Corban Magazine - Fall 2007

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MBA Program Added 9 | Honor Roll of Donors 21 | Warrior Athletics 28 | Homecoming 2007 32 Dedicated to alumni and friends of Corban College & Graduate School | Fall 2007

It is a New Day at Corban page 11









ur students have chosen Mission Possible as a theme for this year, and it is also one that we can adopt as a college and graduate school. In this issue you can see how the Lord has blessed our mission. Over the past six years, Corban has received more than $11 million from individuals with a vested interest in the College. We’ve included an honor roll of faithful alumni, parents, friends and college employees who generously supported us this last year. We are most grateful—every gift, no matter the size, enables a new generation to experience an education distinctively rooted in Jesus Christ. We plan to have a special Homecoming event during the first weekend in October to show our appreciation of all those connected with the college past and present. Recently, I participated in a memorial service for Mildred Prewitt and shared the importance of all those who have had a major influence in the success of the college. I referred to the Prewitts as founders of the college—and what a heritage they left. Today there are almost 7,000 alumni making a difference in the world for Jesus Christ. When we dedicate our lives to something bigger than ourselves we will leave a lasting legacy. This is true all of those who invest their lives into our college. Today we build on the foundation they laid, while adhering to the founding faith principles they established. In order to expand the effects of our mission and success of the college, we have developed a strategic plan “Corban 2010/2020.” It incorporates three five-year phases to be completed by 2020, to direct us in reaching an even higher level of academic excellence. To do this we must provide additional classrooms, residence halls, dining facilities, a student activity center, athletic facilities, parking, offices, faculty, staff, technology and a new library center. All these pieces are needed to reach our goals. Whenever individuals or organizations face new challenges there is an element of fear of the unknown. As we review the past, we can clearly see that the Lord has guided us as individuals and as a college. Based on this, we can expect that the Lord will continue to guide us if we continue to follow Him wholeheartedly. Fortunately, we rely on the God who not only knows the future but is the future, Jesus Christ. This comfort gives us the commitment and attitude that “Mission Possible” is a viable goal. We have a statement in our catalog entitled “Our Commitment to Growth.” Some of the key phases are: “We believe Christ has called all of us to a life of growth.” “We must be prepared to take risk that growth demands.” “We must not be afraid to reach beyond where we are.” “Such a commitment, in some circumstances, may demand the risk even of life.” “We are committed to neither ease nor safety. Reaching may be difficult—perhaps even dangerous, but the risk is unavoidable if we are to grow.” Recently, I read the book by John C. Maxwell, Qualities of a Leader which asks the question “What am I willing to die for? If it came down to it, what in life would I not be able to stop doing, regardless of the consequences?” We at Corban have determined that the commitment worth dying for is the battle for the minds of our students—a war waged between the anti-God agenda of the world and the mind of God. Properly prepared, these students will make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ. We know that many of you are engaged with us in this endeavor. We encourage all of you to join us—you will never regret this commitment. As stated in 2 Peter 1:10-11 “Therefore, my brothers, be all the more eager to make your calling and election sure. For if you do these things, you will never fall, and you will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” The promise is that those who live committed lives will never fall. Isn’t that something worth committing to? I am sure it will make our “mission possible.” Dedicating Heart and Mind to God,


Mission Possible


CORBAN STAFF Publisher Reno Hoff ‘73 Editor J. Steven Hunt ‘69 Assistant Editor Kristina Brown ‘99 Writer Melody Taylor Contributing Writers Christena Brooks ‘00 Dan Ostlund Tim Seiber Deleen Wills Designer/Photographer Corey J. Wells ‘08 Contributing Photographer Deleen Wills Printer Times Litho, Forest Grove, OR



COLLEGE ADMINISTRATION President Reno Hoff ‘73 President Emeritus John Balyo Provost Linda Samek Vice President for Advancement Michael Bates Vice President for Information Services Dean of Business Bryce Bernard ‘82 Vice President for Business Chris Erickson Vice President for Student Life Nancy Hedberg ‘93 Vice President for Marketing J. Steven Hunt ‘69 Vice President for Enrollment Management Martin Ziesemer ‘91 EMAIL President Editor Undergraduate Admissions Adult Degree Programs Graduate Admissions Advancement Office Alumni Office BOARD OF TRUSTEES Thomas Carlson ‘69 (Chair), Timothy H. Aagard ‘80, Timothy R. Baker ‘89, Darrell V. Beddoe, Daniel E. Brammer ‘76, James Carlson, Loren Glass, Virginia K. Hendrickson ‘67, Anna Herrman, Mark Hoeffner, Curtis Horton ‘69, Stephen E. McBee, Donn Mogford, Pat Nicholson ‘74, Sheldon C. Nord ‘82, Paul B. Null ‘73, Michael L. Patterson ‘74, Douglas Pfeiler, Joyce A. Sherman, Erhardt Steinborn, Gus Suarez, India Tornell, Richard Whipps, Dan Wilder ‘75, Gary Williamson ‘86 ALUMNI BOARD Tyson Pruett ‘92 (Chair), Eric Christen ‘91, Dan Hill ‘93, Michael Howden ‘81, Daryl Knox ‘96, Corky Lambert ‘75, Pat Nicholson ‘74, Michael L. Patterson ‘74, Brad Rudkin ‘91, John E. Storkel ‘79, Nancy Tollenaar ‘74, Jack A. Werre ‘78, Nelson T. Zarfas ‘82 Corban College & Graduate School is an independent Christian college offering 45 majors and programs of study, including adult degree programs and graduate studies in business and education. Corban is accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities and is recognized by U.S.News & World Report as one of the West’s Top Ten Best Comprehensive Colleges/Bachelor’s. Corban’s mission is to educate Christians who will make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19-20). CORBAN Magazine is published four times a year by the Marketing & Communications Office of Corban College. Send all inquiries and address changes to the Advancement Office at the address below: Corban College & Graduate School 5000 Deer Park Drive SE Salem, OR 97317-9392 503-375-7005

Dr. Reno Hoff President


FALL 2007

©2005-2007 Corban College, All rights reserved.


Volume II - No. 4 | Fall 2007




11 God’s Blessing Your investment in Christian Education is showing results

26 Study Abroad The AmbEx program offers new cross-cultural opportunities

32 Homecoming 2007 32

Our biggest ever! Rediscover, Reconnect & Renew


Stand in the gap between dreams and reality The Corban Annual Fund is the cornerstone for all giving. It is by far the best way to support the Corban experience. Your gift helps more students afford biblically-based Christian education.

4 Faculty News Learn something new about faculty

10 Adult Degree Programs “Finish what you started”

Bridge the gap

5 Campus Life Events & news on campus

28 Warrior Athletics Meet our Warrior fans

Would you give generously to the Corban Annual Fund today?

6 Corban Chronicles Student & program news highlights

29 Alumni Action Alumni news & events

8 Graduate Studies Furthering your education

35 Class Notes Reconnect with classmates & friends

Contact Information President’s Office: 503-375-7000 Academic Office: Linda Samek, 503-589-8155 Adult Degree Office: Nancy Martyn, 503-375-7585 Advancement Office: Mike Bates, 503-375-7024 Alumni Office: Deleen Wills, 503-589-8182

Business Office: Chris Erickson, 503-375-7011 Graduate Admissions Office: Holly Cozby, 503-589-8145 Marketing Office: Steve Hunt, 503-375-7591 Student Life Office: Nancy Hedberg, 503-375-7010 Undergraduate Admissions Office: Marty Ziesemer, 503-375-7005

Call Dan at 1-800-845-3005 x8186 or e-mail for more information. Personal checks should be made payable to Corban College and mailed to: Corban Advancement 5000 Deer Park Drive SE Salem, OR 97317-9392

On the Cover: Based on the biblical context of 1 Corinthians 15, the Resurrection sculpture embodies the hope of the Christian faith.


FALL 2007


Corban in Print Recent Books/Periodicals by Corban Personnel & Alumni Going Glocal, written by Dr. Gene Wood ‘76 and Churchsmart Resources (2006) (, focuses on networking local churches for worldwide impact. It teaches strategic steps for churches to accomplish global ministry, regardless of size. It is an exciting Acts 1:8 application to Thomas Friedman’s best seller, The World is Flat. Dr. Gene Wood is Senior Pastor at Grace Church of Glendora (Glendora, Calif.) ( and

Leading Turnaround Teams (2004), sequel to Leading Turnaround Churches, was cowritten by Dr. Gene Wood ‘76 and Daniel Harkavay. This book is designed to help churches develop their organizational leadership in a non-profit context. It offers team-building principles and practical corporate insights (

Faculty Activities Dr. Marty Trammell (humanities) spoke at a Redeeming Relationships Conference at Valley Bible in San Francisco July 20-21. Dr. Rich Rollins, who co-authored Redeeming Relationships with Dr. Trammell, joined him in sharing helpful insights from their book with 110 attendees. One couple said, “Your conference was much more Trammell personal, honest, and biblically based and helped us more than any we’ve been to.” Another said, “I’ve never thought of the Bible providing so many answers to conflicts I face every week. Thanks so much.” Dr. Trammel feels humbled and honored that God used the contents of the conference and the book to help so many. Dr. Tim Anderson (ministries) was one of three main instructors for Veritas, a summer theology learning experience for high school students run by Western Seminary and held on the Corban campus. Dr. Anderson taught general sessions and led a small group in keeping with this year’s theme: “The Bible, Truth, and Culture.” Anderson After three years of teaching with Veritas, Dr. Anderson has found it to be an “absolutely wonderful and enriching experience.” He also noted that over the past five years, five Veritas alumni have come to Corban as students.

Dr. Jim Dyer (science), will teach chemistry and math courses this fall. He formerly taught chemistry at Western Oregon University. His wife, Sang-Eun Kim Dyer, also teaches at Corban in the education department. J. Dyer

Virginia Cross (music) oversaw the 7th summer Music Camp with Sharon Bartsch as Camp Director. After a break of two years, the camp hosted 80 young musicians in June. The campers gathered for daily Bartsch music instruction and performance Cross opportunities at Music Camp. Worship times and the closing concert provided memorable highlights for the campers.



Dr. Pat Daniels (science) just came to Corban from the University of Kansas Medical Center where he was a senior research scientist. He will teach biology and genetics this fall. With a rich background in dentistry, research, and education, Dr. Daniels has particular skills to benefit students heading toward the medical profession. Samek


FALL 2007

Tamara McGinnis (English) directed the two-week Theatre Camp in late July. Under her leadership, young aspiring actors had positive, fun training in theater skills from local Christian drama instructors and college actors/musicians. The theme, “Experience the Wonder” provided training in theatre skills. At their final recital, campers presented plays they wrote and produced themselves. Dr. Linda Samek (education) has been awarded the Oscar Shaaf Secondary Math Education Award in recognition of her work in Oregon teaching K12 mathematics and preparing the next generation of math teachers. The award was presented by the Oregon Council of Teachers of Mathematics.


Two Great Travel Opportunities

Calendar of Events

HIGHLIGHTS SEPTEMBER 11 Volleyball Serve It Up BBQ, 7:00 p.m.

Join the Corban IsraelMediterranean Cruise May 14-27, 2008

OCTOBER 2 Faculty Recital, 12 noon 5 Corban Golf Challenge, 10:45 a.m. registration open, 12:00 p.m. shotgun start 5-7 Homecoming Weekend 9 Choir & Strings Concert, 7:30 p.m. 16 Band Concert, 7:30 p.m.

Featuring: New Testament sites in Israel, Asia Minor and Greece. • • • •

3 nights on a kibbutz near the Sea of Galilee 4 nights in Jerusalem 2 nights in Athens, Greece 3 night cruise through the Greek Isles

Price $3865 per person/double occupancy. • Includes round trip air fare from Portland. • Daily breakfast and dinner. • Hotel and cruise accommodations. • Tour guide, entrance fees, tips, service charges.

Leaders: Dr. Reno Hoff Dr. Herb Anderson

Hosts: Bill & Kathy Sharman

For further information, call: 503-375-7000

Study Tour of Israel Drs. Tim Anderson and Greg Trull have dreamed for years of teaching together in Israel. Next March 20-30, they would love for you to join them on their trip. They will lead an active study tour to some of the most important places in biblical history, including Mount Carmel, Nazareth, Gethsemane, Jerusalem and many others. See biblical events come alive as your study them in the very places where God miraculously acted. Lodging will be along the shores of the Mediterranean, Dead Sea and the Sea of Galilee as well as inside the old city of Jerusalem. Call 503-375-7018 to receive information on this exciting opportunity. Check out the tour on the Alumni page of our website at

Westrek offers backpacking experiences for students A seven-year tradition continued in May as Westrek took to trails along the Columbia Gorge. The group of ten students and their advisor, Professor John Scott, spent a week of camping and backpacking on both sides of the Gorge where they saw remarkable sights—waterfalls, wildflowers, and Dog Mountain panoramic views. Their 43-mile trip began on the Oregon side with trails past Punch Bowl, Loowit, and Tunnel Falls—all the more spectacular with May water runoff. Crossing to the Washington side, they were awed by Falls Creek Falls and tired by Dog Mountain heights that rewarded them with flowers at their feet and a magnificent view of the River beyond. Westrek is a student-led club that offers outdoor activities for students year-round. The end-ofthe-year trip has become a tradition, leaving shortly after graduation. Scott described the Gorge trekkers as “a mature group of non-complaining, God-praising Christians who worked well as a team. We had a fantastic time.”

NOVEMBER 2-3 Parent Weekend 8 Inside View (Graduate Studies informational dinner), 4:30 p.m. 8-10 Fall Drama, “Our Town” 10 Alumni Basketball games, Women: 5:30, Men: 7:30 11-12 Corban Experience (visit days at Corban) 13 Men’s Basketball Tip-off Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. 15-17 Fall Drama, “Our Town” 19 Turkey Trot Cross Country Race, 10 a.m. 30 2nd Annual Alumni Christmas Soiree, 6:15 p.m. 30 Christmas Showcase Concert, 7:30 p.m. DECEMBER 1 Christmas Showcase Concerts, 3 p.m. & 7:30 p.m.

For full calendar, sports schedules or for general information on times and locations, see our website at or call 503-375-7005.


FALL 2007


2007 business grad receives college and state honors


hen Andrew Bertz graduated with a business major in May, he not only had two tax seasons of work experience under his belt, but two prestigious awards to show for his Corban experience. One was bestowed by faculty and peers, the other recognized by accounting professionals across the state. The Joshua-Barnabas Award is given to the top business grad each year as a result of nomination by peers and then selection by the business faculty. Bertz was awarded the honor at graduation on May 5. Dean of Business, Dr. Bryce Bernard recalled that the award was created in 1993 by Dr. Rich Nolan, a great friend of the college. The Joshua-Barnabas Award continues to go to students with the leadership qualities of a Joshua and the encouraging qualities of a Barnabas. Bernard said that makes “the perfect business person, able to lead as well as play second fiddle.” On May 16, the Oregon Society of

Dave Bale, three-time Coach of the Year After five years as head women’s basketball coach, Dave Bale has landed three Coach of the Year awards. He gained back-to-back honors from the Salem-Area Small Colleges when Dave Bale named the Chuck Bowles Coach of the Year for the second year in a row. A third came from his coaching peers in the Cascade Collegiate Conference when they voted him Coach of the Year out of ten schools. Bale received the most recent honor, his second Chuck Bowles award, at the Salem Sports and Breakfast Club. 2006-07 was Bale’s last year as coach, and is succeeded by Terry Williams.


FALL 2007

Certified Public Accountants recognized Bertz during their Circle of Excellence Banquet in Portland as a Top Accounting Student for 2007. He received this award along with 13 other graduating seniors from selected colleges across the state. Bertz is employed by Doty & Company CPAs in Salem where he has worked since January of this year. He credits Roger Moody, Chairman, Oregon Society of Certified Public Accountants (left) and Corban with giving Dean of Business Dr. Bryce Bernard ‘82 (center) present awards to Andrew Bertz ‘07. him the knowledge of accounting that helped where I’ve come from, whether it’s an Enron him hold his own from the start. Bertz also scandal or the latest FASB ruling in which said, “Corban provides a unique perspective we decide how much to tell the government on ethical issues. What CPAs are debating about our clients.” seems pretty obvious to me because of

U.S.News & World Report moves Corban higher in rankings Annual rankings were released by U.S.News & World Report showing that Corban moved up three places from 8th to 5th in the WEST Region. The newly named Best Baccalaureate Colleges section for Corban shows how the top tier institutions ranked. In the Best Value listings Corban is 5th Best Value in the West (4th last year). Although the category was renamed from Comprehensive Colleges to Best Baccalaureate Colleges, the criteria is the same: “Primarily Undergraduate, less than 50% of degrees in the liberal arts.” Many colleges were moved as a result of changes in the Carnegie Classifications this past year. “The improvement in the ranking is encouraging, but we recognize that this is only one measurement of how well a college performs its job of educating students,” says President Reno Hoff. “For example, students should also consider whether a particular college or university is the best fit for them; the reputation of individual academic programs and professors; the campus environment; facilities; and services provided to students.” #1 in the West for the Baccalaureate category is the U.S. Air Force Academy. This is the first year military academies have been ranked and all took the top place in their respective categories. Another milestone has been reached at Corban for which we are thankful.


Faculty Profile

Dr. Barbara Smith, Associate Professor of Education In her office, Dr. Barbara Smith reveals her passion for learning and math by showing off her collection of calculators dating back to the 1970s.


t’s come to be known as “the gorilla experiment.” Researchers told their subjects to watch a video of a basketball game and to count the number of shots made by the team wearing white jerseys. Partway through the game, a woman in a gorilla suit walked into the middle of the court. About half of the observers missed the gorilla because they were so busy concentrating on their tasks. Mental experiments like these are fascinating to Dr. Barbara Smith, one of Corban’s newest professors. A secondyear instructor in the college’s education department, she finds herself sharing such stories with students in her Theory of Learning class. After all, understanding the mind’s inner-workings can help these future teachers unlock learning for their students. “I’ve always been really interested in problem-solving and creativity,” Smith says.

“Unfortunately, kids’ creativity is often—not purposely—stamped out in elementary school.” After 30 years of teaching, Smith has turned her attention to educating educators and to understanding how kids learn. Sitting on the shelf in her office is a bound copy of her dissertation, which addresses teaching eighthgrade math students to be problem-solvers. And it is still her passion. Between classes, conferences and meetings, Smith hopes to return to a math project near and dear to her heart. She’s developing a color-coded flow chart to help students who struggle with attention-deficit and hyperactivity to work logically through math equations. For now, that project is on the back burner as this Louisiana native gets settled into a new semester at Corban. Smith grew up in Louisiana, where she earned a bachelor’s degree at Louisiana

State University, a master’s at Louisiana Tech University and a doctorate at Northwestern State University. With minors in English and computer science, she has taught everything from middle school English to college math. At her most recent job, she taught advanced math, wrote grants and did technical support. Now, in her office at Corban, her love for math and technology is revealed by, among other things, her collection of calculators. Displayed on ornamental plate holders and easels are “dinosaurs” from the 1970s all the way up to present-day models. While Smith’s been collecting calculators, she’s been collecting teaching methods to share with the next generation of educators. To stay fresh, she constantly reads and researches. Her list of recent “recreational reads” includes such mind-stretching books as “Mind Hacks: Tools & Tips for Using Your Brain.” In the undergrad and graduate classes she teaches, she draws daily from this growing blend of research and experience to give helpful instruction. “I felt like, perhaps, after so many years of teaching, I should take the experiences I’ve gathered and use them as a teaching model,” Smith says.

Interested in Education? Work with experienced graduate faculty on a personal level as you research topics that directly relate to the needs of your classroom or school.

Call for more information: 503-375-7000 Or e-mail:


FALL 2007


Graduate Studies Dean of Education Dr. Matt Lucas emphasizes that research is essential to understanding and becoming a master in any area of study.

Research pays off in M.Ed. Program


or students pursuing the Master of Science in Education (M.Ed.) degree at Corban, the research process is a vital part of the program. “We believe in designing programs to meet individual needs,” said Corban Provost Linda Samek. “This process allows our graduate students the opportunity to be thoughtful about what they want to explore and go deeper in their specific area of study.” Six hours of coursework in research give students that opportunity. They first study educational research, and research methodology, and then they design and conduct their own investigation in an area of their choosing. Through these phases, Dean of Education Matt Lucas stresses that students work closely with a number of faculty. “The research process can be intimidating and bewildering at times,” he said. “It is nice to have someone


FALL 2007

who has gone through it to serve as a guide.” “I feel completely supported by my instructors,” said current graduate student, Carmen Moore. Even after teaching 19 years, Moore adds, “I know it’s going to help me be a better professional.” “The opportunity to reflect deeply on a specific topic and apply it to the classroom setting has incredible benefits,” Lucas continued. For 2006 graduate Jula Galvin, the benefits of her research opened up a broader world outside her classroom. “It gave me more tools and ways to make a difference for the kids.” A year after her research project, she saw a positive difference in the students’ reading habits she had hoped to boost with her research project. Dan Ceiplis, a 2007 graduate, says that his research helped him plan more effective reading instruction for his second graders.

He plans to share the results with other teachers at Salem Academy—another benefit of the process. Dr. Lucas notes that “our students not only come out with something relevant and meaningful to them, they also can give back to their own faculty or other educators.” Lucas emphasizes that a graduate who has completed his or her research is the expert, even more than any faculty member, on their area of study. In that way, students relate to faculty members as colleagues, and vice versa. “In this program, it’s more than a cliché that teachers learn from their students. I’ve seen it happen every time I work with a student doing research,” Lucas says. Dr. Barbara Smith, associate professor of education, found the research experience of her own master’s degree work gave her “a huge head start on my doctoral dissertation.” Dr. Samek agrees that the research process prepares students to continue to the next level of graduate study. Or, it may confirm a teacher is where she needs to be. For Galvin, the research came at a time of a professional crossroads. The “fresh approach” she gained helped her decide to stay in teaching. Dr. Roy Bunch, associate professor of education, sums up a final benefit. “Our research process is all done through the lens of a biblical worldview. How is what you are doing, researching, and conducting an investigation—informed by a biblical worldview? At Corban, we complement our mission by offering an explicitly biblical worldview.” The hard work of research does pay off. It’s a value students see as they complete their M.Ed. degree at Corban.

Graduate Studies Program Earn a Masters degree in: Business Administration (MBA) Education (M.Ed.) Contact Holly Cozby at 503-589-8145 or e-mail


MBA added to graduate studies program


ccountants, managers, analysts and all other business sector employees looking for graduate-level classes taught from a Christian perspective can now enroll in a new MBA program at Corban. Corban will begin offering online Master of Business Administration classes in January 2008. This announcement comes after the college’s accrediting organization, the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities, approved the program in July. “We’ve dreamed about this for 10 years,” said Dr. Bryce Bernard, dean of the business program. “We’ve had alumni ask when we were going to start an MBA program.” Designed for working adults, the MBA program consists of 36 credit hours of coursework that can be taken online. Students can choose from a non-profit management track and a management elective track. A student can earn a master’s Dean of Business Dr. Bryce Bernard meets with students in his office. The MBA program is designed for working adults, but it also appeals to current undergraduate students with business and accounting majors.

degree in 16 months. “Courses will be five weeks in length, with students taking up to three courses each semester, one course at a time,” Bernard explained. The MBA program can also help undergraduate business students acquire their certified public accountants Faces of Corban’s new MBA program include (left to right): Assistant Professor Justin Sherwood, Graduate Admissions Counselor Holly Cozby, Dean of Business endorsement. To become Dr. Bryce Bernard, Professor Dr. Bruce Merritt, Assistant Professor Don Leavitt, a CPA, a student must, and Associate Professor Jim Sprow. in addition to other States. Its first class will be Biblical Leadership requirements, earn 150 college credit and Ethics, followed by Economic Analysis hours—approximately 20 credits more than and Policy, and Financial Management. a typical bachelor’s degree. “This is a wonderful opportunity to talk Because of its convenient online format, about business from a Christian perspective,” the MBA program is available to students said Corban Provost Linda Samek. “In today’s beyond Oregon and even beyond the United world, that’s something we really need.” The MBA program is Corban’s second graduate-level offering. A Master of Science in Education program was unveiled in 2004. The M.Ed. program now serves 60 students, most of them full-time teachers. The MBA was a natural next choice, as the college’s successful business program has awarded bachelor’s degrees to 856 students since its introduction in 1972. It is the college’s second-largest major, with 164 current students. The MBA program’s faculty will include Dr. Bryce Bernard, Dr. Bruce Merritt, Dr. Rich Meyers, Jim Sprow, Don Leavitt, Justin Sherwood, and Eric Straw. Two new professors are expected to join the faculty in 2008.

Masters of Business Administration (MBA)

Classes start in January 2008 Call for more information: 503-589-8145 Or email:


FALL 2007


Adult Degree Programs

Family Studies program helps alumna to live her dream

Three-time cancer survivor alumna Sandi Keller uses her psychology background learned at Corban every day as a nurse, relating her real-life experiences to patients.


or three-time cancer survivor Sandi Keller, just being alive is more than she expected in the midst of her worst battle with leukemia. Now as a travel nurse working with bone marrow transplant patients, she has come full circle. First a nurse, then a patient, then again a nurse, Keller can give hope to patients, their families, and other staff members because she has truly been there. Keller’s dream for 25 years was to be a travel nurse. Those years were punctuated by leukemia, a bone marrow transplant, a relapse, thyroid cancer, and then basal skin cancer. Yet she was able to return to nursing in 2001 and pursue her dream. In January 2007, it came to being. Her first travel assignment began in Phoenix, Arizona as an intensive care nurse. It didn’t take an orientation instructor long to realize Keller had experience elsewhere, so she was soon sent to the bone marrow transplant unit. “Only You, Lord, could’ve made this come together,” Keller acknowledges. 10


FALL 2007

“Have scrapbook—will travel” could be Keller’s byline. Her scrapbook faithfully chronicles her journey through leukemia, thanks to her dad, Russ Keller. A professional photographer, he was forever taking pictures. “Honey, someday we’re gonna look back and be able to see what God has done,” he told her. Pictures were the last thing she wanted when she felt unrecognizable and looking “like a deranged chipmunk” from the effects of treatment. Her life after the bone marrow transplant—the only treatment that could save her—did not go as she planned. Six months of recovery had stretched into eight years of trying to survive. But survive she did. Woven into Keller’s life was the Family Studies Program at Corban, beginning just ten years ago when doctors told her she could not return to nursing. Keller wondered what God wanted to do with her. A friend, Christie McLean, told Keller about the program she had just finished. “The minute she started speaking about it, I knew that was the program for me,” Keller said. Once enrolled,

she saw the Lord at work. Instructor Dan McAuley was a longtime church friend of the family and had prayed her through the entire leukemia scare. She graduated from the program in 1999. And her dad was right about the scrapbook. He knew it was one thing to talk about the experience. It’s another thing to show pictures. In her return to nursing, Keller has kept the scrapbook of pictures with her to share with patients going through exactly what she did. “I always gave God the glory,” Keller described her interactions with patients. “I’m just amazed how they would react.” Other nursing staff now refer her to patients who can benefit from the unique perspective—and hope—she offers. In addition to the scrapbook, Keller said she uses what she learned in Family Studies all the time. “I got more from Family Studies than my nursing background!” she says without hesitation. “I use it with patients as well as discussing it with other nurses. The psychological components we studied come into play a lot in critical care with drug abusers and alcoholics. I ask myself—because of my Family Studies training—what happened in their lives that put them there?” In her current assignment in Tucson, Keller works in intensive care. She is confident that God will give her other opportunities to share her scrapbook—her life—with other bone marrow transplant patients no matter where she is. Dean of the Adult Degree Program Nancy Martyn describes Keller this way: “I think she represents an alumna who fully incorporates the mission of the College within her career—‘to make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ.’ She is a good example of the kind of graduate we are proud to own.”

Adult Degree Programs Online and On Campus

Contact us today! Admissions Office: 800-764-1383

We feel God’s blessing at Corban... A

nother day dawns on campus. Students awake, faculty arrive, classrooms are lit and the daily synergy begins. There is much to be done.

Do you ever wonder about the role you play in this endeavor? Where are you when each new day dawns? Are you commuting, building a business, leading a church or enjoying retirement? Wherever God has placed you, please remember to join us in prayer and support of the life-changing work at Corban College

and Graduate School. In these pages we will lead you on a visual walk around campus. As you view the physical qualities of the College, you will see how the Corban experience cultivates individual change and personal growth. Walk with us and together let’s celebrate Corban 2007.


FALL 2007


RESURRECTION SCULPTURE The new Resurrection sculpture symbolizes the Christian’s earthly burial and resurrection using six boulders rising from the earth to a perfect sphere, the resurrected body. Gracing the front of the Psalm Performing Arts Center, it is the first major exterior art project on campus. The concept was derived from



FALL 2007

1 Corinthians 15 and symbolizes the Christian hope of resurrection and eternal life. After two years of planning and construction, it is now complete—its beauty and symbolism a daily reminder to be eternity conscious. The sculpture was designed by Corban alumnus Steve Hunt ‘69. A formal dedication ceremony will take place on Homecoming Weekend, Friday, October 5.


FALL 2007


SCHIMMEL HALL The anchor of the campus is the newly remodeled administration building. This 110-year-old historic center houses the heart of the College’s corporate life. The oldest building on campus, it is named for longtime professor John Schimmel. Inside Schimmel Hall is a smorgasbord of administrative and student operations, ranging



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from the Office of the President to the Student Life Office and the constant activity of Corban’s student clubs. At least three times a day, Schimmel Hall becomes the College’s most popular attraction as campus residents head for breakfast, lunch and dinner in the Corban Dining Hall.


FALL 2007


ACADEMIC CENTER The Academic Center is home to Corban’s Library, specialized classrooms and faculty offices. It provides the College community with resources to educate students of all ages, in all programs. Along with harboring books and periodicals, the Library is a bridge to information and cutting-edge research worldwide. Yet its value goes



FALL 2007

beyond warehousing books and accessing academic resources. Every evening Corban’s Library is alive with resident and commuter students. Individuals steal away for personal study time while elsewhere students cluster in study groups to discuss semester projects.


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CLOCK TOWER Rapidly evolving into Corban’s newest campus feature, the clock tower is growing each week, eventually rising 54 feet above the campus. When complete it will be surrounded by Legacy Plaza, a congregating place that reflects the College’s distinction about relationship—student to student and faculty to student.



FALL 2007

Here alumni and friends can adopt a personally inscribed brick and feel connected to their alma mater for decades to come. Learn more about how you can play a part in this exciting project by going to campaign/clocktowerplaza/index.html.


FALL 2007



Academically Spiritually Minded T

he 100 acres of campus are home to a very special academic experience. Forested surroundings demonstrate God’s creativity through the living wonders of nature. A collage of buildings, paths and campus activity is evidence of how God has provided a collegiate environment to nurture individual change, personal growth and future opportunity. It’s a place of forming and sharing ideas… expanding comprehension… critically thinking about our surroundings… talking about faith and values… cultivating an ethic of service… learning about and respecting other cultures… seeking just and peaceful solutions to the world’s challenges… connecting one’s gifts and passions to a career… and supporting one another in God’s calling. Corban is committed to educating students both academically and spiritually without compromising either area. The results are visible and multifaceted: graduates uniquely prepared for life and their chosen career; Christians with well-developed spiritual foundations and commitments to pursue ever closer walks with God. Corban is a college with a driving commitment to studies in professional studies, liberal arts and sciences. Our curriculums underscore the centrality of how one learns, provide a historical

context based on God’s Word, relate ideas to social structures and affirm the importance of Christian values in human life. Our liberal arts curriculum is coherent and useful in preparing students to seek knowledge and improve skills throughout their lives. The tremendous accomplishments that are pictured on these pages are the bedrock from which new opportunities are dreamed. We are committed to a biblical worldview in every class and area of study. It takes planning and research. It takes dedicated staff and committed volunteers. And it takes resources in the form of tuition, donated funds and legacy gifts. Unrestricted financial gifts to the College bridge the gap between tuition and the actual costs of a Corban education. Such investments are applied to the greatest needs of the College every year, whether its providing financial assistance to students or purchasing needed books, research materials, computer equipment and software. Looking back over the last few years, the Lord has clearly been our guide and provider. With God’s blessing upon the work of our faculty and staff, and evident through your financial support, miracles have been accomplished at Corban College and Graduate School.

To read President Hoff’s opening chapel address built around the theme “It is a New Day,” go to



FALL 2007


THANK YOU to the many supporters whose generous gifts help implement Corban’s vision to be an outstanding comprehensive Christian college. By supporting Corban, you enable a new generation of students to experience the many benefits of an education distinctively rooted in Jesus Christ. The following honor roll lists the faithful alumni, parents, friends and staff who supported us during the period of July 1, 2006 through June 30, 2007. The College and its students are most grateful!

President’s Club

William Hansen LeRoy and Nancy Hedberg Jared Hernandez Dan and Chris Hill Hillyer’s Ford Mitchell and Wanda Hixson Kimball and Jennifer Hodge Reno and Linda Hoff Max Holden David Howerton Amanda Huffman Stephen and Cynthia Hui Bethany Hutton John and Pauline Keeney Keizer Community Church, Keizer, OR Kingston Christian Church, Kingston, WA Jordan and Debbie Lambert Mark and Ruth Leamy Don and Joanne Leavitt Agnes Lina Bruce and Bronwyn Madison President’s Circle Curtis and Natalie Mason Gifts of $1,000 to $4,999 Nathan McNulty Aldrich, Kilbride and Tatone Rich and Dianne Meyers Keith and Merilyn Aldy John and Reva Miller Alfred and Rosemary Giumarra My Sports Dreams Foundation Nehemiah’s Ministries Tim and Barbara Anderson Don and Rhonda Nerenberg Dan and Charlene Anderson New Hope Baptist Church, Nampa, ID AXA Foundation Rich and Peggy Noland Ashley Ballinger Nooksack Valley Baptist Church, Bank of the Cascades Everson, WA John and Sharon Bartsch Christopher and Jill Noon Patricia Beach Sheldon and Jamie Nord Stephen and Cheryl Beeson Oak Harbor Freight Lines, Inc. Bryce and Julie Bernard Mark and Melanie Oakes Mark and Penelope Bidwell Joann Oakes Alan and Sandy Bittel Margaret Parkin Emily Blaylock Apryl Pense Thomas and Lillian Bommarito Doug and Jan Pfeiler Ken and Debbie Braun Pierce Park Baptist Church, Boise, ID Mark and Cheryl Burnham Floyd and Ruth Prewitt C & R Builders R.L. Reimers Co. Thomas and Donna Carlson Jessica Redding Clair and Della Casterline Ray and Jeanne Reid Cleanright Distribution, Inc. Rolling Hills Baptist Church, Salem, OR Court Street Christian Church, Christian and Becky Ross Salem, OR Jerry and Carolyn Roth Dunes Bible Camp, The James Rozman Eastgate Bible Fellowship, Bellevue, WA Timothy Safeels Edison International Employee Salem First Baptist Church, Salem, OR Contributions Tom and Linda Samek Evans Valley Bible Church, Rogue Santa Clarita Baptist Church, Canyon River, OR Country, CA John and Deborah Erb Daniel and Becky Schanz Darrell and Constance Erickson Brandi Schrunk Terry and Susan Finkbeiner John Simpson First Baptist Church of University Southcenter Community Baptist Place, WA Church, Tukwila, WA First Conservative Baptist Church, Southwest Hills Baptist Church, Roseburg, OR Beaverton, OR Ed and Blossom Fischer James Sparkman Susan Flora Carl and Sherrie Sprague Foothills Church, Stayton, OR State Farm Insurance Foundation for Christian Stewardship Dennis and Sue Stegenga Howard and Ivy Games Steven and Susan Stevenson Grace Baptist Church, Yuba City, CA Strategy Home Builders, Inc. Geoffrey and Cheryl Guilfoy Tabernacle Baptist Church, Shoreline, WA HRCentral Corporation Taylor Creek Church, Maple Valley, WA Gifts of $5,000 or more ALCOA Foundation ARAMARK Bethany Baptist Church, Salem, OR Estate of Bernice Pliler Randy and Cathy Farwell Mel and Kay Hendrickson Keith and Anna Herrman Robin Herrman Vern and Joan Johnson KPMG Peat Marwick Foundation Steve and Bonnie Moore Conni Neustel James and Shelly Roden State Farm Companies Foundation Erhardt and Joy Steinborn Mel and Murdene Warnett Mike and Sally Wilder

Stuart and Colette Tennant Brent and Julie Thomas U.S. Bank Brian and Annette Vaughan Vineyard Christian Fellowship, Hood River, OR Lacie Wallace Jerry and Dolores Werre Jack and Pam Werre Western Avenue Baptist Church, Bawley, CA Wheeler Foundation Carl and Emma Jean Whipps Willamina Christian Church, Willamina, CA Dustin Willetts Gary and Patti Williamson Davina Younger Jenna Zufelt

Partners’ Club

Gifts of $500 to $999 Adams, Day & Hill Airport Chevrolet Mike and Suzanne Allegre Robert and Glenda Alley Holman and Etta Allgood Herbert and Betty Lu Anderson Joshua and Lauren Bain David and Sheila Bale Bethany Barnick Wayne and Dawn Bernard Heather Best Bidwell Enterprises, Inc. Thomas and Jana Box Gary and Lori Bradley Bridgeview Enterprises, LLC Richard and Sheree Cade Daniel and Deborah Caldwell Tracy and Bev Camillo Campton Heights Baptist Church, Fortuna, CA Capital Coin Co. Richard and Eris Caulkins Daniel and Connie Chamness Henry and Janet Christoph Brenda Church Church of Christ Fellowship of Jesus, Livermore, CA Cochell Family Dentistry, PC Greta Collins Gary and Penny Combs Heather Combs Covenant Christian Missions Account Bradley and Michelle Crosby Joel Cruz Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Curtis Lauren Davis Lindsay Davis Loretta Dean Diesel Fuel Injection Service, Inc. Jared Ditterline DJP Enterprises David and Ruth Dollar Frank and Cathy Downs Eugene and Christina Edwards Chris and Kathy Erickson Faith Baptist Church, Lincoln City, OR Faith Line Baptist Church, Milton Freewater, WA

Honor roll of

Donors D

Larry and Joyce Ferreira First Baptist Church, Bellevue, WA First Baptist Church, Connell, WA First Baptist Church, Othello, WA First Baptist Church, Weaverville, CA First Baptist Church of Tumwater, Tumwater, WA First Evangelical Church, Vancouver, WA Ryan Fowler Gerald and Brenda Frasier Lindsi Fry Stephanie Garrick Lanae Gehring Grace Baptist Church, Salem, OR James and Claudia Green Rodger and Annette Greenfield Harold and Joan Griffin Harold and Joany Haws Henderson Ave Baptist Church, Porterville, CA Alan and Debbie Herman HN Rearch, Inc. Victor and Vivian Hubbard Mark and Patty Hurst Ralph and Joy Isensee Robin and Cynthia Jahnke Clarence and Dorothy James James Reed & Associates Robert Johnson Brian Johnston David and Donna Jordan Larry and Carol Justis Pete Kennedy LabCorp Matching Gifts Program Paul and Ruth LaFreniere Leslie Largent Albert and Blanche Lattin Donald and Donna Leavitt Mission Les Schwab Tire Center Lancaster Les Schwab Tire Center Charles and Mary Lucas Nancy Martyn Dale and Marlene McClain Ron McFarlane Donald and Jeri McNulty Daren and Michelle Milionis Donn and Susan Mogford Caleb Molstad Victor and Judy Monlux Richard Moore Roy and Joyce Mullen Scott and Marilyn Mullin Lorraine Nelson Ed and Sandra Neustel Jayson Newby Newman-Lebanon-Stayton, Inc. Sheila Nichols Anthony and Stacy Norris North Albany Community Church, Albany, OR Dan and Amy Ostlund Pacific Produce, Inc. R. M. and Margaret Peck Martin Phillips Charles and Carol Rall Denny and Susan Rasmussen Chelsea Redding Redmond Community Church, Redmond, OR

Aaron Reid George and Joanne Rickard John Roberts Wayne and Melissa Roberts John and Joy Robertson Douglas and Marie Roth Patty Rowell Salem Hotel Group Salem Laser & Skin Rejuvenation Center, Inc. Salem Nissan Salem Papa’s LLC Santiam Homes Brian and Lori Schilling Kendra Schrock Elisa Schwarze Nic and Tara Sedor Jack and Joyce Sherman Justin and Jennifer Sherwood Daniel and Karla Shuholm Graham and Diane Slater Ronald and Marie Smith Southern Oregon Subaru-VolvoMitsubishi Southwest Airlines Co Fred and Donna Southwick Sports Wave, Inc. Jayson and Julie Sprague Paul and Betty Steen Strategy Home Insulation, Inc. Suburban Christian Church, Corvallis, OR Bruce and Karisa Thede Tony White Insurance Agency, Inc. Ron and India Tornell Marty and Linda Trammell Gregory and Tiffany Trull Michael Turner University Baptist Church, Fairbanks, AK Vina Community Church, Vina, CA Floyd and Jeanette Votaw Clifford and Peggy Wagner Megan Wall Kevin and Carol Warkentine R.S. and Tricia Wartenberg Paul and Barb Wattenburger Mary-Katherine Weeks Sarah Whaley Mr. and Mrs. Ron Whitehead Jason Williams Terry and Debra Williams Williams Development NW, LLC Mark and Deleen Wills Marvin Wineman Andrew Wing Albert and Margaret Wipf Bob and Rita Wright Dennis and Anita Yocom Melissa Yoder Richard and Valarie Yoder Paul and Judy Young Seth Young

Builders’ Club

Gifts of $250 to $499 David and Kelley Adamson Adamson Design Group, Inc. Virgil and Amy Adderley Wayne Ambacher

Rudy and Sandra Anberg Jeff Antrican Sarah Ashford Michael and Priscilla Ballinger John and Betty Balyo Mike and Debbie Bates Charles and Sandra Beals Paul and Jodi Beals Tamara Benelli Alexis Berdeaux Klaus and Cheryl Berkner Bethel Baptist Church, Aumsville, OR Alan and Yvonne Bishop Terese Bommarito Ordena Bond BPM Physical Therapy Center, Inc. Wayne and Janet Brewer Marcus Brown Elton and Margaret Brutscher Daniel and Deborah Caldwell California Hts Baptist Church, Long Beach, CA Cascade Covenant Church, Bend, OR Ronald and Jennifer Chamness Eric and Karyn Christen John and Roxann Clum David and Sherry Colachico James and Marion Collett Community Baptist Church, Red Bluff, CA Jason and Jessica Cournoyer Ronald M. Crockett, B.S., D.C., P.C. James and Virginia Cross Caleb Crossman Rex and Diane Davis David and Dorothy Donnell Ken and Tracy Driver Zachary Elander Kacie Emerick John and Lois Erickson Aeric Estep Jeff Evans F & W Fence Bob Faires Doug and Beverly Farris First Baptist Church, Kennewick, WA First Baptist Church, Corning, CA First Baptist Church, Whitefish, MT First Fundamental Baptist Church, Torrance, CA John and Gwenda Fletcher Lloyd and Suzan Flora Grace Flux Charles and Susan Foster III Aaron and Margaret Franklin Dennis and Karleen Fry Wendell and Peggy Garner Arthur and Betty Gee Shireen Ghavami Marlin Griffin Hedberg Auctions, Inc. Herrman Farms Nicole Hickman High Desert Baptist Church, Bend, OR Jim and Bonnie Hills Deirdre Hixson Michael and Claudia Howden Gary Humphrey Aurelia Hunt


FALL 2007



Patrick and Tonya Ireland Kenneth Jackson Ellen Jacobs David and Carol James Jeremiah and Jessica James Adrian and Anne Jeffers Labish Center Community Church ECNA, Salem, OR Helen Lee Melanie Ligocki David Long Jeffrey and Carole Long Jack and Becky Loughridge Ed and Jane Mach Linda Madison Bill Martin Matt and Cindy Mathisen Bob and Diane Mathisen Mark and Sheila Mchargue Rebekah McMillan Howard and Beverly McNulty Kyle and Emily Mellander Benjamin and Jamie Morris Mountain Brook Systems, Inc. Morgan Myers John and Sherri Nelson Don and Pat Nicholson Steve and Teuta Norman Glen and Pam Nugent Nyssa Baptist Fellowship, Nyssa, OR Matthew Oakes Joan Olson Michael and Jessica Patron Darrell and Marilyn Patterson Timothy and Danette Peeke Matthew and Dawn Price Tyson and Andrea Pruett Robert and Jannie Quesinberry Tim and Jean Rawlings Redwood Valley Community Church, Redwood Valley, CA Jeffrey and Carolyn Rieger Laurel Riggin William Ryals Donna Sadler Ronald and Mary Sagerson Steve Sanders Jonathan Sanford Tyler and Kim Satterthwaite Archie and Shirley Schmidt John and Rebecca Schwarze John and SuEllen Scott Shelter Managment, Inc. Silverdale Baptist Church, Bremerton, WA Doris Smith Benjamin Snell Soldotna Bible Chapel, Soldotna, AK John and Patricia Storkel Earl and Ruth Sutherland Jennifer Talburt Will and Cassandra Terry Patricia TeVelde Ilene Thedens Grant and Debbie Tipton Sterling and Michalle Torrez Chris Turner Valley Baptist Church, Bakersfield, CA Valley Baptist Church, Dallas, OR Valley Bible Church, Rodeo, CA

Founders’ Club

Gifts from $120 to $249 Ruth Abraham Daniel and Barbara Acker Donald and Kelly Annotti Bob Bailey Doug and Vivian Bain Bain Wealth Management Group Balanced Nutrition Wayne and Joanne Ballinger Everett and Mildred Barker Lawrence and Nancy Barnes Victor and Carolyn Bartruff Doug and Larissa Beals Ryan and Shawn Beam Marsha Benelli Gary and Rhonda Benson Glen and Lesa Best Boeing Gift Matching Program Joseph and Ada Bommarito Daryl and Denice Borello Eddie and Francie Bostwick Bounds Excavation, Inc. Tim and Heather Boyd Betty Bradley Malcolm and Myra Brand



Darren and Faith Bridges Ralph Broadhurst Dick and Mavis Buck Paul and Jeri Burger Ralph Buttermore Duane and Margaret Byerley Jessica Byrnes Calvary Baptist Church, Reno, NV Camano Chapel, Camano Island, WA Larry Campbell Capitol Awning John and Ruth Carey Ross and Suzanne Carey James and Linda Carr Jon and Kelly Casebeer Ronna Chandler William and Valerie Christoph Jerry and Janet Clark Coldwell Banker Elijah Conlee Thomas and Lily Coulthard Mark and Colleen Cowan Donald Curtis Leif Dahl Danny and Patti Daniels Laurence and Karen Davis De Wilde & Basinger, Inc. Russ and Janet Dean Leon DeLaGrange Royce and Joyce Delmatier Tommy Delzer Ryan and Emily Dempster Gary and Rebeccah Derickson Lorena Duty Duty Fence Company, Inc. J K. and Heather Eagon G. R. and P. L. Edelbrock Donald and Rebecca Ekstrom Jeffrey and Tracy Erb David and Jill Erbsen First Baptist Church, Ontario, OR First Baptist Church, Quincy, WA Lloyd Flora David and Paula Fogarty Kevin Franklin Karl and Lisa Franzmann John and Erin Friedrichsen G. H. and Mary Gail Mr. and Mrs. E. Gentry Bob and Rosemary Gillette Loren and Jeanne Glass Joyce Gleason Virginia Gomer Norma Goodall Douglas and Sandee Gorsuch Jessica Gray Molly Gray Allison Green Larry Gross Bruce and Jenni Grove Tyler and Aubrey Grove David Hansen Dick and Carolee Harding Larry and Nancy Harrington C. C. and Yvonne Haverland Philip and Yurie Joy Hayes Arthur and Jennean Hill Mike and Sharon Hill Robert and Luella Hilliard Ron and Mikki Hittner Bud and Lynette Holden Matthew Holstege Paul and Sharon Holstege Victor and Vivian Hubbard Melvin and Dianne Hurley Clarence and Dorothy James Adrian and Anne Jeffers Faye Jensen Jensen Real Estate Jerry and Beverly Johnson John Kazmierski Keith Cox Autobahn, Inc. Kurtis Kent Earl and Ellen Kersey KFE MicroSystems Gregg King Gladys Klinepeter Caleb Kohl Emily Kohl Landmark Mortgage Kenneth and Patricia Leal Andrea Lee Dixie Lee Ronald and Pearl Lee Hal Lemke Trevor Lewis Walter and Lora Lierman Caleb Louvier

FALL 2007

Charles Luchterhand Rod Malone Charles and Jodi Marks Scott Marshall Steve and Debbie Masten Rozanne McCarty Jo McDonnell Levi McIlroy Gilbert and Martha McLeod Larry McMichael Mark Mendenhall Mid-Valley Community Church, Woodburn, OR Daniel and Winoma Mittelstedt David and Cheryl Molstad Brad Moore Dean and Sarah Moshofsky Hannah Mueller Ken and Margo Munk Richard and Marietta Muntz Harvey and Lorna Myrick Quinn Neely-Gallagher James and Pauline Newell Newport - Waldport Acquisition Corporation Jane Nooner Northern Lights Theatre Zina Ovchinnikoff PC Aileen Palmen David and Margaret Pardini Thomas and Stephanie Parks Pepsi Bottling Group, Inc. Terrence and Jenna Phillips Power Construction & Demolition David and Annette Prewitt Buddy and Shawn Puckett Kenneth and Kerri Purnell Russell and Barbara Ragland Eric and Sheryl Rasmussen Richard Rodoni Trust William and Barbara Rickerson Lee and Thelma Riggin Kenneth and Meghan Roberts Ronald and Loretta Roberts Herbert and Marguerite Rockey Wade Rogerson Brian and Pilar Rooke William and Jennifer Roosma Greg and Becky Ross Brenda Roth Royal Oaks Baptist Church, Salem, OR Brad and Jennifer Rudkin Michael and Kari Sanders John and Sherri Schubert Boyd and Jeanette Scroggins Grant Seidler Glenn and Linda Sergeant Harold and Grace Sevener Phil and Ruthann Seymour Harold and Jean Shannon Dean Sherbahn Mark Sikkenga Cecil and Jeannine Sims Jill Solterbeck Jim and Nancy Sperling Donald and Patricia Stucky Robert and Lucille Stucky Sweet Creations NW, LLC Sweet Creations NW, Uc Sweet Home Hope, Inc Sylvan Way Baptist Church, Bremerton, WA Naomi Talty Steve and Gail Tatone Raymond and Betty Lee Taylor D W. and Shirley Thimsen Michael and Janice Thomas Max and Cynthia Tilton Tim and Janice Trahern Tri City Baptist Church, Myrtle Creek, OR United Way of King County Gary and Shelley Van Antwerp Vannatta Public Relations, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Wahl Jonathan Wakefield West Hills Baptist Church, Portland, OR John White Lloyd and Alberta Widman Dan and Mary Louise Wilkinson Miriam Woodard Mr. and Mrs. Dale Wynn Yennek Rentals Harold and Bonnie Youngberg Marty and Cindy Ziesemer Kimberly Zinser

Alumni By Class 1951

Joan Jeffers


Jan Bangs Adrian Jeffers Harvey Myrick Lorna Blackie Myrick


Dorothy Garland Donnell Anne Swearingen Jeffers Gaylord Johnson Wayne Peirson


Bloyce Winnett Charlotte Steele Winnett


Billie Jean Parkerson Brown Cecil Williams


Leo Brown Jane Woodruff Nooner


Clarence James Dorothy Johanson James Dwight West


Betty Wong Gee


George Massey Harold Sevener Grace Hutchinson West


David Donnell Grace Prewitt Sevener Mary Edwards Smith William Wuth


Donna Stowell Cudney Jerry Cudney Judith Edwards Schaub Gordon Wilcox Phyllis Hill Wilcox


Donald Curtis Ricardo Fiol Judy Coates Maas Dolores Wilcox Donald Wilcox


Mavis Marion Buck Richard Buck Nancy Libbee Fiol Margaret Werner Noland


Kenneth Bailey Roberta Reimers Bailey Alan Bishop Virginia Heister Hendrickson Ruth Edwards LaFreniere Dianne Kuehn Meyers Richard Meyers Carl Sprague Sherrie Jackson Sprague Cinda McKeeth Wilson


Glenda Taylor Alley Timothy Hills Jane Mach Nancy Martyn


Robert Alley Thomas Carlson Kathryn Murdock Hunt Steve Hunt Bonnie Booth Kolbo Brad Kolbo Myron Wilson


Donna Propp Carlson Byron Knutson Craig Lucas Jane Glass Lucas


Charlene Odell Anderson JoAnn Booth Hills Fred Lampley Richard Noland Betty Edwards Steen


Daniel Anderson

Alice Bronson Janet Ross Christoph Sandee Sanders Gorsuch Esther Werner Schaffner Patricia Dailey Taylor Lola Christiansen Williams


Wendell Garner Jim Hills Reno Hoff Victor Hubbard David Pardini Margaret Glowniak Pardini Paul Steen James Wuth Rhona Mills Wuth


Gary Clements Mary Milan Dyer Harold Haws Kathryn Martyn Patterson Michael Patterson Patricia Mack Storkel Dennis Tollenaar Nancy Werner Tollenaar Terry Williams


Gary Bradley Davis Dyer Rachel Quarles Eisenhut George Hough Debbie Chandler Lambert Jordan Lambert Mary Hoge Loewen Pamela Kari Nugent Derrald Taylor Deborah Waters VanDick Dan Wilder


Fawn Quaintance Bartlett Mike Bartlett Daniel Brammer Marilyn Brumbaugh Brammer Diane Dick Clements David Dollar Ruth Edens Dollar Laura Robinson England Terry Finkbeiner Shirley Nelson Givens Claudia Games Green Vivian Peterson Hubbard Marlene Morgan Jarrett Joan Sharratt Johnson Linetta Smith Knutson John Nelson Steve Noland John Soriano


Elizabeth Massey Arnold Lori Lamb Bradley Atha Williams Brown Roger Givens James Rozman Mary James Schroeder


Jay Arnold Paul Beutler Louis Black Janice Emitte Colfer Joyce Koenig Ferreira Rebecca Wikler Schwarze Linda Schaap Sergeant Jack Werre


Sandi Diehl Emmert Julie Lutz Hiebenthal Cynthia Fagundes Jahnke Robin Jahnke John Schwarze John Storkel Dawn Vanderburg Winokur


Cathy Emitte Farwell Randal Farwell Don Hiebenthal Linda Barnes Samek Margery Glaser Straw Art Van Weerdhuizen Natalie Schreiber-Beach Vandenbergh


David Adamson Julie Marlowe Bernard Penny Richins Bidwell John Colfer Mark Cowan

Linda Dollinger Hoff Michael Howden Tonya Harshman Ireland Joyce Douglass Kramer Daren Milionis Danette Simpson Peeke Joyce Sherman Linda Markwood Trammell Bev Fletchall Van Weerdhuizen Wallace Vohland Rita Wright Robert Wright


Bryce Bernard Mark Bidwell Jerald Brown Colleen Younger Cowan David Farley Mary Morrison Farley Claudia Markwood Howden Laurie Wagner Lehman Dale McClain Marlene Widman McClain Palmer Muntz William Newton Sheldon Nord Becky Shannon Selander Glenn Sergeant Ellen Brush Zarfas Nelson Zarfas


Cindy Classen Ziesemer Martin Ziesemer


Michelle Kleve Crosby Rosemary Blair Gillette Melanie Ligocki Tyson Pruett Carolyn Purtell Marie Von Gunten Roth Annette McKay Vaughan


Robert Black Robert Gillette Justin Greene Nancy Hedberg Daniel Hill Dennis Houser Jodi Hills Marks Cheri Banek Mosgrove Justin Sherwood Nathan Warthan


Patricia Williams Beach Ryan Beam Christina Patten Greene David Hansen Charles Lucas Jan Strom Tracy Crowder Young


Steven Emmert Kris Kramer Steve Masten David McGinnis Jeannette Vinje Muntz Conni Johnson Neustel Martin Trammell

Heather Dorr Boyd Kenneth Driver Elisabeth Merila Guisinger Mark Laughman Andrea Ziesemer Pruett Geneva Walters


Melissa Munk Allen Amy Bunt Bartley Philip Benson Bradley Born Karen Garland Kerri Braaten Klippert Daryl Knox Tera Glenn Knox Brenda O’Brien Geoffrey Pfeil Jennifer Hendrickson Sherwood James Sturdivant Karen Misener Wilcke Richard Young

Bettie Woollard Delury Brian Elliott Mark Neustel James Oliphant Annette Stockton Prewitt Kevin Warkentine


Larissa Smith Beals Jeffrey Davis Douglas Gorsuch Tamara Bragg McGinnis Bonnie Taylor Oliphant


Terri James Davis Marty Goddard Lisa Pennington Kusler Randy Mills Gary Mueller Adrian Petrisor Carol Holtrop Prince David Turner Denise DeBritto Turner Sheryl Ruhlman Rasmussen Gary Williamson


Douglas Beals Sandra Markwood Elliott Eric Rasmussen Laurel Keene Smith Patti Burton Williamson


Ellen Jacobs Tamara Mitchell Mueller Steven Roth


Paul Beals Bonnie Jones Hills Barbara Baker Mills Douglas Roth Darren Shryock


Jodi Olson Beals Barry Craft Brenda Roth Jennifer Peterson Rudkin Janet Berg Shryock Julie Overzet Thomas


Eric Christen Julie Berg Crandall Bradley Crosby Michelle Fischer Milionis Jamie Rawlins Nord Brad Rudkin Brent Thomas Brian Vaughan



Andrea Acker Joyce Bidwell Benson Kelly Braaten Brenda Church Victoria Neilson Garvin Aaron Klippert Amy Mader McReynolds Patricia Nicholson Deanna Hill Pfeil Diane Wiegman Sturdivant


Tasha Bleistein Heather Jones Susan McNeilly Susan Nolan Jennifer Sroufe


Brandon Butcher Emily Cook Dempster Ryan Dempster Paul Diaz Tracy Fertig Driver Mark Leamy Chris McReynolds Michael Patron Sarah Merkel Reed Steve Reed Kimberly Segrin Satterthwaite Tyler Satterthwaite Janet Vohland


Marguerite Alexander Karyn Nelson Braaten Christina Bass Edwards Eugene Edwards Lindsay Langmade Goostree Keith Hiatt Mary Lucas Matthew Price Cassandra Steed Terry


Joshua Bain Gina Smith Diaz


Matthew Garvin John Keeney Curtis Mason Rozanne McCarty Heidi Stowman Eric Straw

Grant Seidler Julie Summers Jennifer Talburt Erin Whitehead Jason Williams


Caleb Kohl

Lauren Dickman Bain Charles Marks Nickolas Sedor


Debbie Herman Jennifer Nelson Tara Schmidgall Sedor


Courtney Dodds Glen Nugent Brandon Weber Katherine Scully Weber


Sarah Ernst Bryan Haws Joany Kintner Haws Linda Madison Matthew McAuliffe Benjamin Morris Jamie Ruda Morris Storman Norman Laura Jarvis Stoneberg


Ashlie Carey Heather Combs Mary Doel Bethany Hutton Stacy Jensik Stephanie Lindsay David Long Nathan Mayben Nathan McNulty Justin Officer Sarah Muri Officer Apryl Pense Mallory Phillips Jessica Redding Donna Sadler


Thomas Berney Brianne Carras Stephanie Clark Caleb Crossman Brent Fahsholz Shireen Ghavami Allison Green Jared Hernandez Nicole Hickman Andrea Lee Dixie Lee Scott Marshall Kyle Myers Diane Young Noland Michelle Potter Ashley Riutta Michael Sanders Kari Sanders Juliet Sena Holly Stangle


Aeric Estep Timothy Saffeels Elisa Schwarze


Sarah Ashford


Hillary Abraham Deidra Ackerman Paul Allen Emily Blaylock Marcus Brown Jessica Byrnes Elijah Conlee Jeremy Costalez Seth Daniels Natalia Diaz Sarah Doughty Kacie Emerick Lanae Gehring Tiffany Goodall Rachel Hoffman Danielle Jordan Levi McIlroy Alyssa Powers Lydia Randerson Chelsea Redding Aaron Reid Laurel Riggin Richard Saffeels



Bethany Baptist Church, Salem, OR Bethel Baptist Church, Aumsville, OR California Heights Baptist Church, Long Beach, CA Calvary Baptist Church, Reno, NV Camano Chapel, Camano Island, WA Campton Heights Baptist Church, Fortuna, CA Cascade Covenant Church, Bend, OR Church of Christ Fellowship of Jesus, Livermore, CA Community Baptist Church, Red Bluff, CA Court Street Christian Church, Salem, OR Eastgate Bible Fellowship, Bellevue, WA Evans Valley Bible Church, Rogue River, OR Faith Baptist Church, Lincoln City, OR Faith Line Baptist Church, Milton Freewater, OR First Baptist Church of University Place, University Place, WA First Baptist Church, Los Gatos, CA First Baptist Church, Eugene, OR First Baptist Church, Ontario, OR First Baptist Church, Corning, CA First Baptist Church, Kennewick, WA First Baptist Church, Bellevue, WA First Baptist Church, Connell, WA First Baptist Church, Richland, WA First Baptist Church, Polson, MT First Baptist Church, Whitefish, MT First Baptist Church, Othello, WA First Baptist Church, Weaverville, CA First Baptist Church, Quincy, WA First Baptist Church, Walnut Creek, CA First Baptist Church, Ashland, OR First Baptist Church of Tumwater, Tumwater, WA First Baptist Missionary Group, Cottonwood, CA First Conservative Baptist Church, Roseburg, OR First Evangelical Church, Vancouver, WA First Fundamental Baptist Church, Torrance, CA Foothills Church, Stayton, OR Grace Baptist Church, Yuba City, CA Grace Baptist Church, Salem, OR Greater Portland Bible Church, Portland, OR Henderson Avenue Baptist Church, Porterville, CA High Desert Baptist Church, Bend, OR Keizer Community Church, Keizer, OR Kingston Christian Church, Kingston, WA Labish Center Community Church, Salem, OR Mid-Valley Community Church, Woodburn, OR New Hope Baptist Church, Nampa, ID Nooksack Valley Baptist Church, Everson, WA North Albany Community Church, Albany, OR Nyssa Baptist Fellowship, Nyssa, OR Pierce Park Baptist Church, Boise, ID Redmond Community Church, Redmond, OR Redwood Valley Community Church, Redwood Valley, CA Rolling Hills Baptist Church, Salem, OR Royal Oaks Baptist Church, Salem, OR

Salem First Baptist Church, Salem, OR Santa Clarita Baptist Church, Canyon County, CA Silverdale Baptist Church, Bremerton, WA Skyline Baptist Church, North Bend, OR Soldotna Bible Church, Soldotna, AK Southcenter Community Baptist Church, Tukwila, WA Southwest Hills Baptist Church, Beaverton, OR St. Elizabeth Catholic Church, John Day, OR Suburban Christian Church, Corvallis, OR Sylvan Way Baptist Church, Bremerton, WA Tabernacle Baptist Church, Shoreline, WA Taylor Creek Church, Maple Valley, WA Tri City Baptist Church, Myrtle Creek, OR University Baptist Church, Fairbanks, AK Valley Baptist Church, Bakersfield, CA Valley Baptist Church, Dallas, OR Valley Bible Church, Rodeo, CA Vina Community Church, Vina, CA Vineyard Christian Fellowship, Hood River, OR West Hills Baptist Church, Portland, OR Western Avenue Baptist Church, Brawley, CA Willamina Christian Church, Willamina, OR

Faculty & Staff

Dan and Charlene Anderson Herb Anderson Tim Anderson Vivian Bain Dave Bale John Balyo Amy Bartley Elizabeth Bartruff John Bartsch Mike Bates John Bell Bryce Bernard Norm Berney Alan Bittel Myra Brand Rica Brant Alice Bronson Scot Bruce Clair Casterline Richard Caulkins Virginia Cross Gary Derickson Courtney Dodds Cathy Downs Leslie Eck Eugene Edwards Brian Elliott Chris Erickson Sarah Ernst Claudia Green Philip Hayes Nancy Hedberg Julie Hiebenthal Jim and Bonnie Hills Reno Hoff Janice Hopkins Denny Houser Steve Hunt Ellen Jacobs Dorothy James Adrian and Anne Jeffers Jerry Johnson Kent Kersey Don Leavitt David Long Chuck Lucas Jessica Marple Nancy Martyn Bob Mathisen Nathan Mayben Tammy McGinnis Rich Meyers Daren Milionis Richard Muntz John Nelson Justin and Sarah Officer

Dan Ostlund Carolyn Purtell Brenda Roth Lisa Rounsley Tom and Linda Samek Lori Schilling John Scott Nic and Tara Sedor Justin and Jennifer Sherwood Dan Shuholm Laurel Smith Nancy Sperling Heidi Stowman Eric Straw Jim Streckfuss Colette Tennant Grant Tipton Jan Trahern Marty Trammell Greg Trull Sandy Van Dyk Wally and Janie Vohland Floyd Votaw Patrick Walsh Tony Walther Nathan Warthan Ron Whitehead Mary Louise Wilkinson Terry Williams Kassi Williams Deleen Wills Bob and Rita Wright Marty Ziesemer

Frank and Barbara Bain Bain Wealth Management Group Norma Baird Baja Fresh Mexican Grill Balanced Nutrition Donald and Katy Baldrica Michael and Colleen Baldwin David and Sheila Bale Michael and Priscilla Ballinger Wayne and Joanne Ballinger Clyde and Elsie Balyo John and Betty Balyo Bank of the Cascades Chris and Sharon Barber Max and Marilyn Barcus Everett and Mildred Barker Lawrence and Nancy Barnes Richard and Alice Barnes Dan and Vicki Barram Peter and Gail Barram Wesley and Marilyn Barry Jonah and Shirley Bartel Marcus and Andrea Bartell Mark and Sunny Bartholomew Brian and Ruby Bartlett Mike and Fawn Bartlett Michael and Leslie Bartosch Elizabeth Bartruff Victor and Carolyn Bartruff John and Sharon Bartsch Matthew and Jacinda Basinger Salvacion Bassett Bassham Furniture Keith and L. E. Bates Mike and Debbie Bates Friends Robert and Molly Bauder A Gifted Touch Massage LLC Raymond and Ruth Baxter Fern Aagard Robert and Susanne Baxter G. M. and Vicki Abbate William Bayne Scott and Karen Ables Jack Beach Ruth Abraham Patricia Beach William and Cynthia Abraham, Jr. Charles and Sandra Beals Daniel and Barbara Acker Lester and Marilyn Beattle Jean Adams Jeff and Patricia Beaty Steve and Nina Adams Ray and Sherri Beaty Mr. and Mrs. William Adams Daniel and Janice Beaumont Adams, Day & Hill Douglas and Sandra Beck Adamson Design Group, Inc. Mark and Sue Bedsaul Virgil and Amy Adderley J. H. and Eunice Beery Addison Abrasives, Inc. Stephen and Cheryl Beeson Joe and Julie Adelman Ardis Belding Airport Chevrolet J. R. and Cynthia Bell ALCOA Foundation John and Rhonda Bell Aldrich, Kilbride & Tatone Marsha Benelli Keith and Merilyn Aldy Daniel and Debra Bennett Alfred & Rosemary Giumarra Brian and Jennifer Bensen Foundation Gary and Rhonda Benson Robert and Karen Allan Diana Bentley Mike and Suzanne Allegre Jeremy and Sara Bentley Peter and Tammy Allen Donald Berdeaux Ronald and Beverly Allen Carol Bergman Holman and Etta Allgood Klaus and Cheryl Berkner Wayne Ambacher Richard and Elizabeth Bermudes Amerivision Communications, Inc. Wayne and Dawn Bernard Rudy and Sandra Anberg Bryce and Julie Bernard Byron and Rhonda Anderson Lovell and Nancy Berney Dan and Charlene Anderson Cliff Berreth D. M. Anderson Douglas and Roberta Berry Herbert and Betty Lu Anderson Leo and Faye Bertsch Kay Anderson Daniel and Miriam Bertuleit Timothy and Barbara Anderson Earl and Doreene Best William Anderson Glen and Lesa Best Ailene Anderton Lauren and Betty Beuving Cris and Laurie Andrew Todd and Sherry Bevis Dusty and Marie Andrews Jason Beyrouty Gregory and Margrit Angeloni Bidwell Enterprises, Inc. Donald and Kelly Annotti Christopher and Lora Biermann David and Mary Anselma Gary and Kathryn Biggio Robert and Lois Anton Emery and Beatice Billings Thomas Anton Madonna Bingham Jeff Antrican Leslie Birrenkott ARAMARK Alan and Yvonne Bishop Debi Archuleta Jay and Catherine Bishop Clyde and Diana Armstrong Alan and Sandi Bittel Jason and Traci Armstrong Margaret Bitton Larry and Jaczui Armstrong Steven and Solange Bjork Eric and Geri Arnold Mike and Teresa Black Jay and Elizabeth Arnold Robert and Kathryn Blankers Timothy and Wendy Arthur Joseph and Teresa Blubaugh Rick and Cindy Ashmore Gladys Blum Clifford and Peggy Asmussen Boeing Gift Matching Program I. D. and Suzanne Atchley Joseph Boldan Mark and Tana Atkinson Raymond and Linda Bolle Steven and Jennifer Atkinson Earl Marilyn Bolvin AXA Foundation Joseph and Ada Bommarito P. A. Babcock Terese Bommarito Boopy Bacon Thomas and Lillian Bommarito Monica Baez Paul and Vickie Bonar Bob Bailey Ordena Bond Doug and Vivian Bain

Elma Bordwell Daryl and Denice Borello Eddie and Francie Bostwick Royce and Siiri Bottens Danielle Boudreau Stephen and Linda Bounds Bounds Excavation, Inc. Brad and Sheri Bowder Gerald and Marsha Bowling Thomas and Jana Box Becky Boyd Robert and Donna Boyk BPM Physical Therapy Center, Inc. Lyle and Robin Bradford Betty Bradley Gary and Karen Bradley Dennis and Kathleen Bradshaw Elmer and Mildred Bragg Loretta Brainard Daniel and Marilyn Brammer Malcolm and Myra Brand James and Jennifer Brands David and Rica Brant Alexander Brauer Beth Brault Ken and Debbie Braun Dave and Terry Brede William and Mary Breen Clark and Gracie Breiophl David and Beth Brennan Kevin and Susan Brennan Wayne and Janet Brewer Darren and Faith Bridges Bridgeview Enterprises, LLC C. R. and Teresa Britten Ralph Broadhurst Don and Karen Broemeling Joe and Ann Broussard Philip and Julie Brown Ronald and Fran Brown T. R. and Lois Brown William and Patricia Brown Brown Agency Robert and Diane Browning Stanley and Donna Browning Scot and Jennifer Bruce Teresa Bruckner Carl and Pat Brumund Elton and Margaret Brutscher Dennis and Susan Bryant Kevin and Laurie Buck Richard and Mavis Buck Greg and Christy Bull Mary Burdo Paul and Jeri Burger George and Yvonne Burgess Brian and Kimberly Burke Richard and Linda Burke Sue Burkepile Edward Burney Mark and Cheryl Burnham Carlene Burns James and Donna Burroughs Robert and Christine Burrows Dwayne and Jean Bush Fred and Betty Bushong Michael and Lisa Buss Russell and Cynthia Buswell Don and Liz Butcher Ralph Buttermore George and Elizabeth Buys Jana Byeman Duane and Margaret Byerley Stephen and Belinda Bylund C & R Builders Lyle and Barbara Cabe Bill and Gladys Caddy Richard and Sheree Cade Caffe’ Gelato, Inc. Cal Coast Insurance Agency, Inc. Daniel and Deborah Caldwell Kevin and Judith Cameron Tracy and Bev Camillo Ken and Karen Campbell Larry Campbell Robert and Yvonne Campbell Ruth Campbell Stuart and Antoinette Campbell Terry and Kimberley Cannady Janeen Cannon Capital Coin Co. Capitol Awning Ralph and Gloria Capoeman Barry and Denise Capps John and Ruth Carey Margaret Carey Roger and Jeannette Carey Ross and Suzanne Carey Joe Carie

Glenn and Sandra Carlson Thomas and Donna Carlson Dan and Nancy Carpentier James and Linda Carr John and Janet Carruthers Carse Construction Mr. and Mrs. Al Casebeer Jon and Kelly Casebeer Clair and Della Casterline Lawrence and Amy Castle Richard and Eris Caulkins Martin and Georgia Cavanaugh Doug and Jolene Cawlfield CC Services, Inc. Charles Cero Monica Cervantes Richard and Loretta Chambers Daniel and Connie Chamness Ronald and Jennifer Chamness W. K. Chamness Allan Chan Ronna Chandler Wendolyn Phelps Chapman Mr. and Mrs. M. Charles Daniel and Veda Charters R. E. and E. L. Chartier, Jr. Zhen Chen Gerald and Mary Cheney Judy A. Cheney Robert and Sandra Childs Robin and Chris Chipman Chiropractic Physicians, P.C. William and Valerie Christoph Dennis and J. C. Cihak Leige and Anna Clare Jerry and Janet Clark John Clark Otis and Deanne Clayton Pauline Clayton Cleanright Distribution, Inc. Robert and Chris Clinesmith Karen Close Bruce and Sandra Clouser John and Roxann Clum Roger and Janelle Coakley Cochell Family Dentistry, PC David and Debra Coe J. R. and Lucille Coker David and Sherry Colachico Ben Colbath Coldwell Banker Brian and Suzy Cole Harold and Charlene Cole Doug and Elisabeth Coleman Allan Collett James and Marion Collett Greta Collins Greg and Cynthia Colson Gary and Penny Combs Thomas and Gloria Condon Brittnay Conn Paula Conn William and Cindy Conn Dorothy Cookston Edward Cooper Gary and Carlene Cooper John and Dana Copenhaver Alex Corallino Elizabeth Corliss-Clark Vivian Corp C. C. and Peggy Cossaboom Thomas and Lily Coulthard Jason and Jessica Cournoyer Courthouse Athletic Club Covenant Christian Missions Account Mark and Colleen Cowan Henry and Ann Cowell Alma Cox Dennis and Linda Cox E. W. S. and Betty Craig Bill and Lois Cram William and Catherine Crandall, Jr. John and Janet Creswell, Jr. Laremy and Christina Criswell Ronald M. Crockett, B.S., D.C., P.C. Nathan and Jaime Crodduck Donald and Debbie Crosby James and Virginia Cross Roger and Leslie Crow L. O. Crum Jerry and Donna Cudney Chester and Joy Cunningham Dennis Curtis Fred and Alysa Cushman Katherine Custis Eric Czernowski Leif Dahl Evelyn Dahlund


FALL 2007




E. R. and Helen Dailey Mercedes Dalton Danny and Patti Daniels David and Cherann Daniels Pamela Daniels Richard and Patti Daniels Francis and Ila Davidson Ben and Doris Davis Gerald and Laura Davis Laurence and Karen Davis Mary Davis Rex and Diana Davis Ronald and Susan Davis William and Beth Davisson De Wilde & Basinger, Inc. L. J. Dean Loretta Dean Russ and Janet Dean Leon DeLaGrange Scott and Annette Delbridge Jaime and Maria Delcastillo Royce and Joyce Delmatier Tommy Delzer Jennifer DeMatos Philip and Loraine Dennett William and Arlys Denney Jon and Becky Derhammer Gary and Rebeccah Derickson Michael and Michelle Desjardin Frank and Jeanette Dettmer Robert and Shirley Deuel Rhoda Deville Jonathan Di Pasquale Mark and Nancy Dickman Gar and Julie Didericksen Diesel Fuel Injection Service, Inc. Michael and Diane DiPasquale Duane and Shauna Ditchen DJP Enterprises Andy and Kelly Dobrinin Bret and Oceana Dodson Mary Doherty Bruce and Karen Domreis Richard Donnell Jeff and Kathy Doring Mark and Johanna Dorr Jim Doster William and Judith Dotterwick Marilyn Dougall Don and Dee Dower Frank and Cathy Downs Alvin and Peggy Driesen Thomas and Angela Dubois Gregory and Vikki Dueker Carol Dulleck Jack and Barbara Dunaway Joel and Tamara Dunaway Margaret Dunaway Brenda Dunford Mr. and Mrs. Earl Durr Christopher and Rosalie Duryee Wendell and Wendi Dutcher Lorena Duty Richard and Dorothy Duty Duty Fence Company, Inc. Craig and Barbara Dyk William Dykman Lawrence and Nellie Dymock J. K. and Heather Eagon Glenn and Evelyn Easley John and Jane Eberhardt Patricia Eberhardt Leslie Eck G. R. and P. L. Edelbrock Edison International Employee Contributions Campaign Christopher Edmonds Nellie Edwards Greg Eide John and Edna Eisses Donald and Rebecca Ekstrom Elk Grove Orthodontics Arthur and Katherine Ellickson Dan and Darla Elliott Orvil and Nettie Elliott Warren and Lyla Elliott Rick and Susan Ellis Edwin and Adeline Ellson Richard and Frances Elola Joseph and Bonnie Emerick Marvin and Mabel Emmert Steven and Sandi Emmert Della Enge James and Laura England Jeffrey and Tracy Erb John and Deborah Erb David and Jill Erbsen A. E. and J. M. Erickson Chris and Kathy Erickson

Darrell and Constance Erickson John and Lois Erickson Peter and Grace Ernst Jorge and Kathryn Escobar Edgard and Nellie Eterno Jeff Evans Richard and Marla Evans Michael and Cynthia Evens Grace Everson Sidney and Sara Eves F & W Fence Thane and Lani Fabel Robert and Karen Fahsholz Daniel and Judy Fair Bob Faires Jeff and Amy Falconer David and Mary Farley Doug and Beverly Farris Randal and Cathy Farwell Joseph and Mary Fassler Allen and Nina Feltmann Christopher and Jennifer Felton Gary and Karen Ferguson Judith Ferguson Kevin and Auna Ferguson Thomas and Susan Ferralli Tony and Teresa Ferronato Norman and Patricia Fincher Paul and Sheryl Fincher Laurie Fink Gordon and Priscilla Fischbacher Ed and Blossom Fischer Gene and Neva Fisher Russell and Janet Fitts John and Gwenda Fletcher Joseph and Mary Flora Lloyd and Susan Flora Fred and Angela Flory Allen and Noelia Flux Grace Flux David and Paula Fogarty Victor and Darle Folk Bradley and Kerrin Foltyn Sheryl Fontana Donald Force Mike and Julie Force John Ford William and Jacquelyn Ford David and Mary Forsman Gregory and Janice Fortier E. V. Foster Charles and Susan Foster III Foundation for Christian Stewardship David and Carolyn Fowler Stephen and Debi Fox Marvin and Shirley France Aaron and Margaret Franklin Karl and Lisa Franzmann Gerald and Brenda Frasier J. M. and Martha Frasier Heidi Frederick Arnim and Arnola Freeman D. L. and E. H. Frey James and Patricia Fried John and Erin Friedrichsen Steven and Amanda Fritz Dennis and Nancy Fry Dennis and Karleen Fry Mary Fry Valerie Fry Connie Fullmer Brandon and Naomi Fulp Geary and Teresa Furukawa Charles and Amy Furumasu Patrick and Kathryn Gaffney G. H. and Mary Gail Galt Business Consulting LLC Johnny Galver Howard and Ivy Games Omar and Silvia Garcia Neal and Jill Gardenhire John and Debra Garrard John and Angelique Garrett Garrett Family Trust Garrett, Hemann, Robertson, Paulus, Jennings & Comstock, P.C. Christopher and Raelene Garrison Lorin and Vivian Garvin Ann Gasser Myron and Bev Gaston V. H. and Joan Gausepohl Dwayne and Lizabeth Gayhart Joseph and Barbara Gaziano E. and Beverly Gentry James and Sophie Gentry Scott and Kimberly Gentry Steven and Susan Gentry George and Carol Gerhard


FALL 2007

Elmer and Garnet Gerwin Dan and Phyllis Gescher Kent and Teresa Gibson August Gilges R. G. and Eileen Gill B. Gillespie David and Mary Gillies Loren and Jeanne Glass Joyce Gleason Bruce and Louise Glenn Michelle Glipa Thomas and Julie Glogau Frank and Joyce Goddard James Goertz John and Betty Goffrier Greg and Barb Goheen Tom and Evelyne Gohlke Daryl and Susan Goletto Darryl Goltiao William Goman Virginia Gomer Norma Goodall Daniel and Barbara Goodell David and Christina Goodman Janice Gordon Rustin and Jamie Gore Doug and Sandee Gorsuch Thomas and Donna Gossi Larry and Debra Grant John and Marilyn Grantham Diane Gray Jessica Gray Rosalind Gray Carol Green James and Claudia Green Richard and Karyn Green Jack and Rosemary Greenamyre Rodger and Annette Greenfield Gregory and Anna Gregory Kathleen Grider Harold and Joan Griffin Marlin Griffin Larry Gross W. and Pauline Grounds Bruce and Jenni Grove Steve and Jan Guenther Geoffrey and Cheryl Guilfoy Tami Gustine Christopher and Sandra Guthrie Marvin Guthrie Mario and Tammy Gutierrez Steven and Julie Gutzler Thomas and Carolyn Gutzler Nicholas and Lisa Hager R. G. Hagerhjelm Joseph and Elisa Halcomb Brian and Jennifer Halfman Larry Hall Ruth Hall Price and Marcia Hallmann Thomas and Glenda Ham Michael and Lisa Hamel Beverly Hames Philip Hamm Patricia Hammond Terry and Teresa Hancock Ronald and Valerie Haney Andrew and Charlene Hannibal Timothy and Rhonda Hanowell Remi and Christine Hansen Mr. and Mrs. William Hansen Diane Hanson Jeffery Hanson Dick and Carolee Harding E. R. and E. B. Harding W. E. and Suzanne Harding David and Arin Harnsberger Dennis and Barbara Harnsberger John and Tammy Harnsberger Michael and Laurie Harnsberger Larry and Nancy Harrington Aaron and Holly Harris Bill Harshaw Robert and Patricia Hash Bryan and Debi Haslebacher David and Cheryl Hastings Marvin and Cynthia Hatfield C. C. and Yvonne Haverland Nancy Hawkins Harold and Joany Haws Ted and Cynthia Haws Philip and Yurie Joy Hayes Daniel and Geneva Haynes Dwayne and Hazel Hays Matthew and Kelly Hays Carol Hayward Leroy and Nancy Hedberg Hedberg Auctions Inc David and Mary Hedeen

Mr. and Mrs. Don Heil Edith Hellwinkel Elmer and Chris Hellwinkel Tom and Nancy Henckel David and Laurie Hendersen Byron and Nancy Hendricks Melvin and Virginia Hendrickson Jaen and Marjorie Henry Norman and Beverly Henry Jack and Marsha Hensel James and Lisa Hergert Erasmo Hernandez Paul and Deborah Hernandez Keith and Anna Herrman Robin Herrman Herrman Farms Brent and Sandra Hiatt Lyndora Hiatt Norma Hickman Gary and Susan Hicks LLoyd and Kathy Hiebert Eugene and Shirley Hiebert Tim and Nancy Higinbotham Jeff and Noella Hilfiker Arthur and Jennean Hill John and Anne Hill Mike and Sharon Hill Roger and Nancy Hillberg Daniel and Kathleen Hilliard David and Carol Hilliard Robert and Luella Hilliard Jim and Bonnie Hills Hillyer’s Ford Frederick and Frances Hisaw, Jr. Bill Hitt Harold and Ellen Hitt Ron and Mikki Hittner Mitchell and Wanda Hixson HN Rearch, Inc. Brent and Christy Ho, Jr. A. B. and Janet Hockman Kimball and Jennifer Hodge IV Reno and Linda Hoff Richard and Andrea Hofmann C. M. Hofstetter Bud and Lynette Holden Melitta Holland Robert Holland, Jr. MD Matthew Holstege Paul and Sharon Holstege Doug and Karen Holt Shirley Honstein Leary and Sherril Hood Michelle Hood Dale and Justyne Hoogland Gary and Miriam Hooley Michael and Elizabeth Hooper Gail Hoots Jan Hopkins Robert and Cathy Hornaday Frances Horner Stephen and Susan Horning Glenn and Jane Horton Robert and Edith Hosford Thomas and Gretchen Houck George and Roberta Hough Dennis and Chris Houser Les Howatt Michael and Claudia Howden David Howerton HR Central Corp. G. N. and M. E. Hudnall George and Darleen Hudson Phyllis Huggins Elvin Hughes H. W. and S. L. Hughes Stephen and Cynthia Hui Yuen Hui Gary Humphrey Aurelia Hunt Steve and Kathy Hunt Irene Hunter William and Katharine Hunter Cindy Hupp Melvin and Dianne Hurley Mark and Patty Hurst Ken and Sharon Hynes Keith and Elaine Igarashi Charles and Nancy Insley Elden and Joyce Irish Ralph and Joy Isensee Katherine Ishmael Ivan Ivanov Kenneth Ivers Wayne and Mary Ivie Marc and Charlene Iwahiro Kenneth Jackson Scott and Carol Jackson Dennis and Dixie Jacky

Barbara Jacques Casey Jager Clarence and Dorothy James David and Carol James Jeremiah and Jessica James L. C. and Alice James Larry and Judith James James Andrews Surveying Henry and Stacy James III James Reed & Associates Leo and Colleen Janes Chris and Peggy Jansen Randall and Arlene Jantzi Jimmy and Marlene Jarrett Helen Jarvis Adrian and Anne Jeffers Joan Jeffers Steven and Judith Jeffery Fritz and Traci Jenkins Faye Jensen Jensen Development Jensen Real Estate Sarah Jerman Erling Johansen John Ratzlaff, State Farm Insurance Carolyn Johnson Clinton Johnson David and Lori Johnson David Johnson Dennis and Lenora Johnson Edward and Anita Johnson Edwin and Daryl Johnson Eric and Colleen Johnson Gaylord and Mildred Johnson Jerry and Beverly Johnson Vern and Joan Johnson Kenneth and Ashley Johnson Leonard and Phyllis Johnson Macknight and Lisa Johnson Michael and Marilyn Johnson Michael and Connie Johnson Nancy Johnson Robert A. Johnson Robert Johnson Sharon Johnson Brian Johnston Michael and Catherine Johnston Robert and Donna Johnston Angela Jones Irene Jones Laddie and Mary Jones Matthew and Robyn Jones Neal and Marcia Jones Vic Jones David and Donna Jordan Larry and Carol Justis Donald and Josie Karling Marvin Kazmierski Florian Kazmierski, Jr. Kevin and Gail Keck James and Linda Keener John and Pauline Keeney David and Toni Keeton David and Margo Keiry Lance Keith Sylvia Ponsford-Keith Keith Cox Autobahn, Inc. Cody and Amy Kellogg William Kelly Tim and Sheryl Kelsh Harry and Sue Kelso Jerry and Paula Kennedy Pete Kennedy Kurtis Kent Alan and Janet Keranen Simon and Alison Kerbel Earl and Ellen Kersey Kent and Terri Kersey KFE MicroSystems James and Janice Kilcup Rick and Carol Kimberling Mata Kimmel Joe and Nadine Kincaid William and Jaemie Kinch David and Marie King Gordon and Jeanne King Gregg King Gregory and Joy King Thomas and Sally King Karen Kittrell Daniel and Rhonda Kizer Tony and Linda Klein Joyce Kline Gladys Klinepeter Edwin and Connie Knapp Elmer Knauss William and Rae Knopp Richard and Maxine Kohl Brad and Bonnie Kolbo

KPMG Peat Marwick Foundation Robert Krauss Dale and Debra Krein Sibyl Krueger John Kuchan LabCorp Matching Gifts Program Gary and Melodie Lacaze Anna Lackey Jordan and Debbie Lambert Jeffrey and Connie Lander Landmark Mortgage Herbert and Lona Langthorp Carroll and Nadine Larabee Patricia Lappin Lapray Development, LLC Leslie Largent Douglas and Linda LaRock Peggy Larson Albert and Blanche Lattin Larry and Preta Laughlin Larry and Penny Lavada Scot and Susan Lawrence Jonathan and Nicole Lawry Pauline Lawry Don and Carolyn Leach Kenneth and Patricia Leal Donald and Donna Leavitt Donald and Joanne Leavitt M. D. and Dorothy Leavitt Harold and Jolene Lee Helen Lee Jeremy Lee Ronald and Pearl Lee Steven and Claudia Lee Randy and Anna Lee-Craig Jeffrey and Kristy Leighty Richard and Gloria Leighty Francis and Michelle Leipzig Ricky and Cynthia Leland Hal Lemke Dorothy Lemons Les Schwab Tire Center, Lancaster Les Schwab Tire Center, Mission Les Schwab Tires, Junction City Richard and Melinda Lewis Trevor Lewis John and Annette Lewitt John Libengood Liberty Northwest Harold and Corliss Lien, Jr. Walter and Lora Lierman Agnes Lina Peter and Nancy Lind Alice Linden Thomas and Gayla Lingo Craig and Lynnette Little Robert and Carolyn Littlepage M. G. Lobdell Craig and Shawn Lockwood Jackie Loftis Clifford and Linda Logan Jeffrey and Carol Long Scott and Karen Longacre R. l. and Patricia Loose Eliseo Lopez Timothy Lopez Edward and Mary Lorenzi Los Brazos De Amor Jack and Becky Loughridge James and E. J. Louvier Cynthia Lowden Raymond and Laura Lowdermilk Ward Lowe Jeffrey and Claudia Lucas Charles Luchterhand Matt and Susi Lundquist Robert and Chris Luther Harold and Susan Maag Matt and Lori MacCollin Michael and Beverly Mack Auld Macmillan Bruce and Bronwyn Madison Rose Madison Kenneth and Connie Maller Josh and Kimberly Mallory Rod Malone Greg and Debra Marangi Karen Marchant R. G. and Dawn Marks Lyle and Betty Markwood Jessica Marple Larry and Kathleen Marr Richard and Miriam Marsceau Bard and June Marshall Charles and Nancy Marshall Don and Donna Marshall Frank and Coralyn Marshall Frank and Dorinda Marshall

Daniel and Susan Martell Bill Martin James and Judith Martin Brian and Karen Martin Michael and Ellen Martin Randy and Debra Mason George and Peggy Massey G. V. and Mariamma Mathai George and Sharon Mathews J. H. Mathis Matt and Cindy Mathisen Robert and Diane Mathisen Elizabeth Matson Gail Matthews Floyd and Pat May William and Jan Mayberry, Jr. Patrick and Jana McCallum John and Louella McCarty Rick McCloskey Jean McClure Wanda McCormick Darlene McCrea June McCready Jarred and Meredith McDaniel Jo McDonnell Ed and Jill McDowell Edward and Stacey McElhinny Ronald McFarlane R. G. and Janet McGill Illena McGowen Gary and Julie McGraw Scott McGraw Mark and Sheila Mchargue David and Sheila McIlroy Debbie McKeown Gilbert and Martha McLeod Lisa McLoughlin Robert and Debra McMackin Larry McMichael Robert McMillan Donald and Jeri McNulty Howard and Beverly McNulty Ronald and Carol McNulty Betty McOmber Donna McWilliams Charlotte Meade Edward and Adrienne Medrano Mario Medrano Roger Meier Ronald Meier Theodore and Mary Meier Scott and M. C. Meihack Kyle and Emily Mellander Tinker and Sarah Melonuk Dennis and Deborah Merrick Hans and Mary Frances Messick Donald and Phyllis Meyer Richard and Dianne Meyers Richard and Michelle Micklewright Anna Miles Douglas and Nicole Miles John and Reva Miller Randolph and Claudia Miller Ruth Miller Vicke Miller James and Naydeen Milliken William and Sara Mills Paul and Ulrike Minelga Robert and Vivian Minyard Alan and Marlo Mitchell Ruth Mitchell-Parkison Daniel and Winoma Mittelstedt Mark and Cheryl Mogensen Donn and Susan Mogford Louis and Ramona Mohnike Richard and Lisa Moller David and Cheryl Molstad Victor and Judy Monlux Douglas and Geri Monroe William and Beverly Monroe Brad Moore Chad and Elisabeth Moore John and Brenda Moore John and Debra Moore Larry and Christy Moore Steve and Bonnie Moore Gary and Sondra Morris James and Donna Morris Jim and Louise Morris Monte and Amy Morrison Wayne and Sandra Morrow Dean and Sarah Moshofsky Alfred and Elaine Moss Mountain Brook Systems, Inc. Hannah Mueller Patrick Mulhern Roy and Joyce Mullen Scott Mullin Marilyn Claudon-Mullin


Dane and Carrie Mullins Ken and Margo Munk Alfonzo and Terri Munoz Richard and Marietta Muntz Cleone Murdock Berle and Linda Murray D. M. and Greta Muscutt My Sports Dreams Bob and Kerri Myers Scott and Shelley Myers Larry Myronenko Terrie Wilson-Myronenko Clayton and Cynthia Nagel Craig and Joann Nancarrow National Sports Clinics, Inc. Nehemiah’s Ministries Carl and Susan Nelson Dale and Sue Nelson David Nelson John and Shari Nelson Kimberly Nelson Kurt and Theresa Nelson Lorraine Nelson Sandra Nelson Scott and Denise Nelson Tony and Maria Nelson Don and Rhonda Nerenberg Dawn Neustel Ed and Sandra Neustel Jayson Newby James and Pauline Newell M. E. and Nancy Newell Steve and Robin Newman Newman-Lebanon-Stayton, Inc. Newman’s Mobile Home Transport Newport - Waldport Acquisition Corporation Rick and Penny Nicholas Chet and Elizabeth Nichols Wayne and June Nichols Don and Pat Nicholson Mona Nickerson Nancy Nicosia Randy and Kerri Nielsen Peter and Marjorie Noble Louise Noegel Richard and Margaret Noland Christopher and Jill Noon David and Destiney Noor Sheldon and Jamie Nord Steve and Teuta Norman Norman Wikler Living Trust Anthony and Stacy Norris Northern Lights Theatre J. M. and Frances Novak Joanne Novis Vincent and Jennifer Nowell Glen and Pamela Nugent Leslie Nuttman Oak Harbor Freight Lines, Inc. Hershella Oakes Mark and Melanie Oakes Adam and Alicia Oakley Brenda Obrien Charles and Kristen Odegaard II Nancy Ogden Leslie and Stacey O’Kinsella Old Mill Country Store, LLC Kandy Oliver Clifford and Sheryl Olson Gunnar Olson James and Marci Olson Jeff and Linda Olson Joan Olson Roy and Lola Olson Thomas and Mary Olstad Thomas and Shirley Opitz Danielle Ordl Vincent and Sandra O’Rourke, Jr. Joel and Sherrie Osborn Barbara Osborne Carl and Sally Ost Dan and Amy Ostlund Zina Ovchinnikoff PC Mark and Anne Owen Marvin and Barbara Owen Steven Owen Pacific Produce, Inc. Aileen Palmen Peter and Rachel Pappas Thomas and Brigid Paradis Harry and Margaret Park Keith and Luetta Parker Margaret Parkin Thomas and Stephanie Parks Victor and Dayla Parra Michael and Paula Parrish Jon and Barbara Parson Nancy Passarelli

Darrell and Marilyn Patterson Michael and Kathryn Patterson Reed and Sonja Paulson Bob and Mary Peacock George and Beverly Peck R. M. and Margaret Peck Kendall and Deborah Peckham Art and Lani Peel Robert Pelley Laura Tea-Pelley Ryan and Jennifer Pemberton Pepsi Bottling Group, Inc. Anna Pernicka Ronald and Wendy Peters Eric and Laura Peterson Jon and Theresa Peterson Larry and Kelly Peterson Steven and Tamara Peterson Patty Pfeifer Douglas and Janice Pfeiler Pfizer, Inc. Wesley Phelps Bill and Jane Phillips Jerry and Louise Phillips Linda Phillips Terrence and Jenna Phillips Bernice Pilar, Estate of Antonio Pires, Jr. Jeffrey and Leah Pitman Anita Pleasants Bernard Plumb James and Celeste Polensky Bruce and Jill Pollard John and Cathy Pollino Darlean Pollock Bryan and Marnie Port Cynthia Porter James and Carrie Porter Mark and Sue Porter Stanley and Loretta Potocki Darrell and Ann Potter Richard and Georgann Potter Richard and Letty Potter David and Jane Poucher Chad Powell Elizabeth Powell Power Construction & Demolition Mantle and Cheri Powers Joseph and Kimberly Preciado Rob and Kim Preskitt Floyd and Ruth Prewitt Gary Priest Robert and Rosemary Promm Timothy and Mary Provost Prudential Real Estate Professionals M. W. Przybylowski Buddy and Shawn Puckett Mark and Diana Purkey Kenneth and Kerri Purnell David and Joyce Purrier Carolyn and Jerry Purtell Robert and Jannie Quesinberry R. L. Reimers Co. William and Tracy Radford Russell and Barbara Ragland Brian and Stacey Rall Charles and Carol Rall Vijaya and Shivaji Ramalingam Robert and Donna Randall Dwain and Bonnie Randolph David and Janelle Rasmussen Denny and Susan Rasmussen Terry and Ginger Rasmussen Jacqueline Rau Tim and Jean Rawlings Edward Ray Scott and Debra Ream Catherine Reber James and Dawn Reeher Keith and Judy Reetz Richard and Shirley Reeves Saylor and Cindy Rehm Carolyn Reid Ray and Jeanne Reid Harold and Nancy Reid II Russell and Donna Reinert Guy and Linda Renfro Kenneth and Doris Renfro Paul and Loring Rentz John and Kathleen Ricards Elodia Rice Ernest and Teri Rice Harrold and Patricia Rice Lynn and Cindie Rice Robert and Althea Rich Richard Rodoni Trust Donald Richards Richards Family Trust Thomas and Lorrie Richardson

Donald and Gladys Richter George and Joanne Rickard William and Barbara Rickerson Jeffrey and Carolyn Rieger Lee and Thelma Riggin Juanita Rima Alvin and Geraldine Rimes Jake and Jacqueline Rimes Joseph and Jennifer Rinauro Patricia Rise Paul and Brenda Risinger Stanley and Roxane Risner Karen Ritchie Cody and Sara Roach Mark and Carole Roberson Ronald and Betty Robert Faye Roberts John Roberts Kenneth and Meghan Roberts Ronald and Loretta Roberts Wayne and Melissa Roberts John and Joy Robertson Jess and Bernice Robins David and Jolene Robinson Donald and Gina Robison Herbert and Marguerite Rockey James and Shelly Roden Craig and Janyce Rodenmayer Steve Rodinw Rodoni Ranches Sue Roessler Brian and Pilar Rooke Ernest Rooke William and Jennifer Roosma Dale Rose David and Sheri Ross Dean and Deanna Ross Greg and Becky Ross Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ross Gerald and Carolyn Roth John Roth Judith Roth E. W. and Sheryl Rounds Lisa Rounsley Patty Rowell Patricia Rowland Philip and Jackie Royer Maxine Royse Steven and Alicia Rundell William Ryals Dalyn Ryan James and Doreen Saffeels Ronald and Mary Sagerson Salem Area Chamber of Commerce Salem Hotel Group Salem Laser & Skin Rejuvenation Center, Inc. Salem Nissan Salem Papa’s LLC Salem Women’s Military League Thomas and Linda Samek Steve Sanders Terry and Andrea Sanders Joel and Denise Sannan Santiam Homes George and Laurie Sarsfield Steve and Patricia Saunders G. M. and J. J. Sawatzky Douglas and Sue Sawyers Timothy and Jill Sayles Daniel and Becky Schanz Michael and Julie Scheel William and Jeannie Schierling Brian and Lori Schilling Dennis and Kathy Schipper Wade Schirmer Archie and Shirley Schmidt Gladys Schmidt Jeffrey and Pamela Schmidt Daniel and Nancy Schneider Dave and Shirley Schneider Wayne and Noel Schnur Joseph and Janell Schomus John and Sheri Schubert Edwin and Mary Schultze John and Rebecca Schwarze Dick and Dawn Scott John and SuEllen Scott Sean Scott Boyd and Jeanette Scroggins Casey and Michelle Searle Andrew and Marta Sears Merri Seaton James and Carol Seeley Brent and Peggy Seidler Terryl Selbak James and Jacoba Sena Kay Sether

Phil and Ruthann Seymour Rolland and Willa Shafer Brian and Sylvia Shanks Harold and Jean Shannon Greg and Jodie Sharp James and Cynthia Sharp Donald and Gerd Shaver Carl and Marian Shaw Shelley Sheehan Carl and Roseann Sheeon Duane and Gail Sheets Shelter Managment, Inc. Alice Shepard John and Julie Shepard Dean Sherbahn John and Ruth Sherman Jack and Joyce Sherman Terry and Elizabeth Shike Claire Shirley Daniel and Karla Shuholm Steve and Chauna Sidwell Sierra Vista Holsteins Robert and Cheryl Sievers Mark Sikkenga Maria Siladic John Simpson Cecil and Jeannine Sims Meagan Sinniger Tim and Carolyn Sinniger Donna Slager Graham and Diane Slater Ronald and Rebecca Sluck Doris Smith Douglas and Michele Smith Fred and Susan Smith Irma Smith Curtis and Mary Smith Mary Smith Richard and Linda Smith Ronald and Marie Smith Tim and Tracy Smith Ron and Laurel Smithwick Charles and Barbara Snell Dean Snodgrass Ed and Sarah Soderberg Mr. and Mrs. Alex Sohriakoff Edwina Sorge James and Lori Souba Patricia Sougstad Southern Oregon Subaru-VolvoMitsubishi Southwest Airlines Co Fred and Donna Southwick Jerry and Stephanie Spann James Sparkman Robert and Nancy Speizer Jim and Nancy Sperling Stephen and Kay Spingath Sports Wave, Inc. Carl and Sherrie Sprague David and Rosalyn Sprague Jayson and Julie Sprague James and Terry Sprow Walter and Connie Spurlock Scott Stand John and Elaina Stangle State Farm Companies Foundation State Farm Insurance Robert Stearns John and Jacquie Steckel Paul and Betty Steen David and Lorilynne Steenfott Keith and Marie Steffen Dennis and Sue Stegenga Michael and Judy Stegner Stephen and Melody Stein Erhardt and Joy Steinborn Jay and Christine Steiner Tim Stempel Arthur Stephenson Donald and Jessie Sterley Ralph and Frances Sterley C. R. Stevens Ralph and Arlene Stevens Steven and Susan Stevenson Colleen Stewart J. S. and Susan Stewart David and Anne Stiffler Debby Stockel Gregory and Christine Stokes Lyle and Helen Stokes Stoller Farms Gary and Marilyn Stolz Edward and Susan Storton Strategy Home Builders Inc Strategy Home Insulation, Inc John and Amy Stratton Eric and Margery Straw

James and Annie Streckfuss Mr. and Mrs. Richard Strellman Robert and Jane Strickland Jeffrey and Cindy Strole Phil and Jan Strom Donald and Patricia Stucky Robert and Lucille Stucky John and Joanna Stumbo Donald and Sandra Stupfel Lester and Carolyn Stutzman Milton and Susan Sullivan Tory Sullivan Larry and Stephanie Sunseri Deborah Susnjara Earl and Ruth Sutherland Robert and Joann Sutter John Swanson Janet Swartout Jesse and Kimberly Sweet Sweet Creations NW, LLC Sweet Creations NW, Uc Sweet Home Hope, Inc. Sherwood and Noreen Swenson Farid and Gina Tabrizy John and Katy Taft Joseph and Michelle Talmage Robert and Rosemary Tanzer Steve and Gail Tatone Albert and Elizabeth Taylor Derrald and Patricia Taylor Elaine Taylor Gary and Elaine Taylor Gerald and Linda Taylor Jeff and Jan Taylor Raymond and Betty Lee Taylor Jean Tedford Ken Tedford, Jr. Stuart and Colette Tennant Richard and Glenda Tennis Nellie Tevelde Freddie and JoAnn Thatcher Donald and Susan Thayer, Jr. The Chad Cota Athletic Foundation The Dunes Bible Camp The Ink Spot Printing Bruce and Karisa Thede Ilene Thedens D. W. and Shirley Thimsen Mr. and Mrs. George Thomas Gregory and Heidi Thomas Michael and Janice Thomas David and Lisa Thompson Floyd Thompson Steve and Sharon Thompson Art and Debbie Thunell Marcella Tichenor Max and Cynthia Tilton Deloryce Timson Grant and Debbie Tipton Don Tomforde Tony White Insurance Agency, Inc. Ron and India Tornell Sterling and Michalle Torrez Tim and Janice Trahern Charles and Joyce Trammell Jeff and Diane Trammell Jodi Trammell Lester Trammell Marty and Linda Trammell James and Julene Trigg Daniel and Summer Trudell Gregory and Tiffany Trull Viola Tucker Larry and Peggy Tuckness Rick and Krista Tuckness David and Mary Tuomi, Jr. Robert and Laurene Turk Chris Turner Gary and Vicky Turner Robert and Elizabeth Turner Turner Gravel, Inc Marvin and Alberta Tyrie United Way of King County US Bank Mark and Jeanine Valenti Richard and Cheryl Valette Dorothy Valish Gary and Shelley Van Antwerp Dara Van Berkum Tim Van De Grift John and Sandy Van Dyk Robert and Margaret Van Dyke Dwight and Lydia Van Horn Mayemma Van Horn Donald and Melody Van Walk Wayne and Janet Van Werven Thelma VanBrenk Jerry and Margaret Vande Burgt Jeanne Vandermey

Alexander Vanderstoel Howard and Gloria Vandyk, Jr. Vannatta Public Relations, Inc. Roger and Pamela Vanwhy Will Varekamp Margaret Varkados Kristin Ventura Candace Vetters Ronald and Janelle Vettrus Vision Painting & Coatings Ross and Maurine Vohland Floyd and Jeanette Votaw Alan and Stacey Votta Megan Votta Judy Wade Clifford and Peggy Wagner Donn and Donna Wahl Lillian Wahl William and Claudia Wahl Jonathan Wakefield Brent and Toni Walker Delight Walker James and Lois Walker Michael and Shelley Wall Duane and Adrienne Wallace June Wallace Ronald Wallachy Patrick and Nancy Walsh David and Sue Walt Anthony Walther Per and Kathleen Walthinsen Stefan and Angela Walz Brian and Lynn Wanless Janeen Ward Jerry and Pamela Warden F. D. and Manja Warner Mel and Murdene Warnett Gerald and Luanne Warren R. S. and Tricia Wartenberg Blayne Watkins Jason and Brittany Watrous William and Virginia Watson Bertha Wattenburger Paul and Barb Wattenburger Welby Waugh Bryant and Julie Weakley Dwight and Arta Weaver Keith and Margaret Weaver Michael and Paula Weckman Joseph and Gina Weigand, Jr. Daniel and Shirley Weigel Richard Wells William and Judy Welter Gerald and Dolores Werre Jack and Pamela Werre Dale and Dawn West Dwight and Grace West Elaine West West Ridge Apartments, LLC Ernest and Wilma Westerlund Scott and Kimberly Westfall Layne and Kristine Westover Charles and Lynette Wetzler Roger and Jeanie Whaley Glinda Wheeler Wheeler Foundation Carl and Emma Jean Whipps Dave and Janet Whitaker Harold Whitbeck George and Geraine Whitcomb Char White Corey and Jody White Dale and Gail White John White Stephen White William and Melba White David and Pamela Whitehead Ron Whitehead Phil and Lesley Wick Lloyd and Alberta Widman Virginia Widman Helen Widmer George and Doris Wiebold Norman and Darlene Wiebold John and Patricia Wikler Norman Phyllis Wikler Dan and Sally Wilder Wilder Toyota, Inc.

Alberta Wilkerson Dan and Mary Louise Wilkinson Willamette Oaks Retirement Center Willamette Valley Bank Willamette Valley Multiple Listing Service Brian and Marcia Willetts Beth Williams Cecil and Lola Williams Donald and Barbara Jean Williams Jason and Christine Williams Kassandra Williams Patricia Williams Ron and Sharon Williams Stewart Williams Terry and Debra Williams Williams Development NW, LLC Gary and Patti Williamson Zelda Willis Willow Lake Golf Cts & Driving Range Mark and Deleen Wills Donnel and Carol Wilmoth Breck and Cathy Wilson Matthew and Rebecca Wilson Torrance and Gayla Wilson D. R. and Margaret Wind Windermere Pacific West Properties, Inc. Marvin Wineman Winston Realty & Insurance M. L. and Sharon Winters Dale and Marsha Winzeler Albert and Margaret Wipf Pat Wischhoefer James and Janet Wise Georgia Wisenor Withnell Car Rental Deidra Witmer Charles and Christina Witta Donald and Nina Wolters Brad and Kristina Wolverton Brian and Gay Wong John and Angelee Wood Stephen and Deborah Wood Miriam Woodard W. L. and Angela Woodworth, Jr. Guy and Kelly Worden James and Norma Workman Jean Workman Steven and Karen Worley Rodney and Mollie Wren Daniel and Jean Wright Richard and Helen Wright Robert and Rita Wright Scott Wright Steven and Teresa Wright Douglas and Myrna Wulff David and Dorothea Wuth Timothy and Marshayne Wuth Mr. and Mrs. Dale Wynn Dan and Norma Wytoski Melvin and Lori Yamase Dean and Tami Yeager Yennek Rentals Dennis and Anita Yocom Richard and Valarie Yoder Sandra York David and Cynthia Young Georgia Young Paul and Judy Young Seth Young Harold and Bonnie Youngberg Thomas and Davina Younger J. P. and Diane Youtz Howard and J. L. Zach Eugene and Gwen Zacharias, Jr. Nelson and Ellen Zarfas Irvin and Karlene Zimmerman Ken and Kathryn Zink Kimberly Zinser Zdravka Zivko Marvin and Sharon Zuber Lamarr and Judith Zuver William and Beth Zuver

A special thanks to all our volunteers, including the Board of Trustees and Alumni Board who invested time and resources in 2006-2007.


FALL 2007


The Corban/AmbEx partnership offers students unique crosscultural opportunities

Study Abroad Program

AmbEx A m b e r g , Ge r m a n y

The Vils River flows peacefully through the heart of Amberg, Germany during a fall morning.


he vision for AmbEx was born out of hearts that longed for Christian Higher Education/Ministry in Amberg, Germany, which lies at the geographical center of Europe and epicenter of the

Reformation. We envision it to be a light in a dark world that will facilitate spiritual and intellectual growth and equip the next generation of Christian leaders—pastors, missionaries, businessmen and homemakers, to think and respond biblically to the Great Commission and man’s chief end, “to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.”



FALL 2007

An example of one of the “Resident Villas” that students will make home for a semester.

Academic travel is incorporated into the semester program and includes biblically significant sites such as ancient Corinth.

Local schools share resources with AmbEx offering modern conveniences in a historic context.

The Mission of AmbEx: In fidelity to Scripture and to the glory of the person and work of Jesus Christ our Savior, AmbEx exists to teach Christian students the vital historical and theological foundations of the Protestant, Evangelical Christian faith, through a personal, comprehensive, and life-changing in-class and on-the-road academic experience, and through involvement in the European missions activities of local churches in Amberg, Germany, and central Europe.

Amberg is steps away from campus offering rich history and experiences, such as the city’s medieval drawbridge.

Classrooms and other campus buildings are tucked into the quaint German city immersing students into the local culture.

Visiting nearby historical places, such as the Ettal Abbey, plays a key part in learning Reformation history.

The aim of AmbEx is to offer a God-centered, God-honoring,

AmbEx hopes to instill a reformation in each students’

God-dependent semester abroad curriculum where Christian

personal, academic, and spiritual growth, so that they might

worldview thought and practice permeate the instruction. The

proclaim and defend the faith in a manner honoring to God.

biblical worldview examines all things in light of the creating,

Through the work and outreach of its students, AmbEx will be a

sustaining, revealing, and redeeming work of our Triune God and is

platform God uses to reach those who have yet to be reconciled

the single source of true education; spiritually profitable to the world

to God by faith, a necessity for this worldview to be properly

of scholarship, evangelism and discipleship. (Jeremiah 9:23-24)

understood and embraced.

This aim is reflected in AmbEx’s core curriculum, including

Alumni of AmbEx will be better prepared spiritually,

courses in Christian Worldview; Reformation History; Reformation

intellectually, vocationally and cross culturally to serve Christ

Theology; and The History and Theology of Revival and the New

wherever He leads, and enjoy Him forever. The AmbEx staff, the

Birth, as well as informative coursework in European Geography,

mayor and citizens of Amberg, and local evangelical churches

Culture and Society and German Language Acquisition. Through

warmly invite the Corban connection i.e. associates, administrators,

this curriculum, AmbEx provides a Christ-centered perspective,

faculty, alumni, family and friends to visit God’s blessing.

encouraging its students to examine the world and witness the

For program information call 1-800-845-3005 or go to

contrast of geocentric viewpoints.


FALL 2007



Corban’s fall sports full of “Fan-atic” fun and promise


othing energizes a campus like vigorous group activity unified around a competitive mission. Five Corban athletic teams, with 80-plus personnel, have already hit the fall sports fields, athletic courts, and running trails in hot pursuit of excellence in 2007. And the anticipation is palpable. “It’s a fresh start, and that brings a lot of extra energy and enthusiasm and hard work,” says Caylin Bankston, one of two senior Corban volleyball team captains. “I’m excited because last year we did really well and I know the potential we have,” adds women’s cross country captain Jill Nielsen. “I’m just as excited about meeting all the new, fresh faces and getting back together with the rest of our team—we have a good connection together.” Corban College men’s and women’s soccer and men’s and women’s cross-country teams join the women’s volleyball squad to give the Corban community of “fan-atics” (devoted fans) plenty to buzz about this fall. [For fall sports schedules go to] In recent times, Corban fall sports 28


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programs have seen a ground swell of “fan-atics” support with the help of special promo events like “Soccer Under the Lights”, volleyball’s “Serve it Up” home opener barbecue, and the first-ever Corban Invitational cross country meet. The events are again slated for this year and are cosponsored by Corban Athletics, Corban ASB, and the Warrior Athletic Association. [2007 Corban Athletics Fall special events schedule: “Soccer Under the Lights”, August 30 and 31; “Serve It Up” Volleyball BBQ, Sept. 11, and the Corban Invitational Cross Country meet, Sept. 20.] Beyond the flash and fervor of featured events and fan support, the Warrior fall teams have respective missions in mind. There are conference titles to pursue, regional and national tournaments to qualify for, and team promises to keep. “Last year we proved we could make it to nationals, and I know we haven’t run

our best there yet, so we have something to shoot for,” says Nielsen, who was a part of an historic first-ever Corban women’s cross country title-winning team in 2006. The Warrior women runners won the Cascade Collegiate Conference and competed at the NAIA national championship meet last October. For women’s soccer, the story has been one of decade-long success. “I’m excited because [the alumni game] really inspired me. That’s the best we’ve seen in a game this early in a season,” says soccer co-captain Megan Waunch. “We definitely have a lot of potential.” Last year the Corban women qualified for post season play for the 11th consecutive season. Warrior volleyball, under new head coach Heather Dunn seeks to rebound from a sub .500 campaign in 2006. “We have a deep bench and a lot of good athletes,” notes Bankston. “I think we’ll have more success this year as a team.” Her volleyball co-captain Ashley Lange agrees. “I’m most excited about trying to lead this team to many victories. It’s a lot more fun to win and I feel we can do that this year,” says Lange. With five freshmen and two sophomores, the men’s cross country squad hopes to build on youthful exuberance. “We have a lot of young talent this fall, so it’ll be fun to work with them and develop as a team,” says men’s cross country captain Brian Beeson. “You can glorify God in everything you do,” says Waunch. “You don’t really draw that connection until you’re on a team of believers. Playing at Corban helps bring all that back.”


ALUMNI action Greetings, Alumni

The Alumni Advantage

By the time you receive this magazine, our 71st entering freshman class will be sitting in the same classrooms many of you sat in, learning and studying hard, developing new lifetime friendships and planning for their future. You are a part of their heritage. Whether you were on the campuses at Oakland, El Cerrito or Salem, I encourage you to stay connected with us and your classmates. You have a terrific opportunity to reconnect with classmates and friends at our first Alumni Homecoming Weekend October 5 & 6; see pages While vacationing with her husband Mark and friends 32-34 for Homecoming details. If you haven’t this summer in Barcelona, Spain, Alumni Director Deleen Wills spent an evening with Jason Merrel received the Homecoming flyer and registration ‘02 and Jessica Manitsas Merrel ‘05. They have form mailed mid-August, please contact me at been teaching English at an ELS school in Barcelona. or 503-589-8182. The Merrels provided an insider’s tour of their It is part of our stated mission that the Office neighborhood, the Gothic Quarter, cathedrals and parks. Everyone enjoyed dinner at one of the Merrels of Alumni Services is to build and maintain lifelong favorite restaurants. connections between alumni, churches, friends and the college. But we can’t do it by ourselves; it is your responsibility to keep in touch by sending updates on your family, work, church, and travels, as well as your current mailing address, e-mail and telephone number.

Be True to Your School! Get your very own Corban College Alumni chrome license plate frame. The cost is $10 per frame plus $2 for shipping and handling. Drop by the Corban Bookstore or call 503-375-7035. We know many alumni from out of state have license plate frames now. Please take a photo of your license plate frame on your car and e-mail it to

Telephone & E-mail please We need your telephone and/or cell phone number plus e-mail addresses! We might need to get in touch with you quickly for alumni events. Don’t forget to tell us when you move, too! Please go to and send in your information.

Where has the Summer Gone? If you haven’t been on campus in the past six months, you need to come by again. As you can see in this magazine, things are changing fast around here. The following visitors have witnessed some of these exciting changes—like the new Resurrection sculpture in front of the Psalm Performing Arts Center, beginning construction on the new Clock Tower and Plaza and refurbishing of the Academic Center and Schimmel Hall. In May, Lonnie Brotnov ’85 from Flagstaff, Arizona; Matt Hurst ’00 of Bakersfield, California came. Jeannie Jones Spradling ’75 Fairbanks, Alaska had dinner and a campus tour with long-time friend, Alumni Director Deleen Wills. In June, Rene’ Whittaker Tyson ’00 from Salem; Alan Beals ’97 of Keizer; Virgil Christopherson ’84 and wife LaVonne Schroeder Christopherson ’84 from Lowry, South Dakota; and just after the 4th of July, Brian Rizer ’00 from Glenrock, Wyoming came by. Dad Sam Funk ‘98(n), Mom Naomi Lynch Funk ‘98(n), James, Josiah, Gideon and baby Justus from Union, Washington stopped to visit Aunt Cathy Downs of Student Life. Guests received a Corban mug or license plate frame for coming by the Alumni Office.

Are you aware of the benefits provided by Corban for its alumni? We want you to know about and utilize the valuable benefits that you can access as Corban alumni. No longer live in Salem? No problem! Your Corban connection has no geographic boundaries. Check out the following list of benefits and take advantage of all that your alma mater has to offer, no matter your location. • Corban magazine is sent quarterly to alumni: This free publication keeps alumni up to date on college happenings and provides scholarly and thought-provoking articles. • Career assistance from the Career & Academic Services Center: List or find a job. • Technology Center: Use of computers in the lab located on the ground floor of the Academic Center. • Corban Facilities: If you need summer accommodations, a room for a business meeting or facilities for a wedding or reception, Campus Care can help. Corban alumni are entitled to use the college’s facilities at a reasonable rate, subject to availability. • E-directory: Your link to other alumni. • College Bookstore: Discounts on most items. • Performing Arts Events: Invitations for alumni. • Use of our Library: Facilities include access to print and media materials plus computer workstations for researching electronic resources and study rooms. Stop by the desk on your first visit for your free library i.d. card.

Graduates of Corban, did you know your child can receive an automatic grant as a legacy child? That’s right, automatic. No state schools can offer this, nor do most private colleges. But we do! Contact our Financial Aid Office at 503-375-7006 for more information.


FALL 2007



Alumni & Campus Events Alumni & Friends go “out to the ol’ ball game”


or the second year, Corban Mariners (and a few die-hard Oakland A’s) fans enjoyed a beautiful sunny day in Seattle on Saturday, July 28 for a baseball game. Alumni and friends from Oregon, California and Washington cheered their favorite team. For Jason Merrel ‘02, recently home from Barcelona, Spain, it was the A’s as he grew up in California. Mariners won 4-3. Below: The James family rode Amtrak from Salem. Front row (R to L): Carley Davis, Dorothy Johanson James ‘58, Jeff James ’84 with wife Julie and sons Connor and Barrett. Back row: Austin, J.D. ’85, Terri ’86, and Katelyn Davis. Grandpa Clarence ’58 is missing from the photo; he was making a food run.

Left: Corban staff Cathy Downs with granddaughter Esther Eckleman, daughter Melani and husband Frank, who serves on the Warrior Club. Directly behind the Downs clan is Director of Undergraduate Teacher Education, Claudia Green’s family; daughter Kimberly, Claudia Games Green ‘76, husband Jim and daughter Katherine.

Finkbeiner family: daughter Jill, Terry ’76, wife Sue and son Kenton.

Ruhlman’s Reunited Three generations of Ruhlman relatives from California, Oregon, Washington, and as far away as Texas, gathered on the Corban campus late in July for their family reunion.

Sheryl Ruhlman Rasmussen ’86 with husband Eric Rasmussen ’87 and daughters Emma, Annie and Ellie from Shoreline, WA.



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Front row: Professor Jim Hills shaking hands with John Ruhlman ‘63, Nancy Mehner Ruhlman ‘63(n), Dorothy Ruhlman Moore ‘60, Sheryl Ruhlman Rasmussen ‘86. Second row: Ruthanne Ruhlman Beddoe ‘66(n), incoming Ruhlman family freshman Rachel Jeffers, Kaylene Ruhlman Jeffers ‘79, Joel Jeffers ‘79, Suzanne Reeves Riffle ‘76(n), Rick Riffle ‘76, Eric Rasmussen ‘87, back Darrell Beddoe, Corban board of trustees member.


Thank you Corban Connection Ladies

Corban Connection 5000 Deer Park Drive SE Salem, OR 97317

Attention Basketball Alumni

Corban Connection Goal = $25,000

Phase one is complete, and two new pianos have been purchased for our students because of your generous donations through our Corban Connection event in April. We adopted the pianos, carpeting for Aagard women’s dorm and student scholarships. We are well on our way to phase two to meet the goal of $25,000 by next April. If you’d like to help reach this goal, please send your donations to:

You are invited on Saturday, November 10, for an evening of reconnecting with friends either by observing or playing. Students vs. Women at 5:30 p.m. and Students vs. Men at 7:30 p.m. Alumni will be treated to refreshments that evening.

Christmas Soiree

Heather Gossien Hergert and husband Joel Hergert, both seniors at Corban, enjoy playing on one of the new pianos. Our students are very grateful.

Alumni, are your

junior high or high school age children receiving information from the admissions office? Fill out this form to make sure! Questions or comments: 1-800-845-3005 or



Prospective Name_ ____________________________________________________________________________ Address______________________________________________________________________________________

City_____________________________________________ State_____________ Zip________________________ E-mail_ _____________________________________ Church_ _________________________________________ High School_ ___________________________________________________ Grad Year_ ___________________ Academic Interest(s)_ ______________________________ Athletic Interest(s)____________________________

It’s not too early to mark your calendar to join other alumni & friends at our second Christmas Soiree on Friday evening, November 30. Kick off your holiday season with refreshments at 6:15 p.m. in the lobby of Schimmel Hall, followed by an evening of beautiful Christmas music presented by our Music Department at 7:20. Alumni will receive an invitation to the Christmas Soiree sponsored by President and Mrs. Hoff.

Comments (great baseball player, excellent musician, leader in youth group, etc.)_ _______________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Referred By___________________________________________________________________________________ Send form to: Office of Admissions, Corban College, 5000 Deer Park Drive SE, Salem, OR 97317

Even though there is no admission fee for this event, please contact Deleen Wills in the Alumni Office to reserve your space for the concert as seating is limited. Call 503-589-8182 or e-mail


FALL 2007


Homecoming Weekend Event Highlights Friday


Kick-off Continental Breakfast

Clock Tower Dedication

Rev up the weekend with a continental breakfast in the Pavilion main level at 9 a.m.

Homecoming Chapel

Start the weekend by attending chapel, brought to you by both students and alumni. 10 a.m.

Dedication of Resurrection Sculpture Gather with the Corban community to dedicate the College’s first major art project outside the Psalm Center right after chapel at 10:50 a.m.

*Corban Golf Challenge Tournament Enjoy a fun time of golf which benefits student scholarships. It’s a shotgun start at noon. The cost is $125.

*50s and 60s President’s Reception Alumni from the 1950s and 1960s are invited to attend a reception to meet and spend time with President and Mrs. Hoff in their home.

Classes Without Quizzes

Relive your classroom experience by attending selected classes with current students.


October 5-7, on the Corban campus


FALL 2007

Join in celebrating this exciting milestone as we dedicate the on-going construction of this longawaited dream at 11 a.m.

Faculty Reception

Come and visit with your faculty ‘favs’ and enjoy getting reacquainted at 11:30 a.m.

*Alumni Awards Luncheon Noon - 2 p.m. See page 34 for details.

Warrior Sports Events

Root for the Warriors at volleyball games Friday and Saturday evenings and soccer on Saturday afternoon.

*Reservations required.

More Information Meals Campus Dining is ready to serve you! It’s selfservice, so go downstairs in Schimmel Hall at any meal time and enjoy the great selections. Breakfast $6.50, Lunch $7.50 and Dinner $8.50.

Tours Take a guided tour of campus, conducted by our students. Drop by the Registration Desk anytime for your personal tour. There are also self-guided nature trail hikes if you’d like some exercise; 1/3 mile trails through beautiful forest areas, and a 9-hole disc golf course. See the Registration Desk for directions.

Souvenirs Visit the Corban Bookstore for the latest Warrior wear and other logo items. For your convenience our campus Bookstore is open for extended hours: Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Admissions Office Open The Admissions Office is open for your convenience to answer any questions about Corban: Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.


Rediscover, Reconnect & Renew

Reunion Dinners Join your classmates as you rekindle friendships to commemorate the “anniversary,” commiserate on how time has passed, and enjoy capturing the moment! Cost: $14 per person. Reservations required.

Friday Night Reunion Dinners: 6 p.m. Class of ‘67 Class of ‘72 Class of ‘77 Saturday Night Reunion Dinners: 6 p.m. Class of ‘82 Class of ‘87 Class of ‘97 Adult Degree Programs alumni (all alumni for the last 15 years) Reunion Dinners Childcare (Saturday only) 5–10 p.m. Child care; evening care for children 6 weeks to 6 years. $5 per child. 5–10 p.m. Corban Kids; evening activities for children 7-12. $5 per child.

Registration and Parking Registration

Start the weekend off right by registering in the Psalm Performing Arts Center. Pick up your welcome packet with name tag and tickets to all events. You will receive a complete schedule of events when you register. Friday 8 – 10 a.m. & 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m. – 10 a.m. Parking

There are several lots on campus where parking is available within walking distance of the event locations. Signs will be posted to direct you to the parking lots and buildings.

Guest Passes for C.E. Jeffers Sports Center Passes are available upon request at the Athletic Office to use the facilities, including the weight room (open 8 a.m. to 4 p.m). The Sports Center is open on a first-come, first-served basis Friday and Saturday. Lockers are available; bring your own lock and towel.

Questions? Contact Deleen Wills at 503-589-8182 or with questions, concerns or special needs. Additional information available at


FALL 2007


Homecoming Weekend 2007 Alumni Awards Luncheon Saturday, 12 Noon – 2 p.m. • Psalm Performing Arts Center • Admission: $12 per person


econnect with your classmates and friends at this special luncheon honoring three outstanding alumni: Dan Wilder ‘75 will be honored as this year’s Distinguished Alumnus and Reid Saunders ‘98 will be honored as the Distinguished Recent Alumnus. Rich Meyers ’67 will receive the Outstanding Service Award. The luncheon will also include our President’s State of the College address and a presentation by our music department.

2007 Alumni Award Recipients

Distinguished Alumnus of the Year Award

Distinguished Recent Alumnus of the Year Award

Outstanding Service Award

Dan Wilder ’75

Reid Saunders ‘98

Salem, Oregon

Port Angeles, Washington

Salem, Oregon

President of Dan Wilder Auto Group; Board member: Peninsula College Board of Trustee Chair, Corban College Board of Trustee, Washington State Auto Dealers, Olympic Memorial Hospital Foundation, Olympus Kidney Center, Board of Directors Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce.

Evangelist—Reid Saunders Association; through a partnership with Next Generation Alliance, a ministry of Luis Palau Association, crusades to evangelize in the U.S., South Africa, Uganda, India, Albania, Jamaica, Poland, England and Ireland; during his undergraduate studies he had his first opportunity to organize three evangelistic crusades. Masters of Divinity from Multnomah Biblical Seminary in 2002.

Criteria: Demonstrates a serious Christian faith and a continued support of the Christian community; displays a servant’s heart through service to the community; displays leadership, responsibility and expertise in his/her chosen profession; embodies the ideals and mission of Corban College; is a loyal supporter of Corban College; (10 or more years post-graduation, over age 35); attended Corban/WBC for at least two years.



FALL 2007

Criteria: Demonstrates a serious Christian faith and a continued support of the Christian community; displays a servant’s heart through service to the community; displays leadership, responsibility and expertise in his/her chosen profession; embodies the ideals and mission of Corban College; is a loyal supporter of Corban College; (5 or more years postgraduation, under age 35); attended Corban/WBC for at least two years.

Dr. Richard W. Meyers ‘67 Chair, Psychology Department, Professor of Psychology, Corban College. B.S. Western Baptist Bible College; B.A. California State University at Hayward; M.A. Trinity Evangelical Divinity School; M.A. Western Conservative Baptist Seminary; Psych D., George Fox University; National Guard chaplain from 1977 through 2005 retired as senior state chaplain for Oregon, Army and Air National Guard; Private counseling practice, family counseling; Organizational consulting, businesses and churches. Criteria: 30 years or more exemplary service to Western Baptist/Corban College; Demonstrates a serious Christian faith and a continued support of the Christian community; displays a servant’s heart through service to the community; displays leadership, responsibility and expertise in his/her chosen profession; embodies the ideals and mission of Corban College; is a loyal supporter of Corban College; attended Corban/WBC for at least two years.


CLASS notes 60s

Eldon Martens ’68 retired from his pastoral position at Central Baptist Church in Clovis, Calif., on May 27, 2007, where he had served since 1993. He founded the Fundamental Baptist Church in Escondido in 1973 and pastored there for over 14 years. He helped establish a Christian school, the Southern California Association of Christian Schools and served as president for years. He also served as vice president of the Western Association of Christian Schools. From 1983 to 1991 Eldon suffered from a major voice problem, Spastic Dysphonia, and stepped aside from pastoring. He moved his family to Clear Lake, Calif. and served at the Lucerne Christian Conference Center. He then moved his family to Marina and worked with a speech therapist who helped restore his voice. It was progressive yet miraculous work of God—that most experts in the medical field said was impossible. Eldon and wife Martha celebrated their 44th wedding anniversary July 13 and have five children and eleven grandchildren.


Nina Robinson ’71 of Tacoma, Washington writes “Your recent article about how to handle our troopers coming home from war WAS WONDERFUL. I have worked for the Army for 30 years and very involved in health care of our troops, and your thoughts were right on. Keep up the good work; it was a very useful article. The biggest thing to do is just sit and listen to the young men and women that have had to go to the war and back again. I was glad to see a Christian magazine say something that everyone could use in everyday life.” Tom Hedges ’72 of Venice, Florida credits Western for preparing him for what would be 35 very challenging years of ministry after graduation. He began as San Francisco East Bay Regional Bible Club Director for Youth for Christ. He then transitioned to youth pastor in several churches including a ministry assisting G. Nelson Zarfas ’61 in San Pablo. After moving to Salem and completing college, he moved to Chico, California, serving as youth and education pastor at Grace Baptist. He was best known for leading the Thanksgiving Teen Leadership Conference at Mt. Hermon for the GARBC churches. He made a major move in accepting the call to Grace Gospel Church in West Virginia. During his ten years at Grace Gospel he pioneered youth concepts which led to

invitations to speak at Christian colleges and youth pastor’s conferences. Scripture Press Publications made him a part of their teacher development seminar team which involved traveling throughout the U.S. training church workers. Tom served the next 20 years at Calvary Baptist Church in Covington, Kentucky which included mission trips to Haiti, Jamaica and Martinique. He was asked to assume the executive pastor position after Calvary called Dr. Charles Wagner as pastor in 1991. Tom continued to fill the position of minister of education with 700 volunteers. Tom retired to Venice with his wife Lee Ann of 47 years. He now pursues golf and bicycling, teaches Tom with Dr. Charles Wagner Sunday School at the reception honoring and serves on the Tom on his retirement. deacon board of Venice First Baptist Church. They have four children and 15 grandchildren. The Hedges would enjoy hearing from old friends. E-mail: Wendell Garner ’73 and wife Peggy of Los Molinos, California, traveled six weeks by car across the U.S. visiting missionaries that their church supports, family and friend Mel Patterson ’75 in Tacoma, Washington. After arriving home they repacked their bags and flew to Kiev, Ukraine, to attend the wedding of a missionary friend. Wendell begins his 30th year of teaching elementary age students this year. Andy Robinson and Elda Coker Robinson ’72 reside in Watsonville, California. Elda works with a team of educators and the Association of Christian Schools to create a science curriculum for grades 4-6. Andy is a middle school administrator at Monte Vista Christian School in Watsonville. Their son Sam ’05, works in the IT department of Northwest Christian College in Eugene, Oregon. James Rozman ’77 of Santa Clara, California, walked across the platform at the University of Phoenix and received a M.A.Ed, multiple subject teaching credentials during graduation ceremony in June. Between teaching, pulpit supply in Northern California and overseeing a

15-year trust, he is busy serving the Lord after retirement from the United States Air Force chaplaincy. Terry Finkbeiner ’76 of Connell, Washington, is the Administrative Manager for Perfect Blend, LLC., a biotic-organic fertilizer production plant just north of Connell with a corporate office in Bellevue. There are plans to build several production plants on the West coast of the United States, Europe, and the Middle East. Wife Susan has taught 5th graders for three years, is a certified GLAD trainer (Guided Language Acquisition Design) and is beginning National Board Certification. Son Kenton is moving to Cabo San Lucas to teach high school science in a Christian school. Daughter Jillian just completed her Masters in Teaching from WSU and will begin teaching 4th grade this fall. Scott Hammond ’78 of Bennington, Nebraska has been married to wife Vera for over 15 years. He works with Ford Motor Company, and Vera is a dental assistant for an orthodontist. They lived in Phoenix for over 11 years when his division merged with FMCC. Because of that they moved to San Francisco and worked for 15 months for Volvo Finance, another division of FMCC. When that division closed, he accepted a position in Omaha, where they now live. They were in Omaha only three months when Ford announced plans to close all FMCC branches across the nation. Scott was the only person from his office who retained his job, because of his particular skill set. They miss the West and hope to move back in the near future.


Linda Shouse Jaime ’82 of Woodland, California works at Woodland Christian School as a teacher’s aid rather than teaching full time. She substitutes and is also receptionist at the preschool in the morning and tutors elementary students in the afternoon. Don McDaniel ‘82(n) of Auburn, Washington is an installer for a tent and awning company in Seattle. His son Jacob (22), is a youth leader in a local church and the drummer and daughter Paige is at Western Washington University as a journalist major. CORBAN MAGAZINE

FALL 2007



David Blood ’85 of Camino, California has worked for the California Highway Patrol (CHP) for the last 19 years throughout California in a number of areas. He is currently assigned to the Placerville area office and works as a beat officer.


Lori VanWeerdhuizen Patterson ’91 and family were featured in Salem’s Statesman Journal newspaper on May 20, 2007. The front page and two full page color story chronicled their personal experience during the detailed adoption process of six-year-old twin girls from Liberia in September 2006 and their first year in Salem. The article also covered the lives of the two young sisters from a marketing town surrounded by small villages on the hot plateaus of Central Liberia, a country in its second decade of a bloody civil war, extreme poverty and disease, having the distinction of one of the highest mortality rates in the world. The girls joined four brothers and two other adopted sisters. Jeff Stachofsky ’91 of Pasco, Washington is in the fifth year of ministry at First Baptist of Richland. Last February their youngest son Jonathan (13), was diagnosed with Leukemia. He continues to undergo treatment in Spokane at the Children’s Hospital and is responding

very well. Wife Jennifer Sams Stachofsky ’92 continues to work when time permits between treatments. Jeffery (15), is a sophomore and has started driving, enjoys basketball, playing guitar and friends. Their prayer for their family is that God will use this difficult time to draw them closer to Him and that they will use every opportunity bring glory to God. They ask to keep them in your prayers, that they will be a witness for God in every situation. Tamara Tatum Horton ’92 and husband Nate reside in Kalispell, Montana and have five children: Florie (10), Daniel (9),TK (9), Alex (6) and Jasmine (5). Last year they adopted the two younger ones. They serve in the community as foster parents. In 2000 they started their own



FALL 2007

business, Innovative Graphics, specializing in missionary prayer cards and related materials. They also design and print for commercial businesses. They enjoyed taking a business from an idea to a solid company that is really helping improve the quality of printed and designed material, especially for Christian ministries. They attend Bethel Baptist Church. Heather Dorr Boyd ’95 graduated from Oregon School of Massage and is a licensed massage therapist working independently from her home. She and husband Tim are remodeling their home in Southeast Salem. Rhoda Scherrer ’96 is back in Salem after working in Southern California at a juvenile detention school for the past year. In 1997 she moved back home to Grants Pass, Oregon where she taught math, science and history at a local Christian school for seventh through tenth graders. She taught for six years but in fall 2003 did a six month missions training course with YWAM and joined staff at their Salem location in spring 2004. She is working with YWAM as a full time missionary as staff with a Wilderness Leadership Training program called NIKO (a Greek word meaning “to overcome”). The program is now in 33 nations and in Salem she works with the U.S. coordinator, helping run the local program. It is geared to mentor youth ages 12 and up, to grasp onto their relationship with the Lord and to be leaders in their generation. She writes, “I will always be thankful for the foundation and professionalism that Corban College gave me. Though I have not used my Psychology degree in the traditional sense, the Lord has put my degree to good use.” Kristen Barnes ‘98 of Silverton, Oregon was named Mid-Willamette Conference track and field coach of year at the end of the regular season. Kristen, who also coaches volleyball in the fall, brought home the first conference dualmeet and district titles since reclassification.


Tobin Hansen ’00 is a 2007 graduate of OSU, having defended his thesis “Entre critica e imaginacion: El contexto Mexico-estadounidense en Gringo Viejo y La frontera de cristal” in May. His Master of Arts is in Latin American Studies, focusing on the U.S.-Mexican border, U.S. foreign policy toward LatAm, and contemporary Mexican literature. He is a project coordinator for KPMG, a consultancy, for the firm’s Latin America Regional Office where he is working on a leadership development program for partners in the region.

Tobin works out of the Mexico City office. Aaron Holloway ‘01(AD) resides in Dallas, Georgia and is minister of children’s ministries at Burnt Hickory Baptist Church in Powder Springs. Kraig Kroeker ’01 was sworn in as a 2nd Lieutenant, Oregon Air National Guard, 173rd Fighter Wing, Kingsley Field, Klamath Falls, Oregon as chaplain. He is shown in the picture with wife Marcie and Major Martin Balakas.

Kraig and Marcie have been very involved in their ministry pursuits. In 2005 Kraig obtained his Masters in Divinity from Western Seminary. In addition to his most recent acceptance of God’s service as chaplain of the Air National Guard, he has served as an associate pastor for BBC Ministries in Klamath Falls, working presently as the Men’s ministry director. He also teaches Bible curriculum and is the chaplain for TRIAD Christian school. He also serves as a board member for In-Flight Ministries, a Christian counseling and training center since 2002. Kraig was ordained by the CBA in 2006. They reside in Klamath Falls with their cat Oscar. (Thanks to pastor Tom Bailey ’01 for supplying this information). Nathan Ohta ’02 has been promoted to the head of the Warrior softball program, stepping in to replace Michelle Hext, who resigned for other career opportunities after leading the Warriors this past year. Nathan joined as top assistant in the spring and the two helped re-invigorate the softball program. Corban improved its overall and conference records in 2007, while beating NCAA Division II Northwest Nazarene and every NAIA conference opponent except one. Nathan is currently coaching the Oregon Slammers U14 summer team, returns to head the sport he helped launch in 2001 when he oversaw Corban’s first softball team. For two years he handled all administrative, recruiting and coaching duties during the program’s club phase, helping Corban advance Warrior softball to an official intercollegiate sport in 2004. He is also a teacher at Albany Christian School.


Tara Manning ’03 joined the Prudential Real Estate Professionals in the Salem-Keizer Branch. Jill Steiner Nelson ’04 married Nolan Nelson May 6, 2006 at Morning Star Community Church. Jill is a children’s ministries director at Morning Star, and Nolan works at a civil engineering firm in Albany as a civil engineer. Rachel Hullet Wilson ’04 married Danny Wilson in July 2005 and they are remodeling their fixer home, purchased in Stayton, Oregon. Rachel is employed at the YMCA and runs sports programs and summer camps for children. Danny is employed at Philips Products. Steve McCoy ‘05 resides in The Dalles, Oregon with wife Kellie Grames McCoy ‘05. They purchased a rural home on three acres. He is senior accountant at Columbia River Bank including analytics, profitability analysis, net interest income forecasting and asset/liability management. With many additional regulations, disclosures, etc. he is also involved with administering the stock options and filing Insider Trading forms.

Down the Aisle Ruth Hogue Sheldon ’70 married Jimmy Mounts on December 27, 2006 in Slaughters, Kentucky. They reside in Maiden Rock, Wisconsin. They were both widowed and met on a Christian Sheldon/Mounts dating site in April 2006 and discovered that they were alike in many ways, both loving southern gospel music, both sing, play piano and busy serving in their local churches. Jim retired from farming and has a small implement business. They have 11 children and 13 grandchildren between them. Margot Swanson ’89 married Douglas Rodgers ’85 on March 17, 2007. They met at Western Baptist as students in 1986 but went their separate ways after school. Doug Swanson/Rodgers married and settled down in Salem. Margot traveled the world and ended up teaching English in Turkey. When Doug’s wife died of cancer, Darren Glenewinkel’s ’85 e-mails of encouragement

helped a lot, so Darren sent Margot’s address to Doug as well. E-mails and phone calls watered the flower of love, and then it bloomed when she moved back to Salem. Thanks Darren! They pray and read together daily and recommend it to all married couples. Rebecca Boorman ’07 married Jarred Peterson ’07 on February 24, 2007 at First Baptist Church in Quincy, Washington. They live in Bellevue, Idaho.


Jordan Weber ’09 and Katrina Davis ’08 were married on June 8, 2007 in Kenai, Alaska. Jordan has two years left at Corban, and Katrina finishes in December with an Associate Bible degree.

All in the Family (


indicates photo - see page 39)

Michael Beach ’95 and wife Elizabeth Odle Beach ’96 of Imperial, California, welcome Emily born on February 26, 2007. She joins siblings Molly, Caleb and Micah. 1 Luke Cranston ’00 and wife Jessica welcomed Dinah born February 4, 2007. She joins big sister Abigail born April 1, 2005. Luke is owner of Randy’s Towing in Stayton. Proud grandparents are Randy ’76 and Judi Woodward Cranston ‘97 (AD). 2 Julie Anne Leggett ’01 (AD) lives in Falls Church, Virginia with husband Christopher who is First Secretary at the Canadian Embassy in Washington D.C. She stays at home with son David and new baby Daniel Henry, born July 26, 2006. 3 Pete Potloff ’02 and Holly Konrad Potloff ’01 of Keizer, Oregon, welcomed second son Jase Konrad born June 4, 2007 at 6:03 a.m. He weighed 7 lb., 6 oz. and joins big brother Jamin. Peter is an administrator at Salem Academy High School. 4 Joshua Graber ’03 and wife Susan of Longview, Washington welcomed son Joshua Daniel Graber II born February 1, 2007. Joshua writes “The Lord has blessed my wife Susie and I by allowing her to be a stay at home mom, which always has been her dream.

We are both youth leaders in our church, and I work as store manager at Manchester Brothers, a sporting goods/appliance retail store. We are especially appreciative to have J.D. (his nickname) in our lives after losing our first two children to miscarriage. The Lord has walked with us through the low valleys as well as the high peaks in our journey of parenthood. As an alum, I am honored to still remain a part of the college that will always be a treasured part of my life.” 5 Travis Frank ’05 and wife Kristin Bushnell Frank ’05 live in Jefferson, Oregon with son Jeremiah and daughter Lilliana, born September 29, 2006. Travis is a worship pastor in Salem while Kristin is a stay-at-home mom. 6 Caleb Erlenmeyer ’06 and wife Sharon welcomed second son, Jesse Thomas, born June 4, 2007. He joins brother Joseph, born November 9, 2005, one month before Caleb completed his last semester at Corban. He is a framer in Moses Lake, Washington where they reside. 7

With the Lord Samuel Fisk, former Western Baptist Bible College professor, passed away in California. He was preceded in death by his wife, Hilda. Fisk

Harold Shively ’59 of Redding, California died April 8, 2007. Prior to college in California he served as Army chaplain’s assistant in Washington D.C. He married Betty Lou Johnson ’56 in 1957, moved to San Rafael to drive bus and work as youth pastor at Calvary Baptist Church in Larkspur, California; youth pastor in San Francisco; moved to Summit City to start a church in the 60s; to Hayfork Baptist as pastor; helped start North Valley Baptist in Red Bluff, started Mid Valley Baptist in Durham, moved in the 70s to Redding and became vice principal of Grace Baptist School and youth pastor; in the 80s took over a church in Reno, Nevada, started Bethany Baptist Church in Reno. In 1988, while preparing to move to Redding to be a visitation pastor at Grace Baptist Church, an auto accident left him a quadriplegic. In 1994 he served on the board of KIBC FM/AM radio. Harold served the Lord in any way he could. He is survived by his wife of fifty years Betty Lou, 4 children, 11 grandchildren and five great grandchildren.


FALL 2007



Jennifer Cramp Uskoski ‘02 of Grants Pass, Oregon, died at age 26 in her home June 18 after a lifelong battle with cystic fibrosis. A celebration of life was held at Parkway Christian Center. She married Jeff Uskoski ‘01 June 1999. She recently worked as a speaker for the Pregnancy Care Center. She attended Calvary Crossroads Church and enjoyed playing softball and coaching and playing volleyball at New Hope Christian School. She is survived by husband Jeff and six year old daughter Hope, parents and grandparents.

Policy It is the practice of Class Notes not to print pregnancy or engagement announcements, due to the time between receiving such information and the publication dates. Corban magazine reserves the right to edit or omit any information submitted. Graduation Year: Did you attend college for a year or two but for some reason didn’t graduate? No matter how long you attended, you are still considered an alumnus or alumna of the Corban/Western Baptist College family. The Alumni Office records it as in this example: if you entered in fall 1981, attended three years and left in 1984 but didn’t graduate, you are associated with the class of 1985 because that’s the 4-year graduation date of your fellow classmates. If you don’t want to be listed with your 4-year class, please let the Alumni Office know. Having you listed in the correct class year is important, because we want you to receive your class reunion invitations!

Long-time College friend Mildred Prewitt with the Lord A committal service was held at City View Cemetery in Salem for Catherine Mildred Hannah-Prewitt, wife of Corban College’s long-time administrator and faculty member, Frank Prewitt. She passed away in Charlotte, North Carolina on July 26, 2007. Mrs. Prewitt supported Corban through the work of her husband for over 50 years. For a brief time, she worked at the El Cerrito campus in the college Mildred Prewitt, 1967 press. The Prewitts moved to Oregon with the College in 1969 and eventually file photo settled in Aumsville, Oregon where they lived for many years. After Dr. Prewitt passed away in 1992, Mildred remained in the area until moving to North Carolina to be near one of her three children. A stroke in January 2007 left her in failing health until her death. Mildred is remembered by many as an energetic and happy person. The women’s wing of PrewittVan Gilder Residence Halls was named in her honor, while the Prewitt/Allen Archaeological Museum is the namesake of her husband. She is survived by her son, J. Frank Prewitt, Jr. ‘72 of Anchorage, Alaska; two daughters, Joyce M. Smith ‘59 of Olympia, Washington, and Grace L. Sevener ‘62 of Charlotte, North Carolina; nine grandchildren; 17 great-grandchildren; and three sisters, Ruth L. Warner-Baker of Salem, Lois E. King of Fillmore, California, and Verle Mae Oden of Hacienda Heights, California. She was buried next to her husband, James Franklin Prewitt, at City View cemetary.

Warriors in the World Where in the world are you showing your Corban spirit? Send us your photographs of the places you have been with your Corban or Warrior wear and you could be the next alum featured in Warriors in the World!

Non grad (n): signifies alumni who didn’t graduate. Adult Degree (AD): signifies alumni who graduated from the Adult Degree programs.

Send your photos,* along with a description of the location where the photograph was taken, to the Corban Alumni Office, 5000 Deer Park Drive SE, Salem, OR 97317, or to

With the Lord: submissions must be accompanied by a copy of a newspaper obituary or funeral home notice. We reserve the right to edit for space and clarity.

Has it been a while since you have contacted or visited your almamater? Stop by sometime for a personal tour! Too far to visit? Go to our website and see what’s happening: Send us updates by filling out the form on the next page or go to and do it all online. We hope to hear from you soon!



FALL 2007

*Please send high-resolution images or prints only.

Michael Beach ’95 and wife Elizabeth Odle Beach ’96 with children Molly, Caleb, Micah and Emily, enjoy a barbecue with other friends from their church in El Centro, California with Alumni Director Deleen Wills, after touring the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit in San Diego. Michael is pastor of First Baptist Church. They were on a friend’s yacht in Shelter Island overlooking Point Loma.


Send baby photos!

Future Warriors

We need to know about your growing families and see their new faces! Send your photos and birth announcements and receive a gift from the Alumni Office. Send to: Corban College Alumni Office 5000 Deer Park Drive SE Salem, OR 97317






Pictured at right: 1. Emily Beach 2. Dinah Cranston (and big sister Abigail) 3. Daniel Henry Leggett 4. Jase Konrad Potloff 5. Joshua Daniel Graber II 6. Lilliana Frank (and big brother Jeremiah) 7. Jesse Thomas Erlenmeyer (and big brother Joseph)

Your classmates are eager to hear about you! Please share births, marriages, employment news, retirements and other joys of life with our readers. Send photos too!



Where are You? Alumni update

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Name _______________________________________ Maiden Name ________________________ Class Year ________

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Address ____________________________________________________________________________________________

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This issue consists of Class Notes submitted between May 1, 2007 and July 20, 2007.





Telephone (h) _____________________ (w) _____________________ E-mail ___________________________________ General information (employment, hobbies, graduate studies, honors, community activities, etc.): ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Weddings (include bride and groom’s hometowns, Corban class years, if applicable; wedding location and date: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Births (include the baby’s name and birthdate, and spouse’s maiden name and Corban class year, if applicable): ___________________________________________________________________________________________________


FALL 2007


Giving through IRA savings... their future may depend on it.

Please send me the Corban brochure on

Planned Giving Options Name________________________________ Date of Birth_ ________________________ Address______________________________ _____________________________________ City__________________________________ State_________________________________ Zip___________________________________ Telephone____________________________ E-mail Address________________________ Send to: Chris Erickson Corban College, 5000 Deer Park Drive SE Salem, OR 97317-9392


ith the new tax law in 2006, if you are over age 70½ the Federal government permits you to rollover up to $100,000 from your IRA to Corban College and Graduate School or other charities without increasing your taxable income or paying any additional tax. Best of all, this gift is not subject to the Federal limit of 50% of adjusted gross income. These tax-free rollover gifts could be for any amount up to $100,000 this year. Another option is to designate Corban College as

the beneficiary of your IRA. This permits you to take withdrawals from your IRA during your life and then leave the remaining value of your IRA to Corban College. Using excess funds in your IRA to make a gift to Corban is a great way to invest in the future of young people who will make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ. The professional staff at Corban will assist you in planning your estate and with an IRA rollover. For help, please stop by and visit or give us a call at 800-845-3005 ext. 7011.

Corban College & Graduate School is a non profit, 501(c)(3), tax exempt educational corporation. We offer several other planned giving vehicles such as a: 1) Charitable Gift Annuity, 2) Charitable Lead Trust, 3) Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust, and 4) Charitable Remainder Trust. Gifts of real property or life insurance are another way to support the mission of the College. Please phone Chris Erickson at (800) 845-3005 ext. 7011 or e-mail at You may also visit our website at and click on “Donor Opportunities.”

Corban College & Graduate School 5000 Deer Park Drive SE Salem, OR 97317-9392



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