Happy new year monsters! Happy new year monsters!
It is now 2025! Although to some, it’s just another It is now 2025! Although to some, it’s just another year, it’s also another chance to start anew and year, it’s also another chance to start anew and a chance for new opportunities! a chance for new opportunities!

This also means we are turning a new leaf in Key This also means we are turning a new leaf in Key Club as we are now entering the last few months Club as we are now entering the last few months of the 2024-2025 term. Election season is coming of the 2024-2025 term. Election season is coming up, and the first of those elections is conclave, up, and the first of those elections is conclave, otherwise known as Lieutenant Governor otherwise known as Lieutenant Governor elections, which is coming up this month. The elections, which is coming up this month. The hardest part is getting on stage and running, so hardest part is getting on stage and running, so be sure to come out and support the LTG be sure to come out and support the LTG candidates! That being said, make sure to keep candidates! That being said, make sure to keep up the hard work since the MRP is closing this up the hard work since the MRP is closing this month as well. You can only benefit from filling out month as well. You can only benefit from filling out the MRP requirements! the MRP requirements!
Whether or not you end up checking off the
Whether or not you end up checking off the things on your bucket list, I hope you things on your bucket list, I hope you all have an amazing year! all have an amazing year!
Roaring in service,
gilmor e gir ls
BEE sure to read last month’s issue of the CNH newsletter, The Pollen Press, designed by District News Editor Nia Danelia!
Keep up with CNH updates at: Instagram: @cnh_keyclub Twitter: @CNHKeyClub Website: cnhkeyclub.org Youtube: CNH Key Club
Make sure to read last month’s issue of the division newsletter, Monster Media, designed by Division News Editor Alyssa Maree Vibar!
Keep up with division updates at: Instagram: @d7south Website: link.tree/d7south
Hey monsters! Hey monsters!

I’m Kaila Bantay! I’m a Sophomore and Key Club’s I’m Kaila Bantay! I’m a Sophomore and Key Club’s 24-25 Service Task Coordinator. I’ve been in Key 24-25 Service Task Coordinator. I’ve been in Key Club since my Freshman year and my favorite Club since my Freshman year and my favorite moment has to be this year’s Fall Rally North. I moment has to be this year’s Fall Rally North. I consider this to be one of Key Club’s greatest event consider this to be one of Key Club’s greatest event each year and I had a fun time with my division and each year and I had a fun time with my division and friends. This year’s Fall Rally North was especially fun friends. This year’s Fall Rally North was especially fun and it was definitely a memorable moment that I and it was definitely a memorable moment that I got to share with the club! A fun fact about me is got to share with the club! A fun fact about me is that I’m musically inclined. I’ve participated in that I’m musically inclined. I’ve participated in various ensembles since middle school and various ensembles since middle school and additionally I’ve been in drumline for about two additionally I’ve been in drumline for about two years now where you can see me performing at years now where you can see me performing at rallies and competitions for Cosumnes rallies and competitions for Cosumnes

Oaks and Franklin High School too.
Oaks and Franklin High School too.
General Meeting General Meeting
For the final Key Club meeting of For the final Key Club meeting of the year, on December 11th we the year, on December 11th we had a potluck and watched a had a potluck and watched a movie! Thank you to everyone who movie! Thank you to everyone who attended and a special thanks to attended and a special thanks to those who brought food for the those who brought food for the potluck! The potluck consisted of potluck! The potluck consisted of pizza, chocolate bars, an pizza, chocolate bars, an assortment of chips, and more. assortment of chips, and more. After quickly going through some After quickly going through some event reminders, those who event reminders, those who broughtfoodearnedthefirstpriority broughtfoodearnedthefirstpriority to serve themselves. With some to serve themselves. With some deliberation, we decided that we deliberation, we decided that we would watch the Polar Express for would watch the Polar Express for this meeting. Even though this was this meeting. Even though this was the last Key Club meeting of 2024, the last Key Club meeting of 2024, we will continue to meet more next we will continue to meet more next year. We still have a little more time year. We still have a little more time before this Key Club term ends, so before this Key Club term ends, so staytunedforwhatcomesnext! staytunedforwhatcomesnext!

President - Alyssa Maree Vibar: President - Alyssa Maree Vibar: d07s.cokc.pres@gmail.com d07s.cokc.pres@gmail.com
Vice President - Jamie Lam: Vice President - Jamie Lam: d07s.cokc.vp2@gmail.com d07s.cokc.vp2@gmail.com
Secretary - Carlie Dang: Secretary - Carlie Dang: d07s.cokc.sec@gmail.com d07s.cokc.sec@gmail.com
Treasurer - Kei Magadia: Treasurer - Kei Magadia: d07s.cokc.trea@gmail.com d07s.cokc.trea@gmail.com
Bulletin Editor - Skyla Nguyen: Bulletin Editor - Skyla Nguyen: d07s.cokc.editor@gmail.com d07s.cokc.editor@gmail.com