Corban Magazine - Spring 2007

Page 1

Technology Excels 13 | Athletics Update 15 | Aspiring to Greatness 16 | Alumni Exclusive 23 Dedicated to alumni and friends of Corban College | Spring 2007

When they come home How families & churches can help page 8






he National Institute for Healthcare Research (NIHR) stated “We have published scores of studies confirming that religious belief (which in America generally means Christianity) actually correlates with better mental health. Even more surprising, religious belief also correlates with better physical health— with lower rates of virtually everything from cancer to hypertension to cardiovascular disease. When religious people get sick, they recover faster. They even have lower mortality rates—that is, they live longer. All told, people who attend church regularly are happier, healthier, and even live longer.” Proverbs 3: 1-2 confirms this research: “My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life many years and bring you prosperity.” Of course our ultimate source of good health, especially spiritual, is the Word of God: Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God,’” (Matthew 4:4). A healthy diet combined with continual study of the Bible will lead us all to a well-balanced life. We all know of course that this does not mean we won’t face mental, emotional and physical storms in our life, but the knowledge that we have the Spirit of Christ in us is very comforting. The Apostle Paul wrote, “You, however, are controlled not by the sinful nature but by the Spirit, if the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ,” (Romans 8:9). Sometimes, as we face these life trials, we react as the disciples did, when they were caught in a storm on lake Galilee with Jesus who was asleep. They panicked and woke up the Lord. “Teacher, don’t you care if drown?” they asked. Even though Jesus was with them, they did not feel safe. If they truly believed that Jesus was God, they should have crowded around Jesus and gone to sleep themselves. If Jesus wasn’t worried, why should they be? As we face the storms of life, we should also huddle closer to Jesus. He is our center. He will help us get through no matter what the outcome, in this life and eventually in His eternal kingdom. “Therefore, my brothers, be all the more eager to make your calling and your election sure. For if you do these things, you will never fall, and you will receive a rich welcome of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,” (II Peter 1:10-11). In this issue of CORBAN, we are featuring a look at Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as it relates to the Iraq war’s alumni/veterans and their families. Our approach in counseling is to help individuals deal with issues of life based upon biblical principles. We believe that it is very important to integrate biblical principles with professional knowledge and practice. Our minds have been renewed, and consequently our lives have been transformed so that we can test God’s perfect will for our lives. “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what’s God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will,” (Romans 12:2).

COLLEGE ADMINISTRATION President Reno Hoff President Emeritus John Balyo Provost Linda Samek Vice President for Advancement Michael Bates Vice President for Information Services Dean of Business Bryce Bernard Vice President for Business Chris Erickson Vice President for Student Life Nancy Hedberg Vice President for Marketing J. Steven Hunt Vice President for Enrollment Management Martin Ziesemer

This is our prayer for all of our lives.

ALUMNI BOARD Tyson Pruett (Chair), Eric Christen, Dan Hill, Michael Howden, Daryl Knox, Corky Lambert, Pat Nicholson, Michael L. Patterson, Brad Rudkin, John E. Storkel, Nancy Tollenaar, Jack A. Werre, Nelson T. Zarfas

EMAIL President Editor Undergraduate Admissions Adult Degree Program Graduate Studies Advancement Office Alumni Office BOARD OF TRUSTEES Thomas Carlson (Chair), Timothy H. Aagard, Timothy R. Baker, Darrell V. Beddoe, Daniel E. Brammer, James Carlson, Loren Glass, Virginia K. Hendrickson, Anna Herrman, Mark Hoeffner, Curtis Horton, Stephen E. McBee, Donn Mogford, Pat Nicholson, Sheldon C. Nord, Paul B. Null, Michael L. Patterson, Douglas Pfeiler, Joyce A. Sherman, Erhardt Steinborn, Gus Suarez, India Tornell, Richard Whipps, Dan Wilder, Gary Williamson

Corban College is an independent Christian college offering 45 majors and programs of study, including adult degree programs and graduate studies in education. Corban is accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities and is recognized by U.S. News & World Report as one of the West’s Top Ten Best Comprehensive Colleges/Bachelor’s. Corban is nationally recognized by the Best Christian Workplace Institute listing Corban as the number one ranked workplace in 2006 among similarly sized Christian organizations. Corban’s mission is to educate Christians who will make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19-20).

Dr. Reno Hoff President

All verses quoted are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.

CORBAN Magazine is published four times a year by the Marketing & Communications Office of Corban College. Send all inquiries and address changes to the Advancement Office at the address below: Corban College 5000 Deer Park Drive SE Salem, OR 97317-9392 503-375-7005




Religion: Good for your health


CORBAN STAFF Publisher Reno Hoff Editor J. Steven Hunt Assistant Editor Kristina Brown Writer Christena Brooks Contributing Writer Deleen Wills Designer/Photographer Corey J. Wells Contributing Photographer Deleen Wills Printer Times Litho, Forest Grove, OR





©2005-2007 Corban College, All rights reserved.


Volume II - No. 2 | Spring 2007




8 Post Traumatic Stress The battle after the battle–tips from Corban’s Psychology dept. faculty

16 Aspiring to Greatness Balancing mission and the pursuit of academic excellence

23 Adrian Petrisor 23

Alumnus exemplifies Corban mission

Stand in the gap between dreams and reality The Corban Annual Fund is the cornerstone for all giving. It is by far the best way to support the Corban experience. Your gift helps more students afford biblically-based Christian education.

Departments 2 From the President Religion: Good for your health

14 Graduate Studies Furthering your education

6 Faculty News Learn something new about faculty

18 Alumni Action Alumni news & events

7 Campus Life Events & news on campus

23 Alumni Exclusive Highlighting alumni making a difference

12 Corban Chronicles Student & program news highlights

26 Class Notes Reconnect with classmates & friends

On the Cover: U.S. Army Soldiers prepare to be extracted from the area by a UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter after conducting an air assault mission in Kif, Iraq, Dec. 19, 2006. The Soldiers are with Bravo Company, 2nd Battalion, 35th Infantry Regiment, 25th Infantry Division. PHOTO: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE

Contact Information: President’s Office: 503-375-7000; Advancement Office: Mike Bates, 503-375-7024; Alumni Office: Deleen Wills, 503-589-8182; Marketing Office: Steve Hunt, 503-375-7591; Admissions Office: Marty Ziesemer, 503-375-7005; Business Office: Chris Erickson, 503-375-7011; Academic Office: Linda Samek, 503-589-8155; Student Life Office: Nancy Hedberg, 503-375-7010.

Bridge the gap Would you give generously to the Corban Annual Fund today?

Call Dan at 1-800-845-3005 x8186 or e-mail for more information. Personal checks should be made payable to Corban College and mailed to: Corban Advancement 5000 Deer Park Drive SE Salem, OR 97317-9392







Spring weather A welcome site for students, springtime brings warmer weather and the anticipated graduation of the class of 2007. The Academic Center is the backdrop for this scene on campus.




Corban in Print Recent Books/Periodicals by Corban Personnel & Alumni Matthew’s Chiastic Structure and its Dispensational Implications, an article in the October-December issue of Bibliotheca Sacra by Dr. Gary Derickson (ministries faculty) looks at how Matthew organized his gospel. Matthew used a literary device called a chiasm, which involves repeating material around a central idea. Scholars believe a book’s central portion is the focus of the chiasm—in Matthew’s case, the parables of the kingdom in chapter 13. In his paper, Derickson argues that the point of Matthew’s gospel is to explain why Messiah’s kingdom is not here and what God is doing in the meantime while Israel awaits the delayed kingdom. He says this strongly supports a dispensational/pre-millennial understanding of prophecy and indicates that the Church Age is a part of the “mystery” that Paul refers to in his epistles. Derickson says the New Testament concept of “mystery” is a plan that God did not reveal to the Old Testament prophets. Thus, the church isn’t found in the Old Testament and does not replace Israel in God’s plan, nor inherit her promises. Jesus is still coming back to set up His kingdom (Matthew 24-25), and Israel will inherit it. But God is still at work during the time that kingdom is delayed.

Redeeming Relationships: How to Resolve 10 Common Conflicts and Reduce their Frequency, by Dr. Marty Trammell (English faculty) and Rich Rollins (former Dean of Students), FaithWalk Publishing, April 2007, is a how-to guide for resolving the most common conflicts people experience. It delves into the spiritual causes of conflict, rather than merely exploring external triggers.

Business English for the Professional, courses 1-2, student and instructor editions, MSU Publishing, 2006, by John Coby Davies ‘72. This set of four textbooks is distributed throughout Thailand and serves college students studying international business and journalism. Davies teaches at Mahasarakham University, a 30,000 student institution northeast of Bankok.

The Role of Questioning in Intellectual Development, an article written by Provost Linda Samek in the fall issue of Christian School Education, a magazine for Christian school educators. Her article encourages teachers to ask “powerful questions,” thus eliciting questions from their students and taking classroom learning to a higher level than simple recall.

Faculty Activities Jim Hills (English) was the keynote speaker during mornings and evenings for a high school camp at Camp Pinewood in McCall, Idaho. Claudia Green (education) defended her dissertation on Nov. 20, and her Hills Ed.D. from George Fox University was confirmed Nov. 30. Her research covers the commonalities and philosophies of elementary school teachers as they help students acclimate during the first weeks of school.



Zanon Green

Matthew Strauser (music) led 23 Corban choir members on a musical training/mission trip to Bulgaria and the Czech Republic from Dec. 29 to Jan. 13. Strauser, his wife Naomi, and the students spent the first part of their trip sightseeing and singing in the Czech Republic. Then they attended an intensive workshop in Varna, Bulgaria, where they learned and performed alongside the renowned Morski Zvutsi choir.


Anne Jeffers and Lee Ann Zanon (ministries) attended the Network for Women in Leadership Conference at Western Seminary recently. Like many of Jeffers’ and Zanon’s class topics, the workshops focused on team building, leadership development, Jeffers event planning and spiritual growth. Zanon presented a workshop summary to 120 women at the final general session.


Tim Anderson (ministries) was the keynote speaker at Community Baptist Church’s inaugural annual Bible Conference in Florence, Ore., recently. This twoday conference focused on practical Bible teaching. Anderson’s sermons included “Why are Christians so Judgmental toward People They Consider Sinners?” and “Living for Something Greater Than Ourselves.”


Corban Connection turns 40 Formerly known as “Women for Western”

Happy 40th Anniversary! Corban Connection, a women’s auxiliary event, returns to springtime! This annual ladies event started in 1967 and has recently been renamed Corban Connection. Through dedication and donations many improvements have been funded over the years—new mattresses, remodeled and redecorated residence halls, lighting around parking lots, audio/visual equipment for classrooms, outdoor bleachers, digital grand piano, scholarships, stage curtains in the Psalm Performing Arts Center, library tables, chairs and study carrels—the gifts go on and on and on. Over the past four decades, individuals have contributed over $400,000. Last year funds raised from donations and the event were used to purchase new carpet in men’s dorm, Farrar Hall, and provided two student scholarships. This year’s projects are new pianos for two practice rooms in our Psalm Performing Arts Center at the cost of $8,000 and helping purchase new carpeting for Aagard Hall at $15,000. Scholarships will also be awarded to several ladies, amount to be determined depending on funds raised.

Be Our Guest There is no charge for lunch and entertainment! Door prizes including packages for two on the central and southern Oregon coast, spa treatments, catering, jewelry and more surprises will be given! Saturday, April 14, at 11:30 a.m. Psalm Performing Arts Center

There is no cost to you for this luncheon because of generous donations by Aramark, Edwin K Bed and Breakfast in Florence, Green Thumb Flower Box Florists, KBZY 1490 AM Radio, Select Impressions and Texaco Xpress Tube in South Salem, owners Mark ’82 and Penny Richins Bidwell ’81. Every dollar raised at this event will go towards the projects listed above. If you are interested in being a table captain, hosting a table and inviting seven of your friends, please contact Deleen in the Alumni Office at 503-589-8182 or e-mail:

Pastor/Youth Pastor Referrals

If you are aware of a student that might be interested in more information about Corban, please fill out the form below and send it back to us. This will help us continue to enroll great students who will fulfill our mission of making a difference in the world for Jesus Christ. Thank you in advance for your contribution in this effort. Please feel free to call, write, or e-mail if you have any questions or comments: 1-800-845-3005 or Prospective Name_ _______________________________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________________________________________ City_____________________________________________ State_____________ Zip___________________ E-mail_ _____________________________________ Church_ ____________________________________ High School_ ___________________________________________________ Grad Year_ ______________ Academic Interest(s)_ __________________________ Athletic Interest(s)_ __________________________

Calendar of Events

HIGHLIGHTS MARCH 15-17 Spring Theatre Production 16 Music Scholarship Auditions 22-24 Spring Theatre Production 20 Grad. Program Informational Dinner, 4:30 p.m. 26-30 Spring Break APRIL 3 Faculty Recital: Leslie Eck, 12 noon 12-14 Adult Degree Program: MAC and Family Studies Online Orientation. New MAC and Family Studies campus classes starting September 20, 2007. 13 Jazz Band Concert, 7:30 p.m. 14 Corban Connection, 11:30 a.m. 17 ACDA Collegiate Choir Festival, 11 a.m. 20 Band and Strings Concert, 7:30 p.m. 21 Baseball Alumni BBQ 22 Athletic Awards Dessert, 4 p.m. 25 Graduate Research Symposium, 4 p.m. 27 Spring Choir Concert, 7:30 p.m. 29 Grad Program Reception 4 p.m. MAY 4 5 10-21 21 31

Senior Awards Program/Dessert, 7 p.m. Commencement, 10 a.m. Korean Tour – Worship Team Graduate Program Application Deadline for Summer Semester Graduate Program New Student Orientation & Registration

JUNE 4 Graduate Program Online Summer Session begins 25-29 Music Camp – contact Sharon Bartsch: JULY 2

San Diego Alumni Outing to Dead Sea Scrolls Exhibit 16-28 Theatre Camp – contact info: 28 Mariners game–alumni (see page 19)

Comments (great baseball player, excellent musician, leader in youth group, etc.)_ __________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Referred By______________________________________________________________________________ Send form to: Office of Admissions, Corban College, 5000 Deer Park Drive SE, Salem, OR 97317

For full calendar, sports schedules or for general information on times and locations, see our website at or call 503-581-8600. CORBAN MAGAZINE


Post Traumatic

STR Paul Garrett, Stone Canyon Productions

“What’s your problem? Just park the truck!” Sgt. 1st Class Bruce Cutshall shouted at his wife and son as they looked for a parking space. When his son finally parked the pickup, Cutshall slammed the door and stalked across the parking lot. “Within 15 or 20 steps, I knew what I’d done,” he recalls. “I knew they were sitting in the truck thinking, ‘They told us he’d be kookin’ out.’ And I’m thinking, ‘I was just in Iraq making lifeand-death decisions. Now my family’s deadlocked over choosing a parking space.’” Cutshall couldn’t believe he was already lashing out. During the last year in Iraq, all he’d wanted to do was come home to be with his wife, LaDonna, and their two sons, Jim and Jeremiah. As a National Guard medic he’d seen death and destruction from all angles. Now, his family had picked him up at Fort Lewis and he thought the nightmare was over. It wasn’t. Cutshall’s fight to reintegrate into civilian life was just beginning. Two years later, the 45-year-old veteran is back to being a husband, father, firefighter and wrestling coach. But he’s still coming to grips with the war’s effects on his daily life.



The jumpiness and hyper-vigilance. The nightmares of injured and dying soldiers who he can’t help—sometimes they’re his own sons. The Post Traumatic Stress Disorder diagnosis. The constant irritability. “I used to think people who claimed PTSD were a bunch of sissies,” he says. “We’d be out on a fire and meet homeless guys living in the bushes who’d say, ‘I was a medic in Vietnam,’ and I’d think, ‘Yeah, yeah—get over it!’ Now I think, ‘Maybe those guys were in Nam and had their wires fried.’ I know it’s real. I have a tendency to be more sympathetic.” Cutshall says 90 percent of the vets in his unit have divorced since returning to the U.S. Nationally, suicide among veterans is twice the national average. And about 1 in 5 returns from the battlefield with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, according to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Cutshall worries about this new generation of servicemen and women. A longtime Christian, he’s mentored many young men in his hometown. Some of them he convinced to join the military. In Iraq, his tent became an unofficial chapel. “I remember one big, strong, fit young killer coming in and asking, ‘Are you the God guy? I need to know about this heaven/ hell deal. I’m in the lead rig tomorrow, and the guys in the lead rig always get killed,’” Cutshall recalls. “He accepted Christ, and

we baptized him in this big crate lined with duct tape. You had to do it fast because it leaked.” The soldier wasn’t killed, but now he and many like him are facing a new challenge on American soil—reintegration. They’ve learned how to be warriors; now they’re becoming civilians again. The task is daunting. The good news is that American families and churches can help. They can play important roles in the lives of veterans coming off the battlefield, says Corban College Psychology Department Chair Dr. Richard Meyers. An Army National Guard chaplain for 30 years, Meyers has counseled many vets. He holds troops in high regard and reminds families to expect them to come back from war dramatically changed. “When they come home, they can often be standoffish,” Meyers says. “Their minds and hearts are somewhere else. If you can’t identify directly with their experiences, they often won’t take the time to describe what they went through.” The parents of vets often find their son or daughter has “grown up overnight,” and families must negotiate brand-new relationships. Sometimes vets are aggressive, or they withdraw in social situations. They may not feel satisfied with a mundane job after experiencing life and death on the battlefield. Meyers urges families to be patient with their loved ones. Be ready for them to share—but don’t push them to do so. That’s key, agrees Cutshall. Soldiers are trained to protect— and sometimes that means protecting their families from the harsh realities of war. The memories seared into his psyche— seeing Iraqi children killed by bombs, cleaning burning flesh out of armored vehicles, watching soldiers die on patrol—these are things he doesn’t like to recount. “And then a lot of guys won’t talk about it because they instantly lose emotional control,” he says. “It’s like opening Pandora’s box.” So, families, pastors and church members who ask how things were “over there” must be ready to listen. That takes time, says Rahnella Adsit, associate national director of staff and troop care for Campus Crusade Military Ministry and parent of a Corban student. She and her husband, Chris, travel throughout the country training Christians how to, among other things, support vets. “In the churches, we have to stop being afraid,” Adsit says. “Most people are afraid to deal with each other’s pain. We have to be willing to step out of our comfort zone.” Campus Crusade Military Ministry has begun organizing conferences for churches that want to help. In February, leaders


of the 8,000-member Times Square Church in New York City went through training on PTSD and reintegration. The ministry is planning another conference in Houston, Texas. “America’s churches have been asleep on this,” Adsit says. “Most of the military forces are cutting back chaplains, and all the chaplains are overworked, so we’re starting to partner with churches.” Adsit notes that vets can find it difficult to reenter church life after returning from war. They feel different and don’t always know how to bridge the gap, so she encourages churches to start Bruce and LaDonna Cutshall at home with their foster child.

Paul Garrett, Stone Canyon Productions


Dealing with trauma–the battle after the battle



support groups and Bible studies for vets, by vets. Now is the time for older veterans to reach out in ways that no one else can. “Unless you’ve been in combat, you don’t know what it’s like,” said one Vietnam War vet and Corban alumnus. “It’s like going to Mars and coming back.” What about family members and church members who aren’t vets or counselors? What do they have to offer? Plenty, says Dr. David E. Collier, a licensed psychologist at the Salem Vet Center, one of many such centers operated by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs offering free counseling to service men and women. Collier has worked with vets for 30 years. These days, the majority of those he sees are struggling with drug or alcohol addiction or depression. “Vets often come back and are unable to sleep. They will often use drugs and alcohol to get to sleep, but that’s not a good coping strategy,” he says. Here’s where family influence comes in. Many vets won’t seek help at their local vet center—or anywhere else—until the people closest to them point out problems. That concern from family members can be enough to convince him or her to finally ask for assistance. “A person will come home from war, go back into the family and deny there are any problems,” Collier says. “Then, they’ll start getting feedback from the family like ‘You’re not sleeping’ or ‘You’re irritable all the time.’ That’s where the family becomes important.” As she talks with Christian 110 0



leaders all over the country, Adsit likes to describe each church and family member as—simply—a bridge. “We want to be a bridge of healing that brings the wounded warrior to God, who is the healer. We’re not the healer, but we’re conduits for the healer,” she says. “We don’t fix people, but we can listen. All of us can invite Christ to join us in the pain, and He will meet us in that deepest part of our being.” The vets that Corban’s Meyers counsels are often looking to order their experiences and to climb out of their mental foxholes into the future. Their theological questions get right to the point. How do I know I’m saved? Is God really in control? How do I reconcile my feelings of anger toward the enemy with Christ’s commands to love? Meyers goes step-by-step through the Bible—Romans is a favorite—to aid servicemen and women in making sense of the world. “So many of them want to know, ‘How do I start living again? How do I start changing how I think and move forward?’” Meyers says. “So we talk about how God has a plan for their life and how to turn faith into action.” On a basic level, Meyers encourages vets to identify their passions—the things they enjoy or have always wanted to do— and start pursuing them. In counseling sessions, one vet relayed that he’d always enjoyed making knives. Meyers encouraged him to start selling his handiwork online.

Senior Airman Richard Rodriguez checks the perimeter of Kirkuk Air Base, Iraq, for insurgents as an Army convoy returns from a patrol. Airman Rodriguez is a 506th Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron perimeter guard.

U.S. Department of Defense

U.S. Department of Defense

U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Coriey Burkman, of Delta Company, 2nd Battalion, 27th Infantry Regiment, and an Iraqi army soldier head upstairs to clear the second floor of an Iraqi home during a cordon and search operation in Hawijah, Iraq. The soldiers are looking for insurgents, unauthorized weapons and materials for constructing improvised explosive devices.

“It wasn’t too long before people were bidding like crazy on eBay, and he saw that he was really good at this. That was encouraging,” he says. As vets reacquaint themselves with civilian life, no one should expect the effects of war to disappear, experts agree. Battlefield experiences can permeate everything about a person, right down to the chemical levels in his or her brain. Upon return from Iraq, Cutshall’s doctors told him the stress had sapped his reserves of serotonin, the natural “upper” produced by the body. Other vets come back with bodies tuned to operate on high doses of adrenalin, explains Collier. Cutshall has found it impossible to turn off his new hypervigilance. For instance, during firefighting training one day, he was standing at a car’s open hood when one of his co-workers bumped the horn. “My knees were locked, but somehow I moved 12 feet away,” he said. “My hands were shaking and everyone was looking at me. I said, ‘Whoa—Pavlov!’ The other firefighters understood: ‘Oh, Bruce has been in a war zone.’” Now Cutshall is fighting for peace in his own heart and soul. While he’s unable to control all his responses, he battles to stay close to God and show love to his family. He wants to help other vets and knows his first task is to seek his own healing. As he pursues that, he is unembarrassed to ask for prayer and support. “My plan of attack is to be active,” he says. “I want to be the guy who says, ‘I’m having a hard time, but here’s what I’m doing about it.’ I’ve got to face my fears right out in front of everybody. I’m going to head in the direction of coping. I believe in the bridge God is building for me to get from one side to the other.” C

U.S. Department of Defense

Airmen and Soldiers take a moment to pray for each other’s safety before heading out for another day of convoy duty in Iraq.

Resources for Returning Vets and Their Families Campus Crusade Military Ministry: 1-800-444-6006 U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs online resources: Hope for the Homefront: Winning the Emotional and Spiritual Battles of the Military Wife by Marshéle Carter Waddell Courage After Fire: Coping Strategies for Troops Returning from Iraq and Afghanistan and Their Families by Keith Armstrong, Suzanne Best and Paula Domenici Downrange: To Iraq and Back by Bridget Cantrell and Chuck Dean Homebuilders: Defending the Military Marriage by Jim and Bea Fishback Homebuilders: Defending the Military Family by Jim and Bea Fishback Military Ministry sells many of the books on this list. An educational DVD for churches and families who want to reach out to returning vets is available. To order call 1-800-444-6006.

Tips from Dr. Rich Meyers If you would like to learn more about the Psychology major at Corban, please contact us. Undergraduate: 1-800-845-3005 or visit:


Through Corban’s Adult Degree Program, students can complete their undergraduate degree either online or on-campus. Counseling and other career opportunities are addressed by our Family Studies major (Psychology). Adult Degree Program: 1-800-764-1383 or visit:

1. Take time to get reacquainted. Communicate your love and concern. 2. It’s normal for a service member to “need space” upon their return. 3. Expect things to be different. Take time to understand how your loved one has changed. Be prepared and flexible. 4. Vets may experience fear, nervousness, irritability, fatigue, sleep disturbance, startle reactions, moodiness, trouble concentrating, feelings of numbness and frequent thoughts about upsetting experiences. Crisis counselors can help. 5. Communicate. Tell each other how you feel – nervous, scared or happy. The best way to regain closeness is to talk and actively listen. 6. Reassure the vet that they are needed and you’re glad they returned safely. 7. Be calm and assertive, not defensive, when discussing events that took place during the service member’s absence. 8. Make time to rest. Negotiate social events and activities. 9. Go slowly in getting back into the swing of things. Depend on family and friends for support. 10. Work and pray toward getting the vet involved in a discipling relationship.





Adult Degree Program

Alum builds on degree to help teens

Joel Pettit on the UW/ Tacoma campus where he is currently in the Master’s program.


rmy medic. Social worker. Martial arts fighter. That’s Joel Pettit, ’06. But wait, there’s more. He’s also a University of Washington graduate student, one of the leaders of an urban church plant, and the impetus behind a new program for developmentally disabled kids. When reviewing his demanding life, Pettit simply says, “I get to do what I’m passionate about.” He had passion and purpose when he enrolled in Corban’s Adult Degree Completion program in 2005. He’d attended Multnomah Bible College in the mid-1990s but had never quite finished. Ten years later, he was working at a treatment center for adolescents with chemical abuse problems. He wanted to learn how to better serve them and chose to enroll in the Family Studies track. “While studying, I spent a lot of time delving into concepts of boys and masculinity, trying to learn how to reach adolescent boys effectively,” he said. “As a culture, we need to defeat the assumption 12



that ‘boys don’t cry,’ and that ‘boys are tough and incapable of relationships.’” After graduation in 2006, Pettit was accepted into the Master’s in Social Work program at the University of Washington. Now, he takes classes two nights a week while he works at Haven House, a center for homeless teens in Olympia, Wash. “In the Master’s program, there were a lot of people intimidated by research and AP format,” Pettit said. “I felt totally prepared by my experience at Corban.” When Pettit allows himself to dream, he thinks about someday starting a chemical addiction treatment center for teens that allows them to stay longer than the standard 30-40 days. “I think Joel’s going to reach his goals because he’s very single-minded when he sets off on a task,” said Alan Bittel, one of Pettit’s Corban professors. “He embodies the word ‘energy.’” Now, though, Pettit has plenty to do. A member of the U.S. Army Reserve, he was deployed in 2006 to Madigan Army Medical

Center at nearby Fort Lewis, where he was a full-time medic. He also travels as an amateur marital arts fighter. Trained in Ju-Jitsu and Muay Thai, he fights competitively in the Northwest and in Canada. A late-comer to the sport—he began training at age 20—he’s earned the nickname “Weasel” for his lanky physique and ability to escape tight situations. Recently, he’s found a group of local parents interested in helping start a martial arts club for developmentally disabled kids. He and his wife, Jaima, are also reaching their community with a church plant that often meets at the coffee shop that Jaima owns and manages. “With our friends, we’ve founded this church on the idea that Christ’s love is best shown through action,” he said. “That’s what we’re all about.” As Pettit puts it, building a responsive church body is just another way to—you guessed it—“pursue our passion.”

Adult Degree Program “Finish What You Started.” On-Campus or Online BACHELOR’S DEGREE PROGRAMS: Family Studies Management & Communication

Admissions Office: 800-764-1383 Financial Aid: 503-375-7006

Visit us online:


Technology stays in the forefront of Corban growth


s students begin migrating outside for Oregon’s warmer spring weather, they can be found all over campus, perched on benches and sprawled on the lawns outside their residence halls. While soaking up the sun’s rays, they read, study and even do Internet research. That’s because Corban’s wireless network, available in the coffee shop, library and dorms, spills over into the great outdoors. It’s a perk for students who want to get their work done while enjoying Corban’s picturesque view of the Willamette Valley. From his office overlooking the hillside amphitheater, Bryce Bernard smiles and shows how he can tap into the wireless network, too. As head of the college’s business program, Bernard is the new vice president for Information Services, a position he’s been unofficially filling for years. In fact, Bernard, his staff, and technologysavvy faculty members have quietly led Corban to a technological level that surprises visitors, prospective students and campus evaluators who think they know what to expect of a small Christian college. “We’ve been intentional about all the technology decisions we’ve made on campus,” says Bernard. “We’ve never thrown money at anything. We always think long and hard about how technology can serve the learning process.” In 1989, Corban was one of the first northwest Christian colleges of its size to offer students a computer lab and to require computer training. Then, in the early 90s, when other schools were offering free computers to new students, the college instead turned its attention to offering free Internet to every student on campus. “We realized, at that time, that computers were going to be a bigger part of peoples’ lives than they knew,” Bernard said. In those days, Corban introduced an innovative program to acclimate faculty with computers. The school offered interest-free loans to instructors wanting to buy home computers. One of the first to take up the offer was Professor Dr. Richard Caulkins,

Dr. Bryce Bernard is Vice President for Information Services and Dean of Business at Corban.

who’s been teaching for more than 50 years. “Rather than force faculty members to adopt computers, we gave them an incentive, and they jumped at the chance,” Bernard said. Within a year, professors wanted computers at school, and Corban obliged. During that decade, every classroom got a computer, and now every professor can choose from a range of multimedia tools in his or her office and in the classroom. Among other developments, music students now use advanced software to compose and score music, journalism students learn to use cutting-edge photo and desktop publishing programs, and computer science majors have their own computer lab. Corban’s Adult Degree Completion program is built on technology too, as staff have developed a method to serve nontraditional college students online. Rather than recording lectures and posting them on the Web or sending them in the mail, Corban instigated a unique discussion-based system that allows adult learners to read course

material, write papers and engage each other and their instructors in online discussions. “That system has created a huge sense of community among the cohorts (classes)— they’re good friends,” Bernard said. “Like all our other applications, we’ve been very intentional about how we’ve applied technology, and it’s worked.”

Corban Technology & Network Quick Facts Number of servers......................................... 18 Total storage space on servers................. 2.8 TB Total storage space on campus............... 8.4 TB Network Operating System ...........Windows XP Total fiber optic cabling installed . .. 13.48 miles Total number of lab computers..................... 32 Total number of campus computers............ 250 Wireless hotspots........................ entire campus TB=terabytes





Corban Master’s Program graduate Dena Palmaymesa teaches ranch staff families’ children at Young Life’s Washington Family Ranch in Antelope, Ore.

Graduate Program turns real-life experiences into research topics


he foster child in her first-grade class brought back memories for teacher Dena Palmaymesa. The child lives with her grandparents in an arrangement called “kinship care.” Once foster parents themselves, Dena and her husband, Bill, remember the little boy they had cared for. He’d struggled academically, but his teachers were apprehensive to share information with foster parents. But today, foster parents are more confident and involved. And with unchecked flow of information between teacher and guardian, children thrive. Palmaymesa, whose bachelor’s degree is in Bible and social work, started taking tangible steps after wondering about the academic implications of foster and kinship care homes. While earning her master’s degree at Corban in 2004-06, she turned her musings into a year-long research project. “My conclusion was that teachers and administrators need to participate with social services to provide a child with what he or she needs,” she said. “There needs to be a bridge where they all say, ‘These are children we’re both serving.’” Turning real-life experiences into research topics is just what Dean of Education 14



Matt Lucas hopes for Corban’s graduate students. That’s why he and Provost Linda Samek created the program with a research component. Because the program is designed for full-time teachers, grad students can use their research even as they’re working on it. “To be an effective practitioner, one should always be engaged in research,” Lucas said. “The goal in education is to let research guide your practice.” Students in the M.Ed. program start the research process by taking Introduction to Research, which teaches them how to read research, analyze research questions and wade through statistics. They pick a second class based on the kind of research project they’re planning. The four choices are Quantitative Research Methods, Qualitative Research Methods, Classroom Action Research and Mixed Methods Research. Then the grad student’s research begins— whether it’s analyzing hard data, completing case studies, working with his or her students in the classroom or mixing several methods. Along the way, the grad student is assigned two faculty readers, who guide the process. “It was taxing, and it was tiring, but, at the same time, I always felt supported and challenged. My readers at Corban were

partners in my education; I wasn’t just being lectured at,” Palmaymesa said. “When students come into the program, I tell them, ‘You are going to become an expert on your topic,’” Lucas said. A year of proposing, researching, revising and re-writing culminates in a presentation to the faculty, other Corban students and the public. M.Ed. in hand, the graduate returns to teaching with new insight. Since graduating, Palmaymesa has landed a novel position as the lone teacher at a one-room schoolhouse. The school, located at Wildhorse Canyon, is Young Life’s Washington Family Ranch in Antelope, Ore. The ranch site was once occupied by the infamous Rajneeshpuram commune, which was shut down in 1985. It has since been turned into a Christian summer camp and retreat facility. She teaches the ranch staff families’ 12 children, who range from two kindergarteners to an eighth grader. She’s employed by the Jefferson County School District, so the school’s open to neighboring ranch children, too. She’s enjoying ranch life so much that she and her husband are planning to sell their Albany home and live there full-time while she teaches and begins earning her Ph.D. For information on Corban’s Graduate Studies Program, contact Holly Cozby at 503-589-8145 or e-mail


Warrior News and Highlights Cross Country Team Captures Conference Crown In just its fourth year of existence, the women’s cross country team achieved a programbest ranking of 16th in the nation and captured their first-ever Cascade Collegiate Conference crown. The ranking qualified the team for its first-ever NAIA Championship in Louisville, Kentucky. “In a short period of time, Coach Norm Berney and the cross country teams have been steadily building a stronger, more competitive Back Row (L-R): Brent Fahsholz, Jeffrey Schloemer, Brian Beeson, Chad program. This fall’s performance by our women is a signal to the Hunsucker, Brian Eberhardt, Ben Pearson, Jason Bernard; Middle Row (L-R): Assistant Coach Scott Seidler, Melissa Peterson, Alyssa Powers, Katy Rogers, Northwest that our cross country teams will be legitimate contenders Jill Nielsen, Tera Stegner, Bernice Soto, Danielle Jordan, Ryan Fowler; Front at all levels,” said Tim Seiber, Assistant Director of Athletics at Corban. Row (L-R): Thomas Berney, Carli Moller, Katrina Davis, Natalie Meldrum, Sara Aikin, Joel Cruz, Ben Snell, Head Coach Norm Berney; Not Pictured: Ashley The team finished third in the region behind eventual national Adams, Stephanie Clark, Sadie Urdahl, Ashley Riutta, Michael Baxter champions Simon Fraser University. Along with Corban’s conference title, fourth-year head coach Berney was named 2006 Cascade Collegiate Conference women’s Coach of Year. The Warriors concluded the season with a 27th place finish at the NAIA Championships. Coach Norm Berney

Soccer Team Reaches NAIA Tourney

Farewell to Tracy Smith

Corban’s men’s soccer team ended an eight-year absence from the NAIA Region I tournament thanks to a regular season-ending threegame winning streak. The Warriors traveled to Salt Lake City, Utah, and fell in a shootout loss to conference rival Concordia, 5-3, in the opening round of the regional tournament. Despite that loss, Corban put together one of the best seasons in recent history with four players being named to the all-conference team, including a trio of Warriors being placed on the 1st team. A pair of Warriors were also named to the all-region team, as well as earning honorable mention as NAIA All-Americans. “Coach Dave Irby and his Warriors made a great run near the end of the season when it counted and reached their potential,” said Seiber. “We’re extremely proud of this team because they not only competed so successfully and made it back to the regional tournament, but they also displayed Christ-like character that represented what we’re all about at Corban.”

Following the completion of the 2006 volleyball season, 17-year head coach Tracy Smith announced her resignation to pursue full-time work with Athletes in Action in Xenia, Ohio. Smith concluded her tenure at the helm of Warrior volleyball with an overall record of 238-277, including guiding Corban to a National Christian College Athletic Association Tracy Smith (NCCAA) national title in 1997, nine conference post-season tournament appearances (eight consecutive), four regional tournament appearances, and three NCCAA national tournament appearances. “We could never say enough about all that Tracy has meant to Corban volleyball and to Corban Athletics overall,” said Seiber. “She and her husband, Tim, have impacted a generation of Warrior athletes with their spiritual maturity, leadership, and devotion to the college mission, to the volleyball program, and to its players. We’re excited for them in their new call to ministry with Athletes in Action, and we will miss them.” On February 5th, former assistant volleyball coach Heather Dunn was named as the new head women’s volleyball coach by Director of Athletics Heather Dunn John Nelson. Full story:

Back Row (L-R): Head Coach Dave Irby, Scott Marshall, Andrew Brown, Quinn Neely, Mark Mendenhall, Tyler Grove, Eli Conlee, Assistant Coach Nic Sedor; Middle Row (L-R): Caleb Louvier, James Young, Joshua Crain, Mark Schubert, Kevin Franklin, Kevin Furman; Front Row (L-R): Michael Cowan, John Kazmerski, Aaron Franklin, James DelCastillo, Fernando Karczeski, Daniel Steffen; Not Pictured: Aaron Conger, Justin Lucia.

Want to get the latest news and information about your favorite Warriors sport? Receive scores and news by e-mail or on your cell phone!

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Balancing Mission & The Pursuit of Academic Excellence BY CHRISTENA BROOKS

Aspiring to Greatness As Christians, we learn to be humble, to serve others, to turn the other cheek. The more we learn about the Good Book, the more we know The Good Life is less about “having it all” and more about “giving it all.” Sometimes, then, when we’re encouraged to aspire to greatness, we feel a niggling sense of moral uncertainty. Should a Christian really be reaching for the stars? Specific Bible stories come to mind: Babel, the Garden of Eden and others about humankind’s aspiration to “be like God.” Jesus talked to his disciples about greatness in Matthew 20: 26. As they jockeyed for position, he noted that many leaders seek power and authority, but added: “...whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave—just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” It is this vision that Corban College embraces. For students on an academic journey, it’s not a question of whether to aspire to greatness but why to strive for greatness. If we listen to Jesus, it should not be for selfish gain but to better serve God and the people around us. A doctor with the best training saves more lives. A musician who has practiced and 16



plugged into the Holy Spirit touches hearts. A new teacher who has earned recognized credentials can serve children anywhere. A star athlete committed to Christ inspires young athletes. In light of this, Corban is committed to academic excellence. For college leaders and faculty, this focus has created a trajectory that shoots farther upward each year.

Accreditation Most people know of individuals who attended a non-accredited Christian college. They poured time, money and effort into the degree. Maybe they were lucky enough to find a good job after college. Possibly, though, having a non-recognized degree held them back from a choice career or graduate school. Corban has long been committed to offering students the widest possible array of opportunities after graduation by being accredited. So, the college is regularly scrutinized by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities, the accrediting organization that accredits all institutions of higher learning in the Northwest. The eight peer college and university administrators who evaluated Corban during its once-a-decade re-accreditation bid last October had excellent things to say. Among their commendations they praised Corban for its “dedication of vision,” and “commitment to its mission and values.” “Overall, this was a very good report, probably one of the highest they give,” said President Reno Hoff.

Media Visibility Every year, the newsmagazine U.S. News and World Report comes out with its ranking of America’s top colleges and universities, and, every year, Corban is on the list.

Majors & Programs of Study Associate of Arts or Science Biblical Studies Business

Bachelor of Arts or Science

These statistics have grown even more favorable during the 2006-07 school year, as the college has continued to focus on academic excellence. When tracked over the last seven years, the numbers showing the college’s academic advances are impressive: • The number of full-time faculty with doctorates has doubled. • The student-to-faculty ratio remains at a low 13-to-1. • 80 percent of classes have fewer than 30 students. • 80 percent of freshmen were in the top half of their graduating class.

Academic Portfolio After breaking into—and staying in—the Top 10 Best Comprehensive Colleges in the West category for the last five years, Corban moved up to eighth in the 2007 edition. It’s the only Christian college in the Northwest to be ranked in the West’s top 10. To rate Corban, U.S. News and World Report uses a collection of statistics including the freshman retention rate, graduation rate, average class size, student-to-faculty ratio and high school performance of accepted freshman.

The mix of academic disciplines at Corban continues to diversify. The newest addition will be a criminal justice major in fall 2007. As things stand now, Corban students can choose from a broad list of on-campus academic programs, as well as ROTC and a collection of Study Abroad programs. New in 2005 was the college’s Master of Science in Education program. And the Adult Degree Completion program is a popular solution for returning students wanting to finish their bachelor’s degrees while holding jobs and raising families. C

Ministries Bible Translation Biblical Studies Intercultural Studies Language Literacy Pastoral Ministries Theology Women’s Ministry Student and Family Ministries

Business Accounting/Finance Management Computer Science Computer Science Information Systems Education Bible Education Biology Education Business Education Elementary Education Language Arts Education Mathematics Education Music Education Physical Education Social Studies Education

Music General Music Music Performance Worship Arts Psychology General Psychology Industrial/Organizational Psych. Youth and Family Studies

English Communications English Humanities Journalism

Social Science History Pre-Law Criminal Justice

Health Science Human Performance Physical Education Sports and Fitness Mgmt. Sports Coaching (minor) Interdisciplinary Studies Mathematics

Pre-Professional Programs Dentistry Medicine Occupational Therapy Optometry Pharmacy Physical Therapy Veterinary Science Law

Adult Degree Programs Business: Management and Communication Psychology: Family Studies

Graduate Level Programs Post-Baccalaureate Licensure Master in Education English for Speakers of Other Languages (endorsement) Reading Specialist (endorsement)

Member of Council for Christian Colleges & Universities

Accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges & Universities

Math Professor Mike Miller

Voted Best Christian Workplace in 2006 among similarly sized colleges and universities





ALUMNI action Greetings, Alumni We are well into a New Year and more exciting things are happening around your alma mater. But first some news. Long-time Corban employee, Nancy Sperling, who for many years worked in the Alumni Office, retired at the end of November. She worked with the Alumni Board, helped with the Alumni Board Golf Tournament and served Corban for 18 years. She served the Lord and Corban well and touched hundreds of lives. Corban College alumni are part of a Left to right: Director of Alumni Services Deleen Wills, Director of Advancement Dan Ostlund, Nancy Sperling, larger community that shares many of the and Vice President for Advancement Mike Bates. same experiences and values. Be part of the excitement and stay active in our college community by attending music, drama or special presentations on campus, sporting events, reunions and regional events when we come your way. As always, please don’t hesitate to contact your alumni office anytime. We’re here for you! Call 503-589-8182 or e-mail

Welcome Newest Class Agents! Catherine Cox Jacobson ‘71, of Tacoma, WA Rhoda Martin Hunter ‘72, of Salem, OR Esther Wuth Mangini ‘72, of Salem, OR If you would like to serve as an advisor from your class to our Alumni Director, please contact Deleen at 503-589-8182. Responsibilities are simple: just share some ideas regarding your class reunion. You don’t need to live in Salem.

Needed: Class agent for the Classes of 1987 & 1997. Your reunions are scheduled Oct. 5-7.

Deleen Wills Director of Alumni Services

alumni homecoming

Return and reconnect with friends! Discover Corban campus life at the 2007 Homecoming. The weekend will honor Corban’s past and celebrate its future. Along with activities and events for all alumni, reunions will be held for the classes of ’67, ‘72, ’77, ’82, ’87 and ’97. We’ll also have an infinity reunion—Celebrating 15 Years for the Adult Degree Program. There will be something for all ages, so plan to bring your entire family!




Our First Ever 3-Day Alumni Homecoming Celebration

October 5-7, 2007 Events Include: • Corban Golf Challenge Tournament on Friday afternoon • Reunions all weekend

• Soccer and volleyball games • Alumni Award Luncheon • Go back to class on Friday afternoon

Plan ahead—see our website for updated info and registration: Questions? E-mail or call 503-589-8182.


The Alumni Advantage

Visitors over the Holidays

Are you aware of the benefits provided by Corban College for alumni?

he past couple of months have been a little quieter than in the summer and fall. But we still had some visitors. Brenda O’Brien ‘96 with Karen Olson Pease ‘95 of Tacoma, Washington dropped by in the middle of November. Don Zygutis ’70 of Sisters came by on November 21 and then returned for the Alumni Christmas Soiree on December 1. Taras Sarapin ‘04 of Salem came back to campus before Christmas and Mike Elam ‘96 of Redmond stopped in right before New Years. Mike Patron ‘99 from Bend, who is a new member of the Warrior Athletic Association Board, came by to meet us. Seth Burke ‘04 and Jenni Marken Burke ‘05 of Sisters Jenni & Seth Burke dropped by on their way to the coast for the weekend. On a cold, icy snowy day in mid-January Kelly Hoeting ‘00 came by for a tour and lunch. She is from Germany where she works for Youth for Christ/American military youth in Heidelberg. Thanks to all for taking time to come by!

We want to you know about and utilize the valuable benefits that you have access to as Corban alumni. No longer live in Salem? No problem! Your Corban connection has no geographic boundaries. Check out the following list of benefits and take advantage of all that your alma mater has to offer, no matter your location. • Corban magazine is sent quarterly to alumni: This free publication keeps alumni up to date on college happenings and provides scholarly and thought-provoking articles. • Career assistance from the Career & Academic Services Center: List or find a job. • Technology Center: Use of computers in the lab located on the ground floor of the Academic Center. • Corban Facilities: If you need summer accommodations, a room for a business meeting or facilities for a wedding or reception, Campus Care can help. Corban alumni are entitled to use the college’s facilities at a reasonable rate. • E-directory: Your link to other alumni. • College Bookstore: Discounts on most items. • Performing Arts Events: Invitations for alumni. • Use of our Library: Facilities include access to print and media materials plus computer workstations for researching electronic resources and study rooms. Stop by the desk on your first visit for your free library i.d. card.

Graduates of Corban did you know your child can receive an automatic grant as a legacy child? That’s right, automatic. No state schools can offer this, nor does Azusa Pacific University, George Fox University, Lewis & Clark College, Linfield College, Pacific University, Reed College, Seattle Pacific University, Simpson College, Willamette University... the list goes on and on and on. But we do. Contact our Financial Aid Office at 503-375-7006.


Kelly Hoeting

Next time you are in our area, please allow some extra time to return to your alma mater. Make the Alumni Office in Schimmel Hall your first stop; we will give you a personal walking tour, or provide you with a walking-tour map for your convenience and great welcome gifts!

Be True to Your School! Get your very own Corban College Alumni chrome license plate frame. The cost is $10 per frame plus $2 for shipping and handling. Drop by the Corban Bookstore or call 503-375-7035.

Student Grant Seidler assists President Hoff (AA ’58, BS ’73, MS ’78) with the installation of the first Corban Alumni license plate frame.

Take Me Out to the Ball Game


e had so much fun last summer that we are doing it again. The Alumni Office has purchased 45 group tickets to a Saturday afternoon Seattle Mariners’ baseball game and, by the way, it’s the only Saturday afternoon game of the entire season. Mark your calendars for July 28 and plan to join us! Tickets are located in section 114 and we have great seats. The cost is $38 per person. Contact Deleen in the Corban Alumni Office now to reserve your seats. You are welcome to send a check for payment or call and put it on your credit card. 503-589-8182 or e-mail Don’t wait, tickets will go quickly. Last year they even announced our Corban College name on the scoreboard—how great is that?





Corban Honors Veterans


Corban Alumni can Connect in San Diego

n Veterans Day last fall, President Hoff, himself an Army veteran, held a recognition during chapel for our armed service men and women.

U.S. Department of Defense

In a group of over 500 students, faculty, staff, and guests, Dr. Hoff asked veterans to stand. About 10 audience members rose, soon joined by another 10 current military members at Dr. Hoff’s request. The audience began to applaud, but diminished by Dr. Hoff’s third invitation—for all audience members who had family currently serving in the military, anywhere in the world. In almost one movement, over half of the attendees took their feet, catching the whole room in stunned surprise. What began as a recognition became an expression of how many people carry a burden of concern. Dr. Hoff, moved with emotion, led the audience in a prayer of heartfelt gratefulness for the sacrifice of veterans and their families. He also prayed for the safety of our current troops around the world and wisdom for our national leaders.

Are you or a family member currently serving in the military? Our veterans are very special. To all those men and women who have so honorably served, we thank you and would like to pay tribute to you and for your service to our country. We are starting a list of alumni who have served in the military, or who are currently serving in the military, or who have family currently serving. We would like to pray for you and your family. Please send your name and class year, name of person serving in the military, your relationship to person serving, branch of service, current location of service, length of tour and any other information you’d like to provide. We welcome your photos and stories of awards and recognitions as well. Thank you for your sacrifice to our country.

The unique exhibition of The Dead Sea Scrolls moved from Seattle to San Diego and will be displayed at the San Diego Natural History Museum starting June 29. The Scrolls, objects of great mystery, intrigue and significance are widely acknowledged to be among the greatest archaeological treasures ever discovered. The Scrolls link us to the ancient Middle East and to the formative years of Christianity. At over 11,000 square feet, the exhibition will include 24 Dead Sea Scrolls—ten exhibited for the first time ever. Corban alumni are invited to share this cultural and historic experience together on Monday, July 2 at 6 p.m. The cost is $28 per adult; seniors 62+ $24; Students/Military w/ID/Youth age 13-17 $24; Children age 3-12 $15. If you are member of the Museum, prices are available on line. Visit www. to read and learn more about this outstanding opportunity.

Please e-mail or mail to: Corban Alumni Office, 5000 Deer Park Drive SE, Salem, OR 97317

Please contact Deleen in the Alumni Office to reserve your tickets by June 1. Call 503-589-8182 or e-mail:

John and Nancy McKeeth visit campus

Boise Alumni

John McKeeth ‘72 and wife Nancy spent the evening with friends and classmates at a party on campus hosted by the Alumni Office on February 10. They were visiting from Hondurus and shared for two days in several classes on campus.

While in Boise for a conference, Alumni Director Deleen Wills and Director of Advancement Dan Ostlund visited alumni in the area.

Front row, left to right: John Mangini ‘72, Mark Jacobson ‘72, Mark Hall ‘73, Hugh Griffith ‘73, John McKeeth ‘72, and Bob Martin ‘75. Back row: John Newell ‘73, Steve Kintner ‘72, Keith Churilla ‘72, and Steve Hunter ‘72.

Ethel Newell, Rhoda Martin Hunter ‘72, and Catherine Cox Jacobson ‘71 look over the class of ‘72 yearbook.




Hugh Griffith ‘73, Rhoda Martin Hunter ‘72 and Steve Hunter ‘72, and John McKeeth get reacquainted.

Nicole Hauff (far left) attended Corban for a few years but didn’t graduate until she entered the Adult Degree Program and obtained her degree in Business Adminstration in 2004. She and husband Brian joined Deleen Wills along with Barbie Baker Mills ‘89(n), husband Randy Mills ‘86 and daughter Hannah in Boise, Idaho for dinner on February 21. Also present was Dan Ostlund, who was the photographer.


Sports Reunions & Alumni Events Women’s Basketball

Men’s Basketball

Corban alumnae gathered on November 4th for a game against the current women’s team. The students won the exciting game.

Corban alumni beat the current men’s basketball team in a tight game.

MEN’S BASKETBALL 2. Front row: (L-R) Kenny Stone ‘05, Marty Reid ‘04, Jeff Dunn ’05, Dan Buhler ‘06, Charley Pace ‘04. Back row: Bryan Steed ‘05, Tyson Crumley ‘04, Ben Morris ‘05, Eric Fiegi ‘06.Not pictured: Joel Worchester ‘06. 3. Young alumni Cyrus Rettman ‘04, Nick Plato ‘02 holding future Warrior Jamin Potloff, son of Pete Potloff ‘02 and Holly Konrad Potloff ‘01 enjoy the alumni student basketball games in November. Pete’s younger brother Ben is a freshman and on the basketball team.

2 1

Young Alumni Event Dozens of alumni from the Classes of 2001 and 2006 re-connected at the Warriors basketball games on February 3rd.


WOMEN’S BASKETBALL 1. Front row: (L-R) Tati Gallardo ‘03, Laci Holmes ‘05, Tara Schmidgall Sedor ‘03, Kim Plotts ‘05. Back row: Christie Boorman ‘07, Kim Villwock ‘02, Erin Plotts ‘06, Andrea Hansen ‘06, Sarah Hubeek ‘06.

YOUNG ALUMNI EVENT 4. Left to right: Apryl Pense ‘06, Salem, Jessica Redding ‘06, Salem, Elizabeth Spillman ‘05, Wilsonville and Rebecca Rice ‘06 all the way from Plains, Montana, catch up at the Young Alumni Event on February 3. 5. Left to right: Jenny Vanbuskirk ‘06, Vancouver, Kari Hegland ‘05, Turner and Kelly Tippett ‘06, Vancouver, enjoy watching the women Warriors trounce the Geoducks of Evergreen.



Christmas Party Over one hundred alumni and families kicked off their Christmas season at Corban on December 1 at the first annual Christmas Soiree. After a time of mingling in beautifully decorated Schimmel Hall and enjoying delicious appetizers courtesy of President Hoff, alumni were escorted to their reserved seats in the Psalm Performing Arts Center and were recognized and welcomed by Virginia Cross, chair of the music department. All enjoyed the beautiful sounds from the Strings and Concert Band, the lively Jazz Band and after intermission, selected numbers of Messiah, by the combined Choirs and Orchestra.

Gaylord Johnson ‘53 with wife Mildred from Waldport visit with Art ‘84 and Bev ‘85 Van Weerdhuizen of Salem.

Dennis Tollenaar ‘74 and Nancy Werner Tollenaar ’74 with John Mangini ‘72 and Esther Wuth Mangini ‘72. Both couples are from Salem.

Stephanie Husk, director of counseling services at Corban with husband Kevin attended with Bob Thompson ‘91 and Marie Jacobs Thompson ‘90 of Jefferson.





Alumni Abroad

Caynors bring message of hope to southeast Asia


ow that the Indian Ocean is gently caressing southeastern Asia’s coastlines again, it’s hard to imagine a 33-foot wave hitting land, crushing whole communities and sweeping away more than 200,000 people. But the 2005 tsunami left behind mass graves, rubble, bare beaches and refugee camps. After the disaster, survivors in southern Thailand and India were fighting emotional torment along with their physical challenges, say missionaries Rick and Lisa Caynor, ‘92. “People were going crazy. You’ve got wives who’ve lost their kids and husbands who’ve lost their wives,” says Rick. In India, many people turned to their Hindu gods for comfort, but found little relief. Hinduism teaches that suffering is a result of bad behavior, and the possibility that they’d brought the tsunami upon themselves and their loved ones was unbearable. “They were being told that they or their family members did something that caused this,” says Lisa. Then God began to do what He does best, “turning tragedy into trophies for His glory,” says Rick. People in Thailand and India began responding to Christianity. The message of God’s creation, humankind’s sin, Jesus Christ’s redemption, and eternal life resonated with




Rick and Lisa Caynor share a message of hope and inspiration to the people devastated by the 2005 tsunami.

people in need of fresh hope. Rick had planned to aid the tsunami recovery effort for two weeks. He stayed two months. He worked side-by-side with national pastors and missionaries from the United States and the Philippines, watching in awe as people accepted Christ. In one region of Thailand where there had been one 40member church before the tsunami, there are now 13 churches. This spring, after two years of raising support, Rick and Lisa and their kids, Kristin and Ricky, will move onto the mission field with the Association of Baptists for World Evangelism (ABWE). The family has been planning to join a church-planting ministry there since 2004, a full year before the tsunami hit. Rick and Lisa have been interested in missions since they were students at Corban. At 19, Rick traveled to Romania with Ministries Professor Bob Wright and was immediately hooked on outreach. “Seeing Bob Wright’s willingness to go anywhere and do anything, I decided I want

to live just like that,” says Rick. The Caynors worked in youth ministry for nine years, and Rick led short-term mission teams for almost two decades. Most recently, he worked as director of student mobilization at ABWE headquarters in Pennsylvania while Lisa taught at a Christian school. The Caynors are looking forward to working with American, Filipino and Thai missionaries and pastors as they partner in this church-planting effort. Along with building a full-time team, the Caynors plan to offer a semester-long program where college students can earn credit for teaching English while ministering in Thailand. Corban students will be among those invited to come. “Fifty-eight percent of the people haven’t heard of Christ,” Rick says. “Our goal in Thailand is not to plant one church but to start a church-planting movement.”

Please Pray For: Rick, Lisa, Kristin and Ricky Caynor


Alumnus Exemplifies Corban Mission Adrian Petrisor leads a successful regional business while maintaining regular travel to worldwide missions sites.



hen asked, “What’s your life vision?” Adrian Petrisor, ’86, pauses, but only for a moment. He’s sitting before a traditional Eastern European meal with his beautiful wife in a house he built last year. He nods at his surroundings. “I came to this country from communist Romania with nothing but the shirt on my back, and the Lord has given me everything I have today,” he says. “We all have a purpose for which we were created. I think that’s what brings satisfaction to a believer, to live with God’s purpose in mind. In business and at church, I try to live as an example to those around me. I want people to say, ‘That guy is living for the Lord.’ That’s all I want—to be a testament.” Now the president of the second-largest fencing and decking company in the Portland Metro area, Petrisor came to America just 25 years ago. As his life has taken twists and turns, he’s capitalized on the unexpected opportunities to represent his Lord. Born in Cisnadie, a small industrial town in central Romania, Petrisor was raised in a Christian home. This was no mean feat in an Iron Curtain country whose leaders persecuted Christians

trying to practice and spread their faith. His father, who was on the government’s hit list, fled to America in 1979. Three years later, Petrisor, 17, was able to leave Romania legally to join his father. That first year in America, he lived in a community of Romanian immigrants in Chicago. But he had dreams of going to college and returning to Eastern Europe to broadcast Christian radio programs into Romania. He was also interested in being a missionary pilot. A small college in Salem, Ore., attracted his attention because of its strong Christian commitment, its landscape, and its plans to pair with a community college in offering an aviation degree. Corban (Western Baptist College) was his crash course in American culture. Petrisor arrived in 1984, speaking broken English and still knowing very little about the United States. Campus life brought a series of lessons, some of them comical. For example, one day in the cafeteria, he assumed the tasty looking liquid next to the salad was some kind of soup. After filling his bowl, he sat ready to dig in. Just in time, fellow students saved him from swallowing a giant spoonful of salad dressing.





“We all have a purpose for which we were created. I think that’s what brings satisfaction to a believer, to live with God’s purpose in mind.” –Adrian Petrisor, ‘86

On a Central Africa mission trip, the team helped provide a refrigerator for a medical center, which previously had no way of storing heat-sensitive medicine.

On a serious note, Petrisor bonded with his professors and his peers. He worked in the library and found plenty of time to socialize between classes. He reveled in the friendliness and openness he encountered. “For me, Corban was the base for getting my biblical education. It was a great school where I had my first contact with American culture. What I had—I call it family—was the best thing for me. There were a lot of people who left a great impression on my heart.” Some of the professors who took extra time to tutor Petrisor were theology professor David Miller and English professors Jim Hills and Marty Trammell. Petrisor also formed a friendship with President John Balyo. While at Corban, Petrisor began talking with Bob Wright, the college’s missionary-in-residence at the time. The pair decided to go to Romania, taking Bibles, training materials and encouragement to the believers in Petrisor’s hometown. On that trip, Petrisor reconnected with—and proposed to—his childhood sweetheart, Monika. She began making plans to join him in the U.S. Meanwhile, Petrisor completed his two-year transfer degree in Salem and moved on to Liberty University in Virginia, where he studied broadcast management. During his senior year, he and Monika were married. That was only the beginning of major life changes. With his eyes fixed on starting a Christian radio station that could broadcast into Romania from a nearby country, Petrisor returned to Romania at the end of 1989. What he found was almost unbelievable: protesters had clashed with police, and the Romanian people had overthrown the communist government “I can still remember the borders being open. I’ll never forget that day,” he says. Suddenly, the believers living in Romania were free to set up their own Christian radio stations, and he doubted they needed someone broadcasting from outside the country. “Today, there are seven Christian radio stations in seven major 24



cities in Romania,” Petrisor says. “It got to a point that I knew those living in Romania could do it better than I could.” Not knowing what he would do for work, Petrisor decided to return to Oregon. He and his wife arrived in Portland with $1,000 and a baby on the way. After being offered a television job that paid too little to support his family, he decided to try his hand at fencebuilding. He checked out how-to books from the library, and he went door-to-door, asking anyone with a new house and no fence if they wanted him to build one. “I didn’t even know there was such thing as a post-hole digger. I dug the hole for each fencepost by hand, and then I had to fill up each huge hole with cement,” he says. “I wasted a lot of cement, but that fence wasn’t going anywhere.” Petrisor gained experience and business savvy, never letting go of his goal to treat each customer right. As the years went by, he was able to hire employees; today he oversees 17.

Adrian helps build benches for the African schools that will allow students to sit up off the dirt floors.


Adrian built this beautiful home in the Beaverton hills for his family. He and Monika have three boys, Joshua, 17, Benjamin, 13, and Andrew, 9.

Adrian’s has built a reputation for quality craftsmanship in exterior home accessories.

“I tell the young people at work, “Do each job as unto the Lord,’” he says. “It’s so important in business to have Christian character and to have principles that are visible.” More lifestyle than strategy, this commitment has paid off. His company, Adrian’s, has expanded to offer decks, iron work, trellises and awnings. Every year, the company’s work is part of the prestigious Portland home show, the Street of Dreams. In addition, the Home Depot Corporation has contracted with Adrian’s to be the official fence and deck installer for its 12 Portland-area stores. Despite his growing business, Petrisor finds time to return regularly to Romania. He’s on the board of Romanian Missionary Society, and he and Monika delight in supporting missionaries there. Last year, he went with his church, Allen Boulevard Baptist, to the Central African Republic. The group traveled into the jungles to meet pygmies, and they left with a promise to help build them a church. In less than a year, they’ve nearly achieved that goal. Satisfying his Christian calling and his penchant for projects at the same time clearly brings Petrisor joy. His eyes light up when the topic of Africa arises, and he talks about building in Africa—or anywhere the Lord calls—again. “It’s the responsibility of every Christian—to reach out, and it feels wonderful to make a difference right now,” he says. C CORBAN MAGAZINE




CLASS notes 50s

Bernard McChristian ‘56 and Kathy Nixon McChristian ‘56, were honored at a dinner for their 50th wedding anniversary at Crossroads Baptist Church of Bella Vista. The event was organized by their children and grandchildren. Their grandchildren served a dinner prepared by their executive chef, son, Gregory. Special guest, Forest Steenfoot ‘54 of San Jose, attended. He was their best man at their wedding. When “Bernie” and Kathy were students, Bernie worked on a work scholarship in maintenance and Kathy was secretary to John Schimmel. Bernie pastored a few small churches when they were first married and for 30 years worked as a mechanic. Kathy was supervising clerk at the Trinity County Justice Court. Both have been retired for some time and make their home in Redding, California. They are active in their church, and Bernie is a deacon and operates the sound system. Kathy, who is seldom able to physically attend services, calls the widows and shut-ins by phone and makes and sends out lots of cards.

70s Class of ‘72 35 yr. and Class of ‘77 30 yr. Reunion at Homecoming: October 5-7, 2007 (see ad page 18) Paul Anthes ’71 and wife Ginny Cole Anthes ‘70(n) reside in Placerville, California and have four children and two grandchildren. Paul pastors Community Bible Church of Placerville. (John) Coby Davies ‘72 is in his fourth year as a professor at a 30,000 student body university in NE Thailand. This post, after spending more than 20 years in banking and international business in Japan, Korea and the

60s Class of ‘67 40 yr. Reunion at Homecoming: October 5-7, 2007 (see ad page 18) Jim Nye ‘62 and wife Pat ‘61 reside in Normandy Park, Washington. They sold their business and traveled in a motor home during parts of 1998 and 1999. In 2000, they moved to the California side of Lake Havasu where Jim was office manager. In 1993, they returned to Washington when Jim was diagnosed with prostate cancer, which is now in remission. Pat was diagnosed with progressive kidney failure due to diabetes. She has ESRD (end stage renal disease) and has been on peritoneal dialysis since 2001 with kidney’s now functioning at 1½%. They live with their son Randy, his wife and two daughters south of Seattle. They would love to hear from classmates through the Corban eDirectory. Pat especially would love to get mail at 21011 Marne View Drive SW, Normandy Park, WA 98166. Jane McFarlane Mack ‘69(n) and husband Ed went to China summer 2006 with an ESL and basketball team. They participated with a language worker to build a relationship with the high school and university in one of the southern provinces. They live in Turlock, California.




Coby Davies

Philippines, is giving him a change to train Thai university undergrad and graduate students in international business and journalism. Coby has recently published a four-volume set of textbooks which are sold and distributed throughout nation’s colleges and universities. He also is coordinating his efforts with a local Baptist missionary family who is active in campus evangelism, and short-term teams of Christian American college students who come to the university twice a year to build relationships with Thai students. A small home-church is in the process of forming, with several Thai professors and university students at its core. Carol Miller Curtis ‘73 is a member of First Baptist Church, St. Francis, Minnesota and teaches school in their Christian School. On June 20, 2006, her husband Allen went home to be with the Lord. Dr. Curtis will be remembered as a faithful husband, father and church member. His presence at St. Francis Christian School will be missed where he volunteered several days a week. His local church ministry of Creation vs. Evolution seminars had expanded from Minnesota to

Texas to the East Coast and Florida. Carol’s email is Bruce Fields ‘74 and wife Betty live in Hayward, California where Bruce has been pastor of Bethel Baptist Church for the past three years. He served as pastor in Spokane, Washington for twelve years prior. He received his Master’s of Divinity from Western Baptist Seminary in 1991. He and wife Betty celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary last fall. They have three adult children and two grandchildren. Bruce enjoys fishing and camping. Terry Williams ‘76, associate director of Corban’s residence life and former head women’s basketball coach has been named new head women’s basketball coach due to the resignation of coach Dave Bale who desires more time with family and his academic responsibilities. Five years ago, Williams handed the reigns over to Bale and now the roles are reversed. Williams returns to the bench where he guided then-Western Baptist to two straight National Christian College Athletic Association national titles in 1995 and 1996. Williams accumulated an overall record of 148-117 in eight seasons as the leader of the Warriors. During the 2000-01 season, Williams coached the Warriors to a school record 11-game winning streak from January through February. Dr. James Rozman ‘77 of Santa Clara, California, is finishing his M.A.Ed., multiple subject teaching credential and teaching degree for the state of California. He completed 201 hours of observation and begins student teaching grade four for eight weeks and grade three for seven weeks. He has been substitute teaching in private and public schools, K-6, plus working in his church. He has overseen a living trust for the past fifteen years and a major house remodel for the trust. He is a military retiree and disabled American veteran. Robin Jahnke ‘79 and wife Cindy Fagundes Jahnke ‘79 of Cheyenne, Wyoming celebrated 12 years in October at Sierra Trading Post as fulfillment and facilities director. Their three daughters are 23, 20, 17. The last one finishing high school at home and oldest graduated from TWU of Langley, B.C. in 2004. She manages a local Carpet One store and is a design consultant. They serve at Meadowbrook Baptist Church, teaching Sunday school, leading worship and sponsoring youth ministries.


Doug Rowland ‘79 and wife Debbie Williams Rowland ‘79 of Nampa, Idaho, traveled over 9,000 miles, speaking in churches, attending conferences, spending time with family and friends and preparing for a year of ministry on the campus of Boise State University with Campus Bible Fellowship. They have four children and one grandchild. Randy Williams ‘79 is teaching pastor at First Baptist Church in Medford, Oregon. His oldest son and daughter live in Vacaville, California where Randy was middle school principal for five years. He and wife Colleen have had six adventurous adoptions, two births, a home full of music as Colleen teaches violin and cello, and the recent marriage of their oldest son.

80s Class of ‘87 20 yr. and Class of ‘82 25 yr. Reunion at Homecoming: October 5-7, 2007 (see ad page 18) Mark Glaser ‘81(n) and wife Sara Brink Glaser ‘83 reside in Scio. Sara works with her Creative Memories business with a custom framing venue, and Mark continues logging. They have four children: Will, Jessica, Caleb and daughter, Gretchen Acheson.

Kathy Smelcer ‘82 has returned to school into the ASL/English Interpreting program at Western Oregon University after working for the State of Oregon for 15 years. She plans to graduate in 2008. She lives in Salem and attends Salem Alliance Church. Doug Higby ‘84 has worked for the federal government for the past 20 years and is in facility management for a research and development facility. He has been married for 14 years to Tonya, and they have a 10-year old

son Seth and 8-year old daughter Jordan. They attend Cedar Grove Community Church. Their children are home-schooled and enjoy sports. Doug and family visited Corban in July on their way home from Montana. He writes, “I really love what the college is doing. It is exciting to see Corban so successful yet not wavering on the mission and requirements. My son says he is attending college where dad went; he wants to be an astronaut so hopefully Corban will have a program in the future. My daughter says if she goes to college, she also wants to attend Corban. God bless Corban and the difference it is making in the lives of both the young and experienced.”

island in the middle of the Nile River, he had an ache in his heart for those lost souls. He prays he will never lose that feeling. David Ming Liu ‘89(n) lives in Hong Kong with his wife Sharrina and four daughters: Christina (11), Gloria (7), Rebecca (4.5) and Betty (2.5). Their youngest daughter is named after their “American Mom” Betty Balyo. David obtained his BBA from Western Oregon University in 1992 and MBA from Willamette University in 1994. Currently he is working on his Doctorate of Business Administration degree in City University of Hong Kong on a part-time basis.

Annette Stockton Prewitt ‘84 and husband David have lived in Loveland, Colorado the last eight years. She has been a stay-at-home mom for the past 17 years. Dave was in the Air Force for 10 years as a pilot and now flies for United Airlines based out of Denver. Annette works seasonally as a tax preparer. They have two children; Nathan is a junior in high school and Allison in the eighth grade. Corrine Lutz Rothfus ‘84(n) resides in Des Moines, Iowa, with husband Ray. She has two daughters; Anne Edwards, 23 and Jennie Edwards, 21. Corrine works at their church, Fellowship Baptist, as the secretary for two pastors. They are involved in choir and nursery ministries. Margery Glaser Straw ‘84 and Eric Straw, MAC ‘01 reside in Scio with their four children. Eric is associate professor of computer science at Corban and is working on his dissertation and teaches online classes for another college. Margie home schools their three younger children, works in Awana, teaches Sunday school and continues the farm/ garden/food preservation work. Their daughter Jennifer is a Corban student. Doug Rodgers ‘86 of Salem went to Turkey and Egypt last year. Two things stood out to him. First, pedestrians do not have the rightof-way. Second, lost souls are everywhere. He wrote that while this is true no matter where you are, it is much more visible when there are so many people who are openly Muslim. While walking and praying alone one night on a little

He founded Longwell Technology International Ltd. in 2001 after working in a Hong Kong public listed company for six years as vice president. His company distributes computer DVD drives worldwide. Their family attends a Foursquare church.

90s Class of ‘97 10 yr. Reunion at Homecoming: October 5-7, 2007 (see ad page 18) David Lacy ‘92 of Springfield, Oregon, has commenced his duties as a USA Field Representative for The Gideons International. David was born in Liberia, West Africa, to missionary parents. He holds a Master’s in Theology from Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri. He moved to Nashville from Oregon where he served as state Scripture coordinator and president of his local camp. He has a background in computers and most recently owned a restaurant in Springfield. He and wife Jessica have two sons, David Jr. and Harrison. Willow Haase Myhre ‘93 and husband Ted Myhre ‘04, live in Wheaton, Illinois, and have established guardianship of four wonderful children from one family; Mark 10, Joseph 4, twins Christian and Christina 3. The adoption process will be final sometime in 2007. Ted CORBAN MAGAZINE




commutes one block to Wheaton College where he works in the computing services department managing their data center. Willow is a special education student aide at Franklin Middle School, four blocks from their home. Given the increase in family size, they are looking for a larger dwelling and potentially new employment. Meshell Allway Najjar ’93 lives in Aurora, Colorado, with her husband Samer and five children, twins Victor and Carl are 15 months along with siblings Shiloh, Alex and Isaiah. She works part-time at their church, New Day, a two-year old church plant, as the children’s director. Her husband works for Regal Piedmont Plastics as an inside sales representative, is finishing his bachelors degree in Biblical Studies and works part-time as part of the pastoral care team. Meshell is busy with their children’s activities and school and enjoys gardening, crocheting, crafts projects and cooking. Donna Scott ‘94 attends Dayspring Fellowship in Keizer, Oregon, where she is involved with the benevolence team. She enjoys traveling and exercising. Her son is 27 and earned his BS in business management. After several teaching positions, she has returned to Corban to earn her Master’s in Education and excited to return for the many heartfelt and encouraging memories from when she attended last. Brent Hudson ‘96 and wife Julie Cossey Hudson ‘96 live in Lynnwood, Washington where Brent is a youth pastor at Lynnwood Nazarene Church. Julie is a stay-at-home mom of three children; Kade, Simone and Colby. She helps with youth group activities. Lyrica Hubbard ‘98 finished her second term in graduate school at OSU on the Cascades Campus. She is pursuing a Master’s in Counseling through the graduate school of education. She is coordinator of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Oregon program. Her daughter Harmony enjoys kindergarten in Redmond. Jonathan Penhollow ’98 of Salem received a Crystal Apple Award at the 10th annual Salem/Keizer School District recognition event sponsored by the Salem Area Chamber of Commerce. The twelve Crystal Apple winners (of 53 nominees) were selected from peers, students




and parents. Jonathan, after graduating from Corban, obtained his teacher’s license which included a Bilingual/ESOL Endorsement from OSU. He began studying Spanish in middle school and continued through and beyond college. He spent a year living in Santiago, Chile, studying missions and transcultural communication at the Instituto Iberoamericano. After spending a year back in the U.S., Jon returned to Chile in 1996 and in 1997 married his wife, Nathalie. Both lived and worked as teachers in Santiago for another year, before making Salem their permanent home in 1999. Jon worked as a bilingual instructional assistant at Swegle Elementary School and Waldo Middle School. He then worked for Woodburn Public School where he was a teacher in their English Transition Program. Jon currently teaches 3rd grade at West Salem Language Academy. He and his wife have two daughters.

they put up fliers offering free childcare so that parents could go shopping. “We thought about something we would like and offered that,” Ben said. “We are always looking for ways to help the community.”

Dan Rapoza ‘98 and wife Rachel-Anne live in Silverton, Oregon with their blended family of five children. He works for the State of Oregon Department of Human Resources. They have one son who is autistic and since that diagnosis Dan’s career plans have shifted to following a desire to work in research on children with autism.


Heather Landon Timmons ‘98, husband Mark and five children live in Brownsville, Oregon. Heather is stay-at-home and a distributor of Body Shop at Home. Mark works at U.S. Tactical Supply in Albany. Newest family member, Marie, was born in November 2006. Katrina McAlexander ‘99 returned to school and received a B.S. in Nursing at Linfield College in 2002. She worked in different departments within the Providence system in the birth centers and emergency. She currently works at Legacy Emmanuel’s Children’s Psych Unit with children with emotional and behavior challenges. She will complete her psychiatric mental health nurse practioner’s degree in June 2007 at OHSU. Ben Wilson ‘99 and wife Dee Martin Wilson ‘99 of Stayton, Oregon were recently featured in an article in the Statesman Journal newspaper entitled “Group puts Bible’s teaching to work.” They use their Foothills Church prayer group to do what they can to help the community. The group says they try to put what they learn in the Bible to use around Stayton. Before Christmas,

Danny Whittaker ‘99 and Betsy Alexander Whittaker ‘99 report that the International Community School has settled in its new location on Jubilee Road in Singapore. The building can accommodate 500 students and currently has an enrollment of 280. The largest population of students come from parents who have business careers. This presents great opportunity for the staff to minister to kids from a variety of religions. Betsy has been able to reach some of the immigrants through a program offered by the International Baptist Church. The church offers English as a Second Language (ESL) classes to wives and mothers who want to learn English. They have a son, Aaron.

Sarah Miller ‘01 is enrollment services assistant at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon. SaraJane Campbell ‘02 works as an autistic specialist in the Newberg school district and is obtaining a degree in nursing. She enjoys running, recently ran in the San Francisco halfmarathon and is training for a marathon in New York. Her biggest fan and running partner is her Australian Shepherd puppy. She is involved with “the Bridge,” a ministry that goes to Portland on Friday nights and serves the homeless population by washing their feet, feeding them, providing haircuts and other ways to meet their needs. The greatest need they are meeting is the need to meet Jesus Christ. Joy Fong ‘02 is an R.N. working in a hospital in Santa Maria, California. She is involved with junior high students at the church she attends. Jeremy Lee ‘02 works as a financial advisor with Ameriprise Financial in West Linn, Oregon. He married April Hanson of Puyallup, Washington, January 1, 2005 in Tacoma. She is a bridal consultant with David’s Bridal. Paige Kuske ‘03 is living in St. Louis where she is attending Washington University’s graduate school of social work. She is in the second year and enjoying school and writes that social work has proven to be a challenging, engaging and inspiring field. She is working on her second practicum as an intern with a residential treatment facility and works in a dorm of eight


girls ranging from ages 11-18. She leads group therapy and sees half of them individually as well. She is also a co-therapist in a few family cases. “Although I find my worldview challenged on a daily basis, it’s been refreshing to be in a place where people are continually seeking explanations and revising their opinions. I don’t often find myself agreeing with the presuppositions that guide the field, or with many of the answers that are offered for contemporary problems, but I do appreciate the sincerity and the genuine care I find among social workers.” Brandi Bennett Pollick ‘03 works at Morrow County Behavioral Health as a drug/alcohol counselor. Husband John is a service manager with HVAC. They attend Living Faith Center in Hermiston, Oregon. They enjoy camping and hunting with their two dogs. Tifani Riggle ‘03 joined the staff at Salem Alliance Church as a high school youth pastor. She spent the past three years at Faith Academy International School (a school for missionary children in Manila, Philippines) where she was a teacher and assistant chaplain. Dave Bertolini ‘04 is associate pastor of youth at Grace Community Church in Dallas, Oregon, where he and wife Amy Davis Bertolini ‘05 reside. They are excited about their first home, and Amy is working on her real estate license. She enjoys helping Dave with the youth group. Steve McCoy ‘04 is the new senior accountant/ assistant vice-president at Columbia River Bank. They are publicly traded and also SEC registered. It is very different from his previous work at Willamette Valley Bank. He is pursuing his MBA and lives in Dallas, Oregon. Brandon Weber ‘04 and Kate Scully Weber ‘04 are busy preparing to serve in Ghana by visiting churches in Oregon and California recently. They work full-time teaching the young adult group at Faith Baptist Church, and Brandon is starting seminary online with Baptist Bible Seminary. Their home is in Salem. Their desire is to serve the church in any way they can and share their vision for the Ewe (Ev-A) people in Ghana.

Heather Johnson Wright ‘04 and husband Andrew were married September 4, 2004 and live in Vancouver, Washington. She is an administrative and public relations assistant at Northwest Baptist Foundation. Andrew works for Nautilus, Inc. They enjoy backpacking trips and are involved with youth ministry at Northside Baptist Church. Elizabeth Spillman ‘05 is assistant director of Oregon Right to Life’s Political Action Committee for the 2007 Oregon legislative session. She lives in Wilsonville, Oregon and attends Rolling Hills Community Church in Tualatin. Josh Bronson ‘06 is sports editor for the Curry Coastal Pilot newspaper in Brookings, Oregon. The Pilot is a twice weekly community newspaper on the southern Oregon coast. At the newspaper, he is a one-man sports department; taking photos, writing articles and designing pages. Kim Austin Nelmark ‘06(n) married Jason Nelmark December 2003. They met at Home Depot and recently celebrated their third wedding anniversary. They purchased a home in Jefferson in 2004. Kim is a designer/secretary for a construction company. Jason is an electrician, and they enjoy backpacking and photography. Their first son Ethan, died at 37 weeks, cause unknown. They have struggled with fertility issues and Kim is considered high risk during pregnancy. They are excited to announce her pregnancy and want people to know even if it doesn’t work out. They would appreciate prayers. Ashley Walbridge ‘06 is an admissions counselor and assistant volleyball coach at Warner Pacific College. She resides in Vancouver, Washington.

Down the Aisle


Trisha Carlson ‘97 married Briklyn Wuich on April 23, 2006 in Rancho Santa Margarita, California. Trisha is on staff as the programming and artist relations director for Saddleback Church, and Briklyn is a

marketing manager for Behr Corporate. They live in Orange County. Rena Dunn ‘97 married Benjamin Finnestad on October 23, 2006. They reside in Baker City, Oregon. Jonathan Patterson ‘04 married Kellie Smith September 9, 2006 in Richland, Washington, where they reside. Jonathan is a youth counselor at Lutheran Community Services Northwest and is laying Patterson/Smith the ground work for a church plant in the Tri-Cities through Acts 29 Church Planting Network. He enjoys photography in his free time. Alexis Kowing ‘05(n) married Jason Snooks on September 2, 2006 in Alpharetta, Georgia. Jason is a Georgia Tech alum. Alexis is an office manager at Andy Lewis Hobson HVAC in metroKowing/Snooks Atlanta. She graduated from Wesleyan College in Macon, Georgia in 2005 with a Bachelor’s in business management. They attend Victory World Church. Ukiah Bunn ‘06 married Jennifer Diers ‘06 September 3, 2006 at First Baptist Church in Independence, Oregon. A reception was held at the Historic Bunn/Diers Deepwood Estate in Salem. Wedding party members included Trevor Weber ‘06, Amber Holborn ‘05, Janet Killam ‘05 and Bethany Hutton ‘06. The ceremony was conducted by Corban pastor Dr. Kent Kersey. Musicians included Kari Hegland ‘05 on the flute, Tim Saffeels (current student) on trumpet and Bryan Haws ‘05, at the piano. The couple resides in Salem. They keep themselves busy working in ministry and their e-commerce business.





All in the Family (


indicates photo - see page 31)

Tyler Satterthwaite ’99 and Kim Segrin Satterthwaite ’99 of Portland welcomed their second son, Lincoln Scott, to the family June 15, 2006. Dad Tyler is in his eighth year teaching high school physical education, while coaching and finishing up in his Master’s in curriculum and instruction. After five years teaching high school English, Kim now stays at home working her dream job as a mother! Both are active in the ministry of Young Life and lead worship for their church. 1 Phil Schultz ‘01 and Bethany Gale Schultz ‘01 of Salem, welcomed Evelyn Victoria on September 30, 2006. She weighed 8 pounds, 11 ounces and was 19 inches long. 2 Andrew Crawmer ‘02 and wife Amanda of Kennewick, Washington, welcomed Jack Emerson born on November 22, 2006. Andrew works in outreach and diversity for Columbia Basin College. He is working on his Master’s Degree in educational administration from WUS. They also have a one-year-old, Morgen. They are in the early stages of planting a church with several other partners called “Crossview.” The church has risen from a Bible study that has been growing and expanding for three years. 3 Casey Lute ’92 and wife Kelly of Grand Junction, Colorado welcomed Haddon Scott on July 2, 2006. He joined sister Norah Ann born April 3, 2005. Casey is on staff at Heritage Church as pastor of student ministries. 4 Rebekah Cole Yegenian ‘02 and husband Vicken of Anaheim, California, welcomed Noelia Grace born May 26, 2006. Rebekah is taking a year off from work at California Franchise Tax Board, as a CPA. Vicken is a PE teacher. 5 Nicholas Coleman ‘05 and Megan Patterson Coleman ‘07(n) welcomed Josiah William born December 5, 2006. They live in Richland, Washington and attend First Baptist Church. 6

With the Lord Don “Donnie” Adams ’00(n) of Monmouth died January 7, 2006 in Salem. He loved to play disc golf, play his guitar and spend time with his daughter. He is survived by his daughter and parents, Dave Adams ’77 of Monmouth and mother Karleen Moyer Adams ‘77(n) of Monmouth.




Helen Crockrane Braly ’58 of Strathmore, California, died on December 13, 2006. She was a member of Faith Baptist Church and sang and worked as the choir director and organist. She taught for 27 years for the Burton School District. She is survived by her husband Jim of 45 years; two sons, one sister and five grandchildren. Carl R. Hill ’68, Snohomish, Washington, died December 14, 2006 at home with his wife and his children at his side after a difficult battle with stomach cancer. He graduated with honors from WBBC in 1968 and continued working for the college until 1976. He served as executive estate planner at CRISTA ministries for many years and as association Pastor for Community Christian Fellowship in Edmonds, Wash. He is survived by wife Janice Chaney Hill ‘62, eight children and four grandchildren. Richard Teegarden ‘82(n), of Crescent City, California, died on May 28, 2005. Rosalee Bennett Gluck, passed away December 20, 2006. She was a friend to many Corban/WBBC alumni from the 1960s who spent many hours at the family home in Lafayette, California, and in Oregon. She played den mother for students in the summertime on campus. Husband, Lawrence Bennett was development director in the mid 60s. She is survived by her only child, Max L. Bennett ‘76 of Salem; stepsons Glenn Bennett, Carl and Leonard Gluck ‘71 of California; stepdaughters Linda Claassen ‘67(n) of Oregon and Lois Ann Hart of California; brothers Carter and Clifford Crites; sister Bernice Sanson, all of Missouri. Her life had been characterized by commitment to the cause of Christ from the moment she came to know the Lord as her personal Savior in mid-life. She tirelessly served the Lord over the years—establishing and leading Child Evangelism Clubs; youth group sponsorships and mentoring programs; and offering hospitality to WBBC students. After Lawrence went home to be with the Lord in 1964, she shared her powerful personal testimony with dozens of women’s ministries throughout California, Oregon, Washington and Idaho. She also served as loving wife, Mom and doting Grandma, and later ministered as a pastor’s wife with her loving husband, Robert Gluck, establishing and nurturing fledgling

churches. She later worked as Campground Chaplain’s wife at 1000 Trails Campground in Pacific City, Oregon. Joan Davenport Howden ‘69 went to be with her Lord and Saviour on February 21, 2007 after a courageous battle with ovarian cancer. Joan was a lifelong Olympia, WA resident. She graduated from Tumwater High School Yearbook photo, 1967 in 1964 and received a degree in Music from Western Baptist Bible College. Joan also earned a degree in Education. She was a music teacher at East Olympia Elementary, a secretary for the Tumwater First Baptist Church, and, recently, a secretary for the Educational Services District #113. Joan had a passion for music. She will be remembered for her talented piano playing and beautiful voice. Joan used her musical abilities to serve the Lord. Joan played the piano at Tumwater First Baptist Church for many years. She also directed the choir and special music programs and sang during church services. In addition, Joan taught piano to students. The family would like any memorial donations to be made to the Westwood Baptist Church in Olympia.

Policy With the Lord: submissions must be accompanied by a copy of a newspaper obituary or funeral home notice. We reserve the right to edit for space and clarity. Graduation Year: Did you attend college for a year or two but for some reason didn’t graduate? No matter how long you attended, you are still considered an alumnus or alumna of the Corban/Western Baptist College family. The alumni office records it as in this example: if you entered in fall 1981, attended three years and left in 1984 but didn’t graduate, you are associated with the class of 1985 because that’s the 4-year graduation date of your fellow classmates. If you don’t want to be listed with your 4-year class, please let the Alumni Office know. Having you listed in the correct class year is important, because we want you to receive your class reunion invitations! Non grad (n): signifies alumni who didn’t graduate.


Send baby photos!

Future Warriors

We need to know about your growing families and see their new faces! Send your photos and birth announcements and receive a gift from the Alumni Office. Send to: Corban College Alumni Office 5000 Deer Park Drive SE Salem, OR 97317 2 1



Pictured at right: 1.

Lincoln Scott Satterthwaite


Evelyn Victoria Schultz


Jack Emerson Crawmer


Haddon Scott Lute & Norah Ann


Noelia Grace Yegenian


Josiah William Coleman

Your classmates are eager to hear about you! Please share births, marriages, employment news, retirements and other joys of life with our readers.



Where are You? Alumni update

q q

Please add me to the on-line eDirectory. I do not want my entry printed in Corban Class Notes.

Today’s Date _________________________________________

Name _______________________________________ Maiden Name ________________________ Class Year ________

Fill out this form and mail your news to: Deleen Wills, Director of Alumni Services Corban College 5000 Deer Park Drive SE Salem, OR 97317

Address ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Prefer e-mail? Send to: Or complete the form on our website:


This issue consists of Class Notes submitted between October 16, 2006 and January 15, 2007.





Telephone (h) _____________________ (w) _____________________ E-mail ___________________________________ General information (employment, hobbies, graduate studies, honors, community activities, etc.): ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Weddings (include bride and groom’s hometowns, Corban class years, if applicable; wedding location and date: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Births (include the baby’s name and birthdate, and spouse’s maiden name and Corban class year, if applicable): ___________________________________________________________________________________________________




The Benefits of Gifting Property Please send me the Corban brochure on

Planned Giving Options Name________________________________ Date of Birth_ ________________________ Address______________________________ _____________________________________ City__________________________________ State_________________________________ Zip___________________________________ Telephone____________________________ E-mail Address________________________ Send to: Chris Erickson Corban College, 5000 Deer Park Drive SE Salem, OR 97317-9392


ere is a little known secret: If you and your spouse are 65 years or older you may gift your personal residence to the College, receive an immediate tax deduction based on the value of your property, and continue to live in your residence for your lifetimes. If you need retirement income you can also receive a lifetime annuity. Just recently, a couple who are friends of Corban College made a generous gift of a parcel of developed property. When sold by the College, this gift will be used to fund scholarships for Corban students. In addition to the joy of giving to a Christ

honoring mission, this couple received the following benefits from their stewardship: • Avoidance of capital gains income on appreciated property. • An immediate tax deduction for their contribution. • A lifetime annuity of 6% for two lives based upon the appraised value of the property. Our professional staff would like to assist you in planning your estate. For help, please stop by and visit me or give me a call: 503-375-7011. –Chris Erickson, Director of Planned Giving

Corban College is a non profit, 501(c)(3), tax exempt educational corporation. We offer several planned giving vehicles such as a: 1) Charitable Gift Annuity, 2) Charitable Lead Trust, 3) Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust and 4) Charitable Remainder Trust. Gifts of real property or life insurance are another way to support the mission of the College. Please phone Chris Erickson at (800) 845-3005 ext. 7011 or e-mail at You may also visit our website at and click on “Donor Opportunities.” NON PROFIT ORG US POSTAGE


5000 Deer Park Drive SE Salem, OR 97317-9392


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