The Plymouth Chronicle Plympton & Plymstock November 2019

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Chronicle Plymouth


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Plympton & Plymstock

November 2019

Win a festive date night...with a meal followed by a visit to the Barbican Theatre See page 17


KEEP FIT, EARN MONEY Want to keep fit and earn money at the same time? Distributors and checkers needed for the Plymouth Chronicle! See page 15 for more details.

A Plymstock woman has been presented with an award by Dame Esther Rantzen - See page 11

ALSO INSIDE: • Out and About • Community Job • Community Shop Directory • Cross Rhythms • Dial the Experts Experience

Safety first on the coast

A group of eighteen teenagers have learned about all aspects of coastal safety in a ground-breaking programme based at the Mount Batten Centre which may now be rolled out to other groups and schools across the city • See story on page 23

2 November 2019


Sherford Life ‘We’ve gone from renting a flat to living

Sometimes it takes a young person to bring adults up short. That was the message last month at the UN, when teenage activist Greta Thunberg fearlessly accused a group of world leaders of failing to do more to combat climate change.

Her speech is both shocking and inspiring – so give yourself five minutes on YouTube and check it out! Some have voiced concerns that she is a vulnerable young person being used for political ends, but that speech tells a different story. What we have there is a passionate young woman who, after months of work, was finally given a world stage on which to share her vital message. And all the more inspiring since she lives with the complex daily challenges of being autistic. This raises two By Revd Tom Brassil questions for us, and here’s the first: what are we doing to minimise our negative impact on our planet? We can all start with following the classic three ‘Rs’ – reduce, reuse, recycle. What else? Switch off the unused lights? Walk instead of driving? Go vegetarian one day a week? There’s a big Plymouth-wide push under the hashtag #ChangePlymouth, calling us to declare our own climate emergency. More importantly, we’re being called to pledge to make little changes to our daily lives to minimise our environmental impact. Why not take a look? Here’s the second question Greta has lodged firmly in my mind: what are the young people around us teaching us? I have mentioned one of my goddaughters in this column before, and my pride at her determination to make a difference with her local “Clean My Patch” group. I also enjoy thinking about what my own children will do for their communities and their world. But I don’t have to wait to learn from them. Already they are teaching me so many important lessons: to appreciate the little things in life; to take time with those you love; to laugh lots. Most importantly of all, my children teach me again and again how to receive unconditional love. There’s a great moment in Mark’s account of Jesus’ life in the Bible, where Jesus shows his adult disciples how a young child understands much better than they do. He says to them that, “anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” In other words, we have to come to God as a child acknowledging our need, rather than as an adult pretending we’re self-sufficient. It’s useful when young people like Greta bring us up short, because we don’t need to have it together to approach God. Quite the opposite! So don’t worry if you’re not all sorted – because you don’t have to be to come to God. If you’d like to think through more of what Jesus says about how to approach God, why not come along to Sherford Vale School on Sundays at 10am? If you would like to chat about Sherford life, or if you would like to know more about Sherford Community Church, please contact me at

in a three storey town house in Sherford’

Housebuilders Taylor Wimpey are urging buyers around Plymouth to visit Sherford and find out why the new town is the perfect place to climb the housing ladder.

Sherford is an entirely new community between Plympton and Plymstock that has been carefully designed to make sure residents have everything they might need right on their doorstep. From new homes with architecture inspired by classic Georgian style, acres of green space and cycle paths to new schools, community facilities and shops, Sherford is one of the most exciting and sustainable developments in the UK. For buyers looking to secure their first home, Sherford is both a place to settle and to look to the future. The Government-backed Help to Buy scheme is available at the development for first and second time buyers looking to settle in the community. The scheme gives eligible parties an equity loan towards the cost of the home, allowing for only a 5% cash deposit from the purchaser. Couples and young families can get onto the housing ladder by taking their pick of a selection of new homes, including the one and two-bedroom Hornbeam and Aspen coach houses, as well as a range of threebedroom properties such as the Sycamore, Juniper and Flatford housetypes. New Sherford residents can put down roots in one of these homes, become part of the growing community and eventually move on to one of the larger properties such as the fivebedroom Willow townhouse. Chloe Bradley was one of the first residents on her street when she and partner Josh moved into their three-bedroom townhouse in

Chloe and Josh in their home at Sherford

November 2017. She said: “I can’t believe that we’ve gone from renting a flat to living in a three storey townhouse. We still look around and think ‘is this our home?’. It didn’t feel real at first. “We’d always liked the idea of a new build but we didn’t think we’d be able to get a home like this, it’s just incredible.” Melissa Langton, sales and marketing director at Taylor Wimpey Exeter, said: “As a first time buyer it can be tough to decide where to make your first move. There is so much to think about, from finding the

National Trust issues warning about mystery substance washed up on Saltram beach The Environment Agency is investigating an incident in the River Plym which has left a dozens of dog owners having to clean their pets, cars and homes.

Saltram Beach near the Ride is a popular place for dog walkers, but many unsuspecting owners were left having to bath their pooches after they came into contact with a foul substance which has washed up on the beach. The incident resulted in the National Trust putting up posters in the area warning dog walkers to keep their animals on leads and to avoid going onto the beach. Local dog walker Frankie Lees was one of those affected by the mystery substance. On the day it happened Frankie posted on social media: “My dog ran onto the beach before I could stop her. I ran after her. She was licking it and it was all over her. It stinks - it’s very fishy and smells like dead fish. I took her home and bathed her but our car still stinks. It was all over my shoes

and her breath still smells like it. It’s awful.”
 Sarah Lavery had a similar experience. She said: “My dog rolled in this. She absolutely stank! I have bathed her three times and the smell has eventually gone.” Danni Winkworth had to end up cleaning her carpets and putting air freshener in her home after her canine’s visit to the beach. Antony Collier described seeing ‘big lumps and clumps of something white and congealed’ and remarked “the whole beach could do with a clean.” Dacia Kelly got the substance all over her trainers on her visit to the beach and commented: “It was difficult to clean off as it’s sticky and smells fishy.” Several other dog owners said their dogs has been sick after coming into contact with the substance, but the animals were eventually alright afterwards. (Story courtesy of the Plympton Podcast)

right type of home to looking at schools and employment opportunities. “Thankfully, Sherford has everything you need to make your first, second and even third steps on the housing ladder. Our fantastic range of homes includes options for every stage of your journey through life. “New schools mean your children won’t need to go far for their education and the range of community facilities, from shops and cafes to parks and play areas, mean you can really call Sherford your home. “With Help to Buy available the dream of owning your own home is within reach, so we’d urge anyone interested in becoming part of the Sherford community to drop in and talk to us now. Our expert sales team is ready to guide buyers through the process and make the move as simple and stress-free as possible.” For more information on Help to Buy and the Sherford development visit www. england/devon/plymouth/sherford.

Plympton Academy student, Aiden Allen, with some of the recycled batteries

Battery-powered effort Staff and students at Plympton Academy are continuing with their efforts to help the planet. The school has been collecting old batteries and have just sent more than 10 kg for recycling. Twelve year old student Aiden Allen, said: “We collect old batteries and then send them for recycling. If we didn’t, they would just go to landfill and the dangerous chemicals in them could get into the ground and water. “It is amazing how many batteries we have collected already this year.” Plympton Academy teacher Martin Edmonds added: “In the UK we use about 600 million batteries a year. The government estimates that we could remove 12,000 tonnes of carbon emissions each year if we recycled just 46% of those batteries rather than sending them to landfill.” Used batteries are collected from staff and students and recycled using the scheme from

November 2019


Young Oreston entrepreneurs revealed their business skills to scoop top award Pupils from Oreston Community Academy who set up a business as part of the National Fiver Challenge, run by Young Enterprise have won the Best Group and the Fiver for Good award for their company Meditrails.

Pupils in the group created a self-led activity trail around a Victorian pharmacy and medicinal garden in Plymouth. Pupils were given £5 and four weeks to set up a business and make as much profit as they could. The winners, including Meditrails, were announced at the awards ceremony on October 2, held at KidZania, Westfield Shopping Centre. A teacher from a Plymouth school said about the challenge: “It is a fantastic opportunity for children to learn about businesses. It incorporates maths, literacy and has a huge impact on team building & confidence.” The Fiver Programme gives pupils an opportunity to develop key employability skills and develop a better understanding of the connection between what they learn in school and how they can apply that learning in the world of work. This year, over 38,000 budding entrepreneurs aged 5-11 years took part across the UK, and 93% of teachers agreed the Fiver Challenge provided pupils an opportunity to learn about managing money and how to work together as a team. Pupils have a business idea and use this start-up capital to make it happen, using real money to take calculated risks to gain firsthand business experience of what it’s like to be an entrepreneur. At the end of the month participants are asked to return their £5 pledges with a 50p

The historic remains of Plympton Castle were targeted twice within a matter of weeks with what police described as sexually and racially offensive wording being spray painted onto the monument. Workmen from Plymouth City Council did a temporary cover over of the first graffiti pending a more detailed clean up only for the graffiti to be painted on for a second time. PC Andy Hocking said: “The police have unfortunately received another report of graffiti at the top of Plympton Castle at the same location as previously reported. The original graffiti was covered over by the staff of Plymouth City Council, but this has been spray-painted over again with the same racially offensive word. “On this occasion green spray paint was used. We are asking for any assistance in identifying the persons responsible. Please phone 101, e-mail or phone Crimestoppers to report it anonymously on 0800 555111, quoting crime number CR/084790/19.” Local taxpayers will be left with the bill of engaging specialist contractors to clean up the mindless graffiti.

Festive events and more at Sherford Vale School Friends of Sherford Vale School have a number of events planned in the run up to Christmas. Details are as follows:

legacy donation to enable Young Enterprise to support even more people the following year. Pupils are free to keep their remaining profits, which many donate to a charity of their choice. Michael Mercieca, Young Enterprise chief executive, said: “The Fiver programme is critical for driving entrepreneurship among young people. Every year, we hear new stories come about from all different walks of life. “The challenge has a real impact on the young people’s employability skills and will help to

encourage pupils to reach their full potential.” Jodi Kelly, business development manager for KidZania, said: “KidZania is proud to be supporting Young Enterprise and the inspiring Fiver Challenge. We believe that all children should have the opportunity to build resilience, confidence and creativity. “With the shared mission of introducing children to the world of work and entrepreneurship, we are delighted to be hosting the National Fiver Challenge awards ceremony.”

A Plymouth City Council spokesperson said: “It’s disappointing to see that Plympton castle has yet again been targeted by vandals. There really is no excuse for this sort of behaviour as ultimately it’s the tax payer who has to pay to clean it up. “The castle is a protected monument, so we were unable to use the products we would normally use to remove graffiti, because we have to be careful not to damage the wall, this is why the offensive word has been covered until we can have it professionally removed. “Removing graffiti from a protected historic monument like Plympton Castle is a complicated process and involves working with Historic England officers on appointing specialists to have it cleaned.” 
At around the same time as these incidents at the castle, the display boards in Pathfields were vandalised and on September 30 two youths were seen pulling over the dog bins in Castle Green. Council workers had to be called out to reset them. 
Then on the weekend of October 4 and 5 there were two suspected arson incidents within a matter of hours. The first was at the play park in Woodford where a children’s swing was set on fire, destroying the swing and damaging the soft landing surface beneath it.

The park is one of a number in the area to have been refurbished over the past couple of years with new equipment installed and therefore the suspected arson has all the more frustrated and annoyed local residents. 
The second suspected arson was in Stonebarton Road where one vehicle is believed to have been set on fire and the blaze spread to another. A spokesperson for the Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service said: “We were called to Stone Barton Road at 3.07am and one appliance attended. “One vehicle was well alight on the public highway and the fire spread to a second vehicle. Firefighters used breathing apparatus, a hose reel jet and a fog spike to extinguish the fire. Cause likely to be deliberate.” Earlier in the summer a group of youths were seen breaking the wooden swing bridge in Plympton St Mary’s play park and intruders broke into the grounds of Plympton St Mary’s Infants School and caused damage within the grounds. Some local residents, while not condoning these incidents of antisocial behaviour, have highlighted the lack of youth facilities in Plympton. One said: “My personal opinion is that Plympton is in need of a venue for kids to hang out. We had the super bowl down on Plymouth Road back in the 80s and 90s. Tavistock has the Wharf’ and Ivybridge has the Watermark. Saltash has Live-wire etc. All great music venues but some are also cinemas. “There is absolutely no excuse for this disgusting behaviour at all, but giving kids somewhere to go to where they can meet up has to help. Boredom can play a part sadly. Plympton is such a large town and is lacking in this area.” (Story courtesy of the Plympton Podcast)

Concern over growing incidents of antisocial behaviour in Plympton There is growing concern that antisocial behaviour in Plympton is escalating out of control after a number of recent incidents of vandalism, graffiti and suspected arson.


Remains of Plympton Castle...targeted by vandals

Sherford Vale Quiz Night November 9 Following on from the success of the previous quiz night, the Friends of Sherford Vale are proud to host their second challenge. Cost is £5 per person. Teams of up to eight are welcome. Please book your table in advance by calling Sherford Vale Primary School on 01752 891795. Doors open at 7 pm for a 7.30 pm start. Bar available. Bring your own snacks. Sherford Vale Christmas Fair December 11 Everyone is invited to go along to Sherford Vale Primary School from 3.30 pm for the Christmas Fair. Games, stalls, cakes, mulled wine and Father Christmas await - hope to see you there! Wreath Making Workshop at Sherford Vale Primary School December 13 Following the success of last year’s event, there will be two Christmas wreath making sessions starting at 4.30 pm and 7.30 pm. Mulled wine and mince pies will be available to purchase. Tickets cost £25 per person to cover the cost of materials to make a beautiful Christmas wreath. Bookings must be made and paid for in advance by contacting Sherford Vale Primary School on 01752 891795.

Coffee morning raises over £350 for Macmillan

Stannator Fiona Smith drawing tickets and calling their numbers

A Chaddlewood couple’s event as part of the World’s Biggest Coffee Morning in September has raised £368 for Macmillan.

Val and Alan Street sold coffees and cakes, held a draw as well as a guess the number of berries in a pie competition and even staged an auction. Guests at the event included Stannator Fiona Smith who donated draw prizes and a cake, local councillor and Deputy Lord Mayor Terri Beer and her husband Colin as well other local community members. Former Stannator and Plympton Podcast founder Andrew Hill acted as auctioneer at the event and quickly had lots going under the hammer. The kitchen duties, auction assistant and draw ticket sales were all superbly managed by regulars, Andrew Mudge and Emily Street and, a new addition this year, Kelly Crane. Julia Escott was the closest to guessing the correct number of berries in the pie competition. She guessed 207 and the actual number was 244.

4 November 2019


Out and About Your guide to events in the local community and beyond

Plymouth Railway Circle Various dates All meetings take place at St Edward’s Church Hall, Home Park Avenue, Peverell starting at 7.30pm. Admission charge £1 (members), £2 (visitors). Visitors are very welcome. October 21 with their presentation: Switzerland: a tale of two trips. a digital show of two halves. The first half will tell the tale of Lou and Mervyn’s trip in September 2017, travelling from West to East and back again. The second half will tell the tale of their trip in February 2018 to travel on the RhB Snowblower over the Bernina Pass. November 4: Annual General Meeting followed by President’s selection. November 18: Alex Green: Privatised or Nationalised - which is best for Britain’s railways? A debate considering the merits of nationalisation of the UK railways versus the case for their continued privatisation. Alex, who is a part time tour manager with Great Rail Journeys, examines the origins of our past and present management structures and debates the merits and disadvantages of each option Creepie Crawlies Oct 12 to 24 The Soapbox Children’s Theatre, Devonport Park Walter loses his imaginary friend, Jess. Join Walter as he ventures into the world of imaginary friends where he meets all sorts of characters on his search for Jess. Plymouth Broadway Organ & Keyboard Club Oct 16 International organist DirkJan Ranzijn from Holland will be playing his superb Bohm organ at Broadway Community Centre, Plymstock. 7.15pm. Admission £5. Includes tea/coffee. Free parking. All welcome. 01752 706712. The Addams Family young@part Oct 18 and 19 DJR School of Performing Arts present the Plymouth Premiere of ‘The Addams Family’ (young@part) at the Devonport Playhouse. This musical production is based on the 1960s television classic series and the 1990s film version. The cast of around 30 young performers includes the Addams family characters. Performances 7.30pm and Saturday matinee at 2.30pm. With the theme being close to Halloween, the audience are invited to attend in Halloween costumes. Tickets £11 for adults, £9 for children and seniors, £35 for a family of four available now on 07999 639888. Collectors Toy & Train Fair Oct 20 Organised by Plymouth Diecast Club at the Jan Cutting Healthy Living Centre, Scott Business Park, Beacon Park Road, Plymouth from 10am to 2pm. Admission £1, children free. Free parking. Café open. Mount Batten Tower Open Day Oct 23 The Tower will be open to the public from 11am to 3pm. £2 entry fee per person, with funds raised contributing to the ongoing management of the 17th century Plymouth landmark. Booking online via the link and half hourly time slots starting from 11am are available to book. With a limit capacity of just 25 people at any one time it is essential to book a half hour time slot ahead of the event. Table Top Sale Oct 26 Trinity United Reformed Church, Torr Lane, Hartley from 10am to 12 noon. To book a table (which will be provided) please ring Jill on 01752 249337. Coffee Morning Oct 26 Emmanuel Church, Mannamead Road in aid of Christians Against Poverty from 10.30am to 12 noon. Yummy cakes and preserves in abundance. The church is close to main bus routes on Mannamead Road. Autumn Fayre Oct 26 Pennycross Methodist Church, Beauchamp Road in aid of Horizon Plymouth and church funds from 10.30am to 12.30pm. Various stalls and refreshments. Family Light Party Oct 31 St Michaels’s Church, Albert Road, Stoke 4pm to 6pm. Come along and meet the donkeys.

Not to be missed

The Halloween Trail Oct 21 to 27 Forget any nasty tricks this Halloween, just follow the family friendly trail around Plymouth city centre and collect some delicious spooky treats! To help you find them, look out for the well-known Halloween characters displayed on posters in shop windows. There are 17 different characters to find and once you’ve found them, head inside the store to collect your free tasty treat. But be quick – there are only 200 treats in each store and once they’re gone, they’re gone! Extra prizes will be up for grabs for those who dress up, so don’t forget to dig out your favourite Halloween costumes. The trail, run by Plymouth City Centre Company, is completely free to enjoy with children during the half term. Trail maps can be downloaded from the Visit Plymouth website, or collected from Central Library. Bonfire Night Nov 5 Remember, remember the fifth of November! Plymouth Hoe will be lit up with a Bonfire and Fireworks display. Key landmarks across the Hoe, including Smeaton’s Tower, the Royal Citadel, and the Plymouth Naval Memorial will be spectacularly illuminated throughout the evening. The evening celebrations will begin at 4pm, with fairground rides and delicious food and drink on offer. The presenters of Radio Plymouth will be there to entertain with an exciting music programme on stage from 6.30pm. Located near to Smeaton’s Tower lighthouse, you’ll find the huge bonfire, built using pallets from Bandvulc – don’t miss it being lit at 7.30pm. Look out for Guy Fawkes sitting on top! A fantastic firework display will also take place, with an assortment of rockets, fountains and firecrackers firing from the Royal Citadel at 8pm. It’s a truly family friendly event, so wrap up warm, bask in the heat of the giant bonfire and enjoy the show.

Illuminate Festival

Christmas Lights Switch-On Nov 14 Plymouth Loves Christmas Lights! The Christmas holiday calendar officially kicks off with the switch-on of the fantastic Christmas lights and marks the start of late-night shopping in Plymouth City Centre. Illuminate Nov 28 to Dec 1 The incredible light-based festival returns to Plymouth’s historic Royal William Yard, marking the official start of the Mayflower 400 commemorative

Quiz Night Fundraiser Oct 31 In aid of Provide Devon, a Plymouth charity which provides food for people in crisis. To be held in the Bidfood Marquee at Plymouth Albion RFC. Teams of eight £40 per team. Bar open from 7pm with pasties and sausage rolls available to purchase. Raffle with fantastic prizes. Booking and payment by October 4: contact Ayshea at Plus Santander will match fund up to £2,500 raised on the night.

Troubled by the Past: Hauntings, Apparitions and Presences Nov 2 Plymouth Proprietary Library, St Barnabas Terrace. 10am to 1pm. As the days darken towards winter and the nights draw in, the traditional ghost story comes into its own. Join us as we look at the ghost story’s enduring popularity, listen to a short story and enjoy some much-loved ghostly poetry. Members free, non-members £3, to include refreshments. No need to book, just turn up.

The Asylum Oct 31 - Nov 2 The Soapbox Children’s Theatre, Devonport Park Dare you enter The Asylum for Naughty Children?! Plymouth’s most scary walk through experience opens its doors this Halloween.

Plymouth Area Police Choir Nov 8 Methodist Hall Saltash at 7.30pm in aid of the Sue Hooper Foundation.

Craft and Table Top Sale Nov 2 Organised by Chrissies Creations and Hope For the Homeless from 11am-4pm. In the Devonport Towers Community Centre (behind the Blue block). Christmas gifts at bargain prices, raffle and refreshments. To book a table (£2.50) contact Maggi on 07973 701490. Ocean Arts Designers Makers Winter Market Nov 2 and 3 Ocean Studios, Royal William Yard 10am to 4pm. Free entry. Whether you are looking for a special gift or just browsing, what better way to kick off the festive season than a trip to Ocean Artists Designers Makers Winter Market. With over 50 stalls offering a wide range of beautiful hand-made crafts, inspiring design and accessible art together with Open Studios and a packed itinerary of workshops why not drop by. Details

Plympton Fuchsia and Geranium Group Nov 12 Guest speaker Plymouth historian Chris Robinson. Meeting will take place in the Main Hall at Harewood House in Plympton starting at 7.30pm. Guests are always made most welcome and there is also a raffle. There is a refreshment break half way through the meeting where reasonably priced tea, coffee and biscuits are available. Table Top Craft Sale Nov 16 10am until 2pm at Kings Tamerton Community Centre. Refreshments available. Cost £5 per table, to book a table ring 01752 298178 or 07955 962213. Plymouth Broadway Organ & Keyboard Club Nov 20 Back by popular demand this month’s concert features organist Tony Stace who will be playing at Broadway Community Centre, Plymstock at 7.15pm. Admission £5 including tea/coffee. Free parking. All welcome.

year. The festival offers an immersive experience, with projections and light installations set out across the yard along with live performances and interactive opportunities. Illuminate showcases projections and light art installations from local, national and international artists to provide a vibrant, fun and inspiring experience for Plymouth residents and visitors alike. Families are welcome and there are plenty of interactive and playful workshops for everyone to get involved in, both during and in the lead up to the festival. For more information visit www.illuminate-festival. Christmas Fair Nov 22 and 23 Stoke Damerel Parish Centre, Paradise Road, Stoke. Friday 11am to 3.15pm, Saturday 11am to 2.30pm. Free entry. Delicious cakes and lunches. Plants, books, cakes, cards, preserves, crafts, jewellery, home furnishings and much more. Table Top Sale Nov 23 Compton Methodist Church from 10am to 12 noon. To hire a table at £5 each please contact Nigel Tel. 706056 or email. Christmas Bazaar Nov 23 Trinity United Reformed Church, Torr Lane, Hartley, Plymouth from 10.30 am until 2pm. Father Christmas will be in attendance between 11am and 12.30pm. Refreshments, lunches, cakes and snacks available. Cakes, books, gifts etc. with games in the Back Hall. Not Quite a Christmas Fayre Nov 30 Fundraiser in aid of the Plymouth Guide and Scout Gang Show. At the Betts Guiding Centre in Plympton (behind the police station) from 11am to 4pm. Trader tables, raffle, tombola, lucky dip, face painting and refreshments. Entry is free. Christmas Crafts Fair Dec 5 Dartmoor Zoo, Sparkwell 5pm to 8pm. A Christmas Fair with local, eco-friendly, responsible businesses with hand-made, recycled, reusable and wildlife focused products. Mulled wine, mince pies and Christmas snacks will be served in the restaurant. An indoor event. Free entry.

November 2019





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6 November 2019


JOB SHOP Citizens Advice Plymouth celebrates Advertise your vacancy FREE in Job Shop

80 years of service to the community

All local businesses, voluntary groups, and individuals organisations and groups are invited to post their job vacancies in our Community Job Shop feature. This must be for part-time and voluntary jobs only and should contain no more than 50 words, including contact details. All you have to do is send the details via e-mail to Deadline for each issue is first Monday of the month prior. EXPERIENCED CLEANERS £9.50 an hour. Regular work, with the same clients, in the same place and at the time each week. Ability to fit your work life around family and other commitments. You pick the hours, the places of work and we do the rest. Call Plamen on 07414 675998. COMMISSION PAID SALESPERSON The Emotional Logic Centre charity has a children’s book series designed to make sense of emotions to prevent anxiety and mental illness and help autistic children to communicate. Materials for schools and businesses also. We need someone on a mission to promote this. or 01752 892455. CO-OP MEMBER PIONEERS Community workers required in St Judes/Lipson, Crownhill and Eggbuckland. Four hours per week. Go to and search for Plymouth. LOCAL AVON REPRESENTATIVES NEEDED For part time or full time. Be part of an award winning team. 4 pay days before Christmas For details txt or call 07780116073 or email BAR PERSON City centre social club requires part time, mature, experienced and socially minded bar person with previous cellar work experience. Evening and weekend work necessary. Hours can be negotiated. Call Jade on 01752 311512 after 1400hrs or 07875 502376 to apply. RECEPTIONIST Plymouth Natural Health & Healing Centre are looking for volunteer receptionist, training will be give travelling expenses will be paid, for more information please contact Robert Parkins on 01752210279. VOLUNTEERS The Friends of Ford Park Cemetery are looking for volunteers to help out at our fund raising events. For further information please contact the events organiser on 07779 570308. HOSPITAL RADIO PLYMOUTH VOLUNTEERS Hospital Radio Plymouth, the award winning station, celebrates 50 years of broadcasting this year to hospitals around the Plymouth area. We are looking to expand our live coverage of programmes both during the day and evenings. We are looking for additional volunteers to help our charity. To get involved give Robert Goodall a call on 07733 055519. ENGAGEMENT VOLUNTEER Healthwatch Plymouth is a local service to give the people of Plymouth a voice with regard to their experiences of health and social care services. We are looking for people to talk to other people about their experiences. We operate from various locations across the city. We provide training, expenses (out of pocket and travel), transport and you will be with a positive and supportive team. No experience necessary just the ability to listen to people and hear what they are saying. You will meet new people, have fun, build your confidence, build on your CV and gain new skills. Contact details are volunteering@ or 08009230039. DISTRIBUTORS Cornerstone Vision, publishers of the Plymouth Chronicle, are looking for distributors, to help deliver leaflets across the city and surrounding area. Transport an advantage, own phone number essential. We are particularly looking for people to help cover Efford, Ernesettle, Saltash, Ivybridge and Torpoint, although other areas may be available. Please email chris.etherington or call 01752 225623.

Citizens Advice Plymouth recently marked 80 years of providing free, independent and confidential advice for people by throwing a party at Devonport Guildhall for staff, volunteers and stakeholders.

Originally set up during World War Two to respond to the issues faced by people in Plymouth, it originally operated out of Marlborough House on Marlborough Road by North Hill. Over the years the service has operated out of different locations across the city including Devonport Guildhall and near the Magistrates Court. Today its main offices are at Cobourg House on Mayflower Street. Last year over 19,000 clients who live, work and study in the city used the service either face to face, over the phone or digitally. Staff and volunteers helped these clients with over 118,000 issues and had a 97% satisfaction rating with a 100% of clients stating they would recommend our service. Emma Handley, chief officer said: “We were delighted to bring our staff, volunteers, trustees, stakeholders and funders together to mark 80 years of Citizens Advice with a look back at the

work we have done since the service launched during the Second World War. “I am proud of how our service has continued to adapt down the years to help people with whatever issue they may be facing. It was especially poignant to host our celebration at Devonport Guildhall where we had previously run our service from the cells in the basement “I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has ever worked for, volunteered and supported Citizens Advice Plymouth down the years, we could not do what we do without the fantastic people who make up the core of what we do. “We may be 80 years old as a service, but our mission remains the same, to provide advice and empower the people who live, work and study in Plymouth to tackle the problems they and their families face.” Across England and Wales Citizens Advice helped 100.000 more people this year compared to last taking the total to 2.7 million people helped across the network. In Plymouth growth of the service continues with a bespoke debt advice drop in clinic operating out of Cobourg House, the Advice Plymouth face to face advice partnership

out of Ernest English House, Buckwell Street and the Universal Credit Help to Claim scheme. This is part of the commitment announced at the birthday event to look to the future and ensure that putting clients at the heart of everything they do continues. Last year Citizens Advice Plymouth recruited 62 new staff and volunteers to push forward with an ambitious programme of continual development of their service. Suzi Cumberland, chief operating officer said: “With Citizen Advice’s 80th Birthday it has been a time for us to reflect and plan for the future. We are conscious that we are only scratching the surface in terms of reaching those that need access to our service, and we are also mindful that the population of Plymouth will continue to grow. “Health and Wellbeing data supports the fact that Plymouth is, and will continue, to fall short of national averages across multiple areas and we are also aware of the need to diversify the clients we attract, particularly underrepresented groups. “These are some of the challenges we will be looking to meet in the coming months and years with an ambitious but important plan to bring our advice and services to more of those who need it.”

Learn how to restart a heart with St John Ambulance St John Ambulance volunteers in Plymouth will be teaching the public how to save lives, as part of the 2019 Restart A Heart campaign.

At a series of free sessions, people can learn how to help someone who has gone into cardiac arrest, via practical information on how to deliver cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and deliver shocks to the heart with a defibrillator. Locations include: Plymouth Mosque, 112 North Road East, Wednesday October 16, 11am to 5pm St Aidan’s Church, Ernesettle, Tuesday October 22, 3pm to 5pm Elburton Methodist Church Hall, Saturday October 26, 10.30am to 4pm The health charity’s regional head of volunteering Steph Pavie, said: “Our volunteers in Plymouth and around the country are pleased to be participating again in this year’s Restart a Heart campaign, making our local communities more resilient and inspiring community response to cardiac arrest emergencies. “It is vital that as many people as possible learn how to deliver CPR and use a defibrillator because of the unpredictable nature of cardiac arrests.” Currently, fewer than one in 10 people1 in the UK survives a cardiac arrest out of hospital and St John Ambulance and its Restart a Heart partners want to change that. Chances of survival double when someone gives immediate CPR and significantly increase further when a defibrillator is used. Working with the Resuscitation Council and other

partners, St John Ambulance’s first aid demonstrations will contribute to an ambition of teaching as many people as possible these skills in October. Steph added: “By ensuring that more people have these skills and are not afraid to use them if they find someone who has collapsed and is not breathing, we can hopefully increase the number of people ready to step forward and intervene. “In the space of only an hour you can pick up these skills from us for free, so please make it a priority to find a Restart a Heart demo near to you and come along.” While Restart a Heart Day is on October 16, St John

Ambulance’s highly-trained adult first aiders and younger volunteers around the country have arranged demos throughout the month, giving people more opportunities to attend. To join in the conversation on social media, search for the hashtag #RestartAHeart and to find out more about the campaign online and see a full list of demos visit For those looking for quick, easily accessible information, the free, highly-popular St John Ambulance app is available on smartphones, and the website – – offers demo videos and lots of free advice.



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Police apologise for their flawed report over speed limit in Sparkwell

Devon and Cornwall Police have apologised for presenting incorrect information to a meeting of Sparkwell Parish Council about the legal enforcability of a 20mph speed limit in the village situated on the outskirts of Plympton.

In a written report submitted to the June meeting of Sparkwell Parish Council a local PCSO reported on speed monitoring the police had conducted in the village. The report indicated some vehicles had been recorded as travelling over 20mph but under 30mph. The report ended by saying ‘20mph is not enforceable it is an advisory limit.’ When the Plympton Podcast subsequently queried the advisory only nature of the speed limited with Devon County Council, the local highways authority for the area, it took an entirely different view. A Devon County Council spokesperson said: “I can confirm that a Traffic Regulation Order is in place for the 20mph in Sparkwell and it’s legally enforceable and not advisory.” Now the police have accepted they have made a mistake over the enforceability of the 20mph speed limit. A police spokesperson said: “The local team has taken a closer look into this matter and the limit is enforceable by Police as the correct legal framework is in place, provided by Devon County Council. “This allows Police to enforce the limit and if necessary prosecute drivers exceeding that limit. “We apologise for the confusion this has caused and the local neighbourhood team will ensure all are aware of the enforceable limits in Sparkwell. “As with enforcement of 30 mph limits, there is a threshold within which we would seek to educate the driver about their speed and the potential impacts of excessive speed, outside of this threshold we would employ the Officer Seen Conditional Offer referral to allow the collision and tickets section to decide the disposal for the speeding offence.” (Story courtesy of the Plympton Podcast)

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8 November 2019

Top cop visits Hele’s


Devon and Cornwall’s Chief Constable Shaun Sawyer went back to school recently for a visit to Hele’s in Plympton.

Diamond celebration for former preachers Ivor and Sheila Merrin Retired preachers Ivor and Sheila Merrin celebrated their 60th Wedding Anniversary when they enjoyed the company of 50 family and friends. Married at Lanner Moor Methodist Church in the Redruth Circuit in 1959, both were preachers for over 60 years. The day began with worship at Woodford Methodist Church where they are both members, led by Revd Colin Roberts, a close family friend. Another friend, Brian Gerry played the organ. After sharing coffee with the assembled company, they and their guests went across to Kitley House for lunch, served in the Library. Among those present were children, grandchildren and three great-grandchildren, a wide extended family, and friends from various aspects of their lives.

The Chief Constable and some colleagues met with many of the students and engaged in discussions and activities with them. Mr Sawyer spoke to students and staff to discuss current issues important to young people and to explore emerging ways to enhance engagement with the next generation. The visit involved several focus groups and discussing students’ views on the police and where they see law enforcement in the future. Mr Sawyer also met with teachers and classroom assistants to understand the complexities of teaching. Mr Sawyer said: “Growing up in the 21st century is tough and although this generation is being raised in one of the safest areas of the UK, we must be realistic that they are growing up with the threat of online grooming, bullying, extremism and rising knife crime. “One of the biggest challenges for police work involving young people is our relationship with them. Policing is continually changing and I want to engage with young people so we can shape the police service to better support and protect them, and to make policing more relevant to them. “Our society is socially mobile

Chief Constable Shaun Sawyer with youngsters at Hele’s

through technology and we must keep up-to-date with our communities and evolve with them. “The way in which we engage with and learn from young people today will create the relationships we have with our communities in the future.” Hele’s School, which is part of a family of 18 schools under Westcountry Schools Trust, welcomed the Chief Constable for the day. Rob Haring, CEO of Westcountry Schools Trust, said: “In many ways the current generation of young people have more opportunity in life. The wider world is more accessible and access to information and networks is greater than ever before. 
“In contrast, if appropriate actions aren’t taken, our children can be

exposed to greater risk and pressure to conform. “By forging a strong partnership of support around our young people we will be able to listen, build understanding and trust, identify needs and take steps to mitigate the risks to which they are exposed. “Our schools continue to build on the good relationship they have with the police.” Afterwards a police spokesperson said: “Thank you so much for having us, what a wonderful group of children and staff! We have learnt lots from today, all of which we will take away with us to shape policing in the future.” (Story courtesy of the Plympton Podcast)

THE PITFALLS OF DIY WILLS Making a Will is an essential way

Figures from the Co-operative

in the Will or they will forfeit the

of ensuring that your money and

Legal Services have suggested

assets are distributed according

that poorly drafted or ineffective

to your final wishes. Yet many

DIY Wills have contributed to a

serious and cannot be rectified by

people do not prepare a Will or to

prolonged probate procedure for

simply making a few amendments.

save cost prepare a DIY Will which

roughly 38,000 families per year.

If a Will is not witnessed properly

they perceive as a cheaper option. While an “off the shelf” Will can

Some of the most common

legacy to them. Mistakes such as these can be

an affidavit would have to be

Errors with a DIY Will can be just as costly as not having a Will at all. If you would like more advice in relation to Wills, please contact Catherine English at Howard and Over Solicitors on 01752 556606

mistakes with DIY Wills can relate

prepared and sworn to verify

seem attractive, it can be a risky

purely to the execution of the

execution and the Will could still

or by email at Catherine.english@

approach if errors are made or if

document. These include failing to

be found to be invalid.

the strict witnessing rules are not

get the Will witnessed correctly or

followed correctly, in which case

signed properly or the misspelling

circumstances change and many

Plym House,

the document could be found to be

of names.

DIY Wills do not cater for this. For

3 Longbridge Road,

example, if you get married, any

Plymouth Devon PL6 8LT


In relation to witnessing the

The implication of this can be

Problems also raise if a persons

document itself, the rules are very

previous Will you may have made

serious. You not only risk leaving

strict. The witnesses must be

will be automatically revoked,

your family in a financial and

present at the same time as each

unless the document expressly

emotional mess, but your legacy

other and the Testator (the person

stipulates that it has been made in

could be taken up by legal bills or

making the Will). The witnesses

contemplation of marriage.

unnecessary tax.

cannot be a beneficiary named

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November 2019


Plympton Academy raises £2000 for Young Minds mental health charity Students and staff from Plympton Academy have raised £2,000 for a young person’s mental health charity.

Young Minds is the very first beneficiary of the school’s Charity of the Year and was chosen by the Academy pupils and staff following nominations and a final vote. Young Minds offers an instant text counselling service for young people; a parent’s helpline; online advice and guidance, and works with schools to improve the mental health provision for young people. A variety of fundraising events took place throughout the year including a non-uniform day, a sleepover for Year 7 and 8 students in the Michael Morpurgo studios, tutor time quizzes and cake sales. “We are delighted with raising £2,000 for this very worthwhile charity,” said Plympton

Academy assistant principal, Ian Hartley. “It was really interesting to see what charities our students wanted to support and the very personal stories behind the nominations. Once we had announced that Young Minds was the winning charity, the Academy community really got involved in fundraising. “Special recognition goes to English teacher, Sara Clyndes who organised the sleepover (and all of the staff who supported the running of it), and Ben Bacon who raised the most amount as an individual student.” The school has already chosen this year’s charity with Crohns and Colitis UK winning the vote. “We’re already planning our activities for this year and hope to beat last year’s total,” said Ian Hartley.


Assistant principal Ian Hartley, English teacher Sara Clyndes and Year 9 student Ben Bacon pictured with the cheque

Illuminate 2019 marks the launch of the Mayflower 400 celebrations Following last year’s fantastic success, Illuminate is returning to Plymouth!

The spectacular light show will run from Thursday November 28 to Sunday December 1 from 5.30pm to 10pm. llluminate welcomes visitors to immerse themselves in stunning projection mapping, interactive pieces and playful light art installations at the historic Royal William Yard. New for 2019, audiences are also invited to discover additional installations at the Barbican and Mount Edgcumbe Country Park. Now in its third year, Illuminate will open the Mayflower 400 commemorations in November 2019 during Thanksgiving and close them in November 2020. The project is a signature event in the Mayflower 400 programme and connects the partner

destinations across the UK and internationally. Claire Honey, project manager for the festival, said: “Illuminate light festival, is now in its third year and it’s going to be bigger and better in 2019, launching the Mayflower 400 commemorations. We’ve been overwhelmed by the amazing response from artists, partners and friends of the festival who are helping us make it a special moment in the city’s history. I’m very proud to be involved in such

an amazing event and can’t wait to enjoy it with everyone.” Charles Hackett, chief Executive of Mayflower 400, said: “Illuminate is the first big event in the Mayflower 400 programme and coincides with one year to go from when the Mayflower landed in Massachusetts in November 1620. “An amazing spectacle for Plymouth, Illuminates are also happening across UK Mayflower 400 locations. The festival builds on the core

values of Mayflower 400, which include Freedom, Humanity and Imagination.” This year’s festival hosts a variety of installations from local, national and international artists. In the run up to the festival, Illuminate is hosting an exciting programme of Future Make interactive workshops designed for children and families in the Saturdays leading up to the main event! Future Make, a programme delivered by the Real Ideas Organisation, is collaborating with Illuminate to run full day clubs in immersive media for 7-11 year olds and family activity sessions. For more information about Illuminate, the programme, artists and opportunities to get involved visit

Christmas Lights Switch On At The Broadway Christmas is coming to the Plymstock on Wednesday 20th November with The Broadway’s Christmas Extravaganza Lights Switch On, in association with Radio Plymouth

On Wednesday 20th November The Broadway Plymstock will have their Christmas Lights Switch On. Get in the Christmas spirit from 3.30pm with entertainment from local choirs, special guests ‘The Swing Kings’ and fun for all the family with the lights being switched on at 6.30pm. Along with live entertainment,

there will be a festive market with local traders, Fillies and Fizz, Plymouth Party Princesses and special characters Olaf and Peppa Pig will be on The Broadway too! And, of course, the local and national shops situated on The Broadway all year round will be open and many will introduce their Christmas opening hours on the

day. The Broadway Centre Manager, Mark Berry says: “Our Christmas Lights Switch On is a real community event with over 18,100 people joining us each year to enjoy the atmosphere, explore the shops and watch the lights being switched on to really mark the start of Christmas here in Plymstock.

This year’s line up is a fantastic celebration of local trade and talent. We look forward to welcoming all our guests and the community to join us on the 20th November for what promises to be a family friendly fun filled festive event.” Tricia Duff, Managing Director at Radio Plymouth adds: “Radio Plymouth have been supporting The Broadway with their Christmas Lights Switch On for the last nine years - it’s a popular event and one of the favourites in our diaries! Each year we try and bring something a little different to the event. We’re delighted to be welcoming The Swing Kings to the stage this year and well-loved characters Olaf and Peppa Pig will join us, and of course, Santa will be making an appearance too!” The festive fun on The Broadway starts at 3.30pm. Come along and warm up with a hot drink or a tasty bite to eat and soak up the atmosphere. Support The Broadway Plymstock, local high street shopping centre

with its mix of small boutique family run businesses to national retailers, and do a spot of shopping too.

For more information and a schedule of entertainment for The Broadway Christmas Lights Switch On please visit www.thebroadwayplymstock. com and like and follow The Broadway on Facebook and Twitter.

10 November 2019


Rotarians clean up at Bovisand Beach Two local rotary clubs came together in September to improve the look of Bovisand Beach as part of World Clean Up Day.

One of the many areas that Rotarians look to make a difference in is the environment so the Plympton and Saltram Rotary Clubs agreed to join forces and facilitate a beach clean at Bovisand Beach and soon found out that the date they were proposing also marked the Great British Beach Clean initiative run by the Marine Conservation Society and the wider World Clean Up Day. The Marine Conservation Society asked if they could join in with the collection the two clubs were planning and the clubs readily agreed to this, tapping in to the experience the MCS had of past beach cleans in the area. Other groups also came on board with the project including Surfers Against Sewage, the Plymouth branch of Andy’s Man Club, the Plymouth Albion Ladies Rugby team and members of the public who saw details of the event on social media. Darren Hands from Plympton Rotary said: “We expected to pick up much more litter than we did although that said we did pick up loads of straws, remains of plastic bags and other waste such as the now infamous issue of nurdles which some of us taking part on the beach clean learnt a great deal about.”

He added: “It was great to partner up with so many other groups and it was fortuitous that we linked up with the Marine Conservation Society who had a licence to recycle some of the items collected which gave our event an even bigger environmental impact.”

 Jules Agate, Sea Champions Volunteer and Community Engagement Manager (South West England Region) for the Marine Conservation Society said: “I just want to say how great this has been working with Plympton and Saltram Rotary Clubs and how working together is good for all of us. Hopefully this event will encourage more groups to get together and collaborate to achieve more clean beaches.” Both Rotary clubs would like to thank all those who helped take part in this beach clean and ensure it’s success. Darren Hands added: “ I have just heard from the Marine Conservation Society that we removed 2.5kg worth of litter in the 50m area of the beach used for the MCS survey. “That covers approximately half of the main beach so with the remainder of the main beach and the secondary beach which Saltram covered, we can guestimate that around 7.5kg was collected. There were quite a lot of nurdles, lots of fishing line but mostly plastic. “It was interesting in that most litter, where it

Volunteers cleaning up Bovisand Beach

was possible to identify the source, came from fishing and not public – this is seen quite a lot in the South West compared to other regions.”On average within the MCS survey across the UK 28.6% came from the public and 12.1% from fishing – whereas at Bovisand we found 22.6% of the rubbish came from fishing and 18.5% from the public. ”We found a total of 118 nurdles, the details of which have been added to the Great Nurdle Hunt ( ”It was found that the vast majority of the litter collected is still plastic, including from fishing, adding weight to the argument that we need to really reduce plastic in all industries.” Story courtesy of the Plympton Podcast)

Proposed increase to probate fees – where do we stand now? The proposed increase to probate fees has been a hot topic for our private client team since the start of 2019 and you are likely to have seen discussion about the proposals in the national press. However, despite threats that new fees would be introduced in April 2019 the old fee structure remains Emma Banner Solicitor Wills and Trust in place. So, where do we department stand now and, what should you be doing if you are an executor or administrator who needs to administer an estate? An application for a Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration is required on death when an estate has assets over a certain value, of a particular nature or in all circumstances where a property forms part of the estate and needs to be sold. The Grant itself is a certificate which confirms who is authorised to administer an estate. The Grant application has an associated fee which at present is £215 for lay applicants or £155 for applications by Solicitors. The proposed reforms would see a significant increase in fees, particularly for higher value estates. By way of example, the fee for an estate valued at between £500,000 - £1 million is proposed to increase to £2,500. Before the new fees can be introduced the proposed order needs to be voted on in the House of Commons. This has

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been awaited since February 2019. The recent prorogation of Parliament brought with it an indefinite delay to the order being voted on. However, at the time of writing, Parliament has been reconvened and it is possible that the new proposals will be voted on and implemented at any time. With the uncertainty of when the new proposals will take effect, we are continuing to advise our clients to apply for a Grant in a timely manner and would encourage all executors and administrators to use a Solicitor to assist with an application to the Probate Registry. There are a number of advantages to using a professional which include: 1. 2. 3.

An efficient, hassle free process; A reduced probate fee (currently); and Ensuring that all available taxation reliefs and exemptions are applied to the estate.

Importantly, using a professional to apply for a Grant allows recently bereaved family members or friends who are acting as executors and administrators time to focus on the grieving process. If you would like to discuss an application to the Probate Registry with us in more detail our teams in North Hill, Plymstock and Plympton are available now to take your enquiries. For more information about the services that we offer contact our new client co-ordinators on 01752 292221 or 01752 292288.

Valuable work of local volunteers highlighted at Tory Conference

Volunteers who clean up Plymouth’s streets and beaches were highlighted on the main stage at the Conservative Party Conference in Manchester live on the BBC.

Rebecca Smith, Plymstock councillor and Conservative Parliamentary candidate for Plymouth Sutton and Devonport, gave a speech during a segment on ‘green growth and the new economy’. Speaking just after Business Secretary Andrea Leadsom and just before Environment Secretary Theresa Villiers, Rebecca highlighted the work of Plymouth Beach Clean and Clean Our Patch. The speech, in front of hundreds of party members, was screened live on BBC Parliament. “Living on the coast means as residents of Plymouth, we have both land and sea to protect,” said Rebecca. “Over the last couple of years, we have seen groups of volunteers spring up to do just that. “Plymouth Beach Clean - led by an inspirational marine scientist, Oleta - leads groups on local beaches and educates young and old on the impact of plastic in our seas. “And we have Clean Our Patch, a rapidly growing network of litter-picking ambassadors across the city led by Ash and El. To date they have grown from two people to 18 groups of volunteers. “Together, they’ve collected approximately 65 tonnes of rubbish off the streets of Plymouth. Around 2,000 people are volunteering and doing their bit to make our local environment cleaner and healthier.” Rebecca, who regularly joins in with these and other volunteer groups, said the Conservatives were ‘natural stewards of the environment’. She said: “This modern Conservative Party is investing in the modern technologies – like electric vehicles and offshore wind – that will help deliver both the net zero target and good jobs. It is planting new forests and pledging new targets for clean air. “Only a Conservative government can be trusted to protect our environment and as a Conservative, I pledge to continue my involvement, leading by example in my community, being a voice for more decisive action to protect our environment both locally and beyond,” she added.

Rebecca Smith speaking at the Conservative Party Conference

November 2019 11


Plymstock woman receives award for her work to prevent child sexual abuse An NSPCC worker from Plymstock has been recognised for her work helping prevent child sexual abuse in the city. Jacky Wood was presented with an award by Dame Esther

Dame Esther Rantzen presents the award to Jacky Wood

Special free event for city carers

Rantzen as part of her work with the Together for Childhood programme. Together for Childhood sees the NSPCC joining in a partnership with Plymouth City Council, Plymouth Safeguarding Children Board, Devon & Cornwall Police, Livewell Southwest, Barnardo’s, community groups, children and families, the voluntary sector and schools – with the aim of working together to prevent child sexual abuse. As Community Lead for Together for Childhood, Jacky received an award for an idea she had to use donated BuildA-Bear® teddies as an engagement tool for young people at a local youth club. Women from Ernesettle’s Tea and Toast community group in Ernesettle began to knit pants for the bears to wear, providing a helpful conversation starter, and it resulted in young people feeling more able to talk about when they feel unsafe. The awards were presented at the charity’s 2019 Annual Council Meeting, which saw around 200 volunteers, Honorary Members of Council, trustees and staff come together at the National Gallery in London to celebrate progress, and the priorities ahead. Dame Esther introduced the awards by explaining how innovative ideas can make a difference to the

lives of children and families. Jacky was one of three winners, who each received their awards on stage and spoke about their ideas. Jacky said: “I had the most amazingly inspirational day at the NSPCC’s annual council meeting at the National Gallery in London where I went to collect the Esther Rantzen award for incredible innovation. “I met some wonderful volunteers and supporters and heard stories about the impact our work and campaigning has on children, young people and families. “Meeting Esther and being asked to talk on stage in front of hundreds of people terrified me, but Esther was so warm and put me at ease. “I was told everyone loved the story of Ernie the Build-a-Bear and how the Together for Childhood team in Plymouth is using him to share key messages at a community level, to ultimately prevent abuse. “This has been a real team and community effort, developing new ways to tackle difficult subjects in really simple, but effective, ways.” Strategic service centre manager for the NSPCC in Plymouth, Oliver Mackie added: “This really highlights the potential of Together for Childhood, where momentum from a community committed to the mission to keep children safe is matched with an innovative but simple idea that engages with children and adults alike, there is much to learn from this as the project develops.”

Don’t delay on your next car purchase

Caring for Carers are hosting a special free event in November.

The Carers Rights Day will be on November 21 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel from 11am to 2pm. The event is designed to ensure carers have the right information at the right time, including knowing their rights in securing legal, advocacy, mental health and benefits advice to support them in their caring role. Carers are invited to join the free event, try out a special taster therapy session and enjoy a cream tea. Caring for Carers own ukulele group Care2Uke will also be performing on the day. There will be a wide range of organisations present on the day to provide lots of information to support carers. For further information or to confirm attendance call 01752 201890 or email caringforcarers@

Extra open days Following the recent formal opening of the new Heritage Room at Harewood House, the Plympton and District Civic Society have announced additional times the room will be open to the public.

The room will now be open on the last Saturday of each month (except December) from 10am to 2pm as well as the current weekly opening on Fridays from 10am to 2pm. The Saturday openings will start on 26 October.
 The room has proved quite popular with many people popping in when it is open to look at the various artefacts, browse through photo albums and to read the many scrap books of newspaper clippings dating back over many decades. The Civic Society are also seeking additional material to go into the room. A spokesperson said: “We are trying to build up a library of school photos from Plympton Schools, or anything you may have of local interest. If you have anything please get in touch with us.” The society can be contacted on 07769 688122 or 07883 011539 or e-mailed at plymptoncivicsociety@ (Story courtesy of the Plympton Podcast)

From hard Brexit to soft Brexit, deal or no deal, it’s fair to say at the time of writing there is still a great deal of uncertainty around Brexit and the future direction of the UK. Despite this, leading car manufacturers are communicating to dealerships what is most likely to happen to car prices and other key aspects of the motor industry should the UK leave the EU without a deal. As a longstanding motor dealership in the South West that has built its reputation on trust and quality of service, Vospers are determined to ensure people in the region are able to make the most informed decision possible when it comes to purchasing their next vehicle. The information Vospers have received from manufacturers is that if a vehicle is not in the country by 31st October and the UK leaves the EU without a deal then the vehicle is likely to incur a 10% tariff and other charges. In short, this means consumers are likely to pay at least 10% more for their vehicle purchases after

the end of October under a no deal outcome. Furthermore, manufacturers are warning of potential stock shortages on certain models under these no deal circumstances. Buying a car is the second biggest purchase people make after buying a home, so knowing you are getting a good price and a reliable product is vital. Timing is also very important when making such a purchase and under the unique circumstances we find ourselves in here in the UK at present, it is clear from both vehicle manufacturers and dealerships that the best time to buy is now. Peter Vosper, Chairman of the National Franchised Dealers Association (NFDA) South West said: “There is still confusion about Brexit with many possibilities Peter Vosper available. One thing

is certain: whatever happens prices are more likely to rise than fall. If anyone is thinking of purchasing or changing their car in the next few months it makes sense to do it now. Why? Well there are many manufacturer deals on the table for September with the new 69 plate, including some scrappage deals for older cars. Some manufacturers have a shortage of stock and getting the car you want could be difficult later on. “If the UK leaves the EU without a deal, prices will rise by the minimum tariff of 10% for all vehicles coming from the European Union, and there will be price rises for some cars assembled in this country where parts are imported from the EU. This will be the case until a deal is in place so it makes sense to talk to your local New Car Dealer as soon as you can and find out if it works for you.” Having been in operation as a family business since 1946 Vospers have seen a fair amount of change over the years and have continuously served the people of the South West in their motoring needs. With over 10 vehicle brands represented, a large range of stock of both cars and vans and showrooms right across Devon and Cornwall, Vospers continues to be an excellent choice for your next vehicle purchase whatever the outcome of Brexit is. To arrange a conversation about your next car or van visit your local Vospers showroom, go online to www.vospers. com or call 01752 636363.

12 November 2019


Moviegoers in for real treat as Cineworld set to open in Plymouth Plymouth’s Cineworld multiplex at The Barcode is just days away from its official launch.

Opening on October 22 it will offer the world’s most advanced cinema technology across its 12 screens - including one of the largest IMAX screens in the country and the revolutionary 4DX. Exclusive to Cineworld, the 140-seater 4DX theatre provides moviegoers with an advanced multi-sensory experience, along the audience to connect with movies through motion, vibration, water, wind, snow, lightning, scents and other special effects. The huge 450-seater IMAX theatre features

the largest screen in the Cineworld chain at nearly 19 metres high and 23 metres wide that’s 60 feet tall and 75 feet wide. The 10 other auditoria in the Cineworld complex vary in capacity with the smallest at just 74 seats. General manager of the new Cineworld is Terry Whitehead, who has spent more than 20 years with the company and was previously general manager at its Poole complex. He said: “Our goal is to be the best place to watch a movie and this is how we intend to deliver that promise to the city of Plymouth. “We invest in our entrances, foyer, corridors and retail areas because your experience starts the moment you walk through our front doors. We invest in our people to ensure the customer service you receive is second to none in the industry. “We invest in our screens, laser projectors as standard, the surround sound system, the seats, the leg room, the rake of our stadium screens to ensure everyone gets the perfect view regardless of where you sit.” Cineworld in Plymouth has created more than 80 jobs (there were nearly 800 applicants) with more staff employed at the on-site Starbucks as well as at the Baskin

Cineworld Plymouth general manager Terry Whitehead pictured with Cineworld operations director Kelly Drew

Robbins ice cream parlour. Baskin Robins was founded in the USA in 1945 and now claims to be the largest ice cream chain in the world with 6,700 shops in nearly 50 countries. Standard ticket price at the new complex is £9 for adults, with off peak prices at £8, concessions for students and a £20 family ticket. There is an additional charge of £4.70 to watch movies in the IMAX and 4DX theatres. Young moviegoers will be able to enjoy films on Saturdays and Sundays for just £2.50,

while the Cineworld Unlimited card costs £18.40 a month - and entitles the holder to watch as many films as often as they like. Membership entitles cardholders to discounts on snacks and at Starbucks and partner restaurants, such as Yo!Sushi and Bella Italia. Cineworld will also provide screenings for families with toddlers - called Cinebabies as well as special screenings for people with autism. For further information about Cineworld Plymouth go to their Facebook page or visit

Could a black cat put a spell on you? Gables Dogs and Cats Home in Plympton currently has 16 black cats looking for new homes and with Halloween just around the corner that number is likely to increase.

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Black cats have always had a hard time finding new homes as a lot of people still associate them with bad luck, and other superstitions. More recently they have also been given up for re-homing and over looked by potential new owners as they do not take good selfies for people to share on their social media accounts. Despite all the spooky implications and superstitions, black cats actually make wonderful pets and are just as affectionate, loving and playful as any other colour variation. According to Gables: • Black cats live longer and it has been discovered that the genetic mutations that cause cats to have black coats may offer them some protection from diseases. • More black cats are male than female and both sexes will almost always have yellow eyes. • Most black cats are very friendly and sweet often seeking out affection from their chosen human. • As they age black cats can get grey hairs just like people, this allows them to achieve the refined, sexy, salt and pepper look. • Black cats are really ninjas! They can blend in and disappear into anything; the furniture, a bush or a chair. • And of course black is very slimming and goes with everything!

All these black cats are currently being cared for by Gables Dogs & Cats Home - and all looking for a new home

Anyone looking for a new feline family member is asked to seriously consider adopting a black cat or two from Gables. They would love to rehome some of their black cats on or before October 27 as this is National Black Cat Day, so what could be more fitting? Any families interested in adopting please contact Gables on 01752 331602 or pop out to see them in Plympton.

November 2019 13


New look for city centre approved

Plymouth’s shopping heartland is to get a new look as the city gears up for a new wave of visitors to come flocking in. Exciting plans to transform Old Town Street and the upper end of New George Street have now been given the green light by the city’s planners as Plymouth gets ready for the opening of not one, but two, major developments. The countdown is now on for the opening of the £50 million Barcode complex with a 12 screen Cineworld cinema, 15 restaurants and bars, while next year, The Box, Plymouth’s epic new cultural attraction, which will house art galleries as well as museum exhibitions and archives collections, will open. Cabinet Member for Finance and city centre champion Councillor Mark Lowry said: “We’re on the cusp of massive change in the heart of Plymouth. “We’re now counting down the weeks until these projects open and few cities will be able to offer visitors and residents so much in one place. “These projects are game changers, we need to make sure that people who come to the city centre to enjoy these new attractions are impressed with what they see at all points of their day. Making sure the spaces around these key new developments are attractive, modern and look good, is vital.” The programme is a collaboration between British Land (who own Drake Circus, The Barcode and the blocks which house House of Fraser and Debenhams) and Plymouth City Council, with the Council carrying out the public space improvements as part of the Better Places programme and British Land improving and expanding the retail offer in Norwich Union House and providing new Pavilions in the streets. The new look will see more trees and gardens planted to make the most of Plymouth’s 20th century modernist architecture. Spaces will also be created to encourage small events and places to linger or meet up and new play space. David Pollock, head of Major Retail Developments at British Land, said: “We are pleased to be working with Plymouth City Council on improving this key public space and repositioning parts of the retail offer around Drake Circus Shopping Centre and the new Barcode leisure complex. The work will serve to enhance both the existing offer and the new development which is due to open to the public in a matter of weeks.” The work is expected to begin next year.

Festival centre

Royal William Yard Additional installations

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Artist’s impression of the new retail pavilions

Key features of the revamp include:

• Better connection between Drake Circus and Drake Circus Leisure (The Barcode) and the rest of the city centre • Space for on-street retail – British Land are proposing a number of new pavilions • New modern seating • A more attractive setting for existing retail

• New tree planting carefully arranged to allow clear sightlines to shopfronts. • Improved public realm environment which promotes pedestrian priority • Ageing street clutter will be cleared and the feel of the street ‘refreshed’ so that the city can continue to attract investment from the world’s biggest retail brands.



November 2019


Skating at Pavilions has helped Bradley to overcome his health challenges

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Plymouth Pavilions is highlighting the benefits of getting active as part of Sport England’s newest campaign #WeAreUndefeatable.


The national campaign aims to inspire and support people with long-term health conditions to become more active. Bradley Oliver, aged 16, is a regular skater at the Pavilions ice rink and has attended group and private skating lessons for the past two years. After battling from chronic health conditions throughout his life, Bradley suffers severe pain and faces many challenges every day. Bradley’s mum, Katrina, said: “Bradley has to be careful not to become dehydrated and to keep his sugar and salt levels just so. His heart races when resting and increases when he does an activity and he suffers from extreme fatigue. At times, he even needs a wheelchair. “Unfortunately they haven’t managed to diagnose Bradley’s condition fully due to how complex it is. In medical terms, he is known as a Swan syndrome without a name. He is not allowed to stand for long periods, overexert himself physically or mentally, and has to be careful with extreme temperature change. Yet, here he is enjoying ice skating like no other sport he has tried! “He first joined group lessons for safety pointers nearly two years ago at the age of 14 after visiting the Ice Rink with his friends. Bradley realised the cold temperature helped regulate his heart rate. “Two years on and Bradley is a lot fitter and happier, both on and


Trevor Dearing 9th November

The King’s, Tavistock, PL19 9AZ at 7:30pm

10th November

The Worship Centre, Estover, PL6 7LF at 10:30am and 7:30pm

Bradley Oliver

Find more about Trevor Dearing on the Father’s House website

Trevor Dearing at Father’s House Programme on 30th October, 4th & 8th November all at 10am 26th October at 5pm Tune In on 96.3FM or listen online at

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off the ice! He has achieved things even his doctors did not think were possible and it has helped make life brighter!” Bradley has recently won Gold for both the British Inclusive Ice Skating for Genes 2019, and for the Inclusive International 2019 Championships. Early next year, he is signed up for further competitions, giving him his world ranking position and a chance to travel with the sport. To find out more visit WeAreUndefeatablePP

South West Chamber Choir’s ‘Songs of Love and Nature’ concert at Stoke church South West Chamber Choir will be in Stoke Damerel Church on November 16 at 7.30pm to perform a concert entitled ‘Songs of Love and Nature’.

This wide-ranging programme will guide the audience through four choral song cycles. In the first half of the concert, Brahms’ famous ‘Liebeslieder Walzer’ – sung in German with piano duet accompaniment provided by Dr Sean Sweeney and Gay Jones – will be followed by Joachim Fischer’s settings of some of Ted Hughes’ Season Songs, centering on autumn and winter. The second half of the programme includes three of Elgar’s songs ‘From the Bavarian Highlands’ – rousing works written in remembrance of a holiday that Elgar spent in Upper Bavaria – and ends with Shearing’s jazzy ‘Songs and Sonnets from Shakespeare’. Tickets, priced at £10 (£5 under 18), are available online from www.trybooking., or on the door. All proceeds are for Stoke Damerel church funds. South West Chamber Choir was formed in 1995 and performs mostly in Devon and East Cornwall. The choir has a wide-ranging repertoire of smallscale choral music, secular and sacred, from the Renaissance to the present day. Stephen Trahair, South West Chamber Choir’s music director, has a reputation for crafting interesting programmes that are a delight to the audience and choir alike! Their latest concert, in Wembury Church, was full to capacity and very well received. More information about the choir and its performances is at

November 2019 15


Mentoring scheme for Navy women A mentoring support scheme that will provide for women in the Royal Navy has had its launch at Devonport Naval Base.

Known as the Naval Servicewomen’s Network Mentoring Scheme, it is set to help women in the naval service by providing support and give advice as well as sharing knowledge, from others that have similar experiences. The scheme has been put together by Petty Officer Maggie Edwards, Commander Kara Chadwick, Lieutenant Mikaela Rees-Swindon and Leading Medical Assistant (LMA) Luena Thomas from HMS Vanguard. Luena said: “This is about spreading the word across the Naval Service, that there’s a mentoring scheme out there for Naval Service women. “A mentor can be anyone that has particular experience and is able to give advice to someone who lacks that experience. It’s about guiding people through to their goals and helping them achieve whatever they have a mind to do. With the correct mentoring and guidance, in a way which will help them accomplish the best they can possible do.” Organisers are keen to point out that everyone serving has experiences to share and are particularly in demand from those with less time served in the Naval Service. They ae currently putting together a database of mentors from across the Navy that will build a wealth of knowledge to share. “Difficulties vary, it could be something like having problems with a task book on ship or not understanding how a certain procedure with the

Production will focus on family’s Wartime Christmas Western College Players are celebrating their 90th anniversary with a brand new community based production to tie in with this year’s commemorations of the 75th anniversary of D Day and 80th anniversary of the outbreak of the Second World War. Based on recorded events and experiences ‘Wartime Christmas’ follows the highs and lows of the Green family over the six Christmases of the Second World War. Featuring the popular wartime music and Christmas songs of the day- audiences will have the chance to singalong whilst they reminisce, or learn, about the trials and tribulations faced by those on the home front during this incredible period in history. WCP will be performing the play at Derriford United Reform Church Hall on December 7 with performances at 2.30pm and 7pm. Tickets are available now from www.wcptheatrecompany. com or call 01752 299938.

Plymouth Lions Club are holding a golf day at Staddon Heights Golf Club in October to raise funds for Special Olympics Plymouth and District.

divisional system works‚“ said Petty Officer Maggie Edwards. “We hope that people will sign up to be mentors and give their advice on how they overcame things during their career. I think it’s an absolute fantastic idea and something I would have used if it was available back when I was younger, during my earlier career.” Luena volunteered as a mentor because she thought her back story would interest others. Joining up into the Warfare branch she transferred initially to the medical service as a LMA, before qualifying to serve as a submariner. “I think I have a wealth of experience which

allows me to give advice and pass on my knowledge. I think this really starts in training and continues through your whole career. When I joined we didn’t have a network and were told what you needed to do or achieve, if you didn’t match up, that was it, but nowadays it’s all about coaching and guiding recruits. “My advice will always be, don’t be afraid to think you can’t achieve something, I’ve always put myself down a peg or two, but now I’ve come to realise that I can do anything I want, it’s all about that guidance and mentoring and getting that nudge in the right direction. And someone saying, you know can do this.”

The funds raised will help the Special Olympics team to stage a three day event at Plymouth Life Centre in April 2020 as part of the Mayflower 400 celebrations. It is anticipated that over 300 competitors from all over the UK, as well as the USA and Europe will be taking part in the event. The charity golf day is taking place on Friday October 25 and will involve teams of four players - ladies, gents or mixed in a stableford competition. The day will include 18 holes of golf, breakfast baps on arrival and a meal after the round. Cost of entry is £160 for a team of four (Staddon members £20 each) and sponsorship is also being sought for hole sponsorship. There will be a range of trophies and prizes to be won. For details or entry form contact or tony.





Part time, self employed Distributors wanted in this area. Flexible hours. Reasonable rates of pay. All rounds tracked electronically. Cornerstone Vision and its publications, The Plymouth Magazine, Plymouth Chronicle, Love Saltash and Torpoint Chronicle aim to reach the local communities they serve, with local good news, editorial and advertising.

Heritage exhibition The current ‘Devonport Heritage’ exhibition at Ford Park Cemetery runs until November 18. The exhibition is open for public viewing on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10.30am to 3.30pm and Saturdays and Sundays from 12.30pm to 3.30pm. Entry is free but donations are welcome. A quiz night with fish and chip supper is taking place on Saturday November 2. Tickets cost £10 and can be bought in advance from the cemetery office on Plymouth 665442 (weekdays only 10am - 3.30pm). The craft group will be holding their ‘Meet and Natter’ coffee morning on November 20 from 10.30am to 12.30pm. Pop along, join for a tea or coffee, see what the group is about and maybe purchase some lovely craft items. Christmas starts early at Ford Park Cemetery with its Christmas Fair on Saturday November 30. Stalls will include tombola, homemade cakes, teddy tombola, bric a brac, jewellery and much more. Tickets will also be on sale for the grand Christmas draw. The fair will open to the public in the Visitor Centre from 11am until 2.30pm. Admission 50p.

Lions organise golf day to raise funds for Special Olympics group

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16 November 2019


Plymouth’s children and young people in care celebrate a year of achievement

Devonport leads the way at school leaders conference

The ninth annual ‘You Can Do It Too Awards’, celebrating the efforts and achievements of Plymouth’s looked after children, young people and care leavers, took place at the weekend.

There are currently 415 children and young people in care in Plymouth and this event is an invaluable opportunity to recognise the bravery and resilience of some of the city’s most vulnerable young people. There were over 600 nominations from a variety of people including teachers, social workers, family support workers and foster carers and over 130 certificates of achievement were given out. Councillor Jemima Laing, Cabinet Member for Children and Young People said: “I am very proud to be involved, through my work in the council, in supporting all the children and young people we look after. “I would like to give a special congratulations to all those receiving nominations and awards. It was a wonderful ceremony and it was really moving to see the children being able to come together and celebrate their achievements with each other and their carers.” Over 350 guests attended the celebration ceremonies at the Crowne Plaza Hotel including the Lord Mayor Councillor Richard Ball, Director of Children’s Services Alison Botham and Councillor Jemima Laing Cabinet Member for Children and Young People. There were also some very special appearances from Spiderman, Captain America, Snow White and Cinderella! Senior Youth Worker Sarah Harris said: “The awards were broken down into two different age ranges 4 to 11 and 11 to 25 years old. The younger age group were asked to come to the ceremony dressed as someone who inspires them so it was really lovely to see their reaction to our special guests.” The ‘You Can Do It Too Awards’ were supported by several local businesses including; CaterEd, The Family Law Company, South West Children’s Services and Five Rivers Child Care and GA Solicitors.

The Royal Navy in Plymouth and the City Council are leading the way with a conference to discuss opportunities to support service children in the region.

Held at HMS Drake in Devonport the conference focused on ideas across the local education sector to better support the unique aspects of service children’s education. Those attending heard from first-hand experiences of dealing with service issues and concerns raised through their current work. Along with the Royal Navy and Plymouth City Council, other organisations attending include the Naval Families Federation, Military Kids Club and infant and primary schools representatives. The conference also highlighted the particular challenges for commonwealth and veteran families. This first event was an opportunity to share with families the good practice across Plymouth that exceeds that of other local authorities, in terms of time devoted to schools with service children, the support networks drawn upon and, crucially the capacity Plymouth has to

respond to the voice of its young people. Commodore Peter Coulson ADC, Naval Base Commander, introduced the conference along with Councillor Pauline Murphy from Plymouth City Council. “The Royal Navy in partnership with Plymouth City Council, is holding this first School’s Leaders Conference in HMS Drake,” said Cdre Coulson. “The aim of the day was to increase awareness of the context and challenges surrounding the children of service personnel and veterans. We aim to share information and advice that will improve support for the schools, by the Naval Service and Service Charities.” Councillor Pauline Murphy, Armed Forces Champion, said: “We’re incredibly proud of our Naval heritage here in Plymouth, and supporting the children whose parents serve in the Armed Forces is something I care about enormously. “There is already fantastic work being done in Plymouth – we are leading the way, but highlighting the issues these children and families face and sharing our expertise will help us identify where further help can be given.”

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Win a festive date night! Spend some quality time with a loved one this Christmas, whether it’s your significant other or best friend, with our festive date night competition! This amazing prize includes a pre-theatre dinner for two and tickets to the Barbican Theatre’s Christmas show for adults (no kids allowed)! Start your evening with a three course, pre-theatre meal for two at The Mission. Tucked away in the quiet surroundings of John Hawkins Square, conveniently located between the city centre and the Barbican, The Mission is in a beautiful 19th century building. Their pre-theatre menu includes classic British dishes, freshly cooked and made with quality local produce. It’s the perfect spot for a romantic dinner or a gathering of friends before enjoying some of Plymouth’s cultural highlights. Following your delicious dinner, you’ll head to the intimate Barbican Theatre for A Grimm Christmas. This adult-only show is a fresh alternative to sickly sweet festive treats, promising a spin on the fairy tales you thought you knew – before Hollywood sprinkled sugar on them! Co-produced with The Wheel, the show sees the Brothers Grimm reclaiming the dark and gruesome tales that have become sanitised and sweetened for children. They’ll be retelling traditional folklore but completely uncensored, with plenty of menace and gore to thrill and delight you on A Grimm Christmas Night. It’s guaranteed to be a night to remember – and a special treat for adults to enjoy during the festive season.You can see it at the Barbican Theatre from 12 to 23 December. Head to to find out more about what’s on in Plymouth this Christmas and discover plenty of inspiration for things to do! To enter the competition to win dinner and theatre tickets for two, answer this one simple question and complete your details:


Please send your completed entry coupon to Plymouth City Council, Plymouth Chronicle, 28 Old Park Road, Peverell, Plymouth, PL3 4PY by the closing date of 30th November 2019. Please answer the question and enter your name and contact details below. By entering your data, you agree with Cornerstone Vision holding and using your data for the purpose of running this competition, and for the duration necessary to complete this competition, but not longer than 6 months.

Question: Where is this show being performed?

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Q: Where is this show being performed?


The Mission

Barbican Theatre

Terms and Conditions: Dates for ‘A Grimm Christmas’ are subject to availability and tickets must be booked in advance via email. Pre-theatre dinner available Tuesday to Thursday 5.30pm – 6.30pm or Friday and Saturday 5.30pm – 6.00pm (table to be vacated by 7.15pm). This prize entitles winner to 2 x 3 course pre-theatre meals worth £16.95 each, plus a choice of either: a glass of house wine/soft drink/ single spirit and mixer each. Pre-booking is essential.

18 November 2019


Knowing your value and loving yourself THE

By Dave Simpson, Station Manager of Cross Rhythms Plymouth

Experience A wise man once said ‘Love your neighbour as yourself’. The sentiment behind this statement is one which I am sure the majority of people agree with. Indeed living this out forms the foundation of a healthy society. Whilst it is easy to agree with the statement, putting it into action daily is the hard part.

A close friend commented to me recently that the key to this is in the second part, to love others as you love yourself. My instant reaction to that was it seems somewhat selfish. However the more I have reflected on it, the more I see it is true. We live in an interesting time in history. A time where through social media we publish more about ourselves than probably at any other time in history. A time where arguably the most popular photo is the selfie. According to research by Samsung the average millennial will take 25,000 selfies

in their life, which is approximately one every day. That being an average, it means a significant number of people will take many more than that! Does all this focus on ourselves mean we love ourselves more than ever before? I would argue not. In fact I would argue we love ourselves less than in other times in history. Research by Dove in 2017 pointed out that 61% of 10 to 17-year-old girls in the UK have low selfesteem and according to the office for national statistics in 2018 the UK male suicide rate of 17.2 deaths per 100,000 represented a significant Dave Simpson increase from the rate in 2017. These are just a couple of sad statistics which suggest we don’t generally love ourselves well. We live in an age of constant comparison. Companies want us to compare ourselves with celebrities and online influencers

to buy products they are promoting. We compare ourselves with our friends and family members through the things they post about themselves on social media. Yet what we are shown is almost always the best bits of their lives and presents us with an inaccurate and highly edited view of people around us which can lead us to feel less successful, less beautiful, less valuable and generally love ourselves less. We are designed to know love. To be loved and to correctly love and value ourselves. When we know we are worth something we see more clearly that other people are too and we treat them better as a result. When we try to love others and we don’t know we are loved it leads to jealousy, frustration and can fester into bitterness. All ensuring we can’t genuinely love others at all. As someone once said, ‘you can’t give

what you haven’t got’. The next time you look in the mirror, really look. Recognise you are unique. As a result you are valuable and choose to love yourself. The wise man who made the statement to ‘love your neighbour as yourself’ was actually Jesus. Directly before he said this, he is quoted as saying ‘love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength’. To love others is hard. To love yourself can be even harder. I don’t really believe it is enough to just choose to love yourself. I believe that love has to come from somewhere and it is my belief that to love yourself you have to know you are loved. This may be true in the relationships you have with people. In fact I hope it is and this is tremendously valuable. However there is one who loves you unconditionally and always has. It is in loving God and knowing his love for you that you can then love yourself and truly love others.

Listen to Cross Rhythms Plymouth on 96.3FM, online at or on app: or CRPlymiOS

The Afternoon Show

Brighten up your way home Mon - Friday 3PM - 6PM

Volunteers clean up in Plympton Volunteers from the British Red Cross and Clean Our Patch celebrated Cleaner World Day with a big litter pick in Plympton.

The volunteers met outside of the British Red Cross Book Shop at St Stephens Place and spent an hour and a half picking up litter around the centre of Plympton, and also dragged some big pieces of litter out of the river (a go-cart and large metal table), along with lots of wet-wipes, all of which would have been washed out to sea. Altogether they collected 18 bags of litter between the 25 or so pickers. Cakes and refreshments were then enjoyed back at the book-shop.

Tune in on 96.3FM or listen online at

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Your guide to community events in your area Plympton Library Family History Help Desk Tuesdays, 9.30am - 11.30am Get help and advice in tracing your family history. Booking required.

Support for uni lady footballers

Rhymetime Tuesdays, 10.30am - 11.30am Thursdays, 2pm - 2.30pm Saturdays, 10.30am - 11am Songs and nursery rhymes for babies and toddlers. IT for Beginners Wednesdays, 10.30am - 11.30am Aimed at beginners, find out what you can do online by signing up to ‘Learn My Way’. Staff will be on hand to help. Feel Better with a Book Wednesdays, 11am - 12pm Enjoy the power of great novels, stories and poems read aloud in a small friendly group. Book Group Thursdays, 6pm - 7pm Meet up to talk about what you’ve been reading. Each month there will be a different book to read and discuss. Memory Conservatory Mondays, 2pm - 4pm Drop in for a reminiscence, arts and crafts, singing or to see a friendly face and have a cuppa. Friendship group First Thursday of the month 10am-12. A regular programme of activities and events including local/family history talks, IT sessions, film shows, reminiscence, local walks, crafts, quizzes and more. Lego Club Thursdays 3.30pm-5pm. We supply the Lego, you supply the imagination and building skills. Code Club Saturdays (term time only) 9.30am-10.30am. Code Club is a national network of volunteer-led after school coding clubs for children.Children follow modules of projects to learn about and develop coding skills using Scratch, HTML & CSS and Python. Code Club runs during term time only.Suitable for children aged 8 and over. There are limited spaces so please contact the library in advance on 01752 305630 to check availability. Scrabble and Chess Club Saturdays 12.30pm-4.30pm. Drop in for a game of Scrabble or Chess. All ages welcome. Writers Group Second Monday of each month 10am-12. Plympton Libraries writers group - for anyone with an interest in writing stories, poems or plays. Plymstock Library Feel Better with a Book Tuesdays, 10am - 11.30am Enjoy the power of great novels, stories and poems read aloud in a small friendly group. Film Show Monthly, second Tuesday of the month, 2pm - 4pm Join in the fun for a free showing of a classic film. Check with the library for this month’s title. Hello World - Coding and Making Tuesdays, 4pm - 5pm After school club for anyone interested in coding and digital making. For 8 to 13 year olds. Rhymetime Thursdays, 2.15pm - 2.45pm Saturdays, 10am - 10.30am Songs and nursery rhymes for babies and toddlers. Libraries also run regular story times for the under 5s. Share a Story Saturdays, 10.30am - 11am A weekly drop in session where you can read stories and do activities together. Each week follows a different theme. Lego Club Saturdays, 2.30pm - 4pm Do you have a big imagination and like making

Representatives from University of Plymouth Ladies Football Club (UPLFC) were thrilled to receive a cheque for £250 from Plymouth Soroptimists. The donation will go towards paying for transport to their matches. Plymouth Soroptimist President Jenny Jarvis said: “We are delighted to provide support to this fantastic group of young ladies and we wish them every success in their forthcoming fixtures. It’s great that UPLFC are clearly so committed to both their studies and women’s football.” things? Why not join the Lego group? For children aged 6+. Film Show Monthly, third Monday of the month, 2pm - 4pm Join in the fun with a free film show. Check with the library for this month’s title. Lego Club for Families Thursdays 3.30-4.30pm. Why not join our Lego group for families? We provide the Lego you provide the building skills! Game On 2nd Saturday of the month 10am to 4pm. Join in with our monthly community tabletop board games sessions hosted by “Game On Plymouth” Writers Group First Thursday of each month 5pm-7pm. For anyone with an interest in writing stories or plays. Plympton Litter Picking Group First Saturday of month From 10.30am to 12.30pm - come for as little or as long as you like and join in with our merry-band of litter-pickers! All ages welcomed. Bring your own gloves, everything else that you need is provided. We often have tea and cakes afterwards. It’s good exercise, enjoyable and a pleasant way to meet new people. We tackle different areas of Plympton, so the meet-up venue varies, for information email, 07877353465 or visit Plympton Library where it will be added to the What’s On book. Plympton Painting Group A fun thing to do! If you are interested in any sort of drawing/painting, why not join? Meeting in the multipurpose room at The Rise, George Lane, Plympton on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month between 7pm and 9pm. There are great speakers, most of the time demonstrating watercolours, acrylics, oils, pastels and drawing - a wide variety to suit everyone! Don’t worry if you haven’t got the right equipment members are happy to share and advise. It is a group of enthusiastic amateurs who love to paint. Come and see for yourself at one of the meetings, and enjoy the fun. Ring Gill on 01752 340544 for more information. Plymstock Gardening Society Meetings are held on the fourth Monday of the month at Plymstock United Church Hall, Plymstock Road, Oreston from 7.30pm to 9pm. The hall is open from 7pm and there is parking available at the rear of the building. Visiting speakers on a range of topics with tips for jobs to do in the garden in the coming month.

There is tea and coffee and a raffle. New members and visitors are made very welcome and disabled access is available. Plympton Gardeners Association First Thursday of every month at 7:30pm at Harewood House, Plympton. We have talks from visiting speakers on gardening topics, monthly and annual competitions for members and we hold two flower and produce shows every year. We also run a Trading Hut during the growing season where gardening supplies can be bought at competitive prices. Visit for more details. Plympton and District U3A Fourth Tuesday of the month General meetings are at Harewood House, Plympton at 2pm and include a speaker and tea. There are displays of group activities. Visitors will be made very welcome. This years outings have been many and varied, and much enjoyed by members. Groups with outings include garden visits, theatre visits, long and short walks, stroll with a camera, dining club. Visit the website at plympton/welcome for more details, or come along and meet us, and share a year of opportunities and possibilities. Coffee Morning First Wednesday of month St Peter’s Lutheran Church, Larkham Lane, Plympton hold a friendly coffee morning 10am to 12 noon. Cost is £2 that includes a second cup of coffee and homemade cake. Everyone welcome. Come and make new friends. Age UK Activities Age UK Plymouth’s William Venton Centre in Plymstock provides a wide variety of regular, friendly activities for over the 50s and carers. A range of social and creative activities for all abilities: Freshly cooked lunches are available daily at just £6 for three courses. Mondays Card and Puzzle Group. £3. Art and Craft, also on Wednesdays, if you enjoy being creative, come along and join this friendly group. 1.30pm - 3.30pm. £3. Music for the Memory. 2pm - 3.30pm. Free. Busy Fingers Knitting Group, also on Wednesdays and Fridays. 9.30am - 11.45am. £3. Reading Group, every third Monday of the month. 10.30am - 12pm. £3. Tuesdays Tai Chi for beginners and improvers. 10am - 11am and

11.15am - 12.15pm. £4. Bingo. 1.45pm - 3.30pm. £5. Walking football run by Plymouth Argyle. 1.30pm - 2.30pm. Suggested donation £2. Wednesdays Relaxing Yoga. 10am - 11.30am. £6. Singing Group. 1.45pm - 3.45pm. £3 Thursdays Short Mat Bowls. 9.30am - 12pm. £3. Art Group. 1.30pm - 3.30pm. £3. Line Dancing. 2pm - 3.30pm. £5. Fridays Scrabble. £3. Computer Lessons. Come and learn new skills from getting online safely to reading emails. Booking required, free. Quilling. A unique skills rolling, shaping and gluing paper to create interesting designs on cards and paintings. 9.30am - 11.45am and 1.30pm - 3pm. £3. Memory Lane Group, for carers and the with memory loss. 1.30pm - 3.30pm. £3. For more information please ring 01752 405632 or visit Sequenced Dancing Tuesdays Plymstock Community Centre Tuesdays 2.30pm4.30pm. All welcome. For information call 01752 251313 or 668017. Plym Valley Sugarcraft Guild Meet on the third Monday of the month at 7.30pm at Norley Hall, 70-74 Plymstock Road, Plymstock. We are a friendly group of likeminded people of varying ages and skills, from beginners to the very experienced. We hold various demonstrations and workshops each meeting from flower making to how to stack a cake. Contact chairman Ros Hawkins at or secretary Carol Tweedie More details at www. and Facebook page Plym Valley British Sugarcraft Guild. Hooe and Turnchapel Ladies Group Meet on the first and second Tuesday of the month, 8pm at the Hooe & Turnchapel Community Centre. Call 01752 311931 for more details. Plymstock ‘Wednesday Wives’ An independent group of women who meet for a varied programme including speakers, workshop evenings, games, meals out and visits, and of course, chat!! We welcome all ladies (married or not) to the Hall at the United Reform Church Plymstock Rd, on Wednesday evenings (not first one in the month/and not school holidays generally) from 7.30pm - 9.30pm. We have tea/coffee and a light supper which we take it in turns to provide. For details/dates please contact Jacky Partridge 01752 231139 ansaphone on. Monthly Market Third Saturday of month St Peter’s Lutheran Church, Larkham Lane, Plympton hold a monthly market with crafts, jewellery, cakes, bric a brac and books etc. - Good refreshments available. Free entry. Why not pay us a visit? Sir Joshua Reynolds Women’s Institute Third Tuesday of month Harewood House, Plympton at 7.15pm. Speakers, refreshments, bring and buy table and bookstall. Occasional competitions to enter including poetry, photography or sewing. There is also a walking group, two book clubs and quizzes and swimming sessions. Some members meet together for card-making, patchwork, knitting and sugar craft. There are also coach trips and visits to local places of interest. Everyone is most welcome and, for a small fee three monthly meetings may be attended whilst deciding if you want to join. Sparkwell WI First Wednesday of month Sparkwell Parish Hall. Guest speaker this month Mark Rendell on the topic Eat, Drink and Be Merry. Come and see what we are about. No obligation but you are most welcome. Contact Heather Harvey 01752 893 249 Woodford Methodist Community Church Church and Worship Morning Worship and Children’s Sunday Club 10.30am 2nd-5th Sunday of every month. A guaranteed relaxed



service, with friendly ministers and congregation. A team of wonderful Ministers keep each week fresh and rewarding. Experienced children’s workers in Junior Church teach and care for children from toddlers to teenagers with age-related activities. Those with babies and very dependent children are welcome to join in with this group. Prayer Team available to talk over your worries at the close of the service. Drinks, biscuits and opportunity for friendly conversation in the hall after every service. We have grown to expect the unexpected in this modern, happy, friendly church.

Remembrance Festival Concert tickets on sale now

Monthly Early Traditional Service (followed by Messy Church) 1st Sunday of every month. 9.30am Traditional Service with hymn books, prayer and a sermon. This is a wonderful time of worship with the traditional contents of a Methodist Service with a modern joyful twist. Members of the Prayer Team are available for you to speak with at the close of the service. You are then invited to go into the Hall for hot drinks and biscuits. This is a great opportunity to meet some of the members of this church and stay for the Messy Activities or just relax and have a chat over a hot drink. Messy Church - begins at 10.30am with a session of arts, crafts, fun and mess in the Hall for everyone, regardless of age or ability. Hot drinks and biscuits are available and the opportunity to stay for lunch at the Church for a minimal cost. The items made are then taken into the Chapel for a very informal short Service. The children are asked about the things they have made, before heading back into the Hall for lunch, or more coffee etc. This is a great opportunity to get to know the church and the people involved in it. ‘Overflow Praise & Worship’ service 6.30pm - 8.30pm on 2nd Sunday of every month. Time in God’s presence:- worshipping, giving thanks, praying and sharing what God has laid on your heart in an awesome and amazing way. Refreshments will be served during the evening. Prayer Group Tuesdays 9.30am-10.30am (In the Lounge).In all the hustle and bustle of life these days, people struggle to cope, but look to fill that gap in their lives where something is missing. That gap can be filled with the loving family of God in a local church. Giving up a bit of time for regular prayer, together with others, can help you cope with the stresses and worry that life throws at you. We provide a non-judgemental circle of friendship and welcome everyone, regardless of background, luggage and history, to come and seek our friendship. We open our doors every week, for anybody and everybody to walk in freely and pray with us. Every word spoken is treated with the upmost confidence and privacy, along with unconditional friendship. Come along and pray with us - life is easier to cope with among friends. You do not need to attend any church to come and pray with us. For further information on Woodford’s church and worship events contact Sheila on 338517. Discovery Bible Study Group Tuesdays 10.30am every fortnight. For details contact 07906 888689 Christian Youth Bible Study Group (age 10 - 13 years) Tuesdays 6pm -7.30pm. Contact 07562 376224 for details FABS Bible Study House Group Wednesdays 7.30pm (fortnightly). Contact 07906 888689 for details. Community Groups: Woodford Community Pre-School Monday to Friday 8am to 3pm during term time. Short Mat Bowls Tuesdays 6.45pm in the Hall. Woodford Wives (1st and 3rd Monday of the month at 7.30pm) This group of friendly women meet twice a month to listen to various speakers and meet socially. They also raise funds by holding a Coffee Bar at Harewood House and stalls throughout the year. There’s always time for a chat! Day trips away as a group of friends. In recent years they have raised much needed funds for Help for Heroes, Bowel Cancer West (Derriford Hospital) and Shekinah Mission. To find out more Telephone Anne Eames on Tel. 216643. The Linda Mortimore and Charlotte Smith School of Dance Mondays 4.15pm-7pm and Wednesdays 4.15pm6pm. Linda trained at the Royal Academy of Dance in London and teaches RAD ballet and the ISTD tap, modern and jazz. The school holds a very popular adult tap class and produces stage performances, with regular productions. Call 01752 343791 for details. Women’s Fellowship (Tuesdays 2.30pm-3.30pm - In The Main Hall) Come and join this lovely group, with a vast programme of speakers, covering many subjects. They enjoy watching various films and slide shows, have annual outings and visits by choirs. The group also hold a regular Bring and Buy table to support designated charities. It is a really friendly, welcoming

Tickets are now on sale for the annual Remembrance Festival Concert at Plymouth Pavilions on Friday November 8. Organised by the Federation of Plymouth & District Ex Services Associations, the concert will feature the Band of the Royal

group with lots of stories to tell about living through different situations and stages, as Christians. Some of the members may well be in their latter years, but have fabulous personalities and lots to share. For details contact 07906 888689 Woodford Men’s Meeting 10.30am (2nd and 4th Wednesday month) The Men’s Meeting, welcome any men who wish to join this convivial group. Session start with a cuppa before a speaker gives an interesting and entertaining talk, sometimes accompanied by a slide show or film, for about one hour. The meeting ends at 11.30am. A small charge of £2 is levied to cover refreshments and fees. Members and friends are always welcome to give a talk on a subject of their own choice! The group share a huge range of experience, knowledge and stories - why not come and share with them? We always welcome new friends and our group currently range from middle-age upwards. To find out more, ring Harold on 01752 337085. Pins & Needles Knitting Club 2.30pm (1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month). This traditional hobby has bounced right back up in the popularity charts. People of varying ages are now picking up knitting needles and are all most welcome to come and join this group, which hand-produce and send knitted goods such as jumpers, blankets and hats for poor children in two areas of Romania and are sometimes asked to produce adult hats for Shekinah Mission, asylum seekers and refugees. One of the members makes cardigans, hats and small blankets for the Neo-natal Unit at Derriford Hospital. It doesn’t matter if you have been knitting for years, or have never seen a ball of wool before - the group will openly welcome you and share their knowledge and skills! To join them, please contact Jean Milroy on Tel. 337578. Games 4 U 2.30pm (2nd and 4th Thursday of every month) A group of friendly men and women who meet during the autumn and spring school terms. The group play various board games from the easy to the quite demanding. No matter how much you need to concentrate, the club never lose sight that you are playing games and so there is always opportunity for light conversation during the tea and biscuit break! To find out more contact Joyce on 216343. ‘Woodys’ Junior Skate Group (Ramps) 6pm-7.30pm. A good mix of children from 8-16 where they can test their scooter and skateboard skills on the ramps and jumps. Air-hockey also available. Youth workers work alongside members of the church and other volunteers to support this project. Primary-age children session 6-7pm and Secondary-age children session 7-8pm. Contact 07562 376224 for details. Youth Club for 11 – 16 year olds Fridays 7.30pm – 9pm at the Rees Centre.Contact 07562 376224 for details. Laira Youth Band (Thursdays 7.15pm). The Laira Youth Brass Band started in 1972 from the members of the Sunday school at Laira Congregational Church, it has

Marines Plymouth, soloist Rebecca Nelson from the Royal New Zealand Navy, the Ocean City Sound choir and the Plymouth Military Wives. There will also be a Drumhead Service and a cadet display by members of the Plymouth Royal Marines Volunteer Cadet performed hundreds of concerts over the years, in every corner of the City and beyond. Scores of children have passed through its ranks. Most were taught to read music and to play their instrument whilst in the Band, and many have continued their musical hobby into adult life, some choosing a professional career in music. As well as part of the band performing (amongst others) in the weekly church service here at Woodford, the Band also put on regular concerts to raise money for local charities and take part in parades and perform at special church events. To find out more call Tony Hollick on 01752 216784. St Peter’s Lutheran Church Larkham Lane/The Dell, Plympton, Plymouth. Church and Worship: 11am Service every Sunday. Weekly Wednesday evening Bible Study. Coffee morning 10am-noon every first Wednesday of the month. Contact 01752 336240 for details. Colebrook Community Centre Colebrook Community Centre is a totally self-funding charity. Regular Events Monday: Diabetic group, 4 - 5 Children’s Language class Tuesday: 2 - 4 over 60’s group 4 - 7 Dog Training Wednesday: 9.30 - 10.30 Pilates 4 - 5 Children’s Language class Thursday 2nd week of month: 9.30 - 1 Fostering Thursday 3rd week of month: 10 - 1 Multiple Sclerosis 1.45 Pilates Friday: 9.30 - 10.30 Pilates; 11 - 12 Children’s Language class Friday: 1st and 3rd week of the month Country Dancing Car Boot Sales at Peacock Meadow & George Park & Ride March - October Available for hire suitable Children’s Birthday Parties Contact Kay for further details tel 01752 200046 Chaddlewood Farm Community Centre Sundays: Church service 10am to 12 noon 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month. Square dancing 5.30pm -9pm Mondays: Salsa classes 10am to 11am. Chatterbox 1pm to 3pm. Table Tennis 6pm to 9pm 1st Monday of the month Federation of Pensioners 1pm to 4pm (Phoenix Club) Tuesdays: Baby sensory classes 10am to 12 noon. Valannes’s Dance School Children’s Ballet & Tap 4pm to 7pm. Line dancing 7.30pm to 10pm. Wednesdays: Over 60’s Club 1pm to 4pm. Dance Aerobics 6pm to 7pm. Latin Line dancing 7.30pm to 9.30pm Thursdays: Watercolour Art Sessions for Adults. Beginner and experienced artists welcome. Thursdays 10am to 12 noon. For more information call Janet: Mobile: 07742 983311 Line dancing 7.30pm to 9.30pm. Fridays: Evergreen Club 2pm to 4pm. Dance Aerobics 6pm to 7pm. Hall and lounge meeting room for hire telephone Lesley on 07952 465836. Licenced Bar - Open from 7.30pm week days and from 4pm weekends. Soft drinks and hot drinks also sold. All welcome. Energie Fitness for Women Classes at Lister Close, Plympton

Corps and local Scouts. Tickets cost £10, to include a programme and flag, and are on sale at the Pavilions Box Office on 0333 772 7727 between 10am and 2pm) or alternatively online at www. Tuesday 9.30am Ladies only Legs, Bums, Tums Tuesday 10.15am Ladies Only Pilates Wednesday 9.15am Ladies only BodyPump Wednesday 11am Ladies Only Pilates Friday 6pm Ladies only FatBlast Saturday 11am Gentle motorised exercise Sunday 9.15am Mixed Class BodyPump For more information call 01752 340044 Plympton Moving On Stroke Club Alternate Wednesdays Meet at Pocklington Rise, George Lane, Plympton, Plymouth, PL7 1JL 10.30am to 12.30pm. There is a small charge to cover the rent of the room, and for refreshments £2 per person. We tend to have a speaker one week, and an activity the next. Contacts Tony Stoneman 07834276371; Steve Fairbairn 07718749008. Plympton Fuschia and Pelargonium Group Second Tuesday of the month The group meets at Harewood House, Plympton at 7.30pm please free to come along. New members always welcome. Full speaker programme to be found on Contact Sonia on 514119 for more info. Sandy’s Songbirds Wednesdays A thriving, happy mixed choir. No auditions. No need to be able to read music either. This is a fun-filled community choir meeting weekly with refreshments and raffle too. Wednesdays 10 am to 12 noon at Chaddlewood Farm Community Centre in Glen road behind the Coop. For details contact Sandy on 07737 461431. Hooe’s Place Cafe St John’s Church Hall, Hooe. Open to all. 10.30am 11.30am for coffee. Freshly cooked lunches from 11.45am - 1.30pm. St John’s Church open through the hall 10.30am - 2pm. The only bus now travelling to Hooe is No. 2B every 20 minutes stopping outside the church. Past Times Past Times group was started over 20 years ago to encourage people, especially those on their own or new to the area, to share their hobbies, knitting for charity, cross stitch, board games, quizzes or just pop in & enjoy some friendly company & a cup of tea. We also have a list of other groups, clubs & activities available in Plympton. We meet on the 4th Monday of each month, at St Mary’s Parish Centre, Market Road, Plympton 1.30pm until 3.30 pm. More details are available from the parish office Monday to Friday 9am until 1pm 01752 348525 Plymouth Broadway Organ and Keyboard Club Third Wednesday of month Come and listen to a concert by a top professional organ/keyboard musician playing a wide variety of music. Everyone is welcome at the Broadway

• continued on next page

22 November 2019 • continued from page 21 Community Centre (top of Broadway car park) Plymstock. Free parking. Tickets £5 including tea/coffee. Contact 01752 706712.

@PlymChronicle Award winners celebrate at the Excellence in Care event

Friday Night Bingo Fridays 7:30pm at Hooe and Tunchapel Community Centre. Tea, coffee and biscuits. Weekly raffles and late raffle once a month. Why not give us a try! Contact 01752 408441 for more details. Table Top Sale Second Saturday in the month (not January) Plymstock Community Centre: Vintage, Collectables and Craft 9am to 1pm. These table top sales are held in Plymstock Community Centre (top of Plymstock Broadway Car Park). A friendly and welcoming atmosphere prevails and there is something for everyone from antiques to knitted gloves and hats to books and records and jewellery. We hope to bring something new each month. Entry is 20p per person but children are free. There is a selection of hot and cold refreshments. Enquiries to Paula 01752 342321. Circle Dance Thursdays Yealmpton Circle Dance Group. Yealmpton Community Centre, Stray Park, PL8 2HF. 7.30pm-9.30pm. A variety of dance styles from gentle and expressive to lively and joyful. Traditional and contemporary world music. Good for mind, body and spirit. Clearly taught and easy to learn. No partner needed. Friendly and fun. Call 01752 880196 for details. Mini Dance Machine Thursdays At Rees Youth Centre, Mudge Way, Plympton. Modern fun disco dance group for children. 4.15pm - 5pm for ages 4 to 6; 5pm - 6pm ages 6 to 10. £2 per session. Call Lisa 07896 105 479. Boxing Classes Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays Carl’s boxing stable has opened a new gym in Colebrook training for all ages to compete or just get fit. 7pm to 8pm. Details from Carl on 07837 920150. Time Out Second and fourth Wednesday A group for individuals who are lonely and isolated. Come for a chat and make new friends. Plymstock United Church, 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month, from 1.30pm - 3.30pm. Refreshments £1. Contact Lin: 07818 254527. Woodside Animal Welfare Trust Your local sanctuary for most types of unwanted domestic pets. Good homes always needed - have a look at lovely animals, and what we do on www. We don’t destroy any animal unless it’s beyond veterinary help or dangerous and we have special units for elderly residents. Please don’t allow your pet to breed, ask us for friendly advice, or about our spay and neuter scheme for owners on benefit instead. Based in Elfordleigh. Tel 01752 347503. Ballroom & Social Sequence Dancing Various dates Plymstock Community Centre every Tuesday afternoon 2pm until 4pm and every other Saturday from 7.30pm until 10.30pm. Details 01752 251313 or 01752 668017. Off Key Singing Group Mondays For people who love to sing in the shower! Mondays 5.50pm to 6.50pm at Derriford Health & Leisure Centre, function room. Girl Guide Hut in Plympton 10.30am to 11.30am. Call 07770 683 314 for more info. Guitar Classes Guitar lessons for children aged from 6 - 12 years. Taught in small groups of 2 or 3. Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 3.45 or 4.30pm Fridays at 4pm Saturdays between 9.30 - 4pm For more details Tel: 01752 216456. Classes held in the Woodford area. Sounds Musical Theatre Company Wednesdays Founded in 1911, we are a friendly, diverse group of people who love Musical Theatre and produce two shows a year. In March/April we perform our annual full musical production, with a musical revue in October. Rehearsals are every Wednesday 7.30pm to 9.30pm in Oreston Methodist Church Hall, Plymstock Road, Oreston. Visit www. for more info. Plymstock & District Art Society (PANDAS) Pandas is a small friendly group of amateur painters meeting for two hours (7.30-9.30pm) every Wednesday

Celebrating excellence in care More than 300 people came together for the fourth Celebrating Excellence in Care Awards at the Crowne Plaza in Plymouth.

The annual event, organised by Plymouth City Council, is held to celebrate the role of care workers and showcase best practice across care in the city, from nursing homes and care homes to those who provide domiciliary care in people’s homes and supported living providers. The awards celebrate and acknowledge excellence in care, innovations, partnerships and collaborative working, commitment to providing excellent care and inspiring contributions from individuals and teams across the care sector. Councillor Kate Taylor, Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care said: “When I took over the role as lead member for health and adult social care this was one of the events that I was really looking forward to attending. The role of care workers in our city is vital and yet they are sometimes over looked that is why events like this are so important. “I’d like to personally thank everyone for their hard work, care and commitment for all the support they provide to some of our fortnight at the Radford Family Centre, Plymstock. Members paint and draw in all media and enjoy occasional demonstrations and models. We are not a teaching class but help each other and have programme of themed evenings. Each year our annual exhibition takes place in Plymstock Library. New members are always given a warm welcome so please contact Mike on 794281. Beckly Centre Regular events at the Beckly Centre at Mayers Way, Hooe Road, Plymstock include: Mondays 7pm to 9.30pm adult social group with a variety of activities including crafts, life skills, cooking, quizzes, bingo and outings; Thursdays 7pm to 9pm youth group providing social activities in a small friendship mixed ages and ability groups for young people with additional needs; Saturdays and Sundays 10.30am to 3.30pm weekend activity groups for mixed age and ability groups of children and young people with special needs offering a good range of social and group opportunities; school holidays weekdays 10.30am to 3.30pm holiday playscheme activity sessions for small friendship groups of children and young people with special needs. For details call 01752 484433 or 07780 662391. Fun Club Fridays in term time Fun filled club for primary school aged children from 6.30pm to 7.30pm at Plymstock Chapel, Church Road,

most vulnerable residents.” There were 32 awards in total that were handed out by a range of local dignitaries, including the Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor Terri Beer, Councillor Kate Taylor, Strategic Director for People Craig McArdle, Director for Integrated Commissioning Anna Coles. The event was organised by members of the Council’s Quality Assurance Improvement Team; Caroline Paterson, Hannah Shaw, Bridget Buckley, Andy Rowing-Parker, Joan Bird and Helen Reid. The winners of the categories were as follows: People’s Choice Award: Gemma Godefroy, Higher Park Lodge and Maggie Williams, Caremark Plymouth Manager of the Year: Lorna Smith, Parkwood House and Emma Bonney, Prestige Nursing Deputy of the Year: Diane Seymour, Merafield View and Jen Gilholm, Caremark Plymouth Nurse of the Year: Jean Alcantara, Seymour Court and Jane Lys, Prestige Nursing Team of the Year: Chatsworth House, Caremark Plymouth and Havencare Contribution to Care: Jane Wyatt, Meadowside & St Francis

Plymstock. Games, crafts, stories, songs, tuck shop etc. 50p entrance. Friday Night Bingo Fridays 7.30pm At Hooe and Turnchapel Community Centre. Tea, coffee & biscuits. Weekly raffles and meat raffle once a month. Why not give us a try! Contact 01752 408441 for more details. SING Every Thursday in school term times Plymouth Community Choir at Pomphlett. Great songs, lovely people and loads of fun! Do you want to sing with us? We meet on Thursdays 7.15pm-9pm at Pomphlett Methodist Church Centre (just behind Morrisons in Plymstock). We sing songs at the soul funky/world music end of the spectrum. Visit www. Or ring Pete Scott on 07896 276577. First session free! Book online or by phone. Yoga Classes Run for all levels in Staddiscombe and Oreston, mornings and evenings. For details contact 07779 679305 or email Plympton Wednesday Wives Club Friendly group of ladies who meet at Harewood House at 6.45pm - 8.45pm each Wednesday evening. There is a varied programme of speakers, games, meals out and a few trips each year. All ladies welcome married or not. Do come along and join us.

Rising Star: Gemma MacFayden, Merafield View and Katrina Loosely, Gemcare Promoting Independence Champion: Matt Spurling, Restormel House Culinary Care in Care Homes: Hanan Rosenstein, Two Trees Care Worker of the Year: Damian Knight, Restormel House; Verna Emery, Prestige Nursing; and Samm Dent, DOVE Project Ancillary Worker of the Year: Kim Crook, Merafield View Volunteer of the Year: Mike Spry, Bethany Christian Home; and Hannah Watchman, Valley View Care Home Activity Coordinator: Joanne Smith, Two Trees Service User Involvement: Prestige Nursing Service User Story of the Year: Douglass Reed: Meadowside & St Francis Excellence in Dementia Care: Chatsworth House Excellence in End of Life Care: Bethany Christian Home Excellence in Learning Disability Care: Farm Lane House; and Support-ed Innovative Partnership Working: Gemcare Innovation in Technology: Parkwood House Commitment to Workforce Development: Parkwood House

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November 2019 23


Youngsters given important lessons about coastal safety Eighteen local teenagers have followed an educational programme of coastal safety and surveillance at the Mount Batten Centre.

During the four week programme they learned everything from stand up paddle boarding techniques and rescues, to self recovery in a kayak and practicing rescuing a casualty with a throw line. Time was also spent in the classroom looking at scenarios of hazards along the coast and how to minimise the risks. The final session took to the fields at Jennycliff and Mount Batten Beach and during this practical exercise the group spotted two ‘casualties’ in the distance on the rocks by Mount Batten Beach. The youngsters decided to call ‘999’ and within minutes the Coastguard Rescue Team (CRT) and Police responded. The group saw the techniques and casualty care given to the casualties with ‘broken leg’ and ‘dislocated shoulder’. The incident was an exercise, planned specifically for the group to put into practice the knowledge they had learnt. The ‘casualties’ were, in fact, instructors from the Mount Batten Centre but it wasn’t until later that the group were made aware of this. A number of organisations supported the exercise including the CRT, Sgt Port from Plymouth Police, Longroom Port Control, Cattewater Harbour Commissioners, Plymouth Lifeboat and Falmouth Maritime Operations Coastguard. It was the first four week programme of its kind and was devised by geography teacher Tors Froud who is also Making Waves Together project manager.

USEFUL NUMBERS Emergency Numbers

Police, Fire, Ambulance or Coastguard 999 or 112 Police general enquiries 101 Derriford Hospital 01752 202082 Electricity, Western Power Distribution 0800 678 3105 Gas, Transco (Gas Emergency Service) 0800 111999 Water, South West Water 0344 3462020 Environment Agency (Emergency) 0800 807060 RSPCA 0300 1234 999


Youngsters with their certificates at the completion of the programme

It has been established for delivery to teenagers at the Mount Batten Centre which is being supported by #CoastSafe_DandC, a police initiative aimed at preventing incidents through multi agency work along the coastline in Devon and Cornwall. The 18 young people now have the opportunity to share their experience and knowledge to their families, friends and wider community. Chris Cook from the RNLI Plymouth Lifeboat who worked with the planning and delivery of the programme said: “The coastal safety and surveillance initiative has been an excellent way to enable young people to engage with their local coastal environment. “Not only are they able to take part in

a range of exciting and fun water based activities but they also learn how to do this safely. The participants can not only plan safe activities for themselves but spot others in danger near the coast. The Mount Batten Centre hosted the programme with funding from Awards For All. It is hoped to roll the programme out to local groups of all ages and adapt it to varying levels of water abilities, from land based dog walkers, to local primary schools. The police kept an eye on the proceedings

One of the ‘casualties’ is taken off the beach

Age UK Plymouth 01752 256020 Adoption UK 0844 848 7900 Al-Anon Family Groups 020 7403 088 Alcoholics Anonymous 0800 917 7650 Carers UK 020 7378 4999 Childline 0800 1111 Christians Against Poverty (Debt Advice) 0800 328 0006 Crossline Listening Service 01752 666777 Cruse Bereavement Care 0870 1671677 Devon & Cornwall Food Association 07410 977598 Disability & Information Advice Line 01302 310123 Drug Addicts Anonymous: Helpline 07818260811 Money Advice Plymouth (Debt Advice) 01752 208126 NSPCC Child Protection Helpline 0808 8005000 National Missing Persons Helpline 0500 700700 NHS Direct 0845 4647 National Domestic Violence Helpline 0808 2000247 Money Advice Plymouth (Debt Advice) 01752 208126 Osteoporosis Support Group 075958 500314 Overeaters Anonymous 07000 784 985 Parentline Plus 0808 8002222 Relateline 0845 1304010 Samaritans 116 123 Talk to Frank 0800 776600 Shelterline 0808 8004444 Stroke Helpline 0303 3033 100 West Country Landlords Assn 01752 242980


RAC Green Flag Rail Travel, national enquiries Plymouth Citybus National Express Coaches Brittany Ferries Cremyll Ferry Torpoint Ferry Tourist Information Passport Office, National Helpline

08000 828282 0800 400600 08457 484950 01752 662271 08717 818181 08705 360360 01752 822105 01752 812233 01752 266030 0870 5210410


Famous names turn up at Woodside With so many animals coming through Woodside Animal Welfare Trust’s doors over the years, inspiration is often needed when giving new un-named arrivals a name. Providing sanctuary for up to 150 animals on site at any one time, Woodside has been finding pets of all shapes and sizes loving new homes since founder Carole Bowles first began her pioneering work in 1974. Often turning to its supporters for name suggestions, Woodside have had some interestingly named pets under its roof in the past, including festively named Frankincense and Mryhh - a pair of guinea pigs who joined the Elfordleigh Sanctuary during the festive season. Animals can be bought to the sanctuary as a result of the charity’s

dedicated welfare round, which carries out vital and varied work in the community. Woodside’s Welfare Officers often find themselves advising pet owners, taking in abandoned animals, and trapping and neutering stray cats - among a wide range of other jobs. Whether a pet has been abandoned, is a stray, or is born at the sanctuary, it’s not unusual for Woodside to provide sanctuary to animals who arrive unnamed. With most typical pet names already used up (and sometimes many times over), Woodside’s staff have to get inventive with a new arrival that has no name above their door. This year alone, two rabbits were given the names Timon and Pumbaa, after the characters of popular film the Lion King. Later, Rabbit Row’s staff had to get thinking

Theatre Royal 01752 267222 Barbican Theatre 01752 267131 Devonport Playhouse 01752 606507 Plymouth Athenaeum Theatre 01752 266079 Plymouth Pavilions 01752 936363 Plymouth Pavilions Ticket Store 03337 727727 Reel Cinema 01752 225553 Vue Cinema 0345 308 4620 Tourist Information 01752 306330 National Trust Saltram 01752 333500 Plymouth City Museum & Art Gallery 01752 304774 Plymouth Arts Centre 01752 206114

Leisure Plymouth Life Centre 01752 606900 Brickfields Recreation Ground 01752 563320 Manadon Football Dev’ment Centre 01752 201918 Plympton Swimming Pool 0870 300 0020 Plymouth Pavilions 0845 146 1460 Megabowl, Coxside 0871 5501010 Tourist Information 01752 306330 The Beckly Centre, Plymstock 01752 484433

Weather The Met Office Weathercall

Billie and Eilish

once more when two rabbits joined the sanctuary after the owner was unable to keep them with her dog. The pair of female lops took on a musical theme for their names as a tribute to a popular American pop singer, resulting in them being called Billie and Eilish. Thankfully, the adorable pair have

now been reserved and are soon to join their new home. The staff at Woodside however will no doubt have to get their thinking caps on again soon when it comes to naming the next new arrivals to the charity. To find out more about Woodside’s work, visit www.woodsidesanctuary. or call 01752 347503.

0870 9000100 0870 6004242

If you think your organisation would benefit from being listed in our Useful Numbers guide please e-mail your details to or write to: Plymouth Shopper, 28 Old Park Road, Peverell, Plymouth Tel 01752 225623

Please note that whilst the Publishers have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of telephone numbers in this Directory, and dates in the What’s On section, no responsibility can be accepted for any errors.

24 November 2019


New indoor climbing wall opened at Mount Batten Watersports and Activities Centre A new indoor climbing wall at the Mount Batten Watersports and Activities Centre was officially opened by Street Factory’s Toby Gorniak along with students from Woodlands School.

‘The Boathouse Climb’ as the new facility has been named, has been made possible due to funding from a range of partners and will provide inclusive climbing opportunities for children from Plymouth with special educational needs and physical disabilities for years to come. The Sport England Community Asset Fund, The Peter Harrison Foundation, The ACT Foundation, The Foxglove Trust and Lodge of Prudence No. 1550 Caerphilly were the five funding and grant partners which have enabled The Mount Batten Centre Charity Trust to build this inclusive facility on site at the centre. Alex King, centre director for the Mount Batten Watersports and Activities Centre said: ”We were delighted to welcome Toby, and students from Woodlands School, here to the centre to officially open our climbing wall. We pride ourselves on partnership working with like-minded groups, agencies and organisations across the city and this event is testament to that.” The Boathouse Climb was manufactured by Entre-Prises, and has been designed specifically to accommodate children with special educational needs and physical disabilities. Fifty six square metres of high quality lightwave wall with nine climbing lines complete with bright climbing holds to aid those with visual impairments, slabs with easier angles of incline, an overhang for lower limb disabilities and secured hoisting points

Toby Gorniak tries out The Boathouse Climb

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Children from Woodlands School with Sam Waites, Mount Batten Watersports and Activities Centre and Toby Gorniak from Street Factory CIC

for assisted lifting complete the bespoke designed climbing wall. Jack Jago from Entre-Prises said: “It was an absolute privilege to be at the Mount Batten Centre for the official opening of The Boathouse Climb. From the initial conversations and site visits to seeing the children enjoying themselves and having a go on the wall is amazing. We pride ourselves on being able to provide accessible solutions to enable everyone to enjoy climbing and this facility really proves that.” Katy Wedgwood, physical educational coordinator for Woodlands School said: “The Mount Batten Watersports and Activities Centre is one of our best partners for the provision of inclusive sporting activities in Plymouth. “Their staff are passionate about providing sporting opportunities for our students by ensuring that all activities are provided at the right level and by connecting on a personal level with our students. “Their new climbing facility compliments their existing range of equipment that enable our students to access adventurous activities, some of whom may never have considered that they could experience climbing, sailing,

bell-boating or power-boating. The Centre is like our second home and we all love coming here.” Toby Gorniak cut the ribbon for The Boathouse Climb and then treated the children to some of his trademark street dance moves before encouraging everyone to join in. In return Toby joined the children by experiencing the first climb on the new wall. Toby said: “The atmosphere was super buzzin. What an honour to be asked to open The Boathouse Climb by the Mount Batten Centre team. The Centre is a really special place and has all the qualities we at Street Factory CIC embrace ‘community, inclusivity and accessibility for all,’ we love working with these guys.” Sam Waites, watersports and activities manager at the Mount Batten Watersports and Activities Centre added: “Watching the children enjoy the new climbing wall for the first time has just been brilliant. None of this would have been possible if it wasn’t for the grants and funding that the Charity Trust have received and for the innovation and vision from the team at Entre-Prises to create the facility in this unique space.” For more information about The Boathouse

The Plympton and Plymstock Chronicle is delivered door to door every month to homes in Woodford, Plympton St Mary and St Maurice, Chaddlewood, Langage, Elburton, Plymstock, Hooe, Turnchapel, Staddiscombe, Oreston, Pomphlett and Billacombe. The December edition of the Plymouth Chronicle in Plympton and Plymstock will be published on November 8 with a copy deadline of October 28. The Plympton and Plymstock edition is one of four hyper local editions delivered to a total of more than

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Climb at the Mount Batten Watersports and Activities Centre contact 01752 404567 or email Student Brandon Lowe from Woodlands School and Toby Gorniak officially open the Boathouse Climb by cutting the ribbon

Chronicle Plymouth

November 2019

Win a festive date night...with a meal followed by a visit to the Barbican Theatre See page 17

KEEP FIT, EARN MONEY Want to keep fit and earn money at the same time? Distributors and checkers needed for the Plymouth Chronicle! See page 15 for more details.


@PlymChroniclePP If you would like to submit a story, email or if you would like to find out more information on the Plymouth Chronicle or our other publications, please visit

Plympton & Plymstock

A Plymstock woman has been presented with an award by Dame Esther Rantzen - See page 11


• Out and About • Community Job • Community Shop Directory • Cross Rhythms • Dial the Experts Experience

Safety first on the coast

A group of eighteen teenagers have learned about all aspects of coastal safety in a ground-breaking programme based at the Mount Batten Centre which may now be rolled out to other groups and schools across the city • See story on page 23

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