24 September - 30 September 2024

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Discover Orihuela in October

Holy Week, Miguel Hernández and nature are the themes of the guided tourist routes organised by Gonzalo Montoya, Councillor for Tourism, for the month of October.

Holy Week Routes

Orihuela, a member of the European Network of Holy Week and Easter Celebrations,

which is celebrated in the month of October, o ers routes focused on the rich tradition of its Holy Week, with the aim of attracting visitors interested in this celebration.

Two routes stand out, “History and Curiosities of Holy Week”, on the 13th and 19th October, which will allow locals and tourists alike to discover historical details and stories

about this festivity.

Miguel Hernández

Anniversary In commemoration of the anniversary of the birth of the Orihuela poet Miguel Hernández, on 30th October, two new routes have been organised, which will include a poetry recital. On 10th October, the “Tribute Route to Jose na Manresa” will be held, a tribute to the poet’s wife, which will begin in Plaza Jose na Manresa and will explore the life and legacy of this key gure in the life of Miguel Hernández. On 30th October, the “Miguel Hernández was born here” route will take visitors to the poet’s birthplace, where they will be able to learn in detail about the place where he was born and its surroundings.

Environmental routes

Taking advantage of the boom in ecotourism, the council has organised a series of environmental routes that have been very well received in recent months. Among them, on 17th October, “El Monte San Miguel: Natural and Cultural History of Orihuela” invites participants to explore this historic enclave with panoramic views of the Vega Baja del Segura. On 25th October, the route “Meet the Royal Owl in Sierra Escalona” will o er a night experience to observe the wildlife of the municipality.

Finally, on 18th October “El Embalse de La Pedrera, the Wetland of Orihuela” will reveal the biodiversity and ecological importance of this local oasis. All the routes for the month of October are detailed on the website www.orihuelaturistica. es These tours are free to take part in, however booking is required.

On 26th October, “El Monte de Arneva y Hurchillo, the Balcony of the Vega de Orihuela” will allow people to discover the ora, fauna and fossils of ancient marine ecosystems.

‘Man in the Middle’ scammer arrested

National Police o cers in Orihuela have arrested a man for receiving money from a fraud committed against a travel agency in the municipality. The detainee, a 39-year-old Spanish man, who already has a criminal record. The case has been sent to the Court of Instruction on Duty in Orihuela and the police do not rule out further arrests.

The investigation began when the owner of the scammed company went to the National Police to le a complaint. The man had received several emails and invoices from a regular supplier for a total of 3,027 euros.

A few days later, the same company requested payment for services they had

provided, and the victim realised that he had been scammed. He reviewed all the related documentation and discovered that everything was exactly the same, but the account number had been changed for the last payment.

The National Police discovered the account holder who had received the money, who was immediately arrested. This type of crime is known as s “Man in the Middle” fraud.

It was at the time of his arrest that it was discovered that he was working for a third party. His job was to move money from one account to another, keeping 10% of the total of each transaction made. It was also found that he had

made several other movements, some of which amounted to more than 4,500 euros.

The National Police are investigating who is behind these movements, the third party with greater strategic capacity and who pro ted more from the scams.

This type of scam is quite common in cybercrime, where criminals intercept a data transfer or conversation by posing as one of the participants in the transaction. After several communications via di erent emails, the criminals impersonate the company that is to receive the payment and fraudulently take the money.

New home for AACC Campoverde

Local anti-cancer charity AACC has found a new home for its Campoverde office and charity shop. Located in Avenida de Las Especias 104, Pinar de Campoverde the new premises will be open Monday to Thursday from 10am to 1pm.

Prior to the move the team of twenty-two volunteers had been using the basement under the Doctors for the past 2 years for the charity shop and a small office for two hours a week, gifted by local businessman Gary Hegarty. However, having a bespoke premises and everything under one roof

will enable the charity to increase the hours it offers to the local community. These services include booking early detection cancer scans and screening appointments as well as running the charity shop and co-ordinating fundraising events.

The combined shop and office was opened by Julie Hobbs, charity president and the Mayor of Pilar de la Horadada Jose Maria Perez Sanchez and was attended by Susi Sanchez Martinez from the Town Hall, representatives from the local community and local residents.

Julie Hobbs said: “Cancer knows no Boundaries. Every gender, culture, from children to pensioners but early detection screening does save lives.”

“In order to get the office and shop up and running we had the support of many local business and individuals.

A Very Special thanks to Javier Garcia Fernandez from Cogarpro S.L who carried out refits to our shop/office completely free of charge.”

The team can be reached at the new office on 711 023 837 or by emailing: aacc. campoverde@hotmail.com

Spanish exports grow

Spanish exports have seen remarkable growth over the past 15 years, becoming a key driver of the nation’s economy. Between 2008 and 2023, Spain’s exports expanded by almost 50% in real terms, increasing their share of the gross domestic product (GDP) by 13 percentage points—from 26% to 39%. This rise is notably higher than that of other major eurozone economies, positioning Spain’s export-to-GDP ratio ahead of both Italy and France by 2023. Furthermore, Spain has signi cantly closed the gap with Germany, the European Union’s top exporter, with only nine percentage points separating Spain’s export contribution from Germany’s 48%.

Exports of services have seen even more signi cant growth, rising by 66% between 2008 and 2023. Their contribution to GDP increased from 8.2% to 12.5%, driven by strong performance in both tourism and non-tourism services. The recovery of tourism post-pandemic solidi ed Spain’s status as the world’s second-largest destination by international arrivals and spending, with tourism

revenues accounting for 4.9% of GDP in 2023. Meanwhile, non-tourism services contributed 7.6% to the economy.

This broad-based export growth spans various sectors and destinations, contributing to Spain’s economic success. However, a recent study from the Bank of Spain warns that growing fragmentation in global trade could jeopardise future export expansion.

Spain’s export surge is largely due to two key factors: enhanced competitiveness and an increased focus on international markets. A growing number of Spanish companies are now consistently engaged in exporting, a trend that has fuelled sustained growth across both goods and services.

In 2023, goods accounted for 68% of Spain’s foreign sales, representing 26.4% of GDP, an increase of nine percentage points compared to 2008. Sectors leading the charge include semi-manufactured goods such as chemicals and metal products, the food industry, capital goods (mainly transport equipment), and the automotive sector.

Fugitive arrested by the National Police in Rojales for kidnapping

The National Police have carried out the extradition of a fugitive from German justice at Miguel Hernández Airport in Alicante-Elche. He was arrested last March when Germany issued a European Arrest Warrant (EAW). The individual was of the crimes of kidnapping, illegal detention and hostagetaking, organised or armed robbery, blackmail and extortion of funds. He was located and arrested by the National Police last March in the Alicante town of Rojales, where he was hiding after having changed his physical appearance to avoid being identi ed.

According to the German authorities, the arrest warrant was based on events that took place in the German town of Hamm in August 2021, when the fugitive, along with three other co-perpetrators, all of them masked, forced open the door to the terrace of a home where its inhabitants were sleeping in the early hours of the morning. After gaining access to the house, they went to the bedroom where the couple who were the victims of the crime were sleeping and put a rearm to the man’s temple while covering his mouth and making him understand not to shout.

They then tied up the couple and put them in the bedroom’s walk-in closet, making them believe that they were going to burn down the house with them inside if they did not tell them where the safe was and did not give them the valuables.

While they were committing the robbery and collecting the stolen objects, another of the assailants intimidated the woman by putting scissors to her neck, resulting in lacerations.

The attackers eventually managed to steal two gold coins, ten silver bars, more than 4,000 euros in cash, a high-end watch worth more than 20,000 euros and a safe, along with other valuable items. Before leaving the house, they locked their victims in a cupboard in the bedroom and, after asking them for petrol, threatened to burn down the house.

Once the EAW (European Arrest Warrant) was received and after further information was provided to the German authorities, police e orts began to locate him, resulting in his arrest in March of this year when he was in a café.


The o cers in charge of the investigation, stressed after the

arrest of the fugitive, that he took many security measures, and had even slightly modi ed his physical appearance, knowing that he was being sought for his alleged crimes.

Following his arrest, the wanted man was admitted as a precautionary measure to the Alicante Penitentiary Centre where, by virtue of the order of the Central Court of Instruction of the National Court, it was decided to maintain the precautionary measure of provisional imprisonment while the extradition was arranged. Finally, the fugitive was released from prison and extradited to Germany as provided for in the European arrest warrant issued, being handed over by the National Police to the German authorities at the Miguel Hernández airport in Alicante-Elche, whose o cers travelled to Spain in a twinengine German police plane, taking charge of the prisoner. High security measures were put in place to prevent his escape, given that in the requesting country he already had a history of having evaded the German police special forces. The fugitive faces a prison sentence of nine years and three months in the requesting country.


To nd out why there is now 75 cl in a bottle, I started looking for the origin of the glass bottle.

In the past, wine was traded in barrels or in bags. But because of the materials that were used, wood or leather, the wine got an aftertaste and people did not always like that.

In the 17th century, the bottle was invented and not much later also the cork to close the bottle. They had nally found something that kept the wine “chemically” neutral.

It was also important that the invention of the cork allowed the wine to be stored longer and allowed to continue to age. To be able to close the wine well, resin from the trees was also used. You can still see that in the wines from Greece,

the Retsina wine.

And that’s how the wine was created, which was also made in distinctive shapes so that you could see where the wine came from. For example, the “amphora” bottle is characteristic of Provence, the “belly bottle” was the characteristic of the German area “Franconia”, and the slender long bottle was the characteristic of the Rhine and Moselle.

Then why 75 CL in a bottle. The answer lies with the French and the English. The French sold Bordeaux to the English. In a box there were 6 or 12 bottles which equals 1 or 2 gallons. And because a barrel of Bordeaux is traditionally 225 liters, this corresponded to 300


Another simpler reason, they say, is that a bottle used to be hand-blown from brown or green or black glass. And a bottle could be blown depending on the lung capacity of the glassblower.

And that turned out to be about 75 cl.

And why 5 glasses from the bottle?

The story goes around in the Netherlands that wine was used as medicine in the Middle Ages. Every morning one was obliged to drink a measuring cup of “ordinary wine”. Cheap wine for the whole family from 8 years old. Everyone drank that 5 days a week. On Saturday they drank a “nice wine” or got a nice wine. And on Sundays they went to church and everyone got a glass of wine. And the measuring cup was 15 CL, you can still see that on wine glasses !!

And on Monday they went to the pharmacy to have the bottles re lled.

Now “Beau wine tastings is the pharmacy”, so don’t forget to pick up your bottle of wine every week.......


Apple fined in EU for unfair music charges

Apple is facing a coordinated class action lawsuit across Belgium, Italy, Spain, and Portugal for imposing unfair charges on non-Apple music streaming services via its App Store. The action, spearheaded by the panEuropean consumer group Euroconsumers, comes on the heels of a €1.8 billion fine levied by the European Commission in March for the tech giant’s anti-competitive pricing practices.

The Commission’s investigation, which began after a 2019 complaint from Spotify, found that Apple imposed restrictions on developers, preventing them from offering cheaper subscription options outside the App Store. As a result, since 2013, iPhone and iPad users faced higher costs for non-Apple music streaming services. For example, Spotify raised its monthly subscription price for iOS users from €9.99 to €12.99 to cover Apple’s commission fees.

Euroconsumers’ lawsuit seeks to recover approximately €62 million for over 500,000 consumers in the four countries, claiming that Apple’s pricing policies forced users to pay inflated fees for music streaming services such as Spotify, YouTube Music, and SoundCloud. The case centres on Apple’s longstanding policy of charging app developers up to 30% commission on subscriptions purchased through its App Store, a practice the European Commission deemed unfair.

Euroconsumers’ class action aims to compensate affected consumers, with eligible individuals potentially receiving around €3 for each month they paid inflated prices through Apple’s in-app payment system. The group argues that the tech giant’s practices hurt consumers and undermined fair competition in the digital marketplace.

“Now that the European Commission has condemned and fined Apple for this behaviour, it’s time for Apple to make things right for consumers,” said Els Bruggeman, Head of Policy and Enforcement at Euroconsumers. “This class action is about giving power back to people, making sure Apple is held accountable for the harm caused, and standing up for a fair digital market.”

In March, the European Commission not only imposed a €1.8 billion fine on Apple for its anticompetitive practices but also ordered the company to remove the restrictive conditions from its App Store and refrain from similar behavior in the future.

The outcome of Euroconsumers’ class action could further impact Apple as it faces mounting legal challenges over its App Store policies across Europe.

European tax breaks lure wealthy tourists away from the UK

Wealthy international tourists are opting to shop in France, Italy, Spain and other European countries, attracted by generous tax breaks that the UK no longer offers. As a result, European tourist destinations are enjoying a financial windfall, luring bigspending visitors away from the UK.

According to Global Blue, a Swiss tourism tax refund company, international spending in continental Europe has surged by 36% since 2019. Meanwhile, despite a slight increase in visitor numbers to London’s West End, tourist spending in the UK has dropped by nearly 12% in the first half of 2024 compared to the same period in 2019.

The tax incentive that continues to draw tourists to European destinations allows them to save up to 20% on luxury purchases. This tax break, which was eliminated in the UK at the beginning of 2021 under then-

Chancellor Rishi Sunak, was intended to boost the public purse without significantly reducing tourist numbers. However, British businesses, including luxury brands like Mulberry and department store Selfridges, argue that the removal of the taxfree shopping option has been a deterrent for wealthy international shoppers.

UK business leaders, led by the New West End Company, a group representing retailers in London’s prestigious shopping district, are now calling for the government to reinstate the tax break. The group’s data shows that UK retailers have missed out on £220 million (€260.4 million) in sales in just the first half of 2024, and £400 million (€475 million) throughout 2023.

A growing concern among London businesses is the widening “spending gap” between the number of international visitors and their spending.

Prior to the abolition of tax-free shopping in 2019, visitor numbers and their spending tracked closely together. Now, the UK is seeing a disconnect, with fewer tourists splashing out on high-end goods.

Adding to the UK’s losses, Global Blue reports that 34,000 tourists who once shopped tax-free in the UK have increased their spending on the continent. These visitors are now spending an average of €3,800 (£3,195) per person in 2023, up from €2,900 (£2,438) in 2019.

France and Italy are the primary beneficiaries of this shift, drawing more than two-thirds of these affluent tourists. Spain’s retail sector is also seeing a noticeable boost from the trend.

With European countries continuing to offer attractive tax breaks, the UK risks falling further behind as a shopping destination for high-spending visitors unless it reverses course on its tourist tax policy.


This hidden gem is located inland of the Costa Blanca about half an hour drive from Benidorm, Altea or Calpe. The Bolulla water route has enhanced the small village it surrounds, and includes, beautiful walkways, cascades, and an old mill. The walk takes about an hour at a gentle pace, which makes it suitable for families with children, and ideal for dog walking. There are some uneven pathways which are not accessible for wheelchairs or pushchairs. Parking can be found at the start of the route (Ruta del Agua de Bolulla 03518 Bolulla, Alicante), indicated by signposts. The rst cascade you come across is the Font dels Xorros, which is particularly spectacular to see straight after a rainfall. As you follow the path, you pass a small aqueduct that diverts the waters of the Azud to the orchards on the other side of the river.


The path continues along a dirt track and you will cross a little stream that sometimes carries a small amount of water. After this, you will see the remains of the old Bolulla Mill, which was in op-

eration until the 20th century. It is a our mill that was used by both the farmers of Bolulla and those of Tárbena, the next closest town. This mill was supplied with water from the Bolulla River that was diverted through an irrigation ditch from the Assut del Molí. The water fell forcefully from this source towards the wheels that drove the millstones to grind the wheat and corn. A system that was used in numerous places in the province such as the Molí del Salt in Benilloba or the Molinar in Alcoy. Today, this water ends up in a large pond located just above the mill, which always has water. The route ends here, at the road, and from this point you can turn around and enjoy the same walk back. One of the good things about linear routes is that, even when you pass through the same place twice, the landscape is always di erent. Also, it allows you to enjoy places that you have already visited from another perspective.

More fascinating places to discover on the Costa Blanca can be found on the website www.costablancascene.com


The release of the UK’s PMI data from last week seemed to continue to bene t the pound throughout the week, despite Keir Starmer’s comments that the government’s rst budget in October is “going to be painful”. This followed last week’s higher-than-expected UK government borrowing for July, which stoked fears that Chancellor Rachel Reeves may need to raise taxes in her upcoming budget.

Last week’s Manufacturing and Services PMI data for the UK both came in ahead of market expectations, with manufacturing coming in at 52.5, a 26-month high and services PMI at 53.3, a 4-month high. The Bank of England’s Governor Andrew Bailey commented on the latest data; “This is consistent with a process of disin ation which is steady and more in keeping with a soft landing than a recessioninduced process.”

Bailey also added that the central bank should be “careful not to cut interest rates too quickly or by too much.” His more hawkish comments have fed into markets expecting interest rates to hold steady at the next monetary policy meeting on 19th September, with only a 21.7% chance of a 25-basis point cut.

Following its multi-week upward trend, sterling remains on the front foot. GBP/USD rose as much as 0.85% at the end of last week, following dovish comments from the Federal Reserve’s Chair Jerome Powell at the Jackson Hole Symposium, which provoked signi cant


selling in the USD. The currency pair is now experiencing two-year highs, which has seen the pound reach its highest level since March 2022 and is currently still above 1.32.

Against the euro, the pound is seeing threeweek highs and is sitting just above 1.19.

This week was relatively quiet for UK data following Monday’s bank holiday, with no notable data events.


European PMIs came out broadly lower than expected last week. Germany’s manufacturing and services PMI fell below forecast by 1.3 and 0.9 points, coming in at 42.1 and 51.4, respectively. In France, the data painted a similar picture in the manufacturing industry, with the PMI coming in 2.3 points below forecast at 42.1, while the services PMI was more favourable at 55.0, 4.8 points above forecast.

On Thursday, the German Preliminary CPI monthly data was released. Markets expected in ation to fall to 2.1% from 2.3% in July, but it fell below expectation to 1.9%.

Additionally, the CPI Flash Estimate yearly data was released for the European Union this morning, which saw in ation fall from 2.6% to 2.2%

This commentary does not constitute nancial advice. All rates are sourced from Bloomberg and forecasts are taken from Forex Factory.

A doctor is assaulted at the Pilar de la Horadada health centre

Another attack on a health worker, this time it happened in the early hours of Wednesday morning in the emergency department of the Pilar de la Horadada health centre.

A patient came to the centre at one in the morning and asked for a medication that the emergency doctor could not prescribe due to the classification of that medication, so the doctor offered her another injectable alternative so that she could get through the night well until the specialist prescribed the medication she had requested. At that moment, the patient became upset, but finally agreed. When the nurse proceeded to give her the injection, the patient refused to receive the treatment and became upset and shouted again. The doctor who had treated him came to the room to reproach his attitude and the

man took an object from his jacket pocket that seemed to be a knife. It was then that a struggle began between the patient and the doctor and the Civil Guard and the Local Police of Pilar de la Horadada had to attend.

The Torrevieja Hospital company committee and the various unions that make it up have been demanding time and safety in all primary care centres of the Torrevieja Health Department, especially those with 24-hour emergency

services such as Pilar de la Horadada, Orihuela Costa, San Miguel de Salinas, Guardamar del Segura and Rojales.

The Works Council has called for a demonstration at the doors of the Pilar de la Horadada health centre on Friday 20 September at 11am in protest against the attack on a doctor at this centre.

This attack follows the attack on an anesthesiologist at the Vega Baja Hospital on September 4.

The Euromillions’ “Million” wins in Guardamar del Segura

The Euromillions Million has been drawn this Tuesday in Guardamar del Segura. The winning ticket for one million euros in the draw on 17 September has been validated at Lottery Office No. 1 in Guardamar, located at País Valenciano, 21.

The winning Million code was GNN27244, while the EuroMillions draw combination was the numbers 20, 30, 42, 41 and 44 and the stars 1 and 10.

There were no winners in the 1st category with this combination, therefore the corresponding amount goes into the JACKPOT for the next draw or day. There were also no winners in the 2nd category and the corresponding amount also goes into

the next category

With the EUROJACKPOT generated in the next EuroMillions draw, a single winner in the First Category (5+2) could win 54 million euros.

The price of a EuroMillions bet is

2.50 euros and weekly draws are held on Tuesdays and Fridays. In addition to playing EuroMillions, you can participate in the El Millón draw, in which you can win 1 million euros for which a code of 3 letters and 5 numbers is assigned.

Benferri has been suffering from acts of vandalism for months

The Mayor of Benferri, Luis Vicente Mateo, has expressed regret and concern over the recent acts of vandalism targeting key elements of the town’s heritage and public spaces. These incidents have a ected areas such as parks, green zones, sports facilities, the town hall square, and particularly, the Cruz del Cabezo and the Cruz del Vertiente, both signi cant to Benferri’s cultural heritage.

In a statement shared through the City Council’s social media channels, Mateo described the damage as “heartbreaking” and “helpless,” especially considering the e ort invested by the community in restoring these important landmarks.

The mayor emphasized that many residents had contributed to the preservation and rehabilitation of these sites, underscoring their historical importance.

Addressing potential calls for heightened security measures, such as an increased police presence, Mateo

highlighted the nancial burden this would impose on a small municipality like Benferri. He also stressed that surveillance alone would not solve the problem, particularly if young people— who are often responsible for these acts—are not made aware of the consequences of their behavior.

In response, the mayor appealed to residents to raise awareness about the importance of respecting public spaces and preserving

heritage. Additionally, he reminded pet owners to keep their animals on leashes and to prevent them from relieving themselves in the Vertiente Park, where violations would be penalized by the police. Mateo suggested alternative areas for pets, such as the Rambla or undeveloped lots near the park.

The mayor’s message underscores the need for collective responsibility and civic pride to safeguard Benferri’s cultural heritage.

Orihuela decorates commercial spaces to revitalise local commerce

The mystery of the decorative pigeons perched on the street lamps and the three oral frames distributed throughout the streets of Orihuela has been revealed. The Councillor for Commerce, Vicente Pina, has presented the new actions that the area has organised to “create points of attraction for customers in the commercial environment of the Historic Centre, so that they come to visit them and take advantage of the opportunity to make their purchases in the shops in the area”.

This is a project that includes di erent actions, starting with the installation of some coloured doves made from recycled material and which are installed on López Pozas Street and Mayor Street, as well as the placement of three oral frames, which are located on Puente Nuevo, Puente Viejo and Plaza de Ramón Sijé, and which are already being used by visitors as a photocall.

Both actions have been carried out through a management contract with the municipal company ILDO, so that through this action “we value the work of its sta who work day after day to improve Orihuela”, as the Councillor for Commerce has recalled.

On the other hand, Pina also

announced that, in the coming days, “we will nd other elements in other areas of the city that will help us to beautify the areas where a large number of commercial and hospitality establishments congregate.” Similarly, “we will also continue to use recycled materials to contribute to caring for the environment.”

Finally, the Councillor for Commerce has called for civility “since in recent days some of these decorative elements have been vandalised”.

The expat financial planner who understands Spanish taxes

When 100 expats in Spain are asked if they’d like to know a bit more about Spanish taxes, 80 raise their hand.

When the same 100 expats are asked if they’re willing to spend time to learn about these taxes, 70 quickly lower their hand.

When asked if they’re willing to enroll in a yearlong master’s program in taxation that’s taught in Spanish, only Peter Dougherty raises his hand.

Mr. Dougherty is a nancial planner at BISSAN Wealth Management in Spain. He recently earned a master’s degree in Spanish taxation -- Máster en Fiscalidad y Tributación -- from Instituto Europeo de Asesoría Fiscal. Dougherty is a believer in what British economist John Maynard Keynes once said: “The avoidance of taxes is the only intellectual pursuit that carries any reward”.

But Peter knows about more than just taxes. He also knows about nancial planning. In fact, he is the rst American to be certi ed as a European Financial Planner (EFP) in Spain. Peter helps Spain’s expats plan their nancial future. “It’s exciting work”, he says, “there’s no better feeling in the world than when a client tells me: ‘thanks to you, I can sleep at night.’”

Peter chose to work at BISSAN Wealth Management to blend his skills with the talent of local experts who know Spain. It’s an e ective combination. Dougherty says, “BISSAN’s method for helping families with their nancial plans is second to none. And I don’t mean simply within Spain, I mean in all of Europe. Unlike other rms, who begin the conversation

Palm tree pruning and felling work begins in Cabo Roig after several trees fall

Yesterday the selective pruning and felling of palm trees in Cabo Roig, Orihuela Costa, began, after two trees fell due to strong winds. This measure, which will continue for the next three months, has been implemented after the Councillor for the Coast, Manuel Mestre, in collaboration with the Department of Infrastructures headed by Víctor Valverde, arranged an emergency action to guarantee safety in the area.

The Councillor for the Coast, Manuel Mestre, explained that the intervention “began after a visual inspection carried out by a specialised technical engineer, who checked the palm trees of the ‘Phoenix dactylifera’ species in Cabo Roig. During the assessment, several specimens were identi ed that were seriously a ected by the commonly known red palm weevil.

In addition, pruning will be carried out on other specimens of these palm trees to prevent possible falls onto the roadway and adjacent homes. The current budget of the city council includes a million euros for the replacement of palm trees and trees in Orihuela Costa. Once the pruning and felling work is completed, a study will be carried out to replace the trees that have been cut down or fallen in recent years.

talking about ‘investment returns’, at BISSAN we begin by asking about you. About your nancial goals, what you’d like to accomplish. It could be retirement, funding your children’s education, buying a home, etc.

We quantify these goals in our inventive optimization model to determine your future cash out ows and parks the moneys necessary for these expenses 5 years before they’re due. They’re called ‘guard rails’. Once future out ows are safely covered by these guard rails, the market’s ups and downs won’t be a concern like they once would have been.

Another component of BISSAN’s innovative approach is ‘dry powder’: money deliberately kept on the sidelines which is then put into the market if the market drops. The idea is that we all get nervous and want to sell when markets fall, but if we’ve speci cally set aside

money beforehand to be invested in those times, and our upcoming expenditures are already saved for via ‘guard rails’, we can use this money to buy securities at low prices. It intelligently puts us “on the other side of the table” -- when everyone sells desperately, we buy prudently.“

The next time those same 100 expats in Spain are asked about Spanish taxes, their answers are unlikely to be much di erent. But now they know who to call when they have questions: Peter Dougherty, the “Expert for Expats in Spain”.

Peter Dougherty holds a Certi cate in Financial Planning from Northwestern University in Chicago, a BS in economics from Arizona State University, an MBA from Columbia Business School in New York, and now an MS in Taxation from Instituto Europeo de Asesoría Fiscal in Granada.

Bottled gas prices in Spain rise

The price of standard bottled gas cylinders in Spain has risen once again by 3.85%, bringing the cost to 15.93 euros. This increase stems from a 13.0% rise in raw material prices, although it is somewhat mitigated by a signi cant reduction in freight costs (-26.4%) and a slight appreciation of the euro against the dollar (+1.32%), as reported by the Ministry for Ecological Transition.

The price of lique ed petroleum gas (LPG), which in Spain typically refers to butane or propane in containers ranging

from 8 to 20 kilograms, is regulated and not subject to market uctuations. Instead, the maximum price is reviewed bimonthly by the Directorate-General for Energy Policy, based on factors like the cost of raw materials, transport, and currency exchange rates. Price changes are capped at a 5% shift, with any additional adjustments carried over to future price revisions. Previously, the highest price for a butane cylinder was set at 19.55 euros, which was in e ect from May 17 to November 14, 2022.

Brussels calls for smoking and vaping ban in many public places

The European Commission has urged the 27 EU member states to extend smoking bans to outdoor areas where non-smokers are especially vulnerable, such as bar and restaurant terraces, children’s playgrounds, swimming pools, and bus stops. Additionally, the Commission recommended that anti-smoking regulations be expanded to cover emerging products like heated tobacco and electronic cigarettes (vaping), which are increasingly popular among younger consumers.

Although these recommendations are not legally binding, as health policies are controlled by individual countries, they highlight the EU’s commitment to reducing smoking rates. The European Plan to Beat Cancer aims to create a “Tobacco Free Generation” by 2040, with a target of fewer than 5% of the population using tobacco. Currently, 26% of the EU population smokes, with usage rates among young people (15-24) even higher at 29%. In Spain, 23% of those aged 15 and older are smokers.

Each year, tobacco use claims 700,000 lives in

the EU, including many who die from second-hand smoke.

The European Commission emphasized the need to “denormalize” tobacco use and combat nicotine addiction while enhancing preventive health measures. In Spain, a comprehensive anti-smoking plan for 2024-2027 was agreed upon in April by the

Ministry of Health and regional governments. However, the speci cs of which areas will be designated as smoke-free are still under negotiation. The Commission’s recommendations align with Spain’s e orts, including Mónica García’s health department’s proposal to raise cigarette prices and tighten vaping regulations.

This Week´s Movie Picks


Saturday 28th September, ITV2, 10.00 pm

Annie (Kristen Wiig), is a maid of honor whose life unravels as she leads her best friend Lillian (Maya Rudolph) and a group of colorful bridesmaids (Rose Byrne, Melissa McCarthy, Wendi McLendon-Covey, and Ellie Kemper) on a wild ride down the path to matrimony. Annie’s life is a mess, but when she finds out her lifetime best friend is engaged, she simply must serve as Lillian’s maid of honor. Though lovelorn and broke, Annie bluffs her way through the expensive and bizarre rituals. With one chance to get it perfect, she’ll show Lillian and her bridesmaids just how far a true friend will go for a friend


Sunday 29th September, ITV2, 10.00 pm

A cryptic message from the

past sends James Bond on a rogue mission to Mexico City and eventually Rome. Bond in ltrates a secret meeting and uncovers the existence of the sinister organisation known as S.P.E.C.T.R.E.

Meanwhile, back in London, Max Denbigh, the new head of the Centre of National Security, questions Bond’s actions and challenges the relevance of MI6, led by M. Bond covertly enlists

Miss Eve Moneypenny and Q to help him seek out Dr. Madeleine Swann, who may help untangle the web of S.P.E.C.T.R.E. As Bond ventures towards the heart of S.P.E.C.T.R.E., he learns a chilling connection between him and the enemy he seeks.

Tuesday 24th September

My Mum, Your Dad

04:50 Unwind with ITV 06:05 Lingo

07:00 Good Morning Britain 10:00 Lorraine 11:00 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women

14:30 ITV Lunchtime News

14:55 ITV News London

15:00 Dermot O’Leary’s Taste of Ireland

16:00 Lingo

17:00 Tipping Point

18:00 The Chase

19:00 ITV News London

19:30 ITV Evening News

20:30 Emmerdale

21:00 M&S: Dress the Nation

22:00 My Mum, Your Dad

23:00 ITV News at Ten

23:30 ITV News London

23:45 On Assignment

Wednesday 25th September


ITV News

15:00 Dermot O’Leary’s Taste of Ireland 16:00 Lingo 17:00 Tipping Point

18:00 The Chase

19:00 ITV News London

19:25 Party Political Broadcast

19:30 ITV Evening News

20:30 Emmerdale

21:00 Coronation Street

22:00 My Mum, Your Dad

23:00 ITV News at Ten

23:30 ITV News London

23:45 Peston

Life behind the scenes

With a history of 12 years of performing traditional pantomimes to both English and Spanish speaking audiences, the Adapt Theatre Group has become well-known for our zany sense of humour and antics on stage. Since we are all amateurs, and many of us have come to show-biz later in life, a huge amount of group e ort and support goes into rehearsals and backstage preparations as well as great hilarity and creativeness.

Our members would no doubt agree that the strength of our group lies in our willingness to help each other and work together to produce all aspects of the pantomime, whether it is prop-making, costume sewing, line-learning or dancing and singing. As well are having so much fun together, it is that joy and humour that comes across to our audiences.

This year’s panto is “Snow White and the 7 guiris” to be performed at the end of November (more details to follow). We are sponsored by the ADAPT

09:35 The King of Queens

10:05 Frasier

10:35 Frasier

11:05 Frasier

11:35 Frasier

12:05 Come Dine with Me: The Professionals

13:05 Channel 4 News Summary

13:10 Narrow Escapes

14:10 Find It, Fix It, Flog It

15:10 Countdown 16:00 Chateau DIY

17:00 A Place in the Sun

18:00 Help! We Bought a Village

19:00 A Place in the Sun

19:30 The Simpsons

20:00 Channel 4 News

21:00 The Great British Bake Off

22:30 Into the Jungle with Ed Stafford 23:30 Gogglebox

08:45 The King of Queens

09:10 The King of Queens

09:35 The King of Queens

10:05 Frasier

10:35 Frasier

11:05 Frasier

11:35 Frasier

12:05 Come Dine with Me:

The Professionals

13:05 Channel 4 News Summary

13:10 Narrow Escapes

14:10 Find It, Fix It, Flog It

15:10 Countdown 16:00 Chateau DIY

17:00 A Place in the Sun

18:00 Help! We Bought a Village

19:00 A Place in the Sun

19:30 The Simpsons

20:00 Channel 4 News

21:00 999: On the Front Line

22:00 Grand Designs

23:00 Building Britain’s Superhomes

Metal Detecting group and all money raised goes to local charities.

To nd out more about the Adapt Theatre Group visit: https://adapttheatregroup.wordpress.com/ or phone Eric on 656 361 098

08:55 Milo 09:10 PAW Patrol

09:30 Peppa Pig 09:35 Peppa Pig

09:40 Peppa Pig

09:45 Ben & Holly’s Little Kingdom

09:55 Reu & Harper’s Wonder World 10:10 Milkshake! Story Den 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:30 Storm Huntley 13:45 Friends 14:10 Friends 14:40 5 News at Lunchtime 14:45 Home and Away 15:15 No Way Back 17:00 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun

18:00 5 News at 5 19:00 Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly 20:00 Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly Australia 21:00 The Yorkshire Vet 22:00 The Wives 23:00

08:50 Milo

09:10 PAW Patrol 09:25 Peppa Pig 09:30 Peppa Pig

09:35 Peppa Pig

09:45 Ben & Holly’s Little Kingdom

09:55 Reu & Harper’s Wonder World 10:05 Milkshake! Story Den 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:30 Storm Huntley 13:45 Friends 14:10 Friends

14:40 5 News at Lunchtime

14:45 Home and Away 15:15 If I Can’t Have You 17:00 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun

18:00 5 News at 5 19:00 Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly 20:00 Shop Smart, Save Money

21:00 Kent: The Garden of England

22:00 The Wives 23:00 The Abduction of Milly Dowler

09:10 What’s New ScoobyDoo? 09:35 Scooby-Doo and Guess Who? 10:00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 10:30 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 11:00

Studio thirty two Christmas broadway shows

Only ten weeks to go and we are working hard. There is an enormous amount of energy, fun and dedication ever present in the rehearsal room. It’s a longstanding tradition for us to start the Christmas festivities and open the door to the season of fun and joviality. This year’s show will be spear headed by the very talented Martin Scattergood, whom for thirty years twice a year has delighted audiences in the principal roles at the lyceum, She eld and The Grand, Leeds. This show should not to be missed. Our Director, Mark Feakin, also worked in the Yorkshire region. Another fantastic talent who has written and put the script together for us. Amazing. He was director of the Crucible theatre for many years. You may have seen this theatre on the telly. It Is where the world snooker championships are held. On Marks own admission he says,

those two weeks of snooker, were basically taken over by the BBC, lock stock and barrel and a good time for him to have a holiday. We are so lucky to have Geri, our fabulous chorographer to give us the inventive dance and tap routines ably assisted by our cast musical coaches Laura and Martin and our international voice coach , Nicole Casey. We are all excited about this production and we look forward to seeing you at this wonderful funny festive celebration.

Tickets are on sale at the usual outlets, Post room, Benimar, The Card Place, Benijofar, Con Mar, Quesada, Cards and More, La Marina, Marina Dress , La Marina, Bobs Bar ,La Marina, La Bodega supermarket ,San Louis and The Post Box, Donna Peppa . You can also buy online at Studiothirtytwo. org.

26th September

04:25 My Mum, Your Dad 05:15 Unwind with ITV

06:35 Tom Kerridge Cooks Britain

07:00 Good Morning Britain 10:00 Lorraine

11:00 This Morning 13:30 Loose Women

14:30 ITV Lunchtime News

14:55 ITV News London

15:00 Dermot O’Leary’s Taste of Ireland

16:00 Lingo

17:00 Tipping Point

18:00 The Chase

19:00 ITV News London

19:30 ITV Evening News

20:30 Emmerdale

21:30 Tonight

22:00 My Mum, Your Dad

21:00 Amazing Hotels: Life Beyond the Lobby

22:00 We Will Dance Again 23:30 Newsnight

Friday 27th September

23:00 ITV News at Ten

23:30 ITV News London

23:45 GoldenEye

04:50 Unwind with ITV

06:05 Lingo

07:00 Good Morning Britain

10:00 Lorraine

11:00 This Morning

13:30 Loose Women

14:30 ITV Lunchtime News

14:55 ITV News London

15:00 Dermot O’Leary’s Taste of Ireland

16:00 Lingo

17:00 Tipping Point

19:00 Richard Osman’s House of Games

19:30 Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two

20:00 Grand Tours of Scotland’s Lochs

20:30 Beechgrove Garden

21:00 Gardeners’ World

22:00 Elizabeth Taylor: Rebel Superstar

22:45 Reframed: Marilyn Monroe

23:30 Newsnight

18:00 The Chase

19:00 ITV News London

19:30 ITV Evening News

20:30 Emmerdale

21:00 Coronation Street

22:00 My Mum, Your Dad

23:00 ITV News at Ten

23:30 ITV News London

23:45 Tomorrow Never Dies

Saturday 28th September

Addams Family Values 09:25 Love Your Garden 10:25 ITV News

10:30 James Martin’s Saturday Morning 12:40 John and Lisa’s Weekend Kitchen 13:45 ITV Lunchtime News 14:00 Live: ITV Racing Live 17:00 In for a Penny

17:35 The World Is Not Enough

19:55 ITV Evening News 20:15 ITV News London 20:30 Celebrity Catchphrase

The Voice UK 23:10 Password

09:10 The King of Queens

09:35 The King of Queens

10:05 Frasier

10:35 Frasier

11:05 Frasier

11:35 Frasier

12:05 Come Dine with Me: The Professionals

13:05 Channel 4 News


13:10 Narrow Escapes

14:10 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 15:10 Countdown

16:00 Chateau DIY

17:00 A Place in the Sun

18:00 Help! We Bought a Village

19:00 A Place in the Sun

19:30 The Simpsons

20:00 Channel 4 News

21:00 The Great British Bake Off: An Extra Slice

22:00 Taskmaster

23:00 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

7:50 Cheers

08:15 Cheers

08:45 The King of Queens

09:10 The King of Queens

09:35 The King of Queens

10:05 Frasier

10:35 Frasier

11:05 Frasier

11:35 Frasier

12:05 Come Dine with Me: The Professionals

13:05 Channel 4 News


13:10 Narrow Escapes

14:10 Find It, Fix It, Flog It

15:10 Countdown

16:00 Chateau DIY

17:00 A Place in the Sun

18:00 Help! We Bought a Village

19:00 A Place in the Sun

19:30 The Simpsons

20:00 Channel 4 News

21:00 PopMaster TV

22:00 Gogglebox

23:00 First Dates

09:30 Peppa Pig

09:35 Peppa Pig

09:40 Peppa Pig

09:45 Ben & Holly’s Little Kingdom

09:55 Reu & Harper’s Wonder World

10:05 Milkshake! Story Den 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:30 Storm Huntley

13:45 Friends 14:10 Friends 14:40 5 News at Lunchtime 14:45 Home and Away 15:15 A Date With Deception 17:00 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun 18:00 5 News at 5 19:00 Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly 20:00 Kate Humble’s Coastal Britain 21:00 Yorkshire Great and Small with Dan and Helen 22:00 All Creatures Great and Small 23:00 Who Killed Jonbenet Ramsey? A Suburban Nightmare

08:55 Milo 09:10 PAW Patrol

09:30 Peppa Pig 09:35 Peppa Pig

09:40 Peppa Pig

09:45 Ben & Holly’s Little Kingdom

09:55 Reu & Harper’s Wonder World 10:10 Milkshake! Story Den 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:30 Storm Huntley 13:45 Friends 14:10 Friends

14:40 5 News at Lunchtime 14:45 Home and Away 15:15 Baby Monitor Murders 17:00 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun 18:00 5 News at 5 19:00 Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly

20:00 World’s Most Scenic Railway Journeys 21:00 On Safari With Jane McDonald

22:00 Top of the Pops: Secrets & Scandals 23:00 Live: Boxing

09:10 What’s New ScoobyDoo? 09:35 Scooby-Doo and

08:05 Mr Bean: The Animated Series 08:15 Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated 08:45 Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! 09:10 What’s New ScoobyDoo? 09:35 Scooby-Doo and Guess Who? 10:00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 10:30 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 11:00 Secret Crush 12:00 Secret Crush 13:00 Dress to Impress 14:00 In with a Shout 15:00 Supermarket Sweep 16:00 Charmed 17:00 Dawson’s Creek 18:00 Dress to Impress 19:00 Celebrity Catchphrase 20:00 Family Fortunes 21:00 Bob’s Burgers 21:30 Bob’s Burgers 22:00 Mr & Mrs Smith 23:05 FYI Daily 23:10 Mr & Mrs Smith 01:00 Lewis 03:00 Unwind with ITV 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Classic Emmerdale 07:35 Classic Emmerdale 08:00 Classic Coronation Street 08:35 Classic Coronation Street 09:05 Lewis 11:10 The Royal 12:15 Heartbeat 13:20 Heartbeat 14:30 Live: ITV Racing Live 17:00 Classic Emmerdale 17:30 Classic Emmerdale 18:00 Classic Coronation Street 18:30 Classic Coronation Street 18:55 Heartbeat 20:05 Heartbeat 21:05 Doc Martin 22:10 Broadchurch 23:10 Broadchurch

08:15 Pip and Posy 08:20 Peppa Pig 08:25 Peppa Pig

08:35 The Adventures of Paddington

08:55 PAW Patrol 09:20 DORA 09:40 Rubble & Crew

10:20 The Simpsons 10:50 The Simpsons 11:15 The Simpsons 11:40 The Simpsons 12:15 The Simpsons

12:45 Tad the Lost Explorer and the Emerald Tablet

14:25 Four in a Bed

14:55 Four in a Bed

15:30 Four in a Bed

16:00 Four in a Bed

16:30 Four in a Bed

ITV News 07:35 Frasier 08:00 Frasier 08:25 Frasier 08:55 Frasier 09:20 The Simpsons 09:50 The Simpsons

17:00 The Great British Bake Off 18:30 Into the Jungle with Ed Stafford

19:30 Channel 4 News

20:00 Little Trains and Big Names with Pete Waterman

21:00 Abandoned Railways from Above 22:00 Morbius

09:50 SpongeBob SquarePants

10:10 Entertainment News On 5

10:20 Cruising with Jane McDonald

10:40 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun

11:35 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun

12:35 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun

13:35 Inside the Tower of London 14:35 Inside the Tower of London 15:30 The Fall of Anne Boleyn 17:25 Our Yorkshire Farm 18:30 Our Yorkshire Farm 19:30 5 News Weekend 19:35 Endurance: Race to the Pole with Ben Fogle 21:30 Hatfield House: A Royal Residence 22:30 William & Kate: Future of the Crown 08:15 Dodo 08:30 LEGO Scooby-Doo! Blowout Beach Bash 10:00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 10:30 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 11:00 Secret Crush 12:00 Dress to Impress 13:00 Dress

Sunday 29th September

Dress the Nation

15:15 The Voice UK

17:00 For the Love of Dogs with Alison Hammond

17:30 Midsomer Murders

19:30 ITV Evening News

19:45 ITV News London

20:00 Tipping Point: Lucky Stars

21:00 Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? 22:00 Joan 23:00 ITV News

23:20 The Base: A British Army Scandal 06:55 Cheers

Monday 30th September

This Morning

Loose Women

ITV Lunchtime News

14:55 ITV News London

15:00 Family Fortunes

16:00 Lingo

17:00 Tipping Point

18:00 The Chase

19:00 ITV News London

19:30 ITV Evening News

20:30 Emmerdale

21:00 Coronation Street

22:00 Joan

23:00 ITV News at Ten

23:30 ITV News London

23:45 Pestond

Cheers 07:45 Frasier 08:10 Frasier 08:35 Frasier 09:05 The Simpsons

09:30 The Simpsons

10:00 The Simpsons 10:30 Sunday Brunch 13:30 The Simpsons

The Simpsons

The Simpsons

The Simpsons 15:25 The Simpsons 15:50 Chateau DIY

Grand Designs 17:35 Kirstie and Phil’s Love It or List It

Channel 4 News 19:10 Men in Black

The Dog House

Celebrity SAS: Who Dares Wins

State of Rage 23:55 Gogglebox 09:10 PAW Patrol 09:25 DORA 09:35 Rubble & Crew 09:50 SpongeBob SquarePants

08:45 The King of Queens

09:10 The King of Queens

09:40 The King of Queens

10:10 Frasier

10:40 Frasier

11:10 Frasier

11:40 Frasier

12:05 Come Dine with Me: The Professionals

13:05 Channel 4 News Summary

13:10 Narrow Escapes

14:10 Find It, Fix It, Flog It

15:10 Countdown 16:00 Chateau DIY

17:00 A Place in the Sun

18:00 Help! We Bought a Village

19:00 A Place in the Sun

19:30 The Simpsons

20:00 Channel 4 News

21:00 Yorkshire By The Sea

22:00 Celebrity SAS: Who Dares Wins

23:00 How to Survive a Dictator with Munya Chawawa

09:10 PAW Patrol 09:30 Peppa Pig 09:35 Peppa Pig 09:40 Peppa Pig

09:45 Ben & Holly’s Little Kingdom

09:55 Reu & Harper’s Wonder World

10:05 Milkshake! Story Den 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:30 Storm Huntley 13:45 Friends

14:10 Friends

14:40 5 News at Lunchtime 14:45 Home and Away 15:15 My Nightmare Office Affair

17:00 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun

18:00 5 News at 5 19:00 Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly 20:00 Traffic Cops

Police Interceptors 22:00 Cast Away 23:00 Inside The Force: 24/7

Scooby-Doo and Guess Who?

Family Fortunes

Bob’s Burgers 21:30 Bob’s Burgers 22:00 Family Guy 22:30 American Dad! 23:00 American Dad! 23:30 Family Guy

Foyle’s War 18:50 Heartbeat 19:55 Heartbeat 21:00 Doc Martin 22:00 Broadchurch 23:00 Broadchurch

If you have a question or problem with any household technology needing my help or want to join the Technology Help Group please email Brian at cbtechnology.help@ gmail.com.

As a group member, you would have access to the group website which contains previous session notes, handouts and access to previous Costa Blanca People published articles. Scan the QR code for a reminder of what the Costa Blanca Technology Help Group offers.

Meetings at Dilly’s Bar, Av. Castuera, 3, 03184 El Chaparral, Alicante. Group meetings on the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 10:00 to 12:00. The Next meeting is on Wednesday 11th September 2024. You are welcome to attend.

“How do I stop WhatsApp photos from going to Google Photos”?

Open Windows Explorer and To stop uploading WhatsApp photos:

1. Open the Google Photos app.

2. Tap on your profile photo (or initial) in the right upper corner.

3. Tap on “Settings for Photos”

4. Tap on “Backup and sync”

5. Scroll down and tap on “Device folders with back-ups.

6. Scroll down to

Your tech questions answered by Brian Hoile of the Costa Blanca Technology Help Group, helping over 400 members with their PCs , smartphones and more. Group members can attend meetings in person or online using Zoom or Teams.

WhatsApp Images and turn OFF. Do the same for WhatsApp video?

“Can two people share a “What happens if I exceed the Google account storage limit”?

Yes, Windows makes it easy fEach Google account gets 15 G Bytes of free Cloud Storage.

If you’re over your storage quota for two years, Google might delete your content across Gmail, Drive and Photos.

Your storage is shared across Gmail, Google Photos and Google Drive. When your account reaches its storage limit, you can’t: Send or receive emails through Gmail.

• Upload photos or videos through Google Photos.

• Upload files to Drive or create new files in Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Drawings, or Forms.

You either need to pay for more storage, delete files or move the files to another location. If you delete files they are moved to the Bin. To reduce your overall storage after you have deleted files you need to empty the bin. Gmail and Google Drive Bins are automatically removed after 30 days, Google Photos after 60 days.

“I have a problem with my laptop. Can you help me”?

Yes of course. I can come to you if you are not too far from me. I don’t charge for my time, but I do need

my travelling expenses to be paid. If not feasible then there is another option.

If you download and install TeamViewer on your computer and give me a contact phone number, I can help you remotely. When TeamViewer is installed, I will then need your ID and password. With this, I can display your home screen on my computer. For your security the password changes each time Team Viewer is used.

We should then be in telephone contact so that I can talk you through what is happening. You are still able to control your computer but so can I. It’s a very useful application for me to fix an issue or talk you through how to perform a particular task.

Join the Group by searching Facebook for “Costa Blanca Technology Help Group” Send your questions to cbtechnology.help@gmail.com

Five free tickets to give away for the Autumn gold Fiesta

The Autumn Gold Fiesta will take place on Tuesday 15th October and Wednesday 16th October at the Alannia Resort in Guardamar. The esta will be supporting Rock Against Cancer.

The esta will commence on both days at 12.00 pm until 8.00 pm.

Throughout the Tuesday event you will be treated to four great acts:

Chloe Leigh as Shania Twain

Andrew Mark UK as Tina Turner

Midnight Riders with a Bon Jovi tribute

Finn Lizzy with a Thin Lizzy Tribute

On the Wednesday event you will be treated to:

Mother Monster as Lady Gaga

Andrew Mark UK as Elvis & Friends

Wild Card as Fleetwood Mac Dean Richardson UK as Freddie Mercury

The event will be great fun with lots of fabulous music and of course, loads of dancing.

Costa Blanca People have very kindly been given 5

For a chance to win one of these tickets please send the message “WIN” along with your full name, mobile number and email address via whatsapp to 607031113 or email Claire@ costablancapeople.com

Bars & Restaurants

Good Morning Britain viewers ripped into ‘hypocritical’ Susanna Reid on Monday after she grilled Rachel Reeves about her clothes.

During the programme, the host, 53, and her co-star Richard Madeley, 68, were discussing the Labour party’s donation row.

Ministers have been struggling to defend Sir Keir Starmer from criticism for taking over £100,000 worth of gifts and hospitality in the past ve years.

The X Factor legend, 32, took to X, formerly Twitter, last week to share his upset as he revealed he had injured himself at the Dublin City University freshers ball.

Sharing a picture of his wrapped up foot on Thursday, he penned: ‘It’s not good guys I’ve to get an X-ray tomorrow on my ankle really hurt it on stage in Dublin but didn’t want to disappoint everyone i fought on for all of you

John Barrowman was branded ‘pathetic’ by Celebrity SAS: Who Dares Wins viewers as he quit the show after just 32 minutes during Sunday’s opening episode.

The former Doctor Who actor, 57, joined a host of other celebrities as they undertook SAS winter warfare training in the south islands of New Zealand.

John, who opened up about the ashing allegations he faced in 2021 that led to his axe from the DOI judging panel while on the show, began to vomit shortly after arriving at base camp for the rst challenge.

Cash-strapped former Strictly star Ben Cohen and ancée Kristina Rihano have placed their £1.75 million home on the market, MailOnline can reveal.

The ve-bedroom home in Sywell, Northamptonshire, which was bought in 2016, was put up for sale on Thursday just weeks after the former rugby star laid their nancial woes bare in court.

Cohen, 45, pleaded poverty, admitting he was ‘ ghting to save his relationship and home’ after professional dancer Kristina, 46, was caught driving without insurance.

Harrison Ford raised concerns among fans following his recent appearance at Disney’s D23 Expo in August, where he accepted the Disney Legend honor.

The 82-year-old actor received a prestigious hall-of-fame-style award, recognizing his signi cant contributions to Lucas lm, a subsidiary of Disney.

Ford’s legendary roles — most notably Han Solo from Star Wars and the adventurous archaeologist Indiana Jones — have rmly established him as one of the studio’s most iconic gures.

More vegan and vegetarian options ....

The Hotel Algorfa is making some exciting changes to their evening food menu, with a greater emphasis on offering more delectable vegan and vegetarian options for their guests. This shift in culinary focus reflects the growing demand for plant-based dining experiences, catering to the evolving preferences of health-conscious travelers and those seeking more sustainable food choices. The new menu will showcase a vibrant array of flavorful dishes, meticulously crafted by the hotel’s talented culinary team to tantalise the taste buds of both longtime carnivores and dedicated vegans alike.

Diners can look forward to an inspired selection of meatless mains, such as zucchini in three cheeses, aubergine parmigiana and macaroni cheese that will have even the most ardent meat-lovers reconsidering their usual orders. Complementing these delicious main courses will

be an assortment of freshly prepared salads, featuring crisp greens, roasted veggies, and creative dressings to cleanse the palate.

For those with a sweet tooth, the hotel’s on-site bakery and delicatessen will continue to delight guests with its daily offerings of freshly baked breads, flaky pastries, decadent cakes, and a variety of tantalizing piessome of which will feature vegan-friendly fillings and toppings to satisfy all dietary preferences. Guests can indulge in these baked goods while enjoying the lively entertainment that the hotel provides every weekend, creating a truly well-rounded dining and leisure experience.

In addition to the culinary upgrades, the Hotel Algorfa is also undergoing construction on a brand new gym facility located conveniently near the pool area. This state-of-the-art fitness center will cater

to the wellness-focused traveler, offering a range of cardio equipment, strength training machines, and dedicated space for yoga and Pilates classes. The proximity to the pool will allow guests to seamlessly transition from their workout to a refreshing dip, making it the perfect destination for those seeking to maintain their healthy lifestyles while on vacation.

With these exciting changes, the Hotel Algorfa is positioning itself as a premier destination for discerning guests who appreciate exceptional dining experiences, quality entertainment, and a commitment to promoting overall well-being. Whether travelers are seeking a delicious plant-based feast, a indulgent baked treat, or a rejuvenating workout, the hotel’s enhanced offerings promise to deliver an unforgettable and holistic hospitality experience.

Jedward star Edward Grimes has been left devastated after fracturing his ankle.

Health & Beauty

I am constantly furious with my parents for bailing out my feckless brother. He is an adult and should be standing on his own two feet; however he followed my parents to Spain so he could continue his leaching off them. Our parents are elderly and only have a limited income. Dad would complain all the time that our brother was touching him up for cash, and then going to the Chinese or the Pub. When my step-brother and I started to voice our opinion, our brother changed his tactics to ‘needing the money for legitimate reasons’, so that mum and dad would feel sorry to him. He’s 55, chooses unemployment as a lifestyle choice, is an alcoholic, overweight and a complete wastrel and con-artist. We discovered recently that my parents have now gone into debt to bail him out. What are we to do? Talking to them does not change anytime. I am worried that my elderly parents will end up on my doorstep if he gets his clutches into them even more so.

situation; all you can do is sit your parents down and tell them that you cannot be there to mop up any more mess. It would serve you best if you were to detach yourself from this daily turmoil; which you say is constant because your parents complain to you often and that it is making you ill. If they are not willing to stop helping your brother; then you can say you are not willing to listen to their tales of woe unless something changes. You can warn them in a letter of what is likely to happen to them if they end up with nothing, and hope it will be enough for them to change their way of dealing with their son.


Health enefits of A ocado Oil

Avocado oil is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA), which make up 71% of its composition, along with 13% polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and 16% saturated fatty acids (SFA). These MUFAs are known to help lower LDL cholesterol and promote heart health. Diets high in monounsaturated fats have been linked to various health bene ts, including a reduced risk of heart disease and cancer. One study involving over 93,000 participants found that consuming MUFAs from plant sources signi cantly decreased the risk of death from heart disease and cancer.

The study also revealed that replacing saturated fats and animal-based MUFAs with plantbased MUFAs lowered overall mortality risk. Further research suggests that substituting MUFAs for saturated fats, trans fats, or re ned carbohydrates can

signi cantly reduce the risk of heart disease.

Moreover, avocado oil’s primary fat, oleic acid, may support healthy weight management by regulating appetite, increasing energy expenditure, and reducing abdominal fat.

Laser hair removal is a cosmetic procedure that uses concentrated beams of light (laser) to remove unwanted hair. It works by targeting the melanin (pigment) in hair follicles, heating and damaging them to inhibit future hair growth. Here’s an overview of the process and key information:

How Laser Hair Removal Works:

1. Laser Targets Hair Follicles: The laser emits a light that is absorbed by the melanin in the hair.

2. Heat Damages the Follicles: This heat energy destroys the hair follicle without damaging the surrounding skin.

3. Inhibits Future Growth:

Once the follicle is damaged, it slows down or stops hair regrowth.

Common Treatment Areas:

Face (upper lip, chin)

Arms and underarms


Bikini line

Back and chest


Long-Term Reduction: With multiple treatments, it leads to permanent hair reduction.

Precision: Targets dark, coarse hairs without affecting surrounding skin.

Speed: Each pulse of the laser takes a fraction of a second and can treat many hairs at once.

Number of Sessions:

Laser hair removal requires multiple sessions (usually 6–8) spaced a few weeks apart. Hair grows in cycles, and the laser is most effective during the growth phase.


Hair and Skin Type: It works best on people with light skin and dark hair. Advances in technology, like Nd:YAG lasers, have made it possible for people with darker skin to also benefit from the treatment.

Pain Level: Some people describe the sensation as a rubber band snapping against the skin, but most modern devices have cooling features to reduce discomfort.

Side Effects: Temporary redness, swelling, and irritation are common but usually subside within a few hours.



Avoid sun exposure, waxing, or plucking for at least 4-6 weeks before the treatment.

Shaving the area a day or two before the appointment is typically recommended.



Avoid sun exposure and use sunscreen to protect the treated area.

Use soothing creams or ice packs to alleviate redness or irritation.

If you’re considering it, message us at Indiana’s hair and lash boutique to see if laser hair removal is suitable for you.

Pulmonary nodules smaller than two centimetres can be cured if

• Thanks to the minimally invasive approach assisted by Da Vinci robotic surgery, lung cancer procedures can now be performed in a nearly outpatient manner.

• Smokers over the age of fifty are advised to have a lung CT scan every two years.

• Immunotherapy has significantly improved survival rates in lung cancer patients, even in cases of advanced disease.

As part of European Lung Cancer Week, Dr Joseba Rebollo, an oncology specialist at Quirónsalud Hospital in Torrevieja and Quirónsalud Alicante, reminds us that lung nodules smaller than two centimetres are often curable with surgery if detected early. Therefore, he recommends that smokers over the age of fifty undergo a lung CT scan every two years in order to detect these mostly asymptomatic pulmonary nodules at an early stage.

detected early

Types of lung cancer and their treatment

Lung cancer is classified into two main types: small cell and non-small cell. Small cell lung cancer, which accounts for 30% of cases, is highly related to smoking and tends to spread quickly. “It can be treated with chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and radiotherapy, achieving cure rates of around 20% in cases of limited disease, which is when the disease can be contained

within a radiotherapy field,” states Dr Manuel Sureda, an oncologist at Quirónsalud Hospital in Torrevieja and an expert in oncological immunology.

On the other hand, nonsmall cell lung cancer is the most common type, and its treatments greatly benefit from genetic tumour studies.

“Approximately 50% of these tumours have specific genetic alterations that allow the use of targeted therapies for that

specific alteration. Moreover, immunotherapy, which has revolutionised the treatment of this type of lung cancer, has significantly improved survival rates in patients eligible for it, even in cases of advanced disease,” Dr Sureda adds.

Early lung cancer recovery thanks to Da Vinci

Thanks to the minimally invasive approach assisted by Da Vinci robotic surgery, interventions that once

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required open surgery and long hospital stays for lung cancer patients can now be performed in a nearly outpatient manner, with shorter hospital stays in any case.

“In addition,” notes Dr José Belda, head of the Thoracic Surgery Department at Quirónsalud Torrevieja and specialist in robotic surgery, “the great precision of Da Vinci surgeries allows us to address both benign and malignant lung conditions, including lobectomies and sublobar resections, all without compromising oncological thoroughness.”

Other advantages noted by the specialist at Quirónsalud Torrevieja include less blood loss and a reduced risk of postoperative infections.

For more information about robotic lung cancer surgery, watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=AZ0EPpsaUE0&t=1s

Government proposes lowering drink-driving limit for motorists on Spanish roads

Spain’s Interior Minister, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, recently advocated for lowering the legal blood alcohol limit for drivers, aiming to further reduce road accidents. The proposed reduction from the current 0.5 grams per liter of alcohol in the blood to 0.2 grams would align Spain with countries like Sweden. Grande-Marlaska made this call during a Forum Europe breakfast brie ng, emphasizing that Spanish society is ready for such a change, which could help reduce accidents linked to alcohol and drugs.

Ministry sources explained that this amendment to article 20 of the general tra c regulations would require parliamentary approval. In June, a similar proposal was made but targeted only novice and professional drivers. However, this broader proposal is driven by recent road fatalities, with 241 deaths reported this past summer, more than half of which were related to alcohol or drugs.

Grande-Marlaska highlighted the success of Spain’s pointsbased license system in reducing fatalities, with Spain now recording 36 road deaths per million inhabitants, below the EU average of 47. The new

challenge is to bring Spain closer to the safety levels seen in countries like Sweden, Denmark, and Germany. Additionally, he suggested implementing voluntary courses to help drivers recover lost license points.


International Christian Assembly Evangelical Church. We welcome you to Sunday Service at 11am (English) Calle Beniajan 14, Torrevieja, 03185 www.icatorrevieja.org Phone; 966799273 or 660127276 (SH) Join us at Salt Church. Sundays at 10.30am. We are a friendly Church, Bible centred in our teaching and informal in our worship.Calle Daya Nueva 12, Poligino Industrial Levante II, 03187 Los Montsinos. www.saltchurch.es Facebook: SaltChurchSpain

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Betis Florida 2 – C.D. Montesinos 2

To say that this was the proverbial “game of two halves” just about sums up this game.

The Monte faithful once again travelled, and as the game started, there were more of “us” than “them” on a decent ground in the city centre of our provincial capital city of Alicante.

The first 25 minutes were very even although we had the better chances with both Abdul and Anderson going one on one with the home keeper, who won both “duels”.

We unfortunately lost our captain, Goku, with an abductor problem and he was replaced by Ruz as manager Willy reshuffled his defence.

Whatever he did, it worked as first Abdul and then Luis Carlos put us 0-2 up and looking very comfortable.

HT 0-2

To say the second half was a total opposite of the first, more or less sums things up.

They pulled a goal back in the 1st minute and from that point onwards, we defended as Betis Florida pushed forward and dominated the game.

The equaliser, when it arrived,

was a gift to the home side as our centre half and goalkeeper appeared to leave the high ball to each other and the ball bounced off a Betis Florida forward and into the net.

A mention must go to the referee who decided to yellow card our player Cristian for celebrating our first goal and then, 5 minutes later, showed him a second yellow card for throwing his water bottle on the floor. Obviously, Cristian was on the subs bench!

At the end of the match, it really felt as if we had lost. The players probably felt the same way, but despite that feeling, it should be remembered that we got an away point and remain unbeaten in our three matches played.

Trying to pick a man of the match for us was difficult, but despite his involvement in their second goal fiasco, I would still give it to our keeper, Pablo. He pulled off 3 very good saves to keep us in the game.

Vamos Monte!

Please make an effort to support YOUR team. Consider buying a Season

ticket for 40euro, which includes a free “T” shirt.

If you not already a member of the Full Monte Supporters Club, please see a Committee member with your application fee of 10euro, a bargain price especially with a 10% discount off meals at Triple Brew, Rojales. 10% on labour costs at Venture Fleet, 5% Physio Clinic Salinas. Other discounts may be available at other establishments, this will be confirmed later.

Please support our sponsors.

If you wish to join or help the Committee, or wish to help setting up sound system at home matches, see any Committee member.

You can always email us at thefullmonte2011@hotmail. com

Also......check-out CD Montesinos on Facebook and JJ’s Predictor League.

The Monte Mentals Walking Football Club of Los Montesinos, and The Cauldron Petanca Club in association with Torregolf.Eu, are Proud Supporters of The Full Monte and CD Montesinos.

Lo Crispin Golf Society at El Plantio

On the 18th. September 31 members and guests ‘teed it up’ to compete for the Society’s Jose Trophy, given to the Society by David at the Lo Crispin Tavern, in memory of the founder of the Tavern, who passed away suddenly some years ago. The condition of the course was much improved since I last played there some months ago, when there were swathes of plastic sheeting on a number of holes, in order to grow the grass damaged by the prolonged drought at the time. The day was mostly overcast with occasional rain and quite cold in comparison with recent temperatures. Despite the rain the ‘greens’ by and large were still quick.

The day’s prizes were distributed in the evening at the Lo Crispin Tavern as David and his sta provided us with a meal and money was raised for a local charity.

Gold Division

1st Place - John Simmons 33 pts o 11 and WINNER of the Jose Trophy

2nd Place - Andy Quinn 31 pts o 9

3rd Place - Bob Berry 28pts o 17

Silver Division

1st Place - Karen Baker 29 pts o 35

2nd Place - Carl Rodel 28 pts o 24

3rd Place - Frank Hanrahan 27 pts o 25 Guest Prize - Brian Reid

N.T.P. on Par 3s

7 - Nobody

9 - Brian Reid Hole 14 - Ronnie Speirs Hole 18 - Bob Berry

The Free Game Draw was won by Mark Baker. Finally, our next game is our nal Major of the year, the Nominated Pairs at Altorreal on 2nd. October. Steve Harrington (Membership Secretary)

Abbey Anglers

On Tuesday the 17th of September we fished the 5thround of the Autumn cup at the El Bosquet complex in Crevillent. The weather was set fair and as no other anglers were on the complex we decided to spread out and fish four section of 4 but we did leave several pegs for pleasure anglers but only one other angler turned up. Winner on the day was Lenny Bolton from the in form peg 22. He fished both the pole and feeder to catch some decent carp and weighed 23.60kg.

In second place was Nick “ I never draw a decent peg” Bastock who after moaning like mad about peg 34 he caught steadily on both pole and feeder and weighed 21.90kg. Third spot was a very tight affair with 5 anglers within a kilo of each other. The eventual honour went to Tony Felstead who may well need some of his winnings to replace a top 3 from a pole that was broken by an fish and was never seen again. Tony weighed 14.64kg. the Autumn cup is hotting up with several anglers still in the running.

19. Rear deer(4) CRYPTIC

be about to lean on(5)

Stop the others after half a year (6) 5. Somehow shut my pools, about 2nd June – after I’ve gone(12)

Get better, as I am to show without doubt(7) 7. Happy boy has good head on him(4)

8. Place found for a candidate?(8,4)

12. Supporter heard ten out(8)

14. Put in quarantine one who is overdue by such a margin(7)

16. The box is not put upside down on the vehicle(6)

18. Lower a foundation(5)


ACROSS 1. Throw (4)



Part of a flower(5)






Brave (7)








Young horse(4)








Using only the letters in the wordwheel, take ten minutes to find as many words as possible, none of which may be plurals, foreign words or proper nouns. Each word must contain the central letter and at least three others. Letters can only be used once in every word. There is at least one nine-letter word in the wheel.


Fill the grid so that every column, row and 3x3 square includes all the digits from 1 to 9


redo, reed, reedy, rode, rood, roved.

door, dory, dove, drey, drove, dyer, erode, eyed, joyed, overdo,

Down:1Commends; 2Spurt; 4Airman; 5Ecstatically; 6Typical; 7Colt; 8Incandescent; 12Spinster; 14Violate; 16Clever; 18Irate; 19Epic. CRYPTIC CROSSWORD Across: 1Rose; 3Sampling; 9Chatter; 10Sepia; 11Infant school; 13Elicit; 15Impend; 17Congratulate; 20Idaho; 21Tillage; 22Dreaming; 23 West. Down:1Receiver; 2 Staff; 4 Arrest; 5Posthumously; 6Improve; 7Glad; 8Standing room; 12Adherent; 14Isolate; 16Carton; 18Abase; 19Hind. WORDWHEEL

Across: 1Cast; 3Majestic; 9Mourner; 10Sepal; 11Extravagance; 13Divide; 15Fillip; 17Consultation; 20Phase; 21Valiant; 22Creature; 23Bear.


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