Corban Magazine - Fall 2009

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40th Year Portrait 4 | Property added to campus 16 | Donor Honor Roll 18 | Homecoming 24 Dedicated to alumni and friends of Corban College & Graduate School | Fall 2009

The value of a

Corban Education

What offers

a more profitable return than helping educate the next generation to stand for God’s truth and make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ? “Train to be godly; godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.” (I Timothy 4:7b, 8b) By giving to the Corban Fund, you can play a critical role in making a Corban education more affordable for our aspiring Christian students. Every gift to the Corban Fund is an investment in the unlimited potential that God has for each student. And the return on investment doesn’t stop there. Imagine the impact that biblically educated young hearts and minds will make in our culture and for eternity.

You give. They Learn. Together making a difference. To make a one-time investment or sign up for a monthly commitment, please use the enclosed envelope or contact us to make a gift to the Corban Fund: | 503-589-8186 |

Volume IV - No. 2 | FALL 2009




Features Corban Staff Publisher Reno Hoff ‘73 Editor J. Steven Hunt ‘69 Writer Jenny Hirschfelder Design & Photography Corey Wells ‘08 Contributing Writers Matt Lucas ‘94, Deleen Wills Contributing Photographers Jessica Marple, Deleen Wills College Administration President Reno Hoff ‘73 Provost Matt Lucas ‘94 Vice President for Advancement Michael Bates Vice President for Business Chris Erickson Vice President for Student Life Nancy Hedberg ‘93 Vice President for Marketing J. Steven Hunt ‘69 Vice President for Enrollment Management Martin Ziesemer ‘91 Board of Trustees: Thomas Carlson ‘69 (Chair), Timothy H. Aagard ‘80, Timothy R. Baker ‘89, Darrell V. Beddoe, Daniel E. Brammer ‘76, James Carlson, Bill Crews, Loren Glass, Virginia K. Hendrickson ‘67, Anna Herrman, Curtis Horton ‘69, Stephen E. McBee, Donn Mogford, Pat Nicholson ‘74, Sheldon C. Nord ‘82, Paul B. Null ‘73, Michael L. Patterson ‘74, Douglas Pfeiler, Joyce A. Sherman, Erhardt Steinborn, Richard Whipps, Dan Wilder ‘75, Gary Williamson ‘86 Alumni Board: Tyson Pruett ‘92 (Chair), Corky Lambert ‘75 (ViceChair), Daryl Knox ‘96 (Secretary/Treasurer), Angie Alden ‘75, Eric Christen ‘91, Dan Hill ‘93, Mike Howden ‘81, Nathan Knottingham ‘03, Mike Patterson ‘74, Shari Ridings ADP ‘05, John Storkel ‘79, Jack Werre ‘78, Nelson Zarfas ‘82

The Value of a Corban Education 9 Addressing the expectations of a Bible-centered education requires a clear sense of mission and a continued focus on maintaining a team of committed Christians to carry on the work.

Donor Honor Roll 18 Corban is blessed to have those in our community who understand the value of educating Christians who will make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ. We thank you for your support and commitment to our endeavor.

Homecoming Weekend 24 Rediscover your alma mater, reconnect with friends and experience Corban campus life at the 2009 Homecoming—a weekend for honoring Corban’s past and celebrating its future. DEPARTMENTS

CORBAN Magazine is published by the Marketing & Communications Office and is sent to alumni, parents, supporters and friends of the College. Corban’s mission is to educate Christians who will make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ.

From the President 6 The essence of education at Corban

Athletics 22 Sports-related news & events

News & Notes 7 Stay up-to-date on campus news

Alumni Action 28 Alumni news & events

Faculty News 10 Learn something new about faculty

Class Notes 33 Reconnect with classmates & friends

Send correspondence and address changes to: Corban Magazine 5000 Deer Park Drive SE Salem, OR 97317-9392 e-mail or call (503) 375-7005. Corban Magazine is printed by Lynx Group in Salem, Oregon, U.S.A.

Faculty Perspective 11 Insight into faculty worldview

On the cover: The Bible has been the foundation of the education programs at Corban for all of its 74 years.

FALL 2009





Corban celebrates 40 years in Salem 2009 marks our Salem anniversary for what has been an incredible journey! [A] A year after our arrival, the Open House event attracted 1,000 people for chapel—too large to be held on campus so guests were shuttled to the Aldersgate Conference Grounds in Turner. [B] Governor Tom McCall signed the purchase agreement for the original campus of 100 acres. 40 years later Corban has expanded its campus by 41 acres (see story page 16). [C] The C.E. Jeffers Sports Center was the first major building project on the Oregon campus, circa 1977. [D] The Beach Party was an exciting event in 1982-83 as students prepared for a new year. The opening of each new school year with a beach party is a tradition that has lasted for almost all of our 40 years. [E] The college community in the 1970s numbered approximately 500, compared to today’s 1,200.



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The essence of education at Corban

President Hoff addressed the 230 graduates at the 2009 commencement ceremonies in May.


’ve observed that in many Christian institutions the typical strategy is to impact a few narrowly defined “religious” elements into the classroom, like prayer and Bible memorization—and then teach exactly the same things as the secular schools. There is a two-track approach to their subject, treating science, sociology or history as though it consisted of religiously neutral knowledge, where biblical truth has nothing important to say. At Corban, we begin by being utterly convinced that there is a biblical perspective on everything—not just on spiritual matter. This concept is based upon the words of our Lord found in Colossians 2:3, “In Christ are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” II Corinthians 10:5 is a further description of what is meant to have a biblical philosophy of education: “We demolish arguments and



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every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” Albert Wolters describes it this way: “A Christian worldview involves three fundamental dimensions: the original good creation, the perversion of that creation through sin, and the restoration of that creation in Christ.” Every world view or ideology has to address these three issues: creation, the fall and redemption. Under creation it starts with a theory of origins: Where did it all come from? Who are we, and how did we get here? Unfortunately, some adopt a worldly view in their secular or professional life and the biblical view in their private spiritual one. There seems to be no “Christian Mind”—no shared, biblically-based set of assumptions on subjects like law, education, economics,

politics, science, or the arts. It appears that the modern Christian has succumbed to secularism, accepting a frame of reference constructed be the secular mind and a set of criteria reflecting secular evaluations. The book, Faith and Learning on the Edge by David Claerbaut, gives what I believe should be the outcome of learning at Christian institutions, “It means teaching students to relate every academic discipline to God’s truth and His self-revelation in Scripture, while detecting and critiquing non-biblical worldview assumptions. It is a distinctly Christian view of what life is all about, about the nature of humankind, about what our purpose ought to be, and about where we are headed eternally.” At Corban, we accomplish this through the biblical integration process in all subjects. All are taught with the goal that students begin to develop a Christian mindset that influences their thinking in all issues of life. This includes their personal, professional, political, theological, scientific, and sociological approach to life. We firmly believe that the power of God gives us all we need as Christians to live a life based on biblical principles as stated in 2 Peter 1: 3, “His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.” This is the essence of the Corban difference.

Reno Hoff (‘73, L.L.D. ‘99) President of Corban College & Graduate School. For more information please call 503-375-7000 or e-mail


63rd Commencement honors the Corban community

Richard Withnell gave the challenge to the class of 2009.


ay’s first Saturday saw 230 graduates recognized at Corban’s 63rd commencement ceremony. President Hoff and Tom Carlson, Chair of the Board of Trustees, presented seven associate degrees, 203 bachelor’s degrees, 18 master’s degrees, and two biblical studies certificates. Fifty-eight students graduated with honors, including 18 with the highest honor of summa cum laude. One who held this honor, Alexis Berdeaux, reflected on her last four years: “Corban didn’t just faithfully train me, it trained me in my faith. I have learned through example and experience to integrate my Christian identity (who I am) into my daily journey (what I do). On this side of graduation I am incredibly grateful for the people of Corban who have poured their lives into mine.” Special recognitions on the 2009 commencement stage included Richard E. Caulkins being named Professor Emeritus and 50-year alumni—affectionately known as

Golden Grads—receiving their double-sided bronze medallions. The medallions show the seal of Western Baptist Bible College on one side and Corban College & Graduate School’s on the other. Attending Golden Grads were Charles Dubbs of Arizona and Evelyn Haynes of Colorado. Corban conferred an honorary doctorate upon Salem business and civic leader, Richard E. Withnell. A successful autodealership owner, Withnell and his wife “have poured millions of dollars, thousands of hours, and powerful, unmetered wattage of human energy into educational, civic, and philanthropic causes,” said Jim Hills, Professor of Humanities. Through his involvement with the Marion County Children and Families Commission, Family Building Blocks, the Salvation Army Kroc Center, and numerous educational institutions, Withnell has impacted the area’s youth for generations to come. He also helped

create and co-chaired the NO METH—Not in MY Neighborhood Task Force, which has increased drug activity reporting and, hence, improved law enforcement efforts in Salem. As commencement’s keynote speaker, Withnell challenged graduates: go out and make a difference in the world, especially by remembering to care for the people in your own community. Provost Matt Lucas said, “Withnell echoed what has become a priority for Corban.” A significant marker was the Master of Business Administration program’s first graduating class. The six graduates live as close as Keizer, Ore., to as far away as Atlanta, Ga.; some have newly established their professions while others are as many as 20 years into their careers. They are administrators in various fields such as retail, human resources, and ministry. This diversity, however, did not deter them from reaching a common goal: progressing in their faith and as business leaders. Corban’s other graduate program, the Master of Science in Education, hooded 12 candidates. Roy Bunch, Director of Graduate Education, said, “We are pleased now that these M.Ed. candidates are our colleagues and they will be representative of Corban’s graduate education programs in various and diverse educational settings.” As a result of the faster-than-anticipated growth in the Graduate programs, Corban will become a university following commencement 2010.

Caulkins named Professor Emeritus Richard E. Caulkins has taught and served at the College for 53 years, filling a number of roles, including Academic Dean. In addition, he directed choir, coached athletics, chaired his department, and taught English History, philosophy, writing, and a variety of courses on great literature. Caulkins received his Ph.D. from the University of Oregon in 1985; he also spent a year studying at the University of London. Professor of Humanities Jim Hills says, “He has been a model of scholarship, intellectual vitality and breadth, and Christian commitment to generations of students and to his friends and fellow faculty members.” In the fall, Caulkins will teach one course of C.S. Lewis, his favorite subject. He has also been asked to contribute to compilations of Corban’s history and works of Christian literature.

President Hoff presents Richard Caulkins with the Professor Emeritus medalian at Commencement.

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President Emeritus John Balyo home with the Lord John G. Balyo died on April 18, 2009. Dr. Balyo served Corban (WBC) as President from 19831991. He then became Chancellor until 2005 when he was named President Emeritus. A graduate of Grace Theological Seminary in Indiana, Balyo was pastor of four churches and taught at two colleges before accepting the call as Corban’s fifth president. A memorial service at First Baptist Church in Salem was held April 25th. A commemorative tree planting, outside the women’s residence hall named after Balyo, took place with Betty Balyo and President Hoff. In presenting the flowering pear tree that will beautify the area for decades to come, Hoff read an inscribed plaque: “‘A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver.’ (Prov. 25:11) John Balyo left us a golden orchard.” A Balyo scholarship fund has been established at Corban College, 5000 Deer Park Dr. SE, Salem, OR 97317-9392.

Meyers to lead Business department Jonathan Meyers ’99 has been named Interim Dean of Business. With an MBA and H.D. from Willamette University and an L.L.M. from the University of Washington, Meyers joined Corban as Assistant Professor of Business in 2008. Prior to joining Corban he worked for Ernst & Young in Cleveland, Ohio. Besides his faculty role, Meyers has consulted part time for HR Central, designing and administering human resource programs. As Dean he will oversee the undergraduate and graduate business programs, review the department’s current assessment plan and identify growth areas. He will also strengthen and develop ties to the Salem business community. Provost Matt Lucas says, “Jon’s desire for business students is to see their careers as opportunities to serve the public. It reflects his belief that profit can be measured by more than dollars and cents.” Bryce Bernard, Corban’s first Dean of Business, has stepped aside to return to teaching at Corban full time. Bernard has taught and acted as overseer of program development for 22 years. Over the last two years, he designed and built the online MBA program.

President Hoff speaks in Indonesia Invited as the keynote speaker for commencement of Universitas Pelita Harapan, President Hoff addressed the 500 UPH graduates in two ceremonies. UPH is a high-ranking Christian and globally-influential institution in Indonesia. During his visit Hoff also spoke to more than 850 in a chapel service and presented a workshop on effective biblical integration to 75 faculty members.

Corban University date is set On May 2, 2010, Corban will transition to a university structure. Graduate programs launched five years ago now exceed 200 in enrollment. With the robust growth and the addition of an M.A. in Counseling this fall, the change will come sooner than anticipated. The transition will also coincide with the College’s 75th anniversary, celebrating the school’s growth from a fledgling Bible institute in 1935 to a Christian university. 8


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‘Doc’ and wife Betty at the dedication of Balyo Residence Hall.

Admissions and Student Life staff added David Collett ’09 is a new admissions counselor for Undergraduate Admissions. Collett was last year’s ASB President and graduated with biblical studies and English majors. Melissa Collings ’08 and Kendra Chaney have joined the Graduate and Adult Degree Admissions Team. Collings received her bachelor’s in human performance and served the Parks and Recreation Department of Vancouver, Wash., before being hired in May. Chaney earned her bachelor’s from Western Oregon University in 1999, and she was most recently the DirecCollings tor of International Enrollment for Azusa Pacific University. Casey Van Dyk is the new Resident Director for Farrar Hall. (Eugene Edwards moved to Davidson Hall when Justin Officer resigned.) Van Dyk graduated this May from Simpson University, where he was a Student Resident Director, with a bachelor’s in business administration. He is newly wedded to Stacy (Viss), and the couple is eager to minister with Farrar residents.


Athletic Department restructured; dean named

New Registrar hired

Dave Bale, Ed.D., has been named Dean of Athletic Activities at Corban, in the newly-created position. Designed to elevate the academic area of human performance for an effective university structuring, the Athletic Activities Office will also oversee intercollegiate athletics. The new Director of Athletics, Dave Johnson, and other athletic department leaders and coaches have moved to new facilities near the SportsPlex. Human performance instructors and athletic trainers will have office spaces in the gym area. New athletics staff are: Donny Zavala, Facilities Manager for the C.E. Bale Jeffers Sports Center, a graduate of Western Oregon University and former manager at the Courthouse Athletic Club; part-time trainer Jenny Garrard who has been promoted to full time. Garrard graduated from Oregon State University, and she is earning her master’s in Sports Medicine from OSU; and Nels Norquist, head coach for Women’s Volleyball. He is former Cascade College head coach where he led the Thunderbirds to the most wins in more than a decade. Norquist replaces Heather Dunn who stepped down to move into Zavala another ministry opportunity.

Chris Vetter began as the new Registrar in July. Vetter was formerly acting Registrar and Associate Dean of Academic Administration for Briercrest College and Seminary in Caronport, Saskatchewan, Canada. He was an administrator at Briercrest for nine years. Completing his Ph.D. in Leadership Studies from Gonzaga University, Vetter holds a B.A. in Bible and Theology from Briercrest College and a M.A. in Leadership and Management from Briercrest Seminary. He has taught fundamental leadership classes internationally. Rita Wright, who has served as Registrar for 30 years, is stepping down but will remain on staff as Assistant Registrar during the transition period.

Biblical studies minor The Academic Council recently reorganized the general requirement of 24 Bible/theology credits into a minor titled “biblical studies.” Starting fall 2009, all graduates of the traditional undergraduate program will have this minor on their transcripts. The Academic Council cited several reasons for the change. Primarily, it reflects the work that all Corban undergrads are already accomplishing. Furthermore, it reinforces the College’s core value of Bible-centered training and helps distinguish Corban’s identity when communicated to prospective students and external stakeholders. Provost Matt Lucas commented, “This solidifies our educational philosophy and the importance we place on biblical integration—the minor serves as a foundation for disciplines. One cannot do biblical integration without a good Bible and theology background.”

Business students rank high on national assessment Corban’s 32 graduating business majors ranked in the top 25 percent of the almost 75,000 students who took the Major Field Test in Business, a comprehensive exam produced by Educational Testing Services. Schools participating in the national assessment ranged from Christian institutions like Biola (Calif.) and Baylor (Texas) to state universities like University of Oregon and Penn State. The test is an assessment for ongoing departmental purposes, as well as for comparing achievement levels to the other 564 participating schools. The MFT measured nine business discipline areas, such as accounting, finance, and marketing. In all categories the average Corban score either met or exceeded the national average. Additionally, this is the third consecutive year Corban’s student mean score has exceeded the national scores.

Student Life launches leadership program “Community Life” is the new leadership structure that will empower 16 juniors and seniors in the residence halls to provide leadership to student-interest groups. Dean of Students Brenda Roth says “specific efforts will be directed toward involving ‘under-attended’ student groups, especially from the sophomore class.” Roth relates that research shows one in four college students fails to complete their sophomore year. Ideally, increased retention will be the by-product of this program. Community Life leaders will receive scholarships for onefourth of their room and board. The program is designed to enhance Corban’s mission by using active servant leaders to mentor underclassmen in the residence halls. FALL 2009




Corban in Print Recent Published Works by Corban Personnel & Alumni Vic Hubbard’s Steps to Singing by Vic Hubbard, published by Inkwater Press (Portland), describes Hubbard’s teaching technique, tested for 40 years at numerous institutions including Corban. It is 120 pages, spiral bound with CD, and available from Vivian Hubbard at or 503-364-4572. The book is called “his personal legacy to the world of would-be singers and teachers.” The methods are easily adaptable for 10- and 15-week semesters, church groups, or home-school lessons. It is also available at and ADP alumnus Terry Howell ’02, also a current MBA student, authored The Military Advantage, 2009 Edition. Co-written by Christopher P. Michel, this guide details the benefits available

for the more than 30 million Americans who have served in the military. The forward was written by General Norman Schwarzkopf, who led the U.S. in the First Gulf War. Howell is the Managing Editor for Benefits at and a retired Coast Guard Chief Petty Officer. English Adjunct Instructor, Stephanie Staley, co-authored “Strengthening Nationalism Through Sport in Lithuania Despite Soviet Influence,” published in February 2009 by the National Association for Kinesiology and Physical Education in Higher Education (NAKPEHE). This article in the NAKPEHE journal, Chronicle of Kinesiology and Physical Education in Higher Education, is based on the thesis of Staley’s former student, Chase Dannen. Bradley J. Cardinal is the third co-author.

Faculty News & Activities Pat Myers, Associate Professor of Psychology, has been named Director of Graduate Counseling and will oversee the new M.A. in Counseling program. In June she presented to the Oregon Board of Licensed Professional Counselors and Therapists (OBLPCT) and secured approval for the program. The approval allows graduates a seamless entry as registered interns with the State of Oregon in pursuing licensure.


Janine Allen is now Dean of Education and Counseling. In April she presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) national conference in San Diego. From her dissertation research, an analysis of the support given to early career teachers and its impact on teacher retention, she addressed several issues current in K-12 education.




Assistant Professor of History John Scott had his grant proposal for the Marion County Historical Society accepted in May. The $2,000 from the Marion Cultural Development Corporation will initially be used for an online virtual library, focusing on Oregon pioneer biographies.


Beth Bartruff, Assistant Professor of Teacher Education, earned her Ed.D. from George Fox University in July. The emphasis of her dissertation is furthering development and assessment principles for online graduate education courses. She has already presented her data findings at the state level in Portland and at the Society for


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Information Technology in Teacher Education (SITE) national conference in South Carolina.




Matthew Strauser, Director of Choral Activities and Music Education, directed the State Choir Championships for high school students of the Oregon School Activities Association (OSAA). In June he was elected president of the American Choral Directors Association (ACDA) for the Oregon chapter. The election is a six-year commitment that includes two years training, followed by active presidency and then training the next president. Laurie Smith has returned to Corban full time as Assistant Professor of Psychology. She will teach undergraduate classes. Formerly, she taught undergraduate and ADP classes for Corban from 1989–99. She has her Master’s in Counseling from Western Oregon University. Colette Tennant, Professor of Humanities, won a contest from the League of Minnesota Poets for her invocation poem. Titled “Creator God,” it was read before a banquet of the National Federation of State Poetry Societies (NFSPS) at their 50th Annual Convention in Minnesota this summer. Jim Hills, Professor of Humanities, taught Reading Skills to Indonesian students at Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH) this summer. He spent seven weeks at the Christian university that serves 9,000 students and has a reputation as one of the best universities in the nation.



Calendar of Events


Faculty Perspective

Do you trust God in times of testing?

August 28-30 Undergraduate Orientation

Painting by Yuri Lysov

By Shannon Simmons

As an exercise physiologist, I easily compare exercise to life situations. Take for example, consistency and perseverance in your exercise program. We do not always feel like exercising but we should be active on a daily basis to keep our physical bodies healthy. We also do not see our physical goals being met as fast as we would like, but that should not keep us from trusting in the exercise plan to eventually do its job. This is much like our spiritual life. We do not always have the time or desire to read the Bible, fellowship with other Christians, or give to our church, but we should daily, to keep our spiritual lives healthy. We also do not see God working in a way or as quickly as we would like, but we should continue our faith and trust in His Word. I was once told a quote, “When you say a situation or person is hopeless, you are slamming the door in the face of God” (Charles L. Allen). It seems that in economic hardship we grapple with restlessness and fear more than ever. If our money markets are dwindling and our financial security

is in jeopardy then we lose faith in God’s deliverance. We tend to forget about the ways God has delivered us in our past and how he is still our Jehovah Jireh, God the Provider. I often remind myself how unimportant my worldly and material wealth is not just when times are bad, but daily. Although hard to see at times, Jehovah Jireh is providing health and healing to those around me; that my security does not lie in my worldly possessions but in for what is to come. I draw myself back to the scriptures, “let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful” (Hebrews 10:22-23). At times when I feel that life has dealt me all I can handle I go back to the story of Moses. Moses turned from fear to faith, trusting in God after years of disappointment. Being faithful, Moses responds to the call of God after all the years of seeking His will and faithfully follows. Moses trusts that God is ultimately in control and will stay true to His promises. In the end, God uses Moses for more than blessing his own life, but for setting a people free. I think we so often want our problems to disappear so fast. God’s timing is better than our own. He could have wonderful blessings in store for us and in the midst of trouble; He is using us, strengthening us, to further the Kingdom. Are we listening and trusting that our lives might be used for more than just our own selfish rewards?

September 2

Classes begin


Student Beach Party


Adult Degree Program Convocation


Alumni vs. Students Softball

October 6-8 Choral Sightreading Workshop 22

Band Concert


Homecoming & Reunions


Parent Weekend


Choir & Orchestra Concert


Missions Conference


Alumni vs. Students Basketball

November 6

Jazz Concert


Fall Drama Performance


Fall Drama Performance


Corban Experience


Turkey Trot


Thanksgiving Holiday

December 4

1994-95 First National Women’s

Basketball Championship Team

15-year reunion


Christmas Concerts

& Alumni Christmas Soiree


Last Day of Undergraduate Semester

Shannon Simmons, M.S. Shannon Simmons is Assistant Professor of Human Performance at Corban. She can be reached at

For full calendar, sports schedules or for general information on times and locations, see our web site at or call 503-375-7005. FALL 2009



The value of a

Corban Education By Matt Lucas, D.A.

Matt Lucas, Provost

Recently we celebrated the accomplishments of this year’s graduating class. The diploma that they accepted documented that they have received an education. But what kind of education did they receive? As Provost, I am asked this question often. Our regional accreditation body asks me that question every time they come for a visit or I have to submit a report. Our board of trustees asks me this question every time they come to campus and I meet with them to share about our academic programs. Prospective students ask me this question when they come to preview the school. And once students are here, and especially when they are getting ready to graduate, they ask the question again.


have come to realize that people have certain expectations as to what the answer to their question should entail. Some people measure my answer against some ideal student enrollment number: X number of students means good education. Others associate good education with name recognition in the community or perceived institutional prestige. Others measure it by the number of resources available or the quality of the facilities. And some, mainly those who are about to graduate, by whether a degree from Corban will be a hindrance or help as they look for jobs or apply to graduate school. Those are understandable criteria and in some way do have a bearing on the type of education Corban offers, but if I am to be honest those are actually superficial criteria. I would like to

propose two better criteria by which to measure educational quality: student learning as measured by an effective institutional assessment plan and educational philosophy. The first criterion occupies much of my time as an administrator. It requires that Corban set normative and standard-based benchmarks that demonstrate that students have learned because they studied here. This is an intensive process because the goal is to demonstrate that the learning is value-added, meaning that student learning was intentional on part of the institution. The latter criterion, educational philosophy, is what I would like to spend the rest of this space explaining. Corban offers a Biblecentered education. What exactly is meant by that? I would like to offer a short definition of education and then explain why Bible-

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Going into all the world Tiffany Goodall ‘11


never would have thought that God would bring me to the place I am at now. He has helped me over hurdles in life, and also in the glorious moments of triumph. While I have grown a lot spiritually at Corban, it hasn’t always been through good moments. Most of them were actually through the pitfalls of desperation. Yet, in and throughout it all, God was there; standing right next to me, coaching me along every step of the way. During my freshman year at Corban I was active in the Lambs Fellowship, Acting on AIDS and in my hall activities. I also had the opportunity to go on the Italy mission trip for spring break. The second semester was a time of trusting. This is when God gave me my life verse: “I trust in God, so why should I be afraid?” (Psalm 56:4). Then the greatest thing happened. I was accepted into CCCU’s “Uganda Studies Programme!” I had the opportunity to live with Ugandans for four months in a campus setting and in homes. They taught me the customs and culture of Uganda; the do’s and don’ts of Africa, and my favorite: they let me in on their lives and I let them in mine. I also spent two weeks living with a family in town and walked to school every day. This family took me in as their daughter, taught me what it was like to live in a home setting, and they taught me some of the local language. During the middle of the semester, I got to spend a week in a remote village with a family. This was my favorite because I learned a lot about simplicity. No electricity, no internet, cooking what you grow, and most importantly, the concept of family and be present. While in Uganda, my stomach problems persisted and even got worse; a couple times I almost came back early it was so bad. Getting past the fainting spells for being sick, and forcing myself to eat unimaginable amounts of food because that is hospitality, I learned a great deal about God and again, His provision for me and my trust in Him. I was able to share my testimony with the entire school during community worship, and learned the differences and struggles between American Christianity, Ugandan Christianity, and actually Christ Christianity. I struggled most with accepting the unknown from God about my future. My stomach problems brought me down on my knees to God in a desperate cry of what He wanted me to do after I graduate. But again, God brought back my favorite verse, but this time in Luganda (one of the tribal languages): “Nesiga Mukama, kaki kulwaki ntya?” I trust in God, so why should I be afraid?” Besides the fellowship with university-age African Christians, I also volunteered twice a week at a children’s rehabilitation hospital. I helped clean wounds in the surgery room, but mostly I played with the children living at the hospital. They loved playing cards, especially with Mzungu (white person or foreigner). As we played cards together, I taught them Bible songs in English and Swahili, while they taught me songs and words in Luganda. While I came to the conclusion that I was probably not coming back to Africa, God brought to me the hope and dream of leading a team from Corban back to Uganda. So in May 2009, I will be leading a team for a month to do sports ministry to street children and those affected by 20 years of war in the north. Throughout my college years, I started getting involved with a local



FALL 2009

church in Salem. My freshmen year I started attending the college group and volunteered in the preschool department, my sophomore year I joined a women’s Bible study and had the amazing fellowship of older women in the church, and this year I am leader with Club RockSalt (like AWANA). I am the leader of the Mazeohs, which is kindergarten through second grade. Not only do I get to teach children about the joy that comes from Christ, but I also get to see children worshipping our Lord and Savior in ways only a child can. During the fall of my sophomore year, I was an assistant coach for a girl’s soccer team. It was a great time to get back into playing sports, while at the same time, showing Christ’s love to 4th and 5th graders on and off the field. This year I have the amazing opportunity to work at Simonka Place, the women’s shelter in Keizer. I have the joy of witnessing and helping women of all ages who are down without a place to live, whether they are escaping from an abuser, drugs, or lost control of their finances, all of these women need the love of Christ, and I am one woman able to show that love. Corban has brought me through my spiritual battles of learning who God is in my own life and making Christianity my own; making my relationship with Christ my own and not my family’s. After college I hope to continue working at Simonka Place and helping hurting women while saving to go back to Uganda. I hope to use my administrative skills to work with WorldVenture in their orphanage in Uganda. My career goal, since I came to Corban, has been to become a missionary in Africa. While I see God slowly working out those dreams in my life, I can’t wait to see where He is leading me in the years to come. At the same time, money is always a tough issue to face. My mother is a single parent of seven children, with three of them in college. She was never able to help pay for college for herself let alone her children, so all of the loans for attending a private college fell on me. While the amount of loans deters my future goals of becoming a missionary in Africa, I completely trust that God will provide throughout the upcoming years. Besides, “I trust in God, so why should I be afraid?”

centered is the appropriate modifier to describe what we do here at Corban. Education is humanity’s systematic method of transmitting knowledge to each other about who they are and how they relate to the universe. For such a brief and straightforward definition, why is a modifier needed? It is because one’s understanding of this definition is always informed by philosophical presuppositions. In America today the prevailing educational philosophical assumptions are a conglomerate of metaphysical naturalism/materialism and epistemological and ethical social constructivism and determinism. The result is an explicit or tacit belief that humans have evolved by chance and their relationship to the universe (god, others, and the natural world) is socially and historically determined. This is not the story that the Bible tells nor should it be what we believe. As Christians we believe that humans are created in the

Helping the hurting Kristopher Cox ‘10


thank God for oatmeal. Every morning I wake up, grab my Bible and coffee and head for the kitchen in Farrar, my residence hall. I put my pot of water on the stove to boil, and pour in the oats, as I sit down to read the Word. I sip my too hot, too strong, way too cheap coffee as I squint through heavy lids at the page. Soon, I will be huffing and puffing up the hill to my physics class and my oatmeal bowl and coffee mug will sit waiting for tomorrow. The 30 minutes I spend huddled in the cold little kitchen fill me more than any amount of oatmeal ever could. “Oatmeal time” is spent with just my Maker and me. It is the calm before the storm of studies, relationships and service. As a Pre-med student, my days are filled with classes and my evenings usually find me in the library. I work at the Salem Hospital as an acute physical therapy aide, tying to accumulate the experience that so many medical schools require. My bookshelf is full of medical magazines, reference books, flashcards and diagrams. Even the background on my computer is a picture of medical school. I do homework more than I sleep—I actually calculated this! Even though I knew I would have a heavy class load I wanted to continue my role as resident assistant for a second year. It has its up and downs but I thank God for every day that I get to spend with solid, God-fearing men of Farrar. To some, the late night noise produced by Corban’s “wild man dorm” is an annoyance, but I am thankful for it. As an RA, I am responsible to clean up various messes, attend meetings, lead small groups and have some hard conversations. After graduating from Corban, I want to go to Oregon Health Science University for medical school and eventually become a medical missionary to South America. I have eight more years of school until I will be a doctor, hopefully specializing in emergency medicine. During my time at Corban, God has been teaching me to serve through homeless ministries and as an Awana leader. I recently watched a film on the failing of the American health system. I was shocked to see how some

image of God, are marred by sin, and can potentially be restored to relationship with their Creator. Furthermore, human existence proclaims God’s existence and brings him glory regardless of whether humans have confessed Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. And how are we to relate to the universe (God, others and the natural world)? Well, by trying to bring about reconciliation, peace and wholeness because God created the natural order to operate best when this occurs. Yes, sin has marred humans and the universe, but sin has not obliterated humans’ ability to seek goodness. What sin has done is separate us from God and that separation cannot be bridged by anything we do. In short, humans cannot earn God’s favor, but humans can, under common grace, learn to seek reconciliation and peace rather than evil. Fortunately, as believers we have more than common grace which enables us to be reconcilers.

of the people with the greatest need could not get health care. I felt a strong conviction to do something to help. After talking with my (always brilliant) mother, I decided to start a Sparrow Club at Corban. Sparrow Club is a nonprofit organization based in Bend, Oregon. A Sparrow project is focused on a child in medical crisis, whose family is unable to afford care. The students at the school adopt the child as their “Sparrow”. Through community service students earn money from a sponsor to help the child in need. With help from the Lord, the Sparrow Club staff, and some friends, I started Corban’s first Sparrow Club and am now the president. We are on track to have our first sponsor--Sparrow’s ready to start. I thank God for chamomile tea. Every night I grab my cup, Bible and journal and plop down in my chair at my desk. As I reread the text I went over that morning, I feel the stress of the day’s meetings and assignments melt away with each sip. I write my thoughts from the day in my journal and spend time in prayer. Climbing up into my cozy bed, I try not to think of how little sleep I am getting, as I set my alarm and sleep deep. “Chamomile tea time” is spent with just my Maker and me. It is the calm after the storm of a day filled with academic challenges, investment in the Body of Christ, and service to the loving God who is guiding me one day at a time.

We can be instructed through the Bible, and we have the Holy Spirit who empowers us to live what we know and believe. This is why Corban requires 24 credits in Bible and theology and this is why the school emphasizes biblical integration. It is not enough just to learn the content of specific courses; we must also learn how to think about that content and how it helps us make sense about the world in which we live. I will go further: any education that falls short of the Bible-centered education described above fails to accurately teach about reality. To be honest, there are a number of ways to construct a curriculum to support a Bible-centered education; however, I am partial to what we do here and believe it not only prepares our graduates to be effective in their chosen professions but that it also empowers them to make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ. C

FALL 2009




Property purchase approved President Reno Hoff announced in July the successful purchase of 41 acres from the State of Oregon lands. The new property, funded by private gifts, will greatly enhance future development of the SportsPlex (outdoor sports fields) and allow development of a track and field facility. The orange and yellow zones on the map

are beautiful sites of developable real estate, and are zoned in a manner that allows for a variety of possibilities. The green zone will allow us to construct a continuation of Warrior Drive which will then become a south entrance/exit for enhanced traffic flow from the upper campus.

KEY: Yellow line = current property Three colored zones = new property


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Donors D H O N O R R O L L O F D O N O RS

Honor roll of

President’s Club

Gifts of $5,000 or more Thomas and Linda Cook Estate of Anna Gregory Melvin and Kay Hendrickson Keith and Anna Herrman Robin Herrman Herrman Farms, Connell, WA Reno and Linda Hoff Vern and Joan Johnson Juan Young Trust, Portland, OR Don Lehman Steve and Bonnie Moore Don and Pat Nicholson Sheldon and Jamie Nord State Farm Companies Foundation, Princeton, NJ Erhardt and Joy Steinborn

President’s Circle

Gifts of $1,000 to $4,999 Timothy and Judy Aagard Adams, Day & Hill, Salem, OR Aldrich, Kilbride & Tatone, Salem, OR Keith and Merilyn Aldy Alfred & Rosemary Giumarra Foundation, Porterville, CA Timothy and Barbara Anderson Alan and Leah Bates Michael and Debbie Bates Pat Beach Bryce and Julie Bernard Bethany Baptist Church, Salem, OR Alan and Sandi Bittel Ordena Bond Paul and Jennie Booker Gary and Lori Bradley Ken and Debbie Braun Ray and Evelyn Brumbaugh Elton and Margaret Brutscher Steven and Kathleen Buhler Capital Coin Co., Salem, OR Thomas and Donna Carlson Clair and Della Casterline Christ Fellowship, Everson, WA Gary and Penny Combs ConAgra Foods, Omaha, NE Ben and Barb Cornelius Keith and Joanne Cronrath Dama Curtright Dalke Construction Co. Inc., Salem, OR Nick and Mary Dawson David and Ruth Dollar Joshua and Heather Dunn Eastgate Bible Fellowship, Bellevue, WA Edison International Employee Contributions Campaign, Princeton, NJ Emma Engel Chris and Kathy Erickson F & W Fence, Salem, OR Randal and Cathy Farwell Larry and Joyce Ferreira Terry and Susan Finkbeiner First Baptist Church, Connell, WA First Baptist Church, Polson, MT First Baptist Church, Monte Sereno, CA Foothills Church, Stayton, OR Howard and Ivy Games David and Jean Gott



FALL 2009

Grace Baptist Church, Salem, OR James and Claudia Green Geoffrey and Cheryl Guilfoy LeRoy and Nancy Hedberg John and Marylane Heine Daniel and Chris Hill Hittner & Associates, Inc., Keizer, OR Curtis and Denise Horton David and Holly Howerton Ralph and Joy Isensee Ronald and Lois Jones Dick and Pauline Keeney Kevin and Karen Kropf Corky and Debbie Lambert Albert and Blanche Lattin Mark and Ruth Leamy Jeff and Barb Leisman Lockheed Martin Matching Gift Program, Cherry Hill, NJ Richard and Dianne Meyers Daren and Michelle Milionis Todd and Jill Milionis Kevin and Rosalee Miller Victor and Judy Monlux Roy and Joyce Mullen My Sports Dreams, Bedford Hills, NY Conni Neustel New Hope Baptist Church, Nampa, ID North Albany Community Church, Albany, OR Margaret Parkin Mike and Kathy Patterson Doug and Jan Pfeiler Ruth Prewitt Ron and Judy Reimer John and Joy Robertson Rolling Hills Baptist Church, Salem, OR Roger and Joan Roosendaal Gerald and Carolyn Roth James Rozman Salem First Baptist Church, Salem, OR Richard and Andrea Seefried Jack and Jo Sherman Andrew and Susan Smith Southcenter Community Baptist Church, Tukwila, WA Sports Wave, Inc., Beaverton, OR Carl and Sherrie Sprague David and Rosalyn Sprague Dennis and Sue Stegenga Stutzman & Kropf Contractors Inc., Albany, OR Tabernacle Baptist Church, Shoreline, WA Colette and Stuart Tennant Brent and Julie Thomas TNT Management Resources Inc., Salem, OR Brian and Annette Vaughan Gerald and Dolores Werre Jack and Pamela Werre Wheeler Foundation, Portland, OR Carl and Emma Jean Whipps Dick and Jo Ann Whipps Mark and Deleen Wills Withnell Car Rental, Salem, OR Davina Younger

Partners’ Club

Gifts of $500 to $999 Ashland Bible Church, Ashland, OR David and Shelia Bale

Betty Balyo Douglas and Larissa Beals Forrest and Margueretha Beattie Wayne and Dawn Bernard Mark and Penelope Bidwell Bidwell Enterprises, Inc., Salem, OR Eddie and Francie Bostwick BPM Physical Therapy Center, Inc., Salem, OR Tracy and Beverly Camillo Richard and Eris Caulkins Central United Protestant Church, Richland, WA Eric and Karyn Christen Cleanright Distribution, Inc., Woodburn, OR Nakiva Cleveland William and Joann Crews Virginia and James Cross Faith Baptist Church, Lincoln City, OR Faith Line Baptist Church, Milton Freewater, OR Doug and Beverly Farris First Bapt Church of University Place, WA First Baptist Church, Bellevue, WA First Baptist Church, Richland, WA First Baptist Church, Othello, WA First Baptist Church, Weaverville, CA First Baptist Church, Newport, OR First Baptist Church of Tumwater, WA Tanner Froese G.S. Post Construction, Inc., Monterey, CA Arthur and Betty Gee Gladstone Christian Church, Gladstone, OR Tiffany Goodall Grace Baptist Church, Yuba City, CA Rodger and Annette Greenfield Steven and Margaret Gross David and Jan Hansen Elaine Hardin Harold and Joany Haws Vivian Hubbard Clarence and Dorothy James James Reed & Associates, Salem, OR Adrian and Anne Jeffers Jim Stewart Real Estate Company, Sanibel, FL Craig Johnson Larry and Carol Justis James Kilcup Percy and Yvonne Kropf Paul and Ruth La Freniere Diane Logan Rod Malone Nancy Martyn Dale and Marlene McClain Donn and Susan Mogford Alicia Moore MTS Travel, Ephrata, PA Lorraine Nelson Richard and Margaret Noland Glenn and Diana Olson Michael and Jessica Patron Martin Phillips Tyson and Andrea Pruett Buddy and Shawn Puckett R. L. Reimers Company, Albany, OR Kaitlyn Ragan Rawlins Family Trust James Reeher Aaron Reid Ray and Jeanne Reid Shannon Rensi

THANK YOU to the many supporters whose generous gifts help implement Corban’s vision to be an outstanding comprehensive Christian college. By supporting Corban, you enable a new generation of students to experience the many benefits of an education distinctively rooted in Jesus Christ. The following honor roll lists the faithful alumni, parents, friends and staff who supported us during the period of July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2009. The College and its students are most grateful! If you have given and you are not listed, please accept our apology and contact us: 503-589-8186.

Paul Richter George and Joanne Rickard James and Suzanne Saffeels Salem Heights Church, Salem, OR Salem Hotel Group, Salem, OR Thomas and Linda Samek Santa Clarita Baptist Church, Canyon Country, CA Brian and Lori Schilling John and SuEllen Scott Justin and Jennifer Sherwood Ronald and Marie Smith Wayne and Patricia Sprawls Paul and Betty Steen Charles and Grace Stine Michelle Stone-Holmes Will and Cassandra Terry Matthew and Lindsay Todd Martin and Linda Trammell John Traut Gregory and Tiffany Trull Kimi Valdez Vina Community Church, Vina, CA Floyd and Jeanette Votaw Kevin and Carol Warkentine Terry and Debra Williams Albert and Margaret Wipf Robert and Rita Wright

Builders’ Club

Gifts of $250 to $499 Holly Abbe Wayne and Christy Abbe Deborah Barber Michael Basinger Kerrick and Joy Bauman Bethel Baptist Church, Aumsville, OR Robert and Kathryn Blankers Ralph and Louise Bochsler Edward and Patricia Born Mark and Barbara Boyson Myra Brand Phillip Burke Jessica Byrnes California Hts Baptist Church, Long Beach, CA Campton Heights Baptist Church, Fortuna, CA Edgar and Rebecca Capell Michael and Mary Carlson Community Foundation, Wenatchee, WA Mark and Joanne Corley Jerry and Donna Cudney Jim and Becky Dailey David and Linda Davenport Jeffrey and Terri Davis Vance and Matilda Day Tyler Dean Leon DeLaGrange Misty DeMasters Frank and Cathy Downs Kenneth and Tracy Driver James and Sang-Eun Dyer Zachary Elander Matthew Ellis Roger and Becky Farwell First Baptist Church, Wenatchee, WA First Fundamental Baptist Church, Torrance, CA Todd Fisher Barbra Furer Johnny Galver

Wendell and Peggy Garner Gary Benson Golf Operations LLC, Salem, OR Michael and Shannan Glaser Henry and Kathy Gowen Tyler and Aubrey Grove Larry and Nancy Harrington C and Yvonne Haverland Henderson Ave Baptist Church, Porterville, CA Danielle Hill Steve and Kathy Hunt Shawn and Angela Hussey Jeffrey and Beverly Jackson Stephanie Johnson Keizer Hospitality, Keizer, OR Daryl and Tera Knox Lyndell and Barbara Kuns Brian and Lori Land Leslie Largent Richard Layman Donald and Donna Leavitt Les Schwab Tire Center, Salem, OR Melanie Ligocki Patrick and Heidi Lindell Justin Lucia Dave and Sandra Lyon George Massey Jay and Shannon Mathisen Bill and Carla McFarlane Marshall and Kelly McKean Caleb Molstad David and Cheryl Molstad Alan and Cathy Morgan Gary and Judy Mueller Richard and Marietta Muntz John and Shari Nelson Myron and Violet Nietfeldt Brian and Sarah Perkins David and Dawn Plotts Matthew and Dawn Price Proebstel Evangelical Free, Vancouver, WA Progressive Interior, Salem, OR Mark and Bunnie Reed Lee and Teri Riddle Norman and Carolyn Rose Tyler and Kimberly Satterthwaite Grant Seidler Harold and Grace Sevener Daniel and Karla Shuholm Steve and Chauna Sidwell Curtis and Mary Smith Ryan and Shalisa Smith Summit Christian Fellowship, Steamboat Springs, WA Sun Valley Church, Yakima, WA Sweet Creations NW, Uc, Salem, OR Tarah Tams Stephen and Gail Tatone Raymond and Betty Lee Taylor The Standard, Princeton, NJ The Way Home Church, Hillsboro, OR Yvonne Thomas Gary and Carol Thompson Tri City Baptist Church, Myrtle Creek, OR Valley Baptist Church, Bakersfield, CA Dan and Mary Louise Wilkinson Daniel and Nancy Williams Roger Williams Dawn Winokur


James and Janet Wise Dick and Gayle Withnell Nelson and Ellen Zarfas

Pauline Lawry Norman and Donna Le Bard Ronald and Pearl Lee Stan and Sally Lewin Founders’ Club Michael and Lisa Lewis Gifts of $120 to $249 Trevor Lewis Thomas Alexander Bard and June Marshall Herbert and Betty Lu Anderson Bill and Monica Martin AT&T United Way, Princeton, NJ June Martin Bain Wealth Management Group, David Massey Salem, OR Moicherie Massey Baja Fresh Mexican Grill, Salem, OR Dan McDowell Chris and Sharon Barber Shannon McFadden Jerry and Tammy Barnick Donna McKeever Robert Barrows Kyle and Monica McMillan Lawrence and Donna Baughman Brian and Dee Meier Paul and Jodi Beals Mid-Valley Youth for Christ, Salem, OR Stephen and Cheryl Beeson Daniel and Winoma Mittelstedt John and Rhonda Bell Justin and Bridgett Morgan Brian and Jennifer Bensen Gary and Tamera Mueller Todd and Gena Berning Mike Murphy Jesus and Lorrie Bervis James and Janice Myers Don and Jorene Bierbower Jane Nooner Kenneth and Joyce Bjorge Glen and Pamela Nugent Daryl and Dorothy Blankers Nyssa Baptist Fellowship, Nyssa, OR Gladys Blum Michelle Obenchain Boshart Trucking Inc., Tangent, OR Marianne O’Connor Dennis Bostwick Nathan Ohta Thomas and Jana Box Joan Olson Tim and Heather Boyd Kristy Olson Mark and Renee Brennan Larry and Jean Olson Chris Bristow Steve and Jennifer Outslay Dennis Brown Isaac Pankey Richard and Mavis Buck David and Margaret Pardini George and Yvonne Burgess Darrell and Marilyn Patterson Bill and Gladys Caddy Bill and Vivien Pehrson Cafe Today LLC, Salem, OR Brian and Sarah Perkins Capital Baptist Church, Salem, OR Don and J Poulson Cochell Family Dentistry, PC, Salem, OR Mark and Carol Prince Harold and Estelle Cole Robert and Bonnie Lee Printy Martha Cooper Ronald and Linda Pruyn Mike and Sheryl Corley Jerry and Carolyn Purtell Chelsea Cox David and Janelle Rasmussen Rick and Susan Cox Mildred Rasmussen Harold and H Dale James and Phyllis Richards Steven and Janet Dangaran Geneva Riddle Paul and Bettie Delury Shane and Jill Riddle Ryan and Emily Dempster Mark and Shari Ridings Gary and Rebeccah Derickson Brenda Roth Destined To Overcome Ministries, Inc., Eric and Julia Royer Salem, OR Timothy Ryan Clinton and Lynette Dickerson Timothy Saffeels Robert and Cheri Dickman Salem Volleyball Club Inc., Salem, OR David and Jewell Dixon Reid and Carmen Saunders Timothy and Mary Jo Dixon Daniel and Becky Schanz David and Dorothy Donnell Jim and Ann Schmidt Bruce and Deborah Douglas Don and Virginia Seiber Charles and Hazel Dubbs Glenn and Linda Sergeant Brenda Dunford Henry and Shirley Shoudy Lou Eddy Tyrone and Shannon Simmons Ric and Nancy Fiol Joan Smits First Baptist Church, Colfax, WA Leland Spicer Daniel and Joyce Folden Robert and Barbara Stacy Bruce and Yvonne Fong Sterk Engineering, Inc., Calistoga, CA Howard Franklin Kenneth and Ruth Stickney Ken and Karen Friesen Phil and Janet Strom Nathan Furumasu James and Diane Sturdivant John and Betty Goffrier Derrald and Patricia Taylor Eugene and Carol Going Kathy Titchenal Carol Green Richard and Cheryl Valette Kathryn Green Gary and Shelley Van Antwerp Kaci Hall Martin Warner Patrice Hall Nathan Warthan Timothy and Rhonda Hanowell Gary and Paula Wenell Jon and Virginia Haupt West Hills Baptist Church, Portland, OR Hedberg Auctions Inc., Salem, OR Darrel and Charlene White Al Heitschmidt Samuel and Sue White David and Laurie Hendersen Terry and Loretta Whitlock Arthur and Jennean Hill Alberta Widman James and Bonnie Hills Ken and Karen Wilcke Robert Hollipeter Donald and Dolores Wilcox Tim Holstein Willamette Orthotics and Prosthetics, Joshua and Sherilyn Howery Salem, OR Charles Hutton Willamette Valley Bank, Salem, OR Aaron and Jennifer Imig Hugh Wilson Ellen Jacobs John and Lorna Wilson John Ratzlaff, State Farm Insurance, Jack and Cassaundra Winsor Salem, OR Dale and Wynn Gaylord and Mildred Johnson Martin and Cindy Ziesemer Jerry and Beverly Johnson Alumni by Class Johnathon Johnson Randy Jones 1949 Earl and Ellen Kersey Richard Hadeen King’s Pumping Service, Dallas, OR 1951 Kyle and Lisa Koontz Esther Smith Sharon Krause Hugh Wilson Eric and Kristine LaBrie D and L Larsen 1952 Daniel and Virginia Lavallie Jan Bangs

Verna Hadeen Allen Nelson


Dorothy Donnell Adrian Jeffers Anne Jeffers Gaylord Johnson


Lola Williams


Barbara Kuns Lois Parrish Phil Smith Yvonne Thomas Bloyce Winnett Charlotte Winnett


Melvin Jones Gloria Miranda Thelma Runyon Cecil Williams


Joseph Baker Don Bierbower Vivian Hubbard Lyndell Kuns Mary Louie Jane Nooner


Hazel Dubbs Clarence James Dorothy James Dwight West


Charles Dubbs Betty Gee Harold Sevener


Carla McFarlane Janice Myers James Myers Elvis Priest


Roger Carey Glenn Gardiner George Massey James Moore Shirlie Moore Ruth Anne Nichols Janet Ott Charles Smith Grace West


David Donnell Karen Gardiner Grace Sevener Mary Smith


Robert Colvin Donna Cudney Jerry Cudney David Miller Koyce Miller Gordon Wilcox Phyllis Wilcox


Elaine Colvin Bill McFarlane


Ricardo Fiol Sharon Jarka Kathryn Lynch Gary Wenell Dolores Wilcox Donald Wilcox


Mavis Buck Richard Buck Nancy Fiol Margaret Noland Richard Seefried Violet Whittaker


Kay Hendrickson Ruth La Freniere Dianne Meyers Richard Meyers Andrea Seefried Carl Sprague Sherrie Sprague Paula Wenell


Jane Mach

Nancy Martyn LaVonne Neufeld Violet Nietfeldt Carolyn Olson Kay Spingath


Thomas Carlson Faye Eisentrager Kathy Hunt Steve Hunt Esther Zachry


Donna Carlson Sheryl Fullner


Charlene Anderson David Lancaster Richard Noland Beverly Sowers Betty Steen Claudia Walling Donald Walling


Daniel Anderson David Ferguson Stephanie Ferguson Larry Griggs Thomas Hedges


Alan Bates Leah Bates Barbara Doubleday Bruce Fong Wendell Garner Reno Hoff David Pardini Margaret Pardini Paul Steen David Vanderburg


Jim Dailey Mary Dyer Nancy Goree Harold Haws Curtis Horton Kathy Patterson Mike Patterson Bunnie Reed Mark Reed Patricia Storkel Nancy Tollenaar Terry Williams


Gary Bradley Susan Canfield Alan Chapman Jewell Dixon Davis Dyer Corky Lambert Debbie Lambert Pamela Nugent Stephen Spingath Derrald Taylor


Christine Beames Sherry Chapman David Dollar Claudia Green Marlene Jarrett Joan Johnson John McCaslin John Nelson Robert Printy Rosanne Pruitt John Soriano


Daryl Blankers Dorothy Blankers Lori Bradley Becky Farwell Roger Farwell James Rozman


Janice Colfer Joyce Ferreira Michael Glaser Jean Gott Michael Howden Sally Keagle Linda Sergeant Jack Werre


Faith Haun Julie Hiebenthal Kim Spalding

John Storkel


Judy Aagard Timothy Aagard Michael Emery Cathy Farwell Randal Farwell Donlyn Hiebenthal Tom Juchmes Kenneth Mulkey Duane Patterson Loretta Patterson Margery Straw Natalie Vandenberghe


Kathleen Benitez Julie Bernard John Colfer Shannan Glaser Linda Hoff David Hollis Daren Milionis Jo Sherman Linda Trammell Wallace Vohland


Joy Bauman Bryce Bernard Mark Bidwell Elaine Hardin Claudia Howden Dale McClain Marlene McClain Tamara McGinnis Sheldon Nord Glenn Sergeant Dawn Winokur Ellen Zarfas Nelson Zarfas


Shelia Bale Shelly Emery David McGinnis Conni Neustel Martin Trammell


Bettie Delury Brian Elliott Jeffrey James Elizabeth Knudsen Kevin Warkentine


Larissa Beals Jeffrey Davis James Saffeels


Shawn Abbey Terri Davis Gary Mueller Carol Prince Sheryl Rasmussen


Douglas Beals Sandra Elliott Eric Rasmussen


Sharon Abbey Ellen Jacobs Tamera Mueller Steven Roth


Timothy Baker Paul Beals John Moore


Jodi Beals Jo Moore Brenda Roth Julie Thomas


Marcella Baker Eric Christen Lisa Lewis Michelle Milionis Jamie Nord Susan Patoine Lori Patterson Brent Thomas Brian Vaughan Cindy Ziesemer Martin Ziesemer


Timothy Dixon Gary Hines

Melanie Ligocki Carolyn Purtell Tyson Pruett Tiffany Trull Annette Vaughan


Benjamin Bryson Cheryl Guilfoy Nancy Hedberg Daniel Hill Dennis Houser Michael Lewis Justin Sherwood Nathan Warthan


Pat Beach David Hansen Matthew Lucas Tammy Lucas Hanna Schmidt Janet Strom


Heather Boyd Mary Jo Dixon Kenneth Driver Jay Mathisen Shannon Mathisen Brenda Noland Michael Noland Andrea Pruett


Gena Berning Sharon Bryson Susan Hines Daryl Knox Tera Knox Donna McKeever Geoffrey Pfeil Betsy Rowles Jennifer Sherwood James Sturdivant Karen Wilcke


Kelly Braaten Patrice Hall Patricia LiaBraaten Pat Nicholson Deanna Pfeil Diane Sturdivant Patricia Talley


Reid Saunders


Kristina Brown Emily Dempster Ryan Dempster Tracy Driver Mark Leamy Michael Patron Sarah Reed Steve Reed Shane Riddle Kimberly Satterthwaite Tyler Satterthwaite Janet Vohland


Karyn Braaten Kevin Dial Michael Doss Heather Dunn Matthew Price Janelle Rowland Carmen Saunders Chaille Shipps Ryan Smith Cassandra Terry


Jennie Booker Joshua Dunn Dick Keeney Sarah Perkins Holly Potloff David Schmidt Eric Straw Jeffrey Uskoski


Jordan Lambert Nathan Ohta Peter Potloff Jill Riddle Jennifer Uskoski Kimberly Villwock Ronda Wagner


Buddie Anderson

FALL 2009




Shawn Hussey Rachel Lee Brian Perkins

Jean Whitford Dan and Sally Wilder Gary and Patti Williamson Albert and Margaret Wipf


Rachel Feriante Angela Moberg Glen Nugent Jeremiah Nugent Nancy Walsh



Tiffany Cavin Jeffrey Dunn Joany Haws Dawn LaDuke Shari Ridings Christopher Roberts


Heather Combs Chad Emmert Kathryn Green Addison Hollen Yvonne Mandeville Eric Olson Julia Royer Kari Timmerman


Ashley Bernard Kathleen Emmert Emma Engel Tina Fleisher Douglas Gausepohl Aubrey Grove Jared Hernandez Kyle Koontz Brett Timmerman


Patricia Breiter Michelle Howden James Kilcup Elizabeth Lindsey Kathryn Westerberg


Paul Allen Alexis Berdeaux Nakiva Cleveland David Collett Zachary Elander Nathan Furumasu Tyler Grove Justin Lucia Leesha Marecek Caleb Molstad Richard Moore Janelle Peyton Martin Phillips Andrea Potloff Shannon Rensi Timothy Saffeels Nathan Tennis John Traut Sandra Van Dyk


Kristy Olson

Corban Legacy Society Timothy and Judy Aagard David and Shelia Bale Michael and Melody Balsbaugh Pat Beach Daniel and Marilyn Brammer Ray and Evelyn Brumbaugh Jim Carlson Thomas and Donna Carlson Brenda Dunford Chris and Kathy Erickson Ed and Blossom Fischer Raymond and Beebee Fisher Melvin and Kay Hendrickson Keith and Anna Herrman James and Bonnie Hills Reno and Linda Hoff Curtis and Denise Horton Ralph and Joy Isensee Donna McKeever Michael and Julie Millage Donn and Susan Mogford Ronald Moser Pearl Musgrove Don and Pat Nicholson Ellen O’Kane Mike and Kathy Patterson Harold and Berniece Rollins Jim and Lynn Slaydon Linda Sparling Erhardt and Joy Steinborn Dick and Jo Ann Whipps



FALL 2009

Dave’s Auto Body & Glass Inc., Rockford, WA Destined To Overcome Ministries, Inc., Salem, OR Edison International Employee Contributions Campaign, Princeton, NJ Ellingsen Paxton Orthodontics, PS, Spokane Valley, WA Energy Systems, Inc., Santa Rosa, CA Epperheimer, Inc., Kenai, AK F & W Fence, Salem, OR Fairway Barber Shop, Lynden, WA G.S. Post Construction, Inc., Monterey, CA Gary Benson Golf Operations LLC, Salem, OR Hedberg Auctions Inc., Salem, OR Herrman Farms, Connell, WA Hittner & Associates, Inc., Keizer, OR Integrity First Financial, Salem, OR James Andrews Surveying, Lyons, OR James Reed & Associates, Salem, OR Jim Stewart Real Estate Company, Sanibel, FL John Ratzlaff, State Farm Insurance, Salem, OR Keizer Hospitality, Keizer, OR King’s Pumping Service, Dallas, OR Larsen Sheet Metal Consulting, Windsor, CA Les Schwab Tire Center, Salem, OR Lockheed Martin Matching Gift Program, Cherry Hill, NJ Lohmeier Electric Inc., Mountain Home, ID Mid-Valley Youth for Christ, Salem, OR MTS Travel, Ephrata, PA My Sports Dreams, Bedford Hills, NY Newman-Lebanon-Stayton Incl., Salem, OR Newman-Sweet Home, Inc., Salem, OR Northwest Propane, LLC, Lynden, WA Progressive Interior, Salem, OR R. L. Reimers Company, Albany, OR River City Construction, Soldotna, AK Saffer Trading Company, Talent, OR Salem Hotel Group, Salem, OR Salem Volleyball Club Inc., Salem, OR Shelter Management, Inc., Salem, OR Sports Wave, Inc., Beaverton, OR State Farm Companies Foundation, Princeton, NJ Sterk Engineering, Inc., Calistoga, CA Stutzman & Kropf Contractors Inc., Albany, OR Sweet Creations NW, Uc, Salem, OR The Standard, Princeton, NJ TNT Management Resources Inc., Salem, OR Willamette Orthotics and Prosthetics, Salem, OR Willamette Valley Bank, Salem, OR Willamette Valley Fruit Company Wisers As Is Furniture, Lynden, WA Withnell Car Rental, Salem, OR

Ashland Bible Church, Ashland, OR Bethany Baptist Church, Salem, OR Bethel Baptist Church, Aumsville, OR California Heights Baptist Church, Long Beach, CA Calvary Baptist Church, Salem, OR Campton Heights Baptist Church, Fortuna, CA Capital Baptist Church, Salem, OR Central United Protestant Church, Richland, WA Christ Fellowship, Everson, WA Eastgate Bible Fellowship, Bellevue, WA Faith Baptist Church, Lincoln City, OR Faith Line Baptist Church, Milton Freewater, OR First Baptist Church of University Place, WA First Baptist Church, Monte Sereno, CA First Baptist Church, Bellevue, WA First Baptist Church, Connell, WA First Baptist Church, Richland, WA First Baptist Church, Wenatchee, WA First Baptist Church, Polson, MT First Baptist Church, Othello, WA First Baptist Church, Weaverville, CA First Baptist Church, Newport, OR First Baptist Church, Colfax, WA First Baptist Church of Tumwater, WA First Baptist Missionary Group, Cottonwood, CA First Fundamental Baptist Church,Torrance, CA Foothills Church, Stayton, OR Gladstone Christian Church, Gladstone, OR Grace Baptist Church, Yuba City, CA Grace Baptist Church, Salem, OR Henderson Ave Baptist Church, Porterville, CA New Hope Baptist Church, Nampa, ID North Albany Community Church, Albany, OR Nyssa Baptist Fellowship, Nyssa, OR Prairie Baptist Church, Prairie City, OR Proebstel Evangelical Free, Vancouver, WA Rolling Hills Baptist Church, Salem, OR Salem First Baptist Church, Salem, OR Salem Heights Church, Salem, OR Santa Clarita Baptist Church, Canyon Country, CA Southcenter Community Baptist Church, Tukwila, WA Summit Christian Fellowship, Steamboat Springs, WA Sun Valley Church, Yakima, WA Tabernacle Baptist Church, Shoreline, WA The Way Home Church, Hillsboro, OR Tri City Baptist Church, Myrtle Creek, OR Valley Baptist Church, Bakersfield, CA Faculty & Staff Vina Community Church, Vina, CA West Hills Baptist Church, Portland, OR Daniel Anderson Herbert Anderson Corporations Timothy Anderson Adams, Day & Hill, Salem, OR Timothy Baker Aldrich, Kilbride & Tatone, Salem, OR David Bale Amerivision Communications Inc., Elizabeth Bartruff Norfolk, VA Michael Bates AT&T United Way, Princeton, NJ John Bell Back Pain and Accident Chiropractic Kathleen Benitez Clinic LLC, Portland, OR Bryce Bernard Bain Wealth Management Group, Alan Bittel Salem, OR Myra Brand Baja Fresh Mexican Grill, Salem, OR Rica Brant Bidwell Enterprises, Inc., Salem, OR Kristina Brown Bill’s Auto Electric & Repair Inc., Santa Clair Casterline Rosa, CA Richard Caulkins Boeing Gift Matching Program, Mark Colachico Princeton, NJ David Collett Boshart Trucking Inc., Tangent, OR Virginia Cross BPM Physical Therapy Center, Inc., Terri Davis Salem, OR Gary Derickson Bucho Building and Investments, Cathy Downs Kenai, AK James Dyer Cafe Today LLC, Salem, OR Sang-Eun Dyer Capital Coin Co., Salem, OR Brian Elliott Capitol City Republican Women, Sandra Elliott Salem, OR Chris Erickson Cleanright Distribution, Inc., Kenneth Friesen Woodburn, OR Claudia Green Cochell Family Dentistry, PC, Salem, OR Joany Haws ConAgra Foods, Omaha, NE Nancy Hedberg Dalke Construction Co. Inc., Salem, OR Jared Hernandez

Clifford Baker Kathleen Baker S and L Baker Susan Baker Barbara Baldwin David Bale and Shelia Vernon and Marilyn Balsbaugh Betty Balyo Kate Balyo Jeff Banducci Chris and Sharon Barber Deborah Barber Everett and Mildred Barker Virginia Barker Lawrence and Nancy Barnes Richard and Alice Barnes Jerry and Tammy Barnick Robert Barrows Elizabeth Bartruff Wesley and Marilyn Barry Elizabeth Bartruff Michael Basinger Ken and Judy Bass Michael and Debbie Bates Lawrence and Donna Baughman Norma Baughman May Bayes Charles and Sandra Beals Forrest and Margueretha Beattie Jeff and Patricia Beaty Charles and Meloni Beauchamp Kirk and Claire Becker Stephen and Cheryl Beeson Dan and Lyn Beighley John and Rhonda Bell Charles Benitez Marie Benjamin Brian and Jennifer Bensen Gary and Nancy Benson Michael and Mary Benson Jennifer Berg Morris and Erma Berg Wayne and Dawn Bernard Leo and Faye Bertsch Richard and Dorothy Bertz Jesus and Lorrie Bervis Alan and Sandi Bittel Kenneth and Joyce Bjorge Gregory and Nancy Blank Robert and Kathryn Blankers John and Christine Blazer Gladys Blum Ralph and Louise Bochsler Jack and Ellene Boden John and Susan Bohlander Ordena Bond Milton and Rebecca Boone Scott and Rebecca Boone Betty Booth Cecil and Jennifer Boren Edward and Patricia Born Dennis Bostwick Roger and Constance Bovee Foundations Dale and Pat Bowman Alfred & Rosemary Giumarra J and Patricia Bowman Foundation, Porterville, CA Jack and Marcia Boyett Community Foundation, Wenatchee, WA Mark and Barbara Boyson Juan Young Trust, Portland, OR Lawrence and Joan Brakefield Wheeler Foundation, Portland, OR Myra Brand David and Rica Brant Friends Beth Brault Wayne and Christy Abbe Clark and Gracie Breipohl Donald and Donna Abbott Mark and Renee Brennan Daniel and Barbara Acker Chris Bristow William Acord William and Bonita Brough Calvin and Rebecca Ainley Angela Brown Keith and Merilyn Aldy David and Mary Brown Thomas Alexander Dennis Brown Ronald and Beverly Allen Steven and Wendy Brown David and Susan Amsler Tony Brown Charlie Anderson William and Patricia Brown Douglas and Melodee Anderson Ray and Evelyn Brumbaugh Herbert and Betty Lu Anderson David and Debra Brumfield Timothy and Barbara Anderson Elton and Margaret Brutscher William Anderson Susan Buck Cris and Laurie Andrew Steven and Kathleen Buhler Anonymous Verne and Nina Buhler Thomas Anton Todd and Diane Buiten Jere and LaRae Applebee Michael and Lisa Bunch Darcy Armstrong George and Yvonne Burgess Larry and Jacqui Armstrong James Burke Eric and Janet Arneson Phillip Burke Raymond and Jane Arney Sue Burkepile Truman and Edith Aschenbrenner A M Burlingame D and Margaret Athens Bradley and Cynthi Burnett Steven and Jennifer Atkinson John Burns Mark and Mary Atwood Jana Byeman Kay Baddeley Bill and Gladys Caddy Norma Baird C and Linda Calder Don Hiebenthal Julie Hiebenthal Bonnie Hills James Hills Reno Hoff Dennis Houser Steve Hunt Ellen Jacobs Dorothy James Adrian Jeffers Anne Jeffers Jerry Johnson Ellen Kersey Kent Kersey Carol Kruse Donald Leavitt Rachel Lee Matthew Lucas Nancy Martyn Robert Mathisen Tamara McGinnis Richard Meyers Daren Milionis Angela Moberg Richard Muntz Nathan Ohta Carolyn Purtell Brenda Roth Sue Roth Thomas Samek Reid Saunders Lori Schilling John Scott Anita Seregow Justin Sherwood Daniel Shuholm Kay Spingath James Sprow Matthew Strauser Eric Straw Margery Straw James Streckfuss Colette Tennant Kari Timmerman Martin Trammell Gregory Trull Sandra Van Dyk Janet Vohland Wallace Vohland Floyd Votaw Patrick Walsh Anthony Walther Nathan Warthan Paula Wenell Darrel White Mary Louise Wilkinson Terry Williams Deleen Wills Rita Wright Robert Wright Ellen Zarfas Martin Ziesemer

Tracy and Beverly Camillo Jeannette Carey Jon Carey John and Natalie Carlson Louise Carlson Marc Carlson Ursula Carman Bryan and Alma Carpenter Randy and Janet Carruthers Leslie and Opal Carson James and Eugenia Casey Clair and Della Casterline Richard and Eris Caulkins Betty Charnholm John and Yvonne Cherry Carl and Norma Christensen Jeffrey and Lorraine Clare Bruce and Ann Clark Otis and Deanne Clayton Ron and Rachel Clements Mark and Jennifer Colachico Gaelen and Michelle Cole Harold and Estelle Cole Gary and Penny Combs Steve Connell Thomas and Linda Cook Martha Cooper Lawrence and Suzanne Coppock Mark and Joanne Corley Mike and Sheryl Corley Ben and Barb Cornelius Galen and Lynda Cosler Dale and Catherine Cotton Joyce Coultis Rick and Susan Cox William and Janice Cox William and Joann Crews James and Virginia Cross Don and Barbara Cummings Rich and Laurie Cundall Martin and Paula Curtis Dama Curtright Dan and Rochelle Dahlberg Helen Dailey Harold and H Dale Stephen Dale Mercedes Dalton Ronnie and Shelly Dalton Steven and Janet Dangaran John and Kimberly Daniel Dan and Patti Daniels John and Mona Dark Earl and Adeline Dawson Vance and Matilda Day Lewis and Willy Dean Linda Dean Leon DeLaGrange A J and Ginger Demaris Ronald and Susan Demars Jonathan and Jamie Denham Gary and Rebeccah Derickson Clinton and Lynette Dickerson Mark and Nancy Dickman Paul and Barbara Dickman Robert and Cheri Dickman Walter and Karen Dobbs Laurie Doerr Jeffrey Doty Leona Dougall Marilyn Dougall Bruce and Deborah Douglas Frank and Cathy Downs Amber Dragt Robert and Joe Anne Duff Brenda Dunford Paul and Emily Dunlap Cliff and Sue Dunn Daniene Dwyer James and Sang-Eun Dyer Raymond and Mary Ecklund Lou Eddy Bill and Kaylene Edwards Dianna Eggert Donald and Rebecca Ekstrom Lillian Elliott Warren and Lyla Elliott Martin and Roberta Ellis Matthew Ellis Robert Ellis Graydon and Flora Enbody Janice Enos Chris and Kathy Erickson Evan and Florence Evanoff Diana Evans Erika Evans Monica Everett Grace Everson Ruth Farley Timothy and Patricia Farr


Doug and Beverly Farris Shelley Faw Larry and Anita Feakes Ron Felch Brian and Diana Finkbeiner Gordon and Priscilla Fischbacher Ed and Blossom Fischer Todd Fisher Mark and K Fletcher Nancy Flynne Daniel and Joyce Folden Mark and Cheryl Ford Teresa Foutz Timothy and Rebecca Foutz Lester and Karen Frakes Jerry and Pat Franke Randall and Jacqueline Franke Howard Franklin Joe and Ruth Franklin Dean and Helen Frazier Robert and Patsy Fredrickson John and Elizabeth Free T J and Nancy French Joel and Cindy Frendt Douglas Frentress Brian and Laura Frentzko Ken and Karen Friesen Paul Froese Ted and Verna Froese Barbra Furer Johnny Galver John Gambee Howard and Ivy Games Jonathan and Shannon Garland Nicholas and Judy Gasbarro Joseph and Barbara Gaziano Dennis Gibson Bob and Peggy Gilder Larry and Judy Gillette Steve Gillette J and Kim Gilmer Verne and Nadine Gingerich Loren and Jeanne Glass Joyce Gleason Gary and Marialice Goddard John and Betty Goffrier Eugene and Carol Going Norma Goodall Deborah Goodlander Henry and Kathy Gowen Julius and Nancy Grant Dale and Marlene Gray Carol Green James Green Norman and Frieda Green Rodger and Annette Greenfield Ryan and Polly Gregor Julie Gregory Donald and Glenda Grimm Lawrence and Ann Grine Deryl and Shari Groen Steven and Margaret Gross Harold and Dorothy Grove Pamela Guerra Geoffrey and Cheryl Guilfoy Donald and Judith Gulle Margaret Gunderson Kevin and Lauren Haas Donald and Barbara Haddix Chester and Carol Hagel Kaci Hall Ruth Hall Dorothy Hamlin Timothy and Rhonda Hanowell Rodney and Dorothy Hansell Michael Hanson Laverda Harder John and Gracie Hardleben Ruth Hardwick Jeremiah and Rosette Harlan Harold and Joyce Harms Joan Harpster Larry and Nancy Harrington Larry and Dorothy Harris Melvin and Marie Harshman Larry and Laura Harsin Ron Harvey Troy and Shelli Hattan Harold and Barbara Haupt C and Yvonne Haverland Julie Hawkins Leslie Hawkins Ted and Cynthia Haws Joe and Lorraine Hay Daniel and Geneva Haynes Matthew and Kelly Hays Stephen and Sharon Hebener Alan Hedberg LeRoy Hedberg

Daniel and Joanne Hegland Don and Debra Heil John and Marylane Heine Al Heitschmidt Jim and Charlene Helton David and Laurie Hendersen Bartley and Paula Hendrix George and Yvonne Henline Norman and Beverly Henry Henry and Shauna Henry Shane and Chandra Hensley Jana Her Keith and Anna Herrman Robin Herrman Jeffrey and Lyndora Hiatt Jason Hicks Arthur and Jennean Hill Danielle Hill Roger and Nancy Hillberg Jim and Bonnie Hills Ron and Mikki Hittner Lloyd and Cyndie Hobart William and Carolyn Hoeffner Bruce and Kathy Hoevet Rhonda Hoffman Sharon Hoffman Robert and Kris Hoggard Kevin Holcomb Robert and Jane Holden Susan Hollandsworth Robert Hollipeter Tim Holstein Tony Holstein David and Alleyne Holtmeier Glenn and Eleanor Hoskinson Chris Houser Gary and Carol Houser David and Holly Howerton Joshua and Sherilyn Howery John and Virginia Huber Terry and Elizabeth Huber Daniel and Tracy Hudson Brett and E Huff Carroll and Ellen Huff Joe and Alyce Hughey Stephen and Brenda Humphrey Lloyd and Darlene Hundtoft Betty Hunt Jean Hunt Mark and Sue Hunt William and Katharine Hunter Daniel and Stacee Hurst Thomas and Roberta Hurt Charles and Beverly Hutton Aaron and Jennifer Imig Elden and Joyce Irish Ralph and Joy Isensee Henry and Anita Jackson Jeffrey and Beverly Jackson Brian and Heather Jennings Virgil and Karol Jennings Erin Johannesen Edith Johanson Brian and Deanne Johnson Bryan and Debra Johnson Jerry and Beverly Johnson Larry and Mary Johnson Marvin and Betty Johnson Steve and Cindy Johnson Thomas and Sandy Johnson Randy Jones Ronald and Lois Jones Roy Jones Dwight and Lola Jungkeit Larry and Carol Justis Mr and Mrs Kavulich Christopher and Shigeko Keaveney Steve and Carol Ker Earl and Ellen Kersey Kent and Terri Kersey David and Emilie Kessi R and Pauline Ketchum Richard and Karen King Steven and Kelli King Robert and Clara Kirk Joyce Kline John and Jonette Knebes A Knight Ron and Shirley Knowlton Irwin and Donna Koehn Gerald and Margery Koll Robert and Janet Krahmer Viola Kramer Sharon Krause James and Donna Krein Percy and Yvonne Kropf Erma Krueger Carol Kruse

Alice Kuehl Donald and Tanya Kuhl Arthur and Dixie Kuhlman James and Becky Kulla Babejohn and Laura Kwasniak Eric and Kristine LaBrie Randy and Dani Lack David and Cynthia Lambert Michael and Sherry Lambert Jan Landers Mary Lang Leslie Largent D and L Larsen Mark and Judith Larson June Latham Albert and Blanche Lattin Larry and Preta Laughlin Daniel and Virginia Lavallie Charles and Yvonne Lawler David and Diana Lawler Pauline Lawry Richard Layman Norman and Donna Le Bard Don and Carolyn Leach Donald and Donna Leavitt Donald and Joanne Leavitt Malcolm and Shirley Lee Ronald and Pearl Lee Zach Lee Vincent and Linda Leech Don Lehman Carl and Sue Lemke Phil Lentz Susan Lepp Stan and Sally Lewin Laurel Lewis Madison Lewis Robert and Tamara Lewis Trevor Lewis James and Jenny Liebelt Patrick and Heidi Lindell Gary and Marsha Lindman Virginia Lohmeier Jeffrey and Carol Long Roger and Sharon Lord Betty Lowary Dwain and Pamela Lundy Robert and Chris Luther Manfred and Janet Lutz Richard and Kaye Lutz Curtis and Elyn Lyon Dave and Sandra Lyon Jason Lyon Matthew and Lori MacCollin Michael and Beverly Mack William and Gisela Maehl James and Louise Mahaffie Marshall and Leslie Major Dwight and Adeline Malone Rod Malone John and Marlene Mansperger Lyle and Betty Markwood Bard and June Marshall Curtis and Patricia Martin Jon and Debbie Martin June Martin Dominic and Lois Maselli Randy and Debra Mason David Massey Moicherie Massey Robert and Diane Mathisen Sandra Mattielli Kenneth and Susan May Marvin May Darryl and Sherrill Maynard Leanne McAfee Jonna McCarthy Ann McCoy James and Lynnae McCoy Darlene McCrea Mark and Melinda McCutchan Jean McDonald Robert and Tracey McDonald Dan McDowell Shannon McFadden Illena McGowen Cliff and Susan McGuffin Marshall and Kelly McKean Robert and Beverly McKissick Jonathan and Katherine McLarty Kyle and Monica McMillan John and Norma McMullen Cristina Meeuwse Brian and Dee Meier Dennis and Sandra Meili Gary and Donna Meili Richard and Leila Merriman Mark and Alicia Meyer Todd and Jill Milionis

Dean and Freda Miller Jerry Miller Justin and Shay Miller Marshall and Lucile Miller Paul Million Richard and Bettie Mills Mark and Joanne Mitchell Daniel and Winoma Mittelstedt Garrett and Rachel Miyauchi Phyllis Mizell Daniel and Cindy Mode Donn and Susan Mogford David and Cheryl Molstad Victor and Judy Monlux Terry and Sandra Monnett Mike Monroe Steve and Bonnie Moore Tom and Connie Moore Alan and Cathy Morgan David Morgan Justin and Bridgett Morgan Cathy Mosher Ernest and Dolores Mueller Gary and Judy Mueller Roy and Joyce Mullen Ken and Margo Munk Gordon and Kathleen Munro Richard and Marietta Muntz Kevin and Melinda Murphy Mike Murphy Ken and Barbara Myhre Carl and Susan Nelson Lorraine Nelson Vaughn and Lois Nelson William and Carolyn Nelson John and Rita Neubauer David and Jean Nevills Curt Newell Nancy Nicosia Stephen and Peggy Nielsen Joseph and Louise Noegel David and Kerry Noon Zona Noon Steve and Teuta Norman Jim and Ann Obenchain Marianne O’Connor Karen O’Hara Kenneth and Nora Olcott Robert and April Oliver Dick Olsen David and Cheryl Olson Garry W Olson George and Fay Olson Joan Olson Larry and Jean Olson Michael and Kari Orizotti Steve and Jennifer Outslay Floyd and Judi Overstreet Angela Owens Isaac Pankey Margaret Parkin Larry and Cheryl Parks Matthew and Audrey Parsons Sandra Patitucci Darrell and Marilyn Patterson Charles and Patricia Pearson Bill and Vivien Pehrson Jean J Pehrson Wanda L Pehrson Steve and Donna Pensinger Ronald and Rosemary Perkins Dean and Dorie Peyton Doug and Jan Pfeiler Benjamin and Paula Phelps Duane and Janie Phillips Matt and Leah Phillips Craig Pierce Erika Pierson Daisy Pittock James and Dorene Plampin David and Dawn Plotts Gary and Doree Post Don and J Poulson Ruth Prewitt Richard and Sandy Priday Leslie and Patricia Pritchard Ronald and Linda Pruyn Buddy and Shawn Puckett Jerry Purtell David and Cynthia Quey John Quigley Presentacion Quigley Patrick and Charlotte Quinlan Cary and Dona Rahn Catherine Ramey Stanley and Julie Randolph Alvin and Ruth Rasmussen David and Janelle Rasmussen Mildred Rasmussen

Ken and Darla Rasmussen Albert and Susan Ratzlaff Rawlins Family Trust, Bend, OR Lester and Elizabeth Rawls Edward Ray Scott and Debra Ream Paul Reamer Kevin and Carolyn Rediger Charles and Carolyn Reed James Reeher Jim and Ann Reeher Ray and Jeanne Reid Salvador and Rosanna Reyes James and Pamela Rich James and Phyllis Richards Rick and Clare Richardson Paul Richter George and Joanne Rickard Dan Riddle Geneva Riddle Richard Riddle Joseph and Jennifer Rinauro Joel and Karen Robb John and Joy Robertson Herbert and Marguerite Rockey R and Joann Roemer Lawrence and Ann Romey Roger and Joan Roosendaal Norman and Carolyn Rose Tim and Brenda Rose Gerald and Carolyn Roth Luke Roth Steve and Sue Roth Marvin Runyan Timothy Ryan Thomas and Linda Samek Irina Sarapina George and Laurie Sarsfield Dean and Marie Sawyer Daniel and Becky Schanz Ruth Scheffler Daniel and Joyce Schiffelbein Brian and Lori Schilling Jim and Ann Schmidt Mildred and Stanley Schmidt Susan Schneider Kenneth and Barbara Schubert Robert and Janet Schultz John and Suzanne Scofield John and SuEllen Scott Jeanne Scott Linda Scott Boyd and Jeanette Scroggins Richard and Joan Seawright Don and Virginia Seiber Philip and Donna Senner Anita Seregow Terry and Nora Shadle John and Teresa Shearer Andy and Shirley Sheldon Kimberly Shelton Leo and Judy Shelton Stephen and Colette Shepard Henry and Shirley Shoudy Betty Shuholm Daniel and Karla Shuholm Steve and Chauna Sidwell Tyrone and Shannon Simmons William and Linda Simmons George Simonka Ralph and Inez Simpson Janet and Jack Sisler Ben and Melody Slothower Paul and Ellen Small Andrew and Susan Smith

Jonathan and Sondra Smith Ronald and Marie Smith Ronnie and Connie Smith Tim and Tracy Smith Wayne and Mary Ann Smith Joan Smits Tracy Snyder Oscar and Esther Specht Mark and Lauri Speelman Robert and Nancy Speizer Jim and Nancy Sperling Leland Spicer David and Rosalyn Sprague Raquelle Sprague Wayne and Patricia Sprawls James and Teresa Sprow Robert and Barbara Stacy Dean and Jan Stead Floyd and Jan Stead Sandra Steed Jon and Michele Steel Carol Steen Dennis and Sue Stegenga Paul and Maria Steiling Erhardt and Joy Steinborn Marta Steiner Sarah Steiner Jeff and Jo Stell Eddie and Patricia Stephens Arthur Stephenson Conley and Darlene Stephenson Harold and Elaine Sterk Ralph and Arlene Stevens Melvin and Mary Lou Stewart Kenneth and Ruth Stickney Charles and Grace Stine Craig and Rebecca Stratton Matthew and Naomi Strauser James and Annie Streckfuss Robert and Jane Strickland Rick and Beth Strotz Larry and Marina Strous Sally Sturman Casey Sullivan Don and Christina Sullivan Scott and Laura Sumpter Bill Swanick Tarah Tams Peter and Mei-Mei Tang William and Linda Tate Stephen and Gail Tatone Albert and Elizabeth Taylor C and D Taylor Janet Taylor Raymond and Betty Lee Taylor W and M Taylor C and Becky Teater Stuart and Colette Tennant Duane Thomas Gregory and Heidi Thomas Lawrence and Gayle Thomas Steven and Diana Thomas Gary and Carol Thompson Larry and Rose Thornburg Charlotte Throgmorton Heidi Tiersma Kathy Titchenal Matthew and Lindsay Todd Martin and Andrea Toren Ed and Glenis Trammell Lester Trammell Lan Tran James and Cathy Traut Gregory and Tiffany Trull Charles and Lucile Tucker

Cliff and Maxine Tucker Viola Tucker Dan and Alida Turner Marvin and Alberta Tyrie Sedonia Urbigkeit Richard and Cheryl Valette Gary and Shelley Van Antwerp John Van Dyk Lena Van Gilder John and Debi Van Manen Peter and Karen Van Patten Jerry and Margaret Vande Burgt David and Julie VanderPloeg Bradley and Jenny VanDyke Wayne and Kennan Varnes Kris and Laura Veldman Ron and Wendy Visser Gary and Delight Vogt Kathleen Vohland Melissa Vohland Ross and Maurine Vohland Floyd and Jeanette Votaw Patrick Walsh Anthony Walther Benjamin and Kelly Ward Donn Wassom Thomas and Tamara Wattenbarger Randall and Jody Wayland Jerry and Betsy Weaver Richard Wells Gerald and Dolores Werre Roger and Jeanie Whaley Carl and Emma Jean Whipps Dick and Jo Ann Whipps Bradley and Karen White Darrel and Charlene White Ron Whitehead Jean Whitford Terry and Loretta Whitlock Keven and Claire Widener Alberta Widman Melvin and Jean Wiggers Martin and Dorothy Wilk Dan and Mary Louise Wilkinson Christopher and Kristin Williams Daniel and Nancy Williams Roger Williams William and Pamela Williams Mark and Deleen Wills John and Lorna Wilson Rex Winder Albert and Margaret Wipf James and Janet Wise Dick and Gayle Withnell Robert and Rita Wright Palmer and Beverly Wold Emil and Becky Wolfsturm Woodie and Jane Wood Shirley Woods Roger and Marjorie Worley Amy Worthing L and Patricia Wright Marcus Wulf Nancy Wutzen Dale Wynn Ronald and Laureen Young Troy and Gail Young Young Disciples, Athena, OR Davina Younger Wayne and Therese Zaiger Donny Zavala Joyce Zimmer Lisa Zollman

Thank you A special thanks to all our volunteers, including the Board of Trustees and Alumni Board who invested time and resources in 2008-2009.

FALL 2009




Warrior pitcher drafted by Cincinnati Reds


ason Braun ’09 (Dallas, Ore.) became the fourth player in Warrior history to be picked in the Major League Baseball First-Year Player Draft on June 9. The Cincinnati Reds took the four-year pitcher in the 29th round, making Braun the 869th overall selection. “This is what I’ve been working for—this is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow,” said Braun. He is also the second highest player ever drafted in program history. Former Warrior Rich Dorman’03 was chosen in the 13th round (376th overall selection) of the 2000 draft by the then-Tampa Bay Devil Rays. Over the past four seasons, Corban has had two other players selected in the MLB Draft with Brian Nelson (35th round–2006) and Jamie McGraw (40th round–2008), both by the Texas Rangers. “I am happy for Jason and am very confident he will be successful at the next level,” commented Head Coach Nate Mayben. “Having another player

taken in the draft shows that people are paying more attention to Warrior baseball and noticing the legitimate talent coming from our program.” Braun, a four-year starter, was the ace of Corban’s pitching staff this past year, setting a new single-season Earned Run Average (ERA) mark of 3.46. Earning all-conference honorable mention this spring, the 6-foot-5 right-hander led the Warriors in six pitching categories: appearances (13), games started (11), shutouts (1), saves (2), innings pitched (78.0), and strikeouts (61). He also ranked inside the Warrior’s Top 10 in eight categories, including shutouts (2–tied for 2nd), innings pitched (276.2–3rd), strikeouts (166–4th), appearances (60–tied for 4th), games started (39–7th), complete games (8–tied for 7th), saves (2–tied for 7th), and wins (7–tied for 10th). Braun was the only player picked from the Cascade Collegiate Conference this year. He was the 15th pitcher chosen by Cincinnati through

the opening 30 rounds. The Reds have sent him to begin his professional career with Montana’s Billings Mustangs. To follow Jason’s games and statistics go to

NAIA honors Warrior volleyball player


he National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) chose former Warrior Amy Thompson ’09 (Oregon City, Ore.), setter for the Warriors’ volleyball team, as the 2009 Cascade Collegiate Conference (CCC) recipient of the Dr. LeRoy Walker Champions of Character Award. Only 12 student-athletes nationwide were recognized by the NAIA in this way. The NAIA Vice President of Champions of Character wrote to Thompson in mid-May, “The NAIA is proud to have you as one of our finest representatives.” Tim Seiber, Assistant Director of Athletics, said, “In more than 20 years as a college



FALL 2009

athlete, coach, sports media professional and athletic administrator, I have not met another student-athlete more selfless, unassuming, caring and dedicated to her team’s best interests than Amy Thompson.” This is the first time Corban has nominated a student for the national recognition. The award is named for Dr. Walker, President Emeritus of the United States Olympic Committee and a former president of the NAIA. It honors outstanding student-athletes in the areas of campus and community leadership as well as academic and athletic achievements. The recipients are the best emissaries of the five Champions of Character tenets: respect, responsibility, integrity, sportsmanship and servant leadership. Thompson, a two-time NAIA Scholar-Athlete and two-time Academic All-CCC honoree, earned her bachelor’s degree in elementary education. In 2007 she was two-time NAIA Region 1 Setter of the Week, and in 2008 she won Corban’s Mark Neustel Athletic Scholarship Award. She ranks third on the Warriors’ singlematch list for assists and fourth on the career list for assists. In the community, Thompson was involved in a wide range of activities, including student-teaching at Willamette Christian School, serving on the visitation team at an

elderly care home, volunteering as a high school youth group leader, and tutoring students in an afterschool enrichment program. “Amy is a woman of great integrity in the way she relates to all those around her,” said her former Volleyball Head Coach, Heather Dunn. “She brings a humble attitude and willingness to serve others, which makes her a great teammate and coachable athlete.” “Sometimes I felt selfish for taking so much time up playing volleyball,” said Thompson, “but at Corban I learned that what I did on the court also presented Christ to others, and that was my most important ministry at that time. I am honored by this award, and I see it as a challenge to continue serving.” Thompson plans to coach volleyball in her future. She has returned to Oregon City to teach preschool and direct an afterschool Bible program at Bright Minds Christian Day School. After receiving recognition at the national level, Thompson learned she’d earned a second Champions of Character award—this one from the CCC. Thompson is the 2008-09 female recipient of the conference’s Champions of Character Award. The male recipient is Thompson’s fellow Warrior, Paul Martin ’09 (Beaverton, Ore.), former point guard on the Men’s Basketball Team.


Corban Athletics hires former Olympian


ave Johnson, new Director of Athletics, is well known as two-time Olympian (’88 and ’92), Olympic bronze medalist after finishing the decathlon on a broken foot, one of the world’s best javelin throwers, and one half of Reebok’s “Dan and Dave” campaign prior to the ’92 Summer Games. He has been successful in athletics, motivational speaking, special education, and administration. He also authored the autobiography Aim High. In his choices, such as his decision to compete in the Olympics in spite of his broken foot, he has sensed God’s call,

confirming it through much prayer and the guidance of mentors. Johnson said, “Sometimes we’re called to be uncomfortable and still go out and do the best we can for Him.” God’s call on Johnson’s life began at age 17. Before his senior year in high school, his family moved from Montana to Oregon. “It was tough,” he admitted. “But in hindsight, God had me right where he wanted me.” While at Crescent Valley High School in Corvallis, Johnson joined the football and track & field teams so he could make friends.

Prior to moving, the only organized sport he played was baseball in Jr. High. Dave made friends with Christians for the first time during that school year. He gave his life to Jesus and also discovered his athletic abilities. Johnson has a bachelor’s and master’s degree from Azusa Pacific University, and in between degrees he excelled as a professional athlete. Besides bringing home the bronze, he was the ’85 gold medalist of world university games in Germany. After retiring from professional athletics, Johnson taught at West Albany High School. Later, at Jefferson High School, he was Director of Athletics and Vice-Principal. In 2007, he began directing athletics and its fundraising efforts for South Salem High School. His passion for young people is obvious. “It’s such a rewarding experience to see kids do better because I was their coach,” Johnson said. Additionally, he is grateful for the coaches, teachers, and others who impacted his own spiritual and athletic development. “I watched them serve God first, and it changed me.” As Corban’s Director of Athletics, Johnson is honored to mentor Warriors and plans to send some of them to the Olympics! Johnson also relayed, “I’m looking forward to working with the staff of Corban, one of the top colleges in the State of Oregon.” Johnson and his wife Sheri have been married 22 years. They have four children.

Golf Classic raises record funds


he 2009 Warrior Golf Classic was played at Creekside Golf Club in South Salem as 80 participants enjoying beautiful weather and helped Corban's athletic department raise over $27,000. “This event has been, and hopefully will continue to be, an outstanding fundraiser and success for the Warrior athletic department,” commented John Nelson, the Golf Classic chairperson. “The athletic teams at Corban will benefit greatly from the funds that were raised.” With 20 teams hitting the course, the low round was brought in by the team of Terry Williams, Nelson Zarfas, Tom Box, and Jeff Dunn. The foursome turned in a score of 18-under 54 to win the event by four strokes. Taking home the prize for high gross was the team of Dave Bale, Jerry Barnick, and Jordan Riffenberg with a “gross” score of 85. Prior to the start of the tournament, David Keene won the putting contest while Ron Harvey captured the chipping contest with both winners holing their respective shots. To conclude the event, an awards dinner and ceremony was held in which Tom Ferrin won the Brasada Ranch Golf Package Grand Prize raffle. A great time and great weather was had by all.

2009 Golf Classic winners (L to R): Nelson Zarfas, Jeff Dunn, Terry Williams, Tom Box. FALL 2009



ALL Alumni

Homecoming Parent Weekend 2009 &

October 23-24 • Salem, Oregon 24


SUMMER FALL 20092009

Dear Warrior Alumni, We look forward to having you return to campus in October. In addition to reconnecting with your classmates and friends, we are providing opportunities for you to rediscover your alma mater. We welcome you back for this special experience dedicated to you, our alumni. Enjoy your time together with friends as you relive memories of your days as a student. Make your reservations now and we will see you in the fall. Serving you, Deleen Wills, Director of Alumni Services

President’s Luncheon Reconnect with your classmates and friends at this special luncheon honoring alumni and friends. Eric Rasmussen ’87 will be honored as this year’s Distinguished Alumni of the Year and Ryan Dempster ‘99 will be honored as the Distinguished Young Alumni. Steve Hunt ’69 will receive the Outstanding Service Award. New awards established this year include the Honorary Alumni Award going to Peter Kobe along with Bob and Rita Wright plus the Special Achievement Award going to Rocky Hartung ’68 and wife Arlene Brogdon Hartung ’69.

Steve Hunt ‘69 Outstanding Service

The luncheon will also include our President’s State of the College address, musical arrangements from alumni of Joyful Sound and Masters Touch along with presentations from students.

Saturday 11 a.m.

Psalm Performing Arts Center Admission: $12 per person

Peter Kobe

Honorary Alumni Award

Eric Rasmussen ‘87

Bob and Rita Wright

Distinguished Alumni of the Year

Honorary Alumni Award

Ryan Dempster ‘99

Rocky Hartung ’68 and Arlene Brogdon Hartung ‘69

Distinguished Young Alumni of the Year

Special Achievement Award SUMMER FALL 2009



ALL Alumni

Homecoming 20

Events Thursday


Band Concert

7:30 p.m.

Music Rehearsal

9:30–10:30 a.m.

If you arrive early or live in Salem and would like an evening of band music, come to campus for the Corban Music Department’s Fall Concert.

Joyful Sound and MastersTouch practice in the Psalm Performing Arts Center.


President’s Luncheon

Alumni Chapel Service

10 a.m.

Kick off the weekend by attending chapel in the Psalm Performing Arts Center, brought to you by alumni and students.

Class Visits

11 a.m.–4 p.m.

Don’t miss this opportunity to re-experience the quality education Corban provides. Pick up a list of options at the registration table.


11 a.m.–4 p.m.

Visit our extraordinary Prewitt/Allen Archaeological Museum, located on the second floor of the Library. Featuring hundreds of items from Egypt, Mesopotamia, Greece, Rome and Palestine including: monumental inscriptions, Bible Lands artifacts, Bible manuscripts, pottery, coins and much more.


11 a.m.–1:30 p.m.

11 a.m.

Join us for the State of the College address by President Hoff, special musical presentations from alumni of Joyful Sound and MastersTouch, hear life stories from current students, special recognition awards and more.


1:30 p.m.

Immediately following lunch visit with award recipients and faculty in the Mezzanine of the Psalm Performing Arts Center.

Class of ‘99 Reunion

2 p.m.

Immediately following the President’s Luncheon and Reception.

Women’s Soccer Game

2 p.m.

Corban vs. OIT on Warrior Field.

Campus Tours

2 p.m.

Tours led by current students.

Dining Commons Open - lunch on your own.

Frisbee Golf

Campus Tours

Play a nine-hole round of Frisbee golf that will wind you around our scenic and hilly campus. Perfect for any age. Bring your own disc or use one of ours. Score cards are available.

2 p.m.

Alumni trip-down-memory-lane tours guided by VP Steve Hunt ‘69, Provost Matt Lucas ‘94 and Professor Bryce Bernard ‘82. Reminisce about your dorm escapades while touring residence halls. Guides Bryce, Steve and Matt will take you through Aagard, Farrar, Van Gilder and PVG, ending at the new Alumni House (formerly Cottage D or the Brock Home) for a reception hosted by the Alumni Board.

Women’s Soccer Game

2 p.m.

Corban vs. Southern Oregon University on Warrior Field.


3 p.m. 4 p.m.

Corban vs. College of Idaho on Warrior Field.

Decade of the 50s and 60s Reception

4:30 p.m.

Alumni from the Decade 50s and 60s are invited to attend a reception in their honor at the home of President and Mrs. Hoff.

Reunion Dinners

6 p.m.

Classes of 1969, 1979, 1989, Joyful Sound, MastersTouch

Volleyball Game Corban vs. Concordia University.



SUMMER FALL 20092009

Dinner On your own.

Volleyball Game

7 p.m.

Corban vs. Warner Pacific College.

Choir and Orchestra Fall Concert

7:30 p.m.

Corban’s Music Department presents their fall musical extravaganza.

Alumni Board sponsored Reception in the Alumni House.

Men’s Soccer Game

3 p.m.

7 p.m.

Reunion Dinners Join your classmates as you rekindle friendships to commemorate the “anniversary,” and commiserate on how time has passed. Cost: $16 per person. Reservations required.

Friday Night Reunion Dinners: 6 p.m. Class of ‘69 • Class of ‘79 • Class of ‘89

Joyful Sound • MastersTouch

Saturday Reunion: 2 p.m. Class of ‘99 ($6 per person) You are welcome to join a reunion dinner that is not your class year.

009 & Parent Weekend October 23-24 More Information

Lodging Information

Meals in the Dining Hall All are welcome to dine in the Dining Commons. It’s self-service with plenty of selections. Friday Hours Breakfast 7:30–9:30 Lunch 11:15–2:30 Dinner 5:30–7:00

Cost: $7.25 $8.55 $9.45

Saturday Hours: Dinner



Children under 3 eat free; 4-12 $5.75 (payable at the door; cash, credit, and debits cards accepted)

Souvenirs 8 a.m.– 4:30 p.m.

Friday & Saturday

Visit the Corban Bookstore for the latest Warrior wear and other logo items. For your convenience our campus Bookstore is open for extended hours.


Friday 9 a.m.–2 p.m. Saturday 9:30 a.m.–10:45 a.m.

Report to the Registration Center in the Psalm Performing Arts Center. Pick up your welcome packet with name tag and tickets to all events. You will receive a complete schedule of events when you register.

Parking There are specific lots on campus where visitor parking is available within walking distance of the event locations. Signs will be posted to direct you to these parking lots and buildings.

Need some down time? Take a break in the comfortable Mezzanine located at the top of the Art Gallery in the Psalm Performing Arts Center.


Phoenix Inn Suites is our host for accommodations, conveniently located off I-5, exit 252, about seven minutes from the Corban campus. They have reserved an entire floor just for Corban alums! Accommodations include a pool, high-speed internet and complimentary breakfast. 4370 Commercial Street SE Salem, OR 97302 503-588-9220 or 1-800-445-4498

Special Homecoming rate: • King suite, $74 per night, plus tax • Double Queen, $79 per night, plus tax Special rate good through October 9

Other Options Mill Creek Inn Best Western

Phoenix RV Park

3125 Ryan Drive SE Salem, OR 97301 503-585-3332 or 1-800-346-9659 • King Mini Suite: $108, plus tax • Double Queen: $103, plus tax

20 minutes from campus 4130 Silverton Rd NE I-5 to Market Street, exit 256 1-800-237-2497

Also, check the Corban website for more options:

For more information or to register for Homecoming Weekend 2009: • Call 503-589-8182 or e-mail • Register online at • Campus map is available at

Contact Deleen Wills at 503-589-8182 or with questions, concerns, special dietary requirements or other needs.

Parent Weekend This year we are combining Homecoming and Parent Weekend! For more information, please visit or call the Student Life Office at 503-375-7010.





ALUMNI action Greetings, Alumni


By the time you receive this magazine over 1,025 students will be back in school at your alma mater whether actually sitting in classes or participating online. This year Corban celebrates its 40th year in Salem, and next year our 75th since our founding in Phoenix, Arizona.

Deleen Wills, Director of Alumni Services

Our alumni family grew by over 200 as our seniors graduated on May 2. They now join you in the ranks of alumni and are prepared for jobs in ministry, teaching, business—some are going abroad, into the military and a myriad of other worthy fields to make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ (see page 32 for a list of graduates).

Whether you attended two semesters or four years at Western Baptist Bible College, Western Baptist College or Corban College, our alumni are part of a community that share the same values and many of the same experiences. Please be a part of the excitement and stay active in our college community by attending music, drama or special presentations, sporting events, reunions and regional events when they happen. Don’t hesitate to contact your Alumni Office anytime. We are here for you! Call 503-589-8182 or e-mail

Did you receive a telephone call in March from one of our students? Thanks for taking time to visit and update your records. Our faculty appreciated the notes of Freshman Kayla Hernandez of Albany, Oregon, may encouragement have spoken with you. passed along to them via our student callers.

Need a transcript? Did you know you can order a transcript through our website? Go to and click on ‘Transcript Request’ in the menu.

Corban Connection Picture this—225 ladies gathering to support college students—it doesn’t get much better than that. The 42nd Annual Corban Connection met April 4 to visit, eat and hear student testimonies and music. After an auction featuring “Garden Twist,” a beautiful quilt made by the Sewing Seeds of Love quilting group from Faith Baptist Church in Salem that sold for $1,200, ladies gave $11,000 to kick off the 2009/2010 projects. Thanks to the following sponsors for their financial help: Art and Bev Van Weerdhuizen (Capital Coin), Select Impressions and Mark and Penny Bidwell (Texaco Xpress Lube). Adopted projects are new carpet in the hallways of Prewitt residence hall (which has been installed), the parking lot staircase project (pictured here), instruments for the music department, furniture for the student center and student scholarships.

Corban Connection Goal=$25,000


New stair construction from main parking lot below the Psalm Center.



FALL 2009

We are well on our way to our $25,000 goal. If you would like to help reach this goal by April 1, 2010, please send your donation to: Corban Connection, 5000 Deer Park Drive SE, Salem, OR 97317. If you any questions, contact Deleen at 503-589-8182 or e-mail Visit and click on the Corban Connection link for updates.



Christmas Soiree

Campus visitors

It’s not too early to mark your calendar to join other alumni at our 4th Annual Christmas Soiree on Saturday, December 5. Kick off your holiday season with refreshments at 6 p.m. in the lobby of Schimmel Hall, followed by an evening of beautiful Christmas music presented by our entire music department. The concert begins at 7:30. Alumni will receive an invitation to the Soiree in the mail, hosted by President and Mrs. Hoff.

In the spring Jennifer Diers Bunn ’06 of Salem, David Workentine ’83 from Portland; Amy Bennett Burglehaus ’91 of Tualatin visited with Sheila Worsham Brown ’91 of Salem; Amy Young Barnett ’99 with husband Jeremy of Spokane; Katie Gray ‘96 of Wilsonville; Beth Hutton ’04 was home from San Lorenzo, Italy; John Conn ’80 and wife Jamie Shively Conn ‘99(n) of Palmer, Alaska came by with Bethany Dunlop Lee ‘98(n) Burglehaus & Brown of Lafayette. In late May, Don Rich ’98 brought wife Christina and daughter Emily from Modesto, California by with good friend Adam Hicks McGowan ’99 of Salem. In June past roommates Mykal Biesecker Hull ’07 of Eatonville, Washington and Kristen Grenier Carlson ’07 of Wasilla, Alaska, after visiting Corban friends along the way, came by to see their campus. Doug Vincent ‘82(n) dropped off his granddaughter at Carlson & Hull Music Camp and came to the Alumni House for a visit.

Even though there is no admission for this event, due to limited space, a reservation is required. Please contact Deleen in the Alumni Office to reserve your space. Call 503-589-8182 or e-mail

What’s in a name? Proud new alumni The Alumni Office and Alumni Board presented each graduate with warm congratulations plus parting gifts and explained their opportunities as new alumni at the seniors’ annual banquet in April.

Corban in Hebrew translates, ”a gift dedicated to God.” What a meaningful name for our college, but did you know that several of our alumni have named their children Corban? Mary Ann Fleischman ’97 married Brian Remsburg ’96 in 1996 and in 2004 they had their first son; they named him Corban. This was before our name change. Cara and Luke Monroe, both ADP ‘05 of Lacey, Washington, named their son Corban. He was born March 19, 2007. In 2009, Melinda Reid Smith ’95 and husband Joel of Tualatin, Oregon, named their son Corban Marc on May 8.

Past ASB President David Collett ’09 installing his new alumni license plate frame. David is now working for Corban as an admissions counselor.

Alumni vs. students basketball game You are invited on Saturday, October 31 to reconnect with friends either by observing or playing. Women’s game is at 1 p.m. and men’s is at 3 p.m.

If you named your child Corban, please let us know! We have a gift for your Corban child. We are honored to share this meaningful name.

FALL 2009




Alumni & Campus Events Alumni Board awards all-time high of seven scholarships

Get to know your Alumni Board Your Alumni Board spent a working weekend on campus in February. Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Tom Carlson ’69 from Colorado Springs and President Reno Hoff ’73 shared upcoming news and their vision with them the first evening. The next day was spent discussing ways to serve alumni, help with fundraising efforts and interviewing students for the Alumni Board Scholarships.

Seven students shared a total of $12,500 in financial aid and were recognized at Corban’s final chapel of the year on April 24. Tyson Pruett ‘92, board chair and Daryl Knox ’96 secretary/treasurer made the presentations to students pictured below. Board of Trustees, Alumni Board member and adjunct faculty Pat Nicholson, ADP ‘97, is a true ambassador for Corban.

Alumni Board Members are: Angie Leong Alden ’75, Walla Walla, Washington; Eric Christen ’91, Colorado Springs, Colorado; Dan Hill ’93, Salem; Mike Howden ’81, Salem; Nathan Knottingham ’03, Salem; Daryl Knox ’96, Salem; Corky Lambert ’75, Aumsville; Pat Nicholson ADP ’97, Aurora; Mike Patterson ’74, Richland, Washington; Tyson Pruett ’92, Salem; Shari Ridings ADP ’05, Salem; John Storkel ’79, Salem, Jack Werre ’78, Fountain Valley, California; Nelson Zarfas ’82, Salem.

Honored Alumni Decade of the 50s Golden Grads

Evelyn Haynes and Charles Dubbs

For the second year, a new tradition continued as 50-year graduates, affectionately called Golden Grads, were honored at commencement on May 2. Charles Dubbs of Arizona and Evelyn Haynes of Colorado, who sat on the front row, received their double-sided bronze medallion by Dr. Richard Caulkins, who was a faculty member at WBBC when Charles and Hazel were students. President Hoff recognized each one of the Class of 1959 by name and hometown. The medallion shows the seal of Corban College and Graduate School on one side and the Western Baptist Bible College seal on the reverse side.

Left to right: Alumni Board member Daryl Knox ‘96, students Anna Cunningham, Melissa L’Heureux, Tiffany Goodall, Mitch Emmert, Rick Saffeels, Kris Cox, Katie Hunsucker, Alumni Board member Pat Nicholson ADP ’97 and Shari Ridings ADP ‘05.

President Hoff with oldest Golden Grad and also the one who came the farthest, Hugh Wilson ’51 from Maine with Yvonne Baccus Thomas ‘54 of Tumwater, Washington, at the luncheon on Saturday.

After the ceremonies, Golden Grads and their families, plus other alumni from the decade of the 50s, joined President and Mrs. Hoff in the Psalm Center mezzanine for a hosted luncheon, an afternoon of getting reacquainted and the sharing of favorite memories. Board of Trustees Chairman Tom Carlson ’69, from Colorado, greeted and spoke to them along with Provost Matt Lucas ’94 and Vice President for Marketing Steve Hunt ’69. Golden Grads of 1960 mark your calendars to join us for ceremonies May 1, 2010. Special guest Fern Aagard, speaking to the group with son Tim ’80, both came from California.



FALL 2009


Albany & Corvallis, Oregon Alumni Luncheon

Robyn Young Buhl ’02 and husband Rob Buhl ’04 of Albany chat with Greg Trull, chair of Corban’s ministries department.

Angela Patton Miller ’92 visits with Paul Skinner ’93 and Pat Briggs Skinner ’93.

Alumni gathered on Tuesday, June 23 at Cascade Grill in Albany for lunch. President Reno Hoff ’73 shared an update of the college, David Collett ’09 admissions counselor shared his history and involvement at Corban and Steve Hunt ’69 Vice President of Marketing shared briefly. Alumni had the opportunity to meet other alums in the area and shared some favorite memories including some now-banned ‘tree-ing’ stories. Those attending were: Rob Buhl ’04 and Robyn Young Buhl ’02, Susan Cox Canfield ’75, Jared Hernandez ’07, Connie Kyle ADP ‘07, Scott Miller ’91and Angela Patton Miller ’92, Paul Skinner ’93 and Patty Briggs Skinner ’93, David Turner ’86 and Denise DeBritto Turner ‘86(n).

Decade of the 50s continued Back row: Clarence James ’58, Charles Dubbs ’59, Lola Christensen Williams ’54, Cecil Williams ’56, Gaylord Johnson ’53, Don Bierbower ’57, Hugh Wilson ’51. Front row: Yvonne Baccus Thomas ‘54, Dorothy Johanson James ’58, Hazel Schmidt Dubbs ’58, Evelyn Haynes ’59, Jan Bagley Bangs ‘52, Gloria Pedraza Miranda ‘56 and Dwight West ’58.

Friday night dinner (left to right): Virginia Whittaker of Salem, past dean of women and long-time friend of Evelyn Haynes ’59 of Colorado, Hazel Schmidt Dubbs ’58, Arizona, Yvonne Baccus Thomas ‘ 54, Washington and Gloria Pedraza Miranda ’56, California. Evelyn drove three days from her home in Ft. Collins, Colorado to Salem.

Teacher Appreciation Luncheon President Hoff greeted Salem teachers on June 25 in the Manna conference room and updated them on college news. Director of Undergraduate Education, Dr. Claudia Games Green ’76, shared a 20-minute session on “classroom management tips” followed by Associate Professor of Education, Clair Casterline, who shared “finding personal and professional balance”. Claudia Green led a tour on campus before everyone returned to Schimmel Hall for lunch. Alumni who attended were: Jennifer Diers Bunn ’06, Dan Ceiplis ’07 M.Ed., Tara Jacky Engelsman ’08, Tanya Steiner Fuller ’09, Karen Garland ’96 & M.ed. ’09, Bryan Haws ’05, Melanie Peters Pinkerton ’98, Mary James Schroeder ’77 with husband Rand, Natalie Nelson Mangis ’02, Don Turkington ’91 and Melissa Yoder ’07. Childcare was provided for future warriors Liam and Jonah Mangis and Jeremiah and Elizabeth Pinkerton while their moms were enjoying the event.

Tanya Steiner Fuller ’09, Melissa Yoder ’07 and Tara Jacky Engelsman ’08 chat before everything got started.

Melanie Peters Pinkerton ’98, Jennifer Diers Bunn ’06, Bryan Haws ’05, Karen Garland ’96 & M.Ed. ’09 with Don Turkington ’91 at the end, listening to Clair Casterline share helpful tips on balancing one’s life.

FALL 2009





ONE-YEAR BIBLICAL STUDIES CERTIFICATE Leesha Audrey Marecek Jessica Jean Simpson ASSOCIATE OF ARTS Hillary Ruth Abraham* Nicole Angela Brock* Bethany Brooke Emmert* Natalie Christine Hageman* Melinda Dawn Kinzler* Laurel Elizabeth Pierce Adrian Michelle Thistle

BACHELOR OF ARTS Elizabeth Anne Bommarito Timothy James Herd Fernando Henrique Karczeski Corbett Scott Robertson Andrea Kathleen Young BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Paul Ivan Allen Charles Cortney Anderson* Anna Arndt Catherine Renee Azevedo Holly Christine Baird Ashley Michelle Ballinger Rachel Megan Baughman Brian Allan Beeson Alexis Louise Berdeaux Ashley Ann Beringer Jason Merritt Bernard Lauren Katherine Bernard Rachel Marie Bever Jordan V. Blackwell* Christopher Michael Bloom Emily Anne Bradner Megan Marie Brannen Jason Lorne Braun Steven Timothy Brock Michel Ross Bullard Joanne Agnes Burnett Elaine Louise Butler Bethany Charlene Caldwell Siri Lucille Carlson Suoursdey Sue Cheavtharn Charles Michael Cheney Daniel Steven Church David Paul Ciske Nakiva Shaune Cleveland Masayo Debra Cole David Thomas Collett Emily Sarah Curtis Timothy Micah Dady* Glynes Jane Dishman Pamela Jo Ditterick* David Wayne Dixon William Charles Donnithorne Danielle Elizabeth Doornink Josh Martin Dorfner Robert Wade Douglas



FALL 2009

Newest Alumni!

Jesse Liam Eastes Brian Edward Eberhardt Deirdré Danielle Edmonds* Zachary Miles Elander Barbara Dee Ellich Elijah John Emmons David Joseph Englert Marisa Estrada-Zavala Selah Anne Ewert Michael Joseph Faber* Anne Marie Farrier Tyler Reed Fayard Anna Kaye Finel Suzanne Kaye Fish Bryndle Lee Fleming Whitney Lynn Flora* Daniel Anthony Flores Angela Charise Fowler Aaron Paul Franklin Kevin Ray Franklin* Megan Nicole Franklin Owen Joseph Frasier* Cheryl Ann Friesen Tonya Deanne Fuller Ashley Rose Furman Kevin Michael Furman Nathan Alan Furumasu Michelle Renee Gallagher* Stephanie Elaine Garrick Allison Jolié Gatewood Megan Marie Gaylord Kimberly Rose Gazaway* Jason Michael Geier Thomas Taylor Glennen Nancy LoRee Goodman Matthew Ryan Gossien Rachel Marie Gowen Lianne P. Gozdiff Molly Marie Gray Jason Blake Griggs Tyler Stewart Grove Siriana Claire Guest Karyn Virginia Guido* Sherry Patterson Hammack Jodi Marie Hamre Peter Michael Harder Emily Allison Hawkins Jesse Yoshiya Hayes Hugh Andrew Heinrichsen, Jr. Max Elon Holden* Carissa Marie Holtmeier Joshua Matthew Hoover Tyler Austin Howe Jessica Elizabeth Huffman Derek Michael Hunt Mary Bethany Hynes Natalya V. Ishenin Russell Paul Johnston Janet Bryant Jungwirth* Garrett Thomas Kauffman M. Jeannie Kelley Shannon Kay Kelly

Katrina Marie Kennedy Benjamin Paul King Matthew Thomas Kirk Martin Rex Kuiken* Leah Renae Kuor Melissa June Kurtcuoglu* Dorothea Lander* Tiffany Raschelle Loughridge Michael Henry Lovely* Justin William Thomas Lucia Arlene Kay McDonald Peter John McKie Paul Donovan Martin Bethany Joy Meaden Carli Rachelle Moller Caleb David Molstad Richard Lee Moore Carolyn Sue Neil* Melissa Marie Ness* Matthew August Newby Joann Marie Oakes* Betty Lou Olsen Rachel Erin Ost Anna Christena Ostlund Roni Melissa Danielle Paden Scott Lee Patton* Benjamin Earl Pearson Melissa Marie Petersen Janelle Lynn Peyton Martin John Phillips Stefani Michelle Pickett Patricia Marie Plourd* James Duane Porter* Andrea May Potloff Jay Ryan Pritchard Peter Joel Randall Rachel-Anne M. Rapoza* Ryan Nicholas Rasmussen Chelsea Dawn Rose Reeher Shannon Nicole Rensi Christan Nathaniel Ross Crystal Brittany Royer* Virgil Royer* Leith Jeffrey Rupp Timothy James Saffeels Jonathan Clinton Olan Sanford Angela Renee Schilling Matthew Aaron Schmidt Melissa Christine Seidler* Colleen Elizabeth Shanks Jillien Elizabeth Smith Kelsey Lynn Smith Benjamin Joseph Snell Jill Suzanne Solterbeck Christina Ellen Sonheim* Michelle Brianne Stadeli Adreanna Megan Steed Daniel Louis Steffen Lyndsey Elaine Steward Leah Marie Stock Jennifer Leann Straw Tatyana V. Sukhodolov

Tyson Richard Surls Alissa Beth Taylor* Danette Renee Taylor Kelli Marie Tefft Nathan Luke Tennis Amy Marie Thompson Justin Charles Trammell* John Charles Traut Sarah Nichole Tuckness Sandra E. Van Dyk Oksana V. Vityukova Jordan Elizabeth Walker Megan Catherine Wall Elyse Lillian Rose Wallace* Dennis Edward Walters* Shelly Lynne Walther Kathyren L. Ward* Alyssa C. Waters Catherine Christine Webb* Jordon Michelle Weldon* Corey James Wells* Janel Leann West* Lisa Katherine Wiens* James Edward Williams* Jordan Dean-James Williamson Andrew Michael Wing* Sarah Alaine Winters Brian Eugene Woodley Jessica Nicole Woodruff Jason C. Wozniak* Karen Grace Wright Nicole Verlee Youngren Hannah Lynn Zlatnik Christopher Lloyd Zuver MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Tanner Scott Cavaille David Ray Covington Raymond R. Erickson-King Spencer Steven Hanley Julie Brooke Hansen Amy Christina Ramos Denise Michelle Saboe MASTER OF SCIENCE IN EDUCATION Karen Marie Belleque Hollie Marie Carlile Karen Michelle Garland Kristina Marie Horton Courtney Ann Lund Lynne Louise Marks Carmen Renée Moore Victoria Jean Narkon Jacob Paul Sanders Alaina Maria Santana Donna Rae Scott Cynthia Kay Sprenger

* indicates December completion


CLASS notes 60s

pictured with son Mark at graduation from The Master’s College; he begins his studies at the seminary in the fall.

Class of ‘69 40-year Reunion Homecoming Weekend - Oct. 23 & 24 Spencer Van Dusen ’61 and wife Barbara Grow Van Dusen ‘63(n) of Yuba City, California, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on June 19. Gary Gorsuch ’67 of Tualatin, Oregon has been working with Portland/Vancouver’s homeless youth population for the past 18 years with support of Judi Silva Gorsuch ‘64. The area is known for having the largest population of homeless youth in the country. Gary, working with Prudential NW Properties, developed a five-phase, faith-based plan with the ambitious goal of offering homeless youth the opportunity of going from the streets to owning their own home. With the motto “Home is where the start is…,” this relational approach is impacting the lives of several hundred youth annually as well as hundreds of volunteers. Gary hired Jeff Welch ’94 as Transitional Youth’s Outreach Director. Jeff is in charge of phase one, the Home Outreach Center in downtown Portland. The website is

70s Class of ‘79 30-year & Joyful Sound Reunion - Homecoming Weekend Craig Lucas ’70 and wife Jane Glass Lucas ’70 of Salem were married during their junior year in El Cerrito at Trinity Baptist Church. They moved with the college and were in the first class to graduate from the Salem campus. They never left Salem except for the military and three years as short term missionaries in Japan. They have two daughters and five grandchildren. Craig and Jane celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary in March by retracing their roots back to the Bay area. Julie Marton Norris ‘73(n) and husband Phil, reside in Minneapolis, Minnesota where they

both work at Northwestern College in Roseville. Julie works in the admissions office and Phil works in the music department. They are members of Bethlehem Baptist Church where they are involved in the family discipleship department and music ministries. Their son David, 16, works for the Institute of Production and Recording in Minneapolis. Their daughter Abbie, 25, was married last summer and Hannah ,22, finished her Therapeutic Recreation degree in December. Nora Singleton ’74 of Salem has been teaching for 35 years, 13 of those have been in public schools. Jan Gossner ’76 and wife Debbie Hanan Gossner ’77 are members of the Wycliffe Bible Translators and have been working in Papua New Guinea since 1989. They have been a part of the Edolo Translation Project, and Jan has done various other jobs over the years. In May 2009, Jan finished his time as director of the work in Papua New Guinea and is back into translation work. There is a possibility they will be working in the Solomon Islands and returning to Papua New Guinea twice a year to continue working with the Edolo people. The Gossners have four children, all grown and living in the States. Two of them are married; they have one granddaughter. Jim Thorp ’77 and wife Connie Smith Thorp ’77 serve as the Americas Ministries Directors for WorldVenture. Jim and Connie were in Northeast Brazil for 18 years and moved to Mozambique. They are now living back in Campinas, near Sao Paulo, Brazil. They supervise missionaries from Canada to Uruguay, and travel a lot. They have three sons and three grandchildren. Phil Stucky ’78 and wife Rachel Haburn Stucky ’78 started a new ministry of multiplying church movement in south Brazil. They are planting churches that will catch a vision for missionary outreach to Europe. This is a cultural transition as well as a climate change from northeast Brazil to the south. They are

Robert Danielian ’79 provided this photo of some of the original “Brotherhood Alumni” members from WBBC 1973-1979. They get together for breakfast several times a year to keep up on their life journeys. This photo was taken at Busick Court in downtown Salem in April. Back row, left to right: Bob Smith ’79, Glen Chapman ’78, Dallas Helsley ’78, Randy Pollard ’78, Meril Craig ’77, Dave Delaney ’77(n), Robert Danielian ’79, and John Bryson ’78. Front row, left to right: Richard Truman ’89, ’05, Jeff Wallberg ’78(n), and Greg Matson ’77.

80s Class of ‘89 20-year & MastersTouch Reunion - Homecoming Weekend Rob Phillips ’81 and Sue Stellrecht Phillips ‘81(n) live in Kennewick, Washington where Rob is an elementary school principal and Sue is an elementary school reading teacher. Their 20 year-old-son Aaron is a computer science major at the University of Idaho and they have two high school age daughters, Megan, a senior and Laura, a sophomore. They attend Bethel Church where Rob and Sue work with high school students. Craig Hardinger ’82 pastor of Christ Fellowship in Nooksack Valley in Lynden, Washington, successfully defended his doctoral thesis at Bakke Graduate University in Seattle. Pastornow-Doctor Hardinger’s topic explored a contemporary adaptation and application of the Old Testament FALL 2009




Year of Jubilee. Craig’s interest in the topic was prompted in part by the church’s fiftieth anniversary. Corban’s Professor Jim Hills served as second reader for Craig’s doctoral dissertation on the biblical concept of Jubilee and ways that the principles of the Jubilee might be worked out in contemporary churches. Professor Hills was a part of the panel hearing Pastor Hardinger’s defense of his thesis in Seattle in April. Craig is married to Debbie Emitte Hardinger ’81.

90s Class of ‘99 10-year Reunion Homecoming Weekend Paul Brush ‘92 and wife Robin Cooper Brush ’93 live in Evergreen, Colorado where Paul was accepted into the Masters of Divinity Program at Denver Seminary and Robin has been hired as the children’s ministry coordinator at Conference Baptist Church. Jen Krug ’92 is the head athletic trainer at Corban College. She was featured in the Statesman Journal newspaper in June. The article highlighted her years at Corban College as well as her new direction of working with Olympic-level fencers. At the competitions Krug attends, hundreds of fencers come together to qualify for U.S. teams for the World and Junior World Championships as well as the Olympic teams for the 2012 games in London. Kirsten Fabian Greeley ’93 and husband Jonathan Greeley ‘94(n) live in Salem. Kirsten passed the CPA exams and is returning to the work force full-time. Jon is currently the CFO at Scio Mutual Telephone. Amy Woods Baxter ’94 and her husband Edward live in Cody, Wyoming where they are raising their 5-year-old triplets. They have two boys, Eli and Beau and one girl, Emma. Amy and Edward own and operate a day habilitation facility for adults and children with developmental disabilities and acquired brain injuries. Jim McClure ADP ’94, launched a new monthly magazine called The Northwest Conservative. The March edition carried Professor Jim Hills article “The Next Step.” He will also have his article “The Plank in the



FALL 2009

Left Eye” that will appear in the next edition. Regular Baptist Press has accepted “Saying It Our Way” for publication early next fall. Jeffrey Welch ’94 and wife Cari Baxter Welch ’95 live in Vancouver, Washington. Jeff is attending Western Seminary and is an associate pastor of First Baptist Church in Vancouver. The couple enjoys spending time together and with their two children, Allison and Josiah. Jeff is preparing to be a senior pastor and is working with Gary Gorsuch ’67 to reach homeless youth as Transitional Youth’s Outreach Director. He is responsible for phase one; the Home Outreach Center in downtown Portland. Michael Beach ’95 and wife Elizabeth Odle Beach ’96 live in California with their four children, Molly (10), Caleb (8), Micah (6), and Emily (2). Michael is the senior pastor at First Baptist Church in El Centro. Elizabeth serves in women’s ministries, planning activities for elementary children, teaches in the junior church and is the Cubbies director in AWANA. Elizabeth is a stay-at-home mom and home schools her children. Elisabeth Merila Guisinger ’95 and her husband Doug live in Rainier, Washington where they are raising their four children. Lilly is working for the Rainier School District as the business manager. Melinda Reid Smith ’95 and husband, Joel, of Tualatin, Oregon welcomed their son, Corban Marc Smith, born May 8, 2009. He joins his siblings JD, Millee-Kate, Avi, and Tucker. Joel is the children’s pastor at Lake Bible Church in Lake Oswego. Dan Jester ’98 and wife Gretchen Linebaugh Jester ’02(n) live in Mount Horeb, Wisconsin. Dan is the youth pastor at New Hope Evangelical Free Church where they both work with the junior high and high school groups. Gretchen is a stay-at-home mom while she also works with the youth worship team at the church and teaches piano lessons. They have

three children, Corbynne, Simeon and Sammy. Daniel Multop ’99, wife Colleen Bartsch Multop ‘04(n), and daughter Hannah (1) live in Woodburn, Oregon. He owns Multop’s Computer Consulting Inc, where he is a computer technician. They are active in their church in Woodburn.


Kraig Kroeker ’01, wife Marcie, and daughter Grace live in Klamath Falls, Oregon. He works with BBC Ministries / Triad School, Tech Ministries; director, chaplain, secondary education Bible teacher for grades 7-12. The ministry to the military was not a direction he anticipated but the needs were so great and he felt led in that direction. He was promoted to Captain and looks forward to working at the base full-time for the next eight months and anticipates some great opportunities and adventures coming up this year. Their daughter, Grace, was born two months early July 2009 due to some complications with the umbilical cord. In addition, she had a very serious heart defect due to her Downs Syndrome. They have gone through a lot as they nursed her prior and after her heart surgery. She is doing great and God has really blessed them with this little girl. Amber McIlroy ’01 lives in Sanger, Texas where she is teaching at a local elementary school. She is involved with AWANA and other ministries in her church. Scott Russell ADP ’01, police chief in Woodburn, Oregon was welcomed home six months after he was severely injured in a bombing at a West Coast bank branch. The City of Woodburn welcomed the chief with a public barbecue and celebration on June 17 at Centennial Park. Russell suffered a shattered jaw and the loss of a leg in the blast, which killed an Oregon State Trooper and Woodburn Police Captain. Darren Banek ’02 and wife Carly Oxenreider Banek ’02 reside in Kalispell, Montana where they have started a hydroponic produce company called Mountainview Gardens. They finished an expansion project giving them a 33,000 square foot greenhouse where they are able to yield 1,200 heads of lettuce, 10,000


pounds of tomatoes and 800 cucumbers per week. They have been in business for over a year and a half and have already lined up 5-8 large grocery stores and around 8-10 high-end restaurants to use and sell their produce.

stay-at-home mom and she does photography on the side. They are involved at their church where they host a Bible study on Monday nights and Danielle is involved in MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers).

Jered Rothwilson ’02, his wife Jessica Armstrong Rothwilson ’02(n), and their three daughters, moved from Roseburg to Portland to start a new church. Jered and Jessica are leaders of a new missional community called Endeavor. As a group they are dedicated to discovering new members of the family of Christ, developing individuals’ character in the context of a loving community, and deploying people into a culture to accomplish great things for God and His creation. Their website is

Rachel Feriante ’04 of Portland, Oregon works in healthcare and attends Imago Dei Community Church. She recently took a trip to Italy.

M’chelene Richards Shull ’02 and husband Chris live in Portland, Oregon. They were married on November 2, 2008 and have bought a home. M’chelene is a family advocate for the Youth Contact Counseling Agency. The couple is involved in service in their community and often play on the weekends in the mountains. Ronda Martin Wagner ’02 has been married for four years and lives in Beaverton, Oregon. She works at Express Employment Professionals where she has had a lot of professional and personal growth. Tamara Wenzig ’03 taught at a private high school after graduating from Corban and before moving to Korea in 2006. In Korea, she teaches English and Social Studies at an international school. She enjoys the opportunity to challenge students as they strive to gain Advanced Placement college credit through the AP program. Though she enjoys keeping up with family and friends back in Salem, she feels at home living in Korea. Tamara participates in a tourism club bringing foreigners and Koreans together to discover treasures of Korea and to gain understanding of each others’ cultures at the same time. Andrew Cornelius ’04 and Danielle Smith Cornelius ’04 reside in Danville, Pennsylvania. They have two children Ella, 2½ and Peter, 1. Andrew is almost finished with his first year of residency in Orthopedics; he has already had many opportunities at Geisinger Medical Center to perform solo surgeries. Danielle is a

Sarah Ernst ’05, previously employed as an admissions counselor at Corban has moved to Sydney, Australia. She is pursuing further schooling in music at Hillsong International Leadership College. Steve Everett ’05 and Mendi Pearson Everett ‘88(n) are enjoying their first term in southern Brazil with their family, KC and Sandreia, Collin, Kobe, Carmin and Kenzi. They started the first ever Upward Basketball league in Brazil along with a junior high youth group in a church plant they are working in. Attendance continues to grow. They are scheduled for their first furlough in June 2010. Their e-mail is Jennifer Diers Bunn ’06 and husband Ukiah Bunn ’06 live in Salem. Jennifer is a social studies/language arts teacher at Hillcrest Youth Correctional Facility. Ukiah is a patient relations representative at the Providence Hospital in Newberg. They also run a couple of side businesses and have been successful as antique dealers and operating an online shopping mall. They attend Salem Alliance Church and are active members of the shepherding group for young married couples. Christine Hayes Rich ’06 and husband Michael Rich ’07 live Wake Forest, North Carolina and attend Richland Creek Community Church. Mike helps with the youth group and Christine attends women’s Bible study. They also help with the high school seniors Sunday school class. Mike is attending Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary working towards a M.Div. in Apologetics and Christine is a chiropractic assistant at Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic. Jenny Welty Shetler ’06 and husband Peter live in Silverton, Oregon. Jenny is a math teacher for the Gervais School District and Peter is a self-employed contractor who does framing and remodels homes and businesses. They attend Emmanuel Bible Church where they

were married. They are involved with a young married group that meets together monthly. Jenny is working on a Masters of Education in Instruction and Curriculum through Portland State University. They enjoy going camping, hiking, snowshoeing, rafting and playing outside together with family and friends. Michelle Zarfas Doring ’08 and husband Devin live in Salem. They were married in June 2008. Michelle is a 5th grade teacher at Henry Hills Elementary School in Independence. Her husband is a Civil Engineering graduate from OSU. Although it’s very challenging, she loves teaching and working at Henry Hill. They attend Bethany Baptist Church and enjoy serving there. Katelyn Snyder ’08 lives in Portland, Oregon where she is a child and adolescent treatment specialist for Parry Center for Children. She is attending George Fox Graduate School where she is getting her M.A. in School Counseling. Shannon Rensi ’09 received a Fulbright-Garcia Robles Grant. This grant is awarded to up to 20 scholars in Mexico based on academic merit and leadership potential. She will be pursuing graduate work at the University of Guanajuato in Mexico during her 2009-10 academic year.

Down the Aisle Rachel Jones ’99 married Marc Penso on October 11, 2008 in Snohomish, Washington. They honeymooned on St. Marten, a Caribbean island. Rachel works as a nanny and Marc is an EMT and is attending nursing school Jones/Penso full-time. They enjoy renovating their condo, camping and sailing. Sarah Dorr Brosnan ’00 and husband Chris live in Vancouver, Washington. Sarah and Chris are both elementary school teachers. Sarah is Dorr/Brosnan in her ninth year of teaching; she teaches the second grade in the Camas School District. They attend Compass

FALL 2009




Church in downtown Vancouver. Sarah and her husband enjoy spending time with their families, walking, hiking, playing with their dog, Goliath, and exploring the Northwest. Emily Valko ’05 married Aaron Monroy in Nipomo, California, January 3, 2009. Bridesmaids included Marci Tatum Wattenburger ’05 and Monica Valko/Monroy Frender ’04. Emily works in marketing, spending most of her time giving presentations. Aaron is a graphic designer and administrative assistant. They live in Burbank, California and belong to the Community First Christian Church of Burbank. Stacy Hoffman ‘06(n) married Broc Gott on August 2, 2008 in Louisville, Ohio. The ceremony took place outside in her grandmother’s backyard. They had their first child in May, a son. Broc is a manager at Hoffman/Gott Rent-a-Center in Marietta, Ohio and Stacy is a stay-at-home mom. They live in a small town of Byesville, Ohio and are both involved with the Sparks in AWANA at their church.

All in the Family Loretta Lind Bayley ’89 and husband Michael of Boring, Oregon welcomed daughter Jolena Rayne born March 12, 2009. She weighed 8 lbs. 10 oz. and joins big sisters Brittney and Shawnie Fortune. 1 Brenda Englund Davidson ‘96 and husband Jeff, welcomed son Samuel Ryan born April 25, 2008. They live in Concord, California. 2 Mat Rapoza ’97 and wife Darcy welcomed their first child, Aiden Robert, August 17, 2008. Mat and Darcy have been married since April 2005 and live in Salem, Oregon. Mat works for Northwest and Disability Services and Darcy works for the Forest Service. 3



FALL 2009

Allison Turner Seitz ‘98 and husband Dan of Davis, California welcomed their first child Joshua Darren, born July 4, 2008. Dan is the pastor of College and Missions at First Baptist Church of Davis and Allison is a stay-at-home mom. 4 Lorraine Bagge Sherman ’99 and husband Nic, welcomed Katie Brooks on June 30, 2008. They live in Independence, Oregon and attend Central Baptist Church in Monmouth. Nic works at the Winco distribution center in Woodburn and Lorraine is a stay-at-home mom. 5 Tricia Fox Joles ’00 and husband Jess Joles ’01 reside in Round Lake, Illinois, where Tricia is a stay-at-home mom, and Jess is an associate manager for Country Financial. They have one daughter Savannah Bailey, born on December 30, 2008. They attend New Life Fellowship Church of Vernon Hill. It is a small reformed Baptist church that is pastored by Pastor Louie Love. The Joles family loves spending time with their two year old Great Dane, Wrigley. The Joles family has a blog at 6 Stephanie Andrus Reid ’00 and husband Kendall, welcomed their first child, Jordyn Joanne. They reside in Atlanta, Georgia. 7 Josh Bartlett ‘02(n) and wife Jodi welcomed Jonathan Owen, born May 14, 2009. They live in Salem, Oregon. Josh works at Corban as the Campus Technical Coordinator as well as the Chief of Operations for KWBX. 8 Hannah Clucas Faulhaber ‘04(n) and husband, Brian, welcomed daughter Haidyn Briannah born February 27, 2009. Hannah works for Silverton Hospital Network in the clinic business office after six years in the credit union industry. She is also an independent representative for Sensaria Natural Bodycare. Brian is self-employed as a sole proprietor of Wilderness Landscape Maintenance. They attend Molalla Church of the Nazarene and enjoy spending time outdoors with their family and pets. 9 Cyrus Rettmann ’04 and wife Kim Greenwood Rettmann ’04 welcomed daughter, Lydia Hope, born September 7, 2008. She joins her big sister Ruth. The Rettmann family lives in Keizer, Oregon. 10 Jeff Dunn ’05 and wife, Mindi, welcomed son Boone Jeffrey born August 19, 2008. They live in Salem. 11

Lindsey Vogt Imig ’06 and husband Derek of Salem, Oregon welcomed their first child, Baylie Mykel born March 28, 2009. 12 Kyle Koontz ’07 and wife Lisa, along with older sister Allison, welcomed Kaleb born on Mother’s Day, May 12, 2009. Kyle is a teacher at Houck Middle School and Lisa is a licensed massage therapist and nurse. 13 Heather Brackett Hough ’08 and husband Evan Hough ‘10(n), welcomed daughter, Evalyn Grace, born August 14, 2008. They live in Eugene, Oregon. 14

With the Lord Lannea Sandner Sawdy ‘01(n) of Alpine, Wyoming, died on July 2, 2007 at the age of 28. She attended Western Baptist College for one year and Idaho State University for two years. While working and living in Alpine, she met and then married Kent Sawdy in September 2004. Lannea is survived by her husband, parents, two brothers, one sister, grandparents and other family members.

Did you know?

Did you know that the Class Notes section of our magazine ranks as the most widely read portion of our magazine? Reading about other families’ life journeys and accomplishments proves to be a priority for alumni year after year. No matter what year you attended, for how long or what program you studied, you made a mark on this college and the people you encountered. Let them know where your journey has taken you. Share photos of family, wedding, babies, travels; reconnect with your Corban/WB family. Submit an entry into the next issue of Corban Magazine Class Notes Follow one of these choices: 1. Go online to and click on ‘Submit Your News.’ Fill out the form and submit. 2. E-mail along with any attachment of photos. 3. Mail it to our office: Office of Alumni Services Corban College & Graduate School 5000 Deer Park Drive SE Salem, OR 97317-9392 This issue of Class Notes consists of items submitted between February 13, 2009 and June 25, 2009. Deadline for Class Notes for Fall 2009 issue is October 5, 2009.


Nostalgia quiz Spring Issue Winners Update Thanks to those who e-mailed or called to play our Nostaglia Quiz. The rules were simple; identify one member of this Turkey Trot photo from thi 1977-78 yearbook:

Here are the correct answers: (L-R) Pete Coulson (freshman), Don Bradley (sophomore), Rod Hoff (freshman, winner) and Mike Brink (sophomore). Mike came in third behind Don and Rod.

The following alumni identified at least one person correctly: Shelia McAdams Bale ’83, Salem; Gary Bower ‘78(n), Caldwell, Idaho; Grant Boyer ‘81(n), Kennewick, Washington; Harry Buerer ’79, Portland; Ken Campbell ‘83(n), Stockton, California; Shaula Serdahl Coulson ‘83(n), Salem, Oregon; Rachel Quarles Eisenhut ’75(n), Salem; Steve Emmert ’83, Sherwood, Oregon; Debbie Pennington Goetz ‘75(n), Puyallup, Washington; Tami Brown Guenzi ‘83(n), Ceres, California; Paul Hicks ’77, Olympia, Washington; Linda Shouse Jaime ’82, Woodland, California; Kevin Key ’79, Berwyn, Illinois; Warren Layton ‘79(n) and Janette Jones Layton ’79, Buckley, Washington; Rodger Page ’88 and Valorie Roberts Page ‘92(n), Cottonwood, California; Perry Peterson ’85, Anderson, California; Alan Scharn ADP ’97, Salem; Sherry Moran Smith ’79, Ceres, California; Steve Rasmussen ‘78(n), Aumsville, Oregon; Mark Sprague ’83, Reserve, New Mexico; Richard Taylor ’82, Oregon City; Linda Markwood Trammell ’81, Salem; Don Valen ’80, Quincy, Washington.

This group identified all four names correctly: Kathy Krofft Benitez ’81, Salem; Jim Bradley 82(n), Clarkston, Washington; Lori Pynch Bradley 81(n), for husband Don (who he says thinks he resents that this is a ‘nostalgia’ quiz), Spokane Valley, Washington; Mike Brink ‘79 and Terri Collins Brink ’80, Whitmore, California; Debbie Kanen Crosby ’80, Dallas, Oregon; Peter Coulson ’85, Twin Falls, Idaho; Susan Johnson Dahlke ’77, Royal City, Washington; Robert Danielian ’79, Dallas, Oregon; Joyce Koenig Ferreira ’78, Santa Rosa, California; Mike Glaser ’78, Scio, Oregon; Shannan Alexander Glaser ’81, Scio, Oregon; Nancy Bradley Goree ’74, Salem; Craig Hardinger ’82 and Debbie Emitte Hardinger ’81, Lynden, Washington; Tonya Harshman Ireland ’81, Watertown, NY; Cindy Fagundes Jahnke ’79 and Robin Jahnke ’79, Cheyenne, Wyoming; Anne Jeffers ‘53(n), Salem; Palmer Muntz ’82, Fort Wayne, Indiana; Rob Phillips ’81, Kennewick, Washington; Sam Williams ’80, Ceres, California. Non-alumni who got at least one name correct: Lawrence Barnes, Mill City, Oregon; Alan Bittel, Salem; Jerry Barnick, Salem; George Sarsfield, Keizer, Oregon. Two names were drawn from all entries for prizes and those winners were: Debbie Emitte Hardinger ’81, Lynden, Washington and Linda Shouse Jaime ’82, Woodland, California. Both received a stainless steel thermal travel mug.

Spring issue bonus grand prize question: When did the first Turkey Trot begin—how and why did it start? The grand prize winner is Sam Williams ’80 of Ceres, California. He correctly answered all names and added his version of this historical event. He received a Corban fleece blanket.

nostalgia notes il 10:

d this on Apr

Sam e-maile

ike is Pat the right of M , the head to em th d e looks in eh M “B the left of ik d the head to an s ld yo mate en om cR ro M ley was my len. Don Brad y m e er w like Donny Va (and Don) Pete Coulson the of ar ye that year and ar. The first e previous ye ing nn gi be e roommates th 1976 but th as November 75 actual race w 19 prep for a rlier when, in rkeys was a year ea mber of live tu nu banquet, a ell, W . er Thanksgiving for slaught t to the school ween et -b in were brough is occurred ped and as th cook e Th . one had esca everywhere were people da an rd bi classes, there d ghtene to catch the fri called for help

number of students took off after it, soon to be joined by others as the turkey weaved in and out of people, under legs and dodging wouldbe captors. The path of the race was actually determined by the path this turkey led everybody on until it was finally caught by a girl (sorry, for the life of me I can’t remember her name) in a desperate flying tackle. I wish I could say that the bird was set free for providing the entertainment and spawning a new tradition, but real life doesn’t always dish out sentimental conclusions. In the end, no one could tell which drumstick was the one caught. Thanks for the nostalgia fun!”

Followed by this

on April 13:

turkey story, joking about the “You know I was or when have no idea how right???? I really rest of my t started. But the the Turkey Trot go true.” original [e-mail] is

Continued on next page

FALL 2009




Nostalgia quiz

Nostalgia Quiz Challenge: Correctly identify three of these people in this Mensingers photo from1974. If you know more than three participants, be sure to tell us. To be eligible to win: E-mail Deleen Wills at or call 503-589-8182 with your answer. Be sure to provide your name, class year and address. You don’t have to be the first contestant to win. When all of our responses are in, we’ll draw two prize winners from the correct answers. Deadline is October 5, 2009.

Spring issue nostalgia notes turkey trot

t of ld, it was a lo was always co w, but no ts “…Though it e winner ge sure what th ey (for rk tu e fun. I’m not liv as an actual w it 0, -8 76 xing race and between 19 certainly a ta as w It ). ay gimen a while anyw part of my re win but as a for on iti I never ran to od cond e and be in go me ke ta to stay in shap at Pictures th d baseball… , ge lle basketball an co t at the ys as a studen ories back to my da easant mem pl d an ith good rist and Ch prompt me w in iritual growth sp s, ip sh nd look on of vital frie I will always od’s direction. discovering G it with favor.” ngton uincy, Washi Valen ’80, Q –Pastor Don

“When I thin k of the Turk ey Trot, I also Bill Elliott an think of d the fun he brought to th other activiti is and es.” –Debbie Kan

en Crosby ’8



FALL 2009

0, Dallas, Ore


“I was Intram ural director from 1975-78 and expanded th e event to inclu de faculty, staf f, men and women’s division. This fa ll event happ just before Th ened anksgiving an d th e campus wen on break. Prize t s given out w ere LIVE and turkeys. All pa FROZEN rticipants wer e given a Turk Trot T-shirt. A ey round the co ur se were statio reporters that ned provided up to date inform on the placem at ion ent of the ru nners. CB radi the method of os were reporting thro ugh a sound placed at Schi sy stem mmel Hall fo r all to hear th progress. Jeff e ra ce in Wallberg wro te the original Trot Song that Turkey he opened th e event with that was held in chapel in Schimmel at the time.” –Robert Dan ielian ’79, D allas, Oregon.

ey irts for the Turk n designed T-sh irt “Dave Adamso sh at retired th [Brink] finally as Trot and Mike y delight. It w m to ar, much lding [below] last ye ho ly re was ba bare, in fact it mplain rather thread co to to Dave e sent the shirt lasted ve together. Mik ha ld shou ity of his shirt… about the qual + years.” longer than 30 ore, California

ink ’80, Whitm

Br –Terri Collin

T-shirt courtesey Mike Brink. (Dave Adamson graciously donated Mike’s shirt to Corban for our historic archives)


Updates Please Please send us any updated personal and/or family information that may have changed since you were in contact with us last. Please go to to send your updated information.

Future Warriors




2 8








14 13

Send baby photos! We’d like to know about your growing families and see their new faces! Send your photos and birth announcements and receive a gift from the Alumni Office. Send to: Corban College Alumni Office 5000 Deer Park Drive SE Salem, OR 97317

Pictured above: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Jolena Rayne Bayley Samuel Ryan Davidson Aiden Robert Rapoza Joshua Darren Seitz Katie Brooks Sherman Savannah Bailey Joles Jordyn Joanne Reid

8. Jonathan Owen Bartlett 9. Haidyn Briannah Faulhaber 10. Lydia Hope Rettman 11. Boone Jeffery Dunn 12. Baylie Mykel Imig 13. Kaleb Koontz 14. Evalyn Grace Hough

Or e-mail attachments to:

FALL 2009




Corban College & Graduate School 5000 Deer Park Drive SE Salem, OR 97317-9392



Prewitt Family Trust benefits Corban students


ong-time friends and faithful supporters of Corban College, Glenn L. Prewitt and Verna M. Prewitt of La Fayette, California, went to be with their Lord on October 19, 2007 and June 29, 2008 respectively. Their estate was recently settled and Corban was named as a beneficiary of a portion of their real and personal property. Their generous gift will be used to provide scholarships to Corban students. Gifts designated in this way allow Glenn and Verna’s legacy to work for God’s glory long after their homecoming. Vada Sly, daughter of Glenn and Verna, remembers her parents as being “always faithful to the Lord” and as excellent Christian role models. They were also active members of Rolling Hills Community Church in Danville, California. In reading through the Trust documents we were struck

by the thoughtful and careful planning that Glenn and Verna exercised in managing their estate. Estate taxes were minimized and their children and grandchildren were recognized as beneficiaries as well as their church and Corban College. We appreciate partners like the Prewitts who understand our mission and the importance of a Bible-centered liberal arts education. Our partners also understand the urgency of investing in the lives of Christian students. Our graduates over the last 70 years have been positioned all around the world and are now fulfilling our mission “to make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ.” Please don’t put off your decision to partner with us in this great mission. Make your plans now to designate Corban College & Graduate School as the beneficiary of a portion of your estate.

For more information about Corban’s planned giving options, please call Chris Erickson at 1-800-845-3005 or e-mail You may also request a booklet on planned giving or visit our website at

Corban College & Graduate School is a non profit, 501(c)(3), tax exempt educational corporation. We offer several other planned giving vehicles such as a: 1) Charitable Gift Annuity, 2) Charitable Lead Trust, 3) Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust, and 4) Charitable Remainder Trust. Gifts of real property or life insurance are another way to support the mission of the College.

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