Corban Magazine - Winter 2012

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A Publication of Corban University

Holistic Development Why dedicating heart and mind to God now is more important than ever

Winter 2012

Dedicating Heart and Mind to God

It is the mission of Corban University to educate Christians who will make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ. The Hebrew word for corban (qorban) represents the highest gift given to God. “In view of God's mercy…offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—which is your spiritual worship” Romans 12:1 (NIV). Our students are trained to become leaders who are set apart for a life of spiritual sacrifice and service, able to advance as salt and light in a darkened world.

Corban Staff Publisher Reno Hoff ‘73 Editor J. Steven Hunt ‘69 Writer Sheldon Traver Designer Ronald Cox IV Contributing Writers Deleen Wills, David Sanford Photographer Sheldon Traver Contributing Photographers Deleen Wills, Jessica Marple CORBAN magazine is published by the Office of Marketing & Communications at Corban University and is sent to alumni, parents, supporters and friends of the University. Our missional themes are transformative learning, holistic development and Christian stewardship. Send address changes to: Office of Advancement 5000 Deer Park Drive SE Salem, OR 97317-9392


Holistic Development


Why dedicating heart and mind to God now is more important than ever

16 ADP

replaces textbooks with iPads

17 School

of Ministry develops pastoral training program in Cameroon

18 Richard

L. Caulkins legacy manifested in new building

19 Corban

cross-country athlete brings hope to children in Costa Rica

Email or call 503-375-7003. Corban Magazine is printed by Lynx Group in Salem, Ore. U.S.A.

DEPARTMENTS 2 Winter Portrait 4 From the President 5 Corban in Print 6 Faculty News 8 News Briefs 0 Honor Roll of Donors 2

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29 Alumni Action 32 Upcoming Events 35 Class Notes 3

from the president

WHY HOLISTIC DEVELOPMENT MATTERS In our latest regional accreditation report we clearly stated: “Corban is committed to creating a community that promotes worship, creative expression and activities that reflect God’s character. Development of all aspects of the created person is essential to enabling students to fully express themselves as people created in the image of God. A holistic approach encourages physical and emotional health as well as well-developed spiritual life and deep social relationships. Engagement and intentional strategies for collaborating with others are used to equip and enhance interpersonal and intrapersonal awareness.” As you can ascertain from this statement, Corban University is an academic community that bases its existence on the concept of ministry through the application of the Great Commission. That commission, in Matthew 28: 19-20, says: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you … ” This means we want each of our graduates to be recognized by all as Corban men and women who have a heart and mind truly dedicated to the Lord. Unfortunately, this is not the situation at many so-called Christian institutions. What’s more, this is not a new problem with such institutions. Martin Luther addressed this same problem centuries ago when he stated:

common bond in Jesus Christ, and it is why we require all of our students to be Christians. We also provide opportunities for our students to be involved in the arts from a Christian perspective. We know that young people are greatly influenced by what they watch in movies and on television, what they hear in songs and on talk radio, what they see in print and experience online. Therefore, they need to understand how to incorporate what’s actually true and right into their belief system, and how to reject what’s false and wrong. Furthermore, it’s essential that they grow to a point in their spiritual life where they can bless others wherever they go. We do not consider some areas of our students’ lives as secular and some as spiritual. We certainly do not want them to compartmentalize that way. Instead, we want them to consider everything in their lives as a spiritual and ultimately biblical issue. We want them to keep growing in the spirit of Proverbs 1:1-4, which says: “The Proverbs of Solomon son of David, King of Israel: for attaining wisdom and discipline; for understanding words of insight; for acquiring a disciplined and prudent life, doing what is right and just and fair; for giving prudence to the simple, knowledge and discretion to the young.”

We do not consider some areas of our students’ lives as secular and some as spiritual.

“I am afraid that schools will prove to be the great gates of Hell unless they diligently labor in explaining the Holy Scriptures, engraving them in the hearts of youth. I advise no one place his child where the Scriptures do not reign paramount. Every institution in which men are not increasingly occupied with the Word of God must be corrupt.” On the surface, these words seem overly harsh, but Luther wanted us to realize we are in a fierce battle for the hearts and minds of our young people. The apostle Paul, in Ephesians 6:12, clearly states: “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” At Corban, we prepare our students to think biblically about, and develop a holistic approach to, each issue of life. Toward that end, we encourage them to be actively involved in the Corban community and with others in order to develop their social skills and firm up their personal commitment to Jesus Christ. That is why it is so very important to have a community that shares a strong


We want our students, and our faculty, to internalize the Bible’s principles in their hearts so they’re prepared to face each issue in life from the point of view of our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ. That is why our mission, “To educate Christians who will make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ,” is central to the existence of Corban University. Every decision we make as an institution is centered on that all-important mission.

As you look through this issue of our magazine, you will see how we seek to develop a holistic life attitude in our students. It is a genuine blessing to be part of this great endeavor, and to know that you and other supporters are with us. Thank you so very much. Dedicating Heart and Mind to God,

Reno Hoff, President

Corban in print

“Elizabeth Madox Roberts: Prospect and Retrospect”

“Understanding, Managing & Redeeming Church Conflict”

“Creating Disciple Making Movements”

Lyndsey (Hawk) Brown, ’07

By Leroy Goertzen, D.Min., Director, Doctor of Ministry Program, Corban School of Ministry

By Paul Johnson, D.Min., Assistant Professor of Intercultural Studies and Bible, Corban University

When 38 percent of pastors and 72 percent of members have left their churches due to conflict, it isn’t surprising that nearly 15,000 churches per year divide or dissolve because of unresolved internal conflict.

In his new book, “Creating Disciple Making Movements,” Paul Johnson, D.Min., an assistant professor of intercultural studies and Bible, explores Jesus Christ’s mission to create holistic disciples.

Though her work had largely been discounted by critics since the 1960s, early 20th century poet and novelist Elizabeth Madox Roberts is being rediscovered. Research and review of the Kentucky-born writer’s work by Corban alumna Lyndsey (Hawk) Brown, ’07, was published in “Elizabeth Madox Roberts: Prospect and Retrospect” in spring 2012. The book is one of four in the “Reading Roberts” series, and is a compellation of Robert’s unpublished work and critical essays about her poems and novels. Brown’s essay “Transcendent Items: Ellen’s Journey,” is a critique of one of Roberts’ early novels “The Time of Man,” written in 1926. In her essay, Brown examines the contents of a hope chest owned by Ellen, the book’s main character. It describes how they were a reflection of “Ellen’s journey of the self.” Brown is currently an adjunct professor at Georgia Southern University, and hopes to present her research about Roberts to other literary scholars and enthusiasts. “Elizabeth Madox Roberts: Prospect and Retrospect” is available for $20, payable to: “Tina Iraca,” EMRS Treasurer, 16 Montgomery St. Tivoli, NY 12583.

Leroy Goertzen, D.Min., director of Corban’s Doctor of Ministry Program, tackled this serious issue in his book “Understanding, Managing & Redeeming Church Conflict.” Goertzen shows why church conflict is inevitable, and he provides a framework for understanding how conflict can be managed, resolved and redeemed with an informed plan and sound biblical principles. “Church ministry leaders will be pleased to know this book is not a self-help book based on the most recent pop-psychology,” Goertzen said. “Rather, the book engages the reader with some of the best research in the field of conflict management with a Christian perspective.” “Understanding, Managing & Redeeming Church Conflict” is available through any major online book retailer.

“Along with biblical analysis, this research presents four stellar examples from church history of groups or individuals who pursued the fulfillment of the mission of Christ through the making of holistic disciples and, to some degree, disciplemaking movements,” Johnson said. “As obedient followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, it is vital to understand how Christ defined his mission for his followers in the world.” The book also provides insight into effective methods to create disciple-making movements within the church, examines the work and perspectives of key contemporary writers on the missional church and how they describe the mission of Jesus Christ in the world today. “Creating Disciple Making Movements” is available through any major online book retailer.

“Understanding Differences in Perceptions of Effective Urban Elementary School Principals among Various Educational Stakeholders” By Jesse Payne, Ed.D., Assistant Professor of Education Corban University Perceptions can shape the way teachers and administrators view their roles in education. Corban University Assistant Professor of Education, Jesse Payne, Ed.D., addresses this in his new book, “Understanding Differences in Perceptions of Effective Urban Elementary School Principals among Various Educational Stakeholders.” His research focused on the similarities and differences in perceptions of job skills for effective elementary school principals in urban areas. After collecting data from 51 school superintendents, 114 principals and 101 teachers, he discovered the differences in perception far outweighed the similarities, even within similar stakeholder groups. Payne is currently working on a book titled “Teachers as Brain Changers.” He also published “What I Learned from a Penguin: A Story on How to Help People Change,” which was created to help children understand their own brains and personalities. “Understanding Differences in Perceptions…” is available through any major online book retailer, including Amazon.


Faculty news

Associate Professor Ryan Stark

Professor Jim Hills



While Corban Professor of Humanities Jim Hills might not be in the classroom during his fall 2012 sabbatical, he isn’t taking the time off.

With a dash of satire and humor, Corban Associate Professor of English Ryan Stark analyzed the 18th century novel, “Tristram Shandy” by Laurence Stern, for a newly released book of essays.

From publishing short magazine articles to writing content for a textbook he has been researching, Hills is clearing his to-do list of writing projects that have been accumulating for several years. “I’m primarily working on a simplified American history text for international students,” he said. “I spent a summer teaching in Indonesia and it made me realize how little I knew about Indonesian society and history. When we started getting Indonesian students here, I thought, ‘Why would they know any more about my culture than I knew about theirs?’” After conversations with some of Corban’s international students and additional conversations during a trip to England, Hills started the research process. His goal is to create an easy-to-understand text that explains not only key components of U.S. history, but also why Americans have the unique values they do such as rugged individualism and freedom of speech. “We really are different and it has to do with a large number of things,” Hills said. While working on the history textbook, he also helped a Salem-area writer bring an idea to print. Additionally he wrote several articles for Regular Baptist Press and prepared a new course he taught at AMBEX in Germany in November. It hasn’t been all work and no play for the professor who started at Corban in 1973. He is spending more time with his daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren in Bend, Ore., which he said has been a “huge blessing.” He will return to the classroom in January 2013 for spring semester.


His article, “Tristram Shandy and the Devil” was published in “Theology and Literature in the Age of Johnson.” Stark said it was an essay he enjoyed writing. “I show that Laurence Sterne, one of the great satire writers of the 18th century and an Anglican priest, lampoons the Devil in wonderfully inventive ways throughout the novel,” he said. “In it I contend that “Tristram Shandy” is an informal exorcism ritual designed, successfully, to laugh away the foul fiend, the proud spirit who cannot endure to be mocked.” The book is available in print and electronic formats through Amazon, Barnes & Noble and other book retailers.

WRITER-IN-RESIDENCE BUSY GLOBALLY AND LOCALLY After nearly eight years of research and writing, Corban’s Flannery O’Conner Award-winning Writer-in-Residence, Gina Ochsner, recently completed her latest novel. The book, tentatively titled “Thicker than Water,” focuses on a community of ethnic Latvians, Jews, Russians and Gypsies who live in relative peace in the post-Soviet Union era. When a German developer repurposes the local cemetery for the site of a riverside strip mall, however, conflict ensues. Through this, Ochsner said the Latvian myth of the Bear Slayer, a hero with enormous furry ears that destroys anyone trying to occupy the nation, is brought to life through the characters.

Gina Ochsner

“It’s a story of internal struggle,” she said. “The wounds of the three occupations between 1940 and 1991 are brought out. It dredges up a painful, shameful history of Latvian occupation.” Ochsner researched Latvia’s history through online research, personal interviews conducted during five trips to Latvia, and the help of several colleagues across the United States. She said the book is currently being considered by a publisher. In December, Ochsner plans to travel to Perm State University (PSU) in eastern Russia. She was invited to talk about her debut novel, “The Russian Dreambook of Color and Flight,” with scholars and others from that university. While there, she intends to build relationships with PSU faculty in hopes of establishing scholarly exchanges between PSU and Corban. Additionally, she plans to work with Russian street kids through Youth With A Mission (YWAM). With the successful June 2012 Portals Writers Conference behind her, Ochsner already is making preparations for the second annual Portals Writers Conference, June 20-23, 2013. The 4-day conference will include writing workshops, evening presentations, and one-onone sessions with writing mentors. Confirmed presenters include authors Paula Houston and Deborah Smith Douglas, photographer Fritz Liedtke, and slam poet Phil Long.

IMAGINATIONS THRIVE AT iTHINK–iCREATE THEATRE CAMP From sci-fi to fantasy to mad scientists, Corban’s 2012 iThink–iCreate Theatre Camp was a collage of ideas and fun. For two weeks in July, the University’s Psalm Performing Arts Center and other campus locations bustled with 40 camp participants representing students from the fourth to 12th grades.

iThink–iCreate Theatre Camp

“This group threw themselves wholeheartedly into the theatrical process, which makes for an energetic and productive two weeks,” said Camp Director Tamara McGinnis. “The sketches, the scenes and the acts that the students wrote were incredibly imaginative and creative. “In a discussion about what it took to be an artist, I was struck by the depth of their responses: hard work, empathy, discipline, perseverance, observation skills, vulnerability, risk,” she added. The elementary, middle and high school students developed their own scripts, costumed their characters, planned their blocking, and practiced their songs and dances. Additionally, the students attended seminars covering improvisation techniques, character development, voice projection, stage emotions, and backdrop and props creation. The camp concluded with participants performing their three original shows in front of family and friends. McGinnis is already preparing for next summer’s camp scheduled from July 22 through Aug. 3, 2013. For more information, email her at or call Jan Hopkins at 503-375-7018.

ENGLISH PROFESSOR’S POETRY WINS ACCOLADES Colette Tennant won second place in the national poetry contest, Winners’ Circle Award, for her poem “Ritual,” which will be published in the annual journal “Encore.” “Gold Man Review,” Salem, Oregon’s own literary magazine, has accepted two of Tennant’s poems for its next issue.

Professor Colette Tennant

Tennant was also one of the featured authors in the September/October 2012 issue of the Statesman Journal’s magazine “Willamette Woman.”

CORBAN PROFESSOR PROMOTES MISSIONS Paul Johnson recently spoke at Mission Fest Seattle on the topics “Mobilizing the Next Generation in Cross-Cultural Missions” and “How to Discover God’s ‘Call’ to Cross-Cultural Ministry.” In September, Johnson also traveled to the Evangelical Missiological Society annual meeting in Chicago, and became a member of a team involved in the initial development of an Intercultural Servant-in-Residence program at Corban.

CORBAN EDUCATION MAJORS BENEFIT FROM GRANT A $36,000 grant to the Salem-Keizer School District is having a direct impact on Corban’s education majors. The nonprofit Oregon Chalkboard Project awarded the grant to give education majors “a robust pipeline that takes teaching candidates through a rigorous classroom experience,” said Sue Hildick, Chalkboard project president, in a “Statesman Journal” story about the grant. Corban’s education majors will have the opportunity to learn at three of the five schools selected for the project. This includes the new Chavez Elementary in East Salem, which is the district’s first “learning lab.” The school features eight classrooms with one-way windows to allow student teachers, district supervisors and others to watch demonstration teachers at work.

Professor Paul Johnson

extended clinical placement for their studentteaching experience,” said Janine Allen, Corban’s dean of education and counseling. “This will allow a full-year experience in one building instead of changing buildings after an initial student teaching experience.” Additionally, the grant gives Corban teacher candidates working toward their English as a Second Language (ESOL) endorsement, and secondary school candidates, the ability to work more closely within an intercultural environment. Students began the collaborative and student teaching portions of the education major on Aug. 27. Approximately 25 percent of Corban’s education students are directly involved with the Salem-Keizer Collaborative classroom placements with 52 teacher candidates in student teaching or preeducation field experiences during the 20122013 school year. The purpose of the Salem-Keizer Collaborative is to provide a growth opportunity for clinical teachers and teacher candidates through indepth clinical placements. The collaboration was developed over 18 months, and is designed to improve student achievement through enhanced student learning and teaching quality. “This aligns with the goals of Corban University’s School of Education to create teacher leaders passionate for engaged service and for leading transformation in their learning communities,” Allen said. “At the end of the day, it is all about student learning and making a difference.”

“Teacher candidates from Corban University’s elementary education program will be in an


News briefs GREAT BRITAIN TOUR COMING UP MAY 2013 Between May 5 and 23, 2013, as many as 40 Corban students, alumni, parents, family and friends are going to explore the United Kingdom and learn more about its influence on their lives. The Great Britain Academic Tour includes 16 days of sightseeing. A luxury motor coach will transport participants as they travel through England and Scotland, to enjoy the sights—and glean insights from an English literature scholar, a Christian history and theology scholar, and a spiritual formation and Bible scholar, all from Corban University. “This trip allows participants to engage in a historical, literary, theological, and spiritual connection with our English heritage,” says tour guide Sam Baker, Corban’s associate professor of student and family

ministries. “Participants will be able to connect with Great Britain in a fully integrated way.” The trip will be led by Baker, by English and Humanities Professor Colette Tennant, and by Associate Professor of Ministry Kent Kersey. The trip will cost $4,500 per person, which includes airfare, 17 nights lodging, entrance fees, and a number of meals. “In many respects, even a relatively short trip like this can have lifetransforming effects,” Baker said. “It’s a unique opportunity everyone should seriously consider.” For more information about the Great Britain Academic Tour, contact Sam Baker at 503-316-3387 or email him at

CORBAN SENIOR RECEIVES NATIONAL POETRY AWARD Corban University senior Andrew Tennant earned this year’s prestigious Edna Meudt Memorial Award from the National Federation of State Poetry Societies. His award-winning poem, “Longing for Affliction,” was part of a 10-poem collection sent for review by a panel of three NFSPS judges. The award included a Salem campus visit by Oregon’s Poet Laureate Paulann Petersen, who led a poetry workshop attended by individuals from the Corban community and greater Salem area. Additionally, Petersen led an evening lecture with Andrew Tennant. Students filled the Psalm Performing Arts Center to hear Petersen share her creative journey and listen to Tennant read from his newly published chapbook, “Where You See Angels All Over.” “Corban is a wonderful place to foster a love of poetry,” Petersen said. “There is so much talent within the faculty and students. I really am looking forward to coming back.”

CORBAN AND UPH EXTEND PARTNERSHIP FOR FOUR MORE YEARS This fall, Corban University administrators signed an extended partnership with Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH), in Karawaci, Indonesia, that will continue to advance Christian education throughout the world’s fourth most populous nation. Corban has a unique partnership with UPH and its Teachers College. Education majors from the Teachers College receive an accredited Corban University degree once they complete the program. Upon graduation, these new teachers

fill classroom positions at Christian schools in many of Indonesia’s most impoverished regions. Graduates of Corban’s School of Education are also given the opportunity to work at schools established by the Pelita Harapan Foundation, the parent organization for the network of schools. A number of Corban alumni now teach in Indonesia. A liaison officer will travel between Corban and the Teachers College, and work closely with Corban Provost Matt Lucas to track student progress

and ensure each student meets the rigorous accreditation requirements. Additionally, the liaison officer will continue to build relationships between, and pursue opportunities for, faculty and students at both universities. “The new memorandum of understanding is evidence that the good work by Dr. Lucas and Dr. Janine Allen is appreciated and valued by our UPH colleagues,” said Corban President elect Sheldon Nord. Corban President Reno Hoff, called it another example of how a mission can be fulfilled when God is in control. “Corban University will continue to realize our mission through teacher education in Indonesia and expand those efforts across all of Asia,” Hoff said. “All of the credit goes to Jesus Christ for these collaborative opportunities.” The new agreement will take effect July 1, 2013 and run through 2017.

A video telling the story of the UPH partnership may be found at 8

RETIRED KATU ANCHOR SPEAKS AT LUNCHEON This autumn, Salem area business and community leaders received a history lesson covering about four decades of television news and the importance of community partnerships. Retired KATU television news journalist and anchor Mike Donahue spoke to a capacity crowd at Broadway Commons in Salem, Ore. as part of the 2012 Corban Consulting Partners (CCP) luncheon. The annual event is designed to inform community and business leaders about the opportunities available through CCP and the Corban University School of Business. “The big idea is to bloom where you are planted,” Donahue said. “Corban University is blooming where it was planted. It has broken down the imaginary wall that separates its students from the community. It’s reaching out with open arms and asking you to join it in becoming a strong part of this community.” As a result of the luncheon, the School of Business received nearly 40 responses from prospective CCP clients, those looking for business interns, and others interested in attending or sponsoring future business workshops.

SCHOOL OF BUSINESS PARTNERS WITH NEHEMIAH PROJECT The Corban University School of Business has a long history of incorporating business and ministry into all of its courses.

to “contribute to the fulfillment of the Great Commission through their time, talent and treasure.”

The partnership gives CUSB the opportunity to Now a new partnership between the University use Patrice Tsague’s book “Nothing but a Jar of Oil” as part of its Macro Economics course and to and Nehemiah Project International Ministries utilize portions of NPIM’s Bible Entrepreneurship (NPIM), based in Lake Oswego, Ore., will (BE) series materials, too. In turn, NPIM will have enhance educational opportunities for the opportunity to offer its BE series classes as a prospective entrepreneurs. NPIM’s vision is 3-credit 600 level elective at Corban’s Salem and to “transform the marketplace with the Gospel Tacoma campuses. of the Lord Jesus Christ, one entrepreneur at a time,” to “create a community of Kingdom“Corban University’s values are in line with ours business stewards who provide God-honoring and this really creates a growth opportunity,” Tsague said. “We want to give people an service and products,” and for entrepreneurs

opportunity to further their education and Corban provides that with its strong biblical foundation and business programs.” The opportunity to partner with Nehemiah Project International Ministries excites Griff Lindell, dean of Corban’s School of Business. “This partnership gives Corban’s global perspective more exposure,” Lindell said. “It’s an opportunity for students to consider pursuing a Corban MBA degree wherever they are in the world. It also gives us another opportunity to fulfill Corban’s mission statement, and that truly is exciting to me.”



On Aug. 24, Corban University’s Salem campus was abuzz with new students ready to begin their college careers and with new parents helping port clothes, computers and even refrigerators into their sons’ and daughters’ new school-year homes.

With warm September sunshine all around them for Parent Weekend, Ramsey and Kay Siobal from Waipahu, Hawaii enjoyed laughs, meals and memories with their daughter, Kaylyn, on Corban’s 142-acre campus in Salem, Ore.

This year, Corban has nearly 550 students, divided roughly 2:1 women/men, living in five residence halls on campus. Corban’s orientation weekend kicked off with residence hall registration, a barbecue and a parent dessert. Throughout the weekend, new students became acquainted with their roommates and residence leaders, met professors, and attended various workshops. The orientation weekend ended Aug. 27 with an evening scavenger hunt that scattered students throughout downtown Salem. Students got to know Oregon’s capital city and its many stores and boutique shops.

The Siobals made the journey from their island state to take part in the familycentric activities, Sept. 28-29. The annual event attracts parents who want to share a weekend with their children enrolled at the University. “By going to chapel, classes and other events, it makes the parents feel comfortable with their decision to send their child to Corban,” said Parent Weekend organizer Cathy Downs. “Our

goal is to really let parents know they made the right decision.” The Siobal family took part in a dinner and brunch, had a family photo taken, and attended classes and a soccer match before returning home on Saturday. “We had a great time and learned a lot,” said Ramsey Siobal. “The weather was great. I really didn’t miss home at all.” Parent Weekend is typically scheduled for the first weekend in November. This year, however, scheduling conflicts required a change. Downs said she would like to see it return to the later date next year.


by David Sanford

Holistic Development Why dedicating heart and mind to God now is more important than ever


“I am so proud of you!”

rarely is said aloud. Then again, sometimes we can’t help it. Why? Over time we sense what Dr. Reno Hoff calls “the Corban difference” taking root, growing and coming to fruition in the hearts and lives of our students. We can see it in their facial expressions, demeanors and poise. We can hear it in their voices in the classroom, dining hall, gymnasium, athletic field, performing arts center and elsewhere on campus.


Your video was a hit! I got many compliments after the program and I’m still receiving compliments on it today! I think you may have been a bit modest in that not everyone made the connection that you produced it! Hmmm… I’m trying to figure out how to fix that.

During the past three years, Jessica has produced a number of outstanding videos for the University, both informative and fun. As well, she has created two acclaimed videos showing proven ways to address key social concerns in the broader community in Oregon’s capital city. Only a few months from commencement, Corban faculty and administrators are eager to serve as Jessica’s references.

The University should be proud! Tony Frazier

Why? They’re delighted that she’s already “making a difference in the world for Jesus Christ.” So, what makes “the Corban difference” a reality? At Corban, we call it holistic development. It’s the second of our University’s three major themes. Day in and day out, Corban stands committed to creating a community that promotes worship, creative expression and activities that reflect God’s character. To do this effectively, Corban actively promotes development of all aspects of the

How does holistic development work? At Corban, we actively pursue five objectives in order to create and foster holistic development in our students. 1. Campus Involvement Students engage in campus life to foster community vitality. 2. Artistic Engagement Students demonstrate an appreciation for, and participate in, the performing/visual arts. 3. Christian Growth Students develop and grow in their spiritual life. 4. Interpersonal Relationships Students develop healthy relationships that enable them to bless others. 5. Personal Wellness Students cultivate a healthy lifestyle.



nly a few weeks ago, we received a wonderful note from alumnus Tony Frazier, executive director of Habitat for Humanity of the MidWillamette Valley. One of our seniors, Jessica Baughman, had volunteered to create an inspiring, professional-quality video for Habitat’s annual fundraiser. Business and ministry leaders alike applauded the video as “remarkably better” than what they’d seen at other fundraisers. Then again, we weren’t surprised.


created person. This is essential to enable students like Jessica to grow and mature and fully express themselves as individuals created in the image of God. This holistic approach with each Corban student encourages: physical health emotional health a well-developed spiritual life deep social relationships The exciting thing? This works!

1. Kate Tracy doesn’t know everyone at Corban. It just seems that way. This senior English major serves as the editor of the national award-winning “Hilltop News” student newspaper. She also serves as a Resident Assistant (RA) at Prewitt Hall. On top of that, she attends Church on the Hill, works part-time in the Office of Admissions, and has an internship. Kate’s vibrancy carries over into her work at her residence hall. “I love all aspects of being an RA and I help foster relationships with my girls through one-on-ones, sectionals, group events, and dorm-wide events. Bible study every week is my favorite thing. Also, I love being spontaneous.” Kate’s winsomeness is also evident in her work as the student newspaper editor. “The ‘Hilltop News’ is not an outlet for whining but a publication that is trying to pursue truth and excellence. Instead of critiquing administration, I’d rather focus on what students can do to improve their college experience. That means writing entertaining, interesting, challenging and thought-provoking articles.” Not everyone at Corban knows Kate. But many feel a debt of gratitude for all she does to foster a strong sense of community within our University.

2. Kirstie Walrath and Hayley Dawson grew up only a few miles east of the picturesque Corban School of Ministry campus overlooking Commencement Bay in Tacoma, Wash. The girls performed with the same community theater group. They chose to enroll in the same private Christian university in Salem, Ore. They were a year apart, however, so it wasn’t until well into this past year before Hayley and Kirstie met for the first time. When they did meet, Kirstie and Hayley were standing in Corban’s dining hall. Immediately they both decided, “Let’s have

lunch together!” After sitting down, they soon started talking about the future, not the past. “So, what do you want to do this summer?” Thanks to God’s sovereignty hand, they discovered they both wanted to combine their passion for theater with a powerful response that addressed the evils of human sex trafficking. “A few months earlier I remember thinking, ‘This issue is so big. There is nothing realistic that I can do,’” Hayley said. “So, when Kirstie first mentioned what she wanted to do, I got chills all over my body. I remember being so excited and feeling, ‘There is a way!’”

The answer to “How can we do this?” started taking shape over the next few weeks. Other Christian students from the Bonnie Lake and Sumner area joined their team. So did several parents. The end result? A new name and vision for the theater ministry at Kirstie’s home church. A brand-new show called “Freedom from the Night.” One incredible night performing and filming that show. Another night performing the show as part of Rick Warren’s “Celebrate Recovery” conference in their area. “Our 20-minute performance of dance, mime and a couple of monologues brought our audiences through the story of a girl drawn into a life of sex trafficking,” Kirstie said. “It was heartbreaking, but we were also saying there is hope. At the end, the main victim, as well as the other used and broken girls, rip the chains off their wrists… Ultimately, our show is meant to turn the eyes of our watchers upon the grace and mercy of God.” Now, that same show is posted on YouTube. Hayley and Kirstie’s new dream? For other Christian theater groups to stage “Freedom from the Night” all across America. 13

3. Steffan Bard may not be a senior yet, but don’t tell anyone. This Interdisciplinary Studies major is an avid reader and thinker, spiritual life blogger, workshop presenter, and occasional contributor to the “Hilltop News” student newspaper. He also trains, travels and competes as part of Corban’s soccer team. Prof. Ryan Stark is one of Steffan’s most enthusiastic fans. “He’s a really great philosophy student and wrote a ‘Screwtape’ letter modeled on C. S. Lewis’ book by the same name. It’s a provocative piece about how the Devil might tempt students at a Christian school.” Actually, some of Steffan’s biggest temptations took place before he arrived at Corban. “One of my struggles was overcoming my bent toward perfectionism.” That bent battered his faith and emotions. Thankfully, his three years at Corban have provided an environment where Steffan can ask tough questions, wrestle with big doubts, discover God’s wisdom, and share those biblical and theological insights with others. Some of those insights are shared in conversation, of course, but Steffan ends up writing and publishing a number of them. The next Corban book author? No, that’s not the point. Instead, Steffan is focused on asking and exploring the right questions in an environment that’s biblical and theologically rock-solid. And, he’s developing a rich, deep spirituality he wants to continue cultivating for a lifetime. 14

4. Travis Noble knows a bit about what it takes to develop healthy relationships. He doesn’t just have a lot of friends at Corban, especially within the Business Management degree program. Travis also has been a Nike employee for five years and is married to Bella, a fellow Corban student. On top of all that, in May, Travis traveled to Indonesia for a University-sponsored business study tour and this September he signed up to work with Salem-area pastors on Corban’s behalf as a “My Hope with Billy Graham” student intern. In his spare time? Travis is active in his home church. He also loves basketball and uses it as a vehicle for bringing friends back to the Lord and encouraging them to keep growing as followers of Jesus Christ. What else? Travis can’t wait to start his MBA degree program and has been tirelessly working on entrepreneurship projects with a few Corban classmates. “When it comes to developing healthy relationships that enable me to bless others, I don’t want to take any credit,” Travis said. “Obviously, it’s all to God. I definitely believe He has blessed me with the ability to relate to a lot of people.”

5. Alana Avila wants to invest her ministry career helping teen girls overcome unhealthy lifestyle choices, habits and addictions. Then again, Alana doesn’t take her own healthy lifestyle patterns for granted. She still remembers when her mother trusted the Lord when Alana was 7 years old. “God changed the entire trajectory of our lives,” Alana said. When it came time to choose a university, Alana didn’t have to guess what her priorities were. In God’s providence, Alana enrolled at Corban University. “I so appreciate the supportive relationships here,” she said. “In chapel, in dorm meetings, and in other contexts, I’m being supported, encouraged and built up emotionally and spiritually.” She also has enjoyed Corban’s emphasis on quality physical education, fitness and nutrition. This December, Alana can’t wait to graduate and start her first career job right after finals. She’ll be working in Independence, Missouri at Shelterwood Therapeutic School for Teens. According to Shelterwood’s Admissions Coordinator, Greg Stone, “We are excited Alana is joining our team and are confident God will minister to her and through her this coming year. She brings both passion and maturity to our ministry.”

That passion and maturity have been infused during Alana’s years at Corban, according to one of her professors, Dr. Sam Baker. “As a Student and Family Ministries major, Alana has been provided the tools for constructing and sustaining a productive ministry. We also have provided rich training in her field (of) education and hands-on experiences via her practicum and internship proficiencies.” But that’s not all. “The theoretical, integrative, and practical aspects of Alana’s training,” Baker added, “should help her make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ.”

So, does holistic development really work? Just ask Alana and other Corban upperclassmen. At every turn, they have seen God at work in and through them. Their lives have been changed and they have grown more and more into the likeness of Jesus Christ. How long has it been since you have “given back” to Corban? Recently? Not for quite some time? Either way, we encourage you to consider making a donation to the University’s student scholarship fund between now and the year’s end.

Then again, such positive growth and fruit should come as no surprise. After all, isn’t that why Corban is here year after year?

If you contribute a gift, please send it with a prayer for the student who will receive it. Then get ready to see “the Corban difference” shine more vibrantly than ever this winter and spring! See “Total Personal Growth” on pg. 34

What We Learn from Elijah’s Life God Cares about the Whole Person

Except for the Lord Jesus Christ, no biblical character shows more courage than Elijah. After the glory days of King Solomon, God raised up the prophet to confront the immense wickedness, gross idolatry and rampant paganism that had consumed the nation of Israel. When things don’t work out as planned and when wicked queen Jezebel threatens his life, however, Elijah proves he’s “a man just like us” (James 5:17). Instead of crying out to the Lord in prayer, the once-courageous but now confused and despairing prophet high-tails it into the desert of Beersheba. It isn’t until he collapses under a desert tree that the prophet finally remembers to pray. And what a prayer it is! “God, I’ve had enough. Take my life! I feel like dying.” The truth is, we’re no different from Elijah. We share the same DNA.

It’s critical that we see how God responds to Elijah at his moment of greatest discouragement and despair. Does God strike him down? No, of course not. Instead, God ministers to Elijah, cares for him, and puts him back on his feet. Back on his feet, Elijah heads north out of the desert of Beersheba and onto

the pages of Scripture as one of the greatest spiritual heroes of all time (see 1 Kings 17-19). Because Elijah was “a man just like us,” we can learn a great lesson. No matter how confused or despairing we become, we can turn to God, trusting the Lord to meet all of our needs—at every level of our being.

Physically, God provides much-needed food and rest.

Spiritually, God exhorts Elijah to keep on following him.

Emotionally, God allows Elijah to sense his presence.

Socially, God tells Elijah about 7,000 other faith-filled men.


ADP Fall 2012 Cohort trades textbooks for pre-loaded iPads T hanks to opportunities for more interaction with their professors, and the ease of having everything in one place, students in Corban’s Adult Degree Programs (ADP) are happy. So is the ADP staff.

This fall, two cohorts of ADP students from across the country received iPads preloaded with all of their syllabi, textbooks and a direct link to Corban’s Converge online education portal. The 10-inch iPads offer significant long-term savings to the university. Digital textbooks cost less than printed ones. Faculty can more easily use Corban-developed curriculum as well. For Organizational Leadership Chairman Bruce Merritt, one of the biggest advantages is FaceTime, an Apple-developed app that allows students and faculty to connect to each other through live video chats. “This really has the potential to make face-toface interactions between faculty and students much easier than it has ever been in the past,” Merritt said. Coast Guard Second Class Petty Officer Brian Greig is stationed in North Carolina, but he said he’s able to keep connected with Corban week in and week out. “The iPad is one of the best tools a school has ever given me to use,” he said. “It is a portable school campus for me. All the resources are in one 16

easy convenient location. I don’t have to lug around several books, papers, and then a computer when I travel for work, which is a lot in my case.”

In the past, textbooks and curriculum were mailed to students. International students often had trouble receiving the packages or returning the books once the semester was complete. Now, iPads make education easier for everyone. More importantly, according to ADP Dean Nancy Martyn, stronger relationships are fostered. “I think this personalizes the experience,” she said. “It’s a work in progress, but it will be very interesting to see how this will continue to develop.”

SCHOOL OF MINISTRY MINISTERS IN THE HEART OF AFRICA With a population of 20.5 million people, the sub-Saharan nation of Cameroon is short on crops, clean water, infrastructure and other basic necessities. The Dean of the Corban University School of Ministry, Greg Trull, said these needs pale, however, in comparison to the nation’s leadership needs. Cameroon rarely makes it into the news, especially compared to some much more populous African countries. Educators have long called it “Africa in miniature,” however, because of its central location, cultural diversity (hundreds of people groups), and full spectrum of climates, vegetation and geography (ocean beaches, deserts, mountains, rainforests, rivers, lakes, savannas). Here in the heart of Africa, Corban University School of Ministry is reaching out to Cameroon’s pastors. The University’s newly created Africa Initiative, in partnership with International Training & Equipping Ministries, seeks to give pastors in Cameroon the biblical training they so desperately need. “During the past 100 years, West African Christianity has gone from 1.7 percent of the population to 35.8 percent,” Trull said. “However, this incredible evangelistic growth has created a leadership vacuum. There is an average of one trained pastor for every 20 churches in West African countries such as Cameroon. “The need for pastoral training has outstripped the availability of qualified people to train them,” he added. Thousands of new African indigenous churches (AIC) are being created across the nation, often by relatively new believers in their 20s or 30s who feel an immediate call to ministry. Most do not have denominational support or training.

“Our goal is to provide that training to those men,” Trull said. “There are challenges, but it is where the greatest need is. Cameroon is close to the Islamic pressure coming from the north. So, it was a strategic choice rather than a safe choice.” The School of Ministry faculty is developing a 3-year training program for Cameroon’s AIC pastors. The training will include classes on Bible interpretation, preaching, leadership development, evangelism and worldview. Pastors who complete the whole program will receive Corban University certificates. While much of the course work will be completed in their home regions, the pastors will attend conferences in the city of Bamenda. In May 2013, three Corban faculty members and several students will travel to Bamenda to start the training and offer encouragement. Thereafter, the goal of Corban’s Africa Initiative is to send faculty to Cameroon twice per year, in January and May. Follow-up will be done by national directors and through cell phone text messages. “Our vision is to have American pastors team teaching with Corban faculty to create a partnership between the University, American churches and Cameroonian churches,” Trull said. “I’m convinced that if people could see the significance of what is happening over there, they couldn’t help but be drawn to it.”


When students returned from summer vacation, four new classrooms were ready to greet them. Although Richard L. Caulkins Hall was open for classes at the beginning of the school year, a few weeks later the new building’s namesake was formally recognized and its classrooms dedicated. The building adds two 50-seat classrooms and two 25-seat classrooms to Corban’s Salem campus. During the ceremony, several former colleagues and students of Caulkins acknowledged his influence on their lives. His legacy at Corban spans more than a half century and includes the development of the curriculum that Corban has used as its liberal arts programs expanded. The longtime professor started at Corban, then Western Baptist Bible College, in 1956. For English professor Colette Tennant, Caulkins was more than a professor and colleague; he was a mentor and friend. “I was able to start World Thought & Culture with him, and team-teach it with him for four years,” Tennant said. “It was like an extra college degree for me. I learned so much in those four years and continue to use what I learned.” The new Caulkins Hall classrooms are enhanced with technology that allows faculty to wirelessly connect to projectors, speakers and the Internet. They can use laptop computers, iPads and other teaching tools without the need for a computer cabinet. Some faculty, including Assistant Professor of Education Jesse Payne, use this flexibility to arrange the classroom to better suit their teaching styles. A display honoring Caulkins was created for the lobby by Steve Hunt, Corban’s vice president for marketing. It features quotes and poetry from some of those he influenced, including Tennant and Corban Provost Matt Lucas, who was a student of Caulkins. The display also showcases his love of reading and books and other important aspects of Caulkins’ life. The Richard L. Caulkins Hall has eased the shortage of large classrooms on the Salem campus. It was built by Blazer Industries in Aumsville, Ore., and moved into place by Pacific Mobile and Highline Construction. Director of Campus Care Tom Samek served as the project supervisor.

Photos (top to bottom): Caulkins building on the move. Richard, Collin and Eris Caulkins view a tribute shadowbox in the lobby of the new classroom building. Dr. Caulkins greets guests during the reception Ribbon cutting with faculty members and dignitaries at the dedication ceremony.



CORBAN ATHLETE USES STUDY ABROAD TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE FOR CHILDREN San Jose, Costa Rica, is a contrast of affluence and poverty, “Girls grow up really fast there,” she said. “Genesis was often within blocks of each other. in that in-between stage where she wanted to play basketball, but was also too cool for that.” After a week, When Corban senior Rachael Estabrook traveled to the Estabrook was able to develop a friendship with the city as part of a 5-week study abroad program for athletes, girl and get her to “open up” to her team and other kids. she didn’t know what to expect. But she returned with a fresh perspective on sports and her Christian faith. While in Costa Rica, Estabrook played basketball with the Costa Rican National Women’s Basketball team The trip was prompted by an email about Beyond Study and the women’s team from the University of Costa Abroad from Terry Williams, one of Corban’s head Rica. She also took advantage of travel opportunities coaches. Estabrook runs cross-country and track for and built on the little bit of Spanish she knew from Corban and has served on athletics missions in Israel and high school. England. Although the trip to Costa Rica wasn’t a mission trip, per se, she was attracted to the opportunity to hone Though she wasn’t on a mission trip, her own athletic abilities and help others. Estabrook said she was able to show her faith through love, and “I’ve always wanted to study abroad, but as an athlete, learned a lot about how people I never could do it during the school year,” she often stereotype and judge said. “This gave me the opportunity to be part of a Christians. It also gave the homestay program and get involved in the culture dual business management and the community.” and sports management major a desire to make Estabrook left in June 2012 and soon realized how a career out of athletics exhausting her trip would be. The days started with early and mission. morning runs followed by basketball and soccer camps for children in some of San Jose’s most impoverished “It was interesting for areas. Between morning and afternoon camps, she me to be able to see received athletic training, mostly for running. this from a different perspective than you “The camps usually started small but once the word got have on a mission trip,” she out, there would be a mob of kids,” she said. “They were said. “I learned how much I very excited and would hang all over you.” The team she love working with kids and worked with brought basketballs and soccer balls, and how I can use my degrees to taught the fundamentals of the sports to boys and help other athletes. Sports girls. One 12-year-old girl named transcends language Genesis stood out to her. and opens doors to witness to others.”

San Jose


Honor roll of

donors President’s Ambassadors Gifts of $5,000 or more Curtis and Loraine Anderson Anonymous Bain Family Revocable Trust Joseph and Teresa Blubaugh Thomas and Linda Cook Keith and Joanne Cronrath


to the many supporters whose generous gifts help implement Corban’s vision to be an outstanding Christian university. By supporting Corban, you enable a new generation of students to experience the many benefits of an education distinctively rooted in Jesus Christ. The following honor roll lists the faithful alumni, parents, friends and staff who supported us during the period of July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012. The University and its students are most grateful! If you have given and you are not listed, please accept our apology and contact us: 503-589-8186.

DJP Enterprises, Salem, OR Farmers Cooperative Creamery, McMinnville, OR Kenneth and Elliette Harrison Melvin and Kay Hendrickson Keith and Anna Herrman

Robin Herrman Daniel and Chris Hill Janet Hunsucker Jeff McKay’s Baseball Northwest Inc, Springfield, OR Vern and Joan Johnson

M. J. Murdock Charitable Trust, Vancouver, WA Jeff and Jodi McKay Don and Pat Nicholson Bob and Barbara Pelascini Doug and Jan Pfeiler

Puyallup Community Baptist, Puyallup, WA State Farm Companies Foundation, Princeton, NJ Erhardt and Joy Steinborn The Fujimoto Family Living Trust, Riverside, CA

Dan and Sally Wilder Dick and Gayle Withnell

Eastgate Fellowship Church of Bellevue, WA Edison International Employee Contributions Campaign, Princeton, NJ Howard and Ivy Games First Baptist Church, Polson, MT First Baptist Church of

Tumwater, WA First Baptist Church of University Place, WA Genesis Metals, Riverside, CA David and Jean Gott Reno and Linda Hoff Daniel and Deborah Irving Doris Jacobson Dick and Pauline Keeney

Doug and Lisa Kusler Lila Loescher Mary Louie Stephen and Ellen McBee McKay Seed Company, Inc., Almira, WA Todd and Jill Milionis Out of the Woods, Everett, WA

Mike and Kathy Patterson Salem First Baptist Church, OR Jo and Jack Sherman Brian and Holly Smeester Marie Smith Tabernacle Baptist Church Shoreline, WA Temple Baptist Church, Fircrest, WA

Pat Unrau Davina Younger

Adams, Hill & Hess, Salem, OR

James and Cheryl Borland

Dave and Ruth Dollar

Fred and Dorla Overlin

Eddie and Francie Bostwick

Keith and Merilyn Aldy

Ken and Debbie Braun

E T Spray Service Inc, Sublimity, OR

First Baptist Community Church, Monte Sereno, CA

Nancy and LeRoy Hedberg

Gil and Angie Alden

Ed and Blossom Fischer

Hittner & Associates, Inc., Keizer, OR

Rolling Hills Baptist Church, Salem, OR

Timothy and Barbara Anderson

Steven and Kathleen Buhler

Donald and Marjorie Flage

Kelly Hood

Gerald and Carolyn Roth

David and Shelia Bale

Capital Coin Co., Salem, OR

Curtis and Denise Horton

James Rozman

Mike and Debbie Bates

Cascade Little League, Turner, OR

John and Natalee Evans

Florence Church of The Nazarene, Florence, OR

M Hassan Sabbagh

Kerrick and Joy Bauman

Central Industrial Sales, Inc, Pasco, WA

Faith Baptist Church, Sequim, WA

Foothills Church of Stayton, OR

Illinois Tool Works Foundation, Glenview, IL

Faith Baptist Church, Lincoln City, OR

Frisko Freeze Inc, Tacoma, WA

Daniel and Karla Shuholm

Doug and Sandee Gorsuch

Iron Sharpens Iron Ministries Inc, Utopia, TX

President’s Associates Gifts of $2,500-$4,999 Tim and Judy Aagard Victor and Carolyn Bartruff Pat Beach Joe and Teri Beattie Bryce and Julie Bernard Jim Carlson Tom and Donna Carlson Christ Fellowship of Everson, WA

University Builders Gifts of $1,000 - $2,499

Doug and Larissa Beals Todd and Gena Berning

Central United Protestant Church, Richland, WA

Escalon Grande No. 447, Riverbank, CA

Grace Baptist Church, Redding, CA

Jimmy and Marlene Jarrett

Christian Renewal Center, Silverton, OR

Joyce and Larry Ferreira

Claudia and Jim Green

Penny Jensen

Terry and Susan Finkbeiner

Clark and Georgia Greer

Ken and Karin Jones

Jason Clark

First Baptist Church, Bellevue, WA

Geoffrey and Cheryl Guilfoy

Daryl and Tera Knox

Alan and Sandi Bittel

ConAgra Foods, Omaha, NE

First Baptist Church, Ferndale, WA

William Hansen

Ruthie and Paul La Freniere

Ordena Bond

Ben and Barb Cornelius

First Baptist Church, Richland, WA

Happy Valley Baptist Church, OR

Corky and Debbie Lambert

Bethany Baptist Church, Salem, OR Bethany Bible Church, Kenmore, WA

Randy and Cathy Farwell

Dagmar Lamy Mark and Ruth Leamy Les Schwab Warehouse Center, Inc, Bend, OR Jordan and Leah Lindsey Nancy Martyn Richard and Dianne Meyers


We have been given the opportunity to both give and serve in and through Corban. To say it is exciting to be a part of what God is doing is an understatement. We can hardly wait to see what doors the Lord is going to open next.

Daren and Michelle Milionis

— Don & Pat ADP ‘97 Nicholson

North Mason Bible Church, Belfair, WA

Thomas and Linda Samek Sleater Kinney Rd Bapt Church, Olympia, WA Mary and Curt Smith Ryan and Shalisa Smith Richard and Connie Sokol Sports Wave, Inc., Beaverton, OR Rosalyn Sprague Carl and Sherrie Sprague Gene and Pat Taylor Stuart and Colette Tennant Brent and Julie Thomas Valley Baptist Church, Dallas, OR Art and Bev Van Weerdhuizen Nolene Vena

Victor and Judy Monlux

Vina Community Church, CA

Edward Neumayer

Virtue First Foundation, Mount Angel, OR

Conni Neustel Kunke Sheldon and Jamie Nord North Albany Community Church, Albany, OR

Jack and Pamela Werre Dick and Jo Ann Whipps Darrel and Charlene White

University Partners Gifts of $500-$999 Airway Heights Baptist Church, Airway Hgts, WA Shirley Alexander Alfred & Rosemary Giumarra Foundation, Porterville, CA Betty Balyo Gary and Mariann Barker Murray Bartley Wayne and Dawn Bernard Bethel Conservative Baptist, Milton Freewater, OR Mark and Penny Bidwell Bidwell Enterprises, Inc., Salem, OR Alan and Yvonne Bishop Boeing Gift Matching Program, Princeton, NJ Glenn Bond Nancy Bruce California Heights Baptist Church, Long Beach, CA Charles D. Lucas, P.C., Salem, OR Ernie and Pat Clark Community Baptist Church, Hillsboro, OR Alan Costic James and Virginia Cross

University Sustainers Gifts of $250-$499 Shawn and Jennifer Aaron Shawn and Sharon Abbey Abbey Carpet Care, Salem, OR ABWE, Harrisburg, PA Kinley and Lorraine Adams AKT Group LLP, Salem, OR Daniel and Charlene Anderson Larry and Jacqueline Armstrong AT&T United Way, Princeton, NJ Aumsville Bethel Baptist Church, Aumsville, OR Steve and Rosey Ball Larry and Lorraine Bauman Jack and Marcia Betrue Boeing Charitable Trust, Chicago, IL Tim and Heather Boyd George and Yvonne Burgess Bill and Gladys Caddy

University Founders Gifts of $120-$249 Kenneth and Marci Allison Doris Altimari Jo Ann Angelo Tim and Marcy Baker Michael and Melody Balsbaugh Jim and Christine Beames John and Rhonda Bell Kathleen and Charles Benitez Jennifer Berg Steve and Shelly Boekenoogen Gerry Bonser William and Bonnie Brough Jamie and Charlotte Brulotte Richard and Peggy Bruner Elton and Margaret Brutscher Dick and Mavis Buck Linda Cagle Tim and Heather Calhoun Genevieve Candelaria Caring Touch Massage LLC, Salem, OR Eric and Barbara Carter Bill and Betty Charnholm Church Extension Plan, Salem, OR

Jerry and Jo Cudney Dalke Construction Co. Inc, Salem, OR Ryan and Emily Dempster Charles and Hazel Dubbs James and Sang-Eun Dyer Michael and Kathryn Ellis Doug and Beverly Farris Roger and Becky Farwell First Baptist Church, Othello, WA First Baptist Church, Clarkston, WA Darrel Fowler G.V.T Services, Inc, Salem, OR Daniel and Kathy Garland Alfred and Rosemary Giumarra James and Marilyn Godwin Grace Baptist Church, Bellingham, WA Grace Baptist Church, Salem, OR Chris and Darla Hague Kent Hamilton Joanne Hamlin Eunice Hansen Evelyn Harbeck Jonathan Harle

Harold and Joany Haws Dave and Leanne Hays Arthur and Jennean Hill Ron and Mikki Hittner Kenneth and Marie Hotchkiss Vivian Hubbard-Sills Betty Hubert Robert and Marlene Hull Steve and Kathy Hunt Mark and Patty Hurst Derek and Lindsay Imig Ralph and Joy Isensee Jack Werre Insurance Service, Garden Grove, CA Mark and Catherine Jacobson Clarence and Dorothy James James Reed & Associates, Salem, OR Adrian and Anne Jeffers Luellen Johnson Steve and Cindy Johnson Larry and Carol Justis Steven Lacock Lakeside Open Bible Church, Dexter, OR Leslie Largent

LCG Pence, Salem, OR Jack and Marjorie Leasure Mike and Judi Lucas Matt and Tammy Lucas David and Cindy Ludeman Stephen Main Rodney Malone John and Jodie McCaslin Dale and Marlene McClain Jonathan McGuire Lola June McOmber Craig and Norma Miller Mountain Heights Baptist Church, Buena Vista, CO Clarence and Janice Nelson Rich and Peggy Noland Orting Community Baptist Church, Orting, WA Joyce Pinnock Provident Electric, INC., Covington, WA Tyson and Andrea Pruett Denny and Susan Rasmussen Redwood Country Church, Grants Pass, OR Ray and Jeanne Reid

George and Joanne Rickard Wayne and Holly Riehle Riverside Baptist Church, Albany, OR Anna Marie Ross Brian and Lori Schilling John and SuEllen Scott Sequoia Baptist Church, Kent, WA Al and Carol Shablo Robert and Dana Simpson Sokol Enterprises, Mineral, WA Ryan Stark Paul and Betty Steen Brian and Chauntelle Steines Connie Sweet John and Sharon Tanner Marty and Linda Trammell Gregory and Tiffany Trull Kim Unrau Gerrit and Donna Van Weerdhuizen Terry and Connie Van Weerdhuizen Deborah Vanderbogart Kevin and Carol Warkentine Gerald and Dolores Werre

Whitney Baptist Church, Boise, ID Mary Louise and Dan Wilkinson Roger Williams Terry and Debra Williams Deleen and Mark Wills Margaret Wipf Steve and Bobbie Worley Robert and Rita Wright Jimmy and Annette Young Michael and Lee Ann Zanon

Mrs Dalinda Cagle Calvary Baptist Church, Reno, NV Tom and Paula Carr Clair and Della Casterline Johanna Cederholm Lloyd Chisum Eric and Karyn Christen Jeanette and Harvey Classen Coops Car Connection, Inc., Salem, OR Jim and Becky Dailey Jeff and Terri Davis Kevin and Kate Denny Keith and Marjorie DeSart David and Deborah Doornink Michael and Terrie Doss Kenneth and Tracy Driver Matthew Ellis Jacob Erickson Faith Baptist Church of Strathmore, CA Larry and Shirley Fazzari

David Ferguson First Baptist Church, Caldwell, ID First Baptist Church, Wenatchee, WA First Fundamental Church of Walteria, Torrance, CA David and Virginia Forrister Kenji Fukunaga Virginia Gomer Great Lakes Fasteners & Supply Co, Grand Rapids, MI Donald and Sharon Haas Marlene Hageman Melody Haidle Elaine Hardin Clarence and Yvonne Haverland John and Marylane Heine Jo Anne Hellberg Jared Hernandez Lora Hineman Arlyn and April Hoffman

Allison Hudz Roger and Janet Hughey Hughey Revocable Trst, Edgewood, WA Integrity First Financial, Salem, OR Martha Jewell Kenneth Jobson Barbara Johnson Curtis and Bonnie Jones Steve and Kathleen Keck Maureen Kinard Philip and Aimee Kirschenmann Robert and Melanie Klassen Lyndell and Barbara Kuns A J Lagomarsino Blanche Lattin Richard Layman Donald and Dolores Leighton David and Susan Lunsford Mark Steel International, LLC, Los Angeles, CA

Randy and Valerie Martindale Del and Denise McGill Donna McKeever Mark Mendenhall John and Susan Miller Harold and Jodi Minamishin Richard and Ruby Mitchell Moore & Pascarella, A Dental Corp., Red Bluff, CA Sanford Morita Ann Nale Michael Noland Kenneth and Danya Ochsner Joan Olson Julie Oyster Timothy and Danette Peeke Brian and Sarah Perkins Judy Peters David and Annette Prewitt Matthew and Dawn Price Dennis and Susan Rasmussen Griff and Margaret Lindell

Shari and Mark Ridings Cheryl Roberts Ryan Roberts Andry and Elda Robinson Ida Robinson Dan Robison Rachelle Schafer Scio Baptist Church, OR Harold and Grace Sevener Robert Shafer Julie Shirkey Charles and Barbara Ann Smith Robert and Denise Sokol Kathy and Brian Spurgeon Donald and Joyce Straw James and Annie Streckfuss Phil and Janet Strom Kevin and Nancy Sullivan Cassee and Will Terry The Pampered Chef, Addison, IL The Standard, Princeton, NJ

Eloise Tow Tri City Baptist Church, Myrtle Creek, OR Vernon and Dawn Turner Don Veliquette Kimberly Villwock Wally and Janie Vohland Floyd and Jeanette Votaw John and Susan Wack Debra Webb Tyjuan Weste Willamette Valley Fruit Co., LLC, Salem, OR Loren and Joyce Williams Benjamin and Dee Wilson Dawn Winokur Nelson and Ellen Zarfas Martin and Cindy Ziesemer

Circle B Cattle Company, Caldwell, ID Jerry Clubb Roger and Carol Clubb Sheryl Cochran Connell First Baptist, Connell, WA Colin and Julia Crook John and Marjorie Curry Jimmy D’Agosta Patrick and Ruth Daniels Lowell and Betty Davidson William Day Aaron Deaver Bettie and Paul Delury Gary and Rebeccah Derickson Martin Dolan Benjamin and Jill Doornink Robert Duncan Brian and Sandy Elliott Mark and Sherri Erickson Nancy Fiol First Baptist Church of Roswell, Parma, ID Ken and Karen Friesen Omar and Silvia Garcia Georgia’s Properties Irrevocable Trust, Amity, OR

Arbie and Diann Gillaspie Vernon and Judy Gilmore Marvin and Mary Glaser Karan Gleason Jack and Melanie Glubrecht Robert Gokey Carol Green James and Janelle Gugudan Chester and Carol Hagel Kelsi Haidle Patrice Hall Robert and Ruth Hanson Craig and Debbie Hardinger Larry and Nancy Harrington Rocky and Arlene Hartung Evelyn Haynes Norman and Beverly Henry Jeremy Higgins Travis and Alissa Hilley Timothy and Jo Anne Hills Kevin and Kelly Holboke Richard and Virginia Holboke Egbert and Lola Holtrop J Holtrop Michael and Claudia Howden Jerald Hubert Daniel and Stacee Hurst

Kevin and Stephanie Husk Tina Ide Gaylord and Mildred Johnson Jackie Johnson Jerry and Beverly Johnson Faye Keiper Karissima and Luann Keller Earl and Ellen Kersey Henry and Starr Klevberg Brad and Bonnie Kolbo Carol and Ross Kruse James and Becky Kulla Karly Lacock Don and Carolyn Leach Ronald and Pearl Lee Charles and Cindy Lind Charles and Mary Lucas Ed and Jane Mach Deanna Martin George Massey Glenn and Cheri Matsuwaka Bruce and Linda Merritt Richard and Barbara Michaelis David and Koyce Miller Eldon and Carol Miller Ray and Wendy Minor Mark and Jennifer Monical Gordon Monus

Mark Moreno Mitch and Tamera Mueller Kenneth and Margo Munk My Sports Dreams, Goldens Bridge, NY Debbie Neff David and Cherry Newman Brenda Noland Storman Norman Warren and Patricia Norquist Jeremiah and Stephanie Nugent Paul and Renee Null Nyssa Baptist Fellowship, OR Lorilei and Glen Okazaki One R A D Nanny LLC, Salem, OR Mr and Mrs Joe Orr Joel and Sherrie Osborn Janet Ott David and Peggy Pardini Karen and Steve Parker Richard and Debra Pine Romulo and Nenita Ponce Ben and Andrea Potloff David and Melissa Ragan Toby and Jenni Rainbow Albert and Susan Ratzlaff Don Reighley

Galen and Donna Reimer Brian and Maryann Remsburg Pat Reynolds Shane and Jill Riddle Roberson Chrysler Jeep, Salem, OR Maria Robertson Joyce Romberger Brenda Roth Mike Sandusky Reid and Carmen Saunders Tim Schabel Brian Schmidt Jennifer Marie Seeman Glenn and Belinda Sergeant Silverdale Baptist Church, Bremerton, WA James Smeester Kay Spingath Robert and Barbara Stacy Ralph and Arlene Stevens Robert and Lucille Stucky Trisha and Chris Talley Taylors Mill Properties LLC, Taylors, SC Miranda Thomas Denzle and Kathy Thompson Rowena and Miles Turner

Sedonia Urbigkeit Susan VanVleet Richard Wagner Jordan Walker Walter Spille Living Trust, Edmonds, WA Gerald and Luanne Warren Krista Watterud West Hills Baptist Church, Portland, OR Allan and Selma Wiebe Cecil and Lola Williams Michael and Michele Wilson Penny Wilson Lisa Wipf Woodie Wood Worry Free One LLC, Boise, ID JW and Dixie Wyllie Emily Yarbrough Arnita Young Peter and Gundi Younger


University Associates Gifts up to $119 A 1 Lock and Safe, Eugene, OR Fern Aagard Susan Abbood Tim and Kathy Ables Daniel and Barbara Acker Robert and Judith Addington Marilyn Agenbroad Myrna Agonoy Annieh Aguilar Manuel and Debbie Aguilar Mary Aguilera Bruce and Karrie Ahrendt Doris Albrandt Judith Alegria Lee and Marguerite Alexander Teresa and Boris Alfaro Cheryl Allan Danual and Sharon Allen Bob and Glenda Alley Andres Almendares Steven and Beth Altabef Joy Alva Amerivision Communications Inc, Norfolk, VA Joe and Marilynn Amsberry Daniel and Stephanie Anderson David and Nancy Anderson Gerald Anderson Herbert and Betty Lu Anderson Kenny and Gerry Anderson Kenneth Anderson Chuck and Lita Anderson NiCole Anderson Robert Anderson William Anderson Anderson Dragline, Inc., Biggs, CA James and Laurie Andrews Michael and Deanne Andrews Anna Arndt Barry and Vicki Arnold Jay and Betsy Arnold Katheryn Arnold Cynthia Arthur David and Pamela Arthur Kelvin Asato Daphne Ashworth Andy Atkinson Raymond and Tracy Atkinson Steven and Laura Backlund Janet Bacon Ken and Bobbi Bailey Tamara Bailey William and Norma Baird Richard and Candace Baker Samuel and Alyson Baker Roger and Mary Bakke Lee and Sarah Bales Ashlee Ballinger Vernon and Marilyn Balsbaugh Robert and Jan Bangs Sharon Barber Wayne and Anne Barker Everett and Mildred Barker Virginia Barker Lawrence and Nancy Barnes Tom and Sharon Barr Wesley and Marilyn Barry Baskets By Susie, Florence, OR Martin and Rhonna Bassett Mavis Bassitt Forest Baughman Norma Baughman Jay and Patricia Baumgardner Thomas and Terria Beach Heidi Beadle Sandra Beals Jeff and Patricia Beaty Paul and Mary Beaubier Murray and Lori Beck Andrew Becker Timothy and Rebecca Bedrosian Thomas Beggs Susan Beidler


David Beitler James and DeeDee Bell Wendy Bemrose Kristi Bender Gregory and Judy Bennett Jeff and Patricia Bennett Lawrence Bennett Howard Benson Diana Bentley Carol Berg Deborah Bergstrom Kenneth Bern Bryan and Charissa Bernard Paul Bernard Rhonda Bernard Penny Berneking C Berrey Keith and Helen Berry Lucy Berryessa David and Jennifer Bertz Dorothy Bertz John and Dace Berzins Tracy Besaw Nanette Bessert Douglas and Nancy Bickford Robert Black Romona Black Grover and Nancy Blackburn Johanna Blackwell Gerard and Marilyn Blankenheim JoeAnn Blanton Wanda Blasingame Brian Bledsoe Gordon and Kay Bloomquist Gladys Blum Peter and Mary Blum Blum Real Estate LLC, Salem, OR Debra Bohm Maria Bohm Martin and Cori Bohm Alyce Bollinger Haskel and Alta Bolton Stephen and Loretta Borba-Zakel Glen and Karen Boring Larry and Debbie Bos Ms Ranae Bost Harvey and Margaret Bouland Clarence and Sandra Bowe Bruce Bowlby Vernon and Ruth Bowlby Terell and Marilyn Bowloin Dale and Pat Bowman R Devee Boyd BPM Physical Therapy Center, Inc., Salem, OR Robert and Barbra Brammeier Myra Brand Leona Bransom Donald and Janet Brant Beth Brault Jason Braun Willa Bray Jodi Brender Gregg and Kris Brenes David and Beth Brennan Victoria Brenot Brent Ishida Farms, Adrian, OR Angela Breshears K L Breshears Dow and Beverly Brewer Enid Briggs Charles and Teresa Britten Alice Bronson Gary and Beverlee Bronson Mary Brooks Ron Brooks Evan and Buffy Brown Jerald and Atha Brown Leo Brown Michael Brown

Nathan and Ashley Brown Brown Street Baptist Church, Alton, IL Theodore and Lynne Brownfield Susan Browning Robert and Anne Brownlee Kevin and Yulia Brubaker Ronald Bruss Linda Brusven Ronald and Donna Brusven Dave Buck Jon and Lynne Buck Kathryn Buckley Larry and Bonnie Buckner Frank Buell Rob and Robyn Buhl Melvin and Ellen Buhr Ukiah and Jennifer Bunn Cheryl Burggraaf Seth and Jenni Burke Debby Burnham Donna Burroughs Michael and Nancy Burroughs Frank and Jerry Buss Brett and Shannon Butcher Elizabeth Butcher C S Lewis Academy, Newberg, OR Joseph and Sue Cacka Joanne Cadwallader Melva Caldwell Calvary Chapel, Lynnwood, WA Kevin and Judith Cameron Ralph and Charlotte Cammack Amy Campbell Kenneth and Sandra Campbell Renee and Ronald Campbell William and Lisa Campbell Capital Baptist Church, Salem, OR Justin Caraang Dora Carcamo Patricia and Danny Carlton Ursula Carman Sandy Carnahan Angel Carter Daniel and Margaret Castaneda Gregory and Lou Catcott Linda Cazinha Danny Ceiplis Rosalie Chandler Katrina Chaney Donald Chapin Shirley Chapman Vernon and Dororthy Charles Charles N Gardner Family Trust, Keizer, OR Julie Chase Doris Cheney John and Yvonne Cherry Carl and Laura Chica Christina Chong Sandra Christensen Henry and Janet Christoph Andrew Christoson Barbara Church Ronald and Charmane Clark Howard and Sharon Classen Virginia and Steve Claus Ezekiel Clayton Pat and Connie Clements David and Evelyn Cloninger Bruce and Sandra Clouser Carol Coate Jon and Roxanne Coate Mark and Jennifer Colachico Doris Cole Gaelen and Michelle Cole James and Annette Coleman

David Collett Francisco and Marie Colon Madeline Connell Connell Living Trust, Newberg, OR Carrie Cook Judy Cook Joan Cornish Scott and Brinda Cory Ernest and Jo Cote Kathy Covington Mark and Colleen Cowan Steven Cowgill Janice Cox Lawrence and Leyla Cox Patricia Coyle E and Betty Craig John and Doris Craig Leigha Cranston Luke and Jessica Cranston Randy and Judi Cranston Terry and Brenda Crawford Kimberley Creasy Jerry and Elaine Creech Karl and Joni Croft Andrew and Mary Cross Daniel and Charlene Crumley Rosalinda Cruse Andrew and Melinda Culwell Kevin Curfman Stephen and Kari Custer Helen Dailey Walter and Georgia Dalon Daly-Leach Memorial Chapel, Hamilton, MT Deloris Daniels Dark Horse Literary Inc., Keizer, OR Renee Dastrup Kimberly David Lloyd Davidson Eleanor Davis Shelley Day Jo Carol De Board James and Laura De Soer Lawrence and Shirley Deckard Leon DeLaGrange Ingeburg Derke Peggy Derke William and Lois Deschner David Desjardins Victor and Jean Desjardins Kimberely Deskins Detail Landscape & Garden, Edmonds, WA Paula Dias Jeannette Dickey Shelby Dickman Jennifer Diehl Michele Dieker Elizabeth Dietrich Laurence Dietrich Carla Dietz Mark Diller Jared Ditterline Charles and Kay Dixon David and Shirley Dixon David and Jewell Dixon Todd and Jamie Dobson Tim and Mary Ann Dodson Arlene Dodson-Franssen Bill and Becky Doel Chris Dolan Joycelyn Dolan Laura Dolan Nicholas and Jayne Domes Patricia Domzalski Meghan Donaghue Elaine Donahue Liam and Laurann Donahue Timothy and Dana Doney David and Dorothy Donnell Don and Betty Donnelly

Terry and Rebecca Donnelly Richard and Ellen Donovan Steve and Mikel-Ann Dooher Maria and Gary Dooley Mary Doornink Luke and Alethea Doremus Jeffrey and Kathleen Doring Sheryl Dormer Casey and Alyson Dorr Justin and Rebecca Dortignac Jerry and Sharon Doty Marilyn Dougall Robert and Karen Douglas Douglas A Jackson Construction, Modesto, CA Thema Downer Frank and Cathy Downs Martha Dreves Bernice Driscoll Rose Du Houx John Duhe Mary Jane Duncan Brenda Dunford Debbie Dunham Rod and Sue Dunham DW & MS Phillips Family Trust, Salem, OR Jose and Misty Dydasco Dora Dyer Charlotte Dyke Jack and Connie Eaton Ray Ebert Roger and Donna Eckhardt Walter and Janet Edmonds Christi Eggers Sharon Eisenberg Margit Eisenhut Lance and Patricia Elam Electronic Arts Matching Gifts Program, Princeton, NJ Glenda Elliott Karen Sue Elliott Joe and Joann Ellis Ian Ellison Holly Elmer Cassie Emery Michael and Shelly Emery Daniel and Emma Engel Kristi Engel Jeff and Lynne England Claire and Jay Enloe Merton and Karen Enquist Glendon and Cindy Ensz Nathan and Kelsey Ensz John and Lois Erickson Sandra Erickson Steven Erickson Elizabeth Ernst Sarah Ernst Lyn Erovick Charles Estey Cynthia Evans David and Debra Evans Diane Evans Mark and Cindy Evans Grace Everson Thane and Lani Fabel Robert Fallon Farmers State Bank, Victor, MT Farmland Fruit, Wapato, WA Charlene Fauria Patrick and Carey Felzien Felzien Family Trust, Marsing, ID Christopher Ferenchak Chuck Ferguson G L Ferraro Charles and Agnes Fettig James Fields Mark Fields Finch & Associates Law Office, PA, Boise, ID

Daniel and Patricia Fingarson Brent and Holly Finkbeiner Brian and Diana Finkbeiner Betty Finney Beverly Finseth Daniel Fiorito David and Nancy Fitts Alma Fleener Matthew and Teresa Fletcher Michael and Holly Flores John and Karen Folkerts Kathleen and Michael Folse Delbert and Barbara Foote Shirley Foster James Fours James and Candace Fowler Ryan and Danielle Fowler Megan Franklin Gary and Patricia Fraser Kathi Fraser Christopher Fredricks Brenda French Harold and Alice Friend Jan and Karen Friesen Shirley Fritcher Frostenson Revocable Trust, Bend, OR Charles and Margaret Fuller Merle and Sheryl Fullner R & R Funderburg Patricia Gagnon Ross Gale Ralph and Carla Galinat Patrick and Sara Gallandt Anita Gallegos Bruce Gan Chuy and Deanna Garcia Shauna Garcia Lois Gardner Kurt and Karna Garman Richard and Melissa Garner Wendell and Peggy Garner Daniel and Jennifer Garrett Roland and Kim Garrido Randolph Garrison R & B Gartman Kelli Gassman Alysha Gates Carol Gates Joseph and Barbara Gaziano Arthur and Betty Gee PJ and Katrina Gemin Doris George Julie Gernaat David and Betty Getzendanner Kent and Teresa Gibson Gerald and Maureen Giger Heather Gilbert Katherine Gilbert George and Lucy Gilchrist Erik Gillam Randy and Kathy Gillam Joel and Laura Gillespie Ann and Gerald Gilman Michelle Giuliani Mike and Shannan Glaser Larry and Donna Glaze Jodi Glazner Joyce Gleason Leroy and Karen Goertzen Goesch Insurance Corp., Keizer, OR Tamra Goettsch John and Betty Goffrier Marlin and Barbara Good Glenda Goodrich Matthew and Miranda Gordon Clifford and Lucille Gorseth Mark and Cindy Goudge Dixie Grassl Weston and Jeanne Gray Gwyn Gregg Gerald Griffin Gerald and Lou Ellyn Griffin

Jack Griggs Earl and Norna Groff Jerry Groff Pauline Grounds Janet Grousbeck Aileen Gugudan Kimo and Liza Gugudan David and Norma Guile Doug and Elisabeth Guisinger Donald and Judith Gulle Garrett and Sherry Gurholt Richard and Verna Hadeen Ken and Sally Haevernick J Frederick and Betty Hagberg R Hageman W and Ann Hagerty Joy Haidle Rachel Haidle Ron and Nancy Haidle Mark and Judy Hall Anne Halsell J R and Verna Halsted Gary and Jan Halvorson Kevin Hamann Beverly Hames Nancy Hamm Mark and Kerri Hanke Kari Hanken Robert Hanna Curtis and Elaine Hansen JoAnna Hansen Tobin Hansen Helen Hanson Orrin and Sara Hanson Karen Hanvey-Earnest Heather Harbeck Jim and Linda Harroun Daniel Hart Gregg and Rene’ Hart Jeanine Hathaway Lucille Hathaway Vernon and Joy Sue Hawkins Bryan Haws Jason Hayes Dwayne and Hazel Hays Jacinda Hedges Bill and Tabitha Hegenbart Sylvia Hellman Dallas and Cindy Helsley David and Laurie Hendersen Wilson Henderson Henderson & Associates, P.L.L.C, Hamilton, MT Robert and Jan Henry Marsha Hensel Larry Hensley Herbert E Anderson Trust, Lake Oswego, OR Tom and Cyndi Heringer Alan and Debbie Herman Paul and Deborah Hernandez Patricia Herriges Debbie Hess Brenda and Jonathan Hess Keith and Terry Hiatt David and Barbara Hickerson Theresa Hickerson Ruth Ann Hickey Gloria and Billie Higdon Audrey Hill Clarence Hill Darryl Hill Genevieve Hillman Jim and Bonnie Hills His For the Nations, Silverton, OR Andrew Hoch Kathleen Hoch Kathleen Hodges Marilyn Hoebel Melindy Hoeckle Sandra Hofacker Douglas and Susan Hoffman Paula Hoffman

Patricia Holden Richard and Barbara Holder Kendall Holmes Ms Kathy Holsonback David and Nancy Holt Debbie Holtan Robert Holton Jason and Heather Hooten Scott and Joy Hopkins Fred Hoppis Lonny and Helen Horton Jason and Pam Horton Mark and Shelley Houston Phillip and Caroline Howard Nathaniel and Tiffany Howell Violet Hoyt HRCentral Corp, Salem, OR Gerald and Karen Hritz Kenneth Hubert Kimberly Hughes L and Cynthia Humphrey Mark and Sue Hunt Hunter Columbia Business Park, Beverly Hills, CA Donna Hurst Oscar and Elaine Huskey John and Patricia Huth Robert and Claudia Hyde Ken and Sharon Hynes Doris Ide Bradley and Katrina Ils Elden and Irish Joyce Irish Jason Isaac Henry and Anita Jackson Lori Jackson Peggy Jackson Wilbur and Lela Jackson Linda Jacobson Lee James Janni Inc, Greeley, CO Lyndon and Sharon Jarka Jason and Codi Jarrett Joan Jeffers Kenneth and Cherri Jenkins Lee and Gladys Jennings Carol Jensen Mary Jercinovich Dudley Johansen Betty Johnson Craig Johnson Daryl Ann Johnson Dennis and Lenora Johnson Elaine Johnson Esther Johnson Melvin and Linda Johnson Nickolas Johnson Raymond Johnson Ryan and Kayla Johnson Johnson, Glaze and Co., Salem, OR J C Johnston Matthew and Elizabeth Jones Ida Jones Melvin and Wanda Jones Roland and Emma Jones Steven and Jill Jones Cheryl Jongeneel Joan Jongeneel Audrey Jordan Gayle Jordan Just Dust Publishers, Eugene, OR Julie Kalar Joy Kaneshiro Robert Karch Adam and Kathryn Karnes Annette Kayser Jordan and Miranda Keck Joseph and Karen Kehoe Dorothy Keillor Carolyn Keith Kenton Keithly Thomas and Marilyn Keller Kathleen Kelley Regina Kelley Phillip Kelly

Phillip and Carol Kent Kenton’s Kleaning Company, Woodland, CA Ronald and Carol Kenyon Kent and Terri Kersey Jana Kessinger Jack Kessler Keyes Apartments, Huntington Beach, CA Molly Kiernan David and Karen Kifer James and Esther Kiggins John and Rose Killmaster Karen Kinard Dave and Rebecca Kinder Ronald and Shirley King Kathryn Kirby Leone and Fred Kirchmeyer Kirk Revocabl Lvg Trust, Salem, OR Betty Kirner Joseph and Elizabeth Kitts Terry and Janis Kleppin Todd and Wendy Kleppin Joyce Kline Ally Knecht Maryann Kniffen Colby Knifong Jean Knights Nathan and Billie Knottingham Paul and Ruth Knudson Adam and Jamie Knust Amy Kochanek Lauren Koemans Debra Kontess Kyle and Lisa Koontz Ralph and Gail Koozer John and Joann Kopfer Terry and Michelle Kopfer Stephen and Michelle Kopra Kristin Kosrow Catherine Janean Kraft Viola Kramer Linda Kraus Sharon Krause Tyler and Mary Krehbiel Gary Kroeker Carrie Kujath Norman and Karen Kunkel Craig and Stephanie Kuntz David and Jessica Lacy Ladies Missionary Group, Cottonwood, CA Richard and Darlene Lafollette Laguna Moving Supplies, Elk Grove, CA Donald Laing Reed and Connie Lamb Janerl Lampson Jeffrey and Connie Lander Jan Landers Matt and Michal Lansdon David and Marcia Lantz Ben and Karryn Laro Todd and Bonnie Larsen H R Lautenbach Ben and Susan Law David and Diana Lawler Carol Lawry Pauline Lawry Marilyn and W H Le Masters Brian and Penny Leach Marvin and Shirley Leadham Brandon Leander Kevin and Christine Leasure Mark and Ruby Lee Jill Legg Evan and Laurie Lehman Janna Leight Carl and Sue Lemke Harriet LeVee Raymond and Nancy Lewis Gary and Cathy Lienberger Michael and Janis Liu Pauline Lockshaw Barry and Mary Loewen

Willard and Cheryl Loewen Dan and Katherine Loftin Mark Long Kirk and Frances Lowe Kristine Lowrie M Lozano Amie Lucas Craig and Jane Lucas Debra Lucas Frank and Carolyn Luginbuhl John and Teresa Lukens Janine and Randy Lum Don Lund Scott and Kelle Lute Ralph and Donna Lutterloh Scott and Noelle Lyda Kathryn Lynch Mac and Vi MacDonald Eleanor MacDonald Peggy Mahosky Malcolm Custom Builders, Pendleton, OR Dwight and Adeline Malone Daphne Manago Barbara Mann Charlie and Jodi Marks Lyle and Betty Markwood Mick and Mary Ellen Marlowe Bardwell and June Marshall Emerson and Thelma Martin G and Opal Martin Joe and Sue Martin

James and Dolores McMahen Carol McMillan Daniel McNamara Rosemary McNeely Betty McOmber Richard Mechling Rachel Meier Ronnie and Darin Meisenheimer Mendenhall Electric, Windsor, CA Thomas and Tracy Mendiola Bernard and Mary Ellen Meyer Jonathan Meyers Anne Miller Betty Miller Deanna Miller Deborah Miller Karin Miller Karlyn and Melvin Miller Sarah Miller Marc Mills Ronald and Karen Mills Gloria Miranda Patricia Mitchell Rachel Mitchell Randall and Joann Mitchell Noni Mittelstedt Winona Mittelstedt MLR Packaging Inc, Fullerton, CA MMC Matching Gifts Program, Princeton, NJ Angela Moberg

Palmer and Jeannette Muntz James and Jane Murch James and Linda Murphy Michael and Kathy Murphy Reid and Anne Murphy Paul and Linda Myers Mitch and Sally Naden Michael and Victoria Narkon Randall and Marlene Nelson Susan Nelson Thaine and Betty Nelson Victor and Janice Nelson Audrey Nevarez James and Pam Newby M and Nancy Newell Mark and Shauna Newman Nancy Nicosia Stephen and Peggy Nielsen Terry Nielsen Kathryn Nishie Wayne Nishie Windy Ann Nishie Keith Nishimura Peggy Noble David and Carissa Noland Robert and Karen Noland Robert and Donna Noller Mark and Connie Norby Betty North Jody Norton Glen and Pamela Nugent Jim Nye

Samuel Walter Pearson Walter and Marjorie Pearson Tyler and Karen Pease Frank Pebles George Perkins Philip and Brenda Perry Merlyn Petersen Paul and Christie Petersen Adrian and Monika Petrisor Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program, Princeton, NJ Dale and Marilyn Phillips Shannon Phipps Dana Piatt Judith Pieper Marie Pike Theresia Pill Christine Piper Sara Pittock Jack and Marilyn Platt Curtis and Louise Pollard Julie Pope Stephen and Joy Pope James and Maria Porter Gary and Margo Posenjak Nancy Potts Cindi Prahl John and Rebecca Pratt Maxine Pratt Wayne Pratt Morris and Jennifer Pratton Prep Sportswear, Seattle, WA

Kevin Reich Dwaine and Judy Reid Cheri Reinhart David and Deborah Renner Clare and Shirley Rennie Thomas and Leah Rewolinski Yvonne Reynolds Allison Rice Homer Rice Sharon Rice Rick and Clare Richardson Dick and Laura Richmond Julie Richmond Mitchell and Jessica Riddle Gregory and Jenne Ring Craig Rinne Jessica Rivers Tracey Robecker Chris and Becky Roberts Janice Roberts Sandra Robertson Judy Robnett Shirley Rodriguez Reinhold and Pamela Rogers Raul Romero Richard Romero Carolyn Rose Jerry Roselius Larry and Myrna Roth Janelle Rowland Kenneth and Janet Rowling Eric and Julia Royer

Kathy Price Mark Price Progressive Interior, Salem, OR Robert and Loretta Prostine Rosanne Pruitt Kenneth and Kerri Purnell John and Patricia Purpura Gwendoline Quigley Kenneth and Ruth Quiring Dianne Raber Connie and Dennis Rae Paul and Grace Rafert Charles Ragan Francisca Ramiro Federico and Magdalena Ramos Gaudencio Ramos Hermogenes and Elvira Ramos James Rankin Eric and Sheryl Rasmussen Jane Ratliff Samuel and Donna Ratliff Jolene Rausch Dwayne and Katherine Rawdon Carol Patricia Raymundo Thomas Reardon Mark and Bunnie Reed Loretta Reed M Reed Susan Reed Angela Regalado

Maxine Royse Nancy Royse John and Nancy Ruhlman Chuck and Thelma Runyon Neil and Lynn Russell Steven Ryall Tammy Rynearson James and Suzanne Saffeels Tom and Donna Safley Salem Women’s Military League Kathy Salupo Lonny and Tobi Sanders Larry and Rebecca Sandoval Cheryl Sands David and Anna Sanner Margarita Sanvictores Virginia and Leroy Sasse Tyler and Kimberly Satterthwaite James and Kim Saunders Dean and Marie Sawyer Denise Schacht Kathy Schaefer Peggy Schaffer Lynda Schar Alan and Kathryn Scharn Robert and Judith Schaub Dennis and Kathy Schipper Toran Schmidgall Michael and Erica Schmied

We give because Corban has always, and will always, have a special place in our hearts. Our little bit of giving can help make a big difference, and we want to be a part of that." — Ben ‘10 & Andrea ’09, MBA ‘11 Swanick Potloff

June Martin Richard Martinez Joel Martini Robert and Marianne Martini Amelia Maruyama Robert and Arlene Mathias Gretchen Mau Kate Maynard June Mayo Elizabeth McCabe John McCallon Kaye McCallon Scot and Virginia McCallon Helen McCauley Steven McCauley McClure Living Trust, Roseburg, OR Phil McCorkle Gary McCreith Karen McCue Craig and Alice McCulloch David and Susan McCurry JoAnne McCurry Jean McDonald Robert McElhaney Hollie McGill Miss Mandi McGill David and Tamara McGinnis Illena McGowen Shiela McIntire Tristie McJilton

Darren and Dianna Mode Walter and Elaine Moede Andrea Moffat Carol Moffat Shari Moffat William and Hildegard Moir Paul Moody Dorothy Moore James and Shirlie Moore Jarrel and Lois Moore Richard and Monique Moore Richard and Dianne Moore Morley and Lois Moran James and Tara Morgan Kevin Moritz Benjamin and Jamie Morris David and Alice Morris James and Shari Morris James and Louise Morris Mark and Sherilyn Morris Daniel Morrow Robert and Lisa Moseng Gary and Ruthanne Moser Dawn Moshofsky Jessica Mottern Christine Mowery Jack and Tara Mowreader Kerry Moyer Gary and Judy Mueller Kristina Muhleman Marietta Muntz

Donald Oakes Angela Obrist Bryan O’Connor Jamie O’Halloran Joy Olling Charlene Olsen Benjamin Olson George and Fay Olson Keri Orozco Rachel Ost Sean Otoupalik Michael and Kimberlee Otto Bob and Judy Owen Linda Pace Phillip Pai Dale and Janice Palmquist Tallitha Parham Wayne and Patty Parks Christopher and Susan Patoine Russell and Sara Patrick Darrell and Marilyn Patterson Allan and Lori Patterson Marilyn Patterson Scott and Christine Patton Paul Schultz Auction Service, Albany, OR Stephen and Laura Payne PCF Management Services, INC, Everett, WA Greg and Joan Pearson James and Barbara Pearson


We choose to support Corban’s ministry because we really appreciated our time there and are excited to see what God has planned for the school. — Luke ‘11 and Alethea ‘13 Strauser Doremus

Warren and Diane Schoenfeld David and Erin Scholten Katherine Schott Zachary Schramek Rand and Mary Schroeder Joan Schutter Scio Baptist Church Men’s Ministry, Scio, OR Boyd and Jeanette Scroggins Heidi Seaman Juanita Seay Steve and Janet Sedor Don and Virginia Seiber Sarah Seibert Virginia Semler Anita Seregow Frank and Faye Serviss Katherine Sevall Darryl Shafer Gene Shands Sheri Shaw Shelley Sheehan Melinda Sherrieb Terry and Elizabeth Shike Lindsey Shimel Joy Shimizu Merry Ruth Shipman Curt and Chaille Shipps Theresa Shockley Linda and Dennis Shores Alumni by Class 1949 Richard Hadeen 1951 Joan Jeffers Hugh Wilson 1952 Jan Bangs Verna Hadeen Adrian Jeffers 1953 Dorothy Donnell Anne Jeffers Gaylord Johnson 1954 Lola Williams 1955 Barbara Kuns Phil Smith Yvonne Thomas 1956 Leo Brown Melvin Jones Gloria Miranda Thelma Runyon Cecil Williams 1957 Haskel Bolton David Donnell Vivian Hubbard-Sills Kenneth Jobson


Henry and Shirley Shoudy Marjorie Shreve Nathan and Shannon Shropshire Darren and Janet Shryock Betty Shuholm Mark Shuholm Richard and Maria Silvestri James and Diana Simmons Muriel Simmons Ron Simmons Tyrone and Shannon Simmons Ralph and Inez Simpson Deanna Sindlinger Janice Sisco Linda Sitton Dorothy Sjogren Sam Skillern Derald and Suzanne Skinner Paul and Patricia Skinner Carol Skondin Dr Jill A. Slansky Billy and Betty Smith Carole Lee Smith Cynthia Smith Darryl and Judy Smith Dave and Cheryl Smith John and Diane Smith Daniel and Laurel Smith Lloyd and Pat Smith

Mark and Janice Smith Phil Smith Randy Smith Virginia Smith Vicki Snodgrass Dawn Snyder John and Carol Soriano Mary Rose Sorteberg Jerika Soule Colleen Spadoni Walter Spille B Larkin Spivey Jeannie and Mark Spradling Kyle and Sherrie Sprenger Paula Sprunger Mark and Eileen St James Undyne and Terry Stafford Mark and Laura Stager Robert and Janet Starke Jim Starr Thomas Starr State Farm Insurance, Modesto, CA Marci Stauffer Bryan and Laci Steed Brock and Karen Steiner Gerhard Steinke Paul and Laura Stepan Michael Stephens Edwin and Julianne Stiles

Kevin Stohlberg John and Patty Storkel Heidi Stowman Martin and Paula Strauser Eric and Margery Straw Eugene Strong Charles and Eva Strouth Donald and Patricia Stucky Ann Stump James and Diane Sturdivant David Sullivan Lois Sullivan Marta Sullivan Patrick and Margaret Sullivan Leroy and Patsy Sumbera Sunshine Floor Coverings, Palo Cedro, CA Marigail Sveum Roger and Gayle Sweetser Linda Tabish LeRoy and Dolores Tabler Tim and Lori Taff Geroninio Tagatac Nester and Moira Tan Tokuo Tani Eric and Amy Tanikawa Karen Tattersall Elmer and Dorothy Taylor Aaron and Lindsay Taylor Matthew and Julie Taylor

Raymond and Betty Lee Taylor Heather Tercek Pam Teschner Alyssa Teterud George Thomas Yvonne Thomas Jeff and Andrea Thompson Christy Thompson Daniel Thompson Frank Thompson Mark Thompson Patricia Thompson Charles and Kim Tidball Heidi Tiersma Dorothea Tillstrom Richard Tipton Bryan and Janis Toda Robert and Cora Lee Toepfer Barbara Traister Smith and Nina Trammell Kathleen Trapp Maurice Trent Bobby and Joy Truax Daniel and Summer Trudell Amy Tsugawa Viola Tucker Remedios Tumamao Billy and Jeannine Tuttle Gene and Laurie Tyssen

Lyndell Kuns Marvin Leadham Raymond Lewis Mary Louie

Charles Smith Rowena Turner James Warthan Grace West

Paula Wenell Malcolm White

1958 Hazel Dubbs Clarence James Dorothy James Anna Marie Ross Dwight West

1962 James Moore James Nye Grace Sevener Mary Smith Cathryn Wuth William Wuth

Kathryn Lynch Judy Reid Gary Wenell Dolores Wilcox Donald Wilcox

1959 Charles Dubbs Betty Gee Evelyn Haynes Kenneth Hotchkiss Grace Rafert Harold Sevener 1960 Lawrence Deckard Dorothy Moore Clarence Nelson Janice Nelson 1961 James Bell Ernest Clark Patricia Clark Janet Hughey George Massey Shirlie Moore Janet Ott Robert Pelascini

1963 Gerald Cudney Jo Cudney Deanna Garcia James Godwin Karen Hritz David Miller Koyce Miller Barbara Pelascini John Ruhlman Nancy Ruhlman Judith Schaub Donald Veliquette Gordon Wilcox Phyllis Wilcox 1964 Karin Jones 1965 Karan Gleason Sharon Jarka

1966 Kenneth Bailey Mavis Buck Richard Buck Keith DeSart Marjorie DeSart Nancy Fiol Marilyn Godwin Ken Jones Ruth Knudson Margaret Noland 1967 Bobbi Bailey Mariann Barker Alan Bishop Alice Bronson Jerry Doty Sharon Doty Virginia Hendrickson Phillip Howard Oscar Huskey Ruth La Freniere Dianne Meyers Richard Meyers Judith Owen Carl Sprague Sherrie Sprague

1968 Glenda Alley Laurie Andrews Gary Barker Rocky Hartung Timothy Hills Cheryl Jongeneel Jane Mach Nancy Martyn Robert Noller Kay Spingath 1969 Robert Alley James Borland Beverly Brewer Thomas Carlson Arlene Hartung Curtis Horton Kathryn Hunt Steve Hunt Bonnie Kolbo Brad Kolbo Mike Sandusky Carolanne White 1970 Donna Carlson Sheryl Fullner J Frederick Hagberg Craig Lucas Jane Lucas

James and Susie Uribe Shirley Vader Charles and Wendy Valentine Richard and Cheryl Valette John and Sandra Van Dyk Natalie Vandenberghe Gerrit and Ann Vander Stoel Katrina Vander Stoel Theodore and Linda Vander Wel Willis and Linda Vanderberg John Vanderwall Katherine Venegas Zall Villanueva Lorena Vincent Peter and Allison Virsik David and Lynn Virtue Ronda Wagner Bryan and Cindy Walcott Elizabeth Walden Hattie Walker Kathy Walker Mary Walker Rick and Bev Walker Ron and Delight Walker Patrick and Nancy Walsh Joe Walters Marc and Lori Wangerin Ken and Lisa Ward Tami Warren James and Betty Jane Warthan Neil Wartnik Steven Wasserstrom Monica Watterud Nellie Watterud Dewayne and Jennifer Weaver Frank and Joann Webber Brian and Carole Wechsler A D and Jo Ann Weitschat Tim and Beth Weld Richard Wells Joy Welsh Gary and Paula Wenell Nancy Werst Cathy West Daniel and Judith West Dwight and Grace West Norma Wetzel JoAnne Weyl Richard and Kim Wheeler Mary Jane Wherry

Ray and Betty Whipps

Carolyn Luginbuhl Renee Null Don Reighley

Mark Hall Reno Hoff Richard Holder David Kifer Richard Martinez Paul Null David Pardini Margaret Pardini Dale Phillips Louise Pollard Margo Posenjak Paul Steen

1971 Charlene Anderson Jerry Buss Barbara Foote Delbert Foote Thomas Heringer Jo Anne Hills Catherine Jacobson Richard Noland Robert Owen Betty Steen Karen Yates Steven Yates 1972 Daniel Anderson Janet Christoph Virginia Claus David Ferguson Sandee Gorsuch Mark Jacobson Ray Minor Andrew Robinson Elda Robinson Kathy Spurgeon Patricia Taylor 1973 Franklin Buss Wendell Garner Judy Hall

Mrs Lois A. Whitaker Brett White Joan White Malcolm and Carolanne White White Rabbit Farm, Newberg, OR Jean Whitford Bruce Wickersheim Bob and Aleta Widows Randy and Norma Wieland Ken and Karen Wilcke Wilco, Mt Angel, OR Donald and Dolores Wilcox Maurice L Wilcox Gordon and Phyllis Wilcox Vernon and Sandra Wiles Dale and Verlene Wilkerson Larry and Sandra Wilkins Lawrence and Laura Wilkins Estelle Willey Billie Williamson Jerry and Marjorie Williamson Donna Wilson Hugh and Jackie Wilson Emily Windsor John and Nancy Withem Palmer and Beverly Wold Loretta Wolf Rob and Kellie Wood Natasha Woodward Worry Free, Inc., Boise, ID Mark and Carla Worthington Bill and Cathy Wuth Michael Yann Ellen Yarbrough Steven and Karen Yates Thomas and Carol Yates Dorothy and Gordon Young Robert Young Tad and Brenda Young Robert and Sharon Youngblut Gary and Sue Youtsey David Zarek Michele Ziegler Josephine Zollner Kurt Zollner Zucati Furniture, Chehalis, WA

1974 Jim Dailey Debbie Dunham Harold Haws Joany Haws Janet Hunsucker Kathryn Patterson Michael Patterson Gary Posenjak Bunnie Reed Mark Reed Patricia Storkel Terry Williams 1975 Angie Alden Jewell Dixon Bonnie Jones Corky Lambert Debbie Lambert Mary Loewen

Norma Miller Pamela Nugent Jeannie Spradling Gene Taylor Dan Wilder 1976 Christine Beames Randy Cranston David Dollar Ruth Dollar Terry Finkbeiner Karen Friesen Claudia Green Marlene Jarrett Joan Johnson Jack Kessler Debra Lucas John McCaslin Curtis Pollard Rosanne Pruitt John Soriano 1977 Betsy Arnold Atha Brown Becky Farwell Roger Farwell Curtis Jones David Lunsford James Rozman Mary Schroeder Susan Wack Loren Williams John Withem 1978 Jay Arnold Joyce Ferreira Ralph Galinat Michael Glaser Jean Gott Dallas Helsley Michael Howden Ronald Kenyon Reed Lamb Susan Lunsford Scot McCallon Michael Murphy Linda Sergeant Mark Smith John Wack Jack Werre Norma Wieland Nancy Withem 1979 Beverlee Bronson Connie Eaton Debbie Hess Connie Lamb Marlene Nelson Jim Starr John Storkel Gary Youtsey 1980 Judy Aagard Timothy Aagard Michael Emery Cathy Farwell Randal Farwell Cindy Helsley Robert Karch Margery Straw Natalie Vandenberghe Peter Younger

Churches Airway Heights Baptist Church, Airway Hgts, WA Aumsville Bethel Baptist Church, Aumsville, OR Bethany Baptist Church, Salem, OR Bethel Conservative Baptist Church, Milton Freewater, OR California Heights Baptist Church, Long Beach, CA Capital Baptist Church, Salem, OR

1981 Kathleen Benitez Julie Bernard Penny Bidwell Mark Cowan Patricia Fingarson Shannan Glaser Jack Glubrecht Debbie Hardinger Gerald Hritz Jarrel Moore Danette Peeke Jo Sherman Linda Trammell Art Van Weerdhuizen Bev Van Weerdhuizen Wallace Vohland 1982 Joy Bauman Bryce Bernard David Bertz Mark Bidwell Jerald Brown David Cloninger Colleen Cowan Lawrence Cox Elaine Hardin Craig Hardinger Claudia Howden Laurie Lehman Dale McClain Marlene McClain Tamara McGinnis Daren Milionis Palmer Muntz Sheldon Nord Glenn Sergeant Joe Walters Dawn Winokur Ellen Zarfas Nelson Zarfas 1983 Shelia Bale Michael Balsbaugh Jennifer Bertz Shelly Emery Cindy Goudge Barbara Hickerson David Hickerson David McGinnis Jeannette Muntz Conni Neustel Kunke Martin Trammell 1984 Nancy Burroughs Bettie Delury Brian Elliott Jennifer Garrett Jennifer Pratton Annette Prewitt 1985 Larissa Beals Jeffrey Davis Laura De Soer Laurann Donahue Cynthia Evans Douglas Gorsuch Helen Horton Kimberly Hughes Tara Morgan Susan Nelson James Saffeels Lori Taff

Central United Protestant Church, Richland, WA Christ Fellowship of Everson, WA Christian Renewal Center, Silverton, OR Eastgate Fellowship Church, Bellevue, WA Faith Baptist Church, Sequim, WA Faith Baptist Church, Lincoln City, OR

Kevin Warkentine 1986 Shawn Abbey Terri Davis Lisa Kusler Charles Lind Gary Mueller Adrian Petrisor Sheryl Rasmussen Miranda Thomas 1987 Douglas Beals Sandra Elliott Mark Evans Eric Rasmussen James Saunders Laurel Smith Timothy Taff 1988 Sharon Abbey Karna Garman Tamera Mueller 1989 Steven Altabef Timothy Baker Margaret Castaneda Rene’ Hart Robert Klassen Sherilyn Morris Darren Shryock 1990 Tom Carr Kurt Garman Brenda Roth Janet Shryock Julie Thomas 1991 Danual Allen Marcella Baker Rhonda Bernard Daniel Castaneda Carl Chica Eric Christen Melissa Garner Joel Gillespie Michelle Milionis Jamie Nord Susan Patoine Lori Patterson Steven Ryall Brian Schmidt Brent Thomas Beth Weld Cindy Ziesemer Martin Ziesemer 1992 Debbie Aguilar Lita Anderson Laura Chica Lynne England Melanie Klassen David Lacy Tyson Pruett Matthew Taylor Tiffany Trull 1993 Robert Black Cheryl Guilfoy Nancy Hedberg Daniel Hill Todd Kleppin

First Baptist Church, Caldwell, ID First Baptist Church, Othello, WA First Baptist Church, Polson, MT First Baptist Church, Bellevue, WA First Baptist Church, Richland, WA First Baptist Church of Roswell, Parma, ID

Jodi Marks Rebecca Sandoval Patricia Skinner Paul Skinner 1994 Patricia Beach Angel Carter Connie Clements Wendy Kleppin Charles Lucas Matt Lucas Tammy Lucas Sarah Miller Brenda Perry Janet Strom 1995 Heather Boyd Kevin Brubaker Brett Butcher Kenneth Driver Michael Flores Elisabeth Guisinger Brenda Noland Michael Noland Karen Pease Andrea Pruett 1996 Gena Berning Clarence Bowe Bonnie Buckner Sharon Classen Aaron Deaver Kenneth Harrison Jason Horton Phillip Kelly Daryl Knox Tera Knox Donna McKeever Linda Myers Paul Myers Brian Remsburg James Sturdivant Karen Wilcke 1997 Judi Cranston Beverly Finseth Georgia Greer Patrice Hall Pamela Horton Bradley Ils Katrina Ils Gladys Jennings Patricia Nicholson Tallitha Parham Susan Rasmussen Maryann Remsburg Alan Scharn Brian Steines Diane Sturdivant Patricia Talley Andrea Thompson 1998 Steve Ball Jackie Johnson Dave Kinder Reid Saunders Carol Skondin 1999 Rosey Ball Emily Dempster Ryan Dempster Casey Dorr

First Baptist Church, Tumwater, WA First Baptist Church, Wenatchee, WA First Baptist Community Church, Monte Sereno, CA First Fundamental Church of Walteria, Torrance, CA Foothills Church of Stayton, OR Grace Baptist Church of Salem, OR

Tracy Driver Jeremy Higgins Aimee Kirschenmann Mark Leamy Victoria Narkon Paul Rainbow Shane Riddle Kimberly Satterthwaite Tyler Satterthwaite Janet Vohland Benjamin Wilson Dee Wilson 2000 Marguerite Alexander Michael Doss Sara Gallandt Tobin Hansen Keith Hiatt Philip Kirschenmann Mary Lucas Jonathan Meyers Matthew Price Jennifer Rainbow Janelle Rowland Donna Safley Carmen Saunders Chaille Shipps Ryan Smith Shalisa Smith Cassandra Terry Lawrence Wilkins 2001 Alyson Dorr Daniel Hart Jason Hayes Shelley Houston Dick Keeney Ben Laro Mark Long Steven McCauley Heidi Stowman Eric Straw 2002 Robert Buhl Leigha Cranston Luke Cranston Kimberely Deskins Melindy Hoeckle Billie Knottingham Charles Marks Karen Parker Jill Riddle Kimberly Villwock 2003 Jeff Bennett Charlotte Brulotte Jamie Brulotte Tabitha Hegenbart Debbie Herman Kathryn Karnes Nathan Knottingham Marc Mills Kerry Moyer Brian Perkins Philip Perry Lindsay Taylor 2004 Paul Beaubier Robyn Buhl Jennifer Burke Seth Burke James D’Agosta Brent Finkbeiner

Happy Valley Baptist Church, OR Ladies Missionary Group, Cottonwood, CA North Albany Community Church, Albany, OR Nyssa Baptist Fellowship, Nyssa, OR Puyallup Community Baptist, Puyallup, WA Redwood Country Church, Grants Pass, OR

Erik Gillam Larry Glaze Paula Hoffman Kayla Johnson Ryan Johnson Angela Moberg Glen Nugent Jeremiah Nugent Sara Patrick Robert Truax Nancy Walsh 2005 Kari Custer Sarah Ernst Holly Finkbeiner Katrina Gemin Bryan Haws Jason Jarrett Elizabeth Jones Hollie McGill Benjamin Morris Jamie Morris Storman Norman Shari Ridings Christopher Roberts Toran Schmidgall Lindsey Shimel Bryan Steed Laci Steed Jeannine Tuttle 2006 Katheryn Arnold Jennifer Bunn Ukiah Bunn Carrie Cook Shelby Dickman Lois Gardner Lindsay Imig Mary Krehbiel Michael Otto Julia Royer 2007 Bryan Bernard Charissa Bernard Justin Caraang Danny Ceiplis Ezekiel Clayton Timothy Doney Emma Engel Ross Gale Jared Hernandez Kendall Holmes Joy Hopkins Kyle Koontz Teresa Lukens David Noland Kimberlee Otto Steve Sedor Sherrie Sprenger James Young

David Collett David Dixon Ryan Fowler Megan Franklin Rachel Ost Scott Patton James Porter Andrea Potloff Sandra Van Dyk Jordan Walker 2010 Mark Diller Shauna Garcia Brandon Leander Jordan Lindsey Leah Lindsey Jonathan McGuire Mark Mendenhall Daniel Morrow Benjamin Potloff Jessica Riddle Anna Sanner Zachary Schramek Jennifer Seeman 2011 Jason Clark Luke Doremus Alysha Gates Adam Knust Jamie Knust Carol Kruse Joel Martini Monique Moore Sara Pittock Carol Raymundo Mitchell Riddle Maria Robertson John Tanner Alyssa Teterud Katherine Venegas Lois Whitaker Darrel White 2012 Alethea Doremus Kenji Fukunaga Melody Haidle Travis Hilley Craig Johnson Jordan Keck Rachelle Schafer Sarah Seibert Darryl Smith

2008 Daniel Anderson Stephanie Anderson Jared Ditterline Danielle Fowler Jodi Glazner Adam Karnes Michal Lansdon Craig Rinne 2009 Anna Arndt Johanna Blackwell Jason Braun

Rolling Hills Baptist Church, Salem, OR Salem First Baptist Church, OR Scio Baptist Church, Scio, OR Sequoia Baptist Church, Kent, WA Silverdale Baptist Church, Bremerton, WA Tabernacle Baptist Church, Shoreline, WA

Tri City Baptist Church, Myrtle Creek, OR Valley Baptist Church, Dallas, OR Vina Community Church, Vina, CA West Hills Baptist Church, Portland, OR


Corban Legacy Society Individuals who designated Corban in their estate. James ‘63 and Kathryn‘64 Tim ‘80 and Judy ‘80 Aagard Boyd Thomas ‘65 and Lynn Bajema David and Shelia ‘83 Bale Michael ‘83 and Melody Balsbaugh

Daniel ‘76 and Marilyn ‘76 Brammer Ray and Evelyn Brumbaugh

Pat Beach ‘94

Jim and Karen Carlson

Glenn Bond

Tom ‘69 and Donna ‘70 Carlson

Ordena Bond

businesses & Foundations Abbey Carpet Care, Salem, OR Adams, Hill & Hess, Salem, OR AKT Group LLP, Salem, OR Amerivision Communications Inc, Norfolk, VA AT&T United Way, Princeton, NJ Baskets By Susie, Florence, OR Bidwell Enterprises, Inc., Salem, OR Blum Real Estate LLC, Salem, OR Boeing Gift Matching Program, Princeton, NJ BPM Physical Therapy Center, Inc., Salem, OR Brent Ishida Farms, Adrian, OR C S Lewis Academy, Newberg, OR

Faculty & Staff Mary Aguilera NiCole Anderson Dan Anderson ‘72 Tim Anderson Sam Baker David Bale Rosey Ball ‘99 Michael Bates Pat Beach ‘94 John Bell Kathy Benitez ‘81 Bryce Bernard ‘82 Penny Bidwell ‘81 Alan Bittel Alice Bronson ‘67

Dave ‘76 and Ruth ‘76 Dollar Brenda Dunford Chris and Kathy Erickson Ed and Blossom Fischer Raymond and Beebee Fisher Howard and Ivy Games Evelyn Haynes ‘59 Melvin and Kay ‘67 Hendrickson

Capital Coin Co., Salem, OR Caring Touch Massage LLC, Salem, OR Central Industrial Sales, Inc, Pasco, WA Charles D.Lucas, P.C., Salem, OR Church Extension Plan, Salem, OR ConAgra Foods, Omaha, NE Coops Car Connection, Inc., Salem, OR Dalke Construction Co. Inc, Salem, OR E T Spray Service Inc, Sublimity, OR Edison International Employee Contributions Campaign, Princeton, NJ

Kevin Brubaker ‘95 Richard Bruner Brett Butcher ‘95 Carl Chica ‘91 Sandy Clouser Mark Colachico Virginia Cross Patrick Daniels Terri Davis ‘86 Gary Derickson Cathy Downs James Dyer Sang-Eun Dyer Brian Elliott ‘84 Sarah Ernst ‘05

Corban University School of Ministry ABWE, Harrisburg, PA Calvary Baptist Church, Reno, NV Curtis and Loraine Anderson Tom and Paula Carr Bain Family Revocable Trust, Silverdale, WA Daniel and Margaret Castaneda Gary and Mariann Barker Johanna Cederholm Bethany Bible Church, Kenmore, WA Christ Fellowship, Everson, WA Boeing Charitable Trust, Chicago, IL Community Baptist Church, Hillsboro, OR Boeing Gift Matching Program, Princeton, NJ Jerry and Jo Cudney James and Cheryl Borland Keith and Marjorie DeSart Brown Street Baptist Faith Baptist Church, Church, Alton, IL Strathmore, CA California Heights Baptist First Baptist Church, Church, Long Beach, CA Polson, MT

Michael and Julie ‘98 Millage

Ellen O’Kane

Jim and Bonnie Hills

Donn ‘14 and Susan Mogford

Mike ‘74 and Kathy ‘74 Patterson

Curtis ‘69 and Denise Horton

Ronald Moser

Harold and Berniece Rollins

Pearl Musgrove

Jim and Lynn Slaydon

Ralph and Joy Isensee

Don and Pat ‘97 Nicholson

Linda Sparling

Dick ‘01 and Pauline Keeney

Ron and Kathryn ‘80 Nielsen

Erhardt and Joy Steinborn

Reno ‘73 and Linda Hoff

Donna McKeever ‘96

Finch & Associates Law Office, PA, Boise, ID Frisko Freeze Inc, Tacoma, WA R&R Funderburg, Central Point, OR G.V.T Services, Inc, Salem, OR Genesis Metals, Riverside, CA Great Lakes Fasteners & Supply Company, Grand Rapids, MI Hittner & Associates, Inc., Keizer, OR HRCentral Corp, Salem, OR Illinois Tool Works Foundation, Glenview, IL Integrity First Financial, Salem, OR

Iron Sharpens Iron Ministries Inc, Utopia, TX Jack Werre Insurance Service, Garden Grove, CA James Reed & Associates, Salem, OR Johnson, Glaze and Co., Salem, OR Just Dust Publishers, Eugene, OR Kenton’s Kleaning Company, Woodland, CA LCG Pence, Salem, OR Les Schwab Warehouse Center, Inc, Bend, OR MAPS Credit Union, Salem, OR

Jean Whitford Dan ‘75 and Sally Wilder Gary ‘86 and Patti ‘87 Williamson Deleen and Mark Wills

Dick and Jo Ann Whipps

Mark Steel International, LLC, Los Angeles, CA McKay Seed Company, Inc., Almira, WA Mendenhall Electric, Windsor, CA My Sports Dreams, Goldens Bridge, NY Out of the Woods, Everett, WA Pfizer, Inc., Princeton, NJ Prep Sportswear, Seattle, WA Progressive Interior, Salem, OR Roberson Chrysler Jeep, Salem, OR Salem Women’s Military League, Salem, OR

Sokol Enterprises, Mineral, WA Sports Wave, Inc., Beaverton, OR State Farm Companies Foundation, Princeton, NJ The Pampered Chef, Addison, IL The Standard, Princeton, NJ Virtue First Foundation, Mount Angel, OR Wilco, Mt Angel, OR Willamette Valley Fruit Company, LLC, Salem, OR Worry Free, Inc., Boise, ID

Holly Flores Kenneth Friesen Dan Garland Kelli Gassman Shannan Glaser ‘81 Leroy Goertzen Karen Goertzen Claudia Green ‘76 Nancy Hedberg ‘93 Jared Hernandez ‘07 Jim Hills Reno Hoff ‘73 Claudia Howden ‘82 Steve Hunt ‘69 Stephanie Husk

Mark Jacobson ‘72 Dorothy James ‘58 Adrian Jeffers ‘52 Anne Jeffers ‘53 Jerry Johnson Kent Kersey Ellen Kersey Nathan Knottingham ‘03 Carol Kruse ‘11 Jordan Lindsey ‘10 Charles Lucas ‘94 Matthew Lucas ‘94 Nancy Martyn ‘68 Hollie McGill ‘05 Tamara McGinnis ‘82

Jeff McKay Bruce Merritt Rich Meyers ‘67 Daren Milionis ‘82 James Morris Pat Nicholson ‘97 Sheldon Nord ‘82 Karen Pease ‘95 Chris Roberts ‘05 Brenda Roth ‘90 Thomas Samek Reid Saunders ‘98 Alan Scharn ‘97 Lori Schilling Brian Schmidt ‘91

John Scott Anita Seregow Daniel Shuholm Shannon Simmons Laurel Smith ‘87 Kay Spingath ‘68 Ryan Stark Heidi Stowman ‘01 Eric Straw ‘01 Colette Tennant Pam Teschner Martin Trammell ‘83 Gregory Trull Sandy Van Dyk ‘09 Wally Vohland ‘81

Janie Vohland ‘99

First Baptist Church, Bellevue, WA First Baptist Church, Clarkston, WA First Baptist Church, Ferndale, WA First Baptist Church, Richland, WA First Baptist Church, Tumwater, WA First Baptist Church, University Place, WA First Baptist Church, Wenatchee, WA Donald and Marjorie Flage Frisko Freeze Inc, Tacoma, WA

James and Marilyn Godwin Grace Baptist Church, Bellingham, WA Grace Baptist Church, Redding, CA Great Lakes Fasteners & Supply Co., Grand Rapids, MI Donald and Sharon Haas J Frederick and Betty Hagberg Helen Hanson Egbert and Lola Holtrop Kenneth and Marie Hotchkiss Robert and Marlene Hull Daniel and Deborah Irving Doris Jacobson

Penny Jensen Kenneth Jobson Luellen Johnson Curtis and Bonnie Jones Ronald and Carol Kenyon Henry and Starr Klevberg Dagmar Lamy Lila Loescher David and Susan Lunsford Paul and Shelley Magnussen Scot and Virginia McCallon Robert and Donna Noller North Mason Bible Church, Belfair, WA Orting Community Baptist Church, Orting, WA

Fred and Dorla Overlin Puyallup Community Baptist, Puyallup, WA Thomas Reardon Wayne and Holly Riehle Riverside Baptist Church, Albany, OR James Rozman Peggy Schaffer Silverdale Baptist Church, Bremerton, WA Sleater Kinney Rd Bapt Church, Olympia, WA Walter Spille Brian and Chauntelle Steines Tabernacle Baptist Church, Shoreline, WA

John and Sharon Tanner Temple Baptist Church, Fircrest, WA The Fujimoto Family Living Trust, Riverside, CA Pat Unrau Nolene Vena Walter Spille Living Trust, Edmonds, WA West Hills Baptist Church, Portland, OR Whitney Baptist Church, Boise, ID Loren and Joyce Williams

In Kind Norm and Nancy Berney Caring Touch Massage, Salem, OR Deen Castronovo Green Thumb Flower Box, Salem, OR Kim Hicks Reno and Linda Hoff


Keith and Anna Herrman

Janice Hopkins Muriel Tarr Kurtz Liberty Street Hair, Salem, OR Paul and Shelley Magnussen MAPS Credit Union, Salem, OR Doug and Jan Pfeiler

Pheonix Inn Suites, Salem, OR Select Impressions, Salem, OR Sheldon and Liz Traver Wholesale Baking Inc., Salem, OR

Floyd Votaw Pat Walsh Paula Wenell ‘67 Darrel White ‘11 Mary Louise Wilkinson Terry Williams ‘74 Deleen Wills Bob Wright Lee Ann Zanon Ellen Zarfas ‘82 Martin Ziesemer ‘91

Hoff Tribute

You are invited to honor and celebrate 44 years of service with Reno and Linda Hoff Sunday, April 28, 2013 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. Psalm Performing Arts Center Dr. Hoff has faithfully served our school as business manager, professor, chair of the business department, vice president of administration, provost, executive vice president and, since 1999, president.

Please register your attendance or 503-589-8182 You are welcome to send written tributes or words of encouragement to be presented in a book of tributes. Please send by April 1 to: Deleen Wills Corban Alumni Office 5000 Deer Park Drive SE Salem, OR 97317


Alumni and Friends travel opportunity Autumn in New England, Oct. 10 – 16, 2013

Sit back and relax in your luxury motor coach on your 7-day journey viewing spectacular fall foliage and sights in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine and Vermont. Tour includes: six nights’ accommodations at hotels in Danvers, Mass., Burlington, Vt. and Ogunquit, Maine; all breakfasts and several dinners; services of a Collette Vacations professional tour manager; and baggage handling from hotel to hotel. Deleen Wills and Darrel White from Corban will be your escorts.

Discover historic Boston before embarking on a ferry to Salem, Mass. See historical battlefields and the colorful countryside through the Green Mountains on the way to Vermont. Enjoy a scenic cruise featuring spectacular views of Lake Champlain and the surrounding Adirondack Mountains. In Maine, view covered bridges and restored Georgian houses. Observe the impressive 165-foot deep and mile-long Quechee Gorge before touring the beautiful lakes region of New Hampshire en route to the rocky coast of Maine. Visit the Portland Head Light, continue to Portland for a ferry cruise through Casco Bay past Victorian cottages dotted along the shorelines of Little and Great Diamond Islands. Stroll through the seaside community of Kennebunkport before splurging on fresh native lobster for dinner.

Limited to 44 adults. Double occupancy. $1,999 per person including round trip air from Portland, Oregon Portland Head Lighthouse

Contact Deleen in the Corban Alumni Office for information.


503-589-8182 or Visit to download a brochure.

Lake Champlain


alumni action

alumni soccer

alumnae soccer

Back row, left to right: Travis Wells ‘11, Quinn Neely ‘08, Devin Chaney ‘12, Kaleb Herring ‘09, Nolan Dempster ‘12, Fernando Karczeski ‘09, Mark Mendenhall ‘10, Tyler Grove ‘09, Daniel Steffen ‘09, Michael Sanders ‘07.

Back row, left to right: Erin Laughlin Stokes ‘11, Amanda Mendenhall ‘12, Hillary Abraham Steffen ‘09, Nicole Hickman ‘07, Kimberlee Mendenhall Otto ‘07, Barbara Teobaldo Flores ‘96.

Front row: Justin Rivard (coach), Richard Truman ‘89, Benny Flores ‘93, Dustin Karstetter ‘05, Justin Lucia ‘09, Jon Taylor ‘07, Michael Otto ‘06.

Front row: Sara Laughlin Stokes ‘08, Natalie Haddix ‘11, Rachel Cole Goins ‘11, Brit Bowman ‘11, Melissa Malone ‘12. Not pictured: Haley Owens Waunch ‘07.

On Saturday, Aug. 18, alumni soccer players came to campus to give the student teams a great workout. That evening Corban volleyball alumnae gathered to play the student team. Volleyball alumnae Left to right: Amy Thompson ‘09, Tiffany Land ‘12, Rachel Gowen ‘09, Angela Moberg ‘04, Teri Braun ‘11, Elisa Barfknecht Hunter ‘98. Not pictured: Liz Hamre Dunn ‘99, Leia Stallings ‘05.

C.L.A.S.S. 102 – Corban Life-Application Speakers Series A series of three luncheons were held during the month of October featuring speakers Bryce Bernard, Reno Hoff and Marty Trammell.

We are honored to serve you in whatever way we can. Please do not hesitate to contact the alumni office with any questions, concerns or suggestions. Serving the Lord and you, Deleen Wills Director of Alumni Services 503-589-8182


Next generation of Corban alumni Friday, Aug. 24 was a day of high energy and great memories as alumni brought their freshmen children to their alum mater.

Sharon Roden Abbey ’88 and daughter Emily, Salem, Ore.

Aaron Baddeley with Rob Baddeley ’91 and Rockelle Blankers Baddeley ’90, Bellingham, Wash.

Bettie Woollard Delury ‘84, daughter Kayla and husband Paul, Eugene, Ore.

Melissa Cornett Mellison ’91 and Mike Mellison ’92 with son John, Albany, Ore.

Ron Morrison ADP ’97 with daughter Melody, Salem, Ore.

Scott Patton ’09 and daughter Kaitlyn, Woodburn, Ore.

Tiffani Wiscovitch and mom Tonya Mattox ADP ’07, Salem, Ore.

David Marsland ’75 and wife Debbie with son Jordan, Salem, Ore.

Darrel White ADP ’11 with daughter Amy and wife Charlene, Salem, Ore.

On the road Nannette Perrier Gifford ’79 and daughter Katri of Minneapolis, and Bruce Fields ’74 and wife Betty drove three hours from Hayward, Wis. to have dinner with alumni director Deleen Wills on July 21.

Julie Marten Norris ’73 shopping with her alumni director around the Mall of America.

CUBE – Corban University Business Event This year’s bimonthly Corban University Business Event (CUBE) kicked off Sept. 26 with Tony Frazier ’92 speaking about helping others through his job at Habitat for Humanity. Alumni and friends are welcome to attend Nov. 28, Jan. 16, March 20, and May 8 from 7 to 8 a.m., at Broadway Commons in downtown Salem.


Homecoming and reunions

The President’s Luncheon, attended by alumni and guests, featured musical presentations by students. President Reno Hoff shared his inspiring message, “It Ain’t Gonna Happen,” about overcoming challenges and enjoying God’s blessings during the past 45 years.

Four alumni received awards: Sherrie Sprenger ADP ’07 Distinguished Alumni Award Billy Cordero ’01 Distinguished Young Alumni Award Dick and Mavis Buck ’66 Christian Ministry Award Dorothy Johanson James ’58 Outstanding Service Award

Distinguished Alumni Award Sherrie Sprenger

Distinguished Young Alumni Award Billy Cordero

Christian Ministry Award Dick and Mavis Buck

Outstanding Service Award Dorothy James


Dr. Reno Hoff, Dr. David Miller, Dr. Sheldon Nord

Class of ‘82

decade of the 50s & 60s

First row, left to right: Jeff Kowes, Susan Pool Kowes, Woodland, Wash.; Frances McCracken Cowles ’73, Mark Cowles, Placerville, Calif.

First row: Donna Scott Carter ’69, Boring, Ore.; Paul LaFreniere, Salem; Ruthie Edwards LaFreniere ’67, Salem, Ore.; Barbara Emitte Kuns ’55, Phoenix, Ore.

Second row: Ron Johanson, Colleen Sharratt Johanson, Turlock, Calif.; Charlene Odell Anderson ’71, Dan Anderson, Salem, Ore.

Second row: Larry Carter, Boring, Ore., Cheryl Bender Jongeneel ’68, Salem, Ore.; Mavis Buck ’66, Brazil, Dick Buck, ’66, Brazil; Lyndell Kuns ’57, Phoenix, Ore.

Third row: Keith Churilla, Debi Kolbo Churilla ’73, Salem, Ore.; Pat Dailey Taylor, Gene Taylor ’75, Salem, Ore.

Third row: Karin Forman Hritz ’63, Salem, Ore.; Nancy Mehner Ruhlman ’63, Mount Vernon, Wash.; John Ruhlman ’63, Mount Vernon, Wash.; Jo Stowell Cudney ’63, Sammamish, Wash.; Darrel Beddoe, Board of Trustees, Bremerton, Wash. Fourth row: Kathy Murdock Hunt ’69, Salem, Ore.; Jerry Cudney ’63, Sammamish, Wash.; Ruth Anne Nichols Copa ’61, Salem, Ore.. Fifth row: Koyce Morgan Miller ’63, Albany, Ore.; Jim Warthan ’61, Roseville, Calif.; Steve Hunt ’69, Salem, Ore.; JC Copa, Salem, Ore.. Sixth row: David Miller ’63, Albany, Ore.; Gary Wenell ’65, Newport, Ore.; Paula Hayes Wenell ’66, Newport, Ore.

Jerry and Jo Cudney stroll through the ‘under construction’ Inspiration Garden Walk.

Class of ‘82 Front row, left to right: Claudia Markwood Howden, Dallas; Sharon Furtelle Philipp, Sacramento, Calif; Colleen Younger Cowan, Mark Cowan ’91, Salem, Ore. Second row: Lorrie Orlosky Sperling, Puyallup, Wash.; Linda Shouse Jaime, Woodland, Calif.; Jennifer Scheidel Bertz ‘83, Lebanon, Ore. Third row: David Sperling, Puyallap, Wash.; Ellen Brush Zarfas, Salem, Ore.; Cheryl Harberg Sousa, San Lorenzo, Calif.; David Bertz, Lebanon, Ore. Fourth row: Jamie Rawlins Nord, Salem; Nelson Zarfas, Salem; Marci Lewis Rust ’81, Ramstein, Germany; Don Sousa, San Lorenzo, Calif.; Bryce Bernard, Salem, Ore. Fifth row: Sheldon Nord, Salem; Jeff Rust, Ramstein, Germany; Zaqueo Jaime, Woodland, Calif. Missing from photo: Mark Bidwell, Penny Richens Bidwell ’81, Salem.

Class of ‘92 Sarah Smith, Kurt Smith, Tigard, Ore.; Tammy Fabian, McKinney, Texas; Marilee Sughrue Neuschwander, Gary Neuschwander, Salem, Ore.; Tiffany Naas Trull, Greg Trull, Salem, Ore.

Class of ’82 enjoying lunch in the dining hall: Sharon Furtelle Philipp, Cheryl Harberg Sousa, Alumni Director Deleen Wills, Linda Shouse Jaime & Zaq Jaime.

Dick & Mavis Buck show where they serve in Brazil on a map in the Prayer Chapel

Award recipients Billy Cordero ’01 and Dorothy James’ 58 visit before chapel.

Ron Alsum ’93 & Geri Chica Alsum ’94 of Salem with their 11-month old foster daughter before the President’s Luncheon on Saturday Ron & Colleen Johanson at the party in the Alumni House. 32

Norma Brumbaugh Wieland ’78, Chico, Calif., autographing her new book “The Meeting Place” for the Alumni Author’s Corner in the Alumni House.

upcoming events Christmas at the mansion Dec. 8 Washington alumni are invited to an open house Saturday, Dec. 8, from 1 to 3 p.m. at the historic Weyerhaeuser Mansion on the Corban University’s Tacoma campus. During the open house visit with faculty and staff from Tacoma and Salem, hear music performed by our students, enjoy refreshments and take a tour. There is no cost but reservations are required. Please call 503-316-3388 or email by December 4.

Pastor Dave Eddy CUSM ‘96 and family attended Christmas at the Mansion 2011.

Young alumni event for the classes from 2002 to 2012 Feb. 9 Women’s basketball game, 5:30 p.m. Men’s basketball game, 7:30 p.m. Corban vs. Warner Pacific College, free admission. Reserved seating upstairs and refreshments during halftime of the men’s game. For reservations, contact Hollie at 503-316-3388 or or check in on our Alumni Facebook page under Events.

Blazers game

Corban Connection

March 14

April 6

Join us for our annual Blazers game as the team takes on New York. Tickets are $22.

The Inspiration Garden Walk is well under way thanks to the help of many who have donated and are continuing to help. If you would like to contribute, please contact Deleen at 503-589-8182 or

Call Hollie in the Alumni Office at 503-316-3388 and have your credit card handy. Only 100 tickets are available so don’t delay!

Central washington alumni event

Newport Alumni Luncheon & Lincoln City Alumni Dinner

March 2

April 16

You are invited to a reception featuring President Reno Hoff at 6:30 p.m., First Baptist Church, Richland. Hoff Tribute 2013 Warrior athletic association auction

April 28, 2 to 5 p.m., Psalm Performing Arts Center

March 3 Come support the Corban Athletic department with a silent and live auction. 2 – 5 p.m. at the Market Street Red Lion Hotel in Salem, Ore.

Northern california alumni events May 13-18 33

Class of ’63 golden grads May 4, Saturday Brunch, 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. El Cerrito Room, Corban Campus Commencement: 2 to 4 p.m. Salem Armory Golden Alumni Dinner 5 p.m. El Cerrito Room, Corban Campus

Broadway Across America presents “War Horse” March 3, 2013, Sunday, 6:30 p.m. A remarkable tale of courage, loyalty and friendship. England, 1914. As World War I begins, Joey, young Albert’s beloved horse, is sold to the cavalry and shipped from England to France. He’s soon caught up in enemy fire, and fate takes him on an extraordinary journey, serving on both sides before finding himself alone in no man’s land. But Albert cannot forget Joey and, still not old enough to enlist, he embarks on a treacherous mission to find him and bring him home. This powerfully moving and imaginative drama, filled with stirring music and songs, is a show of phenomenal inventiveness that is currently playing to packed houses in London and New York. At its heart are astonishing life-sized puppets created by South Africa’s Handspring Puppet Company that bring to life breathing, galloping, charging horses strong enough for men to ride.

Orchestra (first floor), Sections A, B and E: $55 and $63. First Balcony, Section B: $55. Tickets will be mailed February 15, 2013. Call the Office of Alumni Services at 503-316-3388 and have your credit card handy. Limited to four per person. Note: One-hundred ninety-four Beauty and the Beast tickets were sold in two weeks for the February 2012 showing. Don’t delay!

Once again Corban has received great pricing on an incredible Broadway musical.

Total Personal Growth Why Holistic Development is Essential Continued from pg. 15

We live in a broken world … full of broken promises, broken dreams, broken lives. Nothing seems “altogether” anymore. In the midst of such shatteredness, however, God invites us to experience wholeness. Wholeness in our own life, and wholeness in our relationships. As a result, growth as whole persons is anything but optional. Even Jesus Christ,


the perfect Son of God, experienced apparent personal growth. This process enabled Him to relate to others at every turn (Hebrews 4:14-16).

It is vital that we do the same. How? By getting the proper exercise, rest and nourishment:

We see this most concisely in the Bible’s description of Jesus as a teenager: “And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men” (Luke 2:52).

physically (“and stature”)

psychologically (“in wisdom”)

spiritually (“with God”) socially (“and men”)

Class Notes Rev. David Jaynes (’72) of El Cajon, Calif., and wife Sharon joined the Tecate Mission in 1973 and semi-retired in 2008. David continues to take loads of used clothes and donated items each month. In February 2012, Sharon learned she had a brain tumor. David took care of her at home until she passed away Sept. 8, 2012. They have two grown sons. Tonya Harshman Ireland (’81) resides in Germany with her husband Patrick and their two daughters, Natalie (10) and Lizzie (9). Patrick is a chaplain in the U.S. Army. Their ministry consists of AWANA, marriage conferences, children’s church and PWOC (women’s ministries in military Protestant congregations). Marci Lewis Rust (’81) and Jeff Rust (’82) reside in Ramstein, Germany. Jeff works for the Department of Defense Dependent Schools in information technology. They attend Rheinland Baptist Church in Landsuhl, Germany. Jeff serves as the church treasurer and has served as a deacon, children’s church teacher and nursery ministry leader. They have lived in Europe for 16 years. Jim Bradley (’82) and wife Gina reside in Clarkston, Wash. They have served in youth work, and direct and lead backpack trips into the Wallowa Mountains with the First Baptist Church in Clarkston. After 30 years working at a plumbing company they purchased it this year. Their son Mark is a journeyman, and their daughter Anne is the office manager. Jim built their home in 1990 with the help of Gina’s dad. Also, Jim and Mark completely rebuilt a 1960 Willys Jeep pickup. Larissa Smith Beals (’85) and Doug Beals (’87) live in Salem. Doug has done national sales for UTC Technologies/Supra for more than 20 years. Larissa is an inside sales person and project manager for Varsity Mascot/Church Art Works. Their daughter Mackenzie Beals (’10) graduated from Corban in Education, and daughter Madison Beals (’14) is a junior at Corban focusing on a communications degree. The Beals enjoy exploring great cities like New York and Boston, and vacationing in Hawaii, and always are looking for great dining experiences in the Northwest.

Dr. James Isaac (’85) is the senior pastor at Sonoma Baptist Church in Winnemucca, Nev. Mark Schaffer (’88) and Beth Tulk Schaffer (’90) reside in Boring, Ore. Mark has been an accountant for the Oregon Trail School District for eight years. Since

graduating from Corban, Mark has worked as an accountant in the industries of healthcare, insurance, manufacturing and education. Mark and Beth have three teenagers, Cody (18), McKenzie (16) and Cherie (15).

August. They have one child, Milah (2). Jon is a physical therapist and Sarah telecommutes from her home office as a manager for a CPA firm in Fresno, Calif., Wiebe Hinton Hambalek LLP. They attend Salem Heights Church.

Mark Perkins (CUSM MABS ’90) and wife Anne live in Niagara Falls, N.Y. Mark is the pastor and a church planter of Destination Life Fellowship church. They are starting a 400-hour training program in construction for people who lack job skills. The city is selling houses to their ministry for $1 each to fix and flip so that homeless and low-income individuals can receive an income for construction work and low-income families will have some nice options for renting/buying houses.

Ruth Purkey (’02) lives in Bend, Ore., and works as summer staff at Eagle Fern Camp in Estacada, Ore. In September, she returned to England to attend weddings, visit friends and help with various ministry opportunities.

Kent Wieber (’92) and Heather Ryan Wieber (’94) live in La Pine, Ore. Kent has taught for 20 years, including 15 in the Bend-La Pine School District. Kent also coaches basketball and teaches AP U.S. history, psychology and sociology. He is the back-up pastor at their church, Crosswalk Ministries. Kent and Heather teach a Christian worldview Bible study called Anchorsaway for high school seniors and college students. They also run an FCA huddle at La Pine High School. Their daughter Hannah is a freshman at OSUCascades, and their son Sam is a junior in high school and enjoys basketball. Kristy Voss Wilkinson (’92) and Dave Wilkinson (’94) live in Spokane, Wash. Dave is the pastor of The Porch, a church they planted in 2005. Kristy is a third grade teacher at a high-poverty school. They have three children, Jonah, Max and Grace. Trisha Eddy Talley (’97) and husband Chris reside in Chico, Calif. Chris is a self-employed real estate appraiser and Trisha manages the books and takes care of their son Seth (5) and daughter Eden (1).

Delaina Yonally Vest (’02) and Brad Vest (’03) reside in Tigard, Ore. Brad works as a controller at Custom Decorators, Inc. in Tigard. Alyssa Hoekman (’03) of Eugene, Ore., works as the program coordinator of VetLIFT for St. Vincent de Paul. Carol Jones (’08) of Benbrook, Texas, is a licensed attorney. She works as the general manager for Mediwell, Inc. in Fort Worth. Carol is actively involved at Aledo Christian Center, where she helps with the youth group. Derek Stokes (’08) and Sarah Laughlin Stokes (’08) reside in Salem. Derek is a physical therapist at BPM Physical Therapy Center, Inc. His clinical interests include orthopedics, sports rehabilitation and manual therapy. He is pursuing advanced certification through the North American Institute of Orthopedic Manual Therapy. Derek and Sarah enjoy playing soccer, camping, hiking and snow skiing. Naomi Talty (’08) of Leesburg, Va., obtained a master’s degree in human services in July 2012. She works as a receptionist at a pediatric office and volunteers with Young Life Capernaum. Naomi enjoys looking for opportunities to serve youth and families in the area. Megan Gaylord (’09) of Ridgefield, Wash., is a staff accountant with Ethics Point in Lake Oswego, Ore.

Emily Bonner Vaughn (’01) works in cyber Leah Stock (’09) of Salem is a senior security for the Pacific Northwest National accountant for Curry & Company in Brooks, Ore. Laboratory managed by the Battelle Memorial Institute. Emily and her Rev. David Devore (CUSM MDiv husband Evan reside ’83) and wife Anita have been with in Richland, Wash. ABWE since 1983. Their ministry Jon Moore (’02) has involved church planting and and Sarah Smith training national pastors in Cape Moore (’04) of Salem celebrated 10 Town, South Africa. years of marriage in


Deidra Ackerman Musick (’10) and Peter Musick (’11) reside in Hobson, Mont. Peter is the athletic director and secondary math teacher at Hobson Public School. Deidra is a substitute teacher at Moore Public School and Hobson Public School. They are coaching volleyball at Hobson Public School, Peter as head coach and Deidra as assistant coach. They attend New Life Assembly Church in Lewiston, Mont. John McKeeth (’72) and wife Nancy have lived in Honduras for 11 years. They also resided in Costa Rica for two years and Panama for 20 years. John is the liaison for the Fraternity of Churches in Nicaragua and Honduras with the Fraternity for the Advancement of Missions (FAM). Ninety percent of their time and ministry is in Honduras. They also assist in coordinating conferences, seminars and workshops in Nicaragua.

Richard Kappler (’10) of Portland, Ore., has worked for Sunset Forest Products since 2010. He was involved in AmeriCorps NCCC in 2011. Michael Butler Jr. (’11) of Lustre, Mont., teaches music at Lustre Christian High School and Lustre Grade School.

Down the aisle 1 Ruth Anne Nichols (’61) married José “J.C.” Copa, June 30, 2012, at First Baptist Church in Salem. 2 Lydia Montgomery (’06) married Jeff Bailey Feb. 4, 2012, at First Congregational Church in Salem. Mark Burton (’88) officiated their wedding. Lydia works in technical support at Garmin International and Jeff is attending college for health informatics. They reside in Salem. 3 Peter Buhler (’10) married Anastasia Newman (’13) June 9, 2012, at Salt Creek Baptist Church near Dallas, Ore. Bridesmaids included Margaret Shoemaker (’11), Rebekah Buhler (’13), Natalie Grove (’13), Kaitlin Shepherd (’13) and Heather Valentine (’13). Groomsmen included Cory Spink (’10), Matt Bible (’11), Abraham Newman (’11) and Craig Pruitt (’11). Ana is working in a paid internship at Willamette Valley Bank of Salem. Peter is the IT manager at HBW Leads, a


Susan Espino (ADP ’11) of Fruitland, Idaho, is the director of children and family ministry within Christian Life Fellowship in Ontario, Ore. She is responsible for managing the volunteers and the curriculum used for Sunday school, children’s church, the nursery, AWANA club, VBS and kids’ summer camp, as well as providing support and learning opportunities for families. Seth Elliott (MBA ’12) and wife Amanda reside in Bend, Ore. Seth is the Director of Campus Safety at Central Oregon Community College.

Mike Mayben (’98) teaches video production, web design and mathematics at North Medford High School. He also teaches the elementary C&I math/science methods course as an adjunct professor for Concordia University’s MATE program in Medford. Mike has been the head softball coach at North Medford High School for eight years. This

Ben Funkhouser (’12) of Salem is a web programmer/analyst for the State of Oregon Department of Justice.

past spring he coached the team to its second

Jordan Keck (’12) and Miranda Aaron Keck (’12) reside in Lincoln City, Ore. Jordan is a manager at Oregon Coast Bank.

of the Year for the second time in four years

Mike Roth (ADP ’12) is the new Director of Campus Safety/Chief of Security at Corban. Previously, he worked for the Salem and Lebanon police departments as well as the Marion County Sheriff’s Office.

School. He and wife Casey and their daughters,

Oregon 6A State Championship since 2009. He was honored as the Oregon 6A State Coach as well. Mike is also an assistant coach for the freshmen football team at North Medford High Taelor (13) and Mia (11), reside in Central Point, Ore. and attend Cornerstone Christian Church.

Send us your updates

marketing company in Salem. The couple resides in Salem and attends Salt Creek Baptist Church. Peter is part of the praise team and Ana assisted with VBS this summer. They are planning a trip with Mark5Ministries to Europe in 2013 to serve missionaries by helping with their technology needs.

4 Edward De Haven (’10) married Jeanette Pruitt (’11) June 30, 2012, in the Psalm Performing Arts Center at Corban. Jeanette is the daughter of Craig Pruitt (’79) and Mary Mills Pruitt (ADP ’95), and sister to Craig Pruitt (’11). Bridesmaids included Jessica Pruitt Baker (’11), Audrey Terhune Mayner (’11) and Brooke Jaskilka Joseph (’12). Groomsmen included William De Haven (’10), Chris Dittman (’09) and Andrew Mayner (’12). Jeanette works as an administrative assistant in public relations. Edward works in a care home for

adults with autism. Jeanette enjoys ministering with junior high, high school, college and women. Edward is a volunteer police officer. The couple lives in Salem and enjoys going on Oregon motorcycle rides. 5 Mindy Doramus (’10) married David Schiedler Oct. 28, 2011, at the Crown Ballroom in Portland, Ore. Bridesmaids included Liz Martin Lindsey (’08), Anna Ostlund Wood (’09) and Jessica Pierce Engel (’10). The couple honeymooned in the Bahamas and Disney World Orlando. The couple resides in Albany, Ore. Mindy works as the victim assistance director at the Polk County District Attorney’s Office. David is attending Oregon State University to obtain a Ph.D. in organic chemistry. They attend North Albany Community Church and enjoy hiking, cooking, and watching the “Food Network” and “Survivor.”



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6 Tiffany Goodall (’10) married Joseph West April 7, 2012, in Temple, Ga. Kristen Eiler Figueroa (’11) was a bridesmaid. Tiffany works as an administrative assistant in the motor fuels tax department of Ryan, LLC. Joseph works for Philips Respironics. They attend Vinings Lake Church in Mableton, Ga., where they are involved in children’s ministry. The couple resides in Atlanta, Ga. 7 Heather Anderson (’11) married David Holcomb (’12) June 16, 2012, at Summerfield Farm in Salem. Their wedding party included Andrea Collins (’11), Lisa Morrish (’11), Meredith Smith (’11), Kevin Coriano (’12), Cameron Elliott (’12), Joshua Geier (’12), Craig Johnson (’12) and Michael McKay (’12). Heather is working as a nanny in Seattle, Wash. David is the Seattle manager for ES Fundraising. They attend Brooklake Church in Federal Way, Wash. The couple resides in Des Moines, Wash., and enjoys taking walks with their dog, Brody. 8 Rachel Cole (’11) married Caleb Goins (’12) June 23, 2012, at the Sunol Valley Golf Club in Sunol, Calif. Their wedding party included Alison Lippincott (’12) and Rebekah Penrose (’13). Rachel is working at Courthouse Fitness as a personal trainer, and Caleb is working as a caregiver/med aid at a senior living home for people with Alzheimer’s and dementia. The couple resides in Salem and attends Salem Heights Church. 9 Rachelle Goold (’11) married Blake Roemer May 26, 2012, at Fox Canyon Vineyards in Marsing, Idaho. Bridesmaids included Jessica Simpson (’09) and Sarah Francis (’11). Rachelle is a nursing student and Blake is a commercial loan officer for D. L. Evans Bank. They enjoy backpacking and rock climbing. The couple resides in Pocatello, Idaho. 10 Kelsey Hanson (’11) married Scott Boekenoogen (’12) May 19, 2012, at the Hermiston Christian Center in Hermiston, Ore. Their wedding party included Richard Riffle (’13) and Tabor Tingstad (’13). Scott



is working as a veterinarian assistant and plans to attend veterinarian school. Kelsey is a bookkeeper for fotoNovella, a photography business. The couple resides in Poulsbo, Wash. and attends Silverdale Baptist Church. 11 Melissa Krohn (’11) married Cameron Elliott (’12) June 24, 2012, at Flinn Block Hall in Albany, Ore. Their wedding party included Matthew Elliott (’05), Kate Schell (’11), Chris Trammell (’11), David Holcomb (’12), Mike McKay (’12), Jarren Baker (’13), Rachel Field (’13), Jenna Harbeck (’13), Emilee Lloyd (’13), Bryce Petersen (’13) and Joshua Trammell (’13). Cory and Jennifer Ellison officiated the wedding. Melissa is involved with a ministry called Youth Dynamics where she works with churchless youth. Cameron works as a quality assurance and food safety manager at McKay Seed Company. The couple resides in Moses Lake, Wash., and attends First Baptist Church in Moses Lake. 12 Kenneth Mabry (’11) married Whitney Dahlberg (’12) June 30, 2012, at Living Water Community Church. Their wedding party included Isaac Gallaway (’10), Brian Mabry (’11), Lucas Pitman (’11), Chelsea Flanders (’12), Kat Jamerson (’13) and Gina Dahlberg (’14). The couple resides in Vancouver, Wash., where Kenneth works fulltime at the Fort Vancouver Regional Library as a library assistant. They attend River Rock Church. 13 Garrett Grubb (’12) married Torie McKay (’13) June 1, 2012, in Independence, Ore. Their wedding party included Callie Doremus (’11), Luke Doremus (’11), Kena Gugudan (’12) and Annie McKay Warner (’11). Garrett operates his family’s farm/ranch and Torie is the manager at a coffee shop. They reside in Conrad, Mont., attend Conrad Mission Church and are involved in Bible study groups. They plan to go on a mission trip to Haiti in February 2013. 14 Michael Lambert (’12) married Sarah McBride (’12) June 9, 2012, in Salem. Their wedding party included Tyler Doornink (’12), Kenji Fukunaga (’12), Garrett Grubb (’12),



Kena Gugudan (’12), Jill Hammack (’12), Mikayla Mueller (’12) and Matthew Turner (’12). Michael has applied for grad school for physical therapy and is currently job shadowing physical therapists. Sarah works as a substitute teacher while seeking a permanent teaching position. The couple lives in Denver, Colo. and enjoys being in the outdoors. (photo by Northwest Wedding Photography) 15 Amanda Martini (’12) married Cory Shields (’12) July 28, 2012, at Moon Dunes Beach in Lake Tahoe, Calif. Kevin Coriano (’12) and Alison Lippincott (’12) were in their wedding party. Cory works at Costco. The couple resides in Albany, Ore., and attends South Albany Community Church. 16 Morgan McComish (’12) married Jared Rust (’12) July 21, 2012, at Oak Grove Church in Rickreall, Ore. Their wedding party included Jon Taylor (’07), Quinn Neely (’08), Nolan Dempster (’12) and Sophia Tremaine (’12). Ben Bryson (’93) officiated the wedding. Jared is an assistant coach for the men’s soccer team at Willamette University and the head varsity men’s soccer coach for Sprague High School. In the off-season, he coaches at the Cascade Futbol Club. Morgan works full-time as a staff accountant for Doty & Co. PC CPA. She also helps coach Sprague High School’s freshman girls’ basketball team. The couple resides in Salem and attends Court Street Christian Church. They enjoy golfing together and playing with their dog, Sadie. 17 Noel Griggs (’13) married Zach Conlee (’14) June 22, 2012, in Walla Walla, Wash. Their wedding party included Karissa Griggs (’11), Brett Johnson (’13), Karisa Calderon Legg (’13), McKenzie Purnell (’13) and Josh Trammell (’13). Zach is the youth pastor at Turning Point Community Church in Turner, Ore. Noel is an office assistant at Capitol Plaza Apartments in Salem and works for Polk County part time. They enjoy camping and running together. The couple resides in Salem.


All in the Family 1 Billie Bodenstab Knottingham (’02) and Nathan Knottingham (’03) of Salem welcomed their second child, Trinity Anne, June 18, 2012. She weighed 9 pounds, 10 ounces and was 21 inches long. She joins big brother Titus. Nathan is managing the Sprint store on Lancaster Drive NE. in Salem, and Billie stays at home and manages the kids. They attend Dayspring Fellowship in Keizer. 2 Kristy Brayton Ruiz (’03) and husband Francisco of Beaverton, Ore., announce the birth of Sophia Kayelynn, born April 5, 2012. She weighed 9 pounds, 4 ounces and was 21.5 inches long. 3 Joelle Gustin Beget (’04) and husband Zach of Bend, Ore., announce the birth of Eli Conrad, born Dec. 10, 2011. He weighed 7 pounds, 10 ounces and was 19 inches long. 4 Jason Stopher (’03) and Terra Barker Stopher (’05) of Las Vegas, Nev., welcomed their fourth child, Daphne June, June 23, 2012. She weighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces and was 19.5 inches long. She joins big brother Caleb (5) and sisters Natalie (3) and Amelia (2). Jason is a store manager for WinCo Foods in Las Vegas, and Terra is a stay-at-home mom. The family attends Summit Ridge Church.

5 Megan Haner Salvage (’05) and husband, Gabe, welcomed their first child, Samuel Kenneth, born Sept. 5, 2012. He weighed 8 pounds and was 21 inches long. Megan is a stay-at-home mom. They reside in Lebanon, Ore., where they attend Valley Life Church.









6 Lydia Montgomery Bailey (’06) and husband Jeff of Salem welcomed their son Liam, born June 13, 2012. He weighed 8 pounds 15 ounces. The family attends Life Church in Salem and enjoys road trips to new destinations. 7 Jonathan Moore (’07) and Lisa Klinski Moore (’08) of Fossil, Ore., announce the birth of McKaylee Jo, born July 29, 2012. She weighed 6 pounds, 12 ounces and was 20 inches long. Jonathan is a business manager for the school district and head coach of a boys’ basketball team. Lisa teaches third and fourth grades. The family attends Fossil Bible Fellowship. 8 Sarah Doughty Clews (’08) and Carson Clews (’10) of Salem welcomed Abrielle Barbara, born July 20, 2012. She weighed 6 pounds, 1 ounce and was 19 inches long. Carson is the head instructor at Karate for Kids in West Salem and teaches taekwondo. Sarah is a stay-at-home mom. The family attends Salem First Free Methodist Church.

with the lord Brett McLean (’09) of Portland, Ore., entered into the presence of his Savior July 9, 2012. He was involved in children’s ministry at the Southeast Portland Door of Hope church while working three part-time jobs. He was so good with children that he was known as “The Child Whisperer.” Brett was devoted to Jesus and made an impact on everyone he met due to his winsome personality. Shirley Nelson Givens (’76) of Salem entered into the presence of her Savior Sept. 4, 2012, after a long battle with breast cancer. She is survived by her brother Roger Nelson, son Joel Givens and daughters Carlene Givens and Crystal Givens. Shirley moved from Seattle, Wash., to attend Corban University. She worked for the Salem-Keizer School District for many years as a teacher and assistant.


Harold Roberts (CUSM MABS ’90) of Buckley, Wash., went to be with his Lord April 1, 2012. He served in the U.S. Army 51st Signal Battalion during the Korean Conflict. Harold graduated from the University of Washington in 1959 with a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering and was employed by Boeing for 29 years. He retired early to obtain his degree from Northwest Baptist Seminary. Harold served the Lord and His people in several congregations, including First Baptist Church in Boardman, Ore., as senior pastor from 1991-1996. Most recently he served as pastor of senior ministries at Puyallup Community Baptist Church where he joyfully served until the end. He enjoyed God’s creation by fishing, hiking and camping with family, friends and Boy Scouts. Harold is survived by his loving wife Carole and their four children, nine grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Jim Copenhaver (’76) of Santa Rosa, Calif., went to be with his Lord July 10, 2012. He is survived by his life partner, Marguerite French, a son and daughter and their mother.

Class Notes Key ADP – Adult Degree Program CUSM – Corban University School of Ministry (includes former Northwest Baptist Seminary) MABS – Master of Arts in Biblical Studies MDiv – Master of Divinity MSE – Master of Science in Education This issue of Class Notes consists of items submitted between June 21 and October 1. Deadline for Class Notes for Spring 2013 is February 1. Check the alumni facebook page for more photos and upcoming events: Corban/Western Baptist Alumni.

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