22 October - 28 October 2024

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More than 250,000 tons of Torrevieja salt to save Europe´s roads this winter

The Torrevieja salt company has started its annual task of exporting salt by sea in mid-October with a forecasted baulk of more than 250,000 tonnes, double that of the 2023 winter campaign.

The rst sign that activity is beginning to increase is the loading this week of some 6,000 tons of salt into the 117-meterlong, Norwegian- agged cargo ship Grinna. Since last August,

docked at the salt dock. There were a few small vessels loading in September, but the arrival of ships will be more constant from November onwards and it is expected that the arrival of ships will continue until the rst weeks of 2025.

This is the usual sequence in the industrial area that is located in the western breakwater of Torrevieja,

whose port is now focused on tourist activity with thousands of recreational boats moored in three marinas.

The salt dock continues to be the main outlet for Torrevieja salt to the rest of the world. While its transport by road is much less “visible” on the ground, the queues of large trucks at the access to the salt mine are always noticable when there are major snow storms in the north of the peninsula and the two plateaus, as occurred with storm “Filomena”.

The main purpose of the exported salt is to de-ice roads across Europe and Torrevieja is able to supply large volumes of sea salt, the most appreciated on the market for its ability to stay on the asphalt without melting. The 2023-2024 salt production campaign was one of the best in recent years.

Low rainfall - barely one hundred litres per square metre between both periods -, wind

and high temperatures have been the best conditions for the saturation of the brine waters and their precipitation on the wetland bed. Good years since 2022 marked by a rather irregular sequence that began at the end of 2016. Production has been so generous in recent months that in the ‘garberas’ where mountains of salt accumulate there are more than 450,000 tonnes stored and there was hardly any space to incorporate those that began to be extracted for the new winter campaign.

NCAST, which operates salt production and is part of the French group Salins, has made a signi cant e ort in maintaining the facilities this year. Therefore, during the month of August, the only month in which mining activity is halted, an almost complete renovation of the loading structure of the salt dock was carried out, which has also

improved the working conditions and visual image of the facility itself, which had been in a bad state since it began production in 1983, when the small loading trains were replaced by the salt conveyor belt.

The loading gantry is the product of proprietary rail technology that allows ships to be loaded in record time thanks to its structure connected to the salt belt that runs for several kilometres to the lagoon. This is one of the advantages of these Torrevieja salt mines, which, together with the possibility of transporting large quantities of salt at once, makes it one of the most competitive in the world.

Eat Greek & Feel Good

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

On Saturday (19th October), Maria and the Pink Ladies held its annual event at Zenia Boulevard to mark International Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Breast Cancer Awareness Month is an international health campaign that’s held every October. The month aims to promote screening and prevention of the disease, which affects 2.3 million women worldwide.

The Pink Ladies and Panthers were out in force as the volunteers worked hard all day offering their expertise and selling merchandise to raise much needed funds to help in the fight against cancer. Over the years Breast Cancer Awareness month has become synonymous with its pink theme colour and people visiting the Boulevard wore shades of pink to show their support for all those who are fighting breast cancer, rejoicing for those who have survived and remembering the women and men that have lost their lives to the disease.

At around 3pm Maria addressed the audience to explain what this day was all about

and thanked the volunteers for their continuous support. She praised the local artists on the coast who offer their time freely time and time again to entertain the audiences at Pink Ladies charity fundraising events.

After Maria´s speech there was a small ceremony where three pink balloons were released, one in memory of Pink Panther Keith Hales who recently lost his fight to cancer, another in memory of Stevie Spit who supported the Pink Ladies for many years at events and recently passed away from cancer and the third in memory of all those who have succumbed to breast cancer.

The management of Zenia Boulevard presented Maria with a cheque for €500 and together with donations on the day The Pink Ladies raised more than €2,000.

Maria would like to thank the Boulevard management for their continued support, her volunteers, the people of the coast for their donations and all of the artists who performed on the day: Georgia Bale, Toni Ann, Costa SKA Tones, Alex

Tipping, Lexi May, Cindy, The Blues Brothers and Raquel Peña Flamenco Dancers.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month began in 1985 as a week-long awareness campaign by the American Cancer Society, in partnership with Imperial Chemical Industries, a British company that made tamoxifen. The campaign eventually grew into a month-long event.

In 1992, the pink ribbon came into play after Alexandra Penney, SELF magazine’s Editor-in-Chief, partnered with Evelyn Lauder, Estée Lauder’s Senior Corporate Vice President and a breast cancer survivor, to distribute pink ribbons after the magazine’s second annual Breast Cancer Awareness Month issue.

Court acquits defendants in the Vega Baja Zonal Plan

After just over fteen years since the Brugal case procedure began, the Alicante Provincial Court has decided on the alleged rigging in the processing of the Vega Baja Zonal Waste Plan. The judge has made a formal acquittal judgment exonerating the 13 defendants, including the former president of the Provincial Council José Joaquín Ripoll and the former Mayor of Orihuela Mónica Lorente (both PP), as well as the former socialist MP Antonio Amorós and the businessmen Enrique Ortiz, Ángel Fenoll and Rafael Gregory.

The Seventh Section of the Court, based in Elche, found no proof of the existence of an agreement between the accused “to alter or manipulate the Council’s agreements, nor found evidence that any of the accused o ered or accepted gifts aimed at obtaining a resolution from the Consortium that would favour them.

The Court also found that it was not proven that they “attempted to in uence or in uenced” members of the Vega Baja Waste Consortium that were “bene cial to them, nor that they revealed data from the le that would cause any harm to the outcome of the procedure,” according to

the ruling, issued more than two years after the oral hearing in Elche concluded.

The ruling, which is almost 300 pages long and can be appealed before the Supreme Court, states that since 2007 several of the accused, two of them Ángel Fenoll and Enrique Ortiz, maintained contacts with the president of the Provincial Council, José Joaquín Ripoll, and with a municipal technician, Pedro Sáez, but within the “scope of their business activities, without it having been proven that they tried to in uence the actions carried out by the Consortium to favour the business activities of the same in the awarding of the Zonal Plan “.

This project was awarded to a joint venture of Enrique Ortiz and Manuel Garriga, who are under investigation, and was done “unanimously, considering it to be the best o er,” the acquittal ruling states.

The Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s O ce maintained that the accused had conspired to rig the award of the Vega Baja zonal waste plan and the location of the waste treatment plant through an agreement between businessmen Enrique Ortiz and Ángel Fenoll in exchange, in some cases, for various bribes.

Brit dies in ´selfie´ tragedy on Spanish bridge

A 26-year-old Briton has died after he fell from a bridge in Spain when he climbed it to lm content for a social media stunt, authorities have said.

The unidenti ed man was with another Briton, aged 24, when he plunged to his death from the cable-stayed ‘Castilla-La Mancha Bridge’ in Talavera de la Reina (in the region of Castilla-La Mancha), about 110 kilometres southwest of Madrid, the city council said.

“As far as we have been able to learn, they had come to Talavera to climb the bridge and create content for social media, which has resulted in this disastrous and sad outcome,” Talavera city councillor for public security Macarena Muñoz said.

“We have reiterated on many occasions that it must not be done under any circumstances,” said Muñoz.

The tragedy happened at around 7.15am. National Police as well as local town-hall employed re ghters rushed to the scene with paramedics but there was nothing they could do to save the Brit.

The bridge where the incident

occurred is the second-highest in Europe as well as being the highest in Spain, standing at 192 metres high.

Spanish media said it had rained heavily in Talavera before the accident, which may have caused the bridge to be

slippery. With its 152 wire ropes and sweeping views of the surrounding countryside, the bridge has long drawn daredevils and social media creators, who climb it despite this being banned.

Family of woman who fell to her death in Torrevieja call for British police involvement

The family and friends of Piia Hokkanen, a British IT executive who died after falling from an apartment block in Spain, are urging the Metropolitan Police to intervene in the ongoing Spanish investigation into her death. Hokkanen, 50, fell from a communal window in the apartment complex in Torrevieja, just after midnight on 4 September, following the celebration of her birthday.

Hokkanen, a product manager at Visa Europe, had been staying at her sister’s holiday home for a three-day break. Her body was discovered in a courtyard after falling onto a neighbour’s patio.

A report from Spain’s Guardia Civil, shared with the family, suggests suicide as the likely cause of death, citing the absence of signs of a struggle. However, Hokkanen’s friends and relatives are concerned that Spanish authorities may have rushed to conclusions without fully investigating.

Friends say Spanish detectives have yet to interview all residents of the apartment block or secure key evidence, including Hokkanen’s two

mobile phones and nearby CCTV footage. There are also concerns that her bank statements have not been reviewed.

Hokkanen’s boyfriend of seven years, Eugene Doris, 42, was with her on the holiday. According to Doris, the couple had an argument, after which he left the apartment to stay at a hostel four hours before her fall. He was informed of her death nearly 24 hours later by the police. Despite the argument, Doris insists Hokkanen did not show signs of being suicidal.

Hokkanen, a dual BritishFinnish national, had reportedly been making future plans. She sent text messages to friends expressing excitement about a birthday party in London scheduled for 7 September and a return trip to Spain in October. Doris also noted that Hokkanen, who was “not a heavy drinker,” had only consumed a small amount of alcohol on the evening of her death, after the couple had been wine tasting earlier in the day.

The Metropolitan Police became involved after

one of Hokkanen’s friends raised concerns about the investigation on behalf of a larger group that included her two sisters. The Met has shared information with the Spanish authorities via Interpol, but the case remains under the jurisdiction of the Guardia Civil.

According to the Spanish police report, Hokkanen was found by a neighbour at 12:20 a.m. on 4 September after hearing the impact of her fall. She was wearing only a T-shirt, knickers, and one slipper. The second slipper was found near a window on the second oor overlooking the inner courtyard where she landed.

The family is now pushing for a more thorough investigation, believing that important evidence has yet to be reviewed. They hope that the involvement of the Metropolitan Police may help ensure a more comprehensive inquiry into the circumstances surrounding Hokkanen’s tragic death.

My Wine Tour through Italy

Italy, the land of love, passion and re ned avors, is known worldwide for its exquisite wines. With a long tradition in viticulture and a diverse geography, Italy o ers a wealth of wine regions and varieties that appeal to wine lovers around the world. In this article, I’ll take you on a journey through Italy’s best-known wine regions and introduce you to some of the most beloved Italian wines.

1. Piedmont: Located in northwestern Italy, Piedmont is one of the most renowned wine regions in the world. It is known for its elegant red wines, such as the Barolo and Barbaresco, which are made from the Nebbiolo grape.

2. Tuscany: Tuscany, the mesmerizing landscape of rolling hills and historic towns, is another prominent wine region of Italy. Some of the world’s most prized wines are produced here, including the famous Chianti, Brunello di Montalcino, and Vino Nobile di Montepulciano. The indigenous Sangiovese grape variety forms the backbone of most Tuscan wines and is known for its excellent aging potential.

3. Veneto: Located in northeastern Italy, Veneto is a diverse wine region known worldwide for its sparkling

Prosecco wines. Produced from the Glera grape, Prosecco o ers a refreshing and vibrant avor. Veneto is also home to Amarone della Valpolicella, a powerful and full-bodied red wine, as well as the light and fruity white wine Soave, made from the Garganega grape.

4. Sicily: The Mediterranean climate and fertile volcanic soil create ideal conditions for viticulture. Nero d’Avola, a robust red wine, is one of the best-known Sicilian wines, while the Etna Bianco white wine is prized for its freshness and minerality.

5. Puglia: Located in the south of Italy, Puglia is known as the “wine cellar of Italy” due to its high wine production. This region o ers a wide range of wines,

including the Primitivo, a red wine known for its ripe fruity avors. Puglia is also home to the smooth and fruity Salice Salentino and the aromatic white wine Verdeca.


The world of Italian wines is a true voyage of discovery for every wine lover. Whether you enjoy an elegant Barolo from Piedmont, a re ned Chianti from Tuscany, or a sparkling Prosecco from Veneto, Italian wines will captivate your senses and take you on a culinary journey through beautiful Italy.

And at Beau Wine Tastings you can buy almost all wines.

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Tonnes of Russian-bound chemical weapons seized in Spain

Spanish authorities have seized a shipment of 13 tonnes of chemicals destined for Russia, which included “possible precursors for chemical weapons or nerve agents,” the National Police con rmed. The materials were intercepted in a shipping container at the port of Barcelona, and four individuals were arrested in Barcelona and Girona, suspected of running a commercial network aimed at evading sanctions imposed on Russia due to the ongoing war in Ukraine.

The police revealed that the investigation, which led to the operation, began in 2022.

According to a statement, a company managed by individuals of Russian origin had developed a sophisticated system of commercial, logistical, and economic triangulation to illegally supply chemical products to Russia. Authorities found evidence that the company had previously exported internationally sanctioned chemicals, potentially including those used to manufacture chemical weapons, through this network.

The chemicals, intended for a subsidiary in Moscow, were routed through front companies in countries like Armenia and Kyrgyzstan to disguise their nal destination

in Russia. The National Police explained that these intermediary companies were not the actual recipients, and the goods were diverted overland to Russia.

This operation comes amid ongoing international e orts to enforce sanctions designed to punish Russia and weaken its war e ort in Ukraine. However, Russia has used complex methods to circumvent these sanctions, often involving the transfer of goods and nances through post-Soviet states in Central Asia. Although some of these countries have made e orts to prevent being used as conduits for Russia’s war economy, they remain economically tied to Russia and have not fully severed trade links.

Both Russia and Ukraine are signatories to the Chemical Weapons Convention, which mandates the destruction of declared chemical weapons stockpiles. Nevertheless, since the full-scale invasion of Ukraine began in February 2022, both nations have accused each other of using chemical weapons. The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) has been monitoring the situation closely, with the U.S. claiming that Russia has deployed chemical weapons on the battle eld, allegations

the Kremlin denies.

In addition to sanctions, the UK recently targeted speci c Russian military o cials connected to the alleged use of chemical agents, including riot control agents and the First World War-era weapon chloropicrin, both of which are illegal in warfare.

The OPCW has stated that it continues to provide assistance to Ukraine under the terms of the Chemical Weapons Convention and remains in contact with concerned States Parties about potential chemical weapons use. The organization also urged countries with relevant information to share it with their secretariat.

Russia’s use of chemical weapons has drawn global condemnation, not only in the context of the Ukraine con ict but also for its role in Syria’s civil war, where it supported the al-Assad regime, which infamously deployed chemical weapons, including sarin, against civilians. Additionally, Russian intelligence has been linked to overseas chemical weapon attacks, notably the 2018 Novichok poisoning of former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter in Salisbury, UK. That attack inadvertently caused the deaths of two civilians who came into contact with the deadly nerve agent.

Seagate Wealth are very proud to announce that Edny Van Den Broek, Account Manager from Prudential International will be one of the guest speakers at the Finance & Tax Forum being held on Tuesday 29th October.

The event takes place at Hotel La Laguna in Ciudad Quesada and begins at 11.00am.

Along with Edny, we will be joined by Mark McMillan from the relocation Department at SunLawyers. Mark will be discussing the NLV – Non-Lucrative

To obtain the NLV, you will need to prove that you have su cient nancial means to support yourself without working in your new country. This means for a married couple €35,991 is needed. For years 2 and 3, the sum of €71,982 will need to put aside in savings and cannot be used for living expenses.

Therefore, it is essential to have a solid nancial plan and investment strategy before applying for the visa.

Many people assume they will need to keep this money in a Spanish bank account, but that is not the case.

The Prudential o er the International

Prudence Bond which o ers life assurance as well as being fully tax compliant. This is a way to make your money work for you whilst complying with the visa requirements.

Susan Longland from Currencies Direct will be talking about currency exchange and the various ways they can save you money, especially when buying and selling property.

For the opportunity to nd out more about Prudential and Sun Lawyers, as well as Currencies Direct, register to come along to the event and talk to “the man from the Pru”. Simply call 965704 338 or email: Contact@ SeagateWealth.es to reserve your place.

Spanish airport possible new migrant arrival centre

Spain is considering repurposing Ciudad Real Airport, a private facility located south of Madrid, as an emergency reception centre for migrants arriving on the country’s shores.

The Spanish government is evaluating “hundreds” of potential sites to handle irregular migrant arrivals, according to Pilar Alegría, Spain’s Minister of Education and Science. Among these, Ciudad Real Airport has emerged as a potential option to provide temporary care for those arriving by sea.

Ciudad Real Airport, which opened in 2008, features a 24,000-squaremetre terminal building and a 4,000-metre-long runway. After declaring bankruptcy in 2012, it has seen limited use, occasionally hosting private ights. The proposal to convert it into a migrant reception centre has sparked local opposition.

Emiliano García-Page, president of Castilla-La Mancha, the autonomous community where the airport is situated, said he was unaware of the plan. Meanwhile, Francisco Cañizares, the mayor of Ciudad Real, strongly criticised the idea, likening it to a “concentration camp” and arguing that it would not meet the “minimum humanitarian conditions”

necessary for migrant accommodation.

The consideration of Ciudad Real Airport comes as Spain continues to manage a steady ow of migrants. According to UN Refugee Agency data, approximately 43,000 migrants arrived in Spain over the past year, with 70% landing in the Canary Islands, which has borne the brunt of the country’s immigration in ux.

This news coincides with a high-stakes summit in Brussels, where European Union leaders are debating the future of the bloc’s immigration policies. The discussions are expected to be contentious, with

countries such as the Netherlands and Poland advocating for stricter controls on migrant arrivals.

The timing of Spain’s announcement also overlaps with the opening of the EU’s o shore migrant processing centre in Albania. The facility, which recently began operations, has started processing its rst group of migrants rescued at sea by Italian ships. As the EU continues to grapple with migration, Spain’s potential use of Ciudad Real Airport underscores the broader challenge of managing irregular arrivals across Europe.


From Saturday 19th October to Friday 1st November the city of Elche is transformed into a medieval town to celebrate this traditional festival which has been held every year since 1990. Take a journey back through time, to imagine life in Elche during the middle ages, and appreciate the origins of this beautiful ancient city. The festival features an authentic medieval market offer -

ing artisan, handmade and local products, there will be demonstrations, live street music and dance performances, alongside family entertainment, games and activities for children. A full programme of events can be found on the following website: festivalmedieval.com/ programacion/ For coach transportation please contact David’s Coachtrips on 966 785 910.

This week saw a series of market events that could have injected some volatility into what was a very quiet last week.

On Tuesday, the UK government will release estimates of employment, unemployment, inactivity, average weekly earnings, vacancies and other labour market related statistics for the UK.

In the last three months to August, gross pay without bonuses slipped slightly from 5.1% to 5%. This is in spite of the mixed GDP growth the UK experienced in the summer, which led to only a slow return to positive growth in August. Unemployment came in below market expectations, falling to 4% from 4.1%.

There was also a series of in ation readings this week. Analysts did not anticipate much of a shift in the UK’s CPI reading on Wednesday, however the reading came in signi cantly below expectation at 1.7%.

This could impact the Bank of England’s interest rate decisions if it is looking at more aggressive rate cuts over the coming months. Today’s Retail Sales gures came in above the expected reading of -0.4%, landing at 0.3%.


The main talking point of the week was the European Central Bank meeting, where policymakers voted to cut interest rates for the third time this year.

The cut was expected by markets, in ation now below target and ECB president Christine Lagarde and French central bank chief François Villeroy de Galhau had both signalled the likelihood of a cut in recent weeks. The ECB reduced the key interest rate by 0.25% to 3.25%.

As a likely result of the ECB’s response to slowing in ation in the Eurozone, which at 1.8% is the lowest since April 2021, the EUR has weakened to a two-month low.

Goldman Sachs has suggested that the EUR should now be considered the preferred funding currency over the traditionally safer CHF and JPY, given current market conditions and expectations for currency performance. The company’s baseline forecasts predict higher equities, stable yields, and reduced rate volatility, which could lead to renewed weakness in the Dollar and cyclical outperformance for both G10 and emerging market currencies.

Charity walk raises cash for kids

A recent charity walk in Torrevieja has raised 2,768.60 for the children of San Jose Obrero Orphanage. The walk was organised by longtime local fundraiser Lyn Adams and her husband Ken and sponsored by Casas Espania. More than 50 people took part in the 4k walk, which was a circuitous route from the

Kiosko Cabo Cervera in the centre of the city.

The event was supported by the Town Hall and lmed by Brits Living in Spain, with several councillors making the walk, including the Deputy Mayor. Children from the orphanage also joined in the fun and many walkers bought their four-legged friends along for good


Lyn said: “Our sincere thanks go to Gabrielle at the Kiosko for letting us use his premises as a base, also to Colin Cook who helped count the money! Most of all, of course, to the walkers and their sponsors without whom this fantastic amount would not be possible.”

Seventh earthquake in the Vega Baja in one week

Another earthquake has been felt in the Vega Baja. It took place at 7:56 p.m., with its epicentre in the Sierra Escalona area, which in our region borders the municipalities of Orihuela, Pilar de la Horadada and San Miguel de Salinas.

The epicentre of this earthquake, which had a magnitude 2.4 and a

depth of 4 kilometres was, recorded on the border of the provinces of Alicante and Murcia.

Several people reported feeling this tremor in the vicinity of the epicentre, even south of Torrevieja.

This is the seventh earthquake recorded by the National Geographic Institute (IGN) in one week

in the Vega Baja. It seems that many earthquakes are occurring in a row in this area and locals are beginning to speculate a larger quake could be on the way. However, the activity levels ‘are still within the normal range for an area of high seismic activity such as ours’ according to the Proyecto Mastral experts.

Firefighters extinguish a fire in the Lagunas de La Mata area

Firefighters intervened on Friday afternoon in a fire in the Lagunas de La Mata area, in Torrevieja, the first indications of which point to the possibility that it was caused by arson, according to the Provincial Fire Consortium.

The warning came at 7:30 p.m. through a call alerting that a large

amount of smoke could be seen in the area. The Torrevieja Local Police went to the scene and confirmed the existence of three sources of fire, which leads to suspicions that it could have been caused by arson, according to Consorcio.

A brigade and a forest fire truck attended the scene, and firefighters

from the fire stations of Almoradí, Orihuela and Torrevieja worked.

The firefighters used a command unit, two heavy urban fire engines, a heavy rural fire engine and a heavy tanker fire engine.

At around 10:15 p.m. the fire was declared under control and at 2:00 a.m. it was extinguished.

Almoradí City Council installs 492 lights in the municipality

The Almoradí City Council, through the Department of Public Lighting led by Miguel Monge, has installed 492 new lights across 42 streets in the town center and several public squares, including Constitution and Liberty squares, as part of the “Almoradí, the Commercial Heart of the Vega Baja” project.

Councillor Monge highlighted that the new LED lighting has several advanced features, such as an intelligent warning system for detecting malfunctions, intensity regulation, and a signi cant reduction in energy consumption. These enhancements not only improve lighting e ciency but also contribute to a more sustainable urban environment.

In line with the ongoing plan to update the town’s lighting system, these nearly 500 new lights are

part of a larger project that will soon extend to the southern part of Almoradí, as well as include the installation of new lights at the Sadrián Stadium and solar streetlights on Camino de los Gomares. Monge emphasized that the department remains committed to ensuring proper lighting and managing it e ciently for the bene t of the town.

The total investment in the installation, replacement, and modernization of the town’s lighting, once all current projects are completed, will reach almost 3 million euros, a major improvement initiative that has been underway since María Gómez took o ce as mayor.

Department of Environment clears 7,000kgs of waste from Las Estacas

Noelia Grao, the Councillor for the Environment at Orihuela Town Hall, has provided an update on the cleaning and waste removal e orts in the section of the Las Estacas riverbed that runs through the urban channel in Orihuela Costa. Approximately 7,000 kg of waste, including mattresses, abandoned belongings, and other debris, have been removed, with the materials transported to authorized land lls for proper management. The Department of the Environment has obtained the necessary permits from both the Segura Hydrographic Confederation and the Department of the Environment to carry out this work.

Councillor Grao emphasized the importance of public awareness regarding the harmful e ects of illegal dumping on the natural environment, highlighting both the environmental damage and the negative image it creates. She stressed that the uncontrolled disposal

of waste and household items severely impacts the community and called for greater responsibility in preserving the area’s natural beauty.

Lastly, the Department of the Environment urges citizens to collaborate in maintaining cleanliness by reporting any instances of

illegal dumping. If anyone witnesses such activities within the municipality, they are encouraged to report them by calling the following numbers: the Environment and Administrative Unit (UMAD) in Orihuela Costa at 672-210-904, or the Orihuela Local Police at 965-300-204.

Lawsons Wealth hosts a meeting with Acorn Property Invest

There was a fantastic meeting hosted by Ara Manukyan from Lawsons Wealth in conjunction with Acorn Property Invest on Thursday 17th October at La Laguna Hotel in Doña Pepa. The meeting was an opportunity to find out the very latest sitespecific or regular income investments from a leading property investment company that specialises in the UK property market.

Acorn Property Invest are the investment division of Acorn Property Group, one of the UKs leading house builders, established in 1995 with over 220 completed developments. They offer regular income or

growth investments which can be site specific or based on their overall portfolio.With a minimum investment of 10,000 pounds over a one, three or five-year period there is a real opportunity for investors to gain great returns on their investment.

To find out more about the Acorn Property products contact Ara from Lawsons Wealth.

You can e-mail :- ara. manukyan@lawsonswealth.com or call or WhatsApp Ara on +34 662 486 925

The next seminar at the La Laguna will be on Thursday 24th October at 1pm in conjunction with Honey Legal. The main topics will be Estate Planning in the UK for Spanish residents. Find out all the facts about will, power of attorney and different types of trusts and probate law. For forthcoming events check out our Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/ lawsonswealthcostablanca/

New fire trucks for Orihuela and Torrevieja

The Alicante Provincial Council Fire Brigade Consortium has upgraded its eet with two new light urban re engines and an Air Reserve Container, aimed at enhancing re ghting and rescue operations. These additions are destined for the re stations in Orihuela and Torrevieja.

The two re trucks, built by MAGIRUS and costing 726,000 euros, are designed for operations in urban areas, especially in narrow streets such as those found in historic town centers. The vehicles have a 2,000-litre water tank, a 100-litre foam tank, and a compact build, measuring 2.3 meters wide and 3.2 meters high. With a 4x2 rear-wheel drive, they are equipped to carry a team of ve: a driver, a corporal, and three re ghters. This equipment allows the re brigade to respond faster and more safely.

Additionally, the consortium has introduced an Air Reserve Container,

supplied by Truck Deal SL, with a price tag of 325,000 euros. This container is designed to support interventions that require heavy use of autonomous breathing equipment, such as industrial res, tunnel rescues, or chemical emergencies. It can ll ten air cylinders in 15 minutes, comes equipped with ten autonomous breathing sets, and features facilities like an equipment

maintenance room, awning shelters, and an external tap-shower. The container can also replace equipment at re stations if their own air supply systems fail.

This investment, according to Francisco Cano, Deputy for Emergencies, strengthens the region’s capacity for e cient emergency responses and ensures the safety of re ghters.

Orihuela Health Fair comes to the Lona Auditorium

The Health Councillor of Orihuela, Irene Celdrán, has announced the upcoming Health Fair, scheduled for October 25 and 26 at the La Lonja Auditorium. The fair will kick o at 9:00 a.m., with doors open to schools in Orihuela. Talks on “Self-care for our Mental Health” will be given by psychologists Sofía Cerezo and Enrique Luis from Crec Psychologists. Various associations and groups will also set up information stands, which Councillor Celdrán thanked for their collaboration.

Among the participating organizations are the Orihuela Department of Health, the Spanish Association Against Cancer, ONCE Social Group, Vega Baja Acoge, and several others. Activities planned during the two days include advice on celiac disease, capillary blood glucose tests, blood pressure measurements, and information on diabetes prevention. HIV/ AIDS prevention materials will be distributed, and

CHS proposing changes to the Special Drought Plan

an ambulance will be on display. Sensory activities like “The B-side of immigration” and the chance to try glasses simulating drunk vision are also planned, along with science activities, voluntary breathalyzer and drug tests, balance and memory tests, and more.

In addition, COVID and u vaccination points will be set up by local health centers, and there will be information tables on cardiovascular risk, smoking cessation, and rst aid workshops. A key highlight is a talk by pediatric nurse Armando Bastida on “Raising with common sense,” scheduled for Friday at 6:30 p.m.

Councillor Celdrán has invited Orihuela residents to attend the fair, which will provide valuable insights into the work of participating associations and promote healthy lifestyle habits.

The Segura Hydrographic Confederation (CHS) recently presented the proposed modi cations to the Special Drought Plan (PES) during a Public Participation Day, which was attended by various stakeholders. The PES, which has been in the public information phase since September 17 for a period of 45 working days, includes several signi cant updates. One of the key changes involves new measures aimed at preventing and mitigating the negative environmental e ects of droughts on river ecosystems. Additionally, the plan proposes modi cations to the indicator of temporary scarcity in the Transfer subsystem, aiming to improve the characterization of the water transfer uses and introduces new thresholds for normalizing the indicator.

The CHS also presented the evaluation of the strategic environmental study of the PES. This document

provides a more detailed analysis of the potential environmental impacts stemming from the updates in the new Special Drought Plan. Among the measures detailed in the study are the relationships between the reference environmental objectives and the impacts that the activation of the plan could have. The PES places special emphasis on the recovery of strategic reserves, such as previous piezometric levels, after a drought period. It also focuses on the preservation and replanting of vulnerable species, along with ongoing environmental monitoring following an episode of water scarcity.

The CHS is actively encouraging stakeholders to submit objections and suggestions regarding the PES during this public information and participation period. By fostering this engagement, the CHS hopes to improve the proposed documents and ensure that all concerns

are addressed. Furthermore, the updated shortage indices will feature a new arithmetic formulation, designed to provide a more accurate re ection of the current situation in the basin and its subsystems. This new formulation will take into account both the historical evolution and the reality of the water system.

With these new calculation tools in place, the CHS presidency will have more accurate data on the hydrological reality of the basin. This will allow them to declare an “exceptional situation due to extraordinary drought” when one or more territorial diagnostic units, as de ned in the Special Drought Plan, are in a state of water shortage. This declaration would occur in alert scenarios that align both geographically and temporally with areas experiencing prolonged drought or emergency-level shortages.

“Moneyball”: Financial Lessons for Expats in Spain

The best-selling book “Moneyball” by Michael Lewis told the absorbing story of how Oakland A’s general manager Billy Beane’s baseball teams consistently outperformed teams with much larger payrolls.

What was their secret?

In a word, they “reimagined” how to assemble a winning team, ignoring or overturning decades of conventional thinking within the baseball world on how to do so.

Peter Dougherty – an American nancial planner in Spain – believes BISSAN Wealth Management has succeeded in a similar way, by “rethinking” nancial services for expats. The improvements that Billy Beane’s Oakland A’s wrought on baseball have curious parallels to what BISSAN has done for expat nancial planning in Spain.


In baseball, scouts historically evaluated amateur players, deciding who to select with a team’s draft picks. But Beane discovered that scouts were human and sometimes developed biases toward players of which they may not even be aware. As he said: “We as humans have an emotional side that gets in the way of thinking clearly”.

Similarly, Dougherty says: “At BISSAN we’ve discovered that what’s important for investment success is human behavior. As investors we consistently get lower investment returns than if

we had simply chosen one asset class –any asset class --and stayed invested in it. How is that possible? It’s because of our behavior: we buy when the whole world buys, sell when they sell, and we get swayed by greed and panic.”

What to focus on

For years baseball managers focused on batting average in trying to score runs. But statistics proved that a team’s on-base and slugging percentages were better correlated to scoring than batting average. Why didn’t managers adapt? Because batting average was easy to understand. The A’s realized that relying on it was safe; managers wouldn’t be criticized for doing what everyone else did.

Dougherty says: “In nance, people focus on volatility as the way to assess

the “riskiness” of an investment. For example, owning individual stocks is risky because they can suddenly fall 50%; deposits in a savings account are not risky because they can’t. Volatility is easy to understand, just as batting average is in baseball. But BISSAN believes that a family not having money available for a payment when it’s due -it’s mortgage or school tuition bill, for example -- is a bigger risk than whether their investment earnings are volatile.”

Putting it all together

Ignoring conventional baseball wisdom, the Oakland A’s came to rely on player statistics and less on the opinion of their scouting department. Nonetheless, they were able to blend the strengths of both resources: computer results and human judgement. They also transitioned

their focus from easily calculated measures like batting average to those more closely correlated with winning baseball games.

BISSAN asks clients about their nancial goals, what they’d like to accomplish. Is it retirement, funding college education for children, buying a home? They quantify these goals in Cash Flow Risk Management® (CFRM), their innovative optimization model created to determine clients’ future cash out ows and then park the moneys necessary for these expenses before they’re due. CFRM helps clients: avoid the risk of selling at the wrong time in the market, i.e., when it’s down – by planning from the outset their money out ows

Dougherty is American, which means he not only enjoys baseball, but he also blends the strengths of BISSAN’s inventive nancial planning skills and its talented team of Spaniards with a native English-speaking nancier.

But his job is not easy. Most expats in Spain face complications because every country’s nancial rules and systems di er. As a baseball fan, Peter likens these di culties to what baseball player Willie Stargell said about his own challenges: “They give you a round bat, and they throw you a round ball, and then they tell you to hit it square.”

This Week´s Movie Picks

Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone

Saturday 26 October, ITV2, 2.15 pm

This is the tale of Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe), an ordinary elevenyear-old boy serving as a sort of slave for his aunt and uncle who learns that he is actually a wizard and has been invited to attend the Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry is snatched away from his mundane existence by Rubeus Hagrid (Robbie Coltrane), the groundskeeper for Hogwarts, and quickly thrown into a world completely foreign to both him and the viewer. Famous for an incident that happened at his birth, Harry makes friends easily at his new school. He soon finds, however, that the wizarding world is far more dangerous for him than he would have imagined, and he quickly learns that not all wizards are ones to be trusted

Independence Day Sunday 27 October, Channel 4, 7.20 pm

On July 2nd, communications systems worldwide are sent into chaos by a strange atmospheric interference. It is soon learned by the military that a number of enormous objects are on a collision course with Earth. At rst thought to be meteors, they are later revealed to be gigantic spacecraft, piloted by a mysterious alien species. After attempts to communicate with the aliens go nowhere, David Levinson, an ex-scientist turned cable technician, discovers that the aliens are going to attack major points around the globe in less than a day. On July 3rd, the aliens all but obliterate New York, Los Angeles and Washington, as well as Paris, London, Houston and Moscow.

Tuesday 22nd October

01:00 Teleshopping 04:00 The Sinking of a Superyacht: How Safe Is Your Voyage? 04:50 Unwind with ITV 06:05 Lingo

07:00 Good Morning Britain 10:00 Lorraine 11:00 This Morning

13:30 Loose Women

14:30 ITV Lunchtime News

14:55 ITV News London

15:00 Family Fortunes

16:00 Lingo

17:00 Tipping Point

18:00 The Chase

19:00 ITV News London

19:30 ITV Evening News

20:30 Emmerdale

21:00 M&S: Dress the Nation

22:00 DI Ray

23:00 ITV News at Ten

23:30 ITV News London

23:45 Ash Holme: What Not to Do with Dad

Wednesday 23rd October


ITV Lunchtime

ITV News London 15:00 Family Fortunes 16:00 Lingo

Tipping Point

18:00 The Chase

19:00 ITV News London

19:30 ITV Evening News

20:30 Emmerdale

21:00 Coronation Street

22:00 DNA Journey

23:00 ITV News at Ten

23:30 ITV News London

23:45 Peston

08:45 The King of Queens

09:10 The King of Queens

09:40 The King of Queens

10:10 Frasier

10:40 Frasier

11:10 Frasier

11:40 Frasier

12:05 Come Dine with Me: The Professionals

13:05 Channel 4 News


13:10 Renovation Nation

14:10 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 15:10 Countdown

16:00 A Place in the Sun: What Happened Next 17:00 The Great House Giveaway

18:00 Four in a Bed

18:30 Help! We Bought a Village

19:30 The Simpsons

20:00 Channel 4 News

20:55 Glenn’s Story: Stand up to Cancer

21:00 The Great British Bake Off 22:15 Into the Jungle with Ed Stafford 23:15 Celebrity Gogglebox

08:20 Cheers

08:45 The King of Queens 09:10 The King of Queens

09:40 The King of Queens

10:10 Frasier

10:40 Frasier

11:10 Frasier

11:40 Frasier

12:05 Come Dine with Me: The Professionals

13:05 Channel 4 News Summary

13:10 Renovation Nation

14:10 Find It, Fix It, Flog It

15:10 Countdown 16:00 A Place in the Sun: What Happened Next 17:00 The Great House Giveaway

18:00 Four in a Bed

18:30 Help! We Bought a Village

19:30 The Simpsons

20:00 Channel 4 News

20:55 Matthew’s Story: Stand Up to Cancer 21:00 Location, Location, Location 22:00 Grand Designs 23:00 New Zealand’s Best Homes With Phil Spencer

08:35 The Adventures of Paddington 08:55 Milo 09:10 PAW Patrol 09:30 Reu & Harper’s Wonder World

09:40 Peppa Pig 09:45 Peppa Pig 09:50 Peppa Pig 09:55 Ben & Holly’s Little Kingdom 10:10 Milkshake! Story Den 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:30 Storm Huntley 13:45 Friends 14:10 Friends 14:40 5 News at Lunchtime 14:45 Home and Away 15:15 A Deadly Influence 17:00 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun 18:00 5 News at 5 19:00 Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly 20:00 Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly Australia 21:00 The Yorkshire Vet 22:00 Ben Fogle: New Lives in the Wild

08:30 Pip and Posy 08:35 The Adventures of Paddington 08:55 Milo 09:10 PAW Patrol 09:30 Reu & Harper’s Wonder World 09:40 Peppa Pig 09:45 Peppa Pig 09:50 Peppa Pig 09:55 Ben & Holly’s Little Kingdom 10:10 Milkshake! Story Den 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:30 Storm Huntley 13:45 Friends 14:10 Friends 14:40 5 News at Lunchtime 14:45 Home and Away 15:15 Our Mother’s Secret Affair 17:00 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun

18:00 5 News at 5 19:00 Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly 20:00 Shop Smart, Save Money 21:00 Traffic Cops 22:00 Police: Night Shift 999 23:00 Inside The Force: 24/7

Teen Titans Go! 07:15 Teen Titans Go! 07:30 Mr Bean: The Animated Series

Mr Bean: The Animated Series 08:05 Mr Bean: The Animated Series 08:15 Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated 08:45 Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! 09:10 What’s New ScoobyDoo?

The countdown has begun to this year´s Adapt Pantomime

The countdown has begun to this year’s Adapt pantomime “Snow White and the 7 Guiris”- a hilarious take on the traditional story performed in both English and Spanish.

The Adapt Theatre Group has been including Spanish in their pantomimes for the last 14 years, with the aim of inviting our Spanish neighbours and friends to enjoy with us what is a quintessentially British, and rather eccentric, tradition. It has become a favourite for locals in the Mar Menor area and has raised many thousands of euros for local causes.

For our majority nonSpanish speaking cast, it is always a challenge to learn our Spanish lines but with help from our teachers and neighbours we manage well enough to be understood! We now know that in Spanish Prince Charming is “el príncipe azul” (the blue prince) and have learnt to shout “he’s behind you!”

“¡está detrás de ti!” along with the local children. We would like to encourage you to bring your Spanish friends and neighbours along with you to see the pantomime, which will be on 28th, 29th and 30th November at 7 p.m.

and 1st December at 12 midday in the Salón de Actos, Casa de Cultura, c/ Alcalde Julio Albaladejo, San Pedro del Pinatar. We are sponsored by the ADAPT Metal Detecting group and all money raised goes to local charities. Tickets are just 4€ and are available from Mail Pinatar, c/Reyes Católicos, San Pedro del Pinatar and Bar Amigos Avda. Las Salinas (open p.m.) or phone Eric on 656 361 098.

To find out more about the Adapt Theatre Group visit: https:// adapttheatregroup. wordpress.com/ or phone Eric on 656 361 098

A House Through Time

Friday 25th October

00:40 Premiership Rugby Unleashed


Tonight 04:25 I Cut Off His Penis: The Truth Behind The Headlines 05:35 Unwind with ITV 06:35 Tom Kerridge Cooks Britain

07:00 Good Morning Britain

10:00 Lorraine

11:00 This Morning

13:30 Loose Women

14:30 ITV Lunchtime News

14:55 ITV News London

15:00 Family Fortunes

16:00 Lingo

17:00 Tipping Point

18:00 The Chase

19:00 ITV News London

19:30 ITV Evening News

20:00 Emmerdale 21:00 Daily Mirror Pride of Britain Awards 2024 23:00 ITV News at Ten 23:35 ITV News London 23:45 The Tomorrow War

02:00 Teleshopping 04:00 Fresh Cuts

04:50 Unwind with ITV 06:05 Ainsley’s Fantastic Flavours

07:00 Good Morning Britain

10:00 Lorraine

11:00 This Morning

13:30 Loose Women

14:00 ITV Lunchtime News

14:20 ITV News London

14:30 Live: ITV Racing Live

17:00 Tipping Point

Gold Rush with Dan Snow

17:15 This Farming Life

18:15 Flog It!

19:00 Richard Osman’s House of Games

19:30 Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two

20:00 Celebrity Antiques Road Trip

21:00 Gardeners’ World

22:00 Al Pacino: Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

23:00 Live at the Apollo 23:30 Newsnight

Saturday 26th October

18:00 The Chase

19:00 ITV News London

19:30 ITV Evening News

20:00 Live: Women’s International Friendly Football

23:00 ITV News at Ten

23:35 ITV News London

23:45 Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?

09:10 The King of Queens 09:40 The King of Queens

10:10 Frasier

10:40 Frasier

11:10 Frasier

11:40 Frasier

12:05 Come Dine with Me: The Professionals

13:05 Channel 4 News Summary

13:10 Renovation Nation

14:10 Find It, Fix It, Flog It

15:10 Countdown

16:00 A Place in the Sun: What Happened Next 17:00 The Great House Giveaway

18:00 Four in a Bed

18:30 Help! We Bought a Village 19:30 The Simpsons

20:00 Channel 4 News

20:55 Hughie’s Story: Stand up to Cancer

21:00 The Great British Bake Off: An Extra Slice

22:00 Taskmaster

23:00 Everyone Else Burns 23:30 Gogglebox

08:20 Cheers

08:45 The King of Queens

09:10 The King of Queens

09:40 The King of Queens

10:10 Frasier

10:40 Frasier

11:10 Frasier

11:40 Frasier

12:05 Come Dine with Me: The Professionals

13:05 Channel 4 News


13:10 Renovation Nation

14:10 Find It, Fix It, Flog It

15:10 Countdown

16:00 A Place in the Sun: What Happened Next

17:00 The Great House Giveaway

18:00 Four in a Bed

18:30 Help! We Bought a Village

19:30 The Simpsons

20:00 Channel 4 News

20:55 Tiffany’s Story: Stand up to Cancer

21:00 Yorkshire By The Sea

22:00 Gogglebox

23:00 The Last Leg

08:55 Milo 09:10 PAW Patrol

09:30 Reu & Harper’s Wonder World

09:40 Peppa Pig

09:45 Peppa Pig

09:50 Peppa Pig

09:55 Ben & Holly’s Little Kingdom 10:10 Milkshake! Story Den 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:30 Storm Huntley 13:45 Friends 14:10 Friends 14:40 5 News at Lunchtime 14:45 Home and Away 15:15 Saved By My Stalker 17:00 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun 18:00 5 News at 5 19:00 Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly

20:00 Kate Humble’s Coastal Britain 21:00 Smart Meters: Are They Really Worth It? 22:00 All Creatures Great and Small 23:00 The Railway Killers

08:55 Milo 09:10 PAW Patrol

09:30 Reu & Harper’s Wonder World

09:40 Peppa Pig

09:45 Peppa Pig

09:50 Peppa Pig

09:55 Ben & Holly’s Little Kingdom

10:10 Milkshake! Story Den 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:30 Storm Huntley 13:45 Friends 14:10 Friends 14:40 5 News at Lunchtime 14:45 Home and Away 15:15 To Kill a Stepfather 17:00 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun

18:00 5 News at 5 19:00 Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly

20:00 Aldi Vs Lidl: Which Tastes Better?

21:00 Susan Calman’s Grand Days Out

07:45 Mr Bean: The Animated Series 08:05 Mr Bean: The Animated Series 08:15 Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated 08:45 Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! 09:10 What’s

ITV News

10:30 James Martin’s Saturday Morning

John and Lisa’s Weekend Kitchen

ITV Lunchtime News 13:55 Live: ITV Racing Live

Ninja Warrior UK 18:00 Tipping Point: Best Ever Finals 18:30 Celebrity Catchphrase 19:30 ITV Evening News

19:55 ITV News London 20:05 The Chase: Celebrity Special

The Voice UK

The Jonathan Ross Show

ITV News 23:45 English Football League Highlights

08:20 Frasier 08:45 Frasier 09:10 Frasier 09:40 Frasier 10:10 The Simpsons 10:40 The Simpsons 11:05 The Simpsons 11:35 The Simpsons 12:05 The Simpsons 12:35 The Simpsons 13:05 The Simpsons

13:35 Four in a Bed 14:05 Four in a Bed 14:35 Four in a Bed

Four in a Bed 15:40 Four in a Bed 16:10 The Great British Bake Off 17:30 Hotel Transylvania: Transformania 19:10 Kirstie and Phil’s Love It or List It: Brilliant Builds

19:40 Channel 4 News

20:10 Abandoned Railways from Above 21:10 Dispatches Special 22:10 Ottoman Empire by Train with Alice Roberts 23:10 Moonage Daydream

22:00 Holidaying In The 70s: Wish You Were Here 23:00 Controversially...: That Was the Year That Was :05 Mr Bean: The Animated Series 08:15 Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated 08:45 Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! 09:10 What’s New ScoobyDoo?

08:20 Peppa Pig 08:25 Peppa Pig 08:35 The Adventures of Paddington 08:50 Mixmups 09:10 PAW Patrol 09:25 DORA 09:35 Rubble & Crew 09:50 SpongeBob SquarePants 10:00 Entertainment News On 5 10:10 Cruising with Jane McDonald 10:25 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun 11:20 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun

12:25 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun 13:25 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun

14:20 Inside the Tower of London 15:20 Inside the Tower of London 16:15 Queen Victoria: In Her Own Words

18:15 Our Yorkshire Farm 19:10 5 News Weekend 19:15 Mysteries of the Pyramids with Dara O’Briain 21:10 Blenheim Palace: Behind the Grandeur 22:10 Harry & Meghan: Going Their Separate Ways?

09:35 Scooby-Doo and Guess Who? 10:00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 10:30 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 11:00 Love Bites 12:00 Love Bites 13:00 Dress to Impress 14:00 Supermarket Sweep 15:00 Deal or No Deal 16:00 Charmed 17:00 Gilmore Girls 18:00 In for a Penny 18:30 Catchphrase 19:15 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 20:15 FYI Daily 20:20 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 22:00 Big Brother 23:15 Big Brother: Late and Live

07:00 Scooby-doo! Knight Time Terror 07:30 Looney Tunes Cartoons 07:45 Mr Bean: The Animated Series 08:00 Dodo 08:15 Dodo 08:30 Aloha, Scooby-Doo 10:00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 10:15 Love Bites 11:15 Dress to Impress 12:15 Dress

00:00 Law & Order: UK 01:00 Endeavour 03:00 Unwind with ITV 03:30 Teleshopping 07:00 Classic Emmerdale 07:35 Classic Emmerdale 08:00 Classic Coronation Street 08:35 Classic Coronation Street

09:05 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 11:15 The Royal 12:20 Heartbeat 13:30 Heartbeat 14:40 Classic Emmerdale 15:10 Classic Emmerdale 15:40 Classic Coronation Street 16:15 Classic Coronation Street

16:50 Endeavour 18:50 Heartbeat 20:00 Heartbeat 21:00 Doc Martin 22:00 Doc Martin 23:00 Law & Order: UK

Sunday 27th October


05:00 Frasier

05:25 Frasier

05:50 Hollyoaks: Omnibus 07:00 Frasier 07:25 Frasier 07:50 The Simpsons 08:15 The Simpsons 08:40 The Simpsons 09:05 The Simpsons

09:30 Formula 1 10:30 Sunday Brunch

09:25 DORA 09:35 Rubble & Crew 09:50 SpongeBob SquarePants 10:05 Entertainment News On 5 10:15 NFL End Zone 10:40 The Pyrenees With Michael Portillo 11:40 The Pyrenees With Michael Portillo 12:40 Dorset: Country and Coast 13:35 Dorset: Country and Coast 14:35 A Kiss Before Christmas 15:35 Entertainment News On 5 15:40 A Kiss Before Christmas 16:20 Swept Up by Christmas 17:20 5 News Update 17:25 Swept Up by Christmas 18:05

Monday 28th October

Ainsley’s Fantastic Flavours

Good Morning Britain

Lorraine 11:00 This Morning

Loose Women 14:30 ITV Lunchtime News

14:55 ITV News London 15:00 Alan Carr’s Epic Gameshow 16:00 Tipping Point: Lucky Stars 17:00 Deal or No Deal 18:00 The Chase 19:00 ITV News London

19:30 ITV Evening News

20:30 Emmerdale

21:00 Coronation Street

22:00 DI Ray

23:00 ITV News at Ten

23:30 ITV News London

23:45 Daily Mirror Pride of Britain Awards 2024


08:40 The King of Queens

09:05 The King of Queens

09:35 The King of Queens

10:05 Frasier

10:35 Formula 1

12:05 Come Dine with Me: The Professionals

13:05 Channel 4 News Summary

13:10 Renovation Nation

14:10 Find It, Fix It, Flog It

15:10 Countdown

16:00 A Place in the Sun

17:00 The Great House Giveaway

18:00 Four in a Bed

18:30 Help! We Bought a Village

19:30 The Simpsons

20:00 Channel 4 News

20:55 Harry’s Story: Stand Up To Cancer

21:00 Jamie: Fast and Simple 22:00 Generation Z 23:00 Love Cheats

09:30 Reu & Harper’s Wonder World 09:40 Milkshake! Off We Go! 09:45 Peppa Pig 09:50 Peppa Pig 09:55 Ben & Holly’s Little Kingdom 10:10 Milkshake! Story Den 10:15 Jeremy Vine 12:30 Storm Huntley 13:45 Friends 14:10 Friends

14:35 Entertainment News On 5 14:40 5 News at Lunchtime 14:45 Home and Away 15:15 Deadly Engagement 17:00 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun

18:00 5 News at 5 19:00 Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly 20:00 Traffic Cops

21:00 Police Interceptors 22:00 The Hardacres 23:00 Broadmoor

08:05 Mr Bean: The Animated Series 08:15 Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated 08:45 Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! 09:10 What’s New ScoobyDoo? 09:35 Scooby-Doo and Guess Who? 10:00 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 10:30 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 11:00 Love Bites 12:00 Love Bites 13:00 Dress to Impress 14:00 Supermarket Sweep 15:00 Family Fortunes 16:00 Charmed 17:00 Gilmore Girls 17:55 Dress to Impress 18:55 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince 19:55 FYI Daily 20:00 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince 22:00 Big Brother 23:00 Big Brother: Late and Live

Agatha Christie’s Poirot

Bless This House 03:30 Teleshopping

Classic Emmerdale

Classic Emmerdale 08:00 Classic Coronation Street 08:35 Classic Coronation Street 09:05 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 11:15 The Royal 12:20 Heartbeat 13:30 Heartbeat 14:30 Classic Emmerdale 15:00 Classic Emmerdale 15:30 Classic Coronation Street 16:00 Classic Coronation Street 16:30 Endeavour 18:30 Downton Abbey 20:00 Heartbeat 21:00 Grace 23:00 Law & Order: UK

If you have a question or problem with any household technology needing my help or want to join the Technology Help Group please email Brian at cbtechnology.help@gmail. com.

As a group member, you would have access to the group website which contains previous session notes, handouts and access to previous Costa Blanca People published articles.

Scan the QR code for a reminder of what the Costa Blanca Technology Help Group offers.

Meetings at Dilly’s Bar, Av. Castuera, 3, 03184 El Chaparral, Alicante. Group meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 10:00 to 12:00. The Next meeting is on Wednesday, November 13th, 2024. You are welcome to attend.

“I need to see messages on “What is Nearby Share”? 2 settings in WhatsApp are Nearby Share is a feature of Google’s mobile and desktop operating systems Android and Chrome OS which allows data to be transferred via Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. It allows the rapid short-range exchange of images, videos, text, contact info, directions, YouTube videos, and other data. How to use Nearby Share on

Your tech questions answered by Brian Hoile of the Costa Blanca Technology Help Group, helping over 400 members with their PCs , smartphones and more. Group members can attend meetings in person or online using Zoom or Teams.

your Android phone

It’s just as easy as sharing something through any other app on your phone, with the whole process going as follows:

1. Tap the share icon on something you want to share (it looks like three circles with lines connecting them).

2. Swipe up on the Android share menu.

3. Tap the Nearby Share icon.

4. Tap Turn on to enable Nearby Share.

5. Nearby Share will look for a contact to share your link with.

6. Any available phones will appear on your phone.

7. Tap the phone you want to share with.

You can use Nearby Share to share links, files, and other items on your phone, so feel free to play around with it and use it to share all kinds of things. You can even use Nearby Share to share items from the best Android phones to the best Chromebooks.

How to accept a Nearby Share on your Android phone

That’s how you share something with someone else, but what does the whole process look like from the other angle? If you’re receiving a file via Nearby Share, this is what you’ll see.

1. Tap the Nearby Share notification pop-up.

2. Tap Turn on.

3. Your phone will search for what’s being shared with you.

4. Tap Accept to accept the share.

“I need to remove files from “I saw someone paying at a supermarket with their phone. How is this done?

You must decide what to delete

This is done using NFC (Near- field communication) together with a banking App. In the “Search settings” bar, type “NFC.”Tap and turn on NFC. If you can’t find NFC, your phone can’t make contactless payments.

NFC is a method of wireless data transfer that allows smartphones to share data over a distance of 4 cm or less. NFC technology powers contactless payments via mobile wallets like Apple Pay, Google Pay, as well as banking wallet Apps.

Join the Group by searching Facebook for “Costa Blanca Technology Help Group” Send your questions to cbtechnology.help@gmail.com

Brian Hoile Technology Help Group

No decision on winter use of face masks as ue and COVI cases sour

Spain’s Ministry of Health and regional authorities recently reviewed a new document outlining protective measures for the upcoming flu season and potential Covid-19 surges. The plan considers the use of face masks in specific highrisk situations and sets out common criteria for action based on various indicators, such as the risk of transmission, disease severity, incidence rate, hospitalization rate, ICU admissions, and case fatality rate.

The document, according to ABC, specifies that health workers, patients, and their companions should wear masks in the waiting rooms of health centers and hospital emergency rooms when levels of transmission for acute respiratory infections (like flu or Covid-19) are deemed high.

The proposed plan outlines four scenarios based on data from Spain’s surveillance system for acute respiratory infections (Sivira). These scenarios range from “interepidemic or baseline” in scenario 0, to low or moderate transmissibility in scenario 1, high transmissibility in scenario 2, and very high or pandemic-level transmission in scenario 3.

In scenario 1, the recommendations include face masks in healthcare settings, for people with symptoms, and measures such as reducing contacts and remote working.

In scenario 2, experts extend the face mask recommendation to vulnerable individuals in places like supermarkets, shops, and public transport, as well as

Rare giant squid stranded on Spanish beach

in cinemas, theatres, concert halls, gyms, dance halls, or large outdoor events. This also applies to people whose jobs involve significant face-to-face interactions with the public.

In scenario 3, authorities will consider enhancing coordination between regions by convening an extraordinary session of the interterritorial council and adopting “additional and exceptional measures” to manage the situation.

At a previous meeting of the council, Health Minister Mónica García signaled the potential return of face masks, noting, “The tools and measures we have against respiratory viruses are vaccination, hygiene, masks, and containment measures, there is not much more.”

A giant squid was found stranded on the shore of El Sablón beach in Llanes, Asturias, in northern Spain. The species, known scienti cally as Architeuthis dux, is a rare nd, according to Luis Laria, president of the Coordinating Committee for the Study and Protection of Marine Species (Cepesma). Laria highlighted that sightings of this species are extremely uncommon worldwide, with Cepesma having recorded only 21 specimens.

One of the most notable features of the giant squid, Laria explained, is its impressive size, ranging from 6 to 17 meters. “This genus exhibits pronounced sexual dimorphism. Females can weigh up to 312 kilograms, while males reach 178 kilograms. Males mature sexually earlier and have a shorter lifespan, living about one year, compared to females, who live two to three times longer,” he noted.

Laria also emphasized that this species is not suitable for consumption, as its muscle mass contains high levels of ammonia, making it highly toxic to humans. Despite this, Cepesma has preserved all the specimens discovered over the past 25 years.

The giant squid found in Llanes was collected by the regional natural environment group, and a decision will be made later on whether it will be transferred to Cepesma for further study.

Three year low for food in ation across Spain

Food prices in Spain are still on a downward trend, with much more moderate rises than a year ago, the latest data shows. The rise in the price of the shopping basket was just 1.8% in September, according to the national institute of statistics (INE) gures. It is an even smaller increase than in August which marked the lowest rise since October 2021 at 2.5%, when the in ation crisis began.

Food prices rose by as much as 16.6% in February 2023, but since then began a gradual decrease to current levels. Even so, the rise is greater than that of general in ation, which in September was 1.5%, its lowest level in three and a half years. The rate fell eight tenths of a percentage point from August and improves on the European Central Bank’s (ECB) price target of 2%, consolidating the end of the price crisis in Spain.

One has to go back to March 2021, just before the start of the in ationary

spiral resulting from the rise of energy costs, to nd such a moderate rise in prices.

The fall - which is also the largest in the last yearhas been driven mainly by a drop in petrol prices.

Food and electricity prices have also fallen, although to a lesser extent. Leisure and culture also have an in uence, with prices falling more sharply than in the same month of the previous

year, according to the INE.

Fuel prices are at the levels they were before the war started in Ukraine, with electricity and food prices also bene ting. In September, core in ationthat which excludes fresh food and energy from its calculation - also fell by three tenths of a percentage point to 2.4%, its lowest rate since January 2022.

Daisy May Cooper admitted The Cotswolds ‘is hell if you’ve got no money’ as she opened up about growing up in the wealthy area.

The comedian, 38, who rose to fame after both writing and starring in hit series This Country, has never felt the need to move to London and still lives in the West Country.

Talking about life in The Cotwolds in an interview with The Times she confessed: ‘[It’s] hell if you’ve got no money. You’re surrounded by wealth.

Rebecca Adlington marked one year since losing daughter Harper in a devastating miscarriage with a poem written by husband Andrew Parsons on Sunday.

The Olympic medalist, 35, said that while her family talk about the little one ‘every single day’ she had ‘battled’ with how to best honour the heartbreaking anniversary.

Rebecca and husband Andrew are already parents to son Albie, three, and the swimmer’s daughter Summer, nine, from a previous relationship.

Britney Spears ba ed fans by declaring she ‘married’ herself while posing in a wedding dress and veil, one year after her divorce from Sam Asghari.

The pop superstar, 42, took to her Instagram on Sunday with a video of her in a white silk wedding dress and a matching lace veil.

However, instead of marrying a groom, the Toxic hitmaker surprised fans by announcing she has married herself

Nicole Scherzinger can add bona de Broadway star to her list of career accolades, after her stunning debut in the revival of Sunset Blvd.

The musical - based on the 1950 lm of the same name - rst opened on London’s West End in 1993 starring Patti Lupone as Norma Desmond, with Glenn Close starring in the Broadway run in 1994.

Close also returned for the West End revival in 2016 and the Broadway revival in 2017, though Scherzinger, 46, starred in the 2023 West End revival.


with Payne.

Hotel Algorfa host its first wedding reception

Last Friday marked a significant milestone for Hotel Algorfa as it proudly hosted its very first wedding reception, an event that was meticulously planned and flawlessly executed by the dedicated staff despite being followed by the film crew for Channel 5’s Bargain Loving Brits for the whole day. The team poured their heart and soul into transforming the venue into a breathtaking setting, adorned with elegant decorations and ambient lighting that created the perfect romantic atmosphere.

Guests were treated to outstanding service throughout the evening, with every detail thoughtfully considered to ensure that the couple and their loved ones felt special and pampered.

DJ Belinda, with her fantastic energy and keen ability to read the crowd, kept the dance floor alive and vibrant, adding

a celebratory soundtrack to the joyous occasion.

The happy couple radiated joy and appreciation, their smiles reflecting the magic of the day that had come to fruition. In witnessing such a beautiful union, the team at Hotel Algorfa is already looking forward to future events, eager to recreate this enchanting experience and offer even more couples the chance to celebrate their love in such an exquisite setting.

The Hotel Algorfa team are so excited to announce Prosecco is now on tap in the venue! Alongside the draught lagers and ales, you can now top up your flutesince the installation we’ve experimented with lots of different ‘fizz’ ideas including ‘bucks fizz, strawberry fizz, and ‘passionfruit fizz’! Come and give them a go!

Liam Payne’s girlfriend Kate Cassidy has been spotted for the rst time since the One Direction star’s tragic death.
Ms Cassidy, 25, left Argentina two days before the singer plunged 45ft to his death, aged 31, from a hotel balcony in Buenos Aires last Wednesday.
actress this weekend was spotted in Florida picking up dog food for the pooch she shared

Health & Beauty


benefits of a daily ginger shot

Embracing Confidence –Inviting you to Indiana’s hair and lash boutique Open Day for Laser Hair Removal

At Indiana’s hair and lash boutique,we believe that beauty and confidence go hand in hand. Our mission is to empower you to feel your best every day, and we are excited to invite you to our Open Day on Friday 25th of October focused on laser hair removal – a transformative treatment that is redefining the future of skincare.

Whether you’re tired of the endless cycles of shaving, waxing, or plucking, or you’re just curious about how laser hair removal can fit into your lifestyle, this open day is for you. We are offering an exclusive opportunity to explore the benefits of this highly effective, timesaving, and gentle solution.

What to Expect

During our Open Day, you will have access to:

Free consultations: Our certified laser specialist will be available to discuss your skin type, hair type, and personal goals. This is the perfect time to ask all your questions and get personalized advice on

are not coming this year. My brother says it was my fault, and I was insensitive! Why do we have to walk on eggshells around them?

You don’t have to walk on eggshells around anyone, but you tell me in your longer email how your brother has called the shots his entire life in your family, and growing up, you were all encouraged by your father, to bow and scrape to him. You acted reasonably, and everyone should be able to speak freely without being insulting. It’s very difficult to stay quiet in situations like that especially when you see the wrong in something. However, Christmas can be a tricky time, and we can be fueled with alcohol and frustration on being shoved together with people we wouldn’t ordinarily want to spend time with. There’s nothing as far as I can see that you should reproach yourself for. You could...do as we do, and be with the people we want to be with at Christmas; and every other day in our lives. Life is too short.

My attention seeking sister-inlaw went ‘Vegan’ a year ago, and we’ve not stopped hearing about how meat-eaters are murderers. At last year’s Christmas Day meal my Mum very thoughtfully made her a nut roast, which she said was tasteless. I piped up that it was thoughtful of Mum to go to a lot of trouble for her. Everyone joined in with hear hear, except my sister in law and her husband. Then, to all of our amazement she pours gravy all over it! I couldn’t help myself and (nicely) pointed out that the gravy was made from blood from the meat. Then she starts crying. My brother (her husband) reared up in her defence, and shouted at me at how I had humiliated his wife. I said I had simply wanted to point out that she was about to make a mistake. Things got even more heated when my cousin agreed with me, recalling a time when my sister in law was happy enough to eat the cheese his wife had put out; and that surely, cheese is made from cows milk, and is not vegan. On that, they marched out... sister in law still wailing. They WRITE TO SARA IN CONFIDENCE. A PSEUDONYM WILL BE USED IF YOU WISH. SARA READS ALL LETTERS AND CAN GIVE A PERSONAL REPLY. EMAIL YOUR QUESTION TO SARA@ COSTABLANCAPEOPLE.COM OR SARA IS AVAILABLE FOR PRIVATE CONSULTATIONS, TELEPHONE 650 054 467.

what laser hair removal can do for you.

Live demonstrations: See how laser hair removal works in real-time. You’ll get to witness the precision and efficiency of our state-ofthe-art laser technology that safely targets unwanted hair while protecting the surrounding skin.

Exclusive discounts: As part of our celebration, we’re offering special promotions and packages that are only available during the event. This is the best time to begin your laser hair removal journey with incredible savings.

Skincare tips: Learn how to care for your skin before and after treatments, ensuring optimal results and a glowing complexion.

Ginger shots are concentrated ginger root drinks, typically con- sumed in 1-ounce doses. Ginger (Zingiber offici- nale) is a member of the Zingiberaceae plant family, which also includes cardamom and turmeric. It is often used as a spice and for medicinal purposes.1

Cultures worldwide have used ginger for thousands of years to treat various ailments, including pain, nausea, colds, and headaches. The plant has also been used to relieve flatulence and bloating and to treat nervous system disor- ders.2

As an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and potentially anti-carcinogenic agent, ginger root has been studied for its effects on digestive disor- ders, arthritis, cancer, and various factors related to heart health. Ginger’s antiemetic (nausea-relieving) effects may be beneficial for pregnancy, motion sickness, and post-anesthesia.3

While research specifically on ginger shots is limited, considerable research supports ginger root’s general potential health benefits.1 As such, the potent health elixir likely has similar benefits.

Why Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal is more than just a cosmetic treatment – it’s an investment in your comfort and convenience. Imagine never worrying about last-minute waxing appointments or razor bumps again. This advanced technology allows for longlasting smoothness, with fewer sessions and minimal discomfort compared to traditional methods.

Whether you’re targeting specific areas or seeking a full-body transformation, laser hair removal offers

lasting results that let you focus on enjoying life, instead of managing unwanted hair.

Join Us and Experience the Difference At Indiana’s hair and lash boutique, we prioritize your safety, comfort, and satisfaction. Our team is trained to ensure that every client experiences a tailored approach, combining the best techniques with cuttingedge equipment. Our open day is a chance to step into a relaxed environment where your needs come first.

We can’t wait to share our passion for beauty and self-care with you. Come

and discover how laser hair removal can enhance your confidence and simplify your beauty routine.

Join us for our Laser Hair Removal Open Day

Date: Friday 25th October

Time: from 10.00am Location: plaza imaculada , benijofar

Book your free patch test on the day and take the first step toward a smoother tomorrow. Curious About Laser Hair Removal? Come Chat with Us!

in the Mi Quirónsalud App

overnment proposal to halve drink drive limit for motorists in Spain clears another hurdle

Last Thursday, the Congreso de Diputados (Spain’s lower house of parliament) approved a proposal to lower the maximum permitted blood alcohol levels for all drivers, reducing the limit from 0.5 to 0.2 grams of alcohol per liter of blood, and from 0.25 to 0.1 grams per liter of exhaled air. The proposal, put forward by the ruling Socialist Party (PSOE), was supported by coalition partners but faced opposition from Vox and abstention from the conservative Partido Popular (PP), which did not disclose its voting stance until the last moment.

seen as leaders in road safety. In Norway, 21 people per million inhabitants die in road accidents, and in Sweden, the figure is 22, while in Spain, it is significantly higher at 36.

PSOE’s proposal highlights that the 0.2g limit would help “eliminate the misconception that moderate alcohol consumption is acceptable and only excesses are forbidden.” It would also send a “clear and strong” message, echoing Spain’s traffic authority (DGT) campaigns promoting the idea that “the only safe level is 0.0.” Additionally, the reform would unify the rules for newly-qualified and professional drivers, which PSOE argues would resolve communication issues caused by different regulations for different driver categories.

Alcohol is involved in nearly 30% of fatal accidents

This proposal paves the way for potential legal changes if the government decides to act on it, a likely scenario since Interior Minister Fernando GrandeMarlaska was the first to propose the idea of reducing the limits. The Interior Ministry is now considering incorporating this reform into a modification of Article 20 of the General Traffic Regulations, which currently governs blood alcohol and breath alcohol limits.

If enacted, the new law would set a uniform limit of 0.2 grams of alcohol per liter of blood for all drivers, including newly-qualified and professional drivers, who currently face a 0.3g limit. This would bring Spain in line with Norway and Sweden, countries widely

PSOE’s road safety spokesperson, Manuel Arribas, pointed out that alcohol is a factor in 29% of all fatal accidents, a cause more prevalent than speeding. He further stated that in the first half of 2024, 56% of those involved in accidents are expected to test positive for alcohol.

Prior to the vote, opposition parties voiced their concerns. The PP expressed serious doubts about the

effectiveness of the measure, arguing that it was insufficient on its own. They called for additional measures, such as more awareness campaigns, strategies for repeat offenders, and the implementation of the ‘alcolock’ system—a device that prevents a car from starting if the driver’s blood alcohol level is too high. PP MP Ángel Ibáñez criticized the timing of the proposal, suggesting that it was politically motivated, intended to “cover up poor summer road statistics,” and accused PSOE of acting as the government’s “doormat” by echoing a suggestion initially proposed by Minister Marlaska.

Vox was far more critical, accusing the government of using alcohol as a pretext to “ban cars.” Vox MP Ángel López claimed that the government had no real interest in saving lives, but rather in “restricting rights and demonizing the automobile, an instrument that has granted Spaniards independence and autonomy since the [Seat] 600 was introduced in the late 1950s.” López argued that accident reduction comes through education, not “arbitrary prohibitions,” and provocatively questioned how many MPs would test positive if alcohol checks were conducted at the exit of Congreso.


International Christian Assembly Evangelical Church. We welcome you to Sunday Service at 11am (English) Calle Beniajan 14, Torrevieja, 03185 www.icatorrevieja.org Phone; 966799273 or 660127276 (SH) Join us at Salt Church. Sundays at 10.30am. We are a friendly Church, Bible centred in our teaching and informal in our worship.Calle Daya Nueva 12, Poligino Industrial Levante II, 03187 Los Montsinos. www.saltchurch.es Facebook: SaltChurchSpain

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Former Liverpool keeper avid ames becomes Anfield villain by saving ear old s half-time penalty shots

David James briefly found himself at the center of controversy at Anfield on Sunday after he saved a young boy’s half-time penalty—twice.

The former Liverpool goalkeeper returned to his old stomping ground during the 2-1 victory over Chelsea to promote Standard Chartered’s community engagement initiative, ‘Futuremakers.’ However, his interpretation of community outreach seemed somewhat off as he left the reportedly 11-year-old boy “absolutely gutted” after thwarting his dream of scoring in front of the iconic Kop. Boos echoed from the stands, and James appeared unfazed by the disappointment he caused.

To add insult to injury, footage later surfaced showing the 54-year-old conceding a weak shot from an adult fan—an effort that many Sunday League goalkeepers would have easily saved. James’s track record of saving penalties—13 during his Premier League career, a record that still stands— may have contributed to his decision to stop the young boy’s attempt.

Fortunately for the Anfield faithful, there were still plenty of reasons to celebrate, as goals from Mohamed Salah and Curtis Jones, who recently welcomed a new child, overshadowed Nicolas Jackson’s effort to keep Arne Slot’s side at the top of the Premier League. Nonetheless, James’s actions during what was intended

to be a light-hearted halftime shootout have sparked mixed reactions among fans.

“What a bell***.

Whether you meant to save it or not, as an ex-pro keeper, you should’ve let that young lad score a penalty in front of the Kop. It would’ve been a fantastic memory for him,” one fan commented on X, formerly Twitter.

“Honestly, this says so much about you. None of it good,” added another.

“Sometimes in life, you gotta learn the hard way, but yeah, this was messed up,” one observer remarked. Others, however, showed little sympathy for the young kicker.

“David James brutally destroying an 11-year-old child’s dream of scoring at Anfield by saving his penalty.

Top s***house,” wrote one fan.

“Haha, I shouted ‘save it’ from behind the goal. Take no prisoners,” commented another.

“F***ing have that. That boy must learn to lose,” said yet another supporter.

James s emed unaffected by the backlash, even sharing the clip of his penalty saves online without acknowledging the boy’s disappointment. Some fans noted the incident mirrored Michael Owen’s infamous moments on his ‘Soccer Skills’ show, where he celebrated scoring against a young goalkeeper, prompting the memorable quip from Neville Southall: “Well done, he’s 13.”

Chris Hoy battling terminal cancer

Former Scottish cyclist Chris Hoy, a celebrated Olympic icon in the UK, has revealed in an interview that he is battling terminal cancer, with specialists estimating he has two to four years to live. “I have terminal cancer but I still feel lucky,” he stated in a shocking interview with the Sunday Times.

UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer responded to the news on social media, calling Hoy a “British sporting legend” and expressing his sadness over the diagnosis. “Such sad news... Facing this diagnosis with such positivity is inspiring. The whole country is behind him and his

family,” Starmer wrote. Hoy initially sought medical attention last September for shoulder pain, only to discover it was caused by a tumor, which was later identi ed as metastatic prostate cancer. In February, he disclosed that he was undergoing cancer treatment but did not initially indicate that it was terminal.

A six-time Olympic gold medalist from the 2004, 2008, and 2012 Games, Hoy is the second most decorated British Olympian, following fellow cyclist Jason Kenny, and is widely regarded as one of the UK’s most beloved sporting gures.

Abbey Anglers

On Tuesday the 15th of October we ventured into the Murcia region to visit the beautiful Embalse De Argos. We fished two days back to back with 16 anglers taking part on the first day. It was a bit of a shock to the system when upon arrival the temperature gauge was showing a rather chilly 12 degrees. The temperature soon warmed up and the match was fished in cloudy conditions.

Winner on the day from peg 2 on the sunny side was Alan Smith. Alan fished the slow or conventional feeder and

weighed in 21.14kg.

Alan was closely followed in second place by the enigma that is Richard “Tricky” Wood. Richard fished the feeder with sweetcorn from peg 13 on the cold side and weighed 21.08kg

In third place was Gary Plant drawn on peg 1 on the sunny side he fished the method with a variety of baits and weighed 20.40kg.

Rods N Reels

The following day only nine anglers remained and the match was fished in similar conditions.

Runaway winner with a

fantastic weight of 56kg from peg 5 on the sunny side was Gary Plant. Gary fished a method feeder loaded with groundbait with pellets on the hook at 40m. He caught steadily all day. In second place was Gary’s partner in crime and travelling companion Bob Nightingale. Bob was drawn on the cold side on peg 7 and used similar tactics to winkle out 19.75kg. In third place was Nick Bastock on peg 6 next to Bob. Nick used the slow sinker with corn or pellet and weighed 19.06kg.

Ian Brown

1. Spineless creature in

body(6) 2. Prevalence can need proper order(13)

3. Players may have them in hand(5)

5. In no place, yet in this place at present (7) 6. Training in fuel in mixed classes (13) 7. Lovers doing a crossword?(6)

8. Pole writes a poem(5)

13. Answer some of the correspondence(7)

15. Boss finally will marry – and be tucked neatly away(6)

16. Cited a decree(5)

17. Suitor’s suit, perhaps(6)

20. Comb the others found on cockerel’s head(5)


ACROSS 1. Levy (6)

Force (6)




Love (5)




Liable to mishaps(8-5)

Join up(6)

Stop (6)


Essential bit(4,3,6)


Infested (7)










Using only the letters in the wordwheel, take ten minutes to find as many words as possible, none of which may be plurals, foreign words or proper nouns. Each word must contain the central letter and at least three others. Letters can only be used once in every word. There is at least one nine-letter word in the wheel.



Fill the grid so that every column, row and 3x3 square includes all the digits from 1 to 9


burnet, burnt, butene, crumb, cube, cuber, cumber, curb, ember, encumber, numb, number, rebec, rebut, recumbent, tube, tuber, umber.

CRYPTIC CROSSWORD Across: 1Impact; 4Knocks; 9Steering wheel; 10Crossed; 11Elude; 12Adore; 14Debar; 18Tarts; 19Decline; 21Window cleaner; 22Dreads; 23Stalls. Down:1Insect; 2Preponderance; 3Cards; 5Nowhere; 6Coeducational; 7Solver; 8Anode; 13Respond; 15Stowed; 16Edict; 17Hearts; 20 Crest. WORDWHEEL been, beer, beet, bent, beret, berm, brent, brunt, brute, bunt, bunter, buret,

QUICK CROSSWORD Across: 1Impose; 4Compel; 9Pervasiveness; 10Drastic; 11Raise; 12Adore; 14Undue; 18Class; 19Excused; 21Accident-prone; 22Enlist; 23 Arrest. Down:1Impede; 2Part and parcel; 3Smart; 5Overrun; 6Precious stone; 7Lessen; 8Since; 13Resides; 15Scrape; 16Means; 17Advent; 20Caper.

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