Corban Magazine - Winter 2007

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Corban In Print 6 | New Residence Hall Named 12 | Alumni Abroad 21 | Class Reunions 24 Dedicated to alumni and friends of Corban College | Winter 2007

Eliminating the Sacred/Secular Split: Restoring a Biblical Worldview






Dedicating Heart and Mind to God,

COLLEGE ADMINISTRATION President Reno Hoff President Emeritus John Balyo Provost Linda Samek Vice President for Advancement Michael Bates Vice President for Information Services Dean of Business Bryce Bernard Vice President for Business Chris Erickson Vice President for Student Life Nancy Hedberg Vice President for Marketing J. Steven Hunt Vice President for Enrollment Management Martin Ziesemer EMAIL President Editor Undergraduate Admissions Adult Degree Program Graduate Studies Financial Aid Alumni Office

BOARD OF TRUSTEES Thomas Carlson (Chair), Timothy H. Aagard, Timothy R. Baker, Darrell V. Beddoe, Daniel E. Brammer, James Carlson, Loren Glass, Virginia K. Hendrickson, Anna Herrman, Mark Hoeffner, Curtis Horton, Stephen E. McBee, Donn Mogford, Pat Nicholson, Sheldon C. Nord, Paul B. Null, Michael L. Patterson, Douglas Pfeiler, Joyce A. Sherman, Erhardt Steinborn, Gus Suarez, India Tornell, Richard Whipps, Dan Wilder, Gary Williamson ALUMNI BOARD Daryl Knox (Chair), Gary F. Chang, Eric D. Christen, Jordan W. Lambert, Charles W. Lind, Patricia L. Nicholson, Brad Rudkin, Michael L. Patterson, Tyson V. Pruett, John E. Storkel, Heidi R. Stowman, Nancy A. Tollenaar, Jack A. Werre, Nelson T. Zarfas

Corban College is an independent Christian college offering 45 majors and programs of study, including adult degree programs and graduate studies in education. Corban is accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities and is recognized by U.S. News & World Report as one of the West’s Top Ten Best Comprehensive Colleges/Bachelor’s. Corban is nationally recognized by the Best Christian Workplace Institute listing Corban as the number one ranked workplace in 2006 among similarly sized Christian organizations. Corban’s mission is to educate Christians who will make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19-20).

CORBAN Magazine is published four times a year by the Marketing & Communications Office of Corban College. Send all inquiries and address changes to the Advancement Office at address below:

Dr. Reno Hoff President

Corban College 5000 Deer Park Drive SE Salem, OR 97317-9392 503-375-7003




recently read a book, Excellence Without a Soul, written by Harry R. Lewis, a former dean at Harvard University. In it he addresses these important questions: “What makes an educated person?” and “Can the professors and college officials know the answers?” He uses Harvard as his case study, but many of his conclusions apply to the rest of American higher education. Mr. Lewis finds American universities “soulless” and argues that they rarely speak as proponents of high ideals for future American leaders. He bluntly states that Harvard “has lost, indeed willingly surrendered, its moral authority to shape the souls of its students. Harvard articulates no ideals of what it means to be a good person. Universities should be about something and what makes an educated person.” Nancy Pearcey in her book “Total Truth” states “In many Christian schools, the typical strategy is to inject a few narrowly defined ‘religious’ elements into the classroom, like prayer and Bible memorization—and then teach exactly the same things as the secular schools. Here we see the danger of the secular/sacred split: It concedes the ‘theories, concepts and other subject matter’ in our fields to nonbelievers.” She goes on to ask, “What is the antidote to the secular/sacred divide? We must begin by being utterly convinced that there is a biblical perspective on everything—not just on spiritual matters. The Old Testament tells us repeatedly that ‘The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom’ (Ps.111:10).” In yet another book, Faith and Learning on the Edge, David Claerbaut gives an in-depth analysis of how many in Christian higher education are separating faith from learning. When he was a student in a Christian college he felt he was “receiving a type of ‘baptized paganism,’ an essentially secular education delivered by a faculty comprised of Christians. It seemed as if I was being taught by professors who happened to be Christians, rather than Christian professors. In short, nothing in my undergraduate academic experience overtly strengthened my faith.” Claerbaut’s definition of Christian education is “teaching students to relate every academic discipline to God’s truth and his self revelation in Scripture, while detecting and critiquing non-biblical worldview assumptions. It is a distinctly Christian view of what life is all about, about the nature of humankind, about what our purposes ought to be, and about where we are headed eternally.” His definition of Christian education essentially defines the mission of Corban College. Our mission is to educate Christians who will make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ. We want all our students to consider their lives a ministry in whatever vocation they choose. We base our philosophy of Christian education on biblical principles found in II Corinthians 10: 3-5: “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” John C. Maxwell’s book The Qualities of a Leader quotes Charles Malik: “The problem is not only to win souls but to save minds. If you win the whole world and lose the mind of the world, you will soon discover you have not won the world.” We believe that academic achievement and spiritual growth will lead to well-rounded students and wellrounded graduates. As the Apostle Paul wrote, “In Christ, are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge (Colossians 2:3).” Our educational goal is that all studies, philosophy, rhetoric are followed for this one object—that we may know Christ and honor him. This is the end of all learning. We do this so our students will achieve excellence with a soul.


Excellence without a soul


CORBAN STAFF Publisher Reno Hoff Editor J. Steven Hunt Assistant Editor Kristina Brown Staff Writer Christena Brooks Designer/Photographer Corey J. Wells Contributing Photographer Deleen Wills Printer Times Litho, Forest Grove, OR




©2006-2007 Corban College, All rights reserved.


Volume II - No. 1 | Winter 2007


Corban garments make a great gift! Corban Hoodie Our hooded, black sweatshirt with blue accents and embroidery is top-of-the-line. $54.00



8 Eliminating the

Sacred/Secular Split Restoring a biblical worldview Corban Polo Quality white or navy with embroidered logo. $38.50

12 John G. Balyo Hall New residence hall named in honor of the President Emeritus

13 Eileen Miller 13

Adult Degree Program alumna wins national award

Corban Mom tee shirt Navy with powder blue/white logo. $13.50

Departments 2 From the President Excellence without a soul 6 Faculty Facts Learn something new about faculty

20 Graduate Studies Furthering your education 21 Alumni Abroad Alumni highlight from around the world

11 Student Life Events and life on campus

22 Alumni Action Fun events and alumni news

12 Corban Chronicles Student and alumni news highlights

27 Class Notes Find out the latest on alumni friends

Corban Dad tee shirt Grey with distressed style logo makes a great gift for Dad. $13.50

On the Cover: Illustration by Steve Hunt. Contact Information: President’s Office: 503-375-7000; Advancement Office: Mike Bates, 503-375-7024; Alumni Office: Deleen Wills, 503-589-8182; Marketing Office: Steve Hunt, 503-375-7591; Admissions Office: Marty Ziesemer, 503-375-7005; Business Office: Chris Erickson, 503-375-7011; Records Office: Rita Wright, 503-375-2014; Academic Office: Linda Samek, 503-589-8155; Student Life Office: Nancy Hedberg, 503-375-7010. See page 2 Editorial Box for email addresses and postal mail address.

To order, call the Corban Bookstore at 503-375-7035 during business hours PST, or e-mail CORBAN MAGAZINE






A New Landscape Fall colors frame the John G. Balyo Residence Hall and nearby Davidson Hall during spectacular weather on campus. The new $3.4 million Balyo Hall was opened in August and named during ceremonies November 10 (see story, page 12).




Corban in Print Recent Books/Periodicals by Corban Personnel & Alumni Baptist Bulletin magazine and Grounded and Growing devotionals are national Christian publications in which Jim Hills (English and humanities professor) is regularly published. His most recent articles include Christianity as Commodity, a penetrating look at Christian consumer culture and a challenge to conform to Christ’s image, and Ground Zero: a Test of the Heart, a piece that explores Jesus’ challenge to pray for one’s enemies.

Looking Back Lane County: a Pictorial Retrospective of Lane County, Oregon, co-authored by Christena Brooks (journalism instructor/staff writer), The Register Guard, 2005. Brooks’ short chapters introduce photographs of Lane County. The 144-page book explores aspects of life from the mid1800s to 1939.

Faculty Activities Beth Bartosik (English), a Fulbright scholar in 2001, made her fourth trip to Germany last summer to sharpen her German skills. Bartosik spent a month studying with advanced students at Sprachscafe, a year-round language school in Frankfurt. She refreshed her knowledge of prepositional phrases, composition, oral presentation techniques and adjective declination. She engaged in conversation with multinational students and local native speakers. Between studies, she traveled to Heidelberg and Muenster. John Wilson (English) spent two months last summer traveling and researching in Italy. This academic trip came a dozen years after he studied in the country as a Fulbright scholar. At that time, he took classes from local Shakespeare experts such as Alessandro Serpieri. In 2006, he landed a National Endowment for the Humanities grant to scrutinize what he calls “the historically changing perspectives of St. Francis of Assisi.” Mike Miller (math) traveled to Fort Collins, Colo. to grade Advanced Placement calculus exams. He was one of 32 people chosen to be in



College Faith includes a devotional by Dr. Matthew Lucas (director of graduate studies), Andrews University, 2006. Lucas’ entry in this collection of devotionals for college students, The A+ Rebuke, uses his experiences as a freshman at Corban College to teach readers about the importance of humility.

Parenting the Heart of Your Child by Diane Moore ’00, Bethany House Publishers, 2005. Moore, a church counselor, gives parents hands-on advice for raising kids. She asserts that parents can guide their children to become morally mature adults by shaping their character, not just behavior. She documents six stages of a child’s moral development and offers proven principles to help kids sharpen the skills they need to make wise decisions at every stage in their lives.

the alternate exam room, where he graded standard, foreign and make-up exams. In other news, Miller’s advanced-function calculator programs, posted on Texas Instrument’s Web site, broke the 34,000 downloads mark. His programs can be found at Marty Trammell (English) traveled this summer with other Corban staff to New Orleans to help gut damaged houses and minister to those affected by Hurricane Katrina. This was the college’s fourth trip to Louisiana’s capital since the storm and flooding hit the city. Sam Baker (ministries) attended a Children and Family Educators gathering in Denver, Colo. Attendees included Awana International, Rorheim Institute and the International Network of Children’s Ministries. Recent trends in children’s ministry indicate a growing interest in being more intentional about the place and role of the family within the local church’s ministry. Churches are also looking to create opportunities for intergenerational connections between the “extended family” of the local church.


Corban Connection Holds Annual Brunch


esidents of Farrar Hall turned out in force to a brunch in the Psalm Performing Arts Center on Sept. 30. They escorted in the ladies of Corban Connection, an auxiliary group that meets annually and raises money for campus projects. Linda Hoff, wife of President Reno Hoff, greeted the participants and coordinated the afternoon. During her presentation, she demonstrated the value of the ladies’ earlier contributions by drawing the stage-area curtains, which were purchased two years ago with $10,000 in contributions. This year’s project was the collection of $15,000 to provide carpet for Farrar. Forty-two men, along with resident director Eugene Edwards and his wife Christie, live in the residence hall. Many students attended the brunch to describe life in Farrar and to express their thanks. Corban Connection also provides scholarships for worthy women students. Last year’s recipient, Courtney McLain, thanked the ladies helping her pay for college. One of this year’s recipients, Jessica Brammer, shared that she recently married and discovered she is pregnant, so the scholarship is helping greatly. This year’s second recipient, Danielle Friesen, is studying in Oxford, England.

Tour of

Israel Living with Broken Dreams Ladies mark your calendar for the annual Woman to Woman one-day retreat at Corban, on Saturday, March 3, with keynote speaker Barbara Fletcher, of Salem Alliance Church plus nine breakout sessions and catered lunch.

Cost is $45 per person. For more information call Cathy Downs at 503-375-7010 or e-mail

In the tradition of Dr. Frank Prewitt who frequently traveled to Israel, Dr. Herb Anderson, adjunct professor of Bible and ministry, has made it a part of his life to lead tours to Israel and the Middle East. His first tour was over 50 years ago, and what he says will be his last is scheduled for February 26–March 9, 2007. On this tour Dr. Anderson is concentrating on Israel alone and featuring the archaeological discoveries that have confirmed the accuracy of Scripture. The cost is appealing—less than any tour Dr. Anderson has led in the last 10 years: $2,620. For information, contact him at 503-378-0703 or



Eliminating the Sacred/Secular Split:

Illustration: Steve Hunt

Restoring a Biblical Worldview



Author Nancy Pearcey makes a point in her recent speaking engagement at Corban.


hen lecturing at colleges and universities all across America, Nancy Pearcey likes to tell a story about a Christian high school student. In one of the girl’s classes, her teacher drew a line down the middle of the chalkboard. On one side of the line, he drew a heart. On the other, he drew a head. He then told his students that matters of faith belong to the heart, while science is the territory of the mind. The teacher’s illustration sounded innocuous enough, but alarm bells went off in Pearcey’s head when she heard the story. The teacher, a Christian, had obviously accepted the idea that facts and values should be separated. He subscribed to what Pearcey and her mentor, the late Francis Schaeffer, call the “fact/value split.” Pearcey travels around the country telling audiences that the fact/ value split, to put it bluntly, is dangerous, illogical and dead wrong. A former agnostic, this Christian philosopher has spoken about it at Dartmouth, Stanford and Princeton, as well to Congress and White House staff. The author of Total Truth, she was the founding editor of BreakPoint radio show and co-author with Chuck Colson of How Now Shall We Live? She spoke at Corban College three times in October, kicking off her visit with an attack on the kind of dualistic living demanded by the fact/value split. With humor and wit, she explained that facts and values aren’t separated, that what we accept as facts affects our values, and vice versa. The student audience roared with laughter when Pearcey opened her first lecture by quoting the lyrics to a popular song that equates humans with animals. But they nodded when she quickly tied the song to society’s acceptance of Darwinian evolution: “People do understand the implications of the theory that we are nothing but animals.” It does beg the question—does such a naturalistic worldview affect other areas of life?

Take sociobiology. Darwinian evolutionists say human behavior is the result of humans struggling to survive. Using that logic, “Every behavior that survives today must have had an advantage or it would have been weeded out by natural selection,” said Pearcey. This has led to shocking conclusions among a handful of scientists: theories that rape and incest have some kind of “adaptive function,” she continued. How about philosophy? Naturalists postulate that people choose their morals, values and laws for one reason—to aid survival. Actions shouldn’t be viewed as right or wrong but as useful or non-useful, according to naturalist psychologist and philosopher William James: “‘You don’t ask if an idea is true. You ask if it works. It’s like a fork. If it doesn’t work for soup, get a spoon.’” This makes for naturalists to see abortion as a solution to overpopulation, poverty or pollution, Pearcey said. If it’s really impossible to live the fact/value split, why do so many Christians find themselves accepting the artificial divide between head and heart—and squeeze their faith into a confined space? “We are living in the first time in history where Christianity has been boxed into the private sphere and has largely stopped speaking in the public sphere,” Pearcey said. “As a result, our lives are often fractured and fragmented, with our faith firmly locked into the private realm of church and family, where it rarely has a chance to inform our life and work in the public realm.” In large part, evangelical Christians have done this to themselves, she said. The First and Second Great Awakenings in the 1700s, characterized by emotional revivalist meetings, brought the Gospel to the American frontier. While rejecting the spiritual coldness of the Enlightenment, many believers went too far and rejected intellectualism altogether, she said. Uneducated Christians didn’t learn how to defend their faith against philosophies of the day and, as a result, either confined the faith to “matters of the heart” or wove their theology together with the day’s prevailing political and philosophical theories.



“Christianity was not shaping the culture so much as the culture planners, police officers, professors, athletes, store managers—these was shaping Christianity,” Pearcey said. professionals lose power, fulfillment and joy when they separate their In the 20th century, evangelicals have shown a surging interest values from their “fact-based” jobs, Pearcey argued. in regaining the “Christian mind,” Pearcey said, adding, “The great In reality the Christian worldview has a lot to offer society, Pearcey historian of religion Martin Marty once said every religion serves said. It offers a truly holistic view of humankind, ethics, sexuality two functions: First, it is a message of and government and other areas of life. personal salvation, telling us how to get Upon close examination, today’s prevailing “The only worldview big right with God; and second, it is a lens for philosophies rarely have answers to interpreting the world.” humanity’s basic problems. enough to encompass all human It’s religion’s second function, that “Naturalism or materialism produces experience is Christianity.” of serving as a lens through which to a mental map that is too small to account see all of life—science, politics, history for all of human experience. The only –Nancy Pearcey and education included—that Christian worldview big enough to encompass all philosophers hope to regain. For her part, human experience is Christianity,” Pearcey Pearcey is following in the footsteps of her said. mentor, Francis Schaeffer, whose L’Abri Fellowship, a community in Pearcey urged her audiences to make a concerted effort to Switzerland, produced a whole generation of Christian thinkers. regain the Christian mind by developing a worldview. She impelled Schaeffer believed that there are very real scars left upon Christians to: Christians who subscribe to the fact/value split. For example, in 1. Learn to identify other people’s worldviews. Christian churches, this dualism can denigrate ordinary work while . Translate ideas into concepts that people with other beliefs elevating church work as more valuable. can understand. To prove this point, Pearcey quoted author Bob Briner about his 3. Build a bridge, a Christian philosophy that encapsulates experience as a Christian college student pursuing a career in sports biblical thinking on specific issues. management: “I felt I was a sort of second-class campus citizen. My . Distinguish between data and interpretation and show how classmates who were preparing for the pulpit ministry or missionary the data fit a Christian worldview. service were the ones who were treated as if they would be doing the For Christians who’ve never heard the term “worldview,” Pearcey quotes Jesus’ words in Matthew 22:37: “Love the Lord your God with real work of the church. The rest of us were the supporting cast.” Equally dangerous is the pressure the fact/value split puts all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” Then she upon Christians working secular jobs; they often feel compelled to explains, “Having a Christian worldview is learning to love God and leave their faith at the door. Lawyers, journalists, politicians, city obey Him in your mind.” 10



Photo: Beth Bartruff

Author Nancy Pearcey talks with English major Emma Buscher about writing from a worldview perspective during her visit to the Corban campus.


Students respond to orphans’ visit with hospitality and gifts

gold, black, brown and purple outfits, the children performed a tribal praise song and then a hunting song. A traditional Ugandan courtship song and dance elicited thunderous applause and roars of laughter as the boys and girls acted out universal ritual of pursuit, rejection and acceptance. At the hour’s end, they’d sung, danced, played pan flutes and a xylophone and pounded out rhythm after intoxicating rhythm on hand drums. “Something about their energy and joy, Students Alison Farwell, Brooke Sterke, Hilary Sell, Erin White and Julie Sena in Wal-Mart with the Ugandan orphans.

Photo: Julie Sena


gandan orphans are the children with hungry eyes staring from newspaper pages. They’re the prey of a violent rebel army in the documentary “Invisible Children.” And they’re the 10 healthy, drum-beating, dancing, singing children who mesmerized a Corban chapel audience. Five girls and five boys commanded the stage in the Psalm Performing Arts Center for an hour in September. Their appearances at West Coast churches and campuses raised awareness about the estimated 2 million orphans in Uganda. Like others orphaned by AIDS, some may have a living mother but no financial support. These children are the lucky ones. Thanks to sponsors, they live at Childcare International’s orphanage on Uganda’s Lake Victoria. “A lot of these children literally had nothing, and they were living minute-to-minute, wondering where their next meal would come from,” said Tom Robertson ‘82, a Corban alumnus who brought the group to campus. The orphans began their show with an African praise song, “Let Everybody Praise the Lord.” Then came “The Lord is the Way,” followed by English worship songs “Now is the Time to Worship” and “Shine, Jesus, Shine.” The second half of the show gave the audience a glimpse of Africa’s rich song and dance tradition. Wearing shimmering

as they did what they knew best, made you praise the Creator of variety,” said Corban staff member Tina Brown. “You felt so thankful that they could enjoy their lives with such passion and color despite all their loss and heartache.” The college students responded with more than applause. Karen Choto, a Corban student from Zimbabwe, organized a spurof-the-moment hospitality day. She and other students played soccer with the kids and took them shopping. “We bought them jeans, shirts, underwear and socks for either school or at home,” Choto said. “The kids responded in a very grateful manner. I wished I could adopt one, if not all, of them.” Other students committed to sponsor orphans. Although Robertson told them not to feel pressed to donate while paying for college, many gave anyway. Perhaps the orphans’ presentations of “God Bless America” and “America the Beautiful,” still rang in their ears as they filled out sponsorship cards. Childcare International works in 12 countries around the world. For more information, visit





New building named John G. Balyo Hall

Dr. Reno Hoff presents a plaque to John and Betty Balyo during chapel celebrating the naming of the new residence hall.


n November, the occupants of Corban’s recently completed residence hall proudly gave themselves a new name— “the Balyo girls.” The women’s residence hall was officially named after President Emeritus John G. Balyo at a celebratory chapel and ribbon-cutting on Nov. 10. This announcement came five days after residents learned about the dorm’s new designation. “I was really pleased when I heard because Dr. Balyo is someone I’ve always been aware of—and a man I greatly respect,” said Residence Director Pam Horton. At the Nov. 10 celebration, Balyo ceremoniously cut a ribbon draped across the bridge leading to the residence hall. He and his wife, Betty, joined administrators at the all-school gathering. Balyo’s history with Corban goes back to 1983, when he arrived to serve as president. He held that office until 1991 and then 12



Dr. Balyo cuts the ribbon signifying the official naming of John G. Balyo Hall.

served as Chancellor before being named president emeritus in 2005. A graduate of Grace Theological Seminary in Indiana, Balyo pastored four churches and taught at three colleges, including Corban. “Without him, we might not be here,” said Vice President for Marketing Steve Hunt. “He brought people together at a time of declining enrollment.” Known as a gracious southern gentleman and a man of character, Balyo is also known for his love of the cartoon “Peanuts,” from which he pulled wit and wisdom for his sermons for more than 50 years. A fitting gesture, he donated a plaque—a set of Peanuts cartoons autographed by Charles Schultz—which will hang in John G. Balyo Hall for years to come.

—Student journalist Tricia Breiter contributed to this story.

Balyo Tribute

q Join us!

February 25th at 3 p.m. for a tribute to John & Betty Balyo and Dr. Balyo’s 87th birthday celebration.


Call the Alumni Office for information: 503-589-8182 or e-mail:


Adult Degree Program alumna wins national award

Eileen Miller holds her award with Chemeketa Community College president Gretchen Schuette.


orban College’s neighbor, Chemeketa Community College, is a commuter campus in north Salem that serves 57,000 students. Corban alumna Eileen Miller’s job is to keep teachers and staff members supplied with everything they need. After working 24 years in purchasing, Miller, 45, has tracked everything from million-dollar construction projects to bottles of Clorox. “Probably the weirdest orders I’ve placed were for the school’s science department— pails of pig hearts and triple-injected skinned cats,” she says. “Of course, we still get those, but I don’t have to buy them.” Since her early days as a part-time purchasing clerk, Miller, 45, has moved upward and onward—all the way into a top-tier job. As Chemeketa’s purchasing management analyst, she solicits bids and awards contracts on highimpact campus projects. And, this year, the National Institute of Governmental Purchasing recognized her work by naming her 2006 Professional Buyer of the Year. “A lot of people I work with are technically good,” says NIGP President Darin Matthews. “Eileen is set apart by what I call her ability to

be a relationship manager. She values people of all walks of life—from a janitor to a vice president—and that’s very obvious.” Miller’s ability to balance nitty-gritty details (she remembers dates and dollars with frightening accuracy) with the big picture is the gift that came after a sobering battle with cancer. “Life is not a dress-rehearsal, “ she says. The years leading up to Miller’s cancer diagnosis were full of promise. In her early 30s, she realized that she needed to finish the college degree that she’d begun at Oregon State University, but she was a working woman, wife and mother of two young children. She did her research and chose a Management and Communication degree through Corban’s 15-month degree completion program. “I realized that if I was going to advance I needed to finish my bachelor’s degree,” Miller says. “The MAC program gave me the confidence, more than anything, to succeed in my job.” Three years after graduating from Corban, Miller, then 34, learned she had an aggressive form of breast cancer. The diagnosis, she says,

was “like getting hit by a Mack truck.” Over the next year, she underwent a lumpectomy, radiation, chemotherapy and a mastectomy. Throughout the ordeal, she clung to the Lord. “Jesus died on the cross, and he was dealing with a horrible death. I’m not asked to do that, and I know God was with me,” she says. After her battle, Miller made major life changes. She’s been cancer-free for more than a decade and continues to excel at work, working toward her Certified Public Purchasing Officer designation and winning numerous awards. Conversely, she and her husband have decided to take time off to travel and spend time with family. “I no longer wait for retirement to begin doing those things that bring me joy,” Miller says. “Post-cancer, I’ve ridden in a hot air balloon, taken up golfing, white water rafted with friends, cruised to exotic ports and seen countries and places I had only dreamed about visiting. I no longer wait for the ‘right’ time.” “While cancer changed me physically, my passion for living and the emotional and spiritual growth acquired—on the journey down this potholed path—surpasses any scars left by cancer.”

Adult Degree Program “Finish What You Started.” On-Campus or Online BACHELOR’S DEGREE PROGRAMS: Family Studies Management & Communication Admissions Office: 800-764-1383 Financial Aid: 503-375-7006

Visit us online: CORBAN MAGAZINE




Corban Golf Challenge Exceeds Expectations


n all-time record breaking twenty eight teams of friends, alumni and staff met on Friday, September 15 for the Alumni Association sponsored Corban Golf Challenge at the Salem Golf Course. After lunch everyone enjoyed the afternoon of golf and camaraderie. That evening a delicious dinner catered by ARAMARK was held in the Psalm Performing Arts Center on campus where winners were announced. Tickets were sold for door prize drawings and along with a silent auction, even more money was raised for student scholarships—over $13,000. Recipients of the scholarships will be announced at the end-of-the-year chapel in April 2007 to several qualified 2007/08 juniors or seniors. Special thanks for Jack Werre ‘75 of California for his help along with dozens of faculty, staff, students and other volunteers.

Low Gross winning team


Silver Sponsor..................................... $250 Christen Enterprises Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary James Reed Associates Insurance Meguiar’s Riverswest Flyfishing Service

Tee Sign Sponsors (cont’) Garrett, Hemann, Robertson, Jennings, Comstock & Trethewy, PC Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary The Ink Spot Printing Jensen Real Estate KBZY 1490 AM Radio Keith Cox Autobahn KFE Microsystems Landmark Mortgage – Conrad Venti Les Schwab Tire Center of Junction City Paulson Investment Company Pepsi Phoenix Inn, South Salem Prudential Real Estate Professionals Select Impressions Chaille Shipps – Balanced Nutrition Smith & Wesson Wood Pellet Smokers State Farm Insurance – Glen Horton State Farm Insurance – John Ratzlaff John E. Storkel, PC, Attorney at Law Turner Gravel, Inc. Willow Lake Golf Center & Driving Range Withnell Car Rental

Tee Sign Sponsors............................... $100 Aldrich Kilbridge & Tatone LLP Best Buy Caffé Gelato Representative Kevin Cameron Courthouse Athletic Club Chiropractic Physicians Charles D. Lucas, PC Cleaning Distribution Company Collision Reconstruction Forensic Analysis – Robert E. Stearns Corban Athletic Warrior Club Country Insurance – Dave Romine DJP Enterprises Warrior Transportation & Charter Service Edwin K Bed & Breakfast Fast Signs Frito Lay, Inc.

Prize Sponsors AAA Applebees Salon 124 Best Buy The Big Kahuna The Body Well – Pam Stauber Lorri Berglund, LMT, Massage Therapy Center of Attention – Rachel Furlong Corban College Alumni Association Corban College Office of Advancement Country Insurance – David Romine D.A.D.’s Promotional Products, Inc. Don Davenport – Mountain Man Nut & Fruit Company Edwin K Bed & Breakfast in Florence Frito Lay, Inc. Great Harvest

Title Sponsor..........................$7500 ARAMARK Catering Services Corporate Sponsor.............................. $1000 Adams, Day & Hill, Attorney at Law Bank of the Cascades C & R Builders Foundation for Christian Fellowship HRCentral State Farm Insurance – Pat Nicholson Touch of Mink U.S. Bank Jack Werre Gold Sponsor....................................... $500 Farmers Insurance – Jack Werre Salem Nissan




Low Net winning team

Winning teams were: Low Gross: Jeff Dunn ‘05, current student Ben Sisler, Marty Reid ‘04 and Nelson Zarfas ‘82. Low Net: Marcus Bigelow ‘96, Tim Smith, Jim Green and Mike Knospi.

Prize Sponsors (cont’) Home & Garden Party Michael Howden KBZY 1490 AM Radio “Salem’s First Choice” Liberty Street Hair – Michelle Clifford Nancy Sperling Pat Nicholson ‘97 Phoenix Inn, South Salem Pig-n-Pancake Renee Potloff Riverswest Flyfishing Services Roth’s Keizer Roth’s West Salem Shari’s Restaurants Chaille Shipps – Balanced Nutrition Smith & Wesson Texaco Express Lube – Mark Bidwell ‘82 Touch of Mink Jack Werre ‘75 Deleen Wills


Honor roll of

Donors D President’s Club

First Baptist Church, Polson, MT First Baptist Church, Quincy, WA First Baptist Church, Florence, OR Foothills Church, Stayton, OR Howard and Ivy Games Alfred and Rosemary Giumarra Mark and Shawnie Gookin Grace Baptist Church, Yuba City, CA Geoff and Cheryl Guilfoy LeRoy and Nancy Hedberg Pastor and Claude Hendricks Herrman Northwest, Inc Dan and Chris Hill Hillyer’s Ford Reno and Linda Hoff Curtis and Denise Horton Justin Hostetter David Howerton Mark and Patty Hurst Clarence and Dorothy James Dick and Pauline Keeney Lucas Knapp Mark and Ruth Leamy Angnes Lina Bruce and Bronwyn Madison Ronald McFarlane McKenzie Baptist Church, Leaburg, OR Mr. and Mrs. David Melsha Rich and Dianne Meyers Daren and Michelle Milionis President’s Circle Donn and Sue Mogford Gift of $1000 to $4,999 New Hope Baptist Church, Nampa, ID Tim and Judy Aagard Don and Pat Nicholson Adams, Day & Hill Rich and Peggy Noland Aldrich, Kilbride & Tatone Sheldon and Jamie Nord Frank and Susie Alexander Oak Harbor Freight Lines, Inc. Dan and Charlene Anderson Mike and Kathy Patterson Tim and Barbara Anderson Charles Peck Patricia Beach Stan and Sharon Pense Bethany Baptist Church, Salem, OR Doug and Jan Pfeiler Alan and Yvonne Bishop Floyd Prewitt Alan and Sandy Bittel Max Pyles Meredith Branstetter R.L. Reimers Co. Ken and Debbie Braun Donald and Mildred Rasmussen Gladys Bill Caddy Ray and Jeanne Reid Calvary Baptist Church, Tacoma, WA Rolling Hills Baptist Church, Salem, OR Katie Casebeer Jerry and Carolyn Roth Alvin Cassidy Salem First Baptist Church Clair and Della Casterline Salem Nissan Richard and Eris Caulkins Salem Papa’s LLC Christ Community Church of Milpitas, Tom and Linda Samek Milpitas, CA Santa Clarita Baptist Church, Canyon Christian Camp and Conference Assoc. Country, CA Ben and Barbara Cornelius Daniel and Becky Schanz Dean and Teresa Cox Southcenter Comm. Baptist Church, James and Virginia Cross Tukwila, WA DJTC Corporation Southside Baptist Church, Tacoma, WA Eastgate Bible Fellowship, Bellevue, WA Carl and Sherrie Sprague Edison International Employee Dennis and Sue Stegenga Contributions Campaign Tabernacle Baptist Church, Shoreline, WA Loren and Ev Emmert Taylor Creek Church, Maple Valley, WA Mr. Glen Richter E. Estate of Elsie Richter Stuart and Colette Tennant Terry and Susan Finkbeiner The Campbell Group, LLC First Bapt Church Of University Karisa Bruce Thede Place, WA Brent and Julie Thomas First Baptist Church, Monte Sereno, CA Ron and India Tornell First Baptist Church, Connell, WA Greg and Tiffany Trull First Baptist Church, Richland, WA Valley Baptist Church, Dallas, OR First Baptist Church, Wenatchee, WA Valley Bible Church, Rodeo, CA Gift of $5000 or more Anonymous ARAMARK Jim and Karen Carlson Estate of Clifford Henry Estate of Evelyn Hyer Estate of Skeeter Ellis Robin Dale Geleynse Loren and Jeanne Glass Mel and Kay Hendrickson Keith and Anna Herrman Robin Herrman Nelson and Eleanor Hyatt Vern and Joan Johnson Juan Young Trust Meyer Memorial Trust Steve and Bonnie Moore Morning Star Community Church, Salem, OR Ronald Moser Nooksack Valley Baptist Church, Everson, WA State Farm Companies Foundation Erhardt and Joy Steinborn Carrie West Wheeler Foundation Dan and Sally Wilder

Brian and Annette Vaughan Jerry and Dolores Werre Jack and Pam Werre Western Avenue Baptist Church, Brawley, CA Western Wash. Baptist Camping Assoc. Carl and Emma Jean Whipps Dick and Jo Ann Whipps Wilder Toyota, Inc. Al and Margaret Wipf Davina Younger

THANK YOU to the many supporters whose generous gifts help implement Corban’s historic vision to be an outstanding comprehensive Christian college. By supporting Corban, you enable a new generation of students to experience the many benefits of an education distinctively rooted in Jesus Christ. Over the past five years, Corban has received more than $10 million from individuals with a vested interest in the College. The following honor roll lists the faithful alumni, parents, friends and staff who supported us during the period of July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006. The College, its students, faculty and administration are most grateful!

Craig and Jane Lucas Zachary and Teresa Lucas Nancy Martyn Jay and Shannon Mathisen Dale and Marlene McClain Hans and Mariene Messick Mid-Valley Community Church, Woodburn, OR Victor and Judy Monlux Joseph and Glenis Morrison National Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc Elvon and Lorraine Nelson Chet and Elizabeth Nichols Partners’ Club Mr. and Mrs. David Noor Gifts of $500 to $999 Paul and Renee Null Keith and Merilyn Aldy Mark and Marianie Oakes Mike and Suzanne Allegre R.M. and Margaret Peck Frank and Barbara Bain Redmond Community Church, Bain Wealth Management Group Redmond, OR Joanne Wayne Ballinger Redwood Valley Community Church, Bank of the Cascades Redwood Valley, CA John and Theresa Bell George and Joanne Rickard Wayne and Dawn Bernard Jon and Velna Schilling Bryce and Julie Bernard John and SuEllen Scott Clifford and Ilene Boorman Steve and Janet Sedor BPM Physical Therapy Center, Inc. James and Jacoba Sena Gary and Lori Bradley Jack and Jo Sherman Elmer and Mildred Bragg Daniel and Sarah Shuholm Joshua Bronson Roger and Carolyn Smith Richard and Sheree Cade Sports Wave, Inc. Tracy and Bev Camillo Heidi Stowman Chris and Margie Carras Suburban Christian Church, Corvallis, OR Community Baptist Church, Red Temple Baptist Church, Portland, OR Bluff, CA Gerald Tillman Brad and Michelle Crosby Tim and Jan Trahern Dennis Curtis Dale E. Tromble, Jr Virgil and Brenda Dowell Tumwater First Baptist Church, Frank and Cathy Downs Tumwater, WA Dave and Ruth Dunn Vina Community Church, Vina, CA Evangelical Free Church, Oroville, CA Ted and Laura Vogt Faith Baptist Church, Lincoln City, OR Floyd and Jeanette Votaw Doug and Bev Farris Kevin and Carol Warkentine Randy and Cathy Farwell Tyler and Jennifer Westby Larry and Joyce Ferreira Brian and Nina White First Baptist Church, Hemet, CA Willamette Valley Bank First Baptist Church, Bellevue, WA Terry and Debby Williams First Baptist Church, Othello, WA Withnell Car Rental First Baptist Church, Weaverville, CA Bob and Rita Wright First Conservative Baptist, Roseburg, OR Georgia M. Young Arthur and Betty Gee Seth Young Jeanette Gillam Glenwood Community Church, Vancouver, WA Builders’ Club Grace Baptist Church, St. Helens, OR Gifts of $250 to $499 Grace Baptist Church, Salem, OR Wayne Ambacher Rodger and Annette Greenfield Rudy and Sandra Anberg Norman and Donna Halsey Herb and Betty Lu Anderson Joann Holleman Donald and Kelly Annotti Aurelia Hunt Jay and Betsy Arnold Steve and Rhoda Hunter Dave and Sheila Bale Ralph and Joy Isensee Vernon and Marilyn Balsbaugh James Reed & Associates Steve and Brenda Batey Steve and Cindy Johnson Jason and Shari Bedunnah Larry and Carol Justis Stephen and Cheryl Beeson Labish Center Community Church Norm and Nancy Berney ECNA, Salem, OR Bethel Baptist Church, Aumsville, OR Albert and Blanche Lattin Brad and Sheri Bowder Peter and Nancy Lind Dan and Marilee Box Charles and Mary Lucas Wayne and Janet Brewer

Ray and Evelyn Brumbaugh California Heights Baptist Church, Long Beach, CA Campton Heights Baptist Church, Fortuna, CA Ruth and John Carey Coarsegold Community Bible Church, Coarsegold, CA Coastline Christian Fellowship, Astoria, OR Linda Cooper Leif Dahl Jaime and Maria Delcastillo DJP Enterprises Ken and Tracy Driver Ted Dyer Chris and Kathy Erickson Jack and Lois Erickson F & W Fence Faith Baptist Church, Salem, OR Dan and Linda Farrington David and Barbara Farwell Fellowship Bible Church, Sandy, OR Linda Fiegi First Baptist Church, Gladstone, OR First Baptist Church, Whitefish, MT First Evangelical Free Church, Vancouver, WA First Fundamental Baptist Church, Torrance, CA Roger and Marguerite Fischer Omar and Silvia Garcia GE Foundation Grace Baptist Church, Portland, OR Jim and Claudia Green Anna Gregory Larry and Nancy Harrington C.C. and Yvonne Haverland Hawksflight & Associates Philip and Yurie Joy Hayes Jason Heinz Henderson Avenue Baptist Church, Porterville, CA Herrman Farms Bethany Hutton Integrity First Financial Shiela Isaak Lenora Johnson Eric and Colleen Johnson Jerry and Bev Johnson Mike Jurkovich David Kaiser Kent and Terri Kersey Douglas and Susan Kilcup Jonathan and Beth Kilcup Daryl and Tera Knox Timothy and Tammy Lamb Helen Lee Jane Lee Donald and Dolores Leighton Trevor Lewis Melanie Ligocki Becky and Jack Loughridge M.J. Lucas Charley and Jodi Marks Bob and Diane Mathisen Lonnie and Rosemary McCullough Michael and Julie Millage Daniel and Winoma Mittelstedt

Paul Myers Lorna Myrick John and Shari Nelson Storman Norman Glen and Pam Nugent Nyssa Baptist Fellowship, Nyssa, OR Orchard Avenue Baptist Church, Vacaville, CA Our Saviour’s Baptist Church, Federal Way, WA Pacific Appraisal Consultants, Inc. Darrell and Marilyn Patterson Timothy and Danette Peeke Apryl Pense Kent Powell Matthew and Dawn Price Tyson and Andrea Pruett Charles and Carol Rall David and Jenelle Rasmussen Results Recruiting, Inc. Holly and Craig Rice Carolyn Salholm Vic and Susan Santie Tyler and Kim Satterthwaite Ronald and Denita Schaumburg Brian and Lori Schilling David and Cathy Serell Seanand Tiffany Serell Harold and Grace Sevener Silverdale Baptist Church, Bremerton, WA Denny and Deanna Smith Soldotna Bible Chapel, Soldotna, AK Paul and Betty Steen Sterling Baptist Church, Sterling, Alaska Sunnyslope Christian Reformed Church, Salem, OR Chuck and Marietta Thompson Jennifer Thorpe Anna Tipton Grant and Debbie Tipton Marty and Linda Trammell Steve Vincent Roy and Linda Wall West Hills Baptist Church, Portland, OR Ron Whitehead Gordie and Phyllis Wilcox Bailey Wilcox Dawn Winokur Lisa Wipf James and Janet Wise Wittenberg Inn Dean and Tami Yeager Craig and Shirley Yuranek

Founders’ Club

Gifts from $120 to $249 A & B Executive CL Trust Gary Amans Karen Avgeris Roger Baca Josh and Lauren Bain Doug and Vivian Bain John and Betty Balyo Mike and Debbie Bates Paul and Jodi Beals Dale Beck John Bell Gary and Rhonda Benson




H O N O R R O L L O F D O N O RS Jennifer Berg Douglas and Roberta Berry Zachary Bigham Jay and Catherine Bishop Gregory and Nancy Blank Boeing Gift Matching Program Robert Bovey Ryan and Jennifer Braaten Betty Bradley Loretta Brainard Richard Branham Sherry Brazda Nathan Brinker Andrew and Cheryl Brint Elton and Margaret Brutscher Jim and Debi Bryant Dick and Mavis Buck Amy Bullock Burlingame Baptist Church, Portland, OR Calvary Baptist Church, Reno, Nevada Calvary Crossroads, Grants Pass, OR Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Canyon Baptist Church, Lyons, OR David and Sarah Carlock Jeffrey and Leslie Case Roger and Janelle Coakley David and Sherry Colachico James and Marion Collett Betty N. Combs Court Street Christian Church, Salem, OR Linda Cox Rick and Susan Cox Steve and Jane Crosby Arthur and Pamela Cummings Rex and Diana Davis Dayspring Fellowship, Keizer, OR Royce and Joyce Delmatier Barry and Dana Desbiens Thomas and Angele Dubois Jerry and Nancy Eaton John and Jane Eberhardt Eugene and Christina Edwards Donald and Rebecca Ekstrom William Elmore Faith Baptist Church, Strathmore, CA First Baptist Church, East Wenatchee, WA First Baptist Church, Sandpoint, ID Ms. Tammy Frendahl Timothy andJoyce Garland Wendell and Peggy Garner David and Mary Gillies Gladys Blum Real Estate, Inc. Jodi Glazner James Goertz Virginia Gomer Kevin Goodman Henry and Katherine Gowen Harold and Joany Haws Harold and Marjorie Hayes Arthur and Jennean Hill Jim and Bonnie Hills Michael Holland Richard and Janette Holsey Mr. and Mrs. William Hooper Donald and Kathleen Hoskin Ellen Jacobs Jason Jarrett Larry and Elaine Johnson Timothy and Diane Jondrow Mr. and Mrs. Jones Earl and Ellen Kersey Marshal and Alice King Russ and Kimberly Klassen Fred and Della Klinkebiel William and Rae Knopp Paul and Ruth LaFreniere Neil Langsather Leslie Largent Louis and Barbara Lawless Ronald and Pearl Lee Carmen Levinson Norman and Phyllis Lind Judith Linder Jeffrey and Carol Long Robert and Diana Long Dennis and Judith Lucas Matt and Tammy Lucas Ralph and Judy Maas MaPS Credit Union Brad and Susan Mason Jo McDonnell Scott McLellan Dan and Sharon McMillan Russ and Judy McMillan Blane Meier Melrose Community Church, Roseburg, OR William and Betty Miller Ruth Minor Cheryl and David Molstad



Morin Chimney Sweep Brian Nelson Ronald and Gloria Nelson Newport - Waldport Acquisition Corporation Steve and Linda Nichols Jane Nooner Justin and Sarah Officer Oregon City Bible Chapel, Oregon City, OR Sandra O’Reilly William and Bertha Ost Robert and Judith Owen Dave and Peggy Pardini Margaret Parkin Kathleen Parry Pfizer, Inc. Daniel Porth Rhoades Investments, Inc Paul Richter Herbert and Marguerite Rockey Mr. and Mrs. Greg Ross Brenda Roth Mr. William Ryals Salem Evangelical Church, Salem, OR Salem Hotel Group Rodney Sauer Donald and Mary-Ann Scheler Mary and John Schmidgall Anthony and Suzanne Schmidt Melvin and Marjorie Scott Boyd and Jeanette Scroggins Secure Storage Nickolas and Tara Sedor Sierra Baptist Church, Newcastle, CA Jim and Nancy Sperling Gene Streight Lowell and Patricia Stutzman John Sweet LeRoy and Delores Tabler Michael and Serena Taylor The Victory Group, Inc Ilene Thedens Michael and Janice Thomas James and Cathy Traut Tri City Baptist Church, Myrtle Creek, OR Christopher Turner Jeffrey and Jennifer Uskoski Gary and Shelley Antwerp Steve and Deborah Van Dick Darrell Vandyke Clifton Vassar Leon and Kathleen Verdoorn Jean Wade Paul and Barb Wattenburger Georgia Weiser Wells Fargo Community Support Richard Wells Terry and Loretta Whitlock Mr. and Mrs. James Wickstrom Alberta Widman Dan and Mary Louise Wilkinson Mary Ann Wilson Mike and Shirley Yoder Marty and Cindy Ziesemer

Chris Mann MaPS Credit Union Moore Law Group, P.C. National Collegiate Athletic Association National Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc Newport - Waldport Acquisition Corp. Oak Harbor Freight Lines, Inc. Orca Builders, Inc. Our Savior’s Baptist Church Pacific Appraisal Consultants, Inc. Pfizer, Inc. R.L. Reimers Co. Renaissance Man, Inc. Results Recruiting, Inc. Rhoades Investments, Inc. Tiffany Richardson Salem Hotel Group Salem Leadership Foundation, Inc. Salem Nissan Salem Papa’s, LLC Secure Storage Sports Wave, Inc. State Farm Companies Foundation Sweet Creations NW, LLC Cara Teterud The Campbell Group, LLC United Way of King County Annatto Public Relations, Inc. WA Mutual Savings Bank Wells Fargo Community Support Western Wash Baptist Camping Assoc. Wilder Toyota, Inc. Willamette Valley Bank Withnell Car Rental



Abbey Carpet Care Adams, Day & Hill Aldrich, Kilbride & Tatone Amerivision Communications, Inc. ARAMARK Bain Wealth Management Group Bank of the Cascades Boeing Gift Matching Program Boldt, Carlisle & Smith, LLC BPM Physical Therapy Center, Inc. Cedarland Properties, LLC DJP Enterprises DJTC Corporation Edison International Employee Contributions Campaign Eternal Perspective Ministries F & W Fence GE Foundation Gold Beach Books, Inc. Hawksflight & Associates Herrman Farms Herrman Northwest, Inc. Hillyer’s Ford Hometown Unlimited Integrity First Financial IPO Sauce, Inc. Jamax, Inc. James P. Crumley Construction Co. James Reed & Associates Jason J. Jarrett Jim Steidley, Inc.



A & B Executive CL Trust Estate of Clifford Henry Glen Richter E. Estate of Elsie Richter Estate of Evelyn Hyer Estate of Skeeter Ellis


Juan Young Trust Meyer Memorial Trust Wheeler Foundation

Alumni By Class

Virginia Heister Hendrickson Ruth Edwards LaFreniere Richard Meyers Dianne Kuehn Meyers Judith Coppinger Owen Sherrie Jackson Sprague Carl Sprague


Timothy Hills Nancy Martyn Kay Newland Spingath


Thomas E. Carlson Pat Hetrick Steve Hunt Kathryn Murdock Hunt


Jane Glass Lucas Craig L. Lucas Renee Howell Null


Charlene Odell Anderson JoAnn Booth Hills Ruth E. Minor Richard W. Noland Robert R. Owen Betty Edwards Steen Carol Kintner Wood


Daniel L. Anderson Sandee Sanders Gorsuch Lawrence O. Hetrick Rhoda Martin Hunter Steve D. Hunter Lola Christensen Williams


Wendell A. Garner Jim Hills Reno Hoff Victor Hubbard Paul B. Null Margaret Glowniak Pardini David A. Pardini Paul Steen Dan Wilder


Charlotte Steele Winnett Bloyce G. Winnett

Richard E. Fisher Glenna Rust Grames Harold C. Haws Curtis Horton Calvin W. Howe Joan Elmore Howe Diana Jackson Moyer Kevin W. Moyer Kathryn Martyn Patterson Michael L. Patterson Terry L. Williams




Adrian Jeffers Lorna Blackie Myrick Harvey Myrick


Anne Swearingen Jeffers


Gloria Pedraza Miranda Thelma James Runyon Cecil C. Williams


Jane Woodruff Nooner Clarence R. James Dorothy Johanson James Dwight R. West


Betty Wong Gee


Harold Sevener Grace Hutchinson West


Grace Prewitt Sevener Mary Edwards Smith


Phyllis Hill Wilcox Gordon H. Wilcox


Mary Myhre Fisher


Donald A. Curtis Judy Coates Maas Donald T. Wilcox Dolores J. Wilcox


Ruthanne Ruhlman Beddoe Mavis Marion Buck Richard J. Buck Margaret Werner Noland


Alan N. Bishop

Gary W. Bradley Fredrick W. Butcher Dianne Wolff Farwell Pamela Kari Nugent Stephen E. Spingath Deborah Waters VanDick


Fawn Quaintance Bartlett Mike A. Bartlett Marilyn Brumbaugh Brammer Daniel E. Brammer Laura Robinson England Terry K. Finkbeiner Claudia Games Green Vivian Peterson Hubbard Joan Sharratt Johnson Barbara Hawthorne Lawless Dewayne Lebow John M. Nelson John Soriano Martha Babcock Wilson


Lori Lamb Bradley Dave M. Dunn Dale B. Farwell Roger S. Farwell Becky Long Farwell


Jay C. Arnold Joyce Koenig Ferreira Jean Gehring Gott Reed W. Lamb Rebecca Wikler Schwarze Linda Schaap Sergeant Jack A. Werre Sandi Diehl Emmert Barbara Bjurstrom Farwell

Lawrence W. Grames Cynthia Fagundes Jahnke Robin G. Jahnke Connie Neighbors Lamb Rebekah McDaniel Myer Steven D. Schubarth John M. Schwarze Dawn VanderBurg Winokur Gary Youtsey


Timothy H. Aagard Judy Sparling Aagard David P. Farwell Randal H. Farwell Cathy Emitte Farwell Stephen P. Feriante Linda Samek Leslie Moyer Schubarth


David B. Adamson Julie Marlowe Bernard Dean S. Cox Linda Dollinger Hoff Michael E. Howden Daren J. Milionis Danette Simpson Peeke Joyce A. Sherman Linda Markwood Trammell Wallace R. Vohland Rita Wright Robert Wright


Bryce A. Bernard David R. Bertz Teresa Wyse Cox Claudia Markwood Howden Kimberly Mitchell Klassen Laurie Wagner Lehman Marlene Widman McClain Dale C. McClain Brian L. Merryman Andrea Pellonari Merryman William D. Newton Sheldon C. Nord Glenn P. Sergeant


Sheila McAdams Bale Michael D. Balsbaugh Jennifer Scheidel Bertz Steven L. Emmert David B. McGinnis Conni Johnson Neustel Timothy R. Seiber Martin G. Trammell


Brian R. Elliott Mark E. Neustel Kevin E. Warkentine


Larissa Smith Beals Douglas E. Gorsuch Russ Klassen Tammy Bragg McGinnis


Shawn T. Abbey Lowell Gibson Carol Holtrop Prince Sheryl Ruhlman Rasmussen Randal W. Sorenson Gary D. Williamson


Douglas S. Beals Sandra Markwood Elliott Julya Eppley Johnson Stephen T. Nutter Eric W. Rasmussen Patti Burton Williamson


Sharon Roden Abbey Ellen K. Jacobs Spencer P. Johnson


Suzanne Trussell Allegre Timothy R. Baker Paul C. Beals Bonnie Jones Hills


Rockelle Blankers Baddeley Jodi Olson Beals Vicki Nutter Brenda L. Roth Julie Overzet Thomas


Robert R. Baddeley Marcella Dirks Baker

Bradley J. Crosby Robert I. Edgar Michelle Fischer Milionis David S. Miller Jamie Rawlins Nord Gary J. Potter Brent Thomas Brian Vaughan Cindy Classen Ziesemer Martin A. Ziesemer


Michelle Kleve Crosby Rosemary Blair Gillette Jennifer S. Krug Melanie J. Ligocki Angela Patten Miller Tyson V. Pruett Carolyn A. Purtell Tiffany Naas Trull Annette McKay Vaughan


Ryan A. Braaten Robert E. Gillette Justin R. Greene Cheryl L. Guilfoy Nancy Hedberg Daniel Hill Dennis R. Houser Jodi Hills Marks Stephen D. Nielsen Sheila Zervas Nielsen Justin R. Sherwood


Patricia Williams Beach Jennifer Holdaway Braaten Christina Patton Greene Matthew Lucas Charles D. Lucas Tammy Godfrey Lucas


Bethany Hibpshman Bigelow Kenneth S. Driver Constance J. Edgar Shannon Green Mathisen Jay R. Mathisen Andrea Ziesemer Pruett Geneva L. Walters


Marcus C. Bigelow Darrel R. Jordan Daryl V. Knox Tera Glenn Knox Hans B. Reith Jennifer Hendrickson Sherwood Carrie J. West Doug West


Jacinta Magner Baker Kelly M. Braaten Judi Woodworth Cranston Kevin E. Daugherty Luba Kostrikin Dubenko Matthew R. Edwards Catherine R. Lindley Patricia L. Nicholson Susan L. Rasmussen


Janci Grant Burns Jane Parker Lee John D. McOmber


Bryan W. Baker Casey D. Dorr Tracy Fertig Driver Cliff Herman Mark J. Leamy Julie West Millage Matthew P. Riddle Shane C. Riddle Kimberly Segrin Satterthwaite Tyler G. Satterthwaite Janet Vohland


Marguerite F. Alexander Karyn Nelson Braaten Christina Bass Edwards Eugene D. Edwards Kristianna Yates Gabel Lindsay Langmade Goostree Amy Merrick Jordan Todd F. Lindley Mary L. Lucas Matthew D. Price Rebecca Malsey Riddle Chaille Shipps


Joshua L. Bain Alyson Orem Dorr Christina Pace Farwell David R. Farwell Ronda McCoy Hurley John R. Keeney Christina Neeley Porter Heidi R. Stowman Jeffrey Uskoski


Lauren Dickman Bain Robert S. Buhl Angela Boorman Lopez Charles D. Marks Jill Jackson Riddle Nickolas A. Sedor Jennifer Cramp Uskoski


Jennifer R. Nelson Jennifer L. Ohta Tara Schmidgall Sedor Jeanne Woodley


Gregory N. Anderson Robyn Young Buhl Justin C. Cherrington Rachel E. Crumley Courtney R. Dodds Marcella McIntyre Foster Shiela M. Isaak Paul D. Myers Glen Nugent Nancy Walsh Katherine Scully Weber Brandon Weber


Robert W. Bovey Sarah E. Ernst Megan R. Haner Joany Kintner Haws Justin S. Hostetter Jason J. Jarrett Kyle Lute Linda Madison Matthew W. McAuliffe Storman Norman


Ukiah J. Bunn Ashlie L. Carey Katie S. Casebeer Angela M. Charles Shelby A. Dickman Jennifer N. Diers Joshua H. Gaylord Christine M. Hayes Bethany Hutton Lucas E. Knapp Stephanie R. Lindsay Chris Mann Cindel Mikesell Brian S. Nelson Sarah Muri Officer Justin Officer Apryl Pense Amanda L. Porter Jessica Redding Hannah J. Schut Kelly Tippett Jennifer J. VanBuskirk Jenny L. Welty Bailey Willcox Erin J. Woodley


Joshua Bronson Kari Schmaltz Lute Connie Pollard


Rebecca Boorman Jodi Glazner Elisa Schwarze


Sarah Ashford Jennifer L. Straw

Faculty & Staff

Dan and Charlene Anderson Herb Anderson Tim Anderson Vivian Bain Dave Bale John Balyo Elizabeth Bartruff Mike Bates John. Bell Jennifer Berg

Bryce Bernard Norm Berney Alan Bittel Clair Casterline Richard Caulkins Virginia Cross Gary Derickson Courtney Dodds Cathy Downs Leslie Eck Eugene Edwards Brian Elliott Chris Erickson Bev Farris Claudia Green Donna Halsey Joany Haws Philip Hayes Nancy Hedberg Julie Helm Jim and Bonnie Hills Reno Hoff Denny Houser Steve Hunt Ellen Jacobs Dorothy James Adrian and Anne Jeffers Jerry Johnson Kent Kersey Jennifer Krug John Lipton Matt Lucas Nancy Martyn Bob Mathisen Tammy McGinnis Rich Meyers Daren Milionis John Nelson Justin Officer Dan Ostlund Chris Porter Jerry Purtell Brenda Roth Tom and Linda Samek Lori Schilling John Scott Nickolas and Tara Sedor Tim Seiber Justin and Jenny Sherwood Dan Shuholm Nancy Sperling Kay Sringath Jim Sprow Heidi Stowman Jim Streckfuss Colette Tennant Grant Tipton Jan Trahern Marty Trammell Greg Trull Wally and Janie Vohland Floyd Votaw Pat and Nancy Walsh Ron Whitehead Mary Louise Wilkinson Terry Williams Karen Willoughby Deleen Wills Jeanne Woodley Bob and Rita Wright Shirley Yuranek Marty Ziesemer


Jacob Abdulla Jon and Patricia Abel Scott and Karen Ables Diane Adams Elizabeth Adams Harry and Carol Adams Janis Adams Mr. and Mrs. Steve Adams Mary Aguilera Eric and Peggy Ahlgrim Kristen Ahrendt Mr. and Mrs. Eddy Aikin Kristin Aikin Tami Alberez Lillian Albright Keith and Merilyn Aldy Frank and Susie Alexander Mike and Suzanne Allegre Arthur and Beverly Allen G.T. and Terry Allen Peter and Tammy Allen Richard and Alison Allen Michael and Judith Alsworth Charlotte Amans Gary Amans

Larry and Christie Amans Wayne Ambacher Rudy and Sandra Anberg Craig and Debra Anderson Evelyn Anderson Gary Anderson Geraldine Anderson Herb and Betty Lu Anderson Jack and Kathy Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Ken Anderson Tim and Barbara Anderson Cris and Laurie Andrew Paul and Lisa Andrewjeski Melissa Andrews Mr. and Mrs. Donald Annotti Anonymous David and Mary Anselma Eric and Shawna Anundi Alfonso and Mary Arashiro Jeff and Shellie Archer Jason and Traci Armstrong Larry and Jacqui Armstrong Barry and Vicki Arnold Betty Ashford Bonnie Ashford Rick and Cindy Ashmore Roy and Pauline Atchison Tim R. Atteberry Gayle Attix Kevin and Sylvia Avery Karen Avgeris James and Carol Azzaro Roger Baca Aaron and Jaclyn Backus Frank and Barbara Bain Doug and Vivian Bain Clint and Jane Baird Baja Fresh Mexican Grill David and Pamela Baker S.R. and Jamie Baker Dave and Sheila Bale Raymond Ballantyne Wayne and Joanne Ballinger Vernon and Marilyn Balsbaugh John and Betty Balyo C.T. and Julie Bancroft Everett and Mildred Barker Terry and Cara Barnes Tom and Shelley Barnes Todd and Allison Barnett Peter and Gail Barram David and Sharyn Barrett Frank and Kathleen Barron Welsey and Marilyn Barry Joe and Shirley Bartel Elizabeth Bartuff Lianna Batavia Keith and L.C. Bates Mike and Debbie Bates Steve and Brenda Batey Thomas Bauer Zach and Holly Bayer Charles and Sandra Beals James and Lawrie Beardsley Jeff and Patricia Beaty Martin Beauvais Dale Beck Darrell and Ruthanne Beddoe Jason and Shari Bedunnah Sherri Beeler R.L. and Carol Beeman Stephen and Cheryl Beeson Robert and Jamie Behl Charles and Linda Bell Mr. and Mrs. John Bell Shirley Bellah Vincent and Patricia Bender Daniel Benjamin Brian Benson Gary Benson Jennifer Berg Klaus and Cheryl Berkner Richard and Elizabeth Bermudes Wayne and Dawn Bernard Norm and Nancy Berney Robert and Hilda Berney Douglas and Roberta Berry Primo and Dorothy Bertolini Tim Bertolini Leo and Faye Bertsch Daniel and Miriam Bertuleit Mary Bess Lauren and Betty Beuving Todd and Sherry Bevis Jason Beyrouty Zachary Bigham Jerry and Pamela Bilden Emery and Beatrice Billings John and Shannan Billman Dale and Katherine Bilyeu

Matthew and Kimberly Bird Jay and Catherine Bishop Benjamin Bistline Ron and Debra Bistline Alan and Sandy Bittel Fred and Berta Bjurstrom Kay Bjurstrom Larry and Lisa Black Gregory and Nancy Blank John and Christine Blazer William and Jennifer Bliesner Bryan and Lisa Blodgett M.K. and Mary Blohn Peter and Mary Blum Leonard and Sharon Bodeen Eric and Carol Boehmler Earl and Marilyn Bolvin Joseph and Ada Bommarito Terese Bommarito Betty Boorman Clifford and Ilene Boorman Robert and Carol Boring Jack and Nancy Botts James and June Bougher Harvey and Margaret Bouland Stephen and Linda Bounds Judith Bourne Brad and Sheri Bowder David and Kathleen Bower Benney Bowman Dan and Marilee Box Mary Lu Box Maxine Box Paul and Karen Box Anthony and Gillian Bozanic Philip and Della Braden Lyle and Robin Bradford Betty Bradley Elmer and Mildred Bragg Loretta Brainard Mr. and Mrs. Don Branch Malcolm and Myra Brand James Brands Richard Branham Meredith Branstetter Beth Brault Ken and Debbie Braun Nancy Brazda Sherry Brazda Wayne and Janet Brewer Dewayne and Sandra Bridges Dale and Janice Brieske Enid Briggs Nathan Brinker Andrew and Cheryl Brint Don and Karen Broemeling William and Marilyn Brooks Mrs. W.J. Brookshire Douglas and Jennifer Brown Jeffrey and Melinda Brown Vernon and Pauline Brown John and Lisa Bruce Ray and Evelyn Brumbaugh Steven and Sharon Brumbaugh Mildred Brundige Elton and Margaret Brutscher

Jim and Debi Bryant Kevin and Laurie Buck Leslie Buckendorf Buckner Amy Bullock Betty Bullock Mark and Martha Bullock B & J Bunn, Jr. David Bunn Larry and Regina Burchett Sue Burkhart Anna Burtkhart Frank and Jan Burris James and Donna Burroughs James and Mary Burt Chris Burton Larry and Suzy Burton Russell and Cynthia Buswell Brian and Lynette Butchko Donald and Roxanna Butkus Kenneth and Judy Butler Milton and Patrick Butler Bill and Gladys Caddy Richard and Sheree Cade Linn Calile John and Rose Calise Rex and Melva Calloway Kevin and Judith Cameron Tracy and Bev Camillo Carol Campbell Frank Campbell Kevin and Marie Campbell Robert Yvonne Campbell Scot and Kathy Campbell Steven and Connie Caraang Bruce and Alisa Cardin Charles Carey John E. Carey Mr. and Mrs. John Carey David and Sarah Carlock Jim and Karen Carlson James and Linda Carr Mr. and Mrs. Chris and Margie Carras Elaine D. Case Frank and Susan Case Jeffrey and Leslie Case Robert and Lindy Case Virginia Cassens Alvin Cassidy Clair and Della Casterline Douglas Castle Don and Jackie Cauble Elmer and Nelle Caughron Richard and Eris Caulkins Claudette Cebrian Stephen and Elizabeth Chaffee Peter and Nancy Chamberlain Rosalie Chandler Shirley Chapman David and Eva Chase David and Helen Cherry Robert and Sandra Childs IV Christian Camp and Conference Assoc. James and Karla Christiansen Tony and Donna Chursky Leige and Anna Clare

Otis and Deanne Clayton Leroy and Doreen Clemmer Robert and Anna Clemons Richard and Kate Cleveland Daniel and Debra Clifford Bruce and Sandra Clouser Dean and Valerie Coakley Roger and Janelle Coakley J.R. and Lucile Coker David and Sherry Colachico Robert Cole Allan Collett James and Marion Collett Carol Collins William and Karla Colson Betty N. Combs Donald and Leslie Combs Gary and Penny Combs Karen Conner Gerald and Becky Cook Edward Cooper Linda Cooper Mark and Minnie Cooper Martha Cooper Susan Copeland Ben and Barb Cornelius Janice Corning Al and Iris Cornwell Mike and Sophie Cosgrove Peggy Cossaboom Mark and Molly Cotter Ellie Coulon Cary and Janice Cound Jason and Jessica Cournoyer Matilda M. Covert Linda Cox Rick and Susan Cox Mr. and Mrs. T.L. Cox Dr. and Mrs. E.W.S. Craig Edwin and Laura Cramp Aaron and Mary Crane Robert and Betty Crews Daniel and Christine Cronin Jerry and Beth Crosby Steve and Jane Crosby James and Virginia Cross Donald and Mary Crossfield Gregory and Emily Crosthwait James and Deborah Crumley Ebenezer and Rebecca Cruz Exequiel and Marissa Cruz Jose and Elsie Cruz Mila Cruz Art and Pamela Cummings Neil and Janice Currie Philip and Leanne Currie Marjorie Curry Dennis Curtis Gary and Martha Custis Leif Dahl Evelyn Dahlund Jeanetta Dailey Mercedes Dalton Ronnie and Shelly Dalton Mark and Diana Daly John and Marilyn Dame

Terry Finkbeiner ’76 of Connell, Washington writes: “I give because over time God has preserved and developed in the administration and faculty of Corban, people who understand finance, and who possess and instruct with correct theological doctrine. I give because of what God has accomplished in my classmates; humble people, moving to places of seemed insignificance, doing the Lord’s work in love, grace and showing mercy. People, of whom the world is not worthy, treating the Word carefully, resulting in souls being saved. I give realizing I loved them then, and I love them now. So I give hoping and praying these things will be availed to those who have, who are, and who will attend Corban College. A place I call home.” Terry and wife Susan have two children and live on a farm. Terry likes to travel, study history: financial and geo-political. He also enjoys investing and trading on the stock market and futures exchanges.




H O N O R R O L L O F D O N O RS J.L. Danielson Eldon and Delma Darling Douglas and Teresa Davidson Fran and Ila Davidson Gladys Davis Joseph and Mindy Davis Mark and Lee Davis Rex and Diana Davis Terry and Janie Davis Vernon and Judy Davis Roger and Jill Dawes Winifred Dawes Garnetta L. Day Vance and Matilda Day Toni De Mile Rev. and Mrs. John Deck Roger and Mary Dees Jaime and Maria Delcastillo Royce and Joyce Delmatier Stephen and Debra Delmore Tommy Delzer Ronald and Susan Demars Jon and Becky Derhammer Gary and Rebeccah Derickson Barry and Dana Desbiens Design Tile and Stone Jeramy and Adrianna Di Senso Patricia Diaz Dickerson Trust Kevin and Melinda Dickie Carole Dickman Harold and Evelyn Dickman James and Debby Dickman Ken and Becky Dickman Gar and Julie Didericksen Richard and Suzanne Dieker Donald and Debra Dieterlen Justin Dillon Shelley Dillon Shirley Dillon Thomas Disch DNF Services Dave and Sherry Donovan Steve and Mikel-Ann Dooher Leonard and Yvonne Dooley Tom and Terri Doran Mark and Johanna Dorr Christopher and Sharon Doumitt Virgil and Brenda Dowell Frank and Cathy Downs Thomas and Angela Dubois Margaret Dunaway Brenda Dunford Karen Dunkin Mr and Mrs Earl Durr Dorothy Dyer Ted and Laura Dyer Lawrence and Nellie Dymock James and Beverly Dyreson Eugenia Earl Jerry and Nancy Eaton Win and Norma Eaton John and Jane Eberhardt Patricia Eberhart Peter Eberhardt Grant and Holly Eberly Leslie Eck Roger and Donna Eckhardt Doug and Lillian Edmonds Russell and Tara Edwards Craig and Caprice Egloff Margit Eisenhut Donald and Rebecca Ekstrom Charles and Denise Eldred James Elgin, Jr. Garris and Janice Elkins Warren and Lyla Elliott Larry and Diane Ellis Willliam Elmore David and Mary Eloe Thomas and Kim Elya Leslie Emerson Loren and Ev Emmert Dianne Emmons Robert and Jo Engelke Chris and Kathy Erickson Irene Erickson Jack and Lois Erickson Lyle and Paula Erickson Thomas and Elsie Erlenmeyer Leon and Dianna Eshleman Willliam and Marsha Eunice Richard and Marla Evans Shirley Evans Timothy and Marcia Evans L.V. Evensen Trust Richard and Barbara Everest Grace Everson Terry Evert Dave Eymann Donna Faber



Charles and Denise Fahsholz Robert and Karen Fahsholz Daniel and Judy Fair Rev. Herbert Farrar Dan and Linda Farrington Doug and Bev Farris Joseph and Mary Fassler Donald and Laurel Fechner Ernest and Beverley Ferguson Walter and Catharine Ferrell Linda Fiegi Michael and Lisa Fieguth Paul and Sheryl Fincher Brian and Diana Finkbeiner Gordon and Priscilla Fischbacher Ed and Blossom Fischer Roger and Marguerite Fischer Lyle and Linda Fitchett Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fitz Christi Florance Sheryl Fontana Virgil and Esther Forrest Carla Fowler Jonathan Fowler Robert and Marjorie Fowler Charles and Sandra Fox Stephen and Debi Fox Emily France Ryan and Allison Francis Aaron and Margaret Franklin Bradley and Donna Franklin Patricia Franklin Dennis and Donna Frantz Wayne and Jackie Frase Mr. and Mrs. K.W. Freeberg Amim and Arnola Freeman Nancy French Tammy Frendahl Mr. and Mrs. D.L. Frey Gilbert and Joyce Frey William and Marion Frey Timothy and Jami Frisius Geary and Teresa Furukawa Charles and Amy Furumasu Gary and Jill Gaebel Michael Gale Howard and Ivy Games Daniel and Margo Gandara Peyton Ganfield Grace Garbe Omar and Silvia Garcia Timothy and Joyce Garland Florence Garner Vera Garrett Douglas and Rebecca Gaslin Leon and Janet Gassman Emily Gaston Myron and Bev Gaston William and Cynthia Gates James and Debbie Gaylord Roy and Debbie Geer Dale and Robin Geleynse Mark and Ann Gerber Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Gibbons Doug and Linda Gibbs Gregory and Jeanni Giglio George and Lucy Gilchrist William and Deana Gilchrist Jeanette Gillam Rachel Gillam Tom and Marsha Gillespie Velma Gillett John and Eudene Gillette David and Mary Gillies Paul and Susanne Gionet Allen and Moreen Gist Mr. and Mrs. Allen Giumarra Gladys Blum Real Estate, Inc Loren and Jeanne Glass James and Peggy Glazner Dr. James Goertz Tom and Evelyne Gohlke Daren and Sharon Goin Tom and Deena Golden Virginia Gomer Kevin Goodman James and Naomi Goodrick Mark and Patty Gookin Becky Goslow Edwin and Kim Gossien Kenneth and Elaine Goudy Henry and Katherine Gowen Steven and Karen Grandy Carole Green Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Green Jack and Rosemary Greenamyre Rodger and Annette Greenfield Doris Gregg Albert and Pam Gregory Anna Gregory Kimber Grenier WINTER 2007

Mark and Rita Grenier Bryan and Kelly Gresh Don and Lorraine Gribble Robert and Annette Griffes Deryl and Shari Groen Teresa Gross Jim and Carol Grothe Harold and Dorothy Grove Jonathan and Jodi Lyn Grover Geoff and Cheryl Guilfoy Donald and Judy Gulle Mario and Tammy Gutierrez Jeffrey and Cynthie Haag Helen Haden Renee Hafeman David and Lori Hagemaier Mr. and Mrs. James Hale Rick and Joanne Hale Craig and Jennifer Hall Liane Hall Norman and Donna Halsey Juanita Hamblin Deanie Hanlon Tim and Rhonda Hanowell Jerry and Debbie Hansen Daniel Harper Larry and Nancy Harrington, Jr. Robert and Patricia Hash Daniel and Amanda Hashagen Hayden and Carrie Hastings Ernest and Inez Hatmaker C.C. and Yvonne Haverland Martin and Penny Havig David and Judith Hawes Vernon and Joy Sue Hawkins Charles and Judy Hayes Harold and Marjorie Hayes Justin and Kristin Hayes Philip and Yurie Joy Hayes Stephen and Dolly Hayley James and Kay Heafner Nadine Heald Jonathan and Tamara Heath Stanley and Susan Heath John and Marylane Heine Jason Heinz John and Julie Helm David and Laurie Hendersen Claude and Murrell Hendricks John Hendricks David and Carol Henry James and Lisa Hergert E.S. and Alice Hermanson Jodi Herold Keith and Anna Herrman Robin Herrman Arlene Hiatt Brent and Sandra Hiatt Norma Hickman Eugene and Shirley Hiebert Arthur and Jennean Hill Marsha Hill Robert and Luella Hilliard Chris and Signa Hillis Glenn and Andrea Hilton Gordon Hilton Bill Hitt Harold and Ellen Hitt Christopher and Diane Hittle Brent and Christy Ho Clifford Hodgins Donald and Betty Hoffman Douglas and Susan Hoffman Linda Hofman Ruth Hoge Kellye Holder R.E. Holder Thomas Holder Michael J. Holland Roger and Martha Holland Robert Holland, Jr. Joann Holleman Robert Hollipeter Richard and Janette Holsey Paul and Sharon Holstege David and Lisa Holt David and Nancy Holt David and Alleyne Holtmeier Dale and Justyne Hoogland Mr and Mrs William Hooper Dennis and Cris Hoover Travis and Annaliza Hoppes Mr. and Mrs. S. Hori Donald and Kathleen Hoskin, Jr. David Howerton Randy and Barbara Howerton George F. Howse Jefferson and Sonia Hoyt Phyllis Huggins Elvin D. Hughes Dave Hultquist

Janice Humber Steven and Kerri Humbert Laurie Humphreys Aurelia Hunt Wayne and Patricia Hunt Irene Hunter Willliam and Katharine Hunter Mark and Patty Hurst Norman and Martha Huseland E.C. and Mary Hutcheson Mary Beth Hutcheson Charles and Beverly Hutton Nelson and Eleanor Hyatt Jerry and Pat Ingham Norvin and Charlotte Isaac Dave and Sharon Isaak Ralph and Joy Isensee Marc and Charlene Iwahiro Henry and Anita Jackson Gary and Virginia Jackson Robert and Cynthia Jackson Sean and Lori Jackson Dixie Jacky Eric and Jennifer Jacky Steven and Pamela Jacky Joshua and Heather Jacoby Steve and Cindy Jacoby Agnes Jahn Donald and Cathryn Jameson Victor and Madeline Jansen Ann Jaynes Ralph and Francine Johannessen Andrew and Ruth Johanson Edith Johanson Ann Johnson Carl and Jeannine Johnson David and Connie Johnson Delmer and Donna Johnson Lenora Johnson Eric and Colleen Johnson Frances Johnson Jerry and Bev Johnson Larry and Elaine Johnson Mary Lou Johnson Melvin and Linda Johnson Paul and Diana Johnson Steve and Joanne Johnson William A. Johnson Tim and Diane Jondrow Billy and Janes Jones Carl and Josephine Jones D. and Kim Jones Daren and Lori Jones Eric and Victoria Jones Glenn and Debra Jones Kristin Jones Steven and Tamara Jones James and Sharon Jones, Jr. David and Donna Jordan Jeffrey and Susan Julian Lawrence and Sally Jung Mike Jurkovich Larry and Carol Justis David Kaiser Jeff and Lori Kasler

David and Margaret Kean Andy and Shannon Keesecker Dennis and Jan Keister Kelly Keith D.W. Kelley Shane and Lori Kent Alan Keranen William and Sharon Kercher Earl and Ellen Kersey Kent and Terri Kersey Beverly Kesiter Arlene Kielman James and Esther Kiggins Douglas and Susan Kilcup Gerald and Shirley Kilcup James & Janice Kilcup Family Trust Jonathan and Beth Kilcup Mr. and Mrs. M.H. Killinger Siegfried and Violet Kind Janet Kinder Dave King Gordon D. King Jerry and Kimberyl King Marshal and Alice King Neal and Donna King Herman and Laurie King, Jr. Kenneth and Colby Kinifong Brian and Katherine Kinnear Bruce Klassen Robert and Patricia Kleckner Grace Klewitz Agnes Kline Mr. and Mrs. Ned Kline Fred and Della Klinkebiel David Knepprath Vernon and Christine Knepprath Richard and Kristina Knoll William and Rae Knopp Dale Knowles Christian and Patricia Koethke Paul Koethke Shirley Kornelis Thomas and Dedra Kowalczyk James Kozisek Thomas and Patti Kraft E. Kristine Kramer David and Stephanie Krause John and Susan Krause James and Donna Krein James and Barbara Kronser Tanya Kuhl Marlene Kull Mr. and Mrs. Steven Kulp Allan and Barbara Lahmann Pamela Lamb Robert and Mildred Lamb Timothy and Tammy Lamb Scott and Janet Lamoreaux Kevin and Margaret Lamson Earl and Merri Lang Troy and Julie Lange Neil Langsather Richard Lankford Leslie Largent Douglas and Linda LaRock

Kirk and Kimberly Larsen Albert and Blanche Lattin Larry and Penny Lavada James and Jean Law Jay and Charlotte Lawrence Donald Leap Dewayne and Evie Lebow Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Lee Helen Lee Ronald and Pearl Lee Steven and Claudia Lee Michael and Rebecca Leenstra Don and Deborah Legassie Robert and Cathy Lehmann Raymond and Kaye Lehne Donald and Dolores Leighton Francis and Michelle Leipzig James and Gay Lemberg Howard Lemberger Jerome and Cynthia Leonard Charlle L’Esperance Carmen Levinson John and Linda Lewey Robert and Sandra Lewis Timothy and Suzanne Lewis Trevor Lewis Paul A. Lewkowski Eric and Anne Lider Harold and Corliss Lien, Jr Mr. and Mrs. Jerris Lilly Agnes Lina Norman and Phyllis Lind Peter and Nancy Lind Judith E. Linder Gary and Marsha Lindman Paul and Donna Lipscomb John and Elaine Lipton Rocky and Karen Liskey Stephen and Susan Liston Craig and Lynette Little M.G. Lobdell Marie Lobdell Jeffrey and Carol Long Robert and Diana Long JR and Shelby Lorenzen Edward and Mary Lorenzi Jack and Becky Loughridge Robert and Barbara Lowe Dennis and Judith Lucas M.J. Lucas Zachary and Tesa Lucas Donald and Zaida Luther Richard and Ellen Lynam Scott and Linda Lynam Harold and Susan Maag Matthew and Lori MacColin Mac and Vi MacDonald, Jr. Auld MacMillan Bruce and Bronwyn Madison George and Jean Major Greg and Kathleen Malin Brian and Jamie Maltman James and Tammie Manfull Jeannine Manuel Jerry and Amy Mapes

Joyce Koenig Ferreira ’78 of Santa Rosa, California writes: “I contribute monthly to Corban because the college, staff and professors helped me to grow in every aspect of my life. I had grown up in a wonderful Christian home but actually had a time as a student when I was doubting God’s existence. Rich Meyers counseled me and gave me some solid advice that I’ll never forget. It was simple but profound during problematic times: “saturate yourself in the Word.” I love the rich simplicity of that. I have been able to share it with many people.” Joyce taught in school for 26 years and currently teaches first graders at a public school. She has two step-daughters, and she and husband Larry attend Santa Rosa Bible Church. Her hobbies include quilting, sightseeing/traveling, running, visiting friends and decorating. In 1998 she was able to go to Goroka, Papua New Guinea, with New Tribes Mission for the school year. She taught a class of fourth grade missionary children. She said “What a highlight to be able to serve the Lord abroad, see a different land, and go out into the tribes where Christians are translating the Word in other languages.”

HONOR ROL L O F D O N O R S Lyle and Betty Markwood Larry Marshall Daniel and Susan Martell John and Molly Marteney Brad and Claudia Martin J.C. Martin Paul Martin Brad and Susan Mason Erica Mateo Ernest and Karen Mathes J.H. Mathis Bob and Diane Mathisen Joseph and Judith Matthews Pamela Mattson Gerald and Margaret Mc Garry Roger and Beth McCarty Eldon McCaw Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie McCullough Jarred and Rosemary McDaniel Mary McDonald Jo E. McDonnell Ron McFarlane Charles and Dorothy McFerron Illena McGowen Cliff and Susan McGuffin Bruce and Wilma McLaren Jeff McLean Scott McLellan Dan and Sharon McMillan Russ and Judy McMillan Steve McNeil Donna McWilliams Bonnie Meador Tammy Medler Stephen and Patricia Medley Blane Meier Michael J. Meloy Dave and Jan Melsha Marsha Merington Glen and Lynn Merritt Hans and Mary Frances Messick Robert and Sally Michel William and Catherine Mickelson David and Denise Middleton Bennie and Diane Miller Carl Miller Eldon and Carol Miller Eugene and Una Miller Herb and Anita Miller Mark and Linda Miller Richard Miller Thomas and Sandra Miller Vicke Miller Willilam and Betty Miller Jay and Lucy Milojevich Daniel and Winoma Mittelstedt Jacqueline Moffatt Mark and Cheryl Mogensen Donn and Sue Mogford Joyce Mohr David and Cheryl Molstad Victor and Judy Monlux, Sr. V.O. and Elnora Monroe William and Beverly Monroe Duane and Mary Moore Steve and Bonnie Moore Theodore Moore Rosario Moreno Phyllis Morgan Morin Chimney Sweep Danuta Morris Helen Morris James and Donna Morris Joseph and Glenis Morrison Monte and Amy Morrison Wayne and Sandra Morrow H.M. Morter Ronald Moser Alfred and Elaine Moss Elizabeth Mugglin Earl and Alice Mundell Richard and Marietta Muntz James and Jane Murch Reid and Anne Murphy Richard Myers Scott and Shelley Myers Steven and Wanda Myers Tom and Dora Myers, Jr. Jay and Sharon Naccarato Craig and Joann Nancarrow Elaine Nash Mr. and Mrs. Steven Nebrija Larry and Nancy Neff Chuck Neighbors David E. Nelson James Nelson Kermit and Larece Nelson Lorraine Nelson Nolan and Rayanna Nelson Ron A. Nelson Ronald and Gloria Nelson

Jeffrey and Molly Nemecek Ella Neufeld Douglas New John and Catherine Newberry Douglas and Cheryl Newcomb James and Pauline Newell Jeffrey and Tracey Newenhouse Virginia Newton Chet and Elizaabeth Nichols Jeff and Patty Nichols Steve and Linda Nichols Wayne and June Nichols Nancy Nicosia Charles and Phyllis Nielsen Randy and Kerri Nielsen Erik and Carla Nilsen Michael and Cynthia Noble Kelly Nokes Mr. and Mrs. David Noor Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Noriega Russell and Doris Notter Mr and Mrs A.C Novak Wallace and Janice Nye Mark and Malanie Oakes Adam and Alicia Oakley Donald Oda Ellen O’Kane Fidel and Deanna Oliva HR Oliver Don and Tami Olsen Charlie and ReneeOlson Joan Olson Lee and Margaret Olson Marlys Omdahl Marieta O’Neal Donald and Betty O’Neill Sandra O’Reilly Alfred and Shirley Orlando William and Bertha Ost Dan and Amy Ostlund Richard and Janet Otto Colin and Teena Ovenell Dick and Rita Owen Kenneth and Sandra Owen Lillian Owen Aileen Palmen Bradley and Julie Palmen Steven and Deborah Palmen Daniel and Juanita Parisi David and Marjorie Parker Keith and Luetta Parker Winnifred Parker Margaret Parkin Willliam and Esther Parks Frank and Dorothy Parmer Kathleen Parry Darrell and Marilyn Patterson John and Judith Payton Rick and Heather Peacock James and Barbara Pearson Richard and Lou Ellen Pearson Charles Peck R.M. and Margaret Peck Daniel and Erin Peek Stephen and Kimberlie Peil Mabel Pennell Bruce and Carey Penner Stan and Sharon Pense Clair and Violet Pense Larry and Catherine Peters Sara Peters Jana Petersen Doug and Jan Pfeiler David and Barbara Phegley Rick Phelan James and Ann Phelps Welsey Phelps Gary and Linda Phillips James and Kathryn Phillips Joseph and Wanda Phillips Nathan Pickens Donna Pierce Philip A. Pifer Pillbox Drugs, Inc Kerry Pippin Roberta Pitts Robert and Mary Plaep J.P. Plante Mark and Sue Porter Daniel Porth Arnold and Susan Powell Jo Ann Powell Kent Powell Susan Powell Floyd Prewitt Del and Patty Pullen Jack and Cynthia Purdy Robert and Lavurne Purdy Max Pyles Bruce Quick Mr. and Mrs. Larry Quiring

Bonnie Radaford Paul and Grace Raftert Brian and Stacey Rall Charles and Carol Rall Linda Ralston Raul and Roberta Ramirez Carlos and Rebekah Ramos Florence Ramthun Robert and Donna Randall Stephen and Karen Ranney David and Janelle Rasmussen Denny and Susan Rasmussen Donald and Mildred Rasmussen Terry and Ginger Rasmussen Tim and Jean Rawlings Edward Ray Scott and Deborah Ream Dean and Juana Redding R.C. and Cynthia Reeves Ray and Jeanne Reid Tom and Kay Reifsnyder Jeff and Karen Reinan Russell and Donna Reinert Michael and Jennifer Remillard Richard and Susan Remsburg Kenneth and Doris Renfro Ken Rensi Charles and Eleanore Rettman Marilyn Reynolds Patricia Reynolds Rodney Rhoads Craig and Holly Rice Donald Richards Dr. Steve Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Richardson Nancy Richey Donald and Gladys Richter Paul Richter Karl and Devon Rickabaugh George and Joanne Rickard Georgia Riddle Mrs. Paul Riehle Murray and Carol Riggio Maurice and Patricia Riker Oliver and Oleta Riley Alvin and Geraldine Rimes Joseph and Beverly Ring Paul and Brenda Risinger Dale and ToniRitter Ken and Robin Riutta Mark and Carole Roberson Gary and Sharon Roberts Tom Roberts Herbert and Marguerite Rockey Ken and Antoinette Rodrigues Bill and Pam Rogers Bruce Rogers Mary Rogers R.D. and Christine Rogers Randal and Carisa Rogers Richard and Mary Rogers Michael and Laura Roots Tony and Debra Roppel Tony and Julia Rose David and Sheri Ross Dean and Deanna Ross Doty Ross Greg and Becky Ross Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ross Jerry and Carolyn Roth Leonard and Sylvia Roth Blanche Rowan Kenneth and Janet Rowling Richard and Kirsten Roy Raymond and Jacquie Rozales Robert and Patty Rubitschun Janis Rubus Richard and Dawna Runnels Martha Russell Lornell Ruthenbeck Alan and Jody Rutherford My-Le Rutledge William Ryals Ellen Sabino Salem Newcomers Club Carolyn Salholm Jean Salisbury Carl Saltveit Tom and Linda Samek Scott and Linda Samsel Ellis and Lois Sanders Gregory and Becky Sanders Gweneth Sanders Kevin and Laura Sanders Richard and Caryn Sanders Terry and Andrea Sanders Robert and Jennifer Sands, Jr. Vic and Susan Santie Rodney Sauer John and Leticia Savala G.M. Sawatzky

Timothy and Jill Sayles James and Terry Sceli Gregory and Denise Schaecher James and Elizabeth Schaefer Mary Jane Schaefer Daniel and Becky Schanz Ronald and Denita Schaumburg Michael and Julie Scheel Donald and Mary Ann Scheler Jon and Velna Schilling Brian and Lori Schilling John and Mary Schmidgall Anthony and Suzanne Schmidt Archie and Shirley Schmidt Tony and Linda Schmidt Emma Schnebly R.F. and Virginia Schneider Allen Schrock Paul and Annette Schroth David and Cathy Schuerman Donald and Catherine Schut Elsie Schut Nick Schutter Joan Schwarze John and Becky Schwarze Robert Schwarze Holly Scott John and SuEllen Scott Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Scott Boyd and Jeanette Scroggins Alan Seamans Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Seery Wayne and Patricia Seim James and Jacoba Sena David and Cathy Serell Sean and Tiffany Serell Brooke Serres Kay Sether Claude Shadburn Earl and Eva Shadle Steven and Katherine Shapiro Don and GerdShaver Lawson and Teresa Shaw Ron and Lorraine Shelby L.O. and Beverly Sheldahl Alice Shepard M.J. Sherris Terry and Elizabeth Shike William and Janet Shroyer Daniel and Karla Shuholm J.D. Siebert Floyd H. Siepmann Dennis and Lois Simmons Dennis and Kathy Simons Graham and Diane Slater Dick and Martha Sleeper Bertha Sloan Jessica Sloan Robert and Jeanne Sloan Robert and Susan Sloan Michael and Diane Slusher Gregory Smee Andrew and Susan Smith Bradley and Kamya Smith Dale and Victoria Smith Dave and Cheryl Smith Denny and Deanna Smith John and Diane Smith Ken and Kathryn Smith Lucille Smith Phillip and Darcy Smith Phillip and Patricia Smith Roger and Carolyn Smith Ronald and Myrna Smith Stanford Smith, Jr. Charles and Barbara Snell O.O. and Susan Snell Dean Snodgrass Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Snyder Philip Sober Patti Spangler Jerry Spann Donna Spere Jim and Nancy Sperling David and Michelle Spicer Leda Spingath Jim and Terry Sprow Scott and Leone St. Clair Mark and Laura Stager Jeffrey and Cindy Standen Kevin and Pam Staples David and Lorilynne Steenfott Dennis and Sue Stegenga Constance Stein Erhardt and Joy Steinborn Matthew Sten Gilbert Stephens Richard and Kim Stephens Arthur Stephenson Mike and Lisa Stephenson Del and Naomi Stevens

M.K. Stevens Ralph and Arlene Stevens Holly Steward Jimmy and Patti Stewart Robert and Sharon Stidd Michael and Katherine Stokes Marsey Stone Storey Custom Landscape Mr. and Mrs. Randy Stowman Kathy Strawn Jim and Ann Streckfuss Gene T. Streight Lester and Carolyn Stutzman Lowell and Patricia Stutzman Henry and Emma Lou Sunderland David and Beth Suryan Deborah Susnjara Gary and Mary Swager Eric Swanson James and Sandra Swanson John Sweet Gary and Carol Sylvester LeRoy and Delores Tabler Orville and Blanche Tadlock John and Katy Taft Jack and Cherill Tannehill Gregory and Cheryl Tanner Robert and RosemaryTanzer Emily Tarantino Jeff and Jan Taylor Michael and Senera Taylor John Teague Betty Telhed Terry Temple Stuart and Colette Tennant Richard and Glenda Tennis Michael Terry Wesley Teterud Nellie Tevelde Jennifer Tharp The Victory Group, Inc. Bruce and Karisa Thede Ilene Thedens Gregory and Heidi Thomas Michael and Janice Thomas Chuck and Marietta Thompson G. Thompson Ross and Kathryn Thompson Mr and Mrs W.C. Thompson Gerald Tillman Anna Tipton Grant and Debbie Tipton B. Scott and Paula Tolson Don Tomforde Greg and Mary Tomlinson Ron and India Tornell William and Julie Tourtellotte Tim and Jan Trahern Jeff and Diane Trammell Jodi Trammell Mark and Helen Trask William Trask James and Cathy Traut Eugene and Joan Tribbett William and Kathy Troll, Jr. Dale and Nancy Tromble, Jr. Kenneth and Suzanne Trough Greg and Tiffany Trull Janet Tuinstra David and Mary Tuomi, Jr Christopher Turner Don and Ruth Turnidge Trust R.H. Tusant, Jr. Denis and Debra Uhl Mark and Susan Uhlman Allan and Patsy Ulen Rich and Cheryl Valette Gary and Shelley Van Antwerp Dwight and Lydia Van Horn Robert and Cris Van Kleek Jerry Vanbuskirk Ella Vande Burgt Mary Vanderveen Darrell Vandyke Traci Vandyke Sergio A. Vargas Clifton Vassar Leon and Kathleen Verdoorn Steve Vincent Ted and Laura Vogt Floyd and Jeanette Votaw Jean Wade Jonathan Wakefield Brent and Toni Walker Scott and Joan Walker Lottie Wall Roy and Linda Wall Pat and Nancy Walsh Mr and Mrs Mike Walter Anthony Walther Roy and Nancy Waltner

Ken and Lisa Ward Stanley and Elaine Warner Nate and Amy Warren Blayne. Watkins Bertha Wattenburger Paul and Barb Wattenburger Byron and Dorothy Weber S.K. and Linda Weber Brian Wechsler Robert A. Weik Jon and Linda Weinerman Georgia Weiser Rudy and Aline Wellbrock Richard Wells Cynthia Wentworth Jerry and Dolores Were Tyler and Jennifer Westby Fredrick and Heli Wetzel Glinda Wheeler Carl and Emma Jean Whipps Dick and Jo Ann Whipps Harold Whitbeck Brian and Nina White Mr. and Mrs. Lonny White Ron Whitehead Terry and Loretta Whitlock Jeannette Whitmire James and Tammy Wickstrom Alberta Widman Paul and Patricia Wiebe Norman and Darlene Wiebold Walter and Sharon Wieland Vernon L. Wiggers Arn and Karen Wihtol Gerald and Deanne Wikler John and Patricia Wikler Maggie Wikler Vernon and Sandra Wiles Dennis and Virginia Wilken Dan and Mary Louise Wilkinson Brian and Marcia Willetts Mr. and Mrs. Donald Williams Jason and Christine Williams Robert and Kay Ellen Williams Ron and Sharon Williams Eric and Sharma Williamson Joesph and Eva Willingham Karen Willoughby Mark and Deleen Wills Don Wilsey Corey and Sara Wilson Mark R. Wilson Mary Ann Wilson Mattthew and RebeccaWilson Penny Wilson Wilson Living Trust Tim and Sandra Wimmer Pamela Winters Al and Margaret Wipf Lisa Wipf Charles and Dorothy Wiren Jessica Wisdom James and Janet Wise Wittenberg Inn Virginia Wold Brian Wolfe Bryan and Lori Wood Robert and Shirley Wood Tammy Wood James and Jeanne Woodley Martin and Carol Woodrow Kerry and Lori Woods Micahel and Diane Woods Eleanor Woolley Gary and Julie Woolsey Steven and Karen Worley Daniel and Jean Wright David and Suzanne Wright Richard and Patrice Wright Richard and Helen Wright Scott Wright Tim and Marshayne Wuth Rodney and Jeanette Yates Dean and Tami Yeager Janice Yoder Mike and Shirley Yoder Sandra York Georgia Young Gordon Young Laura Young Paul and Janet Young Seth Young Davina Younger Stacy Younger Robert A. Youngren Craig and Shirley Yuranek Gene Zacharias Tim and Deborah Zietlow Lamarr and Judith Zuver





Graduate Studies

Helping the struggling student: Corban unveils ESOL and reading specialist programs

Graduate Studies Director Matt Lucas discusses the new ESOL program with Assistant Professor of Education Dr. Sang-Eun Dyer.


ut yourself in the shoes of Mario Perez. Mario is a composite of a typical Hispanic student in an American school. His parents came to the United States last summer to find work. He’s in the fourth grade, and, like his parents, he’s just beginning to learn English. Mario excelled at school in Mexico—his teacher said he was “bright”—but he faces a real danger in the U.S. Because he doesn’t understand much English, he’s falling behind in his favorite subject, math. His teacher is frustrated, too, and ready to put him in a lower-level math class. The truth is that Mario’s teacher could help him if she were trained to work with English language learners. To get this helpful training, she could go through an English for Speakers of Other Languages program. An ESOL endorsement would help her teach Mario and others like him while expanding her employment options. 20



Corban now offers an ESOL endorsement program, as well as a reading specialist endorsement program. Starting in January, teachers can earn these marketable endorsements while working full-time and/or earning a graduate degree at Corban. Approved by Oregon’s Teacher and Standards Practices Commission this fall, these two 15-credit programs are the college’s answer to surging interest from schools and teachers. “We’ve been interested in starting these programs for a long time,” said Graduate Studies Director Matt Lucas. “Now, as we’ve told candidates about them, they’ve said, ‘I want to start right away.’” No Child Left Behind, Congress’ education reform act in 2001, has forced public schools to find new ways to help struggling students. As a result, more schools are looking for teachers with the training provided by ESOL and reading programs. While needing specialists to tutor, teach separate courses,

and review curriculum, schools also seek classroom teachers with such expertise. “Now there is a huge market for teachers with these endorsements,” Lucas said. Corban expects to hire two full-time professors to lead the new ESOL and reading endorsement programs. The college has already hired Dr. Sang-Eun Dyer, who will coordinate and teach the reading program as well as teach some ESOL classes. Dyer, 38, earned her Ph.D. from Ball State University, and her dissertation focused on techniques for improving non-native English speakers’ reading, writing and speaking skills. Her experience and education make her an ideal mix for the job, Lucas said. She taught in South Korea for nine years before coming to the U.S. to earn her master’s degree and doctorate. “I’m excited to start a new program. I hope we can have many students and provide an education that they can use in practical ways as they help the struggling reader,” Dyer said.

New program classes begin in January 2007: •

English for Speakers of Other Languages program 15 credits

Reading Specialist Endorsement program 15 credits

Credits apply toward master’s degree. Classes are offered spring, summer and fall. For more information, contact Holly Cozby, graduate admissions counselor: 503-589-8145 or e-mail


Alumni Abroad

Alumni embrace Saudi culture

The Remsburg family


rian and Maryann Remsburg knew their 3-year-old son Corban – yes, that’s really his name – had acclimated to the family’s international lifestyle when he stood in his front yard watching an airplane fly overhead and informed his playmate that it was a British Airways jet. Now 6, Corban is big brother to 3-yearold Anya, and he’s spent most of his young existence living with his parents in Saudi Arabia. The Remsburgs are raising their family in an international environment—and loving every minute of it. “The kids, they’ve grown up seeing different countries and different people. They’ve basically become colorblind. ” Maryann says. “The other day, when we walked to school, I realized that I’d said ‘hello’ to people in five different languages.” Brian, ’96, and Maryann (Fleischmann), ’97, teach at an international school for the children of oil workers employed by Saudi

The Born family

Aramco in the town of Udhailiyah, 1 ½ hours from the Arabian Coast. As they make memories, they’re sharing them with close friends. Brad Born, ’96, Brian’s roommate at Corban, and his wife, Jennifer, recently moved from Washington to teach at the Saudi Aramco School. They have two children—Brendan, 2, and Lawson, 1 month. At the 75-student school, Brian teaches math and science and is the athletic director. Brad teaches language arts, history and social studies and coaches basketball and cross country. Maryann and Jennifer share a thirdand-fourth-grade teaching job. “Our purpose in life is to do what God’s called us to do,” Brian says. “There are so many places in the world you can teach, from missionary schools to huge academies. It’s such an adventure. It’s a great way to experience the world and get to know people.” This confidence has given the two

families the peace they need to work in Saudi Arabia despite the risk of terrorist attacks on oil facilities and workers. They live in a gated community protected by fences, tanks and machine guns, and they’ve grown accustomed to encountering checkpoints whenever they leave. They do, however, travel as much as possible, as they can buy gas for 60 cents per gallon. Their excursions include camping, shopping and, a favorite desert pastime, dune riding. “We are having a great time for a ‘season,’ and we love the spirit of adventure that we are surrounded with,” Brad says. “We know that this opportunity is once in a lifetime.” And the kids? For his part, the Remsburgs’ little son, Corban, seems to be enjoying life in the Middle East, but whenever his parents ask, “Where are you going to college?” he always answers “Corban College!”





ALUMNI action Season’s Greetings, Alumni This time of the year we are especially mindful of our precious connection with alumni and friends. For you, our Corban family, we are grateful and thankful. The mission of your Corban Alumni Office is to build and maintain lifelong connections between alumni and the college. Whether you were a part of the early Oakland and El Cerrito years, Western Baptist era, or a Corban alum, we want you to stay connected. As alumni of Corban College, you are part of a larger community that shares many of the same experiences and values. Be part of the excitement by staying active in our college community by attending music, drama or special presentations on campus, sporting events, reunions and regional events when we come your way. Visit our web site and find out how to stay involved: As always, please don’t hesitate to contact your alumni office anytime. We’re here for you! Call us at 503.589.8182 or e-mail

Calendar of Events DECEMBER 15


Residence Halls Open for Spring Semester

10 Deleen Wills Director of Alumni Services

Classes Begin



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NW Evangelical Theological Society

• • • •

Paula Hayes Wenell ’66 of Newport, Oregon Paul Eisentrager ’67 of Bellingham, Washington Matt Mercer ’77 of Tacoma, Washington Sheryl Ruhlman Rasmussen ’86 of Shoreline, Washington

Wanted: Class Agents for the Class of ’87 and ’97 for the 2007 reunion weekend. Please contact Deleen in the Corban Alumni Office at 503.589.8182 or e-mail



classes ‘01–’06 11-12 Corban Experience visit weekend



Hymn Festival


Woman to Woman conference

Remember, Rekindle, Renew!

15-17 Spring Theater Production

October 5-7, 2007 Return to campus and reconnect with other alumni during Homecoming weekend. There will be reunions for the Classes of ’67, ’77, ’87 and ’97 plus “Celebrating 15 Years—the Adult Studies Program,” festivities, athletic events, music, worship and more!

26-30 Spring Break

Information and registration will appear in the summer issue of Corban Magazine. Watch our website for updated information and your mailbox for letters from your class agents.


Graduate Studies Orientation/ Reception


Merry Christmas to you and yours,

Christmas Break


Music Scholarship Auditions

22-24 Spring Theater Production

For sports schedules or for general information on times and locations, see our web site or call 503-581-8600.


We’ve had more visitors! Central Oregon Coast and Southern Oregon Alumni Our entire Music Department is coming your way in February! You will receive an announcement about concerts in your area, so watch for mail in January.

Where in the world are you wearing your Corban clothing? Show your Corban/Warrior Pride wherever your travel destination may be. Have you planned a business trip to Chile? Going on a family vacation to Venice? An adventure to the Congo? Wherever you plan to be, wear your Corban logo gear, take a photo of yourself, then send your name, class year, brief overview of travels and photo to or mail to: Deleen Wills, Director of Alumni Services, Corban College, 5000 Deer Park Drive SE, Salem, OR 97317. We’ll post your photo and story on our website and your photo may be selected for an upcoming issue of Corban Magazine. Remember, as alumni, you get a discount at our terrific bookstore. Just contact Heather or Jessica in the Bookstore at 503-375-7035 and be sure to let them know you are an alum.


he past couple of months we’ve had more company. Lita Moser Anderson ’92 of East Wenatchee, Washington; Jonathan Broyles ’01 and Jocelyn Smith Broyles ‘00 of Whittier, California with daughter Emma and son Josiah; Josiah Phillips ’03 & wife Faye with daughter Taylor of Sweet Home, Oregon (baby photo 14 p. 31). Broyles family Julia Faucette ‘06 of Salem stopped by over Labor Day. Matt Bate ’05 & wife Liz Bate who attended in 01-02 of Fort Sill, Oklahoma. Chelsea Williams Garner ’02 Matt & Liz Bate and husband Curt of Tucson, Arizona and Don and Dolores Wilcox who both attended in 1961-62, from Upper Lake, California, all came through in August and September. On October 17, Rick Caynor ‘92 and Lisa McNally Caynor ’92 of Visalia, California, with children Kristin & Ricky, stopped Curt & Chelsea Garner by and visited many offices on campus. They are heading to Thailand next spring. Bill Wuth ’62 of Georgia brought his 90-year old father David with him for a tour and stayed for lunch on October 18. Young alumnae Natalie Naas ‘04 of Salem and Mary Doel ‘06 of Salem dropped in at the end of the month. We had first-time David & Bill Wuth visitors to campus, Don Staats ’58 with wife Barbara of Hayward, California. Don attended one year on the Oakland campus and three years at El Cerrito. Drop by anytime! We stop everything to greet alumni and their families. Plus, alumni receive great Corban parting gifts! We are located in Schimmel Hall (bldg. 25, room 118) on the first floor.

Barbara & Don Staats

Change of Address? We don’t want to miss you! And you don’t want to miss out! Please let us know when you have a change of address. E-mail, call or drop us a note, but please let us know when you have a change of address. When you are filling out a change of address card at the Post Office, don’t forget us. We want you to receive announcements, invitations and the magazine in a timely manner.

eDirectory Update Did you know Corban’s web site has an eDirectory where you can look up old (or new) friends and email them? Do you want to list your name and e-mail address? Do you want to remove it? Contact the Alumni Office by either phone (503-589-8182) or by e-mail ( and list your name, maiden name (if applicable), graduation year, and e-mail address and you will be listed within two weeks of submission! You can also go to and submit your changes or additions online. (Note: if you don’t see your name listed and it should be, please re-submit your information—some data was lost over this summer due to technical difficulties.)





Class Reunions Class of 1986: 1. Front row, left to right: Adrian Petrisor,

Aloha, Oregon; Sheryl Ruhlman Rasmussen, Shoreline, Washington; Terri James Davis, Salem. Back row: Randy Mills, Boise, Idaho; Lisa Pennington Kusler, Everett, Washington; Marty Goddard, Gold Hill, Oregon; David Turner & Denise deBritto Turner, Albany, Oregon. 2. Randy Mills, Boise, Idaho; Marty Goddard,

Gold Hill, Oregon; Adrian Petrisor, Aloha, Oregon; Denise deBritto Turner with husband David Turner, Albany, Oregon.


The Class of ’86 met on Saturday August 12, for their 20-year reunion. After meeting and getting reacquainted, faculty Jim Hills and staff, Bonnie Hills, who were working (and still are) at the College in 1986, took alumni and their families on a tour of campus. After the tour, alumni enjoyed a catered dinner, answered ’86 trivia questions and spent the evening reminiscing and sharing.



Men’s Soccer Reunion Corban College alumnus played the current men’s soccer team after the women’s soccer game on Saturday, August 19. They started with a word of prayer before the match. The Corban men’s team beat alumni 2 to 0.




3. Jim & Bonnie Hills, long-time Corban/

WB faculty and staff reconnect with Lisa Pennington Kusler of Everett, Washington along with husband Doug and youngest child, Holly.


Sports Reunions Sports Reunions 1. Laying in the grass, left to right:


Women’s Soccer Reunion: Dozens of Corban alumnae gathered on Saturday, August 19 for a soccer match against the current Corban team. It was a very hot morning but the women persevered. When the game was over, the score was 2 to 2. After cooling down, alumnae and their families gathered for a barbeque lunch sponsored by the Alumni Office.

Sheena Darling, Sebastopol, CA; Cindy Hale, Whittier, CA; Amber Ludlow-Franklin, Turner, OR. Middle row: Karyn Allen, Merlin, OR; Meghan Cruz, Vancouver, WA; Amy Dale Palacios, Salem; Sarah Muri Officer, Salem; Kari Swenson, Salem; Miranda Lilley, Milwaukie, OR; Amy Ramos, North Bend, OR; Katie Casebeer, Jacksonville, OR; Amy Troja Allen, Tacoma, WA; Julie Goodale, Eugene, OR. Back row: Shannon Barlett Morgan, Aumsville, OR; Julie Lemke, Bend, OR; Chrissy Cacioppo Bailey, Boise, ID; Jen Troja Green, Poulsbo, WA; Wendy Trent Wadnizak, Salem; Ronda Issason, Tukwila, WA; Danae Crain Pierce, Salem; Paige Kuske, Silverdale, WA; Kendra Maissen Walker, Renton, WA; Kelly Carlson, Cocolla, ID: Kellee Wall, Bakersfield, CA; Alyson Orem Dorr, Columbia Falls, MT; Sara McBee Purscelley, Bend, OR; Kris Yates Gabel, Spokane, WA.

2. Front row, left to right: Joanne Reis-

bick, Sweet Home; Jen Krug, Salem; Ashley Walbridge, Kirkland, WA; Angela Moberg, Salem; Katie Lewin Willard, Keizer; Heather Voss Dunn, Salem. Back row: Chris Neely Porter, Salem; Heidi Neely, Gresham; Elisa Barfnecht Hunter, Salem; Marie VonGunten Roth, Salem; Aimee Brockway Kirschenmann, Salem; Kim Lucas Boice, Kenmore, WA.


Volleyball Reunion: Corban volleyball alumnae played the Corban volleyball team on Saturday evening, August 19. Corban students won after 3 exciting, rousing games.





CLASS notes 50s

Forest Steenfott ‘54 resides in San Jose. His wife Grace Quiring Steenfott ‘53 passed away in 2001. He writes, “I was born the first time on April 1, 1931, and that would make me 75 years old. The second time was in July 1947. I have been saved and a Christian for 59 years.” He was an ordained pastor of a Baptist Church in Sacramento, California. He uses the computer as his pulpit and mails out Bible studies through the mail. He would like to hear from friends (please see the e-directory on the alumni web site).


Celia Brown Gainer ‘63 has moved to Modesto, California, after four years in North Carolina. She moved to help her son and his family due to the war. Her son John has made six trips to Iraq, formerly serving in Special Forces (Delta Unit) for almost 22 years. He now works in Homeland Security. Ruthie Edwards La Freniere ‘67 and husband Paul of Salem bring a message of God’s love and grace through their music and stories of hope and courage in the face of physical, emotional and spiritual challenges. They are involved in conferences, seminars, workshops, retreats, banquets, fundraisers, motivational meetings and special music for church services. They have published a CD called Journey of Hope. Sharon Row ‘67 is residing in Florida temporarily while sharing and presenting the ministry and work being done in Chile. She is raising support in Oregon and California before returning to Santiago Christian Academy. Rocky Hartung ‘68 and wife Arlene Brogdon Hartung ‘69 serve in Germany with the Association of Baptists for World Evangelism. They visited their sons and their families in California for two weeks and then visited more family in Washington in the spring. Gary Wenell ‘65 and Paula Hayes Wenell ‘67 reside in Newport, Oregon. Gary is a pastor, and Paula teaches Intro to Art History on-line classes through the degree completion program at Corban.


Jim Whittaker ‘70 of Junction City, Oregon, has taught school for over 30 years and currently teaches 5th and 6th graders at Christ’s Center School. He and wife Marie have five children and two grandsons. One son Danny




Whittaker ‘99 and wife Betsy Alexander Whittaker ‘99 are Corban alumni and serve in Singapore. Danny teaches math and computer at an international Christian school with their son, Aaron. Jim enjoys interneting, walking, reading, some travel and visiting family. They are involved at their church. Mark Reed ‘74 of Reed Financial Group in Salem was awarded Oregon’s Top Agent & Advisor of the Year from the State of Oregon by the National Association of Insurance & Financial Advisors. Court of the Million Dollar Round Table is the top 1% of 36,000 MDRT Financial Mark Reed meets Senator Advisors in Gordon Smith. the U.S. and 77 counties and provinces. He was asked to serve on a delegation to Washington D.C. from Oregon business leaders. His purpose was to advise Congress and the Senate on insurance, investments and the needs of people in Oregon. Joyce Truitt Azevedo ‘76(n) attended one year but graduated with the help of the MAC program. She lives and works at the John Muir Medical Center, Concord Campus in the San Francisco bay area, as a collector on Government insurance accounts (Medicare and MediCal). She and her husband, Don, have two grown children. Kathryn Reiter Brown ‘76 and husband Lyn Brown ‘75 reside in Newtown, Pennsylvania. They have two adult children. She has served as a pastor’s wife while Lyn served two churches in Washington over 10 years. Lyn has been a librarian in college and seminary libraries in Florida, Maryland and Pennsylvania. Kathryn worked with him in libraries for over 15 years. They are involved in a local church and have enjoyed some trips to New Zealand, China and Alaska. Jim Dunn ‘76 moved to Alaska in 1982 where he and wife Terry have raised their three sons (Nathan ‘99 married to Elizabeth Hamre Dunn ‘02 and Joshua ‘01(n) married to Heather Voss Dunn ‘00) all of Salem. He retired from the Kenai fire department as chief in October 2002. After receiving an MA in Biblical Counseling in 1997 he went on staff at Soldotna Bible Chapel where he oversees adult ministries and counseling. He enjoys fishing, hunting and flying in Alaska.

Wayne Durham ‘76 and Ruth Eisentrager Durham ‘76(n) lived in Boise, Idaho for 27 years. Wayne was involved in construction, and Ruth was a homemaker, piano teacher and bookstore employee. They joined the staff of FamilyLife, reporting to the head office in Little Rock, Arkansas in 2001. They are missionary staff, responsible for administering marriage conferences around the U.S. Stephanie Price Gordon ‘76(n) recently celebrated her 30th wedding anniversary with husband Terry. They live in Juneau, Alaska. Shephanie, for the past 12 years, has been a teacher with Juneau Christian School. Terry works for the FAA. They have two children and attend Auke Bay Bible Church and are involved in various ministries. They enjoy traveling to the lower 48 to visit family and friends. This past year Stephanie has enjoyed sorting through years of memorabilia and especially enjoyed reminiscing about time she spent at WB and the special friends. Stephanie and Corban Director of Alumni Services, Deleen Wills, on September 10, 2006, in Juneau. One day the telephone rang in the Corban Alumni Office and the caller identified herself as Stephanie Gordon, alive and well in Juneau. She said a classmate had contacted her to let her know that she was listed ‘deceased’ on the Class of ’76 reunion packet. The reunion was scheduled in two weeks. After Deleen apologized and was clueless how Stephanie became ‘deceased,’ they had a good laugh and a delightful conversation. That telephone call was the beginning of a new friendship and while on an Alaskan cruise vacation with a stop in Juneau, Stephanie and Deleen spent an afternoon visiting. Stephanie is no longer coded deceased.

Jan Gossner ‘76 and wife Debbie have worked with Wycliffe Bible Translators since 1987 and moved to Papua New Guinea in 1989 where they have translated the books of Mark, Acts, I, II, III John, now published and in the hands of the Edolo people. They are currently in an administrative position.


Garry Shultz ‘80 and Dawn Fuller Shultz ‘81 moved to Tianjin, China, southeast of Beijing, three years ago. Dawn works in the library and Garry teaches computer classes in English at an international school to a group of students whose parents, for one reason or another, live in Tianjin even though they are not Chinese. Chinese children are not allowed to attend the


school because they teach from The Book. They are part of a company whose official goals are to help Chinese businessmen learn how to deal with westerners. Their oldest daughter, Mary, married in July and lives in San Diego. Second daughter Nicole attends LeTourneau University in Texas and third daughter, Amanda, is a junior in high school in Tianjin. They can be contacted through the Corban e-directory. Tim Jeffers ‘81 of Chattanooga, Tennessee, celebrated 10 years as a computer programmer. His wife Deb, is a realtor. They have three sons and one granddaughter. Tim enjoys bicycling, working on old cars and singing. Teresa Wyse Cox ‘82(n) an original member of Master’s Touch, graduated with a Master of Divinity from Fuller Seminary in Pasadena, California, in June. She works at Christian Assembly in Eagle Creek and is working towards her pastoral ordination in the Foursquare Church. Proud family includes husband Dean Cox ’81, son Justin and daughter Chelsea. Randy Mills ‘86 has worked the past twenty years in a variety of positions for Idaho Power Company in Boise, Idaho. Currently he is responsible for cash management, accounts payable, cash remittance and various other treasury duties. Wife Barbie Baker Mills ‘89(n) stays at home raising their five children. They enjoy camping and supporting their children in various sports and activities. Adrian Petrisor ‘86 and wife Monika live in Aloha, Oregon. They are involved with several ministries in Romania with radio, orphan ministries and recently traveled to Africa to work with the Pigmies people. They have three sons. Adrian’s work includes building fences, decks, iron works, trellises and awnings, and he is frequently a Street of Dreams participant in the Portland area. Becky Franklin Tibbits ‘87 is a substitute teacher in the elementary public schools in Spokane, Washington and helps with women’s ministries at Faith Bible Church. Husband Tim works for Bonneville Power Administration and plays bass in several bands. Their daughter is in the 5th grade.

Margot Swanson ‘89 after six years of teaching English to Turkish children in Istanbul, has moved back to Salem. She reports that it was a challenging, frustrating and rewarding time, and it’s nice to be back close again to family and friends. She’d appreciate hearing from classmates (please see the e-directory). Nathan Wenell ‘89 is a coach at a high school in Folsom, California.


Shannon Woods Miller ‘90 has been director of the Park County Drug Court in Cody, Wyoming, for the past three years. It is an alternative sentencing court for drug and/or alcohol addicted offenders facing charges in the criminal courts. In June 2006 she graduated with a Master’s of Justice Administration degree from Norwich University. She has three children; Lacy 13, Luke 10 and Elise, 9 years old. Keri O’Brien Sowerby ‘94 and husband Michael live in Shasta Lake, California, just outside of Redding. Kari works for as a human resources administrator. Both are involved in their local church and enjoy having Keri’s sister, Krista O’Brien ‘96 living with them. Daniel Bartel ‘95 and wife Jeannie Martin Bartel ‘95 have two young daughters, Macie Mae and Emma Grace. They live in Albany, Oregon, where Daniel is self employed, and Jeannie substitute teaches K-5 and is also a stay-athome mom. Kathy Crites Gonzalez ‘95(n) sells real estate in Chico, California, and her husband is a City of Chico firefighter. They have been married for eight years and have two daughters. They attended Grace Community Church, and she enjoys scrapbooking. Amy Bunt Bartley ‘96 earned a Ph.D. in counseling with an emphasis in counselor education and supervision from OSU in 2005. She has also earned the credentials of Approved Clinical Supervision in 2005, National Certificated Counselor in 2001 and Global Career Development Facilitator in 2005. Her clinical area of expertise is in individual counseling focusing on issues of mental health (i.e. DSM-IV diagnoses), career development,

1950-1959 Lost Alumni Archie Adsit J. Alexander Manuel Alexanian Harry Allum Estha Kaleschke Arnold Charles Baccus Joseph Baker James Barden Joanne Tompkins Barnhill Fletcher Bass Grace Bell Jack Bowden Herbert Bower Anna May Pearson Boyd Clifford Brannon Velma Brennan Clair Briggs Paul Burton Vivian Butler Theron Caldie Trudy Campbell Mary Christy Ruth Cloud John Cornell Pearl Crosby Ira Cross Robert Davenport Clifford Davidson Constance Davis Nelson Davis Thurman Donowho Grace Dracup Hazel Schmidt Dubbs James Everett Ruth French Harriet Fulton Maynard Gray Charles Hayes Bill Henderson Karl Hess Wilbert Hoff Rachel Oden Hoff Herman Hoffman Dave Holcomb William Hopper Glendora Harnetz Horton Glenn Hozendorf

Jane Muramoto Imahara William Isom Allen Johnson Lois Kruse Johnson May Johnson Emma Barnes Kirkman Helen Rentfrow La Lone Ruth Ann Laizure Evelyn Ketterer Lauxstermann Don Lavender Robert Matthews Gloria Sackett McEachern Effie McLain Eldon Miner Emogene Heskett Morgan John Morris Wanda Harris Morrison Barbara Speacht Mulvey Fae Robinson Munson M. Jeanne Peterson Ollikkala Joyce Henningsen Olson Dewayne Osborne Patricia Gregg Oslin Raymond Oslin Lois Pinkston Parrish Marian Taff Peirson Jacqueline Johnson Perez Dick Philbert Mary Van Nortwick Poppelreiter Jack Porter Ronald Priddy Harold Quinlan Margaret Rawlins Edward Rhoads Joanne Wheeler Riley Bethel Robertson Maralyn Shawgo Earl Smith Luther Smith Marion Stanley Herman Talent Alberta Nunn Terrell Frank Thomas Shirley Lucas Van Gilder Luby Walker James Wilkie John Zehrung

If you know of the whereabouts of any of these alumni, please contact Deleen Wills in the Alumni Office at 503-589-8182 or e-mail Thank you for your help in keeping alumni informed!





and life management (stress/burnout resiliency). She is an assistant professor, which includes teaching, counselor supervision, and internship coordination, at Northwest Christian College in Eugene, Oregon. She is also on the Oregon Career advisory board. In summer 2005 she traveled to Banda Aceh, Indonesia, on assignment with Northwest Medical Teams International (NWMTI), to assist in the disaster recovery of the 2004 tsunami. She did trauma counseling and trained the Acehnese people grief, loss and PTSD coping strategies. She is currently part of an advisory board with NWMTI that advises on psychosocial interventions to developing countries and countries affected by disaster. Her husband, David Bartley ‘96, is working in the computer industry. They both have a love of remodeling and have remodeled several homes in the past few years. They attend Westside Faith Center in Eugene, and also enjoy traveling, vacationing last summer to New York. Melissa Allen Munk ‘96 of Salem married Kevin Munk in 1998. In 2001, she entered graduate school in the Marriage and Family Therapy program. While in school, they had their first son Connor and twenty-one months later while finishing graduate school, they had daughter Hannah. Last spring, she finished her degree and has been given the chance to stay at home with her children. They attend First Baptist Church of Salem, which is also where they met. Jon Knoedler ‘96 and Sandy Cross Knoedler ‘96 reside at Ft. Polk, Louisiana where Jon is in his second year serving as a chaplain in the Army. He reports that it is awesome to be paid by the government to be a missionary to soldiers. Sandy invests her time with their three daughters and is president of Protestant Women of the Chapel. Staci Walker Hanson ‘96 and husband Jami Hanson ‘97 reside in Polson, Montana with their daughter, McKenna. Staci teaches special education at the local elementary school, and Jami teaches PE and Health. He also serves as athletic director of a small high school. In the summer, Jami is head coach of the high school American Legion baseball team. Jason Watson ‘96(n) was a freshman during ’92-’93 school year until he was involved in a head-on collision. He re-entered school in




’93-’94 and was manager for the basketball team. He left in 1994 and returned to Chehalis, Washington. He moved to the Seattle area and married Rachel in 2002 . Their daughter Zoe was born in 2003 and then moved to Centralia where their son, Nate, was born on June 1, 2006. Jason works as office manager at Central Fuel Company, a heating/cooling company. He enjoys watching the Seahawks or Mariners. They attend Bethel Church in Chehalis and are involved in a young married’s small group. Nancy Young ‘96 has moved from a management position at the Oregon Secretary of State, Division of Audits to Moss Adams, a regional CPA firm in Portland. Corey Meyer ‘97 and wife Rachel Rice Meyer ‘97 live in Squim, Washington. Corey is a CPA. Rachel and college roommate Andrea Acker ‘97 of Salem both ran in the Portland Marathon in late September. Joel Wenell ‘97 resides in Sacramento, California and trains tutors for autistic children. Jeannie McCormick Yates ‘98 and husband Josh Yates ‘00 and live in Orion, Michigan, where Josh is youth/music pastor at Gingellville Community Church. Jeannie is church secretary and helps with youth ministries. Josh enjoys playing basketball, golfing and working around their home. Jeannie loves to cook, does some Pampered Chef and cares for their two-year-old daughter, Kylie. Nathan Carter ‘99 and Jenny Herndon Carter ‘00 reside in Gresham, Oregon with their two young children. Nathan is a sales manager for a hardwood importing company, and Jenny is a stay-at-home mom. They attend East Hill Church. Casey Dorr ‘99 and wife Alyson Orem Dorr ‘01 have built their own two-story home in Columbia Falls, Montana, where Casey works in the IT department and does purchasing for Plum Creek (a timber company). Alyson teaches English and coaches soccer at Columbia Falls High School. They enjoy hiking and all outdoor sports. They attend East Haven Church. This photo was taken of Casey, Alyson and Casey’s sister, Heather Dorr Boyd ‘95 of Salem, while Alyson was here for the women’s soccer reunion on August 19.

Michael Patron ‘99 of Bend was tournament director for the 2006 Pacific Amateur Golf Classic. A record 725 players from across the United States, including a smattering of international students, competed at seven Central Oregon golf courses in early October. This was the 10th anniversary. Paul Rainbow ‘99 is information technology audit manager at Sterling Savings Bank in Spokane, Washington. He passed the CPA exam and is waiting to take the ethics exam and then will be certified. He and wife Jenni Wright Rainbow ‘00 have two young daughters, and Jenni enjoys being a stay-at-home mom although she does the books for both of her brother’s businesses. David T. Wood ‘99 has opened a private counseling service in Salem, specializing in marriage and individual adult therapy. He has a Master’s Degree from George Fox University and teaches in the degree completion program at Corban. He is licensed by the State of Oregon as a marriage and family therapist.


Damion Blair ‘00 of Dallas has recently completed further education and is a licensed massage therapist working at Whole Family Massage in Salem. Specialties include Swedish massage, deep tissue, trigger point therapy, hot stone therapy and pregnancy and pediatric massage. He travels for on-site massage for business, parties or conferences. He and wife Jolene Allara Blair ‘00 have three children; Benjamin 4½, Marybeth 2½ and Ellie, born July 6, 2006. 1 Sheena Darling ‘04 works with Christopher House in Uganda, Africa, helping to bring the word of God to 200 children, along with arts, crafts, reading and anything else that is needed for the children. Christopher House plans to purchase some land on Lake Victoria in Uganda to build a camp to help the children in the area. She has electricity about every 7 to 10 days and is able to use her computer on those days. She would love to hear from friends. Email: Sheila Isaac ‘04 of Salem works for Sunwest Properties utilizing her degree in accounting/ finance. She works with children’s music and plays the piano at her church. Daylan Arnold ‘05 teaches sixth grade in Kenya at West Nairobi School. Her new hobby is giraffe chasing. All staff went on a retreat


and some ventured into the wilderness early in the morning to see what animals they could find. They first saw gazelles, then zebras, wildebeests, impala and finally in the distance, giraffes. They got about 50 feet from 13 of them and heard dogs barking which turned out to be baboons. Along with giraffe chasing and sightseeing, she added repelling down rocks to her new skills. Stephen Leckvold ‘05 of Granite, Washington, is an assistant manager with the SherwinWilliams Company in Seattle. He is also working towards an M.A. in exegetical theology at Western Seminary in Portland. He enjoys photography and video editing. He is also teaching Sunday school and playing guitar at a church in Kirkland. Jason Merrel ’05 and Jessica Manitsas Merrel ‘05 are at Monestir de Pedralbes, a Catholic monastery that was converted into a museum in Barcelona, Spain. They sold their things, quit their jobs and moved to Barcelona to teach English. They attended a monthlong course at Oxford House College in the center of Barcelona and earned their TEFL certificate. They work at a language school and teach in businesses as well as some classes that include children. They are also learning Spanish. Angela Charles ‘06 of Renton, Washington, teaches 4th grade at Decker Elementary. She attends Calvary Chapel in Spring Valley. Eric Fiegi ‘06, two-time NAIA all-American basketball player formerly of Medford, Oregon, signed a contract to play with the North West Tasmania Thunder of the Australian Basketball Association. This past summer he was a member of the Salem Stampede of the International Basketball League. In 19 games, the 2006 IBL All-Star averaged 31.5 points per games to lead the league in scoring. Zac Hill ‘06 of Salem has joined Resident Lending Group as a mortgage broker, where he specializes in residential real-estate financing. Venessa Negrete ‘06 was admitted to the Physician Assistant Program at Touro University to begin the program in the fall of 2007. Only 25 students were accepted out of 500 applicants.

Rebecca Rice ‘06 moved to Montana to work in full-time ministry at Camp Bighorn, a wilderness adventure camp near Plains.

Down the Aisle Kristina (Tina) Haws ‘99 married Tony Brown on October 7 at Capital Baptist Church, Salem. Wedding party members included Lorraine Bagge ‘99, Haws/Brown Jeff Baldwin, Corban student, Beth Bartosik ‘00, Katie Bowers ‘99, Bryan Haws ‘05, Julie Glover Koehnlein ‘99, Mathew Rapoza ‘97, and Rene’ Whittaker Tyson ‘00. Their reception took place in the Psalm Performing Arts Center on the Corban campus, and the couple honeymooned at the Oregon Coast. Since graduation, Tina has worked in the Communications Office at Corban and recently began directing the honors program. The pastor (John Lipton) and best man (Jason Erickson) are Corban music adjuncts. Musicians included Travis Frank ‘05, guitar; Emily Slater, Corban student, flute; and Michelle Seidler, Corban student, piano. Professor Jim Hills ‘73 read “A Wedding Toast” by Richard Wilbur. Deborah Calame ‘00 of Salem married Dan Evans on August 4, 2006 at Salem Alliance Church. She has taught for seven years and is at Auburn Elementary in north Salem. Dan is a Calame/Evans graduate of Willamette University works and coaches at West Salem High School. Alison Altabef Spangler ’00 was the matron of honor and Lisa Furtado Caulley ‘00(n) and Katie Reeves ‘99 were bridesmaids. Shannon Butcher, wife of Brett Butcher ‘95 was a bridesmaid and sang and played the piano. Ashley Perkins, daughter of Sarah Hunter Perkins ‘01 and Brian Perkins ‘03 was a flower girl. Reid Saunders ‘98 performed the ceremony. Dan and Deborah met on a Reid Saunders Association trip to Uganda Africa last summer. John Bartsch and Colleen Bartsch Multop ‘04(n) and Carmen Bartsch Saunders ‘00, played the piano and strings for the ceremony at First Baptist Church. Sadly, Deborah’s father Gordon passed away in September. She expresses her gratitude for such loving and caring friends.

Katie Lewin ‘06 of Keizer married Raleigh Willard of Corvallis on July 15, 2006 at Salem Heights Church. She is an elementary teacher in Salem. Raleigh is a Lewin/Willard senior in biblical studies at Corban. Other Corban alumni in the wedding included Kim Jones ‘05, Bailey Wilcox ‘06, Whitney DeWolf ‘06 and Kari Swenson ‘06. Current Corban students included sister Kristina Lewin, Tim, Rob and Rick Saffeels. David Dorr ‘07(n) was a groomsman. Katie and Raleigh honeymooned in Maui and reside in Salem. Sara Glaser writes, “It was fun to open the Corban magazine and find my daughter’s wedding photo in the ‘Down the Aisle’ section. I thought you might want to make a correction in your records, however. Gretchen Glaser ‘07(n) (now Acheson) should be listed as the daughter of Mark ‘81 and Sara Brink Glaser ’83 of Scio.

All in the Family (


indicates photo - see page 31)

Calvin Word ‘92 and Jenni Kary Word ‘92 of Enterprise, Oregon, welcomed their first child, Cambria Rose on January 7, 2006. 2 Troy Bassham ‘93 and wife Lori of Ramona, California, welcome Garrett John into their family on July 20, 2006. He was 6 lbs. 10 oz. and 20 inches long. Troy has been associate pastor at Mountain View Community Church in Ramona for the past three years. In his spare time, Troy enjoys playing or watching sports and hanging with his family. Lori is a part-time drama teacher and full-time mom. 3 Tracy Horn Speer ‘94 and husband Justin of Keizer welcomed daughter Madison Marie on July 31, 2006. She weighed 9 lbs, 15¾ ounces, 21 inches long. Tracy is an assistant controller for a real estate development company in Portland, and Justin works for Sysco Food Services in Wilsonville. 4 Suzie Deeds Covert ‘96 and husband Jim of Keizer welcomed son Mickey Alexander born April 18, 2006. She works at NorthWest Senior and Disability Services as a family caregiver support specialist. They reside in Keizer. 5 Daryl Knox ‘96 and Tera Glenn Knox ‘96 of Salem added a third son, Landon, born on the





4th of July 2006 to their family. He joins brothers Drew and Carter. Daryl is a CPA, and Tera has suspended her teaching career to be a stay-athome mom, along with completing her Master’s Degree in health education. 6

Tammi Mayer Yost ‘00 and husband David welcomed son Derek born in Korea on October 26, 2005. He joins sister Marrisa. To view a video clip of Tammi, go to

Jason Martin ‘99 and Elisa Shubin Martin ‘00 have been married for six years and reside in San Diego County in California. Jason is the worship director at Riverview Church in Bonsall, and Elisa is pursuing her Master’s Degree in administration supervision as well as being active in the worship ministries at the church. They have four children; Halle 4½, Braedon 2½ and twin daughters, Ella and Lola, born December 23, 2005. 7

Rob Buhl ‘02 and Robyn Young Buhl ‘04 adopted son Titus Robert born on December 2, 2005. He joins sister Leeann born July 22, 2003. They live in Albany where Rob is associate pastor at North Albany Community Church and Robyn is on staff as children’s ministry directory. She also works part-time as a photographer with Precious Portraits. 13

Ray Malmsten ‘99 and Beth Myers Malmsten ‘00 of Salem welcomed their second daughter, Katelyn Rae on December 27, 2005. She joins three-year old sister Megan. Ray is a senior insurance adjuster at Unitrin, and Beth is a teacher at Richmond Elementary. 8 Matt Riddle ‘99 and Becca Malsey Riddle ‘00 of Salem celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary in May. On June 27, 2006, twins Phoebe Claire and Jabe Michael Green were born at 5:10 and 5:13 p.m., weighing 5 lbs. 10 oz and 4 lbs. 13 oz., respectively. Matt is a police officer in Salem, and Becca stays at home with the twins and 3-year-old son Tobin, and also volunteers at the Salem Pregnancy Resource Center. Becca adds “after struggling with infertility for years, God has blessed us with three children. We’d love to be a resource to any who may also be struggling in this area.” 9

Dan Steiner ‘03 and wife Anna of Salem welcomed Micah David born on June 20, 2006. Micah joins big brother Josiah, age 2. 16 Jason Brownell ‘04 and Lindsy Hinkle Brownell ‘04 of Salem welcomed Logan, born May 20, 2006. He joins big brother Brady born March 30, 2005. Jason teaches science at Salem Academy High School and also teaches on-line science courses at Corban. Lindsy is a stay-athome mom and assistant women’s basketball coach at Corban. 17

Jerry Gardner ‘00 and wife Megan welcomed Abigail Grace born July 7, 2006. They have been married five years and live in SedroWoolley, Washington. Jerry teaches elementary physical education and also coaches high school baseball in Sedro-Woolley and is a volunteer firefighter/EMT. 10

Michael Fischer ‘04 and Lacy Brewer Fischer ‘06(n) welcomed their first child, Jaelle Carly, on December 27, 2005 in their own home in Spray, Oregon. Michael is the manager of a large ranch while Lacy is a stay-at-home mom. They are active in leading the youth at their Assembly of God Community Church. 18

Matt Hurst ‘00 and wife Jenny welcomed daughter Grace Marie, born August 1, 2006. She weighted 6 lbs, 9 oz. They moved to Bakersfield, California four years ago. He is in his fourth year as an English/ESL teacher at Delano High School in Delano, California. He and his wife have led two homebuilding mission trips to Mexico in 2004 and 2005. 11

With the Lord

Rawni Locati Morris ‘00 and husband Jed, welcomed daughter, Baylee Bleu on January 20, 2006. They live in Lewiston, Idaho. 12


Nick Plato ‘02 and Katie Ruda Plato ‘03 of Salem welcomed their first child, Miriam Lee, born August 29, 2006 in Stayton, Oregon. She weighed 8 lbs and was 20 inches long. Nick is in his 4th year of teaching at Salem Academy High School and coaches JV basketball as well. Katie is taking a year off from teaching to stay at home with Miriam. She taught first grade for two years at Hammond Elementary. 15



Paul Wolf ‘65(n) of Escondido, California, died on August 29, 2006, after about six weeks with severe congestive heart failure. He attended the El Cerrito campus in 1961-62. He is survived by his wife Joan, of nearly 51 years. He had one son and two daughters and 12 grandchildren. He was active in youth ministries in each church they attended. Paul was a men’s suit salesman and the years before his retirement, sold for the Men’s Warehouse.

Susan Davis Ziebert ‘80 of Salem died on July 8, 2006 at the age of 55. She was born and raised in California and moved to Salem in 1979 and married Michael Ziebert in 1984. She was a member of Salem Alliance Church and enjoyed church activities. She was an avid reader and a collector of angels and books. She is survived by her brothers. Mark Owen Mitchell ‘85(n) of Santa Cruz, California, died on September 3, 2006 at the age of 43. He attended Western Baptist College in 1981/82 and received a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering from University of California at Berkeley then worked at the Aerospace Corporation in El Segundo. He later worked in several small technical companies in the San Jose area. He returned to school at San Jose State University and in 2002 he received a B.S. in Mathematics and Computer Science. In 2005 he entered a doctoral program in biomolecular engineering at the Univ. of California. He enjoyed studying philosophy, the Bible and theology. He is survived by his parents, sister, brothers and nieces and nephews. Darrel Jordon, Jr. ‘96 of Kuna, Idaho, died August 28, 2006, at the age of 32. Darrel had epilepsy, and it is speculated that he had a seizure while driving. He is survived by Amy Merrick Jordon ‘00.

Policy With the Lord: submissions must be accompanied by a copy of a newspaper obituary or funeral home notice. We reserve the right to edit for space and clarity. Graduation Year: Did you attend college for a year or two but for some reason didn’t graduate? No matter how long you attended, you are still considered an alumnus or alumna of the Corban/Western Baptist College family. The alumni office records it as in this example: if you entered in fall 1981, attended three years and left in 1984 but didn’t graduate, you are associated with the class of 1985 because that’s the 4-year graduation date of your fellow classmates. If you don’t want to be listed with your 4-year class, please let the Alumni Office know. Having you listed in the correct class year is important, because we want you to receive your class reunion invitations! Non grad (n): signifies alumni who didn’t graduate.


Future Warriors: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

Future Warriors

Ellie Blair Cambria Rose Word Garrett John Bassham Madison Marie Speer Mickey Alexander Covert Landon Knox Ella & Lola Martin Katelyn Rae Malmsten Phoebe Claire and Jabe Michael Green Riddle Abigail Grace Gardner Grace Marie Hurst Baylee Bleu Morris Titus Robert Buhl Taylor Phillips Miriam Lee Plato Micah David Steiner Logan Brownell Jaelle Carly Fischer









12 9




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This issue of Class notes was submitted between August 15 and October 15, 2006.





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