Corban Magazine - Fall 2012

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A Publication of Corban University


Learning What Corban offers now is more important than ever

Fall 2012

Dedicating Heart and Mind to God

It is the mission of Corban University to educate Christians who will make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ. The Hebrew word for corban (qorban) represents the highest gift given to God. “in view of God's mercy…offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—which is your spiritual worship” Romans 12:1 (NIV). Our students are trained to become leaders who are set apart for a life of spiritual sacrifice and service, able to advance as salt and light in a darkened world.

Corban Staff Publisher Reno Hoff ‘73 Editor J. Steven Hunt ‘69 Writer Sheldon Traver Designer Ronald Cox IV Contributing Writers Deleen Wills, David Sanford Photographer Sheldon Traver Contributing Photographers Deleen Wills, Jessica Marple CORBAN magazine is published by the Office of Marketing & Communications at Corban University and is sent to alumni, parents, supporters and friends of the University. Our missional themes are transformative learning, holistic development and christian stewardship. Send address changes to: Office of Advancement 5000 Deer Park Drive SE Salem, OR 97317-9392 Email or call 503-375-7003. Corban Magazine is printed by Lynx Group in Salem, Ore. U.S.A.

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In This Issue 6 Transformative Learning

What Corban offers now is more important than ever

15 Corban’s partnership in

Indonesia proving invaluable

16 Mission team brings health to Haitians 17 Peru mission transforming hearts and minds 2 Fall Portrait 3 From the President 4 Faculty News 11 News Briefs 20 Welcome New Alumni 21 Alumni Action 25 Upcoming Events 26 TheClass Notes Resurrection Sculpture, by artist J.Steven Hunt, is on the

Corban campus as a testament to the arts as well as a symbol of the believer's hope—to be raised from death unto life.

What makes an educated person? In his book “Excellence Without a Soul,” Harry R. Lewis, a former dean at Harvard University, addressed the topic of what makes an educated person, and whether professors and college officials embrace it. He used Harvard as his case study, but many of his conclusions apply to the rest of higher education as well. Lewis finds American universities “soul-less” and argues that they rarely speak as proponents of high ideals for future American leaders. He bluntly states that Harvard “has lost, indeed willingly surrendered, its moral authority to shape the souls of students. Harvard articulates no ideals of what it means to be a good person. Universities should be about what makes an educated person.” Nancy Pearcy in her book “Total Truth” states, “In many Christian schools, the typical strategy is to inject a few narrowly defined ‘religious’ elements into the classroom, like prayer and Bible memorization—and then teach the same things as the secular schools. Here we see the danger of the secular/sacred split: It concedes the ‘theories, concepts and other subject matter’ in our fields to nonbelievers.” She further states, “What is the antidote to the secular/sacred divide? We must begin by being utterly convinced that there is a biblical perspective on everything—not just on spiritual matters. The Old Testament tells us repeatedly that ‘the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.’” (See Psalm 111:10 and other references.) In another book, “Faith and Learning on the Edge,” David Claerbaut provides an in-depth analysis of how many in Christian higher education are separating faith from learning. About his days as a student in a Christian college he stated, “I felt I was receiving a type of baptized paganism, an essentially secular education delivered by a faculty comprised of Christians. It seemed as if I was being taught by professors who happened to be Christians, rather than Christian professors. In short, nothing in my undergraduate academic experience overtly strengthened my faith.” He describes Christian education as “teaching students to relate every academic discipline to God’s truth and His self-revelation in Scripture, while detecting and critiquing non-biblical worldview assumptions. It is a distinctly Christian view of what life is all about, about the nature of humankind, about what our purposes ought to be, and about where we are headed eternally.” This definition of Christian education essentially

describes the mission of Corban University. Our mission is to educate Christians who will make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ. We want all of our students to consider their lives a ministry in whatever vocation they choose. We base our philosophy of Christian education on biblical principles as stated in 2 Corinthians 10: 3–5. The fifth verse says: We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. Charles Malik stated, “The problem is not only to win souls but to save minds. If you win the whole world and lose the mind of the world, you will soon discover you have not won the world.” We acknowledge that “[In Christ] are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Colossians 2:3). Our educational goal is that all studies, philosophy and rhetoric follow this: that we may know Christ and honor him. This is the end of all learning. We do this so our students will achieve excellence with a soul. Biblical principles are the basis of a healthy community and how we all fit into it. It is much easier to have a community when the members have a value system that is shared by all. In our case, that value system is the common bond we have in Jesus Christ and the Bible. As stated in 1 Peter 2:5, “You also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood.” This community is eternal and we will always be a part of it no matter where life takes us. Biblical principles are very important to Corban University because we want to (1) foster a transformative learning culture where a sustainable, biblical worldview takes shape; (2) build a Christian community that promotes worship, creative expression and activities that reflect God’s character; and (3) cultivate a life of stewardship and service toward God, humanity and creation. Reno Hoff, President We believe this is what makes an educated person.


Faculty News

Dean of Business Corban University’s newly appointed Dean of the School of Business, P. Griffith Lindell, is ready to further develop and grow a successful School of Business. Lindell has worked in corporate America at Eastman Kodak, where he was part of the product launch team that changed how industry did high-speed motion analysis. As a self-described “serial entrepreneur,” he started, or helped grow, several small businesses. From 1990 to 2001, he was a partner with DRB Partners Inc., a Silicon Valley advertising and PR agency. Before moving to Oregon in 2005, he co-founded an internet-based software development company, cPower Inc., which provided a suite of interactive tools to help technology companies launch products. His senior-level business and leadership experience has led to several published books, and he continues to write and blog on leadership and business. He is a motivational speaker, consultant, and business/life coach, using his unique principles of servant leadership. He can be reached at

Education Faculty On July 1, Christie Petersen joined the School of Education and Counseling as an assistant professor of education. She completed her Ed.D from George Fox University in spring 2012. She has worked in education for more than 20 years. Peterson previously served as an administrator within the Hillsboro School District in Hillsboro, Ore., where she earned a Crystal Apple Award. At that school district she served as a part-time, rural school principal, oversaw a federal grant and worked as a liaison for homeless students. She can be reached at



Bible Faculty

Studies Faculty

When new Corban professor Allen Jones was in college he developed an interest in the Old Testament that changed the way he viewed the Bible’s two books. “I learned to approach the Old Testament as a New Covenant book and the New Testament as a New Covenant book,” he said. “It opened up the Old Testament in ways I never understood

before and it was a lot of fun. This is something I hope my students can also get excited about.” Jones recently returned from the University of St Andrews in Scotland as a newly minted Ph.D. with a focus on the Old Testament and the Hebrew Bible. He will serve as an assistant professor of Bible within Corban’s School of Ministry at the Salem campus. He previously worked as an adjunct professor at Multnomah University, an online instructor at Western Seminary, an elementary school teacher and graduate lecturer. In addition to living in Scotland, he has served on short-term missions in Africa, Eastern Europe, and Mexico. He currently teaches Old Testament Survey and Bible Study Methods.

After more than two decades as a missionary in Africa, former adjunct professor Annette R. Harrison, Ph.D, is now serving as an assistant professor of intercultural studies at Corban University’s Salem campus. As a member of Wycliffe Bible Translators, Harrison served in France, Burkina Faso, the Republic of Niger, the Republic of Congo and the Central African Republic. While in Africa, she studied the how language use and social organization worked within a non-missionary planted (independently planted) Christian church in the Republic of Congo. “I studied how leadership emerged through language use and how group members signaled someone else to do something,” she said. “To the best of my knowledge, a study like this has never been done in this part of Africa.” She studied French and has a master’s and a doctorate degree in linguistics. This fall Harrison is teaching a course in language and culture acquisition (focused on the Indonesian language), sociology and an English course for Corban’s international students. Harrison can be reached at 503-375-7186 or

Jones can be reached at 503-375-7184 or

Science Faculty On July 1, Corban University hired Sarah Comstock, Ph.D, as an assistant professor in the health science department. Beginning fall semester, she will teach advanced physiology, chemistry, anatomy and physiology and life science. She will also oversee the department’s internship program. During her doctoral work, Comstock helped design experimental approaches to investigate the effects of maternal, high-fat diets in primates. Comstock was recently notified by Baylor University that her revised manuscript, “Maternal high fat diet epigenetically modulates the fetal thyroid axis in a nonhuman primate model”, was selected for publication in “Molecular Endocrinology.” She can be reached at 5


Learning What Corban offers now is more important than ever


by David Sanford

“Told you so!” isn’t always best said out loud. Then again, sometimes Corban’s faculty and staff can’t help it. Why? By faith, we keep seeing what our president, Reno Hoff, calls “the Corban difference” in the lives of so many of our students and alumni who come back for a visit. We hear it in their voices over the phone. And we read it in the notes and letters we receive. Only a few weeks after this year’s commencement service we received a brief but wonderful note from one of our top School of Business graduates, Jordan Keck. At the encouragement of Professor Kelli Gassman, Corban’s Office of Marketing & Communications hired Jordan part time this past fall. He handled 1,001 logistical details for our popular “Theology of Heaven” summer intensive with best-selling author and renowned Bible teacher Randy Alcorn. Over the months, Jordan became an outstanding part-time employee. Both before and after graduation Jordan landed job interviews. When asked, we told prospective employers about the Corban difference we saw in Jordan’s life. In the end, Jordan landed a great job—located only miles from his hometown. 7

Sadly, it doesn’t take too much asking around to discover the vast majority of young Christian men today don’t have a robust faith in the Lord. A series of highly publicized research reports found that up to 88 percent of young Christian men and Potential for what? A great career. A blessed women experientially “lose” their faith marriage. A happy family. A while attending number of friends who genuinely college. When that care about him, his wife and their Just wanted to let you know happens, life loses I’ve been offered and have family. Faithful dedication to active purpose, meaning, accepted a job at Oregon service within the local church fulfillment, and Coast Bank in Newport! It’s and in the community at large. A deep satisfaction. a very good position which strong vibrant life of faith, worship As the years and earmarks me for growing and love for Jesus Christ—through into a mid-senior level decades roll by, management position. all of life’s ups and downs. only a minority Thanks so much for all of turn back to God. Jordan will be the first to say your prayers and support. I’ll be in touch! God hasn’t promised him a How opposite of life of endless bliss. Life always – Jordan Keck what any parent has ups and downs. Some or grandparent or trials are especially bitter, deep, pastor or youth and seemingly unending. Still, pastor hopes, dreams, desires and prays for through such difficulties one’s faith can during each person’s formative years. become more robust than ever.

Again, “Told you so!” isn’t always best said aloud. Still, we knew God’s good hand of blessing was on Jordan. He’s an outstanding young Christian man with much potential in the years ahead.

What makes the Corban difference a reality? At Corban, we call it Transformative Learning. It’s one of our University’s three core themes. Day in and day out, Corban stands committed to creating a transformative learning culture in which a sustainable biblical worldview takes shape. To do this effectively, Corban’s curriculum builds on a rock-solid foundation of biblical and theological training. In turn, Corban educates students like Jordan Keck to be well-prepared for all spheres of life. These foundational principles provide Corban’s students (and alumni) with the opportunity • to think deeply about their learning; • to identify, examine, and evaluate sources of information; and then • to synthesize that information into a framework of knowledge and wisdom for informative decision-making.

The exciting thing? This works!

So, how does Transformative Learning work? At Corban, we actively pursue five objectives in order to create and foster a truly Transformative Learning culture.

1. Information Literacy

Students find and evaluate information relevant to their research.

2. Competent Thinking

Students integrate knowledge into a consistent biblical worldview.

3. Effective Communication

Students impact individuals and groups through writing and speaking.

4. Professional Preparation

Students demonstrate the knowledge, skills and behaviors required to succeed in their chosen field.

5. Biblical Discernment

Students understand and apply scriptural themes, values and doctrines. Of course, students learn best when they see Corban’s faculty, staff and alumni model these five objectives.


1. Shannon Simmons, Corban’s Assistant

Professor of Human Performance, doesn’t just talk about doing research. Her doctoral degree more than proves she has the chops to conduct research, write up the results, and publish those results in peer-reviewed academic articles. Simmons’ newest article is scheduled to be published this October or November.

“In this article,” Simmons said, “I address the important question of whether preschool-aged children in government-funded nutritional assistance programs are more likely to be overweight or obese.” Her findings are under wraps until published by “The Journal of School Health.” But be sure that plenty of Corban students will hear about it this fall!

2. Griffith Lindell, the new dean of

Corban’s School of Business, had a 10-page c.v. when he started July 1. He’s already adding to it. Among his many credits is the forthcoming book, “Developing a Serving-Leader Attitude: 70 Questions that Will Transform You” (available from your favorite online retailer later this year).

“My book’s central theme? For learning to be transformative, both the student and the teacher must have been previously transformed by the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit. It is only then that we can think God’s thoughts after Him. It is only then that we can operate as members of the Kingdom of God.” Lindell added: “Otherwise, any ‘wisdom’ has only the color of truth, not Truth itself.”

What Makes Corban Different? 6 Distinctives Make Our University Unique

A successful businessman called about visiting Corban University with his teenage daughter. We’ll never forget his first three questions. They were about Corban’s commitment to the Bible as God’s holy and inspired Word, about Corban’s robust statement of faith, and about Corban’s Baptist heritage. We’ll also never forget his fourth and final question: “If I send my daughter to Corban, will she ever call me and say, ‘Dad, you won’t believe what my professor said in the class today’?” In other words, would her faith ever be attacked? Without hesitation, we assured him that would not happen. And we meant ever word with the utmost integrity. Here’s why. The faith-centered learning environment

at Corban University creates a closeknit community of Christ followers. It provides a consistently rock-solid Christian education to every student in every class in every degree program. That is something no other university or college in the Pacific Northwest offers. How do we know? This past spring we took a comprehensive look at other regional private universities, we ran our findings by a number of representatives from those universities, and then we surveyed 150 Corban freshmen and sophomores. In the end, we discovered six distinctives make our University unique: 1 our low student–faculty ratio (13:1), which is one of the best in the West; 2 our biblical integration in every class across all 50 of Corban’s majors and degree programs;

3. Gina Ochsner, Corban’s Writer-in-Residence,

wasn’t always an award-winning author. But she loved to write, and eventually she decided to attend a series of writing conferences.

“In each case I came away feeling something was missing. Regardless of the venue or dazzling lineup of instructors, I noticed an absence of an authentic pursuit of God and issues of faith within art. In fact, in a few cases, such a pursuit was actively discouraged. That bothered me. And it set me to wondering: What would a writing conference look or sound like at the intersections of art, the making of art, and a discussion of God as Master Artist?” Now, Ochsner dedicates half of her time teaching creative writing to students in the classroom and audiences at various conferences. She also spearheaded Corban’s very successful Portals Writers Conference earlier this summer. Why creative writing? Ochsner is quick to turn to the front of her Bible. “In the opening verses of Genesis, chapter one, God is wildly and extravagantly creative. Second, we quickly learn that words hold great power and potency. Then, after God gave Adam the breath of life, the very next gift Adam received was language.” No wonder most of the Bible records Adam, Eve and their descendents talking or writing—in a wide spectrum of settings and circumstances—to God and to one another.

3 our rock-solid statement of faith signed by every Corban professor; 4 a requirement to be Christ-followers, signed by all students during the application process; 5 the fact Bible and theology classes are taken by all of our students; and 6 the open-door access our students enjoy so they can easily meet with any of their professors. More than ever, Corban’s motto rings true. We’re truly “Dedicating Heart and Mind to God.”


Not Just Any Christian University Why Orthodox Christianity and Heart Devotion Matter

4. Janelle Peyton, who graduated from

Corban three years ago, now lives in Karawaci, Indonesia, teaching fifth grade at Sekolah Pelita Harapan (School of Light and Hope).

“What inspired me to come to Indonesia,” Peyton said, “was definitely God’s calling on my life.” The biggest influences on that calling? Corban’s strong missions focus and its partnership with Universitas Pelita Harapan’s Teachers College. The best part of Peyton’s work? “I had one student who was very unruly,” she said with a laugh. “As I was praying for him, God started saying, ‘Look for his strengths.’ So I got to know this kid and discovered he has many gifts. “One of his gifts is great compassion for other students. So, I began pulling him aside and saying, ‘Wow, I saw how you helped so-and-so. Keep it up. Good job. Jesus loves that!’ Another one of his gifts is writing dramas, so I pulled him aside again and said, ‘This is your gift. God has given you this gift. Use it. Use it to spread the Gospel.’” Peyton smiled and laughed again. “It’s such a huge blessing as a Christian teacher to see a student who just needed love, to give that love to him and then to see him flourish.” “My biggest dream,” Peyton added, “is that each and every one of my students will be a Christ follower.” It’s starting to happen and it’s why she signed up to teach again this year.

5. Paul Johnson, Corban’s Professor of

Intercultural Studies (Missions), hasn’t always served the Lord within a university context. For a decade, Johnson and his wife labored as Bible teachers and church planters in urban, central Mexico. Concurrently, Johnson worked to ignite a mission vision among believers and with church leaders. As a Great Commission vision grew, Johnson worked with key leaders to launch a mission agency among the Bible churches of central Mexico. Today, Johnson is passionate about effectively mobilizing young adults to go and make disciples—and to plant churches among all peoples, everywhere. How passionate? Paul himself went back to school. In his doctoral dissertation, he demonstrates that the core of Jesus Christ’s mission is the making of mature disciples who are transformed into Christ’s likeness, who reproduce other holistic disciples and who eventually form disciple-making movements. So, does transformative learning really work? Just ask Johnson or any of the other Corban faculty and students who went on short-term mission trips this summer. At every turn, they saw God work in powerful ways. Lives were changed and students grew in greater ways into the likeness of Christ. Then again, that was no surprise. We see it all the time. David Sanford is Director of Communications & Public Relations at Corban University.

How long has it been since you visited one of Corban’s campuses? Is it time to come back for another visit? If so, get ready to see the Corban difference shining more vibrantly than ever. God is at work—for good, for His glory—here and now, and forever. Amen!


If the past four centuries have proved anything, it’s that “Christian” higher education doesn’t necessarily build up the faith and welfare of its students. Instead, if the study of any subject, including God’s Word, is separated from God Himself, it actually tears away at a student’s faith, morality, and aspirations. Many famous agnostics and atheists— including Immanuel Kant, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Ernst Haeckel, David Friedrich Strauss, Charles Darwin, Ludwig Feuerbach, Karl Marx, and Friedrich Nietzsche—pursued theological studies divorced from heart devotion to God. Most of them attended universities rich in religious tradition, either Catholic or Protestant. By the time they graduated, any socalled faith they might have had was washed away. The same trend has grown only more alarming over the past few generations. Best-selling author and Christian psychologist Larry Crabb, who experientially “lost” his faith as a young man said, “When I got into graduate school, I told myself not to believe anything that would require me to dump my intellect. Several psychology professors told me that I could not be a good psychologist and still believe in nonsensical Christianity. So for a year or two I became a selfchosen agnostic. I wanted to start from scratch to see what is true.” Of course, Crabb later discovered: “Being an orthodox Christian means allowing the truth of Christianity to be absorbed into one’s soul, which [completely] changes one’s approach to life.” At Corban, transformative learning isn’t just a theme. Instead, it’s the hallmark of the Corban difference.

news briefs Corban alumna named Oregon Principal of the Year For the second time in two years, the Corban School of Education has seen one of its alumni named Principal of the Year in Oregon. In May, the Confederation of Oregon School Administrators (COSA) named Lizi AguilarNelson ’94, education, the Oregon Elementary School Principal of the Year. She has served as principal at Richmond Elementary School in Salem, Ore., for five years. She follows La Pine High School Principal Jay Mathisen ’95 who was named Oregon’s High School Principal of the Year in 2010. According to a press release from COSA, Aguilar-Nelson was nominated by a strong group of parent supporters. “Before, our children did not leave Richmond ready for middle school,” the letter from parents said. “It was our children, caught between two languages but mastering neither, who

were failing in middle and high school. Due to the efforts of Lizi and the environment and support that she has brought, today our children are successful in school and enthusiastic about their educational future.” The press release continues: “In her short time at Richmond she has helped bring the school from one of the most distressed schools in the Salem-Keizer district to the top Title I school in Salem. The achievement gap has narrowed and in some cases even reversed. She has expanded the bilingual instruction to grades 2–5 and introduced Literacy Squared methodology. In addition, she has introduced Professional Learning Communities to the staff.” This award places Aguilar-Nelson in the running for the national Principal of the Year Award.

Corban graduates 289 students at May 5 commencement

Teachers College commissions 3rd class of graduates

It wasn’t just a change in venue that marked Corban University’s 2012 Commencement; it was the number of graduates.

In June, 218 new teachers graduated with Corban University education degrees. The newly minted teachers were assigned to schools across Indonesia. They will teach children in both rural and urban areas for up to three years according to their initial agreements.

The University celebrated the largest graduating class in its 76-year history. This included 144 undergraduates, 67 postgraduates and 78 graduates of the Adult Degree Program. Ten of the post-graduates were from the Corban School of Ministry’s Tacoma campus. The total number of graduates doesn’t include the 218 students who graduated with Corban University degrees from the Teacher’s College at Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH) in Karawaci, Indonesia, on June 1. Several Corban administrators and staff attended that ceremony, including President-elect Sheldon Nord and Provost Matt Lucas. (See related article page 15.) Corban’s decision to change the venue from the Salem campus to the Salem Armory was due to the increased number of graduates. The move was well-received by those in attendance, as well as the graduates who were able to invite more family members to their special event. The commencement celebration was filled with laughter, including a moment when Lucas tweeted a photo of the graduates and families from the lectern on stage. There were tears and cheers from the audience as students walked across the stage to receive their diplomas. Mike McLaran, keynote speaker and recipient of an honorary doctorate degree, reminded students to stay disciplined and maintain a servant attitude.

The Teachers College was created as an educational mission through its partner institution, Universitas Pelita Harapan, in Jakarta, Indonesia, to build schools across the archipelago nation and fill them with highly qualified K–12 instructors. Students within the UPH program come from all regions of the country and are provided full or partial scholarships. In 2008, Corban started the accreditation process with the Teachers College, and the first cohort of graduates was awarded Corban University degrees in June 2010. Since that time, 550 students have graduated with Corban degrees. While some graduation requirements are modified to reflect the differences between education in Indonesia and the United States, Corban’s commitment to high-quality education remains. Corban employees travel to Indonesia each year to review student and teacher records certifying that accreditation requirements have been met. This year’s commencement celebration on the UPH campus marked the third class to earn Corban degrees. Eight Corban employees attended the event. The group included Corban’s President-elect Sheldon Nord, who served as president of UPH between 2007 and 2010.


At-risk youth get opportunities with help from Corban alumnus Tony Frazier ’92 , has a knack for seeing the potential in the seemingly impossible. For more than a decade, his dedication to troubled youth has helped many high school dropouts learn marketable skills and have a chance for a positive future. Now, as Executive Director of the Mid-Willamette Valley Habitat for Humanity in Salem, Ore., he is multiplying that impact even more. Frazier previously worked for YouthBuild U.S.A., which helps at-risk youth learn trade skills. He developed a partnership with Habitat for Humanity which not only provided homes for 20 families, but also taught construction skills to men and women ages 16 to 24. “These were 20 low-income units built for the State of Oregon by high school dropouts,” Frazier said. “Communities don’t view the young people as a resource but give them labels like ‘lazy’ and ‘troublemaker.’” He said most of the teens he encountered came from backgrounds that did not provide support and encouragement. “So many of these young people come from families that have been in a cycle of generational poverty,” he said. “It’s hard for them because they don’t know how to break that cycle and advance their life and their situation. Once you understand this, it gives you a platform to move forward on.”

mentoring to help them change the way they think about themselves, employers, authority figures and others. “It really is a holistic approach to at-risk youth development,” Frazier said. Currently, he partners with more than 20 nonprofits dedicated to helping at-risk youth and hopes to use his role at Habitat for Humanity to grow that number. When talking to others, he often refers to the story of one young man he mentored. The student was kicked out of high school and was a teen father. With the help of mentors, professional skills builders and others, he is currently a project supervisor for one of the largest building projects in the United States, is married and is a dedicated father of four, Frazier said. “The move to Habitat for Humanity gave me the resources to affect positive change for young people and the families we serve,” Frazier said. “The mission of Habitat is the building of homes. Everything we do needs to support that mission. The youth program supports the mission and is changing lives in the process. I’m just amazed that I get to wake up every morning and be part of that.”

Through YouthBuild U.S.A., he developed an initiative to teach construction trade skills on Habitat job sites. However, Frazier said the program goes beyond job skills. It provides an opportunity for program participants to receive their GED and provides life

1st Portals Writers Conference a success For more than two years, Gina Ochsner, Corban’s Writer-in-Residence, had envisioned Corban as a place for writers to gather and learn. Between June 21 and 24, that vision became reality as Corban hosted the first Portals Writers Conference on its Salem campus. The conference featured nationally acclaimed authors, such as Jane Kirkpatrick, Diane Glancy and Matt Mikalatos, who taught workshops and encouraged writers in their craft. “It was such a pleasure for me to be part of the Portals Writers Conference,” said author and workshop leader Danielle Jones. “I didn’t expect the intensity of the students. They came so well-prepared to write and so interested in improving their writing.” For one aspiring writer, the mentorship time she had with Humanities Professor Jim Hills was well worth the conference cost. “Dr. Hills really helped me pick out what to write and what would be appropriate for the genre I’m working on,” said attendee Cynthia Glass. “He also took me down a path that I wouldn’t have gone before, and suggested having a deadline to reach specific milestones.” English Professor Colette Tennant said she enjoyed the relationships that were built. “Corban opened lots of doors for more than 70 writers, one from as far away as Virginia,” she said. “They ranged in age from middle school to retirees and formed new friendships and connections in the wider writing community.” Plans are being made for the next Portals Writers Conference, tentatively scheduled for June 13–16, 2013.

Corné Bekker scheduled to speak in chapel Sept. 24 and 26 Corné Bekker, D.Litt et Phil., will be the Richard L. Caulkins lectureship speaker Sept. 24 and 26 at Corban. Bekker joined Regent University as professor of Biblical and ecclesial leadership for the School of Business & Leadership. He leads the major Ph.D. in Organizational Leadership Ecclesial Leadership, teaches in the doctoral programs of the School of Business & Leadership and is actively involved in research on the use of biblical hermeneutics and spirituality to explore leadership. He is the editor of the “Journal of Biblical Perspectives in Leadership” (JBPL) and the co-editor of “Inner Resources for Leaders” (IRL). 12

The Hilltop wins general excellence award Competing against five other Oregon colleges and universities, Corban’s student newspaper won 15 awards this year, including the top all-around prize. The Hilltop won first place for General Excellence in the Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association’s collegiate contest. The announcement came at the ONPA’s annual Collegiate Day on May 12 at LinnBenton Community College. “Winning the general excellence competition is like winning a decathlon,” said Christena Brooks, faculty advisor. “It shows that, together, The Hilltop’s newspaper staff is strong at everything. It’s the award that every university hopes to get.” The General Excellence award rates a newspaper’s overall content and appearance. The Hilltop competed against student papers from the University of Portland, Willamette University, Linfield College, Portland State University and Southern Oregon University.

“A wide variety of well-written stories makes this a good college paper,” wrote the ONPA judge. “Photography and presentation are strong.” The Hilltop is a monthly 16-page tabloid produced by Corban’s journalism students. Last year, they covered world and community news, campus events, entertainment, sports and religion/theology. In addition to publishing the monthly print edition, they operated a daily online news site at and produced the university’s yearbook. Leading The Hilltop last year was editor-inchief Megan Russell, a sophomore. Assisting her in leadership were Photo Editor Jake Bowdoin, Online Editor Kate Tracy, Lead Photographer Jessica Bruggeman, Copy Editor Sarah Moreau, Chart Editor Kelsey Leavitt, World News Editor Lacy Ramirez, Sports Editor Hannah Lobban, Entertainment Editors Maya Bartel and Eleanor Fazzari, and Features Editor Jenna Harbeck.

The Hilltop’s additional five first-place awards were:

Best Design Best Photography to Jake Bowdoin Best Editorial to Megan Russell Best Review to Lacy Ramirez Best Feature Photo to Jake Bowdoin

The paper’s six second-place awards were:

Best Sports Story to Hannah Lobban Best Columnist to Katie Wilson Best Spot News Photo to Megan Russell Best Sports Photo to Jake Bowdoin Best Feature Photo to Jake Bowdoin Best Graphic Design to Jessica Bruggeman and Jake Bowdoin

Three honorable mentions were: `

Best Website to Kate Tracy Best Sports Story to Hannah Lobban Best Columnist to Eleanor Fazzari

Business students tour Indonesia Between May 19 and 28, Corban University business students, alumni and faculty journeyed to Indonesia for a Southeast Asia business study tour. “Our main objective was for our students to integrate what they learned in the classroom into a new culture,” said Assistant Professor of Shawn Hussey. “They were able to see how business, religion and politics are shaping the future of Indonesia.” During the trip, the group of 15 stopped in Singapore and met Betsy Whitaker ’01. She gave them a tour of the city, various markets, the American Chamber of Commerce and the U.S. Embassy. Hussey said it showed the contrast between Singapore, a fully integrated modern city, and Jakarta, one that is developing, albeit at a rapid pace.

In Jakarta, students and faculty helped VisionFund International’s microfinance loan recipients learn additional techniques to promote their businesses. “We came in expecting they would need to learn the basics of how to manage their finances, but they surprised us with how much they already understood,” Hussey said about the women the teams worked with. “Instead we focused on ways they could set smart goals for their businesses and how to use accountability partners to help them stay focused on these goals.” The team also visited the Indonesia Stock Exchange and met with the management team for Matahari Putra Prima which is the holding company for several large retail chains in Indonesia; the Globe Media Group; and Siloam Hospitals. Additionally, they

met with an American businessman who is constructing water storage and filtration tanks in villages throughout the nation. “Throughout the entire trip, we kept seeing what it means to be a servant leader,” Hussey said. “Even the top executives had a profound respect and concern for their employees. I believe this is something our students will be able to carry with them wherever their careers take them.”

Southeast Asia business study tour participants Students Hanna Ellis Stephanie Lee Sarah Longwell Miranda Baker Michelle Wohr Bryce Petersen Travis Noble Brian Abbey Riley Bidwell

MBA Alumnus Curtis Bidwell Business Alumnus Tyson Pruett Faculty Bryce Bernard Don Leavitt Eric Straw Shawn Hussey


Long-time Corban supporter donates a piece of WWII history On June 6, 1944, the U.S. Army waited off a 50-mile section of coastal France for an invasion that would change the course of WWII. On that pivotal, and deadly, day in history for the U.S. military, Stars and Stripes newspaper reporters and photographers, considered the original embedded journalists, were there capturing the amphibious assault of five beaches along the Normandy coast. More than 68 years after the D-Day invasion, the Corban University Library received a donated, original copy of that issue of Stars and Stripes and the history it holds within. Howard Games made the donation in memory of the June 6 anniversary of the D-Day invasion. For Games, the D-Day invasion was more than words in a newspaper. “We were piloting a B-26 [medium-range bomber] and when we came out of the clouds and saw all those ships in the channel, it was quite a sight,” Games said. “I had very little time to take it all in because we were headed into the target and met by gunfire of every sort. I know they had machine guns on us because I could see the red tracer bullets streaking past our plane. It was a miracle all 36 aircraft in our mission landed safely at home. “But there were a good many boys on the ground who gave their lives that day,” he added. In all, Games completed 62 combat missions throughout WWII. He bought the paper for one penny on June 7, 1944, and mailed it home. It sat folded in a box for more than a half century before being rediscovered. One reason Games chose to donate the newspaper to the Library is to keep the memory of WWII alive in Corban students’ minds. A friend and fellow D-Day survivor recently told him about a young man from England that had never heard of the Allied invasion at Normandy. “I don’t want students from Corban to walk away and not know about the single largest maneuver in military history,” Games said. “It changed the course of the war and history.”


President Reno Hoff selected as a OAICU trusteE On March 1, Corban University President Reno Hoff was selected as a trustee of the Oregon Alliance of Independent Colleges and Universities. The OAICU is comprised of 20 independent colleges and universities in Oregon, including many with more than a century of history. Currently, there are 10 foundation members, including George Fox University, Warner Pacific College and Linfield College; and 10 general members, including Corban University, Northwest Christian University and Multnomah University. In fall 2012, the Corban Board of Trustees will consider Hoff’s request to become a foundation member, which expands the University’s solid educational reputation with the marketing OAICU foundation members receive. Members have strong, accredited

liberal arts programs, encompassing a wide variety of majors and degrees. “What this means is that the organization will tell the public that there are 11 foundation schools in Oregon and Corban is one of them,” Hoff said. “This gives us an enhanced ability to fulfill our mission to educate Christians who will make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ. “This isn’t just about being part of an organization,” he added. “This is really about the ability to be recognized as one of Oregon’s top schools and expand our visibility across the nation.” Hoff will serve as a trustee on the foundation board until his retirement in July 2013. If Corban is selected as a member institution, President-elect Sheldon Nord will receive an automatic appointment to that board.

Corban hosts NAIA National Tournament Between May 22 and 25, Corban University hosted some of the best golfers in the nation during the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) National Men’s Golf Championship. The tournament was held at Creekside Golf Club in Southeast Salem and helped showcase Corban’s athletics and hospitality. “It was a first-class event and the coaches have continued to call and tell me so,” said Corban Athletics Director Dave Johnson. “The course was awesome and everyone was well cared for.”

As host, Corban’s golfers were granted an automatic berth in the national tournament. Johnson said the team was able to see their potential: “We could really see that if we allow Christ to work through us in every situation, even a golf tournament. He will give us the strength we need to compete at a higher level.” The NAIA Men’s Golf National Championships will return to Salem again, May 14–16, 2013, with Corban as the host school. For more information visit

In addition to golfing, Corban hosted the Champions of Character Awards Banquet that provided an opportunity for golfers from every school to perform characterinitiative events at Salem-area schools and after-school programs. “We got to see these teams work with youth in the community,” Johnson said. “They had a great impact in Salem.”

Freshman Jared Lambert helped lead Corban University’s men’s golf team at this year’s NAIA Men’s Golf National Championships presented by FORE! Salem at Creekside Golf Club in mid-May

Corban representatives who traveled to Indonesia in May (left to right): Dr. Sheldon Nord, Steve Hunt, Dr. Nancy Hedberg, Marty Ziesemer, Brenda Roth, Sheldon Traver, Dr. Janine Allen, Dr. Aaron Imig and Dr. Matt Lucas Chaney Rosti ‘10 teaches at Kemang Village School, Jakarta.

Corban’s partnership in Indonesia proving invaluable The fruits of Corban University’s four-year partnership with Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH) and its Teachers College are being harvested by Corban alumni from the Pacific Northwest and Indonesia. Many graduates of Corban’s School of Education are now serving in Indonesia, not only as teachers, but Corban ambassadors. Their work within the various private Sekolah Pelita Harapan (SPH) schools is providing a foundation for many of Indonesia’s poorest residents to get a highquality education. At Lippo Village, a school in Karawaci, Indonesia, Janelle Peyton ’09 works with her students from all over the world, including China, Korea, Australia and the United States. To outsiders, positions like Peyton’s may simply seem to be an overseas teaching opportunity for new graduates, but Corban alumni see it as God’s calling in their lives. A portion of the money raised through tuition at the private international schools goes back to a foundation to provide full-ride scholarships to other Indonesian students. Each year new Teachers College

students come to attend and graduate with Corban University degrees. In return for their scholarships, the students are required to take teaching assignments in rural and urban schools after graduation. Once there, these students share their love for children, teaching, their compassion and much more. Currently, there are more than 30 Christian schools throughout Indonesia, which have touched the lives of more than 21,000 Indonesian children and their families. “One of my favorite stories is about a student who graduated last year,” said Arianit Anipadand, a Teachers College graduate working in Lampung on the island of Sumatra. She said the student was one of five siblings living in a single-parent home. The student would walk four or five kilometers to school each day, and when she returned home, would work in her mother’s shop. “Even though school was six hours, she would apply herself on Saturday when she was the only one in the shop,” Anipadand said. “It’s not only this student, but many who have the same life background.” It is stories like these all across Indonesia that give encouragement to Connie Rasilim,

Dean of the UPH Teachers College. “It’s really just God’s grace because if you look at what we had at that time, to start this impossible task, we wouldn’t be where we are today,” she said. “Even to think back to that first Corban graduation in 2010 is a miracle. When we looked at that first graduation service with 242 teachers ready to be commissioned to serve all over the country—it was just mind boggling.” The Pelita Harapan Education Foundation is laying the groundwork to add more than 1,000 additional schools within the coming decades, and to train the teachers who will fill them. Corban President-elect, Sheldon Nord, who was UPH President from 2007-2010, said he is prepared to continue Corban’s role and strong partnership with UPH and its Teachers College. “We are enthusiastic about the partnership between Corban and the Pelita Harapan Foundation,” he said. “Lord willing, we intend to broaden that partnership into business and other academic programs, and other Asian countries. “This relationship is providing opportunities for students and staff on both sides of the globe to transform lives and make a significant impact in the world for Jesus Christ.”

watch the video: 15

Mission team brings health to Haitians

More than two years after a devastating earthquake in Haiti, Christians are responding with medical and personal care and a message of hope in Jesus Christ. In May, fifteen students, staff and alumni from Corban responded to the ongoing needs of the Haitian people during a medical mission. Throughout their journey, the Corban mission team walked miles into remote villages with food. They also provided care for dehydration, malnourishment, wounds, and diseases such as cholera. They gave prenatal, dental and emergency care. “These folks all came to serve,” said Assistant Science Professor John Bell. “The medical professionals expected kids, but found the Corban students to be very strong assets. “When it came down to it, the Corban contingent formed the spiritual backbone of the trip. They were able to take that Christian worldview they have been building and growing throughout college and provide strong Christian leadership.”


Haiti Mission Team Members Students Leddy Ansanay Salina Cadena Holly Cowan Caitlin Dickey Esther Gallaway Alumni Jacob “Coby” Bidwell Margaret Shoemaker Carry Smith

Samantha Greif Amanda M. Martini Anna Taylor Mara Walls Courtney Welling Faculty John Bell Rhonda Bell (spouse)

Peru mission transforms hearts and minds In May 2012, Joaquin Silva-Arcos returned to the land of his father, grandfather and great-grandfather, this time as a missionary from Corban University. He was part of a seven-person, Summer of Service (S.O.S.) team of musicians who journeyed to Peru between May 10 and 29. They taught music, encouraged pastors and built new Christ-centered relationships within that nation. Silva-Arcos started at Corban in fall of 2010 and had nearly completed his first year at Corban when he shared a vision with Dan Shuholm, Corban Music Department Chair. “He approached me about his desire to take what he learned about worship at Corban University to his home country of Peru,” Shuholm said. “I thought it would be a great opportunity for us. It really fit where my heart has been the last 25 years in experiencing worship in a more global sense.” “When I thought about doing this, I was thinking too small,” Silva-Arcos said. “God brought together an amazing team of musicians. It was the right team at the right time.” When the wheels of the plane touched down in Peru nearly 20 hours after leaving Portland International Airport, each team member was filled with anticipation about what would happen next. The mission team directed workshops and chapel services in various cities throughout Peru. Although he grew up as a “pastor’s kid,” Silva-Arcos was seeing his role as a missionary from a fresh perspective. He wasn’t seeing the lost in Peru through his father’s or grandfather’s eyes, but his own. “I saw his leadership and influence and the way he shared his heart for God with others,” Shuholm said. “I saw things in Joaquin that I never saw in our country. Seeing him in his native culture was amazing.” Peru Mission Team Members Dan Shuholm Music Dept. Chair Melody Haidle Grace Hansen Brook Jacobsen Joaquin Silva-Arcos Casey Sweet Bryan White

Throughout the mission, the student-missionaries continuously asked questions to break the language barrier and build relationships. Many of those they witnessed to accepted Jesus Christ into their lives—a direct result of the street ministry, workshops, worship sessions and more that each Corban missionary prayed about and facilitated. “The students on the team learned that we have a lot in common with Peruvian peoples,” Shuholm said. “Their understanding of the world from God’s point of view changed them and their appreciation for the many different cultures He created for His purposes.” 17

Corban University all-alumni

Homecoming 2012 October 5 – 6

Dear Warrior Alumni, We look forward to having you return to campus this fall for Homecoming. In addition to reconnecting with classmates and friends, we are providing opportunities for you to rediscover your alma mater. We welcome you back for this special time dedicated to you, our alumni. Enjoy time with friends as you relive memories of your days as a student, no matter which campus you attended. Make your reservations in the brochure mailed earlier this month, or go online at and we will see you soon.

Serving you, Deleen Wills, Director of Alumni Services

President’s Luncheon This is a great event to catch the vision, hear from students through life stories and music and honor friends 2 1 and classmates. Representative Sherrie Sprenger ADP ‘07 will be honored as this year’s Distinguished Alumni of the Year and Billy Cordero 3 4 ‘99 will be honored as the Distinguished Young Alumni. Christian Ministry Award will go to Dick and Mavis Buck ‘66. Dorothy Johanson James ’58 will receive the Outstanding Service Award. The lunch will also include our president’s State-of-the-University address.


Saturday 11:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Psalm Performing Arts Center Admission: $13 per person

1. Sherrie sprenger

Distinguished Alumni of the Year Award

2. Billy cordero

Distinguished Young Alumni of the Year Award

3. dick and mavis buck Christian Ministry Award

4. dorothy johanson james Outstanding Service Award

Events Thursday Decades of the 50s & 60s Open House 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Phoenix Inn & Suites, South Salem

Friday Alumni Chapel Service 10:00 a.m. Speaker: President Reno Hoff Kick off the weekend by attending chapel in the Psalm Center, brought to you by alumni and students. Class Visits 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Don’t miss this opportunity to re-experience the quality education Corban provides. Pick up a list of options at the registration table. Museum 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Visit our extraordinary Prewitt/Allen Archaeological Museum, located on the second floor of the Library. Featuring hundreds of items from Egypt, Mesopotamia, Greece, Rome and Palestine including: monument inscriptions, Bible Lands artifacts, Bible manuscripts, pottery, coins and much more. Lunch 11:30 a.m. Lunch with President Hoff in El Cerrito Room. Cost is $8.55 per person.

Women’s Soccer Game Corban vs. Northwest University Reception in the Alumni House

3:00 p.m.

3:30 – 4:30 p.m.

Reunion Dinners 6:00 p.m. Classes of '50–'69, '72, '82 and '92 Join classmates and friends for your own private dinner located on campus. Cost is $19 per person. Volleyball Game Corban vs. College of Idaho

7:00 p.m.

Saturday President’s Luncheon 11:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Join us for the State-of-the-University address by President Hoff, special musical presentation by Corban students, awards recognition and more. Reunion Dinner 6:00 p.m. Business Alumni Visit past and current faculty Dr. Bryce Bernard, Dr. Reno Hoff, Steve Hunter, Don Leavitt and Dr. Rich Noland. Volleyball Game 7:00 p.m. Corban vs. Eastern Oregon University

Campus Tours 2:00 p.m. Leaving from the Psalm Center, alumni trip-downmemory-lane tours are guided by Professor Bryce Bernard ‘82 and VP Steve Hunt ‘69.


welcome new alumni Amelia Aaron Miranda Aaron Genesis Acuna Sergio Aguirre Marnee Alfson Teanna Alsum Vanessa Amspacher David Anderson Heather Anderson Keith Anderson Rebecca Anni Nicole Applebaum Twyla Baggarley Zachary Baggenstos Courtney Baker Jonnie Barnett Andrea Bartell Christina Bass Anna Bassous Jeffrey Bennett Andrew Benson Carolyn Bernard Riley Bidwell Curtis Bidwell Eric Bindewald Donna Blakley Sarah Blount Steven Blum Scott Boekenoogen Christine Bogan Hilary Bons Brittany Bowman Amanda Brenneman William Brown Hilary Brown Michele Brown Yulia Brubaker Megan Buczkowski Rebecca Buhler Miriam Burke Lauren Butterfield April Campbell Steven Candelaria Lilyana Carlson Devin Chaney Traci Chidester Heidi Coffey Rachel Cole Karen Cooper Kevin Carl Coriano Ashley Cowan Michelle Cramer Melissa Crawford Erik Cronrath Wayne Crowder Brenna Crumley Ronald Cruz Whitney Dahlberg


Deborah D’Amico Benjamin Daniels Anthony Darling LeAnna Darling Nathan Davidson Jenae Dawson Ryan Dean Megan Dees Tara Deiter Andrea DeLapp Scott DeLapp Nolan Dempster Tina DeSouza Shannon DeVries Pamela Dillingham Kaitlyn Dolan Loretta Donnelly Tyler Doornink Caitlin Doring Glenn Duckworth Christopher Dudley Jacob Duwe Axana Dzhioeva Stuart Eldridge Amy Elker Lily Ellerton Cameron Elliott Madaline Elliott Seth Elliott Peter Ellis Corban Enns Susan Espino Daniel Evans Michael Faber Whitney Fahlman Tracie Farnsworth Brianne Feigum Candice Fielder David Flynn Jefferson Forrest Luke Fortier Marcus Franklin Graham Fujiwara Kenji Fukunaga Benjamin Funkhouser Rachel Garrigues Michael Gearhart Joshua Geier Angela Gesualdo Timothy Glessner Caleb Goins William Granick Sharon Gray Christina Gregston Sarah Grinder Garrett Grubb Kena Gugudan Elisabeth Guisinger

Jennifer Hague Melody Haidle Jill Hammack Tyler Hanke Jarred Hanley Andrea Hansen Kathryn Harris CoTinna Harris Pamela Harrison Aaron Haslem Heidi Hathorn Iris Haugen Evan Hedlund Mary Henderson Kayla Hernandez Hung-Paul Herr Travis Hilley Bryan Hodson David Holcomb Emily Holmes Shawn Hostler-Jones Amy Hubbell Malorie Huff Charles Hutton Bethany Huusfeldt Freddy Irianto Jay Jacobsen Leticia Jaramillo Pamela Jaskilka Craig Johnson Derek Johnson Mitchell Johnson Sommer Johnson Brett Johnson Bethany Johnson Paul Johnson Jody Jones Christa Lynn Kahili Jeroldine Kaiser Kevin Kalb Stacie Kansky Jordan Keck Ryan Kenaston Courtney Kendrick Karen Kilgore Malcolm Kirk Melissa Krohn Dana Kropf Garrett Kuramoto Michael Lambert Tiffany Land Joseph Laro Jessica Larson Brandon Leander Andrew Lehti Rachael Lehti Jason Lewis Bradley Linkins

Alison Lippincott Mark Long Kristina Lopez Renee Loreen Amber Ludlow-Franklin Cori Lydic Jason Mabon Carolyn Mack Christopher MacKenzie Michelle Mackerell Quinn Macnab Melissa Malone Eric Malone Natalie Mangis Bryan Martin Patricia Martinez Amanda Martini John Matthews Alex Mauck Jacob Mauermann Natalie Mayo Sarah McBride David McClaran Morgan McComish Makenna McElrath Michael McKay Angela Meadows Dianna Meinz Amanda Mendenhall Stephanie Mentado Randall Merilatt Marie Messmer Luke Monroe T’Alisha Morrow Lisa Murphy Leah Murray Rachel Newby Louis-Claude Nguea-Njoh Stephen Novak Kevin Nygren Nathan Ohta Cody Owen Giovanna Owen Stephan Owens Aaron Paulson Tyler Pease Bryce Phelan Ashley Poole Brad Powell Brelin Powell Abigail Pynch Kaitlyn Ragan Joshua Randolph Joshua Reese John Renas Amy Renfro John Riordan Rosa Rivera

Stacy Roberts Eric Robinson Linda Rodgers Brian Ross Sheryl Ruettgers Kenneth Saether Rachelle Schafer Aaron Schilperoort Erwin Schmidt Mark Schubert Elisa Schwarze Benjamin Search Sarah Seibert Grant Seidler Scott Shearer Margaret Shoemaker Jocelynn Smith Lindsey Smith Darryl Smith Tammy Spence Christopher Spivey Roger Stanley Miriam Stapp James Steel Katherine Steigleman Amber Stokes Heidi Stowman Joseph Summers Ciara Talley Alexandra Taylor Caitlin Taylor Jonathan Taylor Tracy Thornton Alisa Tobin Joshua Tracy Sophia Tremaine Brenda Tupaj Matthew Turner Matthew Van der Meer Charlotte Vidrio Brandon Vittone Marcie Walker Lindsey Ward Julie Watts Rebekah Weaver Rachel Weekly Courtney Welling Chad White Olivia White Joanie Wigginton Brian Wilson Yunae Wilson Emma Winckler Laura Woodward Lisa Young Vashti Young

Alumni Action C.L.A.S.S. 101 (Corban Life-Application Speaker Series) Associate Professor of Information Systems Eric Straw kicked off the first C.L.A.S.S. luncheon as he shared practical steps for Computer Security on April 11. Two weeks later, Greg Trull, Dean, School of Ministry, spoke of tensions between Israel and Iran, plus foreign policy issues debated in this presidential election season. And, to wrap up C.L.A.S.S. 101, Jim Hills, Professor of Humanities, asked alumni to tell us what we could have done better, what we did well, and what kinds of courses you would have taken knowing what you know now.

Dr. Greg Trull speaks at lunch for the first C.L.A.S.S.

ADP alumni: Sheri Ridings ‘05, Chaille Shipps ‘00, Ellen Jacobs ’88, Darrel White ’11, Beth Jones ‘11, Zac Schramek ’10, Alan Scharn ‘97 and Dean Nancy Martyn ’68

The annual event of long-time college friends getting together to celebrate, commemorate and commiserate continued in Seattle, March 2012. First row, left to right: Russ Dexter ’82, Lolo, Mont.; Betsy Ross Sellick ’79, Tigard, Ore. Second row: Dave Dollar ’76, Pasco, Wash.; Renee Hendricksen-Diaz ’79, Edmonds, Wash.; Jack Werre ‘78, Fountain Valley, Calif.; Debbie Pennington Goetz ’77 and Dave Goetz ’74 Puyallup, Wash. Third row: Mitch Allerton ’79, Puyallup, Wash.; Mark Pedersen ’79, Shoreline, Wash.; Sue Prettyman ’80, Puyallup, Wash.; Elinor Dolton Cline ’77, Bellevue, Wash.; Chuck Lind ’86, Seattle; Greg Matson ’77, Poulsbo, Wash. Fourth row: Vander Corley ’79, Auburn, Wash; Joel Loh ’78, Portland, Ore.; Ralph Rowland ’80, Kirkland, Wash. Fifth row: Gary Carlson ’77, Burlington, Wash.; Fred Helsley ’78, Quincy, Wash.

More than 100 alumni and families attended the Blazer game on April 1.

Nathan Ohta ’02 shoots hoops after the game.

Mark Cowan ’81 and Colleen Younger Cowan ’82 eat a healthy dinner at the game.

Kim Hughes ’85 with Nancy Martyn ’68 attend their annual Blazer game.


Alumni and friends cruise to Alaska The first Alumni and Friends Travel Program departed Seattle on May 25 for an Inside Passage Cruise to Alaska with stops in Ketchikan, Tracy Arm Fjord, Juneau, Skagway and Victoria, British Columbia.

Panning for gold in Liarsville: Ruthie Edwards LaFreniere, Karin Schoenfeld Jones, Ken Jones, Paul LaFreniere, Rod Hoff, Ruth Roden Hoff, Reno Hoff, Linda Hoff and Darrel White with gold panning instructor

Front row, left to right: Ken Jones ‘66, Moses Lakes, Wash.; Karin Schoenfeld Jones ‘64, Moses Lake, Wash.; Mary Edwards Smith ’62, Keizer, Ore.; Linda Hoff, Salem; Reno Hoff ‘73, Salem; Bonnie Buckner ADP ‘96, Salem; Larry Buckner, Salem; Ruthie Edwards LaFreniere ’67, Salem; Paul LaFreniere, Salem. Second row: Neal Kolbo, Curt Smith, David Wilcox ‘62, Redding, Calif.; Barb Halfen Wilcox ‘64, Redding, Calif.; Julie McGinty. Third row: Brad Kolbo ’69, Issaquah, Wash.; Janet Reape Hughey ‘61, Edgewood, Wash.; Jerry Cudney ‘63, Sammamish, Wash.; Jo Stowell Cudney ‘63, Sammamish, Wash.; Karen Hendrickson Gardiner ‘62, Moncton, NB, Canada; Glenn Gardiner ‘61, Moncton, NB, Canada; Rick McGinty ’94, Salem. Fourth row: Yvonne Baccus Thomas ’55, Tumwater, Wash.; Roger Hughey, Edgewood, Wash.; Janet Caplinger Posenjak ‘70, East Wenatchee, Wash.; Charlene White, Salem; Sharon Roden Abbey ‘88, Salem; Beth Roden Lee ’83, Prescott Valley, Ariz. Fifth row: Cathy Kuiken ‘77, Lyons, Ore.; Lon Posenjak ‘69, East Wenatchee, Wash.; Darrel White ADP ‘11, Corban; Ruth Roden Hoff ‘ 82, Bloomington, Ill.; Steve Lee, Prescott Valley, Ariz. Sixth row: Marty

Shoppers in Juneau include Dave Wilcox, Jerry Cudney, Deleen Wills, Paul LaFreniere, Jo Cudney

Glenn and Karen Gardiner celebrate their 50 wedding anniversary

Kuiken ADP ‘09, Lyons, Ore.; Shelly Roden, Scottsdale, Ariz; Deleen Wills, Corban. Seventh row: Jim Roden, Scottsdale, Ariz; Jeremy Abbey, Salem; Jessica Abbey, Salem; Rod Hoff, ’81 Bloomington, Ill. Missing from photo: Photographer Mark Wills.

Next travel program Autumn in New England in 13 months Join us as we tour in our luxury motor coach through New England for seven days viewing fall foliage and many historical sites. Our tour begins Oct. 10, 2013, departing from your closest airport and arriving in Boston. We will sightsee across Massachusetts; through New Hampshire; into Vermont along the East Coast; through Kennebunkport, Maine; and returning to Boston. Many meals are included and hotel accommodations are at top-rated hotels. Cost from Portland and other West Coast airports is $1999 per person. Costs vary, depending on airport or you have the choice of the tour only. This tour requires average physical activity. You should be in good health, able to climb stairs and walk reasonable distances, possibly over uneven grounds and cobblestone streets.

Lon and Janet Posenjak with Darrel and Charlene White in Victoria, BC

President and Linda Hoff pan for gold.

Marty and Cathy Kuiken

This is limited to 44 people.

For more information, please contact Director of Alumni Services Deleen Wills at 503-589-8182 or


Roger and Janet Hughey in Tracy Arm Fjord

Jerry and Jo Cudney

President’s Partners Dinner Class of ’62 50-Year Reunion was held May 5

Corban University expressed their appreciation to donors on May 4 at the first annual President’s Partners Dinner. The special event gave a firsthand experience, through students, faculty and video, to our $1,000 annual donors on how their giving was impacting the lives of students at Corban. The event was an opportunity for donors to see they are part of a group who is committed to this level of giving and to inspire them to continue their partnership with the University. For information on joining this group of donors, please contact Darrel White, 503-589-8186 or

Class of ’62 outside of the El Cerrito Room. Left to right: Jim Moore, Salem, Ore; Cathy Snyder Wuth, Woodstock, Ga.; Bill Wuth, Woodstock, Ga.; Karen Hendrickson Gardiner, Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada; David Einer, Fremont, Calif.; Mary Edwards Smith, Keizer, Ore.; Loyd Lowe, Forest Grove, Ore.; Carolyn Brown Whatley, Modesto, Calif.; Keith Whatley, Modesto, Calif.; David Wilcox, Redding, Calif.

President Hoff, LaRissa Smith Beals ’85, Linda Hoff, Doug Beals ’87. The Beals’ daughter Mackenzie graduated in 2011, and daughter Madison is a current student.

Best friends from the Class of ’61, Rowena Stottmeister Turner ’61, Kelseyville, Calif., on left and Ruth Anne Nichols ’61 of Salem on the right, welcome newest Golden Grads Cathy Snyder Wuth and Bill Wuth of Woodstock, Ga.

Newest Golden Grads: David Einer, Fremont, Calif.; David Wilcox, Redding, Calif.; Cathy Snyder Wuth, Woodstock, Ga.; Bill Wuth, Woodstock, Ga.; Keith Whatley, Modesto, Calif.; Karen Hendrickson Gardiner, Moncton, NB, Canada; Jim Moore, Salem; Loyd Lowe, Forest Grove, Ore.

Alumni Rob Buhl ‘02 and wife Robyn Young Buhl ’04, pastor of supporting-church North Albany Community Church

Jim Moore receives his 50-year medallion from Provost Matt Lucas ’94.

Karen Hendrickson Gardiner being congratulated by President Reno Hoff ‘73

Curt Bidwell ‘85 and wife Kristie Kilgour Bidwell ’86 are pastoring supporting-church First Baptist Church of Tumwater. They are parents of Riley ’12 and Coby ’11. Curt graduated the next day with his MBA and son Riley with a Bachelor of Science.


During the recent remodel of Postal Services and the Bookstore, many mailbox doors were salvaged. A piece of history can be yours. Cost is $30 and includes mailing costs.

On the road with the Advancement Department

Memorabilia for Decade of ’80s, ’90s and ’00s

Please contact Josh Bartlett at jbartlett@ and let him know if you had a key or combo lock and your box number. Have your credit card handy.

Corban Connection More than 220 ladies gathered on April 14 to enjoy a two-hour luncheon including student stories, musical entertainment and door prizes. After all was said and done, $17,000 toward 2012-13 projects was raised. Ken Harrison ADP ’96 of Castle Rock, Colo., with Tom Carlson ’69, Highland Ranch, Colo., and Darrel White ADP’11, Director of Development.

Charles Dubbs ’59 and Hazel Schmidt Dubbs ’58 at their home in Mesa, Ariz.

Richard Seefried ’66 and Andrea Madson Seefried ’67 live in Fort Collins, Colo.


Seniors Anna Unruh and Rachelle Schafer entertain guests.

upcoming events C.L.A.S.S. 102 – Corban Life-Application Speakers Series

Alumni Christmas Soiree – December 1

Come hear speakers share on a variety of 30-minute topics. Noon to 1 p.m. at Marco Polo restaurant. $12 per person. Speakers are from 12:15 to 12:45.

Mark your calendar for our seventh annual Alumni Christmas

October 3, Bryce Bernard, Teamwork, “Are you an ISFJ on a team full of ENTP’s? Does scripture have anything to say about it?”

season with refreshments at 6 p.m. in the lobby of Schimmel Hall,

October 17, Reno Hoff, President’s Choice

by the entire music department. The concert begins at 7:30 p.m.

October 31, Marty Trammell, Communicating in a Socially Networked World

hosted by President and Mrs. Hoff. Even though there is no

Soiree on Saturday evening, December 1. Kick off your Christmas followed by an evening of beautiful Christmas music presented Oregon alumni will receive an invitation in the mail to the Soiree, admission fee for this event, a reservation is required. The concert

RSVP: or 503-316-3388

is open seating. Please contact the Office of Alumni Services to register your attendance at the Soiree by calling 503-316-3388

CUBE – Corban University Business Event

or emailing by Nov. 28.

Mark your calendar for breakfast Sept. 26, Nov. 28, Jan. 16, Mar. 20 and May 8; 7 to 8 a.m., Broadway Commons in downtown Salem.

Other performances are available on Friday at 7:30 p.m. and Saturday at 3 p.m., but there will be no Soiree preceding these events.

Attention Basketball Alumni – October 27 You are invited on Saturday, Oct. 27 to reconnect with friends by either observing or playing. The women’s game begins at 4:00 p.m. and the men’s game begins at 6:00 p.m. Email to RSVP.

Christmas at the Mansion – December 8 Washington alumni are invited to an open house on Saturday, December 8, from 1 to 3 p.m. at the historic Weyerhaeuser

Scholarship Fundraising Luncheon – November 8 Noon to 1 p.m. KROC Center. No cost, call Kellie at 503-375-7183 for reservations. Seating is limited. An opportunity for your financial support will be extended.

Mansion—Corban University’s Tacoma campus. Visit with faculty and staff from Tacoma and Salem, enjoy music provided by students, eat refreshments and go on tours. There is no fee, but reservations are required. Please call 503-316-3388 or email by December 4.

Broadway Across America presents “War Horse” March 3, 2013, Sunday, 6:30 p.m. A remarkable tale of courage, loyalty and friendship. England, 1914. As World War I begins, Joey, young Albert’s beloved horse, is sold to the cavalry and shipped from England to France. He’s soon caught up in enemy fire, and fate takes him on an extraordinary journey, serving on both sides before finding himself alone in no man’s land. But Albert cannot forget Joey and, still not old enough to enlist, he embarks on a treacherous mission to find him and bring him home. This powerfully moving and imaginative drama, filled with stirring music and songs, is a show of phenomenal inventiveness that is currently playing to packed houses in London and New York. At its heart are astonishing life-sized puppets created by South Africa’s Handspring Puppet Company that bring to life breathing, galloping, charging horses strong enough for men to ride.

Orchestra (first floor), Sections A, B and E: $55 and $63. First Balcony, Section B: $55. Tickets will be mailed February 15, 2013. Call the Office of Alumni Services at 503-316-3388 and have your credit card handy. Limited to four per person. Note: One-hundred ninety-four Beauty and the Beast tickets were sold in two weeks for the February 2012 showing. Don’t delay!

Once again Corban has received great pricing on an incredible Broadway musical. 25

Class Notes 60s Shirley Dick Weber (’67) and husband George of Olympia, Wash., traveled to Philadelphia and to the Smoky Mountains of Tennessee to visit family and friends. They went to Chittagong, Bangladesh, from June 6 to Aug. 23 to fill in ministry gaps while missionaries were temporarily away. They led the English language church services, taught at the Bible college, held a seminar with pastors, helped new missionaries with their language program and preached in the local churches.

Lenny Young (’68) and Kay Clark Young (’69) reside in an active adult community in Rio Vista, Calif. They are retired from 40 years of construction in Oregon and California. Their children and grandchildren are all Christians and serving the Lord in their respective communities. Lenny and Kay celebrated their 44th wedding anniversary.

Chris McReynolds (’99) of Wilsonville, Ore., was named Chief Operating Officer for the health and wellness company, Wellsource Inc., based in Portland, Ore. For the last 10 years Chris worked for Enterprise Rent-ACar and directed business operations for the company as a regional manager. He has also launched successful entrepreneurial ventures in business consulting and construction. Chris enjoys spending time with his wife, Amy Mader McReynolds (’97), and their children; and playing basketball.

00s Sara Jones Gallandt (’00) of Wildomar, Calif., has been a teacher for five years. Her husband, Patrick, is the youth pastor at their church in Southern California. Their daughter, Hannah, is in middle school and daughter Katie is in third grade. Their family traveled to Italy for Patrick’s brother’s wedding. They spent two weeks traveling through Pisa, Padova, Sienna, Florence and Venice.

90s Steve Ryall (’91) of High Springs, Fla., has operated Steve Ryall CAD Services since 2005. He does architectural drafting using AutoCAD and DataCAD software to supply construction drawings to general contractors, homeowners and architects in the Gainesville area. Steve also does as-built building surveys for Menemsha Construction Solutions of Hawthorne, Calif. He has also built acoustic guitars since 2007. He is open to opportunities to use his skills for the work of the Kingdom.


Mary Olson (ADP ’06) submitted her appliqué quilt, named “Acanthus with a Twist,” and took first place in the Bed Quilts “Home Sewing–EZ Quilting By Wrights/ Simplicity Creative Group” category of the American Quilter’s Society, Paducah 2012 international competition. Also, her quilt has been selected to be featured in the 2013 Paducah Calendar. Her husband, Garry, is her quilt designer. They reside in Aumsville, Ore.

Kelly Hoeting (’00) of Hemet, Calif., works as a missionary mobilizer with Youth for Christ Military. She follows up with those interested in serving with YFC Military, processes new candidates and does recruiting. Shelley Houston (ADP ’01) of Eugene, Ore., submitted one of her articles in a writing contest sponsored by The Amy Foundation. She won fourth place out of 750 articles submitted.

Lyndsey Hawk Brown (’07) completed her thesis on Elizabeth Madox Roberts, a writer during the 1920s and ‘30s. She examined possible reasons for the writer’s decline, and she focused on the feminist movement in the 1960s and 1970s when Robert Penn Warren wrote an important essay calling for Robert’s recovery. Lyndsey won an award for the best graduate paper in the department at Georgia Southern University, and she had a paper accepted for publication in a book of critical essays on Roberts. Lyndsey and Andrew Brown (’08) reside in Richmond Hill, Ga. Corey Wells (ADP ’08), with wife Kirsten and sons Gavin and Garret, are missionaries in Honduras with Camino Global (formerly CAM International). Along with getting settled in a new culture, they are attending language school to learn Spanish and Garifuna (the tribal language of the people to whom they will be ministering).

David Collett (’09) is teaching in New York City for two years with Teach for America. He is also working on a master’s degree in education. He plans to attend NYU’s public health program and then pursue developing hospice organizations.

Anna Cunningham (’10) of Salem spent 10 weeks in Algeria working in the refugee camp of Smara. Her role was to teach three children while their parents taught English to the Saharawi people. While there she ran a 5K race that was part of the Sahara marathon weekend to help raise awareness of the Saharawi people.

Alexis Berdeaux Gallaway (’09) teaches full time at Willamette Christian School in Salem. She and Isaac Gallaway (’10) reside in Woodburn, Ore. Paul Martin (’09) of Beaverton, Ore., won placement in the Sports Launch’s 2012 “Thirty Under 30 Awards.” The award recognizes his hard work, innovation, creativity, leadership and entrepreneurship in the sports industry. Paul manages Nike Basketball’s social media accounts and assists in overall strategy and marketing plans. Rachel Ost (’09) and Kyle Doty (’12) performed in “Sleeping Beauty” presented by Theater Outreach in Salem. Rachel was the fairy Daisy, and Kyle was King Stefan. It was held at Chemeketa Community College’s auditorium from June 22 to July 1.

Emily Misner Hunt (’10) is a preschool teacher at Grace Christian School. She and husband Andrew live in Tigard, Ore. Michael Lavatai (ADP ’10) is the associate pastor at Calvary Chapel Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. He oversees children’s, youth, and college/career ministries. Jonathan McGuire (’10) of Newcastle, Wash., completed a master’s in taxation at the University of Denver. He is working as a tax associate at Peterson Sullivan LLP in Seattle. Jenna Zufelt McNulty (’10) works at Lake Bible Church in Lake Oswego, Ore., as Director of Junior High Ministries. She and husband Nathan McNulty (’07) live in Beaverton.

10s Katy Drake (’10) is the new resident director for Balyo Hall at Corban. She was an admissions counselor at Corban for two years. Lon Huff (ADP ’10) of Silverton, Ore., is Community Life Pastor at West Hills Community Church in West Salem. He and wife Jenny traveled to Israel in May 2012 for a three-week study tour with Western Seminary.

Alicia Moore (’10) of Kirkland, Wash., served from Aug. 2010 to June 2011 with Flagstaff Mission to The Navajos, located in Northern Arizona. Her responsibilities included children’s ministry, a nursing home Bible study and working in the office and mission storehouse. Alicia works part time as a kindergarten teacher at Bellevue Christian School. Chaney Rosti (’10), Caitlin Doring (’12) and Sarah Seibert (’12) are teaching in Indonesia. Jeffrey Schloemer (’10) of Newberg, Ore., is attending George Fox University’s doctoral program for clinical psychology.

Emily Slater (’10) of Willimantic, Conn., is completing a master’s degree in English literature at the University of Connecticut. She is also teaching freshman English at the university. Julie Summers (’10) of Battle Ground, Wash., spent six weeks in Iceland as a participant of The Snorri Program; a cultural and educational exchange that helped her connect with her Icelandic heritage. The program included intensive Icelandic language lessons, a home stay with Icelandic relatives and a sightseeing tour. Scott White (MBA ’10) of Klamath Falls, Ore., works as the watermaster in Klamath Basin. Coby Bidwell (’11) of Olympia, Wash., has been accepted into the 2012 entering class at St. George’s University School of Medicine. LeAnna Bartholf Darling (’11) and Anthony Darling (’12) moved to Gold Beach, Ore., where Anthony is the youth pastor of First Baptist Church. Alysha Gates (’11) of Eagle River, Alaska, teaches math at Polaris K–12, an alternative school in the Anchorage School District. She was chosen to participate in the 2012 Siemens STEM Institute at the Discovery Communications headquarters located outside of Washington, D.C., along with 49 other educators from around the nation. 27

Mark Flores (’11) of Salem, Ore., is a staff writer for; an informational website highlighting the Oregon Ducks through in-depth videos and articles. Since its creation, FishDuck has been featured on ESPN, Bleacher Report and in The Oregonian as an up-andcoming media provider of allthings-Ducks. Mark’s weekly “Oregon Recruiting Recaps” lead FishDuck’s readership, generating over 50,000 online views since he joined the website. Mark’s articles appear on Wednesdays.

Kenneth Mabry (’11) of Vancouver, Wash., works full time at the Fort Vancouver Regional Library as a library assistant. Sara Pittock (’11) of Beaverton, Ore., was an assistant director for a feature film called “A Tale of Delight.” The film is meant to spread awareness about mental illness.


Melissa Crawford (ADP ’12) and husband Scott reside in Pearl, Miss. Melissa is contracted to teach a kindergarten class at a local, private Christian school. She was a substitute teacher for a year and is excited to have her own classroom again.

Beau St. Peter (’11) is a leader/coordinator for Young Life in Keizer, Ore. He was an admissions counselor at Corban for the past year.

Kayla Hernandez (’12) of Albany, Ore., works at South Albany High School in the counseling center. She is attending Corban for a master’s degree in the counseling program.

Courtney Baker (’12) is a new admissions counselor at Corban. She is a former AmBex student and worked in the faculty office as a student secretary.

Courtney Kendrick (’12) of The Dalles, Ore., works with The Next Door Inc. as Wasco County Match Coordinator for the Big Brothers Big Sisters mentor program.

Ashley Cowan (’12) is a new admissions counselor at Corban. She is a former Corban resident assistant and member of the Corban Community Life Team.

Karen Kilgore (’12), of Salem, works as the director of Willson House Child Development Center and as the children’s ministry director at New Harvest Church in Salem.

Thanks for Answering

We appreciate all those who picked up the telephone in fall and spring. You updated our callers with all sorts of news, such as family additions, job information, books published, health issues or email addresses. And thanks to hundreds who have given a gift to the Corban Fund. This fund has a direct impact on student lives by providing financial grants to students and by strengthening the academic programs. One student wrote: “When I was chosen to receive a grant, I couldn’t hold back the unexpected tears. After months of working, praying, searching and trying not to be anxious, God had provided faithfully once again. I had reached the end of what I could do to stay at Corban and God provided the rest.” Giving to assist students at Corban is a powerful thing. When you give you may never know the details of the impact on one individual, but you can be sure your gift will have an effect. So when you see that caller ID reading “Corban University,” please pick up the phone. We start phoning mid-September. We are grateful for 513 alumni who gave to the Corban Fund this year. This is an all-time high!

Down the Aisle g 1 Ali-Andrea Cahal (’04) married Loren Johnson on Feb. 26, 2012, at the Willamette Heritage Center at the Mill in Salem. Bethany Goodrow Kos (’04) was in their wedding party. Ali-Andrea works at the Salem Hospital Emergency Department as an ER tech, and at Woodburn Ambulance as an EMT. She volunteers at Mt. Angel Fire District. Loren works at Littau Harvester in Stayton, Ore., as an office manager. They attend the First Congregational United Church of Christ in Salem. They enjoy camping, hiking, watching 3-D movies and traveling. The couple resides in Mt. Angel, Ore.




2 Melissa Collings (’08) married Ben Snell (’09) on May 12, 2012, at Foothills Church in Stayton, Ore. Brian Beeson (’09) and Ryan Fowler (’09) were in the wedding party. Melissa works as an admissions counselor at Corban in Graduate and Adult Degree Admissions. Ben works for Willamette Fruit Company. They live in Stayton, Ore., and enjoy a good puzzle, catching the latest movies and spending time at the ranch Ben grew up on in Eastern Oregon. 3 Chelsea Redding (’10) married Hallack “Hal” Kuepper Aug. 13, 2011, at McKenzie Bible Fellowship in Leaburg, Ore. Bridesmaids included Jessica Redding Nelson (’06), Bethany Barnick (’08), Brooke Sterk (’10), Katy Drake (’10) and Stephanie Schwarze (’10). The couple resides in Keizer, Ore. Chelsea works at Corban as Data Reporting and Assessment Manager in the education department. Hal is an instructional assistant for Salem-Keizer School District and is studying at Portland State University for a master’s degree in structural engineering.



4 Josh Warner (’10) and Annie McKay (’11) married July 9, 2011, at Summerfield Farm in Salem. Their wedding party included Jordan Lindsey (’10), Cara O’Halloran (’10), Mackenzie Beals (’11) and Torie McKay (’13). The couple resides in Aumsville, Ore. Josh coaches and manages a website for Baseball Northwest and is an assistant baseball coach for Corban. Annie is an associate accountant at AKT LLP. They attend Salem Alliance Church and host a young-married couple Bible study, made up of Corban alumni and other couples. 5 Royalynne “Rose” Miller (’14) married Aaron Craig on June 16, 2012, at Bethany Baptist Church in Salem. Aaron is the son of Meril Craig (’77) and Katherine Stouffer Craig (’76). Their wedding party included Richard Riffle (’13) and Ryan Riffle (’13). The couple resides in Salem. 29

All in the Family 1 Lisa Winters Engelman (’00) and husband Stephen welcomed their third child, Gracelyn Elizabeth, Dec. 16, 2011. She weighed 10 pounds, 14 ounces and was 21 inches long. She joins big-brother Luke and big- sister Ellianna. The family lives in Lake Oswego, Ore. Stephen works from home in a software development/project management position. Lisa is a stay-at-home mom. They attend Lake Bible Church and enjoy exploring the Southwest Portland area. 2 Cyrus Rettman (’04) and Kim Greenwood Rettmann (’04) welcomed their fourth child, Caleb Ezra, born Nov. 21, 2011. He joins big sisters Ruth, Lydia and Charis. Cyrus is a youth pastor at Keizer Community Church. He traveled to the Philippines for three weeks to teach and train pastors and laypersons. Kim is a stay-at-home mom and participates in various church ministries. 3 Natalie Naas Sutter (’04) and husband Jesse announce the birth of their first child, Emma Irene, born April 24, 2012. She weighed 7 pounds, 3 ounces and was 19 inches long. Natalie works part time in the accounting department at the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. Jesse teaches fifth grade in the Salem-Keizer School District. They attend Salem Heights Church. Natalie and Jesse enjoy camping and hunting. A picture of Natalie is featured on the cover of the “ODFW 2012 Big Game Regulations.” 4 Katrina Irish Gemin (’05) and husband P.J. welcomed their first child, Isaac Douglas, born May 15, 2012. He weighed 9 pounds, 1 ounce and was 21 inches long. Katrina is a stay-at-home mom. They attend Kitsap Lake Baptist of Bremerton, Wash. 5 Amy Zuidema Billera (’06) and husband Anthony welcomed their third child, Michael Anthony, born Nov. 13, 2011. He weighed 8 pounds, 9 ounces. He joins brother Benjamin and sister Lucy. The family attends Emmanuel Bible Church in Salem. Amy is a stay-at-home mom. 6 Jenny Welty Shetler (’06) and husband Peter welcomed their second child, Anthony Eugene, born March 11, 2012. He weighed 9 pounds, 10 ounces and was 21 inches long. He joins big-sister Clara. Jenny is a stay-at-home mom and Peter is a co-owner and contractor for Shetler Construction Inc. They reside in Silverton, Ore.














7 Aaron Conger (’07) and Jessica Earl Conger (’07) welcomed Haven Neriyah (sanctuary; burning light for God), born April 25, 2012. She weighed 7 pounds, 6.6 ounces and was 21 inches long. They reside in Selah, Wash. Jessica owns a personal training business called BeYouFitness. Aaron is in his second year of med school at Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences in Yakima, Wash. They attend Selah Covenant Church. 8 Michelle Fitts Cramer (’08, MBA ’11) and husband Jon welcomed their first child, Benjamin David James, born Dec. 10, 2011. He weighed 7 pounds, 10 ounces and was 22 inches long. They live in Spokane, Wash. Michelle is an accountant for Vandervert Developments. Jon is a digital content scheduler for CBS Outdoors. They attend New Hope Bible Church and are involved with a Bible study. Also, they volunteer with a ministry called Peak 7 Adventures. 9 Deirdre Hixson Edmonds (’09) and husband Christopher announce the birth of Penelope “Penney” Destiney, born Dec. 28, 2011. She weighed 8 pounds, 8 ounces and was 21.25 inches long. They reside in Carnation, Wash.

10 Alissa Taylor Lemke (’08) and Michael Lemke (’10) announce the birth of their second child, Adelaide Ayame, born May 8, 2012. She weighed 7 pounds, 3 ounces and was 20 inches long. She joins big-brother Jude. Alissa is a stay-athome mom. Michael is a rental coordinator at Peterson Cat. The family resides in Stayton, Ore. They attend Scio Baptist Church where Alissa teaches the third and fourth grade Sunday school class and Michael is a junior high youth leader. 11 Brandi Schrunk Cokenour (’10) and husband Andrew welcomed their first child, Maddie Callan, born April 16, 2012. She weighed 8 pounds and was 20.5 inches long. The family resides in Prineville, Ore. 12 Erin Laughlin Stokes (’11) and husband Damon announce the birth of Clara Ruth, born Feb. 12, 2012. She weighed 7 pounds, 9 ounces and was 21 inches long. They live in Keizer, Ore. Erin is a stay-at-home mom. Damon is an engineer at Schneider Electric. They attend Salem Heights Church and serve as leaders in the college group. Damon does triathlons and they enjoy hiking and biking.

With the Lord Bill Hadeen (’53) of Minneapolis, Minn., went to be with the Lord on Sept. 14, 2011. Bill was a creative writer and passionate speaker. He loved sports and enjoyed singing and listening to music. After attending WBBC in Oakland, Calif., he transferred to Bob Jones University in Greenville, S.C., where he completed his bachelor’s degree. He married his wife, Wanda, Aug. 14, 1953, and they had three children: Deb, Tim and Steve. Bill attended a small Baptist seminary in Los Angeles and then transferred to Bethel Seminary. He spent the rest of his ministry in churches in Minnesota, Illinois, Massachusetts, California and Arizona. Bill was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in Feb. 1998. In March 2007, Bill moved into Cerenity Senior Care where he lived out his years. Even in the midst of his Alzheimer’s journey, God used him to bring light and joy to those around him. Bill was a man of God who made a difference in the life of those he met. He is now rejoicing, home at last in the presence of his Jesus. Rev. Howard Holloway (’62) of Carrollton, Texas, passed from this life to his heavenly home on July 17, 2011. He is preceded in death by his wife, Dorothy. Howard began his career with the Post Office Department in 1943. As a railway clerk he stood in the open door of the railroad car, snatching mail bags from a track-side crane while the train sped by. He retired as a letter carrier in 1985. Howard’s passion was his service for the Lord and his relationships with family and friends. He attended

WBBC in El Cerrito, Calif., and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in biblical education from Dallas Bible College in 1969. He was ordained the same year and, shortly thereafter, became the pastor of the Danville Presbyterian Church in Louisiana, where he remained until 1973. He returned to First Baptist Church of Carrollton and became active as a deacon and in the missions and chaplain ministries. He traveled to Paris, France, in 1976 with the French Baptist Association and to Hyderabad, India, in 1989 with International Crusades. He volunteered in the Farmers Branch-Carrollton Independent School District for many years. Howard’s other passion was music. He was a member of the sanctuary choir at FBCC and the Live Wire Choir. He taught himself to play the bass guitar so he could play in the Country Silver Band. Howard was also the emcee of and a vocalist in the band that played for facility dedications, professional conventions, nursing homes, country clubs and shopping center events. He was still leading the singing at Esperanza Assisted Living facility every Sunday and teaching three Bible studies in nursing homes and hospitals. Rev. David Hollingsworth (’69) of Indianapolis, Ind., met his Lord and Savior on May 7, 2012, after having fought cancer for a year. He is survived by his wife, Kathy Mahan Hollingsworth (’69), and their three children: William, Laura and Drew. David spent most of his life in California, having earned degrees in humanities and pastoral education. In 1977, he became the senior pastor at First Baptist Church of Cambria, where he served 30 of his 40 years in ministry. A love for music inspired David’s years in a gospel quartet and performing solo work in a men’s ensemble. He was also published, having authored articles in numerous Christian periodicals. He taught Old Testament in Russia through Slavic Gospel Association and served on the boards of two evangelical mission organizations. Danny Rosanbalm (’70) of Fairfield, Calif., passed away Feb. 10, 2012. He is survived by his wife, Lylah Peterson Rosanbalm (’62).

Class Notes Key ADP – Adult Degree Program CUSM.. Corban University School of Ministry (includes former Northwest Baptist Seminary) MABS..Master of Arts in Biblical Studies MDiv....Master of Divinity MSE.....Master of Science in Education

Send us your updates

This issue of Class Notes consists of items submitted between February 23 and June 20. Deadline for Class Notes for Winter 2012 is October 1.


Check the alumni facebook page for more photos and upcoming events: Corban/Western Baptist Alumni.





Office of Advancement 5000 Deer Park Drive SE Salem, OR 97317-9392

FREE ESTATE PLANNING SERVICE for Corban Alumni and Friends

In the last magazine we announced a new initiative to provide estate planning assistance at no cost to Corban University alumni and donors. We introduced Gene Christian, a wellknown estate planning expert, to lead this effort. He has a longstanding involvement with many church-based organizations and individuals throughout the Northwest. Mary Edwards Smith ’62 and her husband Curt recently met with Gene and she had this to say: “Gene is extremely personable with no pressure. He is articulate and helped us think through what is important to us. The process inspired me to think of how I could give back to Corban, a place that contributed so much to my life.” After meeting with Gene, the Smiths have set a plan in motion to create a scholarship endowment fund that will financially assist students wanting to attend Corban. In July they gave

Darrel White Director of Development

Gene Christian Estate Planning Expert

If you are interested in estate planning assistance, call Darrel White at 503-589-8186 or email We can also send you our free Will and Trust Planning Guide and Estate Inventory form. Corban University is a non profit, 501(c)(3), tax exempt educational corporation. We offer several other planned giving vehicles such as a: 1) Charitable Gift Annuity, 2) Charitable Lead Trust, 3) Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust, and 4) Charitable Remainder Trust. Gifts of real property or life insurance are another way to support the mission of the University.

an initial gift of $5,000, and through future gifts, including leaving Corban as a beneficiary in their will, an endowment will be established. Though Curt did not attend Corban he commented, “Corban is a great, small university that is doing a lot of good for the students. The students seem well prepared and are very capable people. You can gain knowledge at many schools, but Corban students receive a distinct quality of education that includes God.” In Mary’s words, “It took awhile to realize how significant Corban was to me and I am so thankful that I have reconnected with the school and the people: my extended family.” Mary and Curt invite other alumni to give back to Corban through this fund, or establish their own, “to assist young people seeking a strong faithbased education and an exceptional college experience.”

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