experience that will

school year. These included breaking

give them the tools they need to go into

the program into two concentrations:

counseling, ministry or other career

psychology and pre-clinical counseling.

fields.” Gilbert said he will add “checks

“The goal is to help students prepare

and balances” to ensure that Corban

for a master’s degree or to go into

University exceeds APA standards, which

psychology or ministry,” Gilbert said.

he said will make Corban graduates more

One of his other goals is give students

competitive when applying for master’s

more opportunities to pursue internships

degree programs nationwide.

or spend time in research labs.

For more information about

Classes have also been reworked

psychology at Corban, email

to increase core psychology credits

Gilbert at

faculty news Shawn Hussey adp ‘03 accepts new leadership role in ADP On July 1, Corban University professor Shawn Hussey, Ph.D., became the new chair of business and organizational leadership in the Adult Degree Studies Program. Hussey started with the Hoff School of Business as an assistant professor in fall 2011. He taught classes in entrepreneurship, statistics, e-commerce and more, as well as courses in the Corban MBA program. In his new role, Hussey will create and oversee curriculum, manage adjunct professors and teach classes. The move to ADP brings Hussey back to his Corban roots. He received his undergraduate degree through the ADP program and also taught in the program as an adjunct professor. For more information about the Business and Organizational Leadership program, email Hussey at

Mike Patterson ‘74 hired as Family Studies program chair Corban University Board of Trustees Chair Mike Patterson stepped down from his duties on the board July 1 when he was hired as the new chair of the Family Studies Program.

Garrett Trott takes the reins as editor of The Christian Librarian In early 2014, Corban Reference/Instruction Librarian Garrett Trott was appointed as the new editor-in-chief of The Christian Librarian, a bi-yearly publication of the Association of Christian Librarians. In June, the ACL published its first issue with Trott at the helm, and in that capacity he is already planning for many more. The Christian Librarian publishes articles, provides a membership forum and encourages writing. Past issues have included

Patterson is the founding executive director of the Emmaus Counseling Center in Richland, Wash. He has a background in business management and as a pastor in both Salem, Ore., and Richland, Wash.

the Christian interpretation of librarianship, theory

Patterson recently defended his dissertation and received his Ph.D. in biblical counseling. He can be reached by email at

for publication. In addition to collecting articles,

and practice of library science, bibliographic essays, reviews and human interest articles relating to books and libraries. As editor-in-chief, Trott is responsible for soliciting articles from ACL members and considering them he is the primary editor and works to develop the book’s theme and basic design. He will oversee a team of copy editors and designers from universities across the country. 25

Corban University

Homecoming Family


October 2–5 | salem, oregon

Alumni and families,

For More Information on Homecoming & Family Weekend:

You are invited to Corban for the newly combined Homecoming & Family Weekend. This is the perfect time for families to join their students on campus and for alumni to reconnect with one another through many activities. We are eager to share all the special things Corban has to offer, and there will be something for all ages—music, athletics events, special speakers, reunion dinners, the President’s Brunch and much more.

Get in touch:

We are eagerly awaiting your arrival!

Register for the weekend

Deleen Wills,

Online at:

Call 503-316-3388 or email us at

Download a brochure:

Map of the campus

Director of Alumni & Parent Relations 26

Schedule of Opportunities Thursday

Reunion Dinners**................................................................ 5:30 p.m.

Golf with President Nord**................................................. 1:00 p.m.

own private dinner on campus.

Alumni, parents and friends are welcome to pick up your box lunch

Cost: $18 per person.

and golf with Dr. Nord and other Corban staffers. We are happy to assign you to a foursome. Tee times will be in 10-minute intervals. Salem Golf Club, 9 holes, club rental, cart and boxed lunch. Cost: $50. You are welcome to golf 18 holes for an additional cost. This is not a tournament. Welcome Parties!* ...................................................... 7:00–8:00 p.m.

Classes of ’50-’69, ’74, ’84 and ’94. Join classmates and friends for your

Dinner on your own The Dining Room will be open and dinner may be purchased for $9.50. Or try one of the local staff favorites. Restaurant suggestions and a map will be in the Homecoming packet. Warrior Volleyball vs. Northwest Christian........................ 7:00 p.m.

No matter where you are staying, join a casual Welcome Party at either

The Best of Corban* ................................................... 7:30–8:30 p.m.

the Phoenix Inn Suites or Comfort Suites. Light refreshments will be

Join our talented students for a musical variety show of solos, duets,

furnished. This is not dinner.

combos and surprises in the Psalm Center.


Table Tennis Tournament*.................................................... 9:00 p.m.

Check-In........................................................................ 8:30–3:00 p.m.

ping pong—and prizes! Hosted by Campus Recreation.

The Homecoming Welcome & Information Center is in the Psalm Performing Arts Center lobby. Pick up your Homecoming packet of information including schedule, name tags and maps. You won’t be able to navigate without it. Open Class Visitations................................................. 9:00–3:00 p.m. Classes are open at the discretion of the professor. Lists of open classes will be available Friday morning at the Welcome Center and after chapel. Chapel........................................................................10:00–10:50 a.m. Join President Nord and our student body for a time of special worship. Lunch Around Campus Purchase meals in the dining room or off campus. Campus Tour................................................................. 1:30–3:00 p.m.

Head up to the C.E. Jeffers Sports Center for some good old-fashioned

Saturday 2004 Reunion in the Park*................................................... 9:00 a.m. Alumni and families meet at the campus Oak Grove Amphitheater for fun and games. Alumnae Softball vs. Warrior Women.............................. 10:00 a.m. President’s Brunch**.........................................................10:30–Noon Special speaker President Sheldon C. Nord, student performances and award recipients will be honored. Cost: $12. Women’s Soccer vs. Southern Oregon University.............. 1:00 p.m. Fifth Quarter Sports Event on Warrior Field*............ 2:45–4:00 p.m.

If you haven’t been to campus in a while, take this opportunity to see

Men’s Soccer vs. Warner Pacific College............................. 4:00 p.m.

recent changes to our beautiful facilities led by Vice President Steve

Class of ’04 Pizza Feed**...................................................... 5:30 p.m.

Hunt ’69 and Professor Bryce Bernard ’82. Visit our residence halls, see

Dinner at the Pavilion. Cost: $10 per adult, $5 per child ages 3–12.

the prayer chapel, Inspiration Garden Walk and much more. Tour ends

Childcare provided.

at the Alumni House for refreshments. Men's Disc Golf Tourney*............................................ 1:30–3:00 p.m. Fathers, sons, alumni and students are invited to play nine holes of disc golf on the new course. Bring your own disc or buy one at the Bookstore. Prizes will be awarded! Hosted by Campus Recreation. Ladies Tea*................................................................... 1:30–3:00 p.m. Mothers, daughters, grandmothers, alumnae and students are invited to a light tea and to hear from Lee Ann Zanon, adjunct professor, ministry department, sharing “Smiling at the Future, Holding on to Hope.” Open House with President & Mrs. Nord*................. 3:30–4:30 p.m. If you are in the President’s Circle ($1,000+ donor), the Sustainer’s Circle (monthly donor), Legacy Society (Corban is in your estate plans) and/or are Encore Alumni (two or three generation families), you’re invited to an open house hosted by President and Mrs. Nord in their home. * No cost, but reservations required ** Fee and reservations required

Dinner on your own ”Reach” Showcase*..................................................... 7:00–8:30 p.m. Come hear and see how our students are making a difference in the world for Jesus Christ locally, nationally and internationally through stories and videos. International desserts will be served. In It to Win It*.............................................................. 7:00–9:00 p.m. For some action, head to the C.E. Jeffers Sports Center for a fun-filled evening similar to the popular television program. Hosted by Campus Recreation.

Sunday Enjoy family time together Attend church with your student, family or friends.


2014 Award Recipients Robin Jahnke ‘79

Distinguished Alumnus of the Year Upon graduation from high school in Reno, Nev., Robin didn’t have a clear direction for his life, nor was his relationship with the Lord such that he was seeking His advice. Robin’s mom made him an offer: if he would go to Corban (WBBC), she would next help him go wherever else he wanted. During that period of time he decided to pursue photography and applied to a school in Santa Barbara, Calif. He dutifully headed off to Corban, where he was sure he would not fit in. As it turned out, his experience wasn’t as bad as he had feared, and he survived—one semester. Though he had not fulfilled his end of the bargain, his mom kept hers, and a year later he was at Brooks Institute of Photography in Santa Barbara. However, by the time he got there, he’d given up his spiritual battle and made Christ Lord of his life. After his second semester, Robin felt that he should go back to Corban, so he packed and moved back to Salem under very different circumstances. Though he’d been an unremarkable student, he became a student of the Word as a result of taking Dr. David F. Miller’s theology class. Since he had never felt a specific call to ministry, he entered the new business management program, and graduated with the first class in 1979. While at Corban he met the love of his life, Cindy Fagundes. They were married in 1980. Robin spent the first 15 years of his career in management with JC Penney in the Reno Catalog Distribution Center, serving in nearly every department of operations. About a year after their wedding, Robin and Cindy felt it was time to move to a new church. On the first Sunday they were invited to a home Bible study that was attended by men who were living out their faith in the workplace. It was at this church that Robin learned to teach, and he continues to teach today. Friendships developed there that have spanned 30 years. One friend started his own company, and in 1994 he approached Robin to come and work for him. Robin was not particularly interested in moving, but after much prayer the Jahnke family of five packed up and moved to Cheyenne, Wyo., where he began his work at Sierra Trading Post (STP). It was during the first few years at STP, 28

through a weekly managerial Bible study and The Call, a book by Os Guinness, that Robin felt his true calling in the business world. While the Jahnkes have served in many churches, the workplace has provided some of the greatest opportunities to minister to both unbelievers and Christ-followers. Though the company was sold at the end of 2012, Robin continues in the same capacity of leadership and will celebrate the 20-year mark with them on October 4. Overall, he’s worked in fulfillment operations management field for 35 years. But in hindsight, he says the real transformation period was the time at Corban when he found the direction he needed and the spiritual tools he acquired for a solid faith. As a result, all three of the Jahnkes’ daughters earned bachelor’s degrees at Christian universities. Their oldest daughter was married in 2011, and the Lord has blessed them with their first grandson.

Jason Brownell ‘04 MES ‘07

Distinguished Young Alumnus of the Year At Corban (WBC), Jason was a member of the Warriors baseball team and had the privilege of playing four years of collegiate baseball. He met his amazing wife, Lindsy, at school and they were married at the end of their junior year. However, it wasn’t until the end of his sophomore year that he realized his calling to Christian education. Jason earned his Bachelor of Science in Biology Education and has been teaching at Salem Academy Christian School for the last 10 years. His courses include biology, anatomy, genetics, bioethics and apologetics. Jason has a passion to share God’s truth through creation/origin of life studies, which he believes is a major formation ground for the development of a student’s worldview. Jason returned to Corban to earn his Master of Science in Education with an emphasis in curriculum and instruction. Since 2007, he’s taught courses at Corban including human genetics for the CAO, biology I lab, ecology and methods in science education. Recently, Jason has had the privilege of joining the Salem Heights Church staff part-time

to help coordinate the high school student ministries with Tim Saffeels. This amazing opportunity has not only allowed Jason to serve students within the high school ministry, but has extended to the Czech Republic through Josiah Venture. For the last four summers, Jason has been a part of short-term mission teams that have served the youth of the Czech Republic through English camps. Jason is excited about future mission opportunities, but more importantly the opportunities that he and Lindsy will have with their four boys, Brady, Logan, Hayden and Evan, as they share the love of Christ with those they encounter.

Brad ‘69 and Bonnie ‘69 Kolbo Christian Ministry Award

Brad and Bonnie were both involved in Christian service long before they enrolled at Corban (WBBC). Brad served for two summers, teaching Vacation Bible School classes in small rural and mountain communities in Southern Idaho and Eastern Oregon for the American Sunday School Union. Bonnie served in a variety of ways in her father’s church in Fair Oaks, Calif. Christian service was in their DNA and on their hearts because it was modeled by their parents. Both had surrendered their lives to follow and serve Christ wherever He led. They arrived on campus at WBBC in El Cerrito, Calif., in the fall of 1965. Both were music majors and became very involved by serving in a quartet, the Mensingers glee group, ladies trio and choir. They became close friends through their mutual love of music. Their friendship blossomed into love and they married in December 1967. Bonnie served as secretary in the Christian Service Office and for the dean of men, while Brad continued his education. He graduated in 1969 with a degree in Bible. Upon graduation they moved to Strathmore, Calif., where Brad served as a minister of music and youth. They later moved to Nampa, Idaho, where Brad taught Bible, music and physical education at Nampa Christian High School. He also served as a head coach in three sports, and part-time minister of youth and music at Baptist Temple Church in Boise, Idaho. God began to nudge Brad into the pastorate and

he answered God’s call to pastor First Baptist Church of Othello, Wash., in 1972. He was one month short of 25 years of age. In 45 years of ministry they have served congregations in California, Idaho, and Washington as minister of youth and music, church planter and senior pastor. Brad served on the board of directors of Northwest Baptist Home Mission, on Corban’s Board of Trustees and as the senior pastor of Eastgate Bible Fellowship in Bellevue, Wash. for the past 15 years. He received an M.R.E in 1994 and a Ph.D. in pastoral counseling in 1999. God has blessed them with three children: Scott, alumnus of Corban and professor at Seattle Pacific University; Lisa, a worship leader and music teacher; and Wendi, who serves with her husband, who is pastor at High Desert Church in Victorville, Calif. Eight grandchildren grace their lives with smiles and fun. “I could not have survived all these years in ministry without Bonnie. She is terrific! The only thing better than serving the Lord is serving Him together,” says Brad. The words of an old hymn sum up their lives and ministry: “In the service of the King, every talent I will bring, I have peace and joy and blessing in the service of the King.”

Jerry ‘63 and Jo ‘63 Cudney Outstanding Service Award

Jo was led to the Lord by her dad and mom in her dad’s study at Calvary Baptist Church of Los Angeles in August 1947. Jerry was led to Christ by Jeri Lucas while attending Glendawn Camp near Tacoma, Wash., in July 1950. Both spent all four years of their college studies on the WBBC El Cerrito campus (1959–1963). They met, dated, were engaged and had their wedding reception on campus on December 17, 1961. Both were impacted by their professors, college life, Christian service and relationships that have continued for over 55 years. Jerry played basketball and Jo traveled with the ladies trio and the college choir. Her travels representing the college took her throughout the West Coast and across the country to New York City. They majored in Bible and Christian education, and Jerry took many pastoral education subjects. Upon graduation, the Cudneys served that summer at Glendawn Camp (Washington) before being called to Cedar Avenue Baptist Church in Fresno, Calif., where Jerry served as minister of education. Other work in the ’60s included minister of education at Northland

Baptist Church, Grand Rapids, Mich.; National Christian Education Fellowship; youth and family camps; and the California State Youth Conference. They also served on the staff of WBBC with VP Jack Thiessen. The two of them were the first to walk the property in Oregon on which Corban University sits today. In the ’70s Jerry served as senior pastor at First Baptist Church of Eastgate (now Eastgate Bible Fellowship) in Bellevue, Wash. During those years the church tripled in attendance, the missions and music programs grew, families were discipled and the church became a hub of ministry. Many came to Christ as the result of the evangelism emphasis. Jerry also served as chairman of the boards of Camp Gilead and Seattle’s Baptist Family Agency. It was during these years that he began serving on the boards of ABWE and Corban. Jo has likewise been involved in the children’s, music and women’s ministries of these churches. She has also spoken at regional retreats and banquets. These opportunities have continued for her on the West Coast. The ’80s were marked by change. The Cudneys ministered as pastor and wife in Woodland, Calif., and Tukwila, Wash., and as church planters in Issaquah, Wash. In August 1986 Jerry and Jo, along with 13 others, launched Maranatha Baptist Church in Issaquah. Because 13 people would probably not provide sufficient income to pay the bills, Jerry attended a class to learn the business of real estate, and this has served to allow them to continue in their ministries. Jerry has been awarded many honors by builders and the Northwest Multiple Listing Service. He served as project manager for Burnstead Construction and Cambridge Homes for 13 years. Since 1999 he has been an independent real estate broker, focusing on homes, condos, churches and land. It has been gratifying to work with hundreds of families providing financial counsel. The ’90s were focused upon other parts of the world. The Cudneys represented ABWE west of the Rockies and served in that capacity until retiring in 2005. Eastgate Bible Fellowship became their “home and sending church.” Jerry and Jo have been honored to be a part of that church family for 32 of the past 42 years. Since retiring from ABWE, Jerry has been privileged to serve with Eastgate Pastor Brad Kolbo as “Brad’s assistant.” In the ’70s Brad served with Jerry as his associate, and since 2005 the roles have reversed. Jerry also sends out a summary each day over the Internet using the “One Year Bible.” The Cudneys state: “All of our ministry accomplishments would mean nothing without our family being a part of the ride. Our four daughters, Carin, Jerilynn, Amy and Jill, are to be thanked for all they have done to support and encourage us. Thanks to Scott Beattie, Scott Miller and Randy Parsons for being faithful mates. We honor our eight grandchildren who have a heart for God. We have served the Lord as ‘one’ around the world since 1963 by carrying

out the college motto painted on the wall of the gym, ‘Gateway to Christian Service.’”

Wayne and Dawn Bernard Honorary Alumni Award

Wayne and Dawn met in high school and it was love at first sight. They married when Dawn graduated, and recently celebrated their 56th wedding anniversary. The Lord blessed them with six children (one is in Heaven), 15 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. To Dawn’s delight and in keeping with her love for adventure, Wayne was transferred around the country to four states in his 29 years in the appliance industry, which accounts for over half of their family living in the Midwest and East. Wayne and Dawn returned to Oregon in 1989 when Wayne accepted a position with Corban. While that first position was not a good fit, it did lead to what God probably had in mind all along, as Wayne spent the next nine years overseeing campus operations. During that time Dawn spent a number of years as Corban’s office manager for food service. While the Bernards are not Corban alumni, nine members of their family—including children, grandchildren and spouses—are graduates, with a couple of grandchildren and the possibility of a few greats to come along somewhere down the road. Neither Wayne nor Dawn is looking to retire. For the last 15 years Wayne has served as an administrator on the pastoral staff for Salem First Baptist Church, while Dawn has served in leadership of the church culinary ministry team. Over their years of local church ministry, they have used their God-given gifts to serve the body of Christ in a variety of ways, including teaching, leading youth groups and serving anywhere those gifts could be put to good use. The Bernards are avid sports fans and can be found at many Corban sporting events. One attraction that keeps them connected to the school is their oldest son, Bryce, who has served as a professor in the School of Business for over 25 years. Wayne says, however, that they don’t call him either professor or doctor. The Bernards say the University has made a huge impact on the Salem community. Graduates can be found in nearly every walk of life, from the church to the business community. They have appreciated the leadership of past presidents Balyo, Miller and Hoff, whom they served with, and they are encouraged to see the leadership skills exhibited by President Nord. (Go Warriors!) 29

alumni action CU@Lunch The Office of Alumni and Parent Relations staff visited alumni working at AKT, Kroc Center, Willamette Community Church and Albany Christian School.

Do you have three or more Corban alums working at your business, church or school? Let us know because we’d like to deliver lunch and share it with you!

Interested? Please contact Deleen at or 503-589-8182 to set up a lunch visit. We hope to CU@Lunch!

CU@Lunch AKT Chad Emmert ’06, Daryl Knox ’96, Eric Gillam ’06, Travis Noble ’14, Annie (McKay) Warner ’11, Elisabeth Shinn ’10, Ben Humphrey ’16 and Ryan Johnson ’04.

CU@Lunch KROC Carrie Bernard ’12, Catherine Azevedo ’10 and Rachel Field ’13.

CU@Lunch WCC Chris Spivey ’12 and Scott Miller ’91.

Sister Act Alumni and friends attended the Broadway Across America performance of Sister Act on April 6. Bonnie Hills, Mary (Edwards) Smith ’62, Ruthie (Edwards) La Freniere ’64, Karen (Forman) Hritz ’63 and Deleen Wills.

President’s Circle Dinner



Corban University expressed its appreciation to donors on May 2 at the third annual President’s Circle Dinner. The special event gave a firsthand look at how these $1,000+ annual donors’ gifts are making a lasting impact in the lives of Corban students. For more information on how you can join the President’s Circle, please contact Darrel White, director of development, at or 503-589-8186. PHOTOS: 1. President Sheldon ’82 and Jaime ’91 Nord visit with Dr. Adrianus Mooy and his daughter, Elizabeth M. Mooy-Fink, during the social hour. 2. Prior to the dinner, guests enjoyed visiting outside the Psalm Center. 3. Mary (Edwards) ’62 and Curtis Smith with President Nord. 4. Joanne Jongeneel visits with friends during the social hour.


4 2

alumni action CU@Lunch Southern Oregon

Medford, Ore., June 10: Pat Broadway ’78, Ronya Teterud, Jeremy Nugent ADP ’04, Brett Johnson ADP ’08, Matt Price ’00, Janet (Everest) West ’89, Megan Lamson ’08, Joni (Thomas) Mitchell ’89, Margaret (Shoemaker) Goheen ’12.

The Class of 1964 50-year reunion May 2–3 PHOTOS: 1. Ruthie (Edwards) La Freniere, Nancy Fiol, Darlene (McComas) DeLano, Mary (Myhre) Fisher. 2. Nancy (Libbee) Fiol and Karan (Nystedt) Gleason. 3. Barb (Halfen) Wilcox and Kathie (Colburn) Boyd. 4. Joe Riley, Maurice Wilcox, Steve West, Gary Wenell. 5. Shirlie (Bong) Moore ’61, Jan (Bagley) Bangs ’51, Grace (Hutchinson) West ’61.






Klamath Falls, Ore., June 11: Joy Trigg MSE ’10, Gary Weldon, Becky Weldon, Josh Brumfield ’12, Kraig Kroeker ’01, Andrea (Acker) Thompson ’97.

Top row: Joe Riley, Gary Wenell, David Spurbeck, Karan (Nystedt) Gleason, Maurice Wilcox. Grants Pass, Ore., June 12: Toni (Powell) Martin ’94, Carol West, Steve West ’64, Ruth Raymond, Glen Nugent ADP ’04, Pam (Kari) Nugent ’74.

Bottom row: Janice (Wear) Hawes, Mary (Myhre) Fisher, Steve West, Ruthie (Edwards) La Freniere, Karin (Schoenfeld) Jones, Nancy (Libbee) Fiol, Kathie (Colburn) Boyd, Darlene (McComas) DeLano, Elaine (Wright) Colvin, Barb (Halfen) Wilcox, Patti (Leffler) Wilcox.

We’re social! Be sure to follow us on your favorite social media site: Facebook: Corban/Western Baptist Alumni Facebook: Corban University Parents Twitter: CorbanAlumni LinkedIn: Corban University Alumni Page (Corban College/Western Baptist) Instagram: corbanalumni

We are honored to serve you in whatever way we can. Please do not hesitate to contact the alumni office with any questions, concerns or suggestions.

Serving the Lord and you, Deleen Wills Director of Alumni 503-589-8182


Welcome New Alumni!

Brian Abbey Colin Allen Leisha Anderson Sarah Anderson Kyle Anthony Marshall Arndt Rebecca Artrip AndrĂŠa Augsburger James (Bud) Austin Katie Baker Miranda Baker Christopher Baker Steffan Bard Christopher Barry Elliott Bartlow Dana Bates Kelly Bates Bruno Ferreira Madison Beals Alexis Beattie Brenda Beebe Rebecca Beggs Hannah Belleque Jesse Belleque Tara Bennett Maisa Bicudo Michael Bittner Amber Blacksher Carlene Blanchard Emily Boudreau Ken Brockway Alyssa Brokaw Kathaline Brown Zachary Brown Tomika Bruen Jessica Bruggeman Nathan Burres Jolene Cady Michelle Ekstedt Siri Carlson Jordan Carter Cara Cason Melissa Castilleja Juan Castillo Courtney Castronovo Kori Chancellor Nicole Chapin Elizabeth Cheney Brittany Chestnut Debbie Childs

Esther Chow Carla Christensen Trisha Christian Jennifer Church Keith Clark Michelle Clark Kathryn Cleven Michelle Clubb Megan Coleman Rachel Conard Noel Conlee Nathanael Corley Seth Cory Rebecca Cox Brittany Croft Kyle Croft Hannah Cronrath Nathaniel DeCoste Mandee Dees Lindsay Denny Erik Denton Ian Derickson Louis Diana David Diehl Alyssa Donnelly Amy Drake Bethany Durre Philip Eastman Nathaniel Edwards Hanna Ellis Marlee Elmer Laura Engel Elbia Espinoza Alison Evans Robert Evans III Lily Fairman Mark Fessenden Shayla Fetters Adam Fields Chelsea Fipps Bradley Ford Cassandra Forste Andrea Fountain Alysha Fox Johanna Franell Candice Frank Jaimie Freeberg Lara Friederick Asri Gaduh Gary Gerlitz

Jennifer Giannosa Rachel Gosling Logan Graham Amy Greenough Samantha Greif Carlie Gresham Amy Griffith Connie Griffith Janda Grigsby Samantha Guernsey Brian Hall Courtenay Hall Myrna Hall Elizabeth Halseth Matthew Hamlin Grace Hansen Jessica Hansen Jennifer Harman Jordan Hatfield Heather Hergert Christopher Herring Jacob Herrington Melissa Herrmann Mary Hicks Anna Hiebert Erin Hill Jami Hinderks Stefan Hinkley Cortney Hobbs Shelby Hopkins Caley Hubert Traci Humphrey Tammara Hunt Taylor Husk Sarah Jack Lounette Jackson Olivia James Mary Jeffers Amanda Jennings Brittanie Jeppe Dustin Johann Jeremy Johnson Cameron Johnson Rick Johnson Kari Kampert Lindsey Kariker Tyler Keck Ingrid Kelly Madeline Kerkhoff Cyrus Ketchum

Raychel Kim Aaron Kinnes Kyle Kivett Samantha Koch Alec Kovac Joseph Kraft Tillerman Kroon Kevin Kruse Adrienne Kume Sara Lacroix Timothy LaDuke Sharon Lamey Liliana Landa-Villalba Stephanie Lanman Dexter Larson Katelyn Larson Chandelle Lawrence Melina Lawson Wendy Lembke Elisabeth Leonard David Lewin Alexandra Lowe Jeffrey Lucas Otto Luchterhand IV Axana Luth Jacob Lyda Rileigh Mankin Jordan Marsland Benjamin Martin Peter Martin Eric Martin Joshua Martinez Alexandra Matulewicz Victoria Maxson Tracy McAlexander Tera McDonough Jean Shannon Mariana Medina Nelson Mendoza Jason Mentzer Melissa Milligan Kristina Moen Joseph Mogford Luke Monroe Jeffrey Morse Kayli Moser Mikayla Mueller Tanya Murphy Kathryn Murray Scott Myers

plan to join us for Corban University Scholarship Luncheon

Hope-Infused Community

thursday, November 20, 2014 noon – 1:00 p.m., salem convention center To rsvp go to CONNECT.CORBAN.EDU. For more details contact Kellie Wood at 503.375.7031 or RSVP by November 10, 2014. Seating is limited. 32

Stephanie Myrie Julie Neifert Bryce Nelson Jonathan Nelson Nona Nelson Travis Noble Benjamin Olson Elijah Olson Rachel Olson Stephani Olua Jocelyn Ontiveros Abel Orbistondo Matthew Owens Joash Pangilinan Allison Pargeter Renae Parsons Joshua Patterson Alexander Pelaez Mesha Perkins Kimberly Peters Andrew Pitman Lucas Pitman Lindsey Pitts Deanne Postma Hillary Provance Julia Quiring Karen Ramos Benedict Rasilim Jody Raska Alisa Rasmusson Katherine Rice Myriah Ridenour Richard Riffle Anna Robertson Kaylee Roderick Regina Romero-Davis Serianna Rosberg Yolanda Salvas Andrew Schmitt Kimberly Schwartz Hillary Seabrook Josiah Sebens Olivia Shropshire Hannah Shuholm Christina Silver Chelsea Simoneaux Carole Skelton Mary Skiles Allison Small Stefanie Smith

Lester Snell Janet Snelling Kush Brian Spaulding Derrick Spence Michelle Stadeli Jenna Stebly Anthony Steele Hilary Steiner Summer Stephenson Rachel Stewart Savannah Stoner Teresa Straight Miguel Strom Caleb Stultz Audrey Sullivan Adam Sutton Brittany Sweet Megan Sybrant Emily Teterud Gerald Thomas Justin Trammell Lisa Tribbet Taylor Tuepker Mitchell Tugaw Coleen Turner Bryan Tyson Matthew Burgt Cindy Varieur Caleb Virtue Nathaniel Wagner Philip Waldron Amara Walls Michael Walsh Sarah Waring Harley Weaver Tyler Wells Rachel Whisenhunt Justin White Timothy Whitehead Emily Wickstrom Lindsey Wilkinson Laura Willcoxen Aaron Wirick Katie Wixon Katie Worley Elizabeth Wright Heather Wyland Stephanie Zink

upcoming events SEPT 27

nov 20

Jan 24

Reno Area Luncheon for alumni and parents 11:30 a.m. Mimi’s Cafe

Scholarship Luncheon Noon–1 p.m. Salem Conference Center

oct 2–5

dec 5

Decades of the 80’s & 90’s are invited to Warrior Basketball. Bring your family! Women 5:30 p.m.; Men 7:30 p.m.

Alumni and Parents Christmas Soiree 6 p.m. Schimmel Hall $5.00 per person

Homecoming and Family Weekend

oct 4 Alumni Softball Game 10 a.m. Corban Softball Field

2015 jan 10

nov 1

Blazers vs Magic Rip City 200 level - $55.00 includes $10.00 food voucher 300 level - $22.00 Post-game free throw

Alumni Basketball Games Women 4 p.m.; Men 6 p.m. C.E. Jeffers Sports Center

nov 14

Jan 17

Lerner & Loewe’s Camelot Performance begins at 7 p.m. Exclusive backstage meet-the-cast event at 6 p.m. Psalm Performing Arts Center

Decades of the 50’s, 60’s & 70’s are invited to Warrior Basketball. Bring your grandchildren! Women 5:30 p.m.; Men 7:30 p.m.

Feb 21 Broadway Across America Presents Rodgers & Hammerstein’s Cinderella Keller Auditorium, Portland, Ore. Cost $47.25–$69.25

Feb 28 Broadway Across America Presents Rodgers & Hammerstein’s Cinderella Broadway at the Paramount, Seattle, Wash. Cost $49.75–$75.25

Mar 7–12 Southern Charm Tour see ad on page 35

Register for all events: corban Music and Theatre PReseNT

The Office of Alumni & Parent Relations has special discounted tickets for

Friday, November 14 at 6:30 p.m. Book and Lyrics by Alan Jay Lerner | Music by Frederick Loewe Original Production Directed and staged by Moss Hart Based on “The Once and Future King” by T.H. White Produced by arrangement with TAMs-WiTMARK MUsic LiBRARY inc.

Directed by Tamara McGinnis

MATiNee: Nov. 13 at 10:30 a.m. eveNiNG: Nov. 14, 15, 20–22 at 7:30 p.m.


Adults $13, seniors (62+) and students $10

Join us in the Psalm Performing Arts center Mezzanine for a special behind-the-scenes reception with the cast before the 7:30 showing of Camelot. special pricing is provided only through the Office of Alumni & Parent Relations for this showing; please register online at or contact Kayli at 503-316-3388 with your credit card information Prices for all other showings: General Admission—$15.00; sr. citizen, student, and Groups of 10 or more—$12.00. Tickets may be purchased through the corban Bookstore for all other performances: 503-375-7035. More info:


donor spotlight Amy (Hubbell) Jordan, Alumna and Corban Sustainer Luke 6:38 Give and it will be given to you. Amy (Hubbell) Jordan ’12 is a staff accountant at the CPA firm of Doty, Pruett and Wilson and has a tradition of giving back. Alumna Alyssa Teterud sat down with Amy to discuss her giving philosophy, how Corban shaped it and why giving is so important to her. Earlier this spring, families, staff, professors and students gathered in the Corban Psalm Performing Arts Center to see senior business students lay out their plans for local area businesses. These enterprises allowed a team of three to four senior business students to look through a firm’s business plans, operational processes and efficiency programs with the hope of finding innovative ways to improve. While the students invested countless hours in research and preparation, Amy also made a considerable investment as a community mentor to one of the Corban Consulting Partners (CCP) teams. This is a way Amy gives back to Corban, as well as being a Corban Sustainer. Amy admits she was skeptical about coming to Corban at first. She planned to attend another college until her mom convinced her to schedule a visit. After stepping on Corban’s campus, she says, “It was like coming home. I really felt the Lord was directing me here.” That fall she enrolled in the early admit program and began her journey as a business student. Her years at Corban were filled with lessons on how God provides. Amy vividly remembers the day she opened up her financial aid award letter to find a surprise $1,000 church matching scholarship on her account. She thought this was incorrect, as she had not requested the scholarship. Amy was informed that her church had specifically written the check to her. Later she found out another scholarship she had expected to receive in the same amount had fallen through that same year. When Amy reflects on that time, she recalls how God provided just enough—“not more, not less, but just enough.” Looking back, Amy sees how Corban positively impacted her life. Many of those instances involved her professors. She recalls Dr. Bryce Bernard taking the time to drive accounting students up to Portland for job fairs and encouraging them to network with potential employers. She also benefited from the practical tips Professor Kelli Gassman gave students to prepare them for


nearly every interview scenario. Because of times like these, Amy confidently says, “I graduated prepared for the world.” Amy’s life mission is similar to that of Corban: to make a difference. She desires to show Christ every day. When asked to elaborate about her personal life mission, Amy comments: “I think we can get stuck in the mindset that ministry is for church, but ministry goes beyond church. …I want people to see me and say, ‘There’s something different about you.’” This kind of missional living has inspired her to give back to her community. Amy contributes to the Marion Polk Food Share, participates on the Salem Young Pros leadership team, is an ambassador for the Salem Chamber and is the secretary for Salem Business Builders Inc. One of the most important ways Amy gives back is through the Corban Sustainer program. As an accountant, Amy understands budgeting: “Budgets work monthly, and it’s easy for me to give throughout the year. This allows me to be engaged in the Corban community and give back in a meaningful way. If every alum gave five to 10 dollars a month, that would make a huge difference!” Amy has a heart for her local community, but she also shares how her financial contributions are making a global impact: “By contributing to Corban there will be students affected who have a heart to go. If I can help through my giving, that’s a really a great opportunity. I want to help in whatever way I can, and hope the students I’m supporting will give back one day. I believe this is one way I’m helping Corban educate Christians who will make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ! And isn’t that what it’s all about?”

Become a Corban Sustainer! Would you like to help make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ? Become a monthly donor to the Corban Fund. Email NiCole Anderson:

Alumni & Friends Travel Program presents

Southern charm featuring Jekyll Island, Savannah and Charleston March 07 - 13, 2015 | 7 Days - 9 Meals Highlights include St. Augustine, Jekyll Island, St. Simons Island, Savannah, Factors Walk, Beaufort, Historic Charleston and Boone Hall Plantation Double $2,499 includes air from PDX Book by October 4 and save $100 per person!

For more information contact Deleen Wills at 503-589-8182 or

or visit:

Finally! an easy way to stay connected. Join NetCommunity today! Alumni and long-time friends of Corban can now visit an interactive website to stay involved with Corban. Why Connect?

How to Connect

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Update your personal information and stay connected Don’t miss another opportunity to interact with alums and friends of Corban Online donations are fast and easy. View your personal giving history. 35

class notes Connie (Cronin) Clements ADP ’94 of Salem, Ore., began working as an academic advisor and portfolio instructor for the Adult Degree Program after graduating from Corban (MAC 4) where she served for eight years. Two years later, Connie completed an M.A. in religion (church leadership emphasis) at Vanguard University in Southern California. Connie continues to travel with her husband, mostly for ministry-related trips, for Church Extension Plan. She also volunteers for Assistance League of Salem. Connie and her husband have 12 grandchildren, ages 2–19. Melissa (Bennett) Garner ’91, of Salem, Ore., accepted a new Ed Tech position with the Oregon Department of Education. For the last 16 years, Melissa has worked in the Salem-Keizer public school district’s technology department. She began her career as a technician and spent the last ten years as

the educational technologist. She is looking forward to using what she’s learned in her years with the district to serve educators and students in all of Oregon. Melissa will be doing similar things to what she’s done in Salem-Keizer as well as working on the portal for educator effectiveness. Cathy (Elliott) Lindley ’97 and Todd Lindley ’00 have returned from their first term of serving overseas with Wycliffe Bible Translators. They will remain in the states for a few months before returning to Papua New Guinea to continue serving in support roles that benefit the translation process. Todd runs the community store and Cathy teaches in the international school. Tina (Haws) Brown ’99 and her husband, Tony, are currently serving in Yachats, Ore. Tony accepted a full-time pastor position at Yachats Baptist Church nearly two years ago. Prior to their move, Tina worked at Corban as an administrative assistant in the faculty office. While mainly a stay-at-home mom, Tina has taken on a

Rhett McCall ’95 and Angie (Bickle) McCall ADP ’10 have been married nearly 20 years. Rhett has been serving as a pastor to youth for the last eight years at Lake Spokane Community Church. Upon God’s leading and in a huge step of faith, they are planting a new church in Deer Park, Wash. Rhett will serve as the lead teaching pastor at Redemption Church Deer Park. Angie came back to Corban in an online capacity, finishing her B.S. degree in psychology/family studies. Ten days later she began her master’s program in human services at Liberty University and finished in 2012. She is working on completing her second M.A. in professional counseling at Liberty University. In her “free” time she homeschools three of their five children and supports Rhett in whatever capacity necessary with starting the church. Their oldest daughter graduated a year early from high school and is attending Corban this fall to double major in women’s ministry and student and family ministries. 36

few odd jobs, but her focus is raising their energetic son, Isaac, and assisting Tony in his ministry leading Bible study and the worship team. They love living on the coast and bringing God’s light to a very dark area of the state.

Travis Connick ’01 and Trea (Harrington) Connick ’01 moved to Cashmere, Wash. Travis is serving as head pastor at Mid Valley Baptist Church in Dryden, Wash. Trea loves being a stayat-home mom to their two daughters, Taitim, age 5, and Tessa, age 3. Colby Martin ’04, with his wife, Kate, and four sons, Zeke, Tai, Jae and Huck, planted a new church in San Diego, Calif., called Sojourn Grace Collective (www. It is a progressive Christian church made up of people on a spiritual journey who are compelled by the mission of Jesus and who seek to

Andrew Cornelius ’04 and Danielle (Smith) Cornelius ’04 reside in Anchorage. Andrew completed medical school at Loma Linda University in 2008, finished his orthopedic surgery residency at Geisinger Medical Center in Danville, Penn., and is working as a surgeon in Alaska. He is currently serving in the Air Force and left in June for a seven-month tour overseas. Danielle stays home with their four children: Ella, Peter, John and Timmy. She enjoys writing, being creative in many ways and keeping busy with the children. All except for Timmy are learning to ski and enjoy the outdoors in Alaska. One of Danielle’s stories was featured Miracles & Moments of Grace: Inspiring Stories from Moms, a 2012 book by Nancy B. Kennedy. Andrew is excited to catch more fish and add to his collection of taxidermy while living in Alaska.

(continued p. 37)

class notes

Ethan Molsee SOM ’07 and Melissa are full-time French language students in Albertville, France. In August, they moved to Togo, West Africa, to help with the opening of the Hospital of Hope in the village of Mango. Melissa is an internal medicine doctor (her father was a graduate of Northwest Baptist Seminary) and works at the hospital and clinic. Ethan works with hospital administration and church planting duties. The Molsees look forward to raising their boys in Togo and to many years of service at the hospital. orient their lives around the Kingdom of God, being agents of love, peace and hope in a world that always needs more. After only two months, while meeting in the Martins’ living room, Sojourn hosts 50 adults and 20 kids from every conceivable demographic. They are thrilled to see how God is calling them to minister in San Diego, Calif. Tim Doney ADP ’07 was chosen from a pool of 50 applicants to serve as the police chief in Springfield, Ore., in December 2013. Doney attended the FBI National Academy in 2008. His previous experience was in the Medford police department. Joel Cruz ’08 serves as a worship pastor in his hometown of San Francisco, Calif., for InterfaceSF, a new church scheduled that launch in September. He is employed by the North American Mission Board (NAMB) as a student missionary and is currently in his last year of a Master of Divinity program with

a concentration in educational leadership at Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary in Mill Valley, Calif., with plans to graduate in May 2015. Jordon Weldon ’09 of Greenville, S.C., is employed as community relations director for Homes of Hope, a nonprofit ministry. Blaine Bartlett ’10 commissioned out of Air Force Officer Training School on May 1. She will continue her education in a flying training group as a second lieutenant. Katie Hunsucker ’10 graduated from Colorado State University with a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree on May 16. On June 1, she began working as a large animal veterinarian at Sand Creek Animal Clinic in Woonsocket, S.D. She has the privilege of spending January and February of 2015 in Rwanda, completing a survey project for livestock training with orphans and widows through Christian

Cameron Curtis ’09 and Emily (Kohl) Curtis ’09 live in Hood River, Ore., and enjoy the community and building their construction company, Curtis Homes. Both Cameron and Emily give glory to God for providing opportunities to develop Curtis Homes into a successful local business. Helping families settle into a new home is the best part of building homes.

Veterinary Missions and ERM Rwanda. Amber Stokes ’12, of Eugene, Ore., released her second book, Forget Me Not, and has also released an e-book containing two short stories, “Bellflower” and “Fairy Slippers.” In addition to her books, Stokes has a new blog, "The Heart’s Spring,” where she posts the latest updates about her books. Stokes has expanded her freelance editing business, Editing Through the Seasons, to include online publicity projects. Brittany (Wagner) Mudd ’12 received her culinary arts degree and a baking and pastry arts degree from Oregon Culinary Institute. Brittany manages a catering company in Gladstone, Ore. She and her husband, Kyle, celebrated their first wedding anniversary in June. Kaitlyn Ragan ’12 has been teaching English in Daegu, South Korea, since October 2012. It has been an experience full of surprises, great food, fun, travel and sometimes confusion. She teaches middle school listening, speaking and writing at Hanvit Language Academy. Kaitlyn adores her students, and it is a joy to teach and encourage them. Being a young student in Korea is not an easy task. Many students are in school and various academies until 10 p.m. every day. Kaitlyn has been blessed by her local church, which has a worship service presented in English. Through that she is able to participate in a small group and volunteer at a local pregnant women’s shelter, teaching English classes. Kaitlyn plans to return to the United States for good this Christmas, but only after first backpacking through Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam for two months!


class notes Rachel Gosling ’13 is currently teaching piano and serving as an instructional assistant in other subjects at Orbus School in Salem, Ore. She is also involved in the choir as well as the careers group at Salem Heights Church. Emily Teterud ’14 accepted an internship at Central Life Christian Church’s Central Leadership Institute in Mesa, Ariz. She will be working primarily in worship ministry. The program is a mix of classroom training and ministry experience within the church, with several opportunities for leadership growth. Lindsey Kariker ’14 was sworn in as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army on June 13. She is currently in Fort Jackson, S.C., where she is undergoing training as an adjutant general officer, the military equivalent of a human resources specialist. She will then be assigned to Joint Base Lewis-McChord in Washington.

Down the aisle 1 Julie Sena ’07 married Stephen Smith on April 13, 2013. The couple was married in Jenks, Okla. Julie works for the University of Central Oklahoma. She began in 2011 as residence hall director for 450 ladies and now serves as the employer relations coordinator for the career

services department for UCO. She has a passion for students and cultures. She is the advisor for the National Honors Society Delta Epsilon Iota.

2 Joshua Clarke ’11 married Jessica Betz

on February 1, 2014, at Oakgrove Church in Rickreall, Ore. Derrick Spence MBA ’14 was the best man. Josh works for Family Focus Eye Care in Salem, Ore.

3 Kenji Fukunaga ’12 married Amy

Valentine ’13 on March 28, 2014, in Kaneohe, Hawaii. The wedding party included matron of honor Karisa (Calderon) Legg ’13, best man Tyler Doornink ’12 and groomsman Matt Turner ’12. The wedding was officiated by Dr. Sam Baker. The couple resides in Kailua, Hawaii.

4 Julie Stroup ’13 and Zach Baggens-

tos ’12 were married at Eastridge Church in Clackamas, Ore., on May 18, 2013. Their wedding party included Hannah Kersey ‘13, Aleda Fairley ’13, Bridget (Saether) Bartmess ’13, Emily Teterud ’14, Aaron Kinnes ’14, Kolby Peters ’13 and Samuel Baggenstos ’16. Caleb ’10 and Elisa (Baggenstos) Stapp ’10 performed the music for the wedding. The couple lives in Bellevue, Wash., where Zach is a customer service representative at Bellevue Healthcare and Julie is a legal assistant at the law office of William P. McArdel.

All in the family 5 Karen (Olson) Pease ‘95, MABS ’95 and Tyler Pease M.Div. ’12 welcomed their daughter Jillian Pepper on March 4, 2014. She was 8 pounds 1 ounce and 20 inches long. Jillian is quickly trying to catch up to her parents, as she is in the 99th percentile for growth. 6 Casey Lute ’02 and Kelly Lute, of Salem, Ore., announced the birth of their daughter Karalynn Grace, born on February 23, 2014, and adopted into their family March 8, 2014. She joins her siblings Norah, age 9, and Haddon, age 7. Casey is the associate pastor at Bethany Baptist Church. 7 Sharon (Hemstreet) Raymundo ’05 and Ricky Raymundo welcomed Raelyn Raymundo, born in Richland, Wash., on June 28, 2013. She weighed 6 pounds 3.4 ounces and was 18 inches long.

8 Stephen Leckvold ’05 and Amanda Leckvold, of Portland, Ore., announced the birth of their son, Isaiah Stephen, on September 20, 2013. 9 Jimmy Young ’07 and Annette Young, of Wilsonville, Ore., announced the birth or their daughter, Emry Honour Young, born August 29, 2013. Send us your updates

Coby Bidwell ’11 spent the last two years living on the island of Grenada while attending St. George’s University School of Medicine. During free time Coby was able to enjoy some of the perks of island living, his favorites being scuba diving and underwater photography. Apart from the academics, he was fortunate to be part of SGU’s Student Christian Association, a group of nearly 250 students who met each week for church. Starting his first term, Coby volunteered to run the sound equipment for Sunday services and even had the opportunity to speak on several occasions. Coby is grateful to fellowship and grow with a great body of believers! Coby moved back to Olympia, Wash., at the end of May to begin studying for the United States Medical Licensing Exam Step 1, which he took in July. Now it’s on to New York, where he will spend the next two years rotating through the various specialties in the hospital to learn the clinical side of medicine. These past few years have been a crazy, intense roller coaster ride, and Coby asks for your prayers as he finishes up his schooling and tries to determine what God has planned for him in the field of medicine. 38

class notes 10 Nathan McNulty ’07 and Jenna (Zufelt) McNulty ’10, of Beaverton, Ore., announced the birth of their daughter, Nora Kate McNulty, born December 24, 2013. 11 Ethan Molsee M.Div. ’07 and Melissa Molsee announced the birth of their son, Ezra Jonathan Molsee, born on April 23, 2014, in Albertville, France. 12 Aubrey (Hiatt) Grove ’07 and Tyler Grove ’09 of Lebanon, Ore., welcomed their son, Jackson James Grove, on April 25, 2014. He weighed 9 pounds 5 ounces and was 21 inches long. 13 Kendra (Schrock) Zollman ’08












and Christian Zollman, of Enterprise, Ore., announced the birth of their son, Ethan Zachary Chase Zollman, born August 26, 2013. He weighed 9 pounds and was 20.5 inches long.

14 Melissa (Collings) Snell ’08 and

Ben Snell ’09 of Stayton, Ore., welcomed their daughter, Adelita Rae Snell, on April 3, 2014. She weighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces and was 20 inches long. Ben is a supervisor at Willamette Valley Fruit Company. Prior to being a stay-at-home mom, Melissa worked at Corban in the graduate and adult degree admissions office.

15 Courtney (McLain) Coleman ’08


Class Notes Key

16 Amber (Meeker) Balbas ’11 and

17 Melissa (Krohn) Elliott ’11 and

Cameron Elliott ’12 of Moses Lake, Wash., welcomed Molly Elizabeth Elliott, born on March 5, 2014. She weighed 6 pounds 4 ounces and was 19 inches long.



and Marcario Coleman of Yuba City, Calif., welcomed Leah Marie on Feb. 11, 2014. She weighed 6 pounds 8 ounces and was 19 inches long. The family lives in Sacramento, Calif. Luke Balbas ’10 announced the birth of their daughter, Elena Irene Balbas. She was born March 25, 2014, weighed 7 pounds and was 19.5 inches long. The family resides in Delta, Colo. Luke is currently working for Halliburton Oil in Parachute and Amber is the K-2 special education teacher at Garnet Mesa Elementary, as well as the assistant head softball coach and head golf coach at Delta High School.


ADP – Adult Degree Program

MBA – Master of Business Administration

CUSM – Corban University School of Ministry (NW Baptist Seminary)

MSE – Master of Science in Education

MABS – Master of Arts in Biblical Studies 16


MDiv – Master of Divinity

This issue of Class Notes consists of items submitted between February 27 and June 26. Deadline for Class Notes for Winter 2014 is October 15. Check the alumni facebook page for more photos and upcoming events: Corban/Western Baptist Alumni.

Don’t Miss a moment’s notice! If you would like to receive news from Corban/WB the quickest way possible, email and we will send you news when it happens. We promise to use it wisely and not bombard you.




Office of Advancement 5000 Deer Park Drive SE Salem, OR 97317-9392



re you among the nearly 65 percent of Americans who don’t have a current estate plan? One reason is that it can be a confusing process for most people. Realizing this, Corban University is pleased to announce it has developed a program to assist you in this important area. Corban is partnering with Gene Christian, a well-known estate planning expert, to lead this effort. He has a long-standing involvement with many church-based organizations and individuals throughout the Northwest and is receiving very positive feedback. This service is designed completely as a service for those who would like assistance. Gene has no insurance or investment products to sell, and his time is provided by us at no cost to you.

Darrel White Director of Development

Gene Christian Estate Planning Expert

If you are interested in estate planning assistance, call Darrel White at 503-589-8186 or email We can also send you our free “Will and Trust Planning Guide” and Estate Inventory Form. Corban University is a non profit, 501(c)(3), tax exempt educational corporation. We offer several other planned giving vehicles such as a: 1) Charitable Gift Annuity, 2) Charitable Lead Trust, 3) Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust, and 4) Charitable Remainder Trust. Gifts of real property or life insurance are another way to support the mission of the University.

The goal is simply to serve people as they determine what God would have them do with their earthly possessions. Some of you might choose to include Corban as a beneficiary in your plan, but there is no pressure to do so. If you are interested in beginning this process, call Darrel White at 503-589-8186 or email We can also send you our free “Will and Trust Planning Guide” and Estate Inventory Form. On behalf of Corban, we are pleased to be able to offer the estate planning expertise of Gene Christian. He can help simplify the process and assist you in developing a plan which reflects your heart and values. Please call if you would like some estate planning assistance!

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