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Dealing with history
One of the differences between Krems-East and the Wachau was the role each played under the Nazi regime of Austria. Images of the Wachau were used as propaganda for the traditions and virtues of the Germanic race. Krems-East was used as a place to build factories in which prisoners of war, held in a nearby labor camp, were forced to work. It is possible that the Austrian unease to deal with the history of the Second world war30 has contributed to the neglect of Krems-East. The discourse on how to develop Krems-East would be more substantial if its origins were included. As I have pointed out previously, these origins have a big influence on the region today. It is easier to move past the Nazi use of Wachau imagery than the concrete physical remnants of war crimes in Krems-East. However, ignoring these remnants detracts from the historic complexity of the region. Furthermore, many of these remnants have distinct architectural qualities with the potential to become a tourist destination. Especially a silo in the harbour that was later renovated by the popular artist Hundertwasser31 . The lack of tourism and limited monumental status of much of the heritage, deprives the region of income. Income that could be used for improvements of the area that would benefit both tourists and locals like better bike infrastructure and public transport.
Sites that played a significant role in WWII