Corban Magazine - Spring 2013

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A Publication of Corban University

Christian Stewardship W hy m a kin g a commitme nt to se r v ice is m ore imp or tant than e ve r

Spring 2013

Dedicating Heart and Mind to God

It is the mission of Corban University to educate Christians who will make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ. The Hebrew word for corban (qorban) represents the highest gift given to God. “In view of God's mercy…offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—which is your spiritual worship” Romans 12:1 (NIV). Our students are trained to become leaders who are set apart for a life of spiritual sacrifice and service, able to advance as salt and light in a darkened world.

Corban Staff Publisher Reno Hoff ’73 Editor J. Steven Hunt ’69 Writer Sheldon Traver Designer Ronald Cox Contributing Writers Deleen Wills, David Sanford, Brittany Cox, Karen Pease Photographer Sheldon Traver Contributing Photographers Deleen Wills, Jessica Marple, Ronald Cox CORBAN magazine is published by the Office of Marketing & Communications at Corban University and is sent to alumni, parents, supporters and friends of the University. Our missional themes are transformative learning, holistic development and Christian stewardship. Send address changes to: Office of Advancement 5000 Deer Park Drive SE Salem, OR 97317-9392 Email or call 503-375-7003. Corban Magazine is printed by Lynx Group in Salem, Ore. U.S.A.

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Christian Stewardship


Why making a commitment to service is more important than ever

18 Staff

and Faculty Retirements

21 Multiplying 24 Growing

in Kenya

in Grace

26 Advancing

Corban’s Global Reach

DEPARTMENTS 2 Spring Portrait 4 From the President 5 Corban in Print 6 Faculty News 8 News Briefs 27 Alumni Action 32 Upcoming Events 34 Class Notes


from the president Corban University promotes a life of stewardship and service toward God, humanity and creation throughout its programs and supporting departments. Christian stewardship equips students to become life changers locally and abroad through action, intention and personal discovery of life-calling and leadership. Following the biblical priority of stewardship, students are given opportunities to develop personal organization, manage time and wisely use gifts, talents and abilities to effect positive changes in society. Using resources and personal talents to serve others demonstrates a life of integrity and service. Our objective for students is to help them develop a mission-driven focus by engaging in global issues and outreach; serving in their local church; being involved in the community as caretakers of God’s creation; developing as leaders by serving others and being lifelong learners.

Recently, I received a letter from an alum who graduated in 1977 giving us encouragement that we are accomplishing our message of Christian Stewardship. Some excerpts from the letter are as follows: “I am so deeply grateful for my time on campus during Homecoming Weekend. First off, it was stunning to me to set foot back on campus and have a flood of memories from the time I spent there as a student. And I thought: ‘This is where it all happened.’ It was a turning point in my life as I embraced, for the first time, what it meant to live for God each day. And I also gained a deep love for the Word of God. I just have to say the experiences on campus helped shape me in an incredible way. This weekend gave me a deeper appreciation for what is currently going

Christian stewardship equips students to become life changers

on at Corban and what it took to achieve it. As I attended the President’s Luncheon, I glanced around at the people there who mean so much to me. I thought how generous they had been to give to us students. So many trophies of God’s grace. I had to thank some faculty for instilling in me a love for missions while I attended Corban University. It continues to this day!” Letters like this are a great encouragement to us at Corban because they are an indication that we are successfully carrying out our mission, “To educate Christians who will make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ.” As you read the rest of the magazine you will learn of other stories of success from those committed to a life of Christian Stewardship. We appreciate your support and prayers as we carry out this great mission with your help. Dedicating Heart and Mind to God, Reno Hoff, President

Did You Know? Corban undergraduate students are required to take 24 units of Bible and theology in any major as well as perform 150 hours of church and community service before graduation. 4

Corban in print “Fusion Art 2013: The Pretty Wild”


The book blends poetry by Corban students with interpretive photographs and paintings by fellow students. Fusion Art started as a class assignment by English Professor Colette Tennant in 2011, and in time, it morphed into an art-gallery show and book.

ISBN barcode goes here

“The combination of poetry, art and photography creates a certain chemistry that results in a whole new thing,” Tennant said. “What makes it amazing is that more than 60 students were involved and they encompass all of Corban’s majors, not just Creative Writing majors.” “Fusion Art 2013: The Pretty Wild” is available for $15 through the Corban University Bookstore or by e-mailing Tennant at

“The Meeting Place: Moments with God at Lookout Point” by N. L. Brumbaugh ’78

aling and peace, N. L. Brumbaugh ne-hour visits to the Meeting Place. al absorbing of the natural world, while ugh prayer and contemplation—with re.

ews the beauties of nature, shares her ith the God of love.

The Meeting Place

tiniest of wildflowers to majestic, craggy cloud or in blazing sunset—seen in uches our innermost person with its e Meeting Place is an open dialogue and visible God who delights in the visible d in those who “look up.”

through a year of journaling at ly desire a closer more d it in your book.”

pastor’s wife

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| The Pretty Wild

In a collaboration of artistic mediums, Corban University writers and artists came together for the newly released book “Fusion Art 2013: The Pretty Wild.”

Norma Brumbaugh Wieland ('78) has authored “The Meeting Place: Moments with God at Lookout Point” that is a contemplative book about God, nature, and life, and the author’s inner need for healing. Norma spent one year making weekly visits to the Meeting Place. She learned that God can be found in all of nature, from the tiniest of wildflowers to majestic, craggy cliffs; in a billowy cumulous cloud or in a blazing sunset. He is seen in awe-inspiring loveliness that touches our innermost being with its alluring romance. God cares. Norma is a single parent to five children, and works on a walnut farm in Northern California. “The Meeting Place” can be found on the web (Google, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Inspiring Voices). Key word: N. L. Brumbaugh.

“Branches in the Vine" by Mary Amesbury

This biography describes how Fred and Dorothy Waldock lived life—they were branches connected to the true vine, Jesus Christ. Together they served as missionaries with Baptist Mid-Missions in India for 40 years. Theirs was a pioneer spirit, always seeking more effective ways to reach Indians for Jesus Christ. In every circumstance and in every challenge they faced, they looked to their Savior for sustaining grace. It was His life flowing through theirs that transformed the lives of hundreds of lepers, students, soldiers, hospital workers, businessmen, pastors and missionaries—the poor, the rich, Indian and American. It was their connection to Christ that made their lives so significant on Earth and so influential for eternity. Theirs were lives of utter dependence on the Lord Jesus Christ. They never dared to go it alone or to chart their own course. Their duty and delight was to follow the Master. 243 pages; $16.95. Available as author-signed copy. Send an email with your request and a postal mailing address with a check for $20 (cost + shipping) to: Mary Amesbury, 2280 Murray Hill Road, No. 3, Cleveland, OH 44106. Online: (royalties from online orders will help support the Baptist Seminary of South India). The book is also available in ebook form from and Barnes and Noble; Kindle version:

“What I Didn’t Learn in Seminary” by Michael Tucker, ’63

In his book “What I Didn’t Learn in Seminary,” Michael Tucker ’63 takes personal examples from his ministry to offer tools and wisdom for current pastors and those in training. As a pastor for nearly a half century, Tucker knows seminary training is invaluable for those seeking to teach and preach the Word. However, there are lessons that cannot be learned in the classroom but are still vital to a successful ministry. ”This book is intended to encourage people in ministry,” he said. “Hearing the truth, good and bad, funny and discouraging, about the real life of a pastor, may be helpful for those contemplating the challenge or those already in ministry.” “What I Didn’t Learn in Seminary” is available in print and ebook versions through and Barnes & Noble. 5

faculty news Corban hires new Dean of Education and Counseling Kristen Dixon, Ed.D., has been hired as the new Dean of Education and Counseling at Corban. She will begin July 1. Dixon is the chairwoman of the Master of Arts in Teaching Program at George Fox University where she works with former Corban Provost Linda Samek, Ed.D. She also oversees George Fox’s regional sites in Boise, Idaho, Redmond, Ore. and Salem. Prior to that, she worked as a teacher with the Salem-Keizer Public School District. Additionally, Dixon brings a global perspective to the School of Education. She taught for four years at the Rosslyn Academy in Nairobi, Kenya and led pre-service educator teams to Ecuador, China and Austria. These trips led to her doctoral dissertation about international field placement and how cultural immersion experiences benefit teachers and their culturally and linguistically diverse students. Dixon succeeds Dr. Janine Allen who is now Dean of Global Initiatives for Corban.

Dr. Leroy Goertzen announces the spring 2013 class of doctoral program of candidates who have chosen Thesis-Project (TP) topics. They include Steve Button, Pastor of Carpinteria Valley Baptist Church in Carpinteria, Calif., with the title, “Changing Attitudes Toward Invisible Neighbors, An Evaluation of the Curriculum, Invisible Neighbors, in its Effectiveness to Change Attitudes Toward The Stranger Who Needs Help. ” Button develops a biblical perspective on poverty, and examines literature regarding the filters that affect the way people respond to the poor. The research methodology of this TP revolves around testing the hypothesis: Individuals who complete the six week course, “Invisible Neighbors,” will become more thoughtful about and ready to help the stranger in need. Jim Isaacson, Pastor of Portland Avenue Evangelical Free Church in Tacoma, Wash., chose the title, “Training Church-Attending Senior Adults to 6

Feel Competent about Mentoring Younger Adults.” This TP addresses the problem of ministry surrounding the lack of mentoring in the church between senior adults and young adults. The researcher examines the biblical data of inter-generational mentoring as well as literature that addresses this issue within the church and society at large. The research methodology of this TP seeks to answer the research question: will church-attending senior adults feel more competent to mentor younger adults if they are trained in the art of mentoring? Jay Mosser, Pastor of Sunset Bible Church in University Place, Wash., researched, “How a Pastor’s Understanding of Shepherding Affects the Health and Growth of the Church.” This TP addresses the problem of ministry pertaining to the apparent inability of pastors to lead their congregations to grow from single-cell to multiple-cell organizations. The research develops a biblical theology of shepherding and examines literature that reveals the necessary characteristics for turnaround pastors and their churches. The research

Gina Ochsner published in literary magazine and website Corban Writer-In-Residence Gina Ochsner’s story “The Difference a Day Makes” was published in the inaugural edition of “Catamaran Literary Reader,” a quarterly magazine with an environmental focus. The story was originally written and read during the Corban Hymn Festival in February 2012. Her short story “Pleased to be Otherwise” was published online by “Ploughshares,” a print and online literary magazine featuring award-winning writers of poetry, fiction, essays and memoirs.

methodology of this TP will seek to answer the research question: will pastors who have led their church from a small, single-cell congregation to a larger, multiple-cell flock exhibit a similar model of shepherding characterized by directionsetting leadership and equipping of other leaders? Tim Whitehead, Bible Teacher at Seattle Christian School in Seattle, Wash., wrote, “Faith-Lifestyle Integration: A Case for Teaching Spiritual Disciplines to Teens.” This TP addresses the problem of why it appears as though teenagers attending Christian high schools exhibit so little faith-lifestyle integration. The TP seeks to develop a biblical philosophy of spiritual growth while examining literature pertaining to how adolescents internalize faith. The research methodology of this TP seeks to answer the research question: will the instruction in spiritual disciplines help reduce spiritual incongruity in the lives of professing Christian high-school teenagers, while simultaneously resulting in greater faith-lifestyle integration?

Trammell leads couples in retreat focused on Song of Songs Marty Trammell, Ph.D., ’83 and his wife Linda recently led a weekend long couples retreat focused on the Song of Songs. Sessions included The kiss of character, The right touch, How conflict creates closeness and The H.E.A.R.T of love. It was designed to restore loving intimacy through one of the Bible’s most influencial books on the subject. In January Moody’s website published an article written by Trammell and Rich Rollins, Ph.D. “How to use your heads and hearts to resolve conflict,” which discusses ways many people attempt to deflect or manage conflict and healthy ways to resolve it.

Dyer leads high school students in science lab experience On Nov. 16, high school students from Crosshill Christian School in Turner, Ore. took advantage of the advanced technology in Corban’s science lab. Crosshill science teacher Michaela Granger, ’11, brought the students to the lab to give them a hands-on learning opportunity in a working science lab, something the high school does not currently have. While there, Assistant Professor of Science Jim Dyer and several Corban students helped the high school students work through an experiment and test the results with the Fourier Transform-Infrared Spectrophotometer, FTIR, which is designed for chemical analysis. “It was great to give my students exposure and experience in a lab like this,” Granger said. “This isn’t something they’ve been able to do in the past, and it could be the thing that encourages them to consider science as a career.”

Mathisen to discuss post-Civil War sermons at conference In May, History Chair Bob Mathisen, D.A., will travel to Virginia for a presentation at the Baptist History and Heritage Society of Richmond. Once there, he will discuss his paper, “Banish these felons thither!” about sermons delivered from the pulpit in the North and the South following the Civil War and their negative impact on reconciliation efforts at the time. “It is clear that the hatred and antagonism that resulted in more than 600,000 battlefield-related deaths were matched and perhaps exacerbated by the volley of words exchanged between pulpits and lecterns in both the North and South during the war,” Mathisen said. Additionally, Mathisen is preparing a manuscript for “The Routledge Sourcebook of Religion and the American Civil War: A History in Documents,” scheduled for publication in 2015. The collection will illustrate the complex intersection of religion with the fouryear struggle of the Civil War and will include sermons, books, diaries, memoirs, photographs, newspaper stories and more. “Presently no such collection exists, as materials are scattered across America in major university libraries, state historical societies, and elsewhere,” he said.

Corban business professor earns Ph.D. As an entrepreneur and business leader, Assistant Professor of Business Shawn Hussey ADP ’03 selected a doctoral thesis on how prayer helps business leaders integrate intuitive and logical decision-making processes. In November he defended his doctoral dissertation and earned his Ph.D. through Capella University. The Grounded Delphi method of research Hussey used involved sending questions to participants, receiving answers and then refining questions and resending them until he was able to see patterns in the responses from which to form a theory. The participants included Christian Business leaders throughout the Pacific Northwest. While he doesn’t have plans to integrate the model into his classes at Corban this semester, he hopes to highlight the model during the next school year. Shawn Hussey, Ph.D., can be reached at 503-589-8114 or by e-mail at

Tennant poetry published Professor of English and Humanities Colette Tennant received notice that her poem was accepted in the “Elohi Gadugi Journal,” Winter 2013, for their themed Memory & Dream edition. Also, “Tribute to Orpheus 2” published Tennant’s poem and additionally used a portion of it as the back cover.


news Briefs Corban students and staff volunteer on MLK Serve Day Despite the extreme cold on Jan. 21, the Corban community fanned out across Salem and Keizer en masse to serve those in need. Approximately 300 Corban volunteers assisted in fifteen projects, which included gardening, painting, cleaning, trail improvement and more. The volunteers were part of Corban’s second annual MLK Serve Day, born of a desire to give back and honor the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. At the Sunnyslope Community Garden, volunteers leveled the frozen ground around several garden plots. They also used cardboard to block weeds and covered it with bark chips. Similar efforts were made at four other gardens that the Marion-Polk Food Share uses to help community members grow their own food and distribute it among thousands of families. At the Mid-Willamette Habitat for Humanity ReStore, volunteers distributed fliers about the nonprofit throughout the community. Additionally, they helped clear space for donations at the retail store location. At Minto-Brown Island Park in Salem, the Corban men’s and women’s soccer teams joined Willamette University to lay down bark chips on trails surrounding the popular dog park area. Serve Day Co-Coordinator Jeff Benjamin said the volunteers were a testimony to the servant hearts of those at Corban.

Woman to Woman Retreat marks 13 years When Woman to Woman retreat organizer, Dr. Nancy Hedberg, thinks about past W2W events, the words encouragement, motivation and community all come to mind. On Feb. 9, the 13th annual Woman to Woman retreat was held at Corban University, and those words echoed through attendee’s participants’ minds and hearts. Women filled the Psalm Performing Arts Center and other campus venues to hear keynote speaker Poppy Smith, and attend breakout sessions with many 8

Corban faculty and staff members sharing their expertise, experiences and encouragement. The theme, “Tell Yourself the Truth (It’s Good News)” was woven into workshops and personal conversations with each other. Women had the option to attend sessions on health, grieving, hospitality, creativity, changes in life and more. The next Woman to Woman Retreat is scheduled for Feb. 22, 2014. For more information, visit

Student composition earns second place in national film festival In 2012, music major David Hamilton ’16 served as primary composer for the independent Christian film “Indescribable,” which was developed by Morning Star Productions. On Feb. 9, his musical score earned second place in the film score category at the San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival.

Currently, Hamilton’s studies take the

The movie is based on the true story of Blynn, a young boy determined to help his family face the struggles brought on by WWI, and his journey to discover what it means to truly love God. The events inspired the hymn “The Love of God.”

industry,” he said. “Some people say film

majority of his time, but he is making time to compose music for a science-fiction web series with his brother and plans to continue creating “clean and Christian” material for movies and web productions. “There is a real need in the (filmmaking) isn’t right for ministry, but it has a global impact and the Lord can use whatever media He wants.”

Bookstore welcomes new manager Larry Hultberg has joined Corban University as University Bookstore Manager. Larry has had a number of exciting careers but most apropos to this position is the time he spent managing PayLess Drug stores. Larry’s family has been associated with Corban for some time. His daughter Casey

graduated from Corban in 2008, then worked in the Admissions Office and later in Student Life. He and his wife, Tonja, have two other children and one grandchild. Larry replaces Heather Martin ’06 who served as Bookstore manager for nine years.

Steve Masten ’83 was named Corban’s new men’s head basketball coach on March 4 Masten was a Warrior basketball player 1981-1983 and received his degree in Education from Corban. He has taught high school in the Salem area since graduating from college, and has coached high school basketball at Cascade High School (1985-91), McKay High School (1991-1995) and Sprague High School (1995-2005). He was an assistant coach at Corban 1983-1985, and was Head Coach in 1998-99. Steve and his wife, Debora, have been married 33 years, and have three children: Adam, Lindsey and Kyle ‘09 (who played basketball at Corban), all of whom are married, and one grandson, Cole. Coach Masten is proud to introduce his assistant coach, a familiar face to Warrior athletics, Tim Hills ’68. Masten replaces Justin Sherwood who will remain on the School of Business faculty.


Former President David F. Miller with the Lord After a long fight with cancer, former Corban University President Dr. David F. Miller, Ph.D., passed away in his Albany, Ore. home on Dec. 7, 2012. Miller served Corban University for 34 years and was president from 1991 to 1999 when he was succeeded by current President Reno Hoff, Ph.D. A memorial service was held Dec. 15 at Willamette Community Church in Albany. While teaching at Corban, Miller also founded the Valley Baptist Church in Perrydale, Ore., and was the pastor there for 17 years. During the summers he taught on mission fields in Africa and India. Miller and his wife, Koyce ’63, also ministered in Spain, the Philippines and Israel. In J. Steven Hunt’s “Stories of the Journey: Celebrating the 75th Anniversary of Corban University,” Miller spoke about his time at the University.

“I taught mainly the upper division theology courses along with a number of Bible courses at the college,” Miller said. “My favorite class was the upper division Christian Theology class where we emphasized ’word studies,’ just like Dr. H.O. Van Gilder did when I was one of his students. Having my two sons attend Western and sit in my classes was a great highlight of my time at Western. I also enjoyed serving alongside my son, Mike, who was president of the student body when I was president.” During the school’s commencement in 2000, Board Chairman Donn Mogford reflected on Millers legacy at Corban. “During the eight years of his presidency many campus improvements took place, including the construction of new residence halls and student apartments,” he said. “The entire campus was set up on a computer network…The new

athletic field complex will be an asset for years to come. “Another area where great strides were made was in academics, Mogford said. The adult studies program was started and has expanded to serve hundreds of non-traditional students in Salem and across the country. “Beyond these accomplishments, we recognize Dr. David Miller for his strategic contribution in clarifying the core values and beliefs of Western Baptist College, Mogford continued. As he emphasized so often, Western has a core purpose, core values and core beliefs which are vital to Christians in the Northwest and around the world.”

Word Works presents

Writers conference portals

June 20–23, 2013 at corban university

Breakout Sessions • Mentor Meetings • Open Mic Afternoon Readings • Evening Keynote Presentations

See how 3 ½ days can change your life. 10 Evening presentations and open mic sessions are free and open to the public.

You are Invited to the

Hoff Tribute Please join us on

Sunday, April 28, 2013 as we celebrate and pay tribute to Dr. and Mrs. Reno Hoff

2:00 p.m.

in the Psalm Performing Arts Center

Reception to follow

Please register your attendance or 503-589-8182 You are welcome to send written tributes or words of encouragement to be presented in a book of tributes. Please send by April 26 to: Deleen Wills Corban Alumni Office 5000 Deer Park Drive SE Salem, OR 97317



Missional Focus Church Service Creation Stewardship Servant Leadership Campus Environment


Christian Stewardship W hy m a kin g a commitme nt to se r v ice is m ore imp or tant than e ve r


by David Sanford

“You ca n d o it!” isn’ t always said out loud . T he n again, som etim es we ca n’t he lp it. W hy ? Ye ar in and ye ar out we see wha t our pr e sid e nt, Dr. R e no Hof f, calls “ the Corb a n d ifference” e mb race d , nur tur e d and live d out b y our stud ents. We se nse it tang ib ly at chap e l. We r e j oice to wa tch them ser v ing in chur che s thr oug hout the S ale m a nd Ta com a a rea s. We he ar e nthusiastic r e p or ts ab out their volunteer work with City of S ale m Park s, Hab itat for Hum a nity, M a rion County D og S he l te r, S p e cial Olym pics, G osp el M ission, Willame tte Valle y Hosp ice , a nd m a ny other g rate f ul community p ar tne r s.


About the same time the last issue of CORBAN Magazine went to press, crowds overflowed during the opening reception for the Psalm Visual Arts Gallery’s “Valuable” exhibit. The crowds gathered to support the developmentally disabled artists thanks to community partner Shangri-La Corporation’s staff, volunteers, and the artists themselves. Others heard about it thanks to the promotional efforts of the “Statesman Journal,” Oregon Rehabilitation Association, Cascade Employers Association, and family and friends. Who would invest in equipping, coaching, and encouraging the 17 “Valuable” artists with developmental disabilities? Alex Gowan, a Corban sophomore, who volunteers twice a week at Shangri-La. Only a few weeks after the start of her first semester, Gowan talked with Corban’s Vice President for Marketing, Steve Hunt ’69, about her dream of helping the artists create an exhibit. Thanks to Hunt’s shared vision and active encouragement, a year later Gowan’s dream became a reality. “The title for the show is ’Valuable,’ because all of the art is made out of repurposed materials; materials that some may have deemed worthless,” Gowan said to the crowd during last October’s reception. “What determines the value of a person? Certainly it is not perception, for that is prone to change from person to person. Indeed, even a person’s view of themselves can be distorted in their own mind.

“Neither can a person’s achievements, however impressive, define their value, because that would mean that unsuccessful people are somehow worth less,” she added. “No, a person’s value must come from something fixed, something unchangeable that cannot be determined by perception or performance. A person’s value comes from a permanent, intrinsic value: that each and every individual is created in the image of God, and that in turn, every individual It’s a joy to witness how Alex is ’Valuable.’” Did you hear what Alex Gowan said? Amazing, isn’t it? The end result of all her hard work? Grateful artists and families, a delighted community partner, unprecedented media coverage, and so much more.

Gowan and other Corban students are impacting individuals in our community. Alex has made amazing one-on-one connections while volunteering at Shangri-La. It is obviously more than just a volunteer project. It is an opportunity to develop relationships—to bless others and to be blessed in return.” Dr. Nancy Hedberg ADP ’93, Vice President for Student Life

So, what makes “the Corban difference” a reality? Christian stewardship. It’s the third of Corban’s three major themes. Day in and day out, Corban stands committed to promoting a life of stewardship and service toward God, humanity and creation throughout its programs and supporting departments. After all, Christian stewardship equips students to become life-changers locally and abroad through action, intention and the personal discovery of life-calling and leadership.


Following the biblical priority of stewardship, students are given opportunities to develop personal organization, to manage time and to wisely use gifts, talents and abilities to effect positive changes in society. In turn, using resources and personal talents to serve others demonstrates a life of integrity and service. This is essential to enable students like Alex Gowan to grow and mature and fully express themselves as individuals created in the image of God. The exciting thing? This works!

How does Christian stewardship work? At Corban, we actively pursue five objectives in order to create and foster Christian stewardship in and through our students.

1. Missional Focus

1. Jeff Benjamin, Director of

2. Sarah Ernst ’05, one of Corban’s

Students are engaged in global issues and outreach.

International Student Support, needs a new job title. It’s not that he isn’t actively supporting Corban’s 21 students from Brazil, Canada, China, Korea, Peru, Indonesia and Taiwan. It’s just that he’s also serving nearly two dozen Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans and dependents, as well as 19 students studying aboard this semester.

senior admissions counselors, grew up only a few miles from Corban’s 142-acre campus in Salem. So, she didn’t have to travel far when it came time to go away for college.

2. Church Service Students serve in their local church.

3. Creation Stewardship Corban community members are caretakers of God’s creation.

4. Servant Leadership Students develop as leaders by serving others.

5. Campus Environment The Corban community supports or complements student learning by providing effective support services.

Of course, students learn best when they see faculty, staff and alumni model these five objectives. So, let’s take a look at five Corban staff members making a difference in the world for Jesus Christ.

“I tell my friends I see students coming and going,” Jeff likes to quip. Jeff joined Corban’s staff in July 2009, shortly before the first cohort from Indonesia arrived. He and his wife had recently returned from a decade serving the Lord overseas. “I was elated to be able to move from one international ministry to another right here in Salem. It was thrilling.” University isn’t easy for most students, let alone students arriving from a different nation, language, and culture. So, Jeff has done everything from providing basic cross-cultural orientation to driving students to the bank. From “translating” what professors have said to advocating good college-level study habits.

During her time as a student, Sarah’s twin passions were worshiping God and loving students. Since graduating, both passions have only intensified. “Serving as the worship director at Church on the Hill’s south campus is something I know I’m called to do,” Sarah said. “It isn’t something I need to get paid to do.” With her church’s blessing, Sarah moved to Sydney, Australia, three years ago to invest 18 months serving at Hillsong Church with internationally renowned worship leader Darlene Zschech. A few weeks after coming home, Sarah was hired back at Corban. Her colleagues are quick to say her twin passions shine more brightly than ever. Best of all? Sarah has had the opportunity to touch the lives of dozens of Corban students, some of whom have served on her worship teams and then gone on to serve elsewhere.

Looking ahead, Jeff can’t wait to watch the first set of Indonesia students walk at graduation this May. Of course, he knows that also means saying goodbye. Goodbye, that is, to Corban’s newest alumni ready to serve the Lord overseas.


3. Don Hiebenthal ’80 was a

4. Lori Schilling, Director of REACH,

nationally-acclaimed basketball player while attending college here from 1975 to 1980. His true glory days, however, are still ahead.

coordinates hundreds of students serving off campus every week.

Shortly after graduation, Hiebenthal got married and began playing basketball professionally overseas. First stop? Australia. Next step? Venezuela. “It was there God showed me basketball wasn’t going to be the rest of my life,” Don said. Little did he know that God someday would bring him back full circle. These days, Hiebenthal wears two hats at Corban. By day, he serves alongside student workers and fellow Campus Care staff members. By night, Don serves as an assistant coach for the university’s men’s basketball team. “I love coaching because it keeps me close to the sport I grew up with and love the most,” Hiebenthal said. “I enjoy the whole atmosphere here. It’s great that I can work on such a beautiful campus and then go straight to coaching.” “We have a great bunch of guys,” Don added. “I take the fire they’ve got and mold it before they head out on the court. “They’re the nicest guys, but they play hard. They display what’s in their hearts. When you step on the floor, you might as well play hard. After all, you’re playing for God. So, you give everything you got and leave it on the floor.”

“Sending Core Groups out in the fall is always a highlight,” Schilling said. “It’s an opportunity for us to take brand-new students, send them out to Salem, give them a glimpse of the city they’re going to call home for the next two or four years. It’s a few short hours, going out with a faculty or staff member, building relationships with someone from one of our community partners.” Those community partners include Marion-Polk Food Share, Salem Family Literacy Center, Family Building Blocks, Boys & Girls Club, Union Gospel Mission, Habitat for Humanity, Oregon College Mentors, and Marion County Dog Shelter along with 18 others. “Some people wonder why we send students to volunteer at a dog shelter, but it’s not just dogs. It’s serving with the female inmates working there. It’s fun to watch students step out of their comfort zones. Over time they realize these are women who have made mistakes and are paying for those mistakes, but otherwise they’re just like everybody else.” Schilling admitted, “I purposely don’t talk a lot about the inmates. True, at first some students are a bit intimidated. This past semester one student signed up simply because she loves animals. The inmates came as a surprise, but she was able to interact with and bless them by listening to their stories, sharing and caring about them as she was volunteering.” The bottom line? “I love to see our students come to understand the value of service, and the opportunity we have to be the hands and feet of Jesus in our world.”


5. Ronda Sherman, Music Department Administrative Assistant, is never bored. Well, almost never! Among her many responsibilities, Sherman supports a full range of music faculty and adjunct faculty members. She works with 55 music majors and more than 150 ensemble members. And, she coordinates details for 60 student concerts, recitals and other events that take place during the school year. After 27 years of marriage and 26 years of pastoral ministry, Sherman and her husband moved to the Salem area this past summer to care for her aging parents. They’ve already become active in discipling young believers and others at Gateway Foursquare Church in South Salem. Sherman’s biggest ministry, of course, is right here on campus. Her boss, Dan Shuholm, is quick to say Ronda has many years of administrative experience, is very organized and efficient, is very good with people, interacts especially well with students, and likes to serve and jump in wherever needed. It serves to further Corban’s mission to educate nextgeneration leaders. True, this is a new life chapter. “It’s a huge transition, but I’m loving it. The faculty and staff are absolutely wonderful. I believe I’m right where God wants me to be.”

So, does Christian stewardship really work? Just ask Sherman and other Corban staff members. At every turn this year, we have seen God at work in and through our students. They’re already making a difference in the world for Jesus Christ. And, they can’t wait to keep doing the same long after they’ve graduated and followed God’s calling elsewhere.

Then again, such positive growth and fruit-bearing should come as no surprise. After all, isn’t that why Corban is here year after year? How long has it been since you thanked God in a deep, heartfelt way for Corban? Recently? Quite some time? Either way, we encourage you to make an ongoing commitment to pray for and intercede for the ministry of our beloved university.

Then get ready to hear even more exciting reports about what the Lord is doing in and through Corban’s alumni, young and old alike, in the months and years to come. Amen! David Sanford is Director of Institutional Marketing at Corban University.

No Compromise: “Dedicating Heart and Mind to God” Why Corban remains such a vibrant private Christian university Is it wrong that most of America’s institutions of higher learning seek to secularize (take religious belief and practice away from) today’s young adults? Consider what Steven Muller, former president of Johns Hopkins University, has said: “The failure to rally around a set of values means that universities are turning out potentially highly skilled barbarians.” Pharmacokinetics researchers without scruples. Wall Street financiers without souls. Then again, let’s not forget that the founders of Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Dartmouth, Brown, and other influential Ivy League schools had the stated objective of furthering the Christian faith for the good of America. In the original articles of incorporation and bylaws, they declared that each new generation must embrace faith in God for itself.

What began with earnest Christian conviction within a generation became mere tradition. Later, skepticism (doubt of basic Christian truths) and then unbelief overtook each of America’s most prestigious educational institutions. Unbelieving professors eventually made routine mockery of once-cherished beliefs. The late Carl F. H. Henry, the first editor of “Christianity Today,” put it this way: “The barbarians are coming.” Without a massive turning to God, Henry could see “barbarians” taking over our land. Not foreigners, but our own unrepentant children and grandchildren, living without God Almighty as the ruler of their lives.

different. Very different. We unabashedly, wholeheartedly, and gladly continue to foster Christian stewardship in our students within the context of a vibrant private Christian university. More than ever, Corban’s motto rings true. We’re truly Dedicating Heart and Mind to God.

Thankfully, Corban has been, is, and will be

But what happened? Each university actively sought to Christianize America in its day. Yet they let go of conversion Christianity, in deference to others, so as not to offend those of other persuasions. Corban campus art installation called River of Peace by J. Steven Hunt


Bruce Merritt Retirement After 21 years of helping adult learners reach their educational goals, Organizational Leadership Program Chair Bruce Merritt, Ed.D., is ready to retire.

classes was still rare among most colleges.

Hussey, Ph.D., not only took classes from Merritt, but worked alongside him as an adjunct ADP professor. Merritt was also on Hussey’s doctorate committee.

It wasn’t until his tenth year at Corban that Merritt said he had a definitive “ah ha” moment where he fully realized the importance what he When he started at Corban University in 1992, was doing as part of the program. “He is probably one of the most humble men I the Adult Degree Program (ADP) was in its know,” Hussey said. “He taught his classes as both infancy. Throughout the next two decades he saw “When it happened, I couldn’t believe it took an educator and professional, but never claimed me 10 years to fully understand what God was the program grow, alongside other traditional he knew everything. I try to run my classes in programs, to become a robust option for working doing here,” he said. “I realized it wasn’t about a way that is open to dialog, in part because of giving people degrees. It was about changing adults in Oregon and around the world. what I learned by watching him.” the way people think and changing who they are “Looking back, my time at Corban was as much of and giving them tools to be productive for the Though his office is still filled with treasured a God-ordained appointment as any I have ever Lord. I wasn’t just helping people prepare for the memories, Merritt said he has already taken steps to seen,” he said. job market. I was helping them prepare for prepare for retirement. He loves to play eternity. the electric guitar and recently He moved to Oregon with his wife, Linda, in purchased an Epiphone 1990 and did not know about the school until “Once I fully understood that ES-335. He also wants to passing by during a random drive along Deer and started sharing that learn different picking Park Dr. S.E. In 1991 the recession took a perspective, it changed the techniques on the banjo. toll on Merritt’s personal business. Following way I approached everything Additionally, he plans a recommendation from a friend at Salem I was doing within the to write, work on pen Alliance Church, Merritt applied to work with program,” he added. Oregon and ink drawings and the ADP when the program was just three State Representative spend more time with months old. Sherrie Sprenger, ’07, said his wife, children and his patience and love of grandchildren. Like any new program, Merritt said the ADP students was evident in all of his experienced growing pains as program interactions. “I don’t presume to know administrators and instructors helped define its how everything is going to go, position within the University. Nancy Martyn, “I would honestly say that he was more but I know God is going to take dean of the Adult Degree Program, said Merritt’s invested in the success of his cohort than many care of us,” he said. “I’m excited about this efforts to keep the program up to date and of the cohort members,” she said. “He lived out next chapter in my life.” relevant has been pivotal to the program’s success. Corban’s mission statement and viewed education These efforts included the initiation of the online as a tool to talk about and be an effective tool A retirement celebration will take place on April program in 1995 when mainstream use of online for Jesus.” Assistant professor of Business Shawn 15, 2:30 – 4 in the lobby of Schimmel Hall.

Long-time educator set to retire Corban’s Claudia Green, Ed.D., ‘76, has come full circle. Throughout her long career as an educator, she taught students in public elementary and middle schools and taught many of them again as they made their way through the School of Education. Now she ready to return to schools where some of her former students now teach. After 23 years at Corban, Green plans to retire as a full-time professor and move into an adjunct position at the end of the school year. The transition will allow her the flexibility she needs to return to public school classrooms as a volunteer and spend more time with her aging parents. A lot has changed in education during the past two decades. Green said newly minted teachers are better prepared to handle the wide


variety of special needs children they will teach. Additionally, she said new research into children’s brain development is allowing educators to tailor their classes to meet the individual needs of kids. Teaching future teachers hasn’t always been without challenges, she admitted.

“For Willamette University and Western Oregon University to see us on a level playing field and to know our students are prepared and ready has been amazing,” she said. “There have certainly been roadblocks in the past, but those are being torn down.” When looking at the momentum of the School of Education and what it is being accomplished, Green was confident her decision to move to adjunct is the right one.

“I have been so blessed by my students,” she said. “It’s always rewarding when I have a difference of opinion with a student about how to approach content or approach a classroom. “One thing is for sure,” she said. “I’m very Years later they’ll get their first job and I’ll get content. I know that God is present and guiding an e-mail or a phone call and they’ll tell me ’you everything that is happening here.” were right.’ It’s not a vindication, but shows me A retirement celebration will take place on April they are still growing as professionals.” 25, 3 – 4:30 in the lobby of Schimmel. Her past Corban students aren’t only working in the United States, but also around the world. Several graduates are working in Indonesia. Others are teaching in Thailand, Africa, Saudi Arabia and Peru. She noted the teacher collaborative with Salem-Keizer Public Schools has been a highlight in her career.

After 38 years, Corban psychology chair ready for retirement When former Corban president Dr. Tom Younger wanted to start a psychology program at the school in 1975, he looked to Rich Meyers, Psych.D., ‘67. “Tom was full of bravado and torpedoes,” Meyers recalled about his interview process. “He told the Board ’if Rich doesn’t work out, you can fire me.’” Meyers' philosophy of trusting God and “showing up” when needed has guided his personal and professional life. After 38 years at Corban, the psychology chair is preparing to retire and see where God will have him show up next. He joined the faculty in 1975 and worked alongside Reno Hoff, LL.D. as they started both the psychology and business programs. Meyers started as a full-time professor and maintained a private counseling practice at the same time. His history with Corban started much earlier in the San Francisco Bay area during the early 1960s. “There were these Corban students handing out tracts on a street corner in Richmond, Calif….and they invited me to church to hear the Gospel,” he said. “I came to know the Lord six months later and had a tremendous hunger to learn. Western Baptist Bible College was just over the hill so I enrolled and immediately knew I was in the right place.”

It was also in Richmond that Meyers met his wife to be Dianne Kuehn, ’63, who retired as a Nursing Instructor at Chemeketa Community College. The Meyers’ have two sons, Jonathan and Daniel. Meyers graduated with the class of 1967 and continued through seminary before earning his doctorate in psychology from George Fox University in 1993. During the past 38 years, Meyers has seen the program thrive. More than 130 students are currently declared psychology majors and he said hundreds have graduated and are now serving others through private practices, church ministries, law enforcement, chaplaincies and more. Former students have included many past and present Corban faculty, staff and administrators including Associate Professor of Education Claudia Green, Ed.D., Provost Matt Lucas, D.A. and President-elect Sheldon C. Nord, Ph.D. Meyers earned the trust and respect of his students, as well as citizen soldiers during his tenure as an Oregon Army National Guard chaplain. He retired as the OANG senior ranking state chaplain in 2004.

“God was always ahead of me when I’d walk through the door of an armory,” he said. “I’ve seen a whole military culture transformed just by showing up and praying with people in the hallways. They would stop cussing and back fighting. I saw moral improve through the power of the Holy Spirit.” Though he is retiring from Corban, Meyers has no plans to stop “showing up.” “Some people tell me that I’ve been here for 38 years,” he said. “I’d say I’ve been here for 38 minutes. I prayed when I first came up the driveway and each day is about God’s grace, His Mercy, His help. Every day is a first new day and retirement doesn’t change any of that. “My goal is to see what God will show me,” he added. “I just want to be an encourager wherever I happen to show up.” Rich Meyers’ retirement reception is April 11, 2:30 – 4 in the lobby of Schimmel Hall.

After serving three presidents, Dorothy James ‘58 prepares for retirement During a 30-minute interview, Dorothy James’ first-person recollection of the University from some of its earliest beginnings was told with laughs and several quiet pauses as James considered some of the questions. There were more than a few interruptions as well. “I hope she is giving you a good history lesson,” said President Reno Hoff as he passed by her office. “Hi Dorothy, how was your weekend?” said a student who stopped in her doorway to say hi. “President’s office, this is Dorothy,” she said with a smile as she picked up the phone and jotted down a quick message for President-elect Sheldon C. Nord, Ph.D. In the next few weeks the most familiar face-and voice of the President’s office--will retire. James has served as secretary to the president for three different leaders. As Hoff prepares to pass Corban’s presidency to Nord, she too is ready for a transition of her own. Her relationship with Corban started in 1946 when her father served on the Council for then Western Baptist Bible College in Oakland, Calif. Since that time, she too became an alumna of the University and a staunch supporter of all

things Corban. In 1989 she started working in the Office of the President at the request of then-president Dr. John Balyo. When Balyo became chancellor in 1991, she continued in her position with Dr. David F. Miller, whom she had known since he was a freshman at the University. In 2000, Hoff requested that James continue as his secretary. She agreed, but told him she would retire after he retired as president. “I told him when you’re out of here, I’m out of here,” she said with a laugh. “I wasn’t planning to be here this long, but here I am at 75, still plugging away.”

In addition to serving the President, James has also been a nearly lifelong supporter of Warrior athletics and music. “I have a lot of rapport with the kids because I attend their games and performances,” she said. “That’s always been important to me and not because it is part of my job description.” Although she intends to continue as a fixture at Corban events, when asked what she would miss most about working for Corban as the executive secretary, James didn’t have to spend much time reflecting.

James said her position has been built not only on friendships, but mutual trust and respect. Presidents have asked for her opinion on various matters and she said they genuinely listened and considered what she had to say as they made “Twenty six of the best friends I have outside of their decisions. this school are the Board of Trustees,” she said. “I’ve had nearly as much interaction with them as Throughout the last 67 years she has seen 39 I have for the President. They will be the people relatives, including all of her children and most I will probably miss the most.” of her grandchildren, attend the school. Her grandson will round that number to 40 when A retirement celebration will be held at Corban on Monday April 29 3-4:30 he begins at Corban in fall 2013.


Please Save the Date of Saturday, October 5, 2013 at 1:30 p.m. For the Inauguration of


Pastor Jeff Anderson preaches from the book of Titus to 700 Kenyan pastors.

by Karen Pease


in Kenya “As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” 1 Peter 4:10

As the Director of Admissions for Corban’s School of Ministry (SOM), I’m asked whether graduate training makes a practical and significant impact on one’s ministry. The answer is a resounding “yes!” As an SOM student, I was constantly challenged to be a good steward of what I had learned, so I could apply it in a variety of cultural contexts and, in turn, help others grow and mature and serve the Lord. Those challenges still ring true today. Before the holidays I had the privilege of accompanying four other SOM alumni to the city of Eldoret, Kenya, where we led an Expository Preaching Conference for more than 700 pastors and church leaders. The team from Sunset Bible Church in University Place, Washington, included Pastor Caxton & Liz Mburu (’05 MMin and ThM grads), Pastor Tyler Pease (’12 MDiv grad), myself (’05 MTS grad), and Pastor Jay Mosser (soon-to-be ’13 DMin grad).


Pastor Jay Mosser (’13 DMin grad)

Stewards of True Christianity Caxton and Liz became missionaries-inresidence at Sunset Bible Church after completing additional M.A. and Ph.D. training. They returned to Kenya in June 2012 sensing the Lord’s leading to equip the Church in its African expressions. It’s often said that Christianity in Africa is a mile wide but only an inch deep. As a result, some see no problem going to church on Sunday and then on Monday visiting their local witch doctor. The Mburus wanted to train Kenyan pastors and other church leaders with the biblical knowledge and tools necessary to handle the Word of God with integrity, in order to move the Church at large to develop a more biblical worldview. In order to help launch this vital ministry, the team from Sunset Bible Church worked with two key leaders. General Director Paul Seger of Biblical Ministries Worldwide, and Pastor Jeff Anderson of International Bible Conference, worked with Kenyan church leaders to set up the conference.

Stewards of the Word of God The conference’s objective was to model expository preaching section by section


A wonderful reunion – Karen Pease (’05 MTS) & Liz Mburu (’05 ThM)

through the book of Titus. The process involved reading the assigned biblical text, explaining the text, and then applying it. What I took for granted as familiar turned out to be life-changing for many of the pastors in attendance. Most had never heard someone preach through the Bible verse by verse. In fact, one of the pastors commented that visiting preachers usually tell stories about their own lives, but don’t really teach them how to study and apply the Scriptures. We were moved to see how God used each of the African conference preachers, with his own personality and style, to reach the hearts and minds of the hundreds of pastors attending the conference. In fact, after the first speaker got up to preach in a very charismatic African style (including shouting aloud for a response, standing on chairs to make a point, and spontaneously bursting into a lively Swahili praise song), Liz and I looked at each other and communicated with our eyes, “How are the non-African preachers among us going to follow THAT?!” Liz and I immediately began praying that other team members would not be tempted by feelings of inadequacy, but would be free to operate within the giftings and personalities God had given them. God answered that prayer beyond anything we could imagine. Each preacher was able to step outside the confines of his American culture in order to connect deeply with

the pastors and contextualize God’s truth within the Kenyan context. By the end of the conference, the African pastors were able to see that communicating God’s truth was not about copying someone’s style of preaching. Instead it involved reading, explaining and applying the biblical text using the gifts and personalities God had given them. In addition, since Jeff, Paul and Caxton had experience living in an African context, they were able to speak directly to prominent sin issues in the African church (including tribalism) and to call pastors to a higher character standard. All of this drove home the theme of the conference: sound doctrine and biblical leadership. The response from the pastors was overwhelming. Several approached us during the breaks and told us they had never heard preaching like this before, and had never been equipped with tools to understand God’s Word like this. They said, “This is what Africa needs!”

Stewards in Trials In the midst of all that was going right, however, the enemy was not asleep. The night before the last day of the conference, we were informed about some mishandling of funds. Worse, we were told if we didn’t give more money to the conference leader, many of the pastors

Pastor Caxton Mburu (’05 MMin) and two new students for modular training, Pastor Arthur Njoroge and Pastor Joseph Karanja, with Pastor Tyler Pease (’12 MDiv)

Pastor Tyler Pease (’12 MDiv), Pastor Caxton Mburu (’05 MMin) & Liz Mburu (’05 ThM)

who had come from out of town would be stranded in the city of Eldoret, unable to return home. Having already given a significant amount of money for the conference expenses—even more than we had originally promised—we felt the request was unreasonable and didn’t know whether the claim was even true. Some of the more experienced members of our team who had lived and worked in Africa felt we were in a dangerous position. With elections coming up, riots were easily started—even among professing Christians—a reality that was confirmed by the presence of armed guards and security checkpoint officers stationed around the conference area. So, there was genuine concern for our physical safety if we went back without the money in hand. As our team talked through all the possible scenarios, none of them looked good. We decided to pray about it and make the final decision in the morning before the van came to pick us up to take us to the conference. That night, God woke up many of our team members to pray. Tyler woke up around midnight. After sending an email to our prayer chain back home, he began reading where Jesus Christ says, “If someone takes your cloak, do not stop him from taking your tunic” (Matthew 5:40, Luke 6:29). In the biblical context, Jesus was referring to loving your enemies. Tyler thought, If I’m supposed to love my

Pastor Jay Mosser (’13 DMin) and Pastor Tyler Pease (’12 MDiv, far right) with three ministry leaders from our Kenyan host church.

enemies like that, how much more am I supposed to love one who is supposed to be my brother in Christ? The following morning at breakfast, our team leader said he didn’t think we should give the money. He even volunteered to finish the conference without the rest of the team so no harm would come to us in the event of a riot. But we all knew we had come to Kenya on the Lord’s mission, and we were not about to abandon one team member to finish it alone. Then Tyler spoke up and shared the passage he had read the night before, and wondered if we weren’t supposed to give the money after all. He explained, “We have been teaching these pastors to revere the Word of God and showing them how to preach with integrity. And we have held up Caxton and Liz as model trainers who can continue to help these pastors deepen their understanding of God and His Word. To walk away now erases all the good that has been accomplished here already and ruins Caxton and Liz’s testimony. In addition, those who will be most adversely affected are the innocent pastors who know nothing about the money issues and just need to get home. Regardless of the motives of the conference leader, I think we’re supposed to give the money.” In the end, it was decided we would go to the conference together, and would give whatever money we had in our pockets and

ask the conference leader to come up with the rest so that the pastors could get home. In the 15 minutes it took us to get to the conference, Tyler received two emails from the States. An email from our church let him know that a family who knew nothing about the crisis had dropped by with a check for $1,000 to help with “additional expenses.” Another email from a partner organization said a sizeable amount was available for conference expenses “if you need it.” (Editor recommends a breakout quote for this great sentence)

Stewards of Thankfulness None of us will ever forget the marvelous way God worked that day to diffuse a potentially hostile situation by His grace, and to orchestrate events around the world to ensure both provision for the African pastors and an unforgettable lesson for us. I’m especially thankful for the ongoing reminder that you and I are called to be “good stewards” of what God has entrusted to us. Karen Pease ’93, CUSM, MTS ’03 is Director of Admissions for Corban’s School of Ministry at the Tacoma campus. 23


by Brittany Cox

in grace Cynthia Lester’s life bears fruit despite personal challenges

Cynthia Lester was two years old when her love for horticulture took root. Memories of her grandparent’s house in Rialto, California remind her of topsoil and mile-long strawberry fields. Fast forward twenty seven years and Lester, a mother of five, took the brave initiative to teach her home school students the care, restoration, and preservation in the treatment of seed-sowing plants. From the beginning Lester’s passion for hands-on learning impressed the public school district. Two years after beginning her unique learning, through backyard growing techniques it asked the replicate the idea to put it in place city wide. Consider this movement the spring in her step. Lester’s green thumb and knack for business became her orbit for the upcoming years of her life. Her passion for gardening and communities went from city-wide to world-wide in 1995 when she began a partnership with


Southeast Asia, teaching agricultural business, and Romania, giving orphaned children life-skills on Emu Farms as they transitioned out of their orphanages. Tragically following this great success, Lester would soon experience heartbreak. On the eve of a business trip to Southeast Asia Lester learned her first-born son had died in an automobile accident. Shattering Cynthia’s world, it was this unexplainable grief that began palpations for reaching the hungry and hurting in the city of Salem. But her grief took her on a long dark road where she would soon find revival in the community of Corban University. In 2005 Lester sought to renew her life and trust in God by earning her degree in Family Studies and Psychology. She remembers, “The “good” is the result of trusting in God when the darkness comes,

not people. Sometimes people are not equipped to ease the suffering, it only comes in time.” Lester held a tight grip on her passions with the help of a sovereign God and a few biblical reminders: When you pass through the waters I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through the fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you. Isaiah 43:2

In 2008 Lester felt renewed after earning her degree, “The education gave me a stable base to rebuild my hopes and dreams. It helped rebuild the confidence and determination that I thought was gone after the passing of my son.” A year later she went to Legacy Health to get her certificate in Horticulture Therapy. Finally, in 2009, her thriving business, called Sunnyside Organics, was birthed.

Cynthia’s love for others mimics God’s desire for his peoples on earth

This business wasn’t begun just to renew the community with locally grown food; it was also to revive individuals in the community through horticulture therapy.

achieve great things.” The sight-impaired students strengthen their vocational readiness by nursery management and marketing skills.

“I worked with my first clients referred by Vocational Rehab. I started with four women in different stages of homelessness. This helped me to better understand the severity of the need to educate our communities on food production, harvest techniques, preservation, cooking and seed saving. They were taught how to purchase healthy food and make better life choices with the resources on hand. I realized that for people to prepare to reenter the work force after any setback in life, they must be physically and emotionally ready to do so. Horticulture Therapy helps that process.” Lester explains.

“They can also develop personal management skills; use of public transportation, professional behavior in the workplace, communication skills, team-building skills, networking and research topics,” said Lester. All these skills lead to job acquisition and choosing a career path that fits their skill sets.

Through her persistence, it was not long until Lester was approached to reach out to the vision-impaired community. With an initial reaction of fear, she said, “What I soon discovered was that they are just people too. They have different needs to be successful, and with the right attitude and determination and support, they can

It’s no surprise, with Lester’s track record, but today Sunnyside Organics has grown to exceed the dreams she had for this community small business. “We are in the process of expanding our current program to include serious food production for the local community, micro-enterprise development and green job training for our students. This will be realized through the education and marketing of value added goods at our new storefront location on 13th and McGilchrist in Salem.” Lester will be taking in local students who will then be given the opportunity to

interact with the community, encouraging healthy eating, nutrition, and taking part in small-scale gardening activities. “With a focus on self-direction and personal responsibility our organization strives to help mentor and develop good leaders that are able to take what they learn back to their families and community. We are seeking volunteers to help us create a certified kitchen that will be a hub for food education and value added product development.” Lester’s success since the heart-breaking loss of her child was empowered by her choice to return to school and find herself again. From this empowerment came the external love and servant-like behavior she now shows to the people she serves. From the inward empowerment flooded external love and servant-like behavior to the people in her community. Lester’s love for others mimics God’s desire for his peoples on earth. It is truly through God’s power and strength that Lester exemplifies her mission—an outpouring of love to her community and a passion to teach life lessons throughout the process.


Dr. Nord and a villager in Nipson.

MAF missionary Wally Wiley, Dr. Sheldon Nord, Zacharuis Giay, and Dr. Yanuarius Resubun, MSP in Papua.

Administrators continue to advance Corban’s reach globally In January a team of Corban administrators traveled to the easternmost island in Indonesia and returned with newly formed relationships. The primary goal of the trip was to meet with government officials of Papua, Indonesia about continuing to sponsor and send students to Corban. The University has enrolled 25 students at its Salem campus since 2010. However, the journey was much more for Presidentelect Sheldon C. Nord, Ph.D., who traveled with his wife Jamie, Provost Matt Lucas, D.A. and Dean of Global Initiatives Janine Allen, Ed.D. During the trip, Nord stopped in Toraja, on the island of Sulawesi, and spoke

about holistic Christian higher education to approximately 250 educators and pastors. In Papua, the Corban team met with government officials and leaders from Mission Aviation Fellowship to learn more about that organization’s ongoing support for missionaries in Indonesia and their work to educate children. Pilots with MAF took the team to a village where 14 missionaries were killed and eaten by cannibals during an uprising during the 1970s. “It was life changing to see God’s work through missionaries who refused to be deterred,” Nord said. “The villagers became Christians and gave up their old ways. Today MAF missionaries are

providing a free education for several children from that village.” The trip proved to be invaluable to Corban’s ongoing commitment to education throughout the world. A dialogue is now taking place with Papuan officials about sending students exclusively to Corban for their first year of college to give them a solid foundation in Bible, theology and English before they move into schools with advanced science and engineering programs. The trip to Toraja and Papua opened Nord’s eyes even further to the need for better education in Indonesia and how the partnership, between Corban University and the Teachers College at Universitas Pelita Harapan, is making a tangible difference in that nation. Additionally, he hopes to build on the relationship established with Mission Aviation Fellowship that can possibly open doors for Corban students and faculty to serve in both long and shortterm missions in Papua. “It’s all about Matthew 28 and the Great Commission,” Nord said. “All of these partnerships and relationships we continue to build are working together to bring education and the gospel to Indonesia.”

Guests were given a Nipson tour. 26

alumni action

On Saturday, Oct. 27, alumni basketball players returned to campus to give the student teams a good workout. Clockwise from top:

Andrea Swanick Potloff ’09/MBA ’11 and daughter, Peyton, came to cheer on Dad, Ben ’10. Women: Melissa Jones ’13, Katie Steigleman ’12, Joani Reimer ’12, Shayla Fetters ’13, Kailey Bostwick, ’11, Becky Buhler ’12. Men: Jeff Dunn ’05, Bryan Martin ’12, Nash Keene ’11, Erik Cronrath ’12, Jake Mauermann ’12, James Green ’13, Ben Potloff ’10 and Drew Ross ’12.

Christmas Soiree More than 100 people attended the 7th Annual Christmas Soiree and Christmas Concert on Saturday, Dec. 1.

Ruth Anne Nichols Copa ’58 and husband J.C.

Three generations: Art Van Weerdhuizen ’81, daughter Lori Patterson ’91 and Lori’s son Joshua ’14.

President Reno & Linda Hoff

Rachel Ost ’09 and roommate Holly Hunt


alumni action Young Alumni On Feb. 9, dozens of young alums and their families cheered on Warrior teams and enjoyed refreshments. Far Right: Jamie Brulotte ’03 and Char Rholfs Brulotte

’03 and family; Rob Buhl ’02 and Robyn Young Buhl ’04 and family; Thad Charlick ’04 and Becky Bernard Charlick ’03 and family. Right, Top to Bottom:

Evelyn Sheets, age 3, and brother Nathan, age 5, attended with parents Jason Sheets ’04 and Sarah Trahern Sheets ’04. Kristine Darby Herring ’11 and Kaleb Herring ’09.

Central and Eastern Washington and Eastern Oregon alumni gathered on March 2 for an alumni event in Richland. Left to Right:

Joy Latzko Bauman ’82 of Connell with Barb Goff ’82 of Kennewick. Melissa Yoder Petersen ’07 with husband Keith of Richland.

Alumni and friends attended the Broadway Across America performance of War Horse on March 3. Left to right:

Tony Frazier ’92 with Colleen Schneider Frazier ’94 Gary Williamson ’86 with Patti Burton Williamson ’87 President-Elect Sheldon Nord ’82 with Jamie Rawlins Nord ’91

We are honored to serve you in whatever way we can. Please do not hesitate to contact the alumni office with any questions, concerns or suggestions. Serving the Lord and you, Deleen Wills Director of Alumni Services 503-589-8182


Save the Date

Homecoming friday Oct. 4 Exciting changes this year!

Reunion dinner for Decades of ’50s and ’60s. Classes of ’73, ’83 and ’93 reunion dinners. President’s Dessert 7-9 p.m.

Corban University’s Business Dean Visits the Big Apple Top news reporters want to know about “the Corban Difference.” Stepping outside his hotel, the dean of Corban University’s School of Business, P. Griffith Lindell, is dwarfed by Manhattan’s world-famous skyscrapers. Lindell doesn’t need anyone to remind him it’s the middle of winter. It’s blustery and cold. He quickly checks the sidewalks for ice, and then briskly walks down West 47th Street for several blocks. Lindell’s first destination is “The Wall Street Journal.” He’s there at the invitation of Melissa Korn, who reports on business and education. Among the trends? America has more MBA grads than ever, so companies are more selective. Who do they want to hire? Promising MBA grads

with a solid ethical and moral foundation. And where can they find them? Conservative Christian universities. Korn’s 45-minute interview with Lindell covered several other current business/education topics, everything from determining the “right” kind(s) of accreditation for business schools to deciding whether or not undergraduate seniors can do substantive “real world” consulting projects. To say the least, the interview was animated and at times intense. Best of all? Korn asked Lindell to become one of her ongoing sources. After lunch, Lindell headed back to 1211 Avenue of the Americas. This time, the skyscraper’s security team confirmed his invitation from FOX Business executive vice president Neil Cavuto and his assistant, Anita Garay. The real action, however, was in the greenroom. There for nearly half an hour Lindell joked and jostled with another guest, a self-described liberal, who wanted to debate the reality of what Dr. Reno Hoff calls “the Corban difference.”

That difference, it turns out, is more important than ever. And that’s precisely why Lindell is finishing his career investing in the lives of Corban’s Business majors and MBA students.

Don’t Miss a moment’s notice! If you would like to receive news from Corban/WB the quickest way possible, email and we will send you news when it happens. We promise to use it wisely and not bombard you.


Alumni and Friends travel opportunity

Corb presents fo

Autumn in New England, Oct. 10 – 16, 2013

Sit back and relax in your luxury motor coach on your 7-day journey viewing spectacular fall foliage and sights in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine and Vermont. Tour includes: six nights’ accommodations at hotels in Danvers, Mass., Burlington, Vt. and Ogunquit, Maine; all breakfasts and several dinners; services of a Collette Vacations professional tour manager; and baggage handling from hotel to hotel. Deleen Wills and Darrel White from Corban will be your escorts.

Discover historic Boston before embarking on a ferry to Salem, Mass. See historical battlefields and the colorful countryside through the Green Mountains on the way to Vermont. Enjoy a scenic cruise featuring spectacular views of Lake Champlain and the surrounding Adirondack Mountains. In Maine, view covered bridges and restored Georgian houses. Observe the impressive 165-foot deep and mile-long Quechee Gorge before touring the beautiful lakes region of New Hampshire en route to the rocky coast of Maine. Visit the Portland Head Light, continue to Portland for a ferry cruise through Casco Bay past Victorian cottages dotted along the shorelines of Little and Great Diamond Islands. Stroll through the seaside community of Kennebunkport before splurging on fresh native lobster for dinner.



20 spaces remaining. Double occupancy. $1,999 per person including round trip air from Portland, Oregon by May 10. Portland Head Lighthouse

Contact Deleen in the Corban Alumni Office for information.


503-589-8182 or Visit to download a brochure.


Lake Champlain


We’ve added an extension!

ban University or alumni and friends

Tour New York City Oct. 17 – 21, 2013

We’ve added an extension to the Autumn in New England tour. We are going to the Big Apple October 17-21. This portion includes four nights

w York City

accommodations at the beautiful Sheraton Hotel and Towers on Times Square in exciting Manhattan, two Broadway shows, a visit to historic Ellis Island, a private tour of the beautifully restored New Amsterdam Theatre, exploration of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, guided tours of Greenwich Village, Wall Street district, Little Italy, Chinatown, the Empire

ober 17 – 21, 2013

State Building, Central Park, Chelsea Market and other time-honored landmarks, a visit to St. Paul’s Chapel and the 9/11 Memorial, a tribute to the lives lost at the World Trade Center site, plus much more.

Five meals included. $2,599 including air by May 17. Tour only $2,049. Overnight accommodations in Boston on Oct. 16 plus transportation from Boston hotel to New York hotel on Oct. 17 is $270 per person, based on double occupancy or $540 single occupancy.

take your seat for a Broadway show! (B, D)

Join us for one or both trips. Contact Deleen in the Alumni Office at (503) 589-8182 or

Times Square

Day 4: Sunday, October 20, 2013 New York City This morning, discover “the city that never sleeps” at your own pace during some free time. Your tour manager will have plenty of suggestions for great ways to

De Th of cur To pr for ins fas (B,


Upcoming events

Class of ’63 golden grads May 4, Saturday Brunch, 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. El Cerrito Room, Corban Campus Commencement: 2 to 4 p.m. Salem Armory Golden Alumni Dinner 5 p.m. El Cerrito Room, Corban Campus

We’re coming your way Northern California Alums


Redding Area Alumni Dinner Tuesday, May 14

Woodland Area Alumni Dinner Wednesday, May 15

Sacramento Area Alumni Dinner Thursday, May 16

Did You Know? Corban averages an enrollment of 1,200 students and employs 200 faculty and staff.


Claudia Green April 25

3:00 p.m. Lobby of Schimmel

End of Corban Fund Fiscal Year June 30

Fresno, California and Area Alumni Dinner, July 20

Washington Alumni Event, Tacoma Campus: Welcome President Sheldon Nord, September 3

Inauguration of Dr. Sheldon Nord October 5

Boston Area Alumni Dinner, October 16

Reno Hoff April 28

2:00 p.m. Psalm Performing Arts Center

Thanks for Answering

Dorothy James April 29

3:00 p.m. Lobby of Schimmel

We appreciate all those who picked up the telephone the past few months. You updated our callers with all sorts of news, such as family additions, job information, books published, health issues or email addresses. And thanks to hundreds who have given a gift to the Corban Fund. This fund has a direct impact on student lives by providing financial grants to students and by strengthening the academic programs. One student wrote: “When I was chosen to receive a grant, I couldn’t hold back the unexpected tears. After months of working, praying, searching and trying not

to be anxious, God had provided faithfully once again. I had reached the end of what I could do to stay at Corban and God provided the rest.” Giving to assist students at Corban is a powerful thing. When you give you may never know the details of the impact on one individual, but you can be sure your gift will have an effect. So when you see that caller ID reading “Corban University,” please pick up the phone. We start phoning mid-September. We are grateful for 511 alumni who gave to the Corban Fund last year. This was an all-time high! Our goal by June 30 is 600!

New York City Alumni Dinner, October 18


class notes Bob Trout (CUSM MDiv ’66) and wife Lynne, now serve together as directors of missionary care with ABWE, and reside in New Cumberland, Pa., after serving nine years as ABWE regional administrators for Spanish Speaking South America. Bruce Fong (’73) is the first dean of Dallas Seminary’s Houston extension campus. He and wife Yvonne live in Katy, Texas. Previously, they had been serving at Sunset Church in San Francisco. Jerome Lund (CUSM MDiv ’73) and wife Anne live in Norway. Jerome does electronic tagging of an ancient Bible translation of the Hebrew Bible to Syriac for Accordance, a Bible software program. Anne teaches English at Kvitsund Gymnas, a Christian high school. Dale Phillips (’73) is the associate regional director for Association of Christian Schools International. He and wife Marilyn reside in Brea, Calif. Susan Van Cleemput Wack (’77) and John Wack (’78) live in Salem where Susan works at Willamette Valley Bank as a mortgage loan officer and John is the worship pastor at Grace Baptist Church. Norma Brumbaugh Wieland (’78) of Chico, Calif., retired from teaching after many years of service as a reading specialist. She served in many capacities in her church in areas of music, children and women’s ministries. She is heading a new direction to pursue speaking and writing in Christian venues, and recently wrote a book under the name N.L. Brumbaugh: “The Meeting Place: Moments with God at Lookout Point,” a contemplative book about God, nature, and life. Norma is a single parent to five children. She is in her 16th year farming a walnut orchard for her father. 34

Douglas Rowland (’79) and Debbie Williams Rowland (’79) of Nampa, Idaho, were missionaries with Baptist Mid-Missions, serving as church planters in England and then college ministers with Campus Bible Fellowship (BMM University Ministry) until they resigned in December 2011. Douglas is a paraprofessional and Debbie is a certified teacher in secondary education in Joint School District. Sara Brink Glaser (’83) and Mark Glaser (’85) reside in Scio, Ore. Mark works as a corrections deputy, and Sara manages her business, Creative Memories. They have three children. Their daughter, Jessica, is an early-admit student at Corban, and performed in the fall Macbeth play. Kim McCullough Faires (’84) is an elementary school librarian, and started the first “little free library” in her city. “Little free library” is a worldwide movement. It consists of little book houses that resemble birdhouses, and books are placed inside for people in the community to take books and leave books for free. Kim and Les Faires (’84) reside in Redding, Calif.

Christy have four children. Melody DeSart Clements (’89) and Scott Clements (’90) reside in Kent, Wash. Melody is a para-educator for a middle school special education class, and Scott is the senior pastor at Southcenter Community Baptist Church in Tukwila, Wash. They have four children. Brad Rudkin (’91) of Chico, Calif., has served as the president of HRCentral Corporation, the branch banking executive of Butte Community Bank and is the COO of Bianchi Ag Services. He and wife Jennifer Peterson Rudkin (’90) serve at Grace Bible Church of Chico where Brad serves as a Sunday school teacher and music teacher, and Jennifer plays piano. They have six children. Jennifer Jurney Brock (’92) of Salem serves as a chaplain’s assistant for the Army National Guard of Oregon in the Unit Ministry Corps’ “Strong Bonds” program. She also facilitates suicide intervention trainings. She has two children. Paul Brush (’92) and Robin Cooper Brush (’93) reside in Broken Arrow, Okla. Paul obtained his MDiv degree from Denver Seminary, Littleton, Colo., and is the children’s pastor at Bethany Church in Broken Arrow.

Bruce Wood (CUSM MABS ’86) of Redding, Calif., is a student recruiter at Shasta Bible College & Graduate School., and assisting in developing the distance learning programs.

Sathish Divakar (CUSM MDiv ’97) of India is overseeing the building program for new facilities at Beacon Baptist Theological College and Seminary in Bangalore.

Karna Davis Garman (’88) of Salem worked for 13 years in the accounting department at Garten Services before being a stay-at-home mom. Karna and husband, Kurt, have two boys and recently celebrated 22 years of marriage. They attend Faith Baptist Church.

Raymond Erickson-King (ADP ’98) and wife, Jennifer, of Normandy Park, Wash., are Salvation Army Captains in the Seattle White Center Corps. Previously, they managed the youth and young adult programs at The Salvation Army’s Intermountain Division in Denver, Colo.

Richard Jones (’89) of Boise, Idaho, works with United Healthcare as a regional sales director. He and wife

Shane Riddle (’99) and Jill Jackson Riddle (’02) work as health coaches. They participated together in the Hood to Coast Relay run and the Warrior Dash adventure run. They reside in Cornelius, Ore., and have three children. They attend Evergreen Christian Center in Hillsboro. Kent Barker (ADP ’00) is the vice president at large for the International Association of Chiefs of Police. Ken served two years with the Marion County Sheriff’s office in Salem, 19 years with the Keizer Police Department and the past seven years as the Chief of Police for the City of Tualatin, Ore. He and wife Becki reside in Keizer, Ore. Tricia Fox Joles (’00) and Jess Joles (’01) reside in Madras, Ore. Jess is the youth and evangelism pastor at the Community Bible Church in Sunriver. Tricia serves on the women’s ministry steering committee chairing the women’s ministry events for the church. Jess and Tricia have been married for 10 years. They have two children, Savannah and Denver.

Cynthia Lester (ADP ’05) of Jefferson, Ore., is the executive director for Sunnyside Organics in Salem, a nonprofit vocational training facility that uses horticultural and agricultural activities to strengthen people in the community. See feature story pp. 24.

Bethany Caldwell (’09) of Sheridan, Ore., is a short-term missionary in The Gambia, West Africa.

Chad Emmert (’06) and Katy Kazmierski Emmert (’07) reside in Keizer, Ore. Chad is a CPA with AKT, LLP and Business Consultants, and is a tax manager in the construction niche. Katy is a stay-at-home mom, and works part-time as a paralegal for Adams, Hill & Hess law firm. They attend Dayspring Fellowship where they serve in the 2- and 3-year-olds Sunday school. They have one son, Jacob.

Sarah Gaspar (’11) of Salem works fulltime as a case manager/personal agent for Resource Connections of Oregon, serving adults with developmental disabilities in Albany, Ore.

Thomas Berney (’07) resides in Japan where he teaches at Kyoto International University Academy. He traveled to Japan three times from 2008 to 2011 with the Navigators and Christian Relief Assistance Support and Hope to help with missions work and the tsunami relief effort. Nicole Hickman (’07) of Yakima, Wash., is on tour with Christian musician Holly Starr as her drummer. Ethan Molsee (CUSM MDiv ’07) and wife Melissa are in France for language school and are moving to Togo, West Africa, to be involved with the Hospital of Hope. They have three boys, Aaron (6), Eli (3) and Aden (1).

Kara Zordel (’00) of San Francisco, Calif., is the executive director of Every Day Connect with Project Homeless Connect, a one-stop shop for homeless people to receive bimonthly services at the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium. Nathan Knottingham (’03, MBA ’11) of Salem works as an underwriting support supervisor with SAIF Corp. He and wife Billie Bodenstab Knottingham (’02) have two children.

Craig Rinne (’08) of Redmond, Ore., is an office manager at Renew Fitness, which is owned by his family. He attends Capstone Christian Fellowship in Redmond.

Mandi Kelly (’10) of Spokane, Wash., is a tax accountant for McDirmid, Mikkelsen & Secrest, P.S.

Tyler Heine (’11) and Jeanne Heine (’11) of Kalispell, Mont., will celebrate their fourth wedding anniversary in July. Tyler owns and operates Top Notch Turf, LLC (formerly Heine Brothers Sod). Jeanne is a staff accountant for Kalispell Regional Medical Center. They attend True Life Church in Whitefish, Mont. Amanda Brenneman (ADP ’12) is a business development officer for MaPS Credit Union in Salem. Ben Funkhouser (’12) of Salem works full time as an applications developer for Citycounty Insurance Services in Salem/Portland. Craig Johnson (’12) of Monmouth, Ore., was featured in Capi Lynn’s “Many stories in 2012 touched hearts” article in the Statesman Journal newspaper about overcoming the challenges of Asperger’s syndrome in order to graduate. Craig works on behalf of Asperger’s education and gives hope to parents of children with autism.

Melissa Petersen Andrew (’09) of Wilsonville, Ore., teaches fourth grade at Crosshill Christian (formerly Willamette Christian) in Salem. Her husband Josh is a cardiothoracic surgery PA and works at Kaiser Sunnyside Medical Center in Clackamas.


All in the family 1 Ken Driver (’95) and Tracy Fertig Driver

(’99) of Springfield, Ore., announce the birth of Annabell Marie, born Sept. 26, 2012. She weighed 7 pounds, 14 ounces and was 22 inches long.

2 Jenn Nelson Bentz (’03) and husband Ben of Stayton, Ore., welcomed Steele Nelson, born June 5, 2012. He weighed 7 pounds, 13 ounces and was 20 inches long. John Nelson (’76) and wife Shari are proud grandparents. Ben works for Cornerstone Transport, and Jenn works part-time for Bain Wealth Management Group. The family attends Morningstar Community Church in Salem. 3 Jim Brown II (’03) and wife Daja of Kennewick, Wash., welcomed their second child, Zachariah Elijah, May 23, 2012. He joins big sister Halle Arianne. Jim is the youth and music pastor at Quinault Baptist Church and leads a community group as well. 4 Katie Eick Karnes (’03) and Adam Karnes (’08) of Salem welcomed Ada Victoria, born Sept. 28, 2012. She weighed 8 pounds, 7 ounces and was 19 inches long. Adam is an electrician at Shiloh Electric, and Katie is a stay-at-home mom. 5 Jill

Steiner Nelson (’04) and husband Nolan of Albany, Ore., announce the birth of Reese Elizabeth, born Oct. 5, 2012. She joins big brother Jace. Nolan works for the City of Albany as a civil engineer, and Jill is a stay-at-home mom. 6 Julia Faucette Royer (’06) and husband Eric of Eugene, Ore., announce the birth of Hannah Marie, born Aug. 24, 2012. She weighed 7 pounds, 14 ounces and was 19 inches long. Eric is an insurance agent, and Julia is an accountant. The family attends Cascade Presbyterian Church. 7 Stephanie Veenstra Bakk (’07) and husband, Jason, of Wasilla, Alaska, welcomed identical twins Marianne Johanna and Ayla Rose, born Dec. 3,








2012. Marianne weighed 4 pounds, 11 ounces; and Ayla weighed 4 pounds, 9 ounces. Stephanie is a stay-at-home mom and designs and sells jewelry. Jason is the owner/operator of his fishing boat, Summer Addiction, with which he fishes the yearly salmon run. In the off-season, he substitute teaches at local elementary and middle schools. 8 Scott Marshall (’07, MBA ’11) and Jessica Force Marshall (’07) of Grants Pass, Ore., welcomed their second child, Madison Julie Emily, Oct. 24, 2011. She joins big brother Reagan. The family attends River Valley Community Church where they are home group leaders for couples. Scott works as an IT analyst for Asante Health System, and Jessica is a stay-at-home mom and does sewing for the local Dutch Bros. coffee houses. 9 Alicia Vande Burgt Selander (’07) and husband Ben of Salem welcomed Eleanora Mae, born July 30, 2012. She weighed 6 pounds, 14 ounces and was 19.5 inches long. Alicia works part-time at SAIF Corp as a claims adjuster. Ben works for the Oregon Army National Guard in Salem.

Swanick Potloff (’09, MBA ’11) and Ben Potloff (’10) of Dallas, Ore., announce the birth of Peyton Flora, born Sept. 30, 2012. She weighed 8 pounds, 1 ounce and was 19.25 inches long. Ben is the youth pastor at Grace Community Church. Andrea is the office manager at Pinnacle Physical Therapy and a youth leader for the high school ministry at their church.




10 Andrea

Seigman Millikan (’10) and Joshua Millikan (’11) of Beaverton, Ore., welcomed their second child, Olivia Victoria, Jan. 10, 2012. She weighed 6 pounds, 18 ounces and was 18 inches long. She joins big sister Kahlan. Joshua works for PacifiCorp as a technology resource center analyst, and Karen is a stay-at-home mom.


11 Karen


8 3



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1 Holly Cozby (’03) married Keidrick Roy Feb. 18, 2012, at the United States Air Force Academy chapel in Colorado Springs, Colo. Holly works for Compassion International in the marketing department, and Keidrick is an Air Force missile officer. The couple resides in Cheyenne, Wyo., where they attend Cheyenne Hills Church.


included Heidi Hunsucker (’12), Jaclyn Peterson (’12) and Amanda Martini Shields (’12). The couple resides in Salem. Taylor is a senior in mechanical engineering at Oregon State University, and Anna is enjoying being a homemaker. They attend Grace City Church in Corvallis, Ore. 5 Coleen

Cleven (’11) married Matthew Turner (’12) July 21, 2012, in Bainbridge Island, Wash. Their wedding party included Derek Johnson (’12), Michael Lambert (’12), Kathryn Cleven (’14) and Megan Turner (’15). The couple resides in Bainbridge, Wash. Coleen is a kindergarten teacher, and Matthew works at Kitsap Credit Union. They attend New Life Church and are junior high and high school youth leaders.

2 Anna Cunningham (’10) married David Sanner Aug. 18, 2012, at Summerfield Farms in Salem. Karen Wright (’09) was the maid of honor. The couple resides in Port Alsworth, Alaska. David is a registered nurse but doing construction while Anna teaches piano and substitute teaches at a local school. They attend Tanalian Bible Church where they serve with the worship team, cleaning staff, AWANA, and co-lead a college and Send us your updates career group. 3 Teri Braun (’11) married Steven Candelaria (’12) Oct. 5, 2012, at the Oregon Garden Resort in Silverton, Ore. Their wedding party included Jason Braun (’09), Luci Field (’11), Jake Balbus (’13) and Marc Labarthe (’13). Teri works at Western Oregon University in the division of extended programs. Steven works at Courthouse Fitness. They live in Salem where they attend Salem Alliance Church.

6 Joel Martini (’11) married Natalie Higgins (’12) Sept. 2, 2012, at Wind Mountain Ranch in Stevenson, Wash. Their wedding party included Amber Meeker Balbas (’11), Neil Mayfield (’11), John Shaw (’11), Whitney Harris Shaw (’11), Carrie Bernard (’12), Kaitlyn Ragan (’12), Jonathan Anderson (’14) and Amanda Martini (’15). The couple resides in Bainbridge Island, Wash. Joel works in Seattle for the FBI as a computer forensic examiner, and Natalie is the member service coordinator at Kitsap Credit Union in Poulsbo, Wash.

4 Anna Bassous (’11) married Taylor Southworth Aug. 11, 2012, at Corvallis Calvary Chapel in Corvallis, Ore. Their wedding party

7 Tiffany Petersen (’11) married Joel Clogston Aug. 4, 2012, in the Rogue Valley in Southern Oregon. Their wedding party


included Danielle Howden (’09) and Ashley Strom (’11). The couple resides in Grants Pass, Ore., where Joel works as a screen printer, and Tiffany teaches history and math at New Hope Christian. They attend Edgewater Christian Fellowship. 8 Miranda Aaron (’12) married Jordan Keck (’12) July 21, 2012, in Longview, Wash. Their wedding party included Amelia Aaron (’11), Jeff Bennett (’12), Alex Mauck (’12) and Tyler Keck (’14). The couple resides in Lincoln City, Ore. Jordan works at Oregon Coast Bank, and Miranda is seeking opportunities in the psychology field. They attend First Baptist Church of Newport where they serve in worship, youth and children ministries. 9 Brooke Jaskilka (’12) married Sam Joseph Aug. 12, 2012, at the Briarhurst Manor in Manitu Springs, Colo. The couple resides in Superior, Colo. Brooke works part-time at TJ Maxx, and Sam works at Pebble Broadcasting Systems. They attend Valley Community Church. They serve with the youth group and host a small group. They are hoping to be involved with missions in the South Pacific with HCJB Global. 10 Karisa Calderon (’13) married Derek Legg (’13) May 21, 2012, on the beach at Dana Point, Calif. Their wedding included Jennifer Hague Phelan (’12), Noel Griggs Conlee (’13), McKenzie Purnell (’13) and Amy Valentine (’13). The couple resides in Salem. Karisa will graduate from Corban in May and then seek a teaching position. Derek works at Eddie Bauer and plans to graduate from Corban in the summer. They attend Church on the Hill in Turner, Ore.


With the lord Leo Brown (’56) of Citrus Heights, Calif., passed away December 30, 2012. Leo was a devoted Christian, husband, father and grandfather. He devoted his life to serving the Lord and as a leader at Pioneer Baptist Church. He was preceded in death by his wife, Billie Jean. He is survived by his three children, ten grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. David F. Miller (’63) of Albany, Ore., graduated to Heaven after a seven-year battle with cancer, December, 7, 2012. See related story pp. 10 Ardith Burkhart Rehfeld (’64) of Seattle, Wash., was promoted to Heaven on October 7, 2011. She is survived by her husband Rod Rehfeld (’65) and their two daughters. Delores Bayes Shimmin (’68) of Pensacola, Fla., went home to be with the Lord on March 31, 2012. Dee was involved with Christian education all of her adult life. She started out as a kindergarten teacher and worked for A Beka Book for 28 years, where she wrote and contributed to numerous Christian textbooks. Retired for the last five years, she was able to enjoy her 12 grandchildren. She is survived by her loving husband of 45 years, Stan, and their four children. Tom Hedges (’72) of Venice, Fla., went to be with the Lord on January 14, 2013. He is survived by his wife Lee Ann, 4 children and 15 grandchildren. John Withem (’77) of Woodland, Calif., entered into the presence of Jesus Christ on November 4, 2012. As a child, John’s grandmother left him a legacy that he followed for the rest of his life: to do all things wholeheartedly for the Lord (Colossians 3:23). Under the tutelage of his father, John studied violin, and was 17 when he performed as concert master in Carnegie Hall with America’s Youth in Concert. From 2003 until the time of his death, he served as the lead pastor at Bayside Church of Woodland. He also served as chaplain for Pioneer High School’s football team, founded Hero’s Weekend – honoring local public safety personnel, and was a member of YGRIP – an anti-gang task force. After surviving his first battle with cancer in 1992, John was diagnosed with cancer again in February 2012. Throughout both battles, John fought the good fight, kept the faith, and left his own legacy of living wholeheartedly for his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He is survived by his wife Nancy, and two children.

Tari Shane (ADP ’98) of Flandreau, S.D., passed away Nov. 9, 2010. Tari served full-time in the Oregon Army National Guard and the U.S. Army where she attained the rank of sergeant. She retired and moved to Flandreau in 2001. Tari was a member of the United Methodist Church and the United Methodist Women. She is survived by her three siblings. Lois Ann Gardner (MSE ’06) of Salem, passed into the presence of our Savior Jesus Christ on January 3, 2013. She always loved children and education. She started her adventure in education as a special education aide in Roseville, Calif., and taught at several schools in the Sacramento area. In 2003, Lois moved to Salem to be the special education director at Salem Academy and was their principal for five years. She leaves behind her husband, Dennis Gardner, two sons and three grandchildren. Ronald E. Whitehead of West Linn, Ore., passed away Nov. 27, 2012. Ron developed the curriculum for a criminal justice minor at Corban and became an adjunct instructor in 2004. He was also the primary creator in Corban’s criminal justice major program in 2007. He was a retired sheriff, chaplain and educator who spent 23 years policing. He is survived by his wife, Jean, and their four children.

Class Notes Key ADP – Adult Degree Program CUSM – Corban University School of Ministry (includes former Northwest Baptist Seminary)

MABS – Master of Arts in Biblical Studies

MBA – Master of Business Administration MSE – Master of Science in Education MDiv – Master of Divinity

This issue of Class Notes consists of items submitted between October 1 and February 15. Deadline for Class Notes for Fall 2013 is June 1. Check the alumni facebook page for more photos and upcoming events: Corban/Western Baptist Alumni.


Ready for cutting-edge training designed for busy ministry schedules? Experience your first online graduate class for only


For a limited time, take a Corban School of Ministry online class for only $99. On-campus quality meets online flexibility in our exciting new programs. This fall, we’ve unveiled a leading-edge training program available to any Christian leader with a computer and Internet access. We’ve taken advantage of the latest technology to make education more accessible. You can complete one of three M.A. programs or our M.Div. program without moving from home or leaving your ministry. Our programs prepare you for effective service in a wide variety of fields. Our M.A. in Christian Teaching can open the door for ministry in Christian schools, for teaching overseas or for work in many other educational settings. Our M.A. in Nonprofit Leadership equips you to lead and serve in management and administration roles in church and para-church ministries. Our MA in Spiritual Formation trains you to better understand how best to help people grow in Jesus Christ. This versatile degree will benefit anyone seeking to disciple and develop believers. The M.Div. in Church Ministry represents the standard of training for those in pastoral or missionary work. It combines a solid foundation of Bible and theology courses with current thinking in leadership and church development. When you study online with Corban School of Ministry, you get experienced and capable professors. Many online programs rely on teaching assistants to do the bulk of the teaching. Your Corban faculty brings years of quality ministry experience and the highest academic credentials. Take a School of Ministry course this summer or fall for $99. If you want more, you can pursue a degree online at a discount. Contact Karen Pease: 253-759-6104, ext. 100





Office of Advancement 5000 Deer Park Drive SE Salem, OR 97317-9392

Free Service can bring peace and satisfaction Pat Nicholson (ADP ’96), recently invested her resources in Corban University’s Charitable Gift Annuity program. She stated, “This is a good investment and makes financial sense. I chose Corban because I wanted to participate in what God is doing through the school. “I have experienced peace and satisfaction knowing I am being a steward with what God gave me,” she added. “None of us knows our time and I believe in using my days and finances wisely because I know that God has given me this responsibility.” Pat has had a bird’s-eye view of Corban for many years as an adult degree program student, a member of the Alumni Board and the Board of Trustees and as an adjunct professor. Her first-hand view of Corban’s

success in encouraging students to apply their energy and talents for Christ led her to also include the University as a beneficiary in her estate plan. “I want to give to Corban because I have confidence in their ability to sustain their mission values. In my heart I know the money will be used wisely and it will have an impact on things that I care about--those that make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ.” She encourages others to take advantage of the free estate planning services that Corban offers through estate planning expert Gene Christian. “When you have opportunity to see what the Lord is doing through Corban it becomes a blessing to use your estate resources in God’s work. Investing in the next generation has eternal value.”

If you are interested in estate planning assistance, call Darrel White at 503-589-8186 or email We can also send you our free Will and Trust Planning Guide and Estate Inventory form.

Darrel White Director of Development

Gene Christian Estate Planning Expert

Corban University is a non profit, 501(c)(3), tax exempt educational corporation. We offer several other planned giving vehicles such as a: 1) Charitable Gift Annuity, 2) Charitable Lead Trust, 3) Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust, and 4) Charitable Remainder Trust. Gifts of real property or life insurance are another way to support the mission of the University.

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