Corban Magazine - Spring 2008

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Glorifying God in the Workplace 13 | Graduate Program News 14 | Homecoming 2007 Wrap-up 22 Dedicated to alumni and friends of Corban College & Graduate School | Spring 2008



does it make?�

Responses from the people at Corban who are shaping lives of the next generation.









ax Lucado has a new book entitled “Cure for the Common Life” with a subtitle “Living in Your Sweet Spot.” Those who enjoy sports, like golf and tennis, understand what it is like to hit the sweet spot (the centered place on the club or racquet for optimum impact). You remember it with relish. Lucado applies this same concept to our lives. He writes that God has given each of us a spiritual gift which is our “sweet spot” for this life. As a Bible-centered college, it is our goal to help our students find their sweet spot. It says in scripture, God is watching us: “From heaven the Lord looks down and sees all mankind; from His dwelling place He watches all who live on earth—He who forms the hearts of all and who considers everything they do.” Psalm 33:13-15 Let’s consider some of the advantages Corban provides for students: 1. Academic quality in our 50 programs. For the sixth year in a row, we were ranked in the top 10 (#5) in the West as a baccalaureate college by U.S. News & World Report. Our faculty (not interns) are well qualified to teach classes and take a personal interest in each student. . In 2006, Corban was recognized by the Christian Management Association as the best Christian workplace in the country for colleges of our size. 3. Corban is a spiritually safe place. Research indicates that 52% of students professing to be “born again” when entering a public or secular college deny it four years later. Conversely, Corban students are well grounded in the word of God. . We emphasize that all our lives are a ministry regardless of vocation. That is why we require all students to average one Bible & Theology course each semester. 5. We want all our graduates to live in the “sweet spot” of their lives in order to make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ. We want them to have an eternal perspective in life. 6. We want all our graduates to harmonize all issues in life according to biblical principles and not compartmentalize them into biblical and secular areas. . We require all our students and employees to be Christians because a common bond in Christ produces a healthy spiritual life. . We want all our students to be involved in local churches and the community. In four years at Corban each student will have completed a minimum of 150 hours of church and community service. . As a Bible-centered college we believe in the literal interpretation of the Bible and that it is without error. 10. We believe that God created the earth and all who occupy it in six days. 11. Our name and motto were selected to emphasize our position and purpose as an institution. The word Corban means “a gift dedicated to God,” and that is how we view our college. In “Dedicating Heart and Mind to God” we look forward to the fulfillment of Jeremiah 31:33: “I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts, I will be their God.” I recently received a letter from a student that sums up our college very well. “The impact Corban College had on my life has been almost indescribable. I was able to play soccer with a godly group of women, and I have been educated with a biblical perspective. As a transfer student, I have something to compare Corban against and I know it adds up. I am so impressed by the strict morals and theology that Corban students, staff and administration hold to and incorporate into their everyday lives. It is obvious that Christ is the focus of this school, and I cannot help be impacted by that.” We pray that you give serious consideration to Corban.


Corban’s Compelling Mission


CORBAN STAFF Publisher Reno Hoff ‘73 Editor J. Steven Hunt ‘69 Assistant Editor Kristina Brown ‘99 Writer Melody Taylor Contributing Writers Deleen Wills Designer/Photographer Corey J. Wells ‘08 Contributing Photographer Deleen Wills Printer Times Litho, Forest Grove, OR



COLLEGE ADMINISTRATION President Reno Hoff ‘73 President Emeritus John Balyo Provost Linda Samek Vice President for Advancement Michael Bates Vice President for Information Services Dean of Business Bryce Bernard ‘82 Vice President for Business Chris Erickson Vice President for Student Life Nancy Hedberg ‘93 Vice President for Marketing J. Steven Hunt ‘69 Vice President for Enrollment Management Martin Ziesemer ‘91 EMAIL President Editor Undergraduate Admissions Adult Degree Programs Graduate Admissions Advancement Office Alumni Office BOARD OF TRUSTEES Thomas Carlson ‘69 (Chair), Timothy H. Aagard ‘80, Timothy R. Baker ‘89, Darrell V. Beddoe, Daniel E. Brammer ‘76, James Carlson, Loren Glass, Virginia K. Hendrickson ‘67, Anna Herrman, Mark Hoeffner, Curtis Horton ‘69, Stephen E. McBee, Donn Mogford, Pat Nicholson ‘74, Sheldon C. Nord ‘82, Paul B. Null ‘73, Michael L. Patterson ‘74, Douglas Pfeiler, Joyce A. Sherman, Erhardt Steinborn, Gus Suarez, India Tornell, Richard Whipps, Dan Wilder ‘75, Gary Williamson ‘86 ALUMNI BOARD Tyson Pruett ‘92 (Chair), Angie Alden ‘75, Eric Christen ‘91, Susan Canfield ‘75, Dan Hill ‘93, Michael Howden ‘81, Nathan Knottingham ‘03, Daryl Knox ‘96, Corky Lambert ‘75, Pat Nicholson ‘74, Michael L. Patterson ‘74, Brad Rudkin ‘91, John E. Storkel ‘79, Nancy Tollenaar ‘74, Jack A. Werre ‘78, Nelson T. Zarfas ‘82 Corban College & Graduate School is an independent Christian college offering 50 majors and programs of study, including adult degree programs and graduate studies in business and education. Corban is accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities and is ranked by U.S. News & World Report as fifth in the West’s Best Baccalaureate Colleges for 2008. Corban’s mission is to educate Christians who will make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19-20).

CORBAN Magazine is published four times a year by the Marketing & Communications Office of Corban College. Send all inquiries and address changes to the Advancement Office at the address below: Corban College & Graduate School 5000 Deer Park Drive SE Salem, OR 97317-9392 503-375-7005

Dr. Reno Hoff President



©2005-2008 Corban College, All rights reserved.


Volume III - No. 1 | Spring 2008




8 What Difference Does it Make?

Responses from people who are shaping lives of the next generation

14 MBA Program Begins Corban’s exclusively online program debuted in January


22 Homecoming 2007 Wrap-up & Photos


Stand in the gap between dreams and reality The Corban Fund is the cornerstone for all giving. It is by far the best way to support the Corban experience. Your gift helps more students afford biblically-based Christian education.

6 Faculty News Learn something new about faculty

16 Warrior Athletics Meet our Warrior fans

Bridge the gap

13 Adult Degree Programs “Finish what you started”

18 Alumni Action Alumni news & events

Would you give generously to the Corban Fund today?

14 Graduate Studies Furthering your education

25 Class Notes Reconnect with classmates & friends

Contact Information President’s Office: 503-375-7000 Academic Office: Linda Samek, 503-589-8155 Adult Degree Office: Nancy Martyn, 503-375-7585 Advancement Office: Mike Bates, 503-375-7024 Alumni Office: Deleen Wills, 503-589-8182 Business Office: Chris Erickson, 503-375-7011

Graduate Admissions Office (Ed.): Holly Cozby, 503-589-8145 Graduate Admissions Office (MBA): Scott Meredith, 503-589-8195 Marketing Office: Steve Hunt, 503-375-7591 Student Life Office: Nancy Hedberg, 503-375-7010 Undergraduate Admissions Office: Marty Ziesemer, 503-375-7005

On the Cover: The Word of God is the central dynamic that makes the difference in preparing Christian students for life and ministry. Learn more in our feature article on page eight.

Call us at 1-800-845-3005 or e-mail for more information. Our fiscal year ends June 30th. Personal checks should be made payable to Corban College and mailed to: Corban Advancement 5000 Deer Park Drive SE Salem, OR 97317-9392




Campus Celebrates Spring“time” Corban’s new clock tower in the heart of campus welcomes students and visitors. In the foreground, budding daffodils show signs of spring and the anticipated graduation of the Class of 2008.







Corban in Print Recent Books, Periodicals & Published Works by Corban Personnel & Alumni God’s Message, Your Sermon was co-written by Daniel G. Garland (ministry) and H. Wayne House, (November 2007). “Sermons do not ring with God’s authority simply because the preacher uses God’s Word. To communicate what God meant in a given passage of Scripture, a method of sermon development and delivery is needed which lets the text speak for itself,” Garland says. God’s Message, Your Sermon illustrates how the homiletic method of Arthur B. Whiting may be adapted and effectively used with various genres of biblical literature. Although geared to pastors and students training for ministry, anyone in a role of teaching the Bible can benefit from this book.”

Two articles by Scot Bruce (history) appear in The Encyclopedia of the Cold War: A Political, Social, and Military History edited by Spencer Tucker (Santa Barbara, CA: ABCCLIO Press, 2008). His articles are entitled “Mohamed Farah Aideed” and “United States, National Security Memorandum Study 39.” Bruce regards the encyclopedia to be a valuable reference tool and is pleased that the Corban library has invested in the five-volume set for students.

Colette Tennant (English) had several poems published and/or recognized—Invitation published in 2006 Fishtrap Anthology, Doctor, Doctor accepted in an anthology on family stories published by Tapestry, and Reckoning published in an anthology of NW poets about bridges by Urban Adventure Press. Some Come Back received honorable mention in the fall poetry contest of the Oregon State Poetry Association.

Faculty News & Activities Sam Baker (ministry) conducted a teacher training workshop for adult Sunday school and Bible study leaders at Beavercreek Baptist Church in Beavercreek, Oregon. He also taught a workshop entitled “Postmodernism and the Family” at the annual All Dallas Church teacher training in Dallas, Oregon.

Gary Lowry (adjunct music) wrote La Estrella de la Manana for guitar, which he performed on campus.



John Bartsch (music) composed Behold the Lamb of God for choir and orchestra and Instruments of Praise for unaccompanied choir. Matthew Strauser (music) wrote the text for Instruments. Both pieces were premiered in October. John also wrote an Bartsch arrangement of Jesus, What a Friend for Sinners for two pianos and strings. In October, Matt led a three-day on-campus workshop on choral sight reading for high school choirs and directors. This has been an annual event for the past eight years. Two articles by Jim Hills (English) were accepted by Regular Baptist Press for their Horizons publication. “God’s Prescription for Undoing the Damage,” an article about the enjoyment of the Lord and one another, appeared February 17, 2008. “Reasonable Service,” an article about the dignity and power of those submitted to God, appears this July.




Lee Ann Zanon (ministry) spoke February 8-10 on “Fresh Faith—Finding Hope and Courage from Women of the Bible” at the Salem Evangelical Church Women’s Retreat.



Dennis Olsen spoke at the Cannon Beach Christian Conference Center for First Baptist Church of Longview, Washington. He also served as interim pastor at Eastridge Baptist Church in Kent, Washington. Bryce Bernard ‘82 (business) served on an accreditation team from the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities to conduct the 10-year evaluation of Montana State University-Northern. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE



Calendar of Events


Faculty News & Activities (continued)





Garrett Trott (library) began a one-year term as vice president/president-elect of the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), to be followed by one year as president, and another year of leadership as past president.


Virginia Cross (music) traveled to Amberg, Germany to teach at the AmbEx campus, January 22-February 6. She taught German music and art as part of the “German Geography and Culture” course. Also at AmbEx, Kent Kersey (ministry) taught “Reformation Theology,” March 10-20.


Battle of the Bands, 4-10 p.m.


Jazz Night, 7:30 p.m.


Corban Connection, 11:30 a.m.


Corban Orchestra Concert, 7:30 p.m.


Corban Band Concert, 7:30 p.m.


Athletic Awards Dessert, 4 p.m.


Last Chapel - President Hoff, 10 a.m.


Spring Choir Concert, 7:30 p.m.

Bob Mathisen (social science) prepared a book review of Hugh Heclo’s Christianity and American Democracy (2007) for the next issue of Fides et Historia, the journal of the Conference on Faith and History.


Mike Miller ‘94 (mathematics) served as a Senior Reviewer for the AP Calculus course audit. He has also written calculator Mathisen manuals and a number of programs, including Instructor’s TI Calculator Manual and Riemann.8xp., both published in 2003. The latter was referenced in a section of the textbook on integral calculus, Finite Mathematics and Applied Calculus, by Frank C. Wilson (Houghton Mifflin 2007). A web site listing of his programs indicates visits by nearly 40,000 students. Dave Irby (athletics) headed to AmbEx and then on to Vienna, Austria February 4th-11th. His primary goal was to meet with ministry staff that lives in Vienna to use soccer to share the Gospel with guest workers from Turkey, Serbia, Kosovo and Albania and to work with refugees to establish an indoor soccer academy. He also explored ways to support a church plant in the Turkish Muslim community and aid three other church planters.

Matthew Strauser (music) climbed to 19,500 feet on Mt. McKinley (20,320 feet). He was part of a seven-man team that spent 24 days on the mountain during May and June 2007. The group had great weather on the summit day but altitude sickness forced Strauser to turn around only 800 feet below the peak. He had developed cerebral edema, the rarest and most serious form of altitude sickness. Another attempt at the summit was not possible because of scheduling. “For me, the climb has never been about making it to the top,” Strauser related. “It’s sharing the experience with other people.”


Summer Session / Early Fall registration open


Senior Awards Program/Dessert, 7 p.m.


Commencement, 10 a.m. Class of ‘58 50-year Reunion and Decade of the 50s Reunion, 12 p.m.


Summer Session begins


Graduate Program Orientation

JUNE 23-27 Music Camp – contact Sharon Bartsch: JULY 14-26 Theatre Camp – contact info: AUGUST 16

Women’s Soccer Reunion Women’s Volleyball Reunion

Mt. McKinley Base Camp

Higher Education Conference Presentations Corban faculty made various presentations at the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) conferences held in Portland, Seattle, and Anchorage. Among the presenters were education faculty Claudia Green ‘76, Matt Lucas ‘90, Roy Bunch, Barbara Smith, and Clair Casterline and music faculty Matthew Strauser. Sam Baker (ministry) presented at the annual North American Professors of Christian Education (NAPCE) conference. Jerry Johnson (science) spoke at the Fall Inspiration conference of Oregon Technology in Education (OTEN). Jerry is the OTEN Campus Coordinator for Corban.


Men’s Soccer Reunion

For full calendar, sports schedules or for general information on times and locations, see our website at or call 503-375-7005.





does it make?”

As an educational institution, Corban’s resolve

is to be the very best academic opportunity for students, balanced by an equally important focus on the development of ministry gifts and abilities through church, community service and internship programs. We seek to educate maturing Christians to become competent thinkers, involved citizens and effective communicators. In our efforts to provide for these important values, we have assembled a community of professionals committed to Corban’s mission “to educate Christians who will make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ.” Why do we do this? In a recent, random survey of Corban personnel, their views about an education based on biblical worldview are contrasted with familiar attitudes heard in today’s world. It gives insight as to why members of the Corban community invest in our mission.

responses from the people at Corban who are shaping lives of the next generation

I’ve already taught my child good values. He/she is exceptionally bright, so I based my college choice on the institution that gave us the best scholarship offer.

Response: “The value of education should be gauged by more than the bottom line. It is difficult to adequately emphasize how important it is to shape our young people academically and spiritually. Historically, great movements of God almost always start with young people. Do supporters want to be on the cutting edge of God’s work? If yes, then encouraging young people to seek out a Christian college that is committed to developing and shaping Christian young people is priceless.”

Response: “We are training students to see the world through the eyes of God. They learn how to apply biblical principles to everyday situations in business, in how they select their entertainment, in how they budget, in family relationships. We are showing them, in theory and practice, how to live Christ-like lives in a world that doesn’t always promote godly values. We are teaching skill-development and knowledge base, and we are doing it well. But we do it with love, seeing it as a holy responsibility to equip excellent “workmen” in each student who desires to glorify God.”

Response: “Young Christians discover an ethic for lifetime learning and form a commitment to broadening a Christian perspective in their worldview. It’s about observing global change and circumstance through the lens of God’s Word. While these practices are modeled by their professors, the Christian worldview ethic permeates their time in study, worship and fellowship.”

Response: “With the equipping of students comes their release into the world. If an education is complete, students will view life and work as a ministry in service to God. Graduates not only have been prepared along a career track, but they have learned how to represent Jesus in a real and relevant way. Ways that speak to their own generation and will influence generations that follow.”

I am primarily interested in seeing my child rise to the top of his/her career level.

Response: “Placing a value on a student’s future based strictly on a career benchmark overlooks the tremendous importance of preparing for life apart from a career. Building strong Christian families who contribute salt and light to their church and community requires considerations beyond getting the best job or highest salary.”

Response: “We are training the people who will be leading our churches, teaching our grandchildren, hiring and mentoring our grandchildren…”



“I see students breaking the bubble. Yes, they learn a profession and how to have excellence in their profession, but they also learn how to represent Jesus in the world in a real and relevant way. Learning about and adopting a biblical value system balances their lives and their careers and strengthens their long term success.”

“My dream is for teens to follow the Lord their whole lives, not just in high school, not just in college. But 20 years from now, still on the narrow path, still seeking, still growing, still giving. Corban can’t make guarantees, but we do as much as we can to equip and protect that vision…”

“ Response: “History continually shows us that some of the greatest ideas and influences come from small organizations or companies. Having a tight, interwoven community of highly motivated participants can present a very positive and dynamic learning environment.”

Christian colleges have less viability than the larger public and private institutions. My hope is to see my child accepted at a more prestigious institution.

Response: “Just because Corban is small and faith-based doesn’t mean that it lacks in credibility. Independent agencies continually recognize Corban as a quality and emerging player in the educational marketplace. Our graduates place well in respected graduate schools—our alumni, who are vibrantly spiritual and career capable, are sought after and placed in positions of job leadership.”


Response: “Being recognized within the world’s educational system may not always be achieved on an even playing field. Since there is little emphasis placed on the whole person—including spiritual and moral values—it makes it appear irrelevant to success—until employers become involved. No matter how prestigious the diploma, how cutting edge the philosophy, employers increasingly look for and value integrity, ethics and accountability that are the pillars of what goes into a biblical worldview.”

Corban draws from a large support base and doesn’t need my help.


“Our annual fund is a necessary part of our needs. It will take many people to share in the ongoing support of the college for it to carry on… not one person giving 10 million, but one million giving 10 dollars a month. We need regular support.”

Response: “I wish I was in a position to invest financially in the lives of the students I work with. But instead, I am able to invest my life. And the students I spend my time with are the ones blessing me. There will come a day when I can’t fulfill my current responsibilities, but I hope I will be able to then give financially in support of the ministries I now commit my time to. These are students in the most pivotal time in their lives, learning to embrace habits and principles that will shape the rest of their lives.”

Response: “Young people seem to be unprepared to attack a darkening world. This light-on-the-hill (Corban) is an awesome place filled with staff and faculty that recognize the needs and are equipped to give much to students that come here. In choosing to give to the work at Corban, people make it possible for us to have more resources, staff and faculty. The more up-to-date we are with technology the more we can serve students effectively.”

They’ve been attending church all their lives. My kids already have a solid Christian life.


“When young people are immersed in an anti-God culture, they are influenced in many ways that are not necessarily apparent while living at home. Out on their own they will live out what they learn and see around them unless they have a strong accountability group surrounding them. I want our constituents to know that they can invest in a school that is intentionally and continuously attempting to develop a culture of mentoring and a truly biblical worldview.”



“If Corban and places like it are not training young people to think like Christians, then who will? I can say without hesitation that few of my students arrive here prepared to do that kind of work on their own. To put it simply, in a culture that claims all values are relative—that embraces radical subjectivity—we are one generation away from losing our Christian mind. A Christian school can speak to some of these issues in ways that churches cannot. We have more books, more teachers, more hours with students, and a curriculum designed to speak to these issues. Put another way, churches fight the good fight on one front, we fight it on another.”

“The negative things happening around the country lead people to think that it’s a just a sign of the times, or that’s just the way it is. We can’t accept this. We need to continue to educate people and our students to make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ.”


Five things you can do to support Corban and shape our future leaders:



Value Christian education and become a positive ambassador for it. Send for information and get your questions answered. Don’t rely on hearsay or decades-old impressions. We are a growing, dynamic organization and we want you involved. Take the time to read or visit our web site and get reacquainted:


Commit to regular giving—no matter the amount. Don’t assume we won’t miss your support. Our “Corban Fund” which supports our ongoing operating expenses requires almost $400,000 each year to keep us moving ahead.


Network with other alumni and take the leadership in uniting your support. Most alumni are willing to get involved if they know others are actively involved. Call the alumni office for updates or information.


Be proactive in sending your children. Don’t assume they won’t listen to your recommendation—studies show that parents have the largest influence on college choice.


Request and distribute Corban literature, or share the web site address with those around you. We are making a difference and we’d love to share it with you and anyone else in your sphere of influence.


Adult Degree Programs Corban grad and entrepreneur Don Jensen ‘95 stands in front of a banner of one of his business ventures, Dirt Poor Films.


Glorifying God in the workplace


hen Don Jensen began in the Adult Degree Program back in the early nineties, he had a passion for land development. Since then, he finished his degree in Family Studies in 1995, stayed with development, and more recently branched out into his own media companies. At this time, he manages five businesses. Along with that, Jensen has another passion. Even before his interest in land development, he worked as a full-time youth pastor for ten years and then part-time for three. Recently he helped with a junior high youth retreat for 70 kids. Jensen regularly teaches a high school Sunday school class at least twice a quarter at Dayspring Fellowship. Ellen Jacobs, Chair of the Family Studies Program in its early years, clearly remembers Jensen as one of her students in the first class of Family Studies. “Don wrestled—more than anyone else

I remember—with balancing secular work and ministry,” Jacobs said. “We used the book, Your Work Matters to God (by Doug Sherman and William Hendricks) in class. It made an impact on him and gave direction to what he wanted to do.” Fifteen years later, Jensen has founded several million-dollar companies. And he still talks about ministry in the same breath as his business ventures. “We’re all ministers,” Jensen said recently. “In my work, I’m involved in more ministry outside the church than inside. For Christians looking for opportunities to minister, they’re all around us! I have phenomenal opportunities through my business to make an impact on a person’s life.” As his work requires frequent travel, he puts the driving time to good use—mentoring young men who can make the road trip with him. Or in the course of a business transaction

over property management, he may begin to build a relationship that leads to healing in someone’s life. “That’s what it’s all about. Relationships.” He also talked about transition, a segment in the Family Studies program he remembers in particular. “Everyone is going through transition. Whether it’s retirement or building that first home, life is a transition. When I talk with people at these places in their lives, I can help them solve problems and deal with transition.” Jensen admitted that it is like being a paid counselor, nonstop. And that pleases him. “Don is not one to shy away from new things,” explained Catherine, his wife, who herself spent a year at Corban in the early 1980s. His business ventures since then bear that out, as she described how Don got together with partners to start Community Mortgage in 1996, just a year after graduating from Family Studies. Business profiles of Jensen on the Internet detail his continuing entrepreneurship. Two years later he started Jensen Homes and ended up building 400 homes in the Mid-Willamette Valley. More recently as CEO of Jensen Companies, he has been a key player in the development of Keizer Station, a shopping center covering over 225 acres in the northeast Salem/Keizer neighborhood. Currently, technology-driven businesses take up more of his time. One allows customers to use cell phones like debit cards, while another is a type of Internet business directory. A third enterprise is in film production, with a movie set for release this fall. Looking back to his time at Corban, Jensen said, “My degree in Family Studies was a stepping stool in becoming a business entrepreneur and in dealing with people.” Don and Catherine live in Keizer and have four children. Ashley, 22, lives in California and works in design and marketing. Kelsey, 18, is a student at McNary High School, while their sons Kyle, 14, and Taylor, 7, both attend Salem Academy.





Graduate Studies Programs

Online MBA program on the move


have online course opportunities. The dding to Corban’s program offerings, completely-online MBA program now joins an online master of business adminthe growing list. istration approved last June, began “Employers love online graduate classes in early January 2008. programs,” Bernard says. “They don’t lose Online courses are nothing new at their employees to go pursue a degree Corban. “We have a history of being somewhere else. Employees can stay at their successful online,” says Bryce Bernard, Dean job, save their of Business, who boss’s money, and set up the College “Employers love online graduate at the same time, website in 1995. work toward the It happened to be programs. They don’t lose their promotion they’re the first Christian employees to go pursue a wanting.” college web degree somewhere else.” Candidates site in Oregon. for Corban’s By that time, MBA degree must take 36 credit hours of Corban had already been offering distance coursework; 27 are common core courses (partially online) courses in an adult degree and nine credits come from a program completion program. Currently, adult degree track of their choice—either non-profit or programs can be finished completely online, management. The five-week courses are while graduate students in education also 14



taken one at a time, with up to three in each semester. Julie Hansen ‘06 (AD), a member of the premier class, is employed at the Oregon Department of Education’s Budget Services Unit as a fiscal analyst. She says, “I really like the online classes because the flexibility makes it easier to balance a more-than-fulltime job, school, family, and the rest of life’s necessary activities.” Doug Libby ‘80, Engineering Manager at AM Equipment, Inc. in Jefferson, Oregon added, “I travel up to two weeks per month with work, so I needed something that was flexible enough that I could be working on school while I was away from home. It helps even more with only studying one class at a time. With five weeks for each class, I can focus all my attention in one place.” The MBA program fits an immediate need for Ron Miller ‘94 (AD), Director of Purchasing for Roseburg Forest Products. As a student in Corban’s Master of Education degree program, Miller needed two elective courses in order to graduate. “I had been searching in vain in other M.Ed. programs at other schools. No one wanted me to join for just two classes,” Miller explained. He was able to take two classes this spring, and now looks forward to graduating in May. While online students can live anywhere in the world and take courses, the students of the first class are mostly from the Salem area, with two out of state. The majority of them are Corban alumni. In anticipation of a growing program, Corban recently hired Scott Meredith as a graduate admissions counselor. Meredith graduated from Corban in 2006 and received a Master of Business Administration from the University of Phoenix in 2007. For more information about the online MBA program at Corban, contact the Office of Graduate Admissions at 1-800-845-3005, e-mail, or see ad on page 26.


Scott Jantzi, adjunct professor of education at Corban and secondary program assistant for SalemKeizer Schools, teaches linguistics to teachers at Claggett Creek Middle School during a class session of the on-site ESOL Endorsement Program in Salem.

Corban makes a difference in Salem schools


orban’s partnership with the SalemKeizer School District couldn’t have come at a better time. Salem-Keizer Schools have a 16% ELL (English Language Learners) population­— and it’s growing. The school district’s vision is to ensure that those students acquire English proficiency. Preparing teachers with language instruction strategies is a major piece of that vision. Enter Corban’s ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) Endorsement Program, where teachers can receive graduate credits toward their ESOL endorsement. Adjunct education faculty member Scott Jantzi works full-time as a secondary program assistant throughout the District. But twice a week, he takes the Corban classroom into Salem schools. Begun early in January, two ESOL cohorts are now in full swing with a total of 45 students. “It’s like the perfect storm,” said Corban’s Dean of Education, Matt Lucas. “There’s a huge demand with ELLs, and a low supply of teachers with ESOL endorsements. Creating a partnership to get teachers endorsed is where we fit in.” The partnership with Corban provides each Salem-Keizer School District employee who completes the ESOL program with 13 graduate semester credits.

“There’s a push from both federal and state levels for teachers to get the endorsement,” Lucas noted. “School districts are having a difficult time finding teachers who have it.” “We’re happy that Corban approached us with the idea of a partnership in ESOL last summer,” said David Bautista, S-K District’s Director of Second Language Learning. The ESOL Endorsement Program contract was signed at a District cabinet meeting in December, and Bautista included it as a highlight of the ELL program for Salem-Keizer schools at a January board meeting. Kyle Koontz, ’07, teaches social studies at Houck Middle School and planned to get the endorsement over time. Now in a Corban cohort, he described the program as “fantastic.” Allison Harris, ’06, first grade teacher at Auburn Elementary and also a cohort student, was halfway through another endorsement program when she switched to Corban’s. “Yes, I am starting over, but it’s worth it to me,” Harris said. “I’m already getting more out of this class than the other ones.” “I really love teaching these classes,” Jantzi said. “To me, it combines the best of both worlds. “I can have my finger on the pulse of the Salem-Keizer District while I go into the schools and work with students. But I’m still supporting Corban as I teach the cohorts.” “It’s great having Scott where he is,”

Lucas pointed out. “The partnership is good for Corban financially. It’s good for Salem-Keizer schools because they’re getting more qualified teachers. It’s good for teachers because the graduate credits and endorsement lead to pay raises for them; it’s good for the State because they’re meeting federal requirements. Everyone’s a winner!” “We see the ESOL program as providing a service to the community,” said Linda Samek, Provost. Lucas emphasized that the program provides professional development to teachers, not a degree. “The hard questions will come when potential students, who aren’t Christians, come to us as a result of the ESOL classes,” Samek pointed out. “We remain committed to our mission to educate Christians who will make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ. They will need to understand that in order to be accepted at Corban, students must be professing Christians, involved in a local church.” Samek continued, “The partnership with Salem-Keizer schools is part of a bigger vision—that we can be a light for Jesus Christ, serving needs and making a difference right here in our community.” For more information about endorsements and the M.Ed. program, see ad on page 29. CORBAN MAGAZINE




Corban creates Warrior Athletics Hall of Fame

Hall of Fame executive committee: (L-R) John Nelson, director of athletics; Dr. Jim Hills, faculty representative; Mark Colachico, sports information director; Deleen Wills, director of alumni services; and Rodger Greenfield, WAA president.


vision years in the making, the Warrior Athletics Hall of Fame will soon occupy a place in the C. E. Jeffers Sports Center. Director of Athletics John Nelson said members of the athletics department and Warrior Athletic Association (WAA) executive council started talking about creating a Hall of Fame about five years ago. Now six bylaw drafts later, the final draft was approved by the College in early February, setting in motion the process for the first induction ceremony to take place in the winter of 2009. According to the bylaws, the purpose of the Hall of Fame is “to recognize, honor and preserve the memory of those athletes, teams, coaches, and others whose achievements have brought recognition and honor to Corban College/Western Baptist College, and its athletics department.” Nelson credited many people along the way who have provided input—WAA executive council members, the coaching staff, athletic office personnel, the Hall of Fame executive committee members, college 16



administrators, and alumni. He described the Hall of Fame as “a way to tie the past to the future,” looking as far back as the first basketball team when the College campus was in Oakland, California. To begin the process, the executive committee will meet in March. The committee is made up of John Nelson, director of athletics; Rodger Greenfield, WAA president; Deleen Wills, director of alumni services; Mark Colachico, sports information director; and Dr. Jim Hills, faculty and at-large representative. One of the committees first tasks is to appoint a selection committee. It will include two current coaches, two current studentathletes, and two alumni student-athletes, as well as the five-member executive committee. Nominations will be accepted through August 1, using a standardized form that will be available on the athletics website. The categories for recognition are athlete, team, coach, and outstanding service. Nominations will be reviewed and approved by the College president. Once they’re in, the selection committee will meet

to vote on the nominees in the fall. Those named to the Hall of Fame will be honored at a ceremony during weekend athletic activities, receiving a personal plaque and recognition in the Hall of Fame exhibit.

Alumni who would like to serve on the Selection Committee should contact Director of Athletics John Nelson: 503-589-8119, Those wishing to nominate an athlete, team, coach, or individual for outstanding service can visit the athletics website for more information as it becomes available.


ello! I have had the pleasure of serving on the Corban Board of Trustees for 26 years and as Chair of the Board for the past seven years. What a privilege it is to work with Dr. Hoff and my fellow Corban board members. In the last few years we have experienced many positive changes and growth at Corban. In 2001 we sensed the need to redraft the College mission statement because so few could remember it or quote it. A mission statement strives to capture the essential purpose of an organization—it should be easy to remember. With that in mind we set out to craft a mission statement no more than 13-14 words in length. After many hours of discussion and prayer, this statement emerged:

The Corban mission is “to educate Christians who will make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ.” Please stop and reflect on the importance of this mission. It is not just “nice”— it’s critical—a purpose with eternal significance. Mission really matters. Corban is training difference-makers for the Lord. Investing in young people always changes and shapes the world. Our world needs the touch of the Savior. As a Christian college with a strong

Bible focus in one of the most unchurched parts of the country, Corban is uniquely positioned to be used by God. With this great mission however, comes a great challenge. Tuition alone cannot carry the load of funding all aspects of our growing college. We need your help—our alumni, parents and friends. To fully pursue this mission requires increased financial support. Will you please join me and others in blessing Corban with your prayers and financial support? A gift to the Corban Fund is an investment that makes a difference. You may use the enclosed envelope to make your gift or call 1-800-845-3005 to speak directly to someone at Corban who can help you and answer any questions you may have. Every contribution, no matter how much, matters. You will have a major influence on the College, its students and its mission—to educate Christians who will make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ. Thank you.

Tom Carlson ‘69 Chair, Corban Board of Trustees





ALUMNI action Greetings, Alumni We are well into 2008. Another school year is quickly drawing to a close, and we look forward to welcoming a new group of alumni into the ranks. It has been an exciting year with our first weekend Homecoming last fall, sports reunions, holiday and geographical events and more news. Please enjoy these pages and catch the excitement.

Deleen Wills, Director of Alumni Services

It is part of our mission that the Office of Alumni Services build and maintain lifelong connections between alumni and the college. Whether you were a part of the early Oakland and El Cerrito years, Western Baptist Bible College, Western Baptist era or a more recent Corban alum, we want you to stay connected. But we can’t do it by ourselves; we need your help to keep in touch by sending updates on your address, telephone number and e-mail.

Don’t forget to visit our website often to get the most up-to-date information on the latest events and most recent news: As always, please don’t hesitate to contact your Alumni Office anytime. We’re here for you! Call 503.589.8182 or e-mail

Telephone & E-mail please We need your telephone and/or cell phone number and e-mail address! We might need to get in touch with you quickly for alumni events. Don’t forget to tell us when you move, too! Please go to and send in your information.

50-year Graduate Recognition & Decade of the 50s Reunion Join us on May 3rd as we celebrate

A record breaking thirty-four teams of friends, alumni and college staff and faculty gathered October 5 for the 2007 Corban Golf Challenge. Sponsored by our Alumni Board, the city-wide event garnered additional attention as a part of the College’s popular Homecoming Weekend (see page 22 for a summary of the weekend). Golf teams made up of foursomes used their “best ball” competitive play on the greens of Salem Golf Club in south Salem. For the first time, competition featured a 55’ pre-tournament putting contest—congratulations to winners Rozanne McCarty ‘01 and Bryce Bernard ‘82.

Low net of the field: Doug Beals ’87, Nelson Zarfas ’82, Jeff Dunn ’05, Ben Sisler ’08.




In all, 140 golfers raised over $13,000 for student scholarships. To qualify, Corban students must be 2008/2009 juniors or seniors who demonstrate excellence in academics, community commitment and personal character development. Trophy winners of the 2007 Challenge for overall low gross of the field were Kyle Lewis, Dennis Carroll, Dale McNally ’72 and Jeff Kison. Trophy winners for overall net team of the field were Doug Beals ’87, Nelson Zarfas ’82, Jeff Dunn ’05 and Ben Sisler ’08. Our sincere thanks to all team captains and tournament sponsors—you made this tournament our most successful yet!

Low gross of the field: Kyle Lewis, Dennis Carroll, Dale McNally ’72, Jeff Kison.

Thank You Corban Connection Ladies We reached our goal of $25,000! These funds will provide two new pianos for the Music Department, carpeting in Aagard Hall and two student scholarships. Our future adopted projects are new risers for the Music Department, installing a new staircase from Deer Park Drive to the Psalm Center and funding not just two, but four scholarships.

Corban Connection Goal = $25,000

Record attendance Corban Golf Challenge raises $13,000 for student scholarships

the 50s together. Our Class of ‘58 graduates will receive special recognition at the 2008 Commencement, which begins at 10 a.m. Immediately following commencement the Class of ‘58 will join other alumni from the entire decade of the 50s for lunch, courtesy of the Alumni Office, and spend the afternoon reminiscing and catching up with old friends.

Thank you for your continued support of our students. We appreciate you!


The Alumni Advantage

Visitors from Near and Far

Are you aware of the benefits provided by Corban for its alumni?

If you haven’t visited us recently, please plan to do so. There are many familiar faces and new and exciting improvements around campus, so stop by for a tour. From August to December many alumni came by to visit and tour our new facilities and grounds.

We want you to know about and utilize the valuable benefits that you can access as Corban alumni. No longer live in Salem? No problem! Your Corban connection has no geographic boundaries. Check out the following list of benefits and take advantage of all that your alma mater has to offer, no matter your location. • Corban magazine is sent quarterly to alumni: This free publication keeps alumni up to date on college happenings and provides scholarly and thought-provoking articles. • Career assistance from the Career & Academic Services Center: List or find a job. • Technology Center: Use of computers in the lab located on the ground floor of the Academic Center. • Corban Facilities: If you need summer accommodations, a room for a business meeting or facilities for a wedding or reception, Campus Care can help. Corban alumni are entitled to use the college’s facilities at a reasonable rate, subject to availability. • E-directory: Your link to other alumni. • College Bookstore: Discounts on most items. • Performing Arts Events: Event invitations for alumni. • Use of our Library: Facilities include access to print and media materials plus computer workstations for researching electronic resources and study rooms. Stop by the desk on your first visit for your free library i.d. card.

Graduates of Corban, did you know your child can receive an automatic grant as a legacy child? Landon Knox That’s right, automatic. No state schools can offer this, nor do most private colleges. Contact our Financial Aid Office at 503-375-7006 for more information.

In August, Shelley Glaspey Withem ’75 and Ron Withem ‘75(n) with son Andrew of Phoenix, Arizona; Matt Cozby ’04 of Nashville, Tennesse; Sam Williams ’80 and Vicki Cater Williams ‘80(n) of Ceres, California; Sandi Keller AD ’99 of Oro Valley, Arizona; Nick Cozby Withem Plotts ’02 of Rockaway Beach; Nathan Knottingham ’03 of Salem, Mike Mellison ’92 and Melissa Cornett Mellison ’91 with children Jonathan, Angela, Andrew, David and Geneva of Sacramento, California; Diane Gerking ’74 of Burns, Oregon; Francis and Ida Davidson, friends from Sun City, Arizona; Bradley Parham ’83 of Salem. In September, Jerry Keller ‘78(n) with wife Ruth and sons Julien, Cameron and Adrian of Redmond; Donna McKeever AD ‘97 of Williams Salem; Mark Kooshian ’93 of Portland; Sally Fischer ’94 of Castle Rock, Washington; Gary Walter ‘82 of Salem; Kim Austin Nelmark ‘06(n) of Jefferson; Dianne Farwell ’75 of Phoenix Arizona; Dick Buck ’66 and Mavis Marion Buck ’66 from Brazil. Evelyn Haynes ’59 of Fort Collins, Colorado, librarian Mellison in the 60s and early 70s was visiting Virginia Whittaker, dean of women from 1963 through 1972 and came to campus; Heidi Gott ’04 of Stayton; Chad Emmert ‘06 of Sherwood, Oregon; Ryan Johnson ’04 of Salem. In October, Rich Rowzee ’01 of Salem; Jerry Cudney ’63 and Donna Jo Stowell Cudney ’63 of Sammamish, Washington; Steve Amaral ‘69(n) and wife Donna of Folsum, California; Jimmy D’Agosta ’04 of Portland; Elizabeth Ries Jones ’05 of Jefferson. In November, Sahaan McKelvey ’01 of Portland; Linda Sweet Lieber ’65 of Dallas, Oregon; Nancy Loucks Uvila ’77 of Haynes & Whittaker Hansville, Washington; Holly Stangle ’07 of Puyallup, Washington; Rachel Kriens ’07 of Salem; Debbie Jones Daley ‘83(n) of Jacksonville, Oregon. During the Christmas season, Andrew Cornelius ‘04 and Danielle Smith Cornelius ’04, along with daughter Ella 22 , dropped in on their way home to Loma Linda, California after spending a month in Alaska while Andrew was interning with a local doctor. Next time you are in the Salem area, please allow some extra time to return to your alma mater. Make the Alumni Office your first stop on campus; we’ll give you a personal walking tour of campus or provide you with a map for your own self-guided tour.





Alumni & Campus Events Christmas Soiree & Concert Over 120 alumni and their families kicked off their Christmas season at Corban on November 30 at the second annual Christmas Soiree. After a time of mingling in the beautifully decorated Schimmel Hall and enjoying delicious appetizers courtesy of President Hoff, alumni were escorted to their reserved seats in the Psalm Performing Arts Center and were recognized and welcomed by Virginia Cross, chair of the music department.

Courtney Dodds ’04 holding Ruth Rettman, daughter of Kim Greenwood Rettman ’04.

Music Department goes to Sisters

Judith Edwards Schuab ‘63(n) with husband Robert along with Judy’s sister Ruthie Edwards LaFreniere ’67 and husband Paul.

Pat Nicholson AD ‘97 and husband Don.

Heather Dorr Boyd ’95 and husband Tim.

Michael Elam ’96 and Emily Gilliland Elam ’95 with children Kelsie and Trevor drove from Redmond to worship at Sisters Community Church on Sunday, September 16. The music department led the music worship time.

Breena Preskitt Slater ’04 and husband Keith Slater ‘06(n) (left) of Bend catch up with Jenni Marken Burke ’04 and Seth Burke ’05 of Sisters. Jenni and Breena grew up in Bend and attended 17 years of schooling together in elementary, middle, high school and then WBC.

Rediscover your alma mater and reconnect with friends!

Plan ahead–see our website beginning in July for further info and registration:

Questions? Discover Corban campus life Email: at the 2008 Homecoming. The Phone: 503-589-8182 weekend will honor Corban’s past and celebrate its future. Along with activities and events for all alumni, reunions will be held for the Classes of ’68, ’78, ’88 and ’98. There will be something for all ages, so plan to bring your entire family!

Events Include: Classmates at Homecoming 2007

alumni homecoming 20



• Classes Without Quizzes

• Corban volleyball matches

• Reunions Friday and Saturday nights

• Alumni Awards Luncheon

• Golfing

• 60s reception at the President’s Home


September 26-27, 2008


Sports Reunions Summer

Men’s Soccer Reunion:

Dozens of Corban alumnae gathered on Saturday, August 18 for a soccer match against the current Corban team. After cooling down, alumnae and their families enjoyed a barbeque hosted by the Alumni Office. Following the women’s game, men also gathered to play current students. That evening, volleyball alumnae played the Corban volleyball team.

Front row (left to right): Mike Patron ‘99, Bend; Michael Sanders ‘07, Salem; Jimmy Young ’07, Salem. Middle row: Joe Greenwood ‘06, Salem; Michael Otto ’06, Salem; Nic Sedor ’02, Salem; Mike Geleynse ’06, Washington; Brent Anderson ’98, Washington; Jason Staley ’98, Salem; Andy Tyssen ’00, Salem; Eric Branch ‘09(n), Keizer. Back row: Ben Downing ’05, Washington; Dustin Karstetter ’05, Salem; Kyle Holmes ’05, Washington; Rich Truman ’05, Salem; Tim Burke ’00, Portland; Seth Burke ’05, Sisters; Jason Iverson ’99, Salem; Josh West ’79, Idaho; Mike Speten ’97, Salem, Scott Marshall ’07, Bend.

Volleyball Reunion:

Women’s Soccer Reunion:

Front Row (left to right): Joanna Reisbick ’94, Sweet Home; Jamie Ruda Morris ’05, Beaverton; Ashley Walbridge Rybar ’06, Vancouver; current students, Becky Horn ‘09, Nina Clanton ‘09. Middle row: Leia Stallings ’05, Turner; Kim Pitney Turin ’07, Forest Grove. Back row: Angela Moberg ’04, Salem; Marie VonGunten Roth ’92, Salem; Kim Villwock ’02, Dallas; Katie Lewin Willard ’06, Salem; Cassee Steed Terry ’00, Redmond; Paige Stewart Glass ’00, Sherwood; Elisa Barfknecht Hunter ’98, Salem; Kim Segrin Satterthwaite ’99, Salem; Jen Krug ’93, Salem; Sara Reeves Hills, ’98 Gresham. Also present, Aimee Kirschenmann ’99, Portland.

Front row (left to right): Nichole Hickman ’07, Salem; Charissa Hunter Bernard ’07, Salem; Kim Mendenhall ’07, California; Kathleen Studenny ’07, Gresham. Second row: Julie Goodale ’04, Eugene; Sheena Darling ‘04, California; Kendra Maissen Walker ’04, Washington; Amy Dale Palacios ‘00, Salem; Wendy Trent Wadnizak ’01, Salem; Andrea Stout ’01, Washington. Back row: Meghan Cruz, Salem; Danae Peirce ’06, Washington; Katie Casebeer ’06, Eugene; Ronda Isaacson ’05, Washington; Sarah Muri Officer ’06, Salem; Kari Swenson Timmerman ’06, Salem; Lyndsey Hawk ’07, Salem; Miranda Lilley ’06, Milwaukie.

Fall Alumni baseball players came to campus on an unusually sunny day October 27. After the games, the Alumni Office hosted a barbeque for players and families. Basketball alumnae played current students on Saturday, November 10. Following the women’s game, alumni men played the current Corban team.

Men’s Basketball Reunion: Front row (left to right): Brad Reynoso ’07, Salem; Nick Plotts ’02, Rockaway Beach; Kenny Stone ’05, Beaverton; Marty Reid ’04, Salem. Back row: Matt Larson ’05, Brush Prairie, Washington; Nate Morris ’07, Dufur; Ben Morris ’05, Beaverton; Steve Ball ’98, Salem; Joel Worcester ’06, Eugene; Jeff Dunn ‘05, Salem; Kevin Van Hook ’10, Salem.

Women’s Basketball Reunion: Front Row (left to right): Lacy Holmes ’05, Salem; Tara Sedor ’03, Salem; Tosha Wilson ’08, Salem; Kim Plotts ’07, Mill City; Kendall Dionne ’07 Brownsville; Laura Santi ’08, Salem. Back row: Erin Plotts ’06, Salem; Kim Villwock ‘02, Dallas; Cassee Terry ’00, Redmond; Brianne Crumley ’07, Salem; Katie Dennis ’07, Damascus; Amy Visser ’07, Lynden, Washington; Jessica Gama ’07, Troutdale.

Baseball Reunion: Back row (left to right): Erik Gillam ‘04, Salem; Steve Reed ‘99, Keizer; Nate Mayben ‘06, Salem; Brett Timmerman ‘07, Salem; Scott Fitchett ‘07, Sand Point, Idaho; Todd Smasal 02(n), Everett, Washington; Bryan Bernard ‘07, Salem; Duane Reno 04(n), Salem; Keith Charette 02(n), Portland; Matt Eason 95(n), Springfield; Dustin Purnell ‘03, Salem. Front row: Jeff Uskoski ‘01, Grants Pass; Shane Riddle ’99, Cornelius; Rich Rowzee ‘01, Salem; Bryan Baker ‘99, Salem.

13th Annual

Warrior Golf Classic Monday, June 9, 2008 Creekside Golf Club, Salem 10:30 a.m. Registration 11:00 a.m. BBQ Lunch 12:30 p.m. Shotgun Start 6:00 p.m. Awards Dinner

Entry fee: $175 For information: 503-375-7021

Register online:




A Look Back... H omecoming W eekend 2 0 0 7 : R ediscover , R econnect & R enew

The theme of the alumni Homecoming Weekend, “Rediscover, Reconnect & Renew,” was evident throughout our first ever weekend-long celebration. Alumni came in from as far away as Wisconsin, Alaska and Brazil to connect with classmates, friends, faculty, and staff from their college days, as well as our current students. They enjoyed sports, meals, tours of campus, golf, music, and worship together. Alumni joined students, staff and friends as they cheered on the Warriors volleyball and soccer teams. The Corban Golf Challenge was met with fair weather and happy faces as teams competed for top honors raising funds for student scholarships. Classmates from 1957 to 1997 reconnected during reunions along with a 15-year reunion of the

Left page: (Top) Sisters Julie Whipps West ‘90 and Corinne Whipps Funderburk ‘91 visit at the Alumni Awards Luncheon. Alumni browse the Psalm Visual Arts Gallery. Melody Taylor, Charlene Odell Anderson ’71, and husband Dan Anderson ‘72 greet President Emeritus Dr. John Balyo. Mike Bates, vice president of advancement at Corban, visits with Reid Saunders ‘98, the distinguished recent alumni award recipient in chapel on Friday morning. Right page: A. Daryl Knox ’96, Salem, Nelson Zarfas ’86, Salem and Tyson Pruett ’92, Salem, members of the Alumni Board help out at the awards luncheon on Saturday. B. Class of 1972 35-Year Reunion: (Bottom left corner and up) Esther Wuth Mangini, Salem; Rhoda Martin Hunter, Salem; Steve Hunter, Salem; John Newell, Stayton; Ethel Newell, Stayton; Mary Kintner, Salem; Steve Kintner, Salem; Dan Anderson, Charlene Odell Anderson ’71, Salem;; Keith Churilla, Salem; Debra Kolbo Churilla ’73, Salem; Elda Coker Robinson, Watsonville, California; Barbara Grimm Stratton Gilmore, Dallas; Diane Riffle Anderson, Seattle, Washington, and Ruth Edwards LaFreniere ’67, Salem. Attending but missing in the photo, golfers John Mangini & Andy Robinson.

As we look back at the events of this weekend, we are reminded again of the theme to “Rediscover, Reconnect & Renew.” Please join us next year during the weekend of September 25th as we make new acquaintances, friends and memories.

Claudia Markwood Howden, Dallas; Nelson Zarfas, Salem; Ellen Brush Zarfas, Salem; Linda Shouse Jaime, Woodland, California. G. Dan Wilder ’75 of Port Angeles, Washington, received the Distinguished Alumnus of the Year award. H. Alumni off to their reception at the President’s Home. I. Dan Wilder ’75 is congratulated at the awards luncheon. J. Class of 1997 10-Year Reunion - Front row: (L-R) Tammy Anderson Poush, Salem; Sarah Wilson Richardson, Stayton; Rachel Rice Meyer, Sequim, Washington; Corey Meyer, Sequim, Washington. Second row: Jeff Poush, Salem; Joyce Bidwell Benson, Salem; Doug Richardson, Stayton; Danise Hill Lee, Bend. Third row: Phil Benson, Salem; Andrea Acker, Salem; Jeff Thompson, Salem; Tera Glenn Knox ’96, Salem; David Lee, Bend. Fourth row: Karrah Syme ‘66(n) Savage, Prineville; Meredith Mooney, Keizer; Daryl Knox ’96, Salem. Back row: James Savage, Prineville; Randy Mooney, Keizer. K. Dr. Rich Meyers ‘67, received the Outstanding Service Award to Corban at the Awards luncheon on Saturday. L. Class of 1967 40-Year Reunion: (L-R) Dianne Kuehn Meyers, Salem; Richard Meyers, Salem; Ruth Edwards LaFreniere, Salem and Mary Jane Todd, Portland.

E. Reid Saunders ‘98 of Salem, received the Distinguished Recent Alumnus of the Year award.

M. Class of 1977 30-Year Reunion - Front row: (L-R) Paul Magnussen, Tacoma, Washington; Susan Van Cleemput, Ft. Atkinson, Wisconsin; Joan Lyle Mann, Friday Harbor, Washington. Second row: Darlene Sorstokke Delaney, Salem; Diana Van Cleemput McDonald, Salem; Carolyn Bolten, Salem. Third row: David Delaney, Salem; Chris Rowland, Meridan, Idaho; Mary James Schroeder, Salem. Fourth row: Jim Latzko, Richland, Washington; David Patterson, Boise, Idaho; Matt Mercer, Tacoma, Washington. Back row: Paul Hicks, Tenino, Washington; Meril Craig, Aumsville.

F. Class of 1982 25-Year Reunion: (Bottom left corner and up) David Carnes, Gig Harbor, Washington; Donna Willsey Lewis, Nampa, Idaho; Jim Lewis, Nampa, Idaho; Don McDaniel, Auburn, Washington; Vicky Basher DeRoos, Beloit, Wisconsin; Terri Chapman, Salem; Joy Latzko Bauman, Connell, Washington; Bryce Bernard, Salem; Dave Bertz, Lebanon;

N. A 15-year reunion for the Adult Degree Program was held on Saturday night. Front row: (L-R) Steve Cox ’04, Salem. Second row: April Phillips ’04, Oregon City; Susan George ’97, Salem; Cherry Skiles ’07, Shedd; Keith Hiatt ’00, Vancouver. Third row: Cindy Nichols ’97, Turner. Fourth row: Donna McKeever ’96, Salem; Pat Nicholson ’97, Tualatin; Jerry

C. Claudia Markwood Howden, Dallas, Oregon; Linda Shouse Jaime, Woodland, California and Vicky Basher DeRoos, Beliot, Wisconsin, from the class of ’82, rekindle friendships. D. Lola Christensen Williams ’54, Salem and Yvonne Baccus Thomas ’55, Tumwater Washington visit at the president’s home at the decade of the 50s and 60s reception.


Adult Degree Program alumni. The 50s and 60s alumni joined President and Mrs. Hoff for a reception at their home to rekindle and reconnect. During the Alumni Awards Luncheon, the Outstanding Service Award was presented to Dr. Richard Meyers ‘67, the Distinguished Alumnus of the Year Award to Dan Wilder ‘75, and the Distinguished Recent Alumnus of the Year Award to Reid Saunders ‘98. The award recipients thanked classmates, alumni, and professors for the impact they had on their lives.



Skiles ’06, Shedd, Randal Thomas ’02, Silverton. Back row: Duane Marvin ’94, Goldendale, Washington; Carolyn Purtell ’94, Salem; David Wood ’99, Salem; Ron Miller,’94 Lebanon; Bill Nippert ’96, Silverton. O. Ruthie Edwards LaFreniere ’67 of Salem plays a solo during chapel.
















Commemorative Bricks An Opportunity for Perpetuity

Legacy Plaza is a place of meaning.

Friends and alumni who purchase

With the completion of the clock

one of the commemorative bricks

tower, the plaza and tower command

may choose the name or message to

a prominent place on campus.

be inscribed on it. Don’t miss out!

Each of the commemorative bricks

You can purchase a commemorative

that make up the plaza bears a name

brick for $150 in your own name, in

plate with a message chosen to reflect

honor of a friend or loved one, or to

the ministry or identity of individuals

encourage others with a message or

whose lives have intersected with

Scripture verse.

Corban/Western Baptist College. When

Your contribution not only ensures a

all 1200 spaces are complete, visitors to

lasting remembrance, but also helps in

the clock tower will view a plaza full of

the ongoing work of Corban College.

history and memories.

Legacy Plaza

To order: Download the brick order form at (click on the Clock Tower link on the home page) or call Dorothy James and request an order form: 503-375-7000. 24




CLASS notes 50s Class of 1958 50-year Reunion Saturday, May 3rd at Commencement. Followed by a luncheon, campus tour and afternoon of reminiscing and sharing. R.H. Weber ’50 of San Angelo, Texas has been a classroom teacher and psychologist. He received a M.A. from San Francisco State College and worked for 18 years with Norramore Christian Foundation. Grace Dracup ’59(n) married Paul Rafert of Seattle in 1960. They have four children who have given them seven grandchildren. She was a stay-at-home mom, and he worked as a television repairman until 1990. They both work at True Value where she is a cashier. Since the age of five, she has attended Gatewood Baptist Church in West Seattle.

60s Class of ‘68 40-year reunion Homecoming Weekend - 9/26/08 Ric Fiol ’65(n) and Nancy Libbee Fiol ‘66(n) of Sacramento, California have two daughters and six grandchildren. Their daughters have been encouraging them for years to live with them and last July they moved to their daughter Janet’s home. Daughter Barbara and her husband have “in-law” space and will be there after their new home is complete. David Drullinger ’67 resides in Dayton, Ohio. He has taught at Cedarville University for 19 years and served 16 years as associate pastor/preaching partner at Washington Heights Baptist Church. He has two children and four

Has it been a while since you have contacted or visited your alma mater? Stop by sometime for a personal tour! Too far to visit? Go to our website and see what’s happening:

Send us updates by filling out the form on page 31 or go to alumni/update and do it all online. We hope to hear from you soon!

grandchildren and has been appointed as a career missionary with ABWE for service in Cape Town, South Africa beginning June 2008. Susan Jacobs Severs ’68 of Fishers, Indiana is a retired elementary teacher. She quilts with her church group and volunteers at St. Vincent’s Hospital: medical/surgical/ICU. Husband Loren Severs ‘68(n) works at Eli Lilly and coordinates and teaches “Introduction to Chemistry” at Ivy Tech Indianapolis. Paul Shoopman ’68(n) of Citrus Heights, California, is an ordained minister, a certified police office, a certified jailer and has four grown children and three grandchildren. He is active with a men’s Bible study and church activities and enjoys volunteering with an organization called Amazing Facts, a Christian ministry. Jimmie Werther ’69 of Tehachapi, California retired as manager with the State of California Department of Motor Vehicles. He is an aviation pilot and has recorded four CD’s with the choir at Valley Baptist Church.

70s Class of ‘78 30-year reunion Homecoming Weekend - 9/26/08 Mark Jacobson ’72 and Catherine Cox Jacobson ’71 reside in DuPont, Washington. In 1999, Mark completed 21 years of ministry at Sleater-Kinney Road Baptist Church in Olympia, WA and began teaching at Northwest Baptist Seminary in Tacoma. Catherine has worked as an office manager at Providence St. Peter Hospital for the past 22 years. In 2000, Mark finished his doctoral studies at Bakke Graduate University and Catherine finished an M.Min., at Northwest Baptist Seminary in 2005. They have two daughters, Brenda Jacobson Noland ’95 and Mary Smith, two sons-in-law and two grandchildren.

Willamette University Atkinson School. He served on the board of trustees at Salem Academy for years and currently serves on the board of directors for Capital Manor. He and wife Rhoda Martin Hunter ’72 attend First Baptist Church and have a son, Aaron ‘98 and wife Elisa Barfknecht Hunter ’98 and daughter Lally. Daughter Sarah Hunter Perkins ‘01, and husband Brian Perkins ’03 have a daughter Ashley, and son Austin. Rhoda is a program analyst for the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Services with the State of Oregon. Dr. Bruce Fong ’73, president of Michigan Theological Seminary, rode his motorcycle from Detroit, Michigan to Sturgis, South Dakota with seven friends of Michigan Theological Seminary last summer. He and wife Yvonne celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary last May. Their two oldest children are married, and their youngest son will graduate from Wayne State University next spring. Rea Haws Mennenga ’74 of Clearwater, Florida retired after 35 years of classroom teaching and coaching. She is spending her time traveling with husband Pat’s ’71 work, substitute teaching, playing with grandchildren and working for Fellowship of Christian Cheerleader’s new IMPACT program for cheerleaders ages 5-12. She promotes the program to Florida churches and Christian schools, offering an alternative to recreation league cheerleading. Pat continues to work for A.C.S.I. Surang Sirirasamiqongsa Ektrakul ’79 and her husband, Peter have four children and live in Thailand. In 1983 they started a Thai kindergarten with seven students. In 1997, they offered an English Emersion Program in first grade with seven students at the Global English School. GES now serves nursery to Grade 11 with 320 students and has adopted an American curriculum. Next year, they will open grade 12 and have 25 American and Canadian teachers that they have recruited.

Steve Hunter ‘72 is vice president and CFO for YMCA of Columbia-Willamette in Portland. He occasionally teaches classes for





80s Class of ‘88 20-year reunion Homecoming Weekend - 9/27/08 Shaula Serdahl Coulson ’83(n) of Salem took her first mission trip to the Philippines April 2007, loved it and can’t wait to return every year. Her daughter Claire married Jeremy Clubb August 17, 2007 and daughter Candice started at Chemeketa Community College September 2007. Jeff James ’84 of Salem was recognized in the Statesman Journal newspaper. A mother wrote in: “My son Anthony wanted to thank Mr. James for always being so nice and being a great teacher. I think he should be commended as an outstanding teacher. Our thanks to you, Mr. James.” Palmer Muntz ’87 and family have moved from Klamath Falls, Oregon where he was director of admissions at Oregon Institute of Technology to Fort Wayne, Indiana, where he is associate vice president for enrollment management at Taylor University, overseeing admissions, advertising, financial aid and retention for the campus. He and wife Jeannette have four children. Virgil Christophersen ’88 has assumed a new position as associate pastor of family life ministries at Calvary Bible Church of Grand Junction, Colorado after serving with Lowry Pilgrim Community Church and Village Missions in South Dakota. They transitioned from a rural ministry to a city of over 111,000 people. He and wife LaVonne have three children: Vance 13, Vaughn 11 and Victoria 4. Linda Irish ’88 of Tacoma, Washington is a program/specialist/case manager for the Emergency Housing Program at Helping hand House in Puyallup. She has two dogs and enjoys geocaching with them. Jacklyn Lowe ’88(n) graduated from The Emory University School of Medicine, Physician Assistant Program with a Master of Medical Science on December 8, 2007.




Todd Bonnifield ’89 and Beth Smith Bonnifield ’89 have five children and live in Camano Island, Washington. For the past 13 years, Todd has been driving a concrete mixer truck and before that was a sales representative. At his current job he is highest in seniority, and the schedule fits in nicely for him to be involved with family sports and events. At the same time he would like a job that uses his degree so he is researching MBA programs and a career change. He writes “The things I learned at WBC were of tremendous value to me and I thank God for Corban/Western’s influence in my life. I actually have landed all my jobs because Western helped teach me to be a thinker. I know for a fact that my employers saw me as a cut above in their stacks of applications because of Western’s influence.”


market. In addition to doing some of the analytical writing for the publication, he will be in charge of strategy, sales and marketing and administration. He also oversees operations and administration for Farm & Trade, which is a commodity (rice) trading company. Previously he was with Butte Community Bank. He and wife Jennifer Peterson Rudkin ’90 live in Chico, California. Jennifer home schools their three children ages 11, 10 and 8 while trying to keep their two youngest, ages 2 and 4, under control. They attend Butte Bible Fellowship Church. Randy Clark ’92 and Lisa Iott Clark ’94(n) of Roseville, California are the owners of Mountain Mudd Espresso, started October 2007. Mark Kooshian ’93 of Portland works in the IT department at Warner Pacific College.

Class of ‘98 10-year reunion Homecoming Weekend - 9/27/08 Brad Rudkin ’91 is working as EVP of operations and administration for The Rice Trader, an agribusiness related publication that is the world wide authority on the rice

Jennifer Keith Cobongs ’95 married Bitrus Cobongs of Billiri, Nigeria December 2002. She is a stay-at-home mom living in Garland, Texas, caring for children Eden, born

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December 2004 and Hannah, born February 2, 2007. Her husband is pursuing his Ph.D. in Old Testament at Dallas Theological Seminary in Dallas. She serves on the worship team at their church and is involved in the women’s and children’s ministries. They love to travel and went to Nigeria in 2003 where they did ministry for a week and visited grandparents. Karen Keen ’95 of Santa Cruz, California works in Student Affairs at the University of California, Santa Cruz. After graduation she obtained a M.S. in Education (counseling) from Western Oregon University and worked as a mental health therapist in Portland for three years. She completed her M.A. in Exegetical Theology from Western Seminary (San Jose campus) and in the process discovered her deepest passion and calling. She is excited about applying for Ph.D. programs in biblical studies and hopes to begin a doctorate by fall 2009. Cyndi Boes ’96 is an assistant professor of communication at California Baptist University in Riverside, California. She is very excited about being back on the west coast, closer to friends and family. Rhoda Scherrer ’96 is a missionary with Youth With A Mission in Salem and runs an outdoor wilderness leadership training program for age 12 and up. It includes wilderness medical training, disaster medical training and search and rescue. Their location is a launch site for planting the program in other nations and often hosts interns from the U.S. and other nations. After college she taught high school math, science and history for eight years before joining YWAM. Tonya Stutzman Filleman AD ‘99 of Omaha, Nebraska and husband Jeff have begun a non-profit ministry called Youth of Ukraine, to help bring Christ to orphans and those on the streets of Odessa, Ukraine. Their web site is


Keith Hiatt AD ’00 of Vancouver, Washington and wife Terry have two daughters and five grandchildren. Keith completed the online MBA program at Colorado Christian University after Corban. He is in management with UPS. He and Terry worship at Glenwood Community Church and help in Awana. Cassee Steed Terry ’00 is a veterinarian at Redmond Vet Clinic in Central Oregon. She is

a mixed animal practitioner. She and husband Will attend New Hope Church in Bend. They enjoy archery hunting for deer and elk and went an on African bow hunting safari last summer. Andrea Stout ’01 returned to the U.S. last July after teaching in China with the English Language Institute China (ELIC). Her first assignment was a year in a Northeast province; second was in Tibet and third was in a northwestern province. In between teaching positions in China, she worked for two years at Ft. Meyers, Florida, doing video editing for Education Concerns for Hunger Organization. She lived in Pasadena, California working at the ELIC headquarters and recently moved to Colorado with the organization. Jesse Daggett ’02 and wife Shasta Journey Daggett ‘04(n) have three daughters Kristine, Jodi and Riley. He was elected city counselor for the newly formed city of LaPine, where they reside. Jesse and Corban alum Josh Thorp ’03 have started TotalVision Eyecare Clinic, a full service optical clinic. Jason Merrel ’02 and Jessica Manitsas Merrel ’05 have moved from Barcelona, Spain where they taught English for two years, to Salem. Jason is an instructional aide at Sprague High School and also working for Salem Reperatory Theater. Jessica works at Oregon Bridge Delivery Partners as an administrative assistant and contract specialist. Nick Plato ’02 teaches Humanities and is chapel coordinator at Heritage Christian School in Hillsboro, Oregon. He and wife Katie Ruda Plato ’03 recently celebrated their fifth wedding anniversary with a trip to Mexico. They have two daughters, Miriam and Aidah. Nathan Knottingham ’03 is a loan officer with Professional Mortgage Corp. in Salem. He and wife Billie Bodenstab Knottingham ’02 were married in June 2003 and live in south Salem. Billie is a legal assistant with a law firm in Salem. Christopher McLaran ’03 is branch manager of US Bank of McMinnville. He and wife Nikki live in Salem.

Micah Mills ’03 is in his first year residency in ocular disease at the Illinois Eye Institute in Chicago. He graduated May 2007 after four years at Southern California College of Optometry where he received his Doctor of Optometry degree. Kristine Austin ’05 (AD) has relocated from Germany to Texas. She and husband Travis are pictured with daughter Madison Grace, born November 8, 2007. 1 Kyle Baker ’05 and Diana Goyer Baker ’06 live in Sweet Home, Oregon, where Kyle teaches high school students Bible, Spanish and Math at East Linn Christian Academy in Lebanon. Diana is a stay-at-home mom. They are involved in ministries at Crowfoot Baptist

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Church. They welcomed second son Peter Barnabas on February 23, 2007. He joined brother, Todd Benjamin, born September 2005. 2 Samuel Robinson ’05 of Eugene is working at Northwest Christian College in their IT department as a help desk technician. He writes that his experiences at Corban in both the CS program as well as working in the computer lab have really helped prepare him for this job. Jim Taber ’05 of Billings, Montana is youth and college pastor at Emmanuel Baptist Church. He and wife Brandi have been married six years, and work together in ministry. Scott Meredith ’06 of Aumsville is the new graduate admissions counselor for the Corban MBA program. Previously he was enrollment counselor for the University of Phoenix MBA program where he recently completed his MBA. Sarah Muri Officer ’06 is an admission counselor at Corban. Husband Justin ‘06 is also on campus as the resident director at Davidson Hall. Rebecca Rice ’06 previously worked with Camp Bighorn in Montana and is now with American Missionary Fellowship, as an area missionary, reaching and mentoring young women in Plains, Montana, where she lives. She has a weekly Bible study for college-age and high school students. Katie Lewin Willard ’06 and husband Raleigh ‘07 moved to LaQuinta, California, southeast of Palm Springs, where he is a pastor in college ministries at a large church. Katie is a substitute teacher. Nina Clanton ’07 of Portland is assistant manager for Pump It Up and coordinates parties for Inflatable Party Zone. She volunteers at Beaverton Foursquare Church in the children’s ministry. When not working she interns at Washington County Parole and Probation with the hopes of becoming hired as a probation officer.




Katie Dennis ’07 of Salem is an elementary substitute teacher for the Salem/Keizer Schools and Salem Academy. She coaches JV girl’s basketball at South Salem High School and is getting her master’s degree in secondary health so she will be certified pre-K through grade 12. Amanda Daves ‘07(n) formerly of Anchorage, Alaska now lives in sunny Florida and works for Walt Disney World at Coronado Springs Resort. Alumni Director Deleen Wills met her unexpectedly while checking into the hotel. Hallie McNaughton Hofferd ’07 lives in Mesa, Arizona and attends dental school. Her husband Sean is attending ASU and studying counseling.

Down the Aisle Karen Sandilands ’00 married Gregorio Rodriguez on August 18, 2007 in Dallas, Oregon. She teaches third grade at Lamb Elementary, and Gregorio works for Lowes RDC in Lebanon. They live in Keizer and attend West Salem Baptist Church.

All in the Family (


indicates photo: see page 31)

Ross Ziesemer ’93 of Salem and wife Anna welcome second son Philip Daniel on November 11, 2007. He joins older brother Josiah. Ross works for DHS Child Welfare in the Protective Services Unit. They attend Dayspring Fellowship where Anna is involved on the drama team and Ross teaches adult Sunday school classes. 3 Anna Guppy Petree ’94 and husband Shawn live in Auburn, Washington and have a daughter, Moriah, and son Elijah born September 16, 2007. Rev. Daddy baptized him December 9 at their church. They are involved with middle school ministries, taking 250 kids to camp last summer. 4 Brett Butcher ‘95 and wife Shannon of Salem welcomed Sarina Annabelle born July 9, 2007. She was 7 lbs. 1 oz and 20 inches long. Brett is executive director and Shannon is communications director for Reid Saunders Association. Brett also teaches part-time at Corban. 5 Phil Benson ’96 and wife Joyce Bidwell Benson ’97 of Salem welcomed daughter Brookelynn Hannah born May 19, 2007. She joins sisters Bailey, (4) and Mylie (2).


Christopher James Cleaver ’02 and Sarah Jean Chambers ’04 were married July 22, 2007 at an outdoor ceremony at Champoeg State Park in St. Paul, Oregon. Bridesmaids included Doni Widener ’03, of Greenfield, Indiana. Cleaver/Chambers For their honeymoon they took a road trip with most time in Yellowstone National Park. Both work for the Youth Guidance Association’s Son Village program, a non-profit that provides services and treatment to adjudicated youth from around the state of Oregon. Sarah is the program’s school liaison, and Chris works as a residential counselor. Chris is also a student at Western Seminary working on a master’s degree in counseling. They enjoy outdoor sports, and Chris is a musician. They reside in Gresham.

Betsy Loescher Rowles ’96 of Keizer, Oregon and husband Layth welcomed son Keiton Valor, born April 18, 2007. Betsy is a full-time mom with part time work from home of their web business. He joins brother Soren Jonas (3). 6 Scott Fordice ’98 of Tigard, Oregon and wife Megan welcomed daughter Ruby Grace born on June 27, 2007. Ruby joins sisters Abby and Emma. Scott is the Western North American sales manager for Jeppesen Marine, a marine navigation software company. His hobbies include running, playing basketball and trying to keep up with a house full of little girls. They attend Tigard First Baptist and are involved in various activities there. 7 Casey Dorr ‘99 and Alyson Orem Dorr ‘01 of Columbia Falls, Montana, welcomed daughter Elaina Grace December 7, 2007. She weighed 7 lbs. 14 oz. and was 20 inches long. Proud aunt is Heather Dorr Boyd ’95 of Salem. 8 Shane Riddle ’99 and Jill Jackson Riddle ’02 of Cornelius, Oregon welcomed son Joshua Daniel born April 30, 2007. He joins sister Elsa, (4). 9


Josh Brooks ’00 and Chistena Hansen Brooks ‘00(n) welcomed their first son Judah Richard born August 21, 2007. Josh is a police officer and Christena teaches journalism courses at Corban. 10 Lindsay Langmade Goostree ’00 and husband Greg welcomed daughter Raegan McKenna born March 17, 2007. They live in Camas, Washington. 11 Amy Maillard McClain ’00 and husband Roary of Fort Knox, Kentucky, welcomed son Tristen Michael Raymond born December 20, 2007. Amy taught for seven years in Texas until the Army moved them to Kentucky. After two deployments to Iraq, God is blessing them with a break. 12 Kimberly Claridge Helseth ’02 and husband Chris of Helena, Montana, welcomed daughter Hazel Katherine in August 2007. Kim stays home with Hazel most of the time and also teaches third grade two or three days a week. 13 Joshua Thorp ’03 and wife Stephanie welcomed daughter Madison on May 26, 2007. They live in LaPine, Oregon where they have started a business called TotalVision Optical with fellow grad, Jesse Daggett ‘02. They have two locations, one in LaPine and the other in Bend. 14 Rebecca West Alburn ’04 of Salem and husband Aaron welcomed daughter Abigail Hope born

August 23, 2007. Grandparents are Carrie West ‘96(n) and the late Doug West ‘96 (AD). 15 Jonathan Patterson ’04 and wife Kellie of Pasco, Washington welcomed son Evan Daniel born July 19, 2007. Proud grandparents are Michael ’74 and Kathy Martyn Patterson ’74 of Richland, Washington. 16 Bobby Truax ’04 of Nampa, Idaho and wife Joy welcomed Jasmine Elizabeth on June 20, 2007. Bobby graduated from the Master’s Seminary with a Master in Divinity on May 13, 2007. 17 Kyle Archibald ’05 and wife Katie Woodard Archibald ‘05(n) welcomed Amelia June on September 15, 2007. She weighed 5 pounds, 11 oz and even the premie clothes were too big on her. They live in Oregon City. 18 Elizabeth Ries Jones ’05 of Jefferson, Oregon and husband Matthew welcomed Silar David born July 1, 2007. 19 Natalie Edwards Fiscus ’06 of Aumsville is a stay-at-home mom with two daughters and works part time including substitute teaching, tutoring and selling Usborne Children’s books. She is involved at their church in Awana and mom’s group. Allison Rose was born April 3, 2007. She joins sister Kaylee (4). 20 Kim Austin Nelmark ‘06(n) and husband Jason welcomed Owen Arthur on August 18, 2007. They live in Jefferson, Oregon. 21


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With the Lord Rev. Dr. Reginald L. Melhorn ’46(n) of Edmonds, Washington died February 15, 2003. His son Timothy writes, “I was born in Phoenix in 1950 and thank the Lord that Dad eventually led our family to the Pacific Northwest. Jan and I have lived in Yakima for 30 years and we are the parents of Rachael Ruth Melhorn ’07 of Canby, Oregon, who recently graduated from Corban. We did not realize when Rachael went there that Corban was the same school where her grandfather received his early advanced education.” Dr. Melhorn graduated from the Phoenix campus and was ordained in 1949. In 1957 he received a B.A. from California Baptist Theological Seminary, he earned an M.A. from Seattle Pacific in 1972 and a master of Divinity from Western Evangelical Seminary in 1977. In 1982 he earned a doctor of Ministry from Fuller Theological Seminary. He was an avid student of the Bible and loved the people that he ministered to in various Baptist churches through the years. He is survived by his wife Barbara of 56 years, a sister and his three children, 12 grandchildren and two greatgrandchildren. Rev. Larry Baker ’61 of Colorado Springs, Colorado died July 26, 2007. He fell on the driveway and at the age of 93 did not recover. He is survived by his wife Rubye, who is in assisted living, and daughter Rosanne Baker Thompson ‘69(n). Curtis Ray Vaughn ’71, of Ferndale, Washington died September 15, 2007. His college education was interrupted by a tour of duty with the Army in Vietnam. While attending WBC he met and married Lonnie Franklin ’70. They settled at a farm in Whatcom County, and he started Vaughn Construction Company, building many houses in the area. He also raised replacement heifers on his farm. Curt loved the Lord and taught his children, Bryan ’00, Greg and Janell to follow his faith. Curt enjoyed anything to do with outdoors; hunting, hiking, clam digging, camping, dirt biking and especially fishing. He was gifted at meeting people. When Curt developed cancer he was willing to fight for his life in order to spend more time with family but was looking forward to spending eternity with his Savior. Laurel Sue Myers-Conaty ’83 of Placerville, California died November 27, 2007, after a brief battle with cancer. She was an ardent lover of nature, a gifted massage therapist and an active member of the Placerville community.





She is survived by her husband, John, 4-year old son, Roman, for whom she was an outstanding mother, step-son Spencer, parents, brothers, one sister and many aunts and uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews. Scott Becker ’85 of Pasadena, California died September 12, 2007. Scott entered Western Baptist College in fall 1979. Early in his sophomore year he was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma and left school to undergo treatment. He returned in fall 1981 and was a resident assistant and served as student body vice president. He married Karla VanBeck ’88 in May 14, 1988. Scott held youth and associate pastor positions at three churches, and was in demand as a speaker for junior and high school groups. He suffered a heart attack in 1995, the result of radiation damage to his heart from previous cancer treatments. He graduated from Fuller Seminary in 2001, having completed his Masters of Theology and Church History through Fuller Northwest. He entered the Ph.D. program at Fuller in 2003 and loved teaching. Scott is survived by his wife of almost 20 years, his parents and sister and brothers. Ernest Garrett ’85 of Lebanon, Tennessee died of natural causes during the night of April 30, 2006, at age 46. He was a senior systems analyst for Deloitte and a member of the United Methodist Church of Brentwood. A good mentor, he prayed daily and walked everyday for 673 days. On April 29 he ran the Nashville County Music Marathon in 3.25 hours and was thrilled with his accomplishment. Thomas Drawbaugh AD ’03 of Keizer died on September 12, 2007. He was employed as a pharmacy store supervisor for 25 years. He is survived by his wife Joan, whom he married in 1985, and four children. He was an active member of New Harvest Church, where he served as usher and led a small Bible growth group. Julie Ann Jantzi died January 22, 2008 in Azusa, California where she served at Azusa Pacific University. Memorial services were held at APU and at Salem Alliance Church. Julie served as Vice President for Academics at Corban from 1993 to 1998. Memorial donations made be made to Julie Jantzi & Jessamine Hartamine Memorial Grant Program.




Send baby photos!

Future Warriors

We’d like to know about your growing families and see their new faces! Send your photos and birth announcements and receive a gift from the Alumni Office. Send to: Corban College Alumni Office 5000 Deer Park Drive SE Salem, OR 97317

2 1


3 5

1. Madison Grace Austin 2. Peter Barnabas & Todd Benjamin Baker 3. Philip Daniel Zeisemer 4. Elijah Petree 5. Sarina Annabelle Butcher 6. Keiton Valor Rowles 7. Ruby Grace Fordice 8. Elaina Grace Dorr 9. Joshua Daniel Riddle 10. Judah Richard Brooks 11. Raegan McKenna Goostree

12. Tristen Michael Raymond McClain 13. Hazel Katherine Helseth 14. Madison Thorp 15. Abigail Hope Alburn 16. Evan Daniel Patterson 17. Jasmine Elizabeth Truax 18. Amelia June Archibald 19. Silar David Jones 20. Allison Rose Fiscus 21. Owen Arthur Nelmark 22. Ella Cornelius

Class Notes Policy It is the practice of Class Notes not to print pregnancy or engagement announcements, due to the time between receiving such information and the publication dates. Corban magazine reserves the right to edit or omit any information submitted. Graduation Year: Did you attend college for a year or two but for some reason didn’t graduate? No matter how long you attended, you are still considered an alumnus or alumna of the Corban/Western Baptist College family. The Alumni Office records it as in this example: if you entered in fall 1981, attended three years and left in 1984 but didn’t graduate, you are associated with the class of 1985 because that’s the 4-year graduation date of your fellow classmates. If you don’t want to be listed with your 4-year class, please let the Alumni Office know. Having you listed in the correct class year is important, because we want you to receive your class reunion invitations! Non grad (n): signifies alumni who didn’t graduate. Adult Degree (AD): signifies alumni who graduated from the Adult Degree programs. With the Lord: submissions must be accompanied by a copy of a newspaper obituary or funeral home notice. We reserve the right to edit for space and clarity. This issue of Class Notes consists of items submitted between July 21, 2007 and January 10, 2008.







11 12





21 19


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Your classmates are eager to read about you! Please share births, marriages, employment news, retirements and other joys of life with our readers. Send photos too! Fill out this form and mail your news to: Deleen Wills, Director of Alumni Services Corban College 5000 Deer Park Drive SE Salem, OR 97317 Prefer e-mail? Send to: Or complete the form on our web site:

Where are You? Alumni update

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Name _______________________________________ Maiden Name ________________________ Class Year ________ Address ____________________________________________________________________________________________





Telephone (h) _____________________ (w) _____________________ E-mail ___________________________________ General information (employment, hobbies, graduate studies, honors, community activities, etc.): ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Weddings (include bride and groom’s hometowns, Corban class years, if applicable; wedding location and date: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Births (include the baby’s name and birthdate, and spouse’s maiden name and Corban class year, if applicable): ___________________________________________________________________________________________________




Estate Gift Benefits College Let us introduce you to Ray Fisher, a retired real estate executive and his wife Beebee, both long time Oregon residents. The Fishers recently honored Corban College and Graduate School with a gift to our scholarship fund and with an Estate Gift. Their Living Trust document was revised to designate that a certain percentage of their Estate will be given to the school upon their passing. With their gift, the Fishers have become members of the Corban Society, designed to recognize great benefactors of the College. The Fishers have visited our Campus, interacted with our students, are acquainted with our professors and believe in our mission. They stated, “we would like the Salem community to become more aware of the wonderful opportunities for young people at Corban College.” At Corban, we are attempting to increase the awareness of the school through the reputation of our students and through their participation in community service, music, drama and athletic events.

We appreciate having partners like the Fishers who understand our mission and the importance of a Bible centered education. They also understand the urgency of investing in the lives of Christian students who will “make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ.” Please don’t put off your decision any longer to partner with us in this great mission. Make your plans now and designate Corban College as the recipient of a portion of your estate.

For more information about Corban’s planned giving options, please call Chris Erickson at 1-800-845-3005 or e-mail You may also visit our web site at and click on “Giving to Corban.” Corban College & Graduate School is a non profit, 501(c)(3), tax exempt educational corporation. We offer several other planned giving vehicles such as a: 1) Charitable Gift Annuity, 2) Charitable Lead Trust, 3) Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust, and 4) Charitable Remainder Trust. Gifts of real property or life insurance are another way to support the mission of the College.

Corban College & Graduate School 5000 Deer Park Drive SE Salem, OR 97317-9392



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