Corban Magazine - Spring 2010

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Feature Article 6 | News & Notes 16 | Warrior Hall of Fame 18 | Nostalgia Quiz 31 Dedicated to alumni and friends of Corban University | Spring 2010

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Volume V - No. 1 | SPRING 2010



Features Corban Staff Publisher Reno Hoff ‘73 Editor J. Steven Hunt ‘69 Writer Jenny Hirschfelder Design & Photography Corey Wells ADP ‘08 Contributing Writers Deleen Wills Contributing Photographers Deleen Wills College Administration President Reno Hoff ‘73 Provost Matt Lucas ‘94 Vice President for Advancement Michael Bates Vice President for Business Chris Erickson Vice President for Student Life Nancy Hedberg ‘93 Vice President for Marketing J. Steven Hunt ‘69 Vice President for Enrollment Management Martin Ziesemer ‘91 Board of Trustees: Thomas Carlson ‘69 (Chair), Timothy H. Aagard ‘80, Timothy R. Baker ‘89, Darrell V. Beddoe, Daniel E. Brammer ‘76, James Carlson, Bill Crews, Loren Glass, Virginia K. Hendrickson ‘67, Anna Herrman, Curtis Horton ‘69, Stephen E. McBee, Donn Mogford, Pat Nicholson ‘74, Sheldon C. Nord ‘82, Paul B. Null ‘73, Michael L. Patterson ‘74, Douglas Pfeiler, Joyce A. Sherman, Erhardt Steinborn, Richard Whipps, Dan Wilder ‘75, Gary Williamson ‘86 Alumni Board: Tyson Pruett ‘92 (Chair), Corky Lambert ‘75 (ViceChair), Daryl Knox ‘96 (Secretary/Treasurer), Angie Alden ‘75, Eric Christen ‘91, Jerry Cudney ‘63, Dan Hill ‘93, Mike Howden ‘81, Nathan Knottingham ‘03, Mike Patterson ‘74, Shari Ridings ADP ‘05, John Storkel ‘79, Jack Werre ‘78, Nelson Zarfas ‘82

Corban University Today 6 In this anniversary issue we take a look at the 75th anniversary milestone reached in 2010. It clearly stands on the foundation laid by so many dedicated servants who had a vision to prepare young people for Christian service. It is a story about periods of advancement that seem to have inevitably been followed by periods of uncertainty that tempered its progress. Yet the ebb and flow of each experience strengthened its resolve and clarified its mission. Please celebrate with us as we look at all that has been accomplished at Corban.

Warrior Hall of Fame 18 The first-ever induction ceremony honored charter members that have shown exceptional leadership, servanthood, sportsmanship, and athletic ability.

DEPARTMENTS CORBAN Magazine is published by the Marketing & Communications Office of Corban University and is sent to alumni, parents, supporters and friends of the University. Corban’s mission is to educate Christians who will make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ.

From the President 8 The vision for Corban University

Class Notes 25 Reconnect with classmates & friends

News & Notes 16 Stay up to date on campus news

Nostalgia Quiz 31 A fun, historical look at Corban’s past

Corban in Print 20 Published works by alumni & personnel

Planned Giving 32 Invest into the future of Corban

Send correspondence and address changes to: Corban Magazine 5000 Deer Park Drive SE Salem, OR 97317-9392 Email or call (503) 375-7005. Corban Magazine is printed by Lynx Group in Salem, Oregon, U.S.A.

Alumni Action 21 Alumni news & events

On the cover: Corban University is celebrating 75 years of continual growth and achievements.





Celebrating 75 years The spirit of celebrating 75 years of blessing and growth is shared by a student and employee population of 1,300 in 2010. Inset: The student body and faculty in Oakland, Calif., circa 1950.













Corban University is celebrating 75 years of continual growth and achievements. On May 1, 2010, Corban officially transitions into a university, a culmination of work begun five years ago to add graduate programs to the program offerings. We’re taking time to share some of the amazing things that are currently taking place, both academically and physically. Statistics from the first decade of the new millennium demonstrate some of what is happening and give us impetus to catch the vision for the decades ahead.





The vision for Corban University BY Reno Hoff, president

n my inaugural address as president, I made a commitment to create an environment where possibilities would be pursued based upon Luke 1:37, “For nothing is impossible with God.” Caleb, one of my favorite men in the Bible, had this attitude and has always been an inspiration to me. In Joshua 14:12 he states, “Now give me this hill country that the Lord promised me that day.” The Lord has given us this “hill country” called Corban, and we have claimed much of it. But we have more to do. In this article I’m sharing what we have accomplished and what our vision is for the future.

OUR VISION “Corban University, with its global mission, is positioning itself to become one of the highest-ranked educational institutions in the United States.” We recognize that a vision statement sets a destination. Getting there requires strategic planning. Such planning is particularly important in situations where there are many unknowns. Fortunately, we rely on the Lord Jesus Christ who not only knows the future, but is the future. Our plans will continue to be modified as we adapt to changes in our society and follow the leading of the Lord. We plan to occupy until He comes.


• “To educate Christians who will make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ.”

• To foster a transformative learning culture where a sustainable biblical worldview takes shape.

• To build a Christian community that promotes worship, creative expression and activities that reflect God’s character.

• To cultivate a life of stewardship and service toward God, humanity and creation.





In recent years we have concentrated on two goals. The first was to transform the campus from an image of the former TB hospital to a collegiate setting. A book, Campus Design, by Richard P. Dober, was written to help educational institutions develop their campuses. A statement in the book describes what our goal has been: “Ideally, every college and university should have its own physical image, an amalgam of buildings and landscapes that define and celebrate a sense of place; communicate the institution’s purpose, presence, and domain; and generate an image charged with symbolism, graced by history.” Our campus has truly become a beautiful educational setting with several new buildings, a clock tower, amphitheater, green space, new athletic fields and the renovation of several existing buildings. A premier project for the near future is a new library and renovation of the Academic Center into new classrooms and office spaces. Our goal is to complete these significant additions within the next two years. The recent purchase of 42.5 additional acres will allow us to expand the campus for additional buildings, parking areas and athletic fields in order to complete our comprehensive master plan. Our second goal is to continue the transformation of Corban to achieve a higher level of academic excellence. This will be done while maintaining our founding principles of faith and enlarging the effectiveness of our mission. When we review our history, it is apparent that we have been in transition since our founding year. The recognition of Corban as an emerging excellent institution is steadily increasing. For the eighth year in a row we have been ranked in the Top Ten in the West by U.S. News & World Report — this year

moving up to fourth place. We have added many new majors and now have more than 50 majors and program options. We also have two degree completion programs, three graduate degrees and two professional licensure programs — all designed for working adults.

OUR COMMITMENT In his book, Qualities of a Leader, John Maxwell asks questions that all individuals and institutions should have an answer for: “What am I willing to die for?” and “If it came down to it, what in life would I not be able to stop doing, no matter what the consequences were?” Commitment begins with the heart, is tested by action and leads to achievement. We have a mission that is something to die for: To educate Christians who will make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ. Corban has historically had a policy referred to as, “Our Commitment to Growth,” which gives us direction for the university. Some excerpts from this statement include: “We at Corban believe Christ has called all of us to a life of growth, and that if we are to be the kind of people God wants us to be, we must be prepared to take the risks that growth demands. We must not be afraid to reach beyond where we are.

OUR ATTITUDE As a university, we plan to continue our innovative and growth-oriented commitment. The strategic goals we will pursue as a university include these: • Increase stakeholder investment in the university • Enhance existing academic programs and launch new, innovative and growth-oriented ones. • Attract and retain quality Christian students, faculty and staff. New ventures in process are the expansion of online programs for high school students, working adults, and graduate-level students. In the Working Adult bachelor’s programs, we want to expand the programs to include freshman- and sophomore-level students. Working adults often avoid traditional program formats because they are settled and working in their geographical area. At the high school level, we want to provide college courses for students who want a head start on their college degree and to save on tuition costs. To provide the information technology for these and other programs, we are planning to put in place an institution-wide system in the near future. At the graduate level, our online programs are designed to help students succeed in their chosen professions. A graduate program in ministry is in the planning stages and will expand our graduate portfolio, plus offer doctorate-level programs in the future in various disciplines. Expanding our online academic programs for international students in their native lands will coincide with a goal of attracting faculty, staff and students of diverse ethnic background.


As a university, we are committed to scholarship, manifested by honesty, dispassion, accuracy, and breadth in our studies. As a Christian university, we are committed to a biblical, moral stance and Christ-like beauty in life style. As a contemporary university, we are committed to progress. We are committed to neither ease nor safety. Reaching may be difficult — even dangerous, but risk is unavoidable if we are to grow.”

All the aspects of our vision will be the driving force behind our decisions. The Lord has greatly blessed this institution over the past 75 years, and we are looking forward to His blessing in the next 75 years, recognizing that the Lord is in control as stated in Psalm 31:15, “My times are in your hands.” The biblical meaning of the word Corban, “A gift dedicated to God,” is the impetus for us to consider Corban University as an academic institution that is dedicated to God. This issue of the magazine features several success stories, examples of this dedication, and our exciting prospects for the future. Your prayers and support in this great endeavor are appreciated.






Working Adult Programs n 2004 the Northwest Commission of Colleges and Universities approved Corban’s first graduate program. Since its inception there have been a total of 500 students who have enrolled in the programs. The degree completion program has seen refinements in marketing its programs, and these are being implemented with a goal of broadening our marketing target area. Started in 1991, the programs recently saw their alumni numbers exceed 1,000. Currently the programs include Bachelor in Science degrees in business and psychology. Graduate programs include education, business and counseling, as well as teacher licensure. The growth rate is robust and is exceeding projections.


Provost Matt Lucas Academic Deans & Faculty

VP for Enrollment Mgmt. Marty Ziesemer

VP for Student Life Nancy Hedberg

Director of Admissions

Campus Pastor

Director of Development

Assistant Controller

Director of Campus Care

Director of Financial Aid

Dir./Counsel. Services

Director of Alumni

Bookstore Manager

Director of Communications

Director of ADP/Grad Admissions

Dir./Health Services

Mailroom Associate

Director of CCS

Campus Dining AraMark

VP for Advancement Mike Bates

VP for Business Chris Erickson

VP for Marketing Steve Hunt


Information Services Registrar

Director of Retention

Stu. Support Study Abroad Dean of Athletic Activities

Dean of Students

Athletic Dir. and Athletics Human Performance

Director of Residence Life ASB Advisor



2010 Total: 51

2000 Total: 39

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1






Adult Degree Programs

Human Performance

Social Science








Computer Science




online adjuncts of note

Degree of change

The online MBA program has no borders, so some faculty operate off site. Three adjuncts who contribute to the program are new this year:

New or replacement personnel since 2008 are on the rise. With the introduction of graduate programs and the increased marketing efforts to reach high school students, the complexion of the campus community is quickly changing. The degree of change makes it very important that we maintain a mission-directed team of personnel in order to not lose our heritage, as we make significant improvements in the scope of our programs and facilities. Forty-six new faces appeared on campus in the last 18 months supporting the following departments:

Matt Rawlins worked with YWAM for 25 years. He has traveled all over the world and for the last four years has lived in Singapore with his wife Celia. He has started a consulting company there where he focuses on difficult conversations in leadership and organizational development. He has written 10 books; several of his books are used in the Corban course he teaches on dealing with change. Ademola Solaru is President of Mid-America Consulting Group, Inc, a management consulting and software development firm headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio. Solaru’s career spans consulting, technical assistance and technology support in public, private and not-for profit institutions. He has led teams to assist organizations to effect significant change, and has been hands-on in facilitation, consensus building, model development, strategic planning, plan development and implementation of automated solutions. Prior to MidAmerica, Solaru was a senior manager in the Public Sector Advisory Services of a national firm, Laventhol and Horwath, and before then, a consultant in the global firm of Ernst and Young in the health care practice.

John H. Warton Jr., president of the Business Professional Network, holds an MBA from the University of Chicago and MDiv from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He came to Oregon to serve as executive vice president of the Luis Palau Association and, since then, has been a protagonist for the “business as mission” movement. John participated in the BAM Issue Group at the Lausanne Forum in 2004. He is also active on the boards of Ministry Coaching International, The Finishers Project, and Riverwest Church in Lake Oswego, Ore.

Department New faces Human Performance ............................................................... 1 Graduate Admissions................................................................ 4 Communications......................................................................... 3 Campus Care/Security.............................................................. 6 Undergrad Admissions.............................................................. 11 Student Life.................................................................................... 5 Education........................................................................................ 2 Ministries......................................................................................... 1 Library............................................................................................... 1 Music................................................................................................. 1 Mailroom......................................................................................... 1 Business........................................................................................... 1 Advancement................................................................................ 1 Psychology..................................................................................... 1 Provost/Registrar’s Office......................................................... 2 Athletics Office............................................................................. 4

Jeff Benjamin joined Corban in 2009. He is the Assistant Director of International Student Support, and serves as a mentor to assist international students assimilate into American culture and their college academic program.

Freshmen SAT and GPA Comparisons



Average SAT scores Average HS GPA Scores

1062 3.51

1096 3.58





Board of Trustees

After the Oregon campus purchase in 1969, the first major expansion took place this year. The positive growth of the campus property which grew to 142.5 acres is easily compared here. The addition allows us to proceed with refinement and updating of our long-term master plan. Considerations include foot and vehicle traffic flow, interconnectivity of facilities, and internal and external image for the campus. The research committee will complete its work by September 2010, and the architect will then create a planning guide for short-term and future expansion. This will include development for five major areas of campus life: Academics, Arts, Athletics, Activities, and Advancement.

Corban’s board of trustees (photo below) meets three times a year to oversee the corporate health of the university. The current members include these: (front) Kay Hendrickson ’70, Jo Sherman, Dick Whipps, Dan Brammer ’76, Dan Wilder ’73, Tom Carlson ’69 (Chair), Curtis Horton ’69; (back) Pat Nicholson ’97, Tim Baker ’89, Doug Pfiler, Paul Null ’73, Michael Patterson ’74, Jim Carlson, Tim Aagard ’80, and Gary Williamson ’86.


EL CERRITO 1956-69 PHOENIX 1935-46


OAKLAND 1946-56

SALEM 2010

Not pictured above: Erhardt Steinborn, Anna Herman, Darrel Beddoe, Steve McBee and Sheldon Nord.

142.5 ACRES

student enrollment 1100





600 Year

















The number of personnel in the Athletic Activities Office has grown to 18, (plus assistants and adjuncts), headed by David Bale, dean of athletic activities. The department has grown to 13 intercollegiate sports, as well as a human performance major and the oversight of intramural activities. In 2009 the offices were divided and a move was made to Bale relocate administration and outdoor coaches to a remodeled facility near the Sportsplex. New Director of Athletics Dave Johnson is contributing to the development of the Sportsplex by creating the first annual campus relay race called “12 Hours @ Corban” (see story page 16). Johnson is focusing on creating and maintaining a successful athletics program, and he seeks to mentor coaches who realize that, by enhancing their program, they become ambassadors for Christ and Corban. This understanding is designed to create an environment of focused recruiting.

In 1990 Corban developed Project 2010, a master plan for the campus that established priorities for growth and a structure for development. It provided plans for academic programs, student programs and campus grounds and facilities.

Intercollegiate Sports Year Established Sport 1948...............................................Men’s Basketball 1987................................................Women’s Basketball 1966-79, 1988.............................Baseball 1976................................................Men’s Soccer 1994................................................Women’s Soccer 2004...............................................Softball 2003...............................................Men’s Cross Country 2003...............................................Women’s Cross Country 1978................................................Volleyball 2004...............................................Golf 2007...............................................Men’s Track and Field 2007...............................................Women’s Track and Field

The intercollegiate program and human performance (HP) fitness program have joined forces to free up afternoon fitness room time. We’ve designed an early-morning, allathlete fitness program led by certified strength coaches starting the fall of 2011. The HP activity classes, which all students are required to take, include both fitness and skilloriented courses. Some of the new skill-oriented courses are archery, fly casting, mountaineering and cross-country skiing. Two others being considered are skeet shooting and air rifle. The Human Performance program has three majors: exercise science, sport management, and physical education. An intramural director will be hired for fall 2010, and a campus recreation program will also be initiated. All of these opportunities are meant to enhance the lifestyle/fitness of our students.

Psalm Performing Arts Center

Accomplishments toward the goal list are:

• • • • • •

Masters degree programs in education, business, and counseling Renovation of the previous Van Gilder Hall into an academic center with library, classrooms, faculty offices, science lab, mailroom and bookstore Renovation of the Pavilion into classrooms with appropriate teaching and technology furnishings and expansion of the Common Grounds Student Center Renovation of the Academic Center, adding three new classrooms and several faculty offices Completion of the Psalm Performing Arts Center for chapel, concerts and theatre Phase 1 of the Psalm music annex creating music practice rooms




facilities upgrades

Al and Joan Velde Davidson Hall

John G. Balyo Hall

In 2007 the Resurrection sculpture was added to the entry area of the Psalm Performing Arts Center. With six ascending stones, it depicts death, burial and resurrection in an impactful way and creates an aesthetic visual for the performing arts facility.




The longtime dream of a campus clock tower was fulfilled in 2008 and added a beautiful and centering influence on campus. The 60 ft. tower and commemorative brick plaza provide a focal gathering place for visiting guests and alumni.


Schimmel Hall

In 2008 an existing residence building was converted to the Advancement, Alumni and Marketing Offices. It includes a conference area and office space.

Athletic Activities Office

Athletic personnel were split into two groups during 2009: indoor and outdoor coaches/administrators, following the creation of the Dean of Athletics position and the completion of the Athletic Activities Office.

The campus core area was refurbished in 2009 with exterior upgrades to the existing buildings and grounds.

New library rendering

Current planning for facilities upgrades and additions includes the 38,620 sq. ft. library and an upgrade/ reconfiguration of the existing library and Academic Center.

The goal for the “2010-2020 Steps to the Future” stated: “By the year 2010, we fully expect Corban will hold university status and serve 1,100 students, with an enrollment of 2,000 by 2020. To be ready, campus-wide strategic planning committees have reviewed each area of the college and identified what is needed to move forward. Our goal is to advance the quality of the Corban experience while broadening our academic mix to better address student interests.”

Today, it is clear that we have accomplished, or are on track to accomplish all of these goals. Corban’s best days are ahead. In this, our 75th year, we celebrate all the blessings God has bestowed upon us. We invite you to partner with us as we continue to fulfill our mission of educating Christians who will make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ. Please join with us by sustaining us in your prayers, and by referring prospective students and providing financial support.





News & Notes Clinical Director hired for graduate counselor education Mary Aguilera, Ph.D., LPC, NCC, is working closely with Director of Counselor Education Pat Myers to build a successful graduate program. She serves Corban as Clinical Director and a faculty member, with responsibilities including placement and supervision of students’ internship/practicum in area clinics. Aguilera earned a master’s from Western Seminary in 2004 and her doctorate from Oregon State University in spring 2009. She also has years of counseling experience, including her own private practice in Corvallis. During her doctoral studies, Aguilera was Graduate Teaching Assistant of the “Corvallis Project,” supervising master’s students in five public schools, including three where she was employed as counselor. Dean of Education and Counseling Janine Allen said, “Dr. Aguilera’s knowledge of biblical truth, passion for clinical counseling and doctoral training provide the framework and passion consistent with our graduate counselor education program.”

Richard Muntz memorial fund growing A memorial fund for former librarian Richard Muntz has been growing with gifts directed toward the Prewitt–Allen Archaeological Museum. Museum curator, Adrian Jeffers, Ph.D., recommended the memorial item be an early English Bible — a Geneva Bible, preferably dated before 1600. Muntz’s love of books and ancient manuscripts makes this selection a fitting tribute to his 30 years of service to Corban. The Geneva Bible is one of the most historically significant translations of the Bible in the English language, preceding the King James by 51 years. It was the primary Bible of the 16th century Protestant movement, used by William Shakespeare, Oliver Cromwell, John Milton, John Knox, and John Bunyan, and taken to America on the Mayflower. What makes the Geneva Bible unique is that, for the first time, a mechanically printed, mass-produced Bible was made available directly to the general public and in more convenient, affordable sizes than earlier versions. During the reign of Queen Mary I of England (1553–1558), a number of Protestant scholars fled from England to Geneva in Switzerland under the primary spiritual leadership of John Calvin and Theodore Beza. There, William Whittingham supervised the translation of the Geneva Bible, in collaboration with Myles Coverdale and others. The fund currently stands at about 75 percent of the goal, so any donation to complete this project would be appreciated. To donate to the memorial fund, please designate gifts to the Prewitt–Allen museum, Muntz memorial, c/o the President’s Photo courtesy of Dallas Theological Seminary An example of the Geneva Bible. Office at Corban University. 16



Unique 5k event planned

In May, Corban is hosting a relay event for the Oregon community called “12 Hours @ Corban.” It features a 5k (3.1 mile) crosscounty loop that circles campus and surrounding State property. While mostly a grass trail, a very fast 1000m finish is on asphalt. The elevation rise during the loop is an estimated 190 feet. The event features teams of 1 to 12 runners each. It begins at 8 a.m. on May 22, 2010, with 8 p.m. marking each team’s final lap on the course. The team from each category posting the most laps in the shortest amount of time wins the category. The team nature and scenic setting of this event make it ideal for Oregon’s running community, including trainees for the Hood To Coast Relay. Also, it will generate funds for Corban athletics and the Oregon Special Olympics. A sporting-goods expo will be held in conjunction with the race.

For hosting a booth, contact Dave Johnson at 503-375-7005 or For race-day or registration information, go to


Calendar of Events

HIGHLIGHTS Long-time Corban employees retire Associate Professor of Education Clair Casterline will retire at the end of the semester. He has served 12 years, through times of incredible growth and change, said Dean of Education and Counseling Janine Allen. “Clair has provided mentorship to students new to Corban and those preparing for graduation, challenging all to consider educational theory and practice from a biblical worldview.” Casterline began his career 43 years ago, teaching fourth grade. He moved to Oregon in 1965 to attend Western Seminary. After earning his M.Div., he served in a local church. Then he continued in the education field, Casterline including five years in Taiwan. Casterline received his M.A.T. from Lewis & Clark College in 1980. He is a member of the National Council for the Social Studies, the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, and the Oregon Middle Level Consortium. After 12 years in the Office of the Registrar, Bonnie Hills will retire effective May 7, 2010. Between the years of 1979 to 1989, Hills also served Corban in the mailroom and athletic departments. She holds a bachelor’s degree in English from The Master’s College in southern Calif. Forty-five years ago, she married Professor of Humanities Jim Hills. They attend Bethany Baptist Church and have four children, two of whom are married, and six grandchildren. Part of what has made their lives so rich, said Hills, is “watching all the students come through — from freshmen, to graduates, to accomplished adults.” Hills looks forward to more time as a homemaker and community volunteer. Hills

Alum donates grand piano Alumna Ruthie Edwards LaFreniere ’67 gifted the University with a 1952 Steinway M grand piano, valued at $35,000. “I have always known it was going to Corban,” said LaFreniere. “In my view, God loaned me the piano 40 years ago, and I’m just giving it back to Him.” The music department had benefitted from the piano in years past as well. LaFreniere, a member of the music faculty from 1967 to 1978, Ruthie Edwards LaFreniere ‘67 (second from right) is pictured with moved the instrument into her studio Music Dept. Chair Dan Shuholm (right), Professor of Music Virginia Cross, and Assistant Professor of Music John Bartsch. on campus when she purchased it in 1969. Music Department Chair Dan Shuholm noted it was the primary performance piano during those eight years on campus. Later, the grand served the LaFreniere family through five home relocations and also blessed three, Salem church congregations who borrowed it. As the piano comes full circle back to Corban, it is in excellent condition. Steve Ganz, the Steinway’s servicer and a renowned piano rebuilder of the Northwest, said, “I place it in the top five percent of Steinway M pianos.”

April 30 Class of 1960 Golden Grad Reunion Dinner

May 1 15 16

Commencement Decade of 50s & Class of 1960 Reunion Luncheon Classes of 1976–86 Northern Calif./Nev. Alumni Luncheon, Woodland, Calif. Decade of 50s & 60s Northern Calif./Nev. Alumni Luncheon, Sacramento, Calif.

JUNE 23 Teacher Appreciation Day

JULY 11–17 Women’s basketball mini camp Girls’ basketball camp 19–31 Theatre camp

AUGUST 21 Alumni soccer games, 12 p.m. & 2 p.m. Volleyball alumnae play students 7 p.m. 28–31 Fall Orientation 27 75th Anniv. fireworks show

SEPTEMBER 1 Fall semester begins

October 1 & 2 Homecoming and reunions

Full calendar: Sports calendar: Call 503-375-7005 for specific event details and information or visit SPRING 2010



Warrior Athletics

Warrior history made with firstever Hall of Fame


orban hosted its inaugural Warrior Hall of Fame induction ceremony on January 31, honoring deserving charter members. The Hall of Fame was created to honor athletes, teams, coaches, and non-athletes who have made a significant impact on the success of Warrior athletics. Director of Athletics Dave Johnson summarized the purpose of the ceremony in his opening comments: “What an honor it is to be in the presence of those who helped build athletics at Corban into what it is today.” The 2010 Hall of Fame inductees were Coach Tim Hills ’69, who received a standing ovation for his accomplishments during his tenure which spanned 1969 to 1998; basketball players Roger Mosier ’71, Don Hiebenthal ’79, and Brian Hills ’97; and soccer star Aaron Lewis ’98. The first-ever team recognition was conferred upon the 1976–77 men’s basketball team. Acknowledged for outstanding service was the late Clarence E. Jeffers ’50, whose award




was accepted by his brother Adrian, daughter Cindy Jeffers Moore, and grandson Kyle. Assistant Director of Athletics Tim Seiber, emcee for the ceremony, said, “This formal recognition has been a long time in coming, but it’s finally here.” Several video tributes were presented by fellow coaches and sportswriters from around Oregon, and each inductee was also recognized with a presentation by a peer or special mentor. It was evident throughout the ceremony that the Hall of Fame members manifested a strong Christian character. Johnson said that, in addition to their accomplishments, Warrior athletics was furthered by “their heart for the Lord.” Coach Hills’ lifelong impact on those he has mentored demonstrated his integrity and passion. A nostalgic “Hillsy story” was shared by many players throughout the program. In accepting his award, Hills acknowledged that his father “needs a bigger shirt for his chest” for having two sons and a grandson

Above: new members of the Warrior Hall of Fame. Pictured (left to right) is former Athletic Director and Coach Tim Hills, former Assistant Coach Harold Haws, Ron Sivey, Aaron Jones, Mike Emery, Greg Rust, Meril Craig, Mark Bradley, Don Bradley, Don Hiebenthal, and Jon Hills.

honored at the ceremony. He also counted it a blessing to be able to coach his brother Jon (’76–’77 men’s basketball team) and, later, his son Brian. Brian Hills was noted for his “phenomenal ability to score in traffic.” He spoke of his appreciation, not just for the award, but for

Don Hiebenthal ’79 jokes with Coach Tim Hills ’69.


Coach Tim Hills ’69 receives a standing ovation from those in attendance.

Kyle Moore, Cindy Jeffers Moore and Adrian Jeffers receive the award for the late Clarence E. Jeffers.

what his alma mater taught him: that although athletic competition is important, making a difference for the eternal prize found in Christ Jesus is the ultimate prize. “That’s what makes this place special,” he said. As building superintendent for the 1978 sports center project, Jeffers was honored for his outstanding service and personal commitment to the College. President Reno Hoff said Jeffers was well known for his competitive spirit and his mission in life to serve others. Sunday’s event gathered 180 alumni,

friends, family and Corban personnel into the Psalm Performing Arts Center. Besides the video tributes and individual presentations, each member was awarded a framed certificate, a lifetime Warrior sports pass and a free entry card to future Golf Classic tournaments. Moreover, a trophy bearing each member’s name will be displayed in the C.E. Jeffers Sports Center. Read about the accomplishments of the Warrior Hall of Fame charter members at and click on “Warrior Hall of Fame.”

President Reno Hoff congratulates the award recipients.




Corban in Print Recent published works by Corban alumni and personnel Dave Bullis ’92 and his wife Kaci are coauthors of a daily devotional book, Look Again 52, along with Monty and Ingrid Williams. Each of the four authors has written 13 weeks of devotions, speaking from his or her unique perspective on each scripture. The book has word studies, biblical referencing, stories from the authors’ lives or other “heroes of the faith,” and much more. The Bullis family — Dave, Kaci, and their two children — live in Tualatin, Ore., where Dave has been a student ministries pastor for 10 years. He works with junior high, high school and college-age students and also speaks at youth camps and conferences. Find the book at Robert M. Cossel Jr. ADP ’99 has a novel published by Xulon Press, Master of the Strings. The book tells of Albrecht and his blind granddaughter, sole survivors from their village during the Nazi era; they escape to Brooklyn only to discover a new challenge: Poland isn’t the only place where Jews aren’t welcome. Dr. Morgan survives the war, but at the cost of a leg, and returns home to face two family tragedies. Young Tommy, the pride of the Irish, learns the way of the streets after losing both parents in a single night. The paths of these individuals intersect, and, with God as their orchestra leader, they dare to cross the lines of race, class, and religion, overcoming personal barriers along the way. Cossel is a retired U.S. Army veteran and a public school educator living in El Paso, Texas, with his wife and three children. Sheryl Kindle Fullner ’70(n) wrote The Shoestring Library after the publisher ABC–CLIO invited her to do so. An organized collection of methods, materials and strategies, these tips are all tried-and-true examples of ways to stretch the media specialist’s budget and time to change even the drabbest library into an inviting oasis of learning. Fullner is a librarian at Nooksack Valley Middle School, six miles from the Canadian border in Everson, Wash. She divides her writing time between how-to articles and teen fiction. She was assistant 20



librarian at Corban for seven years. Fullner and her husband have a log guest-house called Inn Asmuch that is available as a free, rustic bed-and-breakfast for Christian workers. Designed by the Master: Women of Permeating Influence, written by Adjunct Instructor K. Ellen Jacobs ’88, is a compilation of 10 stories that relay how a woman can profoundly influence a life for God’s glory and honor. The impetus for writing, said Jacobs, was her observations that women tend to undervalue themselves because they base their worth on external issues and people’s opinions rather than Scripture. Jacobs has a master’s degree in counseling psychology from Chapman University; she has served women through Bible studies and seminars, as a professional pastoral counselor, and teaching and advising college students. She is a widow, single mom, grandmother, and great-grandmother and is on staff at Salem Heights Church. Colette Tennant’s Commotion of Wings, by Main Street Rag, debuted in February. It is a collection of 55 poems, with almost half of them having been previously published in journals and other works. The book was a finalist in a national contest of Main Street Rag. The poetry is divided into sections by a threefold theme: birth, death, and resurrection. Some poems are humorous, while others are gothic. One of her favorites is “October 2004—New Owner Unearths Human Remains in Front Yard.” Tennant has had more than 80 poems published during her 15-year tenure at Corban. Professor of English & Communications Marty Trammell, Ph.D., ’83 has paired up again with former Dean of Students Rich Rollins, D.Min. They’ve authored Spiritual Fitness: A Guide to Biblical Maturity, which was released in February. The book provides practical insights and activities to help Christians join the Holy Spirit’s work in promoting spiritual growth. Trammell has written two essays, also recently published: one is in a book by Bethany House Publishing called Love Is a Flame; the other is in a book by Harvest House called Cup of Comfort.

ALUMNI action Greetings, alumni This year you will be hearing a lot about your alma mater’s final name change to Corban University. Not only is this reason enough to celebrate, but you are a group of special people who once attended either Phoenix Bible Institute, Phoenix Baptist Bible Institute, Western Baptist Bible College, Western Baptist Bible College & Theological Seminary, Western Baptist College, Corban College or Corban College & Graduate School. Count it up — that’s eight changes over 75 years. Seventy-five years is yet another reason to celebrate. You are an important part of this long history of four different campuses Deleen Wills, Director of Alumni Services and eight different names. But what hasn’t changed is our DNA: our philosophy and mission statement remain the same as when you attended. Some things change; some things don’t.

Campus visitors In November, those stopping by campus were: Pastor Don Valen ’80 of Quincy, Wash.; Beth Hutton ’06, from San Lorenzo, Italy; Bobby Truax ’04 with wife Joy and children, Jasmine and Christopher, of Caldwell, Idaho; and Jonathan Broyles ’01, wife Jocelyn Smith Broyles ’00 and children, Emma, Josiah and Lucas, of Santa Valen Clarita, Calif.

Never miss events or news again We can’t get news to you any quicker than our Facebook Fan Page, which has up-to-the-minute news, upcoming events and much more. If you haven’t joined yet, you haven’t seen the news articles picked up from television and newspapers that are immediately posted; 41 photo albums from the past year; discussion groups by the decades; your life in residence halls; alumni ministries and prayer requests; and, sadly, obituaries. Employment opportunities on-campus and degree opportunities for working adults are all at your fingertips. You will now see this Facebook icon in the magazine for events and news that have more info on our Facebook Fan Page. Here are some of the photos albums that you’ll enjoy viewing: Golden Grads reunion, men’s and women’s soccer, volleyball, men’s and women’s basketball games, new student (and their alumni parent) orientation, visitors on campus, Teacher Appreciation Day, construction of the new staircase and Prayer Chapel, Habitat-for-Humanity work day, Alumni in the News, Young Alum Event, Blazer basketball game, Turkey Trot, Homecoming and reunions, plus many of your own photos in the fan photo section. Be sure to pinpoint where you live on our interactive world map as you see who is living abroad. This magazine comes courtesy of your alma mater three times a year. Our website serves a different purpose than the social networking of Facebook. Depending on the social event, sometimes we do a mailing but not in all instances because of costs involved with a printed mailing. Hopefully, with the combination of all these forms of communication, you won’t miss out! Don’t be intimidated; join 900+ fans on our Facebook Fan Page! It’s an easy process to make your own page, then join our fan page. Friends are reconnecting after many years from around the U.S. and many foreign locations. Join Facebook at and then simply type Corban/Western Baptist Alumni and click “Become a Fan.” Check it daily so you don’t miss a thing!





Have you received one of these in the past few years? If not, it’s because we don’t have your birth date. Please email with your name, birth date and class year. SPRING 2010




Alumni & Campus Events Bring back memories?

Christmas Soiree

The annual Turkey Trot was held on a brisk, sunny Monday before Thanksgiving, 2009.

More than 100 alumni and their families kicked off the Christmas season at Corban on Dec. 5, at the fourth annual Christmas Soiree. After a time of mingling in the beautifully decorated Schimmel Hall lobby and enjoying delicious appetizers courtesy of President Hoff, alumni enjoyed the concert featuring Christmas selections by the Corban choirs and bands in the Psalm Performing Arts Center.

Runners and walkers are off.

Runners are back already.

Yes, runners and fans still do costumes.

Blazer game One hundred twenty alumni, students, faculty and staff cheered on the Blazers as they took on the Utah Jazz on Wednesday, Jan. 27. This year the tickets were sold in three hours; so next year we’ll get more!

Rachel Hullet Wilson ’04(n) with husband Danny and son Collin, of Stayton.

Victoria Narkon ADP ‘99 with Chaille Shipps ADP ‘00, both of Salem. Corban’s group of hoop shooters on the court.

Nathan Ohta ‘02 shoots some hoops after the game.




Alumnae Terri Chapman ‘82, Kim Hughes ’85 Cutest and youngest Blazer fan in our group. and Nancy Martyn ’68.

Randy Williams ’79 with wife Colleen, plus dad Cecil ’56 and mom Lola Christensen Williams ’54, all of Salem.


Alumni & Campus Events Recognize any of these Young Alums? More than 80 young alums and families turned out to support the Warriors on Saturday, Jan. 30. Alumni had an opportunity to see friends, cheer on the Warriors and share some delicious food.

Class of 1960 & 50-Year Golden Grads Our tradition continues with the Class of 1960 reunion dinner on Friday night, April 30. The Class of 1960 Golden Graduates will be honored at commencement ceremonies on Saturday morning. Following commencement, all alumni and their guests from the Decades of the 50s and Class of ‘60 are invited for a reunion luncheon in the mezzanine of the Psalm Performing Arts Center.

Mark Paulsen ’04 and Stephanie Pierce Paulsen ’04, with baby Aaron and Mark’s brother Craig Paulsen ’06, all from Klamath Falls, with Heidi Ropp Beam ’04 of Corvallis.

The newest Golden Grads from the Class of 1959: Evelyn Haynes, Ft. Collins, Colo., and Charles Dubbs, Mesa, Ariz.

Jennifer VanBuskirk ‘06, Vancouver, Kelly Tippett ’06(n), Vancouver, with Hannah Schut ’06, Keizer.

Amy Davis Bertolini ’05 and Dave Bertolini ’04, of Dallas.

Chad Emmert ’06 and wife Katy Kasmierski Emmert ’07 with baby Jacob, of Salem. See our Facebook Fan Page for complete photo albums of the above events. SPRING 2010




Sports Events Women’s basketball game Six “wonder women” came on the afternoon of Oct. 31 to play basketball with Warrior Women. Brianne Carras Crumley ’07, Kailey Bostwick ’09(n), Tosha Wilson ’07, Mandy Peterson ’08, Erin Plotts Smith ’06 and Jessica Steigleman Buhler ’08 joined in the fun, coached by Dave Bale.

Volleyball and soccer players invited Corban volleyball alumnae and all men’s and women’s soccer alumni are invited to return to campus to give the students a good workout on Saturday, Aug. 21. Men’s soccer will begin playing at 12 p.m.; women’ soccer at 2 p.m.; and volleyball at 7 p.m.

The alumnae gave the students a great workout but lost by a few points.

Men’s basketball game The men played against the current student team on Oct. 31. Kevin VanHook ’10(n), Brad Reynoso ’07, Ben Sisler ’08(n), Dan Buhler ’07, Hannes Gehring ’09(n), Matt Larson ’05, Nate Morris ’07 and, in front, Jeff Dunn ’05 and Joey Jackson ’08. Not pictured: Bryan Steed ’05, who joined at halftime. Jeff Dunn (at the foul line in photo at right) held a shooting seminar by scoring 25 points by halftime and a total of 53 by the end of the game. The alumni won.

See our Facebook Fan Page for more photos from these events. 24



A few of last year’s soccer alumnae players were Katie Casebeer ‘06, Nicole Hickman ’07 and Lyndsey Hawk Brown ’07.

The women’s volleyball alumnae showed up in full force. Back row: Jen Krug ‘92, Rachel Gowen ‘09, Rashelle Davenport ’09, Jennifer Wright Rainbow ‘00, and Cassee Steed Terry ‘00. Middle row: Danielle Steed ‘03, Amy Thompson ‘09, Leia Stallings ‘05, Elisa Barknecht Hunter ‘98, and Chantal Collins Guerrero ‘03. Front row: Becky Horn ‘07 and Mandy McFadden Wigington ‘03.


Upcoming Events California & Nevada gatherings On Saturday, May 15, the Classes of 1976–1986 in Northern California and Western Nevada are invited to a luncheon and afternoon event at Life Pointe Church (formerly First Baptist) at 1616 West Street in Woodland, Calif. Alumna Linda Shouse Jaime ’82 is coordinating this event with the help of Cheryl Haberg Sousa ‘82, Sharon Mitchell Phillips ’68 and Andrea Pellonari Merryman ’82. On Sunday, May 16, the Decades of 50s and 60s luncheon will be held at 2 p.m. at Brookfields, 4343 Madison Ave., Sacramento, Calif. (Hwy 80 at Madison Ave.). Jim Warthan ’61 is assisting with this gathering. Salem guests will include President Hoff and wife Linda, Professor Jim and Bonnie Hills, and Alumni Director Deleen Wills, who is furnishing the dessert and a few more surprises!

2nd annual Teacher Appreciation Day All teachers or anyone working in the education field are invited on Wednesday, June 23, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., for a break right after school is out. Come to campus to share your experiences with others, enjoy lunch and some surprises. Childcare provided. Call 503-589-8182 or email to reserve your place.

All Alumni

Homecoming save the date

October 1 & 2, 2010

Commemorate and celebrate the 75-year history of all four campuses at Homecoming 2010 — Phoenix, Oakland, El Cerrito & Salem. Reunions are scheduled for the Classes of ‘70, ‘80, ‘90 and ‘00. Alumni attending the Oakland and El Cerrito campuses from the Decades of the 50s and 60s, any men’s basketball players who played on the El Cerrito campus under Jack Thiessen, Jim Huckaby or Jerry Cudney, and all trios and quartets are encouraged to attend. Adult Degree Programs alumni are having a special reunion dinner on Saturday evening. Join us for the President’s Luncheon on Saturday when we will recognize the Distinguished Alumni of the Year, Pat Nicholson ADP ‘97; Distinguished Young Alumni of the Year, Amy Dale Palacios ‘00; Outstanding Service Award, Dr. David Miller ‘63; Special Achievement Award, Bob Whatley ’58 and Betty Whatley ‘58; and Honorary Alumni Award, Jim and Bonnie Hills.

Activities and events for all alumni. Go to for more details.





CLASS notes When you see this icon, go to our Facebook Fan Page for more information (see page 21).


Bill Wuth ’62 and his wife Cathy Snyder Wuth ’62 reside in Woodstock, Ga. Life After 65, by Bill and Cathy Wuth: “Okay, so you’re not 65 yet. But you will be someday, so go ahead and read this vignette along with all the old duffers. After retiring from work we had to enter into volunteer work we loved to do — you know: singing in the choir, teaching Sunday School, greeting and serving — we began feeling led toward short-term missionary service. Since we had learned Portuguese in Brazil in the late 60s, we knocked on three doors in Brazil and Portugal and found those doors locked. So we began searching various mission websites, praying that God would lead us into short-term evangelism. But one day our Sunday School class asked us this question, “But what if God just wants you to clean toilets?” And that was the day we came across the AWE M.K. school and church training center website in Lisbon, Portugal. We found that they use retired volunteers who come for a month or two at a time to take care of the facilities. And the rest is history. We ended up mopping floors, repairing benches, weeding flower beds, hanging laundry out to dry and cleaning toilets. Maybe God wants you there some day.” Check out the Wuth’s website at Ron Mighell ‘64(n) met Becky Bramblet ‘65(n) on campus 47 years ago. They pastored for 12 years, but their real call was Christcentered radio and television. 2011 marks 50 years of producing, engineering and announcing. They live in Toccoa, Ga.


Daniel Waud ’76 and wife Linda live in Spokane, Wash. Daniel has three children and three step-children. He teaches choral music at Cheney Middle School and is in his 18th year there. In 1998, he received a M.M. in Music Education from Boise State University. Daniel has also been a construction bid estimator, selfemployed stone mason and chimney sweep. They attend Life Center Foursquare Church in Spokane, where Dan is in his 10th year of being on the church drama team.




Erik Wood (’77, ’94) resides near Marion, Ore., with his wife Carmen, step-daughter Amanda, and a multitude of animals, including their cavalry horses. Erik has served as chaplain for the 9th Virginia Cavalry and the Confederate Battalion of the Northwest Civil War Council for over a decade. Among other activities, he holds church services at reenactment events and makes presentations to groups about the religious aspects of the American Civil War. He is licensed as a preacher by Faith Baptist in Salem, and he has been privileged to officiate at several weddings conducted in period style.


Cynthia Butler Chavez ‘83(n) teaches sixth grade in Sandusky, Ohio. She and husband Saul have three children: Lauren, Joshua and Micaela. Saul is an over-the-road truck driver and is home once a month. They worship at Calvary Baptist Church. Carmielle King Cox ’86 received a Community Service Award from Puget Sound Blood Center for her support of blood donation. The award recognized her extraordinary support of the Blood Center and patients through coordination of Everson Community blood drives. She has registered 612 Everson donors in the last seven years. Those donations have potentially benefitted up to 1,800 patients in that region. The award was presented at the Partners in Life Luncheon on Nov. 12, 2009, at Skagit Casino Resort in Bow, Wash. Carmielle and her husband Keith Cox ’76(n) live in Lynden, Wash. Tami Toreson Bernard ’89 and husband Chris Bernard ’91 have lived in Central Oregon for 16 years. Chris and Tami have two children, daughter Taylor, 12, and son David, 10. Chris was in youth ministry for 10 years and has been in real estate for the past six. Tami has an accounting/bookkeeping business, Bernard Accounting, where she enjoys the flexibility of having her own business and working parttime. They attend Westside Church in Bend.


Karen Balderston Narus ’90 teaches an undergrad course in educational technology at Boise State University in Idaho. She earned her master’s degree in educational technology in 1997 from BSU. She taught for 10 years in southern Idaho, took seven years off to start a family and is teaching again part time. Josh Nagle ’94 of Bend, an OSP trooper, had to be cut out of his patrol car on Jan. 7, 2010, after a man lost control of his pickup truck and crossed the center line on icy Hwy. 20, slamming head-on into Josh’s car. It took close to 45 minutes for medics to cut off the roof and front door and use extrication tools to remove him. He was taken to St. Charles Hospital, treated and miraculously released the same afternoon. He is married to Becky Leitch ’95. Julie Hutt ADP ’96 was featured in an article, Dec. 21, 2009, for the Statesman Journal. The article was called, “Childcare providers get start before kindergarten.” It highlighted school readiness efforts starting earlier than kindergarten through a new, joint collaboration that is set to improve childcare facilities and childcare professionals. Julie is a licensed childcare provider who runs A Child’s Place from her South Salem home. Laura Hollingsworth Lacho ’97 and husband Paul closed their business in Idaho and moved to Greenwood, Ind. Laura is getting used to her woodworking tools for home improvement projects and riding off-road motorcycles. Paul works at Indy Tractor. They have two children, Ryan and Sadie. Nate Dunn ’98 and Liz Hamre Dunn ’99 have released their first album, I Will Sing Your Praises, a worship project consisting of 12 original songs and two arrangements of beloved hymns. The project is a fresh look at what it means to praise God even in the midst of challenges. The title track is taken from Colossians 3:2 where the believer is admonished to “set your mind on Christ.” With solid scripture woven throughout the album, there is a depth to the music that is sure to encourage everyone that this life is truly “In His Hands.”


The album is available on iTunes or you can go to for purchasing and concert booking information. Nate leads worship at First Baptist Church in Salem and Liz is a busy mommy to three children.

Nathan Knottingham ’03 was featured in the Young Professional section of the Salem Statesman Journal, Nov. 29, 2009. He is a loan officer at a professional mortgage corporation where he helps people with financing homes, investment property and commercial properties. He is actively involved in Dayspring Fellowship Church, Salem Young Professionals, National Speakers Association Oregon Chapter and serves on Corban’s Alumni Board. He plays the bass, enjoys disc golf and spends time with wife Billie Bodenstab Knottingham ’02 and their 8-month-old son.

Julie West Millage ’98 and her husband Michael, along with their two children, Joshua, 7, and Becca, 6, moved to a small community outside of Renton, Wash., after living 10 years in Salem. They are already active in a small local church.

Kenny Stone ’05 and his wife Kimberly Jones Stone ’05 moved to West Linn, Ore., where Kenny is the Student Ministries Pastor for Willamette Christian Church. Kimberly is a photographer and also spends much of her time serving with Kenny. They have been married for nearly five years and have enjoyed many crazy adventures together.

Darrin Hotrum ’99 and wife Nicole have two children, Dylan and Allison. They attend Eastside Christian Church in Albany, Ore., where they live. Darrin works as an internal auditor at Oregon State University. He is enrolled in the Masters of Business Administration program at OSU and plans to graduate in 2011.


Zac Hill ’00 is a mortgage loan officer at Resident Lending Group in Salem and was interviewed by the Statesman Journal newspaper in Salem for the Young Professional section on Dec. 27, 2009. He enjoys golf, spending time with his wife and two sons, has a passion for Salem, is involved with Young Life ministry, and is active in West Salem Rotary and West Salem Business Association. Ryan Skogstad ‘00(n) of Salem was featured in the Young Professional section of the Salem Statesman Journal on January 31, 2010. He is a senior financial advisor with Merrill Lynch, president of the Valley Flyers Flight Club, and co-chair of Salem Leadership Program. He is married to Kelsie Piper Skogstad ’97 and they have three children. Ruth Purkey ’02 lives in Newberg, Ore., and works in the customer service/rentals department at a manufacturing company. She has been attending and serving at Bible Fellowship in Hillsboro. God has been teaching and strengthening Ruth for the mission field. She left on Jan. 1, 2010, for an “exploratory mission trip” to South America. She traveled to Colombia and Peru, meeting up and working with different missionaries along the way.

Teacher Pam Ditterick ADP ’09 was pictured on the front page of the Salem’s newspaper, the Statesman Journal, on Dec. 20, 2009; the article was titled, “Ready or Not, Here They Come.” The article covered the problem of MidValley schools struggling to improve services for children before they reach kindergarten. Wade Douglas ’09 is an officer with the Ontario Police Department in Eastern Oregon. He spent the majority of time in orientation learning the radio, records management systems, data entry, system searches and writing reports. He completed the Oregon Law Enforcement Data Systems test. He also spent time in the dispatch center. He has much training ahead before he attends the State of Oregon Police Academy, which is an intensive 16-week series of courses that will take him through the different aspects of law enforcement. Paul Martin ’09 moved to Boise, Idaho, and is working as a graduate assistant for Boise State Sports Marketing. While doing this, Michael Jordan and Paul he has been interning at the Roady’s Humanitarian Bowl as a marketing assistant. Paul is currently in graduate school working toward his master’s in athletic administration. He assumed a role with Bronco Sports Properties, a division of Learfield Sports. Bronco Sports Properties handles all of Boise

State’s marketing and multi-media rights. Last fall, Paul was hired as a marketing consultant for Michael Jordan Flight School. Paul is staying busy, but misses everyone at Corban. Paul says, “I am a proud alum who is eager to tell all of the new people I meet about Corban!” Janelle Peyton ’09 is teaching fifth grade students at Sekolah Pelita Harapan (SPH), Jakarta, Indonesia, for two years. SPH is a chain of co-educational, K-12, Christian international schools in Indonesia. “God has given me a passion for working with children and seeing them succeed in the classroom. My desire is to use this God-given passion to shape the lives of every student in my classroom so that one day God will say, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant.’” To see what Janelle is doing in Indonesia, visit her blog at www.janellepeyton. Jennifer Straw ’09 is living in Mozambique, Africa, for the next two years, serving with Africa Inland Mission (AIM). She is on a team of 11 adults ministering to the Mwani people. She teaches five missionary children of various grade levels in a one-room school house and helps with other ministry opportunities. Her blog can be found at

Down the Aisle Amber McIlroy ’01 married Dustin Whitmire on July 11, 2009, in Starbuck, Wash. The ceremony was particularly special to Amber because her father and uncle officiated.



Amanda Kirkelie ’03 married Jason Merideth Sept. 4, 2009, at Fort Pickens Beach in Pensacola, Fla. Amanda is originally from Eagle River, Alaska, and Jason is from Pensacola. They met as children when their families went to church together. After years of losing contact, they found





each other on Facebook, fell in love and were married. They live in Pensacola, Fla. Heather Combs ’06 of Vancouver, Wash., married Timothy Squance, March 28, 2009, at First Baptist Church Combs/Squance in Portland. The wedding party included Bethany Froese ’06 and Anna Watson Holczer ‘06(n) as bridesmaids, along with Professor John Bartsch who played the piano for the ceremony. Heather and Timothy honeymooned in Leavenworth, Wash. They are living in Arboldswil, Switzerland, where Timothy is from. He is an airplane mechanic and helicopter pilot, and Heather is going back to school to receive a graphic arts degree that can supplement the worship arts degree she received at Corban. They plan to live in Switzerland for three years before they return to the Northwest. Steve Hornaday ‘07 married Kari in May 2008. Steve is from Salem, and Kari is a Wisconsin native. The couple met online through a friend, and, after long-distance dating for many months and many airline tickets Hornaday later, Steve convinced Kari to marry him. Steve and Kari were married in Onalaska, Wis.; Steve’s brother, Jonathan Hornaday ’08(n) was a groomsman. The couple honeymooned in Fountain City. They are living in Salem where Steve is working as an IT Specialist for the State of Oregon and Kari is finishing her degree in human resources.




Stephanie Veenstra ’07 married Jason Bakk May 9, 2009, at Wasilla Bible Church in Wasilla, Alaska. The couple honeymooned in Washington and Oregon for two weeks before going out to Bristol Bay for the commercial fishing season. Jason is a commercial SPRING 2010

fisherman and is the owner/operator of his own boat. He substitute teaches during the off-season. Stephanie is a stay-at-home wife at their home in Wasilla. Bryndle Fleming ’09 married Stephen Jarvis at the Salem Rose Garden on June 25, 2009. Shelby Fleming ’11 was maid of honor and Krista Zelmer Zade ’08, bridesmaid. Eric Zade ‘08(n) was best man and Ryan Rasmussen ’09, Fleming/Jarvis groomsman. Bryndle is teaching first- and second-grade ESOL at Richmond Elementary in Salem. She is also working on a masters degree at Corban. Steve is a crystal grower for Sanyo Solar of Oregon. They attend Church on the Hill in Keizer.

All in the Family Janci Grant Burns ’98 and husband Jason are excited to announce the birth of their daughter, Tessa Rose, born on December 23, 2009. She was welcomed home by her two brothers and big sister on Christmas Day. They reside in Stayton, Ore., with their four children. The past four years have been spent on remodeling Janci’s childhood home and running their own business, Focus Heating and Construction, Inc. The family loves showing Christ’s love to their neighbors and are actively involved at Foothills Church. 1 Rachel Candee Besset ’99 and husband Shane had their first child, Justus Mark-Aaron, Dec. 14, 2009. Shane and Rachel chose the name Justus for two reasons: they both have sought justice in the community while working in law enforcement, and they were inspired by Acts 18:7, which describes Justus as a worshiper of God and a God-fearing man. Since getting married, they moved from Kansas City in 2005 where Rachel accomplished her career goal of becoming a parole probation officer. Now living in Newberg, Ore., Shane works for the Oregon State Police and Rachel is attending Corban earning a Masters of Arts in counseling. In their free time they love to work with Royal Family Kids Camp (, a camp for abused and neglected children involved with the Department of Human Services. 2

Cassee Steed Terry ’00 and husband Will, announced the birth of their second daughter, Joslynn Marie, born Dec. 21, 2009. She was welcomed by her sister Tabitha. Joslynn weighed 8 lbs. 14 oz. and was 21 in. long. They live in Redmond, Ore., where Will is in the building industry and Cassee is a veterinarian for the Redmond Vet Clinic. 3 Kelly Baker Cox ’02 and husband Brandon welcomed their first child, Braeden, on March 16, 2009. They both work full-time; Kelly is a middle school social studies teacher at the Metropolitan Learning Center in Portland. The Cox family resides in Beaverton, Ore. 4 Rebecca West Alburn ’04 and husband Jacob welcomed daughter Bethany Eden on Oct.4, 2009. She joins her big sister Abigail. The Alburn family lives in Salem, where Rebecca is a middle school English teacher and Jacob is a chemist. 5 Mark Paulsen ’04 and wife Stephanie Pierce Paulsen ’06 announced the birth of their first child, Aaron Jacob, born June 4, 2009. They reside in Klamath Falls, Ore. 6 Lindsay Cole Reid ’04 and her husband Dan welcomed their first child, Kennedy Faith, born July 12, 2009. She weighed 6 lbs. 2 oz. The Reid family resides in Parker, Colo., where Lindsay works part time as a medical assistant and Dan is a deputy sheriff. 7 Travis Frank ’05 and his wife Kristin Bushnell Frank ’05 welcomed Adelyn Cadence on September 23, 2009. She joins older siblings Jeremiah, Lilly and Isaiah. The Frank family lives in Salem, where Travis is the associate pastor at Oak Park Community Church and Kristin is a stay-at-home mom. 8 Colleen Martinsen Likkel ’05 and husband Todd announced the birth of their first child, Emily Leona, born Jan. 9, 2010. Colleen is a part-time bookkeeper at Bookkeeping Solutions NW, and Todd is an owner of an electronics store. They reside in Lynden, Wash. 9 Chad Emmert ’06 and Katy Kasmierski Emmert ’07 of Keizer welcomed their first child, Jacob Chad, born Sept. 4, 2009. Chad is a senior associate with AKT LLP in Salem. Stacy Hoffman Gott ’06(n) and husband Broc of Byesville, Ohio, welcomed their first child, Landon Reese, on May 11, 2009. Broc is a store manager at a local retailer. Stacy is a stay-athome mom and is also working on starting a


What does Corban mean to me?

youth center in the City of Canton that will keep local teens out of trouble by giving them a place to hang out. She wants to teach them job and life skills to help them excel in society. 10 Aubrey Hiatt Grove ’07 and husband Tyler Grove ‘09 welcomed their first child, Riley John, Jan. 8, 2010. Riley weighed 8 lbs. 8 oz. and was 20.25 in. long. Tyler and Aubrey have been married for nearly three years and have recently bought their first home in Lebanon, Ore. Tyler is a soccer coach and teaches seventh-grade science, history and Bible at East Linn Christian Academy. Aubrey is a lead teacher at Life Roots Preschool. 11 Logan Martin ’07(n) and wife Erica Garrett Martin ’08 welcomed their first child, Elias Reid, on May 24, 2009, weighing 9 lbs. 4 oz. They are living in Salem where Logan is an associate worship leader at Salem Alliance Church. 12 Natalya Ishenin ADP ’09 and husband Sergey of Salem announce the birth of their daughter, Katia, born November 20, 2009. Katia was 6 lbs. 15.5 oz. and was 19.5 in. long. Katia joins siblings Sasha, Yulia, and Ruvim. Natalya works for the Oregon Employment Department and Sergey works in the WinCo Foods Distribution Center in Woodburn, Ore. They attend Christian Slavic Church of Salem. 13

With the Lord Judith Rae Webb Meyer ‘60, of Trinity Center, Calif., lost a long battle with mesothelioma cancer on October 31, 2009. She is survived by her husband Jerry. Pastor Rudolph Timothy Ringhoff ‘69, age 62, of Poulson, Mont., went to be with the Lord on Dec. 14, 2009. Rudy was born July 10, 1947, in Olympia, Wash. He attended LeTourneau College in Longview, Texas, and graduated from Western Baptist Bible College in 1969. Rudy attended San Francisco Baptist Theological Seminary and graduated from Western Conservative Baptist Theological Seminary in Portland, Ore., with a Master of Divinity. Rudy helped to put himself through seminary by driving tanker trucks for both Arco and Texaco Oil Companies. He married his high school sweetheart, Rita Soden ’69, on August 9, 1969. They have two children, Tim and Jennifer. Rudy counted it a privilege and a

gift of the Lord to be able to serve First Baptist Church for almost 32 years. Ricardo Fiol ’65 entered the presence of the Lord, Dec. 24, 2009. Ric was born Dec. 21, 1942, in Brawley, Calif. He lived there until he graduated from high school in 1960. Ric then moved to El Cerrito to attend Western Baptist Bible College. While there, he met and married Nancy Libbee ’66(n). He graduated in 1965 and started working for the College in 1967. When the College moved to Salem, Ric and Nancy went with it. Ric was the mailman and Nancy was a cook. Ric also traveled with the sports teams, which was his favorite job. In 1976, Ric and Nancy moved to Sacramento, Calif. The first thing they did was look for a Bible-teaching church, which they found in Arcade Bible Church, where they have been all of these years. Ric went to work for Shell Oil as a bookkeeper, then at Radiological Associates of Sacramento, where he was a billing specialist. He worked there until he retired. God blessed Ric and Nancy with 45 years of marriage. They have two daughters, Barbara and Janet, two sons-in-law, and six grandchildren. A memorial service for Cathy Sue Patterson Kilmer ’76 was held at Southside Baptist Church in Tacoma, Wash., Jan. 12, 2010. She was born in West Seattle, May 18, 1956, to Elmer and Gladys Patterson. Cathy married Bruce Kilmer, Nov. 27, 1982. Cathy was a dedicated nurse for Avail Home Health and loved taking care of people. Cathy’s hobbies were crocheting and crafts. Cathy’s passions were her family and her church. She is survived by her husband Bruce Kilmer, two sons, her mother Gladys Patterson, and two brothers. Darren James Glenewinkel ’85 went to be with the Lord on Aug. 28, 2007. Darren was born in San Pablo, Calif. He had been a minister for 25 years. Darren is survived by his mother, Lawona K. Glenewinkel of Pinole, Calif., sister Kaylynn M. Miller of Marin, Calif., and two nephews. The graveside service took place Sept. 7, 2007, at Rolling Hills Memorial Park in Richmond, Calif.

This issue of Class Notes consists of items submitted between October 5, 2009, and February 15, 2010. Deadline for Class Notes for Fall 2010 issue is June 15, 2010.

Mitchell Emmert '10 Corban is more than just a school to me; it really runs in the family. My uncle, aunt, cousins, and my own father have all attended. In high school that was a strong detriment to choosing Corban, as I’ve always considered myself somewhat adventurous, and Corban didn’t seem the most cavalier of ideas to a kid from Salem. However, in the past two-and-a-half years I’ve discovered Corban to be much more than a school — considering the professors we have, spiritual growth opportunities, and friendships formed. It was by God that I was led here. My favorite thing about Corban is the professors and their availability. What differentiates Corban from other schools for me is the high-quality, biblically based education from professors such as Trammell, Kersey, and Anderson — from whom I’ve learned a great deal, both in and out of the classroom. While I am an accounting major, I thoroughly enjoy a wide variety of courses to aid in my development as a person. I still had the itch to get away from home and see something new, so in spring 2008 I spread my wings and participated in the study-abroad program at AMBEX in Germany. In addition to the travel opportunities, I found AMBEX to be a blessed time of learning, with fantastic professors, great teacher-to-student ratios, and growth by living in another culture and examining things differently in my own life. Outside of the classroom I am currently helping in the middle school ministry of Bethany Baptist Church. It’s a welcome change to the pace of college and a humbling time of learning to lead and challenge young Christians in building up their faith. This isn’t my first experience with youth ministry, as the last five summers I’ve served in summer camp ministries. My freshman summer I spent counseling on a Camp Team from Corban. We traveled to half-a-dozen camps, and I had the great experience of counseling students of all ages while promoting Corban. I’m on track to graduate in the spring of 2010 with an accounting degree, a biblical worldview, and many rewarding relationships. I hope to use my skills (whether professionally or voluntarily) to further the Kingdom by helping churches or organizations with finances. Corban has prepared me not only for career goals, but has challenged me to evaluate my beliefs and life priorities. I am excited to see what God has in store for me in the future. SPRING 2010




Future Warriors














Send baby photos! We’d like to know about your growing families and see their new faces! Send your photos and birth announcements and receive a gift from the Alumni Office. Send to: Corban College Alumni Office 5000 Deer Park Drive SE Salem, OR 97317 Or email attachments to:




Pictured above: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Tessa Rose Burns Justus Mark-Aaron Bessett Joslynn Marie Terry Braeden Cox Bethany Eden Alburn Aaron Jacob Paulsen Kennedy Faith Reid

8. Adelyn Cadence Frank 9. Emily Leona Likkel 10. Landon Reese Gott 11. Riley John Grove 12. Elias Reid Martin 13. Katia Ishenin


Nostalgia quiz

Nostalgia Quiz Challenge: Correctly identify three of these Student Council members from the Class of 1969 yearbook. On page 19 it reads “Because the Student Council is the key to good relations between students and faculty, it is important to have capable and responsible individuals as leaders. We believe this year’s officers and council possessed qualities adequate to the job.” To be eligible to win: Email Deleen Wills at or call 503-589-8182 with your answer. Be sure to provide your name, class year and address. You don’t have to be the first contestant to win. When all the responses are in, we’ll draw two prize winners from the correct answers. Deadline is June 1, 2010.

Winter Issue Winner Update Thanks to those who emailed or called to play our Nostalgia Quiz. The rules were simple: identify one of the five new teachers from the 1965 Gateway.

The winners were:

Correct answer: Left to right: Harold Sevener, Carroll True, Carl Hills, Virginia Whittaker, Stan Flohr.

Both received a 2010 stand-up desk calendar of photographs of Corban’s beautiful campus.

• Sue Jacobs Severs ’69, Fishers, Ind. • Jerry Bishop ’62, Fremont, Calif.

The following alumni identified at least one person correctly: Laurie Miller Andrews ‘68(n), Lyons, Oregon; Jerry Bishop, Jr. ’62, Fremont, California; Ken Campbell ’83(n), Stockton, California; Shelly Lewis Emery ’83(n), Salem; Jon Hills ’75, Salem; Dorothy Johanson James ’58, Salem; Cheryl Bender Jongeneel ’68(n), Salem; Rex Lewis ‘73, Craig Lucas ’70 & Jane Glass Lucas, ’70, Salem; Carolyn Cunningham Luginbuhl ‘70(n), Greenville, Ohio; Sue Jacobs Severs ’69, Fishers, Indiana; Kay Newland Spingath ’68, Stayton, Oregon; and Michael Tucker ’63, Mesa, Arizona.







Office of Marketing & Communications 5000 Deer Park Drive SE, Salem, OR 97317-9392

Corban students will benefit from an estate gift Gary and Patti Williamson


eet Gary and Patti Williamson who are active alumni and strong supporters of Corban University. The Williamsons both attended Corban; Gary graduated in 1986 with a Bachelor of Science degree. Gary says, “I could have attended many other colleges/universities on an athletic scholarship, but because the coaches and faculty reached out to me in love, I was drawn to Corban for the opportunity of life-changing spiritual growth.” Their three children attended Corban; Jordan graduated in 2009. In 2006 Gary accepted the invitation to join Corban’s Board of Trustees and now serves on the Advancement Committee. The Williamsons live in Salem and have been active in real

estate and real-estate development over the past 18 years. Just recently they have become owners of Legacy Real Estate. Gary and Patti are grateful for God’s blessing on them over the years and have designated a portion of their estate to provide for scholarships for future students at Corban. They understand the importance of a liberal arts education with a Bible-based worldview. We appreciate partners like Gary and Patti, and we invite you to join in this great ministry. We have been educating Christians for 75 years, many of whom are serving in positions of influence all around the world. Our mission is urgent, so please join us by investing in the lives of our students. Make plans now to designate Corban University as the beneficiary of a portion of your estate.

For more information about Corban’s planned giving options, please call Chris Erickson at 1-800-845-3005 or email You may also request a booklet on planned giving or visit our website at

Corban University is a non profit, 501(c)(3), tax exempt educational corporation. We offer several other planned giving vehicles such as a 1) Charitable Gift Annuity, 2) Charitable Lead Trust, 3) Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust, and 4) Charitable Remainder Trust. Gifts of real property or life insurance are another way to support the mission of the University.

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