The Plymouth Chronicle Plympton & Plymstock March 2020

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Plympton & Plymstock

March 2020

Two former rehab workers have set up a new therapeutic art club in the city See page 15

KEEP FIT, EARN MONEY Want to keep fit and earn money at the same time? Distributors and checkers needed for the Plymouth Chronicle! See page 22 for more details.

Details of more Mayflower 400 commemorative events planned in 2020 See page 5

ALSO INSIDE: • Out and About • Community Job • Community Shop Directory • Cross Rhythms • Dial the Experts Experience

It’s a grand day out!

Hundreds of men will be taking to the streets of Plymouth in March to raise funds for St Luke’s Hospice Plymouth with the annual Men’s Day Out event. For one group of fund-raisers it will be the chance to remember and honour a former workmate • See story and photos on page 20

2 March 2020

Sherford Life “The wind blows to the south and turns to the north; round and round it goes, ever returning on its course.” These words from Ecclesiastes in the Bible are quite fitting at the moment! I’m writing this in the middle of Storm Ciara, but maybe the swirling winds are a live parable of how you’re feeling.

Do you feel battered at the moment? Buffeted? At the mercy of the chaos around you? Perhaps what we need most is some good news! Plymouth got hit badly enough, although so far we have escaped pretty lightly compared to the north By Revd Tom Brassil of the UK. In the surrounding areas we’ve seen homes struck by lightning, railway and road disruptions, trees down, patches of flooding and more. Fortunately the worst we had at home was our trampoline trying (and thankfully failing) to take off. But further afield we’ve had reports of much worse damage and even loss of life. Are we at the mercy of the natural forces of chaos? Or maybe the swirling winds are a parable of how everything seems to go round in circles: the world keeps spinning, the winds keep spinning, we keep spinning…always busy, but never quite getting anything finished. Sound familiar? The queues at the traffic lights and the supermarket tills show us that Plymouth is a hive of activity. Everyone busy, everyone with things to do. Yet how many of us get to the end of a day and feel truly happy in all our productivity? Perhaps what we need most is some good news! At Sherford Community Church we’re currently looking at the book of Ecclesiastes (including those words above). The writer is on a quest for meaning, fulfilment and happiness. But at every turn he seems to find himself back where he started, going round in circles, having felt busy and productive but never actually gaining anything. Until he realigns his priorities and gets things in proper perspective. He realises that God has made the world in such a way that it doesn’t have ultimate meaning in and of itself – so if we’re looking for meaning in our work we’ll feel just like that wind, going round and round in circles. But if we look to God for our meaning, we discover that all the other things in life can make us happy too. Because when we stop needing those things to be our ultimate source of fulfilment we can enjoy them for what they really are – good (but not ultimate) gifts from God. If you want to hear more, why not come along at 10am one Sunday morning? In the meantime, I hope you all stay safe from the wind and the lightning and the rain – and from the rest of the many storms that life throws at us all! If you have any questions about Sherford life, or if you would like to know more about Sherford Community Church or about the real secret of happiness, please contact me at

2 March 2020


Sherford’s lasting legacy for the local community Sherford is supporting the growth of the local economy and employment landscape, with the town’s construction helping to create over 280 jobs.

Opening its doors in 2018, Sherford’s Skills Training Centre has also supported the training and development of over 100 apprentices, as well as offering its users the opportunity to retrain and upskill across trades. As one of the largest new developments in the South West, Sherford’s creation is continuing to boost the local construction employment landscape, with hundreds of workers using their skills to help build the town’s homes, roads and supporting infrastructure. Helping to boost manual skills by providing training and practical experience across trades, which includes bricklaying, carpentry and plumbing, and located at the heart of the new development, the one-of-a-kind Skills Training facility was created to reduce the region’s skills shortage. Supported by onsite teams and teaching staff, the centre engages a variety of users, from apprentices and veterans, to those looking to upskill or Steve Ricketts pictured with Ben retrain. people to consider a career in construction.” The next generation of construction Emma Colin, Sherford Consortium said: workers also have an opportunity to learn “Sherford is a new community being and train at Sherford, with 40 apprentices constructed by local people and local currently employed at the development; businesses, and skilled workers are essential with over 75% of these aged between 16-24. in helping to deliver the high-quality homes Sherford apprentices are supported onsite and infrastructure required. As one of the by the Skills Training Centre’s expert teaching most innovative new developments, it is staff, which includes those from a variety of fantastic to be able to provide local people training providers, such as industry training with expert onsite training to help them board, CITB. progress professionally, while bolstering the Sherford Skills Training Centre staff are region’s construction industry and economy.” also helping to inspire young people about Cllr Dan Brown, South Hams District construction career options and have Council’s Lead Member for Sherford, said: engaged with over 1000 pupils at schools “I’m thrilled with the Skills Training Centre’s across Plymouth and beyond. From speaking success. It’s a win-win for everyone; the at local school assemblies and holding dropstudents, both young and old, who get in sessions, to creating a work experience qualifications and learn new skills, but also programme across trades for children aged 14 for the community who will benefit from and over, the centre is helping to create the more skilled trade workers locally. builders of the future. “Not only is the Centre providing a practical Marking a major commitment to reducing career path for lots of people, but they are and addressing the region’s skills challenge, also inspiring school children to think about the £370,000 centre is funded by the Sherford their own future professions. The Centre is Consortium, with key delivery partners such a boost to the area and they should be including City College Plymouth, South Devon congratulated for their wonderful work.” College and CITB. Case Study: Ben Steven Ricketts, Sherford Skills Training Falling out of love with his job as a local co-ordinator, said: “Sherford is helping community sports coach, Ben was looking to to support and grow the South West’s take on a new professional challenge in the construction industry by offering local people construction industry. Wanting to learn more the opportunity to learn and work at one about the industry, as well as to help him of the region’s largest active construction achieve his long-term dream of becoming a sites. The Skills Training Centre offers people property developer, Ben was introduced to from all backgrounds, from apprentices the Sherford Skills Training Centre. and contractors, to veterans, the resources Anna...demonstrated excellent practical skills and training needed to retrain, refresh or upskill. “Working with industry training board, CITB, the centre works to address the skills most needed in demand across the industry, and as well as achieving recognised qualifications, users acquire the expertise and experience needed to progress professionally. We are proud of the results the centre has already achieved, and hope to inspire more young

With no previous knowledge or experience in construction, Ben was eager to dive in and find out more about the industry, quitting his job to take part in the Centre’s Construction Skills Course. A four-week course designed to give participants experience across all major construction trades, including plastering, painting and bricklaying, Ben had the opportunity to test his practical skills under the supervision and guidance of the Centre’s staff. Ben said: “It was a fantastic opportunity to get on with it and learn by trial and error. I wasn’t afraid of making a mistake, as there was always someone on hand to offer support and show me the right way of doing things.” During the final week of the course, Sherford contractors visited the centre to meet the course participants, and Ben soon caught the attention of Infinite Tiling, securing a role as a multi-trade apprenticeship with the company. Successfully completing the course, and shortly finishing his apprenticeship, Ben will soon be taking on a full-time contract with Infinite Tiling. Ben also recently visited the centre to complete a mastic sealant refresher course. From a construction novice, to full-time tiling professional Ben said: “The Sherford Skills Training Centre was a fantastic place to learn, with everything available in one place. Having the opportunity to meet those working at the site, as well as seeing the ‘real-world’ of construction was brilliant, and it gave me everything I needed to start my journey in construction.

Case Study: Anna

Previously a nursery supervisor when she realised the potential of working in the construction industry, Anna was looking to dramatically change her choice of career. Keen to take the first step, Anna enrolled on the Construction Skills course at the Sherford Skills Training Centre. Providing training across all major construction trades, as well as teaching basic construction techniques and skills, participants have the chance to achieve nationally recognised trade credits. For those who enjoy all aspects of construction, the course also helps participants to choose which area of construction they would like to pursue; whether it’s painting and decorating, bricklaying or carpentry. During the course, Anna demonstrated excellent practical skills, producing industry quality work, while consistently going above and beyond the tasks set. Successfully completing the course with a 100% attendance record, Anna also attained 100% in the CSCS operatives test. The Skills Training Centre provided Anna with the opportunity to meet with various industry professionals, and she has since gone on to successfully secure a carpentry apprenticeship with a national homebuilder. Demonstrating that if you have the commitment and attitude needed to pursue an exciting new career, Anna is just one example of how the Skills Training Centre is helping to change lives. For more information about the Sherford Skills Training Centre and Sherford visit:

March 2020



secures Ned the Jack Russell is Plymouth another £500,000 hero of Mark’s new book for Plymotion Primary school teacher Mark Jarvis is celebrating the launch of a new children’s book which features a canine hero based on Ned, his pet Jack Russell.

Mark, from Oreston, has been a teacher at Widey Court Primary School for 26 years, but has now established a reputation as an author as well. Ned and The Chocolate Cheats was published by Troubadour at the end of January and has already had a great response from adults and children alike. Mark said: “Many of the children at Widey Court have already bought the book and I know there are many other schools around the country where the book is being used - including Coleraine in Northern Ireland, Shrewsbury, Wrexham and at least three other schools in Plymouth. “The book addresses many different issues and can be used in a variety of ways. In the story, Ned comes across stray, homeless dogs. There is also the issue of animals eating chocolate! “There are many environmental issues that are discussed. These range from global warming, to protection of endangered animals There might also be questions about organised crime, gang membership, MI5 and Interpol. “Use of modern technology also plays an important part in the story. And since Ned and Jeff travel across the world, children can track their journey, perhaps using Google maps, or indeed poodle maps!” The story starts in Plymouth when Gizzmo, the technologically talented cat from next door, tells Ned about a robbery at the local shop. Ned immediately gets his person to take him for a walk to investigate. Although he and his person mean well, in attempting to solve this mystery, they become embroiled in the mysterious world of MI5 and the battle against organised crime.

Plymouth City Council has secured another £500,000 from the Department for Transport’s Access Fund to continue its successful Plymotion travel programme.

Mark Jarvis pictured with Ned, his pet Jack Russell

The reluctant heroes race across the world, to thwart a dastardly chocolate related plot. Can they foil their enemies’ plans - and will their foes recieve their just desserts? Ned, the canine hero, is based on Mark’s real-life companion who was the inspiration for the thrilling tale. ‘My dog Ned has accompanied me on most of my travels, and we have had many shared

experiences. I began to wonder one day what if Ned could travel with me to other countries and what if Ned could talk, and tell me about our experiences? That would be the dream. So I started writing,” added Mark. Ned and The Chocolate Cheats is suitable for children aged nine and 10 is available from Waterstones, Amazon, Troubadour and many other places at £7.99.

Charity’s plea to get greyhound rehoming back on track They might be the world’s fastest dog but when it comes to finding a forever home, greyhounds are being left behind by other breeds at a Plymouth animal charity.

Woodside Animal Welfare Trust at Elfordleigh is inundated with requests from greyhound rescue organisations asking if it can take in more exracers. But with each greyhound typically spending months at the charity, their face-paced start to life quickly comes to a halt when they arrive for rehoming. Woodside is now hoping to get these animals’ lives back on track by putting right the many misconceptions surrounding this gentle, lowmaintenance breed. Assistant manager Lisa Darcy said: “There are something like 3000 ex-racing greyhounds across the UK that don’t have homes, and we are asked continually if we can take more. “People looking for a dog are often put off because they think greyhounds are big dogs, but they are gentle, lazy and don’t need a lot of exercise. “So many people have lazy lives yet they tend to go for the dogs that need lots of exercise and do not cope so well with being left. Greyhounds only need a couple of short walks a day and are then content to laze about on the sofa. They are

Woodside’s Debbie Haynes with Laundy, who is looking for a home

oversized lap dogs!” Woodside currently has three greyhounds in its care and more on the waiting list. Among them is Ronnie, a brindle greyhound who came into the charity last autumn. After an unfortunate accident while playing,

Ronnie broke his hock and has had to endure surgery and medical treatment costing £1,500, paid for by the generosity of the public. Ronnie has recovered well and is now ready for rehoming alongside greyhounds Laundy and Fawkham. But how long it will take to find the dogs loving homes is anybody’s guess. Lisa said: “It can take a bit of time for greyhounds’ personalities to come out, so they’re often overlooked. But if you give them this time they are loyal, loving dogs.” She added: “Some have been raced and others have been trained but not made the grade. The majority arrive with us when they are three to four years old and will not have lived in a house before.” Lisa said greyhounds typically walk well on a lead, are good with children, calm in the home, affectionate, loyal and often live happily with other dogs - but not cats or small furries. Due to their racing backgrounds, she stressed that greyhounds rehomed by Woodside would need to be muzzled when out and about due to their high prey drive, and kept on a lead, at least initially and possibly long-term. For more information contact Woodside on 01752 347503, email generalenquiries@ or find the sanctuary on Facebook.

Plymotion aims to make it easier for people to get around Plymouth by bike, on foot and by bus. It offers incentives to try greener, cheaper and healthier ways of getting from A to B, including the opportunity to speak to a travel advisor about all the options available for the regular journeys they make. Travel advisors provide information on different modes such as walking, cycling, car sharing and public transport. They help people find the cheapest, quickest or healthiest options for all journeys, especially to and from work. They have an absolute focus on people, providing the most suitable advice for their transport needs. Councillor Mark Coker, Cabinet Member for Strategic Planning and Infrastructure said “I’m really pleased the Department for Transport recognises the value of the Plymotion programme and has awarded the scheme a further £500,000. “In 2019 our Plymotion team were highly commended at the Transport Planning Society People’s Award, where judges look for projects that involve people in the planning and improve access to services, quality of life and well-being. It’s therefore great news that Plymotion can continue for another year. “As a Council we are committed to tackling climate change and becoming carbon neutral by 2030. At the heart of our action plan is a recognition of the need to tackle transport emissions. Providing realistic transport choices is a key part of our strategy. Through encouraging and enabling more trips using sustainable transport, through Plymotion, we’re helping the city go green. “Our 2018/19 programme saw a 15 per cent decrease in driving a car to work, a 13 per cent increase in cycling and a 22 per cent increase in bus use amongst people who had spoken to a Plymotion travel advisor. “I’m really proud of the team’s work and encourage residents and businesses across the city to find out how Plymotion can help them with the regular journeys they make.” The Plymotion programme spans leisure and commuter trips, businesses and residents and includes free adult cycle training, bike maintenance checks and led rides, helping people cycle for the first time or become a regular commuter cyclist. For businesses Plymotion can also offer cargo bike trials to allow companies to give green logistics a go and match funding to help organisations overcome obstacles to sustainable transport, as well as supported walking and cycling challenges to incentivise employees to get active. Plymotion also works in schools, with dedicated staff helping the entire school community with their commute, also supported by sustainable travel grants and exciting competitions. Finally, Plymotion travel advisors are on hand to offer personalised travel advice to local residents, helping them make the best choice for the local journeys they make. The team are looking forward to helping more people walk, cycle and use public transport in the year ahead. For more details or information visit www.

4 March 2020

4 March 2020


Out and About Your guide to events in the local community and beyond

Plymouth Railway Circle Various dates All meetings take place at St Edward’s Church Hall, Home Park Avenue, Peverell starting at 7.30pm. Admission charge £1 (members), £2 (visitors). Visitors are very welcome. Mar 2: A Swiss Railway Evening with John Fissler. John explains the NRLA (New Rail Links through the Alps) strategy and operation which includes the Lötschberg, Gotthard and Ceneri base tunnels on SBB/ BLS routes, and follows this with a look at the new Rhatische Bahn infrastructure construction, including the Albula tunnel and second Hinterrhein bridge. Part 2, by popular request, is a second screening of John’s Rhätische Bahn video showing steam and historical traction including the steam-driven rotary snow blower on the Bernina Bahn. John’s work as professional engineer for BR and successor companies, as well as roles of Area and Divisional S&T engineering, helps him to deliver a detailed commentary. Soup and Sweet Lunch Feb 15 Organised by the Friends of Ford Park Cemetery from 12 noon to 2.30pm. Tickets from the Cemetery Office (weekdays only) on Plymouth 665442. Elephants Feb 19 to 22 A sharp black comedy with a tender heart presented by the Samaritans Theatre Company at the Red House Theatre, Plymouth School of Creative Arts in Millbay. Evenings 7.30pm, tickets £11, concessions £10, students £6; Saturday matinee 2.30pm tickets £9. Call the Box Office on 01752 291309. Not suitable for children under 14. Plymouth Broadway Organ & Keyboard Club Feb 19 Guest player is Steve Hubble from Dorset – so come and listen to some good live music. Broadway Community Centre, Plymstock 7.15pm. Admission £5 including tea/coffee. Free parking. All welcome. For details call 01752 706712. Annual Art Exhibition Feb 20 to 22 Trinity United Reformed Church’s 31st annual exhibition. Artists welcome to submit work. Open from 10am to 5.30pm on Thursday and Friday and 10am to 3pm Saturday. Entrance 50p per person with refreshments available throughout the day. Hot lunches will be available from 12 noon to 2pm. All artists are welcome. Exhibit form and details at www. Details from Jill 01752 249337 or Bernie 01752 297482. Plymouth Area Police Choir Feb 21 St Bartholomew’s Church, Yealmpton at 7.30pm. In conjunction with ‘Girl’s Night Out Choir.’ In aid of 1st Brixton and Yealmpton Scouts. For details contact Bob Sheldrake 01752 406995. CIVIC Feb 20 to 22 Presented by Barbican Theatre’s FUSE Diverse Dance at the Melville Building, Royal William Yard. A riotous stomp through the stories of Plymouth, its people and the Civic Centre. Showcasing a mix of dance, new writing, old film footage and stories from people like you. Tickets from Carlton Big Band Feb 23, Mar 29 Duke of Cornwall Hotel, 12.30pm to 2.30pm. Tickets available from The Duke of Cornwall or on the door. Parliament, Women and the Vote Feb 25 Plymouth branch of the Historical Association event at Roland Levinsky Building, Plymouth University starting at 7pm. A talk by Dr Mari Takayanagi, using itemsfrom Parliament’s archives and art collections to explore the story of Parliament, women and the vote. Tickets from or call 01752 585050. Plympton Flower Arrangement Club Mar 3 and Apr 7 Harewood House, Plympton at 7.20pm. Demonstrator

Not to be missed

Polar Bear Explorer Until March 1 Set off on an exciting journey across Plymouth’s waterfront this winter, in search of the 20 polar bear cubs hidden in businesses from the Barbican to Royal William Yard. Download your trail map from the Visit Plymouth website or pick it up from a participating business. Learn lots about climate change along the way and by finding the cubs, you’ll be in with a chance of winning some brilliant prizes!

Plymouth Bike Night Photo courtesy of Jeremiah’s Journey

Gins & Fins Feb 29 National Marine Aquarium. Dozens of local and regional gins to be sampled, food, live music and singers, specialist talks, goody bag including gin glass, eco companies selling their products - even mermaids in the aquarium tanks! Cost £20 including £5 donation to Ocean Conservation Trust. Tickets include admission to the National Marine Aquarium which means the attraction can be enjoyed by adults without having the children around. Tickets can be purchased from www.eventbrite. Jon Culshaw Mar 14 Comedian, impressionist and star of BBC Radio 4’s Dead Ringer’s, Jon Culshaw, accompanied by legendary comedy producer and author Bill Dare, bring their acclaimed show, The Great British Take Off to the Red House, Theatre, Millbay. An evening of unscripted, spontaneous comedy and conversation as politicians, sports personalities and celebrities are all up for a roasting. Jon reveals the secrets of mimicry, and together with Bill he also reveals some of the mishaps and mayhem of life behind the scenes in television and on the celebrity circuit. Doors open 7pm, show at 8pm. Details and tickets from Lisa Davies, whose theme will be ‘Early Spring’ and and on April with demonstrator Sue Neale, whose theme will be Around the World in two hours. The April meeting will also include an Easter hamper raffle, a chance to win a hamper. Items for inclusion in the Easter hamper can be brought to the March meeting and are very much appreciated. Visitors always welcome, charge £4. Simon Evans Mar 5 Simon, one of the stars of Live at the Apollo and Mock the Week brings his new show to the Red House Theatre, Millbay. Doors open 7pm, show at 8pm. Details and tickets from Women’s World Day of Prayer Mar 6 Mount Gould Methodist Church, doors open 10am, service starts at 10.30am and finishes 12 noon. The service this year is set by the women of Zimbabwe with the message “Rise!Take up your mat and walk.“ Plymouth Flower Club Mar 6 Trinity Church Hall, Torr Lane, Hartley, Plymouth starting at 1.45pm. Tracy Johnson, who is an area demonstrator, will be giving a demonstration entitled Wild About Flowers. Guests are welcome at a charge of £7 per person. Further details can be obtained from Sue on 01752 265242. Plympton Fuchsia and Geranium Group Mar 10 Guest speaker is John Nicholass from the British Fuchsia Society. John is very knowledgeable and even the more experienced gardeners will find his talk interesting. The meeting takes place in the Main Hall at Harewood House starting at 7.30pm. Guests are always made most welcome and reasonably priced refreshments are available half way through the meeting. There is also a raffle.

Plymouth Bike Night Mar 19 The first bike night of 2020 on Plymouth Hoe, starting at 5.45pm. All proceeds to local charities. Men’s Day Out Mar 28 Plymouth’s biggest and best Men’s Day Out is back for 2020! Join hundreds of men on the move, supporting St Luke’s and helping us to be there for more families who need us at the toughest of times. Starting and finishing at Plymouth Albion RFC, the walk kicks off at 10am and follows a planned route taking in some of Plymouth’s most famous Wind in The Willows Mar 11 to 14 Presented by the award Winning Sounds Musical Theatre Company at Devonport Playhouse. A riotous new musical comedy, a timeless story of woodland adventure, hi- jinks, villainy and true friendship. Appealing to all ages with its catchy tunes, charming characterisation of the infamous Mr Toad and friends in their encounters with the devious Wild Wooders. Book online or call 07395159955. Table Top and Crafts sale Mar 14 Kings Tamerton Community Centre 10am until 2pm. Refreshments available, £5 per table. To book a table ring 01752 298178 or 07955 962213.

sights, including the Barbican and Plymouth Hoe waterfront. Walkers then return to Albion’s ground in time to see their not-to-be-missed clash with their Richmond rivals. Registration is still £32, which covers the logistical costs including t-shirt, pasty, pint and entry to the rugby match - it’s the additional money raised through sponsorship that makes the real difference to patient care in the community. Places at this popular event are always in big demand, so beat the scrum and register as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. For details or to register visit uk/mensdayout/ Samaritans Annual Literary Event Mar 19 Kitley House Hotel from 9am to 6pm. .Motivational literary event at which five different speakers and authors talk about their books and their journey through their challenges. Raising funds for the local Samaritans branch. Tickets from events/5214 Plymouth Area Police Choir Mar 20 Stoke Damerel Church, Paradise Road, Stoke at 7.30pm. In aid of the Organ Restoration Fund. For details contact Marilyn Goldsborough on 01752 564847.

Living Sustainably in a Modern World Mar 14 Emmanuel Church, Mannamead 11am to 5pm. A day of talks, workshops and stalls to discuss and debate how we can live sustainably in a modern world. Tickets from

Musicality Mar 21 Plymouth Pavilions hosts the annual event where 500 young musicians from across Plymouth unit to celebrate their love of music at the city’s two, annual youth ensembles concerts from 1.30pm to 8.30pm. Tickets from www.Plymouth or by calling 0333 772 7727.

Plymouth Broadway Organ & Keyboard Club Mar 18 Chris Stanbury, will play a wide variety of music from Big Band, songs from the Shows, 60s & 70s and much more at Broadway Community Centre, Plymstock 7.15pm. Admission £5 including tea/coffee. Free parking. All welcome. For details call 01752 706712.

Spring Fayre Mar 28 St Budeaux Parish Church Community Hall, The Green, Crownhill Road from 12 noon to 3pm. Stalls selling toys, gifts, jewellery and beads, bric-a-brac, etc. Refreshments will be available. There are still a limited number of tables to hire at £5. To book call 01752 362161.

RSPB Plymouth Mar 18 Indoor meeting at Trinity United Reform Church, Tor Lane, Hartley, Plymouth, starting at 7.30pm. Talk by Ian Gasper on ‘Birds of Patagonia.’ Entrance for non members £4, refreshments and raffle.

Easter Fayre Mar 28 St Budeaux Community Centre 2pm to 4pm. Stalls and refreshments available. To hire a stall charge £5 contact the secretary 01752 365246.

Plymouth Bike Night Mar 19 The first Plymouth Bike Night is on The Hoe Promenade starting at 5.45pm. All proceeds go to local charities.

Spring Fair Jun 20 St Edward’s Church, Eggbuckland from 2pm to 4pm. Stalls, brass band, Morris Dancers, food and drink and much more.

March 2020


Get Active campaign will deliver year long health and wellbeing programme The 12 month Mayflower 400 Get Active programme jumped out of the blocks as over 500 Plymouth residents registered to start the New Year by taking part in the health and well-being programme that runs through the year alongside the many cultural events happening in 2020.

Supported by sports clubs and organisations all over the city, Argyle Community Trust are leading the charge, providing opportunities for members of the public to become involved in sports ranging from golf to basketball, football to hockey and many more. Each month of the calendar year focusses on a special theme or sport and local providers are being encouraged to put on incentivised sessions which people can try, many of which will be free of charge. The Get Active campaign also encompasses one-off events that include the hosting of a Special Olympics competition with participants from a number of countries and, importantly in Mayflower 400 year, competitors from Leiden in Holland and the United States will also be entered. Additional mass-participation activities include the Mayflower 400 Big Toddle, organised by Barnardo’s, aiming to raise monies for local community nurseries. Furthermore, the piazza in Plymouth’s city centre will host ten community open events which celebrate sport in our city. Working with Plymouth Raiders and Plymouth Albion, the programme will also feature basketball and rugby youth invitational tournaments respectively, including teams from other geographical cities with a link to the journey of the Mayflower passengers. Daniel Hart, social inclusion manager at Argyle Community Trust’s dedicated Mayflower 400 team, said: “We want 2020 to be the year in which the people of our city take the opportunity to try new things, commit to new challenges and initiate a healthier

new challenges, commit to healthier lifestyles and to meet new people within their community. With activities ranging from fitness classes through to rugby, golf, hockey, netball and more, there really is something for everyone with a different theme each month throughout the Mayflower year,” explained Councillor Peter Smith. A dedicated website, gives information on all aspects of the Mayflower 400 Get Active programme and you can find out more from the Mayflower 400 website at www.

Spirit of Adventure project aims to get young people on the water A new project hopes to give more than 350 disadvantaged children in Plymouth an exciting and unique opportunity, and a crowdfunding page has been launched to help make it a reality.

As part of the Mayflower Ocean Festival – which takes place from May 4 to 10 – the ‘Spirit of Adventure’ project will give children and young people from Plymouth the chance to enjoy hands-on adventures aboard traditional wooden sailing ships. Spirit of Adventure aims to connect young people with the Mayflower story, and with the ocean. The project is aimed at disadvantaged children, including children who are living in poverty, children in care and young carers, who have not had the chance to go sailing before. Sarah Gibson, chief executive of the Plymouth Waterfront Partnership BID (PWP), the organisation which is running the crowdfunder said: “Even though Plymouth boasts an enviable waterfront location as Britain’s Ocean City, many of our children and young people are disconnected with the ocean. We know that some of the city’s children have never been to Plymouth Hoe or visited

Plymouth Brick project to create lasting legacy A project to create community artwork as a lasting legacy for Mayflower 400 has launched a Crowdfunder appeal.

lifestyle. We are keen to celebrate and promote the hundreds of excellent community sport organisations and opportunities the city already features.’ Supported by Plymouth City Council and Plymouth School Sports Partnership, the Get Active campaign aims to provide a programme which delivers a legacy of improved sporting participation during and beyond the year of 2020. “The Get Active programme is a chance for people to embrace sports and activities and to try something new. The chance to try activities throughout the city is an opportunity for the people of Plymouth to take up

the Barbican, let alone been on a wooden sailing boat. “The schools we’re working with are located in some of the most deprived areas of the city. These children deserve to feel their own spirit of adventure, to test their skills as team players, as sailors and citizens of Britain’s Ocean City. “We’re thrilled to be working on this project – and

when better to do it than during this extra special Mayflower 400 commemorative year. We’re asking local people and businesses to support Plymouth children and get behind this project to help make it happen.” PWP have teamed up with The Island Trust, Sailing Tectona, the Lynher Barge, and the Bounty Project to run the adventurous sailing sessions. The four organisations have seven vessels between them, which will undertake daily voyages in Plymouth Sound during the Mayflower Ocean Festival. Each day, groups of children will work together as a team, hoisting the sails and sailing the boats themselves with support from expert staff. They will build communication, social and cooperation skills and feel a sense of responsibility and achievement, giving a much-needed confidence boost and memories to last a lifetime. In order to make the project a reality, PWP and their partners need to raise £50,000. This will pay for all safety and boat costs, as well as transport, refreshments and resources for the young people. To support the project donate online at

Mayflower 400: find out about the events in 2020 commemorating the journey of the Mayflower


Plymouth Brick Project is a public art activity, developing an idea by local artist Dan Petley, that aims to bring new life to the Glen Park Avenue steps – an area close to Plymouth railway station that serves many locals, commuters and visitors to the city. The aim of the project, with the help of local artists, is to turn the tired looking space into a monument of colour, by painting in acrylic, one brick at a time. Locals who regularly pass through the area will be able to help renovate the space through a series of painting days giving the people of the city a collective and creative ownership of the walkway and breathing new life into the space. With some funding from Mayflower 400 Community Sparks - a partnership project between Mayflower 400, Plymouth Culture, Plymouth City Council, The Box and Vital Sparks - the project still needs further funding to help achieve its vision. Dan Petley of Brick Project – a three person community interest company formed to effectively deliver this project, said: “People’s histories are important. Our project focuses on the simple fact that history is made by ordinary people. When the project is viewed after its completion, each painted brick made by an individual with the same intrinsic value as each of the other 3500 participants – the total number of bricks to be painted - will have its own story.” Brick Project endeavours to restore the site while demonstrating that every citizen of Plymouth is significant, important and valued and creating something the whole community will be proud of. To support the Crowdfunder and to help Brick Project achieve its £10,000 target, pledges need to be made by February 21. To support the project, visit: www.


6 March 2020


JOB SHOP Plymouth’s key role in €14m Advertise your vacancy FREE in project to prevent plastic Job Shop pollution in the English Channel

Local businesses, voluntary groups, organisations, groups and individuals are invited to post their job vacancies in our Community Job Shop feature. This must be for part-time and voluntary jobs only and should contain no more than 50 words, including contact details. All you have to do is send the details via e-mail to Deadline for each issue is first Monday of the month prior. DRIVER WANTED Saturday early morning delivery driver/deliver required. Must have own vehicle. Also newspaper deliverers required in Elburton, Plymstock and surrounding areas. Contact Elburton News on 01752 403871.

HEAD SPACE VOLUNTEER Head Space offers an out-of-hours service for people who consider that they are approaching a mental health crisis. The service aims to provide a non-clinical setting with a safe, calm and structured environment, where individuals can go to access peer support. Volunteers will work alongside staff to provide support in both group and 1:1 settings. We provide comprehensive training and support, and the opportunity to join a successful and likeminded team. All travel costs are covered and you will be able to develop new skills and experiences and have fun whilst helping make a difference To get involved contact us for an initial discussion T: 0800 9230 039 or visit HELP AT HOME COMMUNITY SUPPORT ASSISTANTS Age UK Plymouth are recruiting Help at Home Community Support Assistants for domestic tasks/ shopping for clients. This is a zero hour contract at national minimum wage, mileage is paid. Please visit for full details and to complete an application form. Alternatively call on 01752 256020 for further details. COMMISSION PAID SALESPERSON The Emotional Logic Centre charity has a children’s book series designed to make sense of emotions to prevent anxiety and mental illness and help autistic children to communicate. Materials for schools and businesses also. We need someone on a mission to promote this. Contact hello@emotionallogiccentre. or 01752 892455. VOLUNTEERS Local charity Hearts Together is looking for willing volunteers with a little time to spare to help out at Derriford Hospital. If you can assist with general gardening, bed making and transport then we’d love to hear from you. The time you give to us can be totally flexible and we will cover your out of pocket expenses. Contact 01752 315900 or e-mail rachel@ For more information go to ROYAL VOLUNTARY LIBRARY SERVICE Derriford Hospital needs help for the book trolley ward rounds weekdays between 10 am - 12 noon. If you are interested in the service and can spare the time, please contact Pat Hamilton on Thursdays 9.30 am - 3.30 pm on 01752 430880 for further information. VOLUNTEER DOG CUDDLERS WANTED Offer a short break to some of our pawsome dogs. Due to high demand we are looking for dog lovers to have a doggy home board with them while their owners are away. You will be fully insured, licensed and supported 24/7 by us. One dog at a time, guest dogs come with everything they need and only at times to suit you. It’s the perfect way for retired people , work at home and stay at home parents with school age children to have a ‘part time pooch.’ You must have a secure garden. Please contact Jennifer or Carolyn to discuss. 01752 769453. DISTRIBUTORS Cornerstone Vision, publishers of the Plymouth Chronicle, are looking for distributors, to help deliver leaflets across the city and surrounding area. Transport an advantage, own phone number essential. We are particularly looking for people to help cover Efford, Ernesettle, Saltash, Ivybridge and Torpoint, although other areas may be available. Please email chris.etherington or call 01752 225623.

Aerial view of the Tamar Estuary. Photo courtesy of University of Plymouth

Organisations across the South West - including Plymouth City Council and Plymouth University - are joining forces as part of an international project to remove and prevent plastic pollution in the English Channel.

Preventing Plastic Pollution (PPP) will develop a model to gather data on the amount and likely sources of plastic pollution at seven pilot sites, including the River Tamar catchment. The €14m project was approved by the Interreg France (Channel) England Programme, which has committed €9.9m in funding through the European Regional Development Fund. It is made up of 18 partners across the UK and France, and they will work together to generate greater understanding of the origins of plastic pollution in the marine environment in order to effectively target its sources. The Plymouth area is already renowned for its pioneering and world-leading research and action on plastics, and the local partners

include the University of Plymouth, the Westcountry Rivers Trust, Plymouth City Council and the Environment Agency. They will carry out an assessment of plastic pollution entering the River Tamar catchment, which will then be quantified based on standardised approaches that will be then evaluated. This conceptual model will also be applied to the six other pilot sites and used to identify pollution hotspots and where interventions would be most effective. The PPP partners – led by Queen Mary University of London – will also engage with communities, agriculture, fishing and maritime industries to help reduce their plastic footprints and steer them to more sustainable behaviours. Professor Richard Thompson, head of the International Marine Litter Research Unit at the University of Plymouth, said: “There are many sources of plastic pollution to the marine environment and the world’s freshwater systems would feature high on that list. Appreciating the relative importance

of these sources is key if we are to fully address this issue and this is an exciting project when it comes to developing a greater understanding of that. “I am delighted to be working with our regional partners on this initiative, connecting work in the UK with colleagues across the channel in France. The challenge of plastic pollution is one we can solve but only by working together, and I believe the research and collaborative opportunities offered by this project can help reduce plastic pollution.” Councillor Sue Dann, Cabinet member for Street Scene and the Environment at Plymouth City Council, said: “As custodians of Britain’s Ocean City, it is entirely right and proper for the Council to be at the forefront of this important project. “As part of our work to open the UK’s first National Marine Park we must ensure that we are winning the fight against plastic pollution in our waters. I’m really looking forward to working with partners both in the UK and in France to achieve our goals.”

Bravery of young sailor remembered in new book The tragic loss of a young Plymouth sailor over 100 years ago is remembered in a new book. Author and naval historian Steve Dunn’s new book, Battle in the Baltic, turns the spotlight on those who lost their lives at sea while protecting the fragile independence of Estonia and Latvia at the end of the First World War. At the time, neither the British Government nor the public had any real appetite for the campaign but Secretary of State for War Winston Churchill was determined to stop Bolshevik Russia retaking the new Baltic countries. And so the Royal Navy despatched a sizeable operation to the Baltic, including 19-year-old Thomas John Bowerman, who was an engine room artificer – a skilled mechanic. So instead of celebrating the Allied victory at his home in Beaumont Road, St Judes, he found himself fighting communist sea forces and delivering vital support to independent fighters. But finally on December 28, 1919, he was heading back to his family on the drifter Catspaw, which was bound for Copenhagen and then Britain. But on the night of December 30 during dreadful weather the Catspaw disappeared and all 14 men on board were lost to sea. The Swedes found their bodies washed ashore and gave them

Author and historian Steve Dunn

a decent burial at Kviberg Cemetery, Gothenburg, where they still lie. For his mum Elizabeth, who had already lost her husband, the news was particularly painful as the conflict was effectively over and her son was returning to the home he desperately wanted to see. “This was a story I wanted to tell not just because few people know about it but because it reminds us all how we need to stand up for democracy, “said Steve. “Thanks to men like John Bowerman these fledgling democracies were protected.” Battle in the Baltic has already come to the attention of the Latvian Embassy. Steve has been invited to address the Latvian Ambbassador, Her Excellency Ms Baiba Braze and her VIP guests as part of the official launch in March. “It’s a real honour for me to have been asked to give a talk at the embassy and have the opportunity to discuss my book. I hope I have done justice to what is such a critical time in Latvia’s history. Battle in the Baltic is Steve’s eighth book. Two of his previous publications were shortlisted for the prestigious Mountbatten Maritime Award, which is presented annually to an author who has made a significant contribution to the UK’s maritime history.


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8 March 2020

8 March 2020

Dozens of people turned out to the new Well Cafe in Plympton in January for its inaugural day. The cafe is based at Living Well Church on the corner of Dark Street Lane and Mudge Way and will be open every Monday from 10am to 3pm. Those there for the opening were able to enjoy convivial chat and tasty sandwiches and cakes as well as rather large cups of coffee. Some customers took advantage of the facilities to hold business meetings, some others spent quiet time on their laptops while enjoying the drink and food and others met up with friends for a chat over lunch. One of the attractions of the new community cafe is a soft play area which children can use while their


Funding boost for Every Player Counts programme in Plymouth Argyle Community Trust is celebrating a wave of renewed funding for a project that has engaged with over 1,100 participants in Plymouth.

The cafe ready for its opening with the soft play area in the background

Dozens turn out for first day of new community cafe parents relax over a cuppa. Organisers said that if there is sufficient support for the cafe

it may be extended to include other days of the week too. (Story courtesy of the Plympton Podcast)


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Every Player Counts is a programme that aims to increase participation levels for all no matter a person’s ability and the funding will support this for another two years following three years of success. The English Football League Trust has relaunched its programme to get more disabled people involved in football after the scheme received a £500,000 donation to distribute across 28 community organisations linked to football clubs in the UK. Wembley National Stadium Trust - the stadium’s charitable foundation - has provided the funding for the Every Player Counts campaign, which it helps run as a joint venture with the EFL Trust. The Community Trust delivers activities covering a wide range of disability programmes including downs syndrome, cerebral palsy, autism, ADHD, visual and hearing impairments as well as mental health and learning difficulties, giving many disabled people access to football for the first time. Specialist coaches from the Trust also work with special schools in Plymouth and support organisations to help increase activities for all by hosting specialised sessions. Health and disability manager, Ben Kerswell said: “The Trust programmes are open to people with any disability or learning difficulty that would like to be involved in sport.

“We do lots of great work to get people involved in sport regardless of their background or abilities and the support from the EFL Trust and Wembley National Stadium Trust enables us to reach our network even further and use the power of football to make a real difference to people’s lives.” Since the launch of the Every Player Counts programme, coaches from the club’s official charity have been delivering weekly sessions that support the EFL Trust’s aim of getting more people involved in sport and offering more opportunities to people who may struggle to play. The emphasis for the Community

Trust staff and coaches is to increase participation and promote the social benefits of taking part in football, not only is it about developing football skills but skills that will help with their development in everyday life, whether it is confidence, self-esteem, teamwork or leadership, amongst others. Argyle Community Trust is Plymouth Argyle Football Club’s official charity, delivering community programmes in Plymouth, Cornwall and North Devon. Plymouth sessions take place every week for children and adults: Tuesday: 5 to 16 years at Goals 5.30 – 6.30pm; Wednesdays: 16+ Manadon Sports Hub 7.30pm – 9pm.

Argyle star Joel Grant champions the new Fit Pilgrims initiative Plymouth Argyle star Joel Grant has been named ambassador for new wellbeing programme FIT PILGRIMS and went along to meet the first cohort of people taking part. Argyle Community Trust and the Plymouth Argyle Football Club are helping fans to tackle their weight, get healthier and be happier by joining FIT FANS, a free 12-week programme at Home Park. Launched earlier this year at 30 Clubs in England, the EFL Trust’s FIT FANS programme will be supported by over £2.25 million of National Lottery funding from Sport England and will aim to use the magnetism of football to tackle obesity levels in over 10,000 fans across the UK. To help inspire the first wave of participants, newly announced ambassador Joel Grant attended the second session to help answer any questions about health, fitness and nutrition. The 32-year-old is proud to not only support the programme but happy to get hands on with the sessions, he said: “I intend to get as involved as possible by coming to sessions and working with people on the goals they want to achieve. “I started working with the Trust on many of the health and wellbeing campaigns because it’s a great passion of mine and I’ve had personal experience of coming back

Argyle star Joel Grant pictured with Emma Potter, health and disability officer

from injury and how it affected my mental health as well as physical and I hope that I can offer valuable support to those involved.” FIT FANS is one of several initiatives to tackle lower physical activity participation rates among people living on low incomes, which is one of Sport England’s key priorities. “We are delighted to host the 12-week programme at Home Park and in partnership between the club, Argyle Community Trust and the EFL Trust,” said Mark Lovell, head of Argyle Community Trust. “FIT FANS is a superb initiative to get people moving and active. The health and wellbeing benefits that

come from regular physical exercise makes a genuine difference to people’s lives, and we look forward to welcoming the Green Army and our community on to this free programme. Health and disability officer, Emma Potter added: “We are delighted to have Joel as our FIT FAN ambassador, Joel is really passionate about making positive changes to benefit people’s health so to have him on board our programme is a huge bonus, it will hopefully motivate and inspire our participants and fans that little bit more to have Joel to look up to as a role model.” For more details, please contact Emma Potter on emma.potter@pafc.

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Plympton Litter Pickers have collected 700 bags of litter in the last year and they continue to meet every first Saturday of the month.

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The Plympton volunteers have been hosted by various local organisations, including the British Red Cross, Living Well Church, Woodford Primary School, Plympton Library, The Brook Inn and Chaddlewood Farm Community Centre. A spokesperson for the group said: “Everyone who joins us for a pick is made welcome, all the equipment is provided, and dogs and children enjoy being involved! We enjoy refreshments and a chat afterwards. “Impromptu picks are organised in response to alerts of littering around the area, and, as we come into spring and summer, with the lighter evenings, we will be out and about for friendly evening picks. “Litter picking has become very important and popular nationally as people become more environmentally-aware. Locally Clean our Patch organises picks throughout the city and during the last year have picked a massive 8679 bags of litter, approx 82 tonnes! The next litter pick is on March 7 from 10.30am to 12 noon, meeting at the Rees Centre in Plympton. The following month’s litter pick will be on Saturday April 4 again from will meet at 10.30am to 12 noon starting at The Chaddlewood Farm Community Centre. For further information please visit Clean Our Patch on Facebook.

Artisan market

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Litter pickers out in force in Plympton

A popular artisan market has opened again for 2020 and has plenty to offer makers and buyers alike. Your Online News, Information and What’s On Service

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The market is held in the Stowford Hall, upstairs in the Watermark in Ivybridge and is now in its fourth year of trading. The market is held on the first Saturday of the month, with some exceptions during November and December, from 9.30am to 1pm. On offer is an array of excellent quality, well priced goods, all hand made by the artisans which vary from market to market. Orders can be taken, and shoppers can speak to the individual artisan to arrange this. The organisers keep the market fresh and interesting by limiting the number of ‘same or similar items’ being sold to around two per market. One of the organisers, Jacky Partridge said: “We are a friendly bunch of likeminded people and can be approached for our ideas and methods. “The artisans vary from baked items, jams and preserves, bags, cards, original artwork of various mediums, children’s and baby knits and clothes, jewellery, pyrotechnic gift items, wood turning, recycled metal work, fused glass gifts and artwork, pictures and many more gift items for you to buy. All original work by the artisans who sell it.” For more details visit www. or e mail

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10 March 2020

10 March 2020


Argyle Community Trust offering young people chance to take part in National Citizen’s Service programme this summer Young people aged from 15 to 17 are being offered an opportunity to take part in the National Citizen’s Service (NCS) programme for three to four weeks during the summer months, having fun and building up credibility and employability skills on their CVs at the same time. NCS is run in the city by Argyle Community Trust and Groundwork Trust. Todd Hanrahan is the manager for NCS at Argyle Community Trust and knows first-hand how good it can be. “I took part in the programme in 2011, and as well as really enjoying myself and all the activities, I went straight into an apprenticeship based on the skills I had learned and my volunteer work with NCS during that Summer.” Todd, from Southway, attended Sir John Hunt school at the time and amongst all the activities he organised a fundraising day. NCS strengthened his CV and he was offered an apprenticeship with Plymouth Schools Sports Partnership, where he worked for four and a half years organising games in local schools. In 2017 Todd joined Argyle Community Trust on the NCS team, and 18 months ago was appointed as the local NCS manager. “NCS played a big part in me getting these opportunities, it can do the same for anyone who takes part,” said Todd. During this year’s summer programme Childcare apprentice Victoria Quillan (left) pictured with Zoe Roberts, manager at Aspire Training Team

young people will take part in a wide range of activities which includes: – Five days away from home, taking on adrenaline-fuelled activities like rock climbing, canoeing and archery, followed by a few days’ rest. – Living independently, learning essential life skills from local business leaders and charities, gaining confidence in public speaking, communications skills and budgeting – all of which looks great on a CV. – Working with a team to devise a community project based on an issue they are passionate about. Using new-found skills and confidence developed on NCS they can feel proud by making a real difference in their community. At the end of the programme, they take stock of all they’ve achieved – overcoming challenges, developing into new and exciting territories, and having experiences they never thought possible. They’ll get to celebrate their triumphs with their fellow NCS-ers at a great end-ofprogramme event before exploring all the opportunities NCS opens up to them. All of the above is included in the cost for the whole course of just £50. For families who need help with that, a total of 170 £50 vouchers have been made available by the Plymouth Drake Foundation, contact Caroline Perry on (01752) 764455 for further details.

Todd Hanrahan: ‘We want as many young people as possible to have this opportunity’

“We want as many young people as possible to have this opportunity,” said Todd, “so please get in touch to find out more. It’s a fantastic experience!”

Further information can be found at: and click ‘book NCS’ for more details, or call Todd on 01752 562561 ext 4.

Greta Thunberg book inspires apprentices to ‘Look beyond’ Local training provider, Aspire Training Team, has presented 30 apprentices across Plymouth with Greta Thunberg’s latest book ‘No one is too small to make a difference’ as part of National Apprenticeship week 2020. Aspire Training Team is a prestigious training

provider specialising in childcare but also covers business administration, leadership and management and customer service. The theme for National Apprenticeship Week was ‘Look Beyond’, and with inspiration from the 17-year-old climate activist from Sweden, Aspire Training Team interpreted this theme as a ‘Look beyond right now and to the future’.

Aspire Training Team has taken various steps to become an environmentally friendly training provider and promotes sustainability to all learners registered on its courses. Thanks to their efforts they have recently been named as Plastic Free Champions by Surfers Against Sewage and Sobowastebusters. Cheryl Hadland, managing director of Aspire Training Team commented “We are so proud of all of the conscious decisions our learners are making in a bid to protect the environment. “Right now, the next generation are being taught how to teach the future generations… and we are responsible for that. We need to teach our learners how to protect the environment for the sake of their future, and how.” One of the first apprentices to receive the gift was Victoria Quillan, childcare apprentice at Tops Day Nurseries. Apprentices from Bretonside Nursery, Devonport Nursery, Efford Nursery, Stonehouse Nursery and Prince Rock Nursery, part of the Tops Day Nurseries Family will be next to receive the special gift. Victoria said “Aspire always make sure that they are communicating well with me and always email me if there is information I need to be aware of. I feel so valued as an apprentice and love having the opportunity to teach the children and help them develop. “I admire Greta Thunberg for what she has accomplished at such a young age. It’s amazing to think how much of an influence one person has had on the world… and that she is almost the same age as me! I think the gifts from Aspire Training Team this year are great.” “As a company, Aspire Training Team have been implementing changes to their practice to become sustainable and their apprentices have been very adaptable and supportive of this. “The company has seen a massive decrease in the amount of single use plastics over the last couple years and have heavily reduced their carbon footprint.”



More people are choosing to move away from traditional petrol or diesel powered vehicles in favour of hybrids and electric vehicles, which is a great way to help reduce your carbon footprint. 2020 is set to be the year of the mainstream electric vehicle with nearly all major manufacturers launching one, two, three or even fourteen (Ford) new electric or hybrid models.

you can expect these times to get quicker. Both local and national government have promised an increase in the number of charging stations across the country with more than you might think already spread throughout Devon and Cornwall. Our conclusion: Despite the massive savings in running costs vs traditional ICE vehicles, charge times of 30mins + will not suit all road users and currently BEVs are most beneficial if you are looking for a city run-around or short commute vehicle.

wanting to help the environment, save money on running costs, and own a vehicle similar to a traditional vehicle.

Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEV) come with a This is one of the most significant changes in motoring fully electric motor that you charge by plug-in, which will in many years and many drivers have questions: Just what complete short journeys on electric only mode and have a are the different types of electric vehicle to choose from? HYBRIDS conventional fuel engine to help you achieve long distance And having driven traditional internal combustion engine If you do a lot of driving or regularly travel long distances trips. The main difference between a HEV and a PHEV is that vehicles for so long, how can we overcome our doubts about but still want to invest in a more eco vehicle, you should most hybrids will only travel short distances on electric-only this new technology? consider a Hybrid. power, whereas PHEVs will travel from 10 to 40 miles solely Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV) switch between using an on electric, making them better for the environment and WHAT ARE YOUR OPTIONS? electric motor and a fuel engine, or run a combination of cheaper to run for a lot of people. Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV) are fully electric with an both at different points of your drive, to give maximum Our conclusion: This newer form of hybrid vehicle seems electric motor powered by a re-chargeable battery. They efficiency and power. to offer the best of both worlds, a great fit for the majority have no need for petrol or diesel and subsequently produce HEVs are usually a lot cheaper to run than petrol or of drivers. zero tailpipe emissions. diesel vehicles, with high miles per gallon and low road tax The most common questions are: How far can you drive WHAT NEXT? benefits. They also have much lower carbon emissions and once charged? Where can you charge them? And how long You may be interested in learning more or even ready to as a result are better for the environment and do not accrue do they take to charge? congestion charges in cities with congestion or green zones. consider the purchase of an electric or hybrid vehicle and Two popular BEVs on the market, the Renault ZOE and there is no better place to take the next step than Vospers. These vehicles charge their on board electric battery Nissan Leaf, boast ranges of over 235 miles on a full charge; With a huge range of vehicle manufacturers and helpful during braking to further increase efficiency. In terms of more than enough for most drivers. staff on-hand to answer your electric hybrid questions, filling up, you only have to put in the fuel for the main The majority of BEVs can be charged at home via a visit Vospers at Marsh Mills to start your electric journey, engine as normal, nothing new to learn there! standard plug - this can take several hours and as a result or online at Our conclusion: These vehicles are perfect for anyone many electric vehicle owners choose to leave their motor charging overnight. Faster chargers with mains supply can There is no doubt that electric vehicles will arrive on our roads at a faster rate than first be installed at your home, often included at a discounted envisaged as a result of the environmental benefits and Government emission reduction rate with the purchase of a new electric vehicle. targets. However, what sort of electric vehicle will depend on many factors – how far do An increasing number of public places have charging you drive? What sort of roads are you driving on? What speed will you average as a result of points that are free to use for the duration of your visit. your regular journey? Are you well served with charging points and ideally can you have one Thankfully these chargers, like those found at service installed at home? (this is possible if you park off road) stations, are significantly faster charging; some offer a Vospers have been selling electric vehicles for several years and I and my son, Nick have driven them and know the benefits and limitations. Our advisors will give motorists the charge of up to 90 miles in range in just 30 minutes. Where advice to allow motorists to make the right decision at the right time to gain maximum they are not free to use typically that only costs around benefit. It’s going to be an exciting journey! £6.50. Much cheaper than filling up with petrol or diesel! Peter Vosper The technology for charging is constantly improving so

12 March 2020

12 March 2020

Inspirational speaker Jenny Pinch at Plympton Academy

A journalist who set up her own business met Year 10 students at Plympton Academy recently. Sarah Pinch visited the school to talk to the

youngsters about her career and share her connections to both Plympton Academy and Plymouth. Sarah’s visit was organised by the Speakers for Schools charity which puts schools in touch with inspirational speakers to help inspire pupils to follow their ambitions and broaden their horizons. Sarah, whose grandfather attended the school, set up her own communications business, Pinchpoint Communications in 2013. The students heard about Sarah’s career path which included working for the BBC, Christian Aid and Children’s Hospice South West. Sarah has also won the PR Director of the Year award for her work with Bristol NHS Trust. The accolades don’t stop there. In September

Sarah Pinch (centre) pictured with Caleb Amissah, Jacob Laniewski, Leah Nelson, Carys Macaskill, Jack Hopson and Plympton Academy assistant principal, Ian Hartley

Key players from business, education and the city’s marine sector met for the first time as a board to steer the city and its organisations towards the delivery of a national first - a National Marine Park. Council leader Tudor Evans said: “This is big. It is a momentous day. This is the start of a five year development plan - a blue print for the blue space in and around our amazing city - and I am thrilled with the calibre of the people we have oon the board. “We’ve a lot of work to do and some really exciting projects in the pipeline. Our role will be to steer this incredible project so that those who make their living from the sea, who play in the sea or even have no connection to the sea, can benefit from the ocean and greater city connections to it. Shadow leader Ian Bowyer said: “Plymouth Sound is the lifeblood of our city and our heritage. We want the National Marine Park to shape the future of the ocean economy, creating and protecting jobs. I want us to show good environmental stewardship and opportunities in the wake of Blue Planet 2 and climate change.” Last September the council and partners created a ‘Declaration of Intent’ for Britain’s Ocean City to create the UK’s first National Marine Park. Now the board has been formed to ensure that decisions about creating the park are made collaboratively for the benefit of all users and stakeholders. It includes representatives from the Navy, the council, business sector, community, research and environmental organisations. Over the next 12 months the board will be responsible for the development and delivery of the National Marine Park programme as it completes a 2018, Sarah was voted 45th in the FT HERoes Top 100 Business List, which celebrates female leaders and she is also a non-executive director of the Health and Safety Executive and is an independent advisor to the National Welsh Assembly. Plympton Academy, assistant principal, Ian Hartley said: “Sarah was our first speaker from the charity and she captured the attention of our year 10 students whilst talking about her career; the importance of treating everyone kindly and why it’s important to have both ambition, aspiration and resilience.” Carys Macaskill, a Year 10 student said she found Sarah’s talk really inspirational. “It’s definitely motivated me to explore my interest in journalism more.” Fellow student Leah Nelson agreed it was an interesting careers talk. “I didn’t know what a career in public relations involved and she made us think about what options we could explore.”

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Blueprint for Plymouth’s marine park under way Some of the city’s big hitters were at the Plymouth Sound National Marine Park’s first ever board meeting.

Cross Rhythms 2020 Gala Dinner

23rd April at 7pm


feasibility study and five year business plan. It will involve talking to a lot of people and organisations covering many marine and maritime interests, defence, commercial fishing, angling, marine technology, visitor economy, research, as well as the natural environment. Professor Richard Thompson, director of the University of Plymouth’s Marine Institute said: “Plymouth Sound provides an unrivalled living laboratory for scientific research. “This highly complex body of water encompasses a strategic port, marine technology test ground, naval base, recreational hub, fisheries and world class marine research. “The city is the home of marine research, with the Marine Biological Association of the UK, Plymouth Marine Laboratory and the University of Plymouth collaborating to advance knowledge and understanding; alongside the National Marine Aquarium - our waters have heritage in scientific discovery and learning. “Looking forward, the National Mariner Park offers an unrivalled opportunity to develop and inform best practice for sustainable economic growth in line with the aspirations of the UN Decade of the Oceans 2021 to 2030. The board members are: Chair: Leader of Plymouth City Council, Councillor Tudor Evans; Leader of Opposition Cllr Ian Bowyer; Cabinet Member for Environment and Street Services Cllr Sue Dann; Port: Commodore Peter Coulson; Business: Chair of Plymouth Growth Board/Devon Chamber Richard Stevens; Tourism: Chair of Destination Plymouth Adrian Vinken; Science and Research: University of Plymouth Marine Institute Professor Richard Thompson; Environment: Executive Director BLUE Charles Clover; Children and Young People: Chief Executive, City College Plymouth Jackie Grubb.

Members of the National Marine Park Board pictured after their first meeting

Estate agents raise funds for Dame Hannahs Staff at Luscombe Maye estate agents have raised £1000 for Dame Hannahs in Ivybridge.

They organised a variety of fundraising events and activities, including coffee mornings and dress down days, throughout 2019 and chose Dame Hannahs as one of their beneficiary charities. Senior partner Stuart Hext visited Dame Hannahs recently to present the cheque. Stuart said: “Luscombe Maye are delighted to support the Dame Hannah Rogers Trust, it being a local organisation at the heart of the South Hams area in which Luscombe Maye operates. The Trust provides an invaluable service to the community and we would like to see it continue for many years to come”. Head of fundraising Daniel Burke said: “Everyone at Dame Hannahs would Like to thank Stuart and all of the staff at the Luscombe Maybe branches for their fundraising efforts throughout 2019 to support their local charities. “We were thrilled to receive this extremely generous donation which helps us to continue the vital work we undertake to support our children and adults with a range of disabilities. Luscombe Maye have supported us for many years in various ways and their continued support is greatly appreciated.”

Cheque in... Stuart Hext, Sophie Dunne, Pamela Sutton and Daniel Burke



Christian Mill Business Park | Crownhill | Plymouth | PL6 5DS

14 March 2020

14 March 2020


Nurse’s grief leads to innovative way to gift back memories for bereaved families Senior Sister Ali Griffiths from University Hospitals Plymouth has turned her experience of grief into positive change for bereaved relatives.

As part of the Trust’s Innovation Programme, Ali and a team of innovators have worked together to improve the way personal belongings are returned to families after someone has passed away. As a result, new ‘bereavement bags’ are being introduced across the hospital and it is hoped other Trusts across the UK will follow suit. Ali said: “This idea was born out of my personal experience of collecting my mum’s belongings. She died very suddenly and unexpectedly under catastrophic circumstances. “Her things, including her dressing gown and hairbrush, were presented to me in a carrier bag. When I saw the contents and her hair on the brush, I was overwhelmed. I collapsed in a heap of sadness, and it took me a long time to get past that moment in my own grief journey. “It didn’t feel like a carrier bag was representative of the care and compassion that we give to families here at the Trust. “It’s now been 10 years since mum passed away and the sadness and devastation that we felt as a family. Being able to change the way that belongings are handed over, in a more respectful and caring way, means that potentially tens of thousands of other families - during a really difficult time of losing somebody so beloved to them - may have that moment made a little bit easier.” New purple bereavement bags are now available for use by hospital staff. They resemble dignified gift bags, which have been chosen to represent gifting back personal belongings and the memories associated with them. The bags have a closing lid so that relatives can take out the contents at a time when they are ready. The distinctive colour and design means hospital teams will be able to recognise that the person carrying the bag is in need of extra care. Dr Helen Neilens, Innovation Lead at University Hospitals Plymouth, said: “The look and feel of the bags has been chosen by the

Patient Experience group with design and function in mind, and we also spoke to other Trusts sharing the same issue.” NHS innovation projects allow members of staff to suggest ideas to improve products, processes or services. The aim could be to improve patient care, make savings, and in some cases present a commercial potential, bringing income in for the innovator and the Trust. As a result of this project, each time a bag is sold a percentage of the money will go back into the Innovation Fund. Even better, a percentage of that margin will go back to Ali Griffiths, because the project originated from her idea. “She is then free to do what she wants with that money, which is a thank you to Ali for her role in making this important improvement”, added Dr Neilens. Alan McLeod, managing director of Health Innovation Support Limited was key to the project’s success, creating and testing prototypes and working with the hospital’s procurement team to get the best price per unit for the bags. He said: “I’m thrilled that we’ve been able to deliver this outcome for Ali, in her mum’s memory, and for future families and staff. “NHS staff can be very good at making do with what they are given, as opposed to saying ‘there must be a better way’. “This shows that it doesn’t matter who you are, if you have an idea then there is a pathway for you. We hope to inspire people to know that they can make a difference. “The fact there’s every chance thousands of these bags are going to be used up and down the country is great.” Ali added: “As a nurse, I know that when you’re dealing with a bereaved family, this will be a really positive message to them. You’ve delivered all that amazing end of life care to their loved one, and by presenting their belongings in this bag and not in a carrier bag, it portrays that message that we still care about them as a family.” The Trust has already had interest from several other trusts interested in using the purple bereavement bags. Hospital staff can submit innovation ideas here innovation.

Pictured with the new bereavement bags are (from left) Dr Helen Neilens - Innovation Lead at University Hospitals Plymouth, Alan McLeod, managing director of Health Innovation, Senior Sister Ali Griffiths, Claire Jukes, patient services support manager and Kathleen Harvey, category buyer

Plymouth nurse takes safe staffing petitions to the very heart of government A Plymouth nurse joined colleagues who presented petitions to Downing Street calling for urgent action to fix the nursing workforce crisis in England.

Vicky Brotherton, a senior ophthalmic nurse at Derriford Hospital was among four nursing staff who went to the heart of Government to hand in petitions totalling over 220,000 signatures from frontline health care staff, their patients, as well as members of the public demanding that resolving the nursing workforce shortage in England is the highest priority for the Government. Vicky, who is the RCN activist lead for the Staffing for Safe and Effective Care campaign South West collaborative, said: “We would like to get safer staffing enshrined in law in England as it is in Wales for the benefit of our patients and colleagues. “I’m really glad that my local MP Luke Pollard came to Downing Street with me. He spent a senior nurse shift with me so he’s aware of the challenges of frontline nursing in the present climate.” The call comes as the NHS in England operates under record nurse vacancies, which have recently topped 44,000 for the first time,

Mayflower 400: an amazing year of events in 2020 commemorating the journey of the Mayflower. Highlights in Plymouth include: Get Active Programme: January – December Various locations across the city

Plymouth Philharmonic Choir: 5 April Plymouth Guildhall

Mayflower 400 Community Sparks: Throughout 2020 across the city

Mayflower 400: Legend & Legacy: From 16 May The Box

Mayflower Sports Week: 21 – 29 March With Plymouth Argyle, Plymouth Albion and Plymouth Raiders Some Call It Home: 24 – 25 March Theatre Royal Plymouth Special Olympics Mayflower 400 Commemorative Games: 3 – 5 April Mayflower 400 National Supporters and Sponsors

This Land: 16 – 20 June Theatre Royal Plymouth

For the full Plymouth programme visit

Vicky Brotherton pictured with Luke Pollard MP outside No 10

and follows a General Election pledge for 50,000 more nurses in the next five years. At the last count there were 3,262 full-time registered nurse vacancies in the South West being advertised by the NHS, meaning at least 11.4% (more than one in nine) of nursing posts in the region were vacant as at last September. The petitions are part of the RCN’s Safe Staffing campaign calling for investment now for financial accountability for the health and care workforce. Lesley Cain, a cancer patient who has had a mastectomy who joined the RCN in handing in the petition said: “As somebody who has needed the help of the NHS I have nothing but praise for the care I received. The nurses made sure I was comfortable and were there for me every step of the way. It was clear though that they were under the most incredible pressure and they simply did not have a moment to even take a break. “I cannot imagine what this can be like and we must start to care for those who care for us. As a patient I can tell you that I can see the pressures and I feel it is time for government demonstrate real action before it is too late.”

March 2020


Former rehab staff launching new therapeutic art club in Plymouth Two former Broadreach staff, made redundant by the closure of the Plymouth treatment centre, are starting a mindful art club at The Pig Bar and Grill, in Plymouth city centre.

Artists Peggy Melmoth and Emma Sprawson were part of the support team at Broadreach House Addiction Treatment Centre, offering a number of activities to the resident clients, including arts and craft workshops. When Broadreach House closed, due to a lack of funding, in July 2019, Emma and Peggy decided to bring their combined skills into the community to offer mindful art as a way to manage anxiety and stress. Peggy and Emma have been running weekly mindful art classes at The Brook Inn, Plympton, on Wednesdays, since September. People have been enjoying the mindful meditation, easy art projects and relaxed, sociable atmosphere. So, in response to demand they have now launched a class in central Plymouth, upstairs at The Pig, in Armada Way, on Monday mornings. All materials are supplied and each drop-in session costs £5. Their project has recently received a boost with a grant of £1000 from the National Lottery. Peggy said: “Do you know when you enjoyed art as a kid, without judging your ability or results? We get together for 10 minutes of mindful meditation, then we have a coffee and a chat, and do some art, just for fun.” Emma commented: “At Broadreach I used to run mindfulness sessions and art workshops for the clients. Then we had the idea of combining both things at once.” Emma is trained in mindfulness, acupuncture and Indian head massage, and is a practicing artist offering multi-media artworks and personalised commissions. Peggy is qualified in clinical hypnotherapy and is also a practicing artist offering watercolour paintings, and personalised cartoon portraits. She is currently studying for a counselling qualification.

Mindful Art Club founders Peggy Melmoth and Emma Sprawson

Mindful Art Club is every Wednesday at 10am at The Brook Inn, 33 Longbrook Street, Plympton St Maurice, PL7 1NJ. The new class is every Monday at 10am, upstairs at The Pig Bar and Grill, 133 Armada Way PL1 1HX

Oarsome challenge for former Royal Marines Rowing the Atlantic is one of the toughest challenges that anyone can undertake. It’s not simply the physical challenge of rowing 3000 miles in a 28 feet ocean-rowing boat.

The rowers also have to cope with limited space, rationed supplies and sleep deprivation caused by rowing two hours on, two hours off for weeks on end. Team Commando Spirit are preparing to face all of those challenges while raising funds to support the Royal Marine Charity and Rock 2 Recovery. Made up of four friends who met playing rugby while serving Royal Marines, the team are fully aware of the scale of the challenge. “It’s a tough row. It all depends on the weather, but it usually takes about 30 to 40 days to reach Antigua from La Gomera,” said Simon ‘Jan’ Hicklin, founding member of Team Commando Spirit. “We’re in this to make a difference and to get maximum coverage for our charities and for our sponsors.” Rock 2 Recovery was set up by former Royal Marines Jamie Sanderson and Jason Fox to fight against stress in the Armed Forces, veterans and their families. Retired Plymouth Royal Marine Tristan Lark said: “So many of us struggle with mental health. Rock 2 Recovery provides swift and practical interventions using an amazing team of change management coaches across the UK. The focus is on moving towards a positive future, helping each individual find their ‘rock’ that will motivate, inspire and encourage them through the bad times

Plymouth charity appeals for Half Marathon runners to support its work in the city

Plymouth charity Friends and Families for Special Children is appealing for runners in Britain’s Ocean City Half Marathon to raise money for its work.

They are also starting a class at The Harbour Centre for people in recovery from substance misuse. Details of all classes are on their website The aim of Mindful Art Club is ‘to help you to relax, unwind and socialise, even if you’re anxious. We’re offering coffee, creativity and company! You don’t need any talent or art experience, as the idea is just to have fun.’ The Plympton class has been described as relaxing, therapeutic, ‘me-time’, inspiring, colourful, energising, rejuvenating and, ‘a good form of self-care.’ More information about the club can be found at

Friends and Families is unique to Plymouth as it provides information, support and services for families with disabled children, many of whom describe the charity as a life saver. Last year Jane Smith ran the race to raise funds for the charity. She had a personal reason for choosing the charity as her son George, who will be nine this year, has Down’s Syndrome. Jane and her family have been involved with the charity since he was born. George goes along to the many activities that the charity organises, from sailing to pizza making. The activities enable George to have fun with other children in a relaxed setting, allowing him to try things he might not have done before. George’s sisters, Daisy and Lexi, don’t miss out as they attend the Fun and Freedom Club which run activities for young carers. These group activities give children time-out from their caring role and to have fun away from the stresses and punishing regime of caring. This allows a vital ‘recharge of batteries’ relieving isolation and providing time for young carers to have fun. Jane said: “Running for Friends and Families was an obvious choice as they have been such a great support to my family - we have benefited from the activities and the support that the charity provides.” But is wasn’t only Jane wo took on the running challenge, Daisy and George also took part in the Primary Schools challenge, which sees children running one mile. 2020 is a big year for the charity as it will be celebrating its 15th anniversary and will be kicking off the celebrations with a glamorous Great Gatsby Ball at the newly refurbished Club Argyle Lounge on March 6. If you would like to make a difference and run this year’s Ocean City Half Marathon to raise money for disabled children and their families then call Diane on 01752 204369 or email diane@ Jane Smith - ran last year’s Half Marathon

Team Commando Spirit (from left) Calum Macrae, Tristan Lark, Gareth Evans and Simon ‘Jan’ Hicklin. Photo credit Will Scammell

and into a better life. “I left the Royal Marines on a medical discharge and it’s tough making that transition into civilian life. We have all experienced or seen the negative impact of active service on our comrades and we want to help.’ The team have strong links with Plymouth and Plymouth Albion. Three of the team served in Plymouth and Jan Hicklin is a born and bred Plymothian. Jan said: “We’re hoping that the city will help us to raise the money we need to get to the start line

in December 2020. We are looking for corporate sponsorship and for donations to our charities. We have a Go Fund Me page and potential sponsors can talk to our support team made of Christine Madden and Lesley Anderson. We’d love some Devon sponsors to work with us!’ To support the team, follow them on Facebook and Twitter. To donate, please visit uk.gofundme. com/f/team-commando-spirit-2020-atlanticrow or to find out more about the Challenge or sponsorship, go visit the website at


16 March 2020

16 March 2020


Children light up Chaddlewood School Is It Possible To Run Away….? neighbours when their Conveyancer sends them the protocol Seller’s Property Information Form (SPIF) for completion carrying the following warning:-

“If you give incorrect or incomplete information to the buyer……the buyer may make a claim for compensation from you or refuse to complete the purchase”.

Suzanne Broughton

Partner and Head of Residential Conveyancing Most of us enjoy a healthy relationship with our neighbours – whether this is just knowing there is someone we can call upon in an emergency, or we can rely upon to supply a missing essential ingredient mid cake-baking, or with whom we can share an impromptu bottle of wine on an otherwise uneventful Saturday night. However, for some homeowners, the primary reason for a house sale is to escape problem neighbours. Sellers are encouraged to declutter and redecorate to make their home as attractive as possible to encourage prospective buyers. BUT how does a Seller deal with the dilemma of disclosing the fact of nuisance

The SPIF specifically asks for information about disputes with neighbours. What amounts to a dispute is open to interpretation, but in general, if your neighbour has behaved in such a way that it has been necessary to involve the Authorities then the dispute must be declared. If the dispute was a “oneoff” that has been resolved amicably then it may not necessarily need to be declared. The SPIF form is a part of the contract between the Buyer and the Seller and a Buyer is entitled to rely on the information given by the Seller. Therefore, if issues that should have been declared come to light after the sale completes, the Buyer can take legal action against the Seller for false information / omitting to provide truthful replies. So, even if you move away, the problem is unlikely to go away.

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Whether a claim brought by a Buyer would be successful raises other questions, but these situations can be stressful and also very costly. Therefore, it is recommended that a Seller deals with enquiries honestly - the Buyer can then decide for themselves how to proceed. Quite often disputes are nothing more than a clash of personalities between homeowners, but a new buyer may find that the same neighbour behaves in a completely different way towards them. Furthermore, some people feel that certain things that their neighbours do are problematic, whilst others may not. Some properties are subject to covenants imposing an obligation on homeowners not to do something/ act or behave in a particular way so as to cause nuisance or annoyance to the owners and occupiers of the neighbouring or adjoining properties, but whether enforcement of the covenants or a claim for a breach of covenants can be brought, depends on a lot of factors. If you are considering a house move and you have any particular queries or questions relating to your sale or purchase, please give us a call. We are here for you, when you need us.

Inspired by the recent Illuminate Festival at the Royal William Yard, Chaddlewood Primary School recently staged their very own illumination event and hundreds of parents went along to see it.

The children at Chaddlewood Primary worked collaboratively to create lanterns of all shapes and sizes for their display, with a focus on commemorating the 400th year since the Mayflower’s voyage and embracing a sea theme. A total of 400 glass jars were decorated and over 150 lanterns were carefully made by the children, including a replica Mayflower ship, a bloom of jellyfish and two larger than life octopi. The children and staff worked extremely hard and their efforts were rewarded by the large number of parents who came to see the art display. Among the feedback comments from the parents were remarks such as ‘Wow! What an amazing light display celebrating the anniversary of the Mayflower!’ and ‘We could really tell so much time and effort has been put in by both children and staff and the result was fantastic.’ Another commented: ‘The jellyfish lamps, seaweed, replica ship and lights were very effective. A super magical end to my day, very well done indeed.’ (Story courtesy of the Plympton Podcast)

Construction work begins on the new Forder Valley Link Road

18 March 2020


When coffee bar nosh raised dosh for GOSH

Main construction work will get under way on the Forder Valley Link Road on February 10, marking a major milestone in one of Plymouth’s biggest ever road projects.

Enabling works have already been ongoing to clear and prepare the site, relocate utilities and create an access road to take construction traffic between Novorossiysk Road and the site offices and car park at Poole Farm. The first phase of main construction will include earthworks for the main carriageway and the new embankment and retaining wall off Novorossiysk Road, as well as the start of work to build the bridge. BT will also be building a second new chamber on the southern side of Novorossiysk Road and South West Water will be carrying out sewer diversion works just north of the existing Forder Valley Road/Novorossiysk Road junction. To enable works to be carried out safely there will be a lane closure on the downhill side of Novorossiysk Road but two-way traffic will be maintained by using one of the uphill lanes (there will be one lane of traffic in each direction). The lane closures – which will be in place from 7pm on Sunday 9 February – will be the same as those used intermittently during the enabling works but will now be required 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The closures will remain in place for the duration of the project, which is due to be completed in the summer of 2022. The footway on the downhill side of Novorossiysk Road will also be closed, with a signed diversion via the uphill side. Further traffic management measures will be introduced later in the project, the next phase of which will include the temporary closure of Forder Valley Road between the Novorossiysk Road junction and Fort Austin Avenue from the autumn. Regular updates will be issued during the project to let people know about upcoming changes. The Forder Valley Link Road will connect William Prance Road in Derriford and the Forder Valley Road/Novorossiysk Road junction, via a bridge over the Bircham Valley. It will create a much-needed alternative link between the A38 and the north of the city, avoiding the often heavily congested Manadon Roundabout and the A386 Tavistock Road. This will help reduce journey times to and from key destinations such as Derriford Hospital, the University of St Mark and St John and the Plymouth Science Park and improve bus service reliability. The project also includes safer routes for cyclists and pedestrians and will be complemented by improvements to the Forder Valley (Leigham) roundabout. Together with the Derriford Transport Scheme, Derriford Hospital Interchange, Marjon Link Road and the planned widening of the A386 between Woolwell and The George, this major new infrastructure will be key to unlocking growth in the north of Plymouth, where 4,300 new homes and a new district development of shops and community, leisure and health facilities are planned over the next 15 years. Infrastructure group Balfour Beatty has been appointed as main contractor for the project, with works procured through the Scape Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Framework. Full details on all the Forder Valley transport improvements can be found at www.

Pictured: Team McColl’s at Harewood House

Visitors to the Harewood House Coffee Bar have been helping to fund a planned new £1m parents residential unit for Great Ormond Street Hospital.

Plympton resident Helen Jones spearheaded the week’s fundraising stint at the coffee bar during the week in February and was supported by relatives and work colleagues from McColl’s stores across Plymouth and South East Cornwall. McColl’s and Martins stores throughout the UK have selected the GOSH Charity as their adopted cause to support for the next three years. They are aiming to raise £1m to refurbish a building opposite Great Ormond Street Hospital which will serve as parent accommodation for those whose children are receiving treatment at the hospital and which will become known as McColl’s House.

McColl’s chief executive Jonathan Miller said: “Our colleagues care greatly about supporting their local communities and we know many families across the UK rely on the excellent, specialist care provided by GOSH. We are excited to get behind this fantastic cause knowing the efforts of our colleagues, customers and suppliers, will provide vital support for families at a very difficult time.” Amit Aggarwal, director of corporate partnerships at GOSH Charity, added: “The last thing that parents should have to worry about when they arrive at GOSH is where they’ll stay once their child is admitted. “Thanks to our new partnership with McColl’s, we’ll be able to transform the provision of much needed parent accommodation, and together, we can ensure that parents are never more than a few

minutes from their child’s bedside, day or night.” Local McColl’s branches in the Plymouth and South East Cornwall area have already raised £600 through a charity night they held last November and they are hoping that when they tot up the proceeds from their week at the Harewood House Coffee Bar this will be boosted by at least another £500. All McColl’s stores have GOSH charity donation tins in them where customers can support the fundraising initiative and the local team will be back at the Harewood House Coffee bar for another week from 12 April 2020. The Coffee Bar at Harewood House is open weekdays from 10am to 2pm for eat in snacks and drinks and is run by a different community group each week. (Story courtesy of the Plympton Podcast)

Councillor’s Corner with Rebecca Smith It’s been a few months since I last wrote this column. Blame the General Election – where I was a candidate across in Plymouth Sutton and Devonport - and Christmas if you will. Although I didn’t stop being a councillor or responding to resident’s queries, I didn’t have the spare time to write this little piece, so apologies! You may have heard the reports of local young people congregating and playing up at Pomphlett McDonalds a few weeks ago. While it’s naïve to think we can ever provide enough activities to keep young people entertained, a group of schools, young people, churches, councillors, the police and other community groups have been meeting to look at what the community can do. We’ve got some ideas afoot and will be launching these very soon – watch this space… Its’ the time of year ahead when we’re heading towards local elections and the deadline for spending our Local Councillor Community Grant. We’ve got a number of projects we’ll be supporting before the end of the financial year, but if you are aware of a local group who might benefit from a small financial contribution toward a specific project, please let me know.

Plymouth City Councillor for Plymstock Radford Ward

Cllr Rebecca Smith along with Cllr Kathy Watkin at the ‘Blessing of the Flags’

We recently got to buy some new parade flags for a new Rangers Group and the Radford and Oreston Rainbows. If anyone is looking for volunteering opportunities locally, please let me know. I am often made aware of opportunities and would love to be able to share them with you. As

ever, you can contact me on Rebecca.smith@ My Facebook page has changed however and is now @PlymouthRebecca – do follow me or message me if I can help with anything.

NEW TREATMENTS FOR ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE taking part in a clinical trial. We’re currently looking for people aged 50-90 years with Mild Cognitive Impairment or an Alzheimer’s diagnosis to take part in a trial to help identify some new treatments. We need your help to try and defeat Alzheimer’s disease. Taking part in a clinical trial can help us identify new treatments for the future.

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20 March 2020

20 March 2020


Men on the move in memory of much-loved colleague Ahead of the South West’s biggest men-only annual charity event, a local man has shared the moving reasons behind his motivation for taking part for the sixth consecutive year.

As is his annual tradition, 50-year-old Martyn Hamley, a carpenter and joiner at Princess Yachts, will be joining workmates Paul Blake, Neil Bailey and Paul Parrish to participate in Men’s Day Out in aid of St Luke’s Hospice Plymouth. The day of banter and rugby includes a 12km sponsored walk that starts at Plymouth Albion RFC and finishes there with a pasty, pint and not-tobe-missed match, after taking in iconic locations in Plymouth, including the Hoe and the Barbican. As they enjoy the camaraderie of the popular event and stride the streets raising much-needed funds for the charity, Martyn and his colleagues will be remembering their good friend and fellow Princess Yachts employee John Helmore, an exceptional craftsman and talented athlete, who excelled in competitive cycling. Martyn Hamley in ‘dog costume’ fancy dress from a previous Men’s Day Out

Sadly, John died of cancer in 2015 - aged just 44 - having been looked after by St Luke’s at its specialist unit in Turnchapel, where the expertise and compassion of the team help people live well to the end of their lives. Taking part in Men’s Day Out on Saturday March 28, which is sponsored by IU Energy, is the foursome’s way of paying tribute to John and thanking the charity for the dedication with which they cared for him. John is also remembered by Princess Yachts, where the annual John Helmore Prize for Excellence is awarded to an outstanding member of the team. Martyn said: “John is greatly missed. My friendship with him went way back to 1986, when we were fresh faced from school and starting our apprenticeships. He stood out from day one because he always gave a hundred per cent to whatever he did, from his work to the sports he loved.

Martyn Hamley (left) with friends and colleagues on John’s memorial bench

“John was the last person you’d imagine receiving a diagnosis of cancer because he was known for his healthy lifestyle. It just goes to show that none of us know when it might be us in that situation and needing the expert care of St Luke’s. That’s why Men’s Day Out is so important - it’s an opportunity to have a great day with your mates while fundraising for such a fantastic local cause. Everyone is made welcome and there’s a really great atmosphere.” As in previous years of doing the charity walk, Martyn and his colleagues will take a short detour to sit on John’s memorial bench in Beaumont Park, remember their friend and see how much the silver mountain ash planted in tribute to him has grown since the previous year. Since 2015, Martyn has raised over £2,500 for St Luke’s to help its service continue making a difference. Registration for Men’s Day Out is £32, which includes a t-shirt, pasty, pint and entry to the rugby

John Helmore..greatly missed

match. Sign up at mensdayout.


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March 2020



Oxfam fashion show fundraiser to fight poverty Oxfam in Mutley Plain is presenting a fund-raising fashion show on March 17 at Plymouth Gin Distillery in The Barbican.

Showcasing the very best in vintage, second hand and up-cycling fashion the team at Oxfam, Mutley Plain bring a catwalk show with 12 themed collections. Volunteer models, dressers and runners have all contributed their time to this fundraising event. Outfits and designs will be on sale at the event, offering a chance to pick up a unique fashion item. Oxfam, Mutley Plain shop manager, Kay Challen said: “We want to highlight how Oxfam is part of the solution to fast fashion by giving clothes a second chance to be sold

and preventing them ending up in landfill. All pieces on show have been kindly donated by the public to Oxfam, Mutley Plain and illustrate the quality and range of fashion that we have in store and online at Oxfam. “Everyone has worked so hard to make this a really fun event – we hope audiences from Plymouth we come and enjoy the show whilst raising money for Oxfam’s poverty fighting campaigns.” Tickets are on sale from the Oxfam shop, 44 Mutley Plain, Plymouth. The event is support by Plymouth Gin Distillery and entry includes a free gin and tonic or soft drink.

DEALING WITH PROBATE The death of a loved one is a very upsetting and difficult experience, however, the amount of paperwork required to deal with your loved one’s estate can often be too much.

It may also be that the estate exceeds the tax threshold (£325,000 for a single person) and will therefore require inheritance tax to be paid before a grant of probate can be obtained.

In many instances, it may be that a grant of probate will not be required to release monies. However, even if the institutions (eg., banks etc) will pay out monies without a grant of probate, if the assets exceed £5,000 (including half of joint assets), then a grant should be obtained.

According to the Revenue, £5.4 billion was collected in inheritance tax during the 2018/2019 tax year showing a further increase from the £5.228 billion which was collected in during the 2017/2018 tax year. This shows that more and more estates are becoming taxable and this places more of a burden on your family when dealing with the administration of an estate, as they may also be left with a tax bill to settle.

If you have been left with the responsibility of dealing with a loved one’s estate, whether through a Will or the Laws of Intestacy, the role of personal representative/executor is an important one and should not be undertaken lightly.

Executors have various legal duties and responsibilities to ensure that the estate is dealt with correctly eg., completing the tax forms

(inheritance and/or income tax), paying debts and placing money into trust. They also have a personal liability if they fail to deal with the estate correctly and can find themselves in the unfortunate position of having to pay debts or claims by beneficiaries if they fail in this duty. Statutory Notices should be put in place by executors (these are not the family death notices) to protect themselves as without them creditors can pursue executors for up to six years. An executor must also ensure that beneficiaries are not bankrupt by carrying out the relevant searches. They also have a duty to use an appropriate degree of care and skill which includes ensuring that assets are distributed in a timely manner as

Call Us Plymouth 01752 556606 | Ivybridge 01752 690123

well as making sure that assets are secure. With all this in mind, I would suggest that anyone that has been appointed as an executor always seeks legal advice to ensure that they do not end up out of pocket. If you would like more advice in relation to obtaining probate or administration of estate, please contact Catherine English at Howard and Over Solicitors on 01752 284063 or by email at Catherine.english@howard-over.

22 March 2020

22 March 2020


Dealing with the pressures of life THE

By Ian Pilkington Presenter on Cross Rhythms Plymouth

Experience Sometimes life’s pressures get so overwhelming that our world shrinks to just the size of those pressures.

Hope, fun, dreams, rest, faith, all are literally ‘out of sight’ because they are far from our minds. Our thoughts are full of worry and it’s as if we can only see a short distance ahead. For me, I can at times feel like: ‘Life is full of these difficulties and how to get through another day.’ As a Christian my prayers become filled with problems; and I can lose sight of the needs of the people around me. But life also has its share of joys and hopes, even if we lose sight of them. There’s a passages in the world’s bestselling book (The Bible) that shows what God thinks about this: “ I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” (Jesus, quoted in John Ch10v10) A definition of the term on Wikipedia says that: “’Abundant life’ refers to life in its abounding fullness of joy and strength for mind, body, and soul.’ Sounds good to me! Also in the Good Book, the prophet Jeremiah tells us how God sees the potential of our lives:‘ “For I know the

thoughts and plans that I have for you, … thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.” - Jeremiah Ch29v11 Hope is a brilliant perspective on life. The trouble is, how do we get there when we’re in the middle of painful suffering or heart-break? A good place to start is by thinking on those promises. They point to the nature of God and his active love for us. They are reliable promises because the One who made them is reliable. Just thinking about those promises gives our worrying brains something else to focus on, Ian Pilkington something better. But it’s not just positive mental attitude. In the middle of real struggles we need more than that. We need those promises to be real and we

need to do something ourselves. ‘Pick up the hoover and go clean Mary’s stairs’. What? That was the advice a good friend gave me thirty years ago when I was consumed with self-defeating worry. What he meant was ‘just go and serve Mary. Do something for somebody else.’ I almost hit him, but he was right. I followed his advice. It took me out of myself and into thinking about how I could make someone else’s day a little better. A small step, but a step in the right direction. My shrinking world expanded beyond my preoccupied horizons. In itself it didn’t change everything. But as a principle to apply in the middle of problems, to help reset my self-oriented perspective, it’s proven to be so helpful.





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Jesus encourages us that this world will bring us trouble, but not to be anxious about that because He’s overcome those worries already. A relationship with Him does not insulate us from the problems everyone faces, but it does give us hope, strength and grace to go through them with more resources than we can muster on our own. There’s a plain English version of the bible, called ‘The Message’, which is a good read whether you have faith or not. It says this (Romans Ch12v10): “Love from the centre of who you are; don’t fake it. Run for dear life from evil; hold on for dear life to good. Be good friends who love deeply; practice playing second fiddle.” I need to play second fiddle more and bring my worries down to size by serving someone else – every little helps, as they say. Worry dominates. Love serves. And it’s love that makes life worth living, and love that ultimately remains long after the problems have been and gone. If we can know we are loved, and from that place love someone else, it truly puts problems into their right place.

Listen to Cross Rhythms Plymouth on 96.3FM, online at or on app: or CRPlymiOS

Fiver Fest in the West End

Shoppers are being offered exclusive £5 deals at some of Plymouth’s most popular businesses as part of the innovative Fiver Fest in the West End of Plymouth City Centre.

West End businesses, including traders in Plymouth Market, will be joining independent businesses across the UK in the unique £5 promotion throughout February half term. Called the Totally Local Fiver Fest, the event includes retailers making one-time offers of £5 on a huge variety of products until the end of February. It is being supported and promoted by the Plymouth City Centre Company and details of the offers and other news and information relating to the event will be hosted on the new West End Plymouth website and social media channels. The City Centre Company, which runs the city centre Business Improvement District (BID) recently created a new brand and identity for the West End with the aim of raising the area’s profile and to attract more shoppers to the huge variety of independent businesses in and outside the market. Steve Hughes, the company’s chief executive, said: “We are doing all we can to get more people to discover the range of businesses we have in the West End and Fiver Fest will help us to do that. “We just want as many people as possible to come and support their local traders. I’d really encourage anyone thinking of trying the West End or the Market for the first time – or revisiting for the first time in a while – to browse our fabulous businesses.” More than 70 towns and cities across the UK will be taking part in Fiver Fest, as part of a drive to bring shoppers back to their local high streets. The idea is the brainchild of Totally Local, an organisation set up to promote the Great British high street. For more information, follow West End Plymouth on Facebook, @WestEndPlymouth on Twitter and @WestEndPlym on Instagram.

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24 March 2020



Your guide to community events in your area Plympton Library Family History Help Desk Tuesdays, 9.30am - 11.30am Get help and advice in tracing your family history. Booking required.

Lions support tapestry project

Rhymetime Tuesdays, 10.30am - 11.30am Thursdays, 2pm - 2.30pm Saturdays, 10.30am - 11am Songs and nursery rhymes for babies and toddlers.

Hooe and Turnchapel Ladies Group Meet on the first and second Tuesday of the month, 8pm at the Hooe & Turnchapel Community Centre. Call 01752 311931 for more details.

IT for Beginners Wednesdays, 10.30am - 11.30am Aimed at beginners, find out what you can do online by signing up to ‘Learn My Way’. Staff will be on hand to help. Feel Better with a Book Wednesdays, 11am - 12pm Enjoy the power of great novels, stories and poems read aloud in a small friendly group. Book Group Thursdays, 6pm - 7pm Meet up to talk about what you’ve been reading. Each month there will be a different book to read and discuss. Memory Conservatory Mondays, 2pm - 4pm Drop in for a reminiscence, arts and crafts, singing or to see a friendly face and have a cuppa. Friendship group First Thursday of the month 10am-12. A regular programme of activities and events including local/family history talks, IT sessions, film shows, reminiscence, local walks, crafts, quizzes and more. Lego Club Thursdays 3.30pm-5pm. We supply the Lego, you supply the imagination and building skills. Code Club Saturdays (term time only) 9.30am-10.30am. Code Club is a national network of volunteer-led after school coding clubs for children.Children follow modules of projects to learn about and develop coding skills using Scratch, HTML & CSS and Python. Code Club runs during term time only.Suitable for children aged 8 and over. There are limited spaces so please contact the library in advance on 01752 305630 to check availability. Scrabble and Chess Club Saturdays 12.30pm-4.30pm. Drop in for a game of Scrabble or Chess. All ages welcome. Writers Group Second Monday of each month 10am-12. Plympton Libraries writers group - for anyone with an interest in writing stories, poems or plays. Plymstock Library Feel Better with a Book Tuesdays, 10am - 11.30am Enjoy the power of great novels, stories and poems read aloud in a small friendly group. Film Show Monthly, second Tuesday of the month, 2pm - 4pm Join in the fun for a free showing of a classic film. Check with the library for this month’s title. Hello World - Coding and Making Tuesdays, 4pm - 5pm After school club for anyone interested in coding and digital making. For 8 to 13 year olds. Rhymetime Thursdays, 2.15pm - 2.45pm Saturdays, 10am - 10.30am Songs and nursery rhymes for babies and toddlers. Libraries also run regular story times for the under 5s. Share a Story Saturdays, 10.30am - 11am A weekly drop in session where you can read stories and do activities together. Each week follows a different theme. Lego Club Saturdays, 2.30pm - 4pm Do you have a big imagination and like making

experienced. We hold various demonstrations and workshops each meeting from flower making to how to stack a cake. Contact chairman Ros Hawkins at or secretary Carol Tweedie More details at www. and Facebook page Plym Valley British Sugarcraft Guild.

The Lions Club of Plymouth have recognised the determination of the Plymstock Community Forum to produce a record of Plymstock’s history with a colourful tapestry utilising the skills of local residents.

In order to assist with the materials required, Lion President George Poad presented Liz Coleman with a cheque for the sum of £250. Plymstock has a rich and colourful heritage from prehistoric times, right through the ages into the 21st century. Many people are unaware of the heritage that surrounds them and it was thought that a tapestry would be a great method of telling the story of Plymstock. things? Why not join the Lego group? For children aged 6+. Film Show Monthly, third Monday of the month, 2pm - 4pm Join in the fun with a free film show. Check with the library for this month’s title. Lego Club for Families Thursdays 3.30-4.30pm. Why not join our Lego group for families? We provide the Lego you provide the building skills! Game On 2nd Saturday of the month 10am to 4pm. Join in with our monthly community tabletop board games sessions hosted by “Game On Plymouth” Writers Group First Thursday of each month 5pm-7pm. For anyone with an interest in writing stories or plays. Plympton Litter Picking Group First Saturday of month From 10.30am to 12.30pm - come for as little or as long as you like and join in with our merry-band of litter-pickers! All ages welcomed. Bring your own gloves, everything else that you need is provided. We often have tea and cakes afterwards. It’s good exercise, enjoyable and a pleasant way to meet new people. We tackle different areas of Plympton, so the meet-up venue varies, for information email, 07877353465 or visit Plympton Library where it will be added to the What’s On book. Plympton Painting Group A fun thing to do! If you are interested in any sort of drawing/painting, why not join? Meeting in the multipurpose room at The Rise, George Lane, Plympton on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month between 7pm and 9pm. There are great speakers, most of the time demonstrating watercolours, acrylics, oils, pastels and drawing - a wide variety to suit everyone! Don’t worry if you haven’t got the right equipment members are happy to share and advise. It is a group of enthusiastic amateurs who love to paint. Come and see for yourself at one of the meetings, and enjoy the fun. Ring Gill on 01752 340544 for more information. Plymstock Gardening Society Meetings are held on the fourth Monday of the month at Plymstock United Church Hall, Plymstock Road,

The concept of a tapestry was proposed to replace an historical mural that was located on the old Plymstock library but destroyed when that building was pulled down. In order to achieve this aim local historians, illustrators and artists together with people with needlework skills were brought together to produce a high quality tapestry that would not only be a visual representation of Plymstock’s past but also illustrate the talent that exists in the community today. Plymstock Library have agreed to permanently locate the tapestry in the building and it is hoped that before long they will be able to display the finished project to the public. Oreston from 7.30pm to 9pm. The hall is open from 7pm and there is parking available at the rear of the building. Visiting speakers on a range of topics with tips for jobs to do in the garden in the coming month. There is tea and coffee and a raffle. New members and visitors are made very welcome and disabled access is available. Plympton Gardeners Association First Thursday of every month at 7:30pm at Harewood House, Plympton. We have talks from visiting speakers on gardening topics, monthly and annual competitions for members and we hold two flower and produce shows every year. We also run a Trading Hut during the growing season where gardening supplies can be bought at competitive prices. Visit for more details. Plympton and District U3A Fourth Tuesday of the month General meetings are at Harewood House, Plympton at 2pm and include a speaker and tea. There are displays of group activities. Visitors will be made very welcome. This years outings have been many and varied, and much enjoyed by members. Groups with outings include garden visits, theatre visits, long and short walks, stroll with a camera, dining club. Visit the website at plympton/welcome for more details, or come along and meet us, and share a year of opportunities and possibilities. Coffee Morning First Wednesday of month St Peter’s Lutheran Church, Larkham Lane, Plympton hold a friendly coffee morning 10am to 12 noon. Cost is £2 that includes a second cup of coffee and homemade cake. Everyone welcome. Come and make new friends. Sequenced Dancing Tuesdays Plymstock Community Centre Tuesdays 2.30pm4.30pm. All welcome. For information call 01752 251313 or 668017. Plym Valley Sugarcraft Guild Meet on the third Monday of the month at 7.30pm at Norley Hall, 70-74 Plymstock Road, Plymstock. We are a friendly group of likeminded people of varying ages and skills, from beginners to the very

Plymstock Wednesday Circle An independent group of women who meet for a varied programme including speakers, workshop evenings, games, meals out and visits, and of course, chat!! We welcome all ladies (married or not) to the Hall at the United Reform Church Plymstock Rd, on Wednesday evenings (not first one in the month/and not school holidays generally) from 7.30pm - 9.30pm. We have tea/coffee and a light supper which we take it in turns to provide. For details/dates please contact Jacky Partridge 01752 231139 ansaphone on. Monthly Market Third Saturday of month St Peter’s Lutheran Church, Larkham Lane, Plympton hold a monthly market with crafts, jewellery, cakes, bric a brac and books etc. - Good refreshments available. Free entry. Why not pay us a visit? Sparkwell WI First Wednesday of month Sparkwell Parish Hall. Guest speaker this month Mark Rendell on the topic Eat, Drink and Be Merry. Come and see what we are about. No obligation but you are most welcome. Contact Heather Harvey 01752 893 249 Woodford Methodist Community Church Church and Worship Morning Worship and Children’s Sunday Club 10.30am 2nd-5th Sunday of every month. A guaranteed relaxed service, with friendly ministers and congregation. A team of wonderful Ministers keep each week fresh and rewarding. Experienced children’s workers in Junior Church teach and care for children from toddlers to teenagers with age-related activities. Those with babies and very dependent children are welcome to join in with this group. Prayer Team available to talk over your worries at the close of the service. Drinks, biscuits and opportunity for friendly conversation in the hall after every service. We have grown to expect the unexpected in this modern, happy, friendly church. Monthly Early Traditional Service (followed by Messy Church) 1st Sunday of every month. 9.30am Traditional Service with hymn books, prayer and a sermon. This is a wonderful time of worship with the traditional contents of a Methodist Service with a modern joyful twist. Members of the Prayer Team are available for you to speak with at the close of the service. You are then invited to go into the Hall for hot drinks and biscuits. This is a great opportunity to meet some of the members of this church and stay for the Messy Activities or just relax and have a chat over a hot drink. Messy Church - begins at 10.30am with a session of arts, crafts, fun and mess in the Hall for everyone, regardless of age or ability. Hot drinks and biscuits are available and the opportunity to stay for lunch at the Church for a minimal cost. The items made are then taken into the Chapel for a very informal short Service. The children are asked about the things they have made, before heading back into the Hall for lunch, or more coffee etc. This is a great opportunity to get to know the church and the people involved in it. ‘Overflow Praise & Worship’ service 6.30pm - 8.30pm on 2nd Sunday of every month. Time in God’s presence:- worshipping, giving thanks, praying and sharing what God has laid on your heart in an awesome and amazing way. Refreshments will be served during the evening. Prayer Group Tuesdays 9.30am-10.30am (In the Lounge).In all the hustle and bustle of life these days, people struggle to cope, but look to fill that gap in their lives where something is missing. That gap can be filled with the loving family of God in a



local church. Giving up a bit of time for regular prayer, together with others, can help you cope with the stresses and worry that life throws at you. We provide a non-judgemental circle of friendship and welcome everyone, regardless of background, luggage and history, to come and seek our friendship. We open our doors every week, for anybody and everybody to walk in freely and pray with us. Every word spoken is treated with the upmost confidence and privacy, along with unconditional friendship. Come along and pray with us - life is easier to cope with among friends. You do not need to attend any church to come and pray with us. For further information on Woodford’s church and worship events contact Sheila on 338517. Discovery Bible Study Group Tuesdays 10.30am every fortnight. For details contact 07906 888689 Christian Youth Bible Study Group (age 10 - 13 years) Tuesdays 6pm -7.30pm. Contact 07562 376224 for details FABS Bible Study House Group Wednesdays 7.30pm (fortnightly). Contact 07906 888689 for details. Community Groups: Woodford Community Pre-School Monday to Friday 8am to 3pm during term time. Short Mat Bowls Tuesdays 6.45pm in the Hall. Woodford Wives (3rd Monday of the month at 7.30pm) This group of friendly women meet twice a month to listen to various speakers and meet socially. They also raise funds by holding a Coffee Bar at Harewood House and stalls throughout the year. There’s always time for a chat! Day trips away as a group of friends. In recent years they have raised much needed funds for Help for Heroes, Bowel Cancer West (Derriford Hospital) and Shekinah Mission. To find out more Telephone Anne Eames on Tel. 216643.

New Street Pastors are commissioned Every Street Pastor goes through a thorough training course so the recruits will now join one of the four teams which patrol Plymouth streets every Saturday night from 10pm until 4am Sunday mornings, ensuring people’s safety and providing unconditional care and support to anyone who needs it. The Street Pastors movement began in London in 2003 and is now operating in almost 300 towns and cities across the UK, from Penzance to the Orkneys. Plymouth’s team was started in 2008 and some initiatives have been started abroad; notably Melbourne Street Pastors which was started by Andy Satterley, a Plymouth Street Pastor who emigrated to Australia some years ago. Co-ordinator Roy Beaumont said: “Over the years more than 2,000 space blankets have been given away by the teams in our city, mostly to homeless people and over 8,500 pairs of flip flops have been handed out to protect girls’ feet from broken glass and other hazards. “In addition, more than 75,000 bottles have been removed to prevent them being

also available. Youth workers work alongside members of the church and other volunteers to support this project. Primary-age children session 6-7pm and Secondary-age children session 7-8pm. Contact 07562 376224 for details.

Women’s Fellowship (Tuesdays 2.30pm-3.30pm - In The Main Hall) Come and join this lovely group, with a vast programme of speakers, covering many subjects. They enjoy watching various films and slide shows, have annual outings and visits by choirs. The group also hold a regular Bring and Buy table to support designated charities. It is a really friendly, welcoming group with lots of stories to tell about living through different situations and stages, as Christians. Some of the members may well be in their latter years, but have fabulous personalities and lots to share. For details contact 07906 888689.

Laira Youth Band (Thursdays 7.15pm). The Laira Youth Brass Band started in 1972 from the members of the Sunday school at Laira Congregational Church, it has performed hundreds of concerts over the years, in every corner of the City and beyond. Scores of children have passed through its ranks. Most were taught to read music and to play their instrument whilst in the Band, and many have continued their musical hobby into adult life, some choosing a professional career in music. As well as part of the band performing (amongst others) in the weekly church service here at Woodford, the Band also put on regular concerts to raise money for local charities and take part in parades and perform at special church events. To find out more call Tony Hollick on 01752 216784.

Pins & Needles Knitting Club 2.30pm (1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month). This traditional hobby has bounced right back up in the popularity charts. People of varying ages are now picking up knitting needles and are all most welcome to come and join this group, which hand-produce and send knitted goods such as jumpers, blankets and hats for poor children in two areas of Romania and are sometimes asked to produce adult hats for Shekinah Mission, asylum seekers and refugees. One of the members makes cardigans, hats and small blankets for the Neo-natal Unit at Derriford Hospital. It doesn’t matter if you have been knitting for years, or have never seen a ball of wool before - the group will openly welcome you and share their knowledge and skills! To join them, please contact Jean Milroy on Tel. 337578. Games 4 U 2.30pm (2nd and 4th Thursday of every month) A group of friendly men and women who meet during the autumn and spring school terms. The group play various board games from the easy to the quite demanding. No matter how much you need to concentrate, the club never lose sight that you are playing games and so there is always opportunity for light conversation during the tea and biscuit break! To find out more contact Joyce on 216343. ‘Woodys’ Junior Skate Group (Ramps) 6pm-7.30pm. A good mix of children from 8-16 where they can test their scooter and skateboard skills on the ramps and jumps. Air-hockey


Plymouth Street Pastors numbers were swelled when five new members were formally commissioned at Emmanuel Church, Mannamead.

The Linda Mortimore and Charlotte Smith School of Dance Mondays 4.15pm-7pm and Wednesdays 4.15pm6pm. Linda trained at the Royal Academy of Dance in London and teaches RAD ballet and the ISTD tap, modern and jazz. The school holds a very popular adult tap class and produces stage performances, with regular productions. Call 01752 343791 for details.

Woodford Men’s Meeting 10.30am (2nd and 4th Wednesday month) The Men’s Meeting, welcome any men who wish to join this convivial group. Session start with a cuppa before a speaker gives an interesting and entertaining talk, sometimes accompanied by a slide show or film, for about one hour. The meeting ends at 11.30am. A small charge of £2 is levied to cover refreshments and fees. Members and friends are always welcome to give a talk on a subject of their own choice! The group share a huge range of experience, knowledge and stories - why not come and share with them? We always welcome new friends and our group currently range from middle-age upwards. To find out more, ring Harold on 01752 337085.

March 2020

Youth Club for 11 – 16 year olds Fridays 7.30pm – 9pm at the Rees Centre.Contact 07562 376224 for details.

St Peter’s Lutheran Church Larkham Lane/The Dell, Plympton, Plymouth. Church and Worship: 11am Service every Sunday. Weekly Wednesday evening Bible Study. Coffee morning 10am-noon every first Wednesday of the month. Contact 01752 336240 for details. Colebrook Community Centre Colebrook Community Centre is a totally self-funding charity. Regular Events Monday: Diabetic group, 4 - 5 Children’s Language class Tuesday: 2 - 4 over 60’s group 4 - 7 Dog Training Wednesday: 9.30 - 10.30 Pilates 4 - 5 Children’s Language class Thursday 2nd week of month: 9.30 - 1 Fostering Thursday 3rd week of month: 10 - 1 Multiple Sclerosis 1.45 Pilates Friday: 9.30 - 10.30 Pilates; 11 - 12 Children’s Language class Friday: 1st and 3rd week of the month Country Dancing Car Boot Sales at Peacock Meadow & George Park & Ride March - October Available for hire suitable Children’s Birthday Parties Contact Kay for further details tel 01752 200046 Sir Joshua Reynolds Women’s Institute Third Tuesday of month Harewood House, Plympton at 7.15pm. Speakers, refreshments, bring and buy table and bookstall. Occasional competitions to enter including poetry, photography or sewing. There is also a walking group, two book clubs and quizzes and swimming sessions. Some members meet together for card-making, patchwork, knitting and sugar craft. There are also coach trips and visits to local places of interest. Everyone is most welcome and, for a small fee three monthly meetings may be attended whilst deciding if you want to join. Chaddlewood Farm Community Centre Sundays: Church service 10am to 12 noon 2nd and 4th

Pictured at the commissiong service (from left) are co-ordinator Roy Beaumont, Steve Brown, Andy Wheeler, Dina Santos, Lee Rickard and Jack Rickard

broken or worse, used as a weapon. More importantly perhaps, we’ve helped more than 300 people who have been assaulted and administered first aid or called the emergency services more than 950 times. “We’ve also resuscitated two people, helped avert eight suicides and prevented at least three people from going into hypothermia.” During the service, Roy said how proud

he was to work alongside so many faithful Street and Prayer Pastors, some yet volunteer to do as much as they can. Plymouth St. Pastors’ team has been recruited from 49 local churches over the years, a tribute to the increasing unity between the Christian churches. For more information on Plymouth Street Pastors visit www.plymouth.streetpastors.

Sunday of the month. Square dancing 5.30pm -9pm Mondays: Salsa classes 10am to 11am. Chatterbox 1pm to 3pm. Table Tennis 6pm to 9pm 1st Monday of the month Federation of Pensioners 1pm to 4pm (Phoenix Club) Tuesdays: Baby sensory classes 10am to 12 noon. Valannes’s Dance School Children’s Ballet & Tap 4pm to 7pm. Line dancing 7.30pm to 10pm. Wednesdays: Over 60’s Club 1pm to 4pm. Dance Aerobics 6pm to 7pm. Latin Line dancing 7.30pm to 9.30pm Thursdays: Watercolour Art Sessions for Adults. Beginner and experienced artists welcome. Thursdays 10am to 12 noon. For more information call Janet: Mobile: 07742 983311 Line dancing 7.30pm to 9.30pm. Fridays: Evergreen Club 2pm to 4pm. Dance Aerobics 6pm to 7pm. Hall and lounge meeting room for hire telephone Lesley on 07952 465836. Licenced Bar - Open from 7.30pm week days and from 4pm weekends. Soft drinks and hot drinks also sold. All welcome.

Past Times Past Times group was started over 20 years ago to encourage people, especially those on their own or new to the area, to share their hobbies, knitting for charity, cross stitch, board games, quizzes or just pop in & enjoy some friendly company & a cup of tea. We also have a list of other groups, clubs & activities available in Plympton. We meet on the 4th Monday of each month, at St Mary’s Parish Centre, Market Road, Plympton 1.30pm until 3.30 pm. More details are available from the parish office Monday to Friday 9am until 1pm 01752 348525

Energie Fitness for Women Classes at Lister Close, Plympton Tuesday 9.30am Ladies only Legs, Bums, Tums Tuesday 10.15am Ladies Only Pilates Wednesday 9.15am Ladies only BodyPump Wednesday 11am Ladies Only Pilates Friday 6pm Ladies only FatBlast Saturday 11am Gentle motorised exercise Sunday 9.15am Mixed Class BodyPump For more information call 01752 340044 Plympton Moving On Stroke Club Alternate Wednesdays Meet at Pocklington Rise, George Lane, Plympton, Plymouth, PL7 1JL 10.30am to 12.30pm. There is a small charge to cover the rent of the room, and for refreshments £2 per person. We tend to have a speaker one week, and an activity the next. Contacts Tony Stoneman 07834276371; Steve Fairbairn 07718749008. Plympton Fuschia and Pelargonium Group Second Tuesday of the month The group meets at Harewood House, Plympton at 7.30pm please free to come along. New members always welcome. Full speaker programme to be found on Contact Sonia on 514119 for more info. Sandy’s Songbirds Wednesdays A thriving, happy mixed choir. No auditions. No need to be able to read music either. This is a fun-filled community choir meeting weekly with refreshments and raffle too. Wednesdays 10 am to 12 noon at Chaddlewood Farm Community Centre in Glen road behind the Coop. For details contact Sandy on 07737 461431.

Plymouth Broadway Organ and Keyboard Club Third Wednesday of month Come and listen to a concert by a top professional organ/keyboard musician playing a wide variety of music. Everyone is welcome at the Broadway Community Centre (top of Broadway car park) Plymstock. Free parking. Tickets £5 including tea/coffee. Contact 01752 706712. Friday Night Bingo Fridays 7:30pm at Hooe and Tunchapel Community Centre. Tea, coffee and biscuits. Weekly raffles and late raffle once a month. Why not give us a try! Contact 01752 408441 for more details. Table Top Sale Second Saturday in the month (not January) Plymstock Community Centre: Vintage, Collectables and Craft 9am to 1pm. These table top sales are held in Plymstock Community Centre (top of Plymstock Broadway Car Park). A friendly and welcoming atmosphere prevails and there is something for everyone from antiques to knitted gloves and hats to books and records and jewellery. We hope to bring something new each month. Entry is 20p per person but children are free. There is a selection of hot and cold refreshments. Enquiries to Paula 01752 342321. Circle Dance Thursdays Yealmpton Circle Dance Group. Yealmpton Community Centre, Stray Park, PL8 2HF. 7.30pm-9.30pm. A variety of dance styles from gentle and expressive to lively and joyful. Traditional and contemporary world music. Good for mind, body and spirit. Clearly taught and easy to learn. No partner needed. Friendly and fun. Call 01752 880196 for details.

Mini Dance Machine Thursdays Rees Youth Centre, Mudge Way, Plympton. Modern fun dance group for children. Free trial. Age 4-7 Hooe’s Place Cafe 4.30pm-5.1pm0. Age 8-10 5.15-6pm. Age 11-13 6-7pm. St John’s Church Hall, Hooe. Open to all. 10.30am Age 14+ 7-8pm. £4 per session. Call Lisa for details 11.30am for coffee. Freshly cooked lunches from 11.45am 07896105479. - 1.30pm. St John’s Church open through the hall 10.30am - 2pm. The only bus now travelling to Hooe is • continued on next page No. 2B every 20 minutes stopping outside the church.

26 March 2020


• continued from previous page Boxing Classes Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays Carl’s boxing stable has opened a new gym in Colebrook training for all ages to compete or just get fit. 7pm to 8pm. Details from Carl on 07837 920150. Ballroom & Social Sequence Dancing Various dates Plymstock Community Centre every Tuesday afternoon 2pm until 4pm and every other Saturday from 7.30pm until 10.30pm. Details 01752 251313 or 01752 668017. Off Key Singing Group Mondays For people who love to sing in the shower! Mondays 5.50pm to 6.50pm at Derriford Health & Leisure Centre, function room. Girl Guide Hut in Plympton 10.30am to 11.30am. Call 07770 683 314 for more info. Guitar Classes Guitar lessons for children aged from 6 - 12 years. Taught in small groups of 2 or 3. Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 3.45 or 4.30pm Fridays at 4pm Saturdays between 9.30 - 4pm For more details Tel: 01752 216456. Classes held in the Woodford area. Sounds Musical Theatre Company Wednesdays Founded in 1911, we are a friendly, diverse group of people who love Musical Theatre and produce two shows a year. In March/April we perform our annual full musical production, with a musical revue in October. Rehearsals are every Wednesday 7.30pm to 9.30pm in Oreston Methodist Church Hall, Plymstock Road, Oreston. Visit www. for more info. Plymstock & District Art Society (PANDAS) Pandas is a small friendly group of amateur painters meeting for two hours (7.30-9.30pm) every Wednesday fortnight at the Radford Family Centre, Plymstock. Members paint and draw in all media and enjoy occasional demonstrations and models. We are not a teaching class but help each other and have programme of themed evenings. Each year our annual exhibition takes place in Plymstock Library. New members are always given a warm welcome so please contact Mike on 794281. Fun Club Fridays in term time Fun filled club for primary school aged children from 6.30pm to 7.30pm at Plymstock Chapel, Church Road, Plymstock. Games, crafts, stories, songs, tuck shop etc. 50p entrance. Friday Night Bingo Fridays 7.30pm At Hooe and Turnchapel Community Centre. Tea, coffee & biscuits. Weekly raffles and meat raffle once a month. Why not give us a try! Contact 01752 408441 for more details. SING Every Thursday in school term times Plymouth Community Choir at Pomphlett. Great songs, lovely people and loads of fun! Do you want to sing with us? We meet on Thursdays 7.15pm-9pm at Pomphlett Methodist Church Centre (just behind Morrisons in Plymstock). We sing songs at the soul funky/world music end of the spectrum. Visit www. Or ring Pete Scott on 07896 276577. First session free! Book online or by phone. Yoga Classes Run for all levels in Staddiscombe and Oreston, mornings and evenings. For details contact 07779 679305 or email Beckly Centre Regular events at the Beckly Centre at Mayers Way, Hooe Road, Plymstock include: Mondays 7pm to 9.30pm adult social group with a variety of activities including crafts, life skills, cooking, quizzes, bingo and outings; Thursdays 7pm to 9pm youth group providing social activities in a small friendship mixed ages and ability groups for young people with additional needs; Saturdays and Sundays 10.30am to 3.30pm weekend activity groups for mixed age and ability groups of children and young people with special needs offering a good range of social and group opportunities; school holidays weekdays 10.30am to 3.30pm holiday playscheme activity sessions for small friendship groups of children and young people with special needs. For details call 01752 484433 or 07780 662391. Plympton Wednesday Wives Friendly group of ladies who meet at Harewood House at 6.45pm - 8.45pm each Wednesday evening. There is a varied programme of speakers, games, meals out and a few trips each year. All ladies welcome married or not. Do come along and join us Woodside Animal Welfare Trust Your local sanctuary for most types of unwanted domestic pets. Good homes always needed - have


Rare rat species arrive at Dartmoor Zoo Dartmoor Zoo has welcomed two Northern Luzon Giant Cloud rats from Chester Zoo. The exciting new arrivals are a brand-new species for Dartmoor Zoo, and are only found at four other zoos in the UK. Since arriving in December, the rodents have

been settling into their new enclosure in the former falconry hut, which has been renovated especially for their arrival, to include heating, new lighting, nest boxes and lots of branches for climbing. The sibling pair, one male and one female, are yet to be named. In the near future, keepers are looking to exchange one of the cloud rats with a rat from another collection to form an unrelated pair for breeding. Unlike the well-known black rat, the giant cloud rats have long rough fur that is a blend of white to pale grey, with dark brown or black markings on the face and body. They are also almost double the size of black rats. The forestdwelling species have large hind feet and long claws which make them excellent climbers. In the wild, their population which inhabits the island of Luzon in the Philippines is threatened by high rates of deforestation. Coral Jonas, deputy CEO at Dartmoor Zoo said: “We are very lucky to have two Northern Luzon Giant Cloud rats at Dartmoor Zoo, and it’s especially exciting as we have the option of breeding them. “By swapping one of the siblings in the future, we will hopefully be able to expand the population of this rare and fascinating species in the UK. The sibling pair have been at the zoo for over a month now and their personalities are already shining through! a look at lovely animals, and what we do on www. We don’t destroy any animal unless it’s beyond veterinary help or dangerous and we have special units for elderly residents. Please don’t allow your pet to breed, ask us for friendly advice, or about our spay and neuter scheme for owners on benefit instead. Based in Elfordleigh. Tel 01752 347503. Plympton Flower Arrangement Club First Tuesday of the month Meet at Harewood House, Plympton at 7.20pm. There is plenty of free parking. Visitors and new members are always welcome. You do not have to be a Plympton resident or require any flower arranging skills to join the evenings. Why not come along, relax, get some inspiration, enjoy. Perhaps you will be one of the lucky persons to win a raffle prize and go home with one of the demonstrator’s superb floral displays. Charge for visitors/guests is £4. For an additional 50 pence you can enjoy a coffee or tea after the demonstration.(No meetings in January or August). Ivybridge Artisan Market First Saturday of month Held at the Watermark, St Leonard’s Place Ivybridge on the first Saturday each month, with exceptions in November/December this year. 9.30am - 1pm with a variety of handmade goods sold by the Artisans who make them. Good quality items as reasonable prices. e mail Devon Family History Society Fourth Tuesday of month Come along to our meetings and hear interesting and varied talks. Occasionally, we hold members evening where people can give a resume on their family history. If anyone is hitting a brick wall, members will offer advice on how to resolve it. Meetings take place at Sturgeon Hall, Mutley Plain, (parking is free),starting at 7.30pm. Light refreshments are available. Any queries on membership or meetings please contact My Health, My Way Various dates Free four week courses running throughout 2019/20. Helps participants develop knowledge, skills and confidence to self-manage the challenges of living with a health condition. Workshops are delivered by volunteers who are also living with a long-term health condition themselves. For more details contact Lorraine Grave at Improving Lives Plymouth on 01752 201892 or visit Plymouth Morris Meet on Wednesdays at 7.30pm at Plymouth School of Creative Arts, Millbay, Plymouth (the big red building near the entrance to Brittany Ferries). We are now

“They are both growing in confidence and are hand fed long vegetable batons by the keepers - their favourite is baby sweetcorn. They usually get on very well and can often be seen resting together in the nest box. “From time to time, they do have a little squabble if one of them takes a piece of food away from the other, as they don’t like sharing very much. “We are delighted to be able to give them a place to call home and to educate and inspire the general public about wildlife conservation

and improve captive animal management by providing a safe environment for animals under threat in the wild.” Dartmoor Zoo was established in 2007 when Benjamin Mee and seven years later he donated the zoo to the Dartmoor Zoological Society charity. Today the Zoo is heavily involved in research, conservation and education projects to promote the welfare of animals and to enrich both the lives of humans and animals. To find out more about Dartmoor Zoo visit

inviting male and female dancers to join us in time for the Mayflower 400 commemoration in 2020. See website for more details www.plymouthmorrismen. All welcome.

Centre, Peacock Meadow, Plympton, Plymouth between 11am - 1pm. Refreshments and usually a guest speaker. MS sufferers and their carers are all welcome.

Rambling The Plymouth branch of the National Ramblers welcomes new members on any of its extensive programme of walks. Details from the website A less extensive programme is offered by the local Dartmoor Rambling Club, including Wednesday walks using only public transport. Phone John Skinner on 01752674230 to be sent a printed programme. Both groups love meeting new people and enjoying a chat as we walk through interesting places on seacoast, moor and river valley etc.

Pensioners & Fifty Plus Action Group Fridays If you are at least 50 years old living in the Plymouth area and looking for somewhere to go, we invite you to come to our regular monthly meetings, currently held at the Oak Villa Sports Club, Ferndale Road, Plymouth, PL2 2EL from 2pm to 4pm. At least once a month there is a social meeting with live music and a buffet, costing just £2. Also free monthly darts and target bowls meetings, there is no charge to come to these meetings. All these meetings are from 2pm to 4pm, and is always on a Friday. Also monthly lunches at local restaurants and hotels. So anyone looking for good company and somewhere to go , can just come to one of the meetings or contact Margaret Williams on 01752 350498.

RASC/RCT Association (Plymouth Branch) Bi-monthly branch meetings take place at the Army Reserve Centre, Brest Road, Derriford on March 11, May 13, July 8, September 9 and November 11 starting at 7.30pm. The annual general meeting will be on January 13 2021 at the same venue. The Corps Annual Dinner will be held in late January 2021. The Branch needs your support, please make the effort to take part and help keep the Branch alive. RAF Association (Plymouth Branch) Dates of branch meetings for 2019 are as follows: Oct 23 and Nov 27. Meetings are held at held at Raffles Club, Ermington Terrace, Mutley, Plymouth and start at 10.30am. Other dates for future events include: Sunday Sept 15 at 11am for ‘Battle of Britain’ Service at St Andrew’s Minster, Royal Parade (all welcome); Saturday December 14 at 12 noon, annual Christmas lunch at Raffles Club. We look forward to meeting members old and new. Please try to come along to these meetings and show support to your Branch and the committee and help to keep the branch alive! RSPB Plymouth Local Group We hold regular walks and coach trips throughout the year and talks on birds/wildlife from September to March, so if interested in birds please have a look at our website for programme details. Google RSPB Plymouth. New members always welcome. Flamenco Dance Lessons Thursdays Lessons for beginners but more experienced dancers are welcome Plymouth School of Creative Arts (dance studio) 6-7pm Beginners - for adults and children. Learn the basics. 7-8pm Open Level - all abilities welcome and wishing to progress their Flamenco technique. For details contact Mercedes on 07848836630. MS Society Third Thursday of the month at Colebrook Community

Plymouth Striders Running Club Mondays and Thursdays Meet at the Woolwell Centre, Darklane, Woolwell, Plymouth, PL6 7TR from 6.30pm to 8pm. Friendly club offering all running abilities, over 16s welcome. Details visit Army Cadet Force Is your child between 12-18? Are they looking for something to do ? Adventure, life skills, new friends, team building, confidence building and all round good fun. You do not have to have an interest in the Military to join. Plymouth and the surrounding area has eight detachments in various locations. For more information call 01752 261525 (number not manned 24 hours. Leave a message and someone will call you back.)

Your guide to community events in your area

Details of other city-wide community groups can now be viewed online at www Organisations wishing to update their details or submit a new entry should send the information to

USEFUL £1m Plymouth partnership offers NUMBERS brighter future for young people who are in the care system March 2020



Emergency Numbers

Police, Fire, Ambulance or Coastguard 999 or 112 Police general enquiries 101 Derriford Hospital 01752 202082 Electricity, Western Power Distribution 0800 678 3105 Gas, Wales & West Utilities 0800 111999 Water, South West Water 0344 3462020 Environment Agency (Emergency) 0800 807060 RSPCA 0300 1234 999

Children’s charity Barnardo’s has teamed up with Plymouth City Council in a trailblazing new project to improve the life chances of young people in care, and leaving care.

At the moment the future of these young people isn’t always as bright as it should be. In fact, in many places nationally and locally, only 60 per cent of care-leavers find themselves in a positive destination by the time they are 21, such as employment, education and training. In an effort to change this, Barnardo’s is investing more than £1 million of its own voluntary funds to develop the ‘Plymouth Care Journeys Programme’. The seven-year strategic partnership is one of the first of its kind in the UK and signifies a new way of working for both organisations, sharing experience and expertise to design and deliver better outcomes for care-experienced young people. The Barnardo’s team have been led by regional assistant director Nick Cook who said: “Leaving home is a challenge for everyone, but young people leaving care often do so without the ongoing support of a loving family and wider networks to help them. “They have often experienced trauma, neglect and abuse, and face additional barriers to education, employment and training. “They are also at greater risk of poverty and homelessness, as well as struggling with isolation and poor mental health – after years of consistent disruption and breakdowns in relationships, they often place a greater value on self-protection rather than making new friends. “The Care Journeys Programme is a bold and innovative movement to address these issues, remove any barriers and give care-experienced young people the same opportunities as everyone else. “Young people have been closely involved since the beginning as they have the best understanding of their own situation, which means we shouldn’t simply import an existing ‘fix’ from elsewhere. “The programme is about taking a new


approach to finding new solutions, specific to local needs, so they can face the future with greater confidence and go on to lead successful lives.” Plymouth City Council, which currently supports around 420 children and young people in care, was chosen by Barnardo’s due to its existing close working relationship with the charity through other local services, and its determination to dig deep into the problem and make change happen. Councillor Jemima Laing, Cabinet Member for Children and Young People, said: “This is a really exciting partnership to be involved in because it means we can begin to make a difference right now in the lives of some of Plymouth’s most vulnerable children and young people. “Because of the work we’re doing we know that a 14-year-old in care today will have a better chance of a brighter future as an adult than a 21-year-old care-leaver. That’s how significant this could be, transforming the life chances of a generation of children in care.” In-depth interviews and workshops with local young people highlighted a strong desire for

positive relationships with professionals, stable placements and consistency of support. However, they were concerned about a lack of preparation for independent living, finding their way around the complexity of the care system, and not feeling informed and in control. A particular issue was the loneliness and isolation experienced by many young people as they moved from living in a supported environment to living alone for the first time at a young age. So the Barnardo’s team have been working with young people to ‘co-design’ innovative new approaches that would help them to keep and build their social networks, maintain connections with friends, and meet new people. Potential solutions include wilderness and outdoors camps in order to build their confidence, cookery classes to promote healthy eating, and volunteer peer mentors, or ‘buddies’, to support them in the transition to independent living. They will be tested and adapted over the coming months before the results are shared with Plymouth City Council in the Spring.

NSPCC launches new service in Plymouth to tackle online sexual abuse of children Children’s charity NSPCC has announced a new prevention service to help Plymouth schoolchildren stay safe online.

In Ctrl is a group work programme for children and young people that aims to help them stay safe online. Children’s service practitioner, Helen Huntley will be involved in the delivery of the programme. She said: “We will work with local school pupils to explore issues such as healthy relationships and friendships online, enabling them to develop skills that will help protect them from grooming and exploitation. “We will be empowering children to ask themselves those really important questions when they go online, and increase their confidence in knowing what to do or who to speak to if they come across something that makes them feel uncomfortable.” The first In Ctrl sessions are taking place at Marine Academy Plymouth, as part of the children’s charity’s Together for Childhood work in the city, but if it’s successful it will be offered to more city schools for students aged between nine and 13. In taking a trauma informed

approach, it is designed to offer a safe space to children and young people to promote learning, build understanding of risk and increase resilience, in their online and offline worlds. Online sexual abuse can happen anywhere that allows digital communication, such as social networks, text messages and messaging apps, email, online chats, voice chat in games and comments on live streaming apps. Helen added: “The online world is a great place for children to learn, and it can be exciting

for them if they are exploring new social media platforms. “As exciting as all this can be, children can find it hard to know what to do sometimes and situations can easily feel quickly out of their control, especially if they have had a worrying online experience. “It’s important that we help children and young people understand that people might not be who they say they are, how to be share aware and to feel confident in taking practical steps such as using privacy settings, turning off location settings, or asking for help.” The In Ctrl programme has been piloted in other locations across the UK and had positive feedback from the young people who have been involved. Anyone concerned about an adult engaging inappropriately with a young person online can call the NSPCC Helpline for free and confidential advice on 0808 800 5000 or email help@nspcc. Children can contact Childline on 0800 1111 or 24/7, 365 days a year, and speak to a counsellor about any worry or concern they may have. Children pictured are models. Credit Tom Hull

Age UK Plymouth 01752 256020 Adoption UK 0844 848 7900 Al-Anon Family Groups 020 7403 088 Alcoholics Anonymous 0800 917 7650 Carers UK 020 7378 4999 Childline 0800 1111 Christians Against Poverty (Debt Advice) 0800 328 0006 Crossline Listening Service 01752 666777 Cruse Bereavement Care 0870 1671677 Devon & Cornwall Food Action 01752 651800 Disability & Information Advice Line 01302 310123 Drug Addicts Anonymous: Helpline 07818260811 Money Advice Plymouth (Debt Advice) 01752 208126 NSPCC Child Protection Helpline 0808 8005000 National Missing Persons Helpline 0500 700700 NHS Direct 0845 4647 National Domestic Violence Helpline 0808 2000247 Osteoporosis Support Group 075958 500314 Overeaters Anonymous 07000 784 985 Parentline Plus 0808 8002222 Relateline 0845 1304010 Samaritans 116 123 Talk to Frank 0800 776600 Shelterline 0808 8004444 Stroke Helpline 0303 3033 100 West Country Landlords Assn 01752 242980

Travel RAC Green Flag Rail Travel, national enquiries Plymouth Citybus National Express Coaches Brittany Ferries Cremyll Ferry Torpoint Ferry Tourist Information Passport Office, National Helpline

08000 828282 0800 400600 08457 484950 01752 662271 08717 818181 08705 360360 01752 822105 01752 812233 01752 266030 0870 5210410

Entertainment Theatre Royal 01752 267222 Barbican Theatre 01752 267131 Devonport Playhouse 01752 606507 Plymouth Athenaeum Theatre 01752 266079 Plymouth Pavilions 01752 936363 Plymouth Pavilions Ticket Store 03337 727727 Cineworld 03303 33444 Vue Cinema 0345 308 4620 Tourist Information 01752 306330 National Trust Saltram 01752 333500 Plymouth City Museum & Art Gallery 01752 304774 Plymouth Arts Centre 01752 206114

Leisure Plymouth Life Centre 01752 606900 Brickfields Recreation Ground 01752 563320 Manadon Football Dev’ment Centre 01752 201918 Plympton Swimming Pool 0870 300 0020 Plymouth Pavilions 0845 146 1460 Megabowl, Coxside 0871 5501010 Tourist Information 01752 306330 The Beckly Centre, Plymstock 01752 484433

Weather The Met Office Weathercall

0870 9000100 0870 6004242

If you think your organisation would benefit from being listed in our Useful Numbers guide please e-mail your details to or write to: Plymouth Chronicle, 28 Old Park Road, Peverell, Plymouth Tel 01752 225623

Please note that whilst the Publishers have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of telephone numbers in this Directory, and dates in the What’s On section, no responsibility can be accepted for any errors.

28 March 2020

28 March 2020


Plymouth students win top prize in design challenge A Plymouth College of Art student from Plymstock was part of a team which landed first prize in the Toy category at the Mojo Nation Student Design Challenge held at the Design Museum in London. Jess Holloway and fellow BA (Hons) students Isobel Hazard and Charlotte Leadley were among 150 students from a number of universities across the country who took part in the 90-minute Toy Design Challenge. The 18 teams involved were supported by industry professionals, including Seven Towns’ Elizabeth Moody, Triclops Studio’s Luc Hudson and Bananagram’s Rena Nathanson. Jess said: “My tutor Sam Rowe told me about the challenge because I’d shown a keen interest in game design during some previous modules. The event itself was incredible. The first half of the day was a conference, giving us some insight into the industry. We quickly realised that we were very well suited to be there. “As illustrators, idea generation is integral to our field and we often work within tight deadlines. Considering we were a team of three up against teams of six, we wanted to try our best but didn’t feel the pressure of winning. We just wanted to have fun, exercise what we’d learnt that day and produce a pitch we could be proud of.” Following a morning conference of talks and presentations from designers in the game and toy sectors, the students took part in a challenge where they had to choose between designing a collectable toy line or a mass-market game with a ‘wow moment’.

Pennycross Primary School receiving their Gold award from Councillor Mark Coker (far left)

Schoolchildren rewarded for choosing sustainable ways to get to school Jess Holloway (centre) pictured with Charlotte Leadley and Isobel Hazard

Jess added: “The brief we chose was to create a collectable toy that had an interesting and exciting unboxing process. We began discussing toys we had as kids and realised we had all had the same one! We began to think about why it was so good, why we liked it, why we thought other children liked it and applied that logic to our own toy.” Each of the teams taking part got to work with an

tons of different creative processes and experiences in her work, so I thought of her straight away when we were approached about the challenge. “Like the team she gathered (Izzy and Charlotte), I thought it would just be a lot of fun and, given how different it was to most of their work up to that point, I had no expectations for them to win anything. I was absolutely stunned when

“It’s a wonderful achievement by our students to win the toy category of the Mojo Nation Student Design Challenge. It’s such a great opportunity for them to explore what they’ve learned on the Illustration programme and put it into practice” Mel Brown, senior lecturer industry professional during their ideation process, with the experts checking over each team’s final design before crowning the winners. Winners of the game brief were a team from the University of Sussex. BA (Hons) Illustration subject leader Sam Rowe said: “Jess is well known for exploring

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homes in Plympton and Plymstock

they told me they’d won — the only illustrators among hundreds of product designers; and in one of the smallest teams too! I’m extremely proud.” Mel Brown, senior lecturer and assistant head of school, Design + Communication, said: “It’s a wonderful achievement by our students to win the toy category of the Mojo

Nation Student Design Challenge. “It’s such a great opportunity for them to explore what they’ve learned on the Illustration programme and put it into practice, all the while supported by leading experts in the toy and game sectors feeding them valuable knowledge of the industry.” Billy Langsworthy, cofounder of Mojo Nation said: “The aim of this event is always to encourage new designers to think about toy and game design as a future career, and it was great to see so many students enthusiastically getting stuck into the challenge and expressing excitement about our industry, all while creating some truly impressive concepts. “The icing on the cake was the fact that so many students - thanks to the passionate encouragement of their professional toy design mentors - are now looking at ways to develop their concepts further with an eye on pitching them to toy and game companies in the near future.”

The Plympton and Plymstock Chronicle is delivered door to door every month to homes in Woodford, Plympton St Mary and St Maurice, Chaddlewood, Langage, Elburton, Plymstock, Hooe, Turnchapel, Staddiscombe, Oreston, Pomphlett and Billacombe. The April edition of the Plymouth Chronicle in Plympton and Plymstock will be published on March 13 with a copy deadline of March 2. The Plympton and Plymstock edition is one of four hyper local editions delivered to a total of more than

Children from schools across Plymouth gathered at an awards ceremony to celebrate their achievements in using sustainable transport methods on journeys to and from school.

Plymouth City Council’s Plymotion scheme and walking and cycling charity Sustans have been working together to encourage and support schools across the city to promote active and sustainable travel to school. Schools have taken big steps, including: setting up walking buses, investing in bike and scooter parking, putting up covered waiting areas for parents and signing up to the Sustrans Bike It Plus project, which encourages pupils to cycle, scoot and walk to school. The council declared a climate emergency in March 2019, with an action plan dedicated to the city becoming carbon neutral by 2030. Plymotion aims to make it easier to get around Plymouth by bike, on foot and by bus, reducing CO2 emissions. Councillor Mark Coker, Cabinet Member for Strategic Planning and Infrastructure, said: “It’s brilliant to see so many schools, young people and their families taking steps and making more sustainable choices to reduce their carbon footprint. It shows that everyone making small changes really adds up to have a hugely positive impact.” At the event, seven schools received awards from Modeshift STARS. This national scheme recognises the work done by

90,000 homes throughout the city. If you have an event listing, interesting story or news item you think would be suitable for the Chronicle, please send an email to info@cornerstonevision. com. We welcome submissions but cannot guarantee publication. We accept press releases in the form of text documents and images in JPG or TIFF format (high resolution please).

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schools to support sustainable travel, with the aim of improving the health and wellbeing of children and young people. In total, 43 Plymouth schools have signed up so far. Six schools - Drake Primary School, Compton Church of England Primary School, Austin Farm Academy, Ernesettle Community School, Chaddlewood Primary School and Hooe Primary Academy - received the bronze award for having taken at least 15 steps to promote sustainable travel. Pennycross Primary School were also presented with a highly prestigious gold Modeshift STARS award, having recorded more than 40 different initiatives to drive change, going above and beyond to embed walking and cycling into the school culture. The schools celebrated at the event for their efforts to be more environmentally friendly were: • Drake Primary • Compton Church of England Primary • Austin Farm Academy • Ernesettle Community School • Hooe Primary Academy • Pennycross Primary School • Widey Court Primary School • Knowle Primary School • Laira Green Primary School • Stuart Road Primary Academy • Leigham Primary School • Woodford Primary School • Holy Cross Catholic Primary School • College Road Primary School • Chaddlewood Primary School • St Peter’s Roman Catholic Primary School

Chronicle Plymouth

March 2020

Two former rehab workers have set up a new therapeutic art club in the city See page 15

KEEP FIT, EARN MONEY Want to keep fit and earn money at the same time? Distributors and checkers needed for the Plymouth Chronicle! See page 22 for more details.


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Plympton & Plymstock

Details of more Mayflower 400 commemorative events planned in 2020 See page 5


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It’s a grand day out!

Hundreds of men will be taking to the streets of Plymouth in March to raise funds for St Luke’s Hospice event. For one group of fund-raisers Plymouth with the annual Men’s it will be the chance to remember Day Out and honour a former workmate • See story and photos on page 20

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