Cosumnes Oaks Key Club October Newsletter 2024-2025

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03: Editor’s Note

04: Updates

09: President’s Note

10: Officer Spotlight

11: Monster Gallery

16: What is FRN?

17: Contact Information

September has passed and we’re officially in spooky season! I hope Term 1 hasn’t been too rough on you all and I wish you luck on all of your upcoming finals :D BOO! Hi monsters!!

Thank you to everybody who attended our first meeting! Key Club can be hard to digest at first with its many acronyms, events, and branches, but don’t get too bogged down by it. We have resources to help demystify everything and will teach you guys about it in future meetings!

That being said, Fall Rally Northis fast approaching! Although it’s not a required event, FRN is a great way to get more involved in Key Club and have fun with your friends, so I truly do hope you guys choose to attend. Have an amazing October monsters, and I hope you enjoy your Term 2 classes!

BEE sure to read last month’s issue of the CNH district newsletter The Pollen Press written by District News Editor Nia Danelia!

Keep up with CNH updates at:

Instagram: @cnh_keyclub

Twitter: @CNHKeyClub


Youtube: CNH Key Club

Make sure to read last month’s issue of the division newsletter and the first issue of Monster Media written by Division News Editor Alyssa Maree Vibar!

Keep up with division updates at:

Instagram: @d7south

Website: link.tree/d7south

Hi monsters! Hi monsters!


My name is Kei Magadia and I am COKC’s Treasurer for the ‘24-‘25 term! I chose this position because I really wanted to try something new, and being Treasurer has taught me so many skills like being punctual with paperwork and budgeting for our club. Besides COKC, I am also a part of D7S’ spirit committee! I became an active member in Key Club my sophomore year when my friend forced me to go to a meeting. But after that, I realized how much Key Club stood out from other clubs I was a part of! I really enjoyed the bonding and spirit aspect (I am super spirited), which made me want to continue being a part of this community. My favorite Key club memory was DCON’s Gov Ball last term because I had a lot of fun and made a few friends there. I hope this term gets even better and to make more memories with Key Club!

On September 14, the Region 16 Cupcakes hosted BIKER On September 14, the Region 16 Cupcakes hosted BIKER

V. SURFER-TC (RTC). We kickstarted RTC with fun games V. SURFER-TC (RTC). We kickstarted RTC with fun games and icebreakers among all 8 divisions. Key Clubbers from and icebreakers among all 8 divisions. Key Clubbers from each division got to bond with each other through each division got to bond with each other through musical chairs, volleyball, and more! After the opening musical chairs, volleyball, and more! After the opening session, members split up to attend Key Club related session, members split up to attend Key Club related workshops. There were a variety of topics to listen to such workshops. There were a variety of topics to listen to such as officer workshops and silly ones like Key Club Rizz! as officer workshops and silly ones like Key Club Rizz! After all the workshops, members reconvened with their After all the workshops, members reconvened with their respective divisions for the DCM portion of RTC. D7S respective divisions for the DCM portion of RTC. D7S recognized our , outstanding members for their hard work recognized our , outstanding members for their hard work during the month of September and practiced our spirit during the month of September and practiced our spirit chants for the spirit session part of RTC. Then, all of R16 chants for the spirit session part of RTC. Then, all of R16 gathered and watched performances from talented gathered and watched performances from talented people across R16, including singing and dances! Lastly, people across R16, including singing and dances! Lastly, for the most important part of RTC, we had our annual for the most important part of RTC, we had our annual Region 16 Spirit Battle where each division competed for Region 16 Spirit Battle where each division competed for the RTC Spirit Stick! It was so much fun getting to do spirit the RTC Spirit Stick! It was so much fun getting to do spirit chants with the entire division and although we didn’t win, chants with the entire division and although we didn’t win, the energy and excitement in the room was enough to the energy and excitement in the room was enough to make it all worth it. make it all worth it.

On September 18, Cosumnes Oaks Key Club hosted On September 18, Cosumnes Oaks Key Club hosted their first general meeting of the year! We had over their first general meeting of the year! We had over 50 attendees, including new and returning members. 50 attendees, including new and returning members. We started off by introducing our executive officer We started off by introducing our executive officer board: Alyssa, Jamie, Carlie, Kei, and Skyla! We board: Alyssa, Jamie, Carlie, Kei, and Skyla! We discussed Key Club 101, such as what Key Club is, discussed Key Club 101, such as what Key Club is, the structure of Key Club (member > club > division > the structure of Key Club (member > club > division > district), and we recited the Key Club pledge district), and we recited the Key Club pledge together. We also discussed Fall Rally North (FRN), together. We also discussed Fall Rally North (FRN), which is our annual trip to Six Flags, including details, which is our annual trip to Six Flags, including details, prices, and more. At the end of our presentation, we prices, and more. At the end of our presentation, we hosted a Key Club related Kahoot for members to hosted a Key Club related Kahoot for members to participate in for a free Cane’s Kid’s Meal as a prize! participate in for a free Cane’s Kid’s Meal as a prize! Lastly, we ended off the meeting with members Lastly, we ended off the meeting with members learning the “How Do You Feel?” spirit chant and learning the “How Do You Feel?” spirit chant and taking a group photo together. It was so much fun taking a group photo together. It was so much fun getting to see and meet the new Key Club members. getting to see and meet the new Key Club members. Let’s make this an amazing year of service monsters, Let’s make this an amazing year of service monsters, and we can’t wait to see you at future events! and we can’t wait to see you at future events!

On the 20th and 21st, On the 20th and 21st, several Vietnamese several Vietnamese organizations locally organizations locally hosted a Mid Autumn hosted a Mid Autumn Festival in Southwest Festival in Southwest Elk Grove, where Key Elk Grove, where Key Club members got the Club members got the chance to volunteer chance to volunteer at! On the first day of at! On the first day of the event, members the event, members helped set up tables & helped set up tables & chairs for those who attended the event. chairs for those who attended the event.

Throughout the night, members were in charge of watching over the Kids Playing Area where watching over the Kids Playing Area where several inflatables were set up to ensure they were several inflatables were set up to ensure they were having fun and being safe. Members also helped having fun and being safe. Members also helped set up games during the event, such as musical set up games during the event, such as musical chairs, and during breaks, they got the chance to chairs, and during breaks, they got the chance to enjoy delicious food from the variety of night enjoy delicious food from the variety of night market vendors and food trucks! At the end of the market vendors and food trucks! At the end of the night, members helped to clean up trash and night, members helped to clean up trash and break down the event. Let’s keep roaring in break down the event. Let’s keep roaring in service to hit our service hour goal this year! service to hit our service hour goal this year!

Throughout the night, members were in charge of

Cosumnes Oaks High Cosumnes Oaks High School held their School held their annual Club Rush on annual Club Rush on September 4th. Our September 4th. Our officers came out of officers came out of class early to make class early to make sure everything was sure everything was ready for members to ready for members to sign up and learn a sign up and learn a little bit about what little bit about what Key Club is about! Key Club is about!

Hundreds of students walked around Club Rush and checked what out what different clubs had to and checked what out what different clubs had to offer through posters, trifolds, and performance- offer through posters, trifolds, and performancebased clubs even held amazing performances for based clubs even held amazing performances for students to enjoy and use to learn more about students to enjoy and use to learn more about what each club is about. Our club officers also what each club is about. Our club officers also performed a variety of spirit chants, such as “How performed a variety of spirit chants, such as “How Do You Feel?” + “Remix” and Bang Bang Choo Do You Feel?” + “Remix” and Bang Bang Choo Choo Train! As a club, we got over a hundred Choo Train! As a club, we got over a hundred sign-ups, which we are so thankful for. Thank you sign-ups, which we are so thankful for. Thank you for signing up, and we sincerely hope you stick for signing up, and we sincerely hope you stick with Key Club throughout all 4 years! with Key Club throughout all 4 years!

Hundreds of students walked around Club Rush

Fall Rally North (FRN) is Key Club’s annual trip to Six Flags, where we get to participate in a spirit battle and enjoy the day at the park!


Have 5 Key Club affiliated service hours

Attend October DCM + Spirit Fest (Oct. 5 from 11 AM - 2 PM)

Attend 1 spirit session held at school

Be dues paid by October 4th ($18 in the student store NOW)

Fill out this form when all requirements have

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