The What's On Mag April - June 2023

Page 21

April to June 2023

Need Legal Advice ?

There’s only one place to go!

Hepburn Delaney Solicitors

See page 2

Need some Waste Removed?

See page 65 for Licensed Company

Computer Problems?

Spectrum I.T Solutions can help

See page 3 New treatment to help with Arthritis, Frozen Shoulders and Plantar Fasciitis

See page 9

Covering Harpenden, Wheathampstead, Redbourn & surrounding villages. See

Harpenden Lions Club

Highland Gathering

A Scottish themed family fun day out and fundraiser for charities.

Rothamsted Park, Harpenden, AL5 2LX. Sunday 9 July 2023 - 11am to 5pm

Entry via Ticket: Adults £8 on gate (£5 advance purchase), accompanied under 16s free.

Marching Pipe Bands; Highland Dancing; Highland Games; Falconry Displays; Ferret Racing; Scouts Cannon Races and Tug-of-War; Celtic Bands; Children’s Races; Haggis Hurling; Archery; Go Karts; Craft and Market Stalls; Food; Bar - and more!

Tickets: or use QR Code

Flat Pack Assembly Service ‘mIKEA’ mIKEA
page 24 Flat Pack Mike

Wills, probate, trusts & administration of estates

Powers of attorney, finance and later life planning and wealth preservation


ADDRESS Hepburn Delaney Ltd, 1 Waterside, Station Road, Harpenden. Hertfordshire. AL5 4US. REGISTERED COMPANY NUMBER 8398060 Authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. SRA NUMBER 592448. DIRECTORS Rebecca Delaney and Matthew Delaney. CALL US: 01582 353162 WEB:
specialist law firm offering bespoke legal services to private individuals who require advice on
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Divorce, separation, financial settlements, asset protection and family mediation Children
Arrangements for children including relocation, adoption and child protection
667 - Hepburn Delaney Advert Design Match Web Brand-Harpenden Office.indd 1 08/02/2023 12:31

Welcome to the Spring edition of What’s On Herts, brought to you by Your Local Media.

Moving from Winter to Spring is my favourite seasonal transition. I love the way in which the morning and evenings get gradually lighter and I take great pleasure in savouring these extra minutes of daylight each day.

As the days get longer and brighter we can take more advantage of what the great outdoors has to offer, if you check out our diary of events section on pages 33 – 51 where there is an abundance of activities which will get you outside over the next coming months, especially with the events like the Herts County Show, Harpenden Carnival and Art on the Common to name a few of them, so there’s no excuse for not getting out!

Also have a look on page 52 for big events in July to note in your diary.

Have fun over the next few months and remember...

Pages 33 - 51

Pages 53 – 55

Pages 56 - 60

Pages 62 - 69

Pages 70 - 73

Pages 74 - 75

3 spectrum IT support We can help... Computer problems? We are your stress-free route to problem-free IT. Jargon-free advice & no job too big or too small. Whatever your IT problem, we’ve got it covered. We can help you with any of the following services: Hardware  Software  Cloud  Wi-Fi/Networking  IT Security  Websites Call now on 01438 833671 Diary of Events Health Recipes Homes Gardens Motors Printed and Published by Your Local Media. 65 High Street, Harpenden, Herts AL5 2SL AdvertisingContact Mike or Tony via these email addresses: Mike Hamilton - Tony Mcfarland - Publication Design & Artwork: Pete Salo - Disclaimer Every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this publication is true and correct at the time of going to press. However, Your Local Media cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage arising from the use of information in this publication.
2023 Contents Welcome to Your Local Media, a local business run by local people.


Harpenden Town Council, Harpenden Town FC and Harpenden Colts FC have for some time had a joint ambition to deliver an exciting new Artificial Grass Pitch (AGP) in the Town. This ambition is one step closer as planning permission has been granted and significant external funding now confirmed.

The AGP will be situated on the site of the current Harpenden Town FC grass pitch and will provide an outstanding new facility for the community. It is hoped that the new pitch will directly create opportunities for greater participation in sport in the Town, supporting the partnership’s ambition to promote physical activities to a wider age group. A key focus for the Town Council being opportunities for young people and, more specifically, girls in sport.

As well as providing an additional, and much improved facility for Harpenden Town FC and Harpenden Colts, the AGP will become a recreational space available to local schools, clubs and other groups as a focal point for the community, benefiting all. The expectation is that the area will not just be a football pitch, rather an area desirable for all leisure activities from youth group recreation to a multi-sport space.

The facility will cost in the region of £1.2m with the majority of that being secured through external grants. Work is expected to start on the facility in the Spring with the opening hoped to be in Autumn 2023.

We update our website and post on social media regularly, so please follow us for further information and to see the progress on this exciting project.



Harpenden Town Council has been exploring the opening of a Community Banking Hub to help address the impact that the loss of banks has in the Town.

A Banking Hub is a place where the public and businesses have access to face-to-face counter service, with the same banking facilities that the high street banks offer. It is a dedicated and appropriate banking space, open to customers of all retail banks, situated in the centre of town and accessible to all members of the public.

Banking Hubs are part of a national scheme with a number of locations having already established a pilot or permanent Hub.

Across the country, High Streets have seen many changes over recent years and Harpenden’s is no different. One of the biggest changes is the reduction in banks and the services that they offer.

This year HTC plan to apply for Harpenden to be included in the scheme. You can read further information and updates about the HTC’s Banking Hub initiative by visiting


Purse dipping continues to be one of the neighbourhood priorities for St Albans District. Plain- clothed and high-visibility police officers regularly carry out patrols to help prevent and detect purse dippers operating in the City Centre shops and market stalls.

In February, police arrested five dippers in just two days thanks to Safer Neighbourhood Team officers working with the Council’s CCTV operators.

To help reduce the chances of your possessions being stolen, you should keep your bag zipped up with the zip facing you. Try not to withdraw large sums of cash, don’t leave your mobile phone in you back pocket and keep an eye on elderly or vunerable people

For further crime prevention advice, visit




LADIES CUT/BLOW £55.00 MEN’S CUT £30.00 CHILDREN UNDER 12 £20.00 COLOUR ON REQUEST FULLY INSURED • PAYMENTS CASH OR BANK TRANSFER CONTACT: GARETH OR DENISE ON: 07811 948637 01582 259473 Gareth Hair Dressing half page advert.pdf 1 21/03/2023 15:19
We’re all ears. Hearing Healthcare Practice opened its original Harpenden clinic in 1981. Ever since, we’ve stayed true to our mission, providing the very best award-winning clinical care. And we’re proud to be a local family-owned company, run by local people, serving the local community. Our reputation now attracts national and international clients to our purpose built, state-of-the-art consulting rooms and dedicated team of audiologists. But, for you, we’re just around the corner. Tel: 01582 767218 26 The Foresters, High Street, Harpenden, Herts AL5 2FB

Tecar Therapy

Latest Technology Scientifically proven to help with symptoms of:

Arthritis in backs, shoulders, knees and hips.

Frozen Shoulder & Plantar Fasciitis

TECAR Therapy uses a therapeutic radio-frequency wave to maximise recovery from pain and injury.

Number one electrotherapy globally in treating injuries and making its way over to the UK. We are proud to be at the forefront of this treatment.

Find out more :

8 New Treatments available at: Tel: 01582 760 444 21 Leyton Road, Harpenden, AL5 2HU (1st floor Bennet’s, Royal British Legion)
Gillian Brown Tecar Therapy NEW fp ad.pdf 1 30/03/2023 17:22

Non-Invasive Solution to Spinal Disc Injuries:

85% success rate at relieving symptoms disc and stenosis injuries with a long-term solution.


• Do you have chronic back pain/neck pain or sciatica?

• Have you been diagnosed with a slipped herniated or prolapsed disc?

• Are you having a nightmare trying to do normal things like sitting or dressing?

• Is the pain disturbing your sleep? Are you constantly taking painkillers?

• You have tried other treatments like physiotherapy or osteopathy and were disappointed that they did not work for you?

• Are you looking for a long term solution but would like to avoid surgery? If you answered yes to any of the above, IDD Therapy may well be the answer for you.

Gillian Brown, Osteopath and owner of Harpenden Sportsnspinal clinic helps many patients find a solution to their unresolved back and neck pain using IDD therapy (Intervertebral disc decompression). This cutting-edge medical technology deals with more severe spinal issues that require more than manual therapy.

Don’t take our word for it....

"it has been life-changing and I’m now pain free. The treatment is very relaxing.“

Alka, Luton:

"Thank you very much as my family have got their daddy back."

Sonny: "I was barely able to walk a few metres with a herniated disc, and yesterday I walked 10k."

For more information :

Tel: 01582 760 444 21 Leyton Road, Harpenden, AL5 2HU (1st floor Bennet’s, Royal British Legion)
Gillian Brown NEW fp ad.pdf 1 01/04/2023 14:47 9

On Thursday 4 May 2023 Harpenden residents will be voting in the St Albans District Council and the Town and Parish Council elections.

To vote, you now need to show photographic identification. Accepted forms of ID include a UK, European Economic Area or Commonwealth passport; a UK or EEA drivers’ licence; an older person’s bus pass or an Oyster 60+ card.

It doesn’t matter if the documents have expired as long as they are still recognisable from the photo.

Anyone who does not have one of the accepted forms of ID will be able to apply for free ID online at or by completing a paper form.

The full list of accepted ID and further information can be found at


Spring Bank Holiday weekend27th & 28th May 2023

Two days of music on the outdoor stage, beer, cider, BBQ and family fun! Entry to the festival is entirely free all weekend.

The Plough and Harrow, 88 Southdown Road, Harpenden, Herts, AL5 1PR.


It’s time to get growing!

Now is the perfect time to start planting to your own this year. We have everything you need to grow from seed as well as a huge range of plants to get you off to a head start.

Discover our plant area bursting with new Spring plants. Our own grown bedding & herbaceous perennials are in season now with a huge range available for a stunning display all summer! If you are not sure where to start our friendly & knowledgeable team are always on hand for advice & inspiration.

We also stock an extensive range of pots, peat -free compost & garden sundries. Carpenter’s Nursery is your complete Garden Centre.

106 St Albans Road, Sandridge, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL4 9LJ 01727 853340 11

Has Your Double Glazing Steamed Up?

Established for over 16 years, Cloudy2Clear windows have become the UK’s leading company for domestic glass replacement. Customers are no longer needing to risk their windows by using the dreaded double glazing cowboy down the road, instead, now they can join over 320,000 happy customers and have their glass replaced in an affordable and ethical manner. Remember, a failed glass unit may no longer provide you with the protection you need or be energy efficient. Why not spend a few minutes checking your home to see if you have any failed double glazing? If you act now you can avoid any future costly problems.

When talking to the Manager of Cloudy2Clear windows Stephen Moon it became clear that these values

have been held dear for a number of years. Since starting the business some years ago Cloudy2Clear have remained true to their core values of supporting the local community by providing a service that saves the public money.

The Cloudy2Clear service only requires the glass to be replaced and not the whole window once the unit has failed. Stephen commented “Cloudy2Clear were able to assist our community through the last financial crisis in 2008 due to the savings that can be made in using our service. Unfortunately we might be going through something similar again soon and the public can rest assured that we will be there to help once again”.

For a free quotation please call 0800 61 21 118 or visit

13 Replace the pane, not the frame! All glazing backed by our Have Your Windows Steamed Up? Social distancing in operation Faulty locks, handles or hinges? Priority freephone Love Your Home - Protect YourWindows - Save Money
they were
local community
really liked
fact that
We are a Which? Trusted Trader
Janet Beard
All C2C employees operate a strict social distancing policy.

Ninety-three newly-built flats in St Albans City Centre are to be taken over by one of Hertfordshire’s leading housing associations.

St Albans City and District Council has built the flats along with commercial space as part of a £64 million regeneration project. The Council is now in the final stages of negotiating the sale of all the residential properties at the Jubilee Square development to Watford Community Housing.

Watford Community Housing plans to make 33 available for social rent and sell 60 of the 93 apartments on a shared-ownership basis with support from Homes England.

The Council’s initial plan was to sell 63 of these properties at market rate, but this deal will give young people and key workers in the District the chance to obtain a home of their own at an affordable price in an iconic location. Moreover, the flats have excellent transport links being only a few minutes’ walk away from St Albans City railway station. The remaining 33 social rent flats will be available to people already on the Council’s housing register as was originally planned. Details of the sale should be finalised and contracts exchanged within the next few days.

The Jubilee Square development, formerly known as the City Centre Opportunity Site South, is due to be completed in the late spring by construction contractors Morgan Sindall.The design of the buildings was originally chosen by the public following an architectural competition.

It consists of two iconic blocks of mixed residential and commercial space, off Victoria Street, on the site of the city’s former police station and an NHS clinic.

The 5,000 square metres of commercial space will be rented out by the Council through agents Aitchison Raffety.

For more information please visit:

478182 14
15 Independent Financial Advisers in Wealth Management Pensions Investments Mortgages Focus for Women Lyndhurst Financial Management Offices: Harpenden: High Street, AL5 2RT Hitchin: 28 Bridge Street, SG5 2DF Call 01582 715777 or 01462 441100 for a free initial consultation lyndhurstfm | Helping you make better financial decisions Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority Talk to the experts to help you make better financial decisions.



All taxis operating in St Albans District will have to accept contactless payments and can no longer be cash only.

The rule is intended to improve public safety by ensuring people are not left stranded because they do not have cash. It follows to a growing number of complaints from people who were unable to get a taxi late at night because they only had a card.

The decision to make a contactless payments option mandatory was made by St Albans City and District Council, which licenses taxis within its area, after consulting with taxi drivers and their representatives.

Taxi drivers will have until Wednesday 3 May to comply with the new regulation by equipping their vehicles with card machines or they risk losing their licence.

The machines are able to take contactless payments from mobile phone apps such as Apple Pay as well as bank cards.

The Council licenses taxis classed as either hackney carriage or private hire vehicles that operate within the District. Hackney carriages can pick customers up from anywhere in the District including designated taxi ranks and from the street after being flagged down.

Those licensed to operate in the District are identifiable by their colours of white with a yellow stripe, the only exceptions being some black London-style cabs.

Private hire vehicles have to be booked in advance for specific journeys.

For more information please visit:








That’s the invitation from Harpenden Bowling Club which is just a 10 minute walk from Harpenden Town Centre in Spenser Road. The club has two dates arranged with the first on Sunday 30th April 2pm-5pm & the second on Tuesday 2nd May 5pm-7.30pm.

Hidden behind houses, new visitors are greeted by a splendid, vivid green, grass playing surface that comes as a complete surprise to the visitors who never knew this open space existed.

Bowls these days is a much more relaxed and sociable environment and the ability to have fun and enjoyment is as important as playing.

TV coverage at the Commonwealth Games last year showed that bowls is played by players of all age groups. The days of players in blazers, ties and smoking pipes are long gone.

To help you on your way, the club has approved coaches that gently introduce you to the game with all equipment supplied to get you started.

All you need to bring are flat soled trainers. A successful year was had in 2022 with new players joining the club and outstanding match results.

Four club members played in a Hertfordshire squad of 24 players in the Middleton Cup and helped the county reach the National Finals at Leamington – the first time in over 40 years!

In another unique match situation, two Harpenden teams faced each other in the Tony Allcock Mixed Fours Herts Area Final.

The social and playing side started this year with the continuation of the successful New Year’s lunch. Other activities included a short mat bowls format - played in the warmth of the Club House throughout winter, a weekly art class, a beer, bowls and curry evening and general knowledge quizzes.

The club is located in Spenser Road, (approximately 80 yards from Milton Road and located via a narrow approach road), Harpenden AL5 5NN.


You can contact the Club Secretary on:

07919 567001

The club looks forward to seeing you and helping you get started in this marvellous sport




At Discount Tyres we offer a huge comprehensive range of car and van tyre brands to suit every pocket, backed up by the best trained technicians and the most up to date state of the art equipment... not found anywhere else in the area!

We service cars, using quality oil and parts with very competitive labour rates. There is no “pressure selling” from our sta .

Last year the event raised nearly £100,000 in sponsorship, which was a fantas!c achievement, and we’re hoping to raise even more this year.” “If everyone who has signed up so far could raise just £50 in sponsorship, we’d already be well on the way to funding a nurse for a year.”Good luck if you are taking part, but if not, please come down and support all the runners, in this fantas!c charity event. Please remember there is NO parking at Rothamsted Research.

There is now less than a week to go un!l the start of this year’s Herts 10K in Harpenden.

We will always be open and up front with our prices and will be pleased to show our customers exactly what we do on their behalf.

On Sunday 8th October, thousands will take their marks at Rothamsted Research in Harpenden at the start of the mul!-terrain 10k course through the beau!ful Hertfordshire countryside.

All our work is guaranteed and if anyone is not satisfied then our Directors will review any issues to ensure an agreeable outcome.

Founded in 2006, this year marks the event’s 11th anniversary and it’s s!ll going strong. An es!mated 20,000 people have taken part since the inaugural race 11 years ago and many now make it a yearly feature on their running calendar. Rennie Grove Director of Fundraising & Marke!ng, Gillian Barne3, said: “The Herts 10K raises much-needed funds for Rennie Grove, suppor!ng local pa!ents with life-limi!ng illnesses and their families.


you’re looking to start a new business or expand your current one, register with us and we will help with all of your property search requirements. OFFICE LETTING & MANAGEMENT for Harpenden, St Albans & surrounding villages Call 01582 469117 to discuss your office search or letting management requirements. Alternatively, email or visit Follow us 01582 469117
The race will start at 10:00am prompt To find out more about the event please visit – SUNDAY 8th OCTOBER 2017

The PARC team is working with Harpenden Town Council on the new Rothamsted Skatepark and would like to thank all those volunteers who helped us with our Harpenden Christmas Carnival charity stall.

We have reached an exciting stage of the Skatepark project where Betongpark has been appointed to develop the Skatepark design, in partnership with both Harpenden Town Council and PARC. Feedback from the 2022 Skatepark survey, in which many people gave their views, has been shared with Betongpark, and further community engagement held at the start of this year received a great response.

If you would like to be kept regularly informed about the status of the skatepark project, please can you email Sarah Brimley at Harpenden Town Council on

PARC previously worked with Harpenden Town Council to produce and fund the new Rothamsted Play Area, which has been a great success.

Can you help PARC?

The PARC team needs more help to achieve our fund-raising target of £150,000 by early 2024, with Harpenden Town Council providing an additional £100,000.



To help achieve this, members of the public will be invited to purchase an engraved brick, similar to those in the new Rothamsted Play Area, when the skatepark design is finalised. In the meantime, if you are interested in purchasing a brick, please email PARC on: and send us your details so that we can add you to the list of those interested.There is no obligation to buy.

The PARC team urgently needs more volunteers. In particular, PARC is looking for three active volunteers for the following roles: Treasurer, Fund Raiser, and Social Media person. We are also looking for another Charity Trustee, which may well be the new Treasurer.

Each volunteer would become an integral member of the PARC team and attend our team meetings, which take place mostly in the evening. If you are interested, please can you email:

PARC is also looking for those who would like to actively help to raise funds. If you are interested, please let us know by emailing us at the above email address?

Thank you,The PARC Team, Registered Charity number: 1179147. website:

23 Ready to move? So are we. Call St Albans branch today on 01727 848882 Mortgages with you in mind Our lending facilities are only available to persons aged 18 or over and are subject to status. Written quotations and Terms and Conditions are available on request. Handelsbanken is the trading name of Handelsbanken plc, which is incorporated in England and Wales with company number 11305395. Registered office: 3 Thomas More Square, London, E1W 1WY, UK. Handelsbanken plc is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Financial Services Register number 806852. Handelsbanken plc is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Svenska Handelsbanken AB (publ). 0721 l 10.241 l 04.2022 Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage As a relationship bank we think getting to know you is the best way to help you. Your dedicated account manager is with you from application to completion, making key decisions to get a mortgage that works for you. 0721 - 10.241 Mortgage advert - St Albans.indd 1 23/08/2022 12:22:57
24 FLAT PACK MIKE Assembly Service The Original Flat Pack Installer! Harpenden based flat pack assembly service available to take the headache out of building your furniture. • Clean • Professional • Friendly • Cost Effective • Hassle Free Service Available at a time that suits you, for all your flat pack jobs, from a Desk to a Wardrobe, from IKEA to Argos, I do the lot! Call or Email me today with your Model Name & Number for a Free Quote on: 01582 713034 or email FLAT PACK MIKE FLAT PACK MIKE mIKEA mIKEA Saving relationships for years!

For over 150 years our clients have relied on us to help with their most important legal issues. In that time, we’ve built relationships with people and businesses in Harpenden, Luton, Milton Keynes and beyond.

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Legal solutions we provide Harpenden | Luton | Milton Keynes

25 At your side. Tollgate House, 69-71 High Street, Harpenden, Hertfordshire AL5 2SL 01582 715234
‘We’re more than just legal experts. We’re trusted advisers who take the time to really understand your issues.’
Heidi Fleming Senior Associate, Divorce & Family Law
26 Our Planet Our Future 2023 discussion events 21 March Curious about local eco businesses? 16 May Film: The Ants and The Grasshopper 11 July Guided walk: Exploring Batford Springs 26 September Greening your money 14 November Launching the OPOF book club 7.15 for 7.30-9.30pm Venue (except July) The Plough & Harrow 88 Southdown Road, Harpenden, AL5 1P Free events, booking required Registered charity no 1173118


A £300,000 grant has been awarded to St Albans City and District Council’s planning team for an important digital project.

The money will fund a website service that will make it easier for residents and developers to deal with planning issues. The new software will reveal automatically whether planning permission is required for proposed works. It will also spot errors in an application before it is submitted to avoid potential delays.

In addition, the funding will allow a link to be set up to an existing automatic-validator that checks the many documents that need to be provided for different planning applications.

This will reduce the hours the Council’s planning staff spend on validating applications, allowing them to dedicate more time to dealing with complex planning enquiries,

The grant is from the Planning Software Improvement Fund, run by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities. Councillor Chris White, Leader and Lead Councillor for Planning, said:

“We have one of the busiest planning teams in England with around 3,500 planning applications made every year. Making an application can be a complicated and frustrating task, but this new service will iron out the mistakes that applicants sometimes make and that can lead to hold ups.

We are committed to reducing delays and ensuring planning and other services are as customer friendly and cost effective as possible.”

I am pleased that we have been awarded funding to enhance our website service.With our finances under so much pressure, it is important that we continue to seek funding wherever possible.

Private hire vehicles have to be booked in advance for specific journeys.

For more information please visit:



Some of this advice might seem obvious, but there are some simple things we can do to help other people feel safer when they’re out in public.


When walking behind someone, particularly at night, try to leave a good amount of distance between yourself and the person ahead of you. Remember that the closer you are, the more threatening you might seem.


A stranger staring at you can be intimidating and unsettling. Focus on something else to show you’re not a threat. Look out of the window, message a friend, or read a book or newspaper.


Somebody running up behind you, particularly at night, can be frightening. If you’re out for an evening run, or walk, and see someone walking ahead, cross the road, call out to let them know you’re about to run by them or make sure to leave a good amount of space when you pass them.


What you might think of as just a bit of fun, or flattery, can be insulting, upsetting or even scary to someone else. Keep any comments or opinions to yourself.


If you’re in a group of people where someone is harassing another person on the street, try to calm the situation.They may just need to be told that they’re behaving inappropriately.


If you notice someone is uncomfortable with another person’s behaviour, show your support by being an active bystander. It can be as simple as standing between a person and their harasser to block their line of sight. Ask that person if they need any help, and back up anyone else who is intervening.


Sharing these tips with other people can go a long way towards making us all feel safer on the streets.



An action-packed events programme is among a number of exciting initiatives to make St Albans Charter Market a greater attraction for the entire community.

Live music, theatrical performances, performing arts and a fashion show are among the free activities that will be held to boost visitor numbers and add to the vibrant atmosphere.

The number of traders working at the market has been rising steadily on Saturdays following efforts to improve its appeal.

Last month, the Saturday average was 77 traders compared to 68 in February 2022 – a 13% increase. The rise comes after St Albans City and District Council, which runs the twice-weekly market, delivered a number of new initiatives.

These include efforts to attract new entrepreneurs and a loan offer to established traders of a new gazebo in St Albans colours of blue and yellow.

New traders include Matt Mager Beats & Beigels and zero waste grocer Sanjay, The Fruit and Veg Man, who turns all unsold food into relishes, sauces or compost.

Work on attracting other traders to broaden the market’s appeal continue while new Charter Market signage is to be strategically placed on stalls.

The new all-weather gazebos in uniform colours are already being distributed to traders with thirty expected to be in place by Easter.

These loans also support traders financially by saving them the significant cost of replacing their existing equipment.

Other initiatives include allocating more free space to local charities, community groups and non-profit organisations so they can promote their good causes.

A Valentine’s Market held on the run-up to February 14th received the highest trader numbers of the year so far, beaten recently only be the fortnight leading up to Christmas.

Supported by St Albans BID, it featured the Jupiter Singers, buskers singing love songs and seasonallythemed products and gift ideas from traders, all promoted on the market’s social media channels. Further themed days are planned throughout the year. The events programme includes a roving dinosaur puppet on Saturday 25 March to publicise Dinosaur World Live at the Alban Arena.

There will be a performance of School of Rock by St Albans Musical Theatre Company on Saturday 8 April and some live theatre from Ovo Theatre on Saturday 6 May.

A fashion show, featuring pre-loved clothes and accessories, will take place on Saturday 13 May, organised by Hope House and St Albans Action for Homeless.

Community groups, charities or community-orientated businesses interested in providing entertainment or promoting a good cause at the market will find more information here:

You can stay connected with the Charter Market on Facebook:

31 Creative Courage For Life® Singing, dancing and acting classes for year-olds Helping children believe they can do anything Stagecoach Performing Arts schools are operated under franchise and are independently owned by their Principals. Stagecoach and Creative Courage For Life are registered trademarks of Stagecoach Performing Arts Limited. 07793 206846 Sir John Lawes School, AL5 4QP Harpenden 7 - 16

in St Albans, Harpenden and the villages

You can apply to close your road up to 8 times a year to let residents gather and children play together.

Give children the freedom to be outdoors & active and make friends on the street. Give neighbours a space to meet and build a supportive community.

Find out more on our website or a book one of our Free Online Information Sessions

Weds 24th April 10.30am

Tues 13th June 8.00pm

Weds 24th April 8pm

Fri 16th June 10.30am |

Registered charity no 1173118

What’s On APRIL



THUR-MON 6th- 10th


Harpenden Floral Decoration Club

Demonstration of flowers by Rekha Naidoo “Festivals of India” at 2pm at the Salvation Army Hall, Leyton Green, Harpenden AL5 2TG. All visitors very welcome details 01582 621757.

Easter Fun Fair

An exciting Bank Holiday funfair on Harpenden Common with a variety of rides and fairground stalls. Times will be confirmed as soon, so keep an eye on the Town Council website:

An Audience with Paul Merson

The Ultimate evening with Arsenal legend Paul Merson Live on stage hosted by Jed Stone. The evening will be full of stories from Paul’s time playing for The Gunner. It will be full on entertainment and banter as you can well expect, so sit back and enjoy! There will be limited opportunities for Meet and Greet pre show (6pm) for photos. Don’t miss out on your chance to be one of those…. Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit

Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.



An Evening of Burlesque

A night of laughter, cabaret, mystery, and glamour! Roll up, roll up. . . a scintillating night out of sparkling entertainment – the UK’s longest running burlesque show is back touring the nation. And, it’s bigger than ever. Join us for the good old-fashioned night out as we bring you the ultimate variety show, blending stylish cabaret, comedy, music, circus and burlesque to light up all your senses. With world-class entertainers and stars of the stage and screen – prepare for an extravaganza of glitz and glamour! Expect fun, feathers and fabulous costumes as we pick from the finest selection of specialty artistes, cabaret and circus stars, comedians and champagne showgirls! It’s the perfect night for everyone. Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available at the Box Office on 01582 767525 or by visiting:

Venue: The Eric Morecambe Centre, Rothamsted Park, Harpenden, Herts, AL5 2FR. For more information please visit: www.


Following sell out runs at the Edinburgh Festival and across the UK, the Britain’s Got Talent finalist takes to the road with a brand-new show full of the most awe-inspiring and high energy magic you’ll see this year. Direct from appearances on America’s Penn & Teller Fool Us, BBC1’s BAFTA Awards, ITV1’s This Morning and Sky’s Around The World In 80 Tricks.

Show time 7.30pm. See website for full details

Venue address: The Radlett Centre, 1 Aldenham Avenue, Radlett, Herts, WD7 8HL.


What’s On APRIL



FRI-MON 7th- 10th



The Amazing Bubble Man

Louis Pearl has been thrilling audiences around the world for over 30 years with the art, magic, science and fun of bubbles. He is a favourite at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, where he has enjoyed twelve years of sell-out success. Louis explores the breath-taking dynamics of bubbles, combining comedy and artistry with audience participation and enough spellbinding bubble tricks to keep everyone mesmerized. From square bubbles, bubbles inside bubbles, fog-filled bubbles, giant bubbles, bubble volcanoes, tornados and trampolines to people inside bubbles, the Amazing Bubble Man conjures shrieks of laughter and gasps of amazement from all ages. Doors Open at 1pm, Auditorium 1.30pm and show starts at 2pm. Tickets available at the Box Office on 01582 767525 or by visiting: Venue: The Eric Morecambe Centre, Rothamsted Park, Harpenden, Herts, AL5 2FR. For more information please visit: www.

Knebworth House Easter Trail

Join us for a Spring day out over the Easter Bank Holiday weekend.

On arrival collect your Sheet and follow the Trail around Knebworth Gardens looking for clues to complete the word puzzle. Each child with a trail sheet will be able to collect a prize at the end. Event

Address: Knebworth House, Old Knebworth Lane, Stevenage SG1 2AX.( Sat Nav use the post code of the Stevenage Novotel – SG1 2AX) For more information please visit:

Francis Rossi – Tunes & Chat

Status Quo legend Francis Rossi is taking up his acoustic guitar to bring you a selection of well-known hits and some previously not performed live before tunes. It’ll be a unique evening in which Francis will reprise fan favourites from a remarkable 50+ year career. Expect original-style, acoustic versions of Quo classics, threaded together with chat in this music based evening. Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available at the Box Office on 01582 767525 or by visiting Venue: The Eric Morecambe Centre, Rothamsted Park, Harpenden, Herts, AL5 2FR. For more information please visit: www.

80s Rewind featuring A Capella super-group The Magnets

Get ready to experience all your favourite 80s anthems and sing, dance and party along with the UK’s award-winning and International A Capella super-group, The Magnets.

The Magnets have revolutionised British a cappella by combining virtuosic beatboxing with glorious harmonies, and have gone on to become a must-see act on the international music scene, playing festivals and theatres worldwide. Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit

Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.


Get in touch and let us know


What’s On APRIL


Big Girls Don’t Cry

The Internationally-acclaimed Tribute to Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons. They skyrocketed to worldwide stardom 60 years ago with No1 hit Sherry - so, come out tonight as we celebrate all of their million-selling hits. Walk Like a Man, Rag Doll, December 1963 (Oh What a Night) and Big Girls Don’t Cry, songs that propelled the Four Seasons to super stardom are joined by hits that showcased Frankie’s incredible falsetto including Let’s Hang On, Working My Way Back to You, Beggin’ and Grease. So it’s time to hang on to what we got and celebrate one of the world’s treasures in two hours of non-stop hits. Come out tonight as we take you to a place where the moon shines bright and we dance the night away. Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available at the Box Office on 01582 767525 or visit: Venue: The Eric Morecambe Centre, Rothamsted Park, Harpenden, Herts, AL5 2FR. For more information please visit: www.





CJ’s Birds of Prey Experiences

CJ’s Birds of Prey Displays are delighted to be visiting Hatfield Park with their majestic birds of prey. The display will include a variety of birds including the second strongest Eagle the Crowned Hawk Eagle, the stunning Snowy Owl and more. The team will be hosting a flying display at 12pm and 2.30pm. They will provide the Static Display from 11am to 3pm.

Event Address: Hatfield Park, Great North Road, Hatfield, Herts AL9 5HX. For more details please visit:

OAS-IS - Oas-is – The UK’s BEST and MOST AUTHENTIC Oasis tribute band!

The ONLY tribute to tour with a full video show, using some of the same equipment and visuals/ footage that Oasis used on their tours. Oas-is have toured all over the UK and Europe, and performed live on prime time TV, playing some of the most famous venues and theatres in the country. Doors Open at 7.30pm, Auditorium 8.00pm and show starts at 8.30pm. Tickets available at the Box Office on 01582 767525 or by visiting Venue: The Eric Morecambe Centre, Rothamsted Park, Harpenden, Herts, AL5 2FR. For more information please visit: www.

Top Secret – Magic of Science

Fusing the mystery of magic with wondrous and miraculous feats of science. Hang on to your seats as we transform the venue into a real life science laboratory. Experience the non-stop action packed interactive magical science experiments that will capture the imagination. Top Secret is a fast moving colourful magical science show filled with mystery, suspense, lots and lots of mess! Top Secret will inspire and educate every young budding magician and scientist, as well as proving fun and exciting entertainment for all of the family. Doors Open at 1.30pm, Auditorium2.00pm and show starts at 2.30pm. Tickets available at the Box Office on 01582 767525 or by visiting Venue: The Eric Morecambe Centre, Rothamsted Park, Harpenden, Herts, AL5 2FR. For more information please visit: www.

Romeo and Juliet–UK Tour 2023

Join Ballet Theatre UK with their passionate portrayal of one of the world’s greatest love stories, Romeo and Juliet. Returning by popular demand, this theatrical production tells the tragic tale of star-crossed lovers with astonishing grace and heart-breaking intimacy. During the opulent Capulet’s ball our lovers meet, sparking a fateful series of events. We follow the young couple as they experience the greatest of romances to their tragic final embrace. Show time 2.30pm. See website for full details www. Venue address: The Radlett Centre, 1 Aldenham Avenue, Radlett, Herts, WD7 8HL.


What’s On APRIL


THUR-FRI 20th- 21st




Ricky Gervais

Considered one of the most influential British comedians since Charlie Chaplin, (he received the Charlie Chaplin Britannia Award for Excellence inComedy 2016 BAFTA/LA) Ricky Gervais returned to the stage with‘SuperNature’ in 2021, following the global success of his recent Netflix stand-up special ‘Humanity’, which was his first in 7 years. Ticket Restrictions are in place. Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit

Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.

The Zombies

With over 330,000 votes in the public poll, The Zombies joined Stevie Nicks, Radiohead, The Cure, Def Leppard, Janet Jackson, and Roxy Music as the Hall of Fame’s 2019 Class, at a Ceremony taking place exactly 50 years to-the-day after their classic ‘Time of the Season’ first hit #1 on the charts. The band’s live performances, described by Rolling Stone as “absolutely triumphant”, take fans on a journey from their early 1960’s singles ‘She’s Not There’ and ‘Tell Her No’; their 1968 masterpiece Odessey & Oracle and favourites from the post-Zombies careers of Colin Blunstone and Argent … right to today with brand-new songs from their forthcoming album! Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available at the Box Office on 01582 767525 or by visiting

Venue: The Eric Morecambe Centre, Rothamsted Park, Harpenden, Herts, AL5 2FR. For more information please visit: www.

Marcus Brigstocke: Absolute Shower

A blisteringly funny stand-up show from multi award-winning comedian Marcus Brigstocke. ‘Devilishly Funny’ ( This joyful show celebrates the personal triumphs and small victories of the past couple of years... while acknowledging it has, in so many ways, on so many days, for the most part, been an absolute shower of sxxt. Show time 7.30pm. See website for full details

Venue address: The Radlett Centre, 1 Aldenham Avenue, Radlett, Herts, WD7 8HL.

An Audience With Manchester United Legends

The Ultimate evening of Manchester United legends with Brian McClair and Andrew Cole LIVE on stage. The evening will be full of entertainment and banter as you can well expect, so sit back and enjoy! This evening will give you a full insight into their careers, from previous clubs, to putting on the famous red jersey, to representing their national country. Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit

Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.

DS: A Tribute to Dire Straits

Over the past years, DS:UK have become THE Dire Straits tribute act that the fans deserve - delivering the music with an attention to detail that few tribute bands strive for. This will be DS:UK’s most packed and exciting set yet… are you and your friend gonna come around? Show time 7.30pm. See website for full details Venue address: The Radlett Centre, 1 Aldenham Avenue, Radlett, Herts, WD7 8HL.


What’s On APRIL



Argentine Wine Tasting With Cellar Door Wines

We will be hosting this event in our beautiful shop and just outside it, in the courtyard on Friday the 21st of April between 5:30 and 8:30pm. There will be 16 different Argentine wines to taste and buy by the glass, accompanied by delicious meat and vegetable Empanadas.

Event Address: Hatfield Park, Great North Road, Hatfield, Herts AL9 5HX. For more details please visit:

Superslam Wrestling

Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.





Pop Princesses

A Magical show where beautiful Princesses become Pop Stars! This is the children’s pop concert with a big difference. A musical spectacular starring four fabulous Fairy tale Princesses who just love to sing! It’s the perfect mix. Featuring a soundtrack of top pop hits from artists such as Little Mix, Ariana Grande, Taylor Swift. Meghan Trainor and Miley Cyrus , plus all the best songs from all your favourite Films and Musicals. Come and join the fun! Pop Princesses. Doors Open at 5.00pm, Auditorium 5.30pm and show starts at 6.00pm. Tickets available at the Box Office on 01582 767525 or by visiting

Venue: The Eric Morecambe Centre, Rothamsted Park, Harpenden, Herts, AL5 2FR. For more information please visit: www.

Radlett Festival Of Music - 2.30pm & 6.30pm

The Radlett Festival is proud to present two concerts featuring musicians from local schools, including Fair Field and St John’s (matinee only) and the award-winning ladies choir Jubilate. Come and hear songs from The Sound of Music, The Wizard of Oz, and The School of Rock plus many other well-known favourites. A previous production was described as ‘a quality show’ and these concerts aim to delight our audience once again. See website for full details www.radlettcentre. Venue address: The Radlett Centre, 1 Aldenham Avenue, Radlett, Herts, WD7 8HL.

Circus Berlin

We are excited to welcome Continental Circus Berlin to Harpenden Common during the early May Bank Holiday period. An international circus containing traditional, modern and speciality acts from all over the world. This is a no-animal circus. Further details will be announced soon, so keep an eye on the Town Council website

MAY GOT AN EVENT? Get in touch and let us know 38
26th- 1st

What’s On APRIL


Tracy Borman “How

To Be A Good Monarch”

‘1000 years of Kings and Queens’ - The good, the bad, the great and the mad! To coincide with The Coronation of Charles III The British monarchy has survived rebellion, revolution, and war. Royal Historian, broadcaster and Chief Curator of Hampton Court and The Tower of London, Tracy Borman takes us on a gripping, entertaining and informative audio-visual tour of 1000 years of the twists and turns of the British monarchy from William the Conqueror to Charles III in a show packed with the good, the bad, the great and the mad along with birth, romance, beheading, coronation, abdication, marriage, divorce, disaster and triumph. Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available at the Box Office on 01582 767525 or by visiting Venue: The Eric Morecambe Centre, Rothamsted Park, Harpenden, Herts, AL5 2FR. For more information please visit: www.


Dr John Cooper Clarke – I Wanna Be Yours


DUE TO THIS CHANGE, THE TICKETS WILL STILL NEED TO BE PURCHASED VIA THE ALBAN ARENA BOX OFFICE: John Cooper Clarke shot to prominence in the 1970s as the original ‘people’s poet’. His unique poetry was put to music by producer Martin Hannett and a band of Mancunians The Invisible Girls. Seminal tracks such as Beasley St and Evidently Chickentown featured on the album Snap Crackle and Bop, one of 4 hit 70/80s album releases. JCC became one of the most prolific artists of the Punk years. Doors Open at 7.00pm, Auditorium 7.30pm and show starts at 8.00pm. Tickets available:

Venue: The Eric Morecambe Centre, Rothamsted Park, Harpenden, Herts, AL5 2FR. For more information please visit: www.


Shape of You – The Music of Ed Sheeran

The hit stage production, ‘Shape of You’, features the amazing music of one of the greatest singersongwriters in the world, Ed Sheeran. Presented by Chameleon Music Marketing, ‘Shape of You’ has it all: trademark loops, heartfelt singalongs, beatbox raps, & emotional acoustic compositions, as well as an extraordinarily talented band & excellent visuals - including a spectacular light performance. Show time 7.30pm. See website for full details

Venue address: The Radlett Centre, 1 Aldenham Avenue, Radlett, Herts, WD7 8HL.


Darkside the Pink Floyd Show

To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the iconic album The Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd, Darkside, the Pink Floyd Show will be performing the whole of the album in glorious quadraphonic surround sound, just as it was intended. It is also Darkside’s eighteenth year on the road and so they are celebrating their coming of age! The show will feature the best-selling album plus a wide variety of songs from the back catalogue in a two-and-a-half-hour spectacular that has been leaving audiences enthralled and elated across the country. The sensational Cariss Auburn will be sprinkling the show with her musical magic and divine vocals as ever. This is an experience not to be missed. Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available at the Box Office on 01582 767525 or by visiting

Venue: The Eric Morecambe Centre, Rothamsted Park, Harpenden, Herts, AL5 2FR. For more information please visit: www.


What’s On APRIL


29th- 1st




Hertfordshire Garden Show

There will be plenty of inspiration for the Spring and Summer months ahead supplied by the exhibitors attending the show with a wide variety of goods on display and for sale including garden furniture, water features, hot tubs, tools, sculptures and more. Event Address: Knebworth House, Old Knebworth Lane, Stevenage SG1 2AX.( Sat Nav use the post code of the Stevenage Novotel – SG1 2AX) For more information please visit:

Many Voices of Debra Stephenson

Take a trip with the star of Dead Ringers, Spitting Image, The Imitation Game, and Bad Girls, as she hurtles through time in a multiverse of musical icons from Billy Holliday to Billie Eilish, Shirley Bassey to Kate Bush, with live musical accompaniment. And, with Debra’s trademark comedic impressions of well-known politicians and celebrities, there’s plenty of fun and laughter along the way. Show time 7.30pm.

Visit: Venue address: The Radlett Centre, 1 Aldenham Avenue, Radlett, Herts, WD7 8HL.

Nadiya and Kai Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time is a fairy tale like no other. It is the brand-new dance show starring Strictly superstars Nadiya & Kai, for the first time on stage together. Our two stars have created a stunning show that highlights their different backgrounds, showcasing their incredible ballroom journeys whilst shining a spotlight on their love affair with dance. It also celebrates their wonderful relationship on & off the dance floor, whilst following their journey from childhood dancers to ballroom & Latin champions, becoming TV stars & more. It’s an on-stage romance you won’t want to miss. Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available at the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Herts, AL1 3LD.


The Plant Fairs Roadshow

The Plant Fairs Roadshow are a collective of specialist nurseries who organise and promote Plant Fairs in the South East. They always offer a wide range of locally grown, garden worthy and often unusual plants. The Plant fair roadshow will display their stalls on the North Front of Hatfield House, adjacent to the entrance of the West Garden. Due to various projects that take place within the grounds of Hatfield Park across the season their exact location may be amended closer to the event date but will remain obvious and easily accessible to visitors. Event Address: Hatfield Park, Great North Road, Hatfield, Herts AL9 5HX For more details please visit:


Harpenden Bowling Club Come and Try day - From 2.00pm to 5.00pm

Spenser Road AL5 5NN – 80 yards from Milton Road. Come & try outdoor bowls! That’s the invitation from Harpenden Bowling Club which is just a 10 minute walk from Harpenden town centre. Hidden behind houses, new visitors are greeted by a splendid, vivid green, grass playing surface that comes as a complete surprise to visitors who never knew this open space existed. Please wear flat soled trainers on the day and come and have a go on one of the best greens in Hertfordshire. The club looks forward to seeing you and helping you get started in this marvellous sport. Check us out at our website:


Jazz In The Park - FREE EVENT 2pm – 6pm

Jazz in the park is a free concert for the community sponsored by Verdis Italian Kitchen, St Albans. Come and enjoy some fine music, ice cream and pizza!

Venue : Clarence Park, Clarence Road, St Albans. For more information visit


What’s On MAY





Harpenden Bowling Club Come and Try evening

From 5.00pm to 7.30pm. Spenser Road AL5 5NN – 80 yards from Milton Road. As well as playing, we have a lively social programme throughout the year. Please wear flat soled trainers on the day and come and have a go on one of the best greens in Hertfordshire – you will be amazed as soon as you see it. Check us out at our website:

Harpenden Floral Decoration Club

Demonstration of flowers by Angela Woodley “Gardeners Galore” at 2pm at the Salvation Army Hall, Leyton Green, Harpenden AL5 2TG. All visitors very welcome details 01582 621757.

Living Crafts - 10am – 5pm

Living Crafts provides the perfect opportunity to buy unique contemporary craft, meet the makers, hear their stories, and even commission a special personal piece. With crafts in action at the festival’s heart, you will be literally surrounded by creative processes – everything from spectacular glassblowing, willow weaving and stone carving to hand thrown ceramics, metalwork and so much more…. Event Address: Hatfield Park, Great North Road, Hatfield, Herts AL9 5HX For more details please visit:

Live At The Radlett

Live At The Radlett’ returns this May with another superb line-up of 3 fantastic comedians off the telly: The hilarious Maisie Adam, Luke Kempner & Glenn Moore! This show is not to be missed! Strictly over 18s only. Show time 7.30pm. See website for full details

Venue address: The Radlett Centre, 1 Aldenham Avenue, Radlett, Herts, WD7 8HL.


Lost In Music – One Night At The Disco

Get ready to get LOST IN MUSIC! The show that everyone is talking about, now even BIGGER! Join us as we recreate the magical 70s and let us take you on a musical journey straight to the heart of disco! Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available at the Box Office on 01582 767525 or by visiting Venue: The Eric Morecambe Centre, Rothamsted Park, Harpenden, Herts, AL5 2FR. For more information please visit: www.

FRIDAY 5th Calling

Planet Earth

A New Romantic Symphony that goes on a journey through one of the greatest musical Era’s of All Time. Performed by an incredible live band with awesome symphonic arrangements combined with stunning vocals and cast this is the must see show that simply defines a decade. Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit

Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.


What’s On MAY


Paul Young Behind The Lens Tour

He’s been a major star for four decades. Paul Young broke into the big time 40 years ago when No Parlez went to number one. Paul sustained that success – while having fun in his tex-mex band, Los Pacaminos. Now, on the 40th anniversary of No Parlez, he’s releasing a remarkable new record and publishing his extraordinary memoir; both called Behind The Lens. He’s touring the UK, too, where he’ll meet fans, sing hits and tell stories about his incredible career. Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available at the Box Office on 01582 767525 or by visiting Venue: The Eric Morecambe Centre, Rothamsted Park, Harpenden, Herts, AL5 2FR. For more information please visit: www.

SATURDAY 6th Simon Brodkin: Screwed Up Overview - Age Guidance 14 and over

This show does have some strong language and topics that wouldn’t be appropriate for children. Fresh from his sold-out, critically-acclaimed Edinburgh Fringe run and becoming the most viewed British comedian of all time on TikTok, world-famous prankster and Lee Nelson creator Simon Brodkin is back with an outrageous new stand-up show. In ‘Screwed Up’ Simon rips into celebrity culture, social media, the police, Putin, Prince Andrew and Jesus. Nothing is off limits in this hilarious show. Doors Open at 7pm, Auditorium 7.30pm and show starts at 8.00pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.




Dave Gorman

The ‘high priest of the comedy Powerpoint talk’ (The Times) is touring again – as much as anything to demonstrate that a powerpoint presentation doesn’t have to involve a man in a grey suit standing behind a lectern and saying ‘next slide please’. We’ve all had enough of that, so let’s put it all behind us and never speak of it again – there are far more important things to analyse. Well… they’re more important in Dave’s head anyway. Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.


The UK’s No.1 vocal quartet! Having exploded into the industry & the public’s hearts back in 2004 on the first series of The X-Factor, G4 continue to mesmerise audiences, year after year, with their unique style & unsurpassed trademark vocal harmonies. They have to be heard live to truly appreciate the power & passion of their voices. Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available at the Box Office on 01582 767525 or by visiting Venue: The Eric Morecambe Centre, Rothamsted Park, Harpenden, Herts, AL5 2FR. For more information please visit: www.

Rumours of Fleetwood Mac

Rumours of Fleetwood Mac, the world’s finest tribute to Fleetwood Mac, returns to the stage in 2023 celebrating the very best of Fleetwood Mac. Channeling the spirit of Fleetwood Mac at their very best, Rumours of Fleetwood Mac offers a unique opportunity for fans, both old and new, to rediscover the songs and performances that have ensured Fleetwood Mac’s place as one of the most loved groups of all time. Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit

Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.


What’s On MAY


An Evening With Ledley King

Legend Ledley King comes to the Radlett Centre for an evening of football, fun and a trip down Spurs memory lane. This is a must for ANY Tottenham Fan. Show time 8.00pm. See website for full details

Venue address: The Radlett Centre, 1 Aldenham Avenue, Radlett, Herts, WD7 8HL.


An evening with Frank Bruno MBE

The former WBC World Heavyweight Champion.

Frank Bruno is arguably Britain’s most loved Sporting Icon, and the ex WBC World Heavyweight Champion will be meeting and talking to fans live at The Radlett Centre on Friday 12th May 2023. It’s going to be a fantastic night with Frank discussing his life before, during and after his incredible career as a professional boxer. Show time 8.00pm. See website for full details Venue address: The Radlett Centre, 1 Aldenham Avenue, Radlett, Herts, WD7 8HL.


The Magic Of Motown

Seen by over a million people, now in its 17th year touring the UK. . . It’s no surprise that this show is one of the biggest success stories in British theatre history. This is a tribute show and is no way affiliated with any original artists, estates, management companies or similar shows. Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available at the Box Office on 01582 767525 or by visiting Venue: The Eric Morecambe Centre, Rothamsted Park, Harpenden, Herts, AL5 2FR. For more information please visit: www.

SATURDAY 13th The Searchers ‘Thank You’ Tour

We are very happy to announce that The Searchers have decided to return for just one more tour in the Spring of 2023 as a fit and proper way of showing appreciation to all those who gave them a wonderful and successful career. Their all-evening presentations, so professionally put together and packed with their chart hits and more, have made them a major attraction in theatres across the U.K. Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit

Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.


Angela Barnes – Hot Mess

Angela Barnes (Mock The Week, Live at the Apollo, 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown and former chair of BBC Radio 4’s The News Quiz) has good intentions but trying to live your best life, as it turns out, is really bloody hard. Stand-up, stories and jokes from “...a gloriously down-to-earth, straight-talking and extremely funny comic” (Guardian). Show time 7.30pm. See website for full details

Venue address: The Radlett Centre, 1 Aldenham Avenue, Radlett, Herts, WD7 8HL.

SUNDAY 14th Miami Pro World Championships

Mark your calendars and get ready for the annual Miami Pro WORLD Championships! If fitness modelling and hard bodies is your thing, then this is your show. Doors Open at 1pm, Auditorium 1.30pm and show starts at 2pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit

Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.


What’s On MAY


An Evening with Anton Du Beke and Friends

Strictly Come Dancing legend and judge, Anton Du Beke, takes to the stage with his show in 2023. With his live band, a guest singer and his dancers, expect a fab-u-lous evening of song, dance and laughter. Anton will be performing some of his favourite songs and dances that have inspired his career throughout his life. Expect behind the scenes stories from his time on Strictly that will have you laughing out loud. Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.


Gary & Robbie

The unmissable Gary Barlow and Robbie Williams Tribute Show.

Two of the finest International Tribute Artists come together for a truly unforgettable evening of Barlow, Williams, and Take That Classics. Show time 7.30pm. See website for full details

Venue address: The Radlett Centre, 1 Aldenham Avenue, Radlett, Herts, WD7 8HL.


The Arts Society Harpenden Area - Event Starts at 10.30am

Interested in the Arts? Why not join our next lecture, at the Eric Morecambe Centre in Rothamsted Park. (£6 for one lecture or £45 for annual membership). Colour theory underpins the visual world. Today there is a sense of thinking there is one colour theory, but actually over history many people have contributed from Aristotle to Goethe, from Newton to Joseph Albers. This is a very colourful lecture which will explore some of the theories and the wonderful colour charts they produced giving a visual feast. Venue: The Eric Morecambe Centre, Rothamsted Park, Harpenden, Herts, AL5 2FR. For more information please visit: www.



Sounds of the 70’s – The Zoots

Join The Sounds of the 70’s for their unforgettable live show, as they explore the sounds of Abba, T.Rex, Queen, Bowie, Mud, The Sweet, Dolly Parton, The Rolling Stones, Chic and other amazing Seventies legends! Hear the music from the musicals; Grease, Saturday Night fever and Rocky Horror picture show. From Glam Rock to Prog Rock, Motown to Disco –there’s something for everyone!– you can’t help grooving to The Sounds of the 70’s! Show time 7.30pm. See website for full details Venue address: The Radlett Centre, 1 Aldenham Avenue, Radlett, Herts, WD7 8HL.

Steve Harley Acoustic Band

Steve has been playing Live shows around the world for over 50 years and the thrill of another night in another place to another audience has not dimmed at all. “We have real adventures on tour, “says Steve. “I’ve seen the Northern Lights, the Midnight Sun and dozens of wonderful galleries, museums and great cities, all on my down-time. I have a great life as a Wandering Minstrel!” Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available at the Box Office on 01582 767525 or by visiting Venue: The Eric Morecambe Centre, Rothamsted Park, Harpenden, Herts, AL5 2FR. For more information please visit: www.

Get in touch and let us know

What’s On MAY


Tiger Lillies - Age Restriction 14+

The Grammy nominated Godfathers of alternative cabaret return with a career spanning concert. Expect dark and deviant theatrics as they delve into their back catalogue presenting their most famous songs alongside new surprises. With an international reputation for being one of the foremost avant-garde bands in the world, Olivier award winners The Tiger Lillies never cease to surprise, shock and entertain with their inimitable musical style, conjuring up the macabre magic of pre-war Berlin and fusing it with the savage edge of punk. This unique, Brechtian street opera trio tour the world playing concerts and theatre shows such as The Tiger Lillies Christmas Carol, The Ancient Mariner and the West End hit Shockheaded Peter. Doors Open at 7.00pm, Auditorium 7.30pm and show starts at 8pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.


THUR-MON 25th - 29th

Harpenden Sustainability Market - Time 10am

– 3pm

A range of eco providers and sustainable food stalls, interiors, fashion, repair and reuse and more! Come along to talk to vendors, traders and community organisations for a range of products, food and pantry staples, ideas and activities to inspire you. The event is located on Harpenden Common, on the green outside Park Hall. For more information please visit:

Abbotts Funfair

An exciting funfair on Harpenden Common! Information including times will be updated as soon as possible, so keep an eye on the Town Council website




Anything for Love

Critically acclaimed Steve Steinman brings you his smash hit production Anything For Love – The Meat Loaf Story: It’s all about the music! For over 30 years Steve Steinman has been filling theatres and concert halls worldwide with his incredible production shows. Following his 2021 UK sell out tour Steve returns to The Alban Arena performing over 25 of Meat Loaf and Jim Steinman’s greatest hits. Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit

Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.

Sweet Caroline – A Tribute to Neil Diamond

The show will take you back to where it began. A musical journey featuring 50 years of the greatest songs ever written. Celebrate the music that has charmed six generations as we bring you all things Diamond with a sensational live show. Enjoy all the hits Forever In Blue Jeans, America, Love On The Rocks, Song Sung Blue, Hello Again, Cracklin’ Rosie, I Am. . . I Said, Beautiful Noise and, of course, Sweet Caroline. Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available at the Box Office on 01582 767525 or by visiting Venue: The Eric Morecambe Centre, Rothamsted Park, Harpenden, Herts, AL5 2FR. For more information please visit: www.

Babatunde Aléshé: Babahood

Join the multi award winning star of Celebrity Googlebox as he talks family and fatherhood in this highly anticipated debut tour. Doors Open at 7.00pm, Auditorium 7.30pm and show starts at 8pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.


What’s On MAY


Slam Dunk Festival (South) at Hatfield House - Event Time 9am – 10.30pm

Slam Dunk South is the southern date of Slam Dunk Festival, the UK’s biggest independent Rock Festival. Slam Dunk South is a 1-day event with no camping available. For the full artist line up please visit

Event Address: Hatfield Park, Great North Road, Hatfield, Herts AL9 5HX. For more details please visit:


Legend – The Music of Bob Marley

When you think reggae, there is only one name that comes to mind. The legend that was Bob Marley. Legend – the Music of Bob Marley is an unforgettable evening celebrating this musical icon in one fantastic stage show extravaganza. Combining his superb, distinctive vocals with flawless musicianship, and a supremely talented cast. It is a two-hour spectacular, showcasing the magic of Marley.. Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available at the Box Office on 01582 767525 or by visiting

Venue: The Eric Morecambe Centre, Rothamsted Park, Harpenden, Herts, AL5 2FR. For more information please visit: www.


Don’t Stop Believin

Jump aboard the midnight train ]– heaven is a place on Earth called St Albans as the greatest end-of-thenight anthems spectacular roars into town. One way, or another, nothing’s gonna stop us now… The brandnew, feel-good show of the year guarantees a crazy, crazy night of non-stop, singalong favourites. Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit

Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.

SAT-SUN 27th - 28th

BIG EVENT - Hertfordshire County Show – BIG EVENT

The Hertfordshire County Show is one of our county’s flagship events – a celebration of everything county, country living, food and farming offering something special for each and every one of our 35,000+ visitors! Witness spectacular entertainment in the Main Ring as we welcome back the stunningly beautiful Atkinson Sports Horses as our main attraction for 2023. Enjoy and discover the very best of local shopping with deliciously curated produce in our Food Court and iconic Made in Herts zones with local foods and local crafts that showcase the best of Hertfordshire to the World. Immerse yourself in agriculture with a packed timetable of livestock and equine classes and head to our Farm-Yard and Countryside zones and discover awe-inspiring plant and machinery from past and present. Tickets available on the day or prior to the event from

Event Addresss The Showground, Dunstable Road, Redbourn, Herts AL3 7PT.


The Little Mermaid

From the producers of Rapunzel, it’s time to make a splash & join Ariel; her father, King of the Seven Seas; Ursula, the evil sea witch, & a whole host of fabulous characters in this brand-new adaptation. Expect lots of fun, singing & dancing, all brought to you by a fantastic & energetic company of wonderful performers. Sparkling scenery, beautiful costumes & an exciting opportunity to meet the characters after the show. Two Event Times 2pm & 5pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.


What’s On MAY

WED-THUR 31st- 1st JUNE

In the Night Garden - Runtime – approx 1 hour

Various event times – see website for times.

Igglepiggle, Upsy Daisy, Makka Pakka and friends are back in their fun-filled live show Igglepiggle’s Busy Day! Join Igglepiggle as he looks for his friends in the Night Garden by following their funny sounds until he finds them all! You’ll see all your favourite characters beautifully brought to life with full-size costumes, magical puppets, and enchanting music. This show lasts just under an hour and your little ones will be amazed when they see a very special visit from the amazing flying Pinky Ponk. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.

What’s On JUNE


Milkshake Live - Two event times 12pm & 3.30pm

Milkshake! Monkey is back and can’t wait to put on a spectacular NEW Show for you all, joined by some of his favourite Milkshake! friends plus two Milkshake Presenters creating the most dazzling show you have ever seen! Join Paddington, Daisy & Ollie, Milo, Noddy, Pip and Posy, Blue’s Clues & You! and of course Milkshake! Monkey for an unforgettable family time at Milkshake Monkey’s Musical! Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit

Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.



Kenton Cool – Everest: The Untold Story - Presented by Speakers from the Edge

To celebrate the 70th anniversary of the first successful summit, Kenton Cool - the 16x summit non-Sherpa world record-holder – has created a new show to take audiences on a fascinating journey through the history of the highs and lows of summit attempts on one of the world’s most magnificent mountains: from its first ‘discovery’ as part of the Great Indian Trigonometric Survey, through to the perceived ‘bucket list adventure’ that it is considered today. Show Time 7.30pm. See website for full details Venue address: The Radlett Centre, 1 Aldenham Avenue, Radlett, Herts, WD7 8HL.

UK Pink Floyd Experience

Celebrating 50 years since the release of their iconic album The Dark Side of The Moon, UK Pink Floyd Experience recreate the sights and sounds of the legendary band in concert. This highly authentic show recreates the atmosphere of Floyd live, featuring top-flight musicians, a stunning light show and over two hours of incredible music! Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.


Alice in Wonderland - A fantastical ballet for the whole family!

Let’s All Dance Ballet Company is delighted to present this fabulous family favourite. A stunning mix of ballet and circus, much loved characters and superb music brings the famous tale to life in this magical production. Don’t be late for this very important date! Come and join Alice as she enters the curiouser and curiouser world of the White Rabbit, Queen of Hearts and Mad Hatter. Suitable for all, including children with special needs. Show Time 1pm. Visit: Venue address: The Radlett Centre, 1 Aldenham Avenue, Radlett, Herts, WD7 8HL.


What’s On JUNE


Harpenden Floral Decoration Club

Demonstration of flowers by Jilly Griffin “Whatever Next” at 2pm at the Salvation Army Hall, Leyton Green, Harpenden AL5 2TG. All visitors very welcome details 01582 621757.

THUR-SAT 8th - 10th



TUE-THUR 13th - 15th

Grease – Rare Productions

Experience the friendships, romances and adventures of a group of high school kids in the 1950s. Welcome to the singing and dancing world of “Grease,” the most successful movie musical of all time. A wholesome exchange student and a leather-clad Danny have a summer romance, but will it cross clique lines? SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL AMATEUR YOUTH THEATRE GROUP! Various Show Times. See website for full details

Venue address: The Radlett Centre, 1 Aldenham Avenue, Radlett, Herts, WD7 8HL.

Midnight Train to Georgia

Capturing the essence of the Multi Award Winning Ms Gladys Knight, Hayley Ria Christian emulates the true magic that the Empress of Soul delivers on stage. Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit

Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.

The Syd Lawrence Orchestra – BIG BAND BRASS

The “Best Big Band in the Land” is back for their UK tour with their explosive new show” BIG BAND BRASS” This concert is a Big Band Musical extravaganza not to be missed A rip roaring, exciting swing journey, performed by the finest musicians in the country, playing a concerto of the music of Glenn Miller, Count Basie, Tommy Dorsey, Neal Hefti, Billy May, Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald. All your favourites included. Unquestionably this is stunning, dynamic “best in class “show. Directed by Chris Dean, this mesmerizing performance is packed with all your Big Band Favourites and a few new surprises. Show time 7.30pm. See website for full details

Venue address: The Radlett Centre, 1 Aldenham Avenue, Radlett, Herts, WD7 8HL.

ZOG - Various event times – see website for times

Freckle Productions in association with Rose Theatre presents ZOG. Based on the book by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler. The smash-hit stage adaptation from Freckle Productions (the team behind Zog and the Flying Doctors and Stick Man) is back and promises to be bigger, brighter and more roar-some than ever before! With lively songs from Joe Stilgoe and directed by Emma Kilbey, Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler’s much-loved Zog is a magical production for all ages. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.


Radio Ga Ga - The Ultimate Celebration of Queen

Have your finest hour, or two, as we bring you Radio GaGa. Be part of a night like no other as we bring you the concert you’ve been dreaming of! The ultimate celebration of one the biggest bands to have ever graced the stage – Queen. Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available at the Box Office on 01582 767525 or by visiting Venue: The Eric Morecambe Centre, Rothamsted Park, Harpenden, Herts, AL5 2FR. For more information please visit: www.


What’s On JUNE


The Arts Society Harpenden Area - Lecturer: Caroline Holmes

Painter and Plantsman: Cedric Morris, Irises and Beyond Interested in the Arts? Why not join our next lecture, at the Eric Morecambe Centre in Rothamsted Park. (£6 for one lecture or £45 for annual membership).The flower paintings of Cedric Morris (1889-1982) capturing plants around the Mediterranean, the Canaries and beyond reveal him as a consummate botanist. After a fire in 1940, Morris and Arthur Lett-Haines were forced to relocate their East Anglia School of Painting and Drawing to Benton End near Hadleigh, in Suffolk. Not just a School but a vibrant eclectic artistic hub in a setting of Morris’s horticultural genius. He lived at Benton End until his death, enjoying national stature as artist and plantsman whose legacy included over 90 new irises. Venue: The Eric Morecambe Centre, Rothamsted Park, Harpenden, Herts, AL5 2FR. For more information please visit: www.


The Very Best Of Tommy Cooper (Just like that!)

Recapturing his trademark mayhem and misfiring magic. The show includes many of Cooper’s beloved one-liners, dazzling wordplay and celebrated tricks, including Glass/Bottle, Dappy Duck, Spot the Dog and Jar/Spoon. Produced and performed by Daniel Taylor. The Production has the blessing of the Tommy Cooper Estate. Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available at the Box Office on 01582 767525 or by visiting Venue: The Eric Morecambe Centre, Rothamsted Park, Harpenden, Herts, AL5 2FR. For more information please visit: www.


Roy Orbison & The TRAVELING Wilburys Experience

Come and enjoy a fantastic evening of entertainment jam-packed with non-stop hits, big screen action, expert narrative and lots of fun. You will be taken on a journey through several decades of pop as we celebrate the music of Jeff Lynne’s ELO, Roy Orbison, Bob Dylan, Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers and The Beatles’ George Harrison. Also the collective genius that was The Traveling Wilburys. Show time 7.30pm. See website for full details

Venue address: The Radlett Centre, 1 Aldenham Avenue, Radlett, Herts, WD7 8HL.



The Concert

SUN RECORDS - Where Rock’n’Roll Was Born – the Official Sun Records Concert Show

70th Anniversary of Elvis’ First Recording Session Revisit the blessed recording studio and the legendary record label that brought you Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, Johnny Cash, Roy Orbison, Carl Perkins, Rufus Thomas and scores more rockin’ pioneers, as they once again come to life live on stage. Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit

Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.


Harpenden’s exciting Summer Carnival, hosted by Harpenden Town Council and Harpenden Round Table, brings an exciting action-packed programme of entertainment and activities. With musical performances, food and drink, and an unrivalled atmosphere - mark your diaries now!

Information will be updated on our social media channels and website later in the year, so keep an eye on the Town Council website


What’s On JUNE


17th - 18th


Established over 30 years ago, Art on the Common in Harpenden is Hertfordshire’s premier outdoor art event. It takes place in a wonderful location on a tree lined section of the Common close to the Town Centre. We look forward to welcoming back more than 50 local artists. This event, coinciding with Harpenden’s Summer Carnival, is a wonderful opportunity to view and purchase incredible artwork including paintings, ceramic, fine art photography, jewellery, sculpture and more. Art on the Common opens at 10am on Saturday 17th and 11am on Sunday, closing at 5pm on both days. For more information visit




This popular event at Batford Springs includes a variety of activities and entertainment for all ages, bringing together the community to enjoy outdoor fun! Enjoy food and drinks from the stalls or bring a picnic to one of our most treasured green spaces. For more information visit

Fathers Day Jousting at Knebworth House

The turrets and towers of Knebworth House will provide a spectacular backdrop to the costumed Knights on majestic warhorses galloping at full tilt across the arena in a fantastic display of horsemanship. The crowds are encouraged to cheer and jeer the Knights as they demonstrate their skill.There are two scheduled jousting displays at 12pm and 2.30pm (dependent on weather). Event Address: Knebworth House, Old Knebworth Lane, Stevenage SG1 2AX. (Sat Nav use the post code of the Stevenage Novotel – SG1 2AX) For more information please visit:




Do You Believe In Ghosts

An experiential ghost story, unlike anything you have ever experienced before. Welcome to a haunting night at the theatre. Are you feeling brave? If you are, join us, and we will tell you all the secrets of what goes on when the theatre goes dark. When the only thing to guide you is the Ghost Light. To keep mischievous spirits away – or maybe just to light the way for the ghosts who call it their home. Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit

Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.

Arrival – The Hits of ABBA

ARRIVAL’s multi award-winning show is returning for 2023 following sell out shows in more than 30 countries worldwide, bringing the magic of ABBA to the UK. The high-energy production features ABBA’s best loved hits including ‘Mamma Mia’, ‘Dancing Queen’, ‘Super Trouper’, ‘Voulez Vous’, and of course ‘Waterloo’, plus material from the most-recent album Voyage! Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit

Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.


What’s On JUNE 80’s Live



Get ready as we bring you the biggest 80s party show to tour the UK – 80s Live!

We will be heading down the Atlanta Highway, so bring your jukebox money and get ready to Jitterbug, with this brand new action packed show for 2022 & 23. The ultimate 80s night out, so come dressed to impress as we spin you around and around for a night to remember. Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available at the Box Office on 01582 767525 or by visiting

Venue: The Eric Morecambe Centre, Rothamsted Park, Harpenden, Herts, AL5 2FR. For more information please visit: www.



Magic of the Beatles

The incredible cast not only look and sound like John, Paul, George, and Ringo, they also generate that famed, incredible excitement of The Beatles – with the Fab Four’s unique sense of humour thrown in for good measure too. Enjoy She Loves You, A Hard Day’s Night, Help!, I Feel Fine, Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, Hey Jude, Here Comes the Sun, Get Back and more. Playing to ecstatic sell-out audiences all over the world – The Magic of the Beatles is all you need for an unforgettable night of million-selling memories. Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available at the Box Office on 01582 767525 or by visiting Venue: The Eric Morecambe Centre, Rothamsted Park, Harpenden, Herts, AL5 2FR. For more information please visit: www.

The Serial Killer Next Door

One of the UK’s most notable Psychological Therapists and Crime commentators Emma Kenny discusses what creates a serial killer.Emma Kenny will take you on a journey looking at what ingredients of possibility lead to body counts by killers like Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, Jeffrey Dahmer, and John Paul Knowles. What creates a serial killer, and could anything have prevented their potential being activated, or were they simply born to kill? Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit

Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.


Wines of South Africa Summer Tasting

Join Cellar Door Wines in The Riding School at Hatfield Park from 2pm – 6pm for an afternoon filled with vibrant South African atmosphere. There will be a jazz band inside, traditional Zulu dancers performing in The Stable Yard and authentic South African street food by Now Now Chow. Taste over 100 wines from every region and style in the Cape Winelands. Event Address: Hatfield Park, Great North Road, Hatfield, Herts AL9 5HX. For more details please visit:



Harpenden Lions Highland Gathering is a great day out with a ‘Scottish flavour’, including several pipe and drum bands, highland dancing competitions and displays as well as solo piping. Plus traditional highland games heavy events including ‘weight over the bar’, ‘tossing the caber’ and ‘putting the stone’, arena displays, stage performances and activities for children & families.

For more information please visit:

Sat 15th - Sun 16th July - Great British Food Festival at Knebworth House

The Great British Food Festival is back again bringing amazing artisan producers, scrumptious street food, brilliant bars and live entertainment this July. The perfect recipe for a fun, foodie, family day out! There is a fabulous line-up of top chefs and bakers this year with some names you may recognise alongside some of the best chefs from local restaurants and pubs. Each chef will showcase a different dish and techniques. The Chef Demos run on all days, with the line-up changing each day, and at each event. Demos start on the hour, each hour from 11am to 4pm, and they are all free to attend! So, come and grab a seat and learn something new. Event Address: Knebworth House, Old Knebworth Lane, Stevenage SG1 2AX.( Sat Nav use the post code of the Stevenage Novotel – SG1 2AX) For more information please visit:


22 Jul - Gin & Rum festival at St Albans

Cathedral Event Time 12:30 - 22:30

You’ll be spoilt for choice with over 120 different Gin & Rums to choose from. Chose your new favourite tipple, while having a boogey along to some live entertainment and their award-winning DJ. You’ll even get the chance to rub shoulders with some of their hand selected distillers and enjoy their samples. If you feel like it, why not purchase a bottle to take home?

For more information and for tickets please visit:


Once a year, Harpenden Common comes alive for a day with more than 1000 classics cars, motor cycles and scooters. There you’ll find a Chevy Bel Air rubbing shoulders with a 1927 Trojan, and a rare 1978 Matra Bagheera with a1959 Berlinetta. Plus 10,000 admiring spectators. For more information please visit:



Stress is something everyone feels at times, and there are all kinds of stressful situations that can be a part of daily life. Low-level stress can even be helpful or motivational. There are plenty of things you can do to help cope with stressful events, and simple steps you can take to deal with feelings of stress or burnout.

Stress is the body’s reaction to feeling threatened or under pressure. It’s very common, can be motivating to help us achieve things in our daily life, and can help us meet the demands of home, work and family life.

But too much stress can affect our mood, our body and our relationships – especially when it feels out of our control. It can make us feel anxious and irritable, and affect our self-esteem.

Experiencing a lot of stress over a long period of time can also lead to a feeling of physical, mental and emotional exhaustion, often called burnout.

The tips on our website should help, but if you have been experiencing stress for some time and it’s affecting your daily life or causing you distress, you should consider seeking further support.

The NHS DON’T recommends the following:

• Do not try to do everything at once – set small targets you can easily achieve

• Do not focus on the things you cannot change – focus your time and energy into helping yourself feel better

• Try not to tell yourself that you’re alone – most people feel stressed at some point in their life and support is available

• Try not to use alcohol, cigarettes, gambling or drugs to relieve stress – these can all contribute to poor mental health

With a lot of support out there they recommend the following:

1. Seek NHS support

Call NHS 111 or talk to your GP. In England, you can also refer yourself for psychological therapy through the NHS IAPT service without seeing your GP.

2. Charities, helplines and communities

• Get support from Time to Change

• Visit Samaritans’ website

• Check Mental Health Foundation: stress

• Join the Stress Management Society

3. Try a Reading Well book

Reading Well for mental health provides helpful information and support, with books on mindfulness and other subjects available free from your local library. See Reading Well Books by visiting

Helping someone else

Get tips and advice on helping others struggling with their mental health helping-others/

Urgent Support

If you cannot wait to see a doctor and feel unable to cope or keep yourself safe, it’s important to get support. Get urgent support by visiting

Further information and support

The mental health charity Mind offers more information on: dealing with pressure developing emotional resilience to help you adapt and bounce back during difficult times

Your Mind Plan on the Every Mind Matters website sends personalised tips and advice to your email inbox. For further information about stress visit

53 Health
APRIL 1st - APRIL 29th 2023


oasis of calm

The AL5 is a luxury aesthetics medi-spa in Harpenden, Herts offering a wide variety of cutting edge, bespoke face and body treatments

The AL5 Aesthetics offers an oasis of calm away from the hustle and bustle of every day life. Once you step inside you will be transported into a luxurious, tranquil space where you can relax and let us look after you from head to toe.

From the very latest in face and body aesthetics treatments to our dedicated lash and brow bar and injectables clinic, we offer a full range of the very latest in treatments to make you feel and look the very best version of you.

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◊ Dermalux Tri-Wave MD

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Stockists of Medik8, HydroPeptide, Alumier MD, Image Skincare, IS Clinical & Emerald Fat Loss Laser

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Swab test

For those experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 and need to know if they are carrying the virus.

Results available within 3 days

Rapid testing

Swab test

For those who are either symptomatic or asymptomatic, seeking to understand if they currently have the virus.

Results available within 4 hours

Anti-body testing

Blood test

For those who previously had symptoms of COVID-19.

Results available within 2-3 days

55 OSD Healthcare, One Medical House, Boundary Way, Hemel Hempstead, HP2 7YU // 01442 330 690 Appointments are usually available within 24 hours. Book your test today by calling 01442 331 035 OSDhealthcare/ At OSD Healthcare, we offer a range of different COVID-19 tests

& food Drink Starter

Bejewelled Salad

With the jewel like colours of the pomegranate and figs, this salad makes an impressive starter. It is quick and easy to prepare but looks, and tastes, amazing.

If you don’t like (or can’t source) figs, peaches and nectarines work just as well; as do other leaves -I love it with pea shoots and water cress or baby spinach.

Serves 4


90g wild rocket

4 ripe figs cut into wedges

80g Parma ham (or similar)

50g pecorino shavings (or similar)

2 tbsp of snipped chives

60 g pomegranate seeds

1tbsp pomegranate molasses

2 tbsp lemon juice

1 tbsp olive oil


1. Arrange the rocket and figs on a platter

2. Tear over the Parma ham

3. Add the shavings of pecorino

4. Sprinkle over the chives and the pomegranate seeds

5. Whisk together the pomegranate molasses, lemon juice and olive oil; drizzle it over the salad

6. Finish off with a grinding of freshly ground pepper


The Harpenden monthly Farmers Market takes place on the 4th Sunday of every month from 10am until 2pm and is run and organised by us at Harpenden Town Council.

The Farmers' Market accommodates approximately 70 stalls and runs northbound along the Lower High Street from Sainsbury’s Supermarket to Strutt & Parker.

Each Market finds a huge selection of produce available, for example:

• Meats, pies, sausages

• Fish

• Preserves – pickles, jams and honey

• Cheeses

• Vegetables and fruit

• Flowers and plants

• Fresh bread, cakes and pastries

• Eggs

• Beer, wine and liqueurs

2023 dates a re:

Sunday 23rd April

Sunday 28th May

Sunday 25th June


Main Course


Serves: 4

Prep: 30 minutes Cook: 30 to 60 minutes


For the meatballs

250g/9oz lean beef mince

250g/9oz pork mince

1 small onion, very finely chopped

1 garlic clove, finely chopped

25g/1oz fresh white breadcrumbs

2 tsp dried mixed herbs

sea salt & freshly ground black pepper

2 tsp sunflower oil

For the gravy

1 tbsp sunflower oil

1 medium onion, finely sliced

1 tbsp plain flour

150ml/5fl oz red wine

300ml/10fl oz beef stock made with one beef stock cube

1 tbsp tomato purée


Place the beef and pork mince in a large bowl and add the onion, garlic, breadcrumbs and dried herbs. Season with salt and freshly ground black pepper and mix well with clean hands. Divide the mixture into 20 portions and roll into small, neat balls.

Heat the sunflower oil in a large non-stick frying pan and fry the meatballs for 6–8 minutes, or until nicely browned on all sides. Roll the meatballs around in the pan as they brown to prevent them from becoming flattened on one side. Transfer the meatballs to a large lidded saucepan.

To make the gravy, heat the sunflower oil in the frying pan and gently fry the onion over a low heat for five minutes, or until softened, stirring regularly.

Sprinkle the flour into the pan and stir well. Slowly add the red wine, stock and tomato purée, stirring constantly.

Pour the gravy over the meatballs and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat, cover the pan with a lid and leave to simmer gently over a low heat for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Remove the lid and increase the heat. Boil the gravy for another 3–5 minutes or until thickened. Season, to taste, with salt and freshly ground black pepper and serve.

Registered charity no 1173118

Baked Cheesecake with Crumble Topping

Prep: 50 minutes, plus 3 hours chilling

Cooking time: 50 minutes to 60 minutes

Total time: 280 minutes to 290 minutes

Ingredients - Serves 8:


30g caster sugar

60g butter

125g plain flour

375g dessert shortcrust pastr y


500g ricotta

85g soured cream

4 medium eggs, separated

200g caster sugar

1 lemon, finely grated zest, plus 1 tbsp juice

1 tsp vanilla extract

2 tbsp plain flour



Preheat the oven to 180°C, gas mark 4.

Take a 25cm tart tin that’s at least 5cm deep and has a removable base, line with the pastry and chill for half an hour. Prick the base all over with a fork, line with baking parchment, & weight down with baking beans.

Cook for 12 minutes, then remove the beans and paper and return the pastry case to the oven. Bake for a further 7 minutes until dry. Remove from the oven and leave to cool.

Reduce the heat of the oven to 170°C, gas mark 3.To make the filling, beat the ricotta with the soured cream. Beat the egg yolks with the caster sugar until pale, then add to the cheese mixture, also mixing in the lemon zest and juice and vanilla extract.

Beat the egg whites until they form soft peaks. Sift the flour over the ricotta mixture, then fold it in along with the egg whites. Spoon the filling into the pastry case.

To make the crumble mixture, rub the butter into the flour, then stir in the sugar. Sprinkle this mixture evenly over the surface of the cheesecake. Bake for about 50 minutes to one hour, until a skewer inserted into the centre of the cake comes out clean.

Turn off the oven, leaving the door slightly ajar, and allow the cheesecake to cool in the oven, then chill it for at least 3 hours before serving.

61 Luxury Serviced Apartments in the heart of Harpenden Tel: 01582 761642 65 High Street, Harpenden, Herts. AL5 2SL. Moving Home • Re Locating • Away on Business Building an Extension • Visiting Family Harpenden House page 1 full page.pdf 1 05/11/2015 19:05



The objective of digital inclusion is to ensure that the elderly, those with less purchasing power or with intellectual or audio-visual disabilities, are not left out of a world that offers many possibilities.

Computer Friendly is a “not for profit” registered local charity, supported by St Albans District Council, helping adults in St Albans and surrounding areas to feel included and less isolated by being better skilled on digital devices to meet the demands of the ever increasing online world.

There are FREE weekly drop-in sessions at the Quaker Meeting Room, Southdown Road for people with immediate device problems who need quick solutions or just want information and advice.

Computer Friendly delivers 60 courses a year in local venues, for starters and intermediates on using tablets, smartphones and computers as well as specialist internet-based leisure courses such as staying safe online, buying and selling on eBay, Facebook, and researching your family history. They also train on basic and advanced Windows, Word, Excel and PowerPoint. The unique style of learning guides you through comprehensive training whilst responding to individual needs, and all delivered in locations at the heart of the community.

For further information, visit the Computer Friendly website or contact them on 01727 617359.

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Lafters, The Common, Kinsbourne Green, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, AL5 3PD HARPENDEN’S FAMILY FIRM YOU CAN TRUST HARPENDEN’S FAMILY FIRM YOU CAN TRUST Lafters, The Common, Kinsbourne Green, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, AL5 3PD

Harpenden Waste Away and Recycling are a Harpenden based, registered waste carrier that offers a friendly, affordable rubbish and waste removal service. Often cheaper than a skip, we are the cost effective way to get rid of your waste legally and ethically with waste recycled where possible.

At Harpenden Waste Away & Recycling our goal is to make waste removal fuss free for our customers and we take great pride in the work we do.

Whether you want to clear out the garage, get rid of that old furniture, have some bulky waste that you can’t fit in your dustbin or have a full house clearance, it’s always worth giving us a call.

Harpenden Waste Away will always provide a professional service at a reasonable price guaranteed. We are a company committed to recycling and take all rubbish to transfer stations that recycle all reusable materials.

Our flexible approach ensures that we can meet your waste management needs in a quick, professional and friendly manner.

With the increase of fly-tipping, It’s very important to check that your waste carrier is fully licensed like Harpenden Waste Away which you can do easily, via this website:


64 Goodson Builders Ltd Extensions & renovations and expert in conservation & heritage work complete service from drawings to decoration quality old fashioned craftmanship plus competitive old fashioned prices guaranteed to please. Full Building Maintenance Service ALL WORK QUALITY ASSURED & GUARANTEED ESTABLISHED 1975 CALL: 07850 746171 FAX: 01582 873456 Email:
Harpenden Waste Away & Recycling today on: 07486 646756 It couldn’t be easier.....No fuss, No hidden charges, Know where your waste goes!
of companies that under
65 Harpenden Waste Away & Recycling is a professional, friendly, reliable service that remove rubbish from homes, gardens and commercial business premises. The company is fully licensed with the Environment Agency as a registered waste carrier and is fully insured. Local friendly service - Domestic house & garden clearance Commercial business waste removal - No Job too big or too small Removal of almost all types of rubbish – Same day collection Areas we cover: Harpenden, St. Albans, Redbourn, Wheathampstead, Welwyn Garden City, Hitchin, Luton, Hemel Hempstead, Watford, Dunstable & all surrounding areas. Call Harpenden Waste Away & Recycling today and arrange your rubbish removal 07486 646756 Same Day Collection • Fully Licensed & Insured • Cheaper Than Skip! R UBBISH R EMOVAL AND R ECYCLING harpenden waste away fp ad.pdf 1 15/09/2017 14:20

OWL is used by Hertfordshire Constabulary and local coordinators to communicate with thousands of watch members across the county.

Hertfordshire has the largest Neighbourhood Watch network in the UK with 1 in 3 homes registered on OWL.

OWL is an advanced solution for police & communities to grow and manage Neighbourhood Watch, Business Watch, Dog Watch, Senior Watch and dozens of other schemes.

OWL provides members with the latest local alerts and crime prevention advice sent by email, telephone or SMS. The updates are free and include crime prevention advice. Residents are not required to do more than read and act on the local messages which also include missing people and details about local community events.

From time to time, we will also let you know about countywide fraud offences and scams.

To register or get in touch with your nearest watch scheme in Hertfordshire please visit:

Harpenden Blinds

66 Find Us On FaceBook “Harpenden Blinds” 20 Bewdley Close Harpenden



These gorgeous vintage light bulbs create a beautiful ambiance - the old fashioned style filaments glowing with warm light, just like the originals invented by Thomas Edison. The old style light bulbs are very versatile and can either be used with a lamp shade or on their own to create a stunning focal point. They can be used as the main light in a room or can simply be decorative.

These bulbs utilise eco-friendly, cost effect LED technology to present a fantastic alternative to traditional incandescent bulbs.

These bulbs are available in up to four wattages, 2W, 4W which are NON - Dimmable, (the equivalent to standard 40W & 60W) and 5W and 8W

DIMMABLE (the equivalent to standard 60W & 100W). To be used with an LED compatible dimmer switch.

Available from most High Street Shops - Keep It Local and Shop Locally.

69 Kitchen Design & Installation Made to measure bespoke Wardrobes, Shelving Units, TV Units and more. Tel: 01582 483459 Mob: 07980 235644 BESPOKE CARPENTRY SOLUTIONS C U T M O R E C A R P E N T R Y Cutmore Carpentry full page ad.pdf 1 27/06/2020 15:29

There are three Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs) in the St Albans District. They accept a wide range of materials for recycling and are for household waste only.

Harpenden Household Waste Recycling Centre - Dark Lane, Harpenden, Herts AL5 1QB

Open: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday - All year 10am - 6pm

Closed: Thursday and Friday

St Albans Household Waste Recycling Centre

14 Ronsons Way, Sandridge, off St Albans Road, St Albans. AL1 4AP

Open: Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday Winter 8am - 4pm - Summer 10am - 6pm

Closed: Tuesday and Wednesday

Waterdale Household Waste Recycling Centre

St Albans Road, Near Garston, Watford WD25 0PR

Open: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday

All year 10am - 6pm. Saturdays (Summer only) 8.00am - 6pm

Closed: Thursday and Friday

Further information on all the above Centres please visit:

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franchise, accredited by Which,
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Matthew Gore Landscapes provides the full range of hard and soft landscaping for properties in Hertfordshire and surrounding counties.

Over the past 15 years we have built up a strong reputation and loyal customer base with teams of experienced landscapers working on projects from small driveways up to large country gardens.

72 • No Job too small • FREE Estimates & Advice • • Fully Insured to £10 million & Approved by Local Authorities • • NPTC CERTIFIED • POLLARDING • RESHAPING • STUMP REMOVAL • HEDGES TRIMMED, SHAPED & REMOVED • DEAD WOODING • REDUCTIONS • CROWN LIFTING • AGRICULTURAL SERVICES • LOGS DELIVERED • TREE REMOVAL • T.P.O. & PLANNING APPLICATIONS • 24hr EMERGENCY CALL-OUT • TREE SURVEY INSPECTIONS & REPORTS Herts, Beds, Bucks & London + we will beat any written quotation Registered in England No 5005478 VAT Reg No 847 4261 12 01582 840144 07939 623675 w w w. h i g h e l m s t r e e s u r g e r y. c o . u k E m a i l : i n f o @ h i g h e l m s t re e s u rg e r y. c o . u k Flyer NEW April 2013_Layout 2 15/05/2013 12:04 Page 1 • Patios • Fencing • Driveways • Garden walls • Power Washing Call us today for a complimentary initial consultation Tel: 01582 321770 Mob: 07585 978132 E: W: Luton Road, Harpenden AL5.

Running your engine when you’re not driving it (idling) truly gets you nowhere. It reduces your vehicle’s fuel economy, costs you money and creates pollution which is harmful to health.

The trouble is that stationary cars release up to 20 times more exhaust emissions than when the car is moving at 30 mph. These pollutants have detrimental effects on human health and contribute to respiratory illness, cancer and premature deaths. Children and the elderly are especially vulnerable.

It is estimated that poor air quality leads to 40,000 premature deaths each year in the UK. Compare this to the 1,713 deaths from road traffic accidents and we can see that this is a significant problem. People can be affected by poor air quality even if they never experience any noticeable pollution related-health effects such as breathing problems because some of the effects are chronic and long-term.

St Albans City and District Council are committed to reducing unnecessary engine idling as a means to improving local air quality, preventing health impacts and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. As part of the ‘Switch Off For Cleaner Air’ campaign we are asking drivers to switch off their engines if they are to be stationary for longer than a minute. We are looking for volunteers to help raise awareness about this important matter locally.

Please visit for details.

Motors Email: Web: K.S. & K.G. TYLER Motor engineers All makes of cars serviced and repaired 60a Cravells Road, Harpenden, Herts Tel: 01582 713328 Established since 1964
75 MOT CENTRE MOT CENTRE MOT CENTRE MOT’S WHILE - U - WAIT - NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED Open Mon - Fri 8am - 5:30pm. Sat 8am - 12.30pm. Sun & Bank Holidays Closed. M O T CENTRE M O T CENTRE MOT CENTRE MOT CENTRE MOT CENTRE M O T CENTRE M O T CENTRE No Spares, Repairs or Sales Pressure - Just a fair test! JUST MOT’s The Centre You Can Trust! 1 High Street Redbourn Herts AL3 7LE Easy to park! VICTORIA GARAGE All work carried out to the highest standard! 01582 760551 01582 769132 Unit 5, Batford Mill, Lower Luton Road, Harpenden, Herts AL5 5BZ Servicing • Repairs • Tyres • Exhausts Brakes • Clutches • Fault Finding Free Delivery & Collection in Harpenden & surrounding areas! Friendly Local Service Centre MOT's by Appointment Call Today on: NOWRELOCATEDTOBATFORDMILLINDEST! Victoria garage New half page ad.pdf 1 12/12/2017 15:32
‘If an agent has been a ributed with a Gold Award it is because they have demonstrated fantastic customer service levels over a prolonged period of time.’ THE BRITISH PROPERTY AWARDS, 2 0 2 3 consistent high scorer in 25 criteria Thank you, Harpenden. We’re proud to serve you! i n d e pendently judged favourite amongst local agents BRITISH PROPERTY AWARDS ESTATE AGENT IN HARPENDEN GOLD WINNER 2023 Call Team Whittaker on 01582 761500 for an exceptional service 1 Leyton Green, Harpenden, Herts al5 2te Email design: / illustration: MIart

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